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Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? [The Reason Explained]

why do yachts have black sails

One of the joys of owning a yacht is that you get to customize that baby like nobody’s business. That’s why no two yachts ever look the same, even if they’re exactly the same make and model. From the upholstery, to the console, the decking, and of course the body paint, you can do pretty much anything you want with a yacht. Oh, except for the sails.

If you’ve been hanging around yachts enough, you might have noticed that all of them have black sails. What gives? Is this some unspoken yacht owner pact? Or is it all just a grand coincidence? Why do yachts have black sails? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails?

what do black sails on a yacht mean

Unbeknownst to most people, yacht sails actually have a long history of design changes and modifications. Way back when, sails were made from cotton and came in a variety of colors, but often just a basic beige.

As time went on and manufacturers discovered better ways to make sails more efficient, they tossed out the cotton in favor of Kevlar. This material had Kevlar lines woven right into them which gave the sails better strength against strong winds. This also gave the sails a yellow tinge.

Fast forward a few years, and carbon fiber became the standard for yacht sails. They provided excellent resilience, UV resistance, and just the right flexibility to accommodate changes in wind strength and speed. And while they can come in different colors, most manufacturers offer them in plain black since they’re easier to manufacture that way.

Well, that covers pretty much the basics. But if you really want to get into it, then here are some of the most common reasons why yachts have black sails:

It’s What’s Available

Manufacturers for yacht sails compete closely with one another. So whatever sails one of them offers will be the same sails that others do. And since carbon fiber sails are pretty much the standard these days, that’s what all of them have in stock.

Keep in mind that they don’t really choose to make them black. It’s just that the material is naturally black because of the carbon. These fibers are weaved into the material which is basically layers of polyester that are naturally transparent.

Can they make them in other colors? Probably. But since black has become the standard, it seems they’re not really keen on mixing up the look. What’s more, making an effort to change the colors might mean having to add other materials into the mix, changing the way the sail performs all together.

It’s the Standard

The black color has become strongly associated with performance sails. It’s kind of like the marker of a quality sail. Yacht owners and even regular boat enthusiasts know that a black sail is the standard of top performance because it’s made from premium materials.

That said, changing the color might distance the product from that image. And since manufacturers don’t want to dissociate from being ‘top quality’ brands, there’s really no reason to try to change things up by offering other sail colors that might not be recognized as top tier.

It’s Sleek and Aesthetically Pleasing

Let’s be honest -- a black sail definitely adds a sporty look to a yacht. These high performance sails are intended to make your yacht operate optimally even in the face of strong winds and waves. And to match this competitive performance, they offer a distinct, athletic look.

No doubt, going for a spin in a yacht with black sails can make your vessel look like a true-blue, competition worthy boat. In fact, most boats that use these black carbon fiber sails actually compete in various water sports and racing events, which has associated the black color with supreme performance.

It’s a Mark of Quality

If you’re familiar with black sails for yachts, then you know from just a glance that these dark sails are the mark of quality. Actually anyone who wants to get a quality sail for their yacht will likely go for the black ones first since they’re developed for optimal performance in various wind conditions.

In essence, a black sail is like a seal of quality and durability. So if you want to showcase your yacht and demonstrate your superiority without having to say a word, all you really need is a black sail.

Are There Other Colors for Yacht Sails?

Absolutely -- sails still come in a variety of colors. In fact, you can get them in virtually any color you want. The trade-off though is that you probably won’t find carbon fiber sails in any other color but a dark gray or black. But that’s okay especially if you’re not really interested in using your boat competitively.

Unless you’re into competitive sailing or racing, you probably won’t need a carbon fiber sail. There are lots of other sails on the market that use various other materials, like Dacron sails which are still in use today. These were popular before Kevlar, but still find their place on the market because of their so-so performance and affordable prices.

Keep in mind though that when you buy a sail just to change up the color, you also sacrifice the durability and performance of the sail. As of writing, there is no other type of material that matches the level of performance, resilience, and quality of carbon fiber sails . So naturally, sails that come in other colors (and thus use different materials) will likely produce substandard performance.

Once You Go Black

So, why do yachts have black sails? It’s really a matter of material. Carbon fiber sails are all the rage these days for boat owners who want to get the best performance out of their yacht. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get a sail in a different color. There are lots of sails available on the market -- many of them offered in a variety of hues. Just remember that if they’re not carbon-fiber, they may not be as reliable as performance grade sails.

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Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? (Revealing the Reasons)

black sails on sailboats

Yachts are known for their sleek designs and luxurious amenities, so it’s no surprise that they often have black sails.

But why is this? What are the advantages of having black sails on a yacht? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why yachts have black sails, revealing the style factor, sun absorption benefits, cooling effects, glare reduction, low profile advantages, and performance impacts.

We’ll also discuss the different types of black sails available.

Get ready to discover the secrets behind the black sails of yachts!.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Black sails are popular on yachts for a few reasons.

They help reduce glare from the sun, which can be a hazard when sailing.

Black sails also have a sleek and stylish look, which many yacht owners desire.

Finally, they provide a uniform look when a fleet of yachts is sailing together.

The Style Factor of Black Sails

When it comes to style, black sails are an extremely popular choice for yachts.

Not only do they create a sleek and sophisticated look, but they can also make a yacht stand out from the crowd.

The color black is also associated with luxury, power, and strength, three qualities that are often sought after in a yacht.

Black sails can also help a boat stand out against the horizon, making it easier to spot in crowded waters.

In addition, the dark color of the sails helps to create a strong contrast against the bright blue sea, further highlighting the yachts unique style and grace.

The Sun Absorption Benefits of Black Sails

black sails on sailboats

When it comes to sailing, having the right equipment is essential.

Yachts often feature black sails as a stylish addition that adds a sleek and sophisticated look as well as some practical benefits.

Black sails are popular because they absorb heat from the sun, making it easier to move the boat through the water.

Additionally, the dark color helps to reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, keeping the boat and its occupants cool.

The black color also helps to reduce the amount of glare coming off of the sails, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht.

The heat absorption benefits of black sails are especially valuable in warmer climates.

The sails act as a kind of sunshade, helping to reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the deck and the passengers.

This helps to keep the boat and its occupants cool, allowing them to enjoy a comfortable sailing experience.

The dark color also helps to reduce the amount of glare coming off the sails, making it easier for the crew to keep track of their direction and speed.

The combination of these benefits makes black sails an ideal option for sailing yachts .

Not only do they provide a stylish and sophisticated look, but they also help to reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the deck and the passengers, making for a more comfortable sailing experience.

They also help to reduce the amount of glare coming off the sails, making navigation easier for the crew.

All in all, black sails are a great choice for any yacht, offering style and practicality.

The Cooling of the Boat and Crew

The heat of the sun can make sailing a yacht quite uncomfortable and even dangerous in some cases.

This is why many yacht owners and sailors opt for black sails.

Of all the colors, black absorbs the most heat from the sun and helps keep the boat and its occupants cool.

Additionally, the black color helps to reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, further helping to keep the boat and its occupants cool.

Black sails are designed with a special material that is lightweight and breathable, allowing air to pass through while also absorbing the heat from the sun.

This breathability helps to keep the sails from becoming too hot and makes them comfortable to touch.

Additionally, the black color helps to reduce glare that can make it difficult to see and navigate the yacht.

This makes it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht without any distractions or discomfort.

Overall, black sails are an ideal choice for yacht owners looking for a stylish and practical addition to their vessel.

The black color helps to absorb heat from the sun, keeping the boat and its occupants cool and comfortable.

Additionally, the black color helps to reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, and the special material used in the sails helps to reduce glare, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht.

Reducing Glare from the Sails

black sails on sailboats

Yachts are often equipped with black sails to reduce the amount of glare coming off of them.

The color black absorbs more light than other colors, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht without being dazzled by the sun reflecting off of the sails.

The reduced glare also helps to keep the yacht and its occupants cooler, as less of the suns rays will reach the deck.

Additionally, the black color helps to make the yacht look more sophisticated and stylish, giving it a sleek and modern feel.

The black sails on a yacht also offer a few other advantages.

For one, the black sails absorb more heat from the sun, which can help to make the yacht easier to sail.

This is especially helpful in areas with high winds, as the heat from the sails can help to propel the yacht forward.

Additionally, the black sails are less likely to fade over time, meaning that they will keep their color and appearance for longer than sails in other colors.

Finally, black sails are also less likely to attract birds and other wildlife, which can be a nuisance if they land on the sails.

The Advantages of a Low Profile

Yachts featuring black sails can provide a distinct, sophisticated look that can make any vessel stand out from the crowd.

But black sails can also be advantageous for a number of reasons.

One of the most important advantages of having black sails is the reduced profile they provide.

Black sails absorb heat from the sun, which makes the boat easier to move through the water.

Additionally, the black color helps to reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, which can help keep the boat and its occupants cool.

Finally, the black sails are designed to reduce the amount of glare that comes off of the sails, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht.

The low profile offered by black sails also makes them ideal for sailing in areas with a lot of wind and other weather-related challenges.

This is because the black sails are less likely to catch the wind and create unwanted resistance, allowing the yacht to move more smoothly and efficiently.

Additionally, the low profile of the sails can help to reduce the amount of drag the yacht experiences in the water, further improving the yachts speed and efficiency.

Finally, the low profile offered by black sails also makes them ideal for sailing in areas with a lot of people.

This is because the black sails can help to blend in with the environment, making the yacht less visible to other boats and people on the water.

The lower profile also helps to reduce the amount of glare coming off of the sails, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht.

The Impact of Black Sails on Performance

black sails on sailboats

When it comes to sailing, performance is key.

Yachts are built for speed and agility, and the choice of sail color can have a huge impact on their performance.

Black sails absorb more heat from the sun, helping to move the boat through the water faster.

They also reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, keeping the boat and its occupants cooler.

Additionally, black sails reduce the amount of glare coming off of the sails, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht.

The black color of the sail also has a psychological impact on the crew.

Black sails look sleek and sophisticated, and can give the crew a feeling of confidence and power.

This can help to boost morale and performance, leading to better sailing results.

The black sails also have a practical purpose.

The dark color helps to hide dirt, salt and other stains that can accumulate on the sails over time.

This helps to keep the sails looking better for longer, and can help to maintain the yacht’s value.

By carefully considering the performance, psychological and practical benefits of black sails, it is easy to see why they are such a popular choice for yachts.

Black sails can help to improve the speed and performance of the yacht, boost the morale of the crew, and keep the sails looking better for longer.

The Different Types of Black Sails

When it comes to yachting, black sails are becoming increasingly popular.

Depending on the type of yacht, there are multiple varieties of black sails to choose from.

Some of the most common types are laminated sails, mylar sails, and dacron sails.

Laminated sails are made from multiple layers of fabric that have been bonded together with resin.

These sails are typically lightweight and provide excellent performance on the water.

They are also known for their strength, durability, and resistance to UV light.

Mylar sails are made from a synthetic material that is designed to be lightweight and durable.

These sails provide a sleek look and can withstand higher wind speeds than their laminated counterparts.

Dacron sails are made from a woven material that is extremely strong and durable.

This material is perfect for sailing in high winds, and it also helps to reduce the amount of glare that comes off the sails.

No matter which type of black sail you choose, they all offer the same benefits: they provide a stylish look, reduce the amount of sun that reaches the deck, and also reduce glare.

This makes them the perfect choice for sailing in any conditions.

Final Thoughts

The black sails on yachts offer a unique style factor and provide many practical benefits, such as absorbing heat from the sun, cooling the boat, reducing glare, and providing a low profile.

Understanding the advantages of black sails can help you choose the best type of sail for your yacht, and ultimately improve your performance on the water.

With this knowledge, you’ll be ready to sail with style and confidence!.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Why Racing Sailing Yachts Opt for Black Sails: An Insider’s Guide

Racing sailing yachts are often seen with black sails, which can be a striking and intimidating sight for onlookers. But why do these boats use black sails, and what advantages do they offer?

One reason for the use of black sails is to reduce glare and improve visibility for the crew. White sails can reflect sunlight and create a glare that makes it difficult to see the course ahead, especially in bright conditions. Black sails absorb light and reduce glare, making it easier for sailors to spot obstacles and make quick decisions.

Another advantage of black sails is their ability to absorb heat and transfer it to the sailcloth, which can help to create more lift and speed. This is particularly useful in light wind conditions, where the extra boost can make a significant difference. Additionally, black sails can be made from materials that are more durable and resistant to UV damage, which can extend their lifespan and reduce maintenance costs.

Why Racing Sailing Yachts Opt for Black Sails

Advantages of Black Sails

Black sails have become a popular choice for racing sailing yachts due to the following advantages:

Black sails give a sleek and modern look to the yacht, which is visually appealing and can attract sponsors and fans. The sails also look good in photographs and videos, which is important for marketing purposes.

Higher Speeds

Black sails absorb more sunlight than white sails, which makes them warmer and increases their efficiency. This can result in higher speeds, especially in light winds. The difference in speed may not be significant, but it can make a difference in a race where every second counts.

UV Protection

Black sails are less likely to fade or get damaged by UV rays than white sails. This is because black sails absorb more light and heat than white sails, which can cause them to break down faster. Black sails made of carbon fibers are especially resistant to UV damage and can last longer than other materials.

Durability and Strength

Black sails are made of strong and durable materials, such as carbon fibers, which can withstand high winds and rough seas. They are also less likely to get dirty or stained than white sails, which can be a problem in long races.

Black sails are usually lighter than white sails, which can make a difference in racing. The weight savings can be used to add other equipment or to improve the yacht’s performance.

Black sails absorb more heat than white sails, which can be a disadvantage in hot weather. The heat can make the yacht’s cabin uncomfortable and can affect the crew’s performance. However, this can be mitigated by using lighter materials or by adding ventilation.

In conclusion, black sails have several advantages over white sails, including a sleek look, higher speeds, UV protection, durability and strength, and weight savings. However, they may not be suitable for all conditions, especially in hot weather.

sailboats with black sails

Disadvantages of Black Sails

Black sails may look sleek and stylish, but they do come with some disadvantages that sailors should consider before choosing them for their racing yachts.

One of the main disadvantages of black sails is their cost. They are often more expensive than traditional white sails, as they require special materials and manufacturing processes. This can be a significant investment for sailors, and may not be worth it for those on a tight budget.


Black sails also require more maintenance than white sails. They tend to show dirt and stains more easily, which means they need to be cleaned more frequently. Additionally, black sails can be prone to fading over time, which means they may need to be replaced more frequently than white sails.


Another potential issue with black sails is delamination. This occurs when the layers of the sail start to separate, which can weaken the sail and make it less effective. Black sails are more prone to delamination than white sails, which means sailors need to be vigilant about checking for signs of damage.

Black sails are also more susceptible to damage from UV rays. The dark color absorbs more sunlight, which can cause the material to break down more quickly. Sailors need to be careful to store their black sails properly and to protect them from the sun when not in use.

Finally, black sails can be less visible than white sails, especially in low light conditions. This can make it more difficult for other boats and ships to see the racing yacht, which could be dangerous. Sailors need to take extra precautions to ensure their boat is visible to other vessels on the water.

Overall, while black sails may look impressive, they do come with some drawbacks that sailors need to consider before choosing them for their racing yachts.

Material Composition of Black Sails

Black sails are a common sight in racing sailing yachts. They are often made of a combination of materials that provide the necessary strength and durability for the high-performance demands of racing. Here are some of the materials that are commonly used in the composition of black sails:

  • Carbon fibers : Carbon fibers are known for their strength and lightness. They are often used in the construction of high-performance sails, including black sails.
  • Polyester : Polyester is a common material used in sail construction. It is known for its durability and resistance to UV rays.
  • Kevlar : Kevlar is a type of aramid fiber that is known for its strength and resistance to abrasion. It is often used in the construction of racing sails, including black sails.
  • Dyneema fibers : Dyneema fibers are also known for their strength and lightness. They are often used in the construction of high-performance sails.
  • Taffeta : Taffeta is a type of non-woven surface material that is often used in sail construction. It provides a smooth surface that reduces drag and improves performance.

In addition to these materials, black sails often have an adhesive layer that helps to bond the various layers of material together. This adhesive layer is essential for providing the necessary strength and durability for racing sails.

Overall, the material composition of black sails is carefully chosen to provide the necessary strength, durability, and performance for racing sailing yachts.

Types of Black Sails

There are several types of black sails used in racing sailing yachts. Each type is designed to provide specific benefits to the yacht and its crew. In this section, we will discuss some of the most popular types of black sails.

3Di sails are a type of black sail that is known for its durability, lightweight, and high-performance racing capabilities. These sails are made using helix load shearing technology, which allows them to withstand heavy loads and maintain their shape even in strong winds.

There are two main types of 3Di sails: 3Di Ocean and 3Di Endurance. 3Di Ocean sails are designed for offshore racing and cruising, while 3Di Endurance sails are designed for long-distance racing. Both types of sails are made using the same technology and materials, but they are optimized for different sailing conditions.

One of the key benefits of 3Di sails is their ability to maintain their shape over time. Unlike traditional sails, which can stretch and deform over time, 3Di sails are designed to maintain their shape even after extended use. This means that they provide consistent performance throughout their lifespan.

In addition to their performance benefits, 3Di sails are also environmentally friendly. They are made using recyclable materials and are designed to last longer than traditional sails, which reduces the environmental impact of sail production.

