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The Ultimate Guide to Nautical and Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

If you’re passionate about sailing and Spanish, you’ll love this post filled with useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish. 

Sailing is a beautiful lifestyle that can take you all around the world, so learning its most common terms in another language is a great idea. 

Keep reading to learn what sailing is and why you should try it, what nautical means, and useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish about types of boats, parts of the boat, the sails, and helpful sailing verbs in Spanish. 

What Is Sailing?

Sailing is a sport and a hobby that uses the wind to propel a boat. However, sailing is much more than that, it has become a lifestyle , as sailors around the world enjoy the pleasure of having a day out at the sea or travel the oceans powered by the wind filling their sails. 

Although sailing is a whole universe in itself, learning to sail isn’t as hard as it may seem for the external observer. There are plenty of sailing schools and associations that offer basic sailing courses, which will open new and fulfilling ways to travel the world for you. 

What Does Nautical Mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nautical is an adjective that means “of, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships.” 

In other words, nautical refers to everything related to navigating the sea, it may be nautical skills, or nautical flags, or, as in this case, nautical terms. Nautical doesn’t necessarily refer to sailing, as there are other ways to navigate the sea that don’t rely on the wind, but nautical terms do apply to sailing, as we’ll see in a moment. 

How Do You Say ‘Sailing’ in Spanish?

In Spanish, sailing can be translated as a noun la navegación a vela , although it’s also simply known as navegación , or just vela . 

However, you can also understand sailing as a verb, in which case it means navegar a vela or just navegar . 

In Spanish, sails are velas , and in the world of sailing velas are of the utmost importance, as they differentiate it from all the other ways of navigating the sea and represent a symbol of independence and authenticity. 

Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

It’s time to learn some of the most important sailing words in Spanish. I’ve divided them into six different categories to simplify your learning process. 

Types of Boats

If you plan to go sailing in Spanish, you need to be sure you know the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing. These are a some of the most common ones:

fishing boat

Parts of the Boat

Once you’ve learnt the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing, it’s a good time to learn sailing vocabulary about the parts of these boats. While some of these words are well-known and of common use, you may find others to be very technical terms about sailing in Spanish. 

head of the sail

Look at the image below and locate the different parts of the boat included in both tables. If you’re a sailing enthusiast as I am, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the exercise to discover the Spanish terms. 

topping lift

Finally, a few more important parts of a sailing boat that are not included in the two previous tables. If you’ve sailed before, you know that the sailing vocabulary is huge, and trying to learn all of it in Spanish on a single post would be just too much. So, I’m focusing only on the most important sailing terms in Spanish. 

reef point

As mentioned before, the sails are the main element of sailing. Sailors take pride in their boats being propelled only by the wind, and not by a mechanical motor. So, you can imagine that there is a specific sailing vocabulary exclusively dedicated to the sails. 

jamming cleat
reef point
points (of a sail)

Sailing Verbs in Spanish

Last but not least, it’s important to learn a few Spanish sailing verbs as you’ll need them if you do go water sailing in Spanish. 

to alter course
to blow
to ease
to ease the sheet
to flap
to furl
to give some slack
to give way
to heel 
to hoist
to let go
to luff up
to sail
to turn

Go Sailing and Practice Your Spanish

Sailing is a beautiful sport, and an attractive lifestyle that becomes a passion for those who practice it. Expand your horizons by sailing to Spanish-speaking countries and practice your newly acquired Spanish sailing vocabulary there. 

By learning Spanish, your traveling becomes easier as you’ll be able to communicate with the locals in a better way and make the most of your trips.  

Practice your sailing vocabulary by signing up for a free class with one of our certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. They teach over 24,000 actively enrolled students every month, offer flexible scheduling, and tailored Spanish packages. 

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yacht sailing in spanish

Sailing Vocabulary and Expressions in Spanish

Nautical/sailing vocabulary and most used expressions related to sailing in spanish.

Embarking on the linguistic journey of sailing expressions in Spanish is like setting sail into a sea of rich nautical vocabulary. Whether you’re a language learner, a sailing enthusiast, or simply curious, understanding these terms adds a maritime flair to your Spanish proficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the most commonly used nautical and sailing expressions and vocabulary, enriching your language skills with the charm of the high seas.

yacht sailing in spanish

1. ¡Buen viento! – Good Wind: Wishing someone good wind is a common expression, invoking favorable conditions for their maritime endeavors.

2. A toda vela – At Full Sail: This phrase describes a boat sailing at its maximum speed, capturing the exhilarating feeling of wind-filled sails.

3. Echar el ancla – To Drop Anchor: When a boat stops and secures in one place, this expression is used, symbolizing a pause in the journey.

4. Aguas Tranquilas – Smooth Waters: Used to describe calm or tranquil seas, this expression is a reassurance of peaceful sailing conditions.

5. Costa a la Vista – Land in Sight: Announcing the sight of land on the horizon, this expression signals the end of a sea journey.

6. Navegar a Ojo – To Navigate by Sight: Sailing without the aid of navigation instruments, relying on visual cues, is described by this expression.

7. Navegar contra Corriente – To Sail Against the Current: Metaphorically, this expression is used to describe facing challenges or going against the prevailing trend.

8. Hacerse a la Mar – To Set Sail: Initiating a journey or leaving port is captured by this phrase, marking the beginning of an adventure.

9. Marea Alta / Marea Baja – High Tide / Low Tide: These expressions describe the state of the tide, essential information for navigation.

10. A Bordo – On Board: Used to indicate being on the boat, this phrase is fundamental in maritime communication.

11. Capitán de Mar y Guerra – Sea Captain: A formal term for a ship’s captain, evoking images of leadership and authority.

12. Naufragio – Shipwreck: Referring to the sinking or destruction of a ship, this expression carries a sense of tragedy.

13. Tomar el Timón – To Take the Helm: Metaphorically, this expression means assuming control or responsibility.

14. Estar a la Deriva – To Be Adrift: Floating without control or direction is captured by this phrase, describing a state of uncertainty.

15. Mar en Calma, No Hace Buen Marinero – A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor: Expressing that challenges are necessary for growth and skill development.

16. Varar – To Run Aground: When a vessel is stranded or stuck on the ground, this expression is used.

17. Cabo Suelto – Loose End: Refers to a loose piece of rope or an unresolved issue.

18. Dar una Vuelta de Campana – To Capsize: Describing the overturning of a boat, this expression is linked to a dramatic event on the water.

19. Bajel Pirata que Llaman – Pirate Ship They Call: A line from the Spanish national anthem, often used in a playful manner.

20. A Flote – Afloat: Describing a vessel that is floating on the water, this phrase denotes seaworthiness.

Types of Boats in Spanish

yacht sailing in spanish

fishing boat

Parts of the Boat and sailing vocabulary in Spanish

head of the sail
jamming cleat
points (of a sail)
reef point
reef point
topping lift

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Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

  • Post author By Matosan314
  • Post date March 27, 2020

Spanish Words for Beginners : Travelling by boat

– essential vocabulary list –.

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about boats. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!


