Guide to Club Level or Concierge Lounges at Disney World

yacht club club level breakfast

Is Club Level at Walt Disney World worth the money? This guide answers that, with reviews of the best concierge lounges in hotels, VIP services, pros & cons, and more. We also have an update on Club Level, and what the experience is like now. ( Updated December 28, 2023 .)

Without question, the biggest benefit of Club Level at Walt Disney World is the lounges. We used to have mixed thoughts on these, but have endeavored to stay at every Club Level resort as our recent experiences have been much more favorable. It seems Disney is stepping up its game to better compete with real world luxury hotels. Here are our Club Level Lounge reviews thus far–click each to see lounge & food photos, plus full commentary about each:

  • Atrium Club Level in Disney’s Contemporary Resort
  • Chronos Club Level in Gran Destino Tower at Coronado Springs Resort
  • Kilimanjaro Club Level in Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge
  • King Kamehameha Club Level in Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort
  • Old Faithful Club Level in Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
  • Stone Harbor Club Level in Disney’s Beach Club Resort

These Club Level Lounges each serve coffee, continental breakfast, light afternoon snacks, hors d’oeuvres at dinner time, and dessert & cordials late at night. In our opinion, the lounge is the main reason to book a Club Level resort stay at Walt Disney World, with the food quality and lounge atmosphere being the most important factors to consider. We cover these things in meticulous detail in each of our reviews.

In terms of basics, all Deluxe Resorts at Walt Disney World have at least one Club Level offering. Disney’s Contemporary Resort has 2, but they’re essentially (in our view) interchangeable. Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort also used to have two, but that’s no longer the case. It remains to be seen whether that changes again in 2024 once the resort reimagining is finished. We suspect not.

Disney Villa Resorts, more colloquially known as Disney Vacation Club Resorts, do not have Club Levels. However, most Deluxe Villas are also Deluxe Resorts–examples of this would be the Boulder Ridge Villas or Copper Creek Villas (Deluxe Villas, as the names suggest) at Wilderness Lodge (Deluxe Resort). The only exceptions to this are Disney’s Riviera Resort, Saratoga Springs, and Old Key West.

Finally, none of the Value Resorts have Club Level; only one of the Moderate Resorts have a Club Level, Gran Destino Tower at Coronado Springs Resort. Because it’s at a Moderate Resort, Chronos Club at Gran Destino is the cheapest Club Level offering at Walt Disney World.

Confused yet? All you really need to know is that in addition to the above list of Club Levels, there’s also the following that we have not yet reviewed:

  • Innkeeper’s Club at Disney’s BoardWalk Inn
  • Tower Club at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
  • Royal Palm Club at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort
  • Regatta Club at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort

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One of the first things to understand about Club Level at Walt Disney World is that it’s not the same as concierge or executive levels at upper echelon chained-brand hotels. If you’re accustomed to the treatment you receive at Park Hyatt, Conrad, Four Seasons, or other real-world luxury hotels that are comparably priced to Disney Deluxes, you’re in for disappointment.

Those brands are renowned for unparalleled attention to detail, guest service, anticipating needs, and going above and beyond to deliver a superlative stay. They’ll book difficult dining reservations, assist with planning, and help make the experience memorable and stress-free. There are myriad ways this is accomplished at real-world hotels, but the salient point is that if you’re expecting Four Seasons or Park Hyatt concierge quality from Disney… don’t .

You really need to use a third-party Authorized Disney Vacation Planner for that type of service and even then, it’s not the same since they’re third party intermediaries. Here’s the Authorized Disney Vacation Planner that we recommend!

yacht club club level breakfast

For Club Level stays at Walt Disney World, you will  usually  receive an email from Concierge Resort Cast Members prior to your trip to introduce themselves and assist with an itinerary. Whether you actually receive this correspondence is hit or miss, and it’s often sent out after dining and other reservation windows have already opened–and the most coveted options are booked up.

If you want or need this type of concierge planning assistance, relying upon the Concierge Resort Cast Members at Walt Disney World would not be our recommended course of action. At best, they’re going to spend a couple of hours providing boilerplate advice and perhaps reserve you whatever’s readily available in terms of ADRs at their convenience. They can also help a bit upon arrival at the in-person desk, but by then, it’s usually too late. (These Cast Members do not  have priority access to dining reservations or anything else.)

In short, Club Level is not about superlative service or planning prowess at Walt Disney World. To be sure, there are great, long-tenured Cast Members working at the Club Level Lounges. We’ve generally found them to be personable; if you’re looking for friendly faces to greet you in the Club Level Lounges, they are perfect.

yacht club club level breakfast

The lounges are really where Club Level shines at Walt Disney World, and are the primary selling point of booking Club Level. You’ll get the most bang for your buck out of the stay if you make a point of eating multiple meals per day in the lounge. Most people will take advantage of continental breakfast, but not lunch, dinner, or late night desserts.

Breakfast is almost exclusively cold items, plus oatmeal and maybe one other hot dish. If you’re lucky, you’ll find some nice meats and cheeses that can be made into a sandwich for something substantive. Maybe an exclusive/unique item or two. It’s enough to fill you up and get you through until lunch, but it’s not exactly a luxurious spread.

The light afternoon snacks are exactly that–usually chips, hummus and pita, a variety of vegetables, and various other random things. This definitely should not be considered lunch, as there’s almost no way to make a meal of this service at any of the Club Level Lounges at Walt Disney World.

yacht club club level breakfast

As a general rule, the evening hors d’oeuvres are the best offering, with numerous small plate dishes that are typically prepared by chefs from Signature Restaurants (Disney’s term for fine dining) located at the resort. These tend to be very good to great, and despite being ‘small plates’ and Disney deliberately avoiding the term dinner to describe this service, you could easily make a meal of them.

The quality of this service varies from resort to resort, but across the board, we think it has improved in the last couple of years. In fact, elevated hors d’oeuvres quality is one of the big reasons we’ve started revisiting all of the Club Level Lounges. If you can take advantage of breakfast (which should be a given) and dinner plus dessert service most nights of your stay, Club Level can be much easier to justify from a value for money perspective.

In addition to access to the Club Lounge, guests staying at each Club Level have access to the Concierge Resort Cast Members between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. These Cast Members are found at desks outside of the lounge or nearby, and can assist with tickets, dining, recreation, transportation, child care, and daily itinerary planning.

These Cast Members cannot get you into restaurants that are fully booked, or score Lightning Lane access for attractions that have run out of their daily allotment. However, if you call or text a Concierge Resort Cast Member while you’re in the parks and ask for help booking an ADR, they might just be able to work some magic. (No promises on that.)

yacht club club level breakfast

When it comes to what Signature Services does not do, Walt Disney World no longer offers enhanced VIP services for Club Level guests for $50 per person per day. With paid Genie+ replacing free FastPass, it is no longer possible to buy 3 extra FastPass+ entitlements when staying Club Level.

At present, there is no comparable service offered for Genie+ or Lightning Lanes when staying Club Level. That could change, but we’re skeptical given the fundamental differences between FastPass and Genie. In any case, everything you need to know, including ride priorities, strategy for avoiding pitfalls, maximizing your time saved & ride count, and much more is covered in our Guide to Genie+ and Lightning Lanes at Walt Disney World .

We  do  expect this to change sometime soon, as advance-booking is coming for Lightning Lanes in Spring 2024. Our guess is that Club Level guests won’t immediately have access to purchase extra Lightning Lane selections, but we’d still expect that to happen at some point in 2024. We’ll keep you posted.

yacht club club level breakfast

Objectively, the cost of staying Club Level ranges from around +$120/night to +$375/night depending on the resort, room tier, and season. For a general rule, the more expensive the hotel and room category, the greater the added cost. However, this isn’t always true.

For instance, adding Club Level at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa would “only” be an additional $228 on New Year’s Eve. That’s Walt Disney World’s most expensive hotel on its most expensive night of the year. The surcharge for Wilderness Lodge on that same night would be $274.

This is further complicated by discounts, which can change the gap depending upon what’s excluded, available, and so forth. You rely shouldn’t rely on a resource for this to determine the price difference. You’ll see for yourself when you actually price out a room for your travel dates and can see the Club Level cost versus that of other available rooms.

yacht club club level breakfast

With that said, the premium for staying in Chronos Club at Gran Destino is always the lowest. It can be less than $100 extra for many nights after discounts. Again, this is because Chronos Club is at a Moderate Resort, so the baseline price is lower to begin with.

Despite this, we view Chronos Club as one of the best Club Levels in all of Walt Disney World. Like Gran Destino Tower as a whole, it punches far above its weight, and offers tremendous bang for buck. In fact, if your only consideration is value for money, you can stop right here: Chronos Club is the clear winner, and the competition isn’t even close.

Assuming you cram 4 adults in the Club Level room–because nothing says posh hotel stay like 4 adults in one hotel room–you’re looking at around $25 to $50 per person per night for Club Level. If you do two meals per day (breakfast and dinner) in the Club Level Lounge, or even just breakfast plus dessert and a couple of beers when you return from the park, you’re already getting your money’s worth on the lower end of the pricing premium spectrum.

However, I am guessing that your only consideration is not  value for money…or you probably wouldn’t be looking at Club Level in the first place. (But if you are that rare guest looking to splurge on Club Level while squeezing as much value out of it as possible, look no further–Chronos Club is the one for you!)

yacht club club level breakfast

It should go without saying, but the larger your party and the more meals you eat in the lounge, the better the value proposition. Add the Resort Concierge service to the mix, as well as the views and ambiance in the lounge, and it becomes pretty easy to justify Club Level.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you’re a party of 2 adults and will only do breakfast in the lounge before rope dropping the parks and staying until park closing (thus missing all subsequent food services in the lounge), it’s literally impossible to justify Club Level. In general, this is not something for “park commandos,” it’s for those wanting a more leisurely, luxurious, and pampered Walt Disney World experience.

In scenarios that don’t fall on either end of those extreme spectrums, there’s doing Club Level simply because you want to treat yo self to an excellent, once in a lifetime kind of experience. Maybe you want the best view in the house at Wilderness Lodge, or to strut around the Polynesian wearing your lei like a rockstar—a modern day Jon Bon Jovi. Sometimes it’s fun to splurge on a taste of luxury because it’s just something you flat out want to do.

Everyone makes purchases that would not pass muster if scrutinized from a value for money perspective. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. There’s no reason to feel bad about wanting what you think will be a cool or convenient experience for the sake of that experience. Anyone who claims every decision they make is 100% rational and 0% emotional is lying. If you want to stay Club Level at Walt Disney World for one of these reasons—or some other intrinsic sense of happiness—more power to you. Only you know what will make your vacation special to you!

yacht club club level breakfast

We are a party of two adults, and we’ve made Club Level work for us. We discuss the specifics in each of those reviews above, but here’s the CliffNotes version of that: we do split stays, with the Club Level portion of our trip for 1-2 nights at the end of a trip.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a split stay, see our How to Do Split Stays at Walt Disney World Hotels . As you can see there, we are huge advocates of split stays for a number of reasons. When it comes to this, we highly recommend doing the Club Level portion at the end of your trip, rather than beginning.

In part, this is because it’s really tough to go from Club Level back to normal accommodations. More importantly, we recommend this because you’ll spend the first portion of your trip racing around the parks doing everything that you want to get done, exhausting yourselves in the progress. Then at the end, you’ll have a Club Level stay to relax, rejuvenate, and actually vacation.

When we stay Club Level at Walt Disney World, we seldom leave the resort. With this in mind, our least favorite is the Atrium Club Level at Contemporary Resort. Chronos Club is normally a great value and something we really enjoy, but we don’t like hanging around Gran Destino all day, so it’s out from this perspective.

yacht club club level breakfast

Our two favorite Club Levels at Walt Disney World are those at Beach Club and Wilderness Lodge. We love taking advantage of Stone Harbor Club during breaks from floating around the lazy river in Stormalong Bay, or sitting in a comfy overstuffed chair in Old Faithful Club while gazing down at that glorious lobby. We like to unwind and make the most of the luxurious stay while doing Club Level.

For choosing the right Club Level for you–or getting the details right on a split stay, once again Here’s the Authorized Disney Vacation Planner that we recommend . They can help you come up with a split stay “hotel plan” like this that works for your needs. Your interests are going to differ from ours, but they can listen to your family’s interests and priorities and book something customized just for you. (Plus, they get their commission from Disney, so there is no charge to you for them to book your trip and help you plan!)

yacht club club level breakfast

The math on Club Level only works out if you’re viewing it as a luxury experience or splurge. If you’re singularly value-oriented, Club Level is never going to make sense. You could simply do grocery delivery and have snacks at your leisure in your Walt Disney World hotel room and come out way ahead in terms of savings. Of course, nothing screams “luxury hotel stay” like having groceries delivered and preparing oatmeal in your room.

Not that we’re knocking that. We’ve done grocery delivery several times and Club Level several times. Some trips we want to travel as inexpensively as possible, other times we want to splurge and treat ourselves to luxurious experience. There’s certainly a place for both styles of traveling.

yacht club club level breakfast

One thing to reiterate here while we’re discussing a luxurious experience, is that this refers almost entirely to the Club Level Lounge, its food and atmosphere. Concierge Resort Cast Members are generally great and helpful with planning questions you might have.

However, concierge service at Walt Disney World is not the same as it is in real world hotel counterparts. We have stayed at Grand Club level at several Hyatt hotels, among other chains, and the difference at luxury hotels is that the service there is truly above and beyond .

Real world concierges can pull strings and make coveted bookings, quickly have tickets delivered to a hotel, etc. Walt Disney World concierges can make the same bookings available in the My Disney Experience app in lieu of you doing it. This can be a nice convenience, but it’s usually nothing you couldn’t do yourself.

