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berliner yacht club regatta

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berliner yacht club regatta

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berliner yacht club regatta

Berliner Yacht-Club e.V.

Adresse : Wannseebadweg 55
Stadt : Berlin
Postleitzahl : 14129
Land : Germany
Internet :
eMail :
Telefon : +49 30 803 14 15
Fax : +49 30 804 90 751

berliner yacht club regatta

2024 01.01 - 30.09
2024 05.04 - 07.04
2024 12.04 - 14.04
2024 27.04 - 28.04
2024 01.05 - 10.10
2024 01.05 - 30.09
2024 16.05 - 11.07
2024 18.05
2024 31.05 - 02.06
2024 07.06
2024 01.07 - 30.08
2024 06.07
2024 13.07 - 14.07
2024 16.08 - 18.08
2024 06.09 - 08.09
2024 05.10 - 06.10
2024 11.10 - 13.10
2024 12.10 - 13.10

Dieses Impressum gilt für alle Inhalte die vom Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. auf dem Portal manage2sail.com eingestellt wurden.

Impressum gem. § 5 TMG und § 55 Rundfunk Staatsvertrag

Clubname Berliner Yacht-Club e.V.
Zugehöriger Verein Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Authorisierter Bevollmächtigter Vorsitzende: Anja Kamradt
Registergericht Amstgericht Charlottenburg
Nummer der Anmeldung 24044 Nz
Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. abgekürzt BYC Wannseebadweg 55 D-14129 Berlin (Nikolassee) DSV-Nummer: B046 Ust - IdNr: DE155528161 Vorsitzende: Anja Kamradt verantwortlich: Berliner Yacht-Club E-Mail: [email protected] Urheberrechtshinweis Alle Inhalte und Strukturen dieser Website sind urheber- und leistungsschutzrechtlich geschützt. Die Veröffentlichung im World Wide Web oder in sonstigen Diensten des Internet bedeutet noch keine Einverständniserklärung für eine anderweitige Nutzung durch Dritte. Wir erlauben und begrüßen ausdrücklich das Zitieren unserer Dokumente sowie das Setzen von Links auf unsere Website, solange kenntlich gemacht wird, dass es sich um Inhalte der Website des Berliner Yacht-Clubs handelt und diese Inhalte nicht in Verbindung mit Inhalten Dritter gebracht werden, die den Interessen des Berliner Yacht-Clubs widersprechen. Gewerbliche Schutzrechte Alle innerhalb dieser Website genannten und ggf. durch Dritte geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichen unterliegen uneingeschränkt den Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechts und den Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer. Allein aufgrund der bloßen Nennung ist nicht der Schluss zu ziehen, dass Markenzeichen nicht durch Rechte Dritter geschützt sind. Links zu anderen Websites Diese Website enthält Links, die auf andere Websites zeigen. Der Berliner Yacht-Club hat keinen Einfluss darauf, dass deren Betreiber die Datenschutzbestimmungen ebenfalls einhalten und kann daher keine Verantwortung für deren Datenschutzpraktiken übernehmen. Vollständigkeit der Angaben Es besteht keine Gewähr für Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität. Für weitere und vollständige Informationen zu den auf dieser Webseite genannten Produkten verweisen wir Sie auf die jeweilige Fachinformation. Haftungsausschluss Die Informationen auf diesen Websites werden in unregelmäßigen Abständen überprüft und aktualisiert. Trotzdem kann keine Garantie dafür übernommen werden, dass alle Angaben jederzeit vollständig, richtig und stets aktuell wiedergegeben werden. Das trifft insbesondere auf sämtliche Verbindungen ("Links") zu anderen, vor allem externen/fremden Websites zu, auf welche direkt oder indirekt verwiesen wird. Alle Angaben können ohne vorherige Ankündigung ergänzt, entfernt oder geändert werden. Alle auf dieser Website genannten Produktnamen, Produktbezeichnungen und Logos, die eingetragene Marken/Warenzeichen darstellen bleiben Eigentum der jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Ebenso werden Copyrights und sonstige Rechte auch ohne nähere Hinweise anerkannt. Im Zweifelsfall bitten wir um Nachricht, damit wir die Angelegenheit schnell klären und eventuelle, unbeabsichtigte Mängel abstellen können.

