• Yachting etiquette from A to Z

Like a social event, there are written and unwritten rules to follow on a boat and in the harbour. It doesn't matter if you're sailing with a group of friends, racing or a lone sea dog, everyone should know the basics of sailing etiquette. Do you know the basic rules and customs on a yacht?

General rules of sailing etiquette

Sailing, boating, yachting and all ways of navigating the waters have a very long tradition. Over this time, rules have evolved about how to behave on boats and in harbours. Most of these rules have a practical rationale to ensure a smooth and accident-free voyage, whilst others are rather ridiculous nowadays and stem from the superstition of ancient sailors venturing into the unknown. Still, some of these are worth heeding as well and you should never needlessly try the patience of Poseidon or Neptune.

In general, yachting etiquette can be divided into two main categories. The first is behaviour on board when sailing and the second is etiquette in port. Sub-topics include  observing the applicable rules of yachting , the correct placement and display of flags and greeting crews of passing yachts .

YACHTING.COM TIP: Before every voyage,  pay your respects to Neptune  by pouring a small amount of alcohol in the sea. Superstition though it may be, no one wants to antagonise the King of the Seas. Also, don't whistle on board. They say it disturbs the souls of dead sailors, who will retaliate with a foul wind. Do you know all the  patrons  who have protected sailors and seafarers for centuries?

How to behave on board when under sail

The first and most fundamental rule is that  the captain always has the final say . They are responsible not only for the boat and the smooth running of the voyage, but also for the whole crew. In addition, a yacht provides a relatively limited space in which a group of people must get along together. If a conflict arises, which is not uncommon in tense situations, the captain acts as the chief arbiter and conciliator.

Next, during the voyage, the crew should not stand on deck unless absolutely necessary. Either crew members are on deck as part of manoeuvres, sitting on deck, acting as a so-called 'live ballast' when the ship is heeling, or resting in the cabin. This rule is purely practical. A standing crew member could obstruct the helmsman's view of the boat and its course, and there is also a risk of losing balance and falling overboard.

An experienced crew should also never, as a matter of yachting etiquette, have fenders out of the boat along the sides or have ropes and lines dragging in the water. Aside from the fact that loose ropes and untidy fenders hinder the boat, it shows an ignorance of the basic rules of sailing that is an embarrassment to the crew.

YACHTING.COM TIP: A skipper's licence is required to operate a boat at sea. Unfortunately, unlike a driving licence, there are several options — how do you choose the right one? If offshore sailing appeals to you, try our  Academy where you can get a  C skipper's licence  or a  Royal Yachting Association RYA licence .

How to behave in port

There are two main areas of yachting etiquette in the harbour. One is the arrival of a sailboat or ship into the harbour and the other is behaviour on the moored ship and ashore. This is where you need to be well versed in yachting etiquette, as the eyes of experienced seafarers will be watching you and they will be able to tell at a glance how experienced and knowledgeable your crew is. There are many rules, but above all — consideration for others is fundamental. Never get in anyone's way and only do what you wouldn't mind from others.

The boat should always be in top condition when in port. This means a tidy deck ,  properly packed sails and furled lines, and an overall orderly appearance. Different shoes should be worn on deck than ashore, or at least shoes with white soles and only after checking that there are no stones stuck there that could scratch the boat.

Yachting etiquette in port also includes camaraderie and empathy . No one will like a crew that is unhelpful to others in distress, loud late into the night, disrespectful of marina rules and regulations, disrespectful of service, and otherwise out of step with other customs, including local ones.

Sailing flags, greetings and other wisdom

Not only should an experienced crew know how to behave during a voyage and in port, they should also understand other written and unwritten customs. It certainly pays to know the flag alphabet and the location of yachting flags. A yacht should always carry the national flag of the country where it is sailing, the flag of its country and possibly the flag of its yacht club. For each type of boat, the placement of the flags varies. Generally, however, the national flag is placed at the stern mast, the courtesy flag goes under the starboard spreader or from the leech with the placement of the club flag being relatively arbitrary.

Sailors use specific jargon which is true in greetings, where there are two common ways. On smaller boats, helmsmen greet each other with a shout of  "Ahoy" , while on larger boats a raised hand is sufficient. In both variations, it is always the helmsmen and never the crews who are saluted.

If you get your sailing clothes wet during the voyage or need to change your clothes in port, they can be dried on the line, rails or boom on the boat. However, it is essential to stow all laundry on board before setting sail.

There are many other rules and customs associated with yachting etiquette, but you should always know the basics first.

YACHTING.COM TIP: Ethics  – a theoretical science and doctrine that summarises a set of rules for proper conduct Etiquette  – a code that specifies written and unwritten rules of conduct and social customs within a particular group of people or community (family, state, interest group) A final piece of advice   – if you are unsure about anything, ask the skipper.

Despite all the rules, a holiday on a boat is an incredible experience. I will be happy to help you arrange it.

Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

Luxury & Private Yacht Rental Singapore

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Dos And Don’ts: Yacht Etiquette Every Newbie Must Know

Joanne December 31, 2021 Tips

Dos And Don'ts: Yacht Etiquette Every Newbie Must Know

Yacht charters are becoming a pinnacle of luxury travel, and onboard yacht etiquette is essential for making the whole experience memorable and unique. The standards onboard a yacht charter are incredibly high, so knowing the ground rules can go a long way to ensuring the perfect charter experience – from what to wear to treating the crew with respect during your trip.

It’s not a challenge for seasoned sailing lovers to pick their next destination, but if you are a newbie in the basics and planning for a yacht rental , keep reading on to know the yacht etiquette that every newbie must know.

Do respect the crew

The crew members of your yacht charter are one of the essential groups to make your trip fun, smooth and, more importantly, safe, so respecting them is paramount. They offer excellent service throughout the cruise and would go the extra mile to ensure a memorable and fun time for their guests. Whatever yacht charter type you are in, treat your crew at the actual value of their service – with respect and consideration.

Another way to respect your crew is to keep them informed of any changes in your itinerary for your trip to be optimal. If you plan to invite additional guests on your trip, notify the crew early for them to prepare enough meals or cocktails for everyone. While the crew is there to cover your needs to relax and have fun, proper planning and preparation are equally vital for that to happen, so it’s essential to keep your crew informed of your plans.

Do follow the barefoot rule onboard

Most yacht charters have a barefoot rule, which means they do not allow wearing footwear on board. Footwear like boots, heels, or street shoes is prohibited since they can damage the floors and decks and taint the carpets. Therefore, the “barefoot” rule is enforced. Some yachts offer boat shoes with soft, clear and clean soles.

Do anticipate cleaning time slots

Make sure to give the crew enough time to clean your cabins, do the laundry, and prepare your food. To avoid misunderstandings, always ensure clear lines of good communication between your group and the crew. While you are at sea playing games, the cabins can be used for coffee or breakfast, so it makes sense to allow the crew the time and space for cleaning.

Don’t leave babysitting to your crew

If you are travelling with children, you are responsible for them. Yachts are great places for children since some offer access to water games, cinema, video games, generally fun activities for children, making  sailing with your kids  a great way to bond. While it is expected to have fun and get wild on the yacht, leaving the children in the crew’s hands is irresponsible. The yacht crew are there to serve you and your family’s needs; however, should you plan on bringing children and you would like to have your fun, bring a babysitter along. The crew would greatly appreciate this as well.

Don’t pollute the sea

While you are out at sea, being careful not to harm marine life during your trip is a given. Throw cigarette butts or garbage in the garbage cans provided. Whenever possible, use natural or eco-friendly soaps, shampoos and sunscreens that are not harmful to coral reefs.

Don’t do illegal activities

Zero tolerances are given for engaging in illegal activities onboard a yacht. Such negligent behaviour may cause the trip to be cut short, and an immediate withdrawal of the license and termination of your charter. As mentioned earlier, respect for not just the crew but the sea and yacht goes a long way for a memorable and smooth-sailing trip!

Sailing through the beautiful and open seas with friends or family on a  private yacht  is one of the best ways to spend holidays or celebrations! Take a break from the bustling noise of the city and have a superb time sailing and admiring the waves as you play games or just relax. The tips listed above are just some of the yacht etiquettes to keep in mind when onboard a yacht to ensure an excellent time for all.

As a  top yacht charter , At Valencia Yachts, we offer yacht rentals at an affordable and reliable cost. Our variety of rental periods is guaranteed to suit any of your sailing needs. Prices for our four-hour packages now start from $999 onwards for our Victoria yachts and $1200 onwards for our Valencia yachts. Spend your holidays and celebrations with us by soaking in the sand, sea and sun in the best way possible!

  • Yachting Etiquette 101- Dos and Don’ts for Yacht Owners

Yachting Etiquette 101- Dos and Don’ts for Yacht Owners

  • April 24, 2024

Owning a yacht feels like a unique mix of freedom, luxury – and responsibility. While you are free to explore the open seas and indulge in your private oasis on the water, as a yacht owner, you are also responsible for the vessel’s and everyone’s safety and well-being. You have to follow the maritime regulations, plan routes, be responsible for the yacht’s maintenance, and know the etiquette of how to deal with your crew and guests.

In this article, we will discuss some of the yachting etiquettes you must follow to make sure your voyage turns out to be a smooth and enjoyable experience for yourself, your crew, and fellow yachties.

  • Be a considerate host. If you have guests on board, prioritise their comfort and enjoyment. Make sure everyone knows the yacht’s layout and safety procedures well before you set sail. Some of the things you should tell them before they arrive on your yacht include mealtimes, dress codes (if any), and any specific expectations you may have.
  • Respect the crew. The crew works hard to give you the best yachting experience. In return, remember to be courteous and respectful when you talk to them. Also, communicating your needs clearly and thanking them afterwards are some of the common yachting etiquettes every yacht owner should follow.
  • Communicate effectively with other vessels. Maintain a VHF radio listening watch (keep listening to broadcasts by Coast Guard stations and other vessels in case there are any warnings, distress calls, or navigation hazards you must be aware of). Also, adhere to maritime communication protocols. Signal your intentions clearly when manoeuvring and follow right-of-way rules to avoid collisions.
  • Respect the environment. When you are at sea or in marinas, dispose of your waste properly. Adhere to local regulations on fishing and diving. You must keep your yacht’s environmental impact to a minimum.
  • Be a good neighbour. While anchoring, maintain a safe distance from other yachts and minimise noise disturbance, especially during late evenings. If you witness another yacht in distress, offer whatever help is possible.


  • Overcrowd your yacht. Be mindful of passenger capacity regulations and make sure there’s enough space for everyone on board to move around comfortably. Familiarise yourself with international maritime regulations (COLREGs) and local boating laws to ensure safe and legal navigation.
  • Disregard safety procedures. Safety should always be your first priority. Give safety briefings to guests and make sure you have life jackets for everyone on board.
  • Drink and drive (or sail). Anyone who’s operating the yacht (including the captain and crew) should be sober at all times. Alcohol impairs judgment and slows reaction times.
  • Use strong odours. They can make others in confined spaces with you uncomfortable. These might include perfumes, strong-smelling foods, and even cigarettes.

Beyond these basic guidelines, here are some additional pointers for the discerning yacht owner:

  • Show your appreciation for the good work of your crew by tipping them generously. While it’s not mandatory, we have seen the best tippers receive the best services.
  • If you are attending a formal event on a yacht, adhere to the dress code.
  • At sea, it is always a good idea to know some basic knots. Who knows when you might need them to save a few lives?

Following these yachting etiquette tips as a yacht owner can help you ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. They will help you navigate the seas with confidence and foster camaraderie within the yachting community.

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Yacht Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of a Luxury Yacht Charter

IGY Isle de Sol 2 140

With yacht charters being the pinnacle of luxury travel, onboard yacht etiquette is part of what makes the whole experience so special. Standards on board a charter yacht are incredibly high, so mastering a few rules of yacht etiquette - from what to wear on a yacht to how to treat the crew with respect - can go a long way to ensuring the perfect charter holiday.

What is yacht etiquette?

Yacht etiquette lays out the unspoken, accepted standards of behaving on board and varies from yacht to yacht. Size can matter in this regard, with larger, more luxurious yachts for charter likely having a more formal and sophisticated structure to charter operations and much more formal guest/crew communication. On smaller yachts serviced by just a couple of crew members, the crew may be more involved in your day to day charter activities and have a more informal relationship.

Yacht etiquette also varies depending on what kind of trip you are on. If you're a guest of the owner on a private yacht, in addition to the basics, yacht etiquette centres around your host. Don’t be late for meals, respect the itinerary of your host and - as a general rule of thumb - don’t do anything on board that they wouldn’t do!

yacht etiquette respect the crew 002

Superyacht Etiquette - The Dos & Don'ts On Board

With yacht charter being the pinnacle of luxury travel, the etiquette on board is part of what makes the whole experience so special. From what to wear to how to treat the crew with respect, we help you prepare for the ultimate yachting vacation.

Onboard Etiquette 1200x800

What is yacht etiquette? Simply put, it lays out the unspoken, accepted standards of behaviour on board and varies from yacht to yacht. Larger, more luxurious charter yachts are more likely to have a formal and sophisticated structure in place, while if you opt for a smaller yacht with fewer crew, they may be more involved in your day to day charter with a less formal relationship.

Before boarding your yacht, you’ll fill out a preference list on everything from your favourite Champagne to what you’d like to eat for breakfast – the more details you can give the better so your crew can get a head start on making sure they have everything on board.