a raft una balsa
on the port side a babor
on board a bordo
on the starboard side a estribor
boating canotaje
the lifeboat el barco de salvamento
the heading el cabo
the captain el capitán
the hull of the boat el casco del barco
the destination el destino
the ferry el ferry
the sea el mar
open sea el mar abierto
seasickness el mareo del mar
the mast el mástil
the quay el muelle
the ocean el océano
the deck el puente
the gangway el puente de mando
the upper deck el puente superior
the port el puerto
the rudder el timón
the wind el viento
seasick enfermo (que se marea)
port of call escala
the helm la barra
the hold la bodega
the cabin la cabina
la coastline la costa
the lower deck la cubierta inferior
the wake la estela
coast guard la guardia costera
the waterline la línea de flotación
the tide la marea
sailing la navegación
the swell la ola
the bollard la polla de amarre
the keel la quilla
the wheel la rueda
embarkation card la tarjeta de embarque
the crossing la travesía
the crew la tripulación
the sail la vela
weather forecast las previsiones meteorológicas
maritime marítima
overboard por encima de la borda
stormy tormentas
calm (a calm sea) tranquilo (un mar tranquilo)
a stow un almacenamiento
an anchor un anclaje
a shipyard un astillero
a boat un barco
a steamboat un barco de vapor
a container ship un barco portacontenedores
a dinghy un bote de remos
a lifeboat un bote salvavidas, balsa
a ship, a vessel un buque
a fishing boat un buque de pesca
a catamaran un catamarán
a lifejacket un chaleco salvavidas
a cruise un crucero
a logbook un diario de a bordo
a dam, a dike un dique
a lighthouse un faro
a galleon un galeón
a kayak un kayak
a choppy sea un mar agitado
a heavy sea un mar fuerte
a smooth sea un mar tranquilo
a sailor un marinero
a pier un muelle
a boater un navegante
a knot un nudo
a pavilion un pabellón
a passenger un pasajero
a pontoon un pontón, un embarcadero
a marina un puerto de recreo
a paddle un remo
a reclining chair un sillón reclinable
a sailing boat, a sailboat un velero
a yacht un yate
a beacon una baliza
a rowboat una barca
a barge una barcaza
a canoe una canoa
a deck chair una chaise longue
a galley una cocina
a berth una estación de amarre
a schooner una goleta
a gondola una góndola
a propeller una hélice
a speedboat una lancha rápida
a wave una ola
a gangplank una pasarela
a shipping forecast una previsión de envío
an oar una rama
an engine room una sala de máquinas
a mermaid una sirena
a storm una tormenta
a waterway una vía navegable
windy ventosas
to be adrift estar a la deriva
to be moored amarrarse
to be on board estar a bordo
to be shipwrecked hundir
to board subir a bordo
to call in at.. hacer escala
to capsize volcar
to cast off lanzar las amarras
to disembark desembarcar
to dock acoplarse
to drop anchor echar el ancla
to drown ahogarse
to embark embarcar
to fill up the fuel tank llenar el tanque de combustible
to flood inundar
to fly a country flag enarbolar pabellón
to get on board subir a bordo
to hoist elevar
to moor amarrar, mojar
to sail navegar
to send a distress signal enviar una señal de socorro
to sink hundir
to tow remolcar
to vomit vomitar


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Guide of nautical titles to be a boat owner in Spain

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  • Basic Navigation Pattern (GNP)
  • Recreational Boat Pattern (PER)
  • Yacht skipper
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The elite sailing race boasts the fastest yachts, the latest filming technology, an e-series and "an element of glamour," too.

WWD Editor, International

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Barcelona is the set for the 37th America's Cup sailing race, with Louis Vuitton as title sponsor.

After making a substantial splash at the Olympics — its brand ambassador Léon Marchand scored four gold medals in the pool — Louis Vuitton is moving on to bigger waters as the title sponsor of sailing’s most prestigious race, the America’s Cup, which gets underway in earnest this week in Barcelona.

“Our proximity to sports is not new,” said Pietro Beccari, chairman and chief executive officer of Louis Vuitton , whose connection to the America’s Cup dates back to 1983. “But I think we are in a very strong position to reinforce this position.”

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“I tell my sales associates in the stores that they don’t just sell products. They sell what we stand for —overcoming your limits, going above and beyond, and I think sports embody that, too,” said the executive, who once played soccer professionally. “We stand for optimism. We stand for victory. We stand for challenging yourself and challenging your limits all the time. This is the spirit.”

All of the above bodes well for the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup, which kicks off with the Louis Vuitton Cup round robins on Thursday and winds up toward the end of October.

Professional sailor Grant Dalton, CEO of the America’s Cup event, told WWD qualifying races in Barcelona have already racked up 714 million views online, meaning the event will surely surpass the 914 million views achieved overall at 2021’s races in Auckland, New Zealand.

In an interview, he credited such huge audiences to the free-to-air policy of America’s Cup, rare at most sporting events, where broadcast rights rank as a chief revenue stream. “TV is a 20 million euro cost for us to help build the sport,” Dalton said.

Beccari let slip that a documentary is being filmed about this edition of the America’s Cup, which could do for sailing what the Netflix series “Formula 1: Drive to Survive” did for car racing — fan its global popularity, and attract younger generations and more women to the sport.

In another effort to entice new fans, organizers devised an e-series livestreamed on Twitch, with the inaugural edition offering six exceptional players the chance to come to Barcelona on Sept. 28 and “race” in its cutting-edge simulators. “Gamers to sailors” is how Dalton described the project, noting youngsters from Venezuela, Hungary and New Zealand have already won a chance to make the leap from “bedroom to the water.”

The Youth & Puig Women’s America’s Cup, held concurrently, should also heighten the sport’s profile.

Also, “we needed to be in a time zone and a population base [that] is infinitely bigger than New Zealand,” he said. “We needed to move it into a bigger market from a sponsorship point of view.”

The 2024 edition is already a main attraction in Barcelona, where anyone within view of the water can take in the racing, since it’s held close to shore around Port Vell and along the beach to Port Olímpic.

Dalton, who has raced around the world seven times, also trumpeted that the boats themselves are a star attraction as “the most sophisticated, technologically advanced and certainly the fastest boats that have ever competed in the America’s Cup.”

Having Vuitton as title sponsor, and organizer of the qualifying stages, is another bonus: “They bring prestige, they bring an element of glamour, they have an amazing marketing ability, and they just bring panache,” Dalton enumerated. “It’s like mum and apple pie: The America’s Cup without Louis Vuitton is not the America’s Cup.”

Five challengers in the Louis Vuitton Cup regattas — Ineos Britannia, Alinghi Red Bull Racing, Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, NYYC American Magic and Orient Express Racing — will battle it out on the water to face off with Emirates Team New Zealand for the big prize.

Dalton described yacht sailing as a “technology sport,” analogous to Formula 1, since only a dozen members of each 150-strong team are sailors. “So if you can’t be a significant player in the technology race, you will get beaten,” he said.

In an interview, Beccari noted that “the technology of filming” the sleek sailing yachts is also making a quantum leap with the 37th edition, thanks to helicopters, drones and on-screen graphics, which should make it easier for newcomers to understand how the dueling teams are faring, and when mistakes are looming.

Vuitton has played a role in America’s Cup races in the U.S., Australia, Bermuda, Hong Kong, Dubai, France and Spain, burnishing the regattas’ visibility and prestige. Vuitton was last the title partner of the America’s Cup in 2017 in Bermuda.

Vuitton has also recently run ad campaigns featuring iconic duos, such as soccer stars Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, or tennis legends Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer .

Asked about what Vuitton might gain from being title sponsor of the America’s Cup, Beccari replied: “It’s very difficult to understand what a specific event brings you. I believe in a series of events, a series of things that makes your brand desirable,” he said. “We strongly believe, with our guts, that the Olympics, the America’s Cup, what we did at the Grand Prix de Monaco, what we do with tennis, is strengthening the desirability of our brand, also with young generations.”

Beccari concurred with Dalton that yacht sailing remains an “emerging” sport.

“But I think it is very sophisticated and when we talk about travel, I would say that the sea is the way that people started traveling across continents,” he said. “So I think there is a certain link to the world of travel of Louis Vuitton.…It seems very natural that we accompany the America’s Cup back to Europe.”

He also highlighted the “romantic” aspect of yacht sailing, since the victor decides the timing, rules, format and sponsors for the next America’s Cup, giving each edition a unique character.

Vuitton hosted a massive kickoff party Tuesday night at a mountaintop amusement park, which attracted the likes of Marchand and his fellow Olympian Pau Echaniz, a Spanish slalom canoeist who took home a bronze medal.

Vuitton plans to host hundreds of VICs in Barcelona over the coming months, as well as journalists and various local dignitaries.

In addition, it crafted the Louis Vuitton Cup trophy and — at the historical Louis Vuitton atelier in Asnières — two trunks for the Louis Vuitton Cup and the America’s Cup.

The Auld Mug is the silver trophy handed to the winner of the America’s Cup since 1851, considered the oldest international sports trophy in the world. Meanwhile, the Louis Vuitton Cup has been presented to the winner of the eponymous qualifying-stage competition since 1983.

Nicolas Ghesquière and Pharrell Williams, Vuitton’s artistic directors for women’s and men’s collections respectively, contributed to the line, which boasts a graphic “V” originally designed by Gaston-Louis Vuitton, grandson of the founder.

The capsule includes the LV Rush sneaker, which Ghesquière unveiled as part of his cruise 2024 collection for Vuitton, and it reprises a striped theme seen in Williams’ debut spring 2024 collection.