Additionally and more importantly, those real world resort concierges go out of their way to make you feel special and pampered. Their service is very attentive and proactive. Disney’s service is much more reactionary; if you need help, it’s there. If not, there’s a decent chance no Concierge Resort Cast Members will interact with you after check-in.

In that regard, calling it “concierge level” or “concierge lounges” at Walt Disney World is really a misnomer. While the company itself sometimes refers to the level or lounges as concierge, those references are infrequent and often just aimed at convention guests. (Presumably due to their experience with real world concierge levels, but not Club Level? I dunno. Sometimes Disney’s verbiage is confusing and inconsistent.)

yacht club club level breakfast

In general, this is a fundamental difference that really must be stressed for Walt Disney World first-timers who are used to real world 5-star hotels. If you pampered service is your paramount concern, you are better off booking the Four Seasons Resort Orlando.

With that said, one thing we should note here is that Disney has been improving by leaps and bounds on this front. Walt Disney World wants this audience of “whale” guests, and has lost market share to luxury hotels that have opened around Orlando. There are plenty of reasons to believe Disney is catering to more affluent guests, and improving Club Level offerings to capture this clientele certainly makes sense.

yacht club club level breakfast

Overall, we’re generally fans of Club Level at Walt Disney World and, for us, it’s worth the money on some trips. The Club Level experience has improved in quality the last couple of years, which certainly makes it easier to justify, too. The lounge atmosphere and views are important to us, and having the services of the Resort Concierge Cast Members is a nice bonus for us.

Still, we like to mix things up. Sometimes we splurge on Club Level and almost no park time; sometimes we focus on parks and simply book a cheap hotel and do quick, inexpensive meals. It varies from trip to trip–and can even vary within trips.

Ultimately, by staying Club Level as part of a split stay during our ‘resort days’, we are able to make the most of our Club Level stays, relaxing in the lounge, eating and drinking as much as we can. From this perspective, we think Club Level works well and is a compelling option. Your vacation plans may vary, in which case the value that Club Level offers to you will differ. Either way, we hope this introduction to Club Level at Walt Disney World has proven helpful for planning your trip, and determining whether the concierge experience is right for you!

Planning a Walt Disney World trip? Learn about hotels on our Walt Disney World Hotels Reviews page. For where to eat, read our Walt Disney World Restaurant Reviews . To save money on tickets or determine which type to buy, read our Tips for Saving Money on Walt Disney World Tickets post. Our What to Pack for Disney Trips post takes a unique look at clever items to take. For what to do and when to do it, our Walt Disney World Ride Guides will help. For comprehensive advice, the best place to start is our Walt Disney World Trip Planning Guide for everything you need to know!

Your Thoughts

If you’ve stayed Club Level at a Walt Disney World hotel, do you agree or disagree with our assessment? Do you think it is worth the money? Which Club Level Lounge is your favorite? Have you considered staying Club Level? Share any questions, tips, or additional thoughts you have in the comments!

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Written by Tom Bricker

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My mom and I just returned last night from a 5 night club level stay at the Boardwalk Inn. Everyone working at the Innkeeper’s Lounge was amazing! We had such a wonderful time. All of our meals were eaten in the lounge except for one dinner at Epcot. This was an incredible splurge and I hope we can do it again someday. The funny part is that this room was booked on Priceline and at the time, we didn’t even realize we had chosen a club level room. Such a fun surprise. I would recommend this experience to adults that are not doihng many park days during their stay and want to focus on the amenities of the resort.

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the once and only time we stayed in CL was at Animal Kindon and was able to book a few days CL the split to the DVC 1 bedroom villa. We booked a studio CL and for us the studio was quite crowded and the move to the 1 bedroom villa was very welcome after 2 day with 2 of us and 3 kids. teens and 1 under 5. and we loved the lounge and used it whilst there and we did try to make these couple days resort days. But the number one reason we booked CL was access to book the sunrise safari, which was offer ONLY for Cl bookings. THAT was worth every penny! early but a 3 hour semi private safari and then a full breakfast for just our group of 20 people (?) at Jiko not open to public . I don’t know if any other resort cub levels have special things to access like that, but add that even though we paid for the safari tix added, plus the food and drinks and just having a quiet corner to be alone. I’d love to hear what each resort does that like to make it more enticing to partake. Pricey and not money-worthy yes, but things we’ll never otherwise get to do…. I’d love to know

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Since having our twins we’ve always stayed in 1 bedroom villas (booking directly through Disney with a discount). We took a trip this past summer with just my husband and I, stayed at Coronado Springs, and absolutely fell in love. Imagine our excitement to learn that the deluxe suite there with the separate living room, includes club access for a comparable price as a 1 bedroom villa! We’re so looking forward to our upcoming trip this summer!

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We absolutely adore the Regatta Club at Yacht Club. the cast members are incredible. we love them like family. We didn’t stay there at all in December, but stopped to leave little Christmas gifts for them…and actually got yo see all of them. we checked out the bounce back offer and booked 3 nights there in December 2024 just because we love the cast members! and what a fabulous bounce back offer we got!!!!

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Thank you for the updated post for CL at WDW. We have done all of the CL lounges at Disney Land and always find that you can make a meal out of all of the offerings, BF, Lunch and Dinner, so I was surprised to read in your post that lunch was so scant at WDW. At the DL resorts lunch always consists of the normal chips and snack but also rolls with cold cuts and cheeses so you can make sandwiches as well as PB&J’s for the kids (and adults too) along with fruits and veggies. Sometimes they’ll also have a soup offering during the day. The one that would most often do that was the Grand Californian. It’ll be interesting to see what they offer when we’re there. Our last stay at the Poly was in 2021 and their lounge was still closed due to Covid. Since my kids love the Poly that’s where we’ve stayed. But we look forward to trying other lounges in the future. I so appreciate you sharing all of them here with us.

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We have just stayed at the Atrium Club Level at the Contemporary for a special birthday, despite misgivings that it’s not the best on property based on this and other such reviews. We actually loved it! Cast was great! The food was all good! We had hot breakfast items, more than enough for a full meal to start the day. We took full advantage of adult beverages in the afternoons/evenings. As Tom mentions, this was a ‘stay and chill’ stay, not a park ninja stay. I’d do this again and will for sure try Wilderness Lodge as it’s my favorite hotel.

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Our last 4 visits to WDW have been CL visits. Our first CL was Beach Club, it was way less than I had hoped. This was before Covid. The next 2 were at Contemporary CL February ’19 and December ’22. There were still many things not open open 3rd visit, however Contemporary blew away BC and we absolutely adored it there. Then came Poly. The week prior to Easter ’23. I cannot even begin to tell you how magical it was! We were traveling with 2 grandchildren, both vegetarian and one neurodivergent. They went waaaaay out of their way to make the trip memorable and comfortable, and to make sure the grandchildren had plenty of vegetarian options during evening apps. Lunch and breakfast were awesome. The best part was returning in time every evening (except one) to grab evening appetizers, and then a few snacks for our room to enjoy with the fireworks from our balcony. We will absolutely go again! Shout out to every CMat CL Contemporary and Poly! You are all beyond awesome!

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Hi! Great review, I just want to mention one thing that I think it’s worth to mention. We booked a club level room for 3 adults at Polynesian for 5 nights, and the price was about $400 more than having 2 people staying at club level. I don’t know if it’s always true, or just because of specific time and resort (but I think it is more likely to be the former since I have tried several time period with different resorts). So I just want to mention this since the math won’t simply increase your denominator when you have more people.

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We were lucky enough to be upgraded to Yacht Club club level and I have to say that if I was paying for it…. I might have been a tad disappointed.

It was nice to get good espresso coffee of a morning and nice white wine on a sunny verandah of the evening but the food quality was really poor and evidently cheap – mac and cheese, wilted carrot sticks, oatmeal.

Housekeeping were also awful – including banging on our door at 8am morning of departure and really quite grumpy.

If I had been spending $800 a night (!) I would have lost my mind at it.

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Geek, like you we were also upgraded to CL after we were assigned a room that let’s just say smelled really bad. We had always wanted to try CL and are so glad we got to try it without paying. Wife and I would have been so disappointed for really wasting our money. You really have to either be at the resort a lot, drink alcohol daily to get the value out of it. Or comeback to the resort during the serving times which is really inconvenient to do. I will say that the CMs were great and using CL made you feel pampered, but for us that is not enough to justify the cost. Can you make a meal out of the apps they serve? I guess but why would I want to pay a couple hundred more for a cold cut mini sandwich etc. So we’re one and done.

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Past stays with club level were so wonderful and the staff concierge employees were so helpful in planning. This is no longer the case. I booked everything myself, they will not help at all. There were two experiences we really wanted for this trip and I asked in advance for tips in booking and help and all I have ever received as a response is that I am better off doing everything myself and they don’t know. I’m sorry, but the lounge snacks (hot or cold) are not worth several hundred dollars extra from a normal hotel room each night. I definitely will not be staying club level ever again.

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yacht club club level breakfast

Dining Included with Club Level Service at the Walt Disney World Resort

October 4, 2022 by Jeri Hall

yacht club club level breakfast

I get a lot of questions about Club Level at Disney. Questions like “What is Club Level?”, “Is it worth the extra cost?”, “What is included with Club Level?”, “What resorts have Club Level? So, let’s get those questions answered!

My most recent Club Level stay was in July at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort. The biggest perk of Club Level at Disney is the food & beverages that are included all day & evening in the Club Lounge at your resort. At the Yacht Club, your room will also have bathrobes, a Concierge desk, and your floor can only be accessed with a key card for Club Level guests only.

Dining Included

To answer the question of “Is it worth the extra cost?”, you need to decide how much you will access that Club Lounge. If my family only eats breakfast in the lounge most days, the cost is worth it. Breakfast daily is going to consist of a variety things like fruit, cheeses, breakfast pastries, breads (croissants, bagels, toast), eggs, bacon or sausage, cereals, yogurt, juices, milk, and coffee.

Late morning/early afternoon snacks are lighter fare with things like a vegetable tray, fresh fruit, cookies, crackers, & snack bags of chips. Also, guests can grab and go beverages like lemonade, tea, coffee, and canned pop. And if you LOVE Mickey Ice Cream bars or sandwiches, they are available AT ALL TIMES!

Late afternoon & early evening hours bring a wide array of hot food & hor d’oeuvres. There was always the choice of a variety of breads, meat/cheeses & crackers, fruit, fresh vegetables and dips, and salad. The offerings included pork sliders, roast beef & mashed potatoes, soft tacos, & cooked vegetables throughout the week during the dinner hours. Again, a variety of beverages including alcohol.

Every evening brings dessert & beverages from 8-10pm. Desserts vary but there is always a good selection and variety, same for your beverages and alcohol choices. When I stay Club Level, I grab drinks and desserts to take back to my room so I can enjoy them from my balcony. Plus, if you won’t be at your resort every night during those hours, you can grab them on one or two nights and keep them in your refrigerator to have on hand on the nights you get back late. They make great bedtime snacks!

Resorts that Include Dining

So now you might be thinking “I would really like to stay Club Level on my next Disney vacation. I wonder what resorts have Club Level?” You can stay Club Level at the following resorts… *Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa *Disney’s Contemporary Resort *Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort *Disney’s Wilderness Lodge *Disney’s Yacht Club Resort *Disney’s Beach Club Resort *Disney’s Boardwalk Inn *Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge *Disney’s Coronado Springs (the only Moderate resort that offers Club Level)

When you are ready to book your Club Level stay at Disney, get in touch with one of our specialists here at Magical Travel! Plan with one of our Magical Travel Specialists today!

yacht club club level breakfast

About Jeri Hall

Jeri is from Ohio and has been with Magical Travel since 2010. Jeri specializes in Disney destinations & she travels to Disney destinations frequently. Contact Jeri

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Updated: April 22, 2024

Yacht Club Highlights:

  • Great location! The Yacht Club is walking distance to Epcot and Hollywood Studios (which is also easily accessible by boat or Skyliner.)
  • Stormalong Bay! This gorgeous water complex includes a sand bottom pool, pirate slide, and lazy river.
  • A diner’s paradise! In addition to two theme parks, the Yacht Club is also walking distance to the Beach Club, Boardwalk Inn, and Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin. Being so close to four additional deluxe resorts provides extensive dining and entertainment options.

yacht club club level breakfast

What is the Yacht Club like?

The Yacht Club (YC) is a five-story, 630 room resort, slightly larger than its sister resort, the Beach Club (BC), located along the shore of Crescent Lake, opposite the Boardwalk Resort . Themed after seaside New England hotels of the late 1800s, the Yacht Club has a stately, nautical look and feel; hardwood floors and brass accents enhance this feeling. Guests staying at both the Yacht Club and Beach Club have the exclusive use of Stormalong Bay, a 750,000 gallon pool/mini-water park complete with water slide, sandy bottom, whirlpools, and water currents.

Why stay at the Yacht Club?

Three very important reasons: Location, Location, Location. The Yacht Club is one of the most conveniently located resorts on Disney’s property. The Yacht Club is within walking distance of Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, the Boardwalk, the Swan, and the Dolphin hotels. If you don’t feel like walking you can choose a short boat ride to any of these places instead.

yacht club club level breakfast

If you like fine dining, you will be in the center of it all. Not only do the Yacht Club, Beach Club, and Boardwalk all have terrific choices, you are also just minutes away from the international flavor of Epcot’s World Showcase. If you like to swim, one of the best hotel pools, Stormalong Bay, is right under your nose. There are several other recreational activities available at the Yacht Club (described below).

Transportation – How do I get there from here?

