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Windward Yachts

Yacht crew positions : Hierarchy, Missions & Salaries explained

yacht job types

Like any well-run hotel, restaurant, or other luxury service, a crewed yacht needs organized structure and good management. Whether you’re staffing your own luxury vessel or looking for an exciting career working and traveling the world, you need to know how this structure works, and what you can expect to pay or earn and do in the various roles on board.

Every yacht is a little different, and organization may reflect the style of the captain or the demands of the owner. But the same jobs need to be done on almost every boat. Organized with ranks, heads of each division report to the Captain. It’s not a military-style organization, but there are parallels with merchant marine grades and structures.

Smaller yachts need fewer crew, and staff may wear multiple hats that cross more traditional divisions and may combine some jobs with others. Large yachts have more distinct divisions or subdivisions, with more specialization to divide tasks and manage staffing. The core skills are the same, but finding staff with the right blends to do the jobs is key. Crew with broader skills are highly sought after.

As a yacht owner, you shouldn’t have to worry about day-to-day management decisions or organizing all this. That’s why you have a captain, and it’s better to leave staffing decisions entirely up to him or her. But it’s still important to know what it is people you’re hiring do, why they’re there, and how many you need. You don’t want too many crew, or to be short-handed. An understanding of what your yacht needs helps you talk to the captain to keep your yacht running how you want it.

For those looking to break into yacht crew work, consider your skills and strengths, and what jobs appeal to you. You’ll need training before you work, and you can direct your job path through the training you seek. Your goal is a suitable position on a well-run yacht, so make yourself the most attractive candidate possible.

Yacht Work Life

yacht job types

Working on a yacht is also living on the yacht. Crew must have a space to sleep, food, and all the basics that any employee needs. Large yachts have space reserved for crew, and owners looking for quality crew should provide good working and living conditions. Your crew takes care of you, and you should take care of them.

Depending on where a yacht operates or what flag she flies, a variety of labor laws or rules may be in effect. These requirements may be for work visas, contracts and written agreements, and compliance with merchant and ship crew treaties and laws. Be prepared to have work and non-disclosure agreements between yacht and crew, though a few yachts skip this.

Seasonal Jobs

Many yacht positions are seasonal. Year-round employment is more likely for senior crew like the captain and department heads, but not all yachts see year-round use. And some yachts may use different crew in different locales between seasonal moves.

Any job listing should give seasonal information, with geographic information, the length of the season, and the prospects for year-round positions and repeat employment.

Hours, Salaries, and Expectations

Yacht crew is a service job at its core, and every yacht owner is looking for service-oriented people who understand how to deliver a hotel-quality living and restaurant-quality fine dining. Work experience in luxury hotels and restaurants is a big plus for some jobs, and makes breaking into yacht work easier.

Yacht work can be very demanding, with periods of intense work when the owner and guests or a charter party is on board. Long days aren’t uncommon, but often balance with slack time when the boat is empty of passengers. There is always work to be done, but there’s usually a chance for time off.

Most salaries are monthly, since many positions are seasonal. Pay ranges are commensurate with experience, rank, and responsibility. Private vessels usually offer higher base pay, as charter crew can earn tips on top of their base salary. Because of the demands of the lifestyle, compensation is good and you have minimal living expenses on board.

Benefits and Time Off

Because so many jobs are seasonal and may occur in different countries and locations, benefits offered to yacht crew vary widely. But it is not uncommon for crew to be offered health and accident insurance and a flight to the vessel. Living on board, you’ll get food, rooming (usually shared), basic toiletries, uniforms, and laundry. Yachts with a longer view may offer additional training to long-term prospects.

Time off is usually linked to boat use, and may be sporadic in-season or when the boat has the owner and guests on board. There will always be some time off, but it may be between very intense work periods.

Most crew jobs have an employment contract that meets the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC). This should spell out the contract period and duration, as well as salary, leave and time off, probationary periods, repatriation policies, and any other crucial details to meet the minimum international standards of crew welfare.

This contract should also contain shipboard policies on confidentiality and non-disclosures, drug and alcohol use on board, personal hygiene expectations, interpersonal relationships, and dispute resolution. Job expectations and requirements can also be included, with specific language about roles, tasks, and cooperation between divisions.

Note that all crew agreements will explicitly prohibit drug use on board, most limit alcohol consumption and ban hard liquor on board, and many boats have policies prohibiting intimate personal crew relationships. Because the crew is living on board full time and in close quarters, rules to maintain decorum and crew harmony may be in writing.

Training & Certificates

Two key certifications are required for yacht crew. Employers look for the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers) and the ENG1 (Seafarer Medical Certificate). Insurers generally require crew to have these two certifications or the equivalent.

The ENG1 isn’t a class. It’s a medical exam to ensure that the crew is physically fit to serve at sea and has no underlying conditions that may arise far from help. It’s best for prospective crew to secure the ENG1 before investing more time and money training.

STCW is a week-long class on the basics of onboard safety. This includes hands-on modules covering personal survival, fire safety, first aid and CPR, accident prevention, and security awareness. It needs to be refreshed every five years.

Shared, Hybrid, and Crossover Jobs

Larger vessels will have more defined duties and specific areas of responsibility. But smaller yachts may want the crew to have different roles in different situations. For example, a hybrid job description may read “3rd Engineer/Steward” and describe a role in engineering when the boat is empty but on inside crew when passengers are on board.

When hiring or seeking jobs be prepared to look for creative crossover skill sets to meet the needs of the vessel.

Extra Skills and Duties

Any extra skills outside the regular duties makes crew more attractive. From stewards who can teach yoga, give massages or play cocktail piano to deck crew who know how to water ski, SCUBA dive, or fish, anything that crew can bring to enhance the passenger experience adds value to the employee.

If you’re looking for a position, list the skills you’d be comfortable using. If a vessel owner is looking for something specific, spell it out and figure out how that special duty fits into the employee work day.

The Four Main Divisions

yacht job types

Most yacht crews break into four primary divisions which group related tasks and responsibilities together. While the grouping sounds like it’s by section of the boat, they’re really more functional. For example, stewards (Interior) will definitely serve meals, whether they’re in the main dining room or out on deck. Deckhands (deck) are going to be involved in painting, sanding, and varnish jobs anywhere on the boat.

The deck crew handles most of the exterior operations of the yacht, and runs it. Deck hands and crew keep the boat looking clean and shiny, and handling most vessel operations. This includes driving and operating the yacht, navigation, running all launches and ship’s craft, handling lines, and all maintenance and painting, washing, and shining.

2-Interior (or Inside)

Inside crew are primarily the stewards and housekeepers. Larger vessels will have a dedicated housekeeping staff separate from the stewards, but smaller vessels may not.

Stewards keep the interior clean, do all housekeeping, laundry, food and beverage service, cabin preparation, and anything else needed for the comfort of the passengers.


Below decks, the engineering department ensures the safe and smooth running of all the ship’s machinery and electronics. Engineers are engine and systems specialists, and there will usually be a dedicated electronics expert. Most engineer jobs require professional training and certification.

Fine dining is a hallmark of the yachting experience, and a full-time galley crew prepares all meals for passengers and crew. The head chef plans the menus and provisions the boat, while junior chefs assist the head chef with meal preparation and keeping the galley spotless.

Yacht Job and Department Details

yacht job types

Departments are all organized in a hierarchy, with a department head reporting to the Captain. The clear chain of command makes for smooth operations, with all communications going up and down ranks. Junior staff will occasionally take instructions from other divisions as all crew is expected to help as needed. A captain or department head may organize staff differently, so reporting structures listed are guidelines only.

All salary ranges are monthly figures and are ranges based on yacht size and crew experience. Senior jobs on larger yachts have more responsibility than the same job title on yachts with smaller crews. Experienced crew are very desirable and can expect more pay for their positions.

Listed responsibilities are not exhaustive, and different yachts may allocate some jobs to different positions.

Read also: The yacht charter experience ladder

The Captain

yacht job types

The captain of the vessel is the overall decision maker for the yacht in all situations, including the safety of the vessel. The owner should leave the Captain responsible for operational decisions about hiring and staff and operating the ship. To become a captain requires years of experience and training, and a broad set of skills including yacht operations, personnel management, budgeting and finance. The captain works directly with the owner and owner’s representative, if the captain is not also acting as the representative.

On an organization chart, the Captain is usually placed in the deck division, but the Captain is always the senior-most crew on the yacht and all division heads report to the Captain.

Responsibilities include:

  • Responsible for all navigation and running the yacht.
  • Senior decision maker on all crew hiring.
  • Manage repairs, refits, and yard work.
  • Manage budgets and accounting. On larger yachts, this task ends more on the Purser, but the captain is always responsible.
  • Ensure all paperwork, clearances, and legal requirements are completed.
  • Primary contact with the owner or charter parties.

Reports to: The yacht owner

Salary Range: $6,000 to $22,000

The deckhands handle all the outside responsibilities of the ship, including cleaning and maintenance of the yacht and all the ship’s vessels and toys on board. Deck crew will have significant contact with passengers in this role, operating launches and delivering guests to and from shore and handling the toys.

All deck crew have watch responsibilities on passage, and daily responsibilities keeping the yacht pristine and clean. They will also do line handling and secure the yacht.

Deck department : Chief Mate/First Officer

The Chief Mate or First Officer is the second in command of the vessel, and left in charge when the Captain is not on board. The first mate has the requisite skills to stand in for the captain and run the yacht if needed and usually acts as the division head of the deck team.

The seamanship skills needed are similar to the Captain’s position.

  • Primary safety officer for the yacht and all passengers and crew.
  • Supervise and manage all operations on deck.
  • Bridge watches on passage.
  • Passage planning and navigation.

There may be additional mates on larger vessels, these 2nd, 3rd, etc. mates have similar responsibilities on rotation. But the first mate is senior and always second in command.

Reports to: Captain

Salary Range: $4,000 to $9,500 (First mate)

Second and more junior mates may earn $2,000 to $4,000

Deck department : Bosun

yacht job types

The Bosun is the senior deckhand and manages the junior hands on board. This will usually be the most experienced hand on board.

  • Organizing all operations on deck.
  • Coordinating the use, storing and launching of the ship’s boats, toys, and equipment.
  • Managing the passerelle, watching passenger safety.
  • Contact point for guest service on boats, toys, and trips to shore.

Reports to: First mate

Salary Range: $3,000 to $5,000

Deck department : Deckhands

yacht job types

Deckhands are constantly busy with maintenance, cleaning, polishing, and assisting guests as needed. They will assist other departments as needed or given special duties.

  • Daily cleaning of the yacht’s exterior.
  • Painting, varnishing, polishing.
  • Line handling.
  • Launching and operating dinghies and tenders.
  • Repairs and carpentry.
  • Helping guests as needed – everything from handling baggage and gear to embarking and disembarking.

Reports to: Bosun

Salary range: $1,300 to $3,000

Though every position on a yacht is service-oriented, the interior or inside crew provides the primary customer service. They will interact the most with the passengers daily, and they’re directly responsible for the quality of their experience on board.

Interior department : the Purser

yacht job types

The purser is the chief financial officer of the yacht and handles all the financial operations on board. Accounting, purchasing, payroll and hiring, and all money matters end up with the Purser. This is a senior staff position, and may be the interior department head. Smaller yachts may eliminate the purser’s job and add it to the captain’s and other senior staff duties.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping for all financial transactions.
  • Human resources and payroll.
  • Handling logistics for all departments related to purchasing.
  • Managing contracts.
  • Event coordination, including off yacht bookings and payments.
  • Primary administration of the boat’s business paperwork.
  • Inventory and supply management.

Salary Range: $4,000 to $8,000

Interior department : The Chief Steward/ess

yacht job types

The chief steward or stewardess has primary responsibility for all service roles inside. Food and drink service, cabin preparation, and anything to do with helping the passengers be more comfortable and enjoy their stay. The chief steward will be inside crew with several years of experience.

The chief steward manages the interior staff, setting and enforcing vessel service standards. The chief steward ensures the crew delivers a five-star hospitality experience.

Chief Steward Responsibilities:

  • Scheduling and training junior crew for meal and drink service and cabin preparation.
  • Primary contact with guests for meals and drinks.
  • Sommelier and wine service.
  • Coordinate with the galley for meals and presentation.
  • Decorate the interior, from flower arrangement to table settings.
  • Arrange onshore activities and outings.

Reports to: Captain or Purser, depending on the yacht

Salary Range: $4,000 to $8,500


The stewards and stewardesses are the primary guest service staff. They will work closely with guests and passengers, and have daily contact with them as they meet most of their needs while on board.

Steward Responsibilities:

  • Food and drink service.
  • Room preparation and turndown service.
  • Cleaning, polishing, housekeeping, and inside maintenance.
  • Cabin detailing.
  • Laundry, pressing, and folding.
  • Help with outings, trips, debarkations.

Reports to: Chief Steward

Salary Range: $1,500 to $4,500


yacht job types

Larger yachts may have a dedicated housekeeping and laundry staff. This will be part of the inside crew, under either the purser or the head steward. There may be a senior housekeeper, if there are more than one housekeeping crew on board.

Responsibilities are the cleaning and laundry portions of the steward’s job, and a laundry steward may spend most of her time inside the ship’s laundry.

An experienced Head of Housekeeping may earn from $4,500 to $7,000, while a Laundry Steward typically earns from $2,500 to $3,500.


Food service requirements on any yacht are high. Whether it’s a privately owned vessel or a charter, the expectations are always for top tier food service, with a variety of meals planned for the requirements of every passenger. Chefs and cooks prepare all meals on board for passengers and crew, but sometimes other interior crew may help with prep work or cleanup.

Smaller yachts have smaller galley crews, but the largest vessels may have an executive chef and several sous chefs. All chef positions require formal culinary training and experience, but cook positions are often entry level. Promotion from cook to chef is unusual without additional training.

Galley department : the Head / Executive Chef

yacht job types

On larger yachts, an Executive Chef will run the entire galley with the help of sous chefs and cooks. With an Executive Chef, there’s an expectation that the food and menus will be on a level with Michelin star-rated restaurants.

The executive chef brings a thorough understanding of food preparation and presentation, and moves food preparation past creative up to artistic. Job responsibilities are similar to a chef, but the job demands and the required experience and education are much higher.

Salary range: $7,000 to $11,000

yacht job types

The chef has overall responsibility for all meals on the yacht, from provisioning in remote places to hygiene and good safety. If there’s only one chef, she’s the head of the galley crew. Finding the best provisions in far away locations and making the best of local food availability is a major part of the job.

  • Planning a delicious and varied menu for passengers.
  • Sourcing all food and arranging transport to the yacht.
  • Maintaining and operating within the galley budget.
  • Preparing passenger meals with professional presentation and style.
  • Cleaning and maintaining galley and galley equipment.
  • Deliver menus and meals on time, while running an organized and spotless galley.

