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Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

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The Costa Smeralda provides a stunning setting and a variety of challenging conditions for the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, one of the highlights of the Mediterranean yachting season. The first Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup (known then as the Maxi World championship) was held in Sardinia in 1980. The brainchild of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and its president, the Aga Khan, the regatta is now an eagerly anticipated annual event attracting a sizeable fleet of majestic maxi yachts to Porto Cervo each September.

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May 2024 MPU

34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda - Day 5

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Yacht Boat News

Maxi Rolex Cup 2024

Seconds in it but j class svea completes title hat trick at maxi yacht rolex cup.

Photo of YachtBoatNews

By winning the second and final coastal race of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup by only a handful of seconds, the highly polished crew of the Swedish J Class yacht Svea won the Super Maxi division overall.

After finishing second on the first coastal race behind the successful swan 115 moat – winner at the regatta last year and at the summer’s giorgio armani superyacht regatta on the same costa smeralda waters, svea clinched the overall title on count back..

Even then the overall class victory was down to their slender winning margin of just 28-seconds earned over the 31-nautical miles course clockwise around La Maddalena and Cabrera islands.

Svea finished second on the first coastal race which was won by the big NautorSwan, only just pipping the persistent Velsheda by 17-seconds after a thrilling head to head all the way around the route through the beautiful La Maddalena Islands archipelago. The pinnacle regatta was blighted somewhat by the strong Mistral which blew through most of the week, allowing only these two races to be contested.

After two days of waiting the first coastal was on Wednesday morning in perfect conditions – starting in 11kts, peaking at 13kts but the breeze fading to seven – whilst Saturday’s finale was a test of crew work and speed in the brisk conditions, 13-24kts of W’ly wind meaning a beat up the so called ‘bomb alley’ and broad reach down the outside of the islands to finish back off Porto Cervo on the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda finish line.

After winning the J Class twice in a row, in 2022 and 2023, this is Svea’s third successive victory at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup.

Svea’s boat captain Paul Kelly enthused “Today [Saturday] we managed to extend on Velsheda all the way up and around the top but on the downwind they had some serious, serious boat speed. We thought they were going to roll us at the finish but we managed to hold them off. It was enough for the overall win, three years in a row we are super, super happy. Time on water is key for us and having a game plan and sticking to it. That is what we do. Moat was gone on the reach but we ate into her on corrected time.”

Tom Dodson, tactician on Velsheda reported, “We had a clean day today [Saturday] but we got our timing wrong before the start and Svea got a much better start than we did, on our bow. We had a sniff of Svea up the first short beat – at 1.8 miles it was pretty short and so it was only a sniff, we got to the lay line too quickly and from there it was just trying to see if we could keep it tight and wait for them to make a mistake. We got into them a little on the downwind. Once the boat speed is over 11kts, Velsheda is enjoying it, but it was one of those courses where you could catch up but unless you could find somewhere to catch up there would always be a corner they could push you back into.”

“It is a shame but I think the race committee did the best they could, it was always going to be tight to get more than a couple of races in. They did that and looking after these boats is pretty important too, you don’t want to be out there breaking gear or people.”

All eyes on the J Class Barcelona Regatta 2024 now, taking place 5-11 October.

by J Class Association

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Mercoledì 18 Settembre 2024

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Yacht Club Costa Smeralda: vento da nordest nel primo giorno di regata alla 22^ Rolex Swan Cup

Il Comitato di Regata ha saggiamente posticipato l’orario di partenza alle ore 14.30 CEST, lasciando la flotta ormeggiata in porto attendendo il meteo favorevole

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda: vento da nordest nel primo giorno di regata alla 22^ Rolex Swan Cup

Ufficio Stampa YCCS

  • 18/09/2024 07:00

Porto Cervo, 18 settembre 2024. La 22^ Rolex Swan Cup, che segna il 40° anniversario della lunga partnership dello YCCS con Rolex, iniziata nel 1984 con la terza edizione della Swan Cup – è partita ieri con un vento da nordest tra i 12 e i 18 nodi, che ha permesso alla flotta Nautor Swan di svolgere regolarmente il programma previsto.