Be sure to inform the captain of any special requests in advance – if you’re looking for a relaxing charter away from the hustle and bustle of city life, they would know to avoid Monaco. Equally, if you want to see and be seen, a charter to a remote island off Corsica might not be your thing. The captain and crew take time to research what guests enjoy, so the more information you can give them the better.

Dividing the rooms

Often there will be one principal player who is inking the charter contract and footing the brunt of the bill, or the charter party might consist of two families or a number of couples who intend to share costs equally. Typically the principal charterer would be given the master cabin but, in the case of mixed groups, many yachts have more than one sizeable suite to accommodate.

When choosing a yacht, look for one that has a few master-worthy VIP cabins and decide who will sleep where in advance to avoid any surprises later.

Respect your crew

Respecting the crew, including their privacy and time off, is at the core of yacht etiquette. Working and living on board a luxury yacht  is a challenging role, so to ensure the crew can deliver a seven star service, it’s essential to respect their rest time. The galley and crew quarters are also out of bounds for guests.

What to pack

If you’re planning on exploring the Arctic, it’s probably not worth packing a skimpy sundress, and likewise if you’re wintering in the Caribbean, leave your ski jacket at home. You’ll also need fewer shoes than on other types of holiday as a ‘no heels’ policy means you’ll mostly be barefoot on board, while ashore you’re likely to spend a lot of time with your toes in the sand. Luxury beach towels and toiletries are provided and the interior crew will take care of laundry and ironing.

Collaborate with your captain

It’s also important to heed your captain’s advice on itineraries and matters of safety – they are the experts after all. You might be desperate to go to that cluster of remote islands but, if there’s a storm coming and your captain won’t take you, you can be sure it’s for the best. The same may apply to the use of water toys if conditions or local regulations do not permit. 

Bring a nanny 

While many yacht crew are great with children and are happy to plan fun activities for them, it’s not really their job to be your children’s minder. Bringing your own nanny is like bringing a part of home – someone familiar and more qualified to take care of your child while you’re on board. If your children are happy then you will be too.

Take safety seriously 

Safety is the primary responsibility of the captain and crew, and they take it very seriously. They are legally required to ensure the safety of guests at all times, so make sure you listen to the safety briefing at the start of your charter which covers emergency protocol, life jackets and life rafts. Similarly, mind the rules – if your yacht doesn’t allow smoking, heed your captain’s advice before lighting up.

Respect other yachts around you

When you’re in a marina, it’s important to lower the volume in the early hours. Equally, when you’re out on your jet skis, it’s important to respect the privacy of other yachts at anchor. It might be tempting to get up close and see who’s on board, but others might not appreciate the attention.

 Image credit: My Manifiq

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Here's why chartering a superyacht is an experience of a lifetime, family time: a superyacht charter for all ages .

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Yacht Etiquette 101: Dos and Don'ts While Onboard

Sailing through the waters of yacht etiquette  can often seem as challenging as charting a course through stormy seas. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time guest, understanding the subtle dos and don'ts  of conduct onboard is essential for a harmonious voyage. From dressing with decorum to engaging with the crew respectfully, and prioritizing safety  to practicing impeccable social manners , each aspect plays a vital role in ensuring a pleasant journey for all involved. As we explore these guidelines further, one might find oneself intrigued by the subtle art of maintaining a balance between leisure and propriety on the high seas.

For those looking to experience the unparalleled joy and sophistication of yacht life firsthand, considering a yacht rental in Sarasota  might be the first step towards a memorable journey. Sarasota, with its serene waters and beautiful coastline, offers a variety of yacht charters  tailored to meet the desires of any sea-loving individual. Whether it's a vacation you're planning or simply a day out on the sea, understanding the etiquette of yacht life can significantly enrich your yacht charter vacation . With professional yacht charter Sarasota services  available, guests can immerse themselves fully in the luxury and tranquility of sailing, making every moment aboard a special one. To start your journey on the pristine waters of Sarasota, exploring the available yacht charter options in Sarasota, FL , is a great way to begin a nautical adventure that blends leisure and elegance, leaving you with memories that last a lifetime.

Key Takeaways

yachting etiquette

Dress according to the yacht's standards, opting for smart casual in the daytime and formal attire in the evening.

Address crew members respectfully by their titles and refrain from entering their private quarters without invitation.

Familiarize with and adhere to the yacht's safety procedures, participating in drills and respecting maritime boundaries.

Treat the yacht with care, avoiding substances that could damage finishes and following guidelines for using amenities.

Engage in polite and inclusive conversation, maintaining a moderate voice level and demonstrating punctuality at all gatherings.

Dressing Appropriately

Selecting the appropriate attire for a yachting excursion  is fundamental, as it respects both the vessel's standards and the event's formality. The intricacies of yacht etiquette extend beyond mere manners and into how one presents oneself, making clothing choices not just a matter of personal style  but of respect and consideration.

Typically, daytime attire leans towards smart-casual , with lightweight fabrics  such as linen and cotton being preferable for their comfort and breathability under the sun. For footwear, non-marking soles  are essential to protect the yacht's deck.

Evening events often demand a more formal approach. Men might opt for blazers or dinner jackets, while women can consider elegant dresses  or sophisticated separates. The key is to balance elegance with comfort, acknowledging that the maritime setting  might bring cooler breezes during nighttime.

Moreover, it's wise to inquire about any specific dress codes or themed events  planned during the voyage. Being prepared for such occasions demonstrates attentiveness and adaptability, qualities that are highly valued in yachting circles. Ultimately, the goal is to blend personal style with the yacht's ambiance, ensuring a harmonious experience for all on board.

Interacting With Crew

Understanding the appropriate way to interact with the yacht crew  is an essential aspect of maintaining a respectful and harmonious onboard environment. The crew is dedicated to guaranteeing your safety and satisfaction, hence, acknowledging their hard work and expertise with courtesy is paramount. Always address crew members  by their titles unless invited to do otherwise, and respect their privacy  by not entering crew quarters  without invitation.

Communication is key; clearly and politely convey your needs and preferences. Remember, while they are there to assist, crew members are not personal servants. Miscommunications can often be avoided  by being direct yet respectful  in your requests. Tipping is a customary way  to express gratitude for exceptional service, but it's important to adhere to the yacht's policies regarding gratuities.

Moreover, patience is a virtue , especially in instances where the crew is attending to multiple tasks or guests. Understanding that some requests may require time to fulfill fosters a considerate atmosphere. Finally, engaging in a friendly, but professional, conversation  can enhance your experience. It acknowledges the crew's humanity and can make the voyage more enjoyable for everyone involved. Respecting these guidelines ensures a pleasant and memorable yachting experience.

Safety First

Prioritizing safety aboard a yacht  is essential, guaranteeing a secure and enjoyable experience for all guests and crew members. It's vital to familiarize oneself with the vessel's safety procedures  and equipment locations  upon boarding. Participation in safety drills , though perhaps appearing tedious, is an invaluable practice that can greatly impact the effectiveness of emergency responses.

Adherence to safety guidelines extends beyond drills and equipment familiarity. Guests should be mindful of the maritime environment 's inherent risks, such as slippery decks and low railings. Appropriate footwear  can help reduce the risk of slips, while a cautious approach to moving around the yacht ensures personal safety without compromising the luxury experience.

Furthermore, respecting the boundaries  set by the yacht's captain and crew is essential. These professionals are well-versed in managing the complexities of yacht safety and their directives should be followed without hesitation. This includes compliance with capacity limits  for certain areas of the yacht and heeding warnings related to weather conditions or sea states.

Protecting the Yacht

While emphasizing the importance of safety aboard , it is equally important to focus on the protection and preservation  of the yacht itself. Protecting the yacht is not only about maintaining its aesthetic appeal  but also ensuring its long-term functionality and reliability. This involves a series of practices and habits that everyone on board should adhere to.

Firstly, it is vital to understand and respect the yacht's capacity limits . Overloading the yacht with too many guests or excessive weight can strain its structure and systems, leading to potential damage. Guests should also be mindful of their footwear. High heels and hard soles can scratch and damage deck surfaces , so opting for soft-soled shoes is advisable.

Another aspect of yacht protection involves being cautious with substances that can harm the yacht's finishes. Sunscreen, sprays, and other lotions should be applied carefully, avoiding spillage on teak decks, upholstery, and other sensitive areas . Beverages and food items should be handled with care to prevent stains and spills , which can be challenging to remove.

Lastly, it's imperative to follow the crew's guidance  regarding the use of the yacht's amenities. Misuse of equipment, whether it's the entertainment systems , water toys, or navigational instruments, can cause unnecessary wear and tear or even irreparable damage. By adhering to these guidelines, guests can ensure that the yacht remains in pristine condition, safeguarding the investment and pleasure  it represents.

Social Etiquette

Mastering the intricacies of social etiquette  on a yacht promotes harmonious interactions and an enjoyable experience for all guests. The confined space of a yacht necessitates a heightened awareness  of personal behavior  and respect for others' privacy. It begins with formal introductions , guaranteeing that everyone on board is acquainted. Using titles and last names is customary until a more familiar relationship is established or permission is granted to use first names.

Conversation should be inclusive and considerate, avoiding controversial topics  that could lead to discomfort. Listening is as important as speaking; allowing everyone to contribute enriches the social experience. Remember, the sound carries over water, so keep your voice at a moderate level, especially when discussing private matters.

Respect for the crew is paramount . They are professionals dedicated to ensuring your safety and comfort. Addressing them politely, acknowledging their hard work, and adhering to their instructions regarding the yacht's operations contribute to a positive atmosphere.

Lastly, punctuality for all gatherings , whether it's dinner or a scheduled activity, demonstrates respect for the host  and fellow guests. It guarantees that no one's experience is diminished by unnecessary delays or interruptions .

What do Sarasota Charters provide in their packages?

Customized Voyages

Our Center Ring provides a one-of-a-kind charter voyage across Sarasota Bay and beyond. Seamlessly blending luxury, comfort, and outstanding service, its expansive layout and decadent features make it an ideal selection for anyone seeking the thrill of an opulent expedition. This yacht caters to your every desire, whether you're organizing a romantic retreat, a family day out, or a business gathering. Savor the luxury and elegance on board the Center Ring Motor Yacht. Reserve your charter today to embark on an extraordinary voyage where each moment surpasses your highest expectations.


Starting from $5,000

Immerse yourself in a memorable six-hour, single-day charter, customized to match your preferred time. Captivating sunset cruises aboard the Center Ring offer a magical setting to witness the vibrant colors of the evening sky, or you can plan an enchanting day exploring the Gulf Coast. Our yacht, fully equipped with fuel and a maximum limit of 12 guests, creates the ideal scene for an unforgettable journey.

​Captain, First Mate, & Stew included. Catering Options Available.


Starting from $9,800

Venture on a memorable two-day journey with up to 8 guests. Departing from the port promptly at 4:30 pm, passengers can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the Gulf of Mexico, roomy outdoor decks, and a beautifully designed interior filled with amenities as they sail along Florida's West Coast. A delightful sunset dinner, followed by a hearty breakfast and a gourmet lunch the next day prepared by our onboard chef, is included in the package. The luxurious Center Ring yacht arrives back at Sarasota by 1:30 pm the next day after an indulgent escape from the everyday world.

Captain, First Mate, & Stew included. Catering Options Included.


Starting from $25,000

Embark on a sensational journey, with week-long or longer charters tailored from Sarasota to any destination of your choosing. With prices beginning from $48,000, our charter package can be fully customized to cater to your unique requirements and budget, ensuring a genuinely personalized voyage. Accommodating a maximum of 6 guests, immerse yourself in absolute privacy and comfort as you uncover stunning locations along your selected route. Whether your dream is cruising the Caribbean, hopping between the islands of the Bahamas, or uncovering secluded treasures in the Mediterranean, our yacht charter provides the perfect base for a memorable voyage of a lifetime. Allow us to curate an unrivaled experience that has you reminiscing for years to come.

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About the Yacht

Sarasota Charters takes pleasure in unveiling Center Ring, a spectacular charter yacht that brings a new definition to luxury and elegance. This remarkable 116-foot Lazzara craft allows an experience on the sea that is simply peerless, supported by a full-fledged crew committed to delivering top-tier service. 

Center Ring's breathtaking design and sumptuous interiors radiate refinement and style, thus making it an ideal selection for those desiring an unforgettable yacht charter. To further enrich the journey, guests may opt for a personal onboard chef, who will prepare mouthwatering dishes to match their tastes. Set off on a nautical journey of pure tranquility on Center Ring and allow us to spoil you in pure lavishness.

→ https://www.sarasotacharters.com/the-yacht  

Sarasota Charters

-2187 Siesta Drive | Sarasota, FL 34239

-Phone: 941-343-2378

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Luxury Yacht Charters

Everything you need to know about yacht charter etiquette

Going on a yacht charter trip is a luxurious and unforgettable experience. However, to ensure a pleasant and harmonious journey, it’s vital to familiarise yourself with yacht etiquette. Following these guidelines will not only ensure the smooth operation charter, but also contribute to a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone onboard. This comprehensive guide will delve into the fundamental principles of yacht etiquette, providing you with all the necessary knowledge for your next adventure, even if you are still considering yacht charter locations .