berliner yacht club regatta

BM Folke und Kaiserpokal

Meisterschaft und Klassiker Es wird voll am Wochenende auf unserem Gelände! (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

1. Liga in Kiel

Böen, Dreher – Hochs und Tiefs Am vergangenen Wochenende startete unser Liga-Team (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Segelbundesliga in Kiel

4. Spieltag Vom 30. August bis zum 1. September (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Bronze für Intermezzo

ORC Europameisterschaft in Mariehamn (FIN) Punktgleich mit Platz zwei auf dem Bronzerang (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Uti und Frank verteidigen Titel

12. Meisterschaft bei den Korsaren Auch beim Schweriner Segler Verein stehen Uti und Frank nach 10 Wettfahrten

berliner yacht club regatta

Juniorenteam auf dem Podium!

Platz 3 bei der Juniorenliga Geprägt von wenig Wind und Hitze (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Travemünder Woche

Mitglieder der BYC Regatta-Crew begleiten WL Lorenz Buchler Vom 19.07. bis 28.07 fand die (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Platz 11 in Kiel

3. Spieltag in Kiel Am vergangenen Wochenende ging ein kurzfristig zusammengestelltes Team (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta


3. Spieltag | Kiel Auf geht’s zur 3. Runde! Die Kieler Innenförde ruft (mehr …)

berliner yacht club regatta

Podium in Warnemünde

Platz zwei für unser Team! Nach drei Wettfahrttagen und 16 Races stand es fest (mehr …)

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Berlin Yacht Club Invitational Regatta

berliner yacht club regatta

Registration forms can be found at www.berlinyachtclub.com .  Free camping is available near the clubhouse and in the field behind the clubhouse.  A limited number of electric hookups are available.  Showers are located inside the clubhouse. For more information, call or text (330) 692-3688.


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Berlin Yacht Club Invitational Regatta


June 17-19, 2022

Berlin Yacht Club

10557 Northview Drive

North Benton, OH 44449


Berlin Yacht Club invites you to its Annual Invitational Regatta which will be sailed on Berlin Lake in beautiful Northeast Ohio.  This multi-class regatta offers great race management, good food, free camping and showers at the clubhouse.

Cost $30 – Regatta Fee $25 – Dinner per person

Please let us know By June 10th if you are attending and plan to have dinner so we can plan accordingly.

The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the current version of the Racing Rules of Sailing.


The Regatta is open to all one-design boats including Thistles, Highlanders, Flying Scots, Lasers, Force 5’s, and Sunfish.


Friday, June 17             5:00 pm                         Clubhouse is open for early registration

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm       Free hot dogs, snacks, soft drinks and

Saturday, June 18        7:00 am – 9:00 am       Breakfast

8:00 am – 9:30 am       Registration

9:00 am                         Bag Lunches Distributed at Clubhouse

9:30 am                         Competitors Meeting at Clubhouse (All Fleets)

11:00 am                      First Warning Signal (3 Races Planned)

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm       Appetizer Buffet at Clubhouse

6:00 pm                         Dinner at Clubhouse

7:30 pm – 10:00 pm    Entertainment

Sunday, June 19          7:00 am – 9:00 am       Breakfast

10:00 am                      First Warning Signal (2 Races Planned)

11:30 am                      No warning signal for the first start of any race after this time

1:00 pm                         Lunch and Awards


Participants must enter by submitting a completed Registration Form and paying the fees shown by cash or check.  The last day for early registration is June 1, 2022.  Registration is permitted in person until 9:30 am on June 18, 2022.   Registration forms can be found at www.berlinyachtclub.com .

All boats shall have sail numbers, and the mainsail and spinnaker numbers shall be the same.  The skipper shall be the same as the name on the registration form.  The boat’s sail number provided on the Registration Form will be the number of the boat scored.  In the event a boat will race with a different sail number other than its registered number, the registration personnel shall be notified before the close of registration.


Copies will be available at the registration table in the clubhouse.

The courses will be described in the Sailing Instructions.  The number of starts, the fleets in each start, and the class flag for each start will be announced at the Competitor’s Meeting and posted on the Official Notice Board.

