
Vismara Marine Spa

alessandro vismara yachting

Nel 1984 Alessandro Vismara, giovane architetto navale specializzato in Hydrodynamics & Performance Prediction al Southampton College of Higher Education, disegna a quattro mani con il suo amico Luca Taddei il primo V.¾ Ton “Lace Wing”. L’imbarcazione entusiasma subito, vincendo i Campionati Italiani in classe IOR e dominando la regata di Cowes Week in Inghilterra.

Nasce così il primo Vismara, una barca competitiva, declinata alla regata, con linee innovative e materiali leggeri. Alessandro Vismara da subito comprende la necessità dì concepire imbarcazioni ottimizzate per i venti medi del Mar Mediterraneo, ovvero barche leggere.

Solo tre anni più tardi, un gruppo di amici mossi dalla grande volontà di creare una barca vincente incarica Alessandro di progettare il nuovo V.¾ Tonner Classe IOR: nasce così il “Gen Mar”, una barca nata per essere velocissima con poca tela, concepita per il massimo rendimento in regime di brezza costante. Alessandro disegna una barca “tonda”, dalle uscite di poppa molto avviate, con appendici studiate al fine di ridurre al minimo gli attriti ed un inedito pozzetto largo e basso che la caratterizza per la funzione di consentire all’equipaggio di lavorare in condizione ottimale garantendo la posizione di assetto della barca.

Nel 1988 “Gen Mar”, ad una sola settimana dal varo, vince i Campionati Italiani IV Classe IOR di Marciana Marina ed è premiata “Barca dell’Anno”. Non solo, ai campionati del mondo è la migliore barca italiana. Nasce così l’era moderna dello IOR.

La passione nata dal mondo delle regate ben presto cresce e matura, e come tutti i sentimenti che nutrono lo spirito umano mira ad altri obiettivi e a soddisfare nuovi gusti.

Si susseguono progetti innovativi e rivoluzionari e si stringono legami con i cantieri leader mondiali nella produzione di imbarcazioni a vela come Perini, Baltic Yachts, Grand Soleil, Marten Yachts.

Nel 1989 il progettista entra in società alla Marine Service, al tempo punto di assistenza per la Baltic Yachts per tutto il Mediterraneo. Marine Service si trasforma ben presto in un autentico brain storm permanente dove, oltre a costruire per il cantiere finlandese, si progettano e si costruiscono barche che si impongono immediatamente per la loro qualità: il primo esemplare è del 1992, Pistrice , un fast cruiser di dodici metri con gli arredamenti in composito e fibra di carbonio, ancora oggi protagonista nei campi di regata con la vittoria nella sua classe della Tre Golfi 2014.

La commistione degli stili e la sperimentazione dei nuovi materiali proseguono per tutti gli anni novanta e conducono il marchio Vismara all’inizio della fortunata serie dei Fast Cruiser. Tra i progetti più rilevanti spicca il Vismara/Baltic 78 Aledoa 4 del 1996, frutto dell’incontro avvenuto anni prima con il cantiere finlandese Baltic Yachts, termine di paragone nello yachting nelle ultime quattro decadi per l’uso dei termini: qualità, affidabilità, valore nel tempo.

Alle soglie del nuovo millennio il marchio Vismara è ben collocato nel mercato e sempre più sinonimo di innovazione e progettazione all’avanguardia. Accanto ai maxi Vismara/Piano 60 “Kiribilli”, disegnato con Renzo Piano, e Vismara 78 Fast Cruiser “Ghibellina”, il team di progettazione Vismara si tuffa nella nuova vincente avventura dei Motor-Yacht.

Il 1999 è l’anno del Vismara MAS 28, una imbarcazione a motore di 8,40 m di lunghezza in cui sono concentrati una miriade di dettagli stilistici rivoluzionari ispirati all’automotive, come i dettagli della poppa ripresi dalle intramontabili linee della Porsche 956 del 1965, le prese d’aria della BMW Z3, le sedute ottenute utilizzando i sedili della Smart e tappi del serbatoio del carburante e la ruota del timone della NewBeetle. Il progetto è subito vincente e nel 2001 arriva il premio Compasso D’Oro ADI. Il mondo della moto nautica apprezza sin da subito il prodotto irripetibile e la serie di piccoli Motor-Yacht Vismara segna l’inconfondibile e dirompente ingresso del marchio nel settore.