Learning the correct yacht etiquette can be overwhelming

Discover the important things to know below before your next charter

Customs and Expectations on a Yacht Charter

Being a guest on a yacht charter is a privilege that brings with it specific customs and expectations. These exquisite vessels are high-value assets that require a certain level of respect and care. Observing proper yacht etiquette is key to preserving the condition of the yacht, ensuring the comfort of all onboard, and contributing to a harmonious atmosphere during the journey. If you are still considering where to charter, is is best to focus on this first. You may want to explore charter opportunities in Italy, Greece or the top French Riviera charter destinations . Once you have decided where to charter, and along with your charter expert chosen the perfect yacht and organised the holiday, then it is time to familiarise yourself with the appropriate yacht etiquette.

When stepping aboard a yacht, remember that each yacht has its own rules and regulations, which are usually established by the owner or the charter company. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these rules at the beginning of your journey. A good and reputable charter company will make sure you are fully aware of these regulations prior to boarding. Respecing the rules will demonstrate respect for the vessel and the crew, reinforcing the positive relationship between you and the charter team.

Moreover, understanding yacht etiquette will help you navigate the yacht charter environment, which can be quite different from traditional hotel or vacation rental experiences. From respecting the crew’s hard work to handling onboard amenities with care, adhering to yacht etiquette is an integral part of the yacht charter experience.

Guidelines for Crew and Passenger Behavior on a Yacht Charter

Yacht etiquette – safety briefings given by the yacht crew.

One fundamental principle of yacht etiquette involves respecting and adhering to safety protocols. At the start of your journey, the yacht crew will provide safety briefings designed to ensure everyone’s safety throughout the trip. These briefings contain vital information about emergency procedures, equipment usage, and onboard conduct guidelines. Ignoring these guidelines not only puts your safety at risk but also violates basic yacht etiquette. These are common, but very important formalities. The crew have been equipped with the knowledge and know-how to ensure everyone onboard the yacht is safe for the duration of the charter.

Safety onboard will always be priority for Captain and crew

Understanding safety protocols will ensure a pleasant time onboard

Inform Crew of Any New Passengers

According to yacht etiquette, it’s crucial to inform the crew about any new passengers you intend to bring onboard during your charter. This is not only a safety measure but also allows the crew to prepare adequately for the new guests. Surprising the crew with unexpected guests is considered disrespectful and can disrupt the smooth operation of the yacht charter. More importantly, every yacht has a maximum number of passengers that they can accommodate cruising and sleeping onboard. This is to ensure the yacht is meeting is maritime legal obligations as well as for insurance purposes. If additional passengers aboard the yacht exceed this number (normally 12 guests cruising), then the charter will not proceed. It is important to understand these rules and regulations, and to respect them.

Don’t Do Anything That is Illegal

While it may seem like common sense, it’s worth reiterating that all activities aboard a yacht must abide by the law. Like any other property, yachts are subject to the local laws and regulations of the region they’re operating in. Engaging in illegal activities, such as the use of illicit substances, can result in severe consequences, including termination of the charter agreement. As a part of yacht etiquette, it’s paramount to ensure that all your activities onboard adhere to legal standards.

Don’t Disrespect Any Boundaries

Every yacht charter operates within certain boundaries, and respecting these boundaries is a key aspect of yacht etiquette. For example, crew quarters are considered private areas that should not be entered without permission. Always ask before venturing into any restricted areas on the yacht. Similarly, respect the personal space and privacy of other passengers onboard to maintain a harmonious environment for all.

What to Wear to respect Yacht Etiquette: Dressing for a Luxury Experience

Not sure what to wear aboard a yacht?

Read on to learn more

Understanding the appropriate dress code is an important aspect of yacht etiquette. Dressing appropriately for a yacht charter not only shows respect for the host and the occasion but also ensures your comfort throughout the journey.

During the day, casual and comfortable attire is recommended as you might engage in various activities such as sunbathing, swimming, or relaxing on the deck. Opt for light dresses, shorts, and t-shirts. Swimwear is, of course, essential, but remember to cover up when you’re not sunbathing or about to swim. Essential accessories include a sun hat, sunglasses, and a generous amount of sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

As evening falls and the atmosphere becomes more sophisticated, the attire usually transitions to more formal wear. For men, this might mean a pair of smart trousers and a polo shirt, while women might opt for a chic summer dress or a stylish top and skirt. Always remember to pack a light jacket or a shawl as the evenings can become cool.

One significant point of yacht etiquette relates to footwear. High heels and hard-soled shoes can damage the deck of the yacht. As such, it’s best to wear soft-soled shoes or go barefoot while onboard.

What is the barefoot rule on yachts?

The 'Barefoot Rule' on yachts is a widely observed yacht etiquette, primarily intended to protect the yacht's deck from scratches or marks caused by footwear. Hard-soled shoes, high heels, and even certain types of sandals can potentially damage the deck surface. Therefore, guests are often requested to go barefoot or wear soft-soled shoes while on board. This rule not only helps maintain the pristine condition of the yacht but also adds to the relaxed, leisurely atmosphere associated with a yacht charter experience.

Tipping Guidelines for Yacht Charters

Tipping is a fundamental part of yacht etiquette. It serves as a token of appreciation for the dedicated service of the crew during your charter. While the amount may vary, it’s customary to leave a tip at the end of your journey.

Standard Crew Tip for Private Yacht Charters

The standard tip for yacht charters usually falls between 10% and 20% of the total charter fee, with 15% being the average. However, it’s important to remember that tipping should reflect the quality of service you’ve received. Exceptional service might warrant a tip above the average range, while a less satisfactory experience might result in a lower tip. This comes down to you, the charterer.

Tipping the Captain vs Tipping the Crew

When it comes to yacht etiquette, all tips should be given directly to the captain, who will then distribute them among the crew. This practice ensures a fair distribution and adheres to the internal arrangements of the yacht’s crew.

What Happens If You Don’t Tip the Yacht Crew? Bad Yacht Etiquette?

While tipping is a customary practice in yacht charters, it’s not mandatory. However, failing to tip may be perceived as a sign of dissatisfaction with the service provided. If you’re satisfied with the service but can’t afford a tip, it’s best to explain the situation to the captain. Open communication helps maintain good relations and mutual respect.

Yacht Etiquette Conclusion

Understanding and adhering to yacht etiquette are essential to ensuring a smooth, enjoyable yacht charter experience. Proper conduct not only contributes to a harmonious environment onboard but also helps maintain the vessel’s condition, ensuring that future guests can enjoy the same level of luxury and comfort. So, when planning your next yacht charter adventure, remember these yacht etiquette guidelines and set sail for an unforgettable journey.

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Yacht Charter Etiquette: A Guide to Proper Conduct on a Yacht


The Yachtie’s Guide to Etiquette

A yacht charter can be a luxurious and relaxing experience, but it’s important to remember that you are a guest on someone else’s boat. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all, there are certain etiquette rules that you should follow.

Do’s on a Yacht Charter:

  • Be on time: Arrive at the designated meeting place on time, or better yet, a few minutes early.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress appropriately for the occasion, taking into account the time of day and the activities planned.
  • Be polite and respectful: Address the crew and other guests with respect, using polite language and gestures.
  • Follow safety rules: Follow all safety rules and instructions from the crew, especially when it comes to wearing life jackets or using equipment on board.
  • Enjoy yourself: Relax and have fun! This is what a yacht charter is all about.

Don’ts on a Yacht Charter:

  • Don’t wear shoes: Shoes are typically not allowed on a yacht, as they can damage the deck or leave marks on the surfaces.
  • Pay attention to toilet rules: Toilets on a yacht differ from those on land.
  • Don’t bring illegal substances: It’s illegal to bring drugs or other illegal substances on board, and it’s also disrespectful to the crew and other guests.
  • Don’t cause damage: Take care not to damage the yacht or its equipment, and report any damages as soon as they occur.

By following these do’s and don’ts of yacht charter etiquette, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone on board. So, kick off your shoes, relax, and enjoy the luxury and beauty of a yacht charter.

Ensuring your safety and enjoyment.

Etiquette: the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group..

A yacht vacation is the ultimate relaxing holiday. With sun, sea and 5-star service, it doesn’t get any better. You will experience new rules and etiquette as the nautical way of life as you step on deck. Just follow a few simple guidelines to make your trip as pleasant as possible for everyone.

No matter how large the vessel, the kitchen is called the “galley”, and the bathroom is called the “head”. While no one wants to be bound to “rules” on their vacation, we all appreciate some common courtesy.

Before boarding

When you first arrive, the polite way is to ask permission to board. A friendly “Good morning! May I come aboard?” will go a long way. This rule is as old as the sea itself and still holds today. You wouldn’t enter someone’s home uninvited, so why would you do that at sea?

There’s one thing all yachts have in common: a basket for footwear by the passerelle or gangway or at the main salon entrance when you get on deck. Here street shoes can be deposited until it’s time to go ashore again. High heels can scratch and damage the Teak decking, whereas street shoes can deposit dirt, dust and mud that ruin a yacht’s plush carpets. Aboard the boat, you can go barefoot, wear clean socks, wear a pair of slippers or sometimes clean, specific light-soled shoes. Check with your Charter Broker regarding the yacht’s footwear policy. You can still pack your stilettos or favourite street shoes for when you go ashore; you can’t step onboard wearing them.

It is preferable to take suitable soft-shell luggage easily stored as storage space is limited. Hard-shell luggage could cause damage and is difficult to store.

Your Charter Broker will work with the Captain to create a dream itinerary before your charter. Of course, once onboard, you may decide to follow a different route. If you would like to change course, discuss your wishes with the Captain. The Captain will consider your request, considering the local conditions and prevailing weather. The Captain has the final say as his first responsibility is your safety.

The Captain

Please follow the strict chain of command on a yacht. Although the crew will always aim to please you, it’s proper etiquette to direct any requests you may have while onboard (apart from drinks orders) to the Captain. If you’re unhappy with something, tell the Captain. A request about the yacht’s interior, such as swapping cabins, laundry instructions or menu changes, should be directed to the Chief Stew. The captain will discuss the day’s itinerary each morning at breakfast. So please use this opportunity to raise any issues to be resolved immediately. Should the Captain not be able to assist, please contact your Charter Broker.

The crew generally consist of a Captain, a stewardess/hostess, a chef and a deckhand. The bigger the yacht, the more pairs of hands will be on deck. The charter guests may request a crew relationship beforehand; this may be informal or discreet (where they remain in the background until asked to perform a service). Treat the crew as you would most valued employees. The crew – from the chef through to the stewardesses – have a hectic schedule. Each one is trained to ensure your holiday exceeds your expectations. Acting dismissive or rude towards the crew may influence the quality and enthusiasm of the service you will receive.

The crew quarters are tiny and separate from the guest spaces, with their own entrance. This is the crew’s private space, and their privacy should be respected. Due to the busy 24-hour schedule of yacht crew, there will almost always be someone asleep in the cabins, and the crew might not be in uniform or set to entertain guests. You’re welcome to request a quick tour of the crew accommodations if you’re interested, but this area is generally off-limits.

Do not try to be polite by helping the crew clear plates or make beds, as they may feel the service they provide is inadequate. They are proud of their jobs, so sit back and enjoy their service. Be kind to the crew and allow them time for housekeeping. You might want to party all night but bear in mind that they have to get up to prepare breakfast at 6:00. They are always busy, so afford them the respect they deserve no matter how friendly they are.

Yacht Charter Etiquette

Complete the Preference Sheet provided by your Charter Broker well before the charter to notify the chef of any special dietary requirements or favourite foods and beverages you want to enjoy onboard. The galley (of course, you knew that is the kitchen!) on a yacht is a commercial workspace like a restaurant kitchen, and entry is generally “by invitation only”. The chef is usually hard at work preparing your next delectable feast or cooking for the crew. Give the chef as much advance notice as possible if you plan to skip a meal to eat ashore. Don’t help yourself to anything in the galley without first asking the chef. Most yachts have mini-refrigerators in the guest areas, stocked with your favourite drinks and snacks throughout your stay.

On smaller yachts, like catamarans, the guests and crew generally enjoy a more casual relationship, whereas, on larger yachts, the separation between guests and crew is more formal. Unless there is a special celebration, the crew does not eat with the charter guests. If you want to have the Captain join you for a drink or dinner, don’t hesitate to ask, but don’t be offended if he declines. Operating a yacht is time-consuming and captains will often work at night and rest at unusual hours. If you wish to have a private space, whether the top deck or saloon, ask the Chief Stew, and the crew will honour that. The crew have signed confidentiality agreements, and social media blackouts are in place. So, what happens on the yacht, stays on the yacht.

Going Ashore

One of the great joys of going on holiday is seeing new places, and your yacht allows you even more freedom to decide what you want to see. However, don’t expect your crew to accompany you on sightseeing trips. While you enjoy sightseeing or shopping, the interior crew will use that time to ensure you return to a freshly spruced up yacht for you to enjoy on your return. If you spend the day on the beach picking up shells, please give them to a deckhand to rinse before going aboard.

Yacht Charter Etiquette

Most charter yachts are equipped with a wide range of tenders and water toys that can provide you with hours of fun in the sun. When anchored, you may find the toys already launched and waiting in the water before waking up. But before you jump onto that Jet Ski and take off, be sure to check with the crew. Local regulations may require a boating safety session before you can use the tenders and toys. It’s essential to be aware that different ports around the world have different rules governing watercraft. Jet Skis are not allowed in some places or licenses are required in others. The water toys vary on the different charter yachts, so if you require a particular toy, please inform your Charter Broker in advance to make the necessary arrangements. For those who wish to obtain a U.S. personal watercraft license in advance, please visit www.boat-ed.com .