Il Comitato di Regata ha saggiamente posticipato l’orario di partenza alle ore 14.30 CEST, lasciando la flotta ormeggiata in porto e attendendo il passaggio di un fronte temporalesco associato a possibili colpi di vento. Per il Gruppo 1, riservato agli Swan che regatano in tempo compensato, sono stati predisposti tre percorsi costieri molto simili tra loro, ma di differente lunghezza in ragione delle performance delle imbarcazioni: 24 miglia per la Swan Maxi Division A, 15 miglia per la Swan S&S Division B e 19 miglia per la Swan Division C. Per tutti si è trattato di raggiungere una boa di disimpegno al vento, poi di bolina larga fino all’Isola dei Monaci da lasciare a sinistra, scendere in poppa nel golfo di Arzachena fino alla Secca di Tre Monti e poi fare rientro a Porto Cervo. La Swan Maxi Division A ha allungato fino a doppiare l’isola di Mortoriotto per risalire fino al traguardo davanti al Pevero. La Swan Division C ha invece allungato in poppa fino a una boa posizionata nel Golfo delle Saline per tornare a Porto Cervo attraverso il Passo delle Bisce dopo aver lasciato a sinistra la Secca di Tre Monti. 

Questi percorsi differenziati hanno permesso alla flotta di raggiungere compatta Porto Cervo, al tempo stesso gli equipaggi sono stati impegnati in cambi di vele e duelli ravvicinati. 

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La flotta dei ClubSwan 50 in regata, Rolex Swan Cup 2024. Crediti foto: Rolex/Kurt Arrigo

I vincitori di giornata sono stati:

Maxi Grand Prix, Swan 80 Umiko ; Maxi Cruiser, Swan 90 Freya ; Mini Maxi Grand Prix, Swan 60 Sea Quill ; Mini Maxi Cruiser, Swan 65 Marlin II; S&S Racing Swan 48 Elan; S&S Classic, Swan 47 Matilda; Swan Grand Prix, Swan 45 From Now On ; Swan Cruiser, Swan 54 Katima. 

Ettore Botticini, randista su Sea Quill: “ Siamo rimasti piacevolmente sorpresi dalle prestazioni della nostra barca rispetto ai concorrenti diretti nella nostra divisione, una cosa non scontata. Abbiamo fatto molte manovre complesse per un team giovane come il nostro, formato da molti derivisti affiancati da velisti professionisti come Andrea Fornaro e Lorenzo De Felice. Siamo solo all’inizio della Rolex Swan Cup ma siamo partiti nel modo migliore. Nei prossimi giorni saremo lieti di accogliere a bordo la campionessa mondiale in carica di Wingfoil, Maddalena Spanu, un’atleta del programma sportivo Young Azzurra dello YCCS, programma di cui io stesso feci parte in passato”.

Cesare Barabino, atleta ILCA 7 del programma Young Azzurra , da oggi sarà ospite dello Swan 48 Mia del socio YCCS Luigi Stoppani.

Sul secondo campo di regata, dedicato alle prove a bastone per gli Swan One Design, sono state svolte due prove con prima partenza, per i ClubSwan 50, alle ore 14.30 CEST seguita dalle altre classi, ClubSwan 42 e Swan 45, ClubSwan 36. Il nuovissimo ClubSwan 28 debutterà, come da programma, giovedì 19 settembre. Si sono svolte due prove con vento rafficato tra i 15 e i 18 nodi con onda corta, che ha messo alla prova gli equipaggi e gli armatori timonieri.

ClubSwan 36, Black Seal; ClubSwan 42, Canopo ; Swan 45, Ulika 45 ; ClubSwan 50, Olymp.

Si sono distinti in particolare il 36 Black Seal, con un primo e un secondo posto di giornata, il 42 Canopo con due primi posti, il 45 Ulika con un secondo e un primo, però seguito a un punto da Ex Officio, autore di un primo e un terzo posto di giornata. Tra i ClubSwan 50 si è nettamente imposto Olymp con il 3 volte oro olimpico Jochen Schuemann alla tattica: “Non è mai stato chiaro al 100% se la pressione migliore fosse a destra o a sinistra, a causa delle nuvole scure, è stato molto impegnativo ma al tempo stesso con tante opportunità tattiche, perché il vento cambiava spesso direzione e forza. Penso che nel complesso siamo riusciti meglio di altri a stare in fase con il vento e a prendere sempre l'ultimo salto giusto per la boa di bolina. Siamo più che soddisfatti”.

Le regate riprendono oggi, mercoledì 18 settembre, alle ore 12.00 CEST con una regata costiera per tutte le classi, esclusi i ClubSwan 36 che regateranno su un percorso a bastone. Le previsioni indicano vento più leggero, tra i 7 e gli 11 nodi, in rotazione da nordest a est.


