Yacht Club Anwil

YACHT CLUB ANWIL Stowarzyszenie

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23.  Integracyjne Regaty Żeglarskie ANTAŁEK  2024 ORGANIZATOR:  YACHT CLUB ANWIL Stowarzyszenie SPONSORZY:  czekamy na: …… CEL …

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Yacht Club Anwil WŁOCŁAWEK

Ostatnie regaty.

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Kalendarium, szkolenie żeglarskie wiosna (spotkanie organizacyjne) - 29 kwietnia, otwarcie sezonu nawigacyjnego - 1 maja, długodystansowe mistrzostwa polski jachtów kabinowych 24. anwil cup 2022 - 17-18-19 czerwca, wianki świętojańskie na jeziorze włocławskim - noc kupały - 24 czerwca, szkolenie żeglarskie jesień (spotkanie organizacyjne) - 9 sierpnia, integracyjne regaty żeglarskie antałek 2022 - 27 sierpnia, walne zgromadzenie sprawozdawcze yca - 7 września, 45. błękitna wstęga zalewu włocławskiego - 24-25 września, uroczystość zakończenia sezonu - 21 pażdziernika, 14. muzyków wspominki - 5 listopada, klubowe andrzejski - 26 listopada.

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Marina Zarzeczewo

Marina Zarzeczewo zlokalizowana jest  w zatoczce Zarzeczewo, przed stopniem wodnym we Włocławku. Zarządcą mariny jest stowarzyszenie Yacht Club Anwil, które regularnie organizuje regaty o „Błękitną Wstęgę Zalewu Włocławskiego„. Odbywają się tu także szkolenia żeglarskie i motorowodne, cykliczne koncerty nie tylko szantowe. Sama marina dysponuje około 80 miejscami do cumowania jachtów, na pomostach (głębokość przy głównym pomoście około 8 metrów) znajdują się przyłącza energetyczne, woda pitna. Marina posiada także własny warsztat szkutniczy, bar. Dobrze zorganizowana i wyposażona – jedno z piękniejszych miejsc żeglarskich w Polsce.

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Yacht Club Restaurant

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Yacht Club Restaurant - located directly on Lake Zegrzyńskie, open during the summer season, features elegant interiors and a spacious terrace with breathtaking water views.

Rich selection of appetizers, authentic pizza with aromatic San Marzano tomato sauce, seafood, fresh pastas, risotto…

Immerse yourself in the aromas of basil, oregano, or rosemary, order dishes that allow you to indulge in the taste of sunny Italy.


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Opening hours

Monday 12 PM-10 PM

Tuesday 12 PM-10 PM

Friday 3 PM-10 PM

Saturday 12 PM-10 PM

Sunday 12 PM-9 PM

+48 22 768 95 60 [email protected]

The restaurant is open from April to September.

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Khanty-Mansiysk: Why you simply must visit this northern land of mammoths

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“I have been to Yugra many times. I was sworn in as a Siberian in a cedar forest,” producer Andrey Suleikov writes in the preface to a collection of legends called Yugra. It’s My Land . “I tasted lingonberries in the cold and could not tell whether the berries were coated in sugar or ice. I also enjoyed outdoor hot springs while taking a traditional Siberian bath." 

Fuel pumping stations

Fuel pumping stations

Sounds more like time travel than a present-day tourist trip, doesn’t it? But that is what Yugra is like: a fusion between prehistoric things like mammoths and modernity, which has brought oil, gas and new buildings. Even the region’s official name (which is quite long: the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra) combines the present with the past.

Tying a ribbon is a national tradition

Tying a ribbon is a national tradition

There is a beautiful legend about Yugra’s origins. In one very bright, warm and sunny city, twins of unprecedented beauty were born: a brother named Yug and a sister named Ra. At first, they grew up like ordinary small children, but with age they began to argue and fight, so much so that when they did flames flared up around them. The townspeople were afraid that they would burn everything down, so they exiled Yug and Ra to a remote northern land covered with ice and snow. The brother and sister illuminated this land with their light and made it warm so that people could come here to live. Yug and Ra stopped fighting and began living together in harmony. Since then, this northern land has been called Yugra.

