
5 Best Cruising Sailboats In 2024

Best Cruising Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

January 2, 2024

The appeal of owning a cruising sailboat is one that deep down almost everyone shares.

Even someone who has no intention of ever sailing can see the appeal of owning such a vessel.

So much of the appeal is tied into the possibilities , the sense of wonder that owning such a boat bestows on its owner.

‍ Whether you are making a voyage from one coast of the United States to the other or plan to make your way around the globe, a decent cruising sailboat is a must. Not all sailboats are built to withstand the high seas and high winds of the open water.

Sure, they may do well enough when hugging the coastline, but sailing far and away over the horizon is a completely different animal.

This article will help you know what to look for in a cruising sailboat and which specific boats you should look into buying. There are hundreds of great options on the market, these 5 are just some of the best.

Table of contents

What are cruising sailboats?

Cruising sailboats are ones that are designed to be used over long distances.

They are bigger, stronger, and far more stable.

If you imagine a typical small sailboat such as a wayfarer you are looking at a pretty solid boat.

Good quality, great for beginners, very safe, very affordable.

But, it is simply not going to cut it out at sea for long.

People have used the wayfarer to sail from the United Kingdom to Norway.

But, people have also done that in a kayak.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should or that you would even want to if given the opportunity.

A cruising boat is meant to be liveable for long periods between making land.

Typically, cruising just means a multi-day trip.

In reality, it can be far longer.

Reid Stowe once sailed his self built 70-foot schooner for over three and a half years.

This is an extreme example, no one lives on their boat that long, but it gives you an idea of the possibilities.

To be able to spend so much time on a boat requires that it be of an adequate size to accommodate everything you would need.

If a sailboat is capable of housing you for a few days, technically it can be classed as a cruising sailboat .

Typically, cruising sailboats can reach speeds of ten knots.

This is needed to be able to make it from one point of land to another before supplies run out.

This is not a technical requirement to be “classed” as a cruising sailboat, just a practical one.

What makes a sailboat good for traveling long distances?

While, yes, a sailboat capable of traveling for multiple days without making land could be classed as a cruising sailboat. There are some criteria that it needs to hit to be considered a good choice. Your sailboat needs to not only be capable of making the journey but doing it safely. Here are some important things to consider when deciding if a sailboat would be suitable for cruising:

A boat that is not going to be stable is not ideal for cruising. When sailing for multiple days chances are you are going to crossing through rough seas and dangerous waters. If you don’t have a boat that can stand up to these conditions you are going to be in trouble. A good way of assessing stability is width and hull type. If a boat has a very wide, or multiple, hulls you can assume it is going to be quite stable.

The bigger the boat the better, not only for stability but for comfort. If you are going to be essentially trapped on your boat for several days it is a good idea to have as much room to move about as possible. Both in the cabin and on the deck. If you are stuck inside because of bad weather for several days every extra square foot you have is going to be a blessing. Size matters to when you consider how many people you can bring on your voyage. They don’t just require their sleeping quarters/bunk they need space to move around.

Strength matters. A strong hull will help you withstand even the roughest conditions. Some boats are built with metal reinforcing on their hulls, some aren’t. If given the choice, you would do well to choose the former. Strength doesn’t just mean material but the overall build of the boat. If a boat doesn’t have a strong mast, the sail is more likely to come down. A sailboat without a mast or sail is much more likely to capsize.

Being able to travel long distances is not only limited by the strength or sturdiness of the boat but how much storage it has. If you plan to be sailing for 7 days you will need 7 days worth of supplies. If a boat doesn’t have the storage to accommodate this, you won’t be able to make the journey. Just because a boat is larger doesn’t mean it will have more storage room.


More than anything, what makes a sailboat suitable for cruising is having an experienced skipper. There is a big difference between sailing for multiple days and multiple hours. Make sure you are capable of making the voyage before you think about whether your boat can.

What do people find so appealing about sailing long distances?

There is such a romantic notion of being able to sail wherever you please, whenever you please. Being able to make long voyages is so much more exciting than shorter ones. The chance to cruise from country to country is such an exciting opportunity that few people in the modern era have. Sailing from country to country used to be the only way to get around. Now, everyone uses planes. Sailing brings people back to their ancestral roots in a way no other form of transport does. There may not be new lands to discover on behalf of our countries, but there are new lands to discover for ourselves. Reading about, hearing about, or watching documentaries on places is not the same as exploring them for yourself by sea.

The sense of adventure and discovery is like nothing else. Who doesn’t dream of making the journey around the world? Most people will never do it, but the dream is still there. Most of all though, long-distance cruising is exciting . The adrenaline from making the dangerous trip through open sees is truly exhilarating. Whether you are racing or cruising along at your own pace, there is always a sense of danger when out at sea. Some people love it, they crave it, but it isn’t for everyone.

Is sailing long distances dangerous?

Sailing long distances may be romantic, it may be exciting, it may be freeing, but it is also one of the most dangerous things you can do. When you are out of contact with the rest of the world, out at sea beyond the help of those onshore, the potential for danger is huge. You don’t know what will happen, you don’t know what could go wrong. No matter how experienced, how skilled, or how brave you are there is the potential for disaster. There are things you can do to improve the odds. Being a great sailor is one, making sure you have the best cruising sailboat possible is another. You don’t have to spend millions or even hundreds of thousands on getting a great sailboat. Some are far more affordable than you might expect.

What are the 5 best cruising sailboats?

There are so many fantastic sailboats out there that finding the right one might feel impossible. The choice is overwhelming, even with the above guide on what to look for in your boat there are still almost endless choices. Luckily, this article is here to help. This section will give you a good selection of cruising sailboats at various price points. Which one is best for you will likely depend on a mixture of preference and budget. While none of these boats are exactly cheap, they won’t break the bank like some of the other options on the market.

Prout Snowgoose 37


If you are looking for a reliable sailboat look no farther than the Prout Snowgoose 37. This large catamaran makes use of its double hulls for increased width and stability. It is easy to steer, handles well, and is pretty spacious. There are more roomy catamarans on the market but none are as strong as this one. It is built to be sailed long distances in rough conditions. Its fiberglass hull makes it light and nimble all while retaining its strength. It is a slightly older model, but one that will serve you well. It is British made so finding one in the States can be a little tricky. If you do find one though you would do well to jump at the chance to purchase it.

Price: Less than $100k


The Corbin 39 is a beautiful blue water sailboat. It is a very rare boat with a proud history. Only a handful of these boats were finished to completion in the factory, the majority were sold as kits and built by the boat’s owner. Because of this method of production, this model can vary drastically on the inside. The interiors are all expressions of their owner’s creativity, and craftsmanship. This means you may want to have a proper look around inside the boat before purchasing one. The outside, especially the hull, is likely to be the same from boat to boat as they were sold as a piece. If you don’t mind potentially having to remodel the interior this might be the boat for you. The Corbin 39 is a rather large boat, the deck is huge and is perfect for transporting multiple passengers. You may have to shell out some more cash for renovations but the boat itself is second to none.

Price: $80k

Tayana Vancouver 42


Finding one of these cruisers isn’t going to be too hard, as quite a few were made, but it is important to note they were made almost 40 years ago. Some models were made in the early 2000s, but not many. This double-ended hull cruiser is incredibly strong, it has a cast iron ballast and can withstand even the very worst weather conditions. This boat is strong, rugged, but not very quick. If you are looking for speed this is not the boat for you. The hull is fiberglass so you know you are getting a sturdy boat, but the trade-off from the iron ballast means this boat is heavy and slow to maneuver. This double sail cruiser costs anywhere from $80-$100 grand depending on how old the model you are looking at is. The older ones are a bit cheaper, at the expense of being a little worse for wear.


This 40-foot cruiser is a jack of all trades type of craft. If you are looking for a very solid middle of the pack choice this is the one for you. It does everything well but excels almost nowhere except in size. The Nordic 40 is very large for the price you are paying, so you are certainly getting your money worth here. This vessel is sturdy, strong, light and nimble. It is capable of moving very quickly and agilely through the water in a light breeze but is more than capable of resisting tougher conditions. If you are looking for a cruiser that is good for living on, not just sailing on, this could be the one for you. Its extra size means extra storage and living spaces. It has a great shower, huge fridge, plenty of counter space and decent sized sleeping quarters.

Pacific Sea Craft 34


If you are looking for the perfect cruiser for you and your significant other, the Pacific Sea Craft 34 is just what you are looking for. It has a solid fiberglass hull and is capable of reaching decent speeds. The 34 may be slightly smaller than some of the other options but it still has plenty of storage, six and a half feet of headroom, and is simply stunning to look at. This sailboat is incredibly well designed, its 13,500 pounds of displacement make it strong and sure in the water without losing its agility.

Hopefully, you now have a good idea about what to look for in a sailing cruise boat. There are so many great options on the market, the ones mentioned above are just a good starting point. If you take the time to find the right boat for you , you won’t regret it. Buying a cruising sailboat is a huge commitment, it is important to be sure of your choice before you make the purchase. Good luck with your hunt for the perfect cruiser!

Thinking of living on a sailboat? Read up on the 10 Best Sailboats To Live In.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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The Best Beginner Sailboats for Ocean Cruising (under $25,000)

You have fallen in love with sailboats and can't resist the call any longer. I feel ya. The upfront cost is quite something, right? Both in money and skill level. Well, your dream isn't necessarily that far away. Let me show you a few of the best sailboats capable of crossing vast oceans, boats that are beginner-friendly and that won't cost over $25,000.

So what are the best beginner sailboats for ocean cruising?

Cape Dory 28

Let's have a closer look at these. You want to know more about these to pick the right one for you. Read on!

On this page:

Westsail 28, a beginner boat is easy to handle.

Please don't think that just because a boat is labeled here as a 'beginner-friendly' it means that it is lesser in terms of performance or capabilities. It just means that due to the layout, construction, or overall design it is easier to handle and more forgiving.

A good ballast ratio can be an example of that, making the boat stable. A user-friendly cockpit layout where all the lines are within reach from the helm is another example. These things don't decrease performance, they simply increase handling ease.

An affordable boat doesn't have to be cheap

Similarly, don't think a cheap boat is not seaworthy. Seaworthiness is again more about design rather than anything else.

It also doesn't mean you will get a low-quality boat. Sure it won't be new or large, but as far as build quality goes, no compromises have to be made.

An ocean cruiser is stable and comfortable

Stability is important. Waves get bigger out there, and some coastal cruisers may not be prepared for that.

Storage and long term comfort. An ocean cruiser needs to accommodate you for more than a week, as island hoppers do. That means enough storage and layout such that allows for a long term stay.

The matter of buoyancy calls for attention too - you want to be able to load the boat with all you need for a few weeks' stay and still have it perform well.

We made sure that all the boats mentioned below tick the right bluewater boxes.

Let's get into it, shall we?

best ocean cruising yachts

The name of the game here is good quality. Which is an incredibly important aspect for a beginner. They say long passages are often more about maintenance than about actual sailing skills. And you want to do as little maintenance as possible.

As far as construction ethics of production boats go, Sabre 28 is hard to beat. All the elements that need to hold something, like cleats, are backed by a solid steel plate here, bolted through, there is no exposed fiberglass, everything is gel coated… it isn't an exaggeration to claim you will not find many production boats of this build quality.

Below the deck, you will find solid six feet of headroom, closed off V berth in the front cabin, and space for (theoretically) four more of your mates.

best ocean cruising yachts

Now let's see some negatives. Even despite the generous sailing area of this boat, performance is its possible downside. You won't break speed records. This means that your longer passages will require better planning and more supplies. Not a problem per se, but something to keep in mind.

Also, this boat was designed as a coastal cruiser and it shows. Not that it couldn't undertake a proper ocean passage, but purely practically speaking, for instance, its tanks are rather small, as the designers expected frequent refills.