Negli anni tale segmento acquisisce un peso sempre più preponderante nella linea di business aziendale fino a divenire un settore produttivo imprescindibile in Vismara. La linea Motor-Yacht conta modelli dai 34 ai 68 piedi, che rappresentano pietre miliari nella evoluzione dei concetti della motonautica da diporto partendo proprio dagli straordinari successi velistici e dall’utilizzo del carbonio nella costruzione degli scafi. Infatti il segreto delle imbarcazioni a motore del cantiere Vismara sta nel rispettare l’equazione Vismara:

Leggerezza = Meno Potenza Necessaria = Minori Consumi = Minore Velocità di Planata = Più Comfort.

Negli ultimi anni il cantiere Vismara si è dedicato all’attento studio di innovazioni ed integrazione dei sistemi di bordo per poter fornire ai propri armatori soluzioni mirate ed automazione utile al miglioramento della fruibilità delle imbarcazioni. Nel 2006 lo studio di progettazione Vismara firma il primo fast cruiser, ad ora ancora l’unico al mondo interamente automatizzato e di cui è possibile la conduzione in solitario nonostante i suoi 17 metri di lunghezza. Il risultato, che apre la strada ai fast cruiser del XXI secolo, è ottenuto con l’uso sapiente in sede di progettazione di sistemi di bordo controllati elettronicamente ed elettricamente, che permettono l’utilizzo di tutte le manovre in completa sicurezza, comodamente seduti alla postazione del timoniere e senza minimante inficiare il dislocamento dell’imbarcazione che rimane ridotto a soli 14.000 kg.

Gli studi idrostatici, idrodinamici e strutturali, i calcoli di velocità a vela e a motore, i calcoli di stabilità, lo studio dei consumi e della autonomia a motore (anche elettrico) sono stati declinati a soddisfare armatori alla ricerca di imbarcazioni di uso semplice in equipaggio ridotto, che potessero regalare momenti di piacevole navigazione in condizioni di venti medio-leggeri tipici delle brezze estive. Questo attento lavoro ha portato a scafi con linee tese, fini, scorrevoli in bolina ma potenti in poppa grazie anche agli spigoli arrotondati ed alla ottimizzazione dei pesi e linee allungate dalla prua “rovescia”, come negli ultimi day-sailer.

La cultura dell’approccio scientifico ha imposto agli uomini del team Vismara di avvalersi delle migliori competenze presenti sul mercato, divenendo un punto di riferimento per i più bravi e facendo crescere in loro la voglia di lavorare nel team.

In trent’anni la Vismara Marine ha costruito più di 100 imbarcazioni a vela e motore dai 27 agli 85 piedi.

Nel settore delle barche a motore Vismara ha portato un approccio scientifico alla progettazione di imbarcazioni dal dislocamento contenuto a tutto vantaggio dei consumi e della velocità e sicurezza in mare.

  • 1984  - Nasce lo studio di progettazione di Alessandro Vismara che realizza la sua prima barca a vela: il Vismara/Taddei “Lace Wing”.
  • 1989  - Alessandro Vismara diviene socio e Presidente del Cantiere Marine Services Srl di Viareggio, dove crea un centro di ricerca e costruzione in materiali compositi.
  • 1992  - Viene costruito il V40 IMS “Pistrice”, prima barca appositamente progettata per partecipare alle regate IMS.
  • 1994  - Con il V40 Alligator viene avviato un progetto innovativo relativo all’idrodinamica e alla costruzione in fibra di vetro e carbonio sottovuoto.
  • 1999  - Vismara realizza il suo primo Motor-Yacht, il MAS28.
  • 2000  - La collaborazione con Renzo Piano porta alla progettazione del Mas60 Kiribilli, un moderno maxi yacht in grado di unire un’avanzata tecnologia costruttiva, la ricerca nell’idrodinamica e nelle performance, ad una sobria eleganza.
  • 2006  - Marine Service Srl si trasforma in Vismara Marine Srl e viene inaugurata la nuova sede di Viareggio. Viene realizzato il V46 Magic Twelve in collaborazione con Farr Yacht Design.
  • 2008  - Con il 52.02 Dragon Vismara continua nello sviluppo dell’Easy Sailing.
  • 2009  - Nasce il Vismara MY68, la prima navetta Vismara costruita in materiali leggeri per una riduzione del dislocamento del 30% rispetto alla concorrenza.
  • 2011  - Vismara V50 Hybrid Enerrgheia è la prima barca Vismara ibrida e l’unica al mondo ad utilizzare questa tecnologia.  
  • 2013  - Vismara V34 E-POWER, l’unico day-sailer al mondo interamente elettrico.
  • 2014  - Vismara festeggia il suo 30° anno di attività e diventa società per azioni.