Marialisa Panu

Giuliano Luzzatto

In copertina Rolex Swan Cup 2024. Crediti foto: YCCS/Daniele Macis

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Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup : Versöhnlicher Abschluss vor Porto Cervo

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Endlich perfekte Bedingungen beim Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

Maxi-1-weltmeister mit baird und sanderson, zennström setzte sich mit „svea“ durch.

Der Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup vor Porto Cervo bildete einmal mehr den Höhepunkt der Maxi-Saison. Zum ersten Mal wurde die Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship ausgesegelt. Dafür nahmen die Veranstalter des Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS) und der International Maxi Association (IMA) Meldungen von Yachten mit IRC-Ratings zwischen 1.700 und 2.200 und Längen über 30,51 Meter entgegen.

Doch es sollte nicht sein. Ausgerechnet im WM-Jahr setzten sich die Wetterkapriolen fort. Nachdem bereits die ersten zwei Tage dem Mistral zum Opfer gefallen waren, folgten auf den ersten Renntag mit wechselhaften Bedingungen zunächst eine instabile Wetterlage mit Schauerböen und ein erneuter Lay Day aufgrund von 40-Knoten-Böen. Erst der letzte Event-Tag brachte den 43 Crews die gewünschten Bedingungen mit Windspitzen zwischen 20 und 30 Knoten und Ritten durch die natürliche Segelarena Bomb Alley. Jene gut zehn Meilen lange und von Felsen gesäumte Passage zwischen dem Norden Sardiniens und dem La-Maddalena-Archipel liefert regelmäßig spektakuläre Bilder und navigatorische Herausforderungen.

Nach einem Schlag nach Luv machten sich die Starter aus Maxi 1 und 2 in Richtung Süden auf, um die Inseln Mortorio und Soffi auf einem 42,5-Meilen-Kurs zu umrunden. Danach ging es gen Norden, um sich den übrigen Klassen anzuschließen, die eine 34,5-Meilen-Runde im Uhrzeigersinn um La Maddalena segelten. Lag in Maxi 1 nach Tag eins noch Wendy Schmidts 85-Fußer „Deep Blue“ in Führung, war der 85-Fußer von Botin Partners am Finaltag chancenlos. Die Crew hatte eine Malesche an der Lattentasche zu reparieren und kämpfte sich ins Ziel, war aber leider aus dem Rennen. Weitere Favoriten wie „Capricorno“, ein brandneuer 82-Fußer aus Judel/Vrolijk-Rechnern, und „Magic Carpet 3“, die erfolgsverwöhnte Wallycento mit Jochen Schümann als Taktiker, mussten das Küstenrennen abbrechen.

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Stattdessen setzte sich „Leopard 3“ des Niederländers Joost Schuijff durch und gewann die Rolex IMA Maxi 1 Weltmeisterschaft mit einem Vorsprung von drei Punkten auf die 82-Fuß-Wally „Django HF“. Auf Platz drei rangierte die Wallycento „V“, die punktgleich mit „Deep Blue“ und „Bullitt“ des neuen YCCS-Kommodores Andrea Recordati lag. „Damit ist ein Traum in Erfüllung gegangen“, freute sich Schuijff. „Wir haben jahrelang hart am Boot, am Team und an der Qualität meiner Steuer-Performance gearbeitet. Wir haben viel trainiert und hatten im Juli eine Trainingswoche, in der wir einige Probleme aus dem Weg räumen konnten. Letztes Jahr kämpften wir noch mit einigen der großen Segel, dieses Jahr ist die Qualität unserer Ausrüstung gut und nichts ist ausgefallen.“

Unter ihrem Vorbesitzer Mike Slade gewann „Leopard 3 vor Porto Cervo 2016 die Maxi Racing-Klasse. Letztes Jahr wurde das Farr-Design aus dem Jahr 2007 stark modifiziert und um etwa zehn Tonnen abgespeckt. In dieser Saison stießen der America's-Cup-Gewinner und mehrfache Weltmeister Ed Baird und der Gewinner des Volvo Ocean Race, Mike Sanderson dazu. „Leopard 3“ wurde auf Küsten- und Hochseeregatten optimiert und kam mit den schwierigen Bedingungen gut zurecht. Schuijffs Resümee: „Up-and-Down ist nicht unsere Stärke. Wir hatten gehofft, dass sich das Wetter heute so entwickelt, wie es sich entwickelt hat, mit höherem Reaching-Anteil.“

