yacht de location


Rank. YACHT NAME, Length x Width - Owner's Name
1. 220 x 20 m - Company "Quintessentially"
2. 180 x 20 m - Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
3. 163.5 x 22 m - Roman Abramovich
4. 162 x 22 m - Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
5. 155 x 24 m - Sultan Qaboos of Oman
6. 147 x 18 m - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
7. 147 x 21.5 m - Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan
8. 145.7 x 13 m - Arab Republic of Egypt
9. 141 x 15 m - Hamdan bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
10. 140 m - Victor Rashnikov
11. 139 x 23.5 m - Crown Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia
12. 138 x 19 m - David Geffen
13. 136 x 16 m - Republic of Turkey
14. 134 x 18.5 m - Yuri Scheffler
15. 133 x 20 m - Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani
16. 126 x 21 m - Paul Allen
17. 123 m - n/a
18. 125 x 17 m - n/a
19. 124 x 20 m - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
20. 122 x 17 m - Latsis family
21. 119 x 19 m - Andrey Melnichenko
22. 116 x 17 m - Latsis family
23. 116 x 14.5 m - Niarchos family
24. 116 x 14.5 m - n/a
25. 115 x 17 m - David Geffen
26. 115 x 20 m - Farkhad Akhmedov
27. 113 x 18 m - Eugene Shvidler
28. 110 x 16.5 m - Abdullah Al Futtaim
29. 110 x 16.5 m - Alisher Usmanov
30. 109.5 x 15 m - n/a
31. 105 x 19 m - Nasser al Rashid
32. 104 x 17 m - Sergey Galitskiy
33. 104 x 16 m - Sultan Qaboos
34. 101.5 x 14 m - n/a
35. 101 x 16 m - n/a
36. 100 x 13 m - Dennis Washington
37. 99 x 11 m - John Paul Papanicolaou
38. 99 x 13.5 m - Andrei Skoch
39. 97 x 16 m - Heidi Horten
40. 96 x 12.5 m - Leslie Wexner
41. 96 x 17.3m - Ernesto Bertarelli
42. 95 x 16.2 m - Mikhail Prokhorov
43. 95 x 14 m - n/a
44. 95 x 15 m - Vijay Mallya
45. 93 x 13.5 m - n/a
46. 92.5 x 14.3 m - n/a
47. 92.5 x 15 m - Paul Allen
48. 93 x 16 m - Alberto Bailleres
49. 91.5 x 14.5 m - Do Won Chang
50. 91.5 x 12 m - Sir James Dyson
51. 91 x 14.35 m - n/a
52. 90.6 x 15.3 m - Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed AL Maktoum
53. 90 x 12 m - Neil Taylor
54. 90 x 15 m - Suleiman Kerimov
55. 90 x 12 m - n/a
56. 90 x 14.5 m - n/a
57. 88.5 x 14 m - n/a
58. 88.5 x 14 m - Vladimir Potanin
59. 88 x 21 m - Brian Chang / Vincent Tan
60. 88 x 12.6 m - n/a
61. 86 x 14 m - Majid al Futtaim
62. 88 x 14 m - Mark Cuban
63. 88 x 14 m - Larry Ellison
64. 87.5 x 14.7 m - James Packer
65. 90 x 14 m - Jan Kulczyk
66. 87m - n/a
67. 86 x 11.5 m - Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
68. 86 x 13 m - Alwaleed bin Talal
69. 86 x 14 m - Steven Spielberg
70. 86 x 14.5 m - n/a
71. 85.5 x 14 m - n/a
72. 85.6 x 14.3 m - ex Charles Gallagher
73. 85.5 x 14.2 m - Ravi Ruia
74. 85.5 x 14.2 m - Reinhold Wuerth
75. 85.3 x 14.5 m - Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan
76. 85.3 x 14.4 m - H.H. SH. Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan
77. 85.2 x 16 m - n/a
78. 85.1 x 13.8 m - n/a
79. 85.1 m - Yuriy Kosiuk
80. 83.5 x 12.5 m - n/a
81. 82.5 x 11.6 m - Paris Dragnis
82. 82.5 x 12.4 m - Nancy Walton
83. 81 m - Alexander Mamut
84. 82 x 11 m - n/a
85. 82 x 15 m - Fahd bin Sultan
86. 82 x 14.2 m - Theodore Angelopoulos
87. 82 x 13 m - Government of Iraq
88. 81.8 m - n/a
89. 81 x 12 m - Augusto Perfetti
90. 80.8 x 12.8 m - Arnie Gemino
91. 76 x 11.5 m - n/a
92. 80 x 12.8 m - Khalid bin Sultan
93. 80 x 13.5 m - n/a
94. 80 x 14.2 m - Lakshmi Mittal
95. 80 x 13 m - n/a
96. 80 x 13 m - n/a
97. 82.6 x 10.5 m - Sir Paul Getty
98. 79 x 12.4 m - n/a
99. 78.7 x 11.3 m - Saudi royal family
100. 77 x 12.9 m - Ron Tutor
101. 78.5 x 12.7 m - n/a
102. 78.5 x 13.8 m - Emilio Fernando Azcarraga Jean
104. 105 x 16 m - Oleg Burlakov
103. 136 x 21 m - Undisclosed
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  • Yachts à la location