  • EPCOT – EPCOT can be easily reached by foot via a short 10-minute walk along the water way leading to Epcot’s International Gateway. If walking isn’t for you, there is a boat to ferry guests from all the Epcot resorts (Swan, Dolphin, Boardwalk, Yacht Club, and Beach Club) to the International Gateway, but the walk is faster and a bit more scenic. To board the boat, simply exit the lobby on the rear side of the hotel and walk straight down to the dock – just look for the lighthouse. Be sure you’re in the Epcot line (left side facing the water), not Disney’s Hollywood Studios line (right side facing the water) line.Epcot resort guests CAN use the International Gateway entrance to Epcot even though World Showcase may not yet be open for the day. Cast members will help usher you toward Future World in Epcot. The International Gateway also offers full-service ticketing and purchasing of annual passes. The guest services window usually opens 30 minutes prior to park opening.

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  • You can take a leisurely 15 to 20 minute one-mile stroll along the path that follows the waterway connecting the Epcot resort area with the Hollywood Studios.
  • Take the Friendship boat f rom the right side of the boat dock. You can meet the boat at the dock just as you would the boat for Epcot, by exiting the rear of the hotel and walking straight down to the lighthouse. Again, make sure you catch the right boat. The CMs will surely let you know which boat you’re getting on. The boat usually stops by the Swan and Dolphin and Boardwalk via the Studios. The trip takes about 20 minutes.
  • Take the Disney Skyliner. Walk to International Gateway and climb aboard the most Magical Flight on Earth! You will need to transfer to the Disney’s Hollywood Studios at the Caribbean Beach Station.

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  • Magic Kingdom – The Magic Kingdom can be reached by taking a bus from the front of the hotel. Another longer, but more scenic, journey is to take the monorail from Epcot’s front entrance, transfer at the TTC, and then continue to the MK. Traveling this way does take some time and some walking, but you get to see a little bit more, and it lends to resort hopping if the mood strikes. Keep in mind this route will likely taste at least an hour.
  • Disney’s Animal Kingdom – Disney’s Animal Kingdom can be reached by taking a bus from the front of the hotel.

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  • Typhoon Lagoon, Blizzard Beach, and Disney Springs – Buses take you directly from the hotel to these locations after picking up passengers from the Beach Club and Boardwalk Inn. Travel times vary to each of these locations, but many of these attractions are relatively close to the Yacht Club, so you never have to wait too long.

Note that when using the buses, they will usually stop at the Beach Club; however sometimes it will also stop at the Boardwalk, the Swan and the Dolphin resorts. The tends to happen during the middle of the day or during low crowd times.

  • Disney’s Boardwalk – The Boardwalk faces the Yacht and Beach Clubs on the opposite side of Crescent Lake. There are two foot bridges, one in the direction of the Swan/Dolphin hotels, and one in the direction of Epcot, allowing you to walk to this entertainment complex and hotel.
  • For all other locations, including Fort Wilderness , and resort hotels, buses to Disney Springs will allow you to connect with other transportation to your final destination. You can also take the monorail from the Future World side of Epcot to reach the TTC. Travel times vary widely here. You can time it just right and have a short, efficient trip, or have a trip lasting over  an hour. Hope for the best! Hint: When in a hurry, it usually takes only 5 minutes to get a taxi. Go to the valet station at the front of the Yacht Club and they will call a taxi for you. Trips to destinations on property range in cost from $16 to $24. For example, the typical taxi fare from the Yacht Club to the Grand Floridian costs about $20 (not including tip). It’s usually significantly cheaper to take a Rideshare such as an Uber or Lyft from the front of the Yacht Club to anywhere on property.

yacht club club level breakfast

What are the rooms like?

Most rooms feature two queen-size beds, a table and chairs, color TV w/remote, a ceiling fan, double sinks in the dressing area, and refrigerator. Some rooms have a daybed that will accommodate the maximum 5 guests allowed per room at the Yacht Club. There are also pet friendly rooms. Of the 539 regular guest rooms at the Yacht Club, 483 rooms have queen-sized beds, 56 rooms have king-sized beds, and there are 10 disabled access rooms. Most rooms have a balcony that have a table and two chairs. Standard Rooms are for all guests, including Concierge Club. Deluxe rooms are larger and are only available on the Concierge level.

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The rooms at the Yacht Club have been thoughtfully stocked with many extras. Rooms have a small safe, located in the closet, in which you can store your valuables such as jewelry, airline tickets, passports, travelers’ checks, etc. For bigger items, storage facilities may be available at the front desk.

Another nice feature is having the bathtub/toilet separated from the rest of the room. The double sinks are located outside the true “bathroom.” In the vanity area, you will find a hair dryer, as well as a make-up mirror mounted on the wall.

yacht club club level breakfast

The Yacht Club does have a Club Level and club-level/service rooms. All Club Level rooms are located on the hotel’s 5th floor, which requires your Magic Band to gain entry from the elevator. There are 71 concierge suites and 20 “true” suites in a variety of sizes. See the Concierge page for more information about the concierge level.

Walt Disney World Resort has complimentary Wi-Fi service available in all of its hotels and parks. See our Internet Access page for details.

A room with a view, but which one?

There are three views available: The Standard view, the Garden or Woods view, and the Lagoon or pool view.

Standard view rooms overlook the garden, rooftop or parking areas around the hotel. Garden or Woods view rooms typically overlook the slightly nicer areas around the quiet pool, or even the wedding gazebo. Lagoon or pool view rooms have a direct view of Crescent Lake and the Boardwalk. Some of the Lagoon or Pool view rooms are located just above Stormalong Bay and may be a bit noisy during the day. Note also that not all Lagoon or Pool view rooms offer a direct view of the lake and the Boardwalk. Many are at right angles to the lake, making it often difficult or impossible to see the Boardwalk. If you should book a Lagoon or Pool view room, don’t be disappointed if you don’t have a direct view of the lake.

Can I Bring My Pet to Stay at the Yacht Club?

Walt Disney World has four hotels pet-friendly, one of which is Disney’s Yacht Club. Read our page on Pet-Friendly Hotel Rooms for more details.

Pets may also be boarded at the Best Friends Pet Care kennel across from Port Orleans Riverside.

Are there smoking and nonsmoking rooms?

All Disney resorts and guest rooms are smoke free . There are designated outdoor smoking areas. Check the resort map or with a Cast Member for locations.

yacht club club level breakfast

What are the prices for a room?

The Yacht Club is considered a “Deluxe” resort hotel, and its prices are among the more expensive offered at Disney. These are regular rate prices and do not include the Florida Sales Tax nor the county resort tax. Most rooms have a maximum five-person occupancy per room. Prices are per room, and there is an additional adult charge of $25 per adult per night for more than two adults in a room.

Walt Disney World Resort rates vary by season (there are nine seasons now), and also by day of the week. The holiday season is the most expensive time of the year. It runs from mid-December to early January as well as during Easter Week.

The rates for a: — Standard View Room range from $443 – $762 — Garden or Woods View Room range from $484 – $787                                     — Lagoon or Pool View Room range from $561 – $851 — Club Level Standard View Room range from $661 – $1,052 — Club Level Garden View Room range from $676 – $1,075 — Club Level Pool or Lagoon View room range from $771 – $1,197 — Suites range from $1,863 – $3,071

Is there a fee to park at the Yacht Club?

There is a fee for overnight self-parking at Walt Disney World Resort hotels. Click HERE for current pricing and other parking-related information.

yacht club club level breakfast

Are there any discounts?

There are many ways to save a few dollars on your accommodations at WDW. Disney offers several resort “seasons” throughout the year including a Value Season. Annual Passholders can save by visiting during annual Passholder specials. Florida residents get a break for living in the same state as the Mouse. Don’t forget holidays are the most expensive time to visit, along with most of the summer. Generally, planning your trip during the off-season can save you money right off the bat.

Please visit our Discount Summary Page for more information.

I hear that there are no more room key cards at Disney resort hotels. How do I get into my room?

Walt Disney World has converted their room keys and admission tickets from plastic cards to MagicBands, flexible plastic wristbands, resembling a watch or bracelet, that use Radio Frequency (RF) technology. Your MagicBand is linked to your My Disney Experience (MDE) account and acts as your Disney resort room key. Simply touch the Mickey symbol on your MagicBand to the RFID reader near your room door to gain entry. Read about using MagicBands for park admission, FastPass+ and more.

yacht club club level breakfast

How does Check-in and Check-Out work?

Online Check-in  is available through the My Disney Experience App. Look for the special Online Check-in line at the resort’s front desk.

Check-in is at 3pm. Upon arrival head to the front desk to check-in. Rooms are not guaranteed to be available until 3pm, but you can request Early Check-in when you do Online Check-in.

yacht club club level breakfast

Check-out time is 11am .  Express Check-out  is available to all guests paying with a credit card, arrange for this service at check-in. A detailed hotel bill is delivered to your door by 7am. If the bill is correct you simply leave. Your Magic Band serves as a  Disney  souvenir. Late Check-out of noon can be requested without additional cost (very limited availability). If you need Late Check-out, request it at Check-In and as soon as possible the morning of check out (the number of eligible rooms are limited).

Resort Airline Check-In Service  at your Disney resort is only available if you are flying domestically (includes Puerto Rico) on specific airlines It is a complimentary (free) service and allows you to check your luggage.


If you’re looking for good food while staying at the Yacht Club there is plenty to choose fom! The Yacht Club has two very good full service restaurants of its own, and a brief walk along Stormalong Bay will take you to the restaurants of the Beach Club. Additionally, room service is available 24 hours a day.

yacht club club level breakfast

Ale & Compass — Serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a casual nautical atmosphere. Order a la carte morning meals from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., or there is an all-you care-to-enjoy breakfast buffet from 7:30a.m. to 11:25a.m. Lunch is served from 11:30am to 2pm, and dinner is available from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tables are almost always available during the day, but an Advance Reservation is recommended if possible.

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Attached to the Ale & Compass Restaurant is the Ale & Compass Lounge. This is a full service cocktail lounge with specialty drinks and light bites.

yacht club club level breakfast

Yachtsman Steakhouse – – This is the Yacht Club’s premier restaurant, serving tasty cuts of superbly aged beef, as well as poultry and seafood selections. An Advance Reservation is highly recommended for dinner. They are sometimes able to accommodate early (5:30-7:00) and late (9:00-9:45) walk up arrivals. A party of two is more likely to be seated more quickly than a party of six or more. Although this rule normally applies even to the busiest of seasons, there are no guarantees. Note that for this and other Signature Dining experiences, there is a dress code. Men should wear khakis, slacks, jeans or dress shorts and collared shirts. Women may wear Capri pants, skirts, dresses, jeans or dress shorts. No tank tops, swimsuits, cover ups, hats (for men), cut-offs, torn clothing or t-shirts with offensive language/graphics are allowed.

yacht club club level breakfast

The Crew’s Cup , located near the Yachtsman Steakhouse, serves a multitude of beers, along with your favorite drinks and wines. Appetizers and finger foods are also available here, making the Crew’s Cup a nice place for lunch or a light evening meal.

For a Quick Service Meal, head to the Market at Ale & Compass . They are open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and offer a variety of made-to-order sandwiches, salads, and soups. The Market also has a selection of to-go options such as baked goods and pre-packaged sandwiches for a meal on the run!

yacht club club level breakfast

Don’t forget right next door in the Beach Club is the Cape May Buffet , where you’ll find Goofy and friends for a breakfast buffet or a clambake dinner served family-style (buffet).Reservations are highly recommended.

Martha’s Vineyard is a lounge located at the Beach Club, that also serves appetizers, and is open in the evenings.

yacht club club level breakfast

Also, shared between the YC and BC are two other dining locales, Beaches and Cream Soda Shop and Hurricane Hanna’s Grill.

  • Beaches & Cream is open for lunch and dinner, and serves wonderful shakes and malts along with burgers and ice cream selections. Reservations are highly recommended!
  • Hurricane Hanna’s  is located poolside at Stormalong Bay and specializes in great, quick eats such as hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, and more.

yacht club club level breakfast

What are Rapid Fill Mugs?

The Rapid Fill beverage program allows Disney Resort guests to buy (or receive as part of the Disney Dining Plan) a resort mug that can be refilled for a certain period of time as designated at time of purchase. These mugs are enhanced by an RFID bar code that enables the mug to deactivate when the designated time is complete.

I want to swim!

The Yacht Club has one of the best, if not the best swimming pools (at a hotel) in all of Walt Disney World. Stormalong Bay is a three-acre water playground shared between the Yacht Club and the Beach Club. It’s a great place to have fun or just relax. Stormalong Bay has many different sections that encompass its 750,000 gallons of water. There are shallow wading areas for the younger ones, complete with sand bottoms. There are also larger and deeper areas, some with sand, some without.

yacht club club level breakfast

A “shipwreck” on the shore of Crescent Lake provides the entrance to an exciting water slide for the adventurous folks. There is a circular area in Stormalong Bay with water jets that create a current. All you have to do is float. the water will move you along! All around Stormalong Bay are lounge chairs where you can relax and catch some rays. Among other things, you’ll find a waterfall and a couple of hot tubs hidden amongst the scenery. Note, however, that life jackets cannot be worn when using the water slide. The water slide includes an enclosed tube and a child with a life jacket can get stuck. If your child requires the use of a life jacket, you can request to use the pool and slide at the Boardwalk Inn.

yacht club club level breakfast

There is a quiet pool at the Yacht Club, found on the far end of the hotel away from the noise and excitement. The pool is located on the front/side of the hotel farthest from the Beach Club and closest to the Swan/Dolphin. There is also a hot tub in the same area as the quiet pool. These facilities are open 24 hours, as long as you are quiet! You can also use the quiet pool/hot tub on the Beach Club side of things. This pool is located on the back side of the Beach Club, closest to Epcot. You may see this area if you walk the path to Epcot. There is a third pool (and hot tub) located at the Beach Club Villas; guests of the Yacht Club are welcome to use it as well.

What other recreation is available at the Yacht Club?

