Letho of Gulet

  • 2 Voice Lines
  • 3 Witcher links
  • 4 Patch changes

Ability [ ]

Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3.

Voice Lines [ ]

  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_1.ogg And I'll behave, I promise.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_2.ogg Goddamn fools.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_3.ogg I'm comin' for you.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_4.ogg Yeah. Improvise.

Witcher links [ ]

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Patch changes [ ]

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  • 3 Nilfgaard

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Mastering the Game with Letho of Gulet in Gwent

Gwent game screenshot with Letho's card and details

  • by Edwin K Brown
  • Posted on 2023-07-17

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, being an online digital collectible card game, has offered a remarkable range of characters, each with their unique abilities. A character from the Nilfgaardian faction that has created ripples in the gameplay is the infamous Letho of Gulet. Letho, a Witcher from the School of the Viper, is a powerful and tricky card that can bring significant changes to the gameplay when used correctly.

The Art of Letho of Gulet in Gwent

Letho is essentially an 8-point unit card that belongs to the Nilfgaardian Empire faction. He is a Gold card, which means that he cannot be targeted by many types of control cards. This Witcher is no ordinary card, as he comes with a unique ability:

  • Deploy: Banish a unit from your opponent’s graveyard;
  • Deathwish: If Letho is destroyed, he banishes a card from your graveyard.

With such unique abilities, Letho not only shakes the opponent’s graveyard but also challenges the player to plan strategically to maximize his use.

Letho in Gameplay: Tactics and Strategies

Gwent game screenshot featuring Letho in battle

Letho of Gulet’s strength lies in his ability to disrupt the opponent’s gameplay by banishing a card from their graveyard. This ability is particularly potent against decks that rely heavily on the graveyard for their strategies. Letho can single-handedly change the tide of the game by denying the opponent key cards they were planning to resurrect or reuse.

Here are some crucial strategic points to remember while playing with Letho of Gulet:

  • Timing is everything: Knowing when to play Letho can make all the difference. Optimal use often involves waiting until the opponent has played a card they would likely want to resurrect later;
  • Use with other cards: Some cards, such as ‘Assire var Anahid’, can return cards from the graveyard;
  • They can be used to return Letho to your deck, allowing you to use his powerful ability more than once;
  • Letho’s deathwish: Be cautious of Letho’s deathwish ability. If he’s destroyed, he will banish a card from your graveyard, which can disrupt your strategies if not planned accordingly.

Utilizing Letho of Gulet in Decks

Understanding the full potential of Letho requires a thorough knowledge of deck-building strategies. His abilities can greatly benefit decks focusing on graveyard disruption or removal. Here are some examples:

  • Nilfgaard Mill Decks: In these decks, Letho can provide additional milling, disrupting the opponent’s game plan;
  • Control Decks: Control decks that focus on denying the opponent’s resources can greatly benefit from Letho’s ability to remove key cards from the game permanently;
  • Decks with graveyard interactions: Decks that bring back cards from the graveyard can strategically use Letho’s deathwish to banish less useful cards, ensuring the availability of key cards for later rounds.

With his unique ability and game-changing potential, Letho of Gulet is indeed a game-changer in Gwent. As an integral part of a well-constructed deck, he can completely disrupt opponents’ strategies, providing a significant advantage for the player using him. However, it’s crucial to remember that like all powerful cards, Letho requires strategic planning and skillful use to fully exploit his potential. This Witcher from the School of the Viper undoubtedly brings an exciting and challenging aspect to the world of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game.

Letho of Gulet is a Legendary card, which makes it one of the most powerful and rare cards in the game.

Yes, Letho of Gulet can banish any unit card, regardless of its strength or abilities.

Upon destruction, Letho’s deathwish activates, and he banishes a card from your graveyard.

Yes, with careful play and the use of cards like ‘Assire var Anahid’, it is possible to use Letho’s ability more than once in a game.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, being an online digital collectible card game, has offered a remarkable range of characters, each with their unique abilities. A character from the Nilfgaardian faction that has created ripples in the gameplay is the infamous Letho of Gulet. Letho, a Witcher from the School of the Viper, is a powerful…

Understand and Strategize with the Avallac’h Card in Gwent

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Letho of Gulet , also known as The Kingslayer , was a witcher from the School of the Viper . His closest associates were Auckes and Serrit , also kingslayers and fellow witchers from the School of the Viper. Letho enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms ; to back his claim, the Viper showed Iorveth a head that belonged to Demavend III , the king of Aedirn , whom Letho had previously slain.

  • 1.1 Killing kings
  • 1.2 On the run
  • 2.1 Journal entry
  • 3.1 Hero Presentation
  • 3.3 Weapons
  • 4.1 Journal entry
  • 4.2 Associated quests
  • 9 References
  • 10 External links

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Biography [ ]

Letho's origins are unknown, or if he even hailed from Gulet . As a child, he ended up at the School of the Viper where he was trained and underwent the Trial of the Grasses and became a witcher. Here, he was educated in the school's repository knowledge of the Wild Hunt .