Galley department : Sous Chef

The sous chefs assist the chef in all aspects of running the galley, and may have independent assignments to plan and guest and crew meals. While not primarily responsible for provisioning, the sous chef will help with food selection, menu preparation, and planning. A sous chef must have formal culinary training.

Reports to: Head chef

Salary Range: $3,500 – $6,000.

yacht job types

Galley department : The Cook

Cooks may be entry-level positions or experienced, but do not require formal gastronomy education. They will assist the chef and sous chefs, cooking meals and dishes for guests and crew, helping with provisioning, and keeping the galley neat.

  • Assist with provisioning and buying high-quality food from local sources.
  • Follow all food handling and safety guidelines.
  • Assist the head chef as needed, taking direction and guidance.
  • Prepare guest and crew meals as required.
  • Staying on top of galley inventories and supplies.

Salary Range: $2,500 to $3,500


yacht job types

The engineering department keeps the yacht and all its systems working. Whether it’s the engines, electronics, air conditioning, or the plumbing – it’s up to engineering to keep it running.

There is considerable overlap with commercial shipping in the engineering field, as many of the same skills apply. And there is a broader range of qualifications and grades based on the size and power of the vessel. Job ratings may be set by required experience based on tonnage of ship or power of engines, with corresponding levels of pay and responsibility.

Unlike commercial shipping, engineers may get involved in other aspects of running the yacht, like helping with docking and water sports with mechanical toys.

Engineering certifications, training, ratings, experience and licensing are critical to hiring competent engineers, and for engineering crew it’s an important facet of career advancement. This is important for Chief and 2nd Engineers, which are often broken out by MCA (U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency) rating or other international equivalent.

MCA ratings for engineers Commercial and Private Yachts over 24m are:

Y4: Less than 200 Gross Tons and less than 1,500 kW engine power Y3: Less than 500 GT and 3,000 kW Y2: Less than 3,000 GT and 3,000 kW Y1: Less than 3,000 GT and 9,000 kW

There is also an unlimited rating for merchant vessels larger than the Y1 category. For discussing salary and responsibilities, we will include all ratings in one position description, but pay scales with the size of the yacht and any required higher ratings.

Chief Engineer

The chief engineer manages all aspects of keeping the yacht and its systems running. The chief engineer manages all the engineering staff, and directs all maintenance, repairs, troubleshooting and upgrades. This is a management position, but requires extensive hands-on technical experience and knowledge. Chief engineers on large yachts hold an MCA Y1 or Y2, smaller boats will have a lower rated chief and a smaller staff. Check  Jooble.org  to find abroad marine engineer vacancies.

  • Provisioning, shopping, and stocking.
  • Preparing passenger and crew meals.
  • Following instructions and cooking under the direction of others.
  • Galley cleaning.
  • Follow food safety and storage procedures.
  • Food pre-preparation.

Salary Range: $6,000 to $15,000

2nd Engineer

The second engineer is also a highly skilled position requiring a rating or license and several years of experience. This senior level engineer also needs knowledge of how to troubleshoot and maintain all yacht systems.

  • Maintain and manage all engineering operations.
  • Hire, train and supervise all engineers.
  • Project manage all upgrades and retrofits, including managing budgets, contracts, and suppliers.
  • Coordinate maintenance schedule for the entire yacht around the usage and seasonal schedules.
  • Maintain costs and accounting for engineering operations.
  • Design and handle all safety operations.
  • Set and maintain standards for operations and cleanliness in the engine room.

Reports to: Chief engineer

Salary Range: $5,500 – $10,000

OOW (Officer of the Watch) Engineer

The OOW is a junior engineering position, but still licensed. There are two categories of OOW – MEOL (Marine Engine Operator License) and the more junior AEC (Assistant Engine Course). The overall responsibilities are similar, working to support the senior engineers and handle independent assignments. The AEC rating is entry level for licensed crew, but has training and certification.

  • Support the chief in all projects.
  • Maintain a clean, safe engine room.
  • Perform all maintenance, troubleshooting and repair tasks as needed.
  • Support motorized water sports.
  • Occasionally assist with other vessel operations, like line handling.

Reports to: Chief Engineer

Salary Range, MEOL: $4,500 to $6,000 Salary Range, AEC: $2,500 to $3,500

Electronics/Technology Officer (ETO)

The ETO takes responsibility for all audio-visual and information technology on board. Ensuring passengers have access to the internet, movies, television, and music is a primary responsibility. This position carries a fair amount of passenger interaction, and an ETO needs good troubleshooting skills to go with customer service skills.

  • Ensure all audio/visual and entertainment systems are always available for passengers.
  • Assist passengers with personal technology and ship systems as needed.
  • Conduct regular maintenance and upgrades of the network, information, and A/V systems around passenger schedules.
  • Assist other engineers as needed, especially with electronic systems.
  • Contribute as needed with other departments for boat and passenger operations.

Salary Range: $4,000 to $9,000

Junior Engineer

This is a lower or entry level position for someone with engineering skills but without formal licensing or certification. The junior engineer will help with safety and cleanliness, and assist in any engineering tasks as needed. The ability to solve problems and fix things opens this spot for anyone capable and willing to do the job.

  • Help with cleaning, maintenance, and safety functions.
  • Help anywhere needed on the yacht.
  • Assist senior engineers as needed, taking direction and following instructions exactly.
  • Constantly develop skills.


Whether you are a yacht owner or considering entering this dynamic industry with an established and reliable crew, it is essential to have an understanding of the yacht’s hierarchical structure, mission priorities, and salary expectations. By doing your research on the complexity of yachting before hiring your team, you can confidently select the right group of experienced and qualified professionals for your needs. Staying up-to-date on top industry trends and knowing the capabilities of each type of yacht crew position will enable you to make sound decisions that support a safe and cost-effective journey. With quality personnel at your helm, you can cruise unhindered in luxury and explore new destinations with peace of mind.

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About the Yacht Positions

The diversity and opportunities to work aboard superyachts around the world are endless. The yachts range in size from 60ft to 600ft with crew of 1 - 100 crew members in four primary departments. Each department is responsible for a unique set of tasks aboard and is suited for individuals with specific skillsets and experience. Explore professions within each department.

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Types of Jobs on Luxury Mega Yachts

If the thought of sailing to exotic locations onboard a luxurious yacht appeals to you, then you should look into working onboard a luxury yacht. Yachting crew work hard, but they find the work rewarding because they share a few common characteristics: they love yachting, the ocean, and working with people.

If these characteristics describe you, then you need to read more about how to get work on a megayacht.

These yachts can reach more than 80 feet in length, and cost more than $1 million U.S. dollars. Most of the yachts have three or more decks, a pool, Jacuzzi, helicopter pad, and the top of the line accommodations for guests. While crew living quarters can be much smaller, they are usually as comfortable and as welcoming as possible for loyal crew members. Some yachts are commercially owned and you'll work with a new group of passengers on each journey. Other yachts are privately owned, and you may work with the owner and his or her family on a regular basis.

There are many yacht crew jobs, from deckhands and stewards, to engineers and first mates. While you may need to work your way up to some of them, with some jobs you can complete a few months of training (or less), and be ready to apply.

When you become a member of CruiseJobFinder.com, you get all the info you need to learn about the opportunities in this exciting industry - what they are, what training you need, along with tips from successful crew members about how to get a job.

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What Kinds of Yacht Crew Jobs Are There on a Private Yacht?

As you would expect, the number and types of crew onboard a yacht depend on the size of the yacht: the smaller the yacht, the fewer crew members there will be. That usually means that the crew members onboard smaller yachts usually perform more than one role. For example, the excursion tour leader may also double as a deckhand. Generally, there will be the main navigational crew members like:

  • Mate (first, second, and third) Deckhand

You will also be able to apply for jobs on luxury yachts if you work in the engine department as:

  • Chief Engineer
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Oiler/Wiper

These jobs mentioned above all require a certain maritime qualification and the person hiring you will normally ask you for your experience level.

The other yacht crew jobs will also require some education and/or experience and you will need to find a way to stand out in the crowd if you want to get the job. In these jobs, your primary goal is to meet your clients' needs:

  • Cabin Crew and/or Housekeeping
  • Massage Therapist
  • Beauty Therapist or Spa Therapist
  • Personal Yoga Instructor
  • Hair Stylist
  • Publicist and or Manager as well as Assistants
  • Gourmet Chef and maybe one or two chef assistants
  • Diving Instructor
  • Pilot (Some large mega yachts have helipads)

Although the captain and most of the yacht crew are trained in first aid, certain high profile clients will also require the services of a doctor on board. This will normally be their personal doctor, unless he or she is not available.

Benefits of Working on a Privately Owned Yacht

Once you become a member of CruiseJobFinder , you'll find the complete range of jobs available on luxury yachts. You will be shown exactly how to apply, what qualifications and experience you need, and you'll get to choose where you want to work, whether it is in the Caribbean, Europe, or the Australian Coast. Not only will you get to travel all over the world making a living, but you will have the chance to meet some of the most influential and famous people across the globe.

This can be the start of a new career path, giving you the best kind of experience, or it could boost your current career to a whole new level. A luxury yacht is a brilliant place to work if you prefer a more personal interaction with your employers, and if you want to work with a smaller number of people. B The work can be hard, but the benefits of traveling, comfortable, free accommodations, and seeing the most beautiful places in the world make this a desirable profession for many people. What more are you waiting for? Become a member now to access the largest database of yacht crewing jobs, and learn exactly what you need to get the job you are interested in.

Tips for Living and Working on a Privately Owned Yacht

Actually, living and working in close proximity to wealthy, sometimes famous yacht owners can be a bit intimidating for some people. But your future in the industry depends on you always being friendly, professional, and courteous to owners and their guests - whoever they are. You can never go wrong by being professional and treating guests with respect - and that's exactly what passengers expect. When you cruise the ocean on a luxury yacht, you might be away from shore for a few days so you must come prepared with toiletries and essentials, as well as phone cards, passport and papers, and a small wardrobe for days off on land.

When you apply for luxury yacht jobs , you will also need to have a perfect resume, which you will learn how to create when you become a member.

You'll also learn correct yacht etiquette, hygiene and health requirements, safety guidance, and what kinds of marine terms and sea training you need to perform your job well and interact with all crew members effectively.

Your job onboard a privately owned luxury yacht could mean traveling to brilliant places and meeting interesting and important people like the Danish Royal Family, The Sheik of Dubai, and Paul Allen. We have a comprehensive list of small, medium, and large (super) yachts and their owners. You'll also find out where you can find the yachts - and jobs - all year round.

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Types of Crew Positions on a Luxury Yacht

Image 0916: "May - Types of Crew Positions on a Luxury Yacht"

Discover the world of luxury yachting and luxury yacht charters, starting by focusing on yacht crew positions. From captains to chefs, each crew member plays a crucial role in ensuring an unforgettable experience on board the vessel.

Whether you’re dreaming of a yacht crew job or searching for a yacht crew, Yacht Management South Florida will guide you through the intricacies of yacht crew roles, skills, and responsibilities needed to operate a luxury yacht seamlessly. 

What Is the Crew on a Yacht? The crew on a yacht consists of individuals who fulfill various roles and responsibilities that are crucial for the vessel’s operation and the overall comfort of the occupants onboard. Yacht crew positions can range from a captain and first mate to a stewardess and chef. Each individual contributes expertise and skills to ensure an enjoyable guest experience.

Yacht crew jobs are very diverse and require great adaptability, teamwork, and attention to detail to meet the standards of a luxury yacht. Whether the crew maintains the yacht’s exterior or provides top-notch guest services, every crew member plays a vital role. 

Yacht Crew Positions – Crew Jobs on Private Yachts

The concierge services at Yacht Management can handle your entire yachting trip from start to finish. That includes crewing your South Florida yacht with the best-qualified yacht crew professionals. Our yacht management company is responsible for crew employment and placement for numerous private yachts.

Our yacht managers are highly knowledgeable and experienced yachting professionals, including licensed yacht captains. They understand the importance of hiring the right yacht crew to ensure a superior yachting experience.

Below is a list of yacht crew positions that can be filled on your vessel:

Yacht Captain The most well-known and respected position aboard any private yacht - the captain. The captain must be licensed. The captain is responsible for safely manning and operating the vessel and ensuring the well-being of the guests and crew. This position takes strong managerial and decision-making skills.

Engineer The engineer is responsible for the upkeep of all the yacht’s mechanical and electrical systems, including its plumbing. They must ensure that everything remains functional by troubleshooting and fixing any problems. For smaller yachts, a hybrid Captain/Engineer position may be needed.

Boat Mates and Deck Officers Mates include the First, Second, and Third Mate, sometimes called officers. These are highly qualified in

dividuals responsible for bridge duty, managing the deck crew, and other tasks to assist the captain or to fill in when the captain is unavailable.

Deckhand This position entails long hours and hard work. Deckhands are responsible for the exterior maintenance of the yacht, including cleaning, waxing, and even varnishing. They also assist guests with water toys and other outdoor features, like the jacuzzi.

An incredibly important crew position. Arguably, the better the food, the better the overall yacht experience for you and your guests. The yacht chef is responsible for preparing meals for guests and the crew. They may help with service if required.

Steward/Stewardess The bigger a yacht is, the more stewards and stewardesses it will likely have. The Chief Stew leads the team. Stews are responsible for the interior maintenance of the yacht as well as providing food, drink, and overall service to the guests.

Do I Need a Crew For My Yacht? Whether you are a seasoned yacht owner or considering buying your first yacht, you may wonder if you need a crew for your vessel. While some smaller yachts may be manageable on your own, larger yachts often benefit more from a dedicated crew to ensure smooth op

erations.Having a yacht crew onboard brings great expertise in navigation, maintenance, hospitality, and culinary arts. This alleviates the burden of responsibility for the owners or charter guests. 

Yacht Management offers crewing services if you’re looking for a dedicated team on board your vessel. We will recruit and place individuals who are the best-fit captains, engineers, mates, chefs, and stewardesses on your yacht. With a skilled crew at the helm, you can relax and enjoy the stress-free luxury of your vessel. 

Yacht Management Crewing Services Navigating the luxury yachting world is full of opulence and precision, where every detail truly matters. Yacht Management South Florida provides top-tier provisioning, management, and crewing services for yachts and superyachts.

Our meticulous selection and placement of skilled crew, from captains to chefs, will ensure a seamless experience onboard. We handle every detail, allowing you to relax and indulge in stress-free living on your vessel. 

Contact us today for comprehensive crewing services.

Types of Yacht Crew Positions infographic


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Yacht Crew Job Board

With Bluewater's expertise in crew training and yacht crew recruitment, finding your ideal yacht crew vacancy is simple. We offer yacht management services to a variety of exclusive superyachts. Our team excels in sourcing top-notch yacht crew positions, spanning from 25-meter private yachts in the Bahamas to 50-metre charter yachts in the Mediterranean to luxurious 100+ metre superyachts navigating the globe extensively.

47 yacht crew jobs available now.