Beccari said he hopes to entice both men to spend a weekend in Barcelona and be seduced by the spectacle. “I love spending vacation on boats and on the sea,” he said.

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Why Louis Vuitton and others are doubling down on the America’s Cup

Image may contain Silhouette Adult Person People Boat Sailboat Transportation Vehicle and Text

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On Tuesday, Louis Vuitton hosted a party for the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup, the world’s most historic and prestigious sailing competition, at the amusement park on Tibidabo, a hill offering a sprawling view of Barcelona. Between riding on the ferris wheel and other attractions, the thousand guests nibbled on tuna tartare tacos and popcorn. Meanwhile, members of the Orient Express Racing Team — the French yacht racing team that competes for the cup — took photos with France’s darling aka gold medalist swimmer and Louis Vuitton ambassador Léon Marchand. The evening included a show by Spanish theatre company La Fura dels Baus before guests convened on the dance floor.

“People have been talking about [last night’s party] for months around here. That’s kind of what Louis Vuitton brings. They still talk about the Louis Vuitton ball in Auckland in 2003 [celebrating the sixth Louis Vuitton Cup held in New Zealand that year],” Grant Dalton, CEO of America’s Cup events, says the next day during a press conference at Barcelona’s Hotel Arts. “Louis Vuitton is a luxury brand, but it doesn’t pigeonhole us. It just makes us more popular. It makes the sport more popular.”

The Louis Vuitton Cup, a series for challengers of the America’s Cup, runs from 29 August to 7 October. Then, the winning team will face the defender Emirates Team New Zealand in the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup starting on 12 October.

It’s an enduring relationship: the America’s Cup was born in 1851 on the Isle of Wight in the south of the UK, three years before Louis Vuitton was founded. Louis Vuitton began sponsoring the challengers’ series in 1983, before LVMH was created in 1987. This time, Louis Vuitton is also the title partner of the event.

Puig, Omega, Prada, Tudor, Panerai and L’Oréal are among other luxury companies partnering with the event, in different capacities. Puig, the Barcelona-based beauty and fashion conglomerate, is both the global partner of the event and the official naming partner of the inaugural Puig Women’s America’s Cup, which runs from 5 to 13 October. Omega is the timekeeper and a partner of Emirates Team New Zealand. Prada is the co-title sponsor of Italy’s Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team. Patrizio Bertelli, Prada Group executive director and chairman of the board of directors, created the Luna Rossa team in 1997; Luna Rossa first participated in the America’s Cup in 2000. Watch brand Panerai is also a partner of Italy’s Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, while fellow watchmaker Tudor is a partner of Switzerland’s Alinghi Red Bull Racing team. L’Oréal is a partner of the French women’s Orient Express Racing Team. Other high-profile sailing events include the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez, sponsored by BMW.

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Why does a relatively niche sport draw so much interest from so many brands? Jordan Wise, founder of Gaffer, a media platform focused on athletes and brands, sees several reasons: “One, the America’s Cup is synonymous with high society, wealth and exclusivity. The audience is typically affluent, making it an ideal platform for luxury brands to align themselves with an event that shares their values of prestige and exclusivity. By partnering with the America’s Cup, luxury brands can reinforce their association with an elite lifestyle, which appeals to their target demographic. The event’s history and tradition add to the narrative of timeless quality that many luxury brands promote.”

Image may contain Glass and Bottle

Several luxury goods executives have a personal interest in sailing. Bertelli was on board (a few times) during the 2000 America’s Cup, but preferred following the regattas from the team’s support boats. During a press conference in June, Puig president Marc Puig recalled Optimist sailing at age seven (the small boats are popular with younger sailors) in the port of Barcelona during the winter months; his father, Mariano Puig, was a sailor who was keen to share his passion with his children. “We have supported sailing regattas for more than 40 years,” the CEO said in a statement.

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Wise also stresses the synergy across innovation and sustainability. “The America’s Cup is known for pushing the boundaries of sailing technology. Luxury brands, especially those in the sectors of high-end watches, cars and yachts, often emphasise innovation and craftsmanship. A partnership allows brands to highlight their commitment to cutting-edge technology and excellence. With an increasing focus on sustainability in luxury markets, the technological advancements in eco-friendly yacht design during the America’s Cup also offer brands a platform to showcase their own sustainability initiatives.”

He highlights the benefits for brands like inviting their top clients to the cup’s hospitality venues — VIP lounges and yacht experiences — and developing limited-edition products to launch around the event. Louis Vuitton launched in July the 37th America’s Cup capsule collection for men and women, which includes nautical-themed ready-to-wear, bags and accessories. It also features dressier pieces such as a long column dress and a double-breasted jacket. (The Noé bucket bag from the collection, priced at €2,200, is exclusive to the LV pop-up store at Barcelona’s Marina Port Vell and is already sold out.) Panerai collaborated with Prada on a series of watches titled the Panerai Luna Rossa, which are inspired by the technologies and materials used in the America’s Cup — the Panerai Submersible Luna Rossa Carbotech is priced at €18,400.

Image may contain Baseball Cap Cap Clothing Hat People Person Long Sleeve Sleeve Coat Adult Shirt and Accessories

Sailing will always be a niche sport, Dalton suggests. “One, there’s a perception that it’s a sport of the rich,” he says. “Second, landlocked countries don’t sail,” he adds, citing Switzerland as an exception (the country is competing at the America’s Cup). “So it will never be a mainstream sport — but what we’re trying to do is popularise it on TV.”

The Barcelona edition is set to hit record audiences thanks to the favourable time zone. The 36th edition in Auckland, New Zealand, had a combined TV audience of 941 million viewers, says Dalton, citing Nielsen data. This time, before the preliminary regatta in Barcelona kicked off, there were already 714 million viewers. “We thought that by coming to Europe we should target 1.5 billion. But having reached 714 million before it even started, would indicate that we’re going to blow that number off,” Dalton says. “We have a philosophy to grow the sport, which is free to air. Firstly, it gets more eyeballs; then, we don’t get geoblocked, because we’re not behind a paywall. There is one exception to that, which is the US, with cable television network ESPN . If you want to grow a sport and particularly a niche sport, you can’t charge.” In addition, the America’s Cup has entered the e-sport arena with the game accumulating 180,000 downloads so far.

Is sailing set to follow the path of Formula One? The motor racing sport gained particular popularity from the Netflix show Drive to Survive, which drew the fashion industry’s attention to the influence of its star drivers . “We have our own version of Drive to Survive,” Dalton says. “[The crew] is not here right now, but they’re everywhere else! They’re embedded on all the teams and it’s brought to you by Louis Vuitton. It’s being done by the director [of documentary films] Free Solo , The Last Dance and Return to Space . That’s being done quietly and they’ve got some good stuff because you forget they’re there. It lifts the lid on the intrigue,” Dalton adds. “America’s Cup teams are pretty secretive about what they do because it’s a technology. We were able to, through the protocol that we write, make it compulsory for teams to participate.”

Filming is in process and the release date of the documentary isn’t set yet.

In the meantime, visitors who are coming to Barcelona for the cup can get their thrills at the America’s Cup Experience museum, via a 15-minute Imax movie and a race simulator.

Comments, questions or feedback? Email us at [email protected] .

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▾ dictionary english-spanish, sailing adjective / present participle —, sailing noun ( plural: sailings ) —, navegación f ( plural: navegaciones f ), salida f ( plural: salidas f ), sail ( sth. ) verb ( sailed , sailed ) —, sail noun as adjective —, vélica adj ("superficie vélica"), sailing boat n —, sailing vessel n —, sailing yacht n —, sailing date n —, sailing club n —, sailing regatta n —, sailing school n —, sailing event n —, sailing course n —, sailing season n —, sailing area n —, lateen sailing n —, sailing yachts pl —, sailing boats pl —, sailing time n —, sailing ship n —, sailing ships pl —, sailing conditions pl —, set sail v —, sail away v —, sailing trip n —, sail area n —, light sail n —, set sail for sth. v —, ready to sail adj —, sail n —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

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Travel Safe

Sailboat in Cala Macarelleta in Menorca, Balearic Islands

The ten best places to go sailing in Spain: full sail ahead!

yacht sailing in spanish

Rías Baixas, Galicia (Pontevedra)

If you feel like sailing through calm waters, the Arousa, Pontevedra and Vigo estuaries may be what you are looking for. Its waters are protected by the Cíes Islands, part of the Islas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park  and a must for people who love being surrounded by marine nature. Its island of Monteagudo houses the largest beach in the Cíes: Rodas beach , a truly beautiful landscape. But if you want to anchor on any of its three islands, you must first request an anchoring permit.

