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matador maxi yacht


  • Author: Duncan Brantley





Paul Cayard, the mustachioed 31-year-old American helmsman of the Italian maxi boat Passage to Venice, screamed to be heard by his crew above howling 25-knot winds and crashing eight-foot seas: "Ammainare lo spi!" Jumping to action, Passage's 23-member team executed a perfect spinnaker drop while Cayard glanced over his shoulder to get a fix on his nearest threats, Matador² of the U.S. and Longobarda of Italy. Both were a comfortable four boat lengths behind Passage. With only two races to go in the 21-race 1990 Maxi World Championship series, Passage and Matador² were deadlocked in the point standings. A win on this December day would put Passage in the catbird seat.

As Cayard's 80-foot, 40-ton maxi gracefully rounded the inflatable orange marker and headed to windward off St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, disaster struck. An experimental carbon-fiber-headboard car—a device that secures the mainsail to the top of the mast—shattered. The light brown Kevlar main fluttered to the deck. Passage had lost her engine.

Stefano Maida scrambled up the mast to repair the damage. As he swayed violently atop the 120-foot metronome, Matador² and Longobarda passed the limping Passage. By the time the mainsail was fixed, Matador² had won. The next day, Matador² squeezed past Passage again to win a 75-mile distance race and clinch the world championship.

"To break down, especially when you're winning," said Cayard, "is like Ayrton Senna being 10 laps up and blowing out a tire. You might be the best driver out there, but there's nothing you can do about it." Passage's mishap was worth a possible swing of five points: She ended up losing the world title to Matador² by a mere 4.25 points.

Maxis are the largest, fastest and most powerful offshore racing sailboats. The class consistently attracts elite sailors from around the globe. Behind every wheel, or within spitting distance of the cockpit, was an America's Cup veteran: Dennis Conner and Rives Potts led the French yacht Emeraude; John Bertrand, Tom Whidden, John Marshall and Jon Wright sailed Longobarda; John Kolius and Peter Stalkus piloted Vanitas, another Italian entry; Dave Vietor was aboard the U.S. maxi Congere; and Cayard and Adam Ostenfeld sailed Passage.

Sadly absent was Kialoa V and her owner, Jim Kilroy. Friends said Kilroy had exchanged his racing sails for cruising rags. "Jim started this whole maxi game over a decade ago," said a sailor who has crewed for Kilroy nearly as long. "When it began to accelerate and change, he decided to sit back and watch."

The world championship was sailed in three separate regattas, each consisting of seven races. The series started in Newport last September, moved to Miami in late October and, as noted, concluded in St. Thomas. The regatta was the last chance for America's Cup skippers, crews, designers and syndicate heavies to butt heads before dedicating the next 17 months exclusively to preparations for the 1992 Cup races in San Diego.

The consensus after St. Thomas was that Bill Koch's Matador¬¨¬®‚Äö√¢¬ß is, as FBI agent Dale Cooper might say, one damn fine maxi. She showed blazing speed both upwind and down, whether it was blowing eight knots or 28. Koch's whopping $7 million investment—the boat itself cost approximately $2 million, the rest went into research and development, which will be amortized over Koch's upcoming America's Cup campaign—has apparently paid off.

Koch, sailing an earlier Matador, had been a bridesmaid in the last four world championships. The 1990 world championship was the newest version's maiden regatta, and she won impressively. "The boat is major league fast," said Vanitas navigator Stalkus, a two-time America's Cup veteran. In Newport, Matador² placed lower than first only once. It wasn't long, however, before the other six maxis realized that to have a chance at winning, they would have to gang up on Matador².

"The racing got harder for us after Newport," said Gary Jobson, tactician and part-time helmsman for Matador². "We didn't have too many friends out there. Before every start, two boats would circle us while a third waited nearby to come in for the kill."

Unfair? "Hey, it's yacht racing," said Stalkus. "The idea is to beat the other boat." Even with the gang-up tactics, though, Matador² had three wins in both Miami and St. Thomas.

Despite Matador²'s victory in the worlds, some were critical of the boat's handling and felt she could have performed even better. "If you put Dennis Conner or a crew like Passage's on Matador², she would be unstoppable," said one member of a rival afterguard. "The boat is not being sailed as well as she should be."

While Matador¬¨¬®‚Äö√¢¬ß and Passage were busy slam-dunking each other, John Bertrand, driving Longobarda, slipped by to win the St. Thomas regatta and spoil Matador¬¨¬®‚Äö√¢¬ß's chance to sweep the three events. Bertrand sailed a consistently brilliant series. Except for some bad luck during the Newport regatta—a ripped mainsail forced Longobarda out of one race, a dismasting finished her in another—the boat never finished worse than third. Bertrand won three races and placed second nine times.

Conversely, Conner was consistently lackluster aboard Emeraude, finishing ahead of only perpetual caboose Congere. Despite that minor embarrassment, Congere's owner, Beven Koeppel, had much to be thankful for. In 1990 in a race from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro, his previous maxi, also named Congere, had run aground during the night off the coast of Brazil. All 30 crew members were forced to swim ashore and the yacht broke up in the surf. The crew was picked up the next day.

If the world championship was a sneak preview of the '92 America's Cup, we can expect a knock-down, drag-out match in San Diego between Koch's America¬¨¬®‚Äö√¢• and Raul Gardini's Il Moro di Venezia (The Moor of Venice, i.e., Othello). Gardini, 57, also owns Passage.

Gardini's racing record and his business rèsumè make it clear that he's not a man to be trifled with. His industrial-chemical conglomerate, Montedison, had $13.5 billion in sales in 1989 and employs more than 50,000 people worldwide. In Italy last year, Montedison ranked second only to Fiat in sales. Gardini is also the head of the holding company Ferruzzi Finanziaria, which owns Montedison and had a gross income of $30 billion in 1989.

As a sailor, Gardini has spent a lifetime on the water, campaigning a succession of maxis, all named Il Moro di Venezia (Passage to Venice was originally an Australian boat named Windward Passage; Gardini bought it and changed the name to combine something old and something new). Il Moro III, now renamed Vanitas, won the 1988 world championship.

If Gardini had been counseling a young Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate, his advice would have been "carbon fiber," not "plastics." Gardini is betting heavily that the miracle synthetic—stronger than steel and a fraction the weight—will soon be used in everything from commercial aircraft fuselages to picnic tables. He has commissioned an experimental 180-foot carbon-fiber cruising ketch, 48 feet longer than Michael Fay's America's Cup challenger New Zealand; when it's completed, in 1992, Gardini's will be the largest carbon-fiber boat ever built. Clearly maxi boats, and now the America's Cup, are only a small part of Gardini's much larger carbon-fiber business strategy.