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Prix à partir de USD 3 000 000 par semaine

  • Longueur : 112 m
  • 36 dans 19 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain

yacht de location

Demande d'informations

  • Longueur : 96,6 m
  • 12 dans 7 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2017 (réaménagé 2022), Feadship, De Vries Makkum, The Netherlands

yacht de location


Prix à partir de EUR 645 000 par semaine

  • Longueur : 91,4 m
  • 36 dans 18 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2005 (réaménagé 2020), Neorion Syros Shipyards, Greece

yacht de location

Prix à partir de USD 497 000† par semaine

  • Longueur : 90,1 m
  • 12 dans 6 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2007 (réaménagé 2021), Corsair Yachts, China

yacht de location

Prix à partir de USD 1 100 000† par semaine

  • Longueur : 88,5 m
  • 12 dans 8 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2017, Oceanco, The Netherlands

yacht de location


Prix à partir de USD 490 000 par semaine

  • Longueur : 88 m
  • Chantier 2006 (réaménagé 2023), Perini Navi, Italy

yacht de location

Prix à partir de USD 945 000† par semaine

  • Longueur : 85,6 m
  • Chantier 2010 (réaménagé 2016), Derecktor Shipyard, United States Of America

yacht de location

Prix à partir de USD 960 000 par semaine

  • Longueur : 85,3 m
  • Chantier 2022, SILVERYACHTS, Australia

yacht de location

Prix à partir de EUR 1 000 000 par semaine

  • Longueur : 85 m
  • 12 dans 9 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2017 (réaménagé 2024), Lurssen-Werft, Germany

yacht de location


Prix à partir de EUR 900 000 par semaine

  • 12 dans 10 cabine(s)
  • Chantier 2018, Golden Yachts, Greece

Vous avez consulté 10 sur 103

Yachts à moteur et voiliers à louer

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Découvrez notre portefeuille de yachts à moteur et de voiliers disponibles à la location. Nos courtiers mettent à profit toute leur expérience pour vous aider à trouver le yacht idéal, prêt à vous mener vers la destination de vos rêves.


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Les yachts offrent loisirs, découvertes et détente. Un grand nombre est équipé de spa pour vous aider à déconnecter. Il ne restera qu’à vous préoccuper de ce que vous souhaitez faire après.

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Les chefs à bord, talentueux et créatifs, connaissent les produits et les régimes alimentaires à la perfection. S’approvisionner dans les endroits les plus reculés n’a aucun secret pour eux.

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Les sports nautiques à bord des yachts sont dignes d’un film de James Bond, entre flyboards, SeaBobs, toboggans et parcs aquatiques. Peu importe l’âge ou l’expérience, tout le monde peut participer.

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Apportez votre playlist, accédez à Airplay ou à des films et de la musique à la demande. Nous proposons des yachts avec un cinéma sur le pont pour des projections de films à la belle étoile. Magique !

yacht de location

Avec trois, voire quatre générations à bord, optez pour des plateformes hydrauliques de baignade, des ascenseurs, des jacuzzis ombragés ou des stabilisateurs zero speed pour plus de confort.

yacht de location

Tapis de course sur le pont, installations ultramodernes avec climatisation et divertissement, le sport à bord est toujours agréable. Il est même possible d’avoir un équipage avec un coach sportif.

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Yachts sportifs

Il existe un yacht pour chaque occasion. Les yachts sportifs rapides dans la gamme de 20 à 35 m sont conçus sur mesure pour naviguer d’une île à l’autre ou longer le littoral le temps d’une semaine.

  • Destinations

yacht de location

Des villes dynamiques aux paysages préservés à couper le souffle, en passant par les vastes plages et les côtes époustouflantes regorgeant de merveilles naturelles, l’Australie offre des expériences extraordinaires.

yacht de location

  • Croatie et Monténégro

Les côtes et les îles de la Croatie et du Monténégro constituent un lieu de navigation idéal, avec des villes historiques, des paysages époustouflants et une vie nocturne animée.

yacht de location

Une location de yacht en Grèce offre une évasion de la vie moderne trépidante. Des Cyclades aux îles Ioniennes, passez des journées de détente à explorer des paysages sauvages et des criques de sable désertes, de jolis ports et des villages blancs de pêcheurs.