Scoring will be according to the low point scoring system of RRS Appendix A except all races will be scored which changes RRS A.2.1.  There will be no throw-outs.  Five races are scheduled, and one race constitutes a regatta.  The number of races will be determined by the Race Committee, and the races can be changed or delayed if required by the weather, emergencies, or other factors noted by the Race Committee.

8.         VHF RADIOS

VHF radios may be carried aboard.  As a courtesy, the Race Committee will use Channel 77 to provide information to competitors.  After the starting signal, the Race Committee will attempt to hail boats (including by VHF radio) that are OCS and boats that have not complied with RRS 30.1.  The delay of such hails, the order of hailing, the lack of a hail, or failure of a competitor to hear such a hail shall not be grounds for redress.  This changes RRS 62.1.  No broadcast communication from the competitors is allowed except for safety reasons.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st through 3rd places in each class.


For directions and other information, go to www.berlinyachtclub.com .  The launch area for Thistles, Highlanders, and Flying Scots is located at 568 Hartzell Road, North Benton, Ohio, which is a short distance away from the BYC Clubhouse. You may park your boat at the launch area before coming to the clubhouse to register, camp, etc.  Singlehanded boats will be launched from a small beach near the BYC Clubhouse.

Free camping is available near the clubhouse and in the field behind the clubhouse.  A limited number of electric hookups are available.  Showers are located inside the clubhouse.

For more information, call or text (330) 692-3688.

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Berlin Yacht Club

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Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series – St. Petersburg

February 16-18, 2024  •  Hosted by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club

berliner yacht club regatta

Event Information

February 16-18, 2024 

Final Results

Final Scratch Sheet

St. Petersburg Social Pass

Enjoy snack and drinks nightly, the launch of Mount Gay Rum’s special edition, SPYC’s Famous Saturday Supper, music, games and more. Complimentary Social Passes for SWRS Race Officials and Junior Sailors. Advance offer – Buy 4 and the 5th pass free.

Speaker Series – St. Petersburg – Victor Diaz de Leon

Venezuelan wonder-boy, Victor Diaz de Leon , was the first Special Guest of the 2024 Sailing World Speaker Series. Sailing World Editor, Dave Reed, covered special stories behind Victor’s climb to multiple victories, and the sizzle of the new SailGP Team United States.

Mount Gay Rum Cocktail Contest

  • Winning Cocktail: “Low Tide Old Fashioned”
  • Winning SWRS Team: Va Bene – Brad Barrios, Thomas Barry, Andrea Cichon, Michal Cichon, Tara Lee Costich, Ryan Graber, Michael Jacobsen, Mark Macke, Frances McCarthy, Tom O’Donohue, David Slonena
  • Ingredients: 2oz Mount Gay Black Barrel, 1/3 oz Banana liquor, 5 drps Angostuna bitters, 4 drops Peychard bitters, dark simple syrup, fresh cinnamon, Maraschino cherries
  • How to Make: Mix ingredients in stirring glass, cover cocktail glass with dark simple syrup, layer rum, float banana liquor, grate cinnamon, garnish with cinnamon and cherries

Regatta News: St. Petersburg

berliner yacht club regatta

One Charismatic Crew

The crew of Tim Landt’s Nightwind 35 Charisma took on the Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series Distance Race in St. Pete to recreate themselves.

Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series in St. Petersburg

Melges 24 Team Wins Midwinter Championship and Overall Title in St. Pete

Steve and Catherine Boho’s team on The 300 win the Midwinters and get berth to the BVI championship.

2022 Star Class Vintage Gold Cup

St. Pete To Shine Again

The Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series 2024 kicks off in St. Petersburg with a packed Tampa Bay.

two sailboats racing side by side in strong winds in florida

One For the Books in St. Petersburg

A big turnout, lively parties and great racing. It’s what to expect at the Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series in St. Petersburg.

L30 One-Designs

Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series St. Petersburg 2023 Gallery

Select images from the Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series weekend event in St. Petersburg, Florida.

berliner yacht club regatta

St. Pete is Going to Sizzle

All indications are the Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series’ kick off in St. Petersburg is going to be hot. And we’re not just talking about the weather.

More St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Map and Points of Interest

Special Thanks To Our Sponsors

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berliner yacht club regatta

Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years.