On that note - pleasure cruisers often favor the cockpit space, decreasing the under the dock space. They also don't necessarily try to use the space with the utmost efficiency in mind. And since long crossings will require long stays, you will feel this isn't a huge boat.

But all in all, expect a boat solid on all sides, and jaw-droppingly well built. It will set you back as little as $3,000 and as much as $30,000 on the other side of the spectrum. With a below $25,000 budget, you will have absolutely no issues finding one.

And if you start comparing with similar models and can't help but feel it is a bit pricier per foot, know that this is due to the extraordinary build quality. You will get a lot for your money.

We will talk about the 28 model but if you go two feet up in size to the Cape Dory 30, you will be able to get it for about the same price.

Just as the Sabre above, Cape Dory is solidly built. It is simple, robust, no cut corners, no little luxuries, straight to the point. Which is what you want from a reliable boat, if you don't have much experience.

Another mark up goes for sturdiness stemming from its full keel. As is the case with full keels, they make the boat robust, if you run aground, it isn't such a big deal as you are less likely going to damage the boat, and the propeller is better protected.

Similarly, if the weather gets tricky, full keels are more stable, they track better and thus handle easier, all of which is a big plus for someone who is just learning the ropes.

Below the deck, you will find a V berth, heads, sink, plenty of storage space, and generally as much space as you would expect from a boat this size. It's a looker, genuinely nice place to be at, both outside and inside.

A word of warning that keeps popping up - owners of the older models say the fuel tanks don't age well on this boat. They tend to rust, so be sure to check that out and be ready for a replacement.

There were quite a lot of these models built during its production lifespan, which means there is no shortage of used Dories - something that drives the price down and makes this boat start at around $10 000 on average. The most expensive ones are generally around $30 000, so if you spend the $25 000 on it, you will not be far away from the top of the line.

Long story short, this is a cute little boat that will most definitely have your back and is quite forgiving when under sail - partially to its full keel. It won't house many people, I wouldn't go on it with more than two, if the passage is long, but how big of a crew do you need anyway, right?

We are stretching the limit with this one since the prices start a bit above $20 000 and go easily to $50 000. So with our limit, you will not have an incredible array of options - but it will be enough to get you in the game, and what a game this is!

First of all, it's a full keel, so expect all the benefits listed in the Cape Dory above. Second of all, it's a nice looking boat that has a cozy feeling inside and outside. This is important since it isn't the fastest one. Especially in lower winds, it has been described by some owners as a 'wet snail'.

So go for this one if you are a person in no rush, but one for whom the journey is the destination, as the cliché goes. And as mentioned before, pay attention to the higher amount of supplies you will inevitably need for longer passages.

Once you are on it, prepared to take it slow and comfy, it will warm your heart. The interior is lined with hardwood, pretty little round windows with cast bronze rims, wide hull that has space and comfort in mind, rather than racing.

In other words, it's a pleasure cruiser, but not a coastal one, rather one sturdy enough to circumnavigate the world.

It was born from a genuine market need since it's larger and older sister, Westsail 32, was quite successful but too expensive for many. The manufacturers listened and thought the 28 into existence, describing it as a “hearty little offshore cruiser”.

After this boat was rolled out, about a tonne was added to the ballast, the rudder was enlarged, and to make up for the extra weight, nearly a hundred square feet of sails were added. This happened after about seven models were released, so you can see that it was a work in progress to the last moments.

What this tells you is that it is no engineering miracle, but a boat that listened to people and was made for them. Which resulted in something that won't win races, but will win hearts. I should sell that as a slogan.

This boat has fiberglass molded wine bottles. That tells you all you need to know about this french boat. And it can be yours for as little as $7,000.

Dufour 29 stood at the forefront of European racer-cruisers, it contributed to paving the way for this particular class. It's a beamy boat, so you will get more space than you would expect. And it has a front cabin only, which allows for quite a lot of space back - the cockpit lockers are immense.

The storage space is one of its largest strengths, which helps with longer passages. Since it probably won't be more than two or so people, you can bring as much as your heart desires.

The downside is that although this boat is built to last and the quality shows, it usually features Volvo engines, which means pricey parts. So although the upfront cost isn't necessarily large, the engine will inevitably break with usage and need significant investment.

A nice thing is that although we are talking about a French brand, most of these specific models were exported to the US, so if you live out there, you won't be hard-pressed to find one. And you will stand out from all the Catalinas.

And last but absolutely not least, here is this little hero. We have mentioned it in our article 'The Cheapest, Smallest Boat to Sail Around the World' and the title alone should tell you why it deserves to be here.

You can get it for as little as $3,000 and I'm not talking about a worn-down one that needs months of work before being sailable - I mean a fully functioning one. The most expensive one I saw was for $7,000 and it was so polished and kept up it was a joy just to look at it.

Aside from the price, it's benefit is in the way it's built. It knows it is a small boat and it is on a mission to squeeze as much from the space as possible. It doesn't waste space on being a weekend cruiser but intends to serve as a liveaboard, or at least a boat capable of housing its sailor for weeks on end.

This means you will get a toilet, proper dining table, space for two people (comfort) or four (if you really like each other), and storage space for a circumnavigation.

As is the case usually, it doesn't come without its drawbacks, be it an engine that has a habit of choking itself or mast fitting that tends to give up on life if stressed. But trust me that if you invest in a top of the line model and spend a couple of thousand on refitting and tinkering with everything you can think of, you will end up with a boat cheaper than most of the above and in a bulletproof condition.

So you see it isn't out of reach for the average Joe to get into sailing. Both when it comes to price or skills. So if the idea has been dormant in your head, wake it up. You'll thank yourself.

Jon Stivers

Re: The Cape Dory 28. Yes, full-keel boats track better when going forward, but are more difficult to control in reverse than fin-keel boats. Docking is very challenging for beginners, no matter how well the boat handles. When you test drive a boat, make sure you include going forward and reverse under power.

Thanks for the article, cheers.

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  • Articles and Guides

Best Ocean Boats: Types and Brands to Buy

15th nov 2023 by samantha wilson.

Rightboat logo

What makes a good ocean boat ? It’s a valid question, commonly asked, but as with many boating questions, there is no one answer. In fact, there is no best ocean boat either. Only the best ocean-going boat for you and what you want it to do. Whether it’s offshore fishing, sailing around the world, coastal cruising, or extended voyages, there will be good boats for the task—and others, not so good. 

Of course there are many characteristics that ocean-going boats will need to have that are different from those designed to ply gentler inland waters where breaking seas, long distances, and inclement weather rarely if ever are a factor. Here we’ll take a look at the types of boats that are designed for the ocean and also look at some of the best ocean boat brands on the market today. 

What Characteristics Do the Best Ocean Boats Have?

Seaworthy in open water and stormy weather: A boat tackling ocean waters needs to be sturdy enough, large enough, and/or nimble enough to navigate the bigger seas and stronger winds that can arise. If you’re tackling oceans, you’ll typically want a boat that is 20 feet long or larger and built with strength. It’s important to know your boat’s limitations, to check the weather carefully before venturing out, and prepare accordingly. Knowing your boat’s range—is it a long-distance, bluewater voyager or a day-sailing coastal boat?—is also key to staying safe. 

Deep-V hulls and deep draft: Most ocean-going boats have deep-V hulls and adequate draft to provide extra stability in turbulent waters, high waves, and bad weather. An exception to that are multihulls, which can offer excellent stability thanks to their multiple hulls and wide shape. In addition to a deep V hull, ocean-going boats are often designed with strakes—molded lines running down the hull of motorboats that help them reach planing speed and reduce the slap from large waves. If you don’t plan to venture offshore or undertake long voyages, a shallow or modified V hull is often ideal for more coastal ocean cruising in shallower waters. 

Corrosion resistance : In contrast to fresh water, salt water is highly corrosive and damaging to boats, and they need to be designed for and maintained to cope with those damaging effects (see our guide to the differences between saltwater and freshwater boats for more advice). Boats designed for salt water will have marine-grade metals such as stainless steel, and must be built with corrosion-resistant hardware.  

Power and fuel capacity : If you’re going to cruise farther, it makes sense that your boat will need a fuel-efficient engine as well as a larger fuel tank to allow you to carry on longer without refueling. Fast boats such as those used for offshore fishing commonly have large powerful engines, allowing you to get to the offshore fishing grounds in less time. For those crossing oceans, sailboats have long been the boat of choice since wind-power is free, if occasionally finicky. 

Sleeping and storage capacity: If you’re cruising long distances, you’ll need to ensure that you have enough cabin space, living space, and storage space for supplies to accommodate all those on board. Bunks will typically be fitted with lee cloths to securely hold sleeping crew members in their berths. Ventilation is also critical, allowing fresh air below decks without bringing sea water along at the same time.

The Best Types and Brands of Ocean Boats

Ocean sailboats.

Sailboats bring the romance to cruising the oceans, and are able to sail motor-less for thousands of miles, making them the top choice when it comes to long range ocean cruising. The choice of sailboat is endless, but it depends how far you want to travel as to how big a sailboat you’ll need. Coastal sailing can be done in most sizes and styles of sailboat, while you’ll ideally be looking for a strong and sturdy sailboat over 35 feet to travel long distances (see our guide to bluewater sailboats under 40 feet for some exciting small sailboat options and what to look for in an ocean sailboat). 

The best ocean sailboat brands

  • Hallberg-Rassy has been producing quality ocean-going cruising boats in Sweden for more than half a century. The company’s current lineup of comfortable, seaworthy, premium-priced yachts from 34 to 69 feet LOA.  Hallberg-Rassy boats for sale
  • Beneteau ’s impressive range of Oceanis cruisers ranges from 31 to 60 feet and offers spacious, versatile layouts and sound performance at a moderate price.  Beneteau boats for sale
  • Jeanneau has produced ocean-capable sailboats for more than 60 years and has a good reputation for building innovative boats that perform well. The company’s current range includes large yachts, small ocean racers, and 35- to 49-foot cruising models.  Jeanneau boats for sale

Hallberg Rassy

Hallberg Rassy 400. Hallberg Rassy photo.

Trawler Yachts

Known for their long-range capabilities and excellent fuel efficiency, trawlers are becoming increasingly popular as ocean-going liveaboards. Unlike the fishing vessels from which they draw their name, this new breed of power-cruising yacht typically offers extensive living space, home comforts, and even luxury living, which is highly regarded among many cruising great distances or spending extended periods of time living aboard.  

The best trawler yacht brands

  • Nordhavn is a long-standing, all-American brand producing some of the best trawler yachts on the market today. Ranging from 41 feet all the way into superyacht classification sizes, Nordhavn trawlers balance robustness with comfort.  Nordhavn yachts for sale
  • Selene is a Dutch brand, building up to 100 world class boats every year. Their impressive inventory includes boats from 40 feet to 128 feet, with their mid-sized models in particular offering excellent use of space and a classic styling.  Selene boats for sale
  • American Tugs is one of the best smaller shipyards, with 20 years’ experience producing high quality coastal cruisers under 45 feet.  American Tugs boats for sale


Nordhavn 475. Nordhavn photo.

Center Console Boats

  Center consoles boats are high-powered vessels, commonly used for offshore fishing due to their open deck layout allowing for 360 fishability. Fast, stable, roomy, and well-equipped, they are wonderfully versatile and are available from trailerable 17-foot models up to 45 feet and longer, with cabins and heads. They are typically able to handle big seas and weather, but don’t have the sleeping, living, and storage space of longer-range types of ocean boats. 

The best center console boat brands

  • Boston Whaler have been around since 1958 and have one of the best reputations in the center console industry for both their fishing and recreational boats.  Boston Whaler boats for sale
  • Everglades is a brand offering 23- to 45-foot center consoles with a clear focus on fishing offshore. It is known equally for premium quality finishings and strong hull construction using high-density foam core to offer a smooth ride in waves. Everglades boats for sale
  • For more check out our article on the best center console boat brands and the best center consoles over 40 feet . 

