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Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

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  • 1 Characteristics
  • 3 Behind the scenes
  • 4 Appearances
  • 6 Notes and references
  • 7 External links

Characteristics [ ]

LadyLuck egvv

Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 schematics

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment had a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offered a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods , the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship were retractable. Above the bridge was a docking coupling. It also housed a retractable laser cannon on the ventral side of the ship in the event of emergencies. It sometimes also utilized ion engines . The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jutted out.

History [ ]


A Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 during the Clone Wars

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000s, made by SoroSuub, were utilized as early as the Clone Wars , including a visit to Naboo by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine .

During the Liberation of Gerrard V by the Rebel Alliance , the planet's Imperial governor used a small fleet of these yachts in an attempt to pillage the planet's priceless treasures and military supplies as he fled; this was thwarted by Gold Squadron's use of ion cannons. A single yacht was also seen during Rogue Squadron 's raid on Taloraan .

This type of ship was later used by members of the New Republic , namely Lando Calrissian , owner of the Lady Luck , and Mara Jade Skywalker , owner of the Jade's Fire .

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Behind the scenes [ ]

There is an error in the ship's depiction in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series. In the show the ship is shown to fire lasers out of the two antenna-like structures on the ventral side of the vessel. However, The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels identifies these structures as the comm transceiver.

Appearances [ ]

( ) — " " — " " — " " — " " — " " " — 6.46 " " ) on ) " " — 15 " " — 1 " " — 11 " " — 126 unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook " —  unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook

Sources [ ]

15 : Prima's Official Strategy Guide ) on the official website ) Galaxies: Jump To Lightspeed on ; ) : Prima Official Game Guide : Prima Official Game Guide on the official website ) : Prima Official Game Guide Trading Card Game — ) ) Core Rulebook in the ; ) on )

Notes and references [ ]

  • ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Pirates & Privateers
  • ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Ultimate Adversaries
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • ↑ Name originally listed in The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels , shield systems are implied to be stock by The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels , Chempats confirmed as stock by Star Wars Galaxies website
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

External links [ ]

  • Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed article


  • 1 Star Wars Outlaws
  • 3 Crimson Dawn

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Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

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Multipassenger ship
Pilot only

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The Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a veteran reward given to players who have been subscribed to SWG for at least 180 continuous days, or in other words, 6 months. The yacht is a mutli-player ship that is great for hosting parties through space, but has no weapons for space combat. The Yacht is also invulnerable to attack, and cannot be challenged to duel. It can initiate the Lost Star Destroyer Heroic but players will not receive the bonus buff you would if a vulnerable craft was used. It can hold up to 100 items, and does not take up any lots while in the player's datapad.

Note: As the Sorosuub Luxury Yacht is a Veteran Award, it can not be modified with Crafted or Looted Space components, such as weapons, engines, etc.

The command /getvet will allow you to see how many days are logged for Veteran Rewards and if enough time is accumulated, then to receive that Reward using the /claimVet command.

Star Wars Lore [ ]

SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor. At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he has repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck.

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic has forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter long starship appears to be an unarmed pleasure yacht, but this placid exterior conceals five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provide moderate protection from enemy fire. The Lady Luck's engines are housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds can't match those of the Millennium Falcon, the Lady Luck can still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy.


Bridge of a luxury yacht

The Lady Luck's secondary systems truly set it apart. It has a highly-sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When the Lady Luck is scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder can be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changes these identities, although he has used the alias "Stardream" on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship can pilot the starship in emergencies and direct it towards a summoning unit that Lando always keeps on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic. The starship also has concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck is now well-suited to combat, it is still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level includes an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins are decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches can be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contains a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden. Even the Lady Luck's escape pods are furnished with state-of-the-art grav-couches covered in the finest Corellian leather.

Please note that this Veteran Reward is not listed in the "Veteran Rewards" tab on the Star Wars Galaxies main page, though it is still available.