Be sure to request the Recreational Activities flyer . There may be activities like Water Volleyball, Campfire Sing-along, or Movie Under the Stars.

yacht club club level breakfast

If swimming isn’t for you, there are plenty of other activities available at the Yacht Club. Tennis is available on a lit court located by the Admiral Pool. Areas for volleyball and croquet are available on the Beach Club end of the twin hotel complex. Equipment is available free of charge from the Ship Shape Health Club.

Ship Shape Health Club is located between the Beach and Yacht Club resorts next to Lafferty Place Arcade is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Membership is free to Yacht Club resort guests for the length of their stay. Disney Vacation Club members may use the facilities free if they are staying at a Disney resort. Guests from other Disney resorts can use the facilities for $12/day, based on availability. Equipment includes Hammer Strength, Life Fitness, Cybex and aerobic machines, as well as a spa, steam room, sauna and massage therapy. Massages and facials are available by appointment only. Call (407) WDW-SPAS or (407) 939-7727 to book.

Jogging – Jogging route maps are available from Lobby Concierge (Guest Services) or from the Ship Shape Health Club.

Volleyball -A sand court is located on the Beach Club side of the complex. Equipment use is complimentary for BC/YC guests and is available from the Ship Shape Health Club.

yacht club club level breakfast

Tennis – A lit court is located by the Admiral Pool, with complimentary tennis balls and racquets available from the Ship Shape Health Club.

Lafferty Place Arcade is located next to the Beaches and Cream Soda Shop.

Playground – Open 24 hours, it is located near Stormalong Bay.

Bayside Marina is located in a small building to the right of the pier (facing the lake) and services guests from both the Yacht Club and Beach Club daily from 11am to 5pm. For a list of cruises available, see our Specialty Resort/Park Cruise page . To reserve cruises or fishing excursions call 1-407-WDW-PLAY.

Fantasia Gardens – is located across from the Swan/Dolphin hotels. Here you can enjoy mini-golf at its best… Disney style.

yacht club club level breakfast

I need to shop! OR — I forgot to pack something real important!

The Yacht Club’s all-purpose store is The Market at Ale and Compass.   This store offers a small but comprehensive collection of clothing, character merchandise, and sundries.

Need your clothes cleaned?

If you need to wash your clothes during your stay at the Yacht Club, laundry facilities are located adjacent to the quiet pool area located on the far front side of the hotel, closer to the Swan/Dolphin hotels. Likewise there are laundry facilities at the quiet pool of the Beach Club.

If you need something dry cleaned or pressed, you’ll find a card detailing services and costs in your room upon check-in. An iron and ironing board are located in most guest rooms. If your room does not have these items, they can be obtained free of charge by contacting housekeeping.

Babysitting, Childcare, Children’s Programs

There is no child care activity center at this resort. For child care alternatives, visit our Child Care FAQ.

Does the Yacht Club have a Convention Center?

Yes, the Yacht and Beach Clubs share a convention center that has 73,000 square feet of meeting and function space, that can accommodate both large and small events.

How do I use valet parking?

Simply drive your vehicle to the front of the resort and a Cast Member will park it for you. Valet parking is $33 per car for the day, even if you are staying at the Yacht Club. Don’t forget to tip the valet (both the one who takes your car and the one who brings it back to you – $1-2 is recommended) When you need to retrieve your vehicle, simply give the valet your slip of paper you were given when the car was parked, and your car will be delivered to the front of the hotel. When you are ready to get your car, call the valet stand from your room and ask for your car to be brought around. If you pay for valet at one Disney resort hotel, you can use valet at the other hotels – just tell them you are paying at the Yacht Club. The Disney resorts contract out valet services, so you are dealing with a 3rd party, not Disney employed cast members.

Does the Yacht Club have a Security Gate?

Yes, the Yacht Club complex has a guarded security gate. Upon initial arrival, simply explain to the guard you are checking in. Once you have checked in, your Magic Band will also serve to open the security gates (pull on the right side to activate the guest gate). Be sure to have your Magic Band ready when reentering through the security gate. During busy times ONLY Yacht Club resort guests may be allowed to enter the parking area.

yacht club club level breakfast

Tips and Tricks: What else you should know about the Yacht Club:

Need a new ‘do, or just a haircut? Ship Shape Spa and Salon is located between the YC and BC, next to the health club, is the place to go. It is open 9 a.m.-7 p.m., daily. Services offered include: hair and nail services, massages and facials. Appointments are strongly recommended, call (407) WDW-SPAS or (407) 939-7727 to book.

Are you a couple on a romantic getaway? Ask for a room overlooking the wedding gazebo (a garden view room). If you’re lucky, from your balcony you’ll be able to hear and see a magical Disney wedding take place. Quite a romantic/reminiscent experience.

Plunk a few quarters in the slots at Lafferty Place Arcade where you’ll find a selection of exciting video games.

Parking – – there is a lot where you park your car. It’s a long walk from your room to the car, unless you want to pay for valet parking.

For more information on the Yacht Club, and to go on a tour, check out this AllEars TV Video !

Disney’s Yacht Club Resort:

1700 Epcot Resorts Boulevard Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830-8407 (407) 934-7000

For directions on getting to the Yacht Club from the Orlando airports, visit our Driving Directions page.

Places to Eat in Yacht Club

Read prices, menu items, and more about ale and compass restaurant, read prices, menu items, and more about the market at ale and compass, read prices, menu items, and more about ale and compass lounge, read prices, menu items, and more about yachtsman steakhouse, read prices, menu items, and more about crew's cup lounge.

  • Phone: 407 934-7000
  • Address: 1700 Epcot Resorts Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830

Transportation Options (2)

Activities & recreation (9).

  • Boat Rental
  • Running Trail
  • Poolside Movies
  • Tennis Courts

Room Options (8)

  • Standard View
  • Garden or Woods View
  • Lagoon or Pool View
  • Standard View - Club Level
  • Garden View - Club Level
  • Lagoon or Pool View - Club Level
  • Deluxe Room - Club Level Access
  • 2 Bedroom Suite-Club Level Access

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WDW Magazine

REVIEW: Ale & Compass Breakfast at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort

by Tatjana Lazar | Oct 15, 2021 | Walt Disney World Food , Walt Disney World Resorts

Sign for the Ale & Compass at Disney's Yacht Club

Keep reading for our honest review of Ale & Compass at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort.

Looking for something a little bit more elevated than your run-of-the-mill Mickey waffles? Breakfast at Ale & Compass gives you comfort foods with a touch of New England charm.

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Seaworthy Dishes For The Disney Adventurer

Inside the Ale and Compass restaurant at Disney's Yacht Club

Courtesy of Disney

Nestled inside Disney’s Yacht Club Resort , you’ll find a cozy little table-service restaurant themed to remind you of the inside of a lighthouse. 

While the interior décor didn’t necessarily give me light house vibes, the dark blue tones and minimal windows were a cool escape from the heat of the Florida sun, and were a perfect extension of the Yacht Club’s nautical aesthetic. 

The dinner menu is loaded with some typical New England dishes like clam chowder and seafood pot pie, but on this visit we were here for a hearty breakfast, and we were not disappointed!

Ale & Compass Breakfast Menu

Bacon Blueberry pancakes from Ale and Compass at Disney's Yacht Club

Blueberry-Bacon Pancakes. Courtesy of Disney

You can find the usual American Breakfast of two eggs served with potatoes and choice of bacon or sausage on the Ale & Compass breakfast menu, but I highly recommend trying something a little different.

The Blueberry-Bacon Pancakes are an ever-popular item, and the Dark Chocolate Waffle with cherry compote and espresso mascarpone looked to die for. The salted caramel apple French toast is another winning item on the sweet side of the menu.

However, on this visit, we opted for the more savory items. I went for the Bacon and Vermont Cheddar Burger, while my husband tried the Crab Cake Benedict. 

Ale & Compass also has some nice fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, Joffrey’s coffee and an assortment of teas on their breakfast menu. I decided to try the Tropical Green Smoothie to balance out the truffle fries I had ordered with my burger. 

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Ale & Compass Menu Review

Sign for the Ale & Compass at Disney's Yacht Club

Tropical Green Smoothie

The Tropical Green Smoothie from Ale and Compass

Tropical Green Smoothie. Photo by Tajana Lazar

The first item to hit our table was my Tropical Green Smoothie, and while the flavor was quite nice, the texture could have been better. 

In a good green smoothie, you can’t taste the greens, and in that respect this smoothie was a winner. The tropical fruit flavors were sweet, tangy, refreshing and definitely hid any grassy green taste that can sometimes overpower a green smoothie.

Where it fell short was the texture. For me, a good smoothie is thick and smooth. This smoothie was a little bit on the watery side, and was not blended smoothly enough. I could feel the little gritty bits of what could have been some sort of leafy green or celery. I think next time I’d opt for the fresh squeezed orange juice instead.

Bacon and Vermont Cheddar Burger

Bacon and Vermont Cheddar Burger with Truffle fries and Roasted Shallot Mayonnaise

Photo by Tatjana Lazar

If the fact that I ordered a burger for breakfast seems a little odd to you, consider this 11am breakfast reservation as more of a brunch, or early lunch and it should seem more sensible. 

Either way, I would order this burger again and again for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was just that good.

Bacon and Vermont Cheddar Burger

The burger patty itself was thick and cooked to juicy, tender perfection. The bacon and cheddar cheese added a nice salty touch to each messy bite. It was a seriously good burger. 

I opted for the Truffle Fries with Roasted Shallot Mayonnaise as my side, and these were also absolutely delicious. These thin cut fries are crispy, salty, and have just a touch of that truffle flavor to kick everything up a notch in terms of flavor. 

Crab Cake Benedict

Crab Cake Benedict from Ale and Compass

Crab Cake Benedict. Photo by Tajana Lazar

This was my husband’s dish, and I was a little too focused on my burger to taste it. But I will say that my husband is a big fan of both seafood and eggs benedict, and while this combo may seem a little “out there” he gobbled up every morsel. 

This meal was a definite winner in our books and we’ll absolutely be back to try a few more menu items. 

What to Know About Dining at Ale & Compass

If you’re interested in trying out this Yacht Club restaurant for breakfast or dinner, I highly recommend getting an Advanced Dining Reservation (ADR) for it ahead of time. 

The restaurant itself is not that large, and it’s one of the more convenient spots to eat for Yacht Club guests, so it fills up very quickly. Luckily, ADRs for Ale & Compass aren’t that difficult to get, so you shouldn’t have much trouble snagging one in the weeks leading up to your trip. 

If you’re dining with kids, or less adventurous eaters, have no fear! There’s both a kids menu and more simplified menu items for picky eaters. Plus, Disney Cast Members will be happy to help accommodate any dietary restrictions if needed. And don’t worry about wearing a button down and close-toed shoes. This is a casual establishment that will be happy to welcome you in flip flops and tank tops. 

What’s your favorite menu item at Ale & Compass? Visit the WDW Magazine Facebook page and tell us what you’ll be ordering during your next stay at Disney’s Yacht Club!

PROS AND CONS: Disney’s Yacht Club
How to Choose Between Disney’s Yacht Club and Beach Club Resorts
PROS AND CONS: Disney’s Beach Club Resort

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Disney’s Yacht Club Resort

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yacht club club level breakfast

Disney’s Yacht Club Resort is an excellent choice if you want to stay in a luxury hotel which is close to all of the Walt Disney World parks and within easy walking distance of Epcot. The Yacht Club is located on the shores of Crescent Lake next to it’s sister resort Disney Beach Club . Both resorts have a very upscale feel and look. You are taken back to another era of the late 1800s East Coast seaside resorts.

Photo by expressmonorail

As you would expect from the name, The Yacht Club has a strong nautical theme which is played out in all areas of the hotel.

One of the best features of both resorts is that they share the very best swimming pool of any of the Walt Disney World hotels – Stormalong Bay.

Here is a guide to the Yacht Club Resort Hotel which will give you details on the rooms, restaurants and other facilities available at this fabulous Walt Disney World resort hotel.

What Are the Rooms Like At The Disney Yacht Club Resort?

yacht club club level breakfast

Photo by vortech

The Yacht Club has a total of 621 rooms. The standard rooms are an average of 380 square feet. Most have 2 Queen beds and a day bed so they can sleep up to 5 guests. There are also some rooms with King sized beds but as there are only 56 of these rooms you do have to make sure you request them at the time of booking. As with all requests Disney will do their very best but make no guarantees.

All the rooms are nicely decorated in nautical colors of navy blue and white. All of the rooms have either a balcony or a patio. As with many of the Disney World deluxe hotels there is the convenient feature that the double sinks are located outside the bathroom.

Where are the Best Rooms at The Yacht Club Resort Hotel?

yacht club club level breakfast

Guests in standard rooms have a choice of standard, garden or water view rooms. The standard rooms have a view of either the parking lot or a roof top.

The Garden View rooms are a step up from the standard view and offer nice views over the landscaped areas, the quiet pool and the wedding gazebo.

The most sought after rooms (which are charged at a premium) are the Water View rooms. Note that this does not necessarily mean that you have a view over Crescent Lake, as some of the Water view rooms overlook Stormalong Bay. These rooms overlooking the swimming pool are obviously less desirable than those overlooking Crescent Lake. Be aware that because of the design of the hotel even if you book a Water View you still may not get a full view of Crescent Lake.

Disney Yacht Club Hotel Concierge Rooms

The Yacht Club also has 71 Club Level Concierge rooms and 20 Suites. All of these are located on the 5th level top floor of the hotel.

The Concierge Rooms are almost exactly the same as the standard rooms with a few extra perks. As always with concierge it is a very personal choice as to whether you think these perks are worth it. If you want television speakers in the bathroom, robes and nightly turndown service then concierge rooms offer these.

Of course you also have access to the 5th floor Concierge Lounge with complimentary snacks and beverages. The Concierge staff are very knowledgeable and can help you with making reservations for dining and recreation, and of course answer any questions for you about how to make your Disney stay more magical.