In der Gruppe Maxi 2 (die ehemaligen Maxi 72) lag „Proteus“ von George und Christina Sakellaris mit nur 20 Sekunden Rückstand auf die IRC-korrigierte Zeit auf dem ersten Platz, gewann aber durch Rückrechnung von Peter Harrisons „Jolt“. „Es war ein großartiges Rennen bei hervorragenden Bedingungen. Dieses Boot mag Wind und schweres Wetter, solange es nicht mehr als 30 Knoten sind“, sagte Sakellaris, der sich am Steuer mit seiner Tochter abwechselte. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass die Sakellaris‘ diesen Titel gewannen, nachdem sie es viele Jahre lang versucht haben. Der erfolgsverwöhnte US-Maxi 72 „Bella Mente“ war nicht am Start.

Nach dem ersten Rennen am Mittwoch führte Juan Balls Swan 115 „Moat“ die Supermaxi-Klasse an, aber ein Sieg von Niklas Zennströms und Filip Engelberts 43,6 m langer „Svea“ sorgte heute dafür, dass die schwedische J die Super-Maxi-Klasse in der Wertung gewann. Für „Svea“ war es der dritte Triumph in Folge und für Zennström persönlich der siebte (einschließlich seiner vier vorherigen Mini-Maxi-Siege).

„Es war sehr aufregend und hat viel Spaß gemacht“, sagte Bouwe Bekking, Taktiker auf „Svea“. „Heute war es wirklich schön. Wir hatten 18 Knoten in der Bomb Alley und etwa 22 bis 23 Knoten auf dem Reach – es hat nicht gehämmert.“ „Svea“ lieferte sich enge Rennen mit „Moat“, die vor allem auf den Reach-Abschnitten Meilen gutmachte. Die deutsche Wally 101 „Y3k“ ging am Finaltag nicht über die Startlinie und reihte auf Platz vier hinter der zweiten J, „Velsheda“, ein.

Ähnlich wie „Proteus“ musste sich „Oscar 3“ in Maxi 3 allzu oft mit Platz zwei zufriedengeben. Doch dieses Jahr brachen Aldo und Elena Parisotto den Bann mit ihrer Mylius 65FD, wenn auch mit minimalem Vorsprung auf den französischen Vorjahressieger Jean-Pierre Barjon mit „Spirit of Lorina“. Seinen sechsten Maxi-Cup-Erfolg heimste Riccardo de Michele mit seiner „H20“ in der Maxi-4-Wertung ein. Beim zweiten Auftritt der Multihull-Klasse lag der Gunboat 66 „Gaetana“ bei seiner Premiere nach korrigierter ORCmh-Zeit vor Adrian Kellers „Allegra“ und Lord Irvine Laidlaws Gunboat 80 „Highland Fling 18“.

Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Yachten

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Vento tra i 16 e i 24 nodi, sole e tanto entusiasmo. La trentaquattresima Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup e il primo Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship , manifestazione organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda con il supporto del Title sponsor Rolex – con il quale ricorrono quest’anno i 40 anni di partnership – si è conclusa con successo nelle acque di Porto Cervo. Il primo Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship è stato vinto da Leopard 3 di Joost Schuijff con Ed Baird – vincitore della trentaduesima America’s Cup come timoniere di Alinghi – nel ruolo di tattico. Gli altri vincitori di categoria della 34ª Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup sono stati: Proteus di George Sakellaris in Maxi 2, il J Class Svea tra i Supermaxi, Oscar 3 di Aldo Parisotto in Maxi 3, H2O di Riccardo de Michele in Maxi 4 e Gaetana di Riccardo Pavoncelli nella classe Multiscafi.

Andrea Recordati, Commodoro dello YCCS , ha dichiarato: “Questa 34ª edizione della Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup è stata sicuramente complessa per via delle condizioni meteo che non ci hanno consentito di regatare quanto avremmo desiderato, ma va riconosciuto al Comitato di Regata e a tutta l’organizzazione dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda di aver fatto del loro meglio. Però credo che la giornata odierna, in condizioni tipiche della Costa Smeralda con vento sostenuto e costante su un percorso costiero che ci ha visto navigare nello scenario unico dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena, abbia dato grandi soddisfazioni e sia stata per tutti una bella regata. Congratulazioni ai vincitori delle rispettive classi e un ringraziamento a nome dello YCCS a tutti i partecipanti dell’evento che hanno contribuito a renderlo, come sempre, unico. Ancora, ringrazio per il fondamentale supporto e per la sua presenza a Porto Cervo il presidente di World Sailing, Quanhai Li, oltre al nostro partner Rolex, con il quale celebriamo i quarant’anni di partnership”.