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Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

When style's your name and comfort's your game, look no further than the Luxury 3000 space yacht when you want to travel the stars. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from one of the finest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It has spacious interiors, often modified for the heights of opulence. Such vessels are not typically armed -- besides, weapons would ruin its graceful lines -- but in the unpredictable and rambunctious sectors of the Outer Rim, skippers often equip their yachts with defenses. In some cases, they even conceal laser cannons in the existing sensor ports and communication masts as to not mar the ship's beauty.

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Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation .

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

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Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Dawn of Defiance ( The Queen of Air and Darkness )

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

The Glorious Chariot is a Luxury 3000 Space Yacht designed by the SoroSuub Corporation. This particular vessel was customized for Darga the Hutt . The interior of the ship was once very nice, but like the inside of Darga's palace, it has been used as a den of iniquity for far too long. Much of the interior is in severe disrepair, and some parts of the ship can only be classified as "Disgusting." However, Darga knew better than to trust his enemies to fail to recognize his ship, and thus he had aftermarket modifications made to the yacht to add extra defensive weapons that are normally manned by his crew.

When the heroes board the ship, a few of Darga's crewmembers are in the cabin area, hoping to be left alone. One look at the heroes, however, and they rush out in fear.

  • 1.1 Defenses
  • 1.2 Offense
  • 1.3 Abilities
  • 1.4 Ship Statistics
  • 1.5.1 Laser Cannons (Pilot)
  • 1.5.2 Laser Cannon, Double (Gunner)

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht Statistics (CL 5) [ ]

Colossal Space Transport

Initiative : -3; Senses: Perception +5

Defenses [ ]

Reflex Defense : 14 ( Flat-Footed : 12), Fortitude Defense : 26; +12 Armor

Hit Points: 120; Damage Reduction : 15; Shield Rating : 15; Damage Threshold : 76

Offense [ ]

Speed: Fly 16 Squares ( Character Scale ), Fly 4 Squares ( Starship Scale ); (Maximum Velocity 1,000 km/h)

Ranged: Laser Cannons +2 (See Below)

Ranged: Laser Cannon , Double +2 (See Below)

Fighting Space : 12x12 Squares ( Character Scale ), 1 Square ( Starship Scale ); Total Cover

Base Attack Bonus : +0; Grapple : +36

Attack Options: Autofire ( Laser Cannon , Double )

Abilities [ ]

Strength : 42, Dexterity : 14, Constitution : -, Intelligence : 14

Skills : Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5

Ship Statistics [ ]

Crew: 1 (Normal Crew Quality ); Passengers: 10

Cargo: 100 Tons; Consumables: 1 Month; Carried Craft: None

Hyperdrive : Class 2 (Backup Class 14)

Availability: Unique; Cost: Not available for sale (Estimated 160,000)

Weapon Systems [ ]

Laser cannons ( pilot ) [ ].

Attack Bonus: +2, Damage: 2d10x2

Laser Cannon , Double ( Gunner ) [ ]

Attack Bonus: +2 (-3 Autofire ), Damage: 5d10x2

World Anvil


sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

Sorosuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Starship - transport.

Hull Type: Yacht / Transport

Class: Luxury 3000

Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14

Navicomputer: Yes

Sensor Range: Short

Crew: One pilot, One co-pilot/engineer

Encumbrance Capacity: 100

Passenger Capacity: 10

Consumables: One month

Cost: 120,000

Customization Hard Points: 4

Weapons: None

sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

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sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

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SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Category: Yacht

Silhouette: 4

Handling: 0

Model: Luxury 3000

Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation


Navicomputer: true

Encumbrance: 100

Passengers: 10

Price: 120,000

Additional Rules:

Index: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook :262

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Luxury 3000 Yacht

Luxury 3000 Yacht Craft : SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Affiliation : General Era : Rise of the Empire Source : Pirates & Privateers (pages 70-71), The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (pages 98-99) Type : Private space yacht Scale : Starfighter Length : 50 meters Skill : Space transports: Luxury 3000 yacht Crew : 1 Crew Skill : Varies widely Passengers : 10 Cargo Capacity : 100 metric tons Consumables : 1 month Cost : 250,000 (new), 150,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier : x2 Hyperdrive Backup : x14 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 1D Space : 5 Atmosphere : 295; 850 kmh Hull : 2D+2 Shields : 1D Sensors :

  • Passive: 25/1D
  • Scan: 50/2D
  • Search: 75/2D+2
  • Focus: 3/3D

Capsule: The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travelers rather than cargo and far more luxurious.