At some point after he'd become a witcher, the Viper School eventually fell into ruin when the Usurper demanded the school's submission to his rule and was refused. The Nilfgaardian Army then lay siege to and destroyed Gorthur Gvaed after a costly battle, and the remaining witchers were scattered about the Empire, became internal exiles forbidden from entering most cities, forcing Letho and his brothers to go into hiding. [1]

Letho once sought after the bounty of a wanted man named Louis in Aedirn. After struggling to find simple contracts, he decided to hunt Louis in exchange for coin. Letho easily tracked him down merrymaking at the Golden Hanged Man in Hagge and captured him. After bringing him to collect his payment he discovered that the Guard Post was closed until dawn. With a few hours to spare, the two conversed, becoming friends and Letho decided to set him free. [2]

In the forests of Angren on July 25, 1270 , Letho was near death after being struck by a slyzard 's tail but Geralt , a witcher from the School of the Wolf , found and saved him while chasing after the Wild Hunt to rescue Yennefer . As thanks for saving his life, Letho told Geralt where to find the Wild Hunt and, alongside his own companions, travelled with him to find the spectral riders. Eventually, the group caught up with the Wild Hunt on the Winter Solstice, by the Hanged Man's Tree in Nilfgaard. Despite their skill, the witchers couldn't defeat all the warriors and a stalemate ensued before Geralt offered himself in exchange for Yennefer.

Feeling it'd be disrespectful to Geralt to just leave the sorceress somewhere, Letho and the witchers took care of her. However, she was in pain, suffering from amnesia and caused an endless source of trouble for the group, which, in the Nilfgaardian Empire , meant she was liable to get caught and killed. While the group traveled constantly to try and avoid attention, they were eventually detained and thrown in jail. However, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis himself later approached Letho and offered him a deal he couldn't refuse: sow chaos in the North by killing some of its rulers, lay the blame on the Lodge of Sorceresses , and the School of the Viper would be restored.

Killing kings [ ]

King Esterad Thyssen of Kovir and Poviss was initially Letho's first target, but this never came to be as the kingslayers came into contact with Síle de Tansarville , who contracted Letho with assassinating King Demavend and helped to organize it. Thus, in 1271 , Letho snuck onboard Demavend's ship out on the Pontar and, using a Northern Wind -based capsule, froze most of the ship and nearly everyone on board except a handful that were protected by Abelard 's counter spell. However, this wasn't enough and all the guards fell to Letho's blade before he rounded on the king and killed him, then cut off his head for proof. Per de Tansarville's suggestion, Letho subsequently sought out Iorveth with the head in tow; yet, instead of merely using the Scoia'tael in order to lie low after the killing as Síle had envisaged, Letho also secured an alliance between the kingslayers and the Scoia'tael, whereby the latter would help Letho and his comrades to kill the kings of the North in whatever way they could.

Because of the kingslayers' first attempt on King Foltest's life having failed due to Geralt being there at the time of the attack and the would-be assassin 's death, Letho planned a second attempt on the Temerian monarch's life with Iorveth, while being out of Síle's or anyone else's reach. Aware of the imminent siege at La Valette Castle , Letho decided to pose as a monk guarding over the king's children - a disguise which he enacted by framing himself as a helpless monk being tortured and then killing the person who treated him to keep the secret. Foltest, after successfully taking over the castle, appeared with Geralt, now acting as a bodyguard, at which point the king asked for Geralt to give him and the children some space. With his back turned, Geralt heard the attack too late as Letho revealed himself just after he killed Foltest and fled out a window to escape with Scoia'tael assistance, leaving Geralt to be wrongly accused of regicide. Shortly after this assassination, Letho attempted to betray Iorveth by turning one of his lieutenants against him. However, the elf refused, so Letho killed his entire unit to cover his tracks and left Ciaran to be captured by Flotsam 's guards.

In an attempt to catch Letho, Geralt, who now knew that Letho had attempted to get rid of Iorveth, the elf to the kingslayer as a ruse to expose the latter's treachery. However, Iorveth and his Scoia'tael were attacked by the Blue Stripes , leaving Geralt and Letho to battle each other. Letho prevailed in the battle with Geralt, but once the Wolf was down, he spared him. Letho revealed that Geralt once saved his life and so they were now "even", before running off to kidnap Triss and force her to teleport them to Aedirn. He succeeded in capturing the sorceress, but fought and killed Cedric in the process as he tried to defend her.

After arriving in Vergen, Letho abandoned Triss and regrouped with Serrit and Auckes in their hideout. Knowing that the Scoia'tael in the area would soon become aware of his betrayal, Letho and his two comrades massacred them, leaving only one survivor . Upon hearing about the upcoming summit at Loc Muinne , Letho headed there, entrusting Serrit and Auckes with assassinating Henselt.

Knowing that Síle had become a liability for him, Letho sabotaged her megascope by replacing one of the crystals with a flawed one in order to dispose of her. Unless Geralt intervenes, Letho is successful and Síle explodes. Afterwards, the kingslayer waited in the center of the Temerian Quarter in Loc Muinne to talk with his former companion. Letho offered Geralt vodka, while explaining that he never had anything personal against him and proceeded to tell him about his deal with the emperor, the fate of Yennefer, and all that he knew about the Wild Hunt.