Boston Whaler

Boston Whaler 250 Dauntless. Boston Whaler photo. 

Sport Fishing Yachts

Powerful, robust, and equipped to take anglers on deep sea fishing adventures, sport fishing boats are more than capable when it comes to big ocean conditions. They’re capable of cruising up to 100 miles offshore where the big pelagic creatures such as bluefin tuna and marlin live, allowing anglers to fish for several days at a time in comfort. With all the equipment needed for fishing, storing, and living, sport fishing yachts aren’t inexpensive, but you can buy a seriously high-performance yacht for the money. 

The best sport fishing yacht brands

  • Viking Yachts has a huge range of world-class sport fishing yachts ranging from towable 38 footers all the way up to 90 feet, although the majority fall within the 45 to 70 feet range. Impeccable finish and extremely high performance is the norm throughout the fleet.  Viking Yachts for sale
  • Hatteras Yachts bring elegance and innovation to sportfishing with their four convertible sport fishing yachts from 45 to 70 feet. For more than 60 years, the firm has been creating high-performance sport fishing boats that ooze luxury.  Hatteras Yachts for sale
  • Bertram has a long history of building fishing yachts focused on seaworthiness, stability, and safety. The company offers serious blue water fishing machines, as well as smaller, capable boats ranging from 28 to 61 feet.  Bertram boats for sale

For more top fishing boat brands, see Best Offshore Fishing Boat Brands .

Viking Yachts

Viking 68C. Viking Yachts photo.

Cabin Cruisers

Cabin cruisers make up one of the most versatile and popular of ocean boats as they are multifunctional, seaworthy, and well-designed for coastal cruising. While not normally suited to prolonged periods at sea or long-range cruising, this style of boat features home comforts, modest galley areas, and cabins that can be used for extended trips.

The best ocean cabin cruisers

  • Sea Ray are masters in producing small, luxurious cabin cruisers that offer weekends at sea, plenty of home comforts, and reassuring seaworthiness. Their Sundancer range is from 26 feet to 37 feet, and the SLX series goes up to 40 feet.  Sea Ray boats for sale
  • Chris-Craft has been producing elegant, traditionally styled cabin cruisers (as well as center consoles) for decades, and their range of boats certainly turn heads. Offering pocket-sized luxury and packed with amenities, they remain one of the best brands in the industry.  Chris-Craft boats for sale
  • Grand Banks Yachts is a brand that has shifted over the years from producing what was the iconic ocean-going trawler yacht to a higher-performance luxury motoryacht that fits better in the cabin cruiser category. Design and construction attend to hull shapes, weights, and materials to produce a capable, quiet boat in rough conditions.  Grand Banks Yachts

Grand Banks 54

Grand Banks 54. Grand Banks photo.

Cruising Catamarans

Cruising catamarans are fast gaining popularity for their long-range capabilities as well as their stability and huge amounts of extra living and storage space compared to monohulls of the same size. With salons and cockpits that stand well above the water line you get wrap around sea views, as well as huge cabin and galley space. They’re extremely capable blue water cruisers, but also perfect for coastal adventures with larger groups than you could comfortably get on a monohull. They don’t keel over in the same way as sailboats, offering impressive stability and speed, and are fast becoming a popular choice for around the world cruisers and charter companies. 

The best cruising catamarans

  • Fountaine Pajot is one of the biggest names in the cruising catamaran world and are instrumental in shaping this new industry of long range, high performance blue water multihulls.  Fountaine Pajot Catamarans for sale
  • Lagoon Catamarans have a huge inventory of cruising catamaran models throughout the size ranges, and are one of the top choices for charter companies.  Lagoon Catamarans for sale
  • Leopard Catamarans offer a huge range of top-of-the-range sailing and motor cruising catamarans through boat builders Robertson and Caine. In their 50 years of business they’ve delivered an impressive 2,500 vessels, making them one of the most popular cruising catamaran brands out there.  Leopard Catamarans for sale


Leopard 40 Powercat. Leopard Catamarans photo.

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

best ocean cruising yachts

More from: Samantha Wilson

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10 Best Used Cruising Sailboats

  • By John Kretschmer
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

The appeal of offshore voyaging is difficult to explain to land people who can’t imagine life without basic human rights like copious quantities of hot water and unlimited data. It can even be challenging to explain to fellow sailors who think the notion of spending days or weeks at sea is a form of water­boarding, some kind of self-inflicted torture.

But for those of us who understand, who relish intimacy with the untamed wilderness that is the ocean and embrace self-­reliance and individual expression while accepting the ­dispassionate whims of Neptune, this is the good life.

There are two essential truths about this life: One, money does not matter. Cruising budgets and lifestyles reflect bank accounts with variously positioned commas; it’s the passages and landfalls that add up, not your investment portfolio. And two, a good bluewater sailboat — not necessarily an expensive boat, but a well-­designed, solidly built, imminently seaworthy boat that is only limited by your moxie and imagination — is the key to successful bluewater passagemaking.

– LEARN THE NAVIGATION RULES – Know the “Rules of the Road” that govern all boat traffic. Be courteous and never assume other boaters can see you. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

So, to that second point, I’ve compiled a list of interesting and affordable cruising sailboats for serious voyaging. A list of 10 sailboats for any purpose, much less world cruising, is sure to evoke outrage from strong-minded sailors, who by nature tend to be a bit opinionated. Stand by before hurling insults my way, and let me explain. I have decided to stay away from the sailboats we know by heart, the iconic old boats that usually populate a list like this: the Westsail 32, Tayana 37, Shannon 38 and Valiant 40 (the last of which, with a bit of searching, can still be found at or just below $100,000).

My list of some of the best liveaboard sailboats is eclectic and includes a mix of well-known and obscure manufacturers, but all the boats are linked in three ways: All are top-quality vessels capable of crossing oceans. They’re affordable, although in a few cases you have to look for older models in less-than-stellar condition to stay below $100,000. Indeed, in some ways, this list of used sailboats is a function of age; most of the boats were priced at more than $100,000 when new but have dipped below our self-imposed threshold in middle age. And finally, they’re all boats that I have encountered in the past few years in far-flung cruising destinations .

Island Packet 35

Packet 35

Love them or loathe them, Island Packets are everywhere. To some, the beamy, full-keel, high-freeboard hull designs seem quaint, to put it charitably. To others, the robust construction standards, roomy interiors and overall user-friendliness make them the ideal cruising boat. More than most, sailing vessels are compromises, and Bob Johnson and his crew at Island Packet were brilliant in prioritizing the needs of sailors. The IP 35 was introduced in 1988 and features a huge cockpit, an easy-to-handle cutter rig with a jib boom, and a clever, comfortable interior with the volume of many 40-footers. It might not be the fastest boat upwind, but the long waterline translates to good performance off the breeze, meaning the IP 35 finds its stride in the trade winds. In all, 188 boats were built before production stopped in 1994.

Don’t confuse the IP 35 with the IP 350, which was launched in 1997 and included a stern swim step. You won’t find a 350 for less than $100,000, but you will have a choice among 35s, especially those built before 1990. With two nice staterooms, the 35 is ideal for family cruising. I know of a couple of 35s that have completed the classic Atlantic Circle passage. It’s perfect for a sabbatical cruise because it holds its value and there’s a ready market when it comes time to sell.

Prout Snowgoose 37

Prout Snowgoose 37

There’s no room for discussion: Catamarans are crossing oceans, and many sailors are choosing cats for world cruising. My last visits to the Azores and Canary Islands, the classic Atlantic waypoints, proved the point. I’m not much of a statistician, but by my count, at least a quarter and maybe a third of the boats I saw were catamarans. There would be more on this list, but they are just too expensive. Finding a quality catamaran for less than $100,000 is tough. One boat to consider is the classic workhorse multihull, the Prout Snowgoose 37.

When the Snowgoose 37 was launched in 1983, English builder Prout & Sons had already been in business for nearly 50 years. The 37 was an updated version of the Snowgoose 35, one of the most successful cruising cats ever. In 1986, the 37 was updated again; the Snowgoose Elite model included more beam and interior upgrades. These models are challenging to find for under $100,000, but it’s possible. A quick glance at shows several of both models available for less than $100,000. Again, the strong dollar makes European boats an excellent value.

The Snowgoose 37 is not sexy like go-fast cats, and not roomy like modern cruising cats. It is, however, seaworthy. Of the 500 built, many have circumnavigated. Older boats have solid fiberglass hulls, and more recent models are solid glass from the waterline down and cored above. The cockpit is rather compact by catamaran standards, and the bridgedeck is solid (no tramp). Many 37s and all Elites were rigged with staysails, a big plus in heavy weather. The masthead-­rigged Snowgoose 37 can be sailed like a monohull offshore, and it’s quite nice not having a huge, roachy mainsail to wrestle with in a storm. With a 15-foot-3-inch beam for the 37 and a 16-foot-3-inch beam for the Elite, it’s easy to find affordable dockage and yards for haulouts. Most boats have three double cabins, making the Snowgoose 37 an ideal family cruiser.

Corbin 39

The Corbin 39 is not as well known as it should be. It’s a capable bluewater sailboat cruiser with many impressive voyages logged. My Quetzal spent several weeks moored alongside a handsome 39 in Corfu that had sailed around the world, and I also spent a winter in Malta in the same boatyard as another 39 that had recently crossed the Atlantic. A canoe-stern, flush-deck pilothouse cutter, the 39 was offered with either an aft or center cockpit. Designed by Michael Dufour and constructed by Corbin les Bateaux in Canada, hull number one was launched in 1977. Built in various locations in Quebec, 129 boats were launched before a fire destroyed the deck tooling in 1982. A new deck with a larger cockpit was designed, and 70 more boats were laid up before production ceased in 1990.

The rub on the Corbin 39 is that the majority of boats were sold as kits with owner-­finished interiors. Kits varied from just hull-and-deck to “sailaway,” with everything fitted except the interior. Only 15 boats were finished at the factory. Not surprisingly, the interior quality is unpredictable, from rough-hewn lumberyard specials to beautifully handcrafted gems finished by marine professionals. The difference is reflected in the price. A nicely finished, well-equipped model from the mid-’80s typically sells for between $60,000 and $80,000.

The hull shape features a long fin keel and skeg-mounted rudder. The hulls are heavily laid up and include Airex coring. Early decks were plywood-cored, but most boats have Airex in the deck as well. Ballast is 9,000 pounds of internal lead, translating to a 40 percent ballast-to-displacement ratio. The wide flush deck is spacious, and the sleek pilothouse usually includes inside steering. Massive double anchor rollers are incorporated into the bowsprit in later models. Most boats include a double-­spreader spar, and almost all were set up as cutters. There’s plenty of freeboard, which becomes obvious below. While interior arrangements vary considerably, there’s a lot of room to work with. I prefer the post-1982 aft-cockpit 39s; they’re generally of a higher quality than earlier boats.

– CARRY A BEACON – Satellite beacons such as EPIRBs or PLBs allow boaters to transmit distress signals and their exact coordinates from anywhere on the planet, no cell service required. It may be the best $400 you ever spend. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Cabo Rico 38

Cabo Rico 38

“The Cabo Rico 38 hull shape is the one in which everything came together best,” wrote Bill Crealock in his design notes. He might have changed his mind later in life, considering that the Cabo Rico was introduced in 1977 and he designed many boats after that, but few will dispute that this 38-foot cutter, built in Costa Rica, is flat-out beautiful. From the clipper bow to the sweet sheer to the abundance of honey-colored teak, the Cabo Rico 38 is a boat to inspire the most practical among us to quit their job, buy this vessel, and head for the South Pacific.