Alessandro Vismara

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Behind The Brand – Alessandro Vismara of Vismara Marine

Posted Monday 11th May 2020

alessandro vismara yachting

Following our recent series where we gave a little insight into the Grabau International brokerage team, we now turn our attention to the men and women behind the yachting brands we are proud to represent. Beginning this series, we talk to Alessandro Vismara, founder and president of Vismara Marine.

alessandro vismara yachting

GI – Please introduce yourself and your position within Vismara Marine?

Av – i am alessandro vismara and i am the president and founder of vismara marine, gi – tell us about your background and how you ended up with vismara marine, av – it all started with dinghy racing on lake como and then the desire to navigate in the open ocean. i followed my heart and went to southampton to attend the world-renowned naval architecture courses, specialising in applied hydrodynamics and performance prediction. while i was there, i had an epiphany. i wanted to provide clear scientific answers to questions of yacht design. this was during the 1980s when yacht design was all about experience and feeling. i started to design racing yachts using a truly scientific approach and the yachts we produced went on to win many international and world championship regattas in under the ior and ims rating rules. by the middle of the 1990s, with my name made in racing yacht design, i had a further realisation. i saw the opportunity through the application of scientific design and integrated technology to bring racing yacht performance to the cruising fraternity. just because you are not racing for a trophy does not mean that you do not want to sail well, sail efficient, and sail fast. within just ten years, and with an entire fleet of custom yachts launched bearing this design mentality, i decided to take the next logical step and provide my clients with a complete service with the creation of a brand that integrated design research, construction and after-sales service -vismara marine., gi – tell us about some of your most memorable boating moments, av – as always memories go back to the earliest stages. in 1987 we designed and built a very radical 3/4 ton racing yacht in full carbon fibre. this was many years before the general acceptance of carbon fibre in the marine world and the end result was an extremely lightweight yacht that required much less sail area than her competitors. the boat named ‘gen mar’ was the first of a new breed – new light versus traditional heavy. just three days after her launching ceremony we went on to win the italian championship and then went on to finish on the podium in that season’s world championships. this was a boat i designed at home and built in a garage with friends. it was the moment when it all made sense and the rest, as they say, is history..

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara designed 3/4 Ton racer ‘GEN MAR’ launched in 1987

Another important and memorable moment for me came in 1990 when I became the Baltic Yachts dealer and service agent for the Mediterranean. This collaboration with one of the most iconic and technologically innovative builders in the industry gave me the reputation, credibility and experience that really opened the doors to our new business. For over 30 years we have worked together to create of some of the most beautiful composite performance yachts to grace the oceans and provide the services to maintain, refit, modify and rebuild the yachts for their devoted owners.

alessandro vismara yachting

The Baltic Yachts 60 ‘NEVERLAND’ ashore at the Vismara Marine shipyard in Viareggio

GI – Tell us a little bit about the history of Vismara Marine?

Av – i have always tried to follow my passion and seek out the best solutions to develop new technologies and new approaches while staying close to the market. our aim is to lead and not follow. during the 1980s it was the time of single designers, working as a single design office. into the 1990s we were one of the first design offices to understand that the design office should also take full responsibility for the final result, so vismara yacht design became a ‘general contractor’, selling not just the design, but the boat and also sometimes the management. into the 2000s we became more dedicated to the vismara brand and the desire to build a reputation for full-service yacht design and manufacture. we closed vismara yacht design and moved our design team into a new group – vismara marine group. this was a set of three companies catering for design, construction and associated services. in 2007 we were able to bring all of this together with the creation of vismara marine at our new shipyard in viareggio. i like to refer to our home as a ‘design boatyard’. we are an atelier where a client can design, build and then service their yacht, all under the same roof and the same brand..

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara Marine shipyard in Viareggio with the Vismara V71 ‘RED CARPET’ awaiting relaunch

GI – Which present-day Vismara Marine yacht would you like to sail off into the sunset?