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Luxury 3000 Yacht

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Craft : SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Type : Private space yacht Scale : Starfighter Length : 50 meters Skill : Space transports: Luxury 3000 yacht Crew : 1 Crew Skill : Varies widely Passengers : 10 Cargo Capacity : 100 metric tons Consumables : 1 month Cost : 250,000 (new), 150,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier : x2 Hyperdrive Backup : x14 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 1D Space : 5 Atmosphere : 295; 850 kmh Hull : 2D+2 Shields : 1D Sensors : Passive: 25/1D Scan: 50/2D Search: 75/2D+2 Focus: 3/3D

Background:  The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travelers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment had a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offered a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship were retractable. Above the bridge was a docking coupling. It also housed a retractable laser cannon on the ventral side of the ship in the event of emergencies. It sometimes also utilized ion engines. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jutted out.

Before the Clone Wars, they were typically associated with diplomats for meetings and travel. They quickly fell out of favor as the war began as they were seen as targets for pirates and Separatists. During the Clone Wars, they were concealed with weapons to better protect themselves against Separatist attacks. Pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka piloted a Luxury 3000 space yacht dubbed Fortune and Glory.

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Luxury 3000 yacht

Manufacturer SoroSuub Corporation

Model Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

Class Yacht

Cost 250,000 credits

Max Space Speed 50 MGLT

Hyperdrive rating Class 2

Armament None

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 10

Cargo capacity 100 metric tons

Role(s) Private shuttle Transport

Background and History

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod houses a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also has an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment has a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offers a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship are retractable. Above the bridge is a docking coupling. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jut out.

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Star Wars Galaxies is pleased to announce the first veteran reward for longtime players! Veteran players are those players who have subscribed for at least 6 consecutive months. These players will receive the deed for the multi-passenger ship model SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 the day Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed launches. This starship model has been popularized in Star Wars fiction by Lando Calrissian's personal vessel, the Lady Luck. Non-veteran players will receive the reward once they become veteran players. Similar to the Special Edition goggles, this item will not be tradable. "Her name says all you need to know. The Lady Luck's fickle, but when she's smiling down on you, you're bound to win. She hasn't given up on me yet." - Lando Calrissian Image and text from pages 82-83 of The New Essential Guide to Vehicles & Vessels courtesy of Ian Fullwood and Haden Blackman respectively --------------------------------------------- We've got some goodies planned around our one year anniversary. It technically occurs on June 26th, but we'll be sprinkling some minor fun stuff the week before and the week after that date. Today we released the new Jump to Lightspeed forum icons for Community Veterans (silver border) and Elders (gold border). If you've been with us for 6 months or more, head over to My Profile and select your favoraite JTL Avicon. TIE Fighter X-Wing Hutt Fighter YT1300

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Ceka wrote: Hmm.. 6 consecutive months.. BEH! I started playing back in July of 2003 to October, took some time off and re-registered in May of this year. if JTL comes out at the end of October and I get stiffed, I am going to be pissed...
Keer wrote: Ceka wrote: Hmm.. 6 consecutive months.. BEH! I started playing back in July of 2003 to October, took some time off and re-registered in May of this year. if JTL comes out at the end of October and I get stiffed, I am going to be pissed...

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Luxury Yacht 3000

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SoroSuub 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious.

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Channel james bond aboard the 190-foot superyacht ‘skyfall’.

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SKYFALL is currently for sale for an asking price of $29.5m

Superyacht SKYFALL is as iconic as the James Bond movie it shares its name with. Owned by an American real estate developer, the 190-foot motor yacht features a distinctive silhouette and a boatload of stand-out amenities including a panoramic sky lounge, a split-level owner’s cabin and a helipad that converts into a basketball court. As well as being highly appealing to owners, she’s a successful charter yacht that’s renowned for her ability to entertain.