Yacht Charter Etiquette

Your safety and enjoyment on board is the prime responsibility of the Captain and crew, and they, therefore, view it as a serious matter. The Captain and crew will give you a complete briefing on safety procedures before leaving port. Pay close attention as these rules are in place for your comfort and ultimate safety. Inform a crew member if you’re planning to go for a swim or leave the yacht. Generally, the crew will keep an eye on guests, but if you don’t see anyone around when you’re about to launch off the swim platform, please find someone and inform them of your intentions. The captain and crew want to provide you with the best vacation possible and, within reason, cater to your every wish – but they are also ultimately responsible for your safety and the yacht’s safety. If weather conditions or other safety constraints prevent sailing to a selected area, please don’t argue with the captain. If you have children, make sure they wear lifejackets and are with a supervising adult while the yacht is moving. Also, as an adult, wear a lifejacket if you get seasick while the yacht is in motion.

Financial Matters

It is advisable to discuss all financial matters associated with your charter vacation with your Charter Broker before your trip. During your charter, your Captain is responsible for keeping track of all expenses. Should the APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) run out before the end of the charter, the Captain will approach you to top it up. You may request the Captain to view the financials at any time. Your personal taste and preferences will determine the expenses incurred during a charter. At the end of the charter, the Captain will produce full accounts of all costs, and you will be refunded any surplus.

Note that the fuel costs are also included in the APA. Check your yacht’s fuel consumption with your Charter Broker. For example, a motor yacht with a maximum speed of 30 knots per hour and fuel consumption of 800 litres per hour will perhaps have a more efficient cruising speed at 20 knots per hour, which reduces her fuel consumption to 400 litres per hour. That means you can now travel for three hours, covering 60 nautical miles and only use 1200 litres of diesel. Therefore think twice before asking the Captain to travel to a destination at maximum speed. You might like to take notes of the time and speed travelled during your charter to compare it to the Captain’s notes. More info .

Yacht Charter Etiquette

The Little Ones

A yacht vacation is a perfect opportunity to enjoy some family fun, as charter yachts are equipped with the latest toys and games for children. Young children must be under the supervision of an adult at all times. If you’re chartering with children, bear in mind that professional crews are not babysitters. The crew’s average day stretches from long before you wake up to long after you have gone to bed, with many daily tasks to complete. The crew may offer to entertain your children for a set period of time during the charter, but don’t abuse the privilege. Most yacht charter contracts require that a nanny is brought on board for children under a certain age if the adults want to enjoy some time to relax. The crew will happily teach your children water sports and play a few games on board, such as treasure hunts, but won’t be able to assume responsibility for your children if you go ashore for the evening and want to leave the children behind.

Furry Friends

Pets are not allowed. If, however, your dog is very small and well trained, your Charter Broker might be able to negotiate an exception.

Smoking is mostly prohibited inside of yachts and only permitted in designated areas, usually outside. A considerate guest will smoke on the downwind side of the yacht.

Be conscious and cautious about marine toilet systems (“heads”) as they are not always flushed or operated in the same way as household toilets. Follow the crew’s instructions on how to use them correctly. Otherwise, you may waste a day at a port in order to fix a broken sewage system. Don’t flush any “baby wipes” or foreign objects. Many yachts also do not allow toilet paper to be flushed. Don’t be concerned as this is normal. Place the used toilet paper in a provided bin lined with a plastic bag, which will be emptied by the crew as soon as you leave the heads. The attentive stewardess will always ensure a hygienic and clean head.


Seasickness or motion sickness is one of the most miserable experiences one can endure, but don’t let this condition stop you. There are numerous remedies available, so please consult your medical doctor beforehand. Refrain from alcohol consumption during cruising and wait until the yacht is back on the mooring before a drink. Most yachts now have stabilisers (both whiles cruising and at anchor) that stop the yacht from rocking. Underway Stabilisers dramatically improve ride comfort while cruising, and Zero Speed Stabilisers are designed to eliminate roll while at rest or anchored significantly. If you are prone to seasickness, please ask your Charter Broker to select a charter yacht with stabilisers. More info .

Be Considerate

Please keep the noise levels down if your boat anchors in a quiet bay, sound is amplified on water. Do not throw any litter overboard, and do not discard drinks in the water. When it is time for a meal, treat it similarly to how you usually dine on land. Throw on some light layers over your bathing suit before sitting down for your lunch or dinner. When in harbours, be courteous to neighbouring yachts when socialising on the deck early in the morning or late at night.

Illegal Activities

There is a zero-tolerance aboard yachts for illegal activities like drug use. The penalty for this kind of behaviour may cause the yacht to be impounded, or the license to be withdrawn. The Captain and crew will therefore report any illegal conduct. This also applies to weapons on board and medical marijuana.

It’s customary for guests to leave the Captain and the crew a gratuity of between ten and twenty per cent of the charter fee, based on your satisfaction with the service rendered. Customarily the gratuity is in cash or wired in advance to the Captain to be divided equally among crew members. Although not always obvious, be assured that all are working very hard to care for your every need. More info .

What is a primary charter guest?

A primary charter guest is the person who is responsible for booking and paying for a yacht charter. This person is typically considered the “head of the group” or the main point of contact for the charter company. The primary charter guest is responsible for managing the other guests on the yacht, ensuring that everyone follows the rules and regulations, and ensuring that the yacht is returned in good condition. The primary charter guest is often expected to provide information about the guests, their preferences, and any special requests they may have. This person is also responsible for communicating with the charter company and crew throughout the trip to ensure that everything runs smoothly and everyone has a great experience.

What is a drop towel on a yacht?

A drop towel on a yacht is a towel or cloth used to protect the deck or surfaces of the yacht from scratches or marks caused by items such as sunglasses, phones, or jewellery. Drop towels are often placed near lounge areas or on tables to provide a convenient and safe place to set personal items while on board. They help maintain the clean and pristine appearance of the yacht and are an essential part of yacht etiquette and good housekeeping practices.

Remember that you’re on vacation. Try to relax and stay flexible, especially about your itinerary. If weather conditions necessitate a deviation from your original destination, discover the pleasures of a totally unexpected alternative locale. The crew want you to be as comfortable as possible, and you’ll only fully appreciate how amazing the experience is until you totally relax.

Yachting is generally an informal activity, without too much protocol, but keeping these common courtesies in mind should provide an amazing, unforgettable yachting experience.

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Yacht Etiquette for First Time charter guests

yachting etiquette

Top ten yacht etiquette tips for first-time charter guests

Chartering a yacht is one of the most exclusive holidays available. Offering facilities that would rival that of a five-star hotel. Complete privacy for you and your guests and a dedicated crew who will ensure your every requirement is met. It’s easy to understand why so many people are now choosing yacht charter as their holiday of choice.  However, stepping on board can also be quite daunting for those who have never chartered a yacht before. People often don’t know what to expect. And, the yacht etiquette at sea can be very different from that of a normal hotel or cruise liner.

1. Treat the yacht as if it’s yours

The one benefit of a luxury yacht is that your five-star accommodation is also your transport. It provides the ultimate opportunity for you to relax and enjoy your time on board. Your Captain and crew will always want you to feel at home; and treat the yacht as if it’s your own. Luxury yachts will be decorated and outfitted to an extremely high standard, however. So care should be taken when on board as you may be charged for any breakages or damage!

Yacht Etiquette

2. Provide as much information as possible on your preference sheet

Prior to your arrival, you will receive a preference sheet. This is a document where you provide the crew with as much information as possible; everything from your party’s dietary requirements to sleeping arrangements. Your Captain and crew will always appreciate as much information as possible to ensure they are fully prepared for your trip. Share anything that you feel is important and will make your charter the holiday of a lifetime. 

3. Treat the crew with respect 

The crew are there to create the ultimate holiday experience for you and your guests. However it is important to treat them with respect and ensure that your requests are reasonable and achievable. Rest assured, they will always ensure that they accommodate these wherever possible. But, making any requests in a fair and polite manner will always be greatly appreciated. 

4. Factor a tip into your budget

It is customary to tip your crew between 10 – 15% of the charter fee in recognition of a high standard of service. Any gratuity should be presented to the Captain at the end of your trip to ensure that tips are divided equally amongst the crew, including those who are essential but not always seen by the guests. 

5. Respect the crew’s personal space

Although you will have the full run of most of your yacht, your crew will also have their own designated area where they sleep and undertake their day-to-day duties. It’s important you respect these areas and don’t enter unless specifically invited. This also includes the galley (or kitchen for those who are new to yachting terms), where your chef will spend a lot of time preparing meals.

Yacht Etiquette

Should you want any refreshments at any point of your charter, a quick call to one of your stewards will ensure you have everything you need. The stewardesses will regularly check in with you to ensure you have everything you could ever want. 

6. Be prepared to go barefoot 

Due to the bespoke nature of a yacht, and the fact that many vessels boast custom carpets or exotic floor coverings, many Captains will impose a no-shoes rule meaning you will need to go barefoot, wear yacht provided slippers or a new pair of boat shoes on board. This will be communicated upon your arrival and should be respected at all times.

There will always be a clean and secure place provided to put your shoes.

7. Always report any issues to the Captain

In the unlikely event that you have any issues throughout your trip, a key aspect of yacht etiquette is to always raise these to your Captain instead of taking matters into your own hands. Whilst on board, your captain is the only person with authority, and they will ensure any matters are dealt with appropriately and promptly. 

8. Do not break the law

Yachts operate a zero-tolerance policy for anything illegal or illicit and the Captain will pass any matters over to the relevant authorities if anything was to happen on board. In most countries, this will be treated very seriously and could involve jail time or hefty fines. 

9. Check your yacht’s water sports policy

Depending on your yacht and the waters you are sailing in, different regulations may apply to the water sports toys available on board. Although in most instances many will be fine for you to use under the supervision of your crew, more specialist equipment such as jet skis or fishing gear may require tuition or even a license to use. Should this apply, your crew will be able to arrange for any relevant paperwork or training. However, it’s best to bring this up with your charter broker prior to embarking. This will ensure the necessary arrangements can be made in advance. 

Yacht Etiquette

10. Ensure you’re aware of all of the costs

In most instances, the cost of the charter is solely to cover the use of the yacht, crew, insurances, and use of any water toys (as specified). There is also often an APA (advanced provisioning allowance) applicable on top of your charter fee which covers any additional expenses. These include fuel, food, drinks as well as harbour and marina fees (other than those of the yacht’s home port). The APA is usually budgeted at around 25-30% of the charter cost. However, you will only pay the cost price for what you use. Any funds not required will be returned to you at the end of your trip. Likewise, should you go over this you will be asked to make a payment to cover your additional expenses. 

Have you got any more yacht etiquette tips?

Read West Nautical’s yacht charter FAQ’s here:  http://www.westnautical.com/frequently-asked-questions/

For Media enquiries please contact  sarah.mackenzie@westnautical.com   

For yacht charter, sales or management; please contact Managing Director Geoff Moore Geoff.moore@westnautical.com  

And, for the latest superyacht news, click here .

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Yacht Charter Etiquette

The dos and don’ts on the charter to make your experience the most enjoyable.

Chartering a yacht combines privacy with impeccable service in a relaxed environment. However, following a few simple yacht charter etiquette rules help your trip run smoothly. Here are a few dos and don’ts to make your trip more enjoyable:

Yacht Charter Etiquette: DOS

DO fill out the preference form in advance This handy document goes a long way in making your trip the most enjoyable. Return it prior to setting sail – everything, the service, the cuisine, the onboard experience will be better because of it.

DO listen to safety briefing Your captain and crew take safety very seriously. And that’s why all charters begin with a brief safety talk. So, make sure you provide undivided attention, in the case of rough seas or an issue onboard, the information you’ll learn can be very helpful.

DO be flexible on your itinerary (weather dependent) Your captain and crew will do everything possible to follow your itinerary suggestions. But remember: Safety is always the most important. Weather can throw your plans off course; it’s helpful to be understanding if the changes have to be made for weather-related reasons.

DO respect your crew All crew members work tirelessly to provide impeccable service and meet your high expectations. Everyone is there to make sure you have a truly memorable time. Treat them as you would your most-valued employees.

DO tip the crew Crew gratuity is typically 10-20 percent of the total charter fee. This, of course, is up to your discretion. It can be scaled up or down depending on your satisfaction of the service. At the end of your charter, you can hand an envelope with the tip to the captain, who will divide it equally among the crew, unless otherwise specified.

Yacht Charter Etiquette: DON’TS

DON’T do anything illegal There is zero tolerance aboard yachts for illegal or illicit activities. The penalty for any such behavior is the yacht itself being seized and the license lost. Therefore, the captain and crew will end your charter and return you to shore, if any illegal activities have taken place.