"We were all very sad to lose the world championship," said Gabriele Rafanelli, Gardini's general for sailing affairs, "but this regatta was used by us as a training ground for the America's Cup. Now we've seen that we can compete with anybody. We are tough. We may not look it. We are Italians. We laugh, we joke. But we will be in San Diego to win the America's Cup. And Mr. Gardini is a very determined person."

So, too, is Matador²'s Mr. Koch.

Duncan Brantley's most recent sailing story for SI appeared in the Nov. 26, 1990, issue.


Matador² led Italy's Longobarda around a Newport buoy.

Passage's shot at the championship fell along with her mainsail in St. Thomas.


Looking beyond the America's Cup, Gardini is also building a 180-foot, carbon-fiber ketch.


Home » William I. Koch: 2009

William I. Koch: 2009

  • By Mystic Seaport Museum
  • October 29, 2009

Internationally renowned sailor and avid maritime collector

William I. Koch, founder of the Oxbow Group, philanthropist, avid collector and world-renowned sailor, has been named the recipient of the America and the Sea award which is presented annually by Mystic Seaport.

Koch was presented the award Thursday, October 29, at a gala held in his honor in New York City.

The annual award recognizes an individual or organization whose contributions to the history, arts or sciences of the sea best exemplify the American spirit and character. Previous winners have included pre-eminent yacht designer Olin J. Stephens II, respected author and historian David McCullough and the President and CEO of Crowley Maritime Corporation, Thomas B. Crowley, Jr.

“This award honors America’s relationship to the sea and the spirit of exploration, adventure, creativity, competition and freedom that inspires us all,” said Mystic Seaport President Steve White. “Like the honorees before him, Bill represents a passion and respect for the sea that clearly parallels Mystic Seaport’s mission – to understand and celebrate how the sea is a part of all of our lives.”

Internationally known as a businessman, chemical engineer, philanthropist, art collector and world-class sailor, Koch received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and began his career working for Koch Industries – an oil refining business founded by his father, Fred C. Koch. In the early 1980s, Koch founded the Oxbow Group, a business focused on building and operating alternative energy power plants and buying, transporting and selling petroleum coke. The diversified holding company has since been consistently recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the top 500 privately held companies in America.

In his role as owner and president of the Oxbow Group, Koch has helped finance, build, manage and operate clean-energy power plants throughout the United States, the Philippines and Costa Rica. Since 2000, Oxbow has developed a 6.5 million-ton-per-year, low-sulfur, environmentally compliant coal mine; found and developed a large natural gas reserve and become the largest petroleum coke marketer in the world. Oxbow Carbon and Minerals, a trading company Koch founded almost two decades ago, now has offices across the globe, operating in Canada, Brazil, Mexico, St. Croix, China, Egypt, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and India.

Koch’s exceptional business approach stems from his T3 philosophy – talent, teamwork and technology – which encourages employee participation, rewards teamwork and relies on scientific research to make calculated risks.

This T3 philosophy has been carried over to other areas of Koch’s life, specifically on the water. As a world-renowned sailor, Koch raced his maxi yacht, Matador , in numerous regattas in the mid to late 1980s. Soon after, Koch set up a research program at MIT to develop the fastest Maxi in the world, resulting in the building of Matador2 that won the Maxi World Championship in 1990 and 1991.

Koch continued his winning streak in 1992, surprising the world as his specially designed America3 captured the America’s Cup. He was inducted into the America’s Cup Hall of Fame in 1993 and backed the first all-women team to compete for the Cup in 1995. Philanthropy is fundamental to Koch’s philosophy. He funds the William I. Koch Sea Scout Cup, an international sailing competition for young sailors and is Chairman of the America3 Foundation. He recently was awarded the Leadership and Philanthropy Award from the American Ireland Fund.

As an avid collector of art, wine, firearms and maritime memorabilia, Koch’s collections include 19th-century artworks by Monet, Renoir, Degas and Cézanne; images of the American West by Remington and Russell; and brilliant marine canvases by Fitz Henry Lane, Robert Salmon and James E. Butterworth, among others. His collection of models of America’s Cup vessels – from the inception of the race in 1851 to present day – is complete and unequalled, containing not only every boat that won the Cup, but every boat that competed for it, too.

Additionally, Koch’s maritime collection includes campaign and shipboard furniture, maritime instruments and nautical devices, further illustrating not only a collector’s love of art and love of the sea and all of its traditions, but also his respect for and understanding of maritime tradition.


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Hill Inlet and Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsundays

Experience the Whitsundays on this truly unique overnight tour, on board a legend sailing vessel.

Matador is the largest sailing maxi yacht in the Whitsundays, so if you’re interested in learning a little bit about yachting, then the professional sailing crew will show you the ropes.

Between the adrenaline of sailing this infamous racing yacht, you can sit back on the large deck and enjoy the gentle motion of the calm seas to some of the most incredible locations in the Whitsundays.

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Matador Whitsundays

Matador Whitsundays

Sailing cruises to the whitsunday islands, the ultimate whitsundays sailing tour for your australian holiday.

Experience all that the Whitsunday Islands have to offer on a sailing tour, including snorkelling the visually spectacular corals within pristine sheltered bays. Whitehaven Beach, which is continually voted one of the top 10 beaches in the world, stretches for 7 km of pure white sand, with trails leading up to Tongue Point and the famous Hill Inlet Lookout to take in the grandeur of the spectacular beauty of this remarkable beach.

2-Day 1-Night Sailing Tours to the Whitsunday Islands and Whitehaven Beach

For a truly unique experience on board a legend, join us on a two-day/one-night sail through the Whitsunday Islands to Whitehaven Beach and the best snorkelling spots the islands have to offer.

  • User All ages
  • Clock 2 days, 1 night
  • Clock 2 days, 2 nights

Explore the beauty of Whitsunday Islands on this multi-day journey on Avatar, the only Trimaran in the Islands.

Discover the Joy of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

If you’re keen to learn a little about yachting, Matador Whitsundays’ professional sailing crew can show you the literal ropes. Ask the skipper to show you how to sail while underway, and help hoist a sail to take you back to Captain Cook’s day.

Sit back on the deck and soak up the serenity of paradise while you enjoy the gentle motion of the yacht as it makes its way from the sun-soaked beach to snorkelling sites and back again. All snorkelling equipment is included in this all-inclusive Matador Whitsundays holiday package.

Matador Whitsundays can sleep 27 guests in shared accommodations that take you back to whispered conversations late into the night about your adventures with forays into the fridge for cold drinks and snacks.

a group of people on a beach near a body of water

Yacht Races

Yacht regattas, world maxi races, what you can expect on your tour, we only visit the best locations in the whitsundays, hill inlet lookout.

