yacht club fortaleza

o Iate Clube é um dos locais mais exclusivos do Ceará e Patrimônio Turístico de Fortaleza!

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Descubra o Iate Clube: Onde Tradição e Excelência Navegam Juntas

Cenário de diversos eventos, confraternizações e momentos inesquecíveis unindo gerações.

Atualmente sob o comando do Comodoro Pompeu Vasconcelos, o Iate Clube se mantém firme na missão de oferecer ao público uma experiência completamente premium, buscando garantir o que há de melhor para o lazer de sócios e convidados.

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Área Náutica

Feitos especialmente para quem gosta de aventuras no mar, os esportes náuticos são uma ótima possibilidade de fugir da rotina em contato com a natureza.

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A mais bela vista da orla de Fortaleza

Nosso pôr do sol se destaca na cidade, contemplando um visual marítimo nativo, sempre com música ao vivo e o melhor da gastronomia.

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Quinta do Caranguejo

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Sextou no Iate

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Sábado na Proa

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Domingo no Convés

Áreas e experiências.

A qualidade percorre a estrutura do ambiente, a culinária refinada e de alto padrão, além das paisagens paradisíacas, atrações musicais, lazer náutico e convivência social.

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Aproveite a natureza em nosso gramado exuberante - um refúgio de tranquilidade.

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Curta momentos de paz e beleza em nossa encantadora prainha - um refúgio à beira-mar para relaxar e se divertir.

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Segurança e conveniência para sua embarcação em nosso moderno hangar.

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Ambientes sofisticados para socializar e relaxar com estilo.

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Entre na festa em nossa boate vibrante - música, dança e diversão garantida.

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Relaxe em nossa piscina deslumbrante - diversão e descanso em um só lugar.

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Possuímos uma cozinha moderna oferecendo o melhor da gastronomia nacional e internacional, satisfazendo todos os gostos.

Carta de Vinhos assinada pela Brava Wine.

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Nossa História

Símbolo de tradição e excelência, o iate clube de fortaleza vem fazendo história ao longo dos seus 69 anos..

O Iate Clube de Fortaleza surgiu no dia 1° de maio de 1954, em uma reunião de amigos na casa do Dr. Marcelo Gentil, onde decidiram fundar a agremiação destinada a amantes de esportes marítimos. A reunião, composta por 16 jovens, deu origem ao clube que já soma 69 anos de histórias memoráveis.  Diversas revitalizações foram feitas a fim de agregar melhorias ao espaço, que é palco de inúmeros eventos, confraternizações e momentos inesquecíveis. Os investimentos e adaptações ao longo dos anos tornaram a sede cearense do Iate Clube um espaço que percorre diferentes gerações e celebra a felicidade de se reunir com quem se ama. Inovação, resultados e determinação é o lema e o legado deixado pelos grandes homens que estiveram à frente do clube.

Nossas historias

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21-01-2018, 05:40  
in Fortaleza.

Please could you advise the best places to stock up on , , as well as where to Moor. I believe Marina Park is the best place however can be an issue?

It will be my first time in Fortaleza so much is appreciated.
22-01-2018, 13:04  
Boat: Miura 31
in Fortaleza.

Please could you advise the best places to stock up on , , as well as where to Moor. I believe Marina Park is the best place however can be an issue?

It will be my first time in Fortaleza so much is appreciated.
22-01-2018, 13:52  
Boat: Cross 24 trimaran
22-01-2018, 14:12  
Boat: Boatless at the moment
24-01-2018, 07:10  

What do you feel is the best option? I am not keen on Fortaleza at all but our insists for some reason.
24-01-2018, 07:46  
Boat: Boatless at the moment
. To the south Natal and to the north Sao Luis. I strongly advise to skip, the town where I live, Sao Luis do Maranhao. BTW Fortaleza is worth a visit of a few days.

On your way to the a visit to Suriname Paramaribo is a highlight.
24-01-2018, 08:01  
Boat: Miura 31
is good, but in general it is a tourist island with prices associated with tourism. Last time I stopped there they had no and immigration and would not allow us ashore as we had not checked into Brazil already. This appears to change all the time as previously I had stopped there with my last port being St Helena and it had been no problem going ashore.

