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Course Outline

  • The Rules of the Road
  • Important Definitions
  • Required Sound Signaling Equipment
  • Sounding Off - When and How to Use Sound Signals
  • The Rule of Responsibility
  • Proper Lookout
  • Rules for Avoiding Collisions
  • Overtaking a Power-Driven Vessel
  • Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel Head On
  • Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel From the Side
  • Approaching a Sailing Vessel
  • Approaching Another Sailing Vessel
  • Operating in Heavy Traffic
  • Operating in Narrow Channels
  • Operating in Darkness - Part 1
  • Operating in Darkness - Part 2

Operating in Restricted Visibility

  • Visual Distress Signals
  • Marine Distress Signals - Anytime Use
  • Marine Distress Signals - Daytime Use
  • Pyrotechnic Visual Distress Signals
  • Non-Pyrotechnic Visual Distress Signals
  • Pyrotechnic Equipment Storage and Handling
  • Number of Required Visual Distress Signals
  • Aids to Navigation
  • Uniform State Waterways Marking System - Part 1
  • Uniform State Waterways Marking System - Part 2
  • Intercoastal Waterway Markers
  • Western River Markers
  • Docking Mooring
  • Anchoring - Part 1
  • Anchoring - Part 2

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During periods of restricted visibility (such as rain, mist, heavy fog, or hours of darkness), you should slow to minimum speed to give your vessel an opportunity to maneuver should the risk of a collision arise.

Underway Prolonged blast every 2 minutes
Underway Prolonged blast + two short blasts every 2 minutes
Underway but not moving Two prolonged blasts every 2 minutes
Anchored 5 seconds of rapid bell ringing every minute
Run aground 3 bell strokes + 5 seconds of rapid bell ringing + 3 bell strokes every minute

Unless the risk of a collision is present, you should reduce your speed to the minimum you need in order to keep on course when you hear any of the sound signals above.

a man on a boat with navigation lights visible

Navigation Lights

  • You are required to display the appropriate lights at night or during times of reduced visibility.

Navigation lights are used to prevent collisions at night or in times of reduced visibility, and are an essential tool in keeping you and your vessel safe. Nav lights allow you to see other nearby vessels, and allow other vessels to see you.

Nav lights also provide information about the size, activity, and direction of travel. By understanding the characteristics of Nav lights, you can determine an appropriate course of action as you approach another vessel.

On any vessel, navigation lights have a specific color, (white, red, green, yellow, blue), arc of illumination, range of visibility, and location, as required by law and regulations. For the purposes of this course, we will concentrate on pleasure boats under 65 feet in length. Knowledge of navigation lights is important to a small-boat skipper for separate, but important, reasons.

  • You are legally responsible for displaying lights of the proper color, intensity, location and visibility on your boat.
  • Knowing the type and heading of another boat.

Legal Requirements

Vessels are required to show the proper navigation lights from sunset to sunrise in all weather conditions, good and bad. During these times, no other lights that could be mistaken for lights specified in the Rules of the Road can be displayed, nor any lights that impair the visibility or distinctive character of navigation lights, or interfere with the keeping of a proper lookout. The Rules also state that navigation lights must be shown in conditions of reduced visibility, and may be shown at other times considered necessary.

It's Your Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of a vessel that she show the proper navigation lights for her size and the waters in which she is operating. It is not the responsibility of the manufacturer, importer, or selling dealer. Many boats are delivered with lights that do not meet legal requirements with respect to technical characteristics or placement on the vessel. Remember also, that the angles of visibility must be met when the boat is underway-if your boat rides at a significant bow-up angle, take that into consideration when installing and/or checking your lights.

Navigation Lights for Powerboats

Power driven vessels underway shall exhibit a masthead light forward, sidelights and a stern light. Vessels less than 12 meters in length may exhibit an all around white light and side lights. Power driven boats on the Great Lakes may carry an all around white light in stead of a second masthead light and stern light combination.

a diagram of a boat with lights

Sidelights - Colored lights - red on port and green on starboard - showing an unbroken arc of the horizon of 112.5 degrees, from dead ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side.

Combination lights - Sidelights may be combined in a single fixture carried at the centerline of the vessel.

Stern light - A white light showing over an unbroken arc of the horizon of 135 degrees, centered on dead astern.

Navigation Lights for Sailing

a diagram of a sailboat with lights

A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length shall, if practicable, exhibit regular navigation lights, but if not practical, she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Diving Lights

Another light display that you may see in resort areas, or waters that have wrecks or reefs, is the night diving configuration. This has three vertical masthead lights, that have a red-white-red sequence. You must maintain a good distance from these vessels, and you should also be aware that there may be divers near you.

Interpreting what you see

a diagram of a sailboat with lights

It's great that you're learning the basics of lights - what is required and when they're required. But, this in only the beginning. You must also learn how to interpret the navigation lights that you see when you are underway at night- and for your safety-learn it well.

For instance, if you see a vessel approaching that shows a light pattern such as the ones to the right, you immediately know that you are in a crossing situation, and that you must yield to the other vessel - that's why it is red.

a diagram of a sailboat with lights

Seeing a green light over a white light indicates a fishing vessel actively trawling. You not only need to avoid the vessel, but you also need to remember that it could potentially have a very large net deployed that you will also need to avoid.

And there are numerous other lights and combinations of lights that you must be able to instantly recognize - the lights for a sailboat that is privileged over a motorboat, the special lights of various fishing vessels, a dredge or a vessel not under command. Study the requirements for navigation from the viewpoint of a "looker" as well as a boat owner.