DON’T enter the crew quarters Avoid crew areas, unless you’ve been invited. The galley, or kitchen, is typically off-limits to guests, unless invited by the chef. Most yachts have mini-refrigerators with drinks and snacks, if needed. Plus, your crew will be on hand to provide beverage service and take any food orders throughout your stay. DON’T expect the crew to babysit Many yachts encourage charter guests to bring children of all ages, and they have a wide variety of water toys, video games and DVDs just for kids onboard. Fishing or movie nights are a popular evening pastime. But remember: The crew members are not babysitters. They’re very busy and cannot always provide a watchful eye. If you’d like nanny service, while onboard, just let your charter broker know. They can help you choose a yacht or make prior accommodations.

Don’t walk on the boat in your street shoes As soon as you step onboard, you’ll notice a familiar sight on any yacht: a basket for shoes by the gangway. Street shoes track in dirt, dust and other contaminants that can ruin a vessel’s custom carpets and other exotic floor coverings. Dark-soled shoes and boots leave dents, dings or marks in wood decks and floors, no matter how carefully you tread. So, it’s not unusual for owners and captains to request that guests leave their shoes at the door.

DON’T waste fresh water A yacht is a self-sufficient unit, and as such, the crew needs to manage all aspects of power generation, waste disposal, and water consumption. Showers aboard should be short and, in some cases, it may be suggested that you turn the water off when you soap up. Follow the water restrictions to ensure there’s always hot available.

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Yacht Charter Etiquette: Be the Best Guest review

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Yacht Charter Etiquette: Be the Best Guest

Insight into onboard etiquette from yacht charter specialists

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By Editorial Team   26 January 2023

A yacht charter vacation offers unrivaled freedom, luxury and privacy to guests. But to ensure you have memories of a lifetime at sea, there are just a few etiquette aspects to keep in mind while on your superyacht charter .

In this article:

Home away from home

Listen to the safety briefing, check the rules for pets onboard, opt for soft luggage, respect the crew, keep to guest areas, advance notice for celebrations and events, communication is key, check the smoking policy, ask about hiring a nanny, give crew time to deliver the best service, respect the barefoot rule, zero tolerance for illegal activities, consider crew gratuities.

From following the barefoot policy to keeping out of the galley, follow these simple tips for a ​seamlessly sublime experience onboard.

Owners offer their luxury yachts for charter for guests' enjoyment, but also under the circumstances that their yacht will be used respectfully.

So while you should relax and enjoy your time on board, it would be wise to think of the superyacht as a home away from home and treat it accordingly. 

family enjoying aperitifs onboard superyacht charter

Sit back and relax onboard, but treat your superyacht as a home away from home.

Your captain and crew are dedicated to ensuring you have an unforgettable yacht charter holiday experience, which is why it’s crucial to pay attention to the safety briefing.

Your safety is their top priority. Listening to the briefing is not only a legal and insurance requirement, but also in your best interest.

yacht charter dogs onboard

When booking, do tell your broker you want to bring your dog onboard: they can search for pet-friendly charters.

If you are keen to bring your four-legged friend onto your yacht charter, do inform your broker when making a booking. There are a number of pet-friendly vessels that do allow you to bring your dogs on deck, but it is never a good idea to just simply bring on your pet no questions asked, as many superyacht charters do not allow animals onboard.

The main reasons include the potential risk of the yacht's decor being ruined, as well as the issue of pet permits. For example, to enter the majority of Caribbean islands, dog owners need to request a permit in advance, subject to meeting certain tests and medication certificates.

If possible, choose a soft bag to take onto your charter as it will be easier to stow and avoids cabinetry being damaged. You are still allowed to bring hard suitcases, but if you are considering taking a large number of them, it's worth verifying with your broker the size of storage space on board the charter yacht beforehand.

What to Take on Your Charter Vacation

The crew leaves no stone unturned when it comes to crafting an incredible superyacht experience just for you, so do treat them with respect for all the amazing work they do. Remember that your yacht charter crew are the ones who make your dreams on the open waters a reality, taking care of all your needs with the utmost enthusiasm. They ensure everything runs smoothly onboard, all the while taking care of a variety of tasks at once.

Your Luxury Yacht Charter Crew

Be considerate and avoid going into the crew's private areas during your charter. Leaving their cabins and quarters undisturbed ensures crew can get the downtime needed to keep performing at their very best, resulting in an outstanding vacation for you. 

It is equally worth avoiding the galley (where the culinary magic happens!) unless specifically invited — it's seen as a sacred space onboard. If you need food and drink top-ups at any time, it's always best to inform one of the stews first rather than going to the kitchen directly.

Being able to entertain guests onboard your floating palace is a source of great delight, but do inform the charter crew of your plans in advance.

yachting etiquette

Ensure you can dazzle extra guests in style and tell your captain first before inviting them onboard

titania bar

Simply returning to your yacht impromptu with dozens of guests and expecting your chef to suddenly whip up a late-night three-course meal puts staff in a difficult situation, and they may not be able to fulfill your demands on such short notice.  Dazzle extra guests in style and tell your captain first so that additional food or drink can be purchased and prepared ahead of time.

Woman going down water slide on a yacht

Indicate your charter wishes (toy use, themed nights, excursions, BBQs and events) preferably on your preference sheet (or as far in advance while on your charter) what you would like to do onboard. The crew can then plan ahead and ensure a seamless experience between activities during your yacht charter. For example:

  • Toys:  let the crew know if you want to spend the day on the water so that toys can be set up promptly. Things like slides and waterparks can take up to an hour to inflate and put away, while jet-skis may need to be refueled or lithium boards recharged, both of which can take hours to sort out. Equally, it's useful to let staff know if you plan to go ashore, so that staff efforts getting toys ready can instead be focused elsewhere.
  • Excursions: require advanced planning for launching and driving tenders (as well as for staff potentially coming ashore with you). Staff may also need to bring additional toys like segways and e-bikes. Knowing in advance also allows for better organization onboard, as stews can use this time to get cabins turned over, ready for your later arrival.
  • BBQs and picnics ashore: knowing in advance means the chef can prep accordingly, and the stews know to work their breaks around all going ashore to help set up with the deck crew, serving drinks and meals, and clearing.
  • Themed nights:  similarly, the crew need to order provisions in advance to ensure that any special requirements can be easily met. 

Yacht Charter Preferences

Smoking is usually prohibited inside on most superyachts, but, there may be some deck spaces where smokers are permitted on certain vessels for rental. If you or any of your guests are smokers, be sure to verify with your broker beforehand if you are allowed to smoke on board, as this is something that is entirely at the discretion of the yacht owner.

Children are certainly welcome onboard most charter yachts, with many stocking an abundance of videos, games and water toys specifically for kids. Most crew also adore playing with the little ones on deck or in the water. But do not make the error of mistaking crew members for babysitters — they aren't.

children playing during yacht charter

Don’t mistake the crew members for babysitters—they are not.

If you do plan on bringing young children on your superyacht charter and are seeking assistance, then talk to your yacht charter broker when booking. They can organize for a nanny to come onboard so that you can unwind while knowing your children are being cared for.

Alternatively, if you would like a nanny you already work with to join you on the yacht charter, they can usually be accommodated in a spare cabin — just be sure to tell your broker first.

Giving the crew some space to keep on top of yacht maintenance, such as serving essential systems or housekeeping tasks, ensures a smoother yacht charter experience for all. Remember that the team will be taking care of a number of tasks at once to ensure you have an exceptional vacation, and this requires focus.

Don’t take it personally if the crew can’t always join you for dinner or sightseeing during your charter—they are likely focused on delivering the best experience possible for you.

Embrace relaxed luxury onboard and remove your shoes (or wear appropriate deck shoes). Most charter yachts adopt a barefoot policy as high heels and black soles can cause scuffs and dents on the teak decking. 

Be respectful and adhere to this policy, remembering to take off your shoes and place them in the shoe baskets whenever you return to the yacht after a day's exploration or evening ashore.

couple smiling on sailing yacht

Most charter yachts adopt a barefoot policy as high heels and black soles can damage teak decking

There is a zero-tolerance policy for any illegal or illicit activities onboard a superyacht charter, with serious consequences for both you and the crew. The yacht can be seized and lose its license, the captain can also lose theirs, and you will be removed from the yacht immediately, regardless of how much remaining time you have left on your vacation. 

It is customary to tip between 5-15 percent of the charter's value – although this can be more for American crew – which is usually paid to the captain and subsequently distributed amongst crew members.

If you have been absolutely delighted with your yacht charter experience and would like to show your appreciation for the captain and crew's hard work, then this is the way to do it!

Captain & Crew Gratuities (Tips): How much?

Take a look at our advice guides for more information on chartering a superyacht, covering everything from charter contracts to yacht charter packing tips.

For more advice on booking a luxury yacht charter please speak with your preferred yacht broker .

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This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3705 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

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Myst Yacht Charters

The Dos and Don’ts of Yacht Charter Etiquette

Before you head off on your yacht charter vacation, take the time to familiarize yourself with the dos and don’ts of yacht charter etiquette. By following these general rules, you can make your next chartering trip a pleasant experience for you, your family, your friends, and the crew.

DO’s of Yacht Charter Etiquette

1. Be Kind to the Crew Your crew works tirelessly to make your yacht charter vacation memorable. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in showing appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

2. Prioritize Safety At the beginning of your trip, the crew will brief you on safety protocols. Pay close attention to these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the yacht and during water activities.

3. Communicate Dietary Preferences Before boarding, ensure you’ve communicated your dietary preferences. This helps the crew prepare meals that cater to everyone’s tastes and needs, enhancing your dining experience.

4. Supervise Children If you’re traveling with children, remember that the crew is not responsible for their supervision. Always keep an eye on your kids to ensure their safety, especially around water.

5. Treat the Yacht with Care Respect the yacht as if it were your own. While it’s okay to be a bit casual, remember that the next guests will expect the yacht to be in pristine condition, just as you did.

6. Pack Light Yachts have limited storage space, so pack only what you need. A good rule of thumb is to pack half of what you initially planned. Resort-chic attire is perfect for dining at upscale locales, while casual wear suffices for most activities.

7. Go Barefoot Wearing street or dress shoes on the yacht can damage the deck. Opt for boat shoes or go barefoot to keep the yacht in top condition.

8. Have Fun While it’s important to follow the rules, don’t forget to relax and enjoy your time on the yacht. After all, a yacht charter vacation is about creating lasting memories and having fun.

DON’Ts of Yacht Charter Etiquette

1. Forget to Tip Tipping the crew is customary on most yacht charters, as their compensation largely depends on gratuities. A standard tip ranges from 10-15% in the Mediterranean and 15-20% in the Caribbean. Consult your charter broker for specific recommendations.

2. Bring Spray Sunblock Spray sunblock and other oil-based products can stain the yacht’s fabrics and teak decks. Instead, choose “reef safe” sunscreens, which are also a legal requirement in many destinations.

3. Bring Illegal Substances Yachts enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding illegal drugs. The presence of drugs on board could result in severe consequences, including the termination of your charter. Always comply with local laws and regulations.

Fortunately, the dos and don’ts of yacht charter etiquette are easy to remember. Be kind, be courteous, follow the safety rules, and most importantly, have fun! Do all the above, and your yacht charter vacation is bound to be a resounding success.

If you’re searching for a private yacht charter for your next getaway, let Myst Yacht Charters help. Our friendly, professional, and passionate brokers will help you find a charter that’s perfectly suited to you and your party’s needs. Contact us today to get started!

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Luxury Travel Magazine

Superyachts Expert Shares Key Yachting Etiquette Tips

  • November 10, 2023

Superyachts Expert Shares Key Yachting Etiquette Tips

Being immersed into the deep luxury that comes with boarding a superyacht can feel like a fantasy to all but the most wealthy.

If like us, you’re holding out for an invite onto one of the world’s top-end ocean liners, the experts at luxury yacht brokerage firm  SuperYachtsMonaco  have put together a set of yachting etiquette tips for when the day comes.

Wondering what you might need to know before you hop on board a superyacht? Step right this way.

Chris Craven, a Broker at  SuperYachtsMonaco  comments on some of the most important etiquette rules when it comes to visiting or chartering a yacht, and some may surprise you:

What are the rules around smoking or vaping on a yacht?

“In principle smoking and vaping is never allowed in the interior of the yacht and guests are generally requested to smoke outside on the decks. If you do smoke, then ensure the doors are closed to the interior.”

The no shoe rule applies, and heels are an absolute no go! 

“Almost all yachts have a NO SHOES policy. During events where carpets and protection are laid to protect the teak and interior carpets, shoes are sometimes approved, but heels and teak are not the best of friends, so guests are strongly guided away from such footwear.”

Can a pet come on board with you? 

“Yes, but you should always check the owner’s policy on pets. There are plenty of owners that bring their own dogs onboard but for charters, the usual process is to ask for permission. You must detail the breed and weight of your dog for example, and more often than not, be prepared to pay a refundable security deposit of anything from 20,000-50,000 euros.

“Crew are not expected to walk dogs, but they are often keen to get off the yacht for a stroll, so they might very well offer, but in most cases the owner of the dog takes them ashore.”

Be prepared to tip big 

“Tips and their size is a complicated topic, as it varies so much based on personal preference. The general rule within the yachting community is to provide a tip of 10% of the charter fee (not the total cost including VAT and APA) to the crew. The tip can come from the excess APA left at the end of the charter or is often sent directly to the yacht crew by wire transfer the week following the charter if the client wishes to leave more than what remains in the APA. Cash is seen far less now and so these two methods are the general norm.”