When you look at the map, it may seem that Khanty-Mansiysk is located almost in the middle of Russia. However, the climate here is similar to regions of the Far North. In winter, the temperature here drops to below -40 degrees Celsius.

We asked local residents and people who know this region well to tell us more about it and to share some tips for tourists who come to visit.

Why should a foreigner visit Khanty-Mansiysk?

“If you want to feel the coldness and colors of Russian winter, then you should definitely stop by in our small cozy town,” says a local tattoo artist, Semyon Chepurnoy.

A Khanty man in a traditional dress

A Khanty man in a traditional dress

Yevgeny Zinovyev, a journalist and the former editor-in-chief of a local media outlet, says that Khanty-Mansiysk provides the opportunity to experience a real and not touristy part of Russia. “In winter, there are frosts, snowdrifts and wind. In summer, heat, midges and bears. At any time of the year, you can experience the everyday life and customs of the indigenous peoples: the Khanty and Mansi. And of course, in Khanty-Mansiysk you can get to know the backbone of modern Russia – its oil and gas sector."

“We have unique scenery here. Khanty-Mansiysk is located on seven hills and is surrounded by the taiga. There are a lot of fish in the rivers, and a lot of mushrooms, berries and pine nuts in the forests surrounding the city,” says local insurance company employee Sergey Yankovich.

View of the city and the Irtysh River

View of the city and the Irtysh River

The harsh climate of the region influences how local residents relate to visitors. “Residents of the city are very good-natured and welcoming and are always ready to offer help in any situation, even to a stranger, because in the north, there is an unspoken rule: If you see that a person is in distress, be sure to help them, because tomorrow, it may be you in their place. The harsh climate and surrounding scenery leave no room for error, especially in winter,” Sergey says.

Things to see/do/taste in Khanty-Mansiysk

Mammoths at the Archeopark

Mammoths at the Archeopark

According to Irina Pudova, a local resident and the author of a collection of legends called Yugra: It’s My land , the first thing to do in Khanty-Mansiysk is to see the local mammoths. Seven life-size bronze prehistoric animals "roam" the area near Samarovsky Hill on the grounds of the Archeopark complex. Here you will also find a prehistoric bison, a pack of wolves, a cave bear, two woolly rhinos and prehistoric people themselves.

Sculptures of bisons at the Archeopark cultural and tourist complex

Sculptures of bisons at the Archeopark cultural and tourist complex

“Then you could get something to eat,” Irina advises. “The thing to do is to go to any local restaurant of Siberian cuisine and ask for muksun. It is a valuable freshwater fish of the salmon family, which is highly prized by locals and tourists alike.”

Khanty-Mansiysk is a relatively new city and only received this status in 1950. Soo oil was discovered in the region, prompting a dramatic push in its development. Prior to that, there were just Siberian settlements built by Russia in the late 16th century. Irina is impressed that a modern city was built in such harsh conditions.

The Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

The Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

“Cultural objects, squares, houses - all this is unique. And everything is new, there is nothing very ancient here. Except for mammoths!” she says.

In addition to the Archeopark mentioned above, Yevgeny Zinovyev’s list of favorite places in the city includes the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, along with the Museum of Nature and Man and the centuries-old cedars in the Samarovsky Chugas natural park. He recommends checking out the views from the observation deck near the Monument to the Explorers of the Yugra Land and paying a visit to a local bathhouse.

'Red Dragon' bridge over the Irtysh River

'Red Dragon' bridge over the Irtysh River

Yevgeny also provided us a checklist of culinary delights that anyone visiting Khanty-Mansiysk should be sure to try:

  • Muksun (in any form but best of all frozen and sliced as Stroganina).
  • Wild berries (cranberry, cowberry, cloudberry).
  • Venison (in any form but best of all stewed and sprinkled with frozen berries and pine nuts).

Sergey Yankovich recommends visiting the open-air ethnographic museum Torum Maa, which means "Sacred Land" in Mansi. “There you can get acquainted with the history of the city and the district, as well as with the life of the indigenous peoples of the Khanty and Mansi, who belong to the Finno-Ugric group,” Sergey says.