If Geralt fights Letho: the two fought one last time and Geralt ultimately defeated Letho, killing him.

If Geralt lets Letho go: Letho and Geralt parted ways, believing they'd never see each other again.

On the run [ ]

Note: if Letho was killed at the end of the second game, what follows below isn't applicable.

Having succeeded in tearing the North apart, Letho learned afterwards that it was all for naught, with Emperor Emhyr not only going back on his word to restore the School of the Viper but, as Letho was now a living witness to the emperor's plans, the witcher was a liability and assassins were sent after him. With a high price on his head and bounty hunters chasing him everywhere, Letho traveled around, not staying anywhere too long, before he dropped in at the abandoned Reardon Manor in Velen in 1272 . Coincidentally, Geralt was in the area as well on unrelated business.

If Geralt doesn't help him out: the two parted ways, with Letho heading off to take care of his business by himself.

If Geralt helps him out: Letho and Geralt talked for a bit, with Letho explaining his "on the run" situation before a group of scouts arrived, no doubt sent to see if Letho was there. After the two witchers killed them off, Letho asked his former friend for help in dealing with the bounty hunters and the two set out together to track down Louis , an acquaintance of Letho's and the only one who knew where the witcher was hiding, having recommended the manor to Letho. It turned out that Louis sold him out and, not one to forgive such actions, Letho left him to die. He then had Geralt follow him to Lindenvale and told Geralt that whatever happened next, to not interfere, before throwing a bomb at a nearby barn, causing it to explode and several armed bounty hunters to run out of a nearby hut. After a short conversation between Letho and the group's leader, Arnout Vester , one of the bounty hunters shot a crossbow at the witcher and he attacked, killing off six of them before falling over, seeming dead. Letho woke up sometime later, with Geralt waiting nearby, having sensed on closer inspection that Letho had used a substance to only make it appear that he died.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [ ]

Journal entry [ ].


The Witcher Battle Arena [ ]

TWBA hero letho

Letho of Gulet was one of the playable heroes in the now defunct MOBA and had a lot of interesting weapons, skills, and skins. He was a warrior class hero.

Hero Presentation [ ]


Weapons [ ]

The witcher 3: wild hunt [ ].

Tw3 journal letho

Associated quests [ ]

  • The Fall of the House of Reardon (proximity)
  • Ghosts of the Past
  • The Battle of Kaer Morhen (dependent)
  • Blood on the Battlefield (dependent)
  • Letho is derivred from Greek name λήθω meaning "hidden" or "forgotten". [4]
  • According to Arnout Vester, Letho's bounty is enough to buy an estate in Kovir .
  • In The Witcher 3 , Letho talks about heading to Zerrikania if not asked to go to Kaer Morhen, citing a possible reason that it's a matriarchy and he's always had a deep belief "that it's women who should rule the world." Whether this was in jest or what he really thinks, however, is uncertain.

Iorveth meets Kingslayer

Gallery [ ]


References [ ]

  • ↑ The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  • ↑ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • ↑ Letho of Gulet – hero presentation
  • ↑ https://www.behindthename.com/name/leto

External links [ ]

Gwent icon

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  • 2 Geralt of Rivia
  • 3 Wolf School Gear

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Letho of Gulet

Letho of Gulet 
column=4|row=0|resize=24|link=Nilfgaardian Empire|Nilfgaardian Empire}}

Toggle 2 units' on the row, then Drain all their power.

Patch History [ ]

  • Name changed from "Letho" to "Letho of Gulet".
  • Name changed from "Letho of Gulet" to current. Power reduced from 12 to 1. Can no longer be played on your side of the board. Replaced Double Agent tag with Agent tag. Ability changed from "If Spying, set own base Power to 1. Destroy Units adjacent to this one and boost self by their Power." to current.
  • Power increased from 9 to 12.
  • Power increased to 9 from 7. Added Double Agent tag. Ability changed to only affect adjacent units rather than 2 on each side, and to destroy rather than banish them.
  • Fixed an issue where Loyal/Disloyal units (like Letho or Succubus) could only be placed on the Melee row.
  • Power increased from 1 to 7. If spying, will now set his own base power to 1. Now boosts instead of strengthening.
  • Now banishes 2 units on each side rather than all units on the row.
  • Introduced.

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  • cloud_download ‣ And I'll behave, I promise.
  • cloud_download ‣ Goddamn fools.
  • cloud_download ‣ Yeah. Improvise.

letho of gulet gwent

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Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

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Letho of Gulet 

Close combat
Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.

Gallery [ | ]

in-game card

in-game card

Letho of Gulet: A Deep Dive into the Cunning Viper Witcher

letho in witcher 2 and 3

Unlike most of the characters in the Witcher universe, Letho of Gulet only appears in the Witcher games. A witcher from the School of the Viper, he’s the main antagonist of Witcher 2 and a minor character in Witcher 3. Letho is an underrated character liked by many for his complex motivations, formidable skills, and unique look.

In this article, we’ll delve deep into the complex character of Letho, exploring his rich lore and multifaceted significance as the Kingslayer. Tracing Letho’s journey through the Witcher games, we will unravel his motivations, alliances, and the intricate web of events that tie him to Geralt of Rivia.

