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Yachting Monthly Senior wooden sailing cruiser

by Keith Ashby (Holt North Norfolk UK)

Boat has stayed the same ever since

Boat has stayed the same ever since

yachting monthly senior for sale

Hello , is the YM Senior still available .

Regards , Stuart .

Dec 21, 2022

Hi Keith.
Is your YMS still for sale.

Sep 15, 2022

Just want to check if your ad on this website is still current

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yachting monthly senior for sale

I am perfectly aware that the majority of Wooden Boat aficionados are sensible folk. However, I need to point out that I am an amateur wooden boat enthusiast simply writing in order to try to help other amateur wooden boat enthusiasts. And while I take every care to ensure that the information in DIY Wood Boat.com is correct, anyone acting on the information on this website does so at their own risk.

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ym junior

The 13’6″ feet (4.12) meters, is a half deck centreboard dinghy.

She is designed to be sailed with the main sheet in hand and compared to many modern dinghies she comes over on the heavy side, having said that she is stable and predictable and a delight to take children out in to learn to sail she makes an excellent expedition dinghy with plenty of storage. she is able to stand up to hard weather and her construction makes her robust and easily repairable.

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ym senior scaled

Yachting Monthly senior 16 ft 0 inches (4.87 m )

Yachting Monthly Senior, is the larger sister to the Junior,She has a small cabin for two to allow overnighting yes snug but very cosey. This little craft will self right stand up to a blow and is a great little coastal hopper.

She can be built as a centre boarder or with ballast keel and bilge plates these little boats were pulled behind small family cars and made interesting coastal and estuary trips.

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YM Wild Duck

wild duck

Yachting Monthly Wild Duck

Wild Duck is a 19ft 0 inch (5.8 m ) proper ship , a ship that will stand up to real offshore passages a sweet lined powerful yacht. These little boats have made safe passages when bigger craft have hidden away in port a ship not a boat.

Simple construction  all parts can be laminated up using epoxy and ply by sheathing the hull a really strong little craft can be made giving good accommodation for two , three at a push.

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YM 3 Tonner


Yachting Monthly 3 Tonner

The 3 Tonner is a traditional yacht that can be built of strip planking on plywood frames and epoxy cloth sealed making a strong dry boat with sweet lines that would like right at place in any yachting centre.

She can have up to 4 berths but for me a simple 2 /3 berth layout with lots of space is the way I would go. a small yacht that deals with passagemaking like a big yacht.

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Bilge Keels Download


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue, lacus id finibus aliquet, diam erat fringilla quam, vestibulum eleifend nisl leo eget massa. Donec a vulputate nulla. Praesent interdum erat mollis est lacinia blandit. Nullam non nibh imperdiet, ornare diam id, posuere ante.

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YM E24 Early

Yachting Monthly Eventide 24 (early) (7.3 m)

This little craft was intended to be light enough to be towed by a 2 litre car easy enough to be built by anyone who could cut a straight line and drill a hole. There where many layouts put in by their owners but the best was a simple open plan with two berths  however the most popular was the 3 / 4 berth layout.

being simple to build and tough as old boots made the eventide a popular boat to build and own , many boats were built all over the world with sail number 8 bore bee being the most famous . this little craft was built in singapore and sailed to the uk when her owner got posted back to the uk . She went aground on a coral reef and the crew got over the side and pushed her off and she continued without damage. the more you loaded these little craft the harder they stood up to their canvas.

An easy boat to build with today’s epoxies everything can be laminated up and a cheap very seaworthy craft can be built.

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Keel Rudder Skeg Engine Inst Download

YM Eventide


YM E Study Sheet

The most up to date version of the eventide plans, shows modifications to the hull including a full length keel a longer coach roof and updated ballast keel.

These improvements including a better square rudder blade were produced as another design called athena, Maurice gave the Eventide owners association permission to modify there eventide plans to incorporate these improvements.

by extending the stations to give an overall length of 27 feet 3 inches you get a graceful curve and a very sea kindly hull.

These boats make great offshore passages in safety and great comfort, they can use cheap drying moorings and give good accomodation.