Torum Maa ethnic center

Torum Maa ethnic center

In addition, he advises anyone who comes to Khanty-Mansiysk to visit the spot where the Ob and Irtysh rivers meet, pay a visit to Misne Hotel’s restaurant and taste traditional dishes there, as well as dishes prepared by local fishermen and hunters while in the taiga.

According to Semyon Chepurnoy, the Valley of Streams natural park is another must for any visitor. It is one of local residents’ favorite recreation areas, where you can stroll along a dedicated footpath offering stunning views of the city. Semyon also advises trying pancakes at the GoodFood chain of cafes.

What are the best souvenirs?

“We all love something mystical and supernatural. There is a strong culture of shamanism here, so I think it’s cool to take with you some local amulets charged by a shaman—a bear claw or a pendant made of beads and deerskin,” says Irina Pudova.

A Khanty woman in the traditional dress selling souvenirs

A Khanty woman in the traditional dress selling souvenirs

Sergey Yankovich advises that authentic souvenirs can be found at the Crafts Center on Roznina Street. “There you can also see and even try on the national costumes of the Khanty and Mansi and try to solve traditional puzzles that representatives of the indigenous peoples made for their children.”

According to Yevgeny Zinovyev, the best souvenirs are Khanty and Mansi amulets, clothes, jewelry, as well as traditional local treats such as muksun, wild berries, pine nuts and venison.

Cowberry bush

Cowberry bush

For his part, Semyon Chepurnoy recommends bringing away memories and photographs as well as a little bit of Siberian Frost ❄.

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Welcome to the website for Yacht Club Terrace, a condominium property overlooking Kaneohe Bay and the Koʻolau Range on the windward side of Oahu

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Mooring pier with 15 places for mooring small vessels

Airport slezská harta, the runway of the airport consists of a grassy surface measuring 600 x 15 m, available water, toilet, solar shower, fireplace, bike rental, walks in the saddles of irish cobs.

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Bermuda CUP 2024 - yacht races on the Slezská Harta

The Bermuda Cup is a long-running yacht race and in 2024 is listed for boat classes Optimist, Finn, Fireball, ILCA 4, RS Feva, RS Tera, RS 400 and Cabin sailboats .

It is a publicly accessible race, in which foreign competitors also participate. There will be both circuit sailing and long-distance sailing, offering competitors breathtaking scenery of the local landscape. The organizer is Yacht Club Razová z. s.

Boats are scored in order in the finish with penalty points - the first boat gets 1 point, the second boat 2 points the third boat 3 points, etc. As a result, these points are added up of all races and the one who has the least .

Come and join the racing peloton. Or you can at least cheer on the competitors, or enjoy relaxing holidays by the water.

Opening ceremony of the race : 6/29/2024 from 10:30 a.m.

All information and application form can be found at https://www.sailing.cz/kalendar/242417 .

  • We support and participate in the development of water tourism and tourism in the vicinity of the Slezská Harta reservoir
  • We strive to improve and diversify life within the reach of the association, in the form of all forms of education, leisure, relaxation, recreation, cultural and sports activities.
  • We create the background for the activities of the association so that its activities are available to all those close to them
  • We support activities in the field of prevention of children and youth and educational activities
  • We protect the environment and our goal is to have a quality and clean background that can be used not only by members of the association, but also by the general public
  • We promote and popularize the village of Razová and the surrounding villages, microregion, region - our initiative extends beyond the borders of the Czech Republic
  • We cooperate with local governments and other entities

We are members

Operation of the YC Razová port
Mooring of small vessels YC Razová and their members
Pronájem malých plavidel (plachetnice, elektro-katamarány)
Vyhlídkové plavby na plachetnici s kapitánem – v přípravě
Vyhlídkové plavby na katamaránu s kapitánem (vhodné i pro vozíčkáře) – v přípravě

Thank you to all our sponsors! We really appreciate your support and trust.

YACHT CLUB RAZOVÁ z. s. (hereinafter "YC") received in 2023 a contribution from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the amount of 31.600 Kč from the project „Podpora sportu v Moravskoslezském kraji – SPORT MSK 2023 – TJ/SK“.

YACHT CLUB RAZOVÁ z. s. (hereinafter "YC") received in 2022 a contribution from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the amount of CZK 13.700 from the project „Podpora sportu v Moravskoslezském kraji – SPORT MSK 2022 – TJ/SK“.