Overall, 3Di sails are a popular choice for racing sailing yachts due to their durability, lightweight, and high-performance capabilities. Whether racing offshore or long-distance, these sails are designed to provide consistent performance and withstand the rigors of racing.

Other Sail Colors

While black sails are commonly used in racing sailing yachts, other sail colors can also be used depending on the purpose and preference of the sailor. Here are some of the other sail colors that are used in sailing:

White Sails

White sails are the most common type of sails used in sailing. They are versatile and can be used in different weather conditions. They are also easy to maintain and repair. White sails are often used in cruising and recreational sailing.

Red sails are not commonly used in sailing, but they can be used for racing or for aesthetic purposes. They are not as versatile as white sails and are best used in specific weather conditions.

Tanbark Sails

Tanbark sails are made from a type of dyed canvas that gives them a reddish-brown color. They are often used in traditional and classic sailing yachts for aesthetic purposes. Tanbark sails are not as durable as modern sails and require more maintenance.

Grey sails are not commonly used in sailing, but they can be used for racing or for aesthetic purposes. They are not as versatile as white sails and are best used in specific weather conditions.

Sail colors can also be influenced by fashion and image. Pirate ships, for example, are often depicted with black sails to create a menacing image. In modern sailing, the choice of sail color can also be influenced by fashion and personal preference.

In conclusion, while black sails are commonly used in racing sailing yachts, there are other sail colors that can be used depending on the purpose and preference of the sailor. White sails are the most common type of sails used in sailing, while red sails, tanbark sails, and grey sails are used for specific purposes. The choice of sail color can also be influenced by fashion and image.

Yacht Racing and Black Sails

Yacht racing is a highly competitive sport that requires the best performance from the boats and the sailors. Many factors can affect the performance of a yacht, including the design, materials , and modifications. One of the most visible modifications that yacht racers use is black sails.

Black sails are not a new concept in yacht racing. They have been used for many years by some of the most successful yacht racers in the world. The reason for this is simple: black sails offer better performance than traditional white sails.

Black sails are made from a different material than white sails. They are made from a high-tech material that is lighter, stronger, and more durable than traditional sailcloth. This material is also more resistant to UV rays, which can cause white sails to degrade over time.

In addition to the material, black sails are also designed differently than white sails. They are cut differently, with a flatter shape that allows them to generate more lift. This increased lift translates into better performance, especially in light wind conditions.

Yacht racers also use black sails because they are more visible on the water. This is especially important in crowded racing conditions, where it can be difficult to see other boats. Black sails stand out against the water and make it easier for sailors to avoid collisions.

Finally, black sails are also easier to maintain than white sails. They do not show dirt or stains as easily, and they do not need to be washed as often. This makes them a popular choice for yacht racers who want to spend more time on the water and less time maintaining their sails.

In conclusion, black sails are a popular choice for yacht racers who want to improve their performance on the water. They offer better lift, increased visibility, and easier maintenance than traditional white sails. While they may not be the right choice for every sailor, they are certainly worth considering for those who want to compete at the highest level of yacht racing.

In conclusion, the use of black sails in racing sailing yachts is not just a fashion statement but has a practical purpose. The black color absorbs more heat than any other color, which helps to warm up the air inside the sail, making it more efficient. The use of black sails is most effective in colder climates where the air is denser and less efficient at powering the sail.

Additionally, black sails are more durable and resistant to UV rays, which can cause damage to the sail over time. This makes black sails a practical choice for racing yachts that are exposed to the sun and wind for extended periods.

However, it is important to note that the use of black sails is not always the best choice. In warmer climates, the heat absorbed by the black sail can cause the air inside to expand, reducing the sail’s efficiency. In these conditions, lighter-colored sails may be more effective.

Overall, the use of black sails in racing sailing yachts is a strategic decision based on the specific conditions of the race and the preferences of the sailors. It is just one of many factors that contribute to the overall performance of the boat and should be carefully considered before making a decision.

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I worked as an officer in the deck department on various types of vessels, including oil and chemical tankers, LPG carriers, and even reefer and TSHD in the early years. Currently employed as Marine Surveyor carrying cargo, draft, bunker, and warranty survey.

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North sails expert per andersson explores fashion and function in the striking look of black sails on the water, and explains why sails may come in different shades of black..

black race sails

Fashion, Function, and Material Composition

Black has not always been the fast look for sails, but lately more and more black sails are showing up on the water. Why? The simple answer is that many sails are now made with carbon fibers—the strongest load-carrying material in sails—and carbon is black. If some sails seem even blacker to you than they did a few years ago, you may be noticing North’s 3Di sails, a product that has gained significant market share since it first was introduced. Many sailmakers use carbon in their sails, but typically the carbon is laminated between layers of polyester or Mylar film, so it does not look completely black.

North’s 3DL sails fell into this category for many years, with variable densities of the carbon, depending on where it was needed to resist the heaviest loads. 3Di sails are darker because starting in 2013 with the introduction of 3Di RAW , we’ve rid our highest-performing sails of the cover layer and its associated parasitic weight.

We should point out that not all 3Di sails are black, because North has 3Di products that include aramid fibers, which are yellow, and Dyneema fibers, which are white. We also use black, white or gray taffeta or non-woven surface materials for durability on our 3Di ENDURANCE and 3Di OCEAN performance cruising products, for which the owner can choose the color of preference.

black racing headsail

Early on, to make a more consistent and solid look on our RAW product, we began to pigment the aramid fibers because they simply looked better black, mixed with carbon and Dyneema fibers. “Dyneema fibers are not available with black pigment but with only a small amount of Dyneema in our 3Di sail structure, a small amount of pigment in the adhesive produces a solid black surface.”

Many sailmakers have followed the trend toward black sails. Most add a “light skin” or taffeta on top of the film to achieve the black look! Others simply add a non-woven layer of colored polyester material to make the sails black.

carbon black code sail





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  • The show includes characters directly from the novel, serving as a prequel, with a focus on the Pirate Republic of Nassau and its downfall.
  • The Urca de Lima mentioned in the show was a real ship that sank off the coast of Florida, but its treasures were not as grand as portrayed.

Fact steeped in fiction. Or maybe fiction with a few drops of fact. Whenever we think of pirates, our imagination blurs the line that separates history and fantasy, painting a picture that is at the same time of Blackbeard and Captain Hook. This is plain to see in our current media landscape, in which stories ranging from Pirates of the Caribbean to Our Flag Means Death create their own mythology around pirates or drink straight from reality, reimagining true historical figures in amazing, fantastic ways. But perhaps no show or movie in the past few decades has managed to capture the collective imagination of piracy better than Starz’s Black Sails .

A beautiful work of adventure storytelling, Black Sails is often described as historical fiction. And, yeah, those descriptions are not wrong: the series, which lasted from 2014 to 2017, does indeed tackle a huge, but not that well-known moment in world history, particularly the history of the colonization of the Americas. However, the show also embraces a lot of fantasy , placing it in such a realistic context that it can be tough to separate real characters from fictional ones. So what is, then, the reality behind Black Sails ? Who was Captain Flint? What was the Pirate Republic of Nassau? Was the Urca de Lima a real boat?

  • Black Sails

Follows Captain Flint and his pirates twenty years prior to Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel "Treasure Island."

‘Black Sails’ Takes a Lot of Inspiration from Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’

Well, before we dive into the real history behind Black Sails , it’s important to get one thing out of the way: the show created by Robert Levine and Jonathan E. Steinberg is as much a piece of historical fiction as it is Treasure Island fanfiction. The Robert Louis Stevenson novel, serialized between 1881 and 1882, and first compiled into a book in 1883, is responsible for creating a lot of the imagery that we have come to associate with pirates over the past two centuries, from treasure maps to wooden legs. Thus, it is no wonder that it has influenced a series such as Black Sails . However, Stevenson’s impact on the show goes way beyond a few elements of art direction.

Many of the core characters in Black Sails are actually lifted straight from Stevenson’s novel , with the series’ four seasons serving as a sort of prequel to the book. We’re talking about protagonists like Captain Flint ( Toby Stephens ), John Silver ( Luke Arnold ), and Billy Bones ( Tom Hopper ), but also about some minor characters, such as Ben Gunn ( Chris Fisher ). Even Madi ( Zethu Dlomo-Mphahlele ), the maroon leader who ends up falling in love with Silver, is lifted from Stevenson’s work: though not much is known about her, there is a reference to the pirate being married to a woman of color.

'Black Sails' Showrunners on the Series Finale, Why They Didn't Do 'Treasure Island', and More

The showrunners also talk about deciding the fates of the characters, what's next, and more.

In Treasure Island , much like in the final season of Black Sails , Billy Bones and John Silver are sort of rivals , with Bones warning young protagonist Jim Hawkins to beware of a pirate with just one leg. Captain Flint’s former first mate, Bones, is a guest at Jim’s parents’ inn when he dies as a result of a stroke, leaving behind a map that is supposed to lead to Flint’s buried treasure. This treasure is hidden by the captain in Season 4 of Black Sails , and that is just a portion of all the gold and gems that were found at the Urca de Lima.

As for Silver, Jim becomes acquainted with him in Treasure Island while looking for the titular treasure. In the novel, the pirate is a cook aboard the Hispaniola, the ship upon which Jim and his friends set sail. Though he seems to like Jim well enough, Silver is a deceitful, shrewd man who should not be trusted , much like Luke Arnold’s character in the first season of the show.

The Pirate Republic that Appears in ‘Black Sails’ Was Indeed Real

But that’s about it for Stevenson’s influence over Black Sails . When it comes to populating the world that Silver, Flint, and Bones inhabit, Levine and Steinberg took a page not from fiction, but from actual history books. And for those that think an island completely run by pirates, with a Jolly Roger flying atop a heavily armed fort, is too much, well, the BBC’s got news for you : not only was the island of Nassau, in the Bahamas, decorated with a skull and crossbones flag, it was also governed according to something called the Pirates' Code . Not just the island, but the whole archipelago was ruled by The Flying Gang, a group of pirates that include many Black Sails characters, such as Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard ( Ray Stevenson ), Jack Rackahm, a.k.a. Calico Jack ( Toby Schmitz ), Charles Vane ( Zach McGowan ), and, of course, Captain Benjamin Hornigold ( Patrick Lyster ), who oversaw the whole operation. Other pirates that were into the whole Pirate Republic thing, but did not make it into the show were Stede Bonnet, Olivier Levasseur, Henry Jennings, and Black Sam Bellamy.

The emergence and the subsequent downfall of the Pirate Republic in Nassau is the epitome of an era known as the Golden Age of Piracy , that, once again, according to the BBC , can be split into three periods. From the 1670s to 1680s, French pirates ruled the seas, followed by the British pirates that took over the Indian Ocean in the 1690s. Then, around 1713 to 1715, the republic of pirates began.

Okay, sort of. In reality, Nassau’s de facto pirate ruling began a few years earlier, when colonial governor Nicholas Trott — the real-life counterpart of Richard Guthrie ( Sean Cameron Michael ) — allowed the disgraced captain Henry Avery into the island’s port. What started as an honest mistake, with Trott being deceived by Avery, eventually turned into a knowing partnership. Trott believed that Avery’s fleet would help deter French attacks on the barely populated island. Eventually, however, the captain fled, and Nassau was left to its own devices as it was raided by Franco-Spanish fleets during the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted from 1701 to 1714, opposing the French and the Spanish to the English. Effectively abandoned by its ruling colonial power, Nassau became a safe haven for sailors who were not exactly working within the boundaries of the law.

During the war, many sailors also turned themselves into privateers, mercenaries authorized to raid and rob enemy ships through government-issued letters of marque. When the conflict began to die down, a lot of these privateers decided to keep on attacking ships, a career that was much more lucrative than regular merchant sailing. Among them were Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings, former rivals whose nascent alliance allowed for the creation of the Pirate Republic. Under Hornigold sailed a man who became by far the most infamous pirate of all, a man whose name might have been anything from Edward Teach to Edward Thack , a man best known as Blackbeard.

How Did the Nassau Pirate Republic End?

Now, to keep his republic afloat, Hornigold was of the opinion that the pirates of Nassau should abstain from raiding British ships in order to avoid drawing the Crown’s attention to the island. Others, however, did not agree with him, and so he was overthrown and replaced by Black Sam Bellamy. With their ships being plundered left and right, the British stopped ignoring the situation in Nassau and decided to send someone to put a stop to it. Played by Luke Roberts in Black Sails , Woodes Rogers arrived in Nassau in 1718, appointed as the region’s new governor. He offered pardons to the pirates of the island, and, as shown in the series’ final season, many of them accepted the offer. Some, like Hornigold, even agreed to become pirate hunters in exchange for a large sum of money.

Among those that did not take the pardon was Captain Charles Vane, who set one of his own ships on fire and sent it sailing towards the vessels that escorted Rogers, allowing him to flee in the Ranger. A while later, though, he was accused of cowardice for avoiding a fight with a French man-o-war and deposed by Jack Rackham. Marooned somewhere in Central America, Vane was picked up by a merchant ship and swiftly recognized by the crew. He was hanged in Port Royal, on March 29, 1720.

Similar fates awaited other pirates, such as Rackham and Blackbeard. The former took a pardon in 1719 but had to flee after starting an affair with Anne Bonny ( Clara Paget ), the wife of one of Rogers’ sailors. Alongside Mary Read ( Cara Roberts ), the two started a new career in piracy and were captured by pirate hunter John Barnet in 1720. Rackham was hanged in Port Royal, but Read and Bonny managed to escape the gallows by claiming they were pregnant. Read died in prison, while Bonny’s fate is unknown . As for Blackbeard, he was killed by Lieutenant Robert Maynard in North Carolina, where he had taken the towns around Pamlico Sound hostage. Decapitated, the dreaded pirate had his head put on the bowsprit of his own ship.

Was the Urca de Lima a Real Ship?

Much like on Black Sails , the republic of pirates of Nassau had a sad ending. But after all the ground we have covered in this article, one question remains in the air: was the Urca de Lima, the fabled ship full of treasures that Captain Flint is hunting in the first season of Black Sails , a real vessel? The answer is, as strange as it may seem, yes. The Santisima Trinidad , nicknamed Urca de Lima due to it being a storeship (or urca, in Spanish) and belonging to Don Miguel de Lima, sank alongside 10 other ships near Fort Pierce, Florida , and some of its ruins can be visited to this day, as 16 of its cannons and four of its anchors were salvaged by the city in 1928.

A massive vessel with a cargo that included packets of chocolate, uncured cowhides, and many other edible products, the Urca kept the surviving crew of the other ships fed as they waited for help to arrive from Havana. The boat was the first one to be salvaged, but also the first one to be burned down, as it was drawing the attention of English pirates, including the likes of Rackham and Vane. In 1932, a new salvaging effort was put together, but the results of the expedition would have largely disappointed Captain Flint: apart from a few private sacks and chests containing pieces of silver, the Urca bore no treasures.

Black Sails is available to stream on Netflix in the U.S.

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Top 10 largest sailing yachts in the world

The list of the top ten largest sailing yachts in the world is not easily disrupted. In fact, it had remained unchanged since the launch of the 106.7-metre Oceanco Black Pearl in 2018, which swiped the top spot from Lürssen 's 93-metre Eos . For four years, Black Pearl remained the largest yacht in the world until early in 2023 when Oceanco sent a new flagship down the slipway, the mighty 127-metre Koru . Read on to discover our official list of the largest sailing yachts in the world. 

1. Koru | 127m

Leading this list is a new entry: Oceanco 's record-breaking 127-metre sailing yacht Koru . Commissioned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Koru has been the subject of much speculation for years but was revealed in all its glory in 2021. Not only is she the largest sailing yacht in the world, she is also the largest superyacht ever to be built in the Netherlands. Her name, Koru, is the Māori word meaning "new beginnings" and she is accompanied by a 75-metre support vessel named Abeona . She was delivered in 2023 and is over 20 metres longer than the former title-holder Black Pearl.

  • Builder: Oceanco
  • Country of build: Netherlands
  • Delivery year: 2023
  • Length Overall: 125.82 m
  • Beam: 16.95 m
  • Gross Tonnage 3493 t

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More stories, 2. black pearl | 106.7m.

Instantly recognisable with her black sails and Dynarig set-up, Black Pearl is the second-largest sailing yacht in the world. Delivered during the same year as 142.81-metre Sailing Yacht A (officially designated as a sail-assisted motor yacht), Black Pearl spent five years in development at Dutch yard Oceanco . Dykstra Naval Architects , Ken Freivokh , Nuvolari Lenard , BMT Nigel Gee and Gerard P Villate all contributed their expertise to this monumental project, which looks set to turn heads the world over for decades to come. She is often compared to Maltese Falcon , the first Dynarig superyacht, but boasts a number of technological advancements. She flies 25 per cent more sail area with hinging spars that fold down to allow her to pass through the Panama Canal, but it is what lies beneath that really counts. Two variable pitch propellers harness kinetic energy while she is under sail, which can run the hotel or recharge the batteries, allowing her to cross oceans without expending a drop of fuel. 

  • Delivery year: 2018
  • Length Overall: 106.7 m
  • Gross Tonnage 2700 t

3. Eos | 92.93m

Eos was built in Germany under a cloak of secrecy for her American media and movie mogul Barry Diller. Eos is a three-masted Bermuda rigged schooner and was refitted at Royal Huisman in 2011. After emerging from her refit the yacht caught fire in Norway and had to return to the yard to be repaired.