Not surprisingly, many people have done just that. Cabo Rico built 200 full-keeled 38s, with most of the production occurring in the 1980s. There’s always a selection of boats for sale for less than $100,000. Cabo Rico was an outlier among manufacturers of the time, building serious cruising boats in Central America instead of Taiwan, but quality control was always excellent. The full keel is slightly cutaway, and the rudder is attached to the trailing edge. The prop is in an aperture and totally protected, but not well suited to backing into a slip. Full-keel boats may make some younger sailors cringe, but the CR 38 has a very soft ride in rough seas and heaves to effectively. It also has a solid fiberglass hull with a layer of balsa for insulation. Sometimes it’s noted that the hull is balsa-cored, but it’s not. After about hull number 40, lead was used instead of iron for internal ballast. The deck is balsa-cored, however, and there’s a substantial bulwark. Items to be wary of are the teak decks (most 38s have them) and the fittings supporting the bobstay.

A true cutter rig, the 38 has just under 1,000 square feet of working sail area and performs better than most people suspect. The staysail was originally set on a boom that cluttered the foredeck and limited sail shape. Many boats have been converted with furling staysails sans the boom — a nice upgrade. When the wind pipes up, the 38 tracks nicely with a reefed main and staysail. I encounter 38s all over the Caribbean. They’re easy to spot; they’re the beautiful boats in the anchorage.

Tayana Vancouver 42

Tayana Vancouver 42

Ta Yang, builder of Tayana sailboats, has been building capable cruising boats forever, it seems. The Robert Harris-designed Tayana Vancouver 42 has been a mainstay of the serious cruising fleet since the day it was launched in 1979, and is still in demand today. The company built 200 boats, mostly in the ’80s and early ’90s, although a few V42s were built into the 2000s. With a bit of digging and some haggling, you can find boats for less than $100,000, but they’re likely to be older models. As of this writing, has eight V42s listed, with three asking less than $100,000.

I’ve encountered the V42 all over the world, and in my yacht-delivery days, I had the pleasure of delivering a couple of 42s up the East Coast and down to the Caribbean. The double-ended hull shape with a fin-skeg underbody is stiff and seaworthy, if not wickedly fast. Considering the rugged construction, with a solid fiberglass hull and balsa-cored deck, nobody has ever accused Ta Yang of going light on its boats. Ballast is internal iron, a massive single casting that weighs in at 11,800 pounds. Ta Yang has evolved as a builder, and later models included upgrades like vinylester resin and larger Yanmar diesels.

A true cutter, the V42 has a double-spreader rig and is heavily stayed. The seagoing deck is cambered to shed water. Teak decks, with all their virtues and vices, were common; I’d look for a boat that’s been de-teaked. Like the Corbin 39, the V42 came with either a center or aft cockpit, although most boats were aft-cockpit models. The aft cockpit is deep and secure, if a bit tight due to volume sacrificed by the canoe stern. The center cockpit is cramped but offers excellent visibility. The interior is lovely, with exquisite Taiwanese joinery. Although interior arrangements vary because Ta Yang encouraged owner input, across the board, this is a friendly boat for living aboard. The aft-cockpit model includes one head and a traditional layout with excellent light and ventilation. The center-­cockpit model features a large owner’s stateroom aft.

Wauquiez Pretorien 35

Wauquiez Pretorien 35

The Pretorien 35 does not pay homage to tradition. The Euro-style low-slung wedge deck and flattish lines were thoroughly modern when the Pretorien was launched in 1979. Sure, there are IOR influences in this well-proven Holman & Pye design, including a slightly pinched stern, cramped cockpit, and a high-aspect, short-boom mainsail that results in a large fore­triangle. But a small main is easy to handle offshore, especially in squally conditions, and a large poled-out furling genoa provides a low-stress way to cross oceans. The test of a design is revealed long after the launch, and the Pretorien has aged brilliantly. It’s often mistaken for a Swan or Baltic. Famed voyager and author Hal Roth chose a Pretorien for his last boat.

Below the water, which is what really matters at sea, the Pretorien pushes the right buttons for serious sailing. A fine entry provides enough of a forefoot to prevent pounding in lumpy conditions, and as on the Valiant 40, the fin keel incorporates a stub to which the external ballast is fastened. The rudder is mounted well aft for excellent steering control, especially on a deep reach, and is tucked behind a narrow but full-length skeg. The Pretorien displaces 13,000 pounds, of which 6,000 pounds is ballast, translating to a stiff, seakindly boat.

The construction is superb. The solid fiberglass hull includes longitudinal stringers that stiffen the panels and encapsulate the bulkheads. Tabbing and fiberglass work is first-rate throughout. Wauquiez was one of the first builders to use solid laminate beneath high-load deck fittings. The side decks are wide and, with the chainplates well inboard, easy to navigate. The interior arrangement is conventional, but ample beam amidships helps create a surprisingly spacious feel below.

There were 212 Pretoriens built during a seven-year production run, so there’s usually a good selection of boats on the used market. Today’s strong dollar makes European Pretoriens an excellent value.

– SHOW THEM HOW MUCH YOU CARE – Nothing says ‘I love you’ like making sure the kids’ life jackets are snugged up and properly buckled. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Gulfstar 44

Gulfstar 44

Gulfstar had a terrible reputation in the early ’70s: It was infamous for producing wide-body motorsailers with tiny rigs and chintzy Formica interiors. Company founder Vince Lazzara was adept at reading market trends and upped his game in the late ’70s and ’80s. Lazzara, who also founded Columbia Yachts, was a veteran of the production-­sailboat wars and realized that buyers were demanding high-quality boats that sailed well. The Gulfstar 44 was launched in 1978, and 105 were sold before the company started producing the Hirsh 45 in 1985.

Some mistake the G44 for a Bristol, and it has a similar profile, right down to the teak toerail and raked cabin trunk. A sleek center-­cockpit design, the hull shape features a 5-foot-6-inch fin keel, a skeg-hung rudder and moderate proportions. I know the boat well, having delivered one from Bermuda to Annapolis and another from Fort Lauderdale to Boston. It has a nice ride in lumpy seas and powers up when the big genoa is drawing on a reach. The construction is typical of the time, with solid fiberglass hulls and cored decks. Gulfstars were known to blister, and it’s likely that any 44 you find will have had an epoxy bottom job along the way — and if it hasn’t, it will need one. The keel-stepped spar has an air draft of 55 feet. Some owners have modified the sloop rig with a staysail. The cockpit is roomy, especially for a center-cockpit design, although there’s not much of a bridgedeck. All sail controls are led aft. Lazzara was an early proponent of this feature, and the boat is user-friendly overall.

The interior sells the boat. It’s nicely finished in teak, and the layout is made for living aboard. The aft cabin includes an enormous double berth with an en suite head and stall shower. The main saloon is spacious and well ventilated, although beware of the plastic opening portlights. If you are looking for a comfortable, well-built center-cockpit cruiser but can’t find one that you can afford, track down a Gulfstar 44; you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Nordic 40

Any list of bluewater cruising sailboats must include a Robert Perry design. I could have easily put together nine Perry boats for this list. The Nordic 40 may surprise some, especially because 40 feet is an iconic length, bringing to mind such boats as the Valiant 40, Hinckley Bermuda 40, Bristol 40, Pacific Seacraft 40, Passport 40 and others. The trick is finding a 40-footer for less than $100,000. Nonetheless, the Nordic 40 and its larger sister ship, the 44, are among my favorite boats.

Based in Bellingham, Washington, Nordic produced world-class yachts during its brief production run in the 1980s. Only 40 Nordic 40s were launched between 1982 and 1987, but they’re worth seeking out on the used-boat market. The 40 features the classic double-ended Perry hull shape, with a fine entry, a deep and powerful fin keel, a skeg-mounted rudder positioned well aft, and a reverse transom. Freeboard is moderate and the sheer line is subtle, but to my eye, with its double-spreader rig and gently sloping deck line, the boat is poetry in the water.

The hull is solid fiberglass and the deck is balsa-cored, with solid laminates below loaded-up deck fittings. Original boats came with Navtec rod rigging and a hydraulic backstay, but many have been upgraded by now. Sail-control lines are led aft to the compact but functional T-shaped cockpit. The traveler is forward of the companionway, allowing for a cockpit dodger. The Nordic 40 is nimble in light to moderate breeze but can also stand up in a blow and heave to decently.

The interior is well suited to a cruising couple. It’s really a two-person boat, with a V-berth forward and large C-shaped galley aft, with plenty of counter space and a huge fridge. It includes the normal deft Perry touches — excellent sea berths, a separate stall shower and generous tankage. If you do find a Nordic 40 on the used market, be sure to take a hard look at the Westerbeke diesel and the V-drive transmission.

Pacific Seacraft 34

Pacific Seacraft 34

A handsome, nimble and capable double-ender by legendary designer Bill Crealock, the Pacific Seacraft 34 is well proven, with scores of ocean crossings in its wake.

After the boat was first launched as the Crealock 34 in 1979, Pacific Seacraft introduced a fifth model years later, a scaled-down version of the popular PS 37. Though expensive at the time, the 34 was another success story for one of America’s premier builders, and hundreds of boats were built in the company’s yard in Santa Ana, California. There is always a good selection of used boats available for less than $100,000. Another nice perk for used-boat buyers is that the 34 is back in production at the reincarnated Pacific Seacraft yard in Washington, North Carolina, providing an outlet for parts and advice. The company is now owned and operated by marine archaeologist Stephen Brodie and his father, Reid.

The 34 blends traditional values above the waterline with what was then a more modern underbody, with a long fin keel and skeg-hung rudder. A bit hefty at 13,500 pounds of displacement, the design otherwise is a study in moderation, and drawn with a keen eye toward providing a soft ride in a seaway and staying on good terms with Neptune in a blow.

The hull is solid fiberglass, and early decks were plywood-­cored before Pacific switched to end-grain balsa. The hull-to-deck joint incorporates a molded bulwark that offers added security when you’re moving about on deck, and a vertical surface for mounting stanchions.

Most 34s are cutter-rigged for versatility but carry moderate-­size genoas instead of high-cut yankees for more horsepower off the wind. Down below, the layout is traditional, but the 6-foot-4-inch headroom is a pleasant surprise. The Pacific Seacraft 34 is perfect for a cruising couple.

John Kretschmer is a delivery captain, adventurer and writer, whose own boat Quetzal , a 1987 Kaufman 47, has seen a refit or two over the years. His latest book is Sailing a Serious Ocean: Sailboats, Storms, Stories and Lessons Learned from 30 Years at Sea , also available on his website .

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Home » Blog » Buy a boat » 5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

By Author Fiona McGlynn

Posted on Last updated: April 19, 2023

sailing around the world

A small sailboat can take you big places

Small sailboats are the ticket to going cruising NOW — not when you retire, save up enough money, or find the “perfect” bluewater cruising boat. In fact, it’s the first principle in Lin and Larry Pardey’s cruising philosophy: “Go small, go simple, go now.”

Small yachts can be affordable, simple, and seaworthy . However, you won’t see many of them in today’s cruising grounds. In three years and 13,000 nautical miles of bluewater cruising, I could count the number of under 30-foot sailboats I’ve seen on one hand (all of them were skippered by people in their 20s and 30s).

Today’s anchorages are full of 40, 50, and 60-foot-plus ocean sailboats, but that’s not to say you can’t sail the world in a small sailboat. Just look at Alessandro di Benedetto who in 2010 broke the record for the smallest boat to sail around the world non-stop in his 21-foot Mini 6.5 .

So long as you don’t mind forgoing a few comforts, you can sail around the world on a small budget .

dinghy boat

What makes a good blue water sailboat

While you might not think a small sailboat is up to the task of going long distances, some of the best bluewater sailboats are under 40 feet.

However, if you’re thinking about buying a boat for offshore cruising, there are a few things to know about what makes a small boat offshore capable .