YACHT CLUB RAZOVÁ z. s. (hereinafter "YC") received in 2021 a contribution from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the amount of CZK 16.700 from the project „ Podpora sportu v Moravskoslezském kraji – SPORT MSK 2021 – TJ/SK ". These funds will be used to purchase a brushcutter for the maintenance of the YC facilities and for the purchase of gravel for the surface treatment of the YC area.

Medial partners

Kudyznudy.cz - tipy na výlet

Yacht Club Razová z. s.

Razová 88 792 01 Bruntál


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The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region (Yugra) is located in the centre of the West Siberian Plain. It borders on the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region in the north, the Komi Republic in the northeast, Sverdlov Region in the southwest, Tobolsky Region in the south, and Tomsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory in the southeast and east. The region spans 1,400 km east to west from the eastern slopes of Northern Ural almost to the banks of the Yenisey; and north to south - 900 km from the Sibirskiye Uvaly to the Konda taiga. The length of the borders is 4733 km.

The relief is a combination of plains, foothills, and mountains. The highest elevations are Narodnaya Mountain in the Pre-Polar Urals (1894 m) and Pedy Mountain in the Northern Urals (1010 m). The Ob, with a length of 3,650 kilometers and Irtysh, whose length is 3,580 kilometers, their tributaries, and many smaller rivers form the area`s river system. Altogether, there are nearly 30 000 rivers in the area. There are nearly 290 000 lakes with an area of more than 1 hectare. Larger lakes (area greater than 100 km ) include Kondinsky Sor, Leushinsky Tyman, Vandemtor, and Tromemtor.  

The distance from Moscow is 2,500 km, from Irkutsk is 3,500 km. and from the largest city in the district - Surgut is 300 km.

  Khanty-Mansiysk (founded in 1582, population 101,000 as of 2019)

535,000 km , rank 9 in the country.

1,700,000 as of 2019, national composition: Russian 68%, Tatar 7,6%, Ukrainian 6%, Bashkir 2,5% the indigenous population (Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets) is 2,2%.

The climate is temperate continental, characterized by a rapid change in weather conditions especially in transitional periods - from autumn to winter and from spring to summer. Winters are long, snowy and cold. The average January temperature in the district ranges from -18 to -24C. Extreme cold conditions may last for several weeks with the average air temperature below minus 30C. Summer is short and warm. The warmest month of July is characterized by average temperatures from + 15C (in the northwest) to + 18.4C (in the southeast). The absolute maximum reaches 36C.

Climate formation is significantly influenced by the protection of the territory from the west by the Ural Range and the openness of the territory from the north, which facilitates the penetration of cold Arctic masses, as well as the flat character of the area with a large number of rivers, lakes and swamps.

Ugra is the historical homeland of the Ob-Ugric peoples first of all: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets and Selkups. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, and cattle breeding. After the Turkic peoples pressed them from south to north, these peoples transferred their skills to more severe conditions. It was in a new place that the Ugrians began to domesticate the deer.

In the XII-XIII centuries. in the Irtysh and Priobye formed territorial clan associations of the Khanty and Mansi, called the principalities. From the second half of the XIII century a new factor in the development of the territory was its entry into the Golden Horde. At the end of the XIV century the collapse of the Golden Horde led to the separation of the Tyumen Khanate. In 1495, the Siberian Khanate was formed, the capital of which was the city of Kashlyk. It was then that the basic principles of the political-administrative and socio-economic organization of the territory developed. At this time, it was called Ugra.

225,562 hectares

in the Soviet and Berezovsky regions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region, in the valley of the Malaya Sosva River.

Of the mammals, sable, wolverine, ermine, weasel, common squirrel, muskrat, otter, elk, deer, bear and a number of other species are common here. Less common are arctic fox and lynx. A specially protected species is the North Asian river beaver, listed in the Red Books of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Russian Federation.

93,000 hectares

on the territory of two districts of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Khanty-Mansiysk and Kondinsky.

The basis of its activity is the conservation of the population of taiga reindeer, as well as the reproduction of valuable hunting and Red Book species of animals. The reserve is part of the reserve "Malaya Sosva".