yacht de location

Vous pourriez passer des semaines à vous perdre dans cette partie du monde à couper le souffle. Une croisière sur un yacht à Tahiti vous permet de plonger dans des récifs coralliens vibrants abritant toutes sortes de vie marine, de faire de la plongée avec tuba dans des eaux claires uniques ou de visiter des îlots sans âme en vue.

yacht de location

Des stations balnéaires branchées aux marinas modernes en passant par les plages paradisiaques de sable blanc, les criques secrètes et les ruines antiques, pour la plupart accessibles uniquement par la mer, la « Côte Turquoise » de la Turquie représente la Méditerranée dans ce qu’elle a de plus exotique.

yacht de location

Avec des plages d'un blanc scintillant bordées d’une eau saphir et des récifs coralliens colorés, l'archipel de plus de 700 îles et îlots des Bahamas est un lieu de croisière priviliégié.

yacht de location

  • Côte d’Azur

De Monaco à Saint-Tropez, la Côte d’Azur a depuis longtemps conquis le cœur et l'âme des ameteurs de yachting.

yacht de location

  • Méditerrannée

Une location de yacht en Méditerranée est tout ce que vous souhaitez. Des restaurants étoilés Michelin de Naples aux beach clubs chics et aux boutiques de luxe de Monaco et de la Côte d'Azur en passant par le style de vie décontracté, les ruines antiques et les plages désertes de Mykonos et de Santorin dans les îles grecques, le choix est infini.

yacht de location

Plus que tout autre pays, l'Italie incarne la variété que la Méditerranée a à offrir – et il n'y a pas de meilleure façon d'en faire l'expérience que lors d'une location de yacht avec Burgess.

yacht de location

Mykonos est l'épicentre glamour des îles des Cyclades et un élément essentiel de toute location dans les îles grecques. Des bars de plage qui rivalisent avec Ibiza aux moulins à vent du 16ème siècle, en passant par les restaurants sophistiqués de l'arrière-pays et les tavernes qui ne prennent aucune réservation, voilà la juxtaposition et le charme de Mykonos.

yacht de location

Profitez d'expériences en plein air uniques le long de cette majestueuse côte d'Amérique du Nord. Lors d'une location de yacht en Alaska, vous naviguerez dans des lieux abrités, en passant devant des parcs nationaux, des glaciers scintillants et des sommets montagneux.

yacht de location

  • Caraïbes

Les Caraïbes offrent un charme enivrant pour les amateurs de superyachts. Une location de yacht dans les Caraïbes est synonyme de grand ciel bleu et d’alizés rafraîchissants pour de magnifiques navigations et des périples d'île en île.

yacht de location

  • Corse et Sardaigne

Une location de yacht en Corse est une excellente opportunité d'explorer cette île montagneuse et luxuriante. Bordé de falaises vertigineuses et de plages baignées par les eaux chaudes de la Méditerranée, vous pourrez profiter de certaines des meilleures plongées de la région.

yacht de location

Star des Baléares, l'île de Majorque est la destination parfaite pour louer un yacht grâce à ses belles plages, ses montagnes escarpées et sa scène locale animée.

yacht de location

  • Indonésie

L'Indonésie est le dernier paradis préservé du monde, avec 17000 îles réparties sur 5000 km entre les océans Indien et Pacifique.

yacht de location

  • Polynésie française

Explorez les îles de Polynésie française à bord d'un yacht. Les îles qui constituent un chapelet de joyaux tropicaux situés dans le Pacifique Sud regorgent de mouillages isolés et offrent certaines des plongées les plus spectaculaires au monde.

yacht de location

  • Thaïlande

La Thaïlande est diversifiée et exotique, avec ses plages isolées et ses forêts luxuriantes jusqu'aux sanctuaires culturels et aux neuf îles immaculées des Similans. Vous découvrirez des paysages à couper le souffle, des plongées inoubliables et certaines des plus belles plages d'Asie.

yacht de location

Embarquez à bord d'un superyacht aux îles Fidji pour explorer ce paradis tropical de 333 îles et découvrir des baies isolées et des îles inhabitées.

yacht de location

Située à l'extrémité nord de l’archipel des Ioniennes, l’île de Corfou regorge de charmantes villes dotées de boutiques et de restaurants prospères et d'une vie nocturne exubérante. Tout cela complète avec bonheur l’abondance de criques isolées et de mouillages dont seul la mer peut profiter.

yacht de location

Îles Vierges britanniques

Une location de yacht dans les îles Vierges britanniques vous donne la chance d'explorer 60 îles volcaniques préservées. De l'île principale de Tortola aux rochers de granit lisses de Virgin Gorda, en passant par les minuscules îlots de sable, vous aurez la chance de tout explorer à votre guise avec Burgess.