Fonte: gazzetta.it

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Yacht clubs, renowned sailors, iconic offshore races and some of the most celebrated regattas. For almost 70 years, Rolex has forged strong relationships with the world of yachting. A prominent yacht racing partner, the brand shares the common pursuit of excellence and a passion for premium performance with major custodians of the sport’s enduring spirit.

Premier crewed yacht races

Rolex partners some of the top crewed coastal regattas and offshore races. The brand is associated with numerous annual and biannual coastal regattas all over the world. It is Official Timepiece for two such championships that are at the cutting edge of nautical technology: SailGP, featuring the planet’s fastest catamarans, and the 52 SUPER SERIES for high-performance TP52 monohulls. Rolex also partners prestigious offshore races, such as the Rolex Fastnet Race, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the Rolex Middle Sea Race.

Yacht clubs Vital to the future of sailing

Rolex is committed to continuously supporting the most dynamic yacht clubs, institutions essential to the evolution of sailing that help perpetuate and develop the discipline in equal measure. These clubs are a harmonious blend of tradition and progress, organizing regattas and offshore races of global importance.

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Precision as a requisite

Chronometric precision is a vital part of navigation, essential for determining exact location. Sailors have, therefore, always sought to equip themselves with the most accurate instruments available, a quest that has extended to competitive yachting. Starting strongly, coordinating crews, optimizing boat trajectories; precision is crucial at every stage of the race.

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yacht club rolex

2024 Race News

Outstanding racing at the 60th edition of rolex big boat series.

Breeze on conditions brought out the best skills and tactics for podium winners.

Right on cue, San Francisco Bay rolled out the most demanding conditions for sailors at the 60th edition of Rolex Big Boat Series at St. Francis Yacht Club.

yacht club rolex

Your One Stop Guide for RBBS Race Weekend

Don’t miss out on a minute of the action at the 60th edition of the Rolex Big Boat Series. Whether you’re racing, planning on coming to St. Francis Yacht Club to spectate or following along from elsewhere, here’s the info you need to stay in the know.

Hundreds of Sailors Ready to Race in the 60th Edition of Rolex Big Boat Series

Hundreds of Sailors Ready to Race in the 60th Edition of Rolex Big Boat Series

Classes racing for Rolexes & perpetual trophies announced during first night of the regatta.

Years Running

Classes in 2024, competitors, schedule of events.

  • Wednesday 09/11
  • Thursday 09/12
  • Friday 09/13
  • Saturday 09/14
  • Sunday 09/15
Crissy Field Beach StFYC StFYC Rolex Regatta Tent
Time Event Location
0900-1200 Crissy Field Beach Cleanup -
Participate to support our Clean Regatta Efforts
1000-1730 Registration
1730 Competitors' Briefing
1800-2000 Rolex Commodore’s Reception
Regatta Plaza StFYC Starting Line Room Zoom Online Regatta Plaza Rolex Party with Hosted Appetizers
Time Event Location
0730 Breakfast -
0730 Quantum Weather Briefing
1100 First Warning, all Classes except Classic Class
1300 First Warning, Classic Class only
Post racing Hosted Dock-Side Beer
1700 Crew Party with Hosted Appetizers
1800 Rolex Owners Dinner
Regatta Plaza StFYC Starting Line Room Zoom Online Regatta Plaza Rolex Regatta Tent
Time Event Location
0730 Breakfast -
0730 Quantum Weather Briefing
1100 First Warning, all Classes except Classic Class
1300 First Warning, Classic Class only
Post racing Hosted Dock-Side Beer
1700 Mount Gay Lawn Party hosted cocktails & Food Trucks
Regatta Plaza StFYC Starting Line Room Zoom Online Regatta Plaza StFYC Starting Line Room
Time Event Location
0730 Breakfast -
0730 Quantum Weather Briefing
1100 First Warning, all Classes except Classic Class
1300 First Warning, Classic Class only
Post racing Hosted Dock-Side Beer & Snacks
1730-1900 Crew Dinner Reception
Regatta Plaza StFYC Starting Line Room Zoom Online Regatta Plaza A Buoy Regatta Plaza Rolex Regatta Tent
Time Event Location
0730 Breakfast -
0730 Quantum Weather Briefing
0830 8 Bells Ceremony
0930 Sailors Salute Flower Ceremony (honoring those lost)
1100 First Warning Bay Tour All Classes
Post racing Hosted Dock-Side Beer
~1600 Rolex Trophy Ceremony – hosted appetizers