SKYFALL was built by American luxury motor yacht builder Trinity Yachts in 2010 for the shipyard’s owner. “SKYFALL is the most exquisite superyacht ever delivered by Trinity Yachts and is a shining example of American craftsmanship and pride,” says Frank Grzeszczak Sr of FGI Yacht Group. “In a market where yachts of her size are rarely this versatile, SKYFALL stands out as a unique offering. With a Bahamas-friendly draft, aluminum construction, speeds exceeding 20 knots, a flexible seven-cabin layout—including a bi-level primary suite—and expansive lounges, SKYFALL sets herself apart from others in her class.”

The current owner bought her in 2018 from an American automobile tycoon and completed a full refit in 2020, including elegant, timeless interiors by designers Patrick Knowles and Even Marshall. Now, as the owner builds a new, larger, 270-foot yacht with an Italian shipyard, they’ve reluctantly put SKYFALL up for sale.

As SKYFALL enters the market with FGI , the owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, gives Forbes an exclusive look at life onboard the yacht and reveals his favorite experiences and spaces, as well as his top tips for superyacht ownership.

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What initially captivated you about SKYFALL?

Owner: SKYFALL is an iconic yacht. She really has the best of all worlds. She has semi displacement which means she is fast and efficient. She also has a shallow draft that allows her to get into anchorages or ports that other similar sized boats can’t even try to get into. In the Bahamas, for example, it is typical for SKYFALL to be anchored close to shore while other 60-meter (190-foot) boats are a mile or more offshore.

What are your favourite memories onboard SKYFALL?

We have had a lot of fun with family and friends on SKYFALL. The list of great memories onboard is quite long. The bridge deck outdoor dining table is where we always try to have meals unless the weather is very bad. We have had a lot of great discussions with family and friends around that table that will last a lifetime. We also like that the sundeck that has two hot tubs with plenty of space, which is where we have pre-dinner canapes every night while we watch the sun set wherever we might be.

One thing that often grabs people’s attention is the basketball goal that also is a helideck on the sundeck. We have had a lot of competitive games of basketball on sundeck, sometimes with a number of spectators watching from afar.

The top deck of SKYFALL features a basketball court, helipad, pool, hot tub and dining area

What is your favourite space onboard?

The sky lounge is group favorite. It has twin 80-inch TVs, so there isn’t a bad place in the sky lounge to view a game.

Please talk us through the owner’s cabin and how you designed it to suit your lifestyle.

The owner’s cabin on SKYFALL is exactly what we wanted on a boat. The master bed faces the bow with large windows which means we get to wake up every morning to an amazing view. The sitting area is perfect for getting a break from guests when we just need some time to ourselves. The suite also has ‘His and Hers’ separate baths and closets, which is a requirement for us. My wife and I always say that the key to a long and happy marriage is separate bathrooms and closets.

The office in the master suite is a welcome retreat for me so I can get work done privately without being disturbed, and more importantly, without waking up my wife.

A cabin onboard SKYFALL superyacht

Where are your favourite places to visit around the world?

It has always been non-negotiable for our family that we spend New Year’s together in Saint Bart’s on the boat. In early spring, she spends a few weeks in the Bahamas, and then typically we send her over to the Med for the summer season. She then comes back for a quick yard period in the fall, does the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, and then makes her way back to the Caribbean.

What makes SKYFALL such a successful charter yacht?

The feedback from charter guests has been that this is a great multi-generational boat. We have all the fun toys for kids, and lots of relaxing spaces for adults. Three generations in a family can travel together and have a great trip for different reasons. With the multitude of large beds, it is also a great boat for several couples to travel together.

Interiors are elegant and timeless

What first inspired you to become a yacht owner?

Our family had been chartering yachts for about 12 years. More and more we found ourselves wanting to spend time on the water. We had been loosely talking about buying a yacht when we started attending the annual Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. I’m not an impulse buyer, but when we found a boat that we thought would work for our lifestyle, we knew (or rather, my wife knew) that was the boat for us.