Sailboat sailing on the coast of Lloret de Mar in Girona, Catalonia

Costa Brava, Girona

The Costa Brava invites you to enjoy the warmth of the Mediterranean Sea along more than 200 kilometers of coastline full of impressive coves: some are hiding their own natural caves (for example, Cala Pola ) while others can only be reached from the sea ( Pedrosa , La Foradada and Ferriol), which allow visitors to view Montgrí Natural Park, the Medes Islands and the Baix Ter from another perspective. You can also anchor in Culip Cove, a lonely place where it is said that old sunken ships lie.

Sea views of Sitges in Barcelona, ​​Catalonia

Garraf Coast, Barcelona

Take in towns like Sitges , Cubelles, Vilanova i la Geltrú and Sant Pere de Ribes during your boat trip along this coast. You will also come across the Garraf massif, which descends into the sea.

Sailboat views on the coast of Altea in Alicante, Region of Valencia

Costa Blanca, Alicante

The Alicante coast offers excellent conditions for sailing; what's more, most of its beaches come with the blue flag guarantee (the blue flag certificate is issued by the European Foundation for Environmental Education that guarantees the quality of the beaches and ports awarded this recognition). In its waters you can discover a large number of coves (in many of them you can anchor), natural corners such as the Serra Gelada Natural Park or such pleasant surprises as the natural pool on the island of Portixol.

Costa Calida, Murcia

If you are travelling with children, the Costa Cálida boasts areas of calm waters and family beaches such as those in La Manga and Cala Cortina . What's more, you can enjoy fishing villages from your boat or head ashore to sample some of the region's typical dishes.

Views of the Motril coast in Granada, Andalusia

Costa Tropical, Granada

The Costa Tropical spans the coast of Granada, including towns such as Motril , Salobreña , Almuñécar and  La Herradura . One of the most famous navigation routes on this coast begins in the bay of La Herradura until reaching the cliffs of Maro-Cerro Gordo, in Malaga. On the way you will pass through virgin coves such as Cala de la Rijana (near Motril), a beach with dark sand and turquoise waters that has its own watchtower.

Costa del Sol, Malaga

Playa de Cantarriján represents the natural border between the Malaga and Granada coasts. Your trip doesn't have to end here, as the wonders of the Costa del Sol still await you! Playa de Maro is a Spanish favourite. And do you know its neighbor Caleta de Maro?

Sailboats anchoring in Cala Vadella in Ibiza, Balearic Islands

Pitiusas Islands, Balearic Islands

Ibiza and Formentera are the well-known Pitiusas Islands, one of the most charming spots in Spain for any sailor, especially if you set sail between April and October. These islands' heavenly beaches boasting crystal-clear waters and golden sand include Platja s'Alga (on Espalmador, an islet to the north of Formentera), Ses Illetes (Formentera) and Cala Salada  (Ibiza).

Dolphins near the coast in Tenerife, Canary Islands

Tenerife, Canary Islands

If you are passionate about sailing, Tenerife is your ideal destination! One of the reasons that make sailing in the Canary Islands so popular are the prevailing trade winds and the wind channels between islands. In addition, it is possible to spot cetaceans such as pilot whales and dolphins in the Los Gigantes area, although it is extremely important not to approach the animals since there are national and international laws that protect them.

Travel plans for inspiring you

Aerial view of coves in Majorca

Coasts and beaches

Images of the beaches of the Balearic Islands

Sunset over the Andratx harbour. Majorca

Images of sunsets in Majorca

Boats in the turquoise waters of Mondragó Cove. Majorca

Majorca from cove to cove in images


Choose between thousands of activities to live your best life on holiday.


Spain Guides

Ports In Spain – Marinas & Yacht Guide

20 marinas & ports in spain.

Alicante Port

Spain is a hot all-year-round destination for water sports lovers.

The country attracts boat and yacht owners from around the globe accommodating crafts of all shapes and sizes from small boats to super luxury mega yachts.

Owners are attracted to the warm Mediterranean seas, stunning island coves and upmarket marinas that cater perfectly to the needs of boat and yacht owners.

Spain currently boasts around 350 nautical sports marinas that offer a total of some 132.000 berths of all sizes.

All the marinas and ports in Spain offer a whole range of facilities including, electrical and water hookups, showers, shops, bars, restaurants, and other nautical-related services

This is our ultimate one-stop guide to the best marinas and ports in Spain.

Here are the marinas we are covering in this guide:

  • Port Vell – Barcelona
  • Ibiza Marina – Ibiza
  • Puerto Banus – Marbella
  • Marina Port de Mallorca – Mallorca
  • Marina Puerto Portals – Mallorca
  • Puerto Calero – Lanzarote
  • Sotogrande Marina – Cadiz
  • Port Adriano – Mallorca
  • Marina Santa Eulalia – Ibiza
  • Mahon Marina – Menorca
  • Benalmadena Marina – Malaga
  • Alicante Marina - Alicante
  • Port Andratx – Mallorca
  • La Gomera Marina – Gran Canaries
  • Corralejo Marina – Fuerteventura
  • Puerto Rico – Gran Canaria
  • Torrevieja Marina – Alicante
  • Puerto Sherry – Cadiz
  • Cala´n Bosch Marina – Menorca
  • Isla Canela – Huelva

1. Marina Port Vell – Barcelona

Marina Port Vell Barcelona

Port Vell is one of the most prestigious marinas in Spain. Located in the heart of Barcelona, one of Europe´s most loved cosmopolitan cities.

The marina accommodates all types of crafts from luxury cruise liners to smaller boats and everything in between. It offers 60 large berths up to 190 meters for the super luxury yacht owner.

Port Vell offers just about every kind of amenity you would ever want for short or long-term stays.

Barcelona is renowned for its captivating culture, breathtaking landscapes, Michelin-starred dining scene, unique gastronomy, high-end shopping, and vibrant nightlife. Port Vell hosts a number of prestigious nautical events including the MYBA Charter Show and The Superyacht Show.

Moorings : 241 Max Length: 190m Max Draft: 9m GPS Coordinates: 41°22,6’ E / 2°11,04’ N Website: https://www.marinaportvell.com/

2. Ibiza Marina - Ibiza

Ibiza Marina

The Marina Ibiza is one of the most picturesque and exclusive in Spain. It can accommodate smaller sailing craft and mega-yachts up to 100m in length.

The materials used in the construction of the marina are of high quality and designed with an eye to making it extremely convenient to access the berths.

This prestigious marina offers all the facilities you would expect to find such as bars, shops, restaurants, sailing clubs, showers and storage lockers, and parking, and is just a short walk away from Ibiza town.

Ibiza marina is popular with the wealthy, celebrities, and politicians alike the Island is the preferred holiday destination due to the high number of hidden coves and beaches, pristine waters, amazing gastronomy, and the night-long vibrant nightlife.

Ibiza is home to some of the best beaches in Spain , many of which are only reachable by boat. The pick of the best-hidden coves includes those found at Ses Salinas, Cala Tarida, and Playa D’en Bossa.

Moorings: 539 Max Length: 100m Max Draft: 6m GPS Coordinates: 1° 26.6538’ E / 38° 54.8015’ N Website: https://marinaibiza.com/en/

3. Marina Puerto Banus – Marbella

Marina Puerto Banus

The Puerto Banus marina is one of the most famous in Spain located close to the chic town of Marbella on the Costa del Sol.

Since the late '70s, Puerto Banus has been the playground of the rich and famous and is synonymous with luxury, glamour, culture and commerce.

The marina has also become one of the places most visited by holidaymakers to the area that simply loves to look in awe at the fantastic luxury mega yachts on display.

If you are looking to birth your yacht in a stunning marine that offers upmarket restaurants and cocktail bars, high-end shopping and vibrant nightlife, this is the destination for you.

The marina accommodates short stays as well as longer anchorage. Mooring rentals cost around 30.000 Euros per annum for a 15m birth.

Moorings: 915 Max Length: 50m Max Draft : 4m GPS Coordinates: LAT 36° 29.9' N LONG 4° 57.17' W Website: https://puerto-banus.com/en/

4. Marina Port de Mallorca – Palma de Mallorca

Marina Palma de Mallorca

The stunning Marina Port de Mallorca opened in 2001 and is now one of the leading ports on the Balearic Islands.