Av – the soul sometimes is different from the brain. i live in a world of technology, research and innovation in the quest for optimal performance, so my brain would choose one our recently-launched nacira 69 , a truly ground-breaking offshore performance yacht which will happily sail towards the sunset at 20 knots thanks to her radical hull design and the worlds first telescopic canting keel. my soul moves less quickly and 15 knots would be perfect for me, so perhaps i would take the combination of comfort and performance afforded by the vismara v62s ‘yoru’ and ‘wizard’ , or the newly-launched vismara v68 ‘pelotari’ , which we designed in collaboration with mark mills . a lamborghini is great fun, but sometimes a bentley works too..

alessandro vismara yachting

The recently-launched Nacira 69 designed in collaboration with  Guillaume Verdier , Axel de Beaufort and Vismara Marine

GI – You have designed and built some  truly legendary boats over the years. Name your favourite past Vismara yachts and why?

Av – some yachts create milestones in our lives so my list must surely start with the first. we designed and build the 3/4 ton ‘lace wing’ in 1983 in partnership with luca taddei. in 1984 we won both the italian and english championships and went on to dominate at that year’s cowes week with a ‘younger’ me tailing the winches..

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara designed 3/4 Ton ‘LACE WING’ from 1983

With the momentum of success pulling us along, we went on to produce some legendary winning boats such as the Vismara V40 IMS ‘PISTRICE’ of 1992 which is still winning races today, and her later sistership ‘QUERIDA’ , launched in 1996 and built to cruise for a month each year and then race for the rest. She won the Sardinia Cup in her first season and later in 2001 took the top step of the podium in the Giraglia.

The Vismara V40 IMS ‘PISTRICE’ of 1992

Perhaps the ultimate incarnation of the ‘cruise for a month, rest for the rest’ is the incredible Vismara V62 RC ‘SUPERNIKKA’ . The first design to come from our collaboration with Mark Mills and a boat which has gone on to win the Maxi Worlds four times while still providing her owner with a luxurious family cruising yacht each summer.

The Vismara V62 RC Mills ‘SUPERNIKKA’, presently offered for sale through Grabau International

There are of course many many more including our first 100ft yacht, ‘BEBIVI’, the amazing Vismara V80 ‘LUCE GUIDA’ of 2011 featuring a jacuzzi, ornate glazed bulkheads and an enormous opening sunroof over her forward saloon area.

The 2018-launched Vismara V100B ‘BEBIVI’

Vismara V80 'LUCE GUIDA'

The Vismara V80 ‘LUCE GUIDA’ from 2011

Then there are some of the truly spectacular and individual yachts such as the ‘Mono-maran’ ‘JUNOPLANO’ , an 18 metre ULDB design from 1996 with a 3.80m beam, 60 degree canting keel and rotating carbon fibre un-stayed wing mast, and the timeless 60ft ‘KIRRIBILLI’ designed in partnership with world-famous Italian architect Renzo Piano.

The Vismara V60 ‘JUNOPLANO’, presently offered for sale through Grabau International

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara launched 60ft ‘KIRRIBILLI designed in collaboration with architect Renzo Piano

I will finish my list with the Vismara C57 Catamaran ‘OBI ONE’ . Launched in 2007, she was our first catamaran and paved the way for a new generation of lightweight, performance cruising catamarans that now seem to be so heavily in vogue. This is an area I am keen to look at again, so if you have a client….  

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara C57 ‘OBI ONE’, presently offered for sale through Grabau International

GI – You are perhaps best known for designing and building sailing yachts, but you have also have some new motor yacht projects in build such as the new Vismara MY34 ‘WEEKENDER’ . Tell us a little about this move?

Av – design approach, science and technology – all of these factors lead us to understand the sense of making a better yacht. for  motor yachts we have actually designed and built a few custom projects in recent years, all for owners who were sailing previously and understood the importance of incorporating these factors. all vismara yachts are designed and built using the equation of lightness – a lighter hull designed with optimised hydrodynamics can be fitted with engines half the size to achieve the same speed, can feature a deeper ‘v’ hull to drive better through the waves, and reach the plane at lower speeds. if you can stay on the plane using less power, you will also suffer less noise, vibration and dramatically less fuel consumption. when you think about it, it is so simple, yet we rarely see it in action. for us, any vismara motor yacht must be a proper ship and not a floating house. it must be built to go to sea in all weathers, demonstrating efficiency, comfort and silence. we do not design floating houses but real yachts that can motor in bad weather. a great example of this ethos is the vismara my52 ‘bwave’ . this was one of our first ventures into the motor yacht world and was launched in 2008 yet in today’s aesthetic design-driven world, she still looks as fresh as the day she was first launched. another is the vismara my56 ‘shift’ from 2012 which introduced to the market the ‘navetta’ style of performance motor yacht which has since been widely emulated by mainstream manufacturers. thanks to her highly advanced technology construction, shift’s displacement was reduced by 30-40% which in turn allowed fitment of much 435hp smaller power units to achieve a 28-knot maximum, 22-knot cruise and incredible 12-knot planing speed. in turn shift’s design and construction also generates less fuel consumption, less noise, and easier, and an overall more comfortable navigation for her owners..