By the use of modern epoxy a hull can be built cheaply and quickly and hardwood can be laminated meaning costs can be reduced

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Mast Spars Fittings Download
General Arrgt Download
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YM Goosander


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A note from the designer.

Customers are essential, if it is a good design each customer will generate good customers. I do not believe in spending money just for show.

Note from Epoxy.ltd This was written in a mixture of languages but we have tried to get his meaning without changing it too much. we believe that he was saying, that Mouette is a simple but seaworthy design able to be built with limited tools and resources allowing the owner to go on cheap adventures safely

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YM Waterwitch


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Keel Bilge Keel and Construction Details Download
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Sail Plan Yawl Download
Sail Plan Sloop Download
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YM Senior Plans

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The YM Senior is a lovely little pocket cruiser design by the late Kenneth M. Gibbs. Ken Gibbs designed some lovely ply sailing boats many of which used to feature in the original Yachting Monthly magazine. I had much pleasure in sailing a Senior many years ago on the Thames. For her length, she seemed to accommodate a good sized cockpit and a useful cabin.

Life turns full circle and l have been asked to produce the hull construction details for a modern stitch and tape version. I did this for the Yachting World Heron to rekindle interest in the wood version and l am very happy to do the same for the Senior.

The details we have are for the hull construction only and for the bilge/ballast keel version and the builder would need to purchase a copy of the original plans (presently available on CD from the Eventide Owner’s Group (www.eventides.org.uk).

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The Senior is largely a blown-up version of the 13ft 6in half-decked Y M Junior, with only a few minor alterations necessary in a larger boat designed for a cabin with two sleeping berths. Construction with double chines, to avoid the constant-varying rabbet angles necessary with single chine, is intended for 3/8in mahogany marine plywood, as shown on the plans, or with aluminium alloy sheets substituted for the plywood if intended for the Tropics.

Each set of plans consists of seven sheets fully detailed for the amateur builder. On them is included a complete schedule of materials and fittings, so that a local timber merchant could, if need be, supply the timber already cut to size. In addition. Sheet 7 gives details for building a Mk II version, if desired, with a 160lb cast iron ballast keel and shaped bilge keels in place of the centre plate. Alternative Bermudian sloop and gunter rigs are included.

The Senior is a bonny little boat designed so that the beginner in boat building can build her. For a hull only 16ft long by 6ft beam there is a surprising amount of useful space inside her cabin. The cabin length from the stem is approximately 9 ft 6 in and under the hatch about 5 ft. Yet the cabin top and hatch do not look oversize: in fact. the little boat looks thoroughly well-proportioned.

With its pleasant little cabin and cooking locker, there is a large sliding hatch where one can stand up to dress. From the cabin sole or floor to the underside of the closed hatch measures 3ft 1O in, and sitting headroom over the berths gives 3ft 3in. The accommodation opens up unlimited cruising possibilities for two people.

Kenneth Gibbs made one additional design change at the request of Martin Lewis, for his boat.  The 'Extended Bilge keel Version'. This does not appear on the drawings.  It is easy to reproduce however.  The wooden bilge keels are replaced with  6 " deeper mild steel galvanised plates 3/8th inch or 10mm thick.  They are fitted  with a 4" flange on the top, shaped to the hull and through bolted with 3/8" galvanised coach bolts, to a timber backing plate or support, 6" wide and 1 & 1/2 " thick, spanning the cabin from mast to cockpit.  The main ballast keel is also dropped by 6" as is the rudder.

This enables the boat to point and sail better whilst still retaining the ability to dry out or be loaded easily into a trailer. draft increased by just 6".

Click the plans or images to enlarge

A CD containing all the plan sheets of this design saved as 'Pdf' files is  available 'At Cost' to enrolled members for £10.00 UK or £20.00 overseas.  Contact us for details of how to get them. 

We have also heard from André in Belgium of a clever modification he made to his shallow Bilge keel Senior, it is another option!  See a write up of his idea in the 11th Newsletter . 