The port boasts a prime location in the heart of the island's capital, Palma de Mallorca . Overlooked by the city skyline and the historic Palma Cathedral the marina attracted many of Spain´s elite from royalty to the wealthy business community. A string of homegrown, and international celebrities are also frequent visitors to the port.

Marina Port de Mallorca offers just about every facility you will ever need for an enjoyable and comfortable stay including 24-hour security and surveillance, impressive restaurants, fashion boutiques, casinos, gyms, swimming pools, discos, chandlers and supermarkets are all located close to the berths.

The marina underwent a major upgrade in 2017 that improved many of the installations including the electric and water, new black water collections, firefighting, access roads, pathways, and security systems.

And just a short stroll away is the vibrant city of Palma de Mallorca which offers the yachting community a chance to explore one of Spain´s most popular cities during their stay.

Moorings: 200 Max Length: 50m Max Draft: 6m GPS Coordinates: 39° 33.7178' N / 2° 37.7950' E Website: https://www.portdemallorca.com/en

5. Marina Puerto Portals – Mallorca

Marina Puerto Portals

The Puerto Portals Marina is a prestigious nautical and leisure complex located just a short drive away from the island's capital, Palma de Mallorca.

This first-class marina offers a wide range of services boat charter, car hire, water, electricity, showers, toilets, ATM, sailing school, and a nautical social club. There is a good commercial zone with bars, restaurants, chic boutiques, and shops.

For boat owners, you will find every type of service that you may require during your stay including boat and yacht repair companies, painting, cleaning, travel lift, dry dock, crane, crew area, divers, and a workshop.

There are a variety of nautical events held throughout the year which include the Dragon Winter Race and Sailing Week. The marina is also known for its Christmas market.

Moorings: 650 Max Length: 60m Max Draft: 8m GPS Coordinates: 39º 32’N / 002º 35’E Website : https://puertoportals.com/en/

6. Puerto Calero – Lanzarote

Puerto Calero Lanzarote

Puerto Calero is located on the sheltered southeastern coastline of the popular Canary island of Lanzarote .

The marina opened its doors over 35 years ago and is the island's most established yachting harbour.

With its privileged natural protection, a warm year-round sunny climate, and excellent facilities, the marina is a perfect retreat for yachts, boats, and pleasure craft of all sizes.

Puerto Calero boasts a whole host of quality amenities and services including a number of highly rated eateries, shops, onsite services, a boatyard, electricity and water hookups, showers, car and bike hire, camping gas canisters and sailing schools.

Within a short distance of the marina, there is a range of supermarkets, restaurants, bars and amazing beaches.

Moorings: 438 Max Length: 80m Max Draft : 7m GPS Coordinates: 28 54.922 N / 13 42.417 W Website: https://www.caleromarinas.com/en/puerto-calero/

7. Sotogrande Marina – Cadiz

Sotogrande Marina

The prestigious Sotogrande Marina is located on the southeastern tip of mainland Spain in the province of Cadiz .

A sprawling nautical sports and leisure complex, the marina currently boasts 1382 moorings that accommodate yachts, large and small.

Puerto Sotogrande is well connected for sailors looking to explore the southern Mediterranean, Gibraltar and North Africa as well as being the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean.

The whole marina oozes class with its high-end installations and surroundings and luxury villas and apartments that line the moorings.

Visitors to the marina enjoy a whole range of luxury amenities including 5-star restaurants, beach bars, shops, and yacht and boat services.

Moorings: 1382 Max Length: 50m Max Draft: 5m GPS Coordinates: 36º17´24″N, 5º16´10″W Website: https://puertosotogrande.es/

8. Port Adriano – Mallorca

Port Adriano

Port Adriano is a stunning marina located on the southwestern tip of the Balearic Island of Mallorca .

Designed by Phillipe Starck, Port Adriano is one of the most modern marinas in Mallorca and can accommodate small, medium and long yachts.

The facilities and services offered at the marina are second to none and include, electricity, water, showers, restrooms, a fuel area, Wi-Fi, security surveillance and a lifting crane.

If you plan to spend time at Port Adriano you will also be able to enjoy a wide range of other amenities such as bars, restaurants, shops, car hire and high-end fashion stores. It is also home to a number of exclusive events held throughout the year such as concerts, street food festivals and sunset yoga.

Moorings: 493 Max Length: 50m Max Draft: 7m GPS Coordinates: 39° 29.35' N / 2° 28.68' E Website: https://www.portadriano.com/en/ .

9. Marina Santa Eulalia – Ibiza

Marina Santa Eulalia

The beautiful Santa Eulalia Marina is located on the western coastline of the Balearic Island of Ibiza and is one of the best ports in Spain.

With 763 berths, the marina offers moorings to smaller boats and larger yachts alike and has been a popular destination for seafarers looking for a discreet place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Ibiza, its hidden coves, sandy beaches, and pristine waters.

One of the main attractions for many yacht owners staying at the marina is the 5-star facilities that have nearly 20 restaurants, with cuisine ranging from Ibiza and Mediterranean dishes to international fare dining such as Italian, Asian, German, and British cuisine.

And for partygoers, there are plenty of nearby bars to enjoy the vibrant nightlife.

The port is home to the Santa Eulalia Yacht Club which is noted for holding numerous events throughout the year such as regattas and the World Class Tornado Sailing Championship, as well as many local sailing competitions.

And staying on the island of Ibiza you are never far away from a secluded beach or cove, including Cala Xarraca in the North, Platja De S´Aigua, Cala Olivera, Cala Llentrisca and Cala Mastella.

Moorings: 763 Max Length: 22m Max Draft: 3.5m GPS Coordinates: 38.9825° N, 1.5383° E Website: https://marinasantaeulalia.com/

10. Mahon Marina – Menorca

Mahon Marina - Ports in Spain

Marina Mahon is located in Mahon (Mao) the capital city of the picturesque Balearic Island of Menorca .

Puerto Mahon enjoys stunning surroundings and is just a 10 minute walk away from the historic town of Mahon.

The marina´s services and facilities are of a high standard and include phones, parking, security cameras, ISPS, Wifi, secure access, car rental, fuel dock and sewage disposal.

Staying at the Mahon Marina you are never far away from numerous bars, restaurants, shops and supermarkets.

The waters around Menorca are crystal clear and like other islands in the Balearic chain, there are plenty of hidden coves and beaches to explore. Each one is perfect to chill out either sunbathing on deck, swimming, or diving in the warm shallow Mediterranean waters.

Moorings: 166 Max Length : 20m Max Draft: 6-7m GPS Coordinates: 39°52.00’N / 04°18.00’E Website: https://www.marinamenorca.com/

11. Benalmadena Marina – Malaga

Benalmadena Marina Ports in Spain

The award-winning Benalmadena Marina is a mega port located on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain .

The marina has won “The Best Marina in the World” on numerous occasions and offers 1.100 moorings for yachts of all sizes, a large commercial area and a popular sea life aquarium.

Works began on the marina back in 1972 although it didn’t really open up in its current form until around 1996. Since then it has gone from strength to strength.

Benalmadena marina has been awarded the EU Blue Flag every year since 1987 in recognition of the quality of its services and of its clean waters.

Architecturally, the marina impresses on many levels with the way it has laid out the moorings around various islands that are also home to luxury apartments. The busy commercial area is home to a wide variety of shops, restaurants, boutiques, supermarkets, and other leisure establishments.

You will never get bored staying at the Benalmadena Marina as there are plenty of activities for the adventurous including boat hire, fishing trips, boat trips, a patio flamenco show, the impressive sea-life aquarium, and the wakeboarding school. You can even sign up for fun Spanish cookery lessons at the local culinary school.

The Marina facilities are second to none and include, showers, toilets, electricity hook-ups, postal service, Wi-Fi, fuel area, a boat lift up to 50 tons, a social nautical club, and private business areas.

The mooring rates are some of the most reasonable in Spain and start at around 150 Euros per month plus Vat.

Moorings: 1.100 Max Length: 35m Max Draft: 6m GPS Coordinates: 36º 36' N / 4º 31' W Website: https://www.puertomarinabenalmadena.com/

12. Alicante Marina – Alicante

Alicante Marina

The Alicante Marina is located in the city of Alicante on the Costa Blanca in South Eastern Spain and is a large complex devoted to leisure and navigation.