Amazing views of Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach

98% pure silica sand


Stunning corals around the islands

Learn to sail a real racing yacht

Check out our sister company if you're looking for a longer adventure!

Set sail with OzSail Whitsundays for an amazing 2 nights and 2 day adventure in the beautiful Whitsundays aboard the Avatar!

Sailing the Whitsundays with Matador Will Simply Blow You Away

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"I had the best time in the Matador! Best crew ever. Thank you Alex, Andrew and Cap Mark! You need to ask the Captain about his adventures! Totally recommended this trip and would definitely do it again if I'm ever back to the Whitsundays."

"Amazing trip with a great crew! Gluten-free requirement was taken care of absolutely amazing, snorkelling was great fun! They take the sailing part serious as well, great fun. Highly recommended!!"

"We had a brilliant time onboard the Matador. The crew were great - really welcoming, knowledgable and we felt very safe under their guidance. They took us to some beautiful snorkelling sites and timed each of our stop-offs really well"

"Got to do snorkelling in two great spots under Andrews's guidance pointing out all the fish and trying his best to spot a turtle pity we were too slow to get to see it. Mark was a great captain with Cosmo great on the stove making us plenty of delicious food. "


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The ninth Edition of PalmaVela, April 18-22, 2012

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

After 9 years of existence of PalmaVela the Maxi yachts come back once again to be one of the main protagonists of this International regatta. The International Maxi Association, IMA has comprised PalmaVela in its annual Racing calendar for 2012 as well as for the Wally class.


The IMA also has designated PalmaVela 2012 as the Mediterranean Championship for the “Mini Maxi”, boats with boat lengths from 18 to 22 metres. This designation is certain to attract a nice number of owners and may increase the number of entries up to 7 to 8 Mini Maxis turning up for PalmaVela.


PalmaVela, is the event chosen year after year, by many yacht owners or event organisers to present their new yacht or their new Racing circuits. Such is the case of the TP 52 fleet, now that the Med Cup circuit has been cancelled for this year, will be coordinated by the Class Manager, Rob Weiland in a new circuit.

PalmaVela will be the first meeting for this fleet which gathers: Container, RAN, Synergy, Matador and Quantum, although some more teams are expected to join. Guillermo Roemmers, the legendary Argentinian owner of the Matador saga, will take its’ debut with his new TP52, who will compete the whole season under the colours of Audi, Azzurra and the Costa Esmeralda Yacht club.

Another novelty for this years PalmaVela Edition is the one design class, Soto 40 will take PalmaVela as a training event for the European circuit. 5 yachts already have registered for the event, amongst of which, the latest winner of the now extinct Med Cup, the boat IBERDROLA of Agustin Zulueta, and the debut of Andres Soriano who has already participated in other editions of PalmaVela with his Mini Maxi, Allegre.

J-Class sailing yacht LIONHEART

J-Class sailing yacht LIONHEART

Another important debut in PalmaVela, is the first participation of a J-Class sailing yacht Lionheart , for the first time to sail in the bay of Palma. The J80 one design class counts on six entered yachts at present, amongst which, the latest winner of the 30 Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre, Jose Maria Van der Ploeg. The classic fleet counts on one of the most beautiful boats, the 35m superyacht Moonbeam IV .

The dinghy classes, always present in PalmaVela, count on 6 Dragons at present and 12 to 15 Flying Fifteens are expected to enter. The disabled sailing sponsored by the Obra Social La Caixa and Handisport, will provide the competition with two different classes this year, Dam 5.5 and Access.


PalmaVela is a qualifying event for the Spanish Championship for Classic and Vintage yachts and for the Northern Mediterranean National Championship for the Cruisers in ORC rating.


Four racing areas will be laid in the bay of Palma for all the entered yachts in PalmaVela. The moorings will be distributed by boat lengths; the big boats such as Maxis, Mini Maxis, Wallys and TP 52 will be allocated in the N00, (gas station pier in the RCNP). The rest of the fleet will be moored around the club house.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "The ninth Edition of PalmaVela, April 18-22, 2012".

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Yachting; Maxi-Boats Losing Appeal For Racing

By Barbara Lloyd

  • June 16, 1991

Yachting; Maxi-Boats Losing Appeal For Racing

It used to be that anyone who owned a multimillion-dollar maxi-boat was assured of sailing against the most elite racers in the world. But the maxi-fleet has diminished in the last two years, and this season appears almost extinct in the United States.

Sailboats that once toured the maxi circuit are being sold, raced infrequently or have been turned into cruising yachts. They include Ondine, Kialoa, Boomerang, Matador, Nirvana, Sovereign and Sorcery.

The International Class A Yacht Association, a group that organizes races for nonsponsored maxis, plans no competitions in the United States this summer.

Last year, a world championship in Newport, R.I., drew six Class A maxi-yachts, of which four were from Europe. In their heyday of the 1980's, 10 or more of the $2 million sailboats would show up for a race.

Teddy Turner, the 28-year-old son of the Atlanta broadcasting tycoon, Ted Turner, has found the disappearance troubling for the future of his Whitbread Round the World Race campaign. Difficult to Practice

A maxi-yacht includes any sailboat of about 70 feet or more. Competitive maxis are largely divided between ocean racers, such as contenders for the Whitbread race, and Class A yachts, which are built by private owners to sail in round-the-buoy races.

Last fall, a yachting syndicate founded by Teddy Turner spent $700,000 to buy an 80-foot used Swedish maxi-yacht, The Card. The ocean racer finished fifth in the 1989-90 Whitbread race. Turner and his crew from Charleston, S.C., renamed the boat Challenge America for their 1993-94 Whitbread competition. But this summer, they have been unable to find many maxi-yachts to practice against.

Turner plans to compete in the 473-mile Annapolis to Newport Race, a six-division event which started yesterday off Maryland. Only one other maxi lined up in the big-boat division, the 80-foot sloop Congere, owned by Bevin Koeppel of New York. Another potential Whitbread entrant, the United States Women's Challenge also is sailing in the Annapolis race. But the all-women's team is competing in a smaller 50-foot sailboat. Heading for Europe

"We're going to Europe this summer because it's the only place where there are boats our size," said Turner recently. "We need to know where we stand sailing against other maxis, and there are Whitbread boats there."

Jim Kilroy, a Los Angeles real estate developer who was a founder of the maxi circuit in the early 1970's, withdrew from maxi racing last year and is selling his yacht, Kialoa V. He said in a recent telephone interview that maxi racing was in a lull that may be hard to break.