  Click the logo to go to Selway-Fisher's website.  they are offering a proper conversion of the Senior to 'Stitch and Glue', as a result of conversations we and a prospective builder have had.

  The panel shapes etc are not given full size (too big for any paper) but full instructions are given to draw them directly onto the ply using computer faired dimensions. The plans come with details, notes etc. The stitch and tape version will be as strong as the original and lighter - slightly more useable cabin space due to less framing. The plans are recent and we have already sold several sets. The cost is now about £70 Sterling  UK including airmail postage. Paul Fisher SFDesign


yachting monthly senior for sale

These Cad 3D drawings have been put together by Lorenzo II, one of the members of the

Philippine Home Boatbuilders Yacht Club (PHBYC). They are hoping to make a fleet of them!


yachting monthly senior for sale

Louis Torres has sent these pictures in of the 10th scale model he has built as per Selway-Fishers stitch and glue instructions.  I think you will agree the cross bracing built into the design makes for a well shaped and stiff construction  


Selway Fisher offer a set of hull construction drawings,

fully converted and worked.  All other details are on our CD.

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Classic Wooden Boat And Trailer / Sailing Boat

yachting monthly senior for sale

For sale is my Yachting monthly "Senior" designed by kennith Gibbs.Including road trailer. Boat are in very good usable condition and ready to enjoy. ( the Land Rover and the outboard are not included in the sale.) The boat is 16 and a half feet long and sleeps two.it has a galvanised centreboard operated for a winch.It has 2 waterproof mattresses.It has a new set of sails! It comes with a boom tent and a full cover both in very good condition.Galvanised ancor. Manual bilge pump.Light board included.

The gaff rig is not included in the sale, only the bermudian and the alloy mast. A great little boat big enough to sleep on an and small enough to tow with a normal size car.I estimate the boat and the trailer together to weigh less than a ton. The boat is dry stored in Faversham Kent. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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  • Exploring the Hidden Treasures of Abandoned Boats in the UK

Have you ever dreamed of owning a boat but thought it was out of your budget? The idea of abandoned boats might be your ticket to setting sail . Abandoned boats, often overlooked and left to decay, present a unique opportunity for boat enthusiasts. This guide will navigate you through everything you need to know about finding, claiming, and restoring abandoned boats in the UK.

Understanding Abandoned Boats

Abandoned boats are vessels left unattended by their owners for extended periods, usually due to financial constraints, neglect, or the owner's inability to maintain them. These boats can be found in marinas, harbours, or even washed up on shores . They come in various conditions, from nearly intact to those needing extensive repairs.

Legal Aspects of Claiming Abandoned Boats

Before diving into the hunt for abandoned boats, it's crucial to understand the legalities involved. In the UK, maritime law governs the claiming of abandoned vessels. Generally, you must report the found boat to the local harbour authority . They will make efforts to contact the original owner. If the owner cannot be located, the boat may be deemed abandoned, and you could potentially claim ownership. It's advisable to consult legal experts to navigate this process smoothly.

Where to Find Abandoned Boats for Sale

Abandoned boats can be found in various locations across the UK. Some popular spots include:

  • Marinas and harbours : Check with local marina offices for any unclaimed boats.
  • Online platforms : Websites like eBay, Gumtree, and specialised boat auction sites often list abandoned boats .
  • Boat auctions : Attend local auctions where seized or abandoned boats are sold to the highest bidder.

Free Boats in the UK

Yes, you read that right! You can find boats for free in the UK. Some owners might be willing to give away their boats to avoid storage fees or disposal costs . Websites like Freecycle and local classifieds sometimes list boats that owners are willing to part with for free.

Pros and Cons of Buying Abandoned Boats

  • Cost-effective : Abandoned boats are typically sold at a fraction of their market value.
  • Opportunity for customisation : You can restore and customise the boat to your liking.
  • Hidden costs : Restoration can be expensive and time-consuming .
  • Legal hurdles : Navigating the legal process can be complex.
Read our top notch articles on topics such as sailing tips, lifestyle and destinations in our Magazine .