Yacht Crew Training

Alongside sourcing the latest yacht crew jobs worldwide, Bluewater offers a range of specialised yacht crew training courses. Whether you're new to the superyacht industry seeking entry-level qualifications, an experienced deckhand or engineer aiming to advance your career, or a dedicated crew member looking to enhance your resume with certifications like HELM (Human Element Leadership and Management), Yachtmaster, or OOW (Officer of the Watch), explore our comprehensive yacht crew training options.

Working on a Luxury Yacht

Working as a crew member on a superyacht is undeniably one of the most rewarding yet demanding professions, calling for hard work, dedication, and professional training. The opportunities within the yachting industry are vast, and at Bluewater, we are committed to helping every crew member discover their ideal yacht crew position. Our recruitment division focuses on finding the perfect yacht for crew members and provides unparalleled professional support. Our recruitment experts guide crew members through every step of their yachting career journey, ensuring they receive the best possible assistance.

Manage Your Yacht Career

Whether you're seeking a yacht crew position as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, stewardess, chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer, or captain, take control of your yacht career. Create a profile and join one of the world's largest yachting communities for free.


  • Permanent 4:2
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, FHL2
  • Experience: -
  • Salary: €4500
  • Qualifications: Minimum MEOL (MCA) or III/1 STCW
  • Experience: 2+ year’s experience
  • Salary: 4500-6000 EUR dependign on experience
  • Seasonal, could become permanent
  • Experience: 3 - 5 years


  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1, Food Hygiene Level 2
  • Experience: 3 Years +
  • Salary: 4500EUR
  • Qualifications: Master 200gt
  • Experience: 5 years as Captain/Engineer
  • Salary: Attractive salary (doe)
  • Rotational 2:2
  • Experience: 18 months as chief stew
  • Salary: $7000
  • Experience: 2 Seasons +
  • Salary: 2500 euros
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
  • Experience: 1 Season +
  • Salary: DOE
  • Experience: Open
  • Salary: 4500€
  • Qualifications: Yachtmaster Offshore
  • Experience: 2 Years +


Yacht Crew Jobs and Salary Info

Here is a guide to the types of jobs found on board yachts for both the Exterior and Interior departments. Get information on job descriptions, skills and experience required to be hired, as well as the expected salary for the position. From entry level yacht jobs (ie. deckhand or steward) to a career path in the yachting industry, understand how each crew member contributes to the efficient operation of a yacht.

Yacht Crew:  Deck Department

Other Titles:  Master; Second Master; Second Captain

Job Description:  The Captain is responsible for the safety of the passengers, crew and the vessel. The Captain oversees the navigation of the vessel, legal and regulatory compliance, budgeting and accounting, vessel maintenance, training, hiring and disciplinary action. The Captain must also achieve the owner’s objectives and answer to the yacht owner for all decisions that are made. Depending on the size of the yacht and number of crew will determine how much the Captain delegates versus the tasks completed by the Captain. Some large yachts may have a Second Captain as second in command.

Experience and Skills Required:  The Captain must have a wealth of maritime experience and training including excellent engineering knowledge and knowledge of all safety and environmental regulations. Typically a Captain has worked through the other officer ranks on a superyacht. A Captain on a vessel larger than 3,000 GRT, needs the STCW Master Unlimited licence along with all its necessary courses. Additional skills required include management and accounting skills.

Average Salary:  $4,000 to $8,000 per month (Captain of a vessel 60 to 100 feet.)  $7,000 to $15,000 per month (Captain of a vessel 100 to 160 feet.)  $12,000+ per month (Captain of a vessel 160 feet and up.)

First Officer

Other Job Titles:  Chief Officer, Chief Mate

Job Description:  The First Officer assists the Captain with navigational planning, administrative duties, crew discipline and safety. The First Officer is responsible for the vessel’s navigation and sets the navigational watch schedule. The 1st Officer manages the Bosun and deckhands, overseeing the maintenance of deck equipment and inventory. The 1st Officer also supervises the water sports equipment (aka: toys). The 1st officer may also be the designated security, safety, or medical officer.

Experience and Skills Required:  The First Officer must have qualifications and licences that conform to International Maritime Organization (IMO) and STCW. The standard requirement is Chief Mate (Yacht) 3,000 gt A-II/2 or higher with previous Officer of the Watch experience. Applicants of smaller yachts may have certificates such as RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Ocean. Additional certification such as Dive Master or Fishing Specialist, are also an asset.

Average Salary:  $5,000 to $8,000 per month (120 feet to 180 feet.)  $7,000 to $12,000+ per month (180+ feet)

2nd Officer

Other Titles:  Officer of the Watch

Job Description:  Yachts larger than 140 feet employ a Second Officer in addition to the First Officer. The 2nd Officer understudies the 1st Officer. He is a navigational watch keeper and assists the First Officer with administrative and safety duties. The 2nd Officer leads the deckhands in deck maintenance duties. The 2nd Officer may also be designated security, safety, or medical officer duties.

Experience and Skills Required:  The Second Officer must have qualifications and licences that conform to International Maritime Organization (IMO) and STCW. The standard requirement is Officer of the Watch (Yacht) 3,000 gt A-II/1 or higher. Previous yacht experience is preferred. Additional certification such as Dive Master or Fishing Specialist, are also an asset.

Average Salary:  $5,000 to $6,000 per month (140 feet to 180 feet.)  $5,500 to $8,000+ per month (180+ feet.)

Other Titles:  Lead Deckhand, Senior Deckhand

Job Description:  Under the direction of the First Officer, the Bosun supervises the deckhands in the deck cleanliness and maintenance of the vessel. The Bosun develops, executes and assists in planned maintenance and repair of the exterior of the vessel. This includes painting, varnishing, repairing, caulking, and fibreglass repair. The Bosun monitors the condition of the ship’s fire and safety equipment and is responsible for maintenance of the toys and tenders. The Bosun is a watchkeeper, security officer, and tender driver when needed.

Experience and Skills Required:  The Bosun should be in possession of the Yachtmaster Offshore (or higher) or the OOW certification which includes GMDSS. The Bosun should have knowledge of maintenance products and knowledge of all equipment onboard. The Bosun should have knowledge of the water sports equipment and some engineering knowledge. Minimum three years experience as a yacht deckhand is required. Additional certification is an advantage.

Average Salary:  $3,000 to $4,500 per month (100 feet to 180 feet.)  $4,000+ per month (180+ feet)

Other Titles:  Junior Deckhand

Job Description:  This entry level position is expected to undertake a variety of tasks. These include cleaning, polishing, waxing, painting, varnishing, sanding, fibreglass repair, carpentry, line handling, exterior maintenance, driving tenders (if qualified), setting up toys, diving (if qualified), helping clean cabins, helping prep meals, helping serve meals, and helping clean engines. On smaller vessels, there may be one deckhand versus larger yachts may have five or more deckhands supervised by a Bosun.

Experience and Skills Required:  Although no previous yachting experience is required, general seafaring skills are expected. Deckhands should have basic knowledge in navigation, boat handling, engines and radio equipment. Additional skills such as painting, woodworking, fibreglass experience are an asset. Additional certifications such as diving qualifications and fishing skills, Tender Driving Licence, and the Radio Operators Certificate (ROC) are also beneficial.

Average Salary:  $2,000 to $4,000 per month (60 feet to 120 feet.)  $2,500 to $3,500 per month (120 feet to 180 feet.)  $2,500 to $4,000+ per month (180+ feet)

Yacht Crew:  Engine Department

Chief engineer.

Job Description:  The Chief Engineer is responsible for the safe operation of engine room operations. The Chief is also responsible for the maintenance of the vessel’s engines, generators, hydraulics, outboard engines, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC systems including refrigeration and air conditioning, fuel polishing, water makers, computers, entertainment systems and other interior equipment. The Chief Engineer plans and executes the vessel’s preventative maintenance. On a small yacht he may be the only engineer onboard, while larger yachts he may supervise a team of engineers to perform the maintenance.

Experience and Skills Required:  The Chief Engineer must have extensive maritime experience and training including knowledge of all safety and environmental regulations. Depending on the size of yacht will determine the minimum qualifications required. At the very least, Chief Engineer Certificate of Competency (Y4) A-III/3 is limited to vessels less than 200gt and less than 1,500kw in size. The highest qualification for a Chief Engineer is the Chief Engineer Unlimited A-III/2.

Average Salary:  $5,000 to $10,000 per month (120 feet to 180 feet.)  $7,500 to $15,000+ per month (180+ feet)

2nd Engineer (Licensed)

Other Title:  Junior Engineer Licensed, Second Unlimited, OOW Engineer (AEC)

Job Description:  The 2nd Engineer assists the Chief Engineer in the safe operation of the engine room. The 2nd Engineer performs maintenance on the vessel’s engines, generators, hydraulics, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC systems including refrigeration and air conditioning, fuel polishing, outboard engines, water makers, computers, and entertainment systems.

Experience and Skills Required:  Depending on the qualifications will determine the engineer’s average salary. An Engineer with only the Assistant Engineer Unlimited A-III/1 (AEC) certificate makes less than an Engineer with a Chief Y3 Licence. In general, an engineer must possess expert knowledge of mechanical, electrical, electronic and other on board equipment.

Average Salary:  Junior Engineer (Licensed with AEC) $3,000 to $4,500+ per month.  2nd Engineer (Chief Y2 to Y3) $6,000 to $8,000/m (160 feet to 190 feet.)  2nd Engineer (Chief Y2 to Y3) $7,000 to $9,000+ per month (190+ feet)

Junior Engineer (Unlicensed)

Other Title:  Engine Crew; OOW Engineer

Job Description:  As directed by the licensed 2nd Engineer, the unlicensed Junior Engineer performs tasks such as cleaning, painting and maintenance of the technical spaces, bilges and equipment. Other duties may include maintenance on the vessel’s engines, generators, hydraulics, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC systems including refrigeration and air conditioning, fuel polishing, outboard engines, water makers, computers, and entertainment systems. Team player duties include line handling and water sports equipment.

Experience and Skills Required:  An unlicensed Junior Engineer needs only the Yacht Rating Certificate. Alternatively, an OOW Engineer needs the Marine Engine Operator License (MEOL) to be qualified as an officer of the watch. A Junior Engineer or OOW Engineer needs knowledge of general systems on board (diesel, refrigeration, air conditioning, plumbing, electronics and outboards). Additional certification is an asset.

Average Salary:  $3,000 to $4,500+ per month (160 feet to 300 feet)

Electronic Technical Officer (ETO)

Other Job Titles:  Electronic Engineer; Electrical Engineer, Audio Visual and IT Engineer

Job Description:   Electronic Technical Officers and Electricians are employed on larger yachts (160+ feet). The ETO reports to the Chief Engineer and is responsible for the maintenance of all electronics, computers, internet, televisions, entertainment systems, satellites, radios and communications equipment for efficient operation.

Experience and Skills Required:  An ETO or electrician may have experience as an engineer on a yacht with a specialty in electrical and electronics. The STCW Engineering certification may be a requirement depending on the yacht. Land based experience in electrical, electronics, or IT server maintenance may also be acceptable.

Average Salary:  $3,000 to $8,000+ per month (Depending on Experience and Qualifications)

Yacht Crew:  Interior Department

Other Title:  Interior Manager

Job Description:  On yachts larger than 160 feet, a Purser is employed as the person responsible for the overall operations and guest relations of the interior department including housekeeping, bartending, table setting and silver service. The Purser oversees all interior purchasing, provisioning, human resources, and the accounting for the entire yacht. The Purser works with the Chef on menus and wine pairing. The Purser acts as a concierge for the guests with their knowledge of restaurants and activities in the yacht’s cruising area.

Experience and Skills Required:  Requirements for a Purser include all the PYA GUEST Level 3 courses such as the Interior Yacht Management program. Typically, the Purser has previous yacht experience as a Chief Stewardess.

Average Salary:  $6,000 to $9,000 per month (160 feet to 250+feet)

Chief Steward

Other Job Titles:  Head of Housekeeping

Job Description:  The Chief Steward is responsible for the overall cleanliness of the interior of the vessel. Duties include setting the schedules for guest service and cleaning, and supervising stewards in their duties. The Chief Steward organizes with Chef for guest meal service. The Chief Steward is also responsible for inventory and interior accounting. On smaller vessels the Chief Steward is in charge of interior operations, whereas larger vessels the Chief Steward reports to the Purser.

Experience and Skills Required:  Requirements for a Chief Steward include all the PYA GUEST Level 3 courses such as the Interior Yacht Management program. Typically, the Chief Steward has extensive experience as a Steward. Other skills required are the ability to delegate, attention to detail and excellent communication skills.

Average Salary:  $3,000 to $6,500 per month (100 feet to 140 feet.)  $5,000 to $9,000 per month (140 feet to 200+ feet)

Job Description:  Typically on yachts over 140 feet, a Butler is employed to make sure the guests are having all their needs met. The Butler is responsible for providing impeccable service to guests. The Butler may assist with party planning.

Experience and Skills Required:  Previous experience as a butler is preferred as is yacht experience. Additional certification in the PYA GUEST courses is beneficial.

Average Salary:  $5,000 to $8,000 per month (140 feet to 250+ feet)

Other Job Titles:  2nd Steward; Junior Steward; Laundry Steward; Solo Stew

Job Description:  The Steward or Stewardess is responsible for cabin preparation, detailing interior, bartending, Silver Service (food and drink service) and laundry. More specifically this means cleaning and polishing bathrooms (heads) and bedrooms, bed-making, ironing and folding linens, table-setting, polishing cutlery, and flower arranging. As an entry level position, duties may also include deckhand tasks.

Experience and Skills Required:  As an entry level position, there are no mandatory certificates needed (apart from the Basic STCW 95 course). Although, the more experience and training that a candidate has, the better chances of getting hired. Food and beverage experience and hotel experience are an asset. Any or all of the PYA G.U.E.S.T. introductory level courses are beneficial. Additional skills such as massage or beautician will also increase hiring opportunities.

Average Salary:  $2,500 to $4,000 per month DOE (100 feet to 160 feet.)  $2,500 to $5,500 per month DOE (160+ feet)

Other Titles:  Executive Chef

Job Description:  The Chef is responsible for all food prepared on the vessel. The Chef plans meals for an entire itinerary and prepares them with a high degree of presentation. The Chef is responsible for provisioning, ordering, purchasing (negotiating with worldwide suppliers) and storing food items. The Chef may work solo or alongside a Sous Chef, depending on the size of the vessel. The Chef must maintain immaculate cleanliness and hygiene in the galley and a Chef must be well organized. Smaller vessels may expect the Chef to participate in other duties, too.

Experience and Skills Required:  Although smaller vessels may hire non-culinary trained persons for a position as a Chef, only culinary trained Chefs with years of experience can expect to land a Chef’s job on a megayacht. A Chef should have experience in worldwide provisioning and budgeting skills and should have nutritional and dietary knowledge. Previous yachting experience as a Sous Chef is preferred.