alessandro vismara yachting

The Vismara MY52 ‘BWAVE’, presently offered for sale through Grabau International

alessandro vismara yachting

The ‘Navetta’ styled Vismara MY56 ‘SHIFT’ from 2012

GI – How has Vismara Marine been reacting to the Covid-19 situation?

Av – we have reacted with a positive mind and have adapted all of the company processes to comply with the most stringent procedures for the safety of our team. we have also used this opportunity to plan ahead to the next phase of our company existence., gi –  what does the future hold for alessandro vismara and vismara marine, av – i have a strong feeling that the right future for us is to look back at what has built our reputation. the solid foundations created by focussing on the personal involvement of a small team of highly experienced professionals, dedicated to design and production to the highest standard with strong attention to customer care.  for us, the future is not in building thousands of yachts, but building fewer, better. we are  blessed to work with highly knowledgeable clients who understand what they want and what we can do for them to help them achieve their goals.  the first step will be the renaming of our business to ‘vismara marine concepts’. we will work to create a more international approach to our teamwork, partnering with only the very best companies and names in their respective sectors to provide technical solutions for our clients. for us the concept is quite simple. we will use all that we have learnt in our 35-year history to become not larger, but better, and in turn, to create a better world for our clients..

alessandro vismara yachting

The soon-to-be-launched Vismara V63 XR , just one of a number of new Vismara custom projects in development

GI – Finally, what do you get up to when you manage to escape from the office?

Av – for those so passionately and deeply involved in the yachting world, we know that escaping from the office can be difficult as there is no boundary between work and leisure time. this is a quandary of our making and we ask no sympathy for it. for me, when i am away from the office, i can use the time to think and evolve concepts in my mind without the immediate pressure to perform. as an italian, we are blessed with the most beautiful countryside the best mountains for skiing, the best sailing grounds, the finest cultural arts, and without doubt, the best food and wine. i like to enjoy all of these with my family and my friends..

alessandro vismara yachting

The Chianti Region – Just a short drive from the Vismara Marine shipyard in Viareggio and the culturally rich city of Florence

alessandro vismara yachting

Please  contact  Grabau International for more information about building your dream custom project with Alessandro Vismara and his team.


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Alessandro Vismara

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LUCE GUIDA is a racer/cruiser with unrivaled comfort, close to those of motor yachts. She offers space, brightness, wide openings and technology. Modern and innovative, she was designed by the visionary Alessandro Vismara and built by the renowned shipyard Vismara.

LUCE GUIDA was designed to be fast on water, made for racing, with an extraordinary feeling of precision at the helm. Fully made of carbon, she is light and resistant to the elements. Her ultra modern telescopic handling allows her to approach the beach edges and translucent water, which also makes her the ideal ship for cruises. A California King size sunbath is installed behind the helm. The tender is accessible from the garage.

The interior of the boat is elegant, spacious and particularly bright with light wood, white corian and numerous oversized portholes. All the anti-sun curtains are electric with remote control. The 3 guests rooms are characterized by the use of furniture surrounded by RGB illumination system that changes colors and creates different scenario and mood. Large beds, TV, private bathrooms. Each equipment has been carefully chosen for its luxurious quality and its elegant style. The Master cabin is located at the front with a queen size bed; the two guests cabins are on the back and have so much comfort with double beds as well as a single bed.

Thanks to an exceptional hydraulic system, the roof of the boat opens 1/3 above the kitchen letting fresh air pass. The cabin for the crew is independent, at the front.

As you see, LUCE GUIDA is an exceptional sailboat in terms of performances and quality of service. With important renovations carried out the winter 2022/2023 (new painting, new sail game, shower repair, floors and ceilings, new air conditioning system ...), the yacht is in excellent condition for your next cruises!