Check out our latest sailing content:

Abandoned Boat Chalet, Ghost Ship in Grand Lagoona, Koh Chang, Trat, Thailand

Inspecting and Restoring Abandoned Boats

Before purchasing an abandoned boat, thorough inspection is critical. Key areas to check include:

  • Hull condition : Look for cracks, holes, or structural damage.
  • Engine and mechanical parts : Ensure the engine and other mechanical parts are functional or repairable.
  • Interior and fittings : Check for water damage, mould, and the condition of the fittings.

Restoring an abandoned boat can be a rewarding project. Here are the steps to get started:

  • Assessment : Evaluate the boat's condition and what needs to be fixed.
  • Budgeting : Estimate the costs for repairs and restoration .
  • Sourcing parts : Find the necessary parts and materials.
  • Work plan : Create a detailed restoration plan and timeline.
  • Execution : Start with major repairs and gradually move to finer details.

Yachting Monthly Senior and Abandoned Yachts

The Yachting Monthly Senior is a popular model among enthusiasts. Known for its durability and classic design, this boat can be found at various auctions and online platforms. Keep an eye out for listings and be ready to act quickly, as these boats are in high demand .

Yachts, often more luxurious than regular boats, can also be found abandoned. These vessels, when restored, offer an unparalleled boating experience . Look for abandoned yachts in upscale marinas or through specialised auction houses.

Abandoned Ships for Sale

For those looking for a more significant challenge, abandoned ships are available for purchase. These vessels require substantial investment in time and resources but can be transformed into unique living spaces or businesses . Ensure you have the necessary permissions and resources before embarking on such a project.

Exploring abandoned boats for sale in the UK opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you're looking for a cost-effective way to own a boat or seeking a rewarding restoration project, the opportunities are plentiful. Remember to navigate the legal waters carefully, thoroughly inspect potential purchases, and enjoy the journey of bringing an abandoned boat back to life .

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our range of charter boats and head to some of our favourite  sailing destinations.

I am ready to help you with booking a boat for your dream vacation. Contact me.

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

yachting monthly senior for sale

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  1. Yachting Monthly Senior wooden sailing cruiser

    Yachting monthly senior wooden sailing cruiser lovingly cared for over 30 years plus - repainted each year. Age forces time to move on (88)! 16 foot cruiser with two bunks, bilge keels as kept in North Norfolk creeks every summer. Trailer for upkeep in winter. Two seagull engines included, marine ply.

  2. Eventide Owners Association YM Designs

    Yachting Monthly senior 16 ft 0 inches (4.87 m ) Yachting Monthly Senior, is the larger sister to the Junior,She has a small cabin for two to allow overnighting yes snug but very cosey. This little craft will self right stand up to a blow and is a great little coastal hopper.

  3. YM Senior Plans

    The YM Senior is a lovely little pocket cruiser design by the late Kenneth M. Gibbs. Ken Gibbs designed some lovely ply sailing boats many of which used to feature in the original Yachting Monthly magazine. I had much pleasure in sailing a Senior many years ago on the Thames. For her length, she seemed to accommodate a good sized cockpit and a ...

  4. YM Designs

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  5. Senior

    The Senior is largely a blown-up version of the 13ft 6in half-decked Y M Junior, with only a few minor alterations necessary in a larger boat designed for a ... Ken Gibbs designed some lovely ply sailing boats many of which used to feature in the original Yachting Monthly magazine. I had much pleasure in sailing a Senior many years ago on the ...

  6. Classic Wooden Boat And Trailer / Sailing Boat

    For sale is my Yachting monthly "Senior" designed by kennith Gibbs.Including road trailer. Boat are in very good usable condition and ready to enjoy. ( the Land Rover and the outboard are not included in the sale.) The boat is 16 and a half feet long and sleeps two.it has a galvanised centreboard operated for a winch.It has 2 waterproof mattresses.It has a new set of sails!

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    For sale Development Property, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk Oblast, novosibirsk city, lenina prospect. 33,000.00USD. For sale. Development Property. 557.42 m². My name is Michael can just Mike! ars;)) Ask info about similar real estates. REALIGRO FREE ADVERT.