Average Salary:  $4,500 to $8,000 per month (100 feet to 160 feet)  $6,000 to $12,000 per month (160+ feet)

Other Title:  Second Chef; Crew Chef; Stew-Chef; Stew-Cook; Cook

Job Description:  On vessels larger than 140 feet, a Sous Chef is employed to assist the Chef with meal preparation and cooking for the crew. On smaller yachts a ‘Stew-Chef’ encompasses both the cooking and Steward’s duties.

Experience and Skills Required:  Experience in a hotel or restaurant or previous yachting experience is preferred. Knowledge of food safety, storage, and nutrition is required. Although not mandatory, a Sous Chef should have a recognized qualification such as Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery.

Average Salary:  $4,000 to $6,000+ per month (140+ feet)  $3,000 to $5,000 per month (60 feet to 160 feet)

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It is common on a luxury chartered Yacht to acquire a set of skills that greatly exceed your job ‘title.’ Here however, are a few of the positions that you might see onboard a yacht. Salaries for an employee on a yacht vary extremely and are not listed below. Employees should research their earning potential and specific job expectations before committing to a job onboard a yacht.

Yacht Captain

Private Luxury Yacht Photo

The captain is the first in charge onboard and is responsible for all of his crew and passengers. He must understand all aspects of the boat and takes on an administrative role as well as all navigational duties. Each captain has different standards for his/her boat and usually interacts with passengers, having a more intimate relationship with the crew than on a larger ship. Captains must be licensed, have significant maritime experience and have spent time as a first mate or in an equivalent role onboard other ships.

Yacht Engineer

Luxure yacht engineers make sure the mechanics of the vessel are functioning properly. This includes trouble shooting and fixing any number of functional problems. Plumbing included.

Deckhands and Ship Mates

Employees in these positions are responsible for the exterior maintenance of the ship and often have a variety of duties. They assist guests and usually gain intimate relationships with them. They accompany guests during excursions and almost certainly have the widest variety of responsibilities.

The type of chef is directly related to the type of yacht. Luxury Yachts demand luxury chefs. Almost all yacht chefs however, work with a smaller staff and have a great deal of creative freedom. Ordering, food quality standards, cleaning, preparing and serving may all fall under the responsibility of a yacht chef.


A person in this position is highly visible to passengers. He/She acts as sort of hands on customer service representative and might serve drinks, answer questions, help with luggage, serve meals and aid guests in anyway that he/she can. A very outgoing and friendly personality is required.

Yacht Pilots

Pilots are common on luxury cruises and are often hired by owners to direct the boat. On smaller ships this position is included in the captain’s duties.

First Mates act as the second hand to the captain. They assist in the captain’s duties and take on the responsibilities of the ship should something happen to the captain. First Mates train and assist crewmembers. They delegate ship responsibility and keep a close eye on safety regulations and protocols. They must be properly licensed and experienced.

Yacht Safety Officer

Safety Officers maintain the safety equipment onboard. They run protocols and drills, taking pains to ensure guests and staff abide to the safety rules and regulations of the ship.

Yacht Purser

The Purser acts as an accountant onboard. Some luxury yachts require maintenance and staff totaling up to a million dollars or more a year. They budget trips and maintain accounts relating the ship.

Laundry Steward

A Laundry Steward on a luxury yacht collects, cleans and delivers laundry for the guests and other staff members onboard. On smaller yachts, this responsibility is shared among the deckhands.

Yacht Delivery Work

Delivery Work entails moving the yacht from location to location based on the owner or captain’s needs. This work is contract work and not for a full time employee.

Licensing and Work Requirements

While some positions onboard require a specific number of previous ship-hours and a specialized set of skills, others are great for the boating novice. It all depends on the needs of the yacht and the person applying. Many yacht captains are willing to train, in hopes of finding deckhands that they can mold into the perfect onboard employee. The IMO, or International Maritime Organization has worked hard to standardize safety precautions for ships. The Standard of Training Certificates and Watch Keeping (STCW) was developed by the IMO and is a required training program and certification of nearly every crew member onboard a ship. Some positions allow you to apply with out already having this certification and others require that you already be certified. The training takes about a week and because of its popularity as an onboard requirement, there are facilities all over the world.

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Yacht Crew Jobs: Where + How To Find Work Right Now

Find work on a yacht even with no experience..

So you binge-watched Below Deck during the pandemic and now you’re inspired to work on a yacht? Although there are some similarities, the reality show walks the line between the yachting world and the series. Yacht crew jobs are in abundance now, so it’s a perfect time to get started. If you work hard, value professionalism and hospitality, solve problems, and love to travel — a job in the yachting industry may be for you. Whether you’re interested in becoming a deckhand, stewardess, or chef — here’s where and how to find work on a superyacht right now.

How To Prepare For Your First Yacht Crew Job

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Entering the yachting industry may require a bit of schooling, but nothing one can’t handle — yacht crew must pass a basic safety course called Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW). This course is required by all seafarers who are working on board commercial vessels. For a charter yacht, you’ll need to attain ENG1, a medical examination set by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. This shows that you’re healthy and able to perform tasks onboard.

While STCW is the basic course required for a private yacht, additional courses might set you apart from other applications as it shows commitment to a career in yachting. For instance, the Powerboat certification is important to have if you are a deckhand, but learning how to safely drive a tender would benefit anyone who works on a yacht. Other valuable courses such as hospitality, silver service, or mixology are a plus and will help crew better market themselves for various opportunities.

Many boats, especially charter yachts, seek crew with additional skills. In addition to gaining required certifications, potential yacht crew should also have a stand-out CV and portfolio of work. It’s advantageous to showcase your skills so that the person reviewing your application can understand how you may be able to apply those skills to work on the yacht.

For example, if you’re applying for a chef position, share photos or videos of your recipes, menus, kitchen experience, or food. If you’re applying for a stewardess role, gather photos of your table settings, flower arrangements, or past work experience in hospitality or event coordination. It always helps to have letters of recommendation. Show us what you got — Denison’s crew portal makes it easy to create a profile and an album of work.

Now’s The Time To Apply

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It’s never been a better time to find work on a yacht. Denison’s Lead Crew Coordinator Jill Maderia explains that the most in-demand jobs right now are for captain, mate, stewardess, and chef positions. If you’ve never worked on a yacht but always thought it seemed like the coolest job in the world — now’s the time to go for it.

“It’s a great time for crew entering into the industry as there are boats opting to hire green crew and train them now,” said Jill.

Green crew means entry-level — to work on a yacht with no experience. Everyone who’s worked on a yacht has been a green crew member at one point (you gotta start somewhere). If you’re willing to learn and do the work, you can move up quickly. So why the abundance of crew jobs right now?

“Yacht crew is a very international profession and many have not been able to travel from their countries due to visa issues and travel restrictions. Many boats have remained in the U.S. during COVID and hired all of the local crew,” said Jill. “And, of course, life happens and some crew have entered into new relationships and are not looking to travel full time anymore. So all these factors lead to plenty of job openings for the crew at the moment.”

Tips To Landing A Yacht Crew Career

yacht job types

Do your research and read marine industry publications such as Dockwalk , The Triton News , or Superyacht News . Catching up on industry news is super helpful for those who have never worked in the yachting, marine, or hospitality industry.

Explore and find crew housing . You may have the skills and required certifications, but networking can also help you land a job. Yacht crews usually live in a house together, which leads to networking, ideas, and tips within the industry. A house may host a variety of crew — from green to experienced — who each have a story to tell or wisdom to share. You can find crew housing by speaking with your agent, who often knows which ones are reputable.

Dip your toes in day work . This is a great way to trial different size yachts, learn crew dynamics, and get a feel for the work before committing to a contract. While day work is usually a temporary gig, it can lead to long-term opportunities. The captain may see your potential and schedule an interview to see how you could fit with the boat full time.

Check in with your agents . The better your crew agent knows you, the easier it is for them to match you with a boat. Catch up with your crew agent and keep them informed when and if you’re looking for work.

Ready To Start Your Career In Yachting?

yacht job types

Denison has an excellent crew division that matches captains, deckhands, stews, chefs, and engineers with private yachts. After registering your application and portfolio on our website, Lead Crew Coordinator, Jill Maderia will vet your portfolio and be in touch. Her goal is to match the crew with the yacht (and vice versa) so it’s a cohesive fit for all. Contact Jill with questions, search for available jobs , or create a profile to start your career in the yachting industry.

Latest News

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NEWS | August 23, 2024

Cocktails & canapés at 37th america’s cup [s/y seaquell].

Cocktails & Canapés at 37th America’s Cup [S/Y SEAQUELL] Thursday, August 29th | 19:00-21:00 Denison Yachting cordially invites you to an evening of cocktails and canapés aboard the Sailing Yacht SEAQUELL during the 37th America’s Cup Round Robins at Port Forum. Enjoy a relaxed gathering on board, set against

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Newport International Boat Show [Brokerage Boats On Display]

Newport International Boat Show [Brokerage Boats On Display] Thursday-Sunday | September 12-15, 2024 Denison invites you to view a number of available brokerage boats at the 2024 Newport International Boat Show. The Newport International Boat Show, set for September 12-15, 2024, in Newport, Rhode Island, is one of

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NEWS | August 19, 2024

85′ azimut 2006 sold by florent moranzoni [eva].

85′ Azimut 2006 Sold by Florent Moranzoni [EVA] EVA, an 85′ (26.82m) Azimut built in 2006, was sold by Florent Moranzoni, who represented the Seller. Special thanks to James von Eiberg of Bluebnc, who represented the Buyer. EVA can accommodate ten guests in four comfortable cabins, including a

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J4Crew Recruitment Agency

Masseuse/ Stew

05 Sep 2024

3rd Engineer


by Lighthouse Careers

Crew Chef/ Cook

by Viking Recruitment


New Zealand

by Frey Recruitment

September 10

by Crew and Concierge

Chef de Partie/ 3rd Chef

16th of September

Middle East / Europe

by Hill Robinson

by Quay Crew

31st of August

Sole Engineer

Fort Lauderdale

by Northrop & Johnson

Head of Housekeeping

Junior stew.

6th September

by Superyacht Crew UK

French Riviera

Mid to late September

15th of September

Early October

by Hello Sailor

Housekeeping Stew

by Bluewater

Chief Officer

October 2024

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  • ETO/AVIT needed for 100M+ private yacht
  • Deckhands required for Private 100-m+ M/Y – DHHM
  • Experienced Housekeeper (Full-time) in Toorak - ARMM
  • Part-time Housekeeper for large family in Mentone, Melbourne - MENN
  • Full-time Housekeeper for couple in South Yarra – BEMM
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Our crew database includes 5,133 Captains, 10,037 Deckhands, 2,947 Chief Engineers, 1,313 ETOs, 5,570 Chefs, 15,180 Stews, 1,469 Massage Therapists, etc. Here are some of the recently registered yacht crew members:

Chief Engineer

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Job Announcements for Yachts, Boats & Marinas

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Brokerage, Charters and Marketing

Engineers, Technicians and Electricians jobs

Engineers, Technicians and Electricians

Port, Commercial Vessels, Towing Boats jobs

Port, Commercial Vessels, Towing Boats

Detailers And Repairers jobs

Detailers And Repairers

Cruise Boats and Ships jobs

Cruise Boats and Ships

Find your dream job in the marine industry, latest yacht and marine job opportunities:.

Yacht Jobs Network

Experienced Deckhand

Part-time boat captain.

Safe Harbor Marinas

Marine Mechanic


Detailer - Boats & ATVs

Blackbeard Marine

Marine Service Technician - Boat Repair

Marina dockhand.

State of Indiana

Seasonal Aquatics Worker - Brookville Lake

Naples Bay Resort

Marina Manager

Ocean Havens

Marina Dock Attendant / Dock Hand

Ultimate Boating Safety Guide 2024: Essential Tips & Legal Advice for Safe On The Water

Ultimate Boating Safety Guide 2024: Essential Tips & Legal Advice for Safe On The Water

Discover the ultimate Boating Safety Guide for 2024, packed with essential tips, legal advice, and practical checklists to ensure safe and enjoyable sailing. From pre-departure preparation to navigating emergencies, this guide is a must-read for every boater. Click to learn how to make your boating experience safer and more compliant with the law.

Insights from a Professional Chief / Sole Stewardess - Alyson Kehler

Insights from a Professional Chief / Sole Stewardess - Alyson Kehler

Dive into our exclusive interview with Alyson Kehler, a seasoned Chief/Sole Stewardess, as she shares her journey and expert insights into the luxurious world of yachting. Discover the challenges, rewards, and the vibrant lifestyle of a professional yacht stewardess.

How to Hire Yacht Crew: Your Guide to Finding the Best Team for Your Yacht

How to Hire Yacht Crew: Your Guide to Finding the Best Team for Your Yacht

Looking to hire yacht crew? Find experienced captains, deckhands, engineers, and more with WorkOnYacht.com. Our guide provides you with simple steps to recruit the best team for your luxury vessel. Get started today and elevate your boating experience

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Yacht Crew Jobs: How to Secure Your Ideal Yachting Role?

Find a job onboard a yacht or superyacht

Working with a yacht crew recruitment agency like YPI CREW offers direct contact with experienced recruiters, access to exclusive job opportunities, personalised job search support, and professional assistance in creating a tailored CV, making the job search process easier and more efficient. As recruiters, we understand the importance of finding the right crew member for each position. This is why we don’t advertise every open position on our website. Instead, we ask that you create a YPI CREW profile so our recruiters can contact you directly when a suitable position becomes available.   If you need any help with creating your CV, have a look at our guide through writing a memorable CV and download one of our  free editable CV templates designed specifically for the yachting industry.

Follow these steps to finding your next yacht job:

Log in or register with YPI CREW 

Upload your CV and professional certificates, ensuring all of your information is valid and up-to-date 

Send a direct message to our recruiters to introduce yourself by clicking the ‘Check in’ button on your profile 

Check in regularly throughout your job search to keep your profile up to date

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How to write a memorable yachting cv.

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Let’s get started. Call us on +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 or email us.

Yacht crew positions currently in demand.

The positions below cover a wide range of roles and responsibilities currently in demand and are suitable for a variety of skill levels. Browse through the list to find the job that best matches your qualifications and interests. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and more positions may become available. Register with YPI CREW to get informed about the open positions.

Deck crew yacht jobs

This month we are looking for the following Deck crew:​

Deckhands with a full season experience and water-sports skills

Deckhand with Dive Master/Instructors, for dual season vessel

Deckhands with sailing experience

Chase Boat Drivers with a Yachtmaster Certificate

Deck crew with added skills such as watersports, kitesurfing, carpentry, drone videography etc.