I have stopped at Fortaleza many times. The marina is really crap (falling apart), but I do not know if it has been revived or not over the past year. The Marina Park Hotel is located in a slum area but the city itself has some really good restaurants on the waterfront strip which also has a market every evening on the beachfront. Just use a taxi from the hotel to wherever you go. at the Marina Park Hotel marina is enter the marina and you need to drop your about midway between the pontoon and the sea wall, then stern to towards the pontoon. The pontoon is metal and the surge is bad at times, so do not go against the pontoon as it will do some serious damage to the stern of the . Put your in the water and pull yourself in the between the boat and pontoon.

There is a good running up the northern coast of Brazil - between 3 and 6 knots! If you are lucky and catch the ITCZ at the right time, you can make the trip from Brazil's Natal, all the way up the coast to in 9 or 10 days. This is why I only stop in Fortaleza if I really need fuel or provisions or need to put a crew off the boat. Otherwise I skip the place.

You must remember that all my trips in the past have been deliveries and not a , so I have not wanted to linger too long in a place as the quicker I get to my , the better it is for me.

If you are in , you can give me a call and we can meet up briefly - I have PM'ed you my cell number.

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Yacht Club de Ilhabela - Site Oficial

Voltar para Conveniados

Iate Clube de Fortaleza

Av. da Abolição, 4.813 – Fortaleza/CE (085) 3263-1728 [email protected]

Pelo presente termo particular que entre si celebram, de um lado o IATE CLUBE DE FORTALEZA… …e de outro lado o YACHT CLUB DE ILHABELA… tem entre si justo e acertado o CONVÊNIO assinado pelas partes, mediante as seguintes cláusulas e condições.

Cláusula primeira – objeto

O presente CONVÊNIO tem por objetivo um intercâmbio entre as entidades acima citadas, conforme as disposições:

1.1 – Freqüência às Sedes

a) Os sócios proprietários e seus respectivos dependentes poderão visitar as sedes e subsedes de ambos os clubes, sendo indispensável, para tanto, a apresentação da carteira social nas respectivas portarias. Entende-se por visita a estada eventual no clube, sendo que para períodos que ultrapassem uma semana ou visita com embarcação, deverá ser solicitada licença especial, tendo por base carta de apresentação do Clube respectivo.

b) O prazo estabelecido anualmente, para cada período de visita por visitante, será de 30 (trinta) dias, podendo, no entanto, ser ampliado a critério da Diretoria de cada Clube.

c) Os sócios não titulares ficarão sujeitos a ofícios de apresentação, seja para visita eventual, seja para a freqüência por meio período.

d) Será permitida aos associados de um Clube levarem convidados a freqüentarem as sedes de outro Clube, desde que apresentados por carta emitida pelo clube ao qual o visitante seja associado.

e) Para que os associados de um Clube possam ter acesso às dependências do outro em datas e horários de festividades dos calendários sociais, não basta a apresentação da carteira social na PORTARIA. Devem ser providenciados, com antecedência, convites nas respectivas Secretarias.

f) A diretoria do cube visitado poderá vetar, a qualquer momento, a freqüência de sócio visitante conveniado e seus dependentes, dando ciência ao clube ao qual ele pertence, dos motivos do impedimento.

g) As despesas de bar, restaurante e outras que forem realizadas em cada Clube por associados do outro Clube, deverão ser pagas à vista.

h) Os associados de um Clube, quando nas dependências de outro, ficam sujeitos ao disposto nos respectivos Regimentos Internos.

1.2 – Embarcações

a) As embarcações de associados de um Clube arribadas a outro por água ou por terra, deverão ser regularizadas mediante solicitação por escrito onde conste o período de permanência. As citadas embarcações poderão utilizar-se dos equipamentos náuticos existentes nos clubes, de acordo com as normas existentes e pagamentos das taxas estabelecidas, que deverão ser as mesmas praticadas para os associados.

b) Cada Clube prestará auxílio, dentro das respectivas possibilidades, as embarcações de associados do outro Clube, que deles estejam necessitando, tais como reboque, quando for o caso, as despesas decorrentes de tais auxílios poderão ser cobradas.

c) Cada Clube colocará à disposição das embarcações de associados do outro Clube suas oficinas, quando necessário, devendo, os pagamentos dos serviços serem feitos de acordo com as normas existentes em cada Clube.

d) Fica estabelecido o valor de R$ 50,00 (cinqüenta reais) para a cobrança de diária de Poita, que deverá ser pago na saída da visita;

1.3 – Competições

a) Cada Clube facilitará a guarda de embarcações monotipos de associados do outro Clube, durante competições realizadas nas respectivas áreas em que estão sediadas.

b) Cada Clube procurará inserir em seus calendários esportivos competições, reunindo embarcações dos dois Clubes.