What does yacht ownership give you that villa or a hotel ownership couldn’t?

We often talk about how owning a yacht allows you to basically have a home nearly anywhere in the world. We like new places, and we like to explore, but we like to have a familiar home base to come back to at the end of a long day. A yacht gives you the advantage of being in the Med in the summer and the Caribbean in the winter sleeping in the same bed every night.

Guests can enjoy indoor and outdoor dining areas

Why have you decided to put SKYFALL on the sales market – and why now?

We are building a new boat, and it is time to let this one go. We are sad to part with her, but we hope she will find a new family that will create many new memories on her as we have.

What would be your biggest piece of advice to the next owner of SKYFALL?

Have fun with her. That’s what she is for. This boat loves to be used so if you have a destination in mind, she’s ready to go.

The decks have plenty of space for entertainment and relaxation

Want to be the new owner of SKYFALL? Here’s how

SKYFALL is currently for sale for an asking price of $29,500,000. Interested parties should contact the broker, Frank Grzeszczak Sr, Founder & President at FGI Yacht Group , who says: “Simply put, SKYFALL is the finest American superyacht available today. The price has recently been adjusted to $29,500,000, reflecting the seller's commitment to securing a fair price for this extraordinary vessel.”

Rachel Ingram

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sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

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Bay ship & yacht.

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  1. Star Wars Galaxies

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

  2. The Lady Luck Soro Suub Luxury Yacht 3000 schematic

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

  3. Admiral Belzediel

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

  4. The Lady Luck Soro Suub Luxury Yacht 3000

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

  5. ArtStation

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht

  6. Luxury 3000 Yacht

    sorosuub luxury 3000 space yacht


  1. Cruising on Maxum 3000SCR

  2. SoroSuub Pipeline

  3. Mg4 luxury 3000 km Değerlendirmesi , Tesla ,Togg ile düşüncelerim

  4. We Put Our Faith In Cloud Strife (Advent Children parody)

  5. Nimbus 3000

  6. Nimbus 3000


  1. Luxury 3000 space yacht

    The Luxury 3000 space yacht, also known as the SoroSuub 3000 or Personal Luxury Yacht 3000,[2] was, as its name implied, a luxurious transport ship manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation. Before the Clone Wars, they were typically associated with diplomats for meetings and travel. They quickly fell out of favor as the war began as they were seen as targets for pirates and Separatists. During the ...

  2. Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the ...

  3. Sorosuub Luxury Yacht

    The yacht is a mutli-player ship that is great for hosting parties through space, but has no weapons for space combat. The Yacht is also invulnerable to attack, and cannot be challenged to duel. ... SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000. The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the ...

  4. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Dimensions. Length: 55.52m. When style's your name and comfort's your game, look no further than the Luxury 3000 space yacht when you want to travel the stars. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from one of the finest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It has spacious interiors, often modified for the heights of opulence.

  5. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation. Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki. Explore. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; ... The Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a ship made by SoroSuub Corporation. Categories Categories: Ship; Silhouette 4 Ship;

  6. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    The Glorious Chariot is a Luxury 3000 Space Yacht designed by the SoroSuub Corporation. This particular vessel was customized for Darga the Hutt. The interior of the ship was once very nice, but like the inside of Darga's palace, it has been used as a den of iniquity for far too long. Much of the interior is in severe disrepair, and some parts ...

  7. Sorosuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    SoroSuub's popular space yacht is the final word in luxury VIP transportation. Each vessel is custom-built from the keel up to the specific needs of each owner. ... Class: Luxury 3000. Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14. Navicomputer: Yes. Sensor Range: Short. Crew: One pilot, One co-pilot ...

  8. SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Price: 120,000. Rarity: 6. HP: 4. Weapons: 0. Additional Rules: Index: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook :262. Report an issue with this item. SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a Starship from Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook.