The increasing costs of maxi-yachts and changes in the handicapping rules have forced owners to step back for a while, Kilroy said. "Technology has brought in a lot of additional changes, but also at a very substantial cost," he said. The price for campaigning a Class A maxi-yacht has gone up about 75 percent in the last three years, Kilroy said, to about $4.5 million.

Also, the America's Cup tends to siphon the best sailors from the maxi fleet, he said. The maxis require teams of about 26 sailors to manage 100-foot masts and massive sail areas.

For the 1992 cup races, maxi-boat owners as well as crew have switched. Both William Koch of Palm Beach, Fla., owner of Matador 2, and Raoul Gardini of Italy, owner of the maxi-yacht Il Moro di Venezia, are financing high-profile America's Cup campaigns.

The advent of a new class of boats in the America's Cup -- the I.A.C.C. yachts -- is likely to add a new fleet to maxi racing once the cup competition is over next year, Kilroy said. The cup yachts are similar in size -- as a matter of fact, Kilroy donated a number of Kialoa's sails to his friend Dennis Conner for his cup defense -- but lighter and faster than traditional maxi-yachts.

Organizers of the BOC Challenge, the yacht race around the world for solo sailors, have announced that the next competition may not be staged in Newport. The BOC Group, a gas products company that sponsors the global event, wants to extend its marketing opportunities. The company has decided to bypass Newport for the 1996 finish, choosing instead to end the global voyage at a port in Britain. It has also invited other ports on the East Coast, including Newport, to bid for the start of the 1995-96 race.

Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Sailing Tour.

Matador Whtsundays

Quick Tour Introduction

Tour Locations – Whitsunday Islands – Whitehaven Beach – Hill Inlet Lookout –  Two  Snorkel Locations Tour Experience – Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Sailing Tour Price – Sale $450 GET 25% OFF WITH DISCOUNT CODE ” TOURSWHIT25 ” AT CHECKOUT Ticket Price Includes –  2 Lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, some snacks, water refills, snorkel equipment, wetsuit, dorm style accommodation. Diet options – Standard, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and lactose-free. Departure Location – 8 am at Coral Sea Marina, Airlie Beach QLD 4802 Return Location  – 4 pm at Coral Sea Marina, Airlie Beach QLD 4802 Type Of  Tour Boat – Monhull Maxi Sailing Vessel Guest Capacity – 19

Embark on an adventure of a lifetime with Matador Whitsundays, and explore the world-renowned Whitsunday Islands on board a legendary maxi yacht. Our two-day/one-night sailing tour provides guests with the opportunity to experience some of the best snorkelling spots in Australia as well as Whitehaven Beach – recently named ‘Best Destination in Australia’.

Matador is tailored for adventurers of all ages and all walks of life who are invited to join the crew on this unforgettable journey. As you cruise through the tropical paradise, be sure to take advantage of our local produce ranging from delicious roast chicken to crunchy salads and exotic fruit freshly prepared by our cook. To close out your day, watch the sun slowly set over the horizon while sipping cool refreshments on the massive deck of the yacht. Drift off into a tranquil sleep during the night, lulled by the sound of waves lapping at the keel – like a sweet symphony in the sea. Experience the beauty of the ocean glimmering under the moonlight, and awaken to new possibilities ahead. Book your voyage now with Matador Whitsundays, and let us show you the majestic wonders of one of Australia’s most beautiful destinations.

Complete Guide to Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Sailing Tour

Tour highlights.

  • Over 2 hours on Whitehaven Beach
  • Hill Inlet Lookout
  • Ex-racing maxi yacht
  • 2  snorkel locations
  • All meals included
  • Snorkel equipment, wetsuit, and snacks are all included
  • Single and double beds accommodation

Is This Tour Suitable For You?

The tour is marketed at the youth backpacker and student market, ages 18 and up

Location Details - Whitehaven Beach

Matador Whitsundays visits the world-renowned Whitehaven Beach, stretching an impressive 7 km, which is not only 97% pure silica white sand but also boasts crystal clear waters of the coral sea. It’s no surprise that this beach is one of the most photographed beaches globally and has received numerous awards (Including the best beach in the world).

If you’re planning to visit the Whitsunday Islands, don’t miss the opportunity to experience the magic of Whitehaven Beach and Hill inlet lookout with this Whitsundays overnight boat tour.

Location Details - Hill Inlet Lookout

If you’re seeking one of the most popular sights in the Whitsundays, Hill Inlet is definitely worth your time. This breathtaking sand inlet is situated at the northern end of Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island and boasts a mesmerizing effect that is captured in hundreds of photos each day. When the tides shift and the white sands mix, it creates a swirling wonder that will take your breath away. If you want to learn more about Hill Inlet see our dedicated page here

Location Details - Snorkelling

As part of this overnight tour, you’ll have the incredible opportunity to snorkel in the coral-filled bays that line the coast of the islands. The Whitsunday Islands are part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and teaming with coral reefs and fish. You’ll get to see all kinds of sea creatures, including turtles, Maori wrasse, batfish, parrot fish, and even the famous clown fish (Nemo).

Matador Whitsundays Departure Point Map

Matador Whitsundays Tour Video

Email Confirmation Details

Whether you’re looking forward to snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef or simply soaking up the sun on the sands of Whitehaven or Airlie Beach, OzSail can make it happen. Once your holiday plans are made, you’ll want to be sure your departure information is accurate and up-to-date. We can help.

All of our vessels leave from Coral Sea Marina (Meeting Point C) under the umbrellas on the right-hand-side of the two buildings.

We advise all of our guests to call (0499 697 245) and reconfirm their booking 48hrs before departure so we can ensure we have all the necessary dietary requirements/food allergies and ensure you meet at the correct time.

No large backpacks or suitcases are allowed on-board our vessels. Please only bring bags the same size as an airline carry-on. Most hostel/hotels in Airlie beach have bag storage facilities for bigger bags. There is NO bag storage at the marina and you face missing your departure if you bring bags that are not allowed. WHAT TO BRING:

In a small soft bag (enviro safe), we suggest that you bring the following: Travel voucher from your booking agent. Light clothing/warm clothing in cooler months (May – September) Swimsuit Hat Sunscreen (30+ highly recommended) Bath towel and beach towel Sunglasses Insect repellent Favourite music Alcohol (no glass please): NO MORE THAN 24 cans of beer OR 4 ltrs cask wine OR 1 ltr spirits. WHAT NOT TO BRING

Glass bottles or red wine. Sleeping bags or pillows. Passport or important travel documents Shampoo and conditioner (for environmental purposes) Plastic bags (they kill our wildlife and smother our coral) OzSail is not responsible for any property you take on board the vessel. In particular, we strongly encourage you to take waterproof cameras rather than expensive digital cameras. Your electrical equipment will be ruined if it comes in contact with saltwater. MEALS

If you haven’t already confirmed with us about food allergies and/or dietary requirements, please call us ASAP to modify your booking.