  • Builder: Lurssen
  • Country of build: Germany
  • Delivery year: 2006
  • Length Overall: 92.93 m
  • Beam: 13.5 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1500 t

4. Athena | 90m

Athena was built by the Royal Huisman in Holland for US software developer Jim Clark. Athena's advanced engineering means that she is able to sail in relatively light airs, while still offering the interior space typically only found on motor yachts. In stronger winds, Athena has been credited as attaining 19 knots under sail. The yacht's three closed decks include a large owner's suite, four guest suites, a saloon and dining room on the main deck and a sky lounge on the upper deck. Her clipper-bow and three-masted schooner sprung from the boards of Pieter Beeldsnijder (exterior styling) and Dykstra Naval Architects (naval architecture).

  • Builder: Royal Huisman
  • Delivery year: 2004
  • Length Overall: 90 m
  • Beam: 12.2 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1103 t

5. Maltese Falcon | 88m

Maltese Falcon  was built for the late American venture capitalist Tom Perkins. The iconic three-masted schooner is the fifth-largest sailing yacht in the world. Maltese Falcon's rig is made up of three unstayed, 'weapons-grade' carbon fibre masts, with a fully computerised sail and rotating mast system. The system has been dubbed a triumph of design, development and engineering and Maltese Falcon has topped an impressive 24 knots under sail. The Ken Freivokh interior is a marriage of industrial chic and high tech. It features leather, glass, wood and steel as well as a modern art collection. The yacht has accommodation for 12 guests and is available for charter.

  • Builder: Perini Navi
  • Country of build: Turkey
  • Length Overall: 88 m
  • Beam: 12.47 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1112 t

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6. aquijo | 85.9m.

The highly anticipated Aquijo was the result of a collaboration between Vitters and Oceanco. Both Dutch yards worked closely with the owner's representative to create a highly complex, performance-driven sailing machine that became the third largest sailing superyacht when launched. Aquijo is an aluminium ketch-rigged yacht, and features a custom steering system. Aquijo's interior layout provides clear sight lines thanks to her high-volume superstructure.

  • Builder: Vitters | Oceanco
  • Delivery year: 2016
  • Length Overall: 85.9 m
  • Beam: 14.48 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1538 t

7. Sea Eagle II | 81m

Delivered in 2020, Sea Eagle II is the most recent addition to the top ten largest sailing yachts in the world. Built by Royal Huisman, Sea Eagle II features exterior styling by Mark Whiteley and naval architecture penned by Dykstra Naval Architects . Sold in summer 2016 by  Northrop & Johnson  as Project RH400,  Sea Eagle II  is the largest yacht ever built by the Dutch yard. 

  • Delivery year: 2020
  • Length Overall: 81 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1150 t

8. M5 | 78.4m

Built by Vosper Thorneycroft in Southampton, England, M5  was launched as the iconic yacht Mirabella V in 2004. She remains the world’s largest sloop to date. M5 was designed by Ron Holland for American yachtsman Joe Vittoria, who enjoyed sailing her for seven years before she was sold on. The new owner renamed her M5 and she was extended by 3.2 metres in a refit at  Pendennis  before her relaunch in 2013. Her most recent refit , however, in 2019, saw M5 emerge from the sheds with all new paint-work, composite biminis, a reinforced mast and a new bow-thruster.

M5 has a displacement of 780 tonnes (165 tonnes of which is the keel). The carbon fibre mast is an amazing 88.3 metres tall and can carry approximately 3,700 square metres of sail.

  • Builder: Vosper Thornycroft
  • Country of build: United Kingdom
  • Length Overall: 78.4 m
  • Beam: 14.8 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1009 t

9. Badis | 70m

The second largest Perini Navi sailing yacht to date, Badis was built for the multiple superyacht owner Bill Duker and launched in 2016 as Sybaris . The name comes from a Greek settlement in ancient Italy that was famed for its hedonism, feasts and excesses. Featuring naval architecture and sailplan optimisation by Philippe Briand, this all-aluminium ketch can host up to 12 guests across six cabins. Interiors are by PH Design with a total internal volume of 870GT, while the crew quarters allow for a staff of up to 11. Under power, Badis's twin MTU 16V 2000 M72 diesel engines generate a total of 3,860hp, resulting in a top speed of 17.5 knots and a maximum cruising range of 5,000 nautical miles at 12.5 knots.

  • Country of build: Italy
  • Length Overall: 70 m
  • Beam: 13.24 m
  • Gross Tonnage 887 t

10. Atlantic | 69.3m

Atlantic might have the looks of an old classic but don't be fooled, this modern three-masted schooner was delivered in 2010 to an owner with a penchant for classic sailing yachts. She was built from scratch as a replica of the famous 64.5-metre Townsend & Downey schooner by the same name built in 1903. The sailing yacht made history when she set the record for the fastest Atlantic crossing in 1905 - a record that remained unbroken for nearly 100 years - but she was sadly scrapped in 1982. Inspired by its legacy, owner Ed Kastelein built a replica as a tribute to the record-breaking classic at the Van de Graaf shipyard in the Netherlands. The new Atlantic 's three masts stand 50 metres high and support 1,700 square metres of sails with 36 winches in bronze built specially by Harken.

  • Builder: Van der Graaf
  • Delivery year: 2010
  • Length Overall: 69.31 m
  • Gross Tonnage 268 t

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Black Sails History: Ship Battles in the Age of Sail

We return to the real history behind Black Sails with an examination of ship-to-ship battles.

black sails on sailboats

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Black Sails  has had more ship battles than a TV show has any right to have. With excellent CGI and a large budget, they’ve put together some amazing shots , from running and pursuing ships to shots of—well—cannon shots.

The on-screen battles have been thrilling, but rarely accurate. Real ship actions were often boring. Boring battles? Yes, but interspaced with moments of pure terror.

First, a little background. Cannons on ships had only been in use for a little over a hundred years. Before that, there had been some effort with catapults and bows-and-arrows. But the main method had been ship-to-ship ramming.

This was only practical with galleys (ships propelled by banks of rowers). Only a galley could control its speed and direction with enough precision to target and attack another ship. But galleys had their own drawbacks. The rowers needed to be fed and housed, and even if they were slaves, this used a lot of resources. Rowers also grew tired. Wind-powered ships could travel faster over an extended period of time.

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Wind-powered ships also had the deck space and manpower to host cannons. A cannon of the time required a team of five to service it during battle: A loader, a sponger, a rammer, and two additional men to help the others heave the gun, which could weigh as much as two tons, into firing position on a moving deck.

None of this came easily. A good gun crew was a practiced gun crew, and practicing could use up tons of powder and dozens of cannonballs.

Then there was the issue of aiming. In Black Sails , cannons tend to hit what they aim at. In real life, it was somewhat different. It might take hours of patient work and dozens of fired shots just to adjust the angle and elevation in order to actually hit a target. A more experienced crew would have better luck. But on a deck that moved up and down at the same time it was moving side to side and forward, aiming was as much an art as a skill.

Gun crews on fixed locations, like forts, could get ahead of this by practicing hitting things in their own harbor. Practice could teach a crew person taught to tweak elevation and lateral adjustments to hit any spot in the adjoining water in time, but this information wasn’t transferrable. Each cannon was hand-cast, each gun carriage handmade, and knowing the fine art of firing one gun was not necessarily transferrable to another.

Partially because of the difficulty of aiming, the established way of fighting ship to ship was very formal.

In a navy-to-navy fighting, the accepted method was to line one’s ships up, bow to stern, in a long line. Ships large enough to take part in this maneuver were called, appropriately, ships of the line. They were big—1000 tons or more—and carried perhaps a hundred guns and as many as a thousand crew memebers.

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When two navies met at sea, they first formed their lines of battle. With uncooperative wind and currents, this might take days, which would not make for an interesting TV show.

Once the lines were formed, the two columns sailed toward each other in opposite directions. As each ship came into firing range with the ship on the opposite side, it began to fire.

Ships were rated by their broadsides, a broadside being the firing of all guns on one side of the ship, or one-half of the ship’s full cannon power. A ship of the line, with 100 guns each firing a shot weighing 32 pounds (a 32 pound cannon ball) was said to have a broadside of 1,600 pounds. Every time the ship fired all the guns on one side, it would throw 1,600 pounds of iron shot at the enemy.  

The ships, made of oak, were designed to withstand a barrage like this and rarely sank. But the men in the ship would be torn to pieces. Not only was iron flying through the air, but also splinters of wood knocked loose by the shot.  Such splinters could no doubt pierce flesh down to the bone. Chunks of rigging fell, breaking the men below. The noise was incredible. It was not uncommon for men deafened by the noise of battle to take days to recover their hearing.

Eyewitnesses wrote of men mashed into liquid by a single shot. Limbs were crushed to pulp. The screams of the injured and dying rivaled the noise of the cannons. Blood covered the deck in such quantities that it sloshed ankle-deep. The smoke from the burning powder obscured everything, sometimes even the sun.

During this chaos, men were expected to stick to their posts and do their jobs. Time and again, the gun crews swabbed, loaded, primed, aimed and fired their guns. They continued even when the deck around them was smashed to splinters, when the gun, recoiling from the force of the shot, ran over feet and legs, maiming men with scars that would last for life.

Sometimes a gun would overturn, crushing its crew beneath it. Sometimes guns would explode due to improper loading or interior flaws or corrosion. In the long, slow-moving parade of ships, this hell might go on for hours. When the lines of ships passed each other, they would begin maneuvering to turn around and come at each other again. Once again, this might take days.

Interestingly enough, battles that went this way really didn’t accomplish much.

Many pirates had been in such battles. A huge proportion of pirates were former navy men who turned out of their service when the last big war, called Queen Anne’s war by the English, and by most others, the War of Spanish Succession, had come to an end. In those days, navies did not even bring their sailors home. Rather, they dumped them at the most convenient port. Often this port was in the Caribbean.

TS Rhodes

TS Rhodes is the author of The Pirate Empire series. She blogs about pirates at thepirateempire.blogspot.com  .


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  • 1 James Flint
  • 3 Eleanor Guthrie

The Cinemaholic

Black Sails: The Real Story Behind the Show’s Portrayal of Pirate Life

 of Black Sails: The Real Story Behind the Show’s Portrayal of Pirate Life

Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, Starz’s ‘Black Sails’ is a historical adventure show that revolves around pirates of New Providence Island in the early 18th century, particularly Captain Flint and his group, as they pull out all stops to prevent extinction at the hands of the British government. Since its premiere in 2014, the show has garnered considerable fanbase and critical acclaim for its tight storytelling, high-octane ship-on-ship action sequences, production design, brilliant performances, and for touching upon several themes such as corruption. The raw and realistic depiction of the life of pirates in the show is enough to make the fans wonder whether it is based on a true story.

Black Sails Has Roots in Reality

‘Black Sails’ is partially based on a true story. As per the creators, the show is a prequel to Robert Lewis Stevenson’s adored novel ‘Treasure Island.’ The novel touches upon the stories of some of the world’s most famous pirates — Long John Silver and Captain Flint, and their crew. It follows their lives in Nassau, as they lived and fought to maintain their withering autonomy from the growing encroachment of the British and Spanish. Talking about the show’s origin, co-creator Jonathan E. Steinberg said in an interview , “I’ve been wanting to tell this story for a long time, and we played with it for awhile before falling into the idea of doing a more realistic take on the idea of Treasure Island.”

black sails on sailboats

The idea was that, while pirates have long been sensationalized in various movies and shows, ‘Black Sails’ wanted to bring out the side of their lives that people seldom knew of. Set in 1715, the series delves into the waning days of the ‘Golden Age of Piracy.’ One of the key factors both cast and crew tried to show through the visual narrative was the realism they believed was missing in all former narratives. The fact that pirates weren’t violent, brash, and bloodthirsty from the very onset of their existence and chose to become so to ensure a fear of authority is explored.

Most of the series is set in Nassau, an actual island in the Bahamas that was known for being an actual pirate hideout. According to reports, much of what is shown as a background on the island is reportedly true to history. Nassau was known for belonging to the British Empire before being raided by the Spanish during its War of Succession. It was after the War of Succession that the sailors who were initially fighting the British Empire and had become pirates in New Providence Island chose to move in it; similar to reality.

Many real-life pirates have been shown to interact with both Cook and Silver while also holding onto their character arcs to build a world blended between reality and fiction. Like any reliable adaptation, ‘Black Sails’ has also taken several imaginative liberties to further the narrative. With the book not providing much of a backdrop to the characters, most of the details had to be elaborated. The portrayal of the lifestyle of the pirates has been given a realistic touch and hasn’t merely concentrated on glorifying the grim and dark side of it.

From using actual replicas of ships and shooting out at sea, the show has opted to use practical sets as much as feasible. The dangers of naval warfare and the unforeseen perils involved with life at sea have been highlighted. However, this is not to suggest that everything shown has been accurate. There are some minute inaccuracies, especially in the attire of the pirates and the props used. Having said this, historical accuracy often paves the way for creative liberty and that has also been the case with ‘Black Sails.’ And that has ensured that viewers get to experience a new take on the life of pirates and the world of piracy in general.

Read More: Best Pirate Movies Ever Made


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Black Sails: 13 Facts About The Starz Hit Worth More Than Stolen Treasure

Long John Silver talking

With contemporary series like "Vikings" and "Game of Thrones," "Black Sails" may often be overlooked when compared to other epic dramas of the 2010s, which makes it one of the most underrated shows of the decade. Not only is the scale of the pirate adventure immense with many scenes taking place upon impressive naval vessels, but the political intrigue and intimate interactions of the characters make it an entertaining watch for several different audiences.

The show as a whole does a brilliant job of mixing fiction with historical figures like the notorious pirate captains Blackbeard (Ray Stevenson) and Charles Vane (Zach McGowan) whose lives were so legendary that they verge on fantasy. But at its core, the story centers on the complicated friendship between its two main characters, Captain Flint ( Toby Stephens ) and his deviously clever quartermaster, Long John Silver, in the years before their sagas are continued in the later tale of "Treasure Island." For a series devoted to such larger-than-life individuals, the making of it also had its fair share of epic details and moments as well, which you can enjoy reading below.

The series is an unofficial prequel to Treasure Island

Captain Flint and Long John Silver on pirate ship

Although "Black Sails" is its own story for the most part, from the very beginning it was always meant to show the events building up to the classic work of fiction "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson. More than anything, the creators of the series wanted to tie up loose ends to the famous tale and give their explanation to who the characters were up to in the years before, as showrunner Jonathan Steinberg explained to Entertainment Weekly : "At the end of the book, it's recounted by other people that Captain Flint died in Savannah alone, which begs a lot of questions."

Flint's origin is certainly not the only one covered with both Long John Silver's and Billy Bones' backstories explained thoroughly as well. For Billy especially, his situation in the finale of the series gives all new meaning to what happens to him later in the novel. Steinberg added: "It is clear we are suggesting he is on 'Treasure Island,' which I think has a number of implications if you go back and read the book."

After four seasons, it is clear the showrunner was pleased with how the series handled the continuity, saying: "It felt like we had finished the argument a little bit, in terms of connecting it not just to 'Treasure Island,' but to our contemporary understanding of what piracy was, about what Caribbean piracy was."

The opening credits features the hurdy-gurdy

Black Sails opening credits

Several aspects of "Black Sails" make it stand out as a particularly fascinating TV series, with one of the top being its unique theme music in the opening credits. Not only is the memorable tune composed by the talented Bear McCreary who is well known for his work on "The Walking Dead" and "Battlestar Galactica," but it also features quite an unusual instrument known as a hurdy-gurdy, according to Entertainment Weekly .

Also known as a wheel fiddle, the hurdy-gurdy is a folk instrument that has existed for around 1,000 years and is played to this day all over Western Europe, from Italy to England. In a 2010  TED Talk , musician Caroline Phillips explained that the complex and bulky device originally required two people to operate it until the design was improved a few centuries later, so it could be used by a single performer. Although a fundamental part of the instrument is the strings, akin to a violin, the sound produced can also be compared to bagpipes.

The show was filmed in South Africa

Pirate ship on the beach

While "Black Sails" takes place predominantly in the Caribbean, that was not the place chosen to film the epic pirate drama. Instead, the Starz network went with the fairly new Cape Town Studios for the production, and needless to say that the South African-based company was ecstatic over the decision. Ahead of filming Season 1, Film Afrika producer Vlokkie Gordon said: "We are delighted to have been awarded ['Black Sails'] and it is further proof of South Africa's international reputation for outstanding production skill and expertise" (via The Location Guide ). Gordon continued: "A production of this scope provides not only employment for South Africans, but also skills transfer which is in line with Film Afrika's policy of supporting growth and development of the South African film and television industry."

The swashbuckling series was then added to the growing list of productions shot out of Cape Town, including "Safe House," "Chronicle," and "Mad Max: Fury Road," as per the Cape Town Film Studios website. Plus, another Starz series benefited greatly from the elaborate ship sets built there, with  "Outlander"  using the Jamaican landscapes in its third season, according to Entertainment Weekly .

300 people worked on the pirate ship

Charles Vane on pirate ship

The impressive sailing vessels featured in "Black Sails" are almost as important to the story as the characters themselves. Therefore, a ton of work was put into the construction of the sets in order to make the maritime setting feel real for the cast, and more importantly, the audience. In a behind-the-scenes clip shared by Starz , senior rigger Joel Yates explained: "The carpenters building the boat it took them, I think, four or five months. They want it to look as authentic as possible because what we've built is a very accurate replica of a sailing ship."