Smaller equals slower

Don’t expect to be sailing at high speeds in a pocket cruiser. Smaller displacement monohulls are always going to be slower than larger displacement monohulls (see the video below to learn why smaller boats are slower). Therefore a smaller cruiser is going to take longer on a given passage, making them more vulnerable to changes in weather.

A few feet can make a big difference over a week-long passage. On the last leg of our Pacific Ocean crossing, our 35-foot sailboat narrowly avoid a storm that our buddy boat, a 28-foot sailboat, couldn’t. Our friend was only a knot slower but it meant he had to heave to for a miserable three days.

pocket cruiser

Small but sturdy

If a pocket cruiser encounters bad weather, they will be less able to outrun or avoid it. For this reason, many of the blue water sailboats in this list are heavily built and designed to take a beating.

Yacht design has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Today, new boats are designed to be light and fast. The small sailboats in our list are 30-plus year-old designs and were built in a time when weather forecasts were less accurate and harder to come by.

Back in the day, boat were constructed with thicker fiberglass hulls than you see in modern builds. Rigs, keels, rudders, hulls and decks – everything about these small cruising sailboats was designed to stand up to strong winds and big waves. Some of the boats in this post have skeg-hung rudders and most of them are full keel boats.

The pros and cons of pocket cruiser sailboats

Pocket cruiser sailboats present certain advantages and disadvantages.

More affordable

Their smaller size makes them affordable bluewater sailboats. You can often find great deals on pocket cruisers and sometimes you can even get them for free.

You’ll also save money on retrofits and repairs because small cruising sailboats need smaller boat parts (which cost a lot less) . For example, you can get away with smaller sails, ground tackle, winches, and lighter lines than on a bigger boat.

Moorage, haul-outs, and marine services are often billed by foot of boat length . A small sailboat makes traveling the world , far more affordable!

When something major breaks (like an engine) it will be less costly to repair or replace than it would be on a bigger boat.

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Less time consuming

Smaller boats tend to have simpler systems which means you’ll spend less time fixing and paying to maintain those systems. For example, most small yachts don’t have showers, watermakers , hot water, and electric anchor windlasses.

On the flip side, you’ll spend more time collecting water (the low-tech way) . On a small sailboat, this means bucket baths, catching fresh water in your sails, and hand-bombing your anchor. Though less convenient, this simplicity can save you years of preparation and saving to go sailing.

Oh, and did I mention that you’ll become a complete water meiser? Conserving water aboard becomes pretty important when you have to blue-jug every drop of it from town back to your boat.

Easier to sail

Lastly, smaller boats can be physically easier to sail , just think of the difference between raising a sail on a 25-foot boat versus a 50-foot boat! You can more easily single-hand or short-hand a small sailboat. For that reason, some of the best solo blue water sailboats are quite petite.

As mentioned above small boats are slow boats and will arrive in port, sometimes days (and even weeks) behind their faster counterparts on long offshore crossings.

Consider this scenario: two boats crossed the Atlantic on a 4,000 nautical mile route. The small boat averaged four miles an hour, while the big boat averaged seven miles an hour. If both started at the same time, the small boat will have completed the crossing two weeks after the larger sailboat!

Less spacious

Living on a boat can be challenging — living on a small sailboat, even more so! Small cruising boats don’t provide much in the way of living space and creature comforts.

Not only will you have to downsize when you move onto a boat  you’ll also have to get pretty creative when it comes to boat storage.

It also makes it more difficult to accommodate crew for long periods which means there are fewer people to share work and night shifts.

If you plan on sailing with your dog , it might put a small boat right out of the question (depending on the size of your four-legged crew member).

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Less comfortable

It’s not just the living situation that is less comfortable, the sailing can be pretty uncomfortable too! Pocket cruisers tend to be a far less comfortable ride than larger boats as they are more easily tossed about in big ocean swell.

Here are our 5 favorite small blue water sailboats for sailing around the world

When we sailed across the Pacific these were some of the best small sailboats that we saw. Their owners loved them and we hope you will too!

The boats in this list are under 30 feet. If you’re looking for something slightly larger, you might want to check out our post on the best bluewater sailboats under 40 feet .

Note: Price ranges are based on and listings for Aug. 2018

Albin Vega 27($7-22K USD)

small sailboats

The Albin Vega has earned a reputation as a bluewater cruiser through adventurous sailors like Matt Rutherford, who in 2012 completed a 309-day solo nonstop circumnavigation of the Americas via Cape Horn and the Northwest Passage (see his story in the documentary Red Dot on the Ocean ). 

  • Hull Type: Long fin keel
  • Hull Material: GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:27′ 1″ / 8.25m
  • Waterline Length:23′ 0″ / 7.01m
  • Beam:8′ 1″ / 2.46m
  • Draft:3′ 8″ / 1.12m
  • Rig Type: Masthead sloop rig
  • Displacement:5,070lb / 2,300kg
  • Designer:Per Brohall
  • Builder:Albin Marine AB (Swed.)
  • Year First Built:1965
  • Year Last Built:1979
  • Number Built:3,450

Cape Dory 28 ($10-32K USD) 

small sailboat

This small cruising sailboat is cute and classic as she is rugged and roomy. With at least one known circumnavigation and plenty of shorter bluewater voyages, the Cape Dory 28 has proven herself offshore capable.

  • Hull Type: Full Keel
  • Length Overall:28′ 09″ / 8.56m
  • Waterline Length:22′ 50″ / 6.86m
  • Beam:8’ 11” / 2.72m
  • Draft:4’ 3” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type:Masthead Sloop
  • Displacement:9,300lb / 4,218kg
  • Sail Area/Displacement Ratio:52
  • Displacement/Length Ratio:49
  • Designer: Carl Alberg
  • Builder: Cape Dory Yachts (USA)
  • Year First Built:1974
  • Year Last Built:1988
  • Number Built: 388

Dufour 29 ($7-23K)

small sailboat

As small bluewater sailboats go, the Dufour 29 is a lot of boat for your buck. We know of at least one that sailed across the Pacific last year. Designed as a cruiser racer she’s both fun to sail and adventure-ready. Like many Dufour sailboats from this era, she comes equipped with fiberglass molded wine bottle holders. Leave it to the French to think of everything!

  • Hull Type: Fin with skeg-hung rudder
  • Length Overall:29′ 4″ / 8.94m
  • Waterline Length:25′ 1″ / 7.64m
  • Beam:9′ 8″ / 2.95m
  • Draft:5′ 3″ / 1.60m
  • Displacement:7,250lb / 3,289kg
  • Designer:Michael Dufour
  • Builder:Dufour (France)
  • Year First Built:1975
  • Year Last Built:1984

Vancouver 28 ($15-34K)

most seaworthy small boat

A sensible small boat with a “go-anywhere” attitude, this pocket cruiser was designed with ocean sailors in mind. One of the best cruising sailboats under 40 feet, the Vancouver 28 is great sailing in a small package.

  • Hull Type:Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Length Overall: 28′ 0″ / 8.53m
  • Waterline Length:22’ 11” / 6.99m
  • Beam:8’ 8” / 2.64m
  • Draft:4’ 4” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type: Cutter rig
  • Displacement:8,960lb / 4,064 kg
  • Designer: Robert B Harris
  • Builder: Pheon Yachts Ltd. /Northshore Yachts Ltd.
  • Year First Built:1986
  • Last Year Built: 2007
  • Number Built: 67

Westsail 28 ($30-35K)

small sailboat

Described in the 1975 marketing as “a hearty little cruiser”, the Westsail 28 was designed for those who were ready to embrace the cruising life. Perfect for a solo sailor or a cozy cruising couple!

  • Hull Type: Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Hull Material:GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:28′ 3” / 8.61m
  • Waterline Length:23’ 6” / 7.16m
  • Beam:9’ 7” / 2.92m
  • Displacement:13,500lb / 6,124kg
  • Designer: Herb David
  • Builder: Westsail Corp. (USA)
  • Number Built:78

Feeling inspired? Check out the “go small” philosophy of this 21-year-old who set sail in a CS 27.

Fiona McGlynn

Fiona McGlynn is an award-winning boating writer who created Waterborne as a place to learn about living aboard and traveling the world by sailboat. She has written for boating magazines including BoatUS, SAIL, Cruising World, and Good Old Boat. She’s also a contributing editor at Good Old Boat and BoatUS Magazine. In 2017, Fiona and her husband completed a 3-year, 13,000-mile voyage from Vancouver to Mexico to Australia on their 35-foot sailboat.

Saturday 1st of September 2018

Very useful list, but incomplete - as it would necessarily be, considering the number of seaworthy smaller boats that are around.

In particular, you missed/omitted the Westerly "Centaur" and its follow-on model, the "Griffon". 26 feet LOA, bilge-keelers, weighing something over 6000 pounds, usually fitted with a diesel inboard.

OK, these are British designs, and not that common in the US, but still they do exist, they're built like tanks, and it's rumored that at least one Centaur has circumnavigated.

Friday 31st of August 2018

This is a helpful list, thank you. I don't think most people would consider a 28' boat a pocket cruiser, though!

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Sailing Boats

5 Best Ocean Boats

best ocean cruising yachts

Table of Contents

Last Updated on January 19, 2023 by Boatsetter Team

When it comes to figuring out what type of craft is considered a top ocean boat, it’s important to always remember that ocean conditions vary widely and there will never be a one-size-fits-all answer. 

Pro Tip: Your boat needs to be in tip-top shape to be safe in the ocean and no matter the size or type, if it is not mechanically sound and well-maintained, it probably shouldn’t leave protected waterways. 

If you’re planning a voyage, consider our five best ocean boat types:

  • Inboard Fishing Boats
  • Midsize to Large Center Consoles  
  • Midsize to Large Cabin Cruisers or Yachts
  • Some Catamarans (Power or sail)
  • Cruising Sailboats  

Rent. Charter. Share— Only at Boatsetter 

Inboard fishing boats

inboard fishing boats

Since outboard power has come to dominate the marketplace among smaller fishing boats, most modern inboard sportfishing boats are large and rugged enough for the ocean. There’s no one specific length you can call sufficient, but 30-plus feet is a good starting point. For many people a great way to get out on the ocean in boats like these is to hire a fishing charter so you not only get the boat, you get a captain with oceanic experience as well.

Midsized to large center consoles

center console boats

Most larger center consoles carry multiple engines—always a good thing, when you’re going out on the ocean—and have deep-V hulls designed to handle big waves. On calm days most boaters consider it okay to take smaller models into the ocean, too, as long as you don’t stray too far from the inlet.

Midsized to large cabin cruisers or yachts

cabin cruiser

Just about any big cabin cruiser and any boat worthy of being called a yacht can be taken into the ocean. Not all cruisers and yachts are prepared for it—you certainly don’t want to have a set of fine China sitting on the dinette table when oceanic waves start rolling—but most newer models in good mechanical condition can handle a jaunt in open waters.

Some catamarans (power or sail)

liveaboard catamaran

Many catamarans are designed specifically to take on big seas and are appropriate for ocean use, but not all of them. Catamarans designed for long passages or living aboard, be they power or sail, are generally considered appropriate for use in the ocean.

Cruising sailboats

liveaboard sailboat

Most sailboats designed for extended cruising are relatively large and can handle fairly significant seas. Even when one is ocean-worthy, however, you do have to remember that sailboats travel slower than most powerboats and will take longer to return to port . This makes keeping an eye on the developing weather patterns even more important, so you can plan your trip appropriately.

Again, remember that each individual boat has to be assessed upon its own merits when determining if it should be taken into the ocean. So use good judgment and keep a close watch on the weather forecast, and your oceanic adventure will be a great one.

Need more answers? We got you covered 

What boats are good in the ocean.

The best ocean boats are relatively large and designed to take on open seas. But on a calm day if you stay close to home, just about any boat can be a good boat in the ocean.

What size boat is safe for the ocean? 

There’s simply no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. In some conditions, it may be safe to launch something as small as a kayak from the beach and go into the ocean. But in other conditions, even the 60-footers should stay tied up at the dock.