Deck crew with Personal Trainer qualifications to join a world-cruising vessel

Chief Officers in the 40-60 meter range for non-rotational contracts

Chief Officers and 2nd Officers for non-rotational contracts

Captains for Motor Yachts up to 40m range

Captain teams for either motor or sailing yachts under 40 meter range

Engineering crew yacht jobs

This month we are looking for the following Engineering yacht crew:

Temp engineers from AEC – Y1

Y3/EOOW/SV permanent and rotational 2nd engineers

AEC+ candidates with good mechanical, electrical and/or AV/IT skills

Experience sole engineers from AEC-Y3 for permanent positions

Y1/Y2 or Class I/Class II Yacht experienced Chief and 2nd engineers for rotational positions

Candidates holding B1 visas

Interior crew yacht jobs

This month we are looking for the following Interior crew:

Experienced stews for a range of yacht sizes and programs, both charter and private.

Stews Hairdressers for a 140m private

Certified Nurses with yachting experience

Stews nail technicians/Hairdressers for a private yacht

Experienced Housekeepers

2nd Stews with strong service skills for yachts between 35m - 55m

2nd Stews in the 65-70m range, private yachts with nice family programs.

Single and Dual season Med based.

Service stews with 1-3 years of experience

Stew/cook for a 30m range

Massage and Spa Therapists with yachting experience

Spa Therapists with Madero therapy

Chief Stews for 60 -150m, private, charter, single, and dual season and rotations

Pursers with 2-3 years in the role on board 100m+ new builds with rotation

Summer temp positions for Pursers on 80-100m+ yachts

Interior Manager on board 100m+ new builds, to start in the next few weeks, one still in build and one freshly launched. Rotations are on offer.

Head of Service position for a couple on a 100m+ offering time for time

80m charter looking for a Male, offering equal rotation

Lead Service on a high profile 140m+ for an experienced Service Stew

To be considered for any of the positions log in to your YPI CREW profile or register with us and complete your online profile. From there you can check in with our recruiters directly by clicking the ‘Check in’ option on your profile. The recruiters read the check-ins daily and will be in touch with you as soon as a suitable position becomes available.

Explore yacht roles

Essential yacht guides.

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

Mandatory certificates

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

What you need to know about B1/B2 visa

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

Download yacht crew CV templates

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

How to write a memorable yachting CV

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

How to prepare for a yacht interview?

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

What are the two main yachting seasons?

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

Big yacht crew hubs you should know about

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

Is yachting the right choice for me?

Manditory certificates needed to work in yachting

Yacht crew salary guide

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Explore the latest in yachting

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Olympic Grit and Resilience: What Yacht Crew Can Learn from Elite Athletes

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YPI CREW Announces its 2024 Superyacht Recruitment Market Report

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Mind the Gaps: How to Explain Employment Breaks on Your Yacht Crew CV

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Mlc 2006 compliance, essential guides, yacht crew positions.

Chief Officer

Second Officer

Third Officer

Chief Engineer

Interior Crew

Head of Service

Head of Housekeeping

Specialist Positions

Spa Manager

Spa Therapist

Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor


Mandatory Certificates

B1/b2 visa information, how to write a memorable cv, how to prepare for an interview, yachting seasons, yacht crew salary guide, is yachting the right choice for me, cv templates, ocean mapping, new to yachting.

+33 (0)4 92 90 46 10

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My Crew Kit

Superyacht Jobs

Search hundreds of superyacht jobs from around the world:.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef yacht crew positions available.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef superyacht and yacht jobs around the world.

Crew Coordinator Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Crew Coordinator to join an established, industry leading Yacht Management Company based in the Middle East. The ideal candidate will: - be responsible for the overall recruitment process for all crew members working onboard - be working closely with Crewing Superintendent, Fleet Crew Manager and Onboard Management team to develop and implement effective recruitment practices, policies, and procedures to the support and develop high performing teams. Personal characteristics include: - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Personable - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive Start: ASAP Location: Middle East + Relocation package on offer TBD Salary: DOE Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Deckhand 40m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand with a minimum of 1 years experience in the industry to join a 40m+ Private Motor Yacht. Successful candidates will have experience working with Jet drive tenders. Requirements: Yachtmaster STCW Eng1 Package: Start ASAP 60 days leave 3000 per month

Service Stewardess 100m+ sail yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for a Service Stewardess to join an 100m+ Private Sailing Yacht. The ideal candidate will be confident and passionate about service and have at least 1 and a half yearsyachting experience within a service role. This is an opportunity to join a lovely vessel with great crew with a worldwide program. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II Package: Salary: DOE Package: 3:1 rotation Start: August

Owner’s Representative / Yacht Manager Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Owner's Representative / Yacht Manager to look after the Management and Private / Charter of 45m+ vessel. The ideal candidate will: - have an extensive experience as an Owner's Rep / Yacht Manager in the Superyacht Industry - have a strong Accounting experience - have a crew management background, looking after contracts, employment and salaries - Yacht maintenance experience Personal characteristics include: - Great interpersonal skills - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Efficient - Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive - Pragmatic and direct Salary: Generous and competitive salary TBD Location: Palma Start: October Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you.

Sales Officer Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Sales Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: - Enhance service value to expand the market and create business opportunities aligned with brand identity. - Implement commercial and sales strategies to drive revenue and business growth. - Handle various commercial projects. - Conduct market research and analysis to develop business plans on expansion, development, budget, and client prospects. - Interpret market trends to adapt to yachting industry changes and provide strategic advice to the CCO. - Understand and share customer requirements to ensure their needs are met. - Identify new opportunities, develop client relationships, create business proposals, and write bids; assess risks and opportunities for new accounts and investigate lost sales. - Manage key client relationships. - Build and maintain profitable partnerships with stakeholders. - Set individual commercial targets with the CCO, coordinate action plans, and oversee team performance. - Support commercial campaigns with the Marketing Department. - Utilise internal company platforms. - Assist in setting financial targets, developing, and monitoring budgets. - Support the CCO in specific projects, analysing growth opportunities and performing due diligence. - Support Management in business development activities to reach company targets. - Manage all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Participate in commercial trips, boat shows, and dock walking. - Foster corporate policies and procedures within the team and encourage communication and company initiatives. - Be available outside working hours for business travel and contingency issues. Personal characteristics include:. - Knowledge of the yachting market - Proficiency in English and French - Strong understanding of performance reporting and financial/budgeting processes - Familiarity with software applications and platforms - Entrepreneurial skills with the ability to identify revenue opportunities - Expertise in market research methods and analysis - Commercial awareness with a strategic mindset - Creative strategist with excellent organisational skills - Strong project and time management abilities - Leadership and motivational skills - Analytical skills to interpret sales performance and market trends - Excellent communication, interpersonal, and networking abilities - Negotiation and formal presentation skills - Results-oriented and persuasive - Team collaboration and teamwork - Adaptability and flexibility - Willingness to travel frequently for business Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

2nd Stewardess 50m+ Private Sail Yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for 2nd Stewardess to join an 50m+ Private/Charter Sailing Yacht. The ideal candidate will have 2 years experience on 30-60m vessels and have a background in hospitality. This role can be coupled with a Bosun. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II Package: Salary: DOE Package: 60 days leave per year Start: August

Chief Engineer 50m+ Private/Charter Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Chief Engineer to join a 55m world cruising, private and charter motor yacht. The yacht is travelling to the US and therefore a B1/B2 visa is preferred. Ideally, the successful candidate will be an accomplished Engineer, comfortable working with IDEA and managing a Second Engineer. The opportunity offers the chance to work on a world cruising, private and charter yacht with a good team and established yacht owners. Requirements: Y2 or equivalent STCW ENG1 B1/B2 visa preferred due to the yachts location Package: 2:2 rotation DOE salary Start September 2024

Operations Officer Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Chief Engineer 40m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are working with a new build, 40m private motor yacht. They are looking for a Chief Engineer to join their programme at the beginning of September. The position would suit a candidate, based in the South of France, as that is their home port and would therefore offer the opportunity for a great work life balance with evenings and weekends at home. As well as this, the ideal candidate will be hands on and competent with Electrics and have and Electrical background. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Y3 or equivalent Package: 9k per month Industry Standard Leave Early September Start

Deckhand/Security 100m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Security for a 100m+ M/Y This position will suit an ex Royal Marine, Army or Paratrooper, ideally someone who is looking to take a step into the yachting industry or has a seasons experience already and ready to use the skill set and knowledge from the Military. A perm gig starting in September. Salary to be discussed at interview stage. A great vessel to learn on, an amazing team and fantastic boss. Please apply if you meet the above criteria and I shall be in touch to arrange a call.

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Europe (Barcelona) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Yacht Agent Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Yacht Agent to join an established company in the Caribbean. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Caribbean Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Spa Stewardess 100m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for a Spa Stewardess to join an 100m+ Private Motor Yacht. The ideal candidate will be confident in Facials, Nails and Massages and have at least 1 yearsyachting experience. This is an opportunity to join a worldwide program with amazing locations planned for the next year and great crew. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II B1/B2 Visa is preferable

Package: Salary: 3800 euros + DOE Package: 3:1 rotation Start: Mid August

Operations Director Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Director to manage the day-to-day activities of a well-established Maritime company in the UK. The ideal candidate will: - have a Superyacht Officer/Captain background - have an excellent leadership skills - have a proven ability to lead a team to meet goals and quotas - be results-oriented with strong analytical skills - have an experience in setting sales goals - a good knowledge of the marine industry Start: Flexible Location: United Kingdom (Right permit to work and live is a MUST) Salary: DOE Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Deckhand 60m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Deckhand with minimum 2 year's experience to join a 60m+ Private Motor Yacht. This is a permanent role starting in August. Requirements: Yachtmaster STCW Eng1 Package: 90 Days Leave 3250 Per Month

General Manager Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an General Manager to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: - Manage yacht agency business by organising and optimising resources. - Collaborate with Corporate on strategic, commercial, and operational activities to maintain client/supplier relationships and explore new market opportunities. - Organise and manage activities within budget, ensuring client targets are met annually. - Report seasonal trends and data to the CEO and CFO by set deadlines. - Work with Corporate Management to develop and implement company procedures. - Ensure business unit services align with company policies and maintain high quality. - Monitor business trends, market activities, and competitors, providing reports and consumer needs analysis. - Follow Management instructions to achieve business goals. - Supervise operational activities and use of company digital tools. - Oversee quality of services offered, including excursions, events, dinners, transfers, bunkering, medical assistance, banking, and provisions for guests and crew. - Maintain effective client communication to optimise service quality and promote business growth, including promoting the company. - Support Management and Commercial Team in expanding the customer portfolio by identifying new opportunities and participating in shows and client visits. - Collaborate with legal and accounting advisors on financial statements. - Ensure Administration Department compliance with local laws and oversee invoicing and credit recovery activities. - Act as legal and financial responsible for the area of competence. - Support staff management and training for professional growth. - Ensure use of company devices, tools, and IT platforms within the team. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Identify training needs with HR to develop staff knowledge and capabilities. - Support Chief HR Manager in applying company policies and maintain staff communication. - Be available outside working hours for business travel and contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Expert knowledge of the yachting market - Proficiency in English and French - Strong performance reporting and financial/budgeting skills - Proficient in software applications and platforms - Entrepreneurial skills with a talent for spotting revenue opportunities - Deep understanding of market research and analysis - Commercial awareness with a strategic mindset - Creative strategist with excellent organisational skills - Exceptional project and time management abilities - Natural leadership with strong managerial and motivational skills - Analytical skills for interpreting sales performance and market trends - Excellent communication, interpersonal, and networking skills - Strong negotiation and formal presentation skills - Results-oriented and persuasive - Collaborative and team-oriented - Dynamic, proactive, adaptable, and flexible - Full, clean driving license - Willingness to travel frequently for business Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

HK / Laundry Person Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan have a Laundry Person position available based in Oxfordshire. Our client is looking for someone with high attention to details, takes initiative and have at least 3 years of experience in Laundry ideally onboard Superyachts and working for high end clients. Please note: As this is a shared accommodation and due to sleeping arrangement, only female candidates will be considered. Location: Oxfordshire, UK Salary: 30k PA Start: ASAP Days: 5 days a week (through weekends) Accommodation: Live-in The ideal candidate will hold the right to work/live in the UK. Please send CV to [email protected] if you think this is for you.

Sole Engineer 50m+ Private Sail Yacht

We are looking for a Y3 Chief Engineer to join a 50m private and charter SY in Europe.The position is initially a permanent role, but will become rotational following a winter yard period. The position would suit a Y3 with experience on board SYs, who is hands on and happy to assist in other areas. Requirements: Y3 or equivalent STCW ENG1 Sail Yacht experience Package: 60 days leave (rotational following winter season) Salary DOE Start early September 2024

2nd Engineer 60m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are working with a 60m+ support yacht, looking for a Second Engineer to join them at the end of September/beginning of October. The position is on board a busy. world travelling yacht with a great team and programme. And would suit a Second Engineer with experience on board a support yacht in the past. Due to the vessels busy travel programme a B1/B2 visa is preferred. Requirements: SV Second Engineer or equivalent STCW ENG1 B1/B2 visa preferred Package: Salary: $ Competitive Start: End of September/early October Rotation : 2:2

Technical Superintendent Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Technical Superintendent to join an established Maritime Company in the UAE. The ideal candidate will: - be overseeing the technical operations of the yacht/s, ensuring al systems are functioning correctly. - be coordinating and supervising all repair and maintenance work, ensuring it is completed efficiently and to the required standards. - prepare and manage the technical budget for the yacht, including planning for routine maintenance, repairs and upgrades. - approve purchase orders for spare parts, tools, and equipment needed for the yacht's maintenance. - collaborate with the Captain and Chief Engineers. - evaluate performance and provide feedback on the vessels engineering team to maintain high standards of operation and maintenance. - reporting to Technical Manager. Personal characteristics include: - Great interpersonal skills - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Efficient - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive Salary: TBD Location: UAE Start: October Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you.


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  • Current Vacancies


Experienced Stewardess

Interior / Permanent

Posted By Cobie Brasher

Posted Date Fri 30 Aug 2024

Closing Date Fri 13 Sep 2024

Refer a Friend Apply


  • Busy dual-season 60m+ charter yacht
  • Must have at least 1 year's experience across all interior departments on a busy charter/private vessel
  • Able to hit the ground running
  • Extra skills an advantage
  • Salary 2700 EUR excluding tips
  • Great bonus scheme
  • Leave 77 days p/year

Deckhand – 50m Private / Charter – Dual Season

Deck / Permanent

Posted By Bekah Edenbrow

  • A 50m+ Private / Charter M/Y is looking for a Deckhand to join them at the beginning of October.
  • This is a great opportunity to join a well-run, dual-season vessel with a great crew culture and an exciting itinerary!
  • The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a season’s experience on a similar sized vessel and have their PWC Instructor in hand.
  •  The vessel is very watersports orientated, and therefore having some solid Watersports, Videography or Diving experience / qualifications would also hugely support your application.
  • Due to the vessels itinerary, a B1B2 visa is preferred.
  • The vessel offers an excellent package, with a salary above industry standard DOE along with 60 days leave plus tips. There are also additional bonuses and training allowances on offer to the crew.