The end product, called The Walrus in the show, was massive as well, as Yates revealed that the full ship is approximately 140 feet long. And to pull off such an incredible feat, it took a gigantic crew with various skill sets, as construction coordinator Clive Pollack shared: "There are 300 people working on the boat. There are carpenters, sculptors, painters, riggers, sailmakers."

There were no bathrooms for cast and crew on the ship

Pirate ship in rough waters

For as grand as the prominent pirate ship is in "Black Sails," it does have its faults as it also serves as the set of a modern TV production. In a 2016 interview with  Den of Geek , actor Zach McGowan revealed the biggest problem for the cast and crew on set: "The hardest thing about the ships, most people don't realize, is just when you're on the ship at the top of the deck somewhere, it's very far to the nearest bathroom. There's no bathroom on the ships."

Even with that minor complaint, McGowan went on to stress that being on the deck of the ship at sea was such a great experience that the actor wished he had more of those scenes. It's also his opinion that most of the cast felt the same way, except possibly the ones who spent the most time on board, such as Toby Stephens.

The actors went through pirate boot camp

Pirate battle scene

Like most epic dramas featured on premium channels, "Black Sails" is filled with massive battle sequences, in this case often between rival pirate clans, or against the relentless forces of the British and Spanish empires. While the nature of naval warfare means that a good amount of these conflicts are long distance, yet devastating, as cannonballs attempt to rip enemy vessels apart, much of the brutal combat is at close quarters.

All of the fight scenes in the series are quite impressive, so it makes sense that many cast members received special training. In a Q&A with a few of the main actors, shared by Starz in 2015, Luke Arnold revealed: "We all went through a three-week pirate boot camp. Well, the pirates of the crew did at the beginning of shooting." And it was a good thing that they did because when asked if they could survive the rough conditions of the time period, the general consensus was an adamant no. Toby Stephens then elaborated with a laugh: "The real trouble, I'd be ok on Nasau, it was as soon as I'd get on a boat and I had to sail anywhere."

Clara Paget came up with Anne Bonny's distinctive look

Anne Bonny wearing signature hat

From Charles Vane, Edward Teach, and Jack Rackham to Captain Flint, Long John Silver, and Billy Bones, "Black Sails" has all sorts of characters based on either historic people or from the famous fictional tale, "Treasure Island." Therefore, both the writers of the show and the actors who portrayed these popular figures had to work with what was already known about them. But at the same time, there was a lot of creative freedom as well.

A somewhat minor, though fascinating aspect of another one of these real characters in the series, Anne Bonny, was thought up by actress Clara Paget. In a 2016 interview with  Den of Geek , when asked what she contributed to the role, the actress replied: "I suppose the hat. That came completely organically. I tried on this hat and then I was pulling it down in an almost jokey way, like an old-school Western. Then it became who she is, hiding behind this hat. It really works for the character because, as I said, it shows this vulnerable side at the same time as being a badass through one side or the other. Like schizophrenic, bipolar."

Zack McGowan broke a stuntman's jaw by accident

Charles Vane strikes pirate

A major reason that the fight scenes in "Black Sails" are so good is because of the enthusiasm of the cast and crew when filming, yet there was one time that may have gone a little too far. When a stuntman on set named Daryl was to be hit with the butt of a rifle by Zach McGowan, the dedicated performer showed no fear and encouraged the actor to strike him square in the face. The veteran stuntman figured it was no big deal since the thing was only made of rubber. Since Daryl seemed more than fine with the idea, McGowan went along with the idea.

In a 2017 interview with  Rotten Tomatoes , Toby Stephens recalled the disastrous, though somewhat funny result: "Zach, who's brilliant at this kind of thing, whacked him straight in the jaw, as the guy asked, and totally broke his jaw. It looks fantastic, it actually made the cut, and it looked absolutely brilliant. At the end of it, I just remember Daryl going, 'No, it's fine. It's okay, don't worry about it.'" Fortunately, the stuntman was not seriously harmed, so they were able to joke about it a bit.

Zack McGowan climbed the balconies of a building to get rum

Zach McGowan attends a premiere

"Black Sails" is filled with many incredible exploits of pirate warriors as they battle on the high seas, but a behind-the-scenes achievement by one of the actors was almost as impressive as what was shown on screen. During a break in filming, the cast was having a good time together but needed some rum, so Zach McGowan went to rather extreme lengths to remedy the situation.   

In order to gain access to the prized liquor in a room several floors up, the actor literally scaled the side of the building all on his own. When talking with Rotten Tomatoes , cast member Hannah New described the amazing sight, saying: "He did this like Spider-Man kind of thing where he climbed up these balconies ... it's incredible, he does like, God knows how many chin-ups every day. So, he can just chin up these balconies."

After McGowan successfully got the rum and then made the way back down with it in his front pocket, the cast waiting down below were too awestruck to do anything but tensely watch. Fellow actress Jessica Parker Kennedy added: "And none of us videotaped it. I think we were all in such shock, it was so scary, I thought he was going to fall and break his neck and we would have to explain it to our producers the next day."

It took all season to film Luke Arnold's underwater scene

Long John Silver on pirate ship

In the fourth season of "Black Sails," Long John Silver nearly perishes in the sea as he struggles to escape his sinking ship. Actor Luke Arnold must have been pleased that his character ultimately survived the harrowing experience, but filming the scenes was definitely not easy for the actor. Even though he was confident in the comprehensive training he received beforehand, Arnold still had to overcome a major fear of performing in those conditions.

When asked specifically about those tense underwater moments, he told Collider  in a 2017 interview: "That was the beginning of hell that kept getting crazier as it went along. That took all season to shoot. We were in the water tank, from the beginning of the season, stuck underwater, all day." To his dismay, Arnold was right when he assumed it would take longer to finish than the filmmakers first thought, yet it was all worth it, as he added: "Right until the last couple of weeks, I was doing bits of the underwater stuff to make that whole sequence as spectacular as it is."

Luke Arnold received a special gift from a producer

Luke Arnold attends a premiere

Luke Arnold was one of several major cast members of "Black Sails" who was in the show from the very beginning all the way through to the climactic finale. The actor very much enjoyed his time filming the series, so when he found a cherished memento from the early days, it was a big deal. In the same interview with Collider , he revealed: "We were shooting a scene in Season 4 that was back in Eleanor's office, and I found the piece of paper that I was writing the directions to find the Urca de Lima on, which was the very first scene we shot in Episode 103. Nina Jack, who was one of our producers on Season 4, got it framed and gave it to me as a gift, so I've gone away with that. That was amazing!"

On the other hand, there were parts of the series that Arnold did not remember so fondly, mostly from the difficulties that arose in pretending to have lost a leg. In this endeavor, he was able to use a crutch on screen, but the prop caused him so much discomfort that he grew to despise it.

Luke Arnold had a legless stunt double

Long John Silver missing leg

Once Long John Silver tragically loses his leg in "Black Sails," Luke Arnold had some difficulty filming scenes as the character, so he was grateful to have help from a stuntman named Ben de Jager who is also missing the limb. The actor told Collider : "It was great to have somebody who's gone through the experience of losing a leg. He did step in for a lot of stuff, mainly because it was so much easier to have him there. If you're shooting from behind or you're focusing on the foot, it's easier to have someone in who's missing the leg than to do it with me and spend a fortune on visual effects to change things."

Though Arnold certainly got along with de Jager, there also seemed to have been a little jealousy in sharing screen time for the role. The actor admitted that a downside for him was his absence in some major Long John Silver moments of the show.

The writers gradually decided to bring back Flint's lover, Thomas

Captain Flint and Thomas reunited

For as dark as "Black Sails" can be throughout the series, it ended on a fairly happy note as the main character, Captain Flint, is finally reunited with the love of his life, Thomas Hamilton (Rupert Penry-Jones). Both men are sentenced to imprisonment on a plantation, yet all that matters to the pair is that they are together again. Viewers may have been somewhat surprised that Thomas had returned to the show given the fact that he was thought to be dead, but over time the writers decided that was not going to be his fate.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter  in 2017, Jonathan Steinberg explained: "We had a sense in Season 2 when he died off-screen, that any character who dies off-screen, you're taking the word of the messenger as to whether or not it actually happened. We knew we weren't finished with him. And then at some point in Season 3, we realized it would be reasonably late in the series when he came back, so in Season 4 it felt right."

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Black Sails

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Cast & Crew

Robert Levine

Jonathan E. Steinberg

Toby Stephens

Captain Flint

Eleanor Guthrie

Luke Arnold

John Silver

Jessica Parker Kennedy

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How Accurate Is Black Sails? 10 Biggest Changes From The Treasure Island Story

15 shows to watch if you like black sails, emily in paris season 5 confirmed by netflix.

  • The dynamic cast of Black Sails brings the Golden Age of Piracy to life with cinematic action and complex characters.
  • The show is a history lesson with real-life characters, acting as a prequel to Treasure Island and introducing "Long" John Silver.
  • Despite rumors of a Treasure Island spinoff, the talented Black Sails cast has moved on to other major projects post-finale.

Black Sails includes a dynamic cast of well-established actors who bring the world of swashbuckling in the Golden Age of Piracy to life. Black Sails is a historical epic detailing the frequently bloody misadventures of a pirate crew. The show also acted as a prequel to Robert Louse Stevenson’s Treasure Island and the origin story of “Long” John Silver. While the series featured lots of cinematic action and adventure, it was the complex characters that drew in audiences.

Starz' epic show also acted as something of a history lesson, with real-life characters and conflicts depicted. Additionally, it ties in fictional characters from Stevenson's book. Together, the Black Sails cast formed a great ensemble, creating vivid and complex characters. Though the Black Sails finale left the door open for other series, the Treasure Island spinoff has only existed in rumors. As such, the cast has moved on to other major projects in the years since the show's ending.

Black Sails is a fictional story, but it includes a lot of real life characters, making it worth doing some fact checking on the hit Starz original.

Toby Stephens As Captain Flint

Date of birth: april 21, 1969.

  • Active since: 1992

Actor: British actor Toby Stephens was born in London, England and got his big break playing Orsino in the 1996 Shakespeare film adaptation of Twelfth Night . The actor started out as a professional stage actor, even acting with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Prior to playing Captain Flint in Black Sails, he was best known for playing villain Gustav Graves in Die Another Day. Since Black Sails , Stephens has continued to take on major roles. Recently, he gained attention for playing Poseidon in the cast of Percy Jackson and the Olympians .

Notable Movies & TV Shows:



Twelfth Night (1996)


Die Another Day (2002)

Gustav Graves

The Machine (2013)

Vincent McCarthy

13 Hours (2016)

Glen "Bub" Doherty

Hunter Killer (2018)

Bill Bearman

Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024 - Present)


Character: Toby Stephens played Captain Flint in Black Sails . The fictional character Captain Flint is the highly revered and feared captain of The Walrus . Throughout Black Sails , Flint evolves into a fascinating and flawed character with deeper layers than expected.

Luke Arnold As "Long" John Silver

Date of birth: may 31, 1984.

  • Active since: 2006

Actor: Luke Arnold was born in Adelaide, South Australia, and got his big break with his first film role as Tommy McAlpine in the 2009 movie Broken Hill . The actor graduated from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts at which point he began acting in Australian TV shows. Since then, he's built up his portfolio by appearing in numerous well-known TV shows including Salvation , The End , and Scrublands .



Broken Hill (2009)

Tommy McAlpine

Never Tear Us Apart (2014)

Michael Hutchence

Half Magic (2018)


Salvation (2018)

Bass Shepherd

Scrublands (2023)

Martin Scarsden

Character: Luke Arnold played Long John Silver in Black Sails . Long John Silver is an opportunist sailer-turned-pirate with a strong sense of individualism. While he works in Flint's crew, the two end up in conflict with one another.

Hannah New As Eleanor Guthrie

Date of birth: may 13, 1984.

  • Active since: 2010

Actor: Hannah New was born in London, England and got her big break playing Rosalinda Fox in The Time in Between . New is an up-and-coming star with only a few big roles to her name. Prior to joining the Black Sails cast, New's best-known role was Princess Aurora’s mother in Maleficent . Since Black Sails finished, she has appeared in many feature-length films; most notably, she played Elizabeth Crookshank in Edge of the World .



The Time in Between (2013-2014)

Rosalinda Fox

Maleficent (2014)

Princess Leila

Edge of the World (2021)

Elizabeth Crookshank

Character: English actress Hannah New played Eleanor Guthrie on Black Sails , who owned a tavern on New Providence Island. The character controlled pirate goods coming in and out of Nassau.

If you adored the pirate adventure series Black Sails and are looking for a similar series, then these shows are guaranteed to tickle your fancy!

Toby Schmitz As Jack Rackham

Date of birth: may 4, 1977.

  • Active since: 1996

Actor: Toby Schmitz was born in Perth, Western Australia, and got his big break playing Gary in the 2004 drama Right Here Right Now . Though he has many acting credits to his name, few of Schmitz's roles are well-known to audiences. Still, his incredible talent shines through in every character he's played. His biggest role to date, besides Black Sails , is Three Blind Mice .



Right Here Right Now (2004)


Three Blind Mice (2008)

Dean Leiberman

Crownies (2011)

Detective Dylan Thorne

Boy Swallows Universe (2024)

Tim Cotton

Character: Australian actor Toby Schmitz played Jack Rackham on Black Sails. Loosely based on the real pirate known as Jack Callico, Jack Rackham is the quartermaster aboard the Ranger and eventually becomes the captain of the Colonial Dawn .

Clare Paget As Anne Bonny

Date of birth: september 12, 1988.

Actor: Clare Paget was born in London, England and got her big break playing Vegh in Fast & Furious 6 . Clare has very few acting credits to her name, but she's shown immense promise. Her biggest role, besides Black Sails , is that of Natalie in the horror movie House Red, which gained her a nomination for Best Actress at the British Independent Film Festival.



Fast & Furious 6 (2013)


House Red (2022)


Character: English actress Clare Paget played Anne Bonny on Black Sails. Anne Bonny is a cruel and ruthless pirate who works on the Ranger .

Zach McGowan As Charles Vane

Date of birth: may 5, 1980.

  • Active since: 2004

Actor: Zach McGowan was born in New York City, New York and got his big break playing Jody Silverman in Shameless . McGowan started acting on stage, then moved to Los Angeles to pursue onscreen acting. Black Sails is McGowan's biggest role to date. Following his exit in season 3, American actor McGowan played recurring roles in season 4 of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D and season 9 of The Walking Dead.



Dracula Untold (2014)


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2017-2018)

Anton Ivanov

The Walking Dead (2018)


The 100 (2016-2020)

Prince Roan

Character: In Black Sails , Zach McGowan plays Charles Vane. Zach McGowan’s character is a fictionalization of the famous pirate Charles Vane . He is noble but feared, making him vastly different from his real-life counterpart. He also has a strong relationship with Blackbeard throughout Black Sails .

Jessica Parker Kennedy As Max

Date of birth: october 3, 1984.

Actor: Jessica Parker Kennedy was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and got her big break with her first acting role, playing Lucy the Elf in the Christmas movie Santa Baby . Since her main role as Max on Black Sails , Canadian actress Jessica Parker Kennedy has appeared in acclaimed Netflix horror Cam played Nora West-Allen on The Flash .



Santa Baby (2006)

Lucy the Elf

Valemont (2009)


The Secret Circle (2011-2012)

Melissa Glaser

The Flash (2018-2023)

Nora West-Allen/XS

Character: Throughout Black Sails, Jessica Parker Kennedy plays the fictional character Max. Max is a sex worker in Nassau who is the lover of Eleanor, Annee, and Georgia. She uses her intelligence to gain power.

Tom Hopper As Dickon Tarly

Date of birth: january 28, 1985.

  • Active since: 2007

Actor: Tom Hopper was born in Leicestershire, England and got his big break playing Sir Percival in Merlin . Though the actor is early in his career, he's taken on many supporting or leading TV. After finishing his run as Billy Bones in Black Sails , English actor Tom Hopper acted in Game Of Thrones season 7 and played Luther Hargreeves in the cast of Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy .



Merlin (2010-2012)

Sir Percival

Game of Thrones (2017)

Dickon Tarly

I Feel Pretty (2018)

Grant Leclair

The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024)

Luther Hargreeves

Character: In Black Sails, Tom Hopper plays Billy Bones, the highly ethical and rule-bound first mate aboard The Walrus . This character is entirely fictional and created by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Ray Stevenson As Blackbeard

Date of birth: may 25, 1964; date of death: may 21, 2023.

  • Active from 1994 to 2023

Actor: The late Ray Stevenson was born in Lisburn, North Ireland Northern and got his big break playing Steve Dickson in Band of Gold . He had a prolific career outside of Blackbeard on Black Sails . Prior to his death in 2023, the Northern Irish star acted in some of the biggest franchises, including Star Wars and Marvel. His last role prior to passing away was Baylan Skoll in Ahsoka .



Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)


Kill the Irishman (2011)

Danny Greene

Thor (2011)


The Three Musketeers (2011)


Ahsoka (2023)

Baylan Skoll

Character: Throughout Black Sails , Ray Stevenson played Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard. Like his real-life counterpart, Stevenson's Blackbeard was a fearsome pirate captain. However, Black Sails fictionalizes his relationship with Charles Vane.