yacht de location

  • Îles Vierges des États-Unis

Avec 500 espèces de poissons, 40 coraux, une faune abondante dans des intérieurs verdoyants et des plages époustouflantes, les îles Vierges des États-Unis ont tout pour plaire.

yacht de location

99 pour cent d'eau et un pour cent de terre ! Les Maldives sont un royaume aquatique magique dans l’océan Indien. Vous serez accueillis par des plages de sable blanc, des récifs coralliens, des bars décontractés avec vue sur le coucher du soleil, des barbecues sur la plage sur des îles inhabitées et des restaurants gastronomiques.

yacht de location


Situées à 1 000 km (600 miles) au large des côtes équatoriennes, les Galápagos sont un jardin d’Eden moderne et un laboratoire vivant de l’évolution.

yacht de location

Asie du Sud-Est

Lors d'une location de yacht en Asie du Sud-Est, vous pouvez embarquer depuis l'île thaïlandaise de Phuket et naviguer jusqu'à la baie de Phang Nga pour faire du kayak ou faire de la descente en rappel sur les falaises calcaires.

yacht de location

Caraïbes - Îles sous le Vent

Dispersé sur 150 milles d’Anguilla à la Dominique, ce groupe d’îles des Caraïbes est d’une diversité fascinante. Naviguer dans les îles sous le Vent est le moyen idéal pour découvrir certaines des plages et des aventures les plus remarquables des Caraïbes.

yacht de location

  • Nouvelle-Angleterre

La Nouvelle-Angleterre allie le charme du vieux monde et une fière histoire maritime avec les jolis rivages, les ports pittoresques et les villes et îles historiques du Connecticut, du Rhode Island, du New Hampshire et du Maine.

yacht de location

La côte est de la mer Rouge est une région sauvage vierge, en grande partie intacte et inexplorée. C'est un endroit où vous pouvez véritablement vous évader et faire des découvertes chaque jour en naviguant d'une baie turquoise isolée à l'autre, d'une île au rivage sablonneux à l'autre.

yacht de location

  • Océan Indien

Avec des distances de navigation faciles entre les îles principales montagneuses couvertes de jungle et une abondance de possibilités de découvrir les îles extérieures les plus isolées, une location de yacht dans l'océan Indien autour des Seychelles peut être conçue sur mesure pour une aventure unique.

yacht de location

Connue comme le terrain de jeu de la Méditerranée, Ibiza est aujourd'hui prisée pour son offre incroyablement variée. Toute location de yacht à Ibiza mélangera les sons des DJ internationaux avec la tranquillité, l'ambiance bohème, les marinas élégantes et la scène bien-être au nord.

yacht de location

Phuket offre une combinaison enivrante de plages de sable blanc bordées de palmiers, d'une superbe hospitalité, de divertissements terrestres, d'activités passionnantes, de merveilles culturelles et d'une cuisine délicieuse. Avec du beau temps toute l’année, sa popularité croissante en tant que destination charter n’est pas une surprise.

yacht de location

  • Les Baléares

Bien que célèbre comme étant un terrain de jeu festif de la Méditerranée, cet archipel espagnol offre bien plus encore.

yacht de location

  • Écosse

Imaginez-vous en croisière au milieu de la beauté sauvage et romantique des îles occidentales, au milieu de certains des paysages les plus époustouflants et préservés que la Grande-Bretagne ait à offrir. Des lochs spectaculaires et abrupts aux parois d'éboulis cèdent la place à des hectares vallonnés de pins sylvestres et de plages de sable doré ensoleillées, désertes et accessibles qu'en yacht.

yacht de location

  • Caraïbes - Îles du Vent

Explorez la chaîne d'îles des Caraïbes qui s'étend vers le sud, de la Martinique à la Grenade, lors d'une location de yacht dans les îles du Vent.

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Charter in the Med

Last availability for the summer 19 August - 6 September and from 25 September onwards

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Charter in the West Med or Spain

Remaining availability until 29 August

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4 Bodies Recovered from Sunken Yacht in Sicily Where 6 Were Missing, Source Says, but Identities Unclear


Four bodies have been recovered from the yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily this week , a person involved in the search and rescue operation confirms to PEOPLE.

Their identities were not immediately clear.

Six passengers had remained missing after the Bayesian went into the water early on Monday, Aug. 19, following a storm.

The missing were identified as Mike Lynch , a British tech entrepreneur, and his daughter Hannah , as well as Chairman of Morgan Stanley International  Jonathan Bloomer, his wife, Judy , and New York City-based lawyer  Christopher Morvillo and his wife, Neda.

The  Bayesian , a 183-foot vessel, sank around 5 a.m. local time on Monday while off the coast of Porticello, the Italian coast guard said in a statement that was previously obtained by PEOPLE.

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At the time there were 22 people on board, including 12 passengers and 10 crew, per the coast guard.