Among the permanent residents of the reserve reindeer, otter, ermine, column, squirrel, hare, muskrat can be found. Of the large predators, you can often find a wolf, less often - wolverine and lynx. Meetings with chipmunks, affection, mole, and water voles are frequent. In summer, roe deer enters the territory of the reserve, Arctic fox in winter. Under special protection of the reserve employees are mainly game animals - sable, bear, otter, fox. Of the birds, a white owl, a white-tailed eagle and an osprey are protected.

650,000 hectares

in the rural settlement of Ugut, 300 kilometers from Surgut city.

Almost 2/3 of the reserve is covered with forests, the rest are swamps. The swamps of the reserve are part of the largest swamp massif in the world - Vasyugana. There are also quite common transitional between swamps and forest communities. The most common of these is ryam - a swampy pine forest. The most prominent representatives of plant families are cereal, Asteraceae, and sedge. Quite often there are orchid and buttercups. In general, 332 species of vascular plants, 195 species of lichens, 114 species of moss and more than 500 species of mushrooms are preserved.

The fauna of the reserve is also quite rich and diverse, birds are especially distinguished - out of 262 species of vertebrates, 216 species are represented by birds. Of these, only 30 species fly here by chance, the rest are regular inhabitants of this zone. However, you can not see all this bird diversity all year round - most of them fly away for the winter to warmer regions.

Mammals are represented by 40 species, more than half of which are rodents and shrews. The least widespread family of the reserve is feline, represented by only one species - trot. In addition to lynxes, other predators such as wolverine, sable, ermine, and badger live in the reserve. Also habitual inhabitants are the wolf and the fox, the population of which varies depending on the amount of game. Among ungulates you can meet moose and reindeer.

6,500 hectares

Knanty-Mansiysk city

Samarovsky Chugas is the largest natural site in Khanty-Mansiysk and a true paradise for lovers of ecotourism. The park is perfect for rest and walks: the pristine nature and natural beauty of these places, carefully preserved by the ancient peoples of the Khanty and Mansi for many centuries, fascinates anyone who has ever visited these parts.

500,000 hectares in the center of the West Siberian Plain 200 kilometers from the city of Beloyarsky and 300 kilometers from the city of Surgut.

The natural park is the custodian of the indigenous inhabitants of this region. There are many secrets of the culture and life of the small peoples of the North, which makes this place one of the most mysterious in the region.

The heart of the nature park and one of its main objects is - a sacred place for the indigenous peoples of the North Ob. In the center of Lake Numto is the Holy Island, where Khanty and Mansi pay tribute to the lake - at the beginning of winter, they gather on the island to perform a deer sacrifice rite.

The capital of Yugra – Khanty-Mansiysk- is situated on , and those who live here believe that this fact brings fortune to the residents and visitors of the city.

The territory gained notoriety as a place of exile for prisoners of State. Prince Dmitry Romodanovsky served his sentence in ; Count Andrei Osterman was exiled here in 1742; and the large family of the princes Dolgorukov, in 1798. Prince Menshikov and his daughter Mariya are buried in these lands where they were exiled.

The city also has many opportunities for cultural tourism. One of the most famous museums that have been actively restored recently is , founded in 1930. The museum has accumulated rich collections on the history of the region, life and activities of indigenous peoples, nature, the Soviet period of history, the collection has unique exhibits: the remains of animals from the Paleozoic era, manuscripts of the oldest monastery in Siberia. The museum’s exposition includes the located at the foot of the Samarovsky remnant, where ancient rocks of the earth are exposed, and on the top there is a possible residence of Prince Samara. In the Archeopark itself you can see a complex of bronze sculptures of a herd of mammoths, a rhinoceros, a cave bear and other prehistoric animals.

In the heart of Khanty-Mansiysk is another open-air Initially, the museum complex was a collection of traditions, life and culture. Today, “Torum Maa” consists of several exhibits that recreate in great detail the residential and household buildings of the ancient Ugrians, with household items, jewelry and other exhibits. The museum has a cult site where Khanty and Mansi worship their deities, who have preserved the faith of their ancestors.