Black Sails

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‘black sails’ creator breaks down emotional series finale ending.

"It's largely the ending we were hoping for when we started at the very beginning of the series," creator Jon Steinberg tells THR. "So to be able to bring it back to a place that felt complete and right and like we told a whole, full story, that's rare."

By Sydney Bucksbaum

Sydney Bucksbaum

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'Black Sails' Series Finale Explained | Jon Steinberg interview

[This story contains spoilers from Sunday’s series finale of Starz’s Black Sails .]

In the end, Black Sails proved to be truly about a story.

Not a story of pirates saving their paradise, or finding buried treasure, or even fighting a massive battle against those who threatened their lifestyle. Instead, it was a story about two legendary men, their opposing world views and the bond they shared that became poisoned over time. Black Sails was a story about Captain Flint (Toby Stephens) and “Long” John Silver (Luke Arnold).

After four seasons of an unlikely partnership-turned-friendship, the two men were at odds once again in the series finale of the Starz drama over what to do with Madi’s ( Zethu Dlomo ) rescue and the buried treasure. And after a huge fight scene where, against all odds, the pirates actually won the battle against Woodes Rogers (Luke Roberts) and by proxy England itself, the true climax came when Flint and Silver had a war of words on the island. The two used their eloquent ways of manipulation to finally bring their issue to a head, and Silver won only because he had a trump card hidden up his sleeve.

Before the hour began, Silver had located Flint’s long-lost lover Thomas (Rupert Penry-Jones ), believed to be dead, working his life sentence at a cushy plantation prison. He sent Flint to live out the rest of his life with Thomas on the plantation, saved Madi and vowed to wait for her to forgive him for as long it would take. But the legend of Long John Silver continued to grow, and the groundwork for Treasure Island was officially laid.

Below, Black Sails creator Jon Steinberg talks with The Hollywood Reporter about the emotional series finale ending, if he’s considering tackling Treasure Island in a spinoff series and more.

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What was running through your mind as you were crafting the series finale?

We’d had a running sense for a while of what we wanted it to feel like and the kinds of things we wanted to do, both before we got to the ending and within the ending. It was a constant game of keeping our eye on that target but then also trying to let the story evolve to where it wanted to, make sure we weren’t being too rigid about that. And when that ending really started to come into focus, it’s really hard to say goodbye to the story, and it’s hard to separate from that. But at the same time, I think it was really gratifying that the ending held up. It’s largely the ending we were hoping for when we started at the very beginning of the series, so to be able to bring it back to a place that felt complete and right and like we told a whole, full story, that’s rare.

Did anything change about the ending that you wanted over the course of four seasons?

Things always change in terms of the details and there were definitely some things that came up along the way that we couldn’t have anticipated. But the thing we wanted the audience to feel at the end and what we wanted the story to be about is the idea that this was really a story about Flint and Silver and their very unlikely relationship. They got so close and then there’s this tragic ending to it. All of the notes we wanted to play lined up as we got to the end. But I think the Max (Jessica Parker Kennedy) and Anne (Clara Paget) relationship was something that became emotionally impactful in a way that we didn’t see coming. That was a lesson in if you’re not letting stories evolve naturally, then you’re missing all the good stuff.

The ending tied up all the characters’ stories while still leaving the door open for more with Nassau, Jack’s (Toby Schmitz) new crew, Flint and Thomas, and even Billy Bones (Tom Hopper). Would you ever consider doing a Treasure Island spinoff sequel series?

I guess never say never always feels like the right answer. At the moment, I feel like we’re pretty happy with where it ended. The ending that we like is the sense that some of the people we care about survived this and they have a life after it, which I don’t necessarily think that the life they have after it is a part of this story. But the process of making the show was pretty special and we’ll miss the cast and crew and the process of making it more and more the further away we get from it. So who knows.

Starz to Move Original Programming to Sunday Nights (Exclusive)

How beholden were you to the fates of all the characters in Treasure Island ?

It depends on which one, it depends on the details. We tried to have a fair amount of discipline about certain elements of that book and treat them as canon and things we just had to find a way to make sense of. There are some other elements that I think are relayed through unreliable narrators in the book or seemed, to us, to be part of a narrative that was clearly embellished from some history that came before it. Part of the process of trying to land this story into that book was about sorting out the two and figuring out what really is canon. What’s Long John Silver’s story? It’s not necessarily something to be taken at face value. But it was a challenge. That book doesn’t contemplate 40 hours of story that come before it.

Throughout the entire series, the dialogue between characters was always a work of art in and of itself, especially between Flint and Silver. It’s so rare to see a close relationship like theirs in pop culture, between a gay man and a straight man. How important was it to you to showcase that bond?

It’s a difficult thing to do. We had to embrace the fact that there would have to be things that were left unsaid and were going to have to exist in subtext and performance and context in order for it to be honest. That felt right. There is, at least to me when I watch it, a significant amount happening between the two of them that is all under the surface. But at the same time, you want it to play at face value. These are two guys who are the least likely allies on page one of the series and certainly the least likely best of friends, who have reached this point. The tragedy doesn’t work if you don’t care about the two of them. The tragedy also doesn’t work if you don’t understand what came between them. There’s a fair amount of a puzzle happening there and in some respect we always saw the series as a dialogue between the two of them. They couldn’t be more different and yet somehow found some common ground that made them against all odds the only two people who understood each other. We relied on the audience a lot to fill in those blanks and go on the ride with us.

Silver’s backstory was never actually revealed. Why did you want to leave that a mystery?

It’s so impactful. From the very beginning, it was an intuition on our part that it was important that he came from nowhere. It was important that he somehow was someone that was hard to know and that existed in opposition to Flint, for whom where he came from is everything. As we got deeper into it, it became clear that there was no specific story that was going to be as impactful to our understanding of him or his relationship with Flint as the idea that he didn’t believe in stories as it relates to a person’s life. He was very good at using that and weaponizing that and making a tool of it, but he didn’t feel beholden by it. That is why he and Flint were never going to understand the world in the same way. And that’s why on some level, he’s stronger than Flint and someone that Flint couldn’t defeat in the same way as he would with others. It just stuck and it felt right.

Starz Series 'Black Sails' and 'The Girlfriend Experience' Headed to Vimeo

And that moment in the finale when Silver comes across the cook hiding from the fight below deck was totally full circle from the series premiere.

In a story that’s been running for a long time, it’s nice to feel that the circle is completing itself and when characters can in some way come back to the place they started as an entirely different person. This was a good, healthy organic end to the story and everyone was reaching that point roughly at the same time, and the idea of forcing them to go past that point felt like it was unlikely to yield anything that would stand up to what we had done before.

Did you always know you were going to reunite Flint with Thomas at the end, or did that idea come about later in the writing process?

We had a sense in season two when he died off screen, that any character who dies off screen, you’re taking the word of the messenger as to whether or not it actually happened. As someone who watches these stories and reads these stories, it feels unlikely that it actually happened. We knew we weren’t finished with him. And then at some point in season three we realized it would be reasonably late in the series when he came back, so in season four it felt right. And it wasn’t a choice he would make, it was a choice made for him.

Where did the decision come from to end the series after four seasons?

There was a lot of talk internally and with Starz before season four started about where do we feel like we are, how much story do we feel like we have left. It was during season four when we felt like all the endings we hoped we would get to were starting to approach very quickly. We spent a little time at the end of season four thinking about if we were done and it felt like we were. We felt good about it and nothing was left on the table. The conversation with Starz was pretty easy because we just felt like we had arrived at the end. We didn’t want to produce an episode of this show that felt like it was one too many and they supported that.

What did you think of the way the Black Sails series finale ended? Share your thoughts in the comments sections below.

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Black Sails (2014–2017)

Full cast & crew.

black sails on sailboats

Series Directed by 

... (7 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (7 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (5 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (3 episodes, 2015-2016)
... (2 episodes, 2014)
... (2 episodes, 2014)
... (2 episodes, 2014)
... (2 episodes, 2014)
... (2 episodes, 2015)
... (1 episode, 2015)
... (1 episode, 2016)
... (1 episode, 2017)
... (1 episode, 2017)
... (1 episode, 2017)
... (1 episode, 2017)

Series Writing Credits  

... (created by) (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (written by) (13 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (creator) (8 episodes, 2014)
... (teleplay by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (created by) (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (written by) (19 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (creator) (8 episodes, 2014)
... (teleplay by) (2 episodes, 2015)
... (story editor) (10 episodes, 2015)
... (written by) (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... (staff writer) (10 episodes, 2016)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2016)
... (staff writer) (10 episodes, 2016)
... (written by) (2 episodes, 2015-2016)
... (staff writer) (10 episodes, 2017)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2016)
... (teleplay by) (1 episode, 2017)
... (staff writer) (10 episodes, 2016)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2016)
... (written by) (5 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (teleplay by) (2 episodes, 2015-2016)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2016)
... (written by) (5 episodes, 2016-2017)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (teleplay by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2014)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2014)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2015)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2016)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2017)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2017)
... (story by) (1 episode, 2017)
... (written by) (1 episode, 2017)
... ("Treasure Island" characters) (uncredited) (8 episodes, 2014)

Series Cast  

...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   / ...
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   / ... (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)
...   (uncredited)

Series Produced by 

... executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... producer / supervising producer / co-producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... producer / producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... co-executive producer / executive producer / supervising producer / producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive producer / co-executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... co-executive producer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive producer / co-executive producer (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... co-producer / associate producer (29 episodes, 2014-2017)
... associate producer / supervising producer (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... executive producer (17 episodes, 2014-2017)
... co-executive producer / consulting producer (15 episodes, 2015-2017)
... producer (14 episodes, 2016-2017)
... executive producer (10 episodes, 2015)
... supervising producer (10 episodes, 2015)
... supervising producer (10 episodes, 2015)
... supervising producer (10 episodes, 2015)
... associate producer (10 episodes, 2016)
... co-executive producer (10 episodes, 2016)
... associate producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... co-producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... supervising producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... consulting producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... co-executive producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... associate producer (10 episodes, 2017)
... co-executive producer (8 episodes, 2014)
... co-executive producer (8 episodes, 2014)
... co-executive producer (2 episodes, 2014)
... co-producer (2 episodes, 2016)

Series Music by 

... (38 episodes, 2014-2017)

Series Cinematography by 

... (11 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... (9 episodes, 2014-2015)
... (8 episodes, 2014-2015)
... (2 episodes, 2017)

Series Editing by 

... (13 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (7 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (6 episodes, 2015-2016)
... (3 episodes, 2014-2016)
... (3 episodes, 2014-2015)
... (3 episodes, 2014)
... (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... (3 episodes, 2017)
... (1 episode, 2014)
... (1 episode, 2017)
... (1 episode, 2017)

Series Casting By 

... (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... (18 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (8 episodes, 2014)

Series Production Design by 

Series art direction by .

... supervising art director / art director (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (34 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (33 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (25 episodes, 2015-2017)
... standby art director / art director (19 episodes, 2016-2017)
... (9 episodes, 2014-2016)
... (8 episodes, 2014)
... (8 episodes, 2014)
... (5 episodes, 2017)

Series Set Decoration by 

... (10 episodes, 2014-2017)
... (3 episodes, 2015)
... (1 episode, 2014)

Series Costume Design by 

... (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... (8 episodes, 2014)

Series Makeup Department 

... hair stylist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... assistant makeup artist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... crowd (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... makeup artist / key makeup artist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... assistant hair & makeup designer / hair designer / key hair / key make-up / makeup designer (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... makeup and hair artist / makeup and hair artist: second unit (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... lab technician: prosthetics applicator (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... assistant make up designer: credited / hair and make up artist / key hair and make up artist (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... hair stylist (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... hair designer / makeup designer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... additional makeup and hair artist (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... hair stylist / makeup artist (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... crowd set supervisor / makeup artist (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... assistant makeup artist (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... prosthetic coordinator (19 episodes, 2016-2017)
... makeup supervisor / assistant makeup artist / makeup and hair / key makeup artist (18 episodes, 2014-2016)
... key makeup and hair: crowd (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... prosthetics co-designer / dental prosthetics designer / prosthetic and makeup effects designer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... crowd make up and hair / crowd make up and hair daily (15 episodes, 2016-2017)
... additional makeup artist (13 episodes, 2015-2016)
... makeup artist (10 episodes, 2016)
... makeup supervisor (10 episodes, 2016)
... crowd supervisor: second unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... key hair stylist / key makeup artist (10 episodes, 2017)
... crowd makeup daily (9 episodes, 2017)
... prosthetic lab work: special makeup effects artist (8 episodes, 2014)
... crowd hair & make up supervisor (8 episodes, 2014)
... hair & makeup (8 episodes, 2017)
... makeup & hair designer (7 episodes, 2014)
... key makeup and hair stylist / key hair stylist / key makeup artist (6 episodes, 2014)
... hair stylist / makeup artist (5 episodes, 2017)
... wig maker (3 episodes, 2014)
... makeup artist (3 episodes, 2017)
... hair department head / key hair and make up artist (2 episodes, 2014-2016)
... prosthetic artist (2 episodes, 2014)
... makeup assistant (1 episode, 2014)
... special effects makeup lab assistant (1 episode, 2014)
... facial hair maker (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)

Series Production Management 

... executive in charge of post production (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... production manager / unit production manager (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... unit manager (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... post-production supervisor (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... production manager (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... production manager / unit production manager (11 episodes, 2014-2017)
... post-production supervisor (11 episodes, 2015-2016)
... post-production supervisor (10 episodes, 2016)
... unit manager (10 episodes, 2017)
... unit manager (10 episodes, 2017)
... post-production supervisor: SA (10 episodes, 2017)
... production manager (10 episodes, 2017)
... post-production supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... post-production manager (Base FX) (8 episodes, 2014)
... production manager / production manager: second unit (8 episodes, 2014)
... publicity production manager (4 episodes, 2016)

Series Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 

... second assistant director / second unit second assistant director (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... second second assistant director / second assistant director / third assistant director / on-set second assistant director (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... second assistant director / second second assistant director (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... key second assistant director / second assistant director (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... assistant director (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... first assistant director (19 episodes, 2014-2017)
... second second assistant director / third assistant director (19 episodes, 2016-2017)
... first assistant director (10 episodes, 2015)
... third assistant director (10 episodes, 2015)
... second second assistant director (10 episodes, 2015)
... casting coordinator (10 episodes, 2015)
... assistant director (10 episodes, 2016)
... third assistant director (10 episodes, 2016)
... assistant director (10 episodes, 2016)
... set P.A. (10 episodes, 2017)
... first assistant director (10 episodes, 2017)
... third assistant director (10 episodes, 2017)
... first assistant director (10 episodes, 2017)
... third assistant director (9 episodes, 2017)
... first assistant director (8 episodes, 2014)
... second second assistant director (7 episodes, 2017)
... second assistant director (7 episodes, 2014)
... first assistant director (6 episodes, 2014-2017)
... assistant director (5 episodes, 2016)
... third assistant director (3 episodes, 2015)
... second second assistant director (2 episodes, 2014)
... second unit director (2 episodes, 2014)
... trainee assistant director (uncredited) (8 episodes, 2017)
... crowd assistant director (uncredited) (6 episodes, 2017)

Series Art Department 

... art department coordinator / production designer assistant (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... props mould maker (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... lead hand (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... head greens person / h.o.d. greens (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... property master (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... leadman / lead art department / set dresser / set dresser: leadman / lead man / leadman sets / set decoration assistant / set design & props (5 episodes, 2014-2017)
... hod fabricator / h.o.d. fabricator (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... scenic foreman / senior scenic foremen / paint foreman (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... construction foreman (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... head scenic / h.o.d. scenic (37 episodes, 2014-2017)
... contruction manager / construction manager (37 episodes, 2014-2017)
... set dresser / art department assistant (23 episodes, 2014-2017)
... props (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... construction coordinator / construction cost coordinator (29 episodes, 2014-2017)
... set designer / draughtsman (18 episodes, 2014-2017)
... set construction foreman (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... lead construction (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... greens foreman (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... set designer (18 episodes, 2014-2017)
... draughtsman / set designer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... junior set designer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... S/B props / standby props (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... set dressing assistant (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... scenic set finisher (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... draftsman / assistant art director (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... prosthetic supplier: Cosmesis Advanced Prosthetics Studio / specialty prop fabricator: creatures (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stand by art director / second unit standby / set dressing stand-by / stand-by: second unit (18 episodes, 2015-2016)
... construction foreman (17 episodes, 2014-2016)
... storyboard artist (16 episodes, 2014-2015)
... illustrator / concept artist (12 episodes, 2014-2017)
... sculpture fabrication (14 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant moldmaker props (10 episodes, 2015)
... set finisher (10 episodes, 2016)
... additional sword maker (10 episodes, 2017)
... assistant decorator (10 episodes, 2017)
... carpenter (10 episodes, 2017)
... art department assistant / art department office assistant / art department assitant (9 episodes, 2014-2017)
... on-set art director (9 episodes, 2017)
... set dressing buyer (8 episodes, 2014)
... swordsmith (8 episodes, 2014)
... set dresser (8 episodes, 2014)
... draughtsman (8 episodes, 2014)
... swordsmith (8 episodes, 2014)
... props (8 episodes, 2014)
... props assistant (8 episodes, 2016)
... set dresser (5 episodes, 2014)
... art department coordinator (5 episodes, 2014)
... lead woman (4 episodes, 2014)
... props (2 episodes, 2015)
... conceptual designer: hero concept art (1 episode, 2014)
... concept artist (1 episode, 2014)
... property master (1 episode, 2014)
... conceptual designer: hero concept art (1 episode, 2014)
... scenic foreman (1 episode, 2014)
... conceptual designer: hero concept art (1 episode, 2014)
... second unit art director (1 episode, 2015)
... creature sculptor (1 episode, 2016)
... set dresser (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)
... props carpenter (uncredited) / set decorating (uncredited) / set decorating and props carpenter (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)