1.4 – Intercâmbio a) Cada Clube procurará manter o outro informado sobre progressos técnicos obtidos por seus atletas seja por intermédio de publicações, cartas ou palestras. b) Cada Clube remeterá, periodicamente, ao outro os respectivos boletins informativos, quando houverem. Cláusula segunda – prazosO presente convênio passa a vigorar à partir de sua assinatura, por prazo indeterminado, podendo ser rescindido por qualquer um dos clubes, a seu livre arbítrio, mediante uma simples e prévia comunicação escrita, com antecedência de 30 (trinta) dias.

São Paulo, 29 de julho de 1999.Francisco Martins de Lima (Comodoro do Iate Clube de Fortaleza)

Ivan Lopes da Silva (Comodoro do Yacht Club de Ilhabela)Termos conforme original assinado pelos respectivos comodoros e cujas cópias encontram-se nas secretarias dos clubes.

Link permanente para este artigo: https://www.yci.com.br/o-clube/conveniados/iate-clube-de-fortaleza/

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Falar com:  Fortaleza Yacht Club

Endereço:  Av. Vicente de Castro, 4813 - Cais do Porto, Fortaleza - CE, 60180-410

Bairro:  Cais do Porto    Cidade:  Fortaleza   

Telefone:  85 3032-0791

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Site:   m.facebook.com/Iateclubefortaleza/?locale2=pt_BR

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Informações completas do Fortaleza Yacht Club em Cais do Porto em Fortaleza

Locais próximos - onde fica:.

Wing Center Fortaleza  -  1 Km de distância

Iate Clube de Fortaleza  -  7 Km de distância

Mirante do Mucuripe  -  11 Km de distância

Coffee Shop Iate Plaza  -  11 Km de distância

Iate Plaza Hotel  -  12 Km de distância

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Price cut on expedition superyacht Fortaleza at Luke Brown

News in overnight from Dana Cambon at Luke Brown Yachts that the 26m long-range motor yacht Fortaleza has had a $400,000 price cut.

Built by Inace in 2004, her expedition-style exterior belies the rich cherry wood interior with accommodations for 10 guests in 4 staterooms and a large master suite on the main deck.

She underwent a major refit in 2007, including new main engines which give her a range of 4,000 nautical miles.

Fortaleza currently operates as part of a successful marine archeology and exploration charter business offering, with a number of advanced bookings already on file and future projects in the pipeline, representing an excellent opportunity for her new owners.

Available for viewing in Malta, Fortaleza is now asking $4.2 million, down from $4.6 million.

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yacht club fortaleza

The anchorage off the Yacht Club is reported as unsafe following frequent robberies from yachts anchored there in the past. A huge concrete wall has been built around the low-cost housing in a bid to control crime.

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Fortaleza/Mucuripe was last updated 5 years ago.

Related to following destinations: Brazil , Fortaleza/Mucuripe , Northern Coast (Brazil)

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Main Ports - Brazil

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  • Macae Port of Entry
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  • Vitoria Port of Entry
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  • Fortaleza/Mucuripe Port of Entry
  • Sao Luis Port of Entry
  • Fernando de Noronha Port of Entry
  • Angra dos Reis Port of Entry
  • Baia da Ilha Grande
  • Florianopolis Port of Entry
  • Itajai Port of Entry
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Fortaleza is not worth stopping, unless you need to. One of my Brazilian friends told me that a boat that anchored in front of Macuripe was robbed twice in the same night.

The only safe place in Fortaleza is the Marina Park Hotel.

What Michel Ballette in his Pilot Book describes as a Luxury Hotel it’s in reality a rundown hotel that maybe was luxurious back in the 60s. Today, is a dodge place where you only see a few customers. I spent there a week and I’m not sure how they stay in business.

The marina does not have pontoons, and to get water or electricity is a real pain. But it’s the only safe place in town and they know it, so they charge premium fees for it.