Disclaimer : as always, be wary that there are spoilers ahead.

Table of Contents

Who is Letho of Gulet?

Letho in witcher 2, letho in witcher 3, why we want to see more of letho.

Letho: I have to kill you. Geralt: Try it. But I’m no king. Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Letho is a Witcher from the School of the Viper that only appears in the Witcher games. Despite his muscular appearance, Letho is highly cunning and intelligent. Like many Witchers, he was taken as a child, learned the art of monster slaying, and survived the Trial of the Grasses.

He is known as Letho of Gulet, with Gulet being the name of a town near Vengenberg in Aedirn, one of the Northern Kingdoms . So the assumption is that he’s from there, even though it’s never confirmed.

Letho is considered one of the most powerful Witchers in the games and one of the rare few to have defeated Geralt. From childhood until his training as a monster slayer, Letho resided in Gorthur Gvaed , a keep similar to Kaer Morhen. The place housed the School of the Viper and its disciples. When the Usurper ruled Nilfgaard, he demanded that the Witchers of Gorthur Gvaed bend to his will.

The Witchers refused, and the Nilfgaardian Army seized the keep, forcing the remaining few survivors from the School of the Viper to hide. Letho and two fellow Vipers, Serrit and Auckes, were among them.

A Witcher’s Debt

In the year 1270, in a forest in Angren, Letho was facing a Slyzard when the monster hit him with its tail, poisoning the Witcher. Letho was on the brink of death when Geralt appeared, saving his fellow Witcher and earning Letho’s favor in return. At the time, Geralt was chasing the Wild Hunt for the whereabouts of Yennefer. Letho, Serrit, and Auckes share the Wild Hunt’s location and ride with Geralt to face the wraiths.

letho of gulet gwent

The party finds the Wild Hunt in Nilfgaard, at the Hanged Man’s Tree. The Witchers stand their ground against the Wild Hunt but reach a stalemate. Finally, Geralt offers a trade, himself for Yennefer, and the Wild Hunt leader, Eredin , accepts.

Determined to repay his debt to Geralt, Letho takes Yennefer under his care. The sorceress, however, is bewildered, amnesic, and causing all sorts of problems for the Vipers. Her lack of discretion attracts the Nilfgardiaan secret police, and Letho’s group is caught and thrown into jail. However, Emhyr van Emreis makes an irresistible offer to Letho: kill Northern kings, and he will restore the Viper School. Letho accepts, setting up the events of the second Witcher game.

Kill as many rulers as we could. Lay the blame on the sorceresses. Breed chaos. Prepare the North, soften it before the invasion. And you know what’s incredible? We could not have imagined more fertile soil. No matter what the war’s outcome, the Northern Monarchs’ll accuse one another, pursue their god-given rights and be at each other’s throats for years to come. Letho, Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Letho is the central antagonist in Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. The game’s spectacular opening cinematic shows a ship under attack by the burly assassin. The Witcher freezes most of the crew with a Northen Wind bomb and takes advantage of the racket to behead King Demavend III of Aedirn, his first target.

Originally Letho was supposed to kill King Esterad Thyssen of Poviss and Kovir. But after a serendipitous encounter with Síle de Tansarville , one of the founding members of the Lodge of Sorceresses, he decided to alter his plans.

Using the sorceress as a smokescreen to hide his actual employer and motives, Letho agrees to her request to assassinate King Demavend III of Aedirn.

As Letho himself claims: “Initially, she watched my every move. But sooner or later, everyone starts treating me like a big oaf. I mean, I can’t change how I look.” This allowed Letho to continue with his deception.

After killing Demavend, Letho claims he’s trying to hide from the Aedirnian manhunt, and Síle points him to Iorveth , a leader of the Scoia’tael. With the head of the king as a trophy, Letho introduces himself to Iorveth and discloses his king-slaying mission. They form a temporary alliance.

Second Encounter with Geralt

The Kingslayer’s next target was King Foltest of Temeria. However, the monarch had hired Geralt as his bodyguard, who opposed Letho’s first attempt. Aware that Temeria would suffer a siege, Letho infiltrated the castle as a wounded monk and operated in the commotion to assassinate Foltest.

Geralt heard the king and ran to his chambers, only to find the ruler already dead. The White Wolf chases after Letho, and since he’s still suffering from amnesia after the Wild Hunt, he fails to recognize the old acquaintance. Letho manages to escape from Geralt with the help of the Scoia’tael. When the guards find the king, Geralt is the only one in his chambers, becoming the primary suspect and earning himself a prison cell.

After murdering Foltest, Letho tries to convince Ciaran aep Easnillen, one of Iorveth’s lieutenants, to betray his leader. The elf refuses, and Letho kills his entire squadron to hide his traces, leaving Ciaran to be captured by guards from Flotsam. Letho alleges that he betrayed Ioverth because the elf was hard to manipulate, dangerous, and would eventually be able to see through his true intentions.