Guests are expected to take safety protocols very seriously 

“Surrounded by stunning interiors or seated on the aft deck of the yacht, at a calm anchorage with a glass of champagne in your hand, one can easily underestimate the importance of the safety brief on ‘Hour One’ of the charter at embarkation. However, when things go wrong at sea, they generally go wrong very quickly and with very serious consequences, normally at night for some reason! Whilst the general feel onboard a yacht is that the crew are there to look after you, and they certainly always make you feel special, they are principally there for your safety. The safety training provided and the strict guidelines followed by the flag state under which you are sailing, mean that you have exceptionally competent and well-trained crew there to guide you to safety, and to respect this is paramount of any yacht charterer. Despite how young and inexperienced they might appear to be in some cases, they know their way around the yacht in all circumstances and you must take what they say when it comes to safety seriously.

“Guests love to jump off yachts from different levels, or hop in for a swim off the back of the yacht. Letting a crew member know about your activity is vital, so they will radio the whole crew to let them know that guests are in the water.

“Guests often think that as the yacht comes with toys, you can use them all, but be aware that licences are required for jet skis and some other toys, so ask well in advance. Training can either be arranged onboard by the crew, or through a short course pre-charter to allow you full access to everything onboard ( apart from the tenders).”

Are there any rules on bringing uninvited guests?

“Generally yacht captains are very flexible with who comes onto the yacht as long as they have prior permission from their owner, the charterer, or there is a scheduled meeting.  All yachts have their limitation of how many passengers they can have at sea, so as long as this is respected, all is well. Superyachts attract all sorts of attention and so dockside security, passerelle watch and other such lines of ‘defense’ are all taken very seriously. Tight communication with the captain and/or chief stewardess as to any new guests is very important.”

Are there any other general interior rules that should be followed? 

“The bottom line is to have basic respect for someone else's property. Walking through the yacht with wet swimming trunks, bringing red wine into the salon where there is a white carpet, children ‘handling’ chocolate, are all no-nos! The list goes on, but it all comes back to respect and understanding. I know of yachts that indeed do not allow red wine inside the main salon, do not allow clients to sit on certain sofas with suncream on, and some where jean studs are frowned upon, due to the amount of varnished wood. As a backup, owners can often request a security deposit to cover accidental damage and charterers can take out liability insurance so all bases can be covered on both sides.”

What type of luggage should you bring on board?

“When chartering a smaller sailing yacht or production boat, foldable/squashable soft luggage is always better for the crew, especially if you have a full yacht of guests as storage is often not very good.”

Freebies, on a yacht?

“If you like the products the owner has offered in the bathrooms or any sun creams that have been supplied on your trip, you can always ask the chief stewardess if you can take some extras with you at the end of the charter. Do not simply presume you can sweep them all up like you might in a hotel. Sometimes, the crew will even give you branded gifts, such as towels to remember the stay, but it is always better to ask first.

“The crew will also provide themed nights when requested at no additional cost, they are used to doing this for adults and children. Although the crew are not trained nannies, with a sensible conversation, some crews are also delighted to entertain children for a ‘movie night’ for example, while parents go for dinner ashore.”

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A Guide to Yacht Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts Onboard

Table of Contents

Yacht Etiquette Basics

To master the Yacht Etiquette Basics with the sub-sections – ‘Importance of Yacht Etiquette’ and ‘Essential Etiquette Rules on Yachts’, you must learn the proper behavior and manners to follow while onboard. These sub-sections will provide you with an understanding of why proper yacht etiquette is essential and the essential yacht etiquette rules that you must abide by.

Importance of Yacht Etiquette

Yacht etiquette is essential for a reputable image and setting the right tone among seafarers. It’s about proper behavior, attitude, and respect for others on the vessel. Knowing yacht etiquette helps avoid awkward moments and promotes unity and harmony.

When invited on a yacht, follow the rules. Take off your shoes and bring a gift for the host. Ask before smoking, keep noise levels low, and clean up.

Recognize hierarchy on the boat. The captain’s word is final. Help crew members if needed, or ask before touching any equipment.

Did you know that sailors toast with rum at sunset ? This tradition goes back to when alcohol was used as medicine on ships!

Before boarding, leave entitlement and pretentiousness at the dock .

Essential Etiquette Rules on Yachts

Luxury yachts are still a top pick for luxury travel. But, failing to follow yacht etiquette can cause social slip-ups and embarrassments. Understanding the rules of yacht etiquette is vital for guests and owners wanting a stress-free sailing experience.

Be respectful to the crew and other guests. Ask before touching anything, no high heels, and don’t ask personal questions .

At the dinner table, wait until the host shows you where to sit. Don’t comment negatively on the chef’s food – it’s not appreciated.

Always get permission from the captain before using any water toys or equipment. There are designated smoking areas – don’t smoke anywhere else .

Hygiene is key – remember, what’s okay on land isn’t okay on a boat. Understanding yacht etiquette helps you enjoy a luxury yacht trip safely.

Dress codes matter – look your best while on board. Be shipshape and bristol fashion!

Dress Code on Yachts

To adhere to proper dress code when onboard a yacht, there are specific do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. In order to ensure that you’re dressed appropriately, knowing the difference between formal and casual attire is essential. This section will discuss the dos and don’ts of yacht dress code as well as the distinction between formal and casual wear.

Dos and Don’ts of Yacht Dress Code

When it comes to yacht dress code, there are certain rules and conventions to follow. Your clothing should portray elegance, comfort, professionalism and functionality . Here are some dos and don’ts.

  • Do opt for light-colored clothing like white or pastels. This reflects sunlight, ideal for hot summer days.
  • Don’t wear shoes with black soles . These can mark up the deck, causing slips and falls.
  • Do bring a hat with a large brim . This will protect your head from the sun’s rays.

For formal settings, opt for conservative outfits. Men should wear long-sleeved shirts and pants . Women should wear cocktail dresses or skirts with blouse ensembles . Always follow the yacht team’s dress code.

High-quality sunscreen sprays come in compact containers. Perfect for taking on a yacht adventure! And don’t forget to rock your outfit with confidence. Nothing says ‘I belong on a yacht’ like self-assured swagger .

Formal vs. Casual Attire on Yachts

When dressing for a yacht trip, keep the dress code in mind. It reflects your personality and class. Different clothing is needed depending on the occasion. Following the dress code helps you fit in and have a good time.

Here’s a table of formal and casual attire:

Formal Attire Casual Attire
Black/white tie Collared shirt
Tux/suit Khaki pants/shorts
Formal dress (women) Sundresses/skirts

For important events like business meetings or weddings, formal attire is required. This includes tuxes for men and dresses for women. For casual day trips with friends, collared shirts and khaki pants are fine.

Weather conditions also affect what to wear. Breathable clothing like sundresses or shorts should be worn in hot weather. When it’s cold, long-sleeved shirts and pants are recommended.

Remember, only dress like a pirate on Halloween!

Behaving on Yachts

To ensure you have a pleasant experience while on board a yacht, it is important to behave appropriately in all situations. This means showing respect for crew members and guests alike, and knowing how to conduct yourself in social situations. In the sub-sections, we will discuss ways to show respect and proper behavior so that you can enjoy your time on the yacht to the fullest.

Respect for Crew Members and Guests

Respecting crew members and guests is key when it comes to behaving on yachts. Remember, you’re not alone! Everyone deserves to be treated with consideration and dignity.

As a guest, it’s important to remember you’re in someone else’s space. Show gratitude to the crew for their hard work – don’t make unreasonable demands or be critical of their service. Speak politely but firmly if something isn’t to your liking.

Before entering private areas like crew quarters or storage, always ask permission. Don’t touch items that don’t belong to you without permission , such as equipment or belongings of other guests or crew members.

It’s important to maintain cleanliness and tidiness in communal areas, like living rooms and dining areas. This helps create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and respected.

When treating crew members and guests, think about how you’d want to be treated if you were working or staying aboard a yacht.

By following these guidelines, you’ll help create a positive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Plus, you’re setting an example for future guests and crew! Just remember, on a yacht, only captains can be pretentious .

Proper Behavior in Social Situations

On yachts, it is key to act properly. Especially when guests from different backgrounds are present. Be respectful, courteous and polite. Dress for the occasion. Formal attire for formal events, casual for recreational activities.

Also, use manners to make the environment inviting. Follow instructions from the captain or crew and avoid inappropriate topics. Plus, keep noise levels low after certain hours. Remember: It’s someone else’s private property, so show extra respect. Sunscreen & sunglasses essential. Oh, and don’t forget the champagne budget !

Yacht Essentials

To ensure a comfortable and hassle-free yacht experience, proper knowledge of yacht essentials is crucial. With the help of this section on ‘Yacht Essentials’ with ‘Proper Use of Luxury Amenities’ and ‘Safety Precautions on Yachts’ as solution, you can master the art of yacht etiquette and impress your fellow passengers with your knowledge and skills.

Proper Use of Luxury Amenities

Being on a yacht is a luxurious treat! Utilise the amenities for the best experience. Understand how each amenity works and maintain them regularly. Cleaning, using, and maintaining these amenities will let you enjoy your trip.

When it comes to luxury amenities, one must be aware. Understand purpose and instructions before using. For example, don’t exceed the required temperature for a hot tub as it can harm skin . Use designated spaces for cooking and not unapproved equipment.

Safety guidelines when using outdoor items like fireplaces and barbeques must be followed. They can be a fire hazard if not done properly.

Pro Tip – Cover high-end fixtures with protective film when on voyages, to avoid saltwater exposure damage.

Stay safe while having fun. Avoid inviting any clumsy friends!

Safety Precautions on Yachts

Yachting is the perfect way to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty. But, it’s crucial to take safety precautions before setting sail. Here are a few tips for all yachtmen:

  • Life Jackets: Always have them onboard and make sure they’re worn.
  • First Aid Kit: Keep one handy with all the essential medications and equipment.
  • Communication Devices: Bring satellite phones or marine radios in case of an emergency.
  • Weather Check: Always check the weather report before going out.
  • Safety Briefing: Have a briefing session on each crewmember’s roles during an emergency.

Also, make sure there’s adequate lighting and clear pathways. Check for fuel tank leaks and ensure fire-fighting equipment is working.

Stay alert and prepared for the unexpected. Avoid risky moves and have experienced personnel conduct high-risk activities like diving. Invest in advanced navigation systems to avoid collisions and stranded situations.

We had an unforgettable experience sailing towards Hawaii. A storm hit us out of nowhere with lightning speeds. But, we were prepared and followed standard procedures, avoiding risky maneuvers and holding onto our dear lives through the stormy night.

Remember, safety first! Enjoy your yachting expedition with peace of mind. Have an adventurous spirit, but always with safety in mind. And don’t forget the bubbly and caviar!

Food and Drinks on Yachts

To ensure a seamless experience while on a yacht, it’s crucial to follow proper etiquette, especially when it comes to food and drinks. In order to have an enjoyable trip with your fellow passengers, make sure to brush up on your knowledge of dining etiquette on yachts and proper drinking etiquette on yachts.

Dining Etiquette on Yachts

Dining on yachts requires special etiquette. Cutlery, dress code and seating all must be considered. Familiarize yourself with the menu and other guests’ preferences. Respect the crew members and avoid making requests or complaints.

Bring appropriate attire for dinner. Men should wear semi-formal and women something fashionable and comfortable .

According to superyachtnews.com , alcohol is the most commonly consumed drink on yachts. Water and soft drinks come in second and third. Don’t spill your drink, or worse, someone else’s!

Proper Drinking Etiquette on Yachts

When on a yacht, safety first ! Don’t drink too much and respect your fellow yacht-goers.

  • Ask before taking their drinks .
  • When pouring drinks for others, be careful not to spill. The rocking of the yacht can make it hard to handle glassware and open containers.

Alcohol can worsen sea-sickness – so be mindful of how much you drink. A weekend getaway example showed one person drank excessively and got sick – spoiling it for everyone else.

So, when yachting: prioritize safety and consideration . Have fun, but responsibly .

Yachting With Children and Pets

To ensure a smooth yachting experience with your little ones and furry friends, follow these etiquette guidelines in the section ‘Yachting With Children and Pets’ in the article ‘A Guide to Yacht Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts Onboard’. Learn the rules for bringing children on yachts, and the appropriate behavior for bringing pets onboard.

Rules for Bringing Children on Yachts

Bringing children on yacht trips can be an awesome experience, but there are certain rules to keep them safe. Here are a few:

  • Make sure the yacht has adequate safety equipment, including life jackets for kids .
  • Restrict children’s access to certain areas like the helm station and swim platform.
  • Watch kids while they’re in the water, like swimming or tubing.
  • Don’t leave children alone on board, especially at unfamiliar ports or in rough seas.
  • Establish common communication protocols and emergency procedures ahead of time.

For pets, check with the yacht owner if they’re allowed. If so, make sure pets are secure and have life jackets. Plus, have adequate food and bedding ready.

You may want to look into hiring a nanny or child-care professional for yacht trips. This way, you can relax without the kids! Also, remember that cats prefer the deck, while dogs love the sea . Just clean up after them both.

Etiquette Guidelines for Bringing Pets on Yachts

Planning a yachting trip with kids or pets? Consider proper etiquette to ensure everyone has a safe and fun experience. Here are tips:

  • Train & make sure your pet is well-behaved before going on board.
  • Bring all the necessary supplies for your pet like food, water, toys & poo bags.
  • Keep your pet on a leash or in a designated area – no running loose!
  • Be mindful of allergies & fears of animals of other guests.
  • Clean up after your pet for hygienic surroundings.