All main meals are included. However, if you think the fresh air might make you extra hungry, you may want to bring some extra snacks as well as any other flavoured drink such as orange juice or soft drinks.

Welcome to the tropics! Although our winters may be cooler, our summer months (November -March) can be extremely hot and humid, especially downstairs on a boat. Unless you are accustomed to living in this climate, you may find it slightly uncomfortable, especially at night when you are sleeping. Please be prepared for this.


An alcohol policy is in place on Mandrake. Each guest can take a maximum of 24 cans of beer OR 4 ltrs cask wine (goon) OR 1 ltr of spirits, any more than this will NOT be allowed on board. All alcohol, soft drinks, and bottled water must be purchased prior to boarding your vessel. (Please note, we do not allow glass bottles on board).


We provide tap water on all our vessels, however, it isn’t cold and some people don’t like the taste of it. During our summer months, we strongly encourage you to bring bottled water. We recommend at least 2 litres per day. Tea and coffee breaks are generally in the morning and afternoon.


If you are not sure whether or not you may suffer from travel sickness, we suggest taking travel sickness tablets. Our trained crew will assist as much as possible in making you comfortable but they are not allowed to provide you with any medication.


Masks and snorkels are all included in the price of your trip and will be distributed at the meeting point.


Wearing a Lycra stinger suit will prevent UV exposure and significantly reduce your risk to marine stingers. OzSail requires that all passengers wear a full-length stinger suit or wetsuit if you wish to swim and or snorkel from our vessels.

You will be fitted at the meeting point and these are all-inclusive in your ticket price.


We strongly encourage all guests travel with travel insurance with coverage for the following situations: Damaged property (You will be on a boat surrounded by seawater).

Medical emergencies including ambulance cover

Travel cancellation & interruption

Please ensure that you read all of the above carefully.

On the date of departure, please ensure you are at the meeting point at Abell Point Marina (South Village) before the scheduled departure time. It is critical that the vessel leaves on time.

It will take you 20 mins to walk to Abell Point Marina from the main street of Airlie Beach. If the ocean is on your right-hand side you are walking in the right direction.


At the end of your sailing adventure, OzSail has booked you a VIP table at Beaches Backpackers at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and drinks followed by free entry and more VIP treatment at Paddy’s Shenanigans, Airlie’s iconic party spot.

We recommend that you get to Airlie Beach one day before departure and leave Airlie Beach the day after you return to land, to enjoy the after-party.

Terms and Conditions Of Travel On This Tour

Full terms and conditions of this tour can be found on the tour companies website here 

 Matador Whitsundays FAQ

What accommodation is on matador whitsundays.

Dorm style share singles, share doubles 


  • fresh linen
  • snorkel gear
  • stinger suits
  • legendary fun crew


There is plenty of car parking at Coral Sea Marina for both cars and motorhomes, the cost is around $10 to $12 per day, Pay and display or use the Easy Park App


Yes! they have a toilet on the boat for your convenience


The short answer is maybe, it depends on your confidence! We have flotation aids called pool noodles that will help you float.


No, we do not sell alcohol on the boat, you may bring your own just no glass

Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Legendary Sailing Tour

matador maxi yacht

Embark on an adventure of a lifetime with Matador Whitsundays, and explore the world-renowned Whitsunday Islands on board a legendary maxi yacht. Book Online

Product Brand: AP Vessel Managment

Product Currency: AUD

Product Price: 395

Price Valid Until: 2023-11-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

 See More Overnight Sailing Tours

A site dedicated to documenting some famous IOR raceboats and events.

  • Quarter Tonners
  • Half Tonners
  • Three-Quarter Tonners
  • One Tonners
  • Two Tonners +
  • 50-Foot Class
  • IOR Regatta Galleries
  • Racing News
  • IOR film archive

15 October 2013

Maxi worlds 1987.

, (US-13131) and (US-40704) in tight startline action during the 1987 Maxi World Championships
and in a tight tactical situation in the tricky waters of Buzzards Bay, Newport
breaks off on port while (left) and continue on starboard

matador maxi yacht

If my memory serves me, I think Matador rolled Boomerang on the next leg.

matador maxi yacht

Whitsundays Locals

For Over 20 Years

Queenslands Best

Holiday Destination

Whitehaven Beach

Matador whitsundays two day one night tour.

Matador Whitsundays

Quick Information For This Tour

Product – Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Sailing Tour Price – Sale $450 $337.50 Per Person with Promo Code TOURSWHIT25   at checkout. Price Includes – All meals, Fresh linen, Snorkel gear, Stinger suits, Local fees, Knowledgable fun crew Location – Coral Sea Marina (Meeting Point C) Airlie Beach, QLD, 4802 Type Of Boat – Monohull Maxi Sailing Yacht Boat Name – Matador Departure Time – 8am Return Time – 4pm Maximum Guests – 19 Tour Locations – Whitehaven Beach, Hill Inlet Lookout, at least 2 snorkel locations.

The booking button below opens the boat operator’s live booking program with up to date availability and secure direct bookings.

Matador Whitsundays is a 2 day 1 night sailing experience through the breathtaking Whitsundays Islands! You’ll visit Whitehaven Beach and some of the best snorkelling spots the Islands have to offer.

Taking guests typically between the ages of 20-40, but welcomes families and people of all ages (12 and up) to join on this unforgettable journey.

The Matador has a rich sailing history. Built by Eric Goetz using the latest carbon fibre technology of the time, the yacht boasts a strong and lightweight structure. Previously owned by Anton Starling, Matador has competed in 52 races and 8 regattas, including two world maxi yacht races, and has won a total of 31 races, coming in second place 5 times, and third place 6 times. Matador was once considered the largest ocean racing yacht in the world. Don’t miss your chance to sail on a legend!

Matador Whitsundays Detailed Information

Tour highlights.

  • Hill Inlet Lookout

Snorkelling Coral Reefs

  • True Racing yacht
  • Whitsunday Islands
  • Sleep on the boat

Is This Tour Suitable For You?