In the meantime, Geralt is pursuing Letho to clear his name. The White Wolf asks Iorveth for assistance because Letho tried to betray the elf. The Scoia’tael help Geralt, but when they find Letho, the Blue Stripes attack Iorveth. The next scene portrays Letho vs. Geralt, and the Kingslayer overpowers the White Wolf.

letho of gulet gwent

Letho spares Geralt, paying him back for the time he saved his life. This fight is significant as one of the only times Geralt is defeated and has led many players to speculate whether Letho is stronger than Geralt.

If we’re talking about pure physical strength, the answer is likely yes, given Letho’s bulky, muscular frame. However, Geralt is likely faster and a better swordsman. Another key factor is that Geralt isn’t well-prepared for the fight and still suffers from amnesia, which means he hasn’t fully regained his skills.

In any case, Letho kidnaps Triss and forces the sorceress to teleport them to Aedirn. Once they arrive in Vergen, Letho lets go of Triss and rendezvous with his fellow Vipers Witchers, Serrit and Auckes, in a hideout.

As his attempt to overpower Iorveth fails, Letho assumes that the Scoia’tael know his treachery. In a preemptive attack, the Viper Witchers massacre the elves under Iorveth.

Letho then charges his fellow Viper school Witchers Serrit and Auckes with assassinating King Henselt of Kaedwen. Meanwhile, he attends the Summit at Loc Muinne , a diplomatic gathering of politicians, sorceresses, and other influential individuals from the Northern Kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire.

Saving Triss or Not: Letho Consequences

  • If Geralt decides to rescue Triss at Loc Muinne, Letho doesn’t appear during the A Summit of the Mages cutscene.
  • If Geralt doesn’t rescue Triss and helps Roche save Anais, Letho saves the sorceress but is captured by guards. During the Summit of Mages, Letho was present but restrained and snitched on the Lodge of Sorceresses. He claimed that they had conspired with him to assassinate the kings. When the dragon Saesenthessis attacks, Letho manages to escape.

Letho knew Síle would throw him to the wolves, so he sabotages her megascope, turning it into a deadly trap. The player can save Síle or let her die due to Letho’s trickery.

Finally, Letho visits the Temerian Quarter and has a possible final encounter with Geralt, depending on the player’s decisions.

After chugging some vodka and chit-chatting, Geralt regains the rest of his memories. Finally, Letho lays all his cards on the table, divulging his days of caring for Yennefer, his capture by the Imperial secret police, and the mission assigned to him by the Nilfgaardian Emperor.

letho of gulet gwent

Spare or Kill Letho

To conclude the dialog, the player must choose to confront Letho or let him go:

  • If the player decides to fight Letho, you will ultimately kill him.
  • If the player decides to spare Letho, he leaves, and the game ends.

Should you kill Letho in Witcher 2? While the decision is yours, we prefer to keep him alive. This allows you to meet Letho again in Witcher 3 if you start the game by importing your Witcher 2 save or simulate a save and say that you spared him. We also like his character because he fought to protect his school and helped Geralt, Yennefer, and Triss, showing that he does adhere to some code of honor.

Letho has a minor role in Witcher 3, but will only appear based on your choices. If you load a save from Witcher 2 where you killed Letho, the man will not appear.

If you choose to simulate a Witcher 2 save, you will be asked several questions at the start of the game. The most important one is whether you killed or spared Letho. You can only do Letho’s sidequest if you spare him, which is our suggestion.

We don’t recommend skipping the save simulation, as the game will automatically make some decisions, including assuming that you killed Letho.

In case Letho does not appear in Witcher 3, albeit with the right choices, you may have to restart the game.

letho of gulet gwent

Letho Witcher 3 Quest: Ghosts of the Past

The most natural way to find Letho is during the sidequest The Fall of the House of Reardon, which takes you to a monster-infested manor. However, you can also stumble upon the location without taking the side quest . Letho’s location in Witcher 3 is in Reardon Manor in central Velen, to the north of the Orphans of Crookback Bog travel post.

Geralt notices that the environment is infested with traps and triggers the sidequest Ghosts of the Past. Geralt encounters Letho on a barn’s second floor, where the latter has already dealt with the monsters.

During their conversation, Letho informs Geralt that after escaping from Loc Muinne, Emhyr betrayed him and sent assassins and mercenaries after Letho. After dispatching some of the said mercenaries with the player’s help, Letho says he will hunt for Louis, who disclosed his location. The game will prompt the player with two choices:

  • Love to see that: this one allows us to continue Letho’s sidequest, which we recommend.
  • Good luck : you bid farewell to the Viper, and he’s never seen again. You can’t retake the sidequest if you pick this one.

Geralt follows Letho to Louis, who leads them to a bounty hunter called Vester. Next, Letho asks to go alone into the barn where Vester is and orders Geralt not to interfere. Letho attracts Vester and his pals but ends up losing the fight. Geralt runs towards him, and two more choices pop up:

  • You’re good as dead: you fight the remaining survivors and kill them, but Letho isn’t too happy about it.
  • Don’t want trouble: Geralt doesn’t fight the men but persuades them to take Letho’s medallion to prove his death rather than the head. That’s the best, narratively speaking, choice.