Also, not all yachts allow pets, so check with the charter company first. With these guidelines, you and your furry friend can have a memorable yachting experience.

Think of the individual needs of your pet. Cats may prefer a quiet place to hide while dogs may need exercise and attention. Taking these into account will ensure a great time for both of you.

Modern yachts offer amenities specifically for pets, but this wasn’t always the case. In the 18th century, yacht owners had trouble keeping their pets happy and healthy. One story tells of Admiral Nelson’s dog Bounce, who refused to eat anything but fresh meat during a long voyage in 1801. Finally, he was served ‘nice beef’ – much to everyone’s relief!

Remember, don’t skip the tip – and don’t give the captain a canary!

Tipping and Gifting Etiquette on Yachts

To navigate the tipping and gifting etiquette on yachts with ease, delve into this section of ‘A Guide to Yacht Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts Onboard’. This section will provide you with tips for tipping on yachts and delve into the appropriate gifts for yacht hosts and crew members.

Tips for Tipping on Yachts

When it comes to tipping on a yacht, etiquette can be confusing. But, here’s what you need to know:

  • Calculate the tip – 10-20% of the total charter price.
  • Use cash – Credit cards are sometimes accepted, but cash is better.
  • Talk to the captain – They know best how much the crew deserves.
  • Gift extras – Wine, chocolates, etc. to show appreciation.

Also, recognize individuals for their contributions. Offer a gratuity if someone went above and beyond.

Finally, research cultural differences – some nations view tipping as an insult instead of gratitude.

In conclusion, follow these rules to ensure that you show your appreciation while respecting cultural diversity and customizing your generosity. Skip the fruit basket – champagne is the way to go!

Appropriate Gifts for Yacht Hosts and Crew Members

When it comes to appropriate gifts for yacht hosts and crew members, there are a few things to consider. Always keep in mind that the crew members are providing excellent service, so any gift or tip should be seen as an extra token of appreciation rather than an expectation. Here are some ideas:

  • Tips: 10-20% of the charter fee is a good rule of thumb.
  • Personalized Thank You Notes: Express your gratitude for their service and hard work.
  • Gifts that cater to individual preferences: Music-related gifts, adventurous experiences, food and drink items.
  • Cash Bonuses if appropriate: A bonus of 20% like a regular restaurant does at Christmas or year-end.

Get creative. Think wellness packages, like Yoga sessions onboard.

What not to do: Gift clothes (yacht uniform must be adhered to), book excursions without management input (safety reasons), and personalized phallic gifts.

Check if any allergies exist with crew members, and discuss with the management team before gifting anyone. Consider non-gendered gifting too.

For example, one host surprised a hired lady with a hand-crafted lingerie piece. This surprised and touched her, and made her feel accepted.

Remember, it’s not a true yacht party until someone spills their drink on the captain!

Yacht Party Etiquette

To become a savvy yacht party-goer, it is essential to understand yacht party etiquette with this guide. Whether you are the host or a guest, you must follow proper hosting and guest etiquette at yacht parties. Hosting a Yacht Party and Guest Etiquette at Yacht Parties are two sub-sections that cater to all the essential dos and don’ts for yacht partying.

Hosting a Yacht Party

Hosting a yacht party? Need to follow the rules! Ensure you have enough space for your guests. Plan ahead and make an itinerary. Put safety measures in place. Confirm number of attendees. Consider making an itinerary. Check life jackets, first aid kits, and CPR training. Place reminders and deadlines for RSVPs and vendors.

  • Be mindful of yourself and others at sea ! Don’t be the one to sink the boat with bad manners! Have a memorable experience!

Guest Etiquette at Yacht Parties

A yacht party can be a luxurious and fun experience, but only if you follow the right etiquette! Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Arrive on time – or even five minutes earlier!
  • Bring a gift for the host or thank them afterwards.
  • Dress according to the dress code in the invitation.
  • No smoking , except in designated smoking areas.
  • Clean up after yourself and don’t cause any damage.

Respectful behaviour towards everyone onboard is also essential. Don’t overload your plate or hog shared drinks. Introduce yourself with a smile and be courteous to other guests.

Keep in mind that yachts have unique details, so you may need to take off your shoes or bring an extra layer – it can get chilly on deck even when it’s hot outside.

An example of bad behaviour – one attendee at a corporate yacht party kept smoking despite being told not to . He ignored everyone’s discomfort and eventually got thrown out.

Follow these simple rules to make sure you have a great time and don’t ruin the mood with bad etiquette!

Conclusion and Recap.

Yacht etiquette is a must when you’re on-board . Actions and words have impact, so it’s important to follow the rules.

  • Arrive on time for all activities. Tardiness can spoil the fun for everyone and make you look bad.
  • Don’t bring uninvited people without prior approval from the captain or crew. Respect others’ privacy and space.

Dress appropriately for the occasion . Smart casual is usually the look—dressy shorts and a shirt. Check with the boat owner/captain about their dress code preference. Avoid high heels, and go for comfy flats or sandals with anti-slip soles.

Don’t forget language etiquette. Keep your tone and conversation suitable for all times on-board. Don’t use offensive language or discuss sensitive topics like politics/religion.

Follow these tips for punctuality, privacy, appropriate dressing and language etiquette and you’ll wow fellow passengers and leave a great impression. Invite onboard is a privilege! Don’t miss out on this luxurious experience by not following standard conduct. Show who you are through your behavior, not by ruining someone’s time.

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superyacht charter etiquette

Superyacht Charter Etiquette: Onboard Do’s and Don’ts

July 18, 2023 | Hurricane Hole | Marina in Nassau

Hurricane Hole is the Top Bahamas Marina for Superyachts

Planning on chartering a superyacht for a special event or marine sightseeing adventure? Although your thoughts might, naturally, flow to island sunsets, gentle waves, on-deck gourmet dining, and coastal cruising with the wind in your hair, you may want to dip your sea legs into our Emily Post-worthy guide to superyacht charter etiquette so you (and your guests) don’t step in an embarrassing puddle of discourteous (clearly land-lubbers), walk-the-plank-worthy (don’t worry, we don’t do that) goofs and blunders.

Hurricane Hole Superyacht Marina is a luxurious facility on Paradise Island in the heart of The Bahamas. Owing to our services, amenities, and paradise-worthy location, our marina is a favorite destination for yacht and superyacht charters. Many of these charters greet and pick up their guests from our slips before embarking on their Caribbean and Atlantic adventures. While many passengers are aware of ‘how to be a good sailor,’ others may not be aware of best passenger practices. Our recommended yacht etiquette isn’t about whether you know your starboard from your port, but rather, that you are acquainted with some important do’s and don’ts that promote passenger safety and respect for the yacht.

Whether you would like to book a superyacht charter for a wedding reception, corporate convention, or some other special event that sails from Hurricane Hole, you can benefit from understanding some important superyacht charter etiquette that makes our job easier and your experience on board as marvelous as is safely possible.

Boarding a Superyacht Charter for the First Time

etiquette on a superyacht charter

Boarding a superyacht charter for the first time is bound to be exciting. Superyachts are undeniably luxurious and filled with amenities designed to make your sailing experience pleasurable for you and your charter guests. Superyacht etiquette isn’t about choosing the right dinner fork or using proper titles to refer to the yacht’s staff. It’s more like, don’t wear stiletto heels that could damage the deck, and do listen closely to safety procedures. 

Superyachts that cruise in and out of our marina are majestic and safe vessels, and their crews are experienced and professional. However, once the yachts are underway and surrounded by the ocean, their crews have to abide by important rules that ensure safety for all. No matter how lively the party and amazing the band is, the yacht’s crews are always mindful of maintaining the safety of passengers and boats. So, thank you in advance for learning about superyacht etiquette. Knowing the dos and don’ts of superyacht sailing will make sailing the deep blue a better experience for you and your guests.

What to Expect on a Yacht Charter

While yacht charter companies can differ immensely in terms of the experiences they offer, the yacht etiquette you learn here will certainly serve you aboard other yachts that you encounter. Hurricane Hole features a superyacht marina where superyacht charters dock and sail. Superyachts tend to be large vessels that are usually at least 78 feet in length. It’s not uncommon for superyachts to feature multiple decks and luxury amenities such as a ballroom dance floor, full-service bar, and formal dining rooms. 

Your yacht charter experience will vary depending on the nature of the charter. Superyachts are often chartered for corporate events, wedding receptions, retirement parties, graduation parties, and more. However, good superyacht charter etiquette will serve you well no matter what type of superyacht event you attend. The following yacht do’s and don’t will help you prepare for sailing like a pro. Be sure to share these helpful etiquette tips with your charter guests.

Superyacht Charter Etiquette Do’s 

Keep these important superyacht charter etiquette do’s in mind before you set sail:

Listen to the Safety Talks

It can be challenging to listen to the crew’s safety talks and demonstrations that often precede a cruise. The fact is, the crew is sharing some important information that you need to know. Even if you think you’ve heard it all before, you haven’t heard it in the context of that particular vessel and that particular event. Remember to be courteous. The discussion will likely pertain to where to access life vests and life rafts. While it might be hard to take your eyes off the gorgeous sea or your delectable umbrella-topped cocktail, remember to pay close attention to the crew’s safety procedures. It won’t take long, and then it’s back to fun. 

Respect the Yacht

Superyachts are a major investment for charter companies, and crews do their utmost to meticulously maintain the luxury features of the ships. Be respectful of the yacht’s furnishings and setting. Although crews hope to make guests feel at home, guests should remember that the yacht isn’t their home and they are guests. While your superyacht isn’t Buckingham Palace, it’s not a roadhouse either. Remember to respect the setting and treat its amenities and furnishings with gentle care.

Respect the Sea

Believe it or not, sometimes superyacht guests get rowdy. It’s happened that some even forget their good manners and toss cups or garbage into the sea. To avoid the glares of other passengers, don’t pollute the surrounding sea. The waters around Hurricane Hole are beautiful and pristine–and we’d like to keep it that way. 

Tips Are Welcome

Tipping your crew for a well-performed cruise is certainly acceptable. As a rule of thumb, tipping should generally fall between 5-20% of the yacht charter cost. Passengers may also tip bartenders, servers, and bands during the cruise if they are involved in the cruise.

Treat the Crew Respectfully

It’s the crew’s job to ensure the charter cruise goes well, that the guests and yacht remain safe at all times, and to serve the needs of passengers. It’s important to follow the crew’s directions. After all, the superyacht is under their discretion. In other words, it’s their boat, their rules.

Alert the Crew of Any Problems

If you notice any problems aboard such as malfunctioning water sports equipment or broken glass, be sure to alert the crew right away. If any guests are fighting or using water sports toys inappropriately or unsafely, it’s important to let the crew know. They depend on your cooperation in this regard.

Avoid Last-Minute Changes

When you plan a charter, your superyacht’s staff will do everything needed to supply and ready the yacht for your event. Last-minute changes–like the addition of 10 more passengers–can upset the apple cart. There may not be enough food or drink for additional guests. If you have any changes to add, alert your crew as soon as possible. 

Bring Along Soft Luggage

Hard luggage is more difficult to stow on a superyacht–or any yacht for that matter. It’s easier for crews to stow soft bags. Be sure not to overpack either. There isn’t a lot of storage space aboard yachts, so be aware of that fact and plan accordingly.

Superyacht Charter Etiquette Don’ts

Here is an important list of essential yacht charter don’ts you shouldn’t forget:

Wear Stilettos on Deck

Depending on the superyacht and the event in question, your superyacht crew may designate areas where barefoot or rubber soles are best. You may be requested to remove stiletto heels that can damage teak deck planks, for instance. Don’t wear any shoes that go against the crew’s advice. 

Engage in Illegal Activities

Superyachts can make some people feel a sense of euphoria as if they’re getting away from it all–all the rules and restrictions that are in playback on land. The fact is legality matters at sea too. The yacht’s crew must prioritize safety; therefore, it cannot condone activities such as illegal drug use. Crews will report illegal activity to authorities. They must. It’s a liability for the charter company if they don’t. 

Distract the Crew

Superyacht crew members tend to be super accommodating and friendly. Much as they might like to, they can’t go sightseeing with your group or engage in your charter’s fun. Remember to be mindful of the fact that they’re doing a job. 

Enter Off-Limits Areas

Be sure to respect the yacht crew’s private quarters or areas that are designated as off-limits to guests. For example, guests are not typically permitted in the galley or supply rooms. Guests are also not permitted near the yacht’s controls either. 

Expect Babysitting Service

Many superyacht events include children, but it’s not the job of the crew to provide special supervision or entertainment services for children. In short, the crew cannot babysit guests. If your guests choose to bring their children, it’s up to them to supervise them at all times. 

Ask for a Last-Minute Change of Course

Your superyacht’s captain will have made a careful plan for your charter based on the agreed–upon course. Making last-minute changes may not be possible. It’s not good yacht etiquette to ask the captain to change course during your charter.

Insult the Crew or Other Guests

If you have an issue with a crew member or a serious problem with another guest, it’s best to bring it to the attention of the captain and allow the captain to deal with the matter. A superyacht is an enclosed world when out at sea. This world is governed by the captain. Be sure to respect the captain’s authority. If you have an issue with the captain, you can take it up with the charter company once you are back on land.