Alicante is well connected to the rest of Spain and the world with a nearby international airport and a high-speed train service.

The region boasts an enviable warm climate, plenty of year-round sunshine hours, sandy beaches and varied cuisine to suit all tastes.

The leisure and commercial area offers a wide range of amenities including bars, restaurants, cafeterias, pubs, shops and numerous nautical companies. The marina also offers lots of concerts, activities, and events throughout the year including the prestigious Volvo Ocean Race Regatta.

Facilities include parking, fuel dock, truck delivery, 24-hour security, travel life, and water and electricity supply (380v).

Moorings: 744 Max Length: 60m Max Draft: 7m GPS Coordinates: 38°20.47’N / 00°28.8’W Website: https://www.marinaalicante.com/

13. Port Andratx – Mallorca

Port Andratx Marina

The picturesque Andratx marina is located on the eastern tip of the Balearic island of Mallorca.

Mooring prices are very reasonable and start at around 24 Euros per day ( VAT included ) for a 6-meter craft in the high season. The marina offers beautiful landscapes and a stunning coastline lapped by crystal-clear waters.

The facilities and amenities at Port Andratx are second to none and include a crew area, travel lift ( up to 100 tons ) and hoists, deadweight moorings at all berths, 220 and 380 W water and power (single-phase and three-phase), municipal waste containers, recycling stations, grey water pump-out and bilge cleaning, ice for sale, a service/petrol station, security, water, electric hookups, showers, laundry service, controlled secure parking, CCTV security cameras, repair shops, mechanics, painters and other nautical services plus a dry dock.

The leisure amenities at the marina include cafeterias, bars, restaurants, a cantina, a swimming pool, and a busy social nautical club.

Moorings: 244 Max Length: 60m Max Draft: 6m GPS Coordinates: 39°32,60N / 002°22,86’E Website: https://cvpa.es/?lang=en

14. La Gomera Marina – Gran Canaries

La Gomera Marina

The La Gomera Marina is located on the eastern tip of the Island of La Gomera in Gran Canarias .

This small but stylish small marina is situated within the San Sebastian Port on La Gomera.

The marina has 290 berths for boats up to 20m in length and offers a wide range of amenities and facilities to ensure a comfortable stay.

The services included for boat owners include showers, toilets and changing rooms, on-site laundry and vending machines, card-activated secure access control, petrol/fuel station and a boatyard in case you need to carry out repairs and maintenance.

The berths are just a short walk to the town of San Sebastian where you will find a range of bars, shops, restaurants, supermarkets, boutiques and enough nightlife for a fun evening out.

Moorings: 290 Max Length : 20m Max Draft: 10m GPS Coordinates: 28° 05′ 00 N / 17° 06′ 00 W Website: https://marinalagomera.es/en/home/

15. Corralejo Marina – Fuerteventura

Corralejo Marina

Corralejo Marina is located on the northern tip of the Canary Island of Fuerteventura.

The marina is ideally suited to small to medium-sized boats and yachts with a maximum length of 15m.

Corralejo offers easy access to the popular Lobos Island and is just a short sail from Lanzarote.

Although not a large marina it does offer all the facilities you will need for a comfortable stay such as electricity, drinking water, parking, a crane, dressing rooms, showers, waste disposal, and a ramp. Other amenities include a bank, supermarket, car rental, and a bar/restaurant.

Just a short walk from the marina is the popular tourist resort of Corralejo where you will find a wide range of cafeterias, bars, restaurants, souvenir shops, boutiques, banks, hotels, and vibrant nightlife.

The area is well known for its golden sandy beaches, some of the most popular is just a short drive down the coast and include Playa del Medano, Playa del Pozo and Playa del Viejo. Due to the winds that generally prevail on Fuerteventura, the beaches are perfect for kinds of water sports activities.

Moorings: 110 Max Length: 15m Max Draft: 5m GPS Coordinates: 28° 44,47′ N / 13° 51,88′ W Website: https://puertoscanarios.es/en/project/corralejo-en/

16. Puerto Rico – Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico Gran Canaria

The Puerto Rico marina is located on the south-western tip of the island of Gran Canaria beside the popular holiday resort with the same name.

The marina is a popular stover for sailors on their way to crossing the Atlantic Ocean and those looking to explore the African continent.

A short stroll away from the marina is the picturesque town of Puerto Rico that offers a whole range of amenities, hotels, apartments, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, shops, boutiques and plenty going on when it comes to nightlife.

There are a few good beaches to relax on including the local Playa de Puerto Rico and Playa de Amadores.

Facilities at the Puerto Rico marina include water, electricity, a fuel station, a ramp, a service station for ships, an area for repairs and maintenance, a bar, and a restaurant.

Moorings: 531 Max Length: 45m Max Draft: 10m GPS Coordinates: 27.9202° N / 15.5474° W

17.Torrevieja Marina – Alicante

Torrevieja Marina

The Torrevieja marina is located in the province of Alicante on the Costa Blanca in South Eastern Spain.

The marina boasts a whole range of facilities including a waiting dock, toilets, showers, changing rooms, laundry, electricity and water hookups, free Wi-Fi, rubbish collections, wastewater disposal, a travel lift, recycling points, workshops, disabled toilets, a nautical shop, security and parking.

There is currently a major upgrade taking place at the marina that is due to be completed in 2023. This will upgrade the commercial area with a new hotel and a new area for dining.

Moorings: 859 Max Length: 30m Max Draft: 9.9m GPS Coordinates: 37° 58' 13" N / 0° 40' 54" Website:   https://torreviejanauticalexperience.com/

18. Puerto Sherry – Cadiz

Puerto Sherry Marina

Puerto Sherry gets its name from the famous wine of the same name due to the fact that it is located just a short drive from Jerez de la Frontera, where Sherry wine originated from.

A quite magnificent marina situated on the southwestern tip of mainland Spain in the historical province of Cadiz. It is popular with sailors looking to explore both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean whilst also being in close proximity to navigate around North Africa.

The marina offers a wide range of services including a petrol/fuel station, shipyard, slipway, boat stores, sail makers, nautical shops, bars, restaurants, luxury hotel, gym, parking, free Wi-Fi, video surveillance security and a chemist.

There are also plenty of water sports activities to choose from such as surfing, kite surfing, boat rental, aquatic bikes, diving school, banana boats and beach clubs.

For food lovers, the marina offers a wide selection of cuisines within seven restaurants that serve everything from pizza to Iberian meats to the freshest fish and seafood.

Moorings: 842 Max Length: 71m Max Draft: 3.5m GPS Coordinates: 36° 34.54' N / 6° 15.22' W Website: https://www.puertosherry.com/en/home/

19. Cala´n Bosch Marina – Menorca

Cala´n Bosch Marina

The picturesque Cala´n Bosch marina enjoys an ideal location on the southwest coast of the Balearic island of Menorca.

The town of Cala´n bosch is a popular holiday destination located just a short drive south of the island's historic capital city of Ciutadella.

The island of Menorca has been a. go-to place for sailors for many years due to the many fine beaches and hidden coves that are perfect to weigh anchor and enjoy swimming in the crystalline warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

The marina is limited to smaller boats and yachts due to the existence of a bridge at the entrance that allows for a maximum height of just under 7 meters, also the entrance has a maximum draft of just 1.5 meters.

The marina offers a wide range of nautical and leisure services including water and electricity hook-ups, showers, toilets, wifi, oily waste collection, crane, crew and sailor areas, car and boat rental, waiting dock, restaurants, bars, hotels, supermarkets and shops.

And for beach lovers, some of the best ones located close to the town include Cala´n Bosch, Son Saura, Son Xoriguer and Cala Turqueta.

Moorings: 276 Max Length: 14m Max Draft: 1.5m GPS Coordinates: 39°55′40″N 3°49′59″E

20. Isla Canela – Huelva

Isla Canela Marina Huelva

The Isla Canela marina enjoys an ideal location in the Bay of Cadiz on the southern Spanish coast known as the Costa de la Luz .

Just a hop away from Spain´s neighbour Portugal, the Isla Canela marina is located close to some of the finest sandy beaches in Spain.

The marina is open to smaller boast and yachts with berths ranging from 6 to 24 meters in length and offers a laid-back Tranquille setting for visitors.