Can any boat go in the ocean?

Pretty much, yes! This is always a judgment call and the answer on any given day depends on a number of variables.

It’s important to understand that the condition of a boat determines whether it’s ocean-worthy or not. One day the ocean could be glass-calm and as smooth as silk, and just about any boat would be fine running through its waters. The next day stormy seas could make it uncomfortable even on a 100-foot superyacht. 

No size requirements should be considered hard rules and good judgment plus a look at the weather forecast is in order before setting off into the ocean — regardless of what sort of boat you’re on. Check out Weather Safety Tips for Boaters to learn more about how to gain some weather wisdom as it pertains to boating.

About Boatsetter 

Boatsetter is a unique boat-sharing platform that gives everyone — whether you own a boat or you’re just renting — the chance to experience life on the water. You can list a boat , book a boat , or make money as a captain .  

List. Rent. Earn— Only at Boatsetter


With over three decades of experience in marine journalism, Lenny Rudow has contributed to dozens of boating and fishing publications and websites ranging from BoatU.S. Magazine to Rudow is currently the Angler in Chief at Rudow’s FishTalk , he is a past president of Boating Writers International (BWI), a graduate of the Westlawn School of Yacht Design, and has won numerous BWI and OWAA writing awards.

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best ocean cruising yachts

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The world’s best luxury cruise lines, according to globe travel awards.

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Seabourn Sojourn

From poolside mini-massages to Picasso artworks, personal butlers, private access to historic sites and grand 4,443 square-foot suites, here are five of the world’s best luxury cruise lines shortlisted in the 2024 Globe Travel Awards .

1. Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Regent Seven Seas Grandeur

Often dubbed the world’s most luxurious fleet, Regent Seven Seas Cruises offers stylish, ultra-luxury cruising, with complimentary shore excursions in over 550 destinations from Arabia to the South Pacific , carrying fewer than 750 guests on its six sumptuous ships, adorned with Picasso artworks, 40-foot tapestries, and bronze Bonsai Cherry Trees .

Onboard its newest ship , Regent Seven Seas Grandeur , you’ll find a $6 million art collection (including the first Fabergé egg at sea), 503 crystal chandeliers, unlimited high-speed WiFi, gourmet dining from modern French to Pan-Asian (serving more than 130 new dishes), specialist lectures from war history to winemaking and ancestry; a state-of-the-art cooking school, the Culinary Arts Kitchen; and a high-tech spa boasting a zero-gravity wellness massage on quartz crystal bed.

Its palatial $11,000-a-night Regent Suite is set across 4,443 square feet, overlooking the bow of the ship, with two lavish bedrooms (one with a four-poster bed), a marble-wrapped bathroom, a full-size dining room and living room with a personalized bar, three walk-in wardrobes, and a sweeping wraparound balcony with a heated whirlpool.

You’ll also receive daily canapés, access to The Study, a private dining room for up to 12 guests; a personal butler, and a personal car and guide to explore ashore.

Best High-Yield Savings Accounts Of 2024

Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 2. seabourn cruise line.

Seabourn Encore

Seabourn is a leader in small-ship ultra-luxury cruising, boasting an elegant fleet of six ships designed for suave travelers who demand the very best–bearing a private yacht-like atmosphere onboard with all ocean-front suites.

Service is at the heart of Seabourn with complimentary fine wines and premium spirits, mini-massages at the poolside, wine tastings, and fine dining from lobster to quail. While its shore excursions often include private access to historic sites when they’re closed to the general public, as well as sailings into secluded coves and champagne and caviar beach picnics.

The newest of Seabourn’s two purpose-built expedition ships– Seabourn Pursuit , was designed to reach some of the most coveted, remote destinations in the world, carrying just 264 guests with two custom-built submarines, 24 zodiacs, kayaks, and a 24-person expedition team.

Onboard, you can whiz up and down its ten passenger decks boasting an Expedition Lounge , eight dining venues, an infinity pool, and a Discovery Center hosting enthralling lectures–or retire to your Owner’s Suite, set across 1,023 square feet, with a private veranda, sweeping walk-in wardrobe, and a lavish bathroom with a deep soaking tub and plush robes.

At sunset, sip a glass of Montaudon or order gourmet in-room dining, served course by course.

3. Silversea Cruises

A pioneer in ultra-luxury cruising since 1994, Silversea Cruises offers exceptional service standards across its 12 a ll-suite ships, with 24-hour butler service, a Venetian Society loyalty program (earning complimentary 14-day sailings), and some of the highest space-to-guest ratios at sea.

Launched in 2024, its newest ship– Silver Ray –sails with 728 passengers, swanning across its 11 decks with a two-story Venetian Lounge hosting musical performances, film screenings, and guest lectures; a cozy 32-guest cocktail bar, The Shelter ; a sexy cigar lounge, The Connoisseur’s Corner, with floor-to-ceiling windows and Chesterfield armchairs; a panoramic 270-degree observation lounge, The Panorama Lounge; a culinary test kitchen S.A.L.T. Lab, and the Otium Spa inspired by Ancient Roman baths.

Guests staying in the one-bedroom Otium Suite will have 1,324 square feet of space to spread out across with a commodious living room, dining area, a decadent bathroom with its own whirlpool bath, walk-in wardrobes, and floor-to-ceiling glass doors opening onto a vast veranda with a private hot tub.

4. Explora Journeys

Private veranda.

A passion project by the Aponte family, Explora Journeys launched its first ship, EXPLORA I , in August 2023, offering 461 ‘ Homes at Sea.’ At the top of the tree, its Owner’s Residence is set across 3,000 square feet, bearing a private steam room and panoramic ocean-front terrace with a swirling whirlpool where your butler will service you a chilled glass of Dom Pérignon .

Onboard restaurants range from Mediterranean to Pan-Asian , plus a fine-dining restaurant , Anthology , curated by Franck Garanger , serving fine Italian regional dishes like Mediterranean seabass with Arabica coffee and scallop cannelloni with black truffle.

You’ll also find four heated swimming pools, a spacious thermal area, 64 private cabanas, two VIP double spa suites, a Technogym fitness area, Luminaries –hosting expert-led talks, and the first Rolex at Sea boutique.

Sustainability is a focus area for Explora Journeys , and from EXPLORA III onwards, it will use LNG fuel, allowing engines to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

5. Scenic Luxury Cruises and Tours

Scenic Eclipse

With a focus on exclusive experiences from private concerts to gourmet feasts and after-hours access to historical sites, Scenic offers six-star cruising using ground-breaking technology to access some of the most remote environments in the world, from Vanuatu to Snow Hill Island –while protecting the wildlife’s natural habitat and sensitive underwater ecosystems

While cruising with Scenic , you can make use of state-of-the-art helicopters, next-generation submersibles for eight passengers (diving up to 200 meters below sea level), and 20-member expedition teams made up of naturalists, marine biologists, and glaciologists.

Its ultra-luxury yacht Scenic Eclipse II launched in 2023 with a maximum of just 228 guests–bearing 114 luxury suites, a Senses Spa , and a Sky Deck boasting a Vitality pool, private cabanas, and a Sky Bar .

Stay in its Owner’s Penthouse Suite stretching across 1,990 square feet with a sweeping 110 square foot terrace, adorned with sun loungers and a private Jacuzzi; a therapeutic spa bath, dual steam showers, a personalized mini-bar, and a Spa Day Bed transforming for in-suite spa treatments where you can indulge in hot stone massages and eye lift facials as you sail by Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands .

Lewis Nunn

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Yachting World

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Best family yacht: our pick of the best yachts for sailing with the family

  • Toby Hodges
  • March 7, 2024

Toby Hodges takes a look at all the nominees and the winner of the best family yacht category in the European Yacht of the Year Awards

There are many categories in the European Yacht of the Year awards, from the  best luxury yachts  to  performance yachts . But some of the most hotly-anticipated options come when it is time to choose the nominees and winner in the best family yacht category.

The European Yacht of the Year awards are selected by a broad panel of expert judges from across the globe. These are people who spend their professional lives sailing and comparing yachts, so you can be certain that the yachts which stand out in this field are truly the best of the best on the market for those looking to set out with the whole family in tow.

A crop of the latest 35-45ft mainstream production yachts, including the ultra spacious Dufour 41 and the smaller sister to the award-winning Hanse 460, plus a couple of less well known yachts, made for a dynamic grouping this year when it comes to picking the best family yachts 2024.

In this, the most competitive size bracket for volume production yachts, there was plenty to like, but two models stood out: the RM and the Bavaria. The former because it’s different and fills an interesting niche that crosses fast cruising with family sailing, from coastal and shoal draught to bluewater sailing ability; the Bavaria because it masters that mix of deck and interior space, performance and handling in a well finished package.

Winner of the best family yacht 2024 – Bavaria C46

The Bavaria and Cossutti Yacht Design relationship continues to flourish and produce standout results in its second generation. The C46’s modern, full shape brings vast deck and accommodation space yet manages to do so on a hull which really performs for its size, and rewards the helmsman with direct feedback.

During my trial we had a good mix of conditions and were able to push the boat, a voluminous hull which becomes reactive once the breeze threatens double figures. We were able to press it during a rain squall, hitting 12 knots in 18 under gennaker, and maintained lengthy double digit spells during some enjoyable sporty sailing. Bear in mind this is a single-rudder boat, yet it still didn’t overpower or lose its grip. It’s impressive, especially given the exceptionally low ballast ratio (20%), which shows the reliance on form stability.

“The chine is a bit higher than the C42 and we tried to make the wetted surface as small as possible,” Maurizio Cossutti told me during our trial. The keel is also comparatively lighter, slimmer and deeper for a sporty feel. It’s clear the German yard has really poured its engineering energy and might into this build – from design to engineering to finish quality, the perceived richness of the C46 stands out (although dressed with over €200,000 of options, this is still no mean feat in a mass production size and brand). So much so that other big yards may struggle to compete.

You could argue the Dufour 41 does that to some extent, but here the emphasis is slightly more skewed towards volume, while it doesn’t quite match the Bavaria for the overall engineering and finish quality. Felci somehow managed to swell the forward sections enough to allow the Dufour to be the first 40-footer to offer four cabins, including two doubles forward. We then learned in September that Dufour had signed a new contract to supply Sunsail charter yachts, which helps explain the draw of all this extra accommodation space.

The price for this is extra weight. Although equipped with a tall rig, the 41 only becomes reactive once the breeze is up to the mid teens, where it can lean onto a chine and employ its generous form stability. But for those after volume, max deck lounging space and a bright spacious interior for multiple guests, it’s a hard model to compete with at this size (full report in YW September 2023 and online).

On paper the Hanse 410 should perhaps have challenged the Bavaria more. It’s the latest in Hanse’s new collaboration with Berret-Racoupeau, follows on from the larger sister 460 which won this category in 2022, and shares that appealing modern hull shape. It showed respectable performance and figures, and proved easy to manage short-handed, thanks to the self-tacking jib and winches positioned to hand.

A halyard issue with the mainsail and a tangled sock for the kite curtailed my sail trials somewhat. We also found the cockpit quite busy, particularly the winch layout, although it is nice and deep for protecting its crew. It makes you query why you need two tables on a 40-footer – until you see them lowered to create sun beds, that is!

Stand out features from the interior were the number of stowage solutions, particularly on the two-cabin test boat. Offered as two or three cabins with one or two heads, the former provides a huge amount of stowage accessible from the cockpit or interior. There’s more in the galley and a multifunction space in the saloon, which can be a full length sofa berth, a proper chart table, or a standing desk with storage below.

