Yachthafen Berlin Stralau


  • Skipper Club

Yachthafen Stralau

Facts & figures, number of berths, max. allowed draught, max. allowed length overall, jetty lighting.

Von der Treptower Spree in den Rummelsburger See zur Steganlage an Bb. Vorgelagerte Inseln und die den See begrenzenden Spundwände beachten.


Marina closed at night. Marina guarded at night.

Nearest city/town

Services and connections, fresh water at berth, outdoor area (winter storage), slipway (winch), ship chandler, supermarket, leisure time.

ADAC reference price
ADAC reference price* (€)15.6

Harbour master

Availability, contact information.

Treffer Entschuldigung, wir haben leider keine Ergebnisse für Sie gefunden!



Stille deine Sehnsucht

Urlaub im Havelland

Yachthafen Stralau

Auf einen blick.

  • Reiseregion Berlin
  • 030-2919345
  • hansa-werft.de

Auf der Karte

Yachthafen Stralau Tunnelstraße 41-42 10245 Berlin Deutschland

Tel.: 030-2919345 E-Mail: [email protected] Webseite: hansa-werft.de

Gut zu wissen

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Yachthafen Stralau

Marina Image

Marina in Germany

The marina is very conveniently located on both the land and the waterfront on the Rummelsburger See. There is a bus stop for buses 104 & 347 about 100m away, from which you can easily and quickly get to the sights of the city in about 30 minutes. A parking lot is available for our customers on our premises. There is also a power connection for each boat stand. A coin water column and the possibi

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yachthafen stralau

Mehr Sportboothäfen & Marinas Mehr Wasserwander-Rastplätze

Yachthafen Stralau

Tel.: 030-2919345

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Interessantes in der Nähe ...

  • Übernachten
  • Gastronomie
  • Veranstaltungen

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Kinder mit Hund, Foto: KI JU Reisen

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Das Restaurantschiff „Klipper“, Foto: GabrielBonis/pixabay.com

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Tunnelstraße 41-42

10245 Berlin

Wetter Heute, 4. 9.

  • Donnerstag 21 31
  • Freitag 21 30


Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH

Am Karlsbad 11 10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030-25002333 Fax: 030-25002424

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Yachthafen Stralau (Hansa Werft)

Marina near berlin (friedrichshain).

yachthafen stralau


Marina information.


yachthafen stralau


yachthafen stralau

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yachthafen stralau

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yachthafen stralau

Places nearby

  • Businesses / Restaurants

yachthafen stralau

Citymarina Berlin

Marina near Berlin (Rummelsburg)

0.48 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Spree - Anleger

Marina near Berlin (Alt-Treptow)

0.51 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Treptower Hafen

1.37 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Marina near Berlin (Oberschöneweide)

3.88 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Marina near Berlin (Niederschöneweide)

5.11 km away from here

Motorwassersportclub Oberspree 1912 e.V.

6.43 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Hafen Tempelhof

Marina near Berlin (Tempelhof)

7.62 km away from here

Rummelsburger Bucht

Anchor near Berlin (Friedrichshain)

0.89 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Spree-Oder-Wasserstraße km 15,3 - 15,41, rechtes Ufer Schiffbauerdamm

Anchor near Berlin (Mitte)

7.38 km away from here

Bundesratufer 24h Sportbootliegeplatz

Anchor near Berlin (Moabit)

10.26 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

24 h Anleger "Schmöckwitzer Brücke"

17.24 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

18.98 km away from here

Jürgen Lanke - Anchor

Anchor near Berlin (Grunewald)

19.29 km away from here

Flakensee - Ankerbucht

Anchor near Erkner (Neu Buchhorst)

20.27 km away from here

Großer Zugsee Ankerplatz

Anchor near Königs Wusterhausen (Niederlehme)

20.56 km away from here

Niederschöneweide - Netto Supermarkt

Grocery near Berlin (Niederschöneweide)

5.35 km away from here

Alte Spree - Bootstankstelle

Fuelstation near Berlin (Köpenick)

7.72 km away from here

Kuhnle Tours

Boatyard near Zeuthen

18.63 km away from here

Niederlehme - Bootstankstelle

Fuelstation near Königs Wusterhausen (Niederlehme)

23.57 km away from here

yachthafen stralau

Meierei Potsdam

Restaurant near Potsdam (Nauener Vorstadt)