Facilities at the marina are second to none and include, floating docks, 24-hour mooring, berthing assistance, a crane, large dry standing and workshop areas, a travel lift ( up to 32 tons ), toilet and shower facilities, entrance barriers and doors, petrol/fuel station, marinas office and shop.

There are a few beach bars and restaurants within a few minute's walk of the marina although, for more shopping possibilities, supermarkets, boutiques, chemists, banks and markets, it is best to head over to the Isla Cristina or the larger border town of Ayamonte.

The Costa de la Luz is blessed with some of the best beaches anywhere in Spain , nearby award-winning beaches include Playa Isla Canela, Playa de los Haraganes, Playa de la Gaviota, Playa Central and Playa de la Casita Azul.

Moorings: 231 Max Length: 24m Max Draft: 1.5m GPS Coordinates: 37º11’13’’N / 7º20’25’’W Website: https://www.marina-islacanela.com/en/

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Matt Weidert

Sailing in Puerto Rico: Spanish Virgin Islands Cruising Guide

Svi logistics and planning, bareboat charter provisioning, additional cruising guide resources, northerly ground swells, spanish virgin islands sailing itinerary.

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  • NOAA 25650 – Virgin Passage and Sonda de Vieques, Scale 1:100,000 (Passage planning from western St Thomas to Culebra, Vieques and eastern Puerto Rico)
  • NOAA 25653 – Isla de Culebra and Approaches, Scale 1:20,000 (Large scale coverage of Culebra)
  • NOAA 25664 – Pasaje de Vieques and Radas Roosevelt, Scale 1:25,000 (Large scale coverage of western Vieques). No large-scale NOAA chart is available for all of Vieques

When to go Sailing in Puerto Rico

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 1: Overnight in Marina

Day 2: begin your trip on the west coast of culebra.

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 3: Hike to World Famous Playa Flamenco

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 4: Picture perfect Culebrita

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 5: Sail south to Vieques

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 6: Isla Chiva lunch stop and the Bioluminescence of Mosquito Bay

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 7: Magical Green Beach

yacht sailing in spanish

Day 8: Final night at Isla Palominos, or return to the marina

yacht sailing in spanish

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Yacht Charter Spain

Why go sailing in spain.

Charter a yacht in Spain and find out why is this one of the most desirable sailing destinations in the world. It is extremely difficult to beat the diversity of Spain, a relatively small country which is surrounded by one ocean, two different seas and a vast number of diverse cultures, climates, and landscapes. If you’re looking for hot summers, mild winters and rough ocean sailing conditions - Spain is the place to go. However, if you’d like to spend a mild and chilly summer on an atoll, Spain is the best destination for it as well. Even if you want a tropical feel on your sailing holiday, a yacht charter in Spain can offer it too. 

Yacht charter in the Mediterranean Coast of Spain offers the opportunity for sailors to discover the Spanish culture at its best, through regions such as Valencia , Catalonia, and the Balearic Islands – Mallorca , Menorca , Ibiza & Formentera. Hop aboard your luxury yacht charter and spend some time in the picturesque and bohemian-like cities and towns of the area: Sitges, Cadaqués, Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante, Peñíscola etc.  

Charter a yacht in the unspoilt northern coast of Spain , well known for the best food offer in southern Europe. Its intact green coastal landscapes of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, and the Basque Country can only be matched with the landscapes of much colder places like Ireland and Scotland.  

The Canary Islands , archipelago of volcanic origins in the Atlantic are the place to go if you want to run away on your rental yacht from the cold European winter without leaving Europe.

Choose Your Perfect Boat in Spain


Sailing Conditions in Spain

You can charter a yacht in Spain throughout the entire year . Both spring and autumn are great for sailing the Mediterranean - the weather is great, but you also have the advantage of escaping the big crowds that come to the area as soon as the summer starts. However, summer is the most popular time for chartering a yacht on the Balearic Islands. As well, a right time for yachting in the northern coast of Spain. Be careful, though, the Atlantic Ocean can get a bit rough at any time of the year and you might need to look for a haven in July or August as well.

Spanish Coast

If you want to rent a yacht in Spain during the winter, between November and February, the Canary Islands are the perfect choice. The climate is mainly sunny and warm , with temperatures very rarely going below  18°C all year round. Besides that, the sea temperature is constantly close to 22°C. There are three main types of climates on the Spanish Coast. Mediterranean Coast climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, dry winters. The average temperature in the winter ranges between 5°C and 15°C, while going up to 26°C and 35°C during the yacht charter season. The sea temperature amounts to around 14°C in February and 25°C in August. Northern Spain climate is colder and much rainier, although the summer tends to be mild and sunny. The average temperature in the winter ranges between 5°C and 10°C, and between 15°C and 23°C during the summer, so keep that in mind if you want to charter a boat in Costa Verde. The sea temperature is around 10°C in February and 22°C in August.

Sailing Regions in Spain

Mallorca Sailing Region

Mallorca Sailing Region

Menorca Sailing Region

Menorca Sailing Region

Ibiza Sailing Region

Ibiza Sailing Region

Barcelona and Costa Brava Sailing Region

Barcelona and Costa Brava Sailing Region

Valencia Sailing Region

Valencia Sailing Region

Winds and tides.

The Spanish weather is fairly stable, but it can also be prone to winds , creating the perfect sailing conditions for those who want to embark on an adventure by boat. Borrasca is a thunderstorm or violent squall, especially in the Mediterranean and the Northern Part of Spain. It usually comes from NW, W. Chubasco is a rapid and strong downpour, it starts up very quickly but stops in a matter of minutes. It is quite common throughout the country. It doesn’t come from a specific direction.

Spanish Sailing Conditions

Levante is a hot wind from E, NE, that can be especially strong in the Strait of Gibraltar, where the local conditions increase its power and speed. Another SW wind you will feel on your charter yacht in Spain is lebeche . This one coming from the Sahara, bringing elevated temperatures and sand from the desert. In the Canary Islands area, it is also known as calima . Galerna is stormy, hot, and very humid NW wind that arises unexpectedly on the north coast, especially during the summer season. Wind gusts can go up to more than 100 kilometres per hour. Tramontana originated in the French Central Massif and the Pyrenees, it is a N wind that blows strongly over the Balearic Islands and some parts of Catalonia. Sometimes it can reach speeds close to two hundred kilometres per hour. 

Normally, the heights of waves in the Mediterranean range between 0.5 and 1.5 m , and very rarely exceed 5 m. However, the Atlantic and Cantabria coasts are a whole different thing. There, waves can easily go beyond 10 meters during the winter. Actually, the biggest wave recorded in Spain was appeared near to Galicia and was 27,81 meters high.  

On the Mediterranean Coast, there are practically no tides . The Cantabrian Coast of Spain has a tidal range of 1 meter . On the Atlantic Coast (Galicia, Canary Islands) tidal range can go up to 2,8 m . 

You will hardly notice any sea currents on your charter yacht in the Mediterranean, but this changes on the Atlantic side of the Spanish coast. The Galician coast is under the influence of cold currents all year long, but the more east you sail, the warmer water you will get. 

Important Info for Sailing in Spain

Best time to sail.

April – November, Canary Islands: November - February


Sailing License

Spoken language, top attractions.

Lobos Island, Mount Teide NP (Tenerife), Timanfaya NP (Lanzarote), Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, Ibiza, Palma de Mallorca, Sagrada Familia (Barcelona), Cadaqués (Costa Brava)

Top Reasons to Visit Spain

Enjoy the amazing view of Barcelona ’s skyline from your charter yacht. As the night falls, the city turns into one big party you do not want to miss. Wild rhythms of flamenco can be heard on the streets, jazz music from basements, indie rock from concert halls. As a real Barcelona citizen, dine in one of the numerous tapas bars and seafood restaurants. Sail the stunning Balearic Islands , visit Mallorca , and explore its rich history, amazing medieval architecture, eat in top rated restaurants and enjoy the amazing nightlife. Make the most of your sailing vacation and discover deserted coves in the northeast, visit the Caves of Drach, near Porto Cristo. The four caves with the underground lake and a classical concert performed on a boat are something you should not miss.

Spain Ibiza Sailing Boat

Charter a yacht in the party capital of the world – Ibiza , a place you must visit at least once in your lifetime. Party hard in Europe’s best nightclubs in San Antonio or Playa d’en Bossa, with performances of the world’s best DJs. Big parts of the island are registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites and you should visit at least some of them, such as the old part of Ibiza Town or the remains of the first Phoenician settlement at Sa Caleta. 

