How Much Fuel Does a Yacht Use? An In-Depth Analysis

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When it comes to luxury and adventure on the high seas, yachts are the epitome of both. Whether you’re a yacht owner or dreaming of chartering one for your next vacation, understanding the fuel consumption of these majestic vessels is crucial. Fuel usage not only impacts the cost of your journey but also has environmental implications. In this article, we dive into the factors affecting yacht fuel consumption and provide insights to help you estimate how much fuel a yacht uses.

Understanding Yacht Fuel Consumption

Fuel consumption in yachts is influenced by several factors, including the yacht’s size, engine type, cruising speed, and conditions at sea. Here, we break down these elements to give you a clearer picture.

Yacht Size and Engine Type

Yachts come in various sizes, from smaller 40-foot models to massive 100-foot plus luxury liners. Generally, the larger the yacht, the more fuel it consumes. Engine type also plays a significant role. Traditional diesel engines are common, but newer models may feature more efficient or hybrid engines that can impact fuel usage.

Cruising Speed

Speed is a significant factor in fuel consumption. Higher speeds increase resistance in the water, requiring more power and, consequently, more fuel. Cruising at a yacht’s optimal speed, often referred to as the “hull speed,” can help maximize fuel efficiency.

Conditions at Sea

Sea conditions can also affect fuel consumption. Smooth, calm waters allow for more efficient travel, while rough seas can increase fuel use due to the additional power needed to maintain speed and stability.

Estimating Yacht Fuel Consumption

While it’s challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer due to the variables involved, we can offer some general guidelines. On average, a yacht might use between 20 to 100 gallons of fuel per hour. Smaller yachts, such as those around 40 feet, tend to be on the lower end of the scale, consuming about 20 to 40 gallons per hour. Larger vessels, which are over 100 feet, can consume significantly more, sometimes exceeding 100 gallons per hour, especially at higher speeds.

Example Calculations

Let’s look at an example. For a 70-foot yacht cruising at a moderate speed of 20 knots, fuel consumption could be around 50 gallons per hour. If you’re planning a 100-mile journey, at 20 knots, it would take you approximately 5 hours. This means the total fuel consumption for the trip could be around 250 gallons.

Tips for Reducing Fuel Consumption

  • Cruise at Efficient Speeds: Find and maintain your yacht’s hull speed for optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep the engine and hull in top condition to reduce drag and ensure the engine runs efficiently.
  • Plan Your Route: Opt for the most direct route and consider current sea conditions to minimize unnecessary fuel use.
  • Lighten Your Load: Only carry what you need for your journey, as extra weight can increase fuel consumption.

Understanding and managing fuel consumption is crucial for any yacht owner or enthusiast. By considering the factors outlined above and implementing fuel-saving strategies, you can enjoy the luxury of yachting more sustainably and cost-effectively. Whether planning a short excursion or a long voyage, a careful consideration of fuel use will enhance your experience on the water.

Remember, every yacht is unique, and so is its fuel consumption. For specific figures, consult your yacht’s manual or speak with a marine professional who can provide insights tailored to your vessel. Enjoy your time at sea, and sail smartly!

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Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

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Yachts And Fuel – How Much Do They Really Consume?

consommation yacht 100m

Fuel is one of many annual running costs of a yacht. Not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require it to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway. As well as this, many of the water sports toys require it too.

Some yachts cross the Atlantic Ocean twice a year between the Mediterranean and Caribbean while others embark on world cruises. That equates to a lot of fuel.

So How Much Do They Really Consume?

According to the Yachting Pages, the longest Superyacht in the world, 180m M/Y Azzam, holds 1,000,000 litres of fuel. To put it into perspective, that is the equivalent of filling a regular hatchback car 23,800 times. Or, six Boeing 747 commercial airliners.

West Nautical’s Vessel Manager, Tony Hildrew, a former Yacht Chief Engineer said:

“Fuel is the single biggest expense when it comes to yacht operations, it is estimated that the global spend on fuel is around $150bn annually however this shouldn’t put you off, there are a number of ways to ensure your fuel consumption doesn’t get out of hand. Implementing a Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP for short is a great way to keep fuel costs down without compromising on your cruising experience.”

Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons. It could be the size and make of the engines. Or, how often the yacht is using generators. As well as the number of tenders and water sports toys on board that require fuel. For example, if the yacht is out at anchor and running on generators 90% of the time, the fuel consumption will be much higher than a yacht that is in a marina at night and connected to shore power and water.

Another factor that will affect fuel consumption is the yacht’s itinerary. This is because the sea conditions will impact how much fuel the engines consume.

consommation yacht 100m

How Is Consumption Measured?

You will be able to input the start and ending points of your cruise on the map. This will automatically update the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed, fuel consumption and cost of fuel per litre to determine the cost of the trip.

Here is an example: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots will consume roughly 400 – 500 litres depending on the engine type. This would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles.

Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50. An example of a 100 nautical mile passage would take you from Saint Tropez to The North Coast of Corsica.

How Much Does It Cost?

Fuel prices fluctuate depending on which country you bunker in and some places you bunker offer tax free fuel such a Gibraltar and Montenegro. Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre.

Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added:

“Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain’s minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel. The superyacht charter market, more than most other markets, relies on pristine waters for their guests to enjoy their holiday. If the oceans in popular charter destinations are not maintained, it will decrease the demand for yacht charter and therefore the revenue for owners.” “If you are looking for expertise in operational management and engineering in order to plan a SEEMP, West Nautical would be delighted to assist.”

consommation yacht 100m

About West Nautical

West Nautical sell, charter and manage superyachts from their head office in Newcastle upon Tyne. The business currently employs a team of 21 staff throughout their offices based in the UK, Russia, France and Cyprus.

  Since their inception over 25 years ago, West Nautical have become recognised as one of the most respected, trusted, knowledgeable and accountable professional services firms in yachting – largely due to their relentless determination to act in our clients’ best interests. Their approach and attitude is transparent, refreshing and focused on providing value-added services delivered simply, elegantly and affordably. 

Visit West Nautical’s website here:

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Boat Fuel Consumption List

The fuel consumption of any yacht, can vary widely based on several factors including the yacht's size, engine type, cruising speed, and conditions under which it is operated.

The figures above are average calculated.

Boat Name Average Fuel Consumption (liters per hour)
Waterdream 200-300L
Mangusta 108 990L
CRN 130 650L
Astondoa 102 GLX 650L
Pershing 5X 250L
Pardo 50 200L
Princess V72 400L
Mangusta 92 700L
Sunseeker Predator 84 600L
Leopard 27 550L
VanDutch 55 200L
Pershing 72 600L
Vanquish 82 350L
Pershing 90 900L
Vanquish 52 200L
Riva Rivale 56 250L

Boat Fuel Cost Calculator

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First look: WING 100 – one of the world’s largest megayachts

  • Toby Hodges
  • October 27, 2022

Royal Huisman reveal 100m megayacht. The radical Wing 100 concept is designed to be a true sailing yacht, not 'sail assisted'

consommation yacht 100m

A dream team of superyacht heavyweights have collaborated to produce this ambitious future-proofed megayacht sailing concept, one which, if built, would rank in the top five largest sailing yachts in the world.

The famed Dutch yard Royal Huisman worked with big rig specialists Dykstra Naval Architects and British interior designer Mark Whitely to visualise this extraordinary 100m/330ft craft.  

Were it to be commissioned, it would be built in aluminium and is designed to be a true sailing yacht rather than a motoryacht with sails (such as Sailing Yacht A , the world’s largest at 142m). It’s also one that the design team predict can be easily handled thanks in part to its innovative airfoil wingmasts.  

consommation yacht 100m

The WING100 will be one of the top five biggest sailing yachts every built. Images: Royal Huisman

The relative simplicity of the push-button controlled sailing systems is also a factor which should help the project appeal to motorboaters wanting to reduce their environmental impact, thinks Royal Huisman.

It predicts that the efficiency of the rig means that WING 100 will consume less than 20% of the energy required by an equivalent motoryacht on passage, which equates to over 225,000lt of fuel per year.

The twin 73m free standing, rotating  wing masts would be built by Royal Huisman’s sister company Rondal. These have airfoil profiles, can be remotely adjusted to help increase or decrease power, and help to minimise deck clutter.

consommation yacht 100m

The bow has a 60-degree chamfer

The wing masts prioritise the ability to set sails quickly, easily and comfortably and incorporate 480m 2 of solar panels that can generate 250kW a day. The experience of Dykstra will be invaluable in the rig development thanks to its work with the ground-breaking and well proven DynaRig projects Maltese Falcon and Black Pearl .  

The Vollenhove yard is one of the only few capable of such a formidable project, having previously launched Athena (90m) and Sea Eagle II (81m) and with the 85m Project 410 currently in build.

“The emergence of sailing yachts on this scale, with the level of energy efficiency and eco-responsibility offered by WING 100, would have been unthinkable just a decade ago”, states Royal Huisman CEO Jan Timmerman.  

consommation yacht 100m

WING 100 Specifications

LOA: 100m/330ft

Construction: aluminium

Air draught: 73m/239ft

Rig: Rondal carbon rig with Integrated Sailing System. Unstayed rotating wing masts, carbon furling booms

Speed: 24+ knots

Accommodation: 12 guests + nanny/governess + 16 crew

Design & interior: Dykstra Naval Architects/Mark Whiteley Design

Builder: Royal Huisman


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  1. How Much Fuel Does a Yacht Use? An In-Depth Analysis

    For a 70-foot yacht cruising at a moderate speed of 20 knots, fuel consumption could be around 50 gallons per hour. If you’re planning a 100-mile journey, at 20 knots, it would take you approximately 5 hours. This means the total fuel consumption for the trip could be around 250 gallons.

  2. Combien coûte un méga-yacht et son entretien ? - Voile & Moteur

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  3. Superyacht Cost Calculator

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  4. Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien - Annonces du Bateau

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  5. Yachts And Fuel – How Much Do They Really Consume?

    This would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles. Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage.

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  7. Boat Fuel Calculator and Consumption List | Yachts Zenith

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    100m+ Yachts. There are currently over 10,800 yachts afloat. The longest yacht in the world is Azzam, measuring 180.61m (592'7‘). She was built in 2013 by Lürssen. The largest yacht in the world is Fulk Al Salamah, built by Mariotti in 2016, with a volume of 20,361 GT. On average, yachts are 36m long with a volume of 341 GT.

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