Series Sound Department 

... supervising sound editor (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... foley artist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... foley mixer (36 episodes, 2014-2017)
... re-recording mixer (32 episodes, 2014-2017)
... re-recording mixer (32 episodes, 2014-2017)
... adr supervisor (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... adr recordist (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... sound (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... foley artist (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... supervising dialog editor (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... audio post producer / post audio producer (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... sound effects editor (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... adr mixer (21 episodes, 2014-2017)
... adr mixer / assistant adr recordist (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... boom operator / sound (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... production sound mixer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... a.d.r. mixer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... adr mixer (15 episodes, 2015-2016)
... boom operator (11 episodes, 2014-2015)
... production sound mixer (10 episodes, 2016)
... 1st assistant sound (10 episodes, 2016)
... second assistant sound (10 episodes, 2016)
... adr mixer (10 episodes, 2017)
... dolby atmos engineer (10 episodes, 2017)
... production sound mixer (10 episodes, 2017)
... dialogue editor (9 episodes, 2017)
... technical support (8 episodes, 2014)
... adr looping (8 episodes, 2014)
... UK adr supervisor (8 episodes, 2014)
... ADR assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... adr looping (8 episodes, 2014)
... foley artist (8 episodes, 2014)
... 2nd unit sound mixer (8 episodes, 2014)
... dialogue replacement supervisor (8 episodes, 2014)
... sound re-recording stage engineer (8 episodes, 2014)
... 1st AS: second unit (4 episodes, 2014-2017)
... adr mixer (4 episodes, 2014)
... boom operator (4 episodes, 2014)
... adr assistant (4 episodes, 2014)
... adr recordist (4 episodes, 2014)
... adr recordist (4 episodes, 2014)
... adr mixer (4 episodes, 2014)
... adr supervisor: Spain (2 episodes, 2017)
... a.d.r recordist (2 episodes, 2017)
... adr recordist (1 episode, 2016)
... sound effects editor (1 episode, 2016)
... adr recordist (1 episode, 2017)
... a.d.r. assistant (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)
... adr mixer (uncredited) (4 episodes, 2014)
... foley mixer (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2014)
... sound editor (uncredited) (1 episode, 2014)

Series Special Effects by 

... special effects technician (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... special effects senior technician (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... logistics and crew supervisor / special effects coordinator (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... special effects supervisor (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... special effects technician / special effects coordinator (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... senior pyrotechnician (12 episodes, 2014-2016)
... special effects technician (10 episodes, 2015)
... special effects technician (10 episodes, 2015)
... special effects foreman (10 episodes, 2015)
... special effects prep supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... special effects supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... special effects (10 episodes, 2017)
... special effects workshop assistant (10 episodes, 2017)
... special effects coordinator (8 episodes, 2014)
... special effect floor supervisor (8 episodes, 2014)
... special effects coordinator / special effects foreman (8 episodes, 2014)
... special effects technician (8 episodes, 2014)
... dummy prosthetics: Cosmesis Prosthetics Studio (8 episodes, 2014)
... special effects technician (8 episodes, 2014)
... special effects coordinator: second unit (6 episodes, 2014)
... special effects supervisor (5 episodes, 2014)
... pyrotechnician / special effects supervisor (5 episodes, 2014)
... special effects technician (4 episodes, 2014)
... special effects foreman (4 episodes, 2015)
... special effects (1 episode, 2016)

Series Visual Effects by 

... senior visual effects data wrangler / on set vfx supervision / visual effects data wrangler / visual effects artist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects supervisor (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... visual effects coordinator (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects producer (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... visual effects producer / visual effects producer: RMW (21 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects producer: CHE / visual effects executive producer: Crazy Horse Effects / visual effects executive producer: CHE / visual effects producer: Crazy Horse Effects (21 episodes, 2014-2016)
... visual effects supervisor: CHE / visual effects supervisor: Crazy Horse Effects (21 episodes, 2014-2016)
... visual effects producer: Crazy Horse Effects / visual effects associate producer: Crazy Horse Effects / visual effects producer: CHE (20 episodes, 2014-2016)
... visual effects coordinator / visual effects production assistant (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... lead effects artist: Secret Lab (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... systems engineer: FuseFX (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... data wrangler (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator (15 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator / visual effects production manager (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects producer / visual effects (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects editor (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... lead texture/lighting: Opening Title' (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... lead (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... lidar technician: CGS FX / lidar technician (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... compositing supervisor / digital compositing supervisor (17 episodes, 2014-2017)
... previs production coordinator: The Third Floor / previsualization coordinator (15 episodes, 2014-2015)
... previs artist: The Third Floor / previsualization supervisor (15 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects editor: shade vfx (15 episodes, 2015-2017)
... visual effects coordinator / visual effects coordinator: Shade VFX (15 episodes, 2015-2017)
... visual effects producer: shade vfx / digital effects producer: Shade VFX (15 episodes, 2015-2017)
... digital compositor: Crazy Horse Effects / digital lead compositor: Crazy Horse East (14 episodes, 2014-2016)
... digital compositor / compositor (13 episodes, 2014-2015)
... digital compositor (13 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects producer: The Resistance VFX (13 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects art director / visual effects art director: CHE (12 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects coordinator: Gradient Effects / visual effects producer: Secret Lab / visual effects coordinator: Secret Lab (12 episodes, 2015-2017)
... Dynamic Simulation/Rigging Artist / CFX Artist: Digital Domain 3.0 / visual effects artist (12 episodes, 2015-2016)
... compositor: The Resistance VFX / Compositor: The Resistance VFX (12 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects editor (12 episodes, 2016-2017)
... lead fx artist (11 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects artist (11 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositor: Crazy Horse Effects / lead 3d artist (10 episodes, 2014-2016)
... compositing supervisor: Crazy Horse Effects (10 episodes, 2014-2016)
... digital production administrator: digital domain (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... technical director: Digital Domain (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects supervisor: Digital Domain (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital production administrator: digital domain (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects supervisor: shade vfx / vfx supervisor: shade vfx (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... character rigger / character effects artist / visual effects artist (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... cg supervisor: digital domain (10 episodes, 2015-2016)
... previs artist: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... previs artist: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects coordinator: Crazy Horse Effects (10 episodes, 2015)
... previs creative director: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... previs artist: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... compositing artist : PFX (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects data wrangler (10 episodes, 2015)
... previs production manager: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects editor: FuseFX (10 episodes, 2015)
... previsualization producer: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects supervisor (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects producer: Base FX (10 episodes, 2015)
... previs artist: The Third Floor (10 episodes, 2015)
... assistant visual effects editor (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects producer: ILP (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects producer: FuseFX (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator: ILP (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... vfx artist: Important Looking Pirates / digital compositor: ILP / vfx artist: Important looking Pirates (10 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects editor (10 episodes, 2016)
... compositor (10 episodes, 2016)
... vfx editor: FuseFx (10 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist / texture artist: Rodeo FX (10 episodes, 2017)
... compositing technical director (10 episodes, 2017)
... vfx art director (10 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator (10 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator (9 episodes, 2014-2015)
... data wrangler: shade vfx / assistant visual effects editor: shade vfx (9 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositor: Encore Hollywood (8 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects artist (8 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects supervisor: Reliance MediaWorks (8 episodes, 2014-2015)
... cg supervisor (8 episodes, 2014)
... Digital Paint Dept. Supervisor: BaseFX (8 episodes, 2014)
... VFX Producer: RMW Mumbai (8 episodes, 2014)
... lead compositor: Base Fx (8 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (8 episodes, 2014)
... President: Media & Creative Services - Reliance MediaWorks (8 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (8 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects accountant: Crazy Horse Effects (8 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects producer (8 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects producer: Crazy Horse Effects (8 episodes, 2014)
... tracking artist (8 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (8 episodes, 2014)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX / visual effects artist (8 episodes, 2015-2017)
... paint/roto artist: digital domain / digital paint/roto artist: digital domain (8 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects production manager (8 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects supervisor: SSVFX (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects producer: Screen Scene (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects supervisor: Screen Scene / visual effects coordinator: Screen Scene (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... head of engineering: SSVFX (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... cg supervisor: FuseFX (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... lead digital compositor: ILP (8 episodes, 2016-2017)
... additional visual effects editor: FuseFX / visual effects editor (2 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositing supervisor (8 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects artist (8 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects editor: Encore Hollywood (8 episodes, 2017)
... executive producer: The Resistance VFX (8 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Screen Scene (7 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects: Digiscope (7 episodes, 2014-2015)
... matte painter (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... cg coordinator: Rodeo FX / visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX / shader artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX / roto artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... cg supervisor: Rodeo FX / matte painter td: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX / roto artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... concept artist: Rodeo FX / visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX / modeler: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX / roto artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositor: Secret Lab / digital compositor (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX / visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matte painting td: Rodeo FX / matte painter td: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matte painting td: Rodeo FX / modeler: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX / layout artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX / matchmover: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matte painting td: Rodeo FX / matte painter td: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX / associate vfx supervisor: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX / matchmover: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene / 3d supervisor: Screen Scene (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... fx artist: rodeo FX / fx artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX / roto artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX / layout artist: Rodeo FX (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... lead lighting artist: ILP / cg lead / cg artist / cg lead: ILP / cg lead: ILP vfx (7 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositing supervisor: Rhythm and Hues (7 episodes, 2017)
... vp of production: Rhythm & Hues (7 episodes, 2017)
... visual effect supervisor: Rhythm + Hues (7 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects / visual effects supervisor (6 episodes, 2014-2017)
... compositing supervisor: shade vfx (6 episodes, 2015)
... lead compositor (6 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (6 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects executive producer: shade vfx (6 episodes, 2015)
... animation supervisor: Digital Domain (6 episodes, 2016)
... compositing supervisor: digital domain (6 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects producer: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope supervisor: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... 3d supervisor: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects pipeline: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects pa: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... 2d supervisor: Screen Scene (6 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor (6 episodes, 2017)
... digital 2d sequence supervisor: Screen Scene / digital compositor: Screen Scene (5 episodes, 2014-2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (5 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects artist (5 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects producer (5 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects (5 episodes, 2014-2015)
... compositing supervisor: Gradient Effects (5 episodes, 2014)
... digital compositor (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization artist (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization coordinator (5 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects supervisor: Base FX (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization artist (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization accountant (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization lead (5 episodes, 2014)
... previsualization artist (5 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects producer: Gradient Effects (5 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects coordinator: Base FX (5 episodes, 2014)
... digital compositor: Crazy Horse East / compositor: Crazy Horse Effects (5 episodes, 2015-2016)
... character effects supervisor (5 episodes, 2015-2016)
... animator: Hybride / animator: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects coordinator: Crazy Horse East (5 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects production manager: Base FX (5 episodes, 2015)
... lighting artist: Reliance Mediaworks (5 episodes, 2015)
... lead compositor: Base FX (5 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: ILP (5 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects artist: ILP (5 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects production assistant (5 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: FuseFX (5 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects artist (5 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects executive producer: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects assistant editor (5 episodes, 2017)
... lighting artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects producer: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects producer: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rigging artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... communications: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital 2d sequence supervisor: Screen Scene (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg supervisor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painting td: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matchmove artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... animator: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital effects artist: Rhythm & Hues (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... layout artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... lighting artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects project manager: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... vp production: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX / visual effects supervisor (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects executive producer: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rigging artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... pipeline & tools developer: Rhythm & Hues (5 episodes, 2017)
... matchmove supervisor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... texture artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matchmover: Screen Scene (5 episodes, 2017)
... vp technology and development: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... modeling artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... vfx production assistant: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter/concept artist: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects editor: Rodeo FX (5 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (4 episodes, 2014-2017)
... visual effects / lead 3d generalist: Reliance MediaWorks VFX / visual effects artist / visual effects artist: Crazy Horse Effects (4 episodes, 2014-2016)
... visual effects artist: Digiscope (4 episodes, 2014)
... digital matte paint artist (4 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects production manager: Base FX (4 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects assistant (4 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects coordinator: Crazy Horse Effects (4 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (4 episodes, 2014)
... digital compositor: Encore / digital compositor: FuseFX (4 episodes, 2015-2017)
... tracking artist: Hybride / tracking: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... research and development: Hybride / technical director: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride / lighting: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... compositor / compositor: Digital Domain (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... animator: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... character rigging: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... modeler: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... visual effects animator: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... senior digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... character rigging: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... effects animator: Hybride / fx animation: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... layout artist: Hybride / layout: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... modeler: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... production assistant: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... tracking artist: Hybride / layout/tracking: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... research and development: Hybride / technical director: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... tracking artist: Hybride / tracking: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... layout artist: Hybride / layout/tracking: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... modeler: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... effects animator: Hybride / fx animation: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... research and development: Hybride / technical director: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... modeler: Hybride (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital effects supervisor: Crazy Horse Effects / visual effects supervisor: CHE (4 episodes, 2015-2016)
... lighting artist: Base FX / lighting artist (4 episodes, 2015)
... modeling (4 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects (4 episodes, 2015)
... compositor: Gradient Effects (4 episodes, 2015)
... CTO: Base FX (4 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects (4 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (4 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects: previs- The Third Floor (4 episodes, 2016-2017)
... digital producer: digital domain (4 episodes, 2016)
... lead fx: Important Looking Pirates (4 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects artist (4 episodes, 2016)
... roto/prep artist: Peerless (4 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: ILP (4 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: Exceptional Minds (4 episodes, 2017)
... Data Operator/Render Wrangler: Cinesite (4 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects editor: Cinesite Montreal (4 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects compositor (4 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: ILP (4 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (4 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: ILP (4 episodes, 2017)
... compositor / digital compositor (4 episodes, 2017)
... lead digital artist: ILP (4 episodes, 2017)
... data operations: Cinesite (4 episodes, 2017)
... compositor: Encore Hollywood (1 episode, 2014-2016)
... compositor: Base FX (3 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects supervisor: Alkemy X (3 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects artist (3 episodes, 2014)
... Visual Effects Supervisor: BaseFX (3 episodes, 2014)
... fx lead (3 episodes, 2014)
... matchmove artist (3 episodes, 2014)
... digital effects artist: opening credits (3 episodes, 2014)
... senior compositor (3 episodes, 2014)
... matchmove artist (3 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (3 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects supervisor: Gradient Effects (3 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (3 episodes, 2014)
... animator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effect producer: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... compositor: Level 256 (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... effects animator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... administration: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... compositor: Level 256 (3 episodes, 2015)
... production assistant: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects coordinator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects supervisor: Level 256 VFX (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital artist: Empire Visual Effects (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Crazy Horse Effects (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effect executive producer: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... computer graphics supervisor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... compositing supervisor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... animator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... senior compositor/comp td: Reliance MediaWorks, Burbank, CA (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effect supervisor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects artist (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects supervisor: Encore Toronto (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... research and development: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... production assistant: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... senior compositor (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects coordinator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects financial controller: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... sequence lead: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... technical support: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... research and development: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Base FX (3 episodes, 2015)
... president and head of production: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... compositor (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... animator: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... communication: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... administration: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... research and development: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... visual effect supervisor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... research and development: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... communication: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor: Hybride (3 episodes, 2015)
... sr. vfx compositor (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects artist: ILP (2 episodes, 2016-2017)
... digital compositor (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... digital compositor: ILP (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... compositor (3 episodes, 2016)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX / matte painter: Raynault VFX (3 episodes, 2016)
... senior compositor: digital domain (3 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: ILP (3 episodes, 2016)
... rotoscope artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene / senior compositor (3 episodes, 2017)
... vfx line producer: Cinesite (3 episodes, 2017)
... vfx supervisor: Cinesite (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... matte painter (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects artist (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... rotoscope artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... executive producer: Cinesite (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... matchmover: Screen Scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital matte painter: screen scene (3 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects artist: Exceptional Minds / visual effects artist: for exceptional minds [us] / visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us] (3 episodes, 2017)
... cg supervisor: FuseFX (3 episodes, 2017)
... digital matte painter: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2014-2017)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2014-2016)
... cg supervisor: Pivot VFX (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... compositor / pipeline td (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects artist (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects editor: DIVE (2 episodes, 2014)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2014)
... lead cg modeler (2 episodes, 2014)
... texture artist (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects producer (2 episodes, 2014)
... r&d developer (2 episodes, 2014)
... on-set visual effects supervisor (2 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects executive producer: Dive (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects compositor (2 episodes, 2014)
... mocap artist (2 episodes, 2014)
... senior texture artist (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects editor (2 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (2 episodes, 2014)
... CG supervisor: Reliance Mediaworks London / rigging head of department: Reliance Mediaworks London / rigger & effects technical director: Milk VFX (2 episodes, 2014)
... virtual production supervisor (2 episodes, 2014)
... lookdev artist / lighting td: Reliance Media Works (2 episodes, 2014)
... senior compositor (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects (2 episodes, 2014)
... visual effects artist (2 episodes, 2014)
... compositor (2 episodes, 2015-2017)
... lighting supervisor / visual effects (2 episodes, 2015-2016)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2015-2016)
... previsualization artist (2 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2015)
... sr. compositor (2 episodes, 2015)
... lead effects artist / visual effects (2 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2015)
... matchmove artist: shade vfx (2 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2015)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2015)
... head of animation (2 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects (2 episodes, 2016-2017)
... animator: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: ILP (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... animator: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... 3d artist (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects director of photography: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lead lighting td (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... render wrangler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects production manager: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositor (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... communications: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositor: Peerless (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects producer: Raynault VFX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline technical director: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... modeler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital artist (2 episodes, 2016)
... matte painter td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... matte painter: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... previz artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... render wrangler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... cg supervisor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... tracking artist (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects coordinator: Peerless (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: Peerless (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositor: digital domain (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects producer: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... matchmover: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline manager: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... rigging: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... matchmover: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... concept artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: ILP (2 episodes, 2016)
... matchmove artist (2 episodes, 2016)
... render wrangler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... modeler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto/paint artist: Digital Domain (2 episodes, 2016)
... modeler: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... vfx editor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... animator: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: Raynault VFX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... effects artist: Folks (2 episodes, 2016)
... lighting: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... fx artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects artist / visual effects artist: ILP (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: ILP (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositor: Digital Domain (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: ILP (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... rigging: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... vfx bidding producer: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... roto artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects line producer: Peerless (2 episodes, 2016)
... layout artist: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... production support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... digital compositor: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... pipeline td: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects coordinator: Peerless (2 episodes, 2016)
... technology support: Rodeo FX (2 episodes, 2016)
... compositor (2 episodes, 2017)
... visual effect production assistant / visual effects production assistant (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... production support: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... flame artist: Encore Hollywood (2 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us] (2 episodes, 2017)
... lighting td: Important Looking Pirates (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us] (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... visual effects coordinator (2 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2017)
... matchmover: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2017)
... production support: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (2 episodes, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (2 episodes, 2017)
... digital compositor (2 episodes, 2017)
... cg supervisor: Reliance MediaWorks (1 episode, 2014)
... compositing supervisor: Milk Visual Effects (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2014)
... post-visualization artist (1 episode, 2014)
... compositor (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... digital matte painter: Crazy Horse Effects (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2014)
... matchmove artist: Milk VFX (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2014)
... cg generalist (1 episode, 2014)
... 2d supervisor (1 episode, 2014)
... cg supervisor: Milk Visual Effects (1 episode, 2014)
... matte paint dept. supervisor: BaseFX (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects coordinator: Wildfire VFX (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2014)
... concept artist: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... additional cg vfx (1 episode, 2014)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: BaseFX (1 episode, 2014)
... head of lighting (1 episode, 2014)
... paint artist (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects production manager: Base FX (1 episode, 2014)
... digital matte painter: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects producer: Wildfire VFX (1 episode, 2014)
... rigging supervisor: Milk (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects supervisor: Wildfire VFX (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects producer: Digiscope (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects coordinator (1 episode, 2014)
... hdri photography (1 episode, 2014)
... senior technical director: milk-vfx (1 episode, 2014)
... fx lead: BaseFX (1 episode, 2014)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2014)
... compositor (1 episode, 2015)
... compositor (1 episode, 2015)
... roto (1 episode, 2015)
... visual effects producer (1 episode, 2015)
... crew chief: New Deal Studios (1 episode, 2015)
... production intern: Crazy Horse Effects (1 episode, 2015)
... compositor (1 episode, 2015)
... executive in charge of visual effects: MFX (1 episode, 2015)
... digital compositor: Crazy Horse East (1 episode, 2015)
... production assistant: new deal studios (1 episode, 2015)
... compositor (1 episode, 2015)
... visual effects artist: Pivot VFX (1 episode, 2015)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2015)
... matchmove artist (1 episode, 2015)
... visual effects producer: MFX (1 episode, 2015)
... integration artist Digital Domain (1 episode, 2015)
... production coordinator: new deal studios (1 episode, 2015)
... compositor: Crazy Horse Effects (1 episode, 2015)
... pre-vis artist (1 episode, 2015)
... cg supervisor: Digital Domain (1 episode, 2015)
... fx animation: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... lead fx td (1 episode, 2016)
... cg supervisor (1 episode, 2016)
... modeler: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... compositor (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2016)
... compositor (1 episode, 2016)
... animator: Digital Domain (1 episode, 2016)
... lighting: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Peerless (1 episode, 2016)
... previs supervisor (1 episode, 2016)
... matte painter: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... effects artist (1 episode, 2016)
... digital matte painter: ILP (1 episode, 2016)
... lighting td: Important Looking Pirates (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2016)
... matte painter: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Shade VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital effects artist: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects executive producer: Shade VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital effects artist: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2016)
... senior compositor: Important Looking Pirates (1 episode, 2016)
... digital artist (1 episode, 2016)
... artistic director / lead digital artist (1 episode, 2016)
... digital artist: Digital Domain (1 episode, 2016)
... cg supervisor: Shade VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... digital effects artist: Raynault VFX (1 episode, 2016)
... textures & lighting: Hybride (1 episode, 2016)
... previsualization artist: The Third Floor (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist: ILP (1 episode, 2016)
... character fx td: digital domain (1 episode, 2016)
... digital compositor: Crazy Horse East (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us] (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects supervisor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor / visual effects artist (1 episode, 2017)
... additional visual effects supervisor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... texturing artist: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects editor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... i.t. manager: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... pipeline developer (1 episode, 2017)
... studio manager: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital artist (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects producer (1 episode, 2017)
... studio coordinator: for Exceptional minds [us] (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... general manager: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2017)
... cg artist: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2017)
... compositor: Encore Hollywood (1 episode, 2017)
... 3D artist generalis (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... matchmover: Screen Scene (1 episode, 2017)
... additional vfx producer: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects artist (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... additional visual effects producer: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... fx td (1 episode, 2017)
... modeler: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... matte painting (1 episode, 2017)
... additional vfx supervisor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us] (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... fx artist: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects producer: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... rigger: grid-vfx (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor (1 episode, 2017)
... vfx artist: Cinesite (1 episode, 2017)
... visual effects production assistant: BOTVFX (uncredited) / visual effects coordinator (uncredited) / production support (uncredited) (19 episodes, 2014-2016)
... head of production: BOTVFX (uncredited) (18 episodes, 2014-2016)
... : BOTVFX (uncredited) (18 episodes, 2014-2016)
... President/CEO/COO: Alkemy X (uncredited) (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... visual effects production assistant (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2015)
... visual effects coordinator: FuseFX (uncredited) (6 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects digital producer: Reliance Mediaworks (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2014)
... digital compositor (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2015)
... systems engineer: Encore Toronto (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2015)
... rigging technical director: ILP (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... visual effects coordinator (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2016)
... visual effects executive producer: Exceptional Minds (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2017)
... paint & roto artist (uncredited) (2 episodes, 2014)
... previs artist: The Third Floor (uncredited) (2 episodes, 2015)
... fx td (uncredited) (1 episode, 2014)
... digital compositor: Milk VFX (uncredited) (1 episode, 2014)
... model maker: New Deal Studios (uncredited) (1 episode, 2015)
... visual effects artist (uncredited) (1 episode, 2016)
... visual effects artist: FuseFX (uncredited) (1 episode, 2017)
... digital compositor: ILP (uncredited) (1 episode, 2017)