Both alternatives lead to the same outcome. Geralt notices that Letho isn’t dead but forged his death with Zanguebarian venom. However, he needed witnesses to back up his end and finally be rid of his pursuers. If Geralt kills everyone, Letho’s plan goes down in shambles. Still, this doesn’t make a difference, as you will still have two additional options:

  • You could go to Kaer Morhen: Geralt invites Letho to the fortress. At first, the Viper is hesitant, but he accepts. Later on, he helps fight the Wild Hunt in the invasion.
  • You’ll find a place to hide: and so Letho does. He goes away, never to be seen again.

If Letho goes to Kaer Morhen, there will be a few different dialogues just before the battle against the Wild Hunt. Most Witchers are unhappy with your decision to bring Letho there but brush it aside.

letho of gulet gwent

Like many Witcher fans, we appreciate Letho for his depth and complexity. For one, he’s a formidable opponent to Geralt. However, not only his prowess in combat draws players in, but also his captivating backstory and conflicted motivations.

Letho’s loyalty to his fellow witchers and his desire to restore the Viper School gives him a sympathetic angle that encourages players to view him as more than a simple villain.

Throughout the game, Letho challenges Geralt’s perceptions and forces players to confront moral ambiguities. This blend of intrigue, complexity, and combat skill makes Letho an unforgettable character that continues to captivate Witcher fans. We sincerely hope CDPR brings him back somehow, ideally with a game from his perspective.

Who is Eredin? Wild Hunt’s Leader Explained

Letho doesn’t appear in the Witcher books or Netflix show. That’s high praise for the writers at CD Projekt Red, as they managed to create an entirely new character beloved by many. Many players have expressed interest in playing a Witcher game from Letho’s perspective or at least having him appear in future games.

If you want Letho to help during the Battle of Kaer Morhen, you must complete his side quest “Ghosts of the Past” and invite him to the keep.

Letho, the Kingslayer, kills kings as part of his deal with Emhyr var Emreis, the Emperor of Nilfgaard. In return for his services, Emhyr promises to rebuild the School of the Viper, where Letho trained as a witcher. Letho’s primary goal is to secure a future for his fellow Viper witchers by restoring their school.

A fan theory suggests Letho’s muscular build might be due to a genetic mutation affecting myostatin, a protein that inhibits muscle growth. The witcher mutations could have impacted his myostatin levels, causing increased muscle mass. However, this is purely speculative without evidence from the Witcher games or their creators.

Not everyone hates Letho, although some characters, including Eskel and Lambert , have fair reasons to dislike him, like his manipulative actions, role in destabilizing the North and helping Nilfgaard, and regicide.

Letho’s moral alignment is not clear-cut. As a complex character, he can be seen as both a villain and an anti-hero. For example, even though he kills kings and inadvertently frames Geralt, he also has a noble goal (restoring his Witcher school) and helps Geralt and other characters. Players’ opinions on Letho may also vary based on their in-game choices and interpretations of his motivations.

Murillo Zerbinatto

Murillo loves three things: RPG games, fantasy books, and Henry Cavill. So it doesn’t come as a surprise why he immersed himself in the Witcher universe. After bulldozing the novels and getting a platinum trophy in the Witcher 3, he eagerly awaits the next game installment to further expand the saga.

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letho of gulet gwent

The best Witcher 3 Gwent Cards, Hero Cards and where to find them

If you're going to play Gwent here's where to get the best cards

Witcher 3 Best Gwent Cards hero cards

The best Witcher 3 Gwent cards and hero cards give you a huge advantange in the in-game game. And knowing where to find them and get them all is a big deal if you're trying to play some pro level Gwent. There are over 100 unique cards to collect and you'll need some top level options if you enter the tougher Gwent matches in The Witcher 3 . Hero Cards, on the other hand, give you unique abilities that turn a game around with a single card.

Basically if you're playing Gwent in The Witcher 3 then you need to find these cards and this guide will help you. Not only will it point you to where you can you find the best cards, but it will also outline Hero Cards, what they do and what are worth having in your deck.

Why The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards are so Strong 

witcher 3 hero cards

The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards are one-of-a-kind cards that have special abilities that can offer a large amount of strength, and aren't affected by any Special Cards, Weather Cards, or abilities. So if your opponent plays a Weather Card, the strength of your Hero Cards on the battlefield won't be lowered. There's a flip side to this though where if you use a Commander’s Horn to boost the strength of your units, any of your Hero Cards on the battlefield will not have their strength doubled.

It merans it's important to use them wisely, such as when you think your opponent may use one of their Special Cards, and not just playing a Hero Card as soon as you draw it. Similarly, you want to make good use of any of the abilities on your cards. For example, Ermion’s special ability “triggers the transformation of all Berserker Cards on the same row.” So, it wouldn’t be much use to play Ermion when you don’t have any Berserker Cards or if your Berserker Cards are split across multiple rows.

These cards can vastly change how a round plays out. They can force your opponent to skip, allow you to claw your way back from a bad first round, or lull your opponent into a false sense of security, surprising them with a powerful card at the end of a round.