Activities: wakeboard, snorkeling equipment, waterskis, fishing equipment, electric bikes, 2x SUP


alessandro vismara yachting

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Vismara Marine V50 boat test – new ‘prêt a porter’ concept

Pip Hare

  • June 3, 2016

A new concept from Italian custom builder Vismara Marine, the V50 is what it calls ‘prêt-à-porter’, a sailaway package you can order online. Toby Hodges sails her in Viareggio

alessandro vismara yachting

Product Overview


This is Vismara Marine’s ‘prêt-à-porter’ concept, a yacht that can be chosen off the shelf. Over the past three decades Vismara Marine has launched over 130 custom yachts from its Viareggio yard, many of which are now regarded as iconic designs.

Names such as Pistrice , Alligator and Kiribilli resonate because of the way they combine style and function, able to win on the racecourse despite carrying a cruising interior.

News that Vismara is expanding with the launch of its first series-produced model, the V50 prêt-à-porter encouraged us to travel to Italy for a test sail.

See our story about the growth of Vismara HERE

The Italian builder even provides the option of choosing your options online by making a simple choice of colours, aesthetics, layout and specification. It uses the company’s rich custom yacht building experience to offer a refined product with multiple variations. The four-step ordering process makes it as easy to pick and mix to suit style as it is to buy clothes online – and, crucially, for a guaranteed fixed sailaway price.


The V50 is a clever model to kick off a new production range with – a decksaloon motor sailer incorporated into a lightweight, performance hull, with two compact engines.

The first to launch, Dragon , is the third Vismara for Guess fashion designer Angelo Bruni. His input can be seen in the stark black and white styling throughout.

Deep protected cockpit

I particularly like the deep, protected cockpit, free of sailing systems, with single-level connection to the decksaloon. The raised aft deck covers a large tender garage, neatly stows a composite gangplank and creates a large sunbathing platform and a handy seat for the helmsman.


At the core of Vismara yachts is a lightweight composite hull. The V50 has a sporty hull built in E-Glass, plus a carbon rudder. So she is a medium to light displacement yacht, with 45 per cent of that weight in the keel.

In theory, then, she’s a stiff boat. While trying to put that to the test, we were dealt very fickle conditions off Punta Ala, with everything from mirror calm to 20-knot pulses of offshore breeze.


But I was frustrated not to be able to get the best out of her. Before I list the reasons why, it is worth emphasising that Dragon is very much tailored to suit her owner. A combination of dirty undersides, no working instruments and an inability to trim the sails effectively – insufficient halyard tension and a problem with the vang – were frustrating in terms of collating performance figures.

Winch layout a problem

My main issue however is with the winch layout, which I found neither practical nor safe. The owner had requested that two winches were sited abaft the helms to keep them out of the cockpit. The mainsheet is led via a three-point coachroof bridle forward along the boom and back to winches on the aft deck, German-style. The genoa is sheeted inboard close to the mast, and goes underdeck to the aft deck where it shares the same two winches.


Bruni said he finds the system no problem to manage short-handed. But I couldn’t understand how you can helm and trim without having eyes on the sails. Even with a dedicated crew on each winch, we still had problems swapping over main and working jib sheets during tacks. Upwind when heeled, it seemed an exposed position from which to adjust sheets, particularly with a low lifeline aft.

These issues are easily addressed however; Vismara knows this and offers future production models with winches forward of the helms. A self-tacking jib might also be a wise option if the V50 becomes a popular choice for couples. “We made some changes to the second model as the first was built with the customer,” says Alessandro Vismara. “These include a less deep cockpit, a slightly raised coachroof and more winches which are forward in the cockpit for easier sail handling.”

The helming position does however benefit from good sightlines over the low coachroof looking forward from the windward helm or sitting and looking along the leeward rail. There is also reasonably clear vision through the coachroof when seated at the helm.


Twin engines provide many benefits. The extra manoeuvrability is a big confidence booster – dual engine control and torque negates the need for a bow thruster at this size and aids motor sailing. Positioning the engines in the forward cockpit lockers means their weight is central, yet keeps noise and odour out of the interior.

The twin-throttle controls are located in an exposed position however, which needs addressing.

The pros arguably compensate for the extra maintenance required, and having two exposed drives that lack protection from the keel. Vismara does offer protective skegs forward of the propellers if desired – something I would consider essential for offshore sailing.

Enter the Dragon

The deep and spacious cockpit along with the dinghy garage are prime assets to have, but come at the expense of accommodation space below.


The interior can be tailored to suit the owner’s personal taste. Dragon is very minimalist, in accordance with her fashion designer owner’s wishes. Bruni’s first two Vismaras, also called Dragon , were built in carbon fibre – a 46 followed by a 54-footer. “The [gold] 54, all in carbon ten years ago, was fantastic to do,” says Bruni. “But I realised it was not the perfect boat for cruising.”