Series Stunts 

... stunt performer / stunt double: toby schmitz - fight choreography / stunt performer: fight choreography (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... black beard keelhual dbl (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... assistant stunt coordinator / stunt coordinator (36 episodes, 2014-2017)
... key stunt rigger / stunt performer (29 episodes, 2015-2017)
... stunt performer (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunts (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... fight choreographer (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt coordinator (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt rigger: stunt performer / stunt performer / stunt rigger (27 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt rigger (25 episodes, 2015-2017)
... stunt double: Toby Stephans / fight choreographer: stunt double: Toby Stephans (21 episodes, 2014-2017)
... stunt performer (21 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt performer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... stunt double: Blackbeard / Fight Choreographer (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt performer: stunts / stunt performer / stunt actor: Pirate #1 (19 episodes, 2015-2017)
... stunt rigger (18 episodes, 2014-2017)
... stunt performer / stunt double: tom hopper (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt performer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt performer (18 episodes, 2015-2017)
... stunt performer (15 episodes, 2015-2016)
... stunt performer (13 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt performer (13 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt performer / stunt double: Luke Roberts (12 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt performer (11 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt performer (11 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunt rigger / stunt performer (10 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt performer (10 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt performer (10 episodes, 2016)
... stunts (10 episodes, 2016)
... stunt performer (10 episodes, 2016)
... stunts (10 episodes, 2017)
... stunt performer (10 episodes, 2017)
... stunt performer (9 episodes, 2017)
... stunt performer (8 episodes, 2014-2016)
... stunt double: John Silver / stunt performer (8 episodes, 2014)
... stunt performer (8 episodes, 2014)
... stunt performer / stunt rigger (8 episodes, 2014)
... stunt coordinator (8 episodes, 2014)
... stunt double (8 episodes, 2014)
... stunt performer (8 episodes, 2017)
... stunt performer (7 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt performer (7 episodes, 2017)
... stunts (5 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt double: woodes rogers (4 episodes, 2017)
... stunts (3 episodes, 2014)
... stunts (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt double: Zach McGowan / stunt performer (2 episodes, 2014-2015)
... stunt player (2 episodes, 2014)
... stunt performer (2 episodes, 2014)
... stunt performer (2 episodes, 2015)
... stunt performer (2 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stunts (2 episodes, 2017)
... stunt performer (1 episode, 2014)
... stunt villager (1 episode, 2014)
... stunt performer (1 episode, 2015)
... stunt performer (1 episode, 2015)
... motion capture actor and stunt performer (1 episode, 2016)
... utility stunts (1 episode, 2017)

Series Camera and Electrical Department 

... b camera first assistant / first assistant camera: b camera / first assistant camera: "b" camera (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... dimmer board operator (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... data wrangler (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... prelight gaffer / best boy lights (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... key grip (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... rigging grip (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... digital imaging technician (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... grip / grip: dailies (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... rigging grip (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... camera operator (36 episodes, 2014-2017)
... b camera operator / a camera operator (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... still photographer (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... digital imaging technician / digital imaging technician: second unit (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... gaffer / gaffer: third episode (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... rigging grip (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... spark (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... additional camera (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... second assistant camera: b camera / second assistant camera (28 episodes, 2015-2017)
... director of photography / dop: second unit / additional photography / additional photography by (28 episodes, 2015-2017)
... rigging trainee (24 episodes, 2015-2017)
... key rigging grip: second unit / dolly grip: second unit / Dolly grip: second unit / Dolly grip / key grip: second unit (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... loader: "a" camera (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... loader (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... first assistant camera (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... first assistant a cam / first assistant camera a cam (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... electrician (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... grip (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... libra head technician (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... spark (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... trainee grip (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... videoassist (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... spark / spark: trainee (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... video assist operator (19 episodes, 2014-2017)
... rigger (18 episodes, 2014-2016)
... key rigger / key rigging grip (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant grip (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... key grip (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... data wrangler (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... focus puller: "a" camera (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... grip (18 episodes, 2015-2016)
... steadicam operator (13 episodes, 2015-2016)
... trainee assistant camera (11 episodes, 2014-2017)
... first assistant camera (11 episodes, 2014-2016)
... video assist (10 episodes, 2015)
... assistant grip - 2nd unit (10 episodes, 2015)
... second assistant camera (10 episodes, 2015)
... dolly grip (10 episodes, 2015)
... rigging best boy lighting (10 episodes, 2015)
... spark: dailies second unit (10 episodes, 2015)
... "a" camera operator (10 episodes, 2016)
... key grip: 2nd unit / key grip: sullivan unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... camera operator: second unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... first assistant camera: second unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... gaffer second unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... camera loader: b camera - dailies (10 episodes, 2016)
... data wrangler: second unit (10 episodes, 2016)
... camera trainee (10 episodes, 2017)
... underwater camera technician (10 episodes, 2017)
... additional photography by / additional photography (10 episodes, 2017)
... camera operator / steadicam operator (10 episodes, 2017)
... gaffer: sullivan unit (10 episodes, 2017)
... lighting technician: second unit (10 episodes, 2017)
... lighting technician (10 episodes, 2017)
... c camera focus puller (10 episodes, 2017)
... libra head technician (10 episodes, 2017)
... "b" camera loader (10 episodes, 2017)
... grip (10 episodes, 2017)
... additional electrician (9 episodes, 2014-2017)
... lighting technician (9 episodes, 2014-2016)
... first assistant camera (9 episodes, 2014-2015)
... camera operator: "a" camera (9 episodes, 2014-2015)
... camera operator: "a" camera (9 episodes, 2017)
... electrician (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy grip (8 episodes, 2014)
... camera operator (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy grip (8 episodes, 2014)
... second assistant camera: "a" camera (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy lights (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy electric: second unit (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy lights (8 episodes, 2014)
... director of photography: VFX: 2014 (8 episodes, 2014)
... second assistant camera: second unit (8 episodes, 2014)
... best boy grip (8 episodes, 2014)
... director of photography: second unit (8 episodes, 2014)
... still photographer (7 episodes, 2014)
... lighting technician (7 episodes, 2014)
... first assistant "c" camera: dailies (7 episodes, 2015-2016)
... camera operator: "c" camera (6 episodes, 2017)
... spark (5 episodes, 2014-2015)
... trainee loader (5 episodes, 2016)
... underwater camera operator (4 episodes, 2014-2017)
... camera operator: second unit (4 episodes, 2014)
... director of photography: Treasure Island Sequences / camera operator: "a" camera / director of photography second unit (2 episodes, 2015-2017)
... camera operator (3 episodes, 2014)
... additional first assistant camera (3 episodes, 2017)
... still photographer (2 episodes, 2015-2016)
... gaffer: second unit (2 episodes, 2015)
... aerial octocopter drone (2 episodes, 2017)
... assistant camera (1 episode, 2014)
... first assistant camera (1 episode, 2014)
... first assistant camera (1 episode, 2014)
... assistant camera: dailies (1 episode, 2014)
... still photographer (1 episode, 2015)
... grip assistant (1 episode, 2015)
... additional camera: dailies (1 episode, 2016)
... camera operator (1 episode, 2016)
... cable cam operator (1 episode, 2017)
... video operator (1 episode, 2017)
... aerial cameraman (uncredited) (1 episode, 2015)

Series Animation Department 

... animator: ILP (3 episodes, 2016-2017)
... animator (1 episode, 2014)

Series Casting Department 

... extras casting assistant (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... extras casting / extras casting coordinator (20 episodes, 2014-2017)
... extras casting assistant (12 episodes, 2015-2017)
... casting associate (10 episodes, 2016)
... casting: United Kingdom / casting: UK (10 episodes, 2017)
... casting assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... casting associate: uk (8 episodes, 2014)
... casting associate (7 episodes, 2014)
... extras casting assistant (5 episodes, 2016)
... casting (4 episodes, 2014)
... casting: ireland / casting director ireland (3 episodes, 2014-2015)
... original casting (1 episode, 2014)
... casting coordinator (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)
... casting assistant (uncredited) (1 episode, 2014)

Series Costume and Wardrobe Department 

... fabric supplier (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... costumer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... costume buyer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... fabricator / key fabricator (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... costume coordinator / coordinator / Costume coordinator (32 episodes, 2014-2017)
... set costumer (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... key costume cutter / costume cutter man (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... costume stand-by (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... key costume fabrication and ager (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... costume supervisor (27 episodes, 2014-2016)
... leads breakdown (24 episodes, 2014-2016)
... wardrobe supervisor / set costume supervisor (21 episodes, 2014-2016)
... set costumer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... key costumer (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... key costumer: principals (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... costume assistant (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... costume supervisor / set costumer / key costumer (19 episodes, 2014-2017)
... key costumer (19 episodes, 2016-2017)
... costume assistant (18 episodes, 2014-2016)
... costume breakdown artist (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... key costumer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... set costumer (16 episodes, 2016-2017)
... assistant costume designer (10 episodes, 2015)
... wardrobe assistant: extras / set supervisor: second unit / wardrobe (10 episodes, 2015)
... costume buyer (10 episodes, 2015)
... crowd costume supervisor (10 episodes, 2015)
... costume standby (10 episodes, 2015)
... key crowd standby (10 episodes, 2016)
... crowd costumer (10 episodes, 2016)
... crowd supervisor (10 episodes, 2016)
... head standby (10 episodes, 2017)
... womenswear cutter (10 episodes, 2017)
... wardrobe supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... key standby (10 episodes, 2017)
... costume supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... costume assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... costume cutter ladies (8 episodes, 2014)
... costume cutter (8 episodes, 2014)
... costume assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... set costumer (8 episodes, 2014)
... key costumer (8 episodes, 2014)
... wardrobe assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... assistant costume designer (8 episodes, 2014)
... costume assistant (8 episodes, 2015)
... set costumer (8 episodes, 2016)
... costume assistant / assistant costume designer (7 episodes, 2014)
... costume buyer (5 episodes, 2015)
... set costumer (4 episodes, 2016)
... set costumer (2 episodes, 2016)
... wardrobe assistant (1 episode, 2014)
... costume assistant (1 episode, 2014)
... crowd costume supervisor (1 episode, 2015)
... head costume art finisher (1 episode, 2016)
... costume supervisor (1 episode, 2016)
... costume assistant: prep time (1 episode, 2016)
... costume cutter (1 episode, 2017)
... costume buyer (uncredited) (8 episodes, 2014)