This Tour is suitable for most people between 12 and 60

Tour Departure Point Map

Matador Whitsundays Tour visits Whitehaven Beach for around 2 hours. During this time you embark on a bush-walk from Tongue Point (northern end of Whitehaven), this walk takes around 15 minutes, once at the top you will experience Whitehaven Beach above on the viewing platform. This breathtaking view from here lets you see all 7 km of the beach as well as the world-famous swirling sands that form the inlet

During your 2 day tour, you will get at least 2 opportunities to snorkel the coral-filled bays on the coastal fringes of the islands. Here you can see turtles, Maori wrasse, batfish, parrot fish, clown fish (Nemo) plus plenty more! in most bays, the coral starts close to shore and is easily accessible by the small tender boats. For nonconfident swimmers, there are noodles and flotation devices available for safety.

Terms and Conditions Of Travel

AP Vessel Management Pty Ltd ABN 45086439198 t/as Matador Whitsundays (Matador Whitsundays ®) operates the vessel known as Matador. The following terms and conditions apply to travel by you on Matador.

All prices are shown in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST. Prices are valid from 1st April 2022.

Matador departures and itineraries are subject to weather and may be changed or cancelled at Matador Whitsunday’s discretion. Matador Whitsundays reserves the right to substitute vessels without notice at any time and for any reason.

Matador Whitsundays reserves the right to cancel any trip, or reduce trip duration, in any circumstances, including those which pose a safety risk to you, the Matador vessel or crew, such as severe weather, including cyclones.

If a Matador Whitsundays trip is cancelled by Matador Whitsundays prior to or on the scheduled departure date, you will be referred back to the travel agent through which you booked your trip on Matador.

If your trip duration is reduced during the trip due to Unforeseen Circumstances, you may be offered a future trip on Matador, at no cost to you, depending on the amount of time by which your original trip on Matador was reduced and, subject to availability. You acknowledge that “Unforseen Circumstances” includes but is not limited to the following; inclement weather, issues pertaining to the Matador Vessel and any medical emergency, such as injury to guests or crew.

You acknowledge that if you cancel your travel on Matador less than 21 days before the trip departure date, this will result in the forfeiture by you of the full trip price.

If you request a transfer of a trip departure date up to at least 72 hours before the day of scheduled departure this will incur a $30 transfer fee. No Transfers will be accepted under this 72 hr. period

We recommend you take out travel insurance

You acknowledge that travel with, and the recreational services provided by, Matador Whitsundays (such as all in water activities, sailing and bushwalking) involve risk, including in particular a risk of being stung or bitten by jellyfish and other marine creatures or native fauna. You are advised to wear a stinger suit at all times you are in the water.

Whilst we make every effort to safeguard our passengers travelling on Matador, you acknowledge and agree that Matador Whitsundays is not liable to you for personal injury, aggravation of any existing injury or condition, mental injury, contraction of any disease, loss (direct, indirect or consequential) or death (including but not limited to from jellyfish stings) resulting from the recreational services provided by Matador Whitsundays, and Matador Whitsundays hereby excludes absolutely all such liability to you.

Where the Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) consumer guarantees apply you also acknowledge and agree that the liability of Matador Whitsundays for any breach of those consumer guarantees is excluded to the maximum extent possible under section 64A of the Australian Consumer Law and 139A of the CCA, where you are killed, injured (physically or mentally) or contract a disease, or an existing disease is aggravated, arising from your trip on Matador.

Your agreement with Matador Whitsundays is subject to the laws of Queensland, Australia. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia.

If any of these terms is unreasonable or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, it shall be severed and the remaining terms will not be affected in any way.

Matador Whitsundays Reviews On Google

Megan Barry

Overnight Tours


Scenic Flights

Scuba Diving


Whitsundays Islands Tours

Author: Whitsundays Islands Tours


Luna rossa and matador leaders of the hublot palma vela regatta in maxi mini r and tp 52.

matador maxi yacht

The HUBLOT Palma Vela 2009 has started today with great weather conditions, a good breeze, sunny skies and the Maxis and TP 52´s opening the most spectacular regatta of the season. 20 Maxis have taken part in the two windward-leeward races held today, whereas the TP 52´s have run three of them. The course was placed in the Delta-HUBLOT King Power area and covered 9,4 miles. The southeasterly breeze at the 240 ranged from 15 to 19 knots in the afternoon. The Maxi Cruiser Regatta, the largest boats in the fleet, started their first race at 12:20 a.m. J One, steered by Tristan Kinloch, was over the line but rapidly went back to the start line. The rest of the fleet sailed up the first beat with big Esense ( Wally 143) of Riccardo Magistris, a 143 footer, at the lead. Favonius ( Swan 80) of Roel Pieper won the race, followed by another favorite, Open Season ( Wally) of Tomas Bscher with skipper Mike Atkinson, and Grey Goose (Swan 82 FD) who was third. In the second race Favonius did a first again, confirming its leadership over Greu Goose and Open Season, second and third repectively. They are also second and third in the overall results, and equal at the moment. The Maxi Mini Regatta, the most modern boats of all, five of which were built last year, was dominated by the two STP 65´, the most competitive boats without any doubt. Luna Rossa of Vittorio Volonte with Nacho Postigo from Cantabria as navigator, did a second and a first and ended up leader in the overall classification. The italian America´s Cup boat, which makes its debut in the HUBLOT PalmaVela, managed to pass the other STP unit, Container of german Udo Schuetz, with skipper Markus Wiesser and Víctor Mariño and Gabriel de Llano, both from Cantabria, as crew members. He won the first race but ended up fourth in the second one, and was pushed to the second place in the overall classification, two points from boat from Punta Ala. Third was another new boat, Alegre (Mills 68) with Olly Cameron als helmsman. In Maxi Mini Cruiser Regatta french @robas (Swan 601) of Logel Gerard is leader after doing a second and a first, followed by spanish Wallyño (Wally 60) who did a first and a third, and Raimon Pasco´s Kiboko in the third place (Sws 72) after finishing third and second. Ran of Niklas Zennstrom, one of the most eagerly awaited debuts, couldn´t start due to structural issues, but is expected at the starting line tomorrow. In Maxi Cruiser Lizard of Cornwall (SWS 93), steered by Javier ‘Bubi’ Sansó and Toño Gorostegui is leader after winning both races, followed by Alarife Cien (One Off BD 100) of Juan Entrecanales and Raúl Ramón at the wheel. The boat representing the Club Nàutic Costa Brava of Palamós did two second places, and ends up just two points from Lizard. In TP 52´ new Matador of Alberto Roemmers steered by Guillermo Parada has clearly won the two races. Russian Synergy with skipper Sergey Pichugin and canary Jensi Linder has done two second places and ends up second in the overall classification. Cristabella of british John Cook is third after finishing third in both races. The third and last race was won again by Matador, followed by Synergy, whereas Cristabella retired. On Friday most of the remaining classes will join competition, except for Lateen and Handicap Sail which will do so on the weekend. One Boat Design J80, Platú 25, Flying Fifteen and compensated IRC, RI, ORC International and Vintage and Classic will fill up the Bay of Palma tomorrow.  