If you really have to stop somewhere along this stretch of coast, you’d be better off in Jacarè, a few miles south.

Had to spend 10 months here due to vessel undergoing repair. The marina is derelict, has no facilities, the absent marina manager speaks no English and the water and garbage floating within the marina are disgusting.

There are no walk-on slips and you will need to moor med-style to concrete pillars and dingy in. The WiFi does not reach the marina and the surrounding area outside the ageing hotel is not safe. While there is security in front of the hotel, there is no visible security at the marina and people from the favelas outside the hotel often swim within the marina breakwater some 50m from your vessel.

Cruisers would be far better served at Cabadelo.

Agree completely with georgier below.

From 2020 the IATA sailing club will get new and bigger pontoons and security. Good alternative for Marina Park and better service. Only when you anchor your boat now in front of the club, you and your boat get robbed!!

We were at the Marina Park Hotel for 3 days. Their VHF is broken, they don’t answer email and the phone number on Noonsite is incorrect. The number is +55 (85) 4006-9595. Unfortunately, the gentleman who runs the marina does not speak any English, so it is impossible to get information before you get there. Mooring is very difficult as there are lines running all over the marina from boat to boat and the pontoons are in very bad condition.

We arrived on a Sunday and there was no-one to help us until Monday morning. You need the one guy who works at the Marina to run your lines from your boat to others and to the concrete pillars on his dinghy. We ended up anchoring in the middle of the marina!

We were charged US$40 per day. The pricing seems a bit random as a smaller boat was charged US$45 per day. There is no water, electricity or diesel. They do have wifi at the pool. They do have security and we were told numerous times by the hotel staff that Fortaleza is very dangerous.

Marina Park Hotel is the only place to moor in Fortaleza but I would avoid it if at all possible. Clearing in and out was fairly easy. Our taxi driver took us to Immigration office (Police Federal), Customs (Receita Federal) and Port Captain (Capitania dos Portos). There were no costs for clearing in or clearing out. It took us 2 hours for each. Offices are open 24/7.

Posted on behalf of SY Flow

We paid no fees for clearing in and out. Taxi was 110R due to slow officials in Capataineria. This was in the weekend and nobody could speak English there, nor know how to handle the situation, so it took three hours in total. Clearing out was 55R and much quicker. We cleared in on a Saturday. No overtime. I was told every office is open 24/7.

Harbor facilities: We stayed in Marina Park, and the harbor facilities are poor. It is Med-mooring, and the pontoons are moving a lot in the swell, and there is a lot of rusty metal everywhere, so you need some help with the lines as you need about 2 meters between the boat and the jetty. Most yachts use their own dinghy as a gangway. The rest of the facilities (the hotel facilities) is very good. You have access to the pool, gym with air condition, pool bar, showers, and everything. The fees for a 40-foot boat is about 90R a day, but it is possible to negotiate the price a bit. We paid 500R for 7 days. Internet:

Very good wifi included in the price at the pool bar.

Posted on Behalf of Miki Barzam of SY Two Oceans.

If you are in the Marina Park Hotel marina in Fortaleza, Brazil and you need laundry service – beware! Armando, the marina manager, sent over a nice guy to collect our stuff. When he came back with our 13 kg load he demanded 240 R$ saying they calculate by the item, not by kg or number of machines.

That’s about 100 US$! After some talking, he reduced it by 10%. The name of that company is Roupa Limpa and the man is Joab Freitas da Cunha. Avoid!

yacht club fortaleza

yacht club fortaleza

LAT.37º 7’N LONG.8º 31’W

The last safe port on the way to the mediterranean.

Surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches of europe, the Marina de Portimão, has assumed the leading position in Portugal as a preferential super-yacht destination up to 50 meters.

Located in the safest harbor of the country, at the arade river estuary, with over 25-hectares, Marina de Portimão is framed by the historical forts of Santa Catarina and São João, and affords excellent back-up facilities. The water in the marina is deep, so the vessels can come and go at any time of the tide. it also has a wide entrance and plenty of room for maneuvering, protected from the prevailing winds. Located within a luxury condominium that includes its Exclusive Beach, Restaurants, Shops, Bars and fabulous Oceanic Swimming-pool all facing the sea. The facilities include round-the-clock security, as well as a private car-parking. Chosen as official training base of several professional teams from all over the world, Marina de Portimão has been the stage for a number of important international events. Continuing the tradition of nautical sports and an initiative with great social impact, we continue to support the Solidarity sailing Project, that also includes disabled sailing, an area that has had been gaining participants.