Posted By Caroline Clarke

Closing Date Sat 05 Oct 2024

Lead HK required for a lovely 90m MY

  • We are looking for an experienced Lead HK to join this high profile private & charter MY
  • Candidates will have ideally 3 years yachting experience and enjoy the HK side of things!
  • You will work on a 4:2 and this role will see you as Lead housekeeper for 2 months, Head Housekeeper for 2 months then 2 months off
  • World cruising yacht – heading to the Galapagos for a Christmas charter
  • Busy yacht that has seen the summer busy with charters and the Boss likes to come in between too so you need to be prepared to be busy!
  • Start September
  • Salary 4500 EURO

Lead HK required for 70+m MY

  • Private & light charter yacht is looking for their next Lead HK
  • The ideal candidate will have 2 years yachting experience and a passion for all things HK
  • This is a dual season yacht – Med/Caribbean
  • Great crew on board that have a lot of fun
  • Start date is ASAP
  • Salary 4200 EURO
  • Great training budget in place

Deckhand – 70m Private / Charter – Dual Season

•    A 70m Private / Charter is looking for an experienced Deckhand to join them by the 1st of October.

•    This is an excellent opportunity to join a new-build vessel with an exciting dual-season itinerary and fantastic HOD's.

•    The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 1 years’ experience on a vessel over 50m, having your YMO in hand would also be appealing but not essential.

•    Any other additional skills such as Videography / Drone Pilot or Carpentry would hugely support your application.

•    There is an excellent crew culture onboard along with a healthy budget for crew activities. The crew are all active and social with a fantastic dynamic throughout!

•    You must have your B1B2 visa in hand to be considered. 

•    A very generous package on offer with a salary of €3,400 alongside a 4:2 rotation and discretionary bonuses. 

Posted Date Wed 28 Aug 2024

Closing Date Wed 11 Sep 2024

  • 80m+ private yacht with great owners and crew
  • At least 1 year's experience as laundress
  • Start date 1st October 
  • Salary 3500 EUR
  • Leave: 90 Days

Laundry Master

Closing Date Mon 06 Jan 2025

Laundry Master required for a 70+m MY 

  • Amazing yacht 
  • World cruising 
  • 2:2 rotational role 
  • January start 

Senior Yacht Manager

Land-based Maritime / Permanent

Posted By Phil Clark

I am looking for a senior Yacht Manager to take the lead of of the YM team, help train and develop them, and provide support/advice where needed. At the same time you will need to develop processes and procedures for the team, in order to assist them and help them to operate in a uniform way. I need a person who is both knowledgeable and experienced as a yacht manager but also has leadership and management skills and a very structured way of working. These skills are additional to the standard YM role.

Yacht Manager responsibilities will include:

  • Being the primary, enthusiastic contact for Captains, Crew, and Client Offices, providing top-tier, engaging support.
  • Managing a prestigious portfolio of yachts, coordinating across various departments to deliver beyond service expectations.
  • Building and nurturing strong, vibrant relationships with key stakeholders, backed by your excellent communication skills and outgoing nature.
  • Applying your extensive knowledge of the yachting industry to offer insightful guidance and advice, handling intricate situations with an affable, professional demeanor.
  • Excelling in a lively, fast-paced environment, adeptly handling challenges with a positive attitude and identifying exciting business opportunities.
  • Leading sustainability efforts with a passionate and engaging approach, promoting practices that support environmental and social responsibility.

About You: The Ideal Outgoing Candidate

  • Exceptionally energetic and enthusiastic, committed to creating and maintaining positive client experiences.
  • Outstanding in both written and verbal communication, skilled at establishing strong, warm interpersonal relationships.
  • Naturally outgoing and sociable, with an entrepreneurial mindset and a keen eye for business opportunities.
  • Thrives under pressure, embodying the spirited and dynamic nature of the maritime community.
  • A creative and resourceful problem-solver, offering innovative solutions with a charismatic and approachable style.
  • A team-oriented individual, bringing a lively, engaging presence to contribute to our company’s vibrant culture.
  • Experience Requirements
  • Solid client-facing experience within the maritime or superyacht industry.
  • Senior-level expertise in maritime or superyacht operations, with a flair for engaging client interactions.
  • Be an integral part of a prestigious company at the epicentre of the global yachting industry.
  • Work in a team-oriented environment where your outgoing personality and passion for creating exceptional client experiences are highly valued.
  • Engage in meaningful initiatives with a proactive, enthusiastic approach, making a significant impact on the environment and society.
  • Enjoy a dynamic, fulfilling work culture that cherishes creativity, collaboration, and continuous professional and personal development.

Yacht Manager

Yacht Manager – Monaco – Be the first!

Fast Track your career with a leading name in the superyacht industry. My client, renowned for its exceptional services and illustrious position in the maritime world, is seeking their first Monaco-based Yacht Manager to enhance their market position.

•Be instrumental in our company’s growth, particularly in expanding our managed yacht fleet in the Mediterranean’s premier yachting hub.

•Work in an environment that values your combination of yachting intelligence and commercial acumen.

•Embrace a culture that prizes ambition & dedication through continuous professional and personal development.

•Demonstrate high energy and enthusiasm, with a commitment to delivering beyond client expectations.

•Showcase an entrepreneurial spirit, with a keen eye for identifying commercial opportunities.

•Capable of working effectively under pressure, including readiness for international travel.

•Innovative thinker, adept at providing creative solutions to complex challenges.

•A collaborative team player, eager to contribute to the company's growth and success.

Could you be part of this exciting expansion project in Monaco?

•Proven client-facing experience within the superyacht industry.

•Senior-level expertise in maritime or superyacht operations management.

•Work in an environment that values your combination of maritime leadership and managerial acumen.

Technical Manager

Posted By Christina Still

Location: Palm Beach, FL

Salary: $80K-$90K (Gross) Position: Technical Manager

We are currently seeking an experienced Technical Manager to join our clients Yacht Management department in Palm Beach.

Job Purpose: The primary purpose of this role is to support yacht owners and crew in maintaining and operating managed yachts effectively. You will ensure that these yachts are kept in optimal condition, maintained in class, reliable, ready for use when required, and compliant with all applicable regulations.

Key Responsibilities: As a Technical Manager, you will provide technical oversight, guidance, and support to yacht managers for a designated fleet of vessels. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Technical management according to the provisions of the Yacht Management Agreement.
  • Ensuring machinery and engineering systems comply with the Company’s Safety Management System and the ISM Code (where applicable).
  • Reviewing monthly maintenance reports and following up as needed.
  • Assessing defect reports and providing guidance for rectification, including Flag or Class notification requirements.
  • Conducting periodic yacht visits, preparing technical inspection reports, and following up on identified issues.
  • Developing a long-term (5-year) plan for major works on each yacht.
  • Assisting with the initial assessment of potential insurance claims, including investigation and evaluation of damage.
  • Supporting routine dry dockings and maintenance periods by:
  • Maintaining professional knowledge through self-directed learning and continuing professional development (CPD).

Requirements for the role:

  • Second Engineer, STCW III/2 (Unlimited).
  • Chief Engineer, STCW III/2 (Y1).
  • STCW Electro-Technical Officer Certificate of Competency.
  • Seagoing experience as a Chief Engineer on large yachts or as First Engineer on cruise ships.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.
  • Ability to travel worldwide on short notice.
  • Must reside within a maximum 1.5 hours commuting distance from Palm Beach

Deckhand – 60m Private / Charter – Dual Season

• A 60m Private/Charter yacht is looking for a Deckhand to join them by the end of September.

• The vessel is both Med and Caribbean Cruising with both seasons being busy with a mixture of private and charter usage.

• This is an excellent opportunity to join a well-known charter yacht with a big presence in the charter market and a fantastic reputation within the industry.

• The vessel has an excellent crew culture, led by a solid and experienced senior team alongside a lovely owner.

• The ideal candidate will have at least 1 years’ experience on a vessel over 50m+ and have shown longevity in their previous position.

• You must have your Yacht Rating and B1B2 visa in hand to be considered

• On offer is a salary of €3,000 and a 5:1 rotation. There is also a discretionary 13th month bonus, along with an equal split of tips.

Spa Manager / Stewardess

Posted Date Tue 27 Aug 2024

Closing Date Tue 10 Sep 2024

  • 80m+ private yacht
  • Must have experience with Biologique Recherche products
  • At least 1 year on yachts with masseuse, facial and nail experience
  • Help in all departments of interior
  • 2:2 rotation
  • Salary 4000 – 5000 EUR DOE

Temp Stew required for 45m MY 

  • Immediate start – candidates MUST have a seasons experience under their belt – the current Stew is heading back to Uni 
  • The yacht is in the Med and will be here for the remainder of the summer
  • Quick yard period in September and then to Barcelona 
  • Contract until end of October – could be full time for the right person 
  • 3000 EURO a month 
  • Excellent Chief Stew on board 

Stew / Spa / Masseuse

Interior / Contract

  • 65m+ private/heavy charter vessel with worldwide itinerary
  • 2-3 week boss trip starting 1st Sep!
  • Position could turn permanent for the right candidate
  • At least 2 seasons' yacht experience
  • Must be experienced in Massage, Mani, Pedi, Facials
  • Salary 3500 EUR p/m
  • 42 Days leave

Housekeeping Stew

  • Heavily used 60m private vessel with worldwide cruising itinerary
  • At least 1 year yacht-based laundry & housekeeping experience required on a 40m+
  • Schengen Visa Essential
  • 3000 EUR p/m and 3:1 rotation
  • Start date 25th Sep

Chief Officer – 70m – World Cruising

Posted By Tom Rose

Closing Date Sun 10 Nov 2024


  • 70m World Cruising Support vessel are looking for an experienced Chief officer to join them towards the end of October 24
  • Incredible opportunity to join a well run vessel with excellent Captains and longstanding deck team
  • Must hold CM 3000 along with B1/B2 Visa
  • Support vessel experience preferred but not essential. Experience lifting and recovering of toys and tenders with large crane operation would be advantageous.
  • Interesting and varied cruising itinerary with a solid amount of sea time accrued
  • Open to both Male and Female candidates
  • Package includes an above industry standard salary and time for time rotation – full details TBD during initial calls

3rd / Tender Engineer – 80m – World cruising

Engineer / Permanent

Posted By Alice Hay

We're working with a 75m+ yacht who are looking for a 3rd / tender engineer to join their team. 

  • Dual Season, private – worldwide itinerary and heavily used. 
  • You will ideally hold an EOOW Unlimited ticket to be considered for this role. If you do not hold a ticket you  must  have 2+ years proven experience on yachts working with tenders and/or as an engineer. 
  • Great owners who value their crew and organise activities on and off board. 
  • You will be responsible for maintaining the onboard tenders and toys, whilst also assisting in the engine room as 3rd engineer. 
  • €4500 salary + increase following successful completion of probation. 
  • 4:2 rotation.  
  • Start date is LATEST 28th September. Sooner would be better.

Service Stew

Posted Date Fri 23 Aug 2024

Closing Date Fri 06 Sep 2024

  • 80m+ with great itinerary and owners!
  • 80% Service 20% Housekeeping
  • Looking for candidates with all round experience on yachts
  • Schengen Visa essential
  • Start date: Mid-Sep
  • Salary: 3500 – 3750 Eur DOE

Sole Chef – 20m – Private/Charter – Michelin Experience

Galley / Permanent

Posted By Jasmin Gosling

We are looking for a Sole Chef with a fine dining/Michelin background to join a 20m new build private/charter yacht. 

-This is a permanent role onboard, the vessel is single season with their busy periods being between October and August. It was launched towards the start of the year and is going into it’s first year of cruising. 

-You will be required to cook for both the crew of 3 as well as the guests who are massive foodies! When it comes to their preferences, they like fine dining so having a Michelin/high-end restaurant background would ideally be required. 

-The owners enjoy a variety of things when it comes to food, with the vessel also being a charter – we are looking for someone who has a broad cuisine knowledge. 

-Whilst your focus will mainly be on cooking, you may be required to lend a hand in other areas from time to time – for example, setting the table etc. This said, housekeeping and most service will mainly be done by the Deck/Stew. 

-The vessel will be cruising around St Vincent and Grenadines. The owners are really keen to push the charter side of things and already have bookings for this winter. 

-The salary on offer is depending on experience but is extremely competitive for this size of vessel. The owners want a top Chef and so they are happy to invest in their team!

– The leave will be 60 days.

-Brand new galley space that is open, with all new equipment and a healthy budget to get additional things if needed. 

-Ideally you will start in the next few months – they were looking at an October start date but they’re also happy to bring someone on sooner for the right candidate. 

-You must hold your B1B2 and Schengen visas in hand. 

Villa Co-Manager

Private Residence / Permanent

Posted Date Thu 22 Aug 2024

Closing Date Thu 05 Sep 2024

Location: French Polynesia

Salary: up to $7,500 per month (tax-free).

Live-in accommodation (s eparate t o the estate)

Are you ready for an extraordinary career opportunity in one of the world’s most idyllic locations? We are seeking a dedicated Villa Co-Manager to join our team at an exclusive waterfront estate in French Polynesia. This stunning property features 10 self-contained bedrooms, a pool, tennis court, volleyball court, salon, spa, and much more!

About the Estate:

  • Principal Use: The villa is used by the principal for relaxation three times a year, each visit lasting one month. The property is not used for parties.
  • Rental: The estate is rented to private clients 3-4 times a year with bookings made well in advance.
  • Developments: Currently, a theatre and recording studio are under construction.
  • Staffing: Approximately 11 staff members when guests are in residence, including chefs, housekeepers, gardeners, an assistant manager, and an activities manager. The team reduces to 8 staff when the estate is not occupied.

Role Overview:

As a Villa Co-Manager, you will work alongside an experienced local Co-Manager who is enthusiastic about welcoming additional support. Your primary responsibility will be overseeing the estate’s day-to-day operations, including planned maintenance and contractor coordination.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Estate Management: Ensure the smooth running of the estate, focusing on planned maintenance.
  • Contractor Coordination: Work with existing contractors for services including generators, electrical systems, HVAC, air conditioning, AVIT, pool maintenance, salon upkeep, and kitchen management.
  • Maintenance: Provide first-fix options when possible. No dedicated maintenance staff are employed.
  • Communication: Handle daily calls and weekly emails with the Principal to report on estate conditions and address any issues.


  • Technical Background: Proven experience in a technical role within a superyacht or private estate setting.
  • Luxury Experience: Previous experience in a luxury environment.
  • Languages: Fluent in both French and English.
  • Location Preference: European or local candidates preferred; non-US due to employment restrictions.
  • The role is not suitable for families due to accommodation set-up

This is a unique opportunity to live and work in a breath-taking location while managing a luxurious estate with top-tier amenities. If you have the required skills and experience, and are ready to embrace an exceptional career opportunity, we want to hear from you!

Estate Manager

Position: estate manager salary: €8,000 – €10,000 per month location: ghana (live-in role), about the role:.