Communication Team Regatta Hublot PalmaVela 2009 Nicolas Terry – Mara Escassi – Jaume Soler – Eva Dallo

International Maxi Association Legal Headquarters: c/o BfB Société Fiduciaire Bourquin frères et Béran SA - 26, Rue de la Corraterie - 1204 Genève - Switzerland

Sailing Yacht CANNONBALL

73 ft Mini Maxi by German Frers



1st in Class: Newport to Bermuda Yacht Race 1988 1st in Class: Italian Championship 1989

Maxi Worlds 1987

The third edition of the Maxi Yacht World Championships was held in Newport, USA, in June 1987. These championships began in 1985 with four boats and grew to nine boats across two divisions by the time of the 1987 series. US regulars Kialoa V, Ondine VII, Matador, and Boomerang were joined in the maxi group by the Swiss yacht Milene V. The mini-maxi division saw the Italian yacht Il Moro di Venezia and Emeraude of France join the US yachts Obsession and Cannonball .

Cannonball Wins – Newport to Bermuda Yacht Race

From the Onion Patch Series off Newport, RI, to the finish in Bermuda, you get a crew’s eye view of modern day ocean racing aboard a state-of-the-art yacht. Skippered by Charles Robertson, the Maxi “ Cannonball ” rockets to victory in this demanding four-day race. More exciting than the outcome, however, are the details of strategy, navigation, and day-to-day life aboard a competitive deep-water racing yacht.

1988, 120 starters: IMS 78, IOR 42 IMS Winner, Cannonball , Charles A. Robertson

In the first race of the day Gianluigi Serena’s Enfant Terrible (ITA), with America’s Cup sailor Paolo Cian calling tactics, came in first ahead of former World Champion Jim Richardson’s Barking Mad (USA), while Carlo Alberini’s Calvi (ITA) took third place. Race two of the day, the fifth of the event so far for this division, saw Massimo Mezzaroma’s Nerone (ITA) lead the fleet across the finish line ahead of Calvi and Dario Ferrari’s Cannonball (ITA).

Charlie Robertson (Old Saybrook, CT) is returning after a 15-year absence with his Frers Mini-Maxi Cannonball . This is the big yellow boat he sailed back in 1988 to win first place in IMS.

Cannonball video Newport to Bermuda Yacht Race

Starring in the film: Masquerade (1988) with Rob Lowe (first 3 minutes)

A recently orphaned millionairess, Olivia, really hates her scheming step-father. Olivia finds love with a young yacht racing captain, Tim, who isn’t entirely truthful with her.

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Tomsk Oblast 14 Day Extended Forecast

Tomsk oblast extended forecast with high and low temperatures.

See weather overview

2 Week Extended Forecast in Tomsk Oblast, Russia

Day TemperatureWeatherFeels LikeWind HumidityChanceAmountUVSunriseSunset
26 Aug
19 / 14 °CA few tstorms. Overcast.18 °C18 km/h79%21%4.7 mm0 (Low)06:1520:46
27 Aug
19 / 13 °CLight showers. Overcast.17 °C13 km/h81%24%4.1 mm0 (Low)06:1820:43
28 Aug
19 / 13 °CPassing showers. Cloudy.18 °C7 km/h78%64%4.5 mm0 (Low)06:2020:40
29 Aug
21 / 11 °CIncreasing cloudiness.21 °C17 km/h66%4%-0 (Low)06:2220:37
30 Aug
19 / 13 °CSprinkles early. Overcast.18 °C4 km/h68%19%2.3 mm0 (Low)06:2420:34
31 Aug
16 / 7 °CShowers late. Overcast.15 °C7 km/h64%20%2.5 mm0 (Low)06:2620:32
1 Sep
10 / 8 °CDrizzle. Overcast.8 °C12 km/h86%24%2.4 mm0 (Low)06:2920:29
2 Sep
11 / 7 °CShowers early. Overcast.9 °C11 km/h72%66%7.9 mm0 (Low)06:3120:26
3 Sep
12 / 6 °CRain. Overcast.9 °C23 km/h93%67%9.8 mm0 (Low)06:3320:23
4 Sep
14 / 8 °CRain showers. Overcast.12 °C15 km/h91%70%10.8 mm0 (Low)06:3520:20
5 Sep
14 / 8 °CSprinkles late. Overcast.12 °C16 km/h85%50%0.5 mm0 (Low)06:3720:17
6 Sep
15 / 7 °CBreaks of sun late.13 °C17 km/h65%41%0.3 mm0 (Low)06:4020:15
7 Sep
18 / 8 °CMostly cloudy.18 °C20 km/h56%6%-0 (Low)06:4220:12
8 Sep
18 / 9 °CLight rain. Cloudy.18 °C8 km/h94%62%3.9 mm0 (Low)06:4420:09
9 Sep
16 / 8 °CRain. Overcast.15 °C15 km/h96%73%7.9 mm0 (Low)06:4620:06
* Updated Monday, 26 August 2024 04:24:04 Tomsk Oblast time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2024

Hour-by-hour weather for Tomsk Oblast next 7 days

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  1. Maxi Yacht Boomerang (George S Coumantaros) crosses Maxi Yacht Matador

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  2. Matador (84 ft Maxi Yacht) in a inlet in the Whitsundays

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  4. 2017 Release 46 Yacht For Sale

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  5. 2017 Release 46 Yacht For Sale

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  6. 2017 Release 46 Yacht For Sale

    matador maxi yacht



    Paul Cayard, the mustachioed 31-year-old American helmsman of the Italian maxi boat Passage to Venice, screamed to be heard by his crew above howling 25-knot winds and crashing eight-foot seas: "Ammainare lo spi!" Jumping to action, Passage's 23-member team executed a perfect spinnaker drop while Cayard glanced over his shoulder to get a fix on ...

  2. About

    Built by Eric Goetz , Matador Whitsundays was constructed with all the latest, "space age" technology in carbon fibre. This produced a light but immensely strong structure. Previously owned by entrepreneur Anton Starling Matador had competed in 52 races and 8 Regattas and two world maxi yacht races, boasting a total of 31 wins 5 seconds and ...

  3. YACHT RACING;Matador Takes On Competitive Waters

    Within six feet of Matador 's port side was the equally intimidating Longobarda, a maxi-yacht with a raging appetite to beat the boat full of women to its right. Egnot steered Matador in the ...