In the aftermath of the sinking, 15 people were soon rescued, according to the coast guard, while a body was also retrieved near the vessel and  later identified in news reports  as the chef, Ricardo Thomas.

Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, is one of the individuals who was rescued, PEOPLE previously reported.

Dan Kitwood/Getty

A source close to the survivors told PEOPLE that the passengers were celebrating after Lynch was acquitted in June in a financial fraud trial in the U.S.

“That's why he took his closest friends and colleagues on the trip,” the source said.

Morvillo  had represented Lynch  in the fraud case and other firm employees were on the  Bayesian  as well, a spokesperson for Clifford Chance, his law firm, said in a statement.

Lynch later told Britain’s Sunday Times in a July 27 story that he would’ve died while serving his prison sentence due to his age and lung infection had he been convicted.

“I have various medical things that would have made it difficult to survive,” Lynch, a father of two children — Hannah, 18, and another daughter, 21 — told the paper. 

After reports of the tech entrepreneur’s disappearance, Danny Fortson, who interviewed Lynch for the Sunday Times story, said he was "reeling."

"The terrible irony is that when we sat down last month, he made it clear that he felt he had won a new lease on life, that his acquittal in America gave him a “second life,’ ” Fortson wrote in a social media post.

Witnesses said the Bayesian was anchored in front of the Porticello port when the storm struck in the early morning hours on Monday, per Italian newspaper Giornale di Sicilia .

"That boat was all lit up," a man told the newspaper.

"At about 4:30 in the morning it was gone," the man said. "A beautiful boat where there had been a party. A normal day of vacation spent happily at sea turned into a tragedy.”

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Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause

The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Seven bodies have now been recovered from the wreckage.

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News reporter @samuelosborne93

Friday 23 August 2024 12:24, UK

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yacht de location

Seven bodies have been found after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel named Bayesian when it got into difficulty in the early hours of Monday, with 15 people rescued.

Here's what we know about the sinking of the luxury vessel so far.

Follow latest updates on the superyacht sinking

Seven people missing after British-flagged yacht capsizes in tornado off coast of Italy

What might have caused the sinking?

The British-flagged luxury vessel, named Bayesian, capsized at around 4.30am local time on Monday morning off Palermo, according to ship-tracking site Marine Traffic.

It sank in as little as 60 seconds with 22 people on board, 12 passengers and a crew of 10, according to the Italian coastguard.

Waterspouts, essentially tornados that form over water, were seen as powerful winds battered the area overnight, local media said.

yacht de location

The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said.

"I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that," he said.

Official pictures show air conditioning units in several of the rooms, however, which could counter the suggestion open windows caused the vessel to sink faster.

The huge mast is also likely to have played a role, he added.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts typically occur during thunderstorms and can develop very rapidly, within minutes.

Their spin generally reaches wind speeds between 75-200mph, but can reach as high as 300mph.

A waterspout is formed during a storm in the Mediterranean Sea, October 1, 2018. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

They can travel at about 10-20mph typically but can reach greater speeds, making them difficult to avoid - especially in something as slow-moving as a yacht.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, called the reports of a tornado or waterspout "rare" and "quite alarming".

"The vessel was at anchor in a recognised anchorage," Mr Schanck said.

"Depending on wind direction and the state of the sea, this informs the captain whether it is a safe area to anchor or not. There was nothing that was too concerning, for my eye. All in all, the captain used the information they had to make a safe call."

Pic: Reuters

Who owns the yacht?

The yacht belonged to the family of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch. He was confirmed to have died after rescuers found his body on Thursday. Mr Lynch was on holiday with his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, who is still missing, and his wife Angela Bacares, who was rescued.

Mr Lynch, 59, was known as the " British Bill Gates " and has been in the headlines in recent months over a high-profile fraud case.

yacht de location

In June, a US jury cleared him of all charges, which were related to the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP). The yacht trip is believed to have been a celebration of the end of Mr Lynch's legal troubles.

HP accused him of deliberately overstating the value of the company before it was acquired by the American tech giant.

Mr Lynch was extradited to the US to face trial in May last year and spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco as he awaited trial on 17 charges of conspiracy and wire fraud brought by the US Department of Justice - which were later reduced to 15 charges. He always denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted.

Read more: Lynch's co-defendant dies days before yacht sinking

CCTV shows storm which capsized superyacht, killing one

Who was on board when the boat sank?

The passengers were largely British and American, with crew members were from New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.

Charlotte Golunski was among the Britons rescued. Her LinkedIn profile says she is a partner at Mr Lynch's firm Invoke Capital and has worked there since 2012.

Charlotte Golunski

Speaking after the ordeal, Ms Golunski told Italian media that she lost her daughter Sofia for "two seconds" amid the "fury" of the sea but was able to retrieve her. She said she held the infant above the waves until the lifeboat was ready.