28.97 km away from here

Fischereibetrieb Berner in Werder

Restaurant near Werder OT Kemnitz

39.58 km away from here

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yachthafen stralau

Yachthafen Stralau

Yachthafen Stralau

Access and contact

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Bootshaus am Seddinsee

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Am Tegelersee



About marina region

yachthafen stralau

Yachthafen Stralau

yachthafen stralau

User Reviews

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Distances (30)

0.3 nm  -   (Berlin)
4.2 nm  -   (Berlin)
5.8 nm  -   (Berlin)
9.6 nm  -   (Zeuthen)
9.7 nm  -   (Berlin)
10.0 nm  -   (Berlin)
10.5 nm  -   (Berlin)
10.7 nm  -   (Berlin)
11.6 nm  -   (Berlin)
11.8 nm  -   (Wildau)
12.2 nm  -   (Berlin)
15.7 nm  -   (Potsdam)
15.9 nm  -   (Potsdam)
21.0 nm  -   (Werder)
33.2 nm  -   (Brandenburg)
38.9 nm  -   (Brandenburg)
41.8 nm  -   (Fürstenberg)
43.4 nm  -   (Fürstenberg)
43.5 nm  -   (Fürstenberg)
43.6 nm  -   (Fürstenberg)
46.2 nm  -   (Strasen)
46.3 nm  -   (Priepert)
46.4 nm  -   (Rheinsberg-Kleinzerlang)
50.4 nm  -   (Wesenberg)
55.8 nm  -   (Buchholz)
58.6 nm  -   (Rechlin)
61.9 nm  -   (Senftenberg)
62.2 nm  -   (Röbel)
66.2 nm  -   (Bitterfeld)
67.5 nm  -   (Waren)
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Yachthafen Stralau

Types of moorings.

Pile mooring

Services and equipments

Harbor master's office hours.

No opening hours specified.

This information is not available.


Daycruiser special.

Book a day trip or a half-day trip with our lovely new boat Momme!

Houseboat rental in Berlin licence-free

Start of season 2024, we will begin renting out boats on april 13th this year. of course you can already book in advance for the 2024 season anytime online here. ahoy and see you soon ❤.

Let us introduce you to our  Wasserkutsche , our electric-powered and environmentally friendly houseboats for exploring Berlin’s most beautiful corners. With careful attention to detail, our houseboats are easy to handle, spacious and versatile. Not to mention a lot of fun! Whether you voyage down the Spree or the Havel rivers, along one of Berlin’s canals or across the lakes dotted around the edge of the city, our wooden houseboats will get you there.

The good news is you don’t need a license: after a briefing from our team you’ll become a captain in no time, allowing you to set sail along Berlin’s waterways. Whether you fancy a day-trip with your kids to the nearest beach, a team-building voyage for your company, a wedding or birthday to remember, or a longer trip with overnight stays under starry skies, our houseboats are the perfect vessel. From houseboats that sleep up to four crew-members to our flagship Rossi with space for up to six, we offer an experience that is both exciting and relaxing. And we’re pretty sure there is no better way to see Berlin than from one of our lovingly crafted boats. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to cast off!

Our houseboats

yachthafen stralau

The Wasserkutsche

Our classics for day tours.

Our boats for day tours are vintage classics in the finest workmanship, perfectly maintained. This makes cruising through Berlin so much fun!

yachthafen stralau

Everything on board!

Tours to remember.

yachthafen stralau

Unforgettable journeys on the waterways of Berlin and Brandenburg

The possibilities of the rivers, lakes and canals of Berlin are endless, from deserted beaches surrounded by nature to old industrial ruins decorated with street art and urban harbours right in the heart of Kreuzberg. From the water you’ll be given a new and fascinating glimpse of the city, and we’re here to help you plan your perfect tour with  our boats .

There are a couple of things you need to consider, namely how much time you have and the capacity of the batteries on board the  Wasserkutsche houseboats . If you drive with full power, you will need a recharge after two hours on the water. If you are happy with a more moderate speed, you can be out for eight hours and if you are really chilled you can push this to whopping twelve hours before you need to load up again.

We can help you choose the ideal destination for your tour and give precise information about how long it will take and the speed you should travel. We can also tell you where there are jetties with recharging possibilities along the way, all marked on the waterways map that we will give you.

Our normal schedule works as follows: Come to our pier close to Oberbaum Bridge at around 10am where you will get your detailed briefing about the houseboat. You can then either return the boat by 7pm, or on one of the following days at the same time. The longer the period you book, the cheaper each day becomes on average.