The 20 Suites are also on the 5th floor Concierge Level of the hotel. If your budget will stretch that far then choose from a selection of luxury suites including The Turret Suite, The Commodore Suite or even the most luxurious Captain’s Deck Suite.

Disney Yacht Club Restaurants

If you stay in any of the Epcot hotel resorts you are within very easy reach of many of Disney World’s best restaurants. The Boardwalk and Epcot World Showcase are within walking distance.

The Yacht Club also has it’s own excellent dining options. The Yachtsman Steakhouse is open for dinner and has a great menu of traditional steakhouse food. This is a very popular restaurant and Advance Dining Reservations are recommended.

If you are looking for something a little more casual then opt for breakfast, lunch or dinner at Captain’s Grille . Here you will find the usual favorites for breakfast. The lunch and dinner menus have a good choice of American classic dishes with a particular emphasis on seafood.

There are also 2 lounges in the Yacht Club. The Ale and Compass Lounge, and The Crew’s Cup are great places to sit and relax. If you want some of the best ice creams in Disney World then try Beaches and Cream .

Recreation at Disney’s Yacht Club Hotel

yacht club club level breakfast

Photo by lorenjavier

One of the major attractions of the hotel is Stormalong Bay swimming recreation area. This amazing resort pool is shared with The Beach Club Hotel and is widely seen as the very best swimming pool at any of the Walt Disney World resorts.

The pool is huge. Covering an area of 3 acres and with 750,000 gallons of water this is a wonderful water playground for all guests. One of the best features is the ‘lazy river’ feature where all you have to do is float around and relax. You will also find a water slide, water falls, shallow beach entry for paddling, deeper areas for swimming, and of course plenty of lounge chairs for just relaxing around the pool.

If you want something a little less noisy then there is a quiet pool with a hot tub available.

Other activities include The Ship Shape Health Club which is available to Yatch Club resort guests free of charge. An excellent place for jogging is around Crescent Lake. Boat and bicycle rentals are also available.

Another very nice feature here is that you can relax on the sandy beach in front of the Beach Club. There are loungers here and often there are very few people so you can feel as though you have your very own private beach whilst you relax and watch the world go by around Crescent Lake.

Disney Yacht Club Transportation

yacht club club level breakfast

One of the best features of the Yacht Club is of course the location. You are within easy walking distance of Disney’s Epcot World Showcase entrance. You can also take boat transportation to both Epcot and Disney Hollywood Studios. All of the Boardwalk shopping and dining venues are also just a short stroll away.

Access to the other Disney parks of Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom, Downtown Disney, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach are by bus transportation.

Disney’s Yacht Club is a great choice for anyone looking for a Disney resort with a great location, excellent rooms and facilities. And of course who can resist Stormalong Bay?

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yacht club club level breakfast

Alison Meacham is the founder of EverythingMouse Disney Blog. For over 15 years she has shared her love of Disney Parks, Disney Cruises and Universal Orlando.  In over 30 years of Disney Travel she has spent countless months in Disney Parks and has sailed on over 45 cruises. A British native and now a United States resident she splits her time between California, Florida and the UK. And spends a serious amount of time sailing the seven seas. She helps over 200,000 people per month follow their Disney travel dreams.

Disney World Deluxe Hotel Resort

Sunday 30th of March 2014

[...] Disney’s Yacht Club Resort [...]

Hotels Near Epcot – EverythingMouse

Friday 23rd of March 2012

Disney's Yacht Club Resort

Dining area of Yachtsman Steakhouse

Dining Options

yacht club club level breakfast

Make Dining Reservations

Plan ahead for delicious dining experiences during your stay. Read More

Plan ahead for delicious dining experiences during your stay.

When to Book Guests may make advance dining reservations at select restaurants.

  • Guests with a Valid Disney Resort Hotel Reservation: Make reservations for your entire length of stay (for up to a 10-night stay) up to 60 days in advance of your arrival! This can help you enjoy streamlined vacation planning , since you can make all your reservations on the same day—rather than checking availability day after day.
  • All Other Guests: Make reservations up to 60 days in advance.

Explore dining experiences available for booking during your vacation.

Dining in the Theme Parks To dine at an in-park, table-service restaurant, you need a confirmed dining reservation for the total number of Guests—regardless of age—along with a park reservation and valid admission for the same park on that same date for each Guest ages 3 and up.

Dining reservations do not guarantee access to a park, and Park Hopper availability may change daily. We recommend that Guests book in-park dining at the park where they have a park reservation.

View a full list of the dining options at Walt Disney World Resort.

Review important updates to dining experiences at Walt Disney World Resort.

A seating area with a chandelier, booths, tables, chairs and candles

Ale & Compass Restaurant

Set your sights on Yankee comfort food and seafood classics at this cozy gastropub-inspired eatery.

yacht club club level breakfast

Ale & Compass Lounge

Bar Service Navigate your way to a cozy lounge with a great wine list, light snacks and overstuffed chairs.

A plated panini sandwich with chips

The Market at Ale & Compass

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Find hot and cold offerings with grab-and-go convenience for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Two plates of Mickey Waffles on a buffet bar

Cape May Cafe

Breakfast, Dinner Start your day with a hearty buffet breakfast or visit later for signature seafood and turf dishes.

A bowl in the shape of a kitchen sink filled with ice cream, cookies, candy, cake, whipped cream and fruit

Beaches & Cream Soda Shop

Lunch, Dinner Satisfy your sweet tooth with old-fashioned ice-cream favorites or savor delicious hot-off-the-grill items at this 50s-themed eatery.

Slices of bacon on a plate with waffle bites that resemble Mickey Mouse

Beach Club Marketplace

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Enjoy a hot, made-to-order meal, grab a quick bite or stock up on snacks before heading out for a day of fun in the parks.

yacht club club level breakfast

Martha’s Vineyard

Lunch, Bar Service, Late Night Gather for a glass—or bottle—of wine at this casual lounge reminiscent of a New England beach house.

yacht club club level breakfast

Hurricane Hanna’s Waterside Bar and Grill

Bar Service Brace for frosty beverages and beautiful bay views at this not-so-blustery walk-up bar.

Porterhouse steak with herb fries and roasted garlic butter

Yachtsman Steakhouse

Dinner Relish premium dry-aged beef, fresh seafood and signature drinks at this New England-style steakhouse.

A glass of white wine next to a glass of red wine next to a glass of pinot noir

Crew’s Cup Lounge

Bar Service Ready all, row! Race to a place where refreshment awaits—serving beer, wine and cocktails.

Nearby Restaurants

Disney’s Yacht Club Resort is conveniently connected by water taxi, bus or walking paths to numerous Disney restaurants within the EPCOT Resort area.

Save up to 20% at Disney Resort Hotels in 2025

Map of Disney's Yacht Club Resort

Hotel Address

(407) 934-7000

Resort Rating 4.5 Out Of 5

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Disney Yacht Club Dining: 2022 Guide

Yacht Club Dining

Disclosure: This Disney Yacht Club dining page contains affiliate links. Read  full Disclosure Policy .

Disney Yacht Club from across the water

Dining at the Disney Yacht Club is the ideal blend of upscale and convenient, with plenty of options. Fitting with the feel of the resort, the dining locations have that county club vibe, even the quick service spots. All the while, the food is high quality and delicious!

The Disney Yacht Club also shares a few of our favorite dining locations with its sister, the Disney Beach Club . Get the best of both worlds with dining at this resort, Yacht Club providing class and Beach Club providing fun.

Table of Contents

  • Disney Room Service
  • The Market at the Ale & Compass

Bars and Lounges

Ale & compass restaurant, yachtsman steakhouse, shared dining with the disney beach club.

  • Hurricane Hanna’s

Beaches & Cream Soda Shop

The galley is always open – disney resorts room service.

Enjoy a meal in the quiet and privacy of your own room with the Disney Resorts Room Service, excellent food options delivered right to your door. Just press “Dining Options” on your in-room phone, place an order, and the food comes to you.

At the Yacht Club, you’ll find typical Disney food options along with some nautical favorites, fitting with the theme of the resort. A delicious lobster and corn chowder or yummy local baked fish are perfect for seafood-lovers, or splurge on a fabulous Maine lobster roll. If you prefer landlubber cuisine, a brick lemon-herb chicken or a bacon cheeseburger will match your tastes. Buffalo wings and fries are always a good choice too if you need something quick and simple. Kids have plenty of their favorite options as well, like chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers.

There are also some awesome dessert options on the menu! If you missed the chance to hit Beaches & Cream, you can order ice cream up to your room. You can even get an entire cake to share, which is nice for a special occasion.

An 18% gratuity, $5.00 delivery charge and 6.5% sales tax will apply to all delivery orders.

The Market at Ale & Compass

Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, The Market at Ale & Compass is the main quick service dining option at the Disney Yacht Club. Simply referred to as The Market , you can get a fast and filling meal any time of the day, and take a few minutes to peruse the souvenirs in the adjoining shop.

Especially if you’re in a hurry, The Market is a great place to take advantage of Mobile Order . This awesome service allows you to use the My Disney Experience app to order ahead at quick service locations. That means your food will be ready when you arrive! Pick up your food as you walk in, and head right back out, or stay and enjoy your meal. Either way, it will save you the time of waiting for the food to be prepared.

The Market at Ale & Compass

One of our go-to items at any quick service location is the Breakfast Bowl, with scrambled eggs, a Mickey waffle, bacon, and potato barrels (tater tots). I like to get these sorts of combo meals because they are easy to split, and definitely filling. A top tip is to avoid overeating, especially at breakfast, so splitting this meal is ideal. Also available, try different breakfast sandwiches and a healthier egg-white wrap if you want something of your own. Plain Mickey waffles are always a delicious option!

Snacks are well stocked at The Market, so pick up fruit, yogurt, or milk and cereal if you like to breakfast light. Plenty of yummy treats await you at the bakery as well, the chocolate-hazelnut croissant being one of my breakfast favorites.

Don’t forget to fill your mug with coffee, juice, tea, or milk!

Lunch and Dinner

For these times, a variety of hot or cold sandwiches and salads make for nice, light meals. The Cuban sandwich is one of the most popular hot items, with ham, slow-roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, mayonnaise, and mustard all on a hoagie roll served with house-made chips. You can also grab a foot-long chili-cheese hotdog, similar to the gourmet hotdogs served at the Beach Club Marketplace.

Cold sandwiches are great to grab in the morning to take to the parks, or to bring out to eat by the pool. You could even pick one up before you leave, giving you a portable lunch if you’re driving home. Among these are the roast beef sandwich, slices of roast beef topped with horseradish cream, caramelized onions, and arugula all on multigrain bread. Vegetarians will love the roasted vegetable sandwich with roasted Portobello mushrooms, zucchini, red bell peppers, and cauliflower dressed with roasted red pepper hummus, topped with slices of fresh tomatoes and grilled onion served on herb Focaccia bread. Both sandwiches come with house-made chips.

Other Options

Kids have the additional options of grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, a ham sandwich, and an Uncrustable. The children’s meals come with a choice of sides and beverage, making these items a great deal.

The bakery is open all day, so don’t forget to snag something sweet! Sticky buns, chocolate twists, and brownies are all amazing. The bakery also has seasonal cupcakes , each with their own amazing flavor profile and fun decoration!

In the evening, stop by The Market for a variety of beer and wines, which you can enjoy there or take back to your room. If you want something to go, I suggest getting a bottle of wine rather than wine by the glass. You’ll have it for your whole trip, and get more value for your dollar.

There are two main lounges at the Disney Yacht Club – the Ale & Compass Lounge and the Crew’s Cup Lounge. Both are excellent places to relax in the evening, and enjoy a delicious beverage. These are both full bars, so only overage guests are permitted.

The Ale & Compass Lounge

Grab a drink while you wait for your Ale & Compass reservation, or simply lounge in the relaxed atmosphere. The Ale & Compass Lounge is ideal for a relaxing evening or quick bite, all while enjoying a refreshing drink. Opening at 4:00pm and staying open until 10:00pm, this lounge is a great place for an evening hangout.

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Healthy-sized appetizers comprise the food options, giving you filling snacks or lighter meals, depending on your plans. Items like the Parker House rolls with assorted spreads – bacon jam, pub cheese, and citrus butter – are great if you just want something to nibble while you drink. Flatbreads and a bacon cheeseburger are perfect for dinner in the lounge, both options are full sized meals.

In addition to the full-bar offerings, the Ale & Compass Lounge has several original cocktails. A twist on a class, the Maple Old Fashioned will give you that New England feeling. Made with Jim Beam Black Extra-aged Bourbon, maple syrup, orange juice, and angostura bitters, this is a great way to change up your regular. For those in a spicy mood, try the Spicy Pomegranate Margarita. Mix Tequila, Ancho Reyes Chile liqueur, pomegranate juice, and simple syrup together to create a zesty and delicious cocktail! A squirt of fresh lime juice on the top adds a bit of tang and cuts the heat.

Enjoy nonalcoholic mixers as well, like a grapefruit spritzer and the No-Kick Mule, just with ginger beer and lime.

Crew’s Cup Lounge

Outside the Yachtsman Steakhouse, the Crew’s Cup Lounge is a nice alternative if you can’t get a reservation at the steakhouse. The Crew’s Cup is also a good place for one of those appetizer as dinner nights, when you’re up to your ears in delicious (but rich!) Disney food.

On the appetizer menu, share a savory and delightful charcuterie and cheese board, coming with different accompaniments depending on the season. For something a little more substantial, the prime rib sliders are perfect, topped with horseradish cream and served on house-made onion rolls. Jumbo shrimp cocktail are always a great option as well, a light snack with just enough protein to get you to your next meal. Have the shrimp with the Yachtsman signature bread to round out a meal.