"Many people screamed. Luckily the lifeboat inflated and 11 of us were able to get on board," she told ANSA.

The girl's father James Emsley also survived, according to Sicily's civil protection agency.

Also on board were Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley, his wife Judy Bloomer, a top US lawyer Chris Morvillo, who worked on Mr Lynch's criminal case, and his wife Neda Morvillo. Divers confirmed on Thursday that their bodies had been recovered.

The yacht's captain James Cutfield survived, along with South African crew members Leah Randall and Katja Chicken.

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian-Antiguan chef who was working on the boat, was the first to be found dead, the Italian Coastguard confirmed to Sky News.

During rescue efforts, divers saw "corpses through the portholes" of the wreck as they recovered the body of a man at a depth of 50m (164ft), according to Salvo Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection of Sicily.

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What do we know about the vessel?

The Bayesian is owned by a company controlled by Mr Lynch's wife.

It was known for its unusual 72.3m (246ft) single mast - one of the world's tallest made of aluminium - and shared its name with the statistical method Mr Lynch's Autonomy software was based on.

Pic:Danny Wheelz

It was built by Italian company Perini Navi in 2008 and last refitted in 2020.

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

The luxury vessel , which was managed by yachting company Camper & Nicholsons, could accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

It won a string of awards for its design, according to online specialist yacht sites.

Mr Schanck, of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, said the vessel would have been equipped with "high standard" life-saving appliances and radio communications.

He added the yacht would have met all international standards and UK Maritime Coastguard Agency regulations before its voyage.

It was previously named Salute, or "health" in Italian, when it flew under a Dutch flag. Its minimalist interior featured light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions on charter sites.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

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What were its last movements?

The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor", according to vessel tracking site VesselFinder.

The Bayesian previously travelled to other parts of Sicily before its last sighting off the coast of the port of Porticello.

The path of the last 24 hours of the Bayesian. Pic: MarineTraffic

On Sunday, the boat was seen off the coast of Cefalu before it travelled towards Porticello, MarineTraffic data shows.

In the days before, the yacht travelled around four of the Aeolian islands, just north of Sicily.

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Prosecutors in the nearby town of Termini Imerese have opened an investigation into the sinking.

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Final Body Is Recovered From Yacht That Sank Off Sicily

Hannah Lynch, the 18-year-old daughter of the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, was on board a yacht that was hit by a storm and went down in the early hours on Monday.

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Rescue workers in orange wet suits on the deck of a boat with a green body bag.

By Emma Bubola and Elisabetta Povoledo

Emma Bubola reported from Porticello, Italy, and Elisabetta Povoledo from Pallanza, Italy.

For nearly a week after a violent storm sent a luxury yacht to the bottom of the sea off the coast of Sicily, Italian scuba divers plunged deep underwater, moving through ropes and fallen objects inside the yacht in a desperate search for the six people missing.

On Friday, the recovery of the body of Hannah Lynch, 18, put an end to the wrenching search and to the slim hopes that any of the missing people might have survived.

Ms. Lynch, the daughter of the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, who also died in the yacht’s sinking, was the last person to be formally unaccounted for since Monday after tragedy struck a group that had been celebrating her father’s acquittal in a high-profile fraud case.

There were 10 crew members and 12 passengers on board the 180-foot vessel, the Bayesian, when it was hit by a storm and went down about 4.30 a.m. on Monday, the boat’s management company said on Friday.

Fifteen survived.

The body of the ship’s cook, Recaldo Thomas, was found on Monday, a few hours after a downpour hit the northwestern coast of Sicily, near the port of Porticello, where the yacht had been anchored.

But it took several days to recover the bodies of the six passengers who were apparently trapped inside the yacht: Mr. Lynch and Ms. Lynch; Jonathan Bloomer, the chairman of Morgan Stanley International; his wife, Judy Bloomer; Christopher J. Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance; and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

On Friday, a round of applause could be heard from the firefighter’s tent set up on the dock in Porticello after the last body was pulled out in what the corps described as a “complex” search operation at a depth of about 165 feet. The firefighters said they had made 123 immersions into the sea to try to retrieve the bodies.

The body bag was then loaded onto an ambulance. A local man had left a small wooden cross on the rocks in front of the dock where the bodies were brought ashore.

Mr. Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, was among those who managed to reach the safety of a raft. They were rescued by a sailing schooner that had been bobbing about 150 yards from the yacht.

In a statement, the family thanked the search teams and said that it was enduring a “time of unspeakable grief.”

“The Lynch family is devastated, in shock and is being comforted and supported by family and friends,” the statement added.

As prosecutors from the nearby city of Termini Imerese began conducting interviews with the survivors and possible witnesses, the crew and passengers of the Bayesian have been confined to a local hotel, where the news media have been denied access.