Valencia is the birthplace of one of the three main types of Spanish Paella – Valencian Paella, and it would be a shame not to try it at least once. If you charter a yacht in Valencia in March, be sure to check out the internationally famous Fallas Festival, Valencia’s unofficial welcome to the spring. In a program full of impressive sound and light shows, there are many concerts taking place in the Viveros Gardens in the evening.

Hamag bicro

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    2. A toda vela - At Full Sail: This phrase describes a boat sailing at its maximum speed, capturing the exhilarating feeling of wind-filled sails. 3. Echar el ancla - To Drop Anchor: When a boat stops and secures in one place, this expression is used, symbolizing a pause in the journey. 4.

  3. PDF Glossary of Nautical Terms: English

    English ‐ Spanish Spanish ... head (of a sail) puño de driza head up! (heads up) orzar a la banda (¡atención!) heading rumbo headway arrancada heave to pairar, fachear heave! ( a line) tesar! heave! (an object) halar! heaving line guía heavy weather mar gruesa y viento fuerte ...

  4. PDF Spanish Sailing Terms Gillian

    Ease, to Sail trimming Ease the sheet Tack, to [verb] Give way, to Port side Starboard side Windward Bear away, to [tiller to you] Alter course Reaching Sheet in, to / harden up Close‐haul/go close‐hauled Running Heel, to Not heel, to Flap, to Beat, to [tacking] Hoist, to Give some slack, ease, to On a reach Beam reach On a run Luff up ...

  5. Yacht in Spanish

    yacht (. yat. ) noun. 1. (sailboat) a. el yate. Mark and Steve take their yacht out to sail around the San Francisco Bay every weekend.Mark y Steve sacan su yate a navegar por la bahía de San Francisco cada fin de semana. That yacht anchored over there belongs to a famous celebrity.Ese yate que está anclado allá pertenece a una celebridad ...

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    A file photo of the Bayesian yacht sailing off the coast of Italy. ... Spanish researchers at the Institut de Ciencies del Mar in Barcelona confirmed last Thursday the maximum sea surface ...

  7. Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

    Here's a complete Spanish vocabulary list about boats. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list! DOWNLOAD THE FULL PACKAGE IN ONE CLICK: 100 SPANISH VOCABULARY LISTS ... a sailing boat, a sailboat: un velero: a yacht: un yate: a beacon: una baliza: a rowboat: una barca: a barge: una barcaza: a canoe ...

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    About the Authors. The Sailing Association Mar Menor (SAMM) was formed in 2006 to help sailors of all levels of experience to understand the rules and procedures of registering and operating boats in Spain and provide opportunities for our members to form groups to share their particular boating or sailing interests.

  9. Sailing yacht

    Translate Sailing yacht. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Learn Spanish. Translation. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com.

  10. Guide of Spanish nautical titles and license

    The navigation license is the easiest option to start browsing. It is the permit formerly known as a "titulin" and will allow you to take boats of up to 6 meters in length, and stay up to two miles away from the coast. The main advantage of the navigation license is that in just 6 hours of training in a nautical school you will become a boat ...

  11. Spanish translation of 'sailing boat'

    Spanish Translation of "SAILING BOAT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. RESOURCES. More . ... It's also a great place for just watching sailing boats while enjoying an ice-cream. The Guardian (2021) Then, of ...

  12. Louis Vuitton Sails Into Barcelona for a High-tech America's Cup

    Louis Vuitton Sails Into Barcelona for a High-tech America's Cup. The elite sailing race boasts the fastest yachts, the latest filming technology, an e-series and "an element of glamour," too.

  13. Why Louis Vuitton and others are doubling down on the America's Cup

    Meanwhile, members of the Orient Express Racing Team — the French yacht racing team that competes for the cup — took photos with France's darling aka gold medalist swimmer and Louis Vuitton ambassador Léon Marchand. The evening included a show by Spanish theatre company La Fura dels Baus before guests convened on the dance floor.

  14. sailing

    Many translated example sentences containing "sailing" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  15. The ten best places to go sailing in Spain: full sail ahead!

    Pitiusas Islands, Balearic Islands. Ibiza and Formentera are the well-known Pitiusas Islands, one of the most charming spots in Spain for any sailor, especially if you set sail between April and October. These islands' heavenly beaches boasting crystal-clear waters and golden sand include Platja s'Alga (on Espalmador, an islet to the north of ...

  16. Your Complete Spanish Virgin Islands Cruising Guide

    Culebra - Sailing the Spanish Virgin Islands. The quiet island of Culebra, is roughly 22 miles due east of Puerto Rico, and exploring from a yacht is best done from Ensenada Honda - a sleepy harbor that could be considered the unofficial sailing center of the SVI. Culebra is a mere 7 miles long and 3 miles wide, with only about 2,000 residents.

  17. 56m luxury sailing yacht sinks off Sicily, 7 missing

    The last four crew members left on Tuesday evening on a private flight to Spain.On board were Captain James Cutfield with his wife Cristina, Chief Engineer Tim Parker Eaton, Myanmar boatswain Htun Myint Kyaw and Spanish sailor Leo Eppel. The skipper landed in Mallorca where he lives with his wife. On Tuesday afternoon, Matthew Griffiths, the sailor who was on duty on the bridge on the night of ...

  18. Sailing and Boating in Spain

    A sailing permit or licence ( título de recreo) is not needed to sail the following vessels during daylight hours in Spanish waters: Motor boats up to 5 meters in length and with a maximum power of 10 Kw (13 CV) Sailing boats up to 5 metres in length. Kayaks, canoes and pedal boats and boats with motors of under 3.5 Kw.

  19. Ports in Spain

    The country attracts boat and yacht owners from around the globe accommodating crafts of all shapes and sizes from small boats to super luxury mega yachts. ... It can accommodate smaller sailing craft and mega-yachts up to 100m in length. ... 300+ Spanish Experiences You Should Know About.

  20. Spanish Virgin Islands Charter Yacht Sailing Itinerary

    The sailing route from St. Thomas to Culebra, Culebrita and Vieques. SAMPLE ITINERARY FROM ST. THOMAS TO THE SPANISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. DAY 1: We welcome you on the dock at Yacht Haven Grande in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. After a welcome cocktail and lunch aboard your luxury crewed charter yacht, your captain will order the lines onboard as you ...

  21. Boat in Spanish

    boat (. bot. ) noun. 1. (nautical) a. el barco. Since we live on the coast, we're thinking about buying a boat.Como tenemos una casa en la costa, estamos pensando en comprarnos un barco. b. el bote (small) They rowed the boat toward shore, praying they would survive.

  22. Sailing in Puerto Rico: Spanish Virgin Islands Cruising Guide

    Spanish Virgin Islands Sailing Itinerary; SVI Logistics and Planning. Puerto Del Rey ... However, there is only one yacht charter operator in Puerto Rico at Puerto del Rey. Puerto del Rey is located in Fajardo, the boating hub on the Puerto Rican east coast. As you would expect, it has plenty of amenities which includes a small store for ...

  23. Sailing boats in Spanish

    Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (M) Most sailing boats are equipped with a motor of some sort nowadays.

  24. Boats for sale in Spain

    Yacht prices in Spain. Prices for yachts in Spain start at $8,829 for the lowest priced boats, up to $10,605,432 for the most luxurious, opulent superyachts and megayachts, with an average overall yacht value of $383,591. When exploring what type of boat or yacht to buy on YachtWorld, remember to consider carefully a number of important key ...

  25. Yacht Charter Spain

    The Spanish weather is fairly stable, but it can also be prone to winds, creating the perfect sailing conditions for those who want to embark on an adventure by boat.Borrasca is a thunderstorm or violent squall, especially in the Mediterranean and the Northern Part of Spain. It usually comes from NW, W. Chubasco is a rapid and strong downpour, it starts up very quickly but stops in a matter of ...

  26. Spain

    Rodman. - Spain, company Rodman Polyships. Boat models/ranges: Rodman. Manufacturer: powerboats, (day cruiser/powerboats without berths, motor yachts/cabin boats, motor catamarans, passenger ships/ferries) built since 1974, defective website: [email protected]. » Rodman boats for sale » Rodman new boats » Rodman yacht charter.