Where to find Witcher 3 Hero Cards and the abilities they have

Where to find Witcher 3 Hero Cards

The Witcher 3 has a total of 25 Hero Cards for you to find by completing quests, playing Gwent with Merchants, and exploring buildings. Below are all 25 Hero Cards (and 1 regular card), the abilities they possess, and where you can find them.

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row : Close Combat
  • Strength : 15
  • Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from the Scoia’tael merchant during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad

letho of gulet gwent

  • Strength : 10
  • Found : Won from Crach an Craite during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.


letho of gulet gwent

  • Row: Ranged Combat
  • Strength: 10
  • Found : Won from Zoltan during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Esterad Thyssen

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Won from Sigismund Dijkstra during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad.

Geralt of Rivia

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found: Won from Thaler during the ‘Gwent: Playing Thaler’ Quest in Novigrad.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Random reward from Gwent players across the game’s regions.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row : Ranged Combat
  • Found : Rewarded upon completing the ‘Shock Therapy’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Isengrim Faoiltiarna

letho of gulet gwent

  • Ability : Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units on the row (excluding itself). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Can be found on one of the Bandits in Zed’s house during the ‘A Dangerous Game’ Quest in Novigrad.

John Natalis 

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row: Close Combat
  • Found : Obtained from Earl during the ‘A Dangerous Game’ Quest in Novigrad.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row : Ranged/Close Combat
  • Strength : 8
  • Ability : Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or Ranged Combat rows. Morale Boost: Adds +1 to all units on the same row (excluding itself). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Won from Ermion during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Letho of Gulet

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Won from the Oreton Boatwright during the ‘Gwent: Velen Players’ Quest in Velen.

Menno Coehoorn

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row : Close Combat 
  • Ability : Medic - Allows you to choose one card from your discard pile to play instantly (excluding Hero and Special Cards). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads location in Velen during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.

Morvran Voorhis

letho of gulet gwent

  • Row : Siege Combat
  • Found : Won from Marquise Serenity during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad.

Mysterious Elf

letho of gulet gwent

  • Strength : 0
  • Ability : Spy -  Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards your opponent’s total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from Gremist during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Philippa Eilhart

letho of gulet gwent


letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Won from Vernon Roche during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Tibor Eggebracht

letho of gulet gwent

  • Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or Abilities
  • Found : Won from Oliver at The Kingfisher location in Novigrad during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.

Triss Merigold

letho of gulet gwent

  • Strength : 7
  • Found : Won from Lambert during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Vernon Roche

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Won from Haddy during the ‘Gwent: Velen Players’ Quest in Velen.

Yennefer of Vengerberg

letho of gulet gwent

  • Ability : Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (No Hero or Special Cards). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from Stjepan at The Alchemy location in Oxenfurt during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.


letho of gulet gwent

  • Ability : Summon Shield Maidens - Summons all available Shield Maidens to the battlefield. Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. 
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep at The Barrel and Bung Inn in the village of Flovive during the Blood and Wine expansion.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Ability : Mardroeme - Triggers the transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. 
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep in the village of Francollarts during the Blood and Wine expansion.

Kambi (Regular Card)

letho of gulet gwent

  • Ability : When Kambi is removed from the battlefield, it will summon the powerful Hemdall Hero Card.
  • Found : Won from the Armorer in the city of Beauclair during the Blood and Wine expansion.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Strength : 11
  • Found : Will spawn on the battlefield once the Blood and Wine expansion card Kambi is removed from the battlefield.

letho of gulet gwent

  • Found : Included in the starting deck from Count Monnier during the Blood and Wine expansion.

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letho of gulet gwent


  1. Letho of Gulet

    letho of gulet gwent

  2. What is your opinion on Letho of Gulet and the Viper School? It feels like everyone hates him

    letho of gulet gwent

  3. Letho of Gulet (Gwent Card)

    letho of gulet gwent

  4. ArtStation

    letho of gulet gwent

  5. Letho of Gulet: A Deep Dive into the Cunning Viper Witcher

    letho of gulet gwent

  6. Letho of Gulet

    letho of gulet gwent


  1. Now that's how you introduce a villain!

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  3. the Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings "Letho of Gulet"

  4. Geralt of Rivia vs Letho of Gulet

  5. Letho wykiwał plugawego nieludzia Iorwetha

  6. Gwent


  1. Letho of Gulet

    Gwent Update: Oct 31, 2017: Letho of Gulet Power changed from 9 to 12. Gwent Update: Aug 29, 2017: Letho of Gulet Power changed from 7 to 9. Will now Destroy (previously Banished) adjacent Units (previously 2 Units on each side). Added Double Agent Tag. Gwent Update: June 20, 2017: Fixed the issue whereby Disloyal Agile Units (e.g. Letho of ...

  2. Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

    Sci-fi. The Witcher. Letho of Gulet is a close combat gwent hero card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and part of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck. Letho of Gulet See the GWENT standalone game version card: Letho of Gulet.