Salvatore Cocina, the head of Sicily’s civil protection agency, said on Thursday that the survivors had turned down the psychological assistance his department had offered to them.

In Porticello, the sprawling presence of rescue services made a haunting backdrop for an otherwise tranquil port town. People sunbathed and ate ricotta-filled pastries, and stores selling sandals and dried fruit opened as normal, while coast guard and firefighting vessels came and went from the shore, taking scuba divers out to the shipwreck.

Other reminders of the tragedy could be seen along the coast, among palm trees and ice cream shops, with groups of onlookers staring out at the sea, now tranquil and flat.

Local and national news organizations have complained that prosecutors have not issued a statement or held a news conference. Prosecutors may shed more light on the yacht’s sinking when they hold a news conference on Saturday.

The marine accident investigation branch of the British transportation ministry was also looking into the shipwreck of the vessel, which was registered in Britain.

One of the major questions is what caused the boat to sink: Was it the fault of the boat maker, of the crew or of a powerful act of nature — or some combination of the three? None of those who were onboard the Bayesian have spoken publicly.

The luxury yacht, built by the Italian manufacturer Perini Navi and launched in 2008, had the second-tallest aluminum mast in the world, according to its makers.

Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought Perini Navi, has been assertive in defending the design and construction of the yacht, saying that the Bayesian would be “unsinkable” if the proper procedures were followed.

But yacht design experts have cautioned that the lesson of the Titanic, the ocean liner that sank on its 1912 maiden voyage, showed that no vessel, no matter how robust, was worthy of that label.

Nautilus International, a maritime-focused labor union, criticized any implication that the crew had been at fault, especially at this stage. In a statement , the union’s general secretary, Mark Dickinson, said, “Experience tells us that maritime tragedies are always the result of multiple, interconnected factors,” and he urged people to refrain from drawing any conclusions until a thorough investigation had been carried out.

The investigation into the causes will take months, prosecutors said.

Michael J. de la Merced contributed reporting.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in Rome. More about Emma Bubola

Elisabetta Povoledo is a reporter based in Rome, covering Italy, the Vatican and the culture of the region. She has been a journalist for 35 years. More about Elisabetta Povoledo

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Yard : CMN
Type : Motor yacht
Guests : 10
Crew : 9
Cabins : 5
Length : 44 m / 144′5″
Beam : 8.6 m / 28′3″
Draft : 2.7 m / 8′11″
Year of build : 2002
Classification : Lloyds
Refit : 2020
Displacement : Displacement
Type of engine : Diesel
Brand : Caterpillar
Model : 3508 B
Engine power : 1200 hp
Total power : 2400 hp
Maximum speed : 14 knots
Cruising speed : 12 knots
Range : 2800 nm
Gross tonage : 457
Hull : Steel
Superstructure : Aluminum
Decking : Teak
Decks : 3
Interior designer : Claudette Bonville & Associates
Exterior designer : Stirling Design International
Generator : 2*Man
Stabilizers : Rodriquez
Propulsion : Twin Screw

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DE DE yacht NOT for charter*

44m  /  144'4 | cmn yachts | 2002 / 2020.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • 1 Convertible
  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Impressive 4,000nm range
  • Lloyds Register classification
  • Sleeps 10 overnight
  • 3.8m/12'6" Rescue Boat

The 44m/144'4" motor yacht 'De De' (ex. Heloval) was built by CMN Yachts in France at their Cherbourg shipyard. Her interior is styled by design house Stirling Design International and she was completed in 2002. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Stirling Design International and she was last refitted in 2020.

Guest Accommodation

De De has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 10 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Her features include underwater lights, gym, deck jacuzzi, WiFi and air conditioning.

Range & Performance

De De is built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel Caterpillar (3508B) 1,200hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 13 knots with a range of up to 4,000 nautical miles from her 65,000 litre fuel tanks at 11 knots. An advanced stabilisation system on board promises exceptional comfort levels at anchor or on any voyage. Her water tanks store around 8,000 Litres of fresh water. She was built to Lloyds Register classification society rules, and is MCA Compliant.

Length 44m / 144'4
Beam 8.6m / 28'3
Draft 3m / 9'10
Gross Tonnage 457 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder CMN Yachts
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Stirling Design International
Interior Design Stirling Design International

*Charter De De Motor Yacht

Motor yacht De De is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

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'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

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De De Yacht

De De Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2013 Best Refitted Yacht Finalist

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y De De

Length 44m / 144'4
Exterior Designer Stirling Design International
Interior Design Stirling Design International
Built | Refit 2002 | 2020
Beam 8.6m / 28'3
Gross Tonnage 457 GT
Draft 3m / 9'10
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Top Speed 13.5 Knots


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from $122,000 p/week ♦︎

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Two mariners were rescued after a yacht caught on fire in Clearwater Saturday morning.