Beneteau Oceanis 37.1

The Beneteau Oceanis 37.1 is also all about easy sailing and handling, and proved to be a fun, manageable sized cruiser, particularly the First Line option we tried, which increases sail area with a square-top main and flat deck furler. While certainly an accessible yacht, it perhaps comes across as a little basic. This is the last Oceanis in the new generation eight-boat range between 30ft and 60ft, so the focus is more on evolution than the revolution of its early predecessors. Hence the two- or three-cabin interior seemed a little unremarkable when viewed against the opposition.

The same could not be said for the RM 1380, particularly when you step down the companionway – which doesn’t really feel like going below decks on a conventional monohull as it’s so naturally bright in the raised saloon and helps you appreciate your surroundings. So much so it’s more like being on a multihull. The doorways are a little tight, but the double cabins are of good size thanks in part to the generous beam. The standard two-cabin layout has a practical utility space in place of the optional third cabin.

I’ve long appreciated the plywood epoxy technique RM uses for its hulls, together with the powerful form stability Lombard’s design brings. This comes with the choice of keels, including the shoal draught options of a lifting centreboard or efficient twin keels. We tried the latter and the result on the water is in keeping with the sporty looks: it’s an enjoyable mid-displacement cruiser to sail from the aft quarters. Then there’s the superb winch layout, which sees the primaries positioned inboard for use standing under the protection of the coachoof and sprayhood. For offshore sailing the open transom can be closed off with a platform. It’s not perfect, but the RM is intriguing and versatile.

Elan Impression 43

Another memorable interior is to be found on the Elan Impression 43. The rustic knotted oak finish is unique, the only option Elan offers and something the Slovenian yard wanted style gurus Pininfarina to maintain to identify it from the sportier ranges. Personally, I like the strong focus on timber as it helps showcase Elan’s heritage, but appreciate it won’t suit all tastes.

These mid size Impressions are the mainstay of Elan’s sailing range, the family and charter staples for the Med. This Humphreys-designed update has a modernised shape, but retains the older style and the hull rocker to keep a soft, smooth sailing experience. It’s rigged with a genoa or self tacker and two to four winches. Although somewhat unremarkable in terms of sailing performance, it fits its purpose, while the increased aft beam allows for larger aft cabins and a service tunnel between them.

best ocean cruising yachts

In an age where we need to focus on making things last, my preconceptions of the Maxus 35 revolved around questioning the need for a lower budget Polish build. Why not just buy a proven second-hand yacht? That said, the Northman shipyard has done a respectable job on this, the largest Maxus yet, in terms of the build and finish for the price. It feels solid throughout, the interior is light and inviting and it is worth consideration as an entry level yacht with reasonable accommodation.

I can also see some appeal of the centreboard design for lake sailing. However there was little to take home with regards to the design or sailing experience, so my conclusions mirror my first thoughts.Best family yacht 2023

Best family yacht 2023

Best family yacht winner – linjett 39.

This is quite possibly the best boat you haven’t heard of. The 39 offers easy, fast family cruising and occasional racing in luxurious comfort and proves that classic needn’t be old fashioned.

Linjett exudes Scandi heritage: a third generation 50-year-old brand, it’s run by three brothers and has built 900 yachts from its Rosättra yard in Sweden, which dates from to the 19th Century. Its business model is based on long production runs – think evergreen rather than trendy. Linjett not only designs, engineers and builds its own boats, but services and maintains them too, with 220 in winter storage. It also now produces the high performance Shogun Yachts in carbon epoxy, which hints at the skill levels of its infusion techniques.

A telling result at sea is how quiet the yacht is. Sturdy and stable, it instils instant confidence and proved a delight to sail. We had some very pleasant upwind beats, pointing high, and some lively reaching, hitting double figures a few times while pushing it under 150m2 gennaker in waves. The Linjett is set up to easily short-hand it too, with two winches and a bank of clutches each side positioned aft in reach of the helm.

The interior is offered with two or three cabins and the latter we saw had an excellent layout, including separate shower/wet hanging compartment aft. Joiner work is first class, with traditional mahogany used as standard, or the more contemporary European Oak on the test boat.

This is a premium yacht, but you get what you pay for. It will surprise most and ensure everyone steps ashore smiling. See our full review next month.

The Dufour 37 may be shorter than the old 360, but Dufour was reluctant to brand this 37 as smaller because its modern, broadened hull shape has resulted in an enlarged deck space, cockpit and owner’s cabin. Felci has designed a clever hull that sails well with good performance for its (34ft) size. The aft quarters behind the helms feel compact to maximise cockpit size, but proved comfortable enough to sail from. The primaries are in reach of the helm and we liked the lightweight, low friction jib sheet adjusters.

The 37 is offered in Easy (two winch), Ocean (cruising), or Performance versions and with a two- or three- cabin layout. The test boat was the most popular Ocean model, although it had €100,000 worth of optional extras including sails, engine and bow thruster, resulting in an expensive yacht for its length.

For those who recognise the Bente name, we previously featured it in detail in 2015 when it burst onto the scene with an innovative and affordable new 24-footer (around 150 of which have been built in Poland). We then tested its 39 in 2019, a year before the yard then filed for bankruptcy. But it’s now back under new ownership with this really impressive and more refined Bente 28, again by Judel/Vrolijk.

It’s a fun yacht to sail, easy to short-hand, with sprightly performance, especially when reaching. The coachroof is part of the deck structure and proves crucial in providing light, space and headroom below in an ergonomic interior that has been very well thought out.

All in all it’s a great compact, entry-level cruiser, with a practical, well protected cockpit.

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best ocean cruising yachts

The best Caribbean cruise for every type of traveler

Gene Sloan

There is no shortage of choices for a cruise to the Caribbean — the most popular place in the world for cruising. More than 200 cruise ships spend at least part of every year in the region. Cruise-selling websites list thousands of individual Caribbean sailings.

This can be great news for would-be Caribbean cruisers, but it also can be overwhelming. With so many options, where do you even begin? Which one of these ships and sailings is the best?

We get the latter question a lot — and we always answer the same noncommittal way: It depends. The best ship and sailing in the Caribbean for whom? The best for us? The best for you? The best for your kids?

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's new cruise newsletter .

When picking the best cruise in the Caribbean, as with choosing the best cruise anywhere, a lot comes down to tastes and preferences. Some people love the big-resort feel of the biggest-of-big ships . Others are horrified by the very idea of them. Some people demand (and are willing to pay for) the highest levels of luxury . Others are on tight budgets. The best cruise for a family with kids isn't necessarily the same as the best cruise for a couple looking for romance.

What kind of cruiser are you? It's important to think that through before narrowing down your choices.

The bottom line is that the best Caribbean cruise for you depends a lot on your travel style. Below, we'll help you narrow the choices by looking at Caribbean cruises by broad category type. The good news is that in the Caribbean, at least, there really is something for everyone.

Best Caribbean cruise for megaresort fans: Royal Caribbean

best ocean cruising yachts

If your idea of a great vacation is a week at a big, bustling resort filled with every sort of amusement known to humans, you'll probably want to start your Caribbean cruise search with a look at the biggest vessels from lines like Royal Caribbean.

If "more is better" is your mantra, skip the search and look up Icon of the Seas . At 248,663 gross tons, the 20-deck-high vessel is the biggest cruise ship in the world. No ship in the Caribbean is quite like it.

Some of Icon of the Seas' wow factors include an incomparably massive water park with six waterslides, a cantilevered infinity pool, a huge glass dome encompassing an indoor AquaTheater for acrobatic and diving shows, and innovative new cabin and suite layouts for families.

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Royal Caribbean offers seven-night Eastern and Western Caribbean sailings departing from Miami aboard Icon of the Seas through April 2026.

Eastern Caribbean itineraries vary but include stops at St. Maarten; St. Thomas; Nassau, Bahamas; Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the line's private island Perfect Day at CocoCay in the Bahamas. At the time of publication, prices for the seven-night Eastern Caribbean cruise started from $1,619 per person.

Western Caribbean ports of call include Costa Maya and Cozumel, Mexico; Roatan, Honduras; Nassau; and Perfect Day at CocoCay. Prices start from $1,579 per person, based on double occupancy, not including taxes and fees.

With at least two sea days per sailing, passengers will have ample opportunity to explore all the attractions the ship has to offer.

Related: Yikes, does Royal Caribbean's new Icon of the Seas really cost that much?

Best Caribbean cruise for families: Disney Cruise Line

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In the family cruise arena , it's hard to top Disney Cruise Line . As you might expect, the line caters heavily to families in every aspect of the cruise experience — from onboard attractions to family-friendly cabin configurations.

Disney's attention to detail transfers to its voyages on the sea. Kids receive the royal treatment with high-quality kids clubs and onboard attractions like the 765-foot-long AquaDuck water coaster. Plus, they have plenty of opportunities for photo ops with their favorite Disney characters.

Parents will find opportunities to unwind at adults-only sun decks and pool areas that are closed to kids; there are also bars and clubs that are off-limits to anyone younger than 18.

Additionally, many cabins on Disney's ships feature extra pull-down bunks and pull-out sofas that will allow four or even five people to stay in a single cabin. Most cabins have two bathrooms — one with a sink and a toilet, and one with a sink and a shower or tub. This is rare in the cruise world, and it's designed to make it easier for families sharing a room to get ready.

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For family fun on the high seas, try a seven-night Western Caribbean cruise aboard Disney Fantasy. Departing from Port Canaveral, the ship stops in Cozumel; George Town, Grand Cayman; Falmouth, Jamaica; and Castaway Cay , Disney's private island.

Also, depending on the time of year you sail, you can enjoy special onboard activities and events for Halloween or Christmas.

Prices start from $1,736.50 per person, based on double occupancy, including taxes, fees and port expenses.

Related: The ultimate guide to Disney Cruise Line ships and itineraries

Best budget Caribbean cruise: Carnival Cruise Line

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The undisputed leader in the Caribbean cruise market when it comes to affordability is Carnival Cruise Line . Not only does Carnival offer lower fares than you'll find at most rival lines, but it also purposely deploys its Caribbean-focused vessels to a wider variety of U.S. home ports than any other line. The idea is that a large percentage of the U.S. population can reach a Caribbean-bound Carnival ship by car, saving the cost of flights.

Related: The ultimate guide to Carnival Cruise Line ships and itineraries

Carnival ships are packed with fun-focused attractions, including multiple pool areas, water parks with waterslides, basketball courts, miniature golf courses and even roller coasters on select ships .

The cruise line is known for its multitude of included-in-the-fare dining spots. Every vessel has two main dining rooms and a casual buffet eatery. Most ships feature two of the best quick-serve poolside dining venues you'll find on mass-market ships at sea: BlueIguana Cantina for burritos and tacos, as well as Guy's Burger Joint.

Carnival ships sail to the Caribbean from all the major Florida cruise hubs but also from ports as far-flung as New York City; Baltimore; Charleston, South Carolina; Norfolk, Virginia; Mobile, Alabama; New Orleans; and Galveston, Texas.

The line's 10-day Eastern Caribbean sailing from New York City on Carnival Venezia is a solid choice for budget-minded travelers seeking an affordable Caribbean escape. Passengers can swim with graceful stingrays in Gibbs Cay or tour historic Cockburn Town during a port call in Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos. In Amber Cove, Dominican Republic, you can take an exciting all-terrain-vehicle tour through the lush backcountry.

Year-round sailings in 2024 offer ample itineraries to fit your schedule and budget. Rates start from $469 per person, based on double occupancy for a 10-night sailing. Fares don't include taxes, fees and port expenses.

Related: 6 ways to get a deal on a cruise

Best Caribbean cruise for solo travelers: Norwegian Cruise Line

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When it comes to catering to solo cruisers, the king of the hill in the Caribbean is Norwegian Cruise Line — at least among the big-ship lines. The Miami-based cruise operator in 2010 began adding entire zones for solo travelers to the center of every new ship it deployed to the region.