Crew’s Cup also offers full entrees, so you can add this to your dinner spot list. After 5:00pm, you can get an amazing ten-ounce prime rib, served with mashed potatoes and horseradish cream. For something a little different, try the Twice-fried Green Circle Chicken. Smoked Feta spoon bread and chicken croquettes come with pickled rhubarb and fiddlehead ferns, an interesting take on fried chicken.

You’ll come for the food, but stay for the drinks! Along with an extensive beer, wine, and bourbon selection, Crew’s Cup offers a large variety of signature cocktails. Literally Walk the Plank with an amazing blend of rye whiskey, orange juice, almond liqueur, and lemon juice garnished with Maraschino cherries. Combine the elements of country and tropical vacation with a Whiskey Breeze – Jim Beam Black Extra-aged Bourbon, Cointreau, and lime juice shaken with guava and mango for that aloha vibe. You could also choose to drink your dessert with the Godiva Chocolate Martini. A divine concoction, this martini mixes Godiva chocolate liqueur, Stoli Vanil vodka, Bols White Crème de Cacao, and Frangelico. This sweet treat will warm you from the inside out!

Available for breakfast and dinner, the Ale & Compass Restaurant is a great option for a nice family meal. Especially if you’re looking for a quality table service breakfast, you have to try out the Ale & Compass!

Think breakfast favorites, with an upgrade. The American Breakfast has the right balance of breakfast foods – two eggs any-style, breakfast potatoes, and choice of breakfast meats. Eggs benedict get the added decadence of smoked pork loin, along with herbs and spices in the hollandaise sauce.

While these dishes are amazing, the quick bread breakfast items change the game. No plain French toast here, but instead, we see salted-caramel apple French toast. Two massive pieces of French toast, sliced horizontally, and stuffed with delicious caramel apples. A buttery brown sugar crumble and salted-caramel drizzle tops the slices, completing the picture. However, that isn’t the end. The Dark Chocolate Waffles are to die for! Three thick, circular waffles hold a dried cherry compote, on top of which sits huge dollops of espresso-mascarpone cream, finished with chocolate shavings. It’s a good thing these richly incredible waffles come with a side of breakfast meat to cut through the sweet deliciousness!

Kid’s Meals

For your kiddos, they can get their favorites Mickey waffles or blueberry pancakes if in the mood for something sweet. Scrambled eggs and a mini-breakfast sandwich are great options if they want a savory dish instead.

As always, I recommend splitting an adult meal between two kids. Especially if they want to try something like the chocolate waffles or the French toast, the split is perfect. It actually works out to be cheaper than a kid’s meal!

Ale & Compass does specialty brunches for Easter and Mother’s Day, a great way to treat yourself or Mom! Going to be dining at the Disney Yacht Club during these holidays? You might want to consider an Ale & Compass brunch.

A great mix of surf and turf, Ale & Compass has a dinner menu that will please everyone in your group. To start your meal, try the amazing lobster and corn chowder or roasted garlic shrimp, both coming with house-made items to dip. Smaller plates are available in the form of salads and flatbreads, both meat and vegetables options to fit all dietary needs.

Of the main plates, our favorites would have to be the New England Seafood Pot Pie, braised short ribs, and the brick lemon chicken. For the potpie, it is stuffed full of a plethora of different seafood – shrimp, scallops, lump crab, and the catch of the day. Mixed in are pearl onions, peas, and potatoes, all coated in a creamy seafood cream sauce. The flaky pastry on the outside completes this delectable dish. The short ribs are fall-apart tender, accompanied by a flavorful roasted vegetable mash and barbecue demi sauce for dipping. Alongside the lemon chicken, you’ll love the duck fat-roasted potatoes and veggie sauté. Add truffle fries with a house-made shallot mayo for extra decadence!

If that weren’t enough, the three dessert options will send you right over the edge. Completely plant-based, the mango torte layers mango mousse and spiced lemon pound cake, covered with fresh berries and a raspberry sauce. You could also try the warm apple cobbler served with frozen vanilla custard, or a rich flourless chocolate cake covered in chocolate ganache and offset by a coffee Chantilly cream. Basically, if you’re not rolling out of Ale & Compass, something went wrong with your meal!

Kids have the ability to build their own meals, choosing from a selection of main dishes and sides. Kids that are more adventurous might like the pasta Bolognese or catch of the day, while a cheeseburger is there to save the day for pickier eaters. Side options include sautéed broccolini, macaroni & cheese, corn, and red potatoes, and kid approved! The side menu includes two dessert options – mini ice cream sandwiches and honey-marshmallow s’mores. Kids can choose to get one savory side and one sweet, working their dessert into the price of their meal.

Open only for dinner, the Yachtsman Steakhouse is the signature dining experience at the Disney Yacht Club. Designed to be elegant, upscale, and a true yacht-country club experience, this steakhouse has high quality dishes and a fabulous atmosphere. Yachtsman Steakhouse even has a dress code, heightening the fancy feel of the restaurant.

I recommend making this a date night or adults-only meal. Of course, you can bring your kids, but they need to adhere to the dress code as well. Between that and the sophisticated style of the place, you need to decide if this is the best place to bring your kids.

First Course

Yes, they even refer to the stages of the meal as courses!

First course items include steakhouse staples like a wedge salad, Caesar salad, and French onion soup, all of which are perfect ways to start your evening. If you want to try something a little different, consider the Ahi tuna tartare with a poke vinaigrette and wasabi, or the creamy lobster bisque. You could also get a charcuterie or cheese board to share if you don’t want to fill up before the main meal.

Chef’s Signature Offerings

These three dishes come recommended by the Yachtsman’s chef, and designed to be truly delicious experience. The first is the Chilled Captain’s Tower, a combination of jumbo shrimp, mussels, oyster shooters, scallop ceviche, and charred octopus salad. As the name suggests, the tower is served cold, and is ideal for the true seafood lover. If you prefer your seafood hot, I recommend you try one of the Land and Sea entrees instead.

Both of the other signatures dishes are made to share between two people. The first is a 28-oz prime porterhouse steak, 21-Day dry-aged, with accompaniments of bone marrow, green onion brioche bread, garlic butter, and your choice of two sides. Second is the Chilled Admiral’s Tower, and upgraded version from the Captain’s Tower. In addition to the Captain’s Tower seafood, the Admiral’s Tower also has Maine lobster, snow crab, and tuna tartare. Again, this item is served cold.

Butcher’s Cuts

It is a steakhouse after all, and these steaks are the main event. Filet mignon, prime rib, rib-eye, and New York strip all come cooked to order, with their own incredible seasonings and sauces to bring out the flavor of the meat. Of these, the filet mignon is my personal pick, covered in a cognac-truffle butter that adds to the unctuous nature of the steak.

Each steak comes with your selection of mashed potatoes, potato-leek gratin, sweet potato casserole, house-made French fries, or broccolini. You can also choose to add to your meal one of the signature Steakhouse Sides – truffle macaroni & cheese, creamed spinach, loaded hasselback potato, house-made truffle fries, or braised mushrooms. I suggest getting the broccolini with your meal (you’ll be glad for a vegetable!) and then adding one of the richer steakhouse sides.

Yachtsman Steakhouse offers further enhancements if you want to add to the luxurious nature of your meal. Get your steak Oscar-style, with asparagus, lump crab meat, and a rich béarnaise sauce. You can also add a half lobster, bone marrow, or thick-cut bacon for a little extra richness.

Land and Sea Entrees

Here’s where the hot, succulent seafood pairs with the delicious steakhouse offerings. Whole Maine lobster and Georges Bank Scallops are paired with incredible sauces and accompaniments to bring out their delicate flavors. If you want something unique, you might enjoy the Cervena Elk from the land side, with a parsnip puree and blueberry sauce.

You can also add the bone marrow or half a lobster to the items, or get them Oscar-style.

Yachtsman has several amazing desserts, but my picks would be the chocolate lava cake and the banana bread pudding. Using high quality chocolate, this lava cake is unlike any you’ve ever had. In addition the cake itself, it comes with a refreshing coconut ice cream to cut through the richness and is topping with a raspberry-Chambord Sauce and gingersnap crumbs.

The banana bread pudding is warm, comforting, and delicious. Caramelized bananas have the right touch of sweetness, as does the caramel rum sauce on top. A side of butter pecan ice cream ties the whole dessert together.

Disney Yacht and Beach Club Dining

While two separate resorts, the Disney Yacht Club shares a few dining locations with the Disney Beach Club. Of course, if you’re staying at either, it is easy to pop over to the other resort to enjoy the dining options. After all, the resorts share a pool area, they’re that close together!

However, two dining spots are right in the middle of the Disney Yacht & Beach Club that you’ll want to check out!

Hurricane Hanna’s Waterside Bar and Grill

Out by the pool, Hurricane Hanna’s is the main pool bar and eatery for Stormalong Bay. This is a great place for you to get a poolside lunch or refreshing beverage, especially if you don’t want to have to trek back to your room. Don’t let the fact that this is a pool bar fool you, Hurricane Hanna’s has some delicious options!

Much like other pool bars, Hurricane Hanna’s has lighter fare, which is what you want out of a meal by the pool. Grab a cool Greek or Caesar salad, perfect for a hot day and a light lunch. If you want to make your salad a bit more substantial, you can add chicken for that extra protein. The rest of the savory items are sandwiches, again ideal for poolside eating. The Italian Focaccia and turkey and Swiss sandwiches are both delicious, but our favorite is the seafood roll. Fresh seafood comes tossed in a citrusy mayo dressing, with just the right amount of zing. All three sandwiches come with house-made chips, which gives just the right touch to the meal.

What would a bar be without amazing drinks! Hurricane Hanna’s has two specialty cocktails you’re going to love – the Category 5 and Storm Chaser. Category 5 has that pirate feel that will have you singing Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me! With Captain Morgan spiced rum, crème de banana, peach schnapps, you’ll be feeling the island vibes in no time; add in a mix of orange and pineapple juices and a splash of grenadine to balance out the drink. If that wasn’t enough, the Category 5 also comes with a float of Gosling’s 151 Rum.

Meanwhile, the Storm Chaser is made with vodka, Bacardi superior rum, blue curacao, and sweet-and sour. A splash of Sprite brings a touch of sweetness and effervesce for a tropical buzz. Between these drinks and the beaches of Stormalong Bay, you’ll forget you’re not on a cruise !

Aside from these drinks, enjoy plenty of other cocktails on the rocks or frozen, as well as a wide variety of beer and wines. We recommend the Sunshine Margarita, a Disney poolside staple, or the Frosé, a frozen concoction of rosé mixed with vodka. Both are refreshing, and perfect for a sunny day by the pool.

For the kids and nondrinkers in your group, there are sweet and cool smoothie options as well as some virgin version of your favorites.

Beaches & Cream Soda Shop has been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember, and it is still one of my favorite places to visit. I can’t tell you how many fond memories I have of sitting out in front of the quick service window, waiting for our No Way José to appear. And then watching it disappear in a matter of minutes! Our family is decided ice-cream lovers, and Beaches & Cream never disappoints.

Beaches & Cream opens every day at 11:30am, providing a place to get a fun and delicious diner meal for lunch or dinner. You can always skip straight to dessert…many people do! Beaches & Cream is also open until 9:00pm, making it a great place to stop after a day at Epcot or on a walk around the boardwalk. This is usually when we stop by, after touring through the other resorts in the area or playing a round of mini-golf. It’s a great way to finish an evening!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amanda Smolko (@a_bookish_baker)

Beaches & Cream has a reputation for fantastic and fanciful desserts, but that’s not all there is to this location. The menu features delicious savory foods as well, combining diner favorites with a touch of table service sophistication. A nostalgic, 1950s diner feel makes this bright and fun location just a great place to hang out. Especially with the recent remodel, the larger space and new décor adds something to the atmosphere.

Diner Delights

Start with a classic cheeseburger, grilled cheese, or French dip sandwich. You could also go for two of the most popular items, the cheddar bacon-ranch chicken sandwich or house-made Reuben. It wouldn’t be a diner if you couldn’t get French fries or onion rings on the side, but Beaches & Cream added tater tots to their menu with the reopening! All your favorite loaded fry options now come in tot form, so if you’re a tot lover, you have to check these out.

Even though they are not listed on the menu right now, in the past Beaches & Cream has had a variety of salads to balance out the sandwich options, as well as a few seafood dishes. What’s great about Disney dining is that they are always rotating your options to keep things fresh, so be on the lookout for new additions!

You can always swing by the pickup window and take your lunch back to the pool, or enjoy your meal at the limited outdoor seating. However, if you definitely want to sit inside for the whole experience, a reservation is a must. Beaches & Cream is quite popular!

Soda Shop Marvels

Alright Mom, I had my dinner, now can I have dessert?

These incredible sweet treats will have you feeling like a kid again, and cause the actual kids in your group to go bananas!

To begin, you can get a classic strawberry shortcake or brownie a la mode. While both are delicious, these items are definitely elsewhere around Disney World , so we suggest going for one of the unique options that makes Beaches & Cream special. You’ll find these delicious delights on the Sundaes on the Beach section of the menu, and you’re going to be overwhelmed by your choices!

As I mentioned before, we are partial to the No Way José, an out of this world peanut butter and hot fudge masterpiece that features both chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Not enough? How about some chocolate pieces and whipped cream on top? Perfect.

The Fudge Mud Slide and Snickers Sundae are both similar to the No Way José, with three scoops of ice cream each, covered in chocolate, and topped with cookie pieces and Snickers bars respectively. You can also go for classics like a banana split or three-scoop sundae, giving you the chance to build your own delicious dessert

Even with all these other choices, the real star of this show is the infamous Kitchen Sink . Getting its name from the phrase “everything but the kitchen sink,” you won’t believe it until you see it. With eight scoops of ice cream, all the toppings in the store , huge chunks of cake, and an entire can of whipped cream , this sundae is no joke. The menu says that it serves four, but it really feeds more like six or eight. Recently, Beaches & Cream has added a Chocolate Lovers and Neapolitan option as well, which focuses more on these flavors.