Don’t Do Anything Dangerous

Be sure you don’t do anything that could endanger yourself or other guests. That means that it’s up to you to use any water sports equipment carefully. Leave the water when advised. Don’t overdrink, and do your utmost not to fall overboard. It’s not up to the crew to ‘police’ you and your guests, but they will if your behavior is a threat to the safety of the cruise or you are breaking rules.

Don’t Wear Messy Spray-Tan Oils

Luxury superyachts are filled with luxury materials. Be mindful of the crew’s request when it comes to spraying tan oils. Some charter companies request that guests do not bring spray sunblock and that guests use reef-safe products when swimming or engaging in water sports.

Don’t Bring Other Prohibited Items

Some superyachts allow cigarette or cigar smoking outdoors; others prohibit tobacco products. Be sure you don’t bring any unauthorized items onboard. This might include pets (some yacht charters allow pets; some don’t), personal supply of alcohol, large souvenirs, or other prohibited items.

Superyacht Charter Etiquette is Always in Season at Hurricane Hole Superyacht Marina

Yacht charter season is an exciting time at Hurricane Hole. We hear all the cruise stories–the good and the bad. We hear about the unruly passengers, the passengers who don’t tip, and the passengers who were returned to shore (and banned from sailing with the company again). We also hear about the romantic anniversary party cruises, the all-night dance parties, and the sunset cruises. With good superyacht etiquette, every sailing excursion can be an enjoyable one. Poor etiquette ruins the experience for everyone. 

At Hurricane Hole, we enjoy meeting charter passengers as they board or embark from their yacht charters. We have a dazzling array of amenities that are available to yacht charter companies and crews and visitors to our marina. We feature numerous upscale and casual dining facilities, swimming pools, concierge services, and more. We do our utmost to support charter companies and their passengers, meeting all of their needs and helping to ensure that every yacht season is an amazing one.

We invite you to get to know our slip rates and wealth of onsite amenities. Did you know that we have one of the largest casinos in all of the Caribbean along with multiple bars and clubs and luxury shopping facilities? We also boast yoga and pilates facilities and world-class spas. Hurricane Hole is located near Atlantis Water Park and other incredible outdoor attractions like celebrated beaches and world-famous golf courses. Get to know all that Hurricane Hole has to offer and call us at 242-603-1950 to learn more . And if you have any advice about superyacht etiquette that we haven’t covered here, we’d be delighted to hear your thoughts. We look forward to enjoying the next yacht season with you.

Book now for a special discount for your next yachting holiday adventure – limited time offer!

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Yacht Etiquette: Tips How to Behave on a Sailing Vacation

Yacht Etiquette: Tips How to Behave on a Sailing Vacation

Sailing vacation could be a vacation of a lifetime for you if you respect boat rules and yacht etiquette. For those who are first time sailing, yacht etiquette are unwritten sailing standards of polite behaviour in the world of yachting. You don’t need to have any sailing skills because you can always hire a skipper, but you must know how to behave.

Anchored yacht in cove in Croatia

Here are top tips to follow on your sailing vacation:

Yacht etiquette on board

  • The captain is always right – if you are sailing with a skipper give him full respect. He is in charge of the yacht and his job is to ensure the care and safety of all the people on a yacht, so listen to what he has to say.
  • Discuss important info before the sailing – appropriate behaviour, safety and emergency procedures.
  • Research and learn before you come on a yacht – if you are a guest without sailing experience check basic things about the yacht you will be sailing with, and a few nautical terms.
  • Bring suitable luggage – the space you have on a yacht is limited, so make sure you bring suitable soft luggage. It can move around easily and it isn’t difficult to store. Check here what to pack for yachting holidays.
  • Treat the yacht as a home – don’t leave your stuff around, keep things tidy and out of the way.
  • Share duties – everybody on the yacht should have their tasks and obligations, and complete them, so everyone could have a perfect sailing vacation.
  • Don’t throw garbage in the sea – we all must do our part in keeping our seas clean for future generations.
  • Help other sailors – you are legally obligated to offer assistance to the boat in distress while still ensuring the safety of your boat and crew. The least you can do is to offer to contact authorities or a rescue agency.
  • Learn the rules of the road – if you are a skipper, you must know the accepted system of the right of way and follow it. It is not only about the social norms but it is also about safety and preventing boat accidents.
  • Be aware of others at a fuel dock – move out of the way so others get their turn.
  • Respect the others in the harbour – don’t make to much noise, give others enough distance and keep the area around you clean.
  • Don’t use the outboard engine if you are using dinghy at night – use oars instead so you won’t disturb others, and speak softly.

Swimming in Dalmatia, Croatia

Anchoring yacht etiquette

  • Enter the anchorage or a mooring area at a slow speed – you don’t want to create a wake, and there could be people swimming or snorkelling.
  • Follow the other boats – in how you tie off, anchor and how much space you leave between you and other boats.
  • Respect your neighbours – it isn’t polite to talk too loud, to play loud music, or to run a generator very early in the morning or late at night.
  • Help others – if you are docking, catch the dock lines of an arriving boat.
  • Bring something if you are invited on another boat – drinks, something to eat and share.

Anchoring yacht etiquette

Sailing vacation is an amazing experience, but you must know what are the dos and the don’ts before you come on a yacht. Be considerate of others, be polite, respect others, their space and their needs. Most of the sailors are friendly and like to share information, so ask if you are not sure how to act. On the other hand, if someone is bothering you and breaking the rules of yacht etiquette, there is nothing wrong with letting them know that.

Yachting is a totally different social environment but the rules of yacht etiquette are quite simple. If you follow them, together with common sense, it will help you have a perfect sailing vacation.

Watching sunset on Mali Mish Sailing Yacht

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  3. "Yachting World Dayboat"

  4. Springing off by Yachting Monthly

  5. Touring a 170ft Sailing Super Yacht Scorpios for Charter in Croatia

  6. Приключения на яхте. Отзыв об обучении яхтингу


  1. Yachting etiquette and ethics. How to behave on a yacht

    The first is behaviour on board when sailing and the second is etiquette in port. Sub-topics include observing the applicable rules of yachting, the correct placement and display of flags and greeting crews of passing yachts. YACHTING.COM TIP: Before every voyage, pay your respects to Neptune by pouring a small amount of alcohol in the sea.

  2. Superyacht charter etiquette: A guide to on board dos and don'ts

    We've broken down some of the unspoken rules of on-board etiquette for those new to the superyacht charter scene. From why to take your shoes off to tipping the crew, we've outlined some essential dos and don'ts to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. Shoes can dent or scuff teak decks, so many yachts will have a barefoot policy that ...

  3. Yacht Etiquette For Guests: 8 Top Tips

    6. Clean Up After Yourself. Even if the yacht you're cruising has a full-service crew - do be mindful of the footprint you are leaving around the vessel. Just because someone else will eventually throw away your empty beer bottle doesn't give you the right to just leave it lying around.

  4. Dos And Don'ts: Yacht Etiquette Every Newbie Must Know

    Yacht charters are becoming a pinnacle of luxury travel, and onboard yacht etiquette is essential for making the whole experience memorable and unique. The standards onboard a yacht charter are incredibly high, so knowing the ground rules can go a long way to ensuring the perfect charter experience - from what to wear to treating the crew ...

  5. Yachting Etiquette 101- Dos and Don'ts for Yacht Owners

    Signal your intentions clearly when manoeuvring and follow right-of-way rules to avoid collisions. Respect the environment. When you are at sea or in marinas, dispose of your waste properly. Adhere to local regulations on fishing and diving. You must keep your yacht's environmental impact to a minimum. Be a good neighbour.

  6. Yacht Etiquette: The Dos and Don'ts of a Luxury Yacht Charter

    Respect the yacht's crew. Respecting the crew, including their privacy and time off, is at the core of yacht etiquette. Working and living on board a luxury yacht is a challenging role, so to ensure the crew can deliver a seven-star service, it's important to respect the boundaries. The galley and crew quarters are out of bounds for guests, and ...

  7. Etiquette On Board A Superyacht

    Respect your crew. Respecting the crew, including their privacy and time off, is at the core of yacht etiquette. Working and living on board a luxury yacht is a challenging role, so to ensure the crew can deliver a seven star service, it's essential to respect their rest time. The galley and crew quarters are also out of bounds for guests.

  8. Yacht Etiquette 101: Dos and Don'ts While Onboard

    Yacht Etiquette 101: Dos and Don'ts While Onboard. Sailing through the waters of yacht etiquette can often seem as challenging as charting a course through stormy seas. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time guest, understanding the subtle dos and don'ts of conduct onboard is essential for a harmonious voyage.

  9. Yachting Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of High-Sea Manners

    Get a crash course in yachting etiquette, uncovering the essential do's and don'ts that maintain harmony and respect aboard. This guide explains how to be a considerate guest or host, from dressing appropriately to understanding dining etiquette at sea. Learn about the importance of respecting privacy and space on a yacht, and how to contribute to a pleasant environment for everyone.

  10. A Guide to Yacht Charter Etiquette

    Standard Crew Tip for Private Yacht Charters. The standard tip for yacht charters usually falls between 10% and 20% of the total charter fee, with 15% being the average. However, it's important to remember that tipping should reflect the quality of service you've received. Exceptional service might warrant a tip above the average range ...

  11. Yacht Charter Etiquette: A Guide to Proper Conduct on a Yacht

    Do's on a Yacht Charter: Be on time: Arrive at the designated meeting place on time, or better yet, a few minutes early. Dress appropriately: Dress appropriately for the occasion, taking into account the time of day and the activities planned. Be polite and respectful: Address the crew and other guests with respect, using polite language and ...

  12. Proper Etiquette And Discretionary Behaviors: Advice Regarding Yacht

    Monaco yacht broker, Christopher Craven of Super Yachts Monaco, and Kate Kalamaga of Tropicalboat Luxury Yacht Charters recently provided insightful feedback regarding proper etiquette and advice for those who wish to charter large yachts. These vessels can range between tens of thousands to over $300,000 and up, a week.

  13. Your Guide to Yacht Charter Etiquette

    As with every yacht charter, the Fraser Yachts Worldwide team wants you to have an unforgettable experience, so we've put together a few tips for making your charter vacation as smooth and enjoyable as possible. The Captain is your go-to person for any requests or concerns. Don't hesitate to express your preferences; your crew's mission is ...

  14. Yacht Etiquette for First Time charter guests

    Top ten yacht etiquette tips for first-time charter guests Chartering a yacht is one of the most exclusive holidays available. Offering facilities that would rival that of a five-star hotel. Complete privacy for you and your guests and a dedicated crew who will ensure your every requirement is met. It's easy to understand why so

  15. Yacht Charter Etiquette

    Yacht Charter Etiquette: DON'TS. There is zero tolerance aboard yachts for illegal or illicit activities. The penalty for any such behavior is the yacht itself being seized and the license lost. Therefore, the captain and crew will end your charter and return you to shore, if any illegal activities have taken place.

  16. Be the best superyacht guest

    Owners offer their luxury yachts for charter for guests' enjoyment, but also under the circumstances that their yacht will be used respectfully. So while you should relax and enjoy your time on board, it would be wise to think of the superyacht as a home away from home and treat it accordingly. Sit back and relax onboard, but treat your ...

  17. The Dos and Don'ts of Yacht Charter Etiquette

    After all, a yacht charter vacation is about creating lasting memories and having fun. DON'Ts of Yacht Charter Etiquette. 1. Forget to Tip Tipping the crew is customary on most yacht charters, as their compensation largely depends on gratuities. A standard tip ranges from 10-15% in the Mediterranean and 15-20% in the Caribbean.

  18. Superyachts Expert Shares Key Yachting Etiquette Tips

    Being immersed into the deep luxury that comes with boarding a superyacht can feel like a fantasy to all but the most wealthy. If like us, you're holding out for an invite onto one of the world's top-end ocean liners, the experts at luxury yacht brokerage firm SuperYachtsMonaco have put together a set of yachting etiquette tips for when the day comes.

  19. A Guide to Yacht Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts Onboard

    Importance of Yacht Etiquette. Yacht etiquette is essential for a reputable image and setting the right tone among seafarers. It's about proper behavior, attitude, and respect for others on the vessel. Knowing yacht etiquette helps avoid awkward moments and promotes unity and harmony. When invited on a yacht, follow the rules.

  20. Yachting Etiquette: The Dos & Don'ts For Recreational Boating

    Follow the golden rules of yachting to be the most gracious guest during your day on the water.

  21. Yachting Etiquette: The Dos and Don'ts

    Follow the golden rules of yachting to be the most gracious guest during your day on the water.

  22. Superyacht Charter Etiquette: Onboard Do's and Don'ts

    It's not good yacht etiquette to ask the captain to change course during your charter. Insult the Crew or Other Guests. If you have an issue with a crew member or a serious problem with another guest, it's best to bring it to the attention of the captain and allow the captain to deal with the matter. A superyacht is an enclosed world when ...

  23. Yacht Etiquette: Tips How to Behave on a Sailing Vacation

    Anchored yacht in cove in Croatia. Here are top tips to follow on your sailing vacation: Yacht etiquette on board. The captain is always right - if you are sailing with a skipper give him full respect. He is in charge of the yacht and his job is to ensure the care and safety of all the people on a yacht, so listen to what he has to say.