An exclusive opportunity has arisen for an experienced Estate Manager to oversee a newly built, high-end property in Ghana. This live-in position offers the chance to bring your expertise from the superyacht/Private Estate industry into a state-of-the-art family residence.

The family desires a home managed with the same precision and attention to detail found on a superyacht. As the Estate Manager, you will be responsible for establishing and maintaining a well-run, seamless operation in this modern, sleek home. The role does not require traditional formalities such as white gloves or bowing; instead, the focus is on efficiency and discretion.


  • Team Building: Recruit and manage a team of housekeepers, chefs, and other staff, ideally with experience in superyachts or similar luxury environments.
  • Property Management: Oversee all aspects of the estate, ensuring the property is maintained to the highest standards.
  • Operational Excellence: Implement systems and procedures that reflect the sophistication and modernity of the home.
  • Client Interaction: Serve as the primary point of contact for the family, ensuring their preferences and lifestyle needs are consistently met.

Perks and Benefits:

  • Accommodation: Private, on-site accommodation provided.
  • Transportation: Access to a personal vehicle.
  • Travel: Flights paid for by the employer.
  • Proven experience working with Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals (UHNWI).
  • A strong background in managing large estates, private family residences, or superyachts.
  • Exceptional organisational and leadership skills.
  • Ability to work autonomously and build a high-functioning team.
  • Start date 19th Sep
  • Open to Green candidates with cocktail/hospitality experience
  • Schengen and B1/B2 Essential
  • Bubbly personality with great sense of humour
  • Fantastic dual season 100m+ MY with great crew culture!
  • Salary $3500 – $3800 DOE
  • 4:2 Rotation

House Manager

Position: house manager location: central london (near hyde park) salary: £45,000 per annum accommodation: live-in role, all bills included.

We are seeking a reliable and responsible House Manager to take over from the retiring manager. This role is perfect for someone who enjoys ensuring the smooth operation and security of a high-end property in the heart of Central London.

  • Provide security for the property when the owners are away
  • Accept deliveries and manage incoming post
  • Oversee the heating system and general upkeep of the property
  • Ensure the property is well-maintained and secure at all times

Ideal Candidate:

  • Previous experience as a butler, concierge, or in a similar role is a plus, but not essential
  • Excellent attention to detail and strong organisational skills
  • Ability to manage and secure a high-value property with minimal supervision
  • A discreet and trustworthy individual with a strong sense of responsibility
  • Live-in role with accommodation provided, all bills included
  • A beautiful and prestigious location near Hyde Park

Estate Manager – Location: South of France Salary: €8,000 – €10,000 per month

About the Role: We are seeking an experienced Estate Manager for a luxury property in the South of France. This estate, which was once the primary residence of the owners, will now serve as their holiday retreat. The estate includes two villas—one for the family and one for guests.

  • Oversee the maintenance and management of the estate.
  • Manage a team that ranges from 7 staff members during the owners' absence to 12 when the family is in residence.
  • Work closely with contractors, ensuring all work is completed to the highest standard.
  • Develop training manuals for staff.
  • Utilise your technical expertise to maintain and enhance the estate's operations.
  • Private luxury estate management experience is essential.
  • Fluent in French .
  • A kind and approachable personality .
  • Strong technical background.
  • Live-In role; accommodation will be provided on the estate.

About the Principals: The principals are a wonderful family who are relocating to Dubai. The estate will be used as their holiday home.

This is a fantastic opportunity for a professional with the right background and personality to manage a prestigious property in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.


Closing Date Mon 02 Sep 2024

Job Title: Housekeeper

Location: Cotswolds (Near Burford) Salary: £35,000

Job Overview:

Are you passionate about maintaining luxury standards and have experience working in high-end environments? We are seeking a dedicated and meticulous Housekeeper to join a prestigious estate located in the picturesque Cotswolds, near Burford.

The Principals, who have previously chartered 50-60 metre sailing yachts, are looking to replicate the super yachting standards they value so highly. As part of a well-established housekeeping team, you’ll work under the guidance of the Head of Housekeeping (HOH), who will manage the team and rota.

  • Ensure the general upkeep and pristine cleanliness of the estate.
  • Work collaboratively with the housekeeping team to maintain high standards throughout the property.
  • Use your knowledge of luxury materials to care for and clean surfaces with the appropriate products.
  • Uphold the super yachting standard of service that our Principals would ideally like.


  • Experience: Previous experience working on larger estates or in high-end hotels.
  • Luxury Material Knowledge: Familiarity with luxury materials and the correct cleaning products to use.
  • Personal Qualities: Friendly, approachable, and personable, with a professional attitude.
  • Team Player: Ability to work well within a team, supporting the HOH and colleagues.

Posted By Sophie Wells

  • Our client is looking for an experience Spa Stew to join this incredible, world cruising, 100m private MY
  • This is a fantastic vessel, with a very exciting itinerary, currently in the US with plans to cruise Hawaii soon
  • B1B2 visa is essential for this role! Please do not apply if you do not already have a B1B2 visa in hand. Unfortunately candidates without this will not be considered. 
  • The right candidate must have previous yachting experience as well as be a qualified masseuse and beautician
  • The role will consist of rotating in all areas of the interior, you must have had exposure to both housekeeping and service in the past, and also working in the vessels' spa providing guests with treatments.
  • The treatments most requested on the vessel are various types of massage, facials, manicures and pedicures. 
  • The owners are from the US and are incredibly generous and personable, they love to get to know the crew and promote a very healthy and happy working environment. Often the crew will get to join the guests on excursions like fishing, whale watching and hiking! 
  • The crew often like to spend time together when they don't have guests on, the HOD's actively organise crew bonding activities including meals, beach days and hikes!
  • Salary: 3800 – 4000 euro DOE
  • Start date: ASAP

Housekeeper – Paris

We have a great new opportunity for an experienced Housekeeper to join this beautiful property overlooking the River Seine. You will be joining a small team of 2 other housekeepers in a property that is full of beautiful antiques. 

As a person, you will be quiet, calm, professional and respectful of the principals property. We are looking for someone who lives in Paris and is French speaking as this vacancy is a live-out position.

Position: Housekeeper Location: Paris Salary: £45,500 per annum Accommodation: Live-out position

Key Details/Skill

  • Housekeeping to a high standard
  • Knowledge of the correct products to use for certain valuables such as; antiques, silverware, antique furniture
  • You would have worked in a historic building/5-star hotels before or with UHNWI's
  • We are looking for someone who is drama-free 
  • The role is predominately Monday-Friday but some weekends may be required
  • Fluent French required

The property is a 10-bedroom historical property, and whilst it's not the principals main residence – you should treat it as it is.,

Note: Candidates will have the opportunity to meet the Principals as part of the recruitment process.

Chief Stewardess

Closing Date Wed 04 Sep 2024

Chief Stew required for an 80m MY 

  • 80m+ Private/Charter MY
  • Running an interior team of 7 
  • Dual Season: Currently in the Med, couple of guest trips left then heading to the US
  • At least 1 year on a 70m+ as Chief Stew
  • B1/B2 Essential
  • Salary 7500 EUR, 60 days leave
  • Start Date ASAP

Lead Deckhand – 75m Private – Dual Season

Posted Date Wed 21 Aug 2024

  • A 75m Private M/Y is looking for a Lead Deckhand to join them within the next week.
  • This is a great opportunity for someone career-minded, that is keen to step up and cover the Bosun during their leave.
  • The ideal candidate would have a minimum of two years’ experience on a similar sized vessel and your YMO in hand. The vessel has multiple large tenders including a 45ft chase boat.
  • They are looking for someone who can jump on and hit the ground running, whilst bringing a positive energy to the vessel!
  • The vessel has an excellent crew culture, led by fantastic HODs who encourage a social and active crew culture.  
  • Having your B1B2 visa in hand would be hugely advantageous.
  • On offer is a package of $3,750 USD + DOE and 60 days leave.

Captain – 45m Dual Season – Full Time

Posted By Simon Ladbrooke

  • We are looking for a captain to operate two motor yachts between 45-50m in length.
  • One yacht is based in the Mediterranean, the other in the Caribbean and the captain will work between the two.
  • There's a mixture of private use and charter. 
  • You must hold an MCA Master 500 licence as minimum, and hold a valid B1/B2 visa.
  • Cruising knowledge of the Mediterranean and Caribbean as captain is essential.
  • A good salary is offered with 90 days annual leave.
  • A strong senior deck team is in place to maintain each vessel in the captain's absence.
  • This is a busy programme that will suit an energetic captain who is flexible, and happy to work in various locations.
  • Start date is the 30th September.
  • Please apply only via the Quay Crew website. 

Captain – 30m Dual Season – Charter

Posted Date Tue 20 Aug 2024

Closing Date Tue 03 Sep 2024

  • We are looking for a captain to join this pristine busy dual season charter yacht.
  • You must have proven charter experience and a thorough cruising knowledge of the Mediterranean and Caribbean.
  • Experienced yacht owners who value their crew and reward them for good work and longevity.
  • You must hold an MCA Master 500 license as a minimum with at least 2 years captaincy experience.
  • You must hold a current B1/B2 visa.
  • A generous salary is offered with a flexible leave package and full medical.
  • This position will suit a captain with a can-do attitude who enjoys the fast pace of charter and enjoys entertaining guests.
  • Start date is the 1st of October.
  • Please apply via the website.

Posted Date Mon 19 Aug 2024

Closing Date Tue 01 Oct 2024

• Large Private Motor yacht are looking for a temporary Bosun to cover a leave period from 30th October until 29th January 2025

• Must have large yacht Bosun background and ideally experience with refit/yard works!

• Prestigious build with an amazing crew and fantastic owner

• Possible future work if you were a good fit with a strong potential for this to open some great doors!

• Accommodation ashore and food allowance provided along with full health care cover

• Experience with paint repairs/spraying would be advantageous and someone who can pass on knowledge whilst having excellent organisational skills

• On offer is industry standard salary and you will accrue leave days which will be paid out at end of contract – full details TBD during initial call with agent

Chief Officer – 45m

Posted Date Thu 15 Aug 2024

Closing Date Sun 06 Oct 2024

• 45m Private US/Bahamas based motor yacht are looking for a 1st officer to join them as soon as possible, ideally within the next 2 weeks!

• OOW 3000 required as a minimum along with solid experience running a small team and good navigational/watch keeping experience

• Fantastic owner who uses the yacht around 4 months of the year with his family where they run with a relaxed working environment – This is not a party boat!

• The boat is currently US based and will cruise between Florida, the Caribbean, and Bahamas for the foreseeable

• Working alongside an excellent captain on a well-established program along with amazing owners who appreciate and reward longevity and hard work

• The owners enjoy fishing and diving so an interest in these areas would be advantageous, and a good knowledge of watersports set ups

• The role will be split between bridge and deck assisting the captain with bridge duties but also with a presence on deck overseeing a deck team of 3. They run with a Bosun and 2 deckhands on deck

• On offer is a fantastic and very generous salary of circa 9000 USD, 90 days leave (non-rotational, to be taken as and when), return flights & extensive medical package/insurance

Posted Date Mon 12 Aug 2024

Closing Date Mon 28 Oct 2024

Chief Stew required for 90m MY 

  • We are looking for a very experienced Chief Stew to join this 90m MY 
  • This yard is undergoing a huge refit and so the successful candidate will have solid Chief Stew experience as well as either yard or build experience 
  • The yacht offers a fantastic package with a 2:2 rotation as well as land based accommodation, crew car etc 
  • Fantastic yacht & crew 
  • Whilst your role as HOD is very important, we would like to find someone that has a passion for yachting and is fun to work with! This is an exciting project to be a part of 
  • Start October – your first swing will see you work with the other Chief on board, a great opportunity to learnt the yacht as well as any other intricacies 
  • The role will be predominantly office based and will see you starting over all admin, Stew bible, SOPs etc! 
  • Salary DOE 8-9K USD
  • 2:2 – Business flights

Lead HK Stew

Posted Date Thu 08 Aug 2024

Closing Date Sun 01 Sep 2024

Lead HK required for 70+m MY 

  • We are looking for an experienced Lead HK to join this busy private MY 
  • Candidates will have 2-3 years experience on board yachts and have a real passion regarding HK
  • This role won't be service based 
  • Dual season yacht with great Chief Stews and Captains 
  • Lovely crew, supportive and everyone gets on. Great crew gym
  • Hierarchy is Chief Stew, 2nd Stew, Lead HK, Stews 
  • 4000 EURO 
  • 13th month & good training package 

Temp OOW/2nd Officer

Posted Date Thu 25 Jul 2024

  • 70m Support yacht are looking for a temporary OOW/2 nd officer to join them 23rd September for an Atlantic crossing
  • Joining in the Med, duration will be for 3-4 weeks depending on crossing and yacht plans once arrived in the USA
  • Must have OOW 3000 in hand, experienced with watch keeping and navigation and confident on deck and willing to get stuck in!
  • Fantastic team, superb senior officers and very nice crew dynamics onboard
  • B1/B2 essential as will be crossing into Miami, Florida
  • Salary TBC but will be above industry standard, flights to and from the yacht will be covered and leave accrued will be paid out at end of contract

2nd Officer – World cruising – Rotational

  • 70m Private World cruising yacht are looking for an experienced 2 nd officer holding CM unlimited to join them around the end of September
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join an exciting program with extensive crew longevity and with the potential to progress and move within the program over time
  • The role itself will include both 2 nd officer and Chief officer duties, stepping up and stepping down during rotations
  • The ideal candidate will have a solid yachting background but also hold their CM unlimited to allow them to step up and grow within the program
  • The itinerary is very exciting with extensive cruising and off the beaten track destinations – full details TBD during initial calls
  • Previous experience with ISM, ISPS, GMDSS essential along with good navigational and watch keeping experience
  • Additional experience with Ice Navigation and large crane ops and operation of large tenders would be advantageous
  • As mentioned, the role will include stepping up to Chief officer and stepping back down during rotations. There is also a strong potential to step up to Chief full time down the line allowing someone the opportunity to grow
  • Interest and or Diving qualifications would be advantageous but not essential
  • The yacht runs a very family orientated dynamic with lots of social events, character and personality is key!
  • On offer is a salary of 8000-9000 USD DOE, time for time rotation (8 weeks on 8 weeks off) along with a very solid training budget and yearly salary increases and rewards based on performance – full details to be discussed during initial call with agent

Interior Manager

Posted Date Wed 24 Jul 2024

Closing Date Mon 23 Sep 2024

Senior Interior Manager required for 100+m MY 

  • We are looking for a very experienced Chief Stew/Interior Manager to join this 100m+ yacht as the Senior Interior Manager. 
  • Candidates will have experience on board 90+m yachts and be experienced in the Management side of things as opposed to being directly hands on with everything!
  • Beautiful yacht with a super itinerary! World cruising! 
  • Start date mid/end September 
  • Lovely owners and good longevity to date, the yacht is only a couple of years old
  • Private 
  • Longevity on previous yachts is absolutely essential 
  • Open to male or female candidates 
  • Salary DOE – excellent package on offer for the right person 
  • 10:10 rotation

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What Does a Yacht Stewardess Do?