In 2019 the Marina de Portimão was the Host Port for the Clipper Round the World fleet, on the first stopover of the Round the World Yacht Race that the 11 sailing boats are competing in until August 2020, as well as the Hansa National and European adaptive sailing Championships, with the participation of more than 120 crew members and around a hundred boats. The Marina has private boatyard facilities available for your convenience, on the other side of the river, close for servicing purposes, yet far enough removed to ensure the safety and comfort of customers of the marina. The boatyard offers a vast range of quality services including the capacity to lift up boats of sizes up to 300 tons and also catamarans up to a width of 9 meters.

In this unique environment, our team of competent and attentive professional staff invites you to discover the diversity and quality of our services. Everything possible will be done to make your stay with us an unforgettable one. Being the only portuguese marina awarded with the Jack Nichols Award , Marina de Portimão also received the maximum rating of 5 anchors from the international “Gold Anchor Awards” assigned by the prestigious “The Yacht Horbour Association / British Marine Federation”


With 620 moorings available for rental for short and long stays, the Marina de Portimão can receive boats up to 50m long, drawing a maximum of 4 meters. The moorings are equipped with 16/32/63 amp. electricity and water; there is a daily collection of rubbish and oil. The entrance to the Marina is easy to access given that it is the most ample in Portugal. This Marina provides a variety of sea related tourist activities.



ACCESS BY SEA On account of its location to the east of Praia da Rocha - an area with extensive buildings and ample illumination - the entrance to the Port of Portimão is easily identifiable. The entrance to the port faces south and is about 250m wide. Ponta do Altar with a lighthouse of the same name is located to the east. On account of the height of this cliff face, the entrance to the port is obscured to those approaching from the east almost until the entrance to the moles. Once the outer moles have been passed, a course should be set at 020º off the line of the Ferragudo Fore and Aft beacons, leaving buoy no. 2 to port, continuing in the direction of buoy no. 4 until reaching the entrance to “Marina de Portimão” to the west. The Marina is marked by two moles with beacons at each end. The reception pontoon is located starboard of the Marina entrance.

ACCESS BY LAND Situated in the west of the Algarve, 35 minutes away from Faro International Airport and around 2 hours away from Lisbon or Seville, with direct acess through the highway A22. The “Marina de Portimão” enjoys a privileged location on the mouth of the Arade River.

DEPTH At the entrance to the bar: 8,5m Quay: 4m

Environmental Code of Conduct

Bandeira azul for vessels.

In accordance with the Code of Environmental Conduct, the owner of the vessel aware of the need to safeguard the quality of Seawater and Marine Resources, solemnly undertakes to enforce on board the vessel that commands the following:

• Do not throw garbage into the sea or along the coast. • Do not exhaust water from toilets to the sea, along the coast or in sensitive areas. • Do not dump poisonous or toxic waste (oils, paints, used batteries, cleaning products, etc.) into the sea

Remember that on board your vessel you can also play an important and active role in defending the Environment by joining the Blue Flag through a personal and non-transferable commitment. Join this campaign and feel that it can contribute to the improvement of our water resources. The Marina de Portimão is a public utility service, aimed at all navigators who cross our waters, whether national or foreign, so it should be a good example of good environmental practices.

Marina Portimão - Bem Estar

Marinas de Barlavento, S.A. Marina de Portimão Edifício Administrativo, Ponta da Areia 8500-345 Portimão Tel. +351 282 400 680 [email protected] [email protected]


Privacy Policy Complaints Book Operating Regulations - Marina Operating Regulations - Boatyard Alternative Dispute Resolution © Copyright Marina de Portimão 2024

Portugal 2020

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FORTALEZA yacht NOT for charter*

25m  /  82' | inace yachts | 2004.

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Special Features:

  • Impressive 4,000nm range
  • ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classification
  • Sleeps 10 overnight

The 25m/82' expedition yacht 'Fortaleza' was built by Inace Yachts in Brazil. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Inace Yachts.

Guest Accommodation

Fortaleza has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 4 suites comprising one VIP cabin. She is also capable of carrying up to 3 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Her features include deck jacuzzi, WiFi and air conditioning.