Natural Archaeological Park is stretched for 8 kilometers along the right bank of the Ob, to the west of Surgut. The remains of ancient buildings, sanctuaries, burial grounds of the Stone Age have been preserved in the tract.

The study of history always involves not just observation, but also some immersion in the era, life. This opportunity is available for tourists who visit the in Selirovo. It is located in the artistic and architectural ensemble of the late XIX - early XX centuries, and now the museum has a lot of ethnographic exhibits, as well as installations showing traditional life. The museum hosts master classes in ancient crafts.

The greater Khanty Mansi Autonomous Region contains around 70% of Russia’s developed oil fields, about 450 in total, including Samotlor, which is the largest oil field in Russia and the sixth largest in the world.

The Khanty-Mansiysk is a unique museum located in a modern building in the city center. The main task of the museum is to collect the most complete and reliable information on the history of the formation and development of the oil and gas complex in the region, industry workers and their labor achievements. The exposition was based on archival documents and photographs related to the history of oil and gas production in Ugra. A special pride is the excellent mineralogical collection of quartz mined in the deposits of the Subpolar Urals. The mass of the largest exhibit is 300 kg.

is a unique cultural institution, which includes the creative workshop of the famous artist Gennady Raishev, as well as a museum of his works, the main theme of which is the magnificent nature of the native land, life of the indigenous inhabitants of Ugra and the original character of the Siberians.

are also offered in the Khanty-Mansiysk District, the visiting card of which is pheasant hunting in the hunting grounds on the banks of the Gornaya River.

Many of the Khanty, the Mansi, and the Nenets still maintain the traditional way of life in Ugra. The offer an opportunity to see the traditional way of life of the descendants of the ancient Ob Ugrians. Such tours are available in the indigenous villages of the Nizhnevartovsk, the Khanty-Mansiysk, the Surgut, the Berezovo, and the Beloyarski districts.

: it takes 30 min. to get there by bus from Khanty-Mansiysk. There you can plunge into the atmosphere of folk festivals, to taste Russian traditional dishes such as pelmeni, gribnitsa, milk mushrooms, stroganina, home-made bred, to get acquainted with rural amusements and games. The guests may experience the ceremony of initiation into the Siberian and get a special certificate in support.

is located on the outskirts of the national village of Agan, 400 km from Khanty-Mansiysk. In a small area, an off-season camp, a bathhouse, a shed and a plague were erected; there is also a glacier, coral, farm buildings, and on the shore there are stoppers for fishing. Here you can ride on reindeer teams or snowmobiles, on tubing from a hill. Fishing is organized all year round. Master classes in traditional crafts, cutting and cooking fish are held. You can also try national cuisine here.

in Khanty-Mansiysk is one of the central attractions of not only the city, but the entire district. This is an amazing building in terms of architecture, built in 1999 using the most modern technologies.

is a historical and ethnographic complex located in a picturesque place in the central part of the city. There are 14 wooden houses on the territory. All of them represent a reconstruction of old buildings that once stood in different parts of the city, but subsequently assembled into a single architectural ensemble.

The gem of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra is the unique beauty of Northern and Polar Ural mountains with the highest peak of the Urals - (1,895 m).

The highest peak of the Polar Urals is (1,499 m). The mountain is unusual for its plateau-shaped peak, from which sharp ridges extend to the side. On the slopes there are several glaciers and snowfields that do not have time to melt during the short and cold polar summer.

Another tourist attraction of Ugra is . Mineral resources of the region include plenty of balneotherapeutic resources - mineral springs and muds. Several cities of the Okrug offer natural treatment opportunities: "Kedrovy Log" sanatorium in Surgut, city clinic balneary in Kogalym, "Samotlor Neftyanik" sanatorium in Nizhnevartovsk, "Tyumen-Trans Gas" sanatorium in Yugorsk, "Yugorskaya Dolina" in Khanty-Mansiysk and Khanty-Mansiysk city clinic balneary. In addition sapropel muds have been found in 160 lakes of the Autonomous Okrug, the medicinal properties of which are comparable to the muds of the famous Russian resorts.