We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment.  we offer a wide variety of social activities and our clubs within a club meet a plethora of special interests for our members where they can mix and mingle. , banquets & catering, community events.


What's happening at St Petersburg Yacht Club?


  1. Regatta

    berliner yacht club regatta

  2. Mittwochsregatta #9

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  3. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V

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  4. Ein guter Anfang! 1. BYC Mittwoch-Regatta 2019 am 8. Mai

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  5. Jeton Regattastützpunkt im Berliner Yacht-Club

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  6. Regattarückblick 2017

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  1. Coronet Yacht Club Regatta, Helsingör, Danmark 2011

  2. SCR Cover of Soulshine

  3. HMBYC 6/29/24

  4. SCR Original Unheard

  5. Newport Yacht Club

  6. SYC Regatta 2023


  1. Regatta

    Berliner Yacht-Club (DSV-Kenn-Nr. B-046) Wannseebadweg 55 D - 14129 Berlin Tel. +49 (0) 30 803 14 15 Fax +49 (0) 30 804 90 751 www.byc.berlin [email protected] Regattabüro Jeweils einen Tag vor der ersten Wettfahrt 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr.Am Tag der ersten Wettfahrt von 9:00 - 10:00 Uhr

  2. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V

    Den für Sie richtigen Ansprechpartner des Berliner Yacht-Club finden Sie unter Kontakt. With its privileged location on Lake Wannsee, the Berlin Yacht Club is located in one of the most beautiful places in the demanding sailing area on the southern edge of Berlin. The club grounds of the Berlin Yacht Club on the sunny side of the large Wannsee ...

  3. Mittwochregatta

    Die Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. veranstaltet wöchentliche Fleetraces am Wannsee ab dem 4. Mai 2022. Melden Sie sich bis zum 27. April 2022 unter Manage2Sail an und unterstützen Sie die Auswertung und Vorbereitung der Regatten.

  4. JUST ANNOUNCED! Sample regatta 2024

    Written By Berlin Yacht Club Join us for an exhilarating weekend at Berlin Yacht Club as we host our first annual Sample Regatta! Sailors of all levels are invited to participate in this friendly competition, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship on the shimmering waters of Berlin Lake.

  5. Events

    Embark on a solo journey and experience the thrill of single-handed sailing with Berlin Yacht Club! View Event → Aug. 14. Wednesday Racing. Wednesday, August 14, 2024; 7:00 PM 9:00 PM; ... Mark your calendars for the Berlin Yacht Club Regatta on Saturday, June 15th, 2024! Registration is just $20.00 to join the fun.

  6. BYC Regatta

    2024 BYC Regatta. Mark your calendars for the Berlin Yacht Club Regatta on Saturday, June 15th, 2024! Registration is just $20.00 to join the fun. The day kicks off with a Skipper's Meeting at 10:00AM, followed by the first race at 11:30AM. All races will wrap up by 4:00PM.

  7. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. manage2sail

    [email protected]: Phone : +49 30 803 14 15: Fax : +49 30 804 90 751: Events 2024: 01/01 - 30/09 : Frauentraining: 2024: 05/04 - 07/04: 10. ... The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Berliner Yacht-Club e.V.. Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 ...

  8. Berliner Yacht-Club

    Berliner Yacht-Club, Berlin. 1,178 likes · 30 talking about this · 1,058 were here. Der BYC legt besonderen Wert auf die Segler von morgen, ganz gleich ob Regatta- oder Fahrtensegler. Berliner Yacht-Club | Berlin

  9. Berliner Yacht-Club e.V.

    Der Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. ist ein Seglerverein mit Sitz am Wannsee und bietet zahlreiche Regatten und Veranstaltungen für verschiedene Bootsklassen an. Hier finden Sie die Termine, Adressen und Kontaktdaten für das Jahr 2024.

  10. Berliner Yacht-Club (@berlineryachtclub)

    1,935 Followers, 71 Following, 213 Posts - Berliner Yacht-Club (@berlineryachtclub) on Instagram: "52°26`35``N und 13°10`38``E @ segelbundesligabyc # ... Kaiserpokal bei „Kaiserwetter" 2023 ☀️ Photo by @jascha.photo #KaiserpokalWannsee #Wannsee #Regatta #BerlinerYachtClub #SailingPhotograohy #Sailing #Segeln #Berlin #GoneSailing ...