Grabbing something to go? You can get a plain scoop of hand-dipped ice cream on cone or in a cup, or slurp up a rich milkshake. These are great if you’re planning to eat or drink as you walk, while meeting the need for a sweet treat.

No matter what dining option you choose at the Disney Yacht Club, you’re going to leave satisfied…and wanting to come back for more!

Grace Hoyos, Staff Writer Grace is a life-long lover of all things Disney, particularly the parks at Walt Disney World. She is also an avid Disney Cruise Line enthusiast who regularly dreams of the white sands of Castaway Cay. Grace loves the fact that her Disney trips give her time to spend with her family, enjoy incredible food, and try new experiences.


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EPCOT Food & Wine Festival

The Complete Guide to Eating at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts

By Leigh Caldwell 2 Comments

There are LOTS of Disney resorts , and it can be hard to choose which one to stay at.

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Disney’s Yacht Club

If you’re a big Disney food fan (like we are!), the restaurants at each resort may influence your decision. Allow us to make that decision easier for you! Let’s head over to Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts for The Complete Guide to Eating at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts!

There are 10 places you can eat at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts. Let’s take a look at the tried-and-true favorites at each location!

Ale & Compass Restaurant

Ale & Compass is known for its New England-inspired comfort food. It is part of a larger complex that includes the Ale & Compass Lounge and a small market. If you’re a fan of sweet breakfasts, don’t miss the Dark Chocolate Waffle, which is served with Cherry Compote and Espresso-Mascarpone Cream.

yacht club club level breakfast

So much yum!

At dinner, the New England Seafood Pot Pie (with shrimp, scallops, crab and vegetables in a flaky crust) is a favorite. You’ll also find classics like steak, roast chicken, and burgers on the menu.

Click Here to Read Our Latest Review of Ale & Compass

Ale & Compass Lounge

The Ale & Compass Lounge just off the Disney’s Yacht Club Resort lobby is a great place to grab a drink and an appetizer. It was remodeled a few years ago, and the look now is modern and sleek, with nautical touches.

yacht club club level breakfast

It just seems right to drink a Dark & Stormy or a Regal Manhattan in this classy space. Food is served here from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly, and while it is labeled as appetizers, you can get a burger or a flatbread that is definitely large enough to serve as dinner.

Click Here for Our Latest Review of Ale & Compass Lounge

The market at ale & compass.

This quick-service location has a focus on grab-and-go items such as cold sandwiches, fruit cups, and salads. But there is a coffee bar, and there are hot items available here, as well.

yacht club club level breakfast

Chilled Options

Best bets here include the Ham and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich served on a Pretzel Roll , or the Cuban Sandwich for lunch or dinner. The Market is also a great place to find special, themed cupcakes and other treats around the holidays.

Click Here for Our Review of a Seasonal Cupcake from the Market at Ale & Compass

Cape may cafe.

Cape May Cafe is home to a popular character breakfast — the Minnie’s Beach Bash Breakfast. You can usually find Minnie, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy here — and they are all dressed up in adorable beach wear! The buffet is pretty standard breakfast fare, with the Salted Caramel “Beach Buns” as a highlight.

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Minnie is ready for a day at the beach!

At dinner, the Cape May dinner buffet features New England seafood favorites, including Clam Chowder, snow crab legs, and fried seafood. Do not miss the Oreo Bonbons among the dessert selection here. They are a cookies-and-cream mousse-filled bonbon on top of an Oreo cookie, and they are a perennial DFB favorite!

Click Here for Our Latest Review of the Cape May Cafe Character Breakfast!

Beaches and cream.

There’s one place to go when you want large and over-the-top ice cream treats, and that’s Beaches & Cream ! We particularly love the No Way Jose Sundae and Kitchen Sink offerings.

yacht club club level breakfast

Kitchen Sink Sundae

We suggest grabbing the Kitchen Sink only if you’re with a group because it’s a LOT of ice cream to finish! This giant treat includes a scoop of every ice cream on their menu, along with every single one of their toppings , so it really is a challenge! While you do need a reservation to dine inside the restaurant , the to-go window offers ice cream to take with you to your final destination. You can also grab a burger and fries here for lunch or dinner!

Learn more about Beaches & Cream here!

Beach club marketplace.

Like The Market at Ale & Compass, Beach Club Marketplace is a quick service location where you will find both hot food and grab-and-go options. The Steak and Egg Breakfast Sandwich with Swiss Cheese and Garlic-Peppercorn Ranch Dressing is a specialty in the mornings.

yacht club club level breakfast

Rainbow Mickey Caramel Cheesecake

This is another good place to look for fun seasonal treats, like this Rainbow Mickey Caramel Cheesecake we found there for Pride Month. If you’re looking for an inexpensive dinner option, the Half-Roasted Chicken Dinner with mashed potatoes, vegetables, and cornbread is big enough to split and less than $15.

Check Out These BEAUTIFUL Cupcakes We Found at Beach Club Marketplace!

Martha’s vineyard lounge.

We suggest the wings and mussels at Martha’s Vineyard . And if you’re a fan of out-of-this-world drinks, this is a place you will want to check out. The space is designed to be reminiscent of a New England beach house, but we will say that the theming here isn’t great compared to other lounges on the property.

yacht club club level breakfast

It’s a Candy Cane Mimosa!

We’ve seen candy cane mimosas and jelly bean cocktails at this location before , so Martha’s Vineyard may be a fun place to check out.

Are These Drinks at Martha’s Vineyard a Little TOO crazy? You Tell Us!

Hurricane hanna’s .

Hurricane Hanna’s is the pool bar for the Yacht and Beach Club’s Stormalong Bay pool. You should know that you cannot swim in the pool unless you are a guest of the Yacht Club or Beach Club, but anyone can enjoy a drink or a snack at Hurricane Hanna’s.

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Storm Chaser and Souvenir Cup

The food here will not be the best thing you eat on the trip, but it is decent for a day enjoying the sunshine. Kids’ meals are served in a plastic sand bucket with attached shovel, which is a fun treat that can then be put-to-use playing in the sand! We DO love a good blue drink, and the Storm Chaser — made with Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Bacardi Superior Rum, Blue Curaçao and Sweet-and Sour topped with Sprite — is a fun reason to spend some time watching the action in the pool here.

Click Here for Our Review of the Stormchaser!

Yachtsman steakhouse.

We highly recommend Yachtsman Steakhouse as the place you can find some of the best steaks on Disney World property. You will get a traditional steakhouse experience here — one that caters to nearly all tastes.

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Filet Mignon at Yachtsman Steakhouse

We definitely recommend ordering the Cognac-Truffle Butter for your steak, and the Truffle Mac and Cheese is a side dish that would please just about anyone. We find the size of the side dishes to be big enough for two — so keep that in mind when ordering here!

Click Here for a Recent Review of Yachtsman Steakhouse!

Crew’s Cup Lounge

The Crew’s Cup Lounge is right next door to Yachtsman Steakhouse. We love the cozy vibes here! While you won’t find a lot of specialty drinks, the Crew’s Cup Lounge is a good place for beer or a glass of wine, and stocks several scotches and cognacs . It’s also a good place to watch a game if you’re missing watching sports while on vacation.

yacht club club level breakfast

Starting at 5PM, Crew’s Cup serves a limited menu of favorites from the steakhouse next door. We recommend the Yachtsman Signature Bread (especially the onion pull-apart rolls!), and the Lobster Bisque .

Click Here for a Recent Review of Crew’s Cup Lounge!

Epcot festivals.

You can walk to EPCOT from this resort, so we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that some of best eats available to you could be right inside EPCOT’s International Gateway if there’s a festival going on!

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EPCOT Food & Wine Festival

EPCOT festivals truly have a plethora of different options , so it’s great if no one in your group can decide on one place to eat, or if you have many items to check off your festival list anyway! Check the pages below for the latest dates, menus and information on EPCOT’s festivals:

  • EPCOT International Festival of the Arts
  • EPCOT International Flower and Garden Festival
  • EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival
  • EPCOT International Festival of the Holidays

Walking around Disney’s BoardWalk is also a great option, as it’s really close by and has some great restaurants as well .

yacht club club level breakfast

Disney’s BoardWalk Inn

With DOZENS of places to eat at Disney World, we know it can be tough to plan your meals. That’s why we wrote the DFB Guide to Dining at Walt Disney World . We have reviews, pictures and details about every restaurant all in one digital download – along with ALL of our best tips and strategies from decades of Disney World trips. We’ve got a special discount code for DFB readers, too! Use WDW2022 at checkout for 25% off !

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The DFB Guide to Dining

If you’re looking for all the latest Disney food news, be sure to stay tuned to DFB!

Beware — these will be the hardest dining reservations to get in 2023!

Need disney restaurant advice we’ve got everything you need to know, the only disney dining planning tool you’ll need is here – get the dfb guide to walt disney world dining, see our complete disney world restaurants guide, the best magic kingdom restaurants, the best epcot restaurant restaurants, the best hollywood studios restaurants, the best animal kingdom restaurants, the best disney springs restaurants, check out dozens of disney dining tips and tools, learn all about tipping at disney restaurants, how to use mobile order in disney world, join the dfb newsletter to get all the latest disney food news right in your inbox click here to subscribe.

What’s your favorite thing to eat at a Disney World hotel? Let us know in the comments!


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December 18, 2022 at 7:37 pm

It is hard to beat Ale and Compass for a delicious breakfast and we love lunch at Beaches and Cream…especially the tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Yum! Both of these restaurants are good reasons to stay on the Boardwalk as far as we are concerned!

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January 31, 2023 at 11:56 am

Looking forward to our lunch at Beaches and Cream next month. Lunch choices will probably be chicken sandwiches, followed by dessert (No Way Jose and Strawberry Shortcake). We usually order burgers or grilled cheese, but the chicken sandwich sounds so delicious, so we decided to be a bit different; but we need our favorite desserts.

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yacht club club level breakfast

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Yacht Club Concierge Level

First of all, let’s covers some basics of staying concierge before I tell you about my time there.  The concierge level of a deluxe resort can also be referred to as club level.  Each one throughout the property has a name for their concierge level.  At the Yacht Club it is called the Regatta Club and it’s located on the fifth floor.  Here guests willing to pay a premium are treated to special services including a lounge, complimentary food and drink, and personalized service.  There are about 70 Regatta Club rooms most of which are similar to regular rooms throughout the resort, but there are also suites available.

That personalized service started off badly for Kim and I when we checked in.  I wrote last week about how our check in started badly and only got worse.  You see, when guests opt to stay on the club level, they are supposed to be taken right to their exclusive area to be checked in and taken care of.  This did not happen when we arrived that morning.  We were asked to check in at the regular desk where we also ran into problems.  Eventually they were resolved and a representative from the club level was sent to escort us to the fifth floor.  If I was not paying a premium for special service I would not have been upset about this situation.  However, if I am shelling over extra money I would like to be treated accordingly.

Once guests are brought to the club level at the Yacht Club they will be introduced to the cast members (CMs) on hand at two desks set up to be the resource for any special services they may need.  These CMs are there to help folks with whatever they might need including ADRs, park tickets, and transportation options.  Unfortunately, every time I asked for help from one of the people behind the desk I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the result.

I’m sure most hardcore Disney fans have fun into a cast member or two who was not as knew less about WDW than the fan.  It can be frustrating to feel like you know more about Disney than someone who represents the company, but in some roles it is understandable.  That being said club level concierge desk cast members should be up on what’s going on around the property.  It annoyed me to no end when I had to explain things to these folks and they looked at me with blank stares.  I am a reasonable person, I don’t have a lot of demands of hotel staff, but knowing your own product when you work face to face with guests is a pretty basic request.

A more exciting benefit to staying in the Regatta Club was access to free food for most of the day.  It was lovely to be able to stroll down the hall to grab a bit of breakfast food and a coffee before heading out for a big day at Disney.  Bringing a cup of coffee back to my room while getting ready or lounging on my balcony was also fantastic.  The breakfast offerings are relatively light so don’t expect to fuel up for a full day here.  Later in the day snacks are available along with an assortment of drinks including soda, hot drinks like coffee, and beer (much to my enjoyment).  The home made potato chips which are out in the afternoon are all kinds of awesome! In the late afternoon/early evening the menu changes but appetizers are put out for guests to enjoy before they begin their evening.  Wine and liqueurs along with desserts area served throughout the evening as well.

The selection of food and drink is laid out in the lounge only accessible to club level guests.  There are several tables and chairs set up for folks to you use throughout the day.  The area is busy a breakfast time, but can be a quiet place to relax and maybe even get some work done if guests happen to be business travelers.  There are also a few couches in the mix where friends can gather to chat.  Kids have their own area here with child sized table and chairs and a TV running cartoons and other Disney favorites.  Something about the lounge I really appreciated was that I was able to use it all day on my day of check out.  I was able to head up to the lounge to hang out with friends and have a snack before I headed to the Magical Express.

Would I stay concierge again?  I’ve heard the Club Level at the Yacht Club is among the weakest offerings in that department so while I would not pay for her here again, I would try it at another resort.  It was nice to have food and drink available to us at almost any time, but I’m not sure that alone was worth the cost.  The food selection was just ok, but I’ve heard it’s much better at other locations.  Also, like I’ve already mentioned, the cast members assigned to helping Regatta Club guests were not actually all that helpful.  Since this was my first stab at staying on concierge level I don’t want to say it would never be worth it again, but I doubt I’ll give the Regatta Club another shot.

Have you stayed at the Yacht Club’s Regatta Club?  What did you think?  Let me know if you loved concierge at this resort or maybe you can suggest what club I try out next!

Next week I’ll discuss a recent character dining experience without kids!