Range & Performance

Fortaleza is built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel Scania (D1 12) 6-cylinder 450hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 10 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 11 knots with a range of up to 4,000 nautical miles from her 34,444 litre fuel tanks at 10 knots. Fortaleza features at-anchor stabilizers providing exceptional comfort levels. Her water tanks store around 15,897 Litres of fresh water. She was built to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classification society rules.

Length 25m / 82'
Beam 7m / 23'
Draft 2.2m / 7'3
Gross Tonnage 154 GT
Cruising Speed 10 Knots
Builder Inace Yachts
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Inace Yachts

*Charter Fortaleza Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Fortaleza is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Fortaleza Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Fortaleza Photos

Fortaleza Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Fortaleza yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

Kamoka charter yacht

26m | Numarine

from $59,000 p/week ♦︎

Maoria charter yacht

from $55,000 p/week

Nomada charter yacht

24m | Mochi Craft

from $40,000 p/week

U-Boat Navigator charter yacht

U-Boat Navigator

24m | Rena Umut Kocau

from $75,000 p/week ♦︎

Ammonite charter yacht

24m | Nordhavn

from $29,000 p/week

GraNil charter yacht

26m | Cantiere Delle Marche

from $56,000 p/week ♦︎

Grey Wolf II charter yacht

Grey Wolf II

26m | Circa Marine & Industrial

from $58,000 p/week ♦︎

Indian charter yacht

26m | Cantiere Navale di Pesaro

from $54,000 p/week ♦︎

Maria Teresa charter yacht

Maria Teresa

24m | Cantieri Solimano

from $24,000 p/week ♦︎

Serendipity charter yacht


26m | Nordhavn

Silver Fox charter yacht

22m | Selene Yachts

from $17,000 p/week ♦︎

Ukiel charter yacht

26m | Aegean Yacht

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yacht Fortaleza

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About Fortaleza

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yacht Fortaleza


Yard : Inace
Type : Motor yacht
Guests : 8
Crew : 3
Cabins : 4
Length : 25.91 m / 85′1″
Beam : 7.04 m / 23′2″
Draft : 2.2 m / 7′3″
Year of build : 2004
Classification : ABS
Displacement : Full displacement
Model : Inace Explorer 85 Fh
Type of engine : Diesel
Brand : Scania
Engine power : 450 hp
Total power : 900 hp
Maximum speed : 11 knots
Cruising speed : 10 knots
Range : 4000 nm
Gross tonage : 154
Hull : Steel
Superstructure : Aluminium
Decking : Teak
Exterior designer : Igreja

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yacht club fortaleza


  1. Iate Clube Fortaleza

    O Iate Clube de Fortaleza surgiu no dia 1° de maio de 1954, em uma reunião de amigos na casa do Dr. Marcelo Gentil, onde decidiram fundar a agremiação destinada a amantes de esportes marítimos. A reunião, composta por 16 jovens, deu origem ao clube que já soma 69 anos de histórias memoráveis. Diversas revitalizações foram feitas a ...

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  4. Iate Clube de Fortaleza

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  5. FORTALEZA yacht (Inace, 25.91m, 2004)

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  9. SuperYacht Times

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  12. Category:Iate Clube de Fortaleza

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  14. Price cut on expedition superyacht Fortaleza at Luke Brown

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  15. FORTALEZA Yacht Layout & GA Plans

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  17. Noonsite.com

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  18. Marina de Portimão, Algarve Portugal

    Surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches of europe, the Marina de Portimão, has assumed the leading position in Portugal as a preferential super-yacht destination up to 50 meters. Located in the safest harbor of the country, at the arade river estuary, with over 25-hectares, Marina de Portimão is framed by the historical forts of ...

  19. FORTALEZA Yacht Charter Brochure

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  20. Motor yacht Fortaleza

    Fortaleza is a 25.91 m / 85′1″ luxury motor yacht. She was built by Inace in 2004. With a beam of 7.04 m and a draft of 2.2 m, she has a steel hull and aluminium superstructure. This adds up to a gross tonnage of 154 tons. She is powered by Scania engines of 450 hp each giving her a maximum speed of 11 knots and a cruising speed of 10 knots. Fortaleza's maximum range is estimated at 4000 ...

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