Series Editorial Department 

... on-line editor (37 episodes, 2014-2017)
... first assistant editor: south africa / assistant editor: SA / additional editor (37 episodes, 2014-2017)
... colorist (36 episodes, 2014-2017)
... colorist: dailies (30 episodes, 2014-2017)
... finishing producer / Finishing Producer / finishing supervisor (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... post-production coordinator / post-production assistant (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... second assistant editor / assistant editor: SA (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... post production engineer / post production advisor (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... assistant editor: SA / assistant editor: south africa (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... finishing coordinator (11 episodes, 2016-2017)
... assistant on-line editor (11 episodes, 2016-2017)
... post-production assistant (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... post production supervisor / post-production coordinator (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant editor: SA (10 episodes, 2017)
... post-production assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... colorist: dailies (8 episodes, 2014)
... post-production coordinator (8 episodes, 2014)
... finishing supervisor (8 episodes, 2017)
... additional colorist (8 episodes, 2017)
... supervising colorist (8 episodes, 2017)
... post-production assistant (8 episodes, 2017)
... assistant editor / first assistant editor (5 episodes, 2016-2017)
... first assistant editor (5 episodes, 2016-2017)
... post-production coordinator (5 episodes, 2016)
... assistant editor / additional editor (3 episodes, 2014-2016)
... first assistant editor (3 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant editor (3 episodes, 2015)
... first assistant editor (3 episodes, 2017)
... additional editor (1 episode, 2015)
... assistant on-line editor (uncredited) (4 episodes, 2017)

Series Location Management 

... stage manager / Stage Manager (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... location manager (35 episodes, 2014-2017)

Series Music Department 

... scoring assistant (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... composer: theme music (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... orchestra contractor / music contractor (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... orchestrator / musician: ethnic strings / conductor (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... orchestrator (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... scoring assistant / additional music (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... assistant scoring manager / composer: additional music (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... additional engineering (10 episodes, 2014-2017)
... music editor (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... scoring manager / composer: additional music / scoring assistant (20 episodes, 2014-2016)
... scoring engineer (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... tech scoring assistant / composer: additional music (26 episodes, 2015-2017)
... assistant to the composer (21 episodes, 2014-2016)
... scoring coordinator (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... scoring assistant / composer: additional music (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... scoring assistant / composer: additional music (18 episodes, 2014-2017)
... composer additional music (14 episodes, 2015-2017)
... orchestrator (10 episodes, 2015)
... composer: additional music (10 episodes, 2016)
... music preparation (10 episodes, 2016)
... composer: additional music (10 episodes, 2016)
... scoring assistant: demo mixer (10 episodes, 2017)
... scoring coordinator (10 episodes, 2017)
... composer: additional music (9 episodes, 2017)
... copyist (8 episodes, 2014)
... assistant orchestrator (7 episodes, 2017)
... music supervisor (5 episodes, 2014)
... score preparation (3 episodes, 2014)
... orchestrator (3 episodes, 2015-2017)
... intern: music department (1 episode, 2014)
... trailer music (1 episode, 2017)
... studio management (uncredited) (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... additional mixing engineer (uncredited) / additional recording engineer (uncredited) / assistant engineer (uncredited) (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... composer: additional music (uncredited) (17 episodes, 2016-2017)
... additional recording engineer (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)
... intern (uncredited) (2 episodes, 2017)
... additional music (uncredited) (1 episode, 2016)

Series Script and Continuity Department 

... script supervisor (28 episodes, 2014-2017)
... script supervisor (19 episodes, 2015-2017)
... assistant script supervisor (10 episodes, 2016)
... script supervisor (10 episodes, 2017)
... script coordinator (8 episodes, 2017)
... continuity assistant (uncredited) / assistant script supervisor (uncredited) (20 episodes, 2014-2016)
... assistant continuity (uncredited) (10 episodes, 2017)

Series Transportation Department 

... unit manager (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... transport manager (30 episodes, 2015-2017)

Series Additional Crew 

... marine crew / safety diver (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... financial controller (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... co-marine coordinator (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... marine coordinator: second unit (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... marine crew (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... director assistant / assistant to executive producer / writers pa: los angeles (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... sword master / armourer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive assistant to ceo: Cape Town Film Studios / executive assistant to ceo: Cape Town Film ceo (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... marine crew (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... unit publicist (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... gimbal manufacturer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... environmental consultant / animal anti-cruelty monitor / environmental control officer (38 episodes, 2014-2017)
... marine co-coordinator / Marine Coordinator (34 episodes, 2014-2017)
... executive (32 episodes, 2014-2017)
... petty cash accountant (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... armourer (30 episodes, 2015-2017)
... main title design (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... insurance broker (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... production staff (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... assistant production coordinator / production coordinator (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... production coordinator (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... production secretary / production secretary: uk (20 episodes, 2014-2016)
... epk cameraman (20 episodes, 2015-2017)
... epk unit: documentary unit (20 episodes, 2015-2016)
... dialect coach (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... stand-in (20 episodes, 2016-2017)
... writers' assistant (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... key armourer (18 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant to Mr Fuller & Mr Form (17 episodes, 2014-2015)
... set pa / cast coordinator (15 episodes, 2014-2015)
... assistant to executive producers (15 episodes, 2016-2017)
... historical advisor (11 episodes, 2014-2017)
... production coordinator / assistant coordinator (11 episodes, 2014-2015)
... set production assistant (10 episodes, 2015)
... Cast Liaison (10 episodes, 2016)
... stand- in / stand-in (10 episodes, 2016)
... sailing master (10 episodes, 2016)
... writers pa (10 episodes, 2016)
... director's assistant (10 episodes, 2017)
... cast coordinator (10 episodes, 2017)
... dialect coach (10 episodes, 2017)
... assistant production coordinator (10 episodes, 2017)
... stand-in (10 episodes, 2017)
... writers assistant (10 episodes, 2017)
... key set pa (10 episodes, 2017)
... set production assistant: assistant directing department (10 episodes, 2017)
... consultant writer (10 episodes, 2017)
... travel & accommodation coordinator (10 episodes, 2017)
... animal wrangler (10 episodes, 2017)
... set production assistant (10 episodes, 2017)
... set production assistant (10 episodes, 2017)
... Lead stage hand / lead Stage Hand (9 episodes, 2014-2015)
... set production assistant (9 episodes, 2017)
... manager: second unit (8 episodes, 2014)
... title producer (8 episodes, 2014)
... title designer (8 episodes, 2014)
... executive assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... creative producer: Film Afrika (8 episodes, 2014)
... writers' assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... production assistant (8 episodes, 2014)
... Assistant to Jonathan E. Steinberg & Robert Levine (8 episodes, 2014)
... Extras Assistant (8 episodes, 2016)
... stand-in: stand in (4 episodes, 2014)
... scenic foreman (4 episodes, 2014)
... script supervisor: episode (4 episodes, 2015)
... stand-in: male lead (4 episodes, 2017)
... studio coordinator: for Exceptional minds [us] (3 episodes, 2017)
... armourer (2 episodes, 2014)
... stage hand (2 episodes, 2014)
... floor runner (2 episodes, 2017)
... production assistant (1 episode, 2014)
... travel and accommodation coordinator (1 episode, 2014)
... second armorer (1 episode, 2014)
... piano coach (1 episode, 2015)
... safety officer (1 episode, 2015)
... marine crew (1 episode, 2017)
... assistant: Michael Bay (uncredited) (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... Stand In & Picture Double (uncredited) / stand-in (uncredited) (28 episodes, 2014-2016)
... voice actor (uncredited) (26 episodes, 2014-2017)
... stand-in (uncredited) (1 episode, 2014)

Series Thanks 

... special thanks (8 episodes, 2014)
... special thanks (2 episodes, 2017)

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Black Sails Charter Yacht


This Yacht is not for Charter*


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Black Sails

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BLACK SAILS yacht NOT for charter*

39m  /  127'11 | wally | 2009 / 2010.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • 1 Convertible
  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Multi-award winning
  • RINA (Registro Italiano Navale) classification
  • Interior design from Wally
  • Sleeps 10 overnight

The multi-award winning 39m/127'11" sail yacht 'Black Sails' (ex. Cannonball) was built by Wally in Italy at their Fano shipyard. Her interior is styled by Italian designer design house Wally and she was completed in 2009. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Javier Soto Acebal and she was last refitted in 2010.

Guest Accommodation

Black Sails has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 4 suites comprising one VIP cabin. She is also capable of carrying up to 5 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Black Sails is built with a composite hull and composite superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by 1 x diesel MAN (D 0836 LE401 EDS) 450hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 14 knots. Her water tanks store around 2,000 Litres of fresh water. She was built to RINA (Registro Italiano Navale) classification society rules.

Length 39m / 127'11
Beam 7.9m / 25'11
Draft 4.5m / 14'9
Gross Tonnage 113 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Wally
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Javier Soto Acebal
Interior Design Wally

*Charter Black Sails Sail Yacht

Sail yacht Black Sails is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Black Sails Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Black Sails Photos

Black Sails Yacht Deck Side Bench

Black Sails Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2011 Best Refitted Yacht Winner
  • International Superyacht Society Awards 2011 Best Refit Winner

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


S/Y Black Sails

Length 39m / 127'11
Exterior Designer Javier Soto Acebal
Interior Design Wally
Built | Refit 2009 | 2010
Model Custom
Beam 7.9m / 25'11
Gross Tonnage 113 GT
Draft 4.5m / 14'9
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Top Speed 14 Knots


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from $42,000 p/week ♦︎

Atlantika charter yacht

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BAHRIYELI D charter yacht


42m | Custom

from $16,000 p/week ♦︎

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  1. Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? [The Reason Explained]

    black sails on sailboats

  2. Sailing Yacht BLACK SAILS

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  3. Black Sails In The Sunset Photograph by Chris Armytage

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  4. Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? [The Reason Explained]

    black sails on sailboats

  5. BLACK SAIL Yacht Charter Details, Wally Yachts

    black sails on sailboats

  6. Black Sails

    black sails on sailboats


  1. Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? [The Reason Explained]

    The black color has become strongly associated with performance sails. It's kind of like the marker of a quality sail. Yacht owners and even regular boat enthusiasts know that a black sail is the standard of top performance because it's made from premium materials. That said, changing the color might distance the product from that image.

  2. Why Do Yachts Have Black Sails? (Revealing the Reasons)

    Additionally, black sails reduce the amount of glare coming off of the sails, making it easier for the crew to navigate and sail the yacht. The black color of the sail also has a psychological impact on the crew. Black sails look sleek and sophisticated, and can give the crew a feeling of confidence and power.

  3. Why Racing Sailing Yachts Opt For Black Sails

    The use of black sails is most effective in colder climates where the air is denser and less efficient at powering the sail. Additionally, black sails are more durable and resistant to UV rays, which can cause damage to the sail over time. This makes black sails a practical choice for racing yachts that are exposed to the sun and wind for ...


    Others simply add a non-woven layer of colored polyester material to make the sails black. North Sails 3D molded downwind racing sails are grayer and more translucent, especially when the sun is behind the sail. These sails come with our Helix load shearing technology luff structure. The 3Di molded downwind sails use. 3Di Downwind.

  5. What's Fact and What's Fiction in 'Black Sails'?

    Black Sails blends fantasy and real history to create a captivating pirate world based on Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.; The show includes characters directly from the novel, serving ...

  6. Black Sails (TV Series 2014-2017)

    Black Sails: Created by Robert Levine, Jonathan E. Steinberg. With Toby Stephens, Luke Arnold, Toby Schmitz, Hannah New. Follows Captain Flint and his pirates twenty years prior to Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel "Treasure Island."

  7. Top 10 largest sailing yachts in the world

    Instantly recognisable with her black sails and Dynarig set-up, Black Pearl is the second-largest sailing yacht in the world. Delivered during the same year as 142.81-metre Sailing Yacht A (officially designated as a sail-assisted motor yacht), Black Pearl spent five years in development at Dutch yard Oceanco. Dykstra Naval Architects, Ken Freivokh, Nuvolari Lenard, BMT Nigel Gee and Gerard P ...

  8. Black Sails History: Ship Battles in the Age of Sail

    Black Sails has had more ship battles than a TV show has any right to have. With excellent CGI and a large budget, they've put together some amazing shots, from running and pursuing ships to ...

  9. List of Black Sails characters

    Cast of Black Sails in Season 1, from left to right: Toby Schmitz (Jack Rackham), Tom Hopper (Billy Bones), Clara Paget (Anne Bonny), Toby Stephens (Flint), Hannah New (Eleanor Guthrie), Zach McGowan (Charles Vane), Mark Ryan (Hal Gates), Hakeem Kae-Kazim (Mr. Scott), Luke Arnold (John Silver) and Jessica Parker Kennedy (Max). Black Sails is an American dramatic adventure television series set ...

  10. Black Sails (TV series)

    Black Sails is an American historical action-adventure television series set on New Providence Island. It was written to be a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel Treasure Island, [1] while also including depictions of several real-life historical figures and fictionalized versions of actual historical events. The series was created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz.

  11. Why Black Sails Season 5 Isn't Happening & What It Would've Been About

    While Black Sails season 5 won't be setting sail anytime soon (seeing as Starz ended the show after season 4), here's what it could have been about. Black Sails is an epic historical adventure series made by Starz and follows the bloody misadventures of a crew of pirates. The show also acts as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, providing an origin story for Long John Silver.

  12. List of Black Sails episodes

    List of Black Sails episodes. List of. Black Sails. episodes. Black Sails is an American television drama series created by Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine for Starz that debuted on January 25, 2014. [1] It was produced by Film Afrika Worldwide and Platinum Dunes. It was written as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson 's novel Treasure Island.

  13. Every Real Pirate In Black Sails & What Happened To Them

    Black Sails's Charles Vane is depicted as a rival captain who ideologically comes into conflict with the show's protagonist Captain Flint.He and Flint eventually come to respect one another. Vane is captured, tried, and killed in Black Sails season 3. The real Charles Vane was a ruthless and cruel pirate who notoriously attacked the governor's ship instead of accepting a pardon.

  14. Black Sails Wiki

    This wiki is devoted to the show Black Sails on Starz network. We are currently managing 1,101 articles, and we could use your help to make many more. We hope that you will add to the site! If you need help for what to do on this site, please check on one of the admins here and check the Manual of Style page and Policies. Enjoy your stay!

  15. Black Sails: The Real Story Behind the Show's ...

    December 12, 2023. Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, Starz's 'Black Sails' is a historical adventure show that revolves around pirates of New Providence Island in the early 18th century, particularly Captain Flint and his group, as they pull out all stops to prevent extinction at the hands of the British government.

  16. The Ending Of Black Sails Finally Explained

    Through a swash-buckling four-season run, fans of "Black Sails" have said ahoy to plenty of drama and fights on the open waters. First airing on Starz in 2014, the show follows a group of pirates ...

  17. Black Sails: 13 Facts About The Starz Hit Worth More Than ...

    The series is an unofficial prequel to Treasure Island. Starz. Although "Black Sails" is its own story for the most part, from the very beginning it was always meant to show the events building up ...

  18. Black Sails: Season 1

    Season 1 - Black Sails. A prequel to the classic Robert Louis Stevenson novel "Treasure Island," "Black Sails" is a pirate adventure that centers on the tales of Captain Flint, who has a ...

  19. Black Sails

    Black Sails. A prequel to the classic Robert Louis Stevenson novel "Treasure Island," "Black Sails" is a pirate adventure that centers on the tales of Captain Flint, who has a reputation ...

  20. Black Sails Cast & Character Guide

    Black Sails includes a dynamic cast of well-established actors who bring the world of swashbuckling in the Golden Age of Piracy to life.Black Sails is a historical epic detailing the frequently bloody misadventures of a pirate crew. The show also acted as a prequel to Robert Louse Stevenson's Treasure Island and the origin story of "Long" John Silver.

  21. 'Black Sails' Series Finale Explained

    Black Sails was a story about Captain Flint (Toby Stephens) and "Long" John Silver (Luke Arnold). After four seasons of an unlikely partnership-turned-friendship, the two men were at odds once ...

  22. Black Sails (TV Series 2014-2017)

    Boat Captain 2 episodes, 2015 Martin Van Geems ... Larson 2 episodes, 2015 Scott George ... Spanish Advisor 2 episodes, 2017 Guy Paul ... Joseph Guthrie 2 episodes, 2017 Paul Snodgrass ... Impatient Pirate

  23. BLACK SAILS Yacht

    Sleeps 10 overnight. The multi-award winning 39m/127'11" sail yacht 'Black Sails' (ex. Cannonball) was built by Wally in Italy at their Fano shipyard. Her interior is styled by Italian designer design house Wally and she was completed in 2009. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Javier Soto Acebal and she was last refitted in 2010.