  9. Luxury 3000 Yacht

    Luxury 3000 Yacht Craft: SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Affiliation: General Era: Rise of the Empire Source: Pirates & Privateers (pages 70-71), The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (pages 98-99) Type: Private space yacht Scale: Starfighter Length: 50 meters Skill: Space transports: Luxury 3000 yacht Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Varies widely Passengers: 10


    Both the sublight and hyperdrive engines are housed in outboard nacelles located at the aft of the vessel. Hull Type: Yacht/Luxury 3000. Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14. Sensor Range: Short. Ship's Complement: One pilot, one co-pilot/engineer. Passenger Capacity: 10.

  11. Luxury 3000 Yacht

    Passive: 25/1D. Scan: 50/2D. Search: 75/2D+2. Focus: 3/3D. Background: The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travelers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious. The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull.

  12. Star Wars Galaxies: Sorosuub Luxury Yacht tour

    SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 tour.This multiplayer ship supported decorating just like regular player houses. My ship, the "Tranquility", was nearly n...

  13. Star Wars ...ish

    Workshop Link. "The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000s, made by SoroSuub, were utilized as early as the Clone Wars, including a visit to Naboo by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. During the Liberation of Gerrard V by the Rebel Alliance, the planet's Imperial governor used a small fleet of these yachts in an attempt to pillage the planet's priceless ...

  14. Luxury 3000 yacht

    Yacht Cost 250,000 credits Max Space Speed 50 MGLT Hyperdrive rating Class 2 Armament None Crew 2 Minimum crew 1 Passengers 10 Cargo capacity 100 metric tons Role(s) Private shuttle Transport Background and History. The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than ...

  15. Star Wars Ships and Vehicles: SoroSuub

    The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is one of SoroSuub's civilian designs, equipped to ferry government officials, business executives, and other important individuals from star system to star system. ... Name: SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Type: Transport Length: 50 meters Speed WEG Hyperdrive: <x2 WEG Sublight: <7 LucasArts Sublight: N/A ILM Sublight: N/A ...

  16. WIP- Sorosuub Luxury Yacht 3000

    Beginner engineer here! Wanted to recreate the Sorosuub from Star Wars Jedi Outcast and Galaxies. Trying to make it as vanilla as possible but it's a pain haha. Tried to keep it as small as possible. Any tips would be appreciated! I like the look you ended up with. It looks good!

  17. Sorosuub 3000 Luxury Yacht

    These players will receive the deed for the multi-passenger ship model SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 the day Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed launches. This starship model has been popularized in Star Wars fiction by Lando Calrissian's personal vessel, the Lady Luck. Non-veteran players will receive the reward once they become ...

  18. Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Craft ..... SoroSuub Personal Luxury 3000 Yacht Type ..... Private Space Yacht Cargo Capacity ..... 100 metric tons Scale...

  19. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Luxury 3000 Space Yacht. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a Vehicle in the Star Wars universe. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details!

  20. Channel James Bond Onboard Iconic 190-Foot Superyacht SKYFALL

    SKYFALL was built by American luxury motor yacht builder Trinity Yachts in 2010 for the shipyard's owner. "SKYFALL is the most exquisite superyacht ever delivered by Trinity Yachts and is a ...

  21. Valiant

    The Valiant was launched on the East Coast in 1926 and went to her grave just four years later in December 1930. She was a 162 foot long luxury yacht with a 26 foot beam, 13 tiled bathrooms and a playroom for the owner's children. She was christened the Aras (the owner's wife's name spelled backward). Not many months after she was ...

  22. Modular Offices: 2,000 SF to 3,000 SF

    Sample floor plans of commercial modular offices 2,000 to 3,000 square feet. Sample floor plans of commercial modular offices 2,000 to 3,000 square feet. Skip to content. Call Us Today! 866-396-0227 | [email protected]. About Us; Blog; Contact Us; Search for: Home; Modular Buildings.

  23. Bay Ship & Yacht

    Bay Ship & Yacht Lease Agreement. 1450 Ferry Point. Alameda, CA 94501. Current Tenants.

  24. California Yacht Brokers Association (Alameda, CA)

    PMB #134 909 Marina Village Pkwy Alameda, CA 94501, USA. Tel 800-875-2922 Fax 775-353-5111 Email [email protected]