The festival has been held annually since 2002 in Khanty-Mansiysk in late February - early March. Its permanent president is Sergey Soloviev. Films of debutant directors from different countries take part in the competition program. Within three to five days, several venues host sessions, concerts, performances, meetings with directors and actors, and round tables. Every year, a movie star comes to the festival. So, in different years, the honorary guests of the festival were Nastasya Kinski, Fanny Ardan, Catherine Deneuve, Christopher Lambert and others.

It takes place every year in early December in Khanty-Mansiysk. Almost all producers of the region, including farmers, bring their products to the exhibition. Here you can buy fresh fish and meat delicacies, wild plants, clothes with national color, souvenirs right from the manufacturers.

An international cultural forum takes place in Surgut in the fall, usually in October. The festival acquaints the audience with the work of authors and groups from cities located on the 60th northern parallel. In Surgut come artists and musicians from Russia, the USA, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, from the Faroe Islands (Denmark). The festival hosts numerous concerts, exhibitions, performances.

In the traditional holiday arrange concert performances, children's entertainment programs, races on catamarans, in the program of the holiday competitions are held: "My favorite fishing", the best fish soup "Our good ear", "the Best smoked fish". Held in summer: June-July.

The cycle of events includes swimming competitions on columns, book exhibitions, master classes, creative workshops, children's educational competitions, game programs, and games of indigenous peoples of the world.

An intrepid French adventurer set off to Russia’s far north - and explored the harsh winter in this Siberian city, where mammoths once lived.


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Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Russia

The capital city of Khanty-Mansi okrug: Khanty-Mansiysk .

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra - Overview

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is a federal subject of Russia, part of the Urals Federal District. Khanty-Mansiysk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is about 1,702,200 (2022), the area - 534,801 sq. km.

Khanty-Mansi okrug flag

Khanty-mansi okrug coat of arms.

Khanty-Mansi okrug coat of arms

Khanty-Mansi okrug map, Russia

Khanty-mansi okrug latest news and posts from our blog:.

21 March, 2020 / Nizhnevartovsk - the view from above .

8 November, 2017 / Surgut - the view from above .

4 March, 2017 / Khanty-Mansiysk - the view from above .

12 February, 2016 / Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug from above .

21 May, 2013 / The most powerful thermoelectric power station in Russia .

More posts..

History of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Yugra is the historical homeland of the Ob-Ugric peoples: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, and Selkup. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle breeding. After the Turkic peoples pushed them from south to north, these peoples had to apply their skills in more severe conditions. It is at this new location Ugrians began to domesticate deer.

In the first half of the second millennium AD, the main features of the material and spiritual culture of Khanty, Mansi and forest Nenets were formed. It is believed that since then they have not undergone major changes. Since the second half of the 13th century, a new factor in the development of the region was its entry into the Golden Horde.

At the end of the 14th century, the collapse of the Golden Horde led to the emergence of a separate Tyumen Khanate. In 1495, the Siberian Khanate appeared. At that time the basic principles of political, administrative and socio-economic organization of this territory were developed. The region was called Ugra or Yugra.

More historical facts…

The region became part of Russia in the end of the 16th century. From the middle of the 18th century, this region became a place of exile for criminals. December 10, 1930, Ostyako-Vogul national okrug was formed with the center in the settlement of Samarovo. Construction of a new center began 5 km away from it. In February 1932, the new center of the region was named Ostyako-Vogulsk.

In 1934, the first steps to find oil and natural gas in the region were taken. October 23, 1940, Ostyko-Vogul national okrug was renamed Khanty-Mansi national okrug and Ostyko-Vogulsk was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk. August 14, 1944, the region became part of Tyumen Oblast. On January 27, 1950, Khanty-Mansiysk became a city.

On September 21, 1953, in Berezovo, the first natural gas in Western Siberia was produced. On June 23, 1960, the first oil in Western Siberia was discovered near Shaim. This was followed by the discovery of many other oil and natural gas fields. Along with the industrial exploitation of oil and gas fields, the timber industry developed rapidly.