Here’s a look at some of our favourite tours:

Central location in the heart of Kreuzberg


Schlesische Straße 28

yachthafen stralau

Kontakt mit dem Yachthafen


Bootsbaumeister Thomas Geppert

Tunnelstraße 41-42 10245 Berlin

  hansa-werft de

Online Kontakt

Wind & weather forecast Yachthafen Stralau

  • Superforecast

Daily forecast

Bird's-eye view of wind for yachthafen stralau, nearby spots (within 25 km).

  • Yachthafen Stralau 0km
  • Citymarina Berlin Rummelsburg 1km
  • Plänterwald 1km
  • Alt-Treptow 1km
  • Rummelsburg 2km
  • Berlin Treptow 2km
  • Friedrichsfelde 3km

Look at our wind map to find more spots among our 160,000 spots.

Yachthafen Stralau popularity

Most popular spots in germany.

Have a look at the top kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, surfing or fishing spots in Germany

Additional information

The Windfinder Bird's-Eye View shows the forecasted wind and wave direction in relation to the surroundings of the forecast spot. This is useful if you rely on the exact wind direction for your outdoor activities like fishing or hunting or if you are looking for the best surf conditions. Check the wind forecast for Yachthafen Stralau when you search for the best travel destinations for your kiteboarding, windsurfing or sailing vacations in Germany. Or use our wind forecast to find the wind speed today in Yachthafen Stralau or to have a look at the wind direction tomorrow at Yachthafen Stralau.

Severe Weather Warnings


  1. Yachthafen Berlin Stralau

    Im Herzen von Berlin befindet sich der "Yachthafen Stralau". Der Yachthafen ist sowohl land- als auch wasserseitig am Rummelsburger See sehr verkehrsgünstig gelegen. In ca. 100m Entfernung befindet sich eine Bushaltestelle für die Linienbusse 104 & 347, von der aus Sie bequem und schnell in ca. 30 Minuten zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt ...

  2. Yachthafen Berlin Stralau

    Im Herzen von Berlin befindet sich der "Yachthafen Stralau". Der Yachthafen ist sowohl land- als auch wasserseitig am Rummelsburger See sehr verkehrsgünstig gelegen. In ca. 100m Entfernung befindet sich eine Bushaltestelle für die Linienbusse 104 & 347, von der aus Sie bequem und schnell in ca. 30 Minuten zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt ...

  3. Yachthafen Stralau

    Prices. ADAC reference price. ADAC reference price* (€) 15.6. * ADAC reference price (€) Total rate per peak-season overnight stay at a marina. It includes the rate for a 10x3.3m boat, two adults incl. shower, electricity and fresh water.

  4. Yachthafen Berlin Stralau

    Im Herzen von Berlin befindet sich der "Yachthafen Stralau". Nur etwa 5 Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum Berlins entfernt - auf der Halbinsel Alt-Stralau - hat eines der traditionsreichsten Wassersportunternehmen seinen Standort. Damit ist die HANSA-WERFT das citynaheste Unternehmen seiner Art überhaupt.

  5. Yachthafen Stralau

    Der Yachthafen Stralau bietet Gastliegeplätze für Boote mit einer Länge von bis zu 12 m. Zur Verfügung stehen Stromversorgung am Steg, Wasserversorgung, WC/Dusche sowie ein Grillplatz. Die Werft bietet zudem Reperaturen, Umbauten, Lackierarbeiten etc. an. Auf der Karte . Yachthafen Stralau


    Für Bootsbau, Bootsservice & Yachthafen. Nur etwa 5 Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum Berlins entfernt - auf der Halbinsel Alt-Stralau - hat eines der traditionsreichsten Wassersportunternehmen seinen Standort. Damit ist die HANSA-WERFT das citynaheste Unternehmen seiner Art überhaupt.

  7. Yachthafen Stralau Land Berlin , Facilities, Weather Data, Local

    Yachthafen Stralau Marina in Germany. The marina is very conveniently located on both the land and the waterfront on the Rummelsburger See. There is a bus stop for buses 104 & 347 about 100m away, from which you can easily and quickly get to the sights of the city in about 30 minutes. A parking lot is available for our customers on our premises.

  8. Yachthafen Stralau, Berlin, Berlin

    Der Yachthafen Stralau bietet Gastliegeplätze für Boote mit einer Länge von bis zu 12 m. Zur Verfügung stehen Stromversorgung am Steg, Wasserversorgung, WC/Dusche sowie ein Grillplatz. Die Werft bietet zudem Reperaturen, Umbauten, Lackierarbeiten ...