  3. Letho of Gulet in Gwent: Strategy, Usage, and Mastery

    The Art of Letho of Gulet in Gwent. Letho is essentially an 8-point unit card that belongs to the Nilfgaardian Empire faction. He is a Gold card, which means that he cannot be targeted by many types of control cards. This Witcher is no ordinary card, as he comes with a unique ability: Deploy: Banish a unit from your opponent's graveyard;

  4. Letho

    Letho of Gulet, also known as The Kingslayer, was a witcher from the School of the Viper. His closest associates were Auckes and Serrit, also kingslayers and fellow witchers from the School of the Viper. Letho enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to aid him in his plan to kill the kings of the Northern Kingdoms; to back his claim, the Viper showed Iorveth a head that belonged to ...

  5. Letho of Gulet

    Name changed from "Letho" to "Letho of Gulet". Version 0.9.18 : Name changed from "Letho of Gulet" to current. Power reduced from 12 to 1. Can no longer be played on your side of the board. Replaced Double Agent tag with Agent tag. Ability changed from "If Spying, set own base Power to 1. Destroy Units adjacent to this one and boost self by ...

  6. Letho of Gulet

    Letho of Gulet is a Hero Card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's Gwent minigame. | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate source for all games! Get expert guides, ...

  7. Letho of Gulet

    Letho of Gulet - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. How about a round of GWENT? PLAY FREE ON PC. This game offers in-game purchases. Play also on: Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3.

  8. Letho of Gulet (Gwent Card)

    Letho of Gulet is a Gwent Card in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. "Witchers never die in their beds." Card Information. Card Type: Close Combat; Faction: Nilfgaardian Empire; Card Strength: 10; Special Ability: Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Location

  9. Letho of Gulet

    Letho is one of the most popular Witchers, so let's dive a bit into his lore and background story and let's see how he works in Gwent!Subscribe and join the ...

  10. Letho of Gulet

    Witcher. Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3. Deploy: Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, Lock all copies of that unit on your opponent's side instead. Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2.

  11. The Witcher 3: Winning the Letho of Gulet Gwent Card

    The Witcher 3: Winning the Letho of Gulet Gwent Card Buy the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / Support CD Projekt Red: http://buy.thewitcher.com/ Follow me on:Twitte...

  12. How to use Letho of Gulet? : r/gwent

    Reply. [deleted] • 6 yr. ago. He has some cheesy af uses like Schackles -> Claveit or Bekkers but tbh the best use of letho is to counter your opponents play. Against SK eat axemens, queengards, Olgierd/Morkvarg, Skirmishers; NG: cow caracass, fake ciri or spies. Monsters: foglets, their consume targets, play him to get your board strenght to ...

  13. Letho of Gullet : r/gwent

    Letho of Gullet. I think Letho, which is rarity is legendary, is very weak card because he can be very effective only in limited situations. The opponents must buff his non-golden units which is kinda of rare on ranked playlist, or he will become so useless that any Gold card is stronger than him. Plus you will definitely have card disadvantage ...

  14. Collect them all

    Collect them all - Letho of Gulet. I am attempting to collect all of the Gwent cards for the achievement--the book says I am missing 3 cards in Velen, and 1 in Skellige, with 0 cards left to be obtained by random players. Looking at my deck, one card I appear to be missing Letho of Gulet. In my completed quests, I have "win a card from ...

  15. Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

    in: Nilfgaardian Empire gwent deck cards, The Witcher 3 gwent. English. Letho of Gulet (gwent card) Letho of Gulet. "Witchers never die in their beds." Description. Deck. Nilfgaardian Empire Gwent deck. Type.

  16. Letho of Gulet: A Deep Dive into the Cunning Viper Witcher

    Letho is a Witcher from the School of the Viper that only appears in the Witcher games. Despite his muscular appearance, Letho is highly cunning and intelligent. Like many Witchers, he was taken as a child, learned the art of monster slaying, and survived the Trial of the Grasses. He is known as Letho of Gulet, with Gulet being the name of a ...


    LETHO OF GULET. Disable the leader ability of your opponent. If their leader ability was already used, play this card on your side of the board and give it +5 strength. 183 [Hide buttons] ... Developed by CD PROJEKT S.A. GWENT game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their ...

  18. [Daily} Gwent Card Discussion #46

    Posted by u/Phant0mThiefB - 38 votes and 36 comments

  19. Letho Of Gulet

    Animated card from Gwent: the Witcher Card GameClean version without any icons, rarity indicators, or numbersUpscaled using Video2x in order to remedy Youtub...

  20. Ghosts of the Past

    Ghosts of the Past is a Side Quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In this quest, Geralt encounters the former Witcher Letho . In order to complete this quest, you must have spared Letho during The ...

  21. The best Witcher 3 Gwent Cards, Hero Cards and where to find them

    The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards have special abilities that can offer a large amount of strength, and aren't affected by any Special Cards, Weather Cards, or abilities. ... Letho of Gulet (Image ...

  22. Does Letho of Gulet have any good use in a Nilfgaard deck?

    Letho's main advantage is a wider range of removal options to deal with him as a disloyal. Menno is the most obvious, but he is also vulnerable to Mardrome and Peter - both of these will destroy him since his reset value is 1. His disadvantages are numerous. As a gold, he's a one play card.


    In this video i look into Letho of Gulet tragic role in the Witcher universe and how his actions affected the whole continent.00:00 INTRO.02:28 ORIGINS OF TH...