Stay Social


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  1. Rolex and Yachting

    Yacht clubs: The soul of yachting. Since Rolex's first partnership with the New York Yacht Club in 1958, the brand has supported the development of competitive sailing through alliances with yacht clubs around the world. Places of exchange and competition, yacht clubs are the organizers of regattas and offshore races.

  2. Rolex Yacht-Master

    Designed for navigators. Sailing occupies a special place in the world of Rolex. In 1958, the brand partnered the New York Yacht Club, creator of the legendary America's Cup. Rolex then formed partnerships with several prestigious yacht clubs around the world and became associated with major nautical events - offshore races and coastal ...

  3. Rolex Big Boat Series

    One of the best sailboat racing venues in the world, iconic San Francisco Bay, is ready to turn it on for the 60th edition of the Rolex Big Boat Series at St. Francis Yacht Club, September 11-15, 2024. The most prestigious regatta on the West Coast drew 71 boats and nearly 700 sailors to the docks of St. Francis Yacht Club, to hear what classes will race for Rolexes and perpetual trophies on ...

  4. Rolex and Yachting

    The Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup has been the flagship annual event for Maxi monohulls more than 60 feet (18.30 metres) in length since 1980. Organized by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and staged in the emerald waters off the club's magnificent headquarters in Porto Cervo, northern Sardinia, it brings together the greatest number of maxi yachts ...

  5. Rolex Big Boat Series

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA—The Notice of Race is posted, and registration is open for the 60th Anniversary edition of Rolex Big Boat Series, hosted by St. Francis Yacht Club. Scheduled for September 11-15, 2024, when conditions are sporty on San Francisco Bay, this legendary regatta attracts the highest level of competition, with perpetual trophies ...


    Rolex and event organizer the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS) have enjoyed a close partnership for nearly 40 years. The longevity of this collaboration has been at the heart of the event's continued success and evolution. Support for the organization of the week-long regatta is provided by the International Maxi Association (IMA).

  7. Rolex Big Boat Series

    If luck is the confluence of preparation and opportunity, the 76 polished teams gathered at St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, California, for the 2022 Rolex Big Boat Series, will forge their own racecourse fortunes when warning guns fire tomorrow morning. The Rolex Big Boat Series, hosted by StFYC September 14-18, 2022, is the West Coast ...

  8. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2024

    The first Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup (known then as the Maxi World championship) was held in Sardinia in 1980. The brainchild of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and its president, the Aga Khan, the regatta is now an eagerly anticipated annual event attracting a sizeable fleet of majestic maxi yachts to Porto Cervo each September.

  9. PDF Rolex and Yachting


  10. PDF Rolex and Yachting

    Rolex's seminal partnership with the New York Yacht Club is the brand's oldest in yachting, spanning more than sixty years. Today, the club organizes major regattas and has two imposing clubhouses - one in New York City, opened in 1901, and the other on the water in Newport, Rhode Island. Rolex has been a partner of the NYYC since 1958.

  11. Hands-On Rolex Yacht-Master II Review

    Inside the Yacht-Master II is the Rolex Calibre 4161. The movement is formidable, and the functions make sense for the extremely specific times a captain would need to use it. Essentially, the "chronograph" functions as a 10 minute countdown sectioned off in "laps". When activated, the movement counts the ten lap starting sequence of a ...

  12. IC37

    The first four editions of the Rolex New York Yacht Club Invitational Cup have set a new standard for interclub competition, bringing amateur sailors from 43 yacht clubs from 21 countries to compete off Newport. The Swan 42 was an instant success with 18 boats competing in the class's inaugural national championship in 2007. More recently ...

  13. 2023 Rolex NYYC Invitational Cup

    The Rolex New York Yacht Club Invitational Cup returns for the eighth edition of this historic international yacht club challenge. The event will be run for the third time in the Club's fleet of IC37s. These boats—all maintained by the same team to the same exacting standards—will once again provide the ultimate platform for high energy ...