Depending on the size of the yacht, there are between 1 and 5+ yacht stewardess. The duties and responsibilities as a yacht stewardess will vary with the size of the yacht and number of crew on the yacht. Your first job as a stewardess on a larger size yacht will consist of learning the basic duties of a stewardess. Crew Mess duties, detailing, cleaning windows, polishing is high on the agenda to keep the yacht in immaculate condition at all times.

Onboard a smaller yacht with a lower number of stewardess, responsibilities will increase to more hands-on duties such as; tender driving, anchoring, mooring procedures, assist within the galley or deck operations.

The workload varies depending on the yacht, season, itinerary, and whether you have guests onboard. The busiest times are usually pre-season, boat shows or guest arrivals and while guests are onboard. A yacht stewardess position on a superyacht requires energetic professionals and as you’ll constantly be on your feet. While guests are not on board its common to have a typical 8-5 schedule with weekends off if working fulltime, if there is a trip or event with guests, hours will be much longer, and work will be much more demanding.

What are the responsibilities of a Yacht Stewardess?

  • Providing 5-star service to guests and ensuring guest satisfaction
  • Providing excellent guest service, silver service and bartending skills when needed
  • Maintaining laundry, housekeeping and wardrobe tasks for both guests and yacht crew
  • Floral arrangements and decorations
  • Excellent knowledge of fine dining, wines and cocktails
  • Maintenance of guest-cabin care and detailed cleaning
  • Assisting with inventory and restocking provisions
  • Watchkeeping within the crew mess
  • Stowage for sea
  • Attention to detail
  • To maintain a safe and secure environment

Yacht Stewardess Table Setting

Yacht Stewardess Job Descriptions

In bigger superyachts, the purser serves in her own capacity as an administrative presence, employed to take care of recruitment and keep financial records. The cases where the purser is employed to act is mostly when the population of the members of the yacht crew is considerable. Otherwise, the office and its responsibilities are merged with that of the chief stewardess. The Purser is charged with keeping an eye on the book-keeping, workforce management, crew member accreditations and yacht crew member documentations, crew training, monitoring the inventory and making orders for necessities and requirements like foodstuff and wine stock, crew uniforms, required utensils and cleaning materials. They also manage the protocol duties and logistics of transporting guests between the yachts and scheduled locations as well as concluding contracts for deliveries.

Your adventure is waiting...

For course schedules and availability.

Skills required:  To be a purser, you must have garnered sufficient experience at least as a Chief Stewardess on smaller yachts. The administrative workload on this position demands a very meticulous level of management as well as a versatility in the skill of organization of paperwork for each division on the superyacht’s crew. Also, as the purser will be involved with the yacht owners and their guests a lot when planning for guest excursions and occasions. It is essential that the purser has strong communication skills and has efficient strategies and expertise for drafting in new yacht crew members as the requirement surfaces. 

Salary expectations:  There is considerable crossover between the duties of a Purser and a Chief Stewardess, but on larger yachts where both roles are filled, a Purser can expect to earn between  $6,000 to $12,000+ per month .

Chief Stewardess

This role is predominantly taken up by females, hence the feminization of the position. That is not to say that there are not many famous chief stewards in charge of management in the yachting industry. The interior department headed by the chief stewardess is established to provide hospitable service for the guests of the yacht owner and the owner himself. Also, the department takes up the duties related to creating and maintaining a snug interior on the yacht. These responsibilities are not limited to Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, cleaning, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, laundry and more. The Chief stewardess in charge of the management of the interior department by planning and assigning tasks to be performed by all stewardesses. In smaller yachts, the chief stewardess reports directly to the captain and is also responsible for extra duties like the logistics and planning of guest-transporting between the yachts, crew training and scheduled locations or events. They are also in charge of currency conversion for new locations.

Skills required:  Attention to detail and exquisite taste is extremely desirable in chief stewardesses. The necessary skills will naturally develop after some time spent in service as a stewardess, and the ability to execute the role of a stewardess is measured by comparisons to first-class ratings; anything below a five-star rating for any service is deemed unsatisfactory. Experienced chief stewardesses are remarkably prudent, and they can divine in addition to excellently satisfying the wants and needs of the yacht owners and their guests aboard the yacht at all times.

Salary expectations:  Depending on experience and the size of the vessel, the current salary range for a Chief Stewardess is between  $4,500 to $9,000+ per month .

A Yacht Stewardess functions under the supervision of the chief stewardess and are tasked with making sure that the yacht interior is maintained at pristine condition while offering the best grade of hospitable service. Their responsibilities range from services like dishing food and serving drinks, filling out as baristas to domestic duties like setting the tables, preparing the cabin or doing the laundry. They are also charged with housekeeping duties which might be relegated to an entire department, which is overseen by a housekeeping head in much larger yachts. There could also be some different departments for each of the other duties like cleaning. Position Requirements: In short, while being animated and enthusiastic will earn you praises, it is more important to the perfection of the service that you able to work extremely hard with a smile on your face and pride in your ability. Also, having prior experience in delivering silver service, being a decent cocktail maker or barista will make your application a smoother process. More importantly, to be hired as a stewardess to work in a superyacht, you must have received some specific education and accreditation that qualifies you for the job. Some of the required certifications include:

Skills required:  As with an entry-level deckhand position, success in this role comes down to being prepared to work hard and keep a smile on your face. Previous experience of providing silver service or having skills as a barista or cocktail maker can boost your potential to secure a job, but the most important quality to possess remains a positive attitude and a sense of pride in achieving the highest standards in your work.

Salary expectations:  An entry-level stewardess can expect to earn between  $2,700 to $3,200 per month . On larger yachts, the stepping-stone position of the second stewardess can provide greater responsibility by sharing some of the chief stewardess’ duties and earnings increase to an average of between  $3,300 to $5,500 per month .

Yacht Stewardess

Yacht Stewardess Training and Qualifications:

Essential Certificates You Must Hold Before You Can Get a Stewardess Job on a Yacht are:

1. STCW Basic Training

2. ENG 1 (Seafarers Medical Certificate)

3. Passport and visas, if applicable

What does the STCW (95 + 10) Basic Safety Training course include?

  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (STCW A-VI/1-2)
  • Elementary First Aid (STCW A-VI/1-3)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (STCW A-VI/1-4)
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (STCW A-VI/6-1)

How To Become a Yacht Stewardess With No Experience?

There is no need to question if it can be done, people get entry-level jobs as stewardesses on superyacht more often than you think. The thing they will agree on is that getting the job as a stewardess is as much about having the right certifications and skills to pull off your duties efficiently, as being able to maintain an enthusiastic outlook as you carry out your tasks.

You can start with a day job as a member of a small crew on a yacht or superyacht, depending on which you can get first. Although the work you will be assigned to might look mundane, the attitude you bring forward when working is what will set you apart for a more permanent role in the nearest future. That is not to say the right attitude is all you need if you really want to get this job; you have to consider mastering some skills like your bartending skills or your proficiency in providing silver service before considering an application.

Stewardesses are mostly tasked with either Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, clean up, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, or laundry. Getting experience enough to bring your service level towards perfection is essential. A few courses or practices you can indulge in to gain experience or certification include:

Some courses/past experiences which will help you stand out from the other yacht stewardess and crucial to landing a yacht stewardess job are, but not limited to:

  • Basically, anything hospitality/service related: hotel, cruise ships, cleaning, bars and restaurants
  • Any spa/beauty experience: masseuse, personal training, yoga, manicure, pedicure, hair and make-up.
  • Table service (e.g. silver service, napkin folding, etc)
  • Childcare/Teaching: Nanny, Baby-sitting experience or teaching kids.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene or cooking experience
  • Floral Arrangements
  • Bartending: sommelier, cocktail, mixologist, service experience
  • Anything boat related: sailing, boat driving, diving, fishing, wakeboarding, kite surfing etc.

Yacht Crew Stewardess Job

Starting a Career as a Yacht Stewardess

One thing many experienced crew members agree on that has surprised them about their yachting careers, is the sheer number of questions. You first ask yourself some questions before you begin your yachting career. You go ahead to find answers to more questions when you gain enough interest, and then you spend the rest of your life answering questions from your family members and friends every time you open your mouth to explain that you work on a vessel of luxury like a yacht. Or you reveal the experiences you’ve enjoyed and endured on your travels. Of course, you can expect the questions to be even more suffocating when a certain set of people get to know that you work aboard a ‘super-’ yacht. Ultimately, you should always be prepared for when they all ask, googly-eyed, for how to get in on the action. Can you blame them?

Stewardess First Yacht Job

It is no hidden secret that yachts are synonymous with luxury nowadays. Coupled with its nature as a luxurious means of travel, the experience for the yacht crew is matched perfectly by the financial rewards sponsored by ultra-wealthy owners, the yachting industry gives people that lift into the world of the rich and powerful while offering work conditions that are a few inches short of heavenly. With the open and beautiful seas as your office, you start getting the gist of why getting to start a career in this glitzy occupation is extremely intimidating for most people.

Indeed, as a long-term career, breaking into the ranks can admittedly be a tough nut to crack. There are predictably many requirements, most of which are not on the work advert. Fortunately, a career as a yacht crew member always fulfils its promise to be worthwhile, with a lucrative, secure and perfect opportunity waiting for those who can successfully claim this profession choice. While getting a job aboard a superyacht is the lure, achieving your dreams depends on the amount of knowledge you have acquired on how to begin your journey, what type of jobs are available as a stewardess on the yacht and which of these job types fits your individual, in terms of your disposition, talent or aptitudes and capacity.

That is the sole purpose behind this little knowledge reservoir on starting a career as a stewardess on a superyacht. This way, you get a definitive idea on what will be required of you to stand a chance, as well as what you can do to improve your chances of getting a job as an attendant aboard a superyacht. All you should do now is to inject as much eagerness and resolve into your quest as you can muster, and the job will not be far from your grasp.

What differentiates a yacht and a cruise ship from a superyacht?

Stewardess Yacht Career

Simply put, a superyacht is a massive yacht, usually over 75 feet in length, driven either by motor or sail. Superyachts are predominantly owned by private investors, and they usually require that the superyachts are staffed by specialized crews. The yachts are mostly put to work for their owners, but often available to others via crewed charters. This means that while cruise ships are built to treat a large population of people, that could number in thousands or hundreds, superyachts are designed to offer a more intense experience to a remarkably less number of people, typically at most 12 people.

Over the years, yachts of different sizes have tread the seas in the yachting industry, from the average superyachts to magnificent giga-yachts that have lengths up to 320 feet. The building cost for each of these yachts exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars. Perhaps more astonishingly, the running costs for the maintenance and other necessities can be estimated to approach a tenth of the original building cost! Every year! It goes without saying that owning a superyacht is exclusive to the extremely wealthy and even to charter the vessel is a glory that those of the same status can enjoy.

With this much money spent on them by their owners, superyachts are always beautiful creatures. They are built with the most impressive methods, best materials and very grand designs. Superyachts are also stocked with enough variety, luxury and extravagance that sincerely borders on indulgence. However, the true value of these superyachts to these elites of society is not just in their beauty. Instead, they serve as a representation of their standing in society, and that is why they spend a heartbreaking sum regularly to keep the yachts up-to-date with recent technological advancements and inventions. It is for this reason that many documentaries have been made to give others an insight into the glamorous life of these top-of-the-food-chain individuals, through their yachts. More important for you to note is that there are more than 9,000 superyachts currently travelling the seas per recorded sales data, with a continually observed increase. This means more job opportunities for crew member positions.

What else do I need to do?

  • Always present yourself in a professional manner
  • Prepare a  Superyacht CV
  • Dress well and yacht appropriate
  • Maintaining a respectful, friendly attitude during courses and interviews can make a big impression on potential employers and valuable network contacts

Do you have an immaculate room or are you a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, organizing and cleanliness? Well if not it won’t be long before you are a neat freak. Yacht Stews and Interior crew are masters of all. Imagine labeling every single item in your cupboards or detailing a toaster (that’s right you probably never even heard of the term “detailing” before. It basically means clean something that an average person will think is already clean. It’s not a bad thing, in fact, it’s a skill that will pay off in both your personal and professional life.   If you have what it takes to be a yacht stewardess, stay open-minded, show your eagerness to learn and let your personality shine!

How Much Does a Yacht Stewardess Earn?

At entry-level, a Junior Yacht Stewardess could expect to earn between  $2,700 and $3,200 per month.  An experienced yacht stewardess could earn upwards of $4,000 per month depending on the size of the vessel and previous deckhand experience, training and certification. These numbers are based on an average, all yachts are different and sometimes pay more or less depending.

8 Steps to Getting a Stewardess Job:

Step 1:  Research – Understanding the position and requirements Step 2:   STCW Basic Training Step 3:   ENG1 Step 4:   Training and Qualifications Step 5:  Register with a SuperYacht Crew Agency Step 6:  Upload a quality CV Step 7:  Network Step 8:   Dock Walking  – Day Work

In a quick summary, getting a job as a stewardess on a yacht can be a challenge, however, if you have read this far, the first step of the search for a stewardess job is already complete.

The next step will be to book a Stewardess Course, and you are in the right place! We offer elite preparation and training to students who want to excel within the Superyacht industry and become fully certified. If you have any questions or are interested in our Superyacht Stewardess Career Course, get in touch with us by clicking here .

Article was written by Superyacht Crew Agency

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  17. Job Announcements for Yachts, Boats & Marinas

    WorkOnYacht.com is the USA's leading platform for marine jobs. Discover roles from yacht stewardess to deckhand, and explore a vast array of opportunities in the marine industry. Dive into our curated job listings and set sail on your dream career.

  18. Yacht Crew Jobs

    Discover exciting yacht job vacancies worldwide. Join YPI CREW and embark on a rewarding career in the luxury yachting industry. Apply online now!

  19. Find The Latest Yacht & Superyacht Jobs

    Find the latest yacht and superyacht jobs on offer in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and other yachting hubs around the world. Save and Apply for Jobs Today!

  20. Current Vacancies

    Managing a prestigious portfolio of yachts, coordinating across various departments to deliver beyond service expectations. Building and nurturing strong, vibrant relationships with key stakeholders, backed by your excellent communication skills and outgoing nature.

  21. How To Get a Job as a Stewardess on a Superyacht

    What is a Yacht Stewardess A Superyacht Stewardess job (yacht stew) is an entry-level position to working onboard a Superyacht. A Yacht stewardess is responsible for the maintenance of the interior of the superyacht and providing the highest standard оf hоѕрitаlitу аnd ѕеrviсе in line with the owners and guests expectations.

  22. Superyacht Jobs

    Dockwalk can help you with your next step in your superyacht career with features, guides and advice to develop your career on board the right way.

  23. Super Yacht jobs and crew vacancies

    Find Super Yacht jobs and crew vacancies and get your dream position in the maritime industry. At boat career match yacht crew with the perfect yacht job