  9. Yachthafen Stralau (Hansa Werft)

    Yachthafen Stralau (Hansa Werft) on BoatView, the Europe-wide harbour guide with valuable information on moorings, anchorages, navigation tips and much more for sailboats and motorboats.

  10. Yachthafen Stralau marina ⋅ Berlin ⋅ Germany ⋅ Get all prices ⋅ MarinaSpots

    If you are looking for a peaceful and picturesque place to moor your boat, Yachthafen Stralau is the perfect spot for you. Located in the beautiful region of Berlin in Germany, this marina offers exceptional sailing environment with a friendly and re...

  11. Yachthafen Stralau

    Yachthafen Stralau, Marina (Berlin, DE, 52° 29′ 32″ N / 013° 28′ 56″ E) :: marinamap.com - nautische Suchmaschine und Törnplaner: Sporthäfen per Mausklick auf die marinamap-Seekarte finden.

  12. Marina Yachthafen Stralau on Navily

    Yachthafen Stralau. Yachthafen Stralau. 52° 29.53' N, 13° 28.90' E Types of moorings. Pile mooring. Services and equipments. Harbor master's office hours. No opening hours specified. Weather. Fuels. This information is not available.

  13. Yachthafen Stralau

    Yachthafen Stralau Im Herzen von Berlin befindet sich der "Yachthafen Stralau" Der Yachthafen ist sowohl land- als auch wasserseitig am Rummelsburger See sehr verkehrsgünstig gelegen. In ca. 100m Entfernung befindet sich eine Bushaltestelle für die Linienbusse 104 & 347, von der aus Sie bequem und schnell in ca. 30 Minuten zu den ...

  14. Yachthafen Stralau Map

    Yachthafen Stralau is a marina in Berlin, Germany. Yachthafen Stralau is situated nearby to the marina MC Alt Stralau and the shipyard HANSA-Werft. Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Tap on the map to travel: Yachthafen Stralau. yachthafen-stralau.de +49 30 2919345.

  15. Yachthafen Stralau Karte

    Yachthafen Stralau ist ein Yachthafen in Berlin, Deutschland. Yachthafen Stralau ist liegt in der Nähe von MC Alt Stralau und HANSA-Werft.

  16. Yachthafen Stralau

    Yachthafen Stralau est un port de plaisance. Yachthafen Stralau est située à proximité de MC Alt Stralau et HANSA-Werft. Mapcarta, la carte ouverte.

  17. Wind & weather forecast Yachthafen Stralau

    This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Yachthafen Stralau in Berlin, Germany. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, fishing or paragliding. Forecast This forecast is based on the GFS model. Forecasts are available worldwide.

  18. Wind & weather statistics Yachthafen Stralau

    The wind statistics are based on real weather observations from the weather station Yachthafen Stralau / Berlin, Germany. See the average wind speed, direction and temperatures.


    Hansa-Werft - Ihr kompetenter Partner für Bootsservice und Yachtservice, Yachthafen im Herzen von Berlin. Auf der Halbinsel Alt-Stralau mitten in Berlin; Bootsbau, Bootsservice und Yachthafen; Werft, Yachthafen und Gastliegeplätze ... das innerhalb weniger Tage von Yachthafen Stralau erreichbar ist. Ebenso empfehlenswert sind Fahrten durch ...

  20. Houseboat rental in Berlin

    Stralau. Wannsee. Seddinsee/Gosen. Daycruiser Special . Book a day trip or a half-day trip with our lovely new boat Momme! Houseboat rental in Berlin licence-free . Start of Season 2024 We will begin renting out boats on April 13th this year. Of course you can already book in advance for the 2024 season anytime online here. ...

  21. Yachthafen Berlin Stralau

    Thomas Geppert. Tunnelstraße 41-42. 10245 Berlin. Tel.: +49 (030) 291 93 45. Kontakt • Impressum • Datenschutz. Yachthafen Stralau Ihr kompetenter Partner für Yachthafen und Yachtservice im Herzen von Berlin.

  22. MC Alt Stralau Karte

    MC Alt Stralau. MC Alt Stralau ist ein Yachthafen in Berlin, Berlin. MC Alt Stralau ist liegt in der Nähe von Yachthafen Stralau und Hafen Schiffskontor. Karte. Satellit. Fotokarte. Email: [email protected]. Art: Yachthafen. Rollstuhlzugang: nein.

  23. Wind & weather forecast Yachthafen Stralau (Bird's-eye view

    This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Yachthafen Stralau in Berlin, Germany. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing or paragliding. Forecast This forecast is based on the GFS model. Forecasts are available worldwide.