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Kristen Helmstetter

Kristen Helmstetter is an Unofficial Guide researcher who will share her 20-something perspective of all things Walt Disney World with blog readers. Kristen’s email address is [email protected]. You can also follow her on Twitter: @khelmstetter .

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18 thoughts on “ Yacht Club Concierge Level ”

Usually I don’t read article on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to take a look at and do so! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thank you, very great article.

I have searched and search for real honest advice, so thank you. We will be staying CR Atrium level Dec 12-17 with my autistic son so… I am worried, I need a smoother checkin than you had, so here is to hoping 🙂

What were some of the questions/requests that the CMs didn’t know?

Pretty much any time I asked for help they stared at me like “what do you want me to do about it?” When I had trouble with my Magical Express reservation, it took a few tries to get it right. While that was probably also the fault of the DME department, they looked at me like i was insane when I asked for help.

Thanks for sharing…we’ve similar disapointments with CL at BC. They told us the CM from both resort stay in one or another…. In the other hand both Poly and AKL CL were awesome! At AKL the CM were so nice, the lounge so pleasant that we almost forget the distance…while at Poly at day 2 they already know my DD preference and provided whatever she wanted (ah, forget to mention that she does not speak english and found ways to comunicate with everyone in the Hawaii building)

I’ve heard Poly and AKL are great, I’d really like to try them some time. I’m glad you had such a good experience with them! Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the review! I’ve never experienced Club Level at WDW but I have enjoyed it at all three Disneyland hotels and experience sounds very similar. Since I usually travel either alone or with one person, I’ve had to question whether I would get enough out of the offerings to make the additional expense worthwhile. Based on the food and drink offerings alone the answer is probably no (even I can’t eat that many brownies but I do my best). That said, the customer service is what would really make this upgrade special. So if the Regetta Club falls short in that area then my money is better spent elsewhere. I hope that you forwarded your concerns to Disney to help get them back on track. Thanks for taking the time to share your story. So, who wants to try the Poly’s Club? 8(|:-)

Thanks for reading, Colin! I’d love to try the Poly Club! I completely agree with you that the food is great but doesn’t necessarily add up to a worthwhile investment. The service was really just ok at at the Regatta Club and that’s really what would keep me from going back.

We’ve stayed at the club level at the Polynesian & the Boardwalk and have loved them both. We started because we have five people in one room, and it’s easier to get big enough rooms on the club level. The staff has always been incredibly helpful, but we think the food and drink options make it. We tend to get breakfast there in the mornings, have snacks throughout the day, and then have a drink before or after dinner (or both!). Plus, staying on the club level encourages us to enjoy the amenities of the hotel more–and to take much-needed breaks from the park, so we stay cheerful all trip.

I’d really like to try the Poly of Boardwalk since they are my two favorite resorts anyhow. I’ve heard the service at both concierge levels is fantastic as well. I did find that going back to the lounge a lot was very relaxing too! For this reason I think I’d want to do club level on the monorail or Epcot area only so I could frequently take breaks easily

Well, once again, I have to say that my experience at YC concierge level was MUCH different than yours. We have stayed at other Disney club level resorts and actually prefer YC over the others. I have only had exceptional service and help from the CMs. Our last stay at YC was in February and our next one will be at Christmas. I can’t imagine things would turn that bad in just 7 months. I would be very disappointed not to be able to check in on the 5th floor. Can someone offer an explanation as to why that happened ? Thanks for your report.

I’m glad you had a better experience than I did! I’ve heard people say that places like the Poly and AKL are far superior than the YC, but you never know. Everyone has varying experiences and opinions. I hope you have a great time on your Christmas trip! Theres nothing quite like WDW in December.

I stayed at the Poly, Beach, and recently the Yacht club levels and it’s a nice perk. One thing I enjoyed about Yacht’s and Poly’s was they stocked the fridge with plenty of soda and left the side door open after hours so if you came back from EMH you could grab one, or three, The beach club’s was always locked after hours.

It is, indeed, a nice perk, but I’m not sure its worth the money for me. It was nice that the side door was left open at Yacht even though I felt like I was sneaking in or something hehe. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your concierge experiences!

My family stayed on the Club Level at YC in June 2010. Similar to your experience at check-in, we were instructed to check-in at the main desk in the lobby. A cast member from bell services brought our luggage up, but we were left to our own devices as to getting off the elevators, orienting ourselves to the lounge, and finding our room. No club level cast member met or greeted us as we got off the elevators, introduced themselves, or offered assistance.

To my family, the best part was access to the lounge with the food & drink offerings throughout the day. I am a travel agent and, because of the room discounts offered TAs, we were not able to book a package thus were not eligible for the dining plan option. In our case, it was more economical to stay on the club level. If you are booking a package, I think that the dining plans are a better choice than spending the $$ to stay on the club level at YC.

One highlight of our trip on the club level was when we returned to the resort one evening and discovered that one of our purchases was damaged. The club level CM was able to handle the exchange and have a replacement delivered to the room the next day.

Oh man your check in was even worse than mine! We at least had someone come greet us even though we had to fight with the girl at the check in desk about our balance.

Access to the food and drink is great but I’d be hard pressed to say its worth the cost of staying club level. Since your stay is discounted its great!

That’s great that they could helped you with your damaged purchase. I’m glad to see some good service being given. I swear they stared at me like I was from Mars every time I talked to the people at the desk.

Thanks for sharing your story, Kristen. It sounds just as I had imagined.

Thanks for reading, Becca!

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yacht club club level breakfast

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  1. Review of Club Level at Disney's Yacht Club

    yacht club club level breakfast

  2. Review of Club Level at Disney's Yacht Club

    yacht club club level breakfast

  3. Review of Club Level at Disney's Yacht Club

    yacht club club level breakfast

  4. Yacht Club BREAKFAST Menu

    yacht club club level breakfast

  5. Disney's YACHT CLUB

    yacht club club level breakfast

  6. Yacht Club, Beach Club & Beach Club Villas Resorts

    yacht club club level breakfast


  1. Larchmont Yacht Club

  2. Next Level Breakfast Burger: Spiegelei direkt im Patty 🍳

  3. Exclusive Disney Room Tour!! Disney's Yacht Club- Club Level

  4. Newport Beach Yacht Clubs and the best cocktail served at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club

  5. MSC Seascape Yacht Club Pool Bar & Grill Afternoon Tea #cruisevlogger #travel #cruise #msccruises

  6. The Ultimate Upgrade:Our Water View Club Level Room Tour at Disney's Yacht Club Resort/December 2023


  1. Review of Club Level at Disney's Yacht Club

    In this post, we review the Regatta Club, the Club Level offering at Disney's Yacht Club Resort. We cover everything—food, drinks, service, and the lounge itself—that you'll need to know about the Regatta Club! ... 7:00AM to 10:30AM - Continental Breakfast. 11:30AM to 4:00PM - Light Snacks. 5:00PM to 7:00PM - Hors d'oeuvres and Select ...

  2. Guide to Club Level or Concierge Lounges at Disney World

    Chronos Club Level in Gran Destino Tower at Coronado Springs Resort. Kilimanjaro Club Level in Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge. King Kamehameha Club Level in Disney's Polynesian Village Resort. Old Faithful Club Level in Disney's Wilderness Lodge. Stone Harbor Club Level in Disney's Beach Club Resort.

  3. Reviews of Disney's Yacht Club Concierge Level

    Disney's Wilderness Lodge Concierge Level. Rating: 9.2/ 10 Recommended By: 89%. Read All Reviews (9) Leave a Review of Disney's Wilderness Lodge Concierge Level. Make the most of your Disney vacation by using our comprehensive database of over 26000 reviews about everything from travel to hotels to dining.

  4. Disney World's Club Level ("Concierge") Offerings Explained

    Club Level at Deluxe Resorts. First, the cheapest Club Level rooms at Walt Disney World's deluxe resorts are at Wilderness Lodge and Yacht Club, and they start at (including tax) $781 and $830 nightly in 2024. Using a deep discount of 30%, which Disney occasionally offers, Club Level could probably be had for around $550 per night.

  5. Dining at Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    Disney's Yacht Club Resort is conveniently connected by water taxi, bus or walking paths to numerous Disney restaurants within the EPCOT Resort area. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online.

  6. Benefits of Staying Club Level at Disney World and Locations

    Continental breakfast: Offered daily, you can typically grab eggs, meats, yogurt, pastries, fresh fruit, juice, and coffee. ... Yacht Club Regatta Club. The Yacht Club Club Level Rooms are located on a club-exclusive floor but are the same as the regular rooms at the resort. This Club Level experience is also on the pricier end of the upgrade ...

  7. Dining Included with Club Level Service at the Walt Disney World Resort

    The offerings included pork sliders, roast beef & mashed potatoes, soft tacos, & cooked vegetables throughout the week during the dinner hours. Again, a variety of beverages including alcohol. Every evening brings dessert & beverages from 8-10pm.

  8. Yacht Club Fact Sheet

    The Yacht Club does have a Club Level and club-level/service rooms. All Club Level rooms are located on the hotel's 5th floor, which requires your Magic Band to gain entry from the elevator. There are 71 concierge suites and 20 "true" suites in a variety of sizes. ... Ale & Compass — Serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a casual ...

  9. REVIEW: Ale & Compass Breakfast at Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    Nestled inside Disney's Yacht Club Resort, you'll find a cozy little table-service restaurant themed to remind you of the inside of a lighthouse.. While the interior décor didn't necessarily give me light house vibes, the dark blue tones and minimal windows were a cool escape from the heat of the Florida sun, and were a perfect extension of the Yacht Club's nautical aesthetic.

  10. Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    The Yacht Club also has 71 Club Level Concierge rooms and 20 Suites. All of these are located on the 5th level top floor of the hotel. ... Here you will find the usual favorites for breakfast. The lunch and dinner menus have a good choice of American classic dishes with a particular emphasis on seafood. There are also 2 lounges in the Yacht ...

  11. Disney's YACHT CLUB Book your Next Disney Vacation with a Disney Expert: [email protected] would be my Pleasure to assist yo...

  12. Club Level (Regatta Club) at the Yacht Club: Opinions?

    But then I took a look at what Club Level really offers. No breakfast until 7am? That means that if we're trying to arrive the recommended 30 minutes before early entry hours at MK (~8:30am) or AK (~7:30am) using park transportation (meaning, showing up at the bus depot 60 minutes before we want to get to the park), there's no way we'd ever be able to get breakfast first.

  13. Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    Nearby Restaurants. Disney's Yacht Club Resort is conveniently connected by water taxi, bus or walking paths to numerous Disney restaurants within the EPCOT Resort area. For assistance with your Walt Disney World visit, call 00 800 2006 0809 * (freephone) or 00 44 203 666 9911 ** (charges apply). Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Saturday ...

  14. Disney Yacht Club Dining: 2022 Guide

    The Market at Ale & Compass. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, The Market at Ale & Compass is the main quick service dining option at the Disney Yacht Club. Simply referred to as The Market, you can get a fast and filling meal any time of the day, and take a few minutes to peruse the souvenirs in the adjoining shop.. Especially if you're in a hurry, The Market is a great place to take ...

  15. Review of Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    The Basics of Disney's Yacht Club Resort. The Yacht Club is a deluxe level hotel at Walt Disney World in the Epcot Resorts Area. Deluxe resorts are Disney's best hotels. If you're considering Yacht Club, you may want to read some of our other posts. We have a ranking of the best Disney World deluxe resorts.

  16. The Complete Guide to Eating at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts

    Ale & Compass Lounge. It just seems right to drink a Dark & Stormy or a Regal Manhattan in this classy space. Food is served here from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly, and while it is labeled as appetizers, you can get a burger or a flatbread that is definitely large enough to serve as dinner.

  17. Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call. Guests at Disney's Yacht Club Resort ...

  18. Yacht Club Concierge Level

    The concierge level of a deluxe resort can also be referred to as club level. Each one throughout the property has a name for their concierge level. At the Yacht Club it is called the Regatta Club and it's located on the fifth floor. Here guests willing to pay a premium are treated to special services including a lounge, complimentary food ...

  19. Home

    Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Phone: 727-822-3873 Pass-a-Grille 727-360-1646

  20. Picton Yacht Club • GrabOne NZ

    One-Night Picton Yacht Club 4-Star Getaway for Two People incl. Daily Cooked Breakfast, Late Checkout & Option Upgrade to King Room with Ocean Views - Options for Two or Three Nights Highlights With spectacular vistas over Marlborough Sounds, you're just a short stroll to the Waikawa Bay Marina, ferry terminal and the picturesque Picton township.

  21. Yacht Deal of the Week: Travel to Phuket and Get Your Hands on Maxia

    Folks, $850,000 is the asking price for the personal floating haven before us today. Considering that up to seven guests can be accommodated aboard this ship, that price can be split seven ways ...

  22. Dining List for Disney's Yacht Club Resort

    Review the calendar date range for up to 10 consecutive days by searching individual dining locations below. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time.

  23. Visiting Clubs

    Please complete the form below to request visiting the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Please note that completing the form does not guarantee reciprocal privileges. Questions contact: SPYC Front Desk: [email protected] or (727) 822-3873. SPYC Membership: [email protected] or (727) 892-6888. Full Name:*.

  24. Membership

    Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Phone: Pass-a-Grille 727-360-1646. The St. Petersburg Yacht Club offers something to entice every member of the family every day. With two clubhouses, three marinas, full service catering, a fleet of sailboats, live entertainment weekly and ...

  25. 5231 Beach Drive SE #A, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

    MLS# TB8300143 Description for 5231 Beach Drive SE #A, Saint Petersburg, FL, 33705 ***RARE OPPORTUNITY! 14' WIDE DOCK WITH A 16,000lb LIFT is ALSO available for purchase with this condo unit MLS U8255880*** This beautiful FIRST FLOOR 2-bedroom, 1-bath condo offers the perfect blend of coastal living and modern comfort.