  11. Regatta

    Berliner Yacht-Club e.V. > Regatta. Blog. Archive: Regatta. Segelbundesliga in Kiel. on 28. August 2024. 4. Spieltag Vom 30. August bis zum 1. September (mehr …) More . Bronze für Intermezzo. on 26. August 2024. ORC Europameisterschaft in Mariehamn (FIN) Punktgleich mit Platz zwei auf dem Bronzerang (mehr …)

  12. Sailing

    Die erste Regatte der Nautica 450 Klasse in Berlin veranstaltet von Tactix Yachting Solutions und Nautica Boats, ausgerichtet beim Berliner Yacht Club. Aufge...

  13. Sample Regatta

    We are thrilled to invite you to join our upcoming Sample Regatta at the Berlin Yacht Club. Whether you are a seasoned sailor or new to the sport, this event promises an exhilarating experience for all participants. Date: Saturday, February 10, 2024 Location: Berlin Yacht Club

  14. Berlin Yacht Club Invitational Regatta

    Berlin Yacht Club Invitational Regatta. Registration forms can be found at www.berlinyachtclub.com . Free camping is available near the clubhouse and in the field behind the clubhouse. A limited number of electric hookups are available. Showers are located inside the clubhouse. For more information, call or text (330) 692-3688.

  15. Berlin Yacht Club Invitational Regatta

    June 17-19, 2022. Berlin Yacht Club. 10557 Northview Drive. North Benton, OH 44449. NOTICE OF RACE. Berlin Yacht Club invites you to its Annual Invitational Regatta which will be sailed on Berlin Lake in beautiful Northeast Ohio. This multi-class regatta offers great race management, good food, free camping and showers at the clubhouse. Cost ...

  16. Berlin Yacht Club

    The Berlin Yacht Club's team of experienced instructors provides members with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the waters with confidence. In addition to sailing, the club offers a wide range of activities and facilities, including social events, a clubhouse, picnic area, and playground, to help members relax and unwind.

  17. St. Pete To Shine Again

    The St. Petersburg Yacht Club hosts the first event of the Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series in February 2024, with more than 240 teams across 13 one-design and five handicap classes. The ...

  18. Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series

    Helly Hansen Sailing World Regatta Series - St. Petersburg. February 16-18, 2024 • Hosted by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Official Race Program. Schedule of Events. Regatta Series Shop.

  19. Berlin Yacht Club

    BYC Earns Bronze Clean Regatta Certification For Berlin Invitational. Jul 17, 2024. Jul 17, 2024. NEWS RACING NORTH BENTON WEATHER. Weather COME SAILING! * Thank you! Berlin Yacht Club - 10557 Northview Dr, North Benton, OH 44449 - ‪(330) ...

  20. Regattas

    2025 SPYC BOTY Series. 2024 September 14/15 Bruce Watters Regatta. 2024 October 5-6 SAISA Cressy Championship. 2024 October 5 Fall Bay Race/Ted Irwin Memorial Regatta. 2024 October 19 St. Petersburg Classic Regatta. 2024 October 26/27 High School Singlehanded Nationals. 2024 November 2 MOA. 2024 November 9/10 College Singlehanded Nationals.

  21. BYC News

    Berlin Yacht Club 6/13/24 Berlin Yacht Club 6/13/24. BYC Regatta 6.15.24 LANDLUBBERS BE WARNED! THIS VESSEL SETS SAIL FOR ADVENTURE AT 11:30. Read More. Older Posts * Thank you! Berlin Yacht Club - 10557 Northview Dr, North Benton, OH 44449 - ‪(330) 333-0984 ...

  22. Home

    Situated in a bustling arts community on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront, the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has been a part of the sailing community for over 100 years. We pride ourselves in creating a relaxed private club atmosphere with a warm, friendly, family-oriented environment. We offer a wide variety of social activities and our ...

  23. History

    1957 was a very big year for Berlin Yacht Club. The Club now had 48 members. The footer for the kitchen and rest rooms had been poured and the Club was planning for its first invitational regatta, which was held for the first time in 1958. But there was no parking lot and when it rained everyone got stuck.