  14. Home

    The height of the season is the annual Rolex Big Boat Series. ... Generations of St. Francis Yacht Club sailors would agree. Our professional coaching staff offers youth sailing opportunities year-round with programs at the City clubhouse and summer sailing camps on Tinsley Island. Instruction is available for all skill levels and open to ...

  15. 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

    Related Articles 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup day 4 Racing postponed due to unstable weather situation The particularly complex and unstable weather situation which has brought strong winds with squally showers, has proven a continuous challenge to the Race Committee who have been busy monitoring the evolution since the early hours of the morning. Posted on 12 Sep 34th Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup at ...

  16. Rolex Yacht-Master

    Sir Ben Ainslie is the most successful sailor in Olympic Games history. With four gold medals and one silver, he achieved the outstanding feat of claiming a medal in each of the five Olympic Games he has competed in. Sir Ben wears the colours of the Royal Yacht Squadron, a club Rolex has partnered since the 1980s.

  17. 2024 NYYC Race Week at Newport Presented by Rolex

    2024 NYYC Race Week at Newport Presented by Rolex New York Yacht Club Newport, Rhode Island, USA July 16-20, 2024: Online Registration Form - Closed For Entry, please contact the Event Organizers. Current Registration List. Scratch Sheet. ORC Ratings Table. ORC 5-Band Ratings Table.

  18. Maxi Rolex Cup 2024

    By winning the second and final coastal race of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup by only a handful of seconds, the highly polished crew of the Swedish J Class yacht Svea won the Super Maxi division overall. ... up the so called 'bomb alley' and broad reach down the outside of the islands to finish back off Porto Cervo on the Yacht Club Costa ...

  19. Rolex Big Boat Series

    The Notice of Race is posted and registration is open for the 2022 Rolex Big Boat Series, hosted by St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, California.. Considered the most prestigious regatta on the West Coast, Rolex Big Boat Series attracts competitors from around the country and the world for four days of racing on San Francisco Bay.

  20. Yacht Club Costa Smeralda: vento da nordest nel primo giorno di regata

    Yacht Club Costa Smeralda: vento da nordest nel primo giorno di regata alla 22^ Rolex Swan Cup. Il Comitato di Regata ha saggiamente posticipato l'orario di partenza alle ore 14.30 CEST, lasciando la flotta ormeggiata in porto attendendo il meteo favorevole

  21. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: Versöhnlicher Abschluss vor Porto Cervo

    Der Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup vor Porto Cervo bildete einmal mehr den Höhepunkt der Maxi-Saison, da zum ersten Mal die Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship ausgesegelt wurde. Dafür nahmen die Veranstalter des Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS) und der International Maxi Association (IMA) Meldungen von Yachten entgegen mit IRC-Ratings zwischen 1.700 ...

  22. Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup: trionfo di Leopard 3 nel primo Maxi 1 ...

    Vento tra i 16 e i 24 nodi, sole e tanto entusiasmo. La trentaquattresima Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup e il primo Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship, manifestazione organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda con il supporto del Title sponsor Rolex - con il quale ricorrono quest'anno i 40 anni di partnership - si è conclusa con successo nelle acque di Porto Cervo.

  23. Rolex and Yachting

    Yacht clubsVital to the future of sailing. Rolex is committed to continuously supporting the most dynamic yacht clubs, institutions essential to the evolution of sailing that help perpetuate and develop the discipline in equal measure. These clubs are a harmonious blend of tradition and progress, organizing regattas and offshore races of global ...

  24. Yekaterinburg

    Yekaterinburg [a] is a city and the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District, Russia.The city is located on the Iset River between the Volga-Ural region and Siberia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million residents, [14] up to 2.2 million residents in the urban agglomeration. Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, the largest city in the Ural ...

  25. Rolex Big Boat Series

    Last Call for 2024 Rolex Big Boat Series. Registration closes August 31. For sailors who've competed in Rolex Big Boat Series over its 60-year history, "It's the most fabulous event there is, period," according to Chris Perkins, who's raced it since the 1980s and is the 2024 Commodore of event host St. Francis Yacht Club. Read.

  26. 2023 Rolex Big Boat Series

    Yacht Scoring is a featured packed 100% web based regatta administration and scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing results in near-real time to competitors and the World following your event on the internet. ... 2023 Rolex Big Boat Series St ...

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  28. Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company

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