By the end of the 20th century, under the influence of demographic and socio-economic developments the Khanty-Mansi region in fact lost its national basis. On July 25, 2003, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was renamed Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra views

Rest on the lake in Yugra

Rest on the lake in Yugra

Author: O.Frolov

Golden autumn in the Khanty-Mansy region

Golden autumn in the Khanty-Mansy region

Author: Leonid Karpushin

Beautiful nature of Yugra

Beautiful nature of Yugra

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra - Features

The name of the region is associated with the self-names of the two main groups of northern peoples - Khanty and Mansi. In the Middle Ages, the word “Yugra” was used to refer to peoples and lands beyond the Northern Urals.

This region, located in the middle of Russia, occupies the central part of the West Siberian Plain. Its territory stretches from west to east for almost 1,400 km, from north to south for 900 km. The area of the region is comparable to France or Ukraine.

The climate is temperate continental characterized by rapid change of weather especially in spring and autumn. Winters are long, snowy and cold with frosts below minus 30 degrees Celsius. Summers are short and warm. From the west this region is protected by the Ural mountains, from the north it is open to cold arctic air.

The highest points of the region are Mount Narodnaya (1,895 m) in the Polar Urals and Mount Pedy (1,010 m) in the Northern Urals. Two major rivers flow in Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug: the Ob (3,650 km) and its tributary the Irtysh (3,580 km). About 30% of the territory is covered by swamps. There are more than 300,000 lakes surrounded by marshes and forests.

The largest cities of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra are Surgut (396,000), Nizhnevartovsk (280,800), Nefteyugansk (128,700), Khanty-Mansiysk (106,000), Kogalym (69,200), Nyagan (58,500). Today, only about 32,000 people are representatives of indigenous peoples: Khanty, Mansi and Nenets. Half of them live in the traditional way.

This region is very rich in oil and natural gas. The largest oil and natural gas fields are Samotlorskoye, Fedorovskoye, Mamontovskoye, Priobskoye. There are also deposits of gold, coal, iron ore, copper, zinc, lead and other mineral resources.

The climate is not favorable for agriculture. Most of the agricultural products and foodstuffs is brought from other Russian regions. Waterways and railways are the main shipping ways. The total length of the pipeline network is 107,000 km.

About 60% of Russian oil is produced in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. In total, more than 10 billion tons of oil were produced here. The total number of oil and natural gas fields discovered is 475. In the coming decades, the Khanty-Mansi region will remain the main resource base of hydrocarbons in Russia.

Tourism in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Yugra has unique natural, cultural and historical resources for the development of recreation and tourism. On the territory of the region there are historical and cultural monuments, as well as modern infrastructure for lovers of cultural, educational, recreational tourism, and outdoor activities. International events (sports competitions, festivals and forums) help to open this place to foreigners as an amazing corner of the globe.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra has a number of wonderful natural sites worthy of attention: two nature reserves (“Malaya Sosva” and “Yugansky”), four nature parks (“Samarovsky Chugas”, “Siberian ridges”, “Numto”, “Kondinskie lakes”), ten monuments of nature, archeological complexes (“Barsova Mountain”, “Saygatino”, Sherkaly settlement).

Holidays of the northern peoples are also popular among tourists: Reindeer Herder’s Day, Day of indigenous Peoples of the North “Crow day”, Fisherman’s Day, Bear holiday and others.

Active and extreme types of tourism (skiing, snowboarding, kiting) are gaining in popularity. There are seven ski resorts in the region. In summer, travelers can go rafting on mountain rivers of Siberia. Tourists can also go on a special oil tour that includes a visit to the oil-producing companies. They learn about the oil industry and the history of oil exploration in Siberia.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is a region of endless charm of the beautiful nature and modern tourist facilities. True lovers of northern landscapes and local cultures will be able to fully enjoy the incomparable scenery and generous hospitality in Ugra.

Khanty-Mansi okrug of Russia photos

Khanty-mansi autonomous okrug scenery.

Road through autumn forest in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Road through autumn forest in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Deep winter snow is not a problem in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Deep winter snow is not a problem in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Author: Chernenko

Yugra scenery

Yugra scenery

Author: Sergej Fedotov

Pictures of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Winter in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Winter in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Orthodox church in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Orthodox church in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Author: Alexey Borodko

Church in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Church in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Author: Peter Sobolev

  • Currently 2.77/5

Rating: 2.8 /5 (172 votes cast)


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