You'll now find these zones on Caribbean-focused vessels like Norwegian Encore, Norwegian Breakaway, Norwegian Getaway, Norwegian Epic and Norwegian Prima. Each of these solo cruiser zones, which are unrepeated in the industry for now, includes dozens of cabins for solo travelers, all clustered around each other. There is also a private lounge with a bar and a TV where solos can mingle at daily hosted happy hour gatherings.

Known as Studio cabins, the tiny solo rooms in these complexes measure just 100 square feet, but they're superbly designed to maximize storage space. The cabins' futuristic "Jetsons"-like design and the multicolored mood lighting are particularly noteworthy.

Related: These 8 cabins are great for travelers cruising alone

One big caveat with Norwegian's solo cabins: They're mostly "inside" rooms without an ocean view. That said, most of these interior-facing cabins have a window that looks out onto a corridor. Another downside is that these solo cabins are so popular that they often sell out far in advance at prices not much better than booking a cabin for two.

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Single cruisers seeking some extensive rest and relaxation should consider the "10-day Bermuda & Caribbean: Puerto Rico & Dominican Republic" cruise out of New York City on Norwegian Getaway.

The 3,963-passenger ship is chock-full of restaurants, bars, nightlife spots and fantastic entertainment, including Broadway shows. With Norwegian's laid-back dining plan, solo travelers aren't locked into set dining times and table mates, so they can invite newly made friends to dinner at a time convenient to everyone.

Bermuda is the first stop on this six-port sailing. From there, the ship visits St. Maarten, St. Thomas, San Juan and Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

Rates for a Studio cabin start from $1,499, excluding taxes, fees and port expenses.

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Best Caribbean cruise for luxury lovers: Windstar Cruises

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For those who wouldn't be caught dead on a vessel that doesn't have butler service and free-flowing caviar, the Caribbean can be a tough spot. Many of the world's most luxurious cruise ships spend a lot of time in Europe and Asia or gallivanting around the globe on exotic world cruises . For some luxury lines, the Caribbean is almost an afterthought.

Also, you'll usually only see luxury sailings in the Caribbean during the winter months — from December through March. For luxury cruises in the Caribbean, the period between April and October is pretty much a dead zone.

However, if an upscale cruise experience is what you seek, Windstar Cruises can deliver. The line's seven-night "Classic Caribbean" itinerary aboard Wind Surf should be on your radar.

Windstar Cruises specializes in small ships carrying between 148 and 342 passengers each. The line calls them yachts, but the ships are structured more like tiny cruise ships with indoor lounges and communal dining rooms.

The 342-passenger Wind Surf features six decks, five masts and four types of cabins (all with windows only, no balconies). Accommodations range from 188-square-foot regular cabins to 376-square-foot suites.

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Windstar Cruises ships also include a water sports platform. On select days when the ship is anchored (not docked at a pier) — and the weather, government regulations and planets align — passengers can enjoy various water sports like stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking and swimming right off the back of the ship. You can also lounge on a float or admire the glittering, yacht-dotted harbor from a large foam flotation island.

Wind Surf is also home to multiple dining venues, a pool and hot tubs, a boutique, a spa and a fitness center.

The seven-night Classic Caribbean itinerary begins and ends in St. Maarten. It features sun-kissed beaches, secret coves and gin-clear waters in idyllic ports of call like St. Barts, St. Kitts and Nevis, Guadeloupe, Dominica and St. Lucia.

All-inclusive rates start from $2,622 and cover Wi-Fi, gratuities and unlimited beer, wine and cocktails. Cruise-only rates start from $1,999 (and exclude taxes, fees and port expenses).

Related: The 2 classes of Windstar ships, explained

Best adults-only Caribbean cruise: Virgin Voyages

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Richard Branson-backed Virgin Voyages appeals to vacationers averse to the traditional cruising experience who crave a hip, party atmosphere. Ships are blissfully void of children — cruisers must be over 18 — making it a prime choice for an adults-only cruise.

Virgin has unique onboard offerings like the first tattoo parlor at sea , lots of included dining options, free exercise classes and an app that lets you simply shake your phone to order Champagne (which is delivered to you just about anywhere on board). Also, fares include all meals, soda, basic Wi-Fi and crew gratuities.

Virgin's first vessel, Scarlet Lady, launched in late 2021. The line added Valiant Lady and Resilient Lady in 2022 and 2023, respectively. The debut of the line's fourth ship in the fleet, Brilliant Lady, has been delayed until September 2025 .

Ships are filled with stylish, adult-oriented bars promising a hopping scene late into the night, as well as hipster venues like a colorful karaoke lounge. Onboard entertainment is inventive and often edgier than what you might see on traditional cruises.

Cabins sport a minimalist look with futuristic touches, and suites exude a rock 'n' roll vibe with in-room turntables and peekaboo showers.

The line's "Dominican Haze" five-night itinerary to Bimini, Bahamas, and Puerto Plata sails out of Miami on the 2,770-passenger Scarlet Lady. With two sea days, the sailing offers a good mix of onboard activities and port-of-call exploration. Party by the pool or swim with stingrays during your day at Virgin Voyages' Bimini Beach Club . Chill out on a powder-white beach or go waterfall hunting in the jungle in the Dominican Republic.

Rates start from $913.75 per person, based on double occupancy (excluding taxes and fees).

Related: Virgin Voyages cruise cabins and suites: Everything you want to know

Best Caribbean cruise for couples: Holland America

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Holland America offers spacious midsize vessels that carry no more than 2,700 passengers, providing a relaxed and intimate cruising experience ideal for pairs seeking quality time at sea.

Caribbean-craving couples will be sated with the nine-day "Southern Caribbean Seafarer" cruise sailing out of Fort Lauderdale aboard Rotterdam. The 2,650-passenger ship, which debuted in 2021, is Holland America's newest.

In addition to a main restaurant and casual buffet, Rotterdam features five separate specialty dining venues — everything from a pan-Asian eatery to an upscale steakhouse. Extensive onboard entertainment includes clubs featuring blues and classic rock, as well as various musical performances in the main theater. Cultural programming, pickleball lessons, and food and wine tastings are among the complimentary activities available.

Of course, relaxing by the pool and indulging in a restorative spa treatment are also options.

On the Southern Caribbean Seafarer cruise, couples can visit Curacao, Aruba and Half Moon Cay, the line's private island in the Bahamas. An overnight stay in Curacao allows cruisers to dive deeper into the island's history, culture and natural lures. Aruba offers diversions below and above the water, from submarine tours and snorkeling to hikes and off-roading adventures. The stop at pristine Half Moon Cay provides an easy and relaxing beach day.

Rates start from $799 per person, based on double occupancy (excluding taxes and fees).

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  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Slovenščina
  • Science & Tech
  • Russian Kitchen

A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

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Trans-Siberian heritage

Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans the breadth of Russia. The railway is such a part of Novosibirsk identity that it is even depicted on the city’s emblem, along with the bridge that crosses the Ob river and two Siberian sables standing on their hind legs.  

In the city, there are as many as five monuments to trains, and an open-air locomotive museum is located in the vicinity of the train station Seyatel’. The museum has more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. Wondering around the stationary trains and comparing your height with the diameter of the gigantic iron wheels of the first steam locomotives is all very well, but why not climb inside the carriages and see how the nobility once traveled across Russia in pre-revolutionary times? These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. 

Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth century, the border of two different timezones passed right through the city which led to a strange situation- morning on the east bank started one hour earlier than on the west bank! The two-kilometer covered metro bridge that crosses the river is considered the longest in the world. Due to the fluctuations in temperature across the year (on average +30 °C to -30 °C), during the summer the metro bridge expands, and in the winter it contracts by half a meter. To counter these effects, the bridge’s supports are equipped with special rollers that allow it to move.   

The cultural center of Siberia

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The repertoire of the theatre can be viewed on its official website . The theatre season runs from September to July, and comprises mainly classical performances, like the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” and Verdi’s “La Traviata”.  

The large Siberian sea and ligers

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Weekends are best spent at the Novosibirsk zoo . The zoo is known for breeding big cats, although surrounded by controversy, hosts a successful crossing of a tiger and lion, which of course would not otherwise breed in wildlife. Ligers, or exotic cubs of an African lion and Bengal tigress, feel quite comfortable in the Siberian climate and even produce offspring. The zoo is open to visitors year-round, seven days a week, and even has its own free mobile app, Zoo Nsk .

Every year at the beginning of January, the festival of snow culture takes place bringing together artists from across Russia and around the world to participate in a snow sculpting competition. The tradition started in 2000 inspired by the snow festival in Sapporo, Novosibirsk’s twin-city.

Siberian Silicon Valley

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Despite the fact that Akademgorodok was built half a century ago in the middle of the uninhabited Siberian taiga, architecturally it was ahead of its time. No trees were destroyed for its construction, and houses were built right in the middle of the forest. A man walking through the woods would seemingly stumble upon these structures. At that time, no one had built anything similar in the world and ecovillages only became fashionable much later.

For residents of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a different world. When you step out the bus or car, you are immediately on one of the hiking paths through the forest, between the scientific buildings and clubs. On a walk through Akademgorodok, it is possible to unexpectedly encounter art-like objects handmade by residents of the city which have been erected as monuments and some monuments fixed up by city authorities. For example, the monument to the laboratory mice, which knits a strand of DNA on to some needles, can be found in the square alongside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. In Akademgorodok there are many cafes and restaurants, in which it is possible to rest after a long walk. Grab a coffee and go to eat at Traveler’s Coffee , or eat lunch at the grille and bar People’s or Clover .

Winters in the Akademgorodok are slightly colder than in the city, so wrap up. Spring and summer are usually wetter, so waterproof boots are recommended. In the summer the Ob sea provides respite from the heat, so do not forget your swimsuit to go for a dip.

Memento Mori

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Among the exhibits of the museum is one dedicated to world funeral culture — hearses, memorial jewellery from the hair of the deceased, samples from a specific photo-genre of  "post mortem", a collection of funeral wear from the Victorian era, deathmasks, statues and monuments. There’s also an impressive collection of coffins. One of them, resembling a fish, was manufactured on a special visit to Novosibirsk by a designer coffin-maker from Africa, Eric Adjetey Anang, who specializes in the production of unusual coffins.

Surprisingly, the crematorium itself does not look at all gloomy in appearance and definitely does not look like infernal scenes from movies, or like crematoriums of other cities that gravitate towards gloomy temple aesthetics. The Novosibirsk crematorium is decorated in “cheerful” orange tones and is surrounded by a park with a children’s playground nearby. A visit to the museum then leaves you with mixed feelings. 

Novosibirsk underground

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Tourists from all over the world go down into the Moscow metro to take a ride and a few selfies in the most famous underground museum. The Novosibirsk metro is also quite a museum in itself — it has 13 stations, the most beautiful of which is Gagarinskaya, Sibirskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal.

The ultramodern Gagarinskaya station is like a real cosmos underground. Its technologically themed design includes marble walls with metallic elements, dark blue backlighting and portraits of Yuri Gagarin. The Sibirskaya station looks like an underground treasure trove, decorated by Altai masters craftsmen with mosaics of precious Siberian stones. The Rechnoy Vokzal station is framed with ten glowing stained glass windows depicting the largest cities of Siberia, including Novosibirsk itself, Omsk, Barnaul and others. The platform resembles a big ship sailing on the Ob, from which ancient Siberian cities are visible through its windows.  

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Novosibirsk is by plane with Aeroflot or Novosibirsk airline S7 with one-way tickets from Moscow costing from 200-250 USD. If you decide to take from the train from Moscow, you’ll have to travel approximately a third of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That’s 3,300 kilometers over almost a three-day journey. 

Where to stay

There are many great hotels in Novosibirsk. Amongst the best include a four-star Doubletree hotel by Hilton , which is located near Lenin Square (per room from $200). After renovations and repairs, the congress-hotel Novosibirsk has improved (per room from $100) and is located across from the train station. Less expensive but of a similar standard is the four-star River Park hotel near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, which costs $80 per night.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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