Now he has grandchildren, his requirements have changed – his family all like to go on sailing vacations together. “I wanted to build a special boat that you could be inside and out of the sun without being below decks,” he explains – Bruni’s wife doesn’t like being cold or in the sun. The cockpit is also the ideal place for children, a protected area in which they feel safe.


When we first arrived at night, the white interior seemed particularly Spartan in the unforgiving glare of downlights. But during the day the decksaloon demonstrated its merits – the all-round visibility from inside and the abundant natural light comes into its own when you’re afloat.

“When it’s very hot, inside is better than outside and you can still see everything,” explains Bruni. With the hatches open and breeze flowing through, Dragon certainly feels fresh and bright below, the very antithesis of a conventional interior.

Heart of the boat

The decksaloon, linked with the cockpit, constitutes the heart of the boat. Bruni has elected not to have a separate navstation, preferring simply to use the aft part of the galley’s extensive worksurface or the saloon table if required. The double sink and stove have covers to help create a long single-level surface and emphasise the uncluttered styling. Water tanks are located under the saloon – another benefit of a decksaloon design – and there is plenty of additional galley stowage.

Accommodation is all forward of the saloon in 13 potential layouts of two or three cabins and two heads. Dragon has two cabins. A sliding door separates the large owner’s cabin from the rest of the interior. Bruni chose to forego a third cabin in favour of extensive wardrobe stowage, but there is also ample stowage under the berths.


The twin-berth layout is a clever solution as the berths are each wide enough for two to share if desired, yet they provide an option for either tack. “Two separate beds is perfect,” Bruni explains. “In summer it is very hot here and you don’t want two in a bed.” A heads and large shower cubicle are located in the forward ends.

In my opinion style has won over practicality in places in Dragon ’s interior – future owners may appreciate more fiddles and handholds, for example. But the fittings are classy, the solid headlining panels look smart and the painted bulwarks show a quality finish to her build. Indeed the high calibre of her construction should be noted in relation to her premium price.

The V50 is offered in three packages, ‘Easy Sailing’, ‘Altura’ and ‘Luxury’, which cost from €750,000 to €813,500. These are, rather refreshingly, fully commissioned, sailaway prices with no hidden extras –literally off-the-shelf pricing.



LOA 15.50m/50ft 10in

LWL 14.00m/45ft 11in

Beam (max) 4.30m/14ft 1in

Draught 2.50m/ 8ft 2in

Disp (lightship) 13,300kg/29,321lb

Sail area (100% foretriangle) 129m 2 /1,390ft 2

Engine 2 x 40hp Volvo saildrives

Water 800lt/176gal

Fuel 400lt/88gal

Sail area:disp 23.4

Disp:LWL 135

Designed by Alessandro Vismara

Built by Vismara Marine

Price ex VAT €750,000 (£596,828)


The V50 is a funky, modern, deck saloon cruiser that harnesses the skills and experience of a trend-setting custom yard and combines them with a set price and delivery time. Although this is Vismara Marine’s first production line, the V50 Dragon is still a yacht with a custom feel. So for those looking for something different, the ‘prêt-à-porter’ concept might just offer that ideal union of production and custom yacht worlds.

La camera d'ambra

La camera d’ambra. Storia e mistero dell’ottava meraviglia

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La chiamano l’ottava meraviglia , anche se di quella originale sono rimaste solo alcune foto in bianco e nero e solo una a colori. Era l’unica al mondo e forse per questo, quando è scomparsa, sono nate migliaia di leggende su dove potesse essere nascosta. Era così incredibile, che è stata persino ricostruita: un lavoro immane e difficilissimo, durato ben 24 anni e completato nel 2003.

Ovviamente avete capito di cosa sto parlando, lo suggerisce anche il titolo… Ma proviamo oggi a capire meglio cosa è successo alla meravigliosa camera d’ambra durante la seconda guerra mondiale e perché ancora oggi se ne cercano le tracce in tutto il mondo.

la foto della camera originale.