A U.S. Coast Guard Station Sand Key boat crew assisted in extinguishing a 50-foot yacht fire in Clearwater Harbor.

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A good Samaritan reported the fire via a VHF radio channel and transferred two mariners to the Clearwater Harbor Marina for medical assistance.

Details on what prompted the fire were not released.

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    Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites.

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    As bodies were recovered, the authorities and experts wondered how a $40 million, stable and secure vessel could have sunk so quickly. By Emma Bubola and Michael J. de la Merced Emma Bubola ...

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  6. Mike Lynch's Body Is Found After Sicily Yacht Sinking, Official Says

    Finally, on Thursday afternoon, Ambrogio Cartosio, the prosecutor handling the case, said that a news conference would be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday in the town of Termini Imerese, the location ...

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    Quelle que soit la location de yacht de luxe à laquelle vous aspirez, Burgess propose le plus grand choix de superyachts de luxe dans le yachting le plus glamour et le plus désirable au monde.

  13. Sicily yacht press conference: Five things we learned

    Investigators examining the sinking of a luxury yacht off the coast of Sicily have outlined what they know six days on. Seven people died when the Bayesian, a 56-metre sailing boat, sank to the ...

  14. 4 Bodies Found in Sicily Yacht Sinking, Source Says

    The Bayesian, a 183-foot vessel, sank around 5 a.m. local time on Monday while moored about a half mile from the the coast of Porticello, the Italian coast guard said in a statement that was ...

  15. Ship Finder

    Shipfinder.co is the live vessel tracking and ship tracker app from Pinkfroot. Using AIS watch boats, cruise ships and other vessels across the world in real time.

  16. Vessel Finder

    VesselFinder is a FREE AIS ship tracking web service. VesselFinder shows real-time vessel locations and marine traffic detected by worldwide AIS network.

  17. Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know

    The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Seven bodies have now been recovered from the wreckage.

  18. DE DE Yacht Layout / General Arrangement Plans

    Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to De De yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below. View all Similar Yachts. Interactive, detailed layout / general arrangement of DE DE, the 44m CMN Yachts super yacht with naval architecture by CMN Yachts with ...

  19. Where in the world: Top superyacht locations this week

    The global superyacht fleet is always on the move. Using BOAT Pro's pioneering AIS fleet tracker, we keep an eye on the furthest flung superyachts of the week.

  20. Final Body Is Recovered From Yacht That Sank Off Sicily

    Mr. Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was among those who managed to reach the safety of a raft. They were rescued by a sailing schooner that had been bobbing about 150 yards from the yacht.

  21. DE-DE Yacht

    DE-DE yacht at Fraser. She is an exceptional motor yacht built by CMN in 2002 to the highest standards.

  22. Motor yacht De-De

    De-De is a 44 m motor yacht. She was built by CMN Cherbourg in 2002. The motor yacht can accommodate 10 guests in 5 cabins with an interior design by Claudette Bonville & Associates and an exterior design by Stirling Design International.

  23. UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch among six missing after yacht sinks

    British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter are among the six people missing after a luxury yacht sank off the coast of the Italian island of Sicily in the early hours of Monday ...

  24. Video shows moment Italy yacht sinks during violent storm

    CCTV video appears to show the moment the "Bayesian" yacht disappears as it capsizes in Palermo, Italy. Aug. 20, 2024

  25. The Superyacht Directory

    The Superyacht Directory The Superyacht Directory is the world's largest database of private luxury yachts, with over 12,000 megayachts listed. It's the most authoritative place to find everything you need to know about superyachts - including new builds, historic vessels and the most famous boats of all time.

  26. DE DE Yacht

    The 44m/144'4" motor yacht 'De De' (ex. Heloval) was built by CMN Yachts in France at their Cherbourg shipyard. Her interior is styled by design house Stirling Design International and she was completed in 2002. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Stirling Design International and she was last refitted in 2020.

  27. 2 people rescue from burning yacht in Clearwater

    Two mariners were rescued after a yacht caught on fire in Clearwater Saturday morning. A U.S. Coast Guard Station Sand Key boat crew assisted in extinguishing a 50-foot yacht fire in Clearwater ...

  28. Bayesian yacht sinking: Recovered body believed to be chef ...

    A body recovered near the luxury yacht which sank off the coast of Sicily is believed to be that of chef Recaldo Thomas. The Canadian-Antiguan national was understood to be one of 22 people aboard ...

  29. 38108 Yacht Basin Rd, Ocean View, DE 19970

    38108 Yacht Basin Rd, Ocean View, DE 19970 is a single-family home listed for rent at $2,250 /mo. The 2,200 Square Feet home is a 4 beds, 3 baths single-family home. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.

  30. Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon, QC

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