  4. RB Sailing: Matador2

    Matador2 was the second IOR Maxi for US yachtsman and industrialist Bill Koch. Koch got into yacht racing in 1984, after buying a boat with Ted Hood briefly and then a cruising boat. His first maxi was a 1982-vintage German Frers' designed maxi called Huaso which he refurbished and renamed as Matador (named after Koch's father's favourite ranch in Texas).

  5. RB Sailing: The end of the IOR

    This much lighter design was a great deal quicker around the world and potentially showed a new beginning for lightweight IOR racers. Sadly, however, these three Farr ketches, La Poste, Merit Cup and New Zealand Endeavour, were one of the last throws of the dice for IOR. New Zealand Endeavour - one of three new Farr-designed Whitbread Maxi ...

  6. William I. Koch: 2009

    As a world-renowned sailor, Koch raced his maxi yacht, Matador, in numerous regattas in the mid to late 1980s. Soon after, Koch set up a research program at MIT to develop the fastest Maxi in the world, resulting in the building of Matador2 that won the Maxi World Championship in 1990 and 1991.

  7. the big boys

    There are now more Maxi yachts in the world than ever before. Most new builds, however, are multi-purpose yachts and not pure racers. ... Passage could not compete with Bill Koch's monster heavy-displacement Matador 2 when she appeared in 1990 - Matador 2 did for the IOR Maxis what Franck Cammas's Orma ...

  8. Matador

    Matador is the largest sailing maxi yacht in the Whitsundays, so if you're interested in learning a little bit about yachting, then the professional sailing crew will show you the ropes. Between the adrenaline of sailing this infamous racing yacht, you can sit back on the large deck and enjoy the gentle motion of the calm seas to some of the ...

  9. Matador Whitsundays

    2-Day 1-Night Sailing Tours to the Whitsunday Islands and Whitehaven Beach. From A$450. For a truly unique experience on board a legend, join us on a two-day/one-night sail through the Whitsunday Islands to Whitehaven Beach and the best snorkelling spots the islands have to offer. Book Now. Learn More.

  10. Matador

    Matador was redeveloped in 2017 and we pride ourselves on having the best of the best crew on one of the finest maxi sailing yachts in the Whitsundays. Awarded Bronze for "Best New Tourism Business" in the 2017 Whitsunday Tourism Awards. A bit about Matador. Largest commercial ex-race boat in the Whitsundays at 85ft in length

  11. Document sans titre

    The internet gives that she was refitted in a charter cruise yacht and sails now with paying guests around the Whitsunday Islands, Australia under the name MATADOR. "MATADOR competed in 52 races, 8 regattas and 2 maxi world champions and was undefeated! Carrying up to 33 passengers this truly awesome sailing machine departs for a 2-day/2-night ...

  12. The ninth Edition of PalmaVela, April 18-22, 2012

    The ninth Edition of PalmaVela, April 18-22, 2012. April 13, 2012. Written by Zuzana Bednarova. After 9 years of existence of PalmaVela the Maxi yachts come back once again to be one of the main protagonists of this International regatta. The International Maxi Association, IMA has comprised PalmaVela in its annual Racing calendar for 2012 as ...

  13. Yachting; Maxi-Boats Losing Appeal For Racing

    The price for campaigning a Class A maxi-yacht has gone up about 75 percent in the last three years, Kilroy said, to about $4.5 million. Also, the America's Cup tends to siphon the best sailors ...

  14. Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Legendary Sailing Tour

    Embark on an adventure of a lifetime with Matador Whitsundays, and explore the world-renowned Whitsunday Islands on board a legendary maxi yacht. Our two-day/one-night sailing tour provides guests with the opportunity to experience some of the best snorkelling spots in Australia as well as Whitehaven Beach - recently named 'Best Destination ...

  15. RB Sailing: Maxi Worlds 1987

    The third edition of the Maxi Yacht World Championships were held in Newport, USA, in June 1987. These championships began in 1985 with four boats and grew to nine boats across two divisions by the time of the 1987 series. US regulars Kialoa V, Ondine VII, Matador and Boomerang were joined in the maxi group by the Swiss yacht Milene V.

  16. Matador Whitsundays Two Day One Night Sailing Tour (2023)

    Quick Information For This Tour. Product - Matador Whitsundays 2 Day 1 Night Sailing Tour Price - Sale $450 $337.50 Per Person with Promo Code TOURSWHIT25 at checkout. Price Includes - All meals, Fresh linen, Snorkel gear, Stinger suits, Local fees, Knowledgable fun crew Location - Coral Sea Marina (Meeting Point C) Airlie Beach, QLD, 4802 Type Of Boat - Monohull Maxi Sailing Yacht

  17. Luna Rossa and Matador Leaders of The Hublot Palma Vela Regatta in Maxi

    The IMA Yacht of the Year Trophy; The Gianfranco Alberini Challenge Trophy ... News LUNA ROSSA AND MATADOR LEADERS OF THE HUBLOT PALMA VELA REGATTA IN MAXI MINI R AND TP 52 ... Alegre (Mills 68) with Olly Cameron als helmsman. In Maxi Mini Cruiser Regatta french @robas (Swan 601) of Logel Gerard is leader after doing a second and a first ...

  18. Roll of Honor SY CANNONBALL

    The third edition of the Maxi Yacht World Championships was held in Newport, USA, in June 1987. ... Matador, and Boomerang were joined in the maxi group by the Swiss yacht Milene V. The mini-maxi division saw the Italian yacht Il Moro di Venezia and Emeraude of France join the US yachts Obsession and Cannonball.

  19. PDF Focus on Tomsk 2016

    Focus on Tomsk 2016 Location: South-East West Siberia Basin, Tomsk Oblast, Russia A license round has been announced with 5 blocks in NW Tomsk with applications due by 19 May. There are a number of different hydrocarbon fields in the the NW

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    Forecasted weather conditions the coming 2 weeks for Tomsk Oblast

  21. Kargasok

    Kargasok. Kargasok ( Russian: Каргасок) is a rural locality (a selo) and the administrative center of Kargasoksky District of Tomsk Oblast, Russia, located on the left bank of the Ob River, 460 kilometers (290 mi) from Tomsk, the administrative center of the oblast. Population: 8,127 ( 2010 Russian census); [1] 8,547 ( 2002 Census); [2 ...

  22. Tomsky District

    Tomsky District ( Russian: То́мский райо́н) is an administrative [1] and municipal [5] district ( raion ), one of the sixteen in Tomsk Oblast, Russia. It is located in the southeast of the oblast. The area of the district is 10,064.2 square kilometers (3,885.8 sq mi). [2] Its administrative center is the city of Tomsk (which is ...