La nascita della camera d’ambra

La camera d’ambra è un famoso capolavoro d’arte costruito originariamente all’inizio del XVIII secolo . La stanza fu creata fra il 1701 e il 1709 per il Castello di Charlottenburg a Berlino, che allora si trovava nel territorio della Prussia. Era una stanza di circa 55 metri quadrati, le cui pareti erano completamente rivestite da pannelli decorati con ben sei tonnellate di ambra baltica, oltre a decorazioni in foglie d’oro e specchi. Pietro il Grande, l’imperatore della Russia, che vide i pannelli d’ambra, ammirò la loro bellezza e non nascose che gli sarebbe piaciuto averli in Russia. Nel 1716 la camera fu donata dal re di Prussia Federico Guglielmo I al suo alleato. Non era solo un regalo diplomatico, ma anche una mossa studiata per avere maggiore sicurezza nel proteggere i confini tra Prussia e Russia. In Russia il prezioso carico d’ambra venne ricevuto da Alessandro Menshikov , il primo sindaco di San Pietroburgo . La figlia di Pietro, la zarina Elisabetta, fece installare la Camera prima nel Palazzo d’Inverno a San Pietroburgo e successivamente nel Palazzo di Caterina a Carskoe Selo.

Il palazzo di Caterina

La scomparsa della camera d’ambra

Nel settembre 1941 il palazzo di Caterina fu confiscato dalla Wehrmacht, l’esercito tedesco. I sovietici non erano riusciti ad asportare i pannelli d’ambra, che nell’emergenza furono però incollati e coperti con carta da parati per evitare scheggiature. Il 18 ottobre 1941 la camera d’ambra fu smontata dai nazisti in sole 36 ore, collocata in 28 casse e spedita a Königsberg (l’attuale Kaliningrad) . Dopo un incendio nel 1944 i pannelli furono smontati e probabilmente – qui le notizie cominciano ad essere incerte – riposti in casse nei sotterranei del maniero. Durante due attacchi aerei britannici alla fine dell’agosto del 1944 furono danneggiati, sembra, solo i sei riquadri dello zoccolo.

La Camera scomparve misteriosamente alla fine del conflitto e non se ne seppe più nulla . Dove sia finito quel tesoro, dal valore stimabile tra i 170 e i 300 milioni di euro, è uno dei misteri più intriganti della fine della seconda guerra mondiale . Ci sono varie teorie, racconti, addirittura leggende, su dove si troverebbero alcuni pezzi della camera d’ambra – o addirittura la stanza intera. C’è chi dice di avere individuato il nascondiglio in Sassonia, al confine con la Repubblica Ceca e la Polonia, altri dicono che i pezzi d’ambra sono arrivati addirittura negli Stati Uniti. L’ultima teoria parla di un bunker in Polonia, nella città di Mamerki, dove con i georadar sono stati scoperti enormi spazi vuoti. Tuttavia, queste sono soltanto ipotesi non verificate e la camera d’ambra non è stata ancora trovata. Purtroppo, c’è da considerare anche  la probabilità che sia stata distrutta.

Rinascita della camera d’ambra

Nel 1979 il governo sovietico ha dato l’incarico di ricostruire la Camera basandosi su disegni e fotografie in bianco e nero dell’originale e sull’unica foto a colori disponibile. La camera fu completata ed inaugurata nel 2003 a San Pietroburgo nel Palazzo di Caterina. L’altezza della camera è di 7,8 metri e la sua superficie è di circa 100 metri quadrati, con ben 40 m quadrati di ambra situati sulle pareti. Per rivestire le tre pareti sono state utilizzate 6 tonnellate di ambra, prese dal giacimento di Kaliningrad.

il dettaglio della camera d'ambra

Certo, la nuova camera d’ambra è bellissima, ma il mal di testa che nasce al pensiero della scomparsa della camera originale non mi lascerà mai in pace… Chissà se sarà mai ritrovata! Comunque, possiamo dire con certezza che la bellezza e il fascino dell’ambra baltica risplendono in tutti i secoli . Questa straordinaria resina fossile, davvero unica, lascia il segno nell’immaginario e nell’estetica di ogni epoca. È vero,  l’ambra visse i suoi anni d’oro in epoca romana, ma l’ottava meraviglia costruita nel XVIII secolo e tutto il mistero legato alla scomparsa e successiva ricostruzione della camera d’ambra tra Novecento e inizio del nuovo millennio secolo confermano il fatto che l’ambra baltica eserciterà sempre il suo fascino sulle persone e i popoli che la incontrano.

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  4. Manifesto di Alessandro Vismara Yachting

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  5. Vismara in Yachting World Magazine

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  6. VISMARA E GLI ARTIERI DEL MARE Lo yachting che si proietta al futuro

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