Power Boats

Introduction Thumbnail


Operating Safely & Responsibly Thumbnail

Operating Safely & Responsibly

Life Jackets Thumbnail

Life Jackets

Children on Board Thumbnail

Children on Board

Basic Navigation Thumbnail

Basic Navigation

Good Practices Thumbnail

Good Practices

Tow Sport Safety Thumbnail

Tow Sport Safety

Falls Overboard Thumbnail

Falls Overboard

Carbon Monoxide Thumbnail

Carbon Monoxide

Awareness Zone & Propellers Thumbnail

Awareness Zone & Propellers

Anchoring Thumbnail

Fire & Explosions

Local Navigation and Laws Thumbnail

Local Navigation and Laws

The Environment Thumbnail

The Environment

Tiller-Steered Fishing Boat Thumbnail

Tiller-Steered Fishing Boat

Wheel-Steered Boat Thumbnail

  • Wheel-Steered Boat

Ski & Runabout Boats Thumbnail

Ski & Runabout Boats

Pontoon & Deck Boats Thumbnail

Pontoon & Deck Boats

Conclusion Thumbnail

  • Getting Started
  • Watch the Videos
  • Take the Test
  • Tiller-Steered Boat
  • Pontoon / Deckboat
  • Ski / Runabout
  • Request a Video Copy
  • Difficulty Viewing?

Power Boats What You Need to Know

Watch a set of brief educational videos on general boating safety, followed by a boat-specific segment that covers the particular safety concerns for many popular boats! Such as Tiller Steered Boats, Wheel Steered Boats, Ski/Runabouts, Pontoon Boats, and House/Cabin Boats.

In less than twenty minutes, you will cover all aspects of basic rental boat safety! A twenty five question assessment is also available for you to take and review how much you've learned.

Be sure to watch all the  videos above  before beginning the assessment.

Please log in to take the assessment.

All boaters' number one goal should be:.

  • To experience less than one accident per five passengers on board
  • To have a fun time on the water
  • To prevent only fatal accidents
  • To experience zero accidents

Which of the following is an example of safe and responsible boating behavior?

  • Refraining from the use of alcohol or drugs when operating a boat
  • Practicing adventurous water skiing/tow sport practices
  • Using excessive speed in the vicinity of other boats or in dangerous waters
  • Bow-riding or riding on seatbacks, gunwales, or the transom

What is the single best practice to prevent drowning?

  • Operate the boat at a safe speed to prevent passengers from falling overboard
  • Ensure you don't swim in deep waters
  • Practice swimming regularly to ensure you are in good physical shape
  • Wear a properly-fitted, Coast Guard approved life jacket

How many wearable, properly-fitted Coast Guard approved life jackets should be on board your boat?

  • One for every passenger on board
  • At least five
  • Enough for each child on board
  • As many as can fit in the stow areas

When should children wear life jackets on board your boat?

  • Only when the boat is moving
  • At all times
  • When the child is tired/sleepy

Most collisions on a boat happen as a result of:

  • Too many boats on the water
  • Inclement weather
  • Poor visibility on the water
  • Excessive speed and operator inattention

If possible, if another boat is coming at you head on, you should:

  • Steer right (starboard)
  • Do nothing - let the other boat yield to your boat
  • Speed up to get around the boat

As a motor-boat or power-driven boat operator, it is your responsibility to yield to the following types of boats:

  • All non-motorized boats
  • Only sailboats
  • Only canoes
  • Only kayaks

You are required to display lights on your boat in the following conditions:

  • Only at night when it is dark
  • Only when you think you need lights to see
  • Between sunset and sunrise and anytime visibility is poor
  • Only in inclement weather

What is the universal sign for danger or need for assistance?

  • Five short blasts on the horn
  • One long blast on the horn
  • Three short blasts on the horn
  • Three short blasts on the horn, followed by two long blasts

When operating a boat, when should you have your appointed lookouts in place?

  • Once you have left the dock
  • Only when visibility is a concern
  • Before you start the motor
  • Before all passengers board the boat

Too much weight or uneven distribution of weight on your boat:

  • Is not a concern - your boat should be able to handle it
  • Is a great way for a boat operator to test his/her boating skills
  • Can cause the boat to swamp or capsize, and the boat can become difficult to control
  • Is only a hazard if the boat operator is inexperienced or distracted

Which of the following statements regarding tow sport safety is incorrect?

  • If the ladder is not easily accessible, it is completely fine to use the boat's propeller to reenter the boat
  • Make sure that the operator and lookout always keep the person being towed in view
  • Turn the motor off well before approaching the person, and leave it off until the passenger is back safely in the boat
  • Use a tow rope that is at least 30 feet long

Which of the following statements are true regarding onboard safety?

  • There are no restrictions or safety concerns for passengers on a moving boat, as long as the driver is operating at a safe speed.
  • If a passenger must move around the boat while it is in motion, stay in contact with the boat at all times, keeping a firm grip on the rail or other solid part of the boat
  • It is perfectly fine for people to walk around the boat freely when it is moving, as long as the person is wearing a life jacket
  • Children are the only passengers that need to consider following additional safety measures on a moving boat

When can a passenger safely enter the boat’s “awareness zone,” (front, sides, rear, swim platform, and 30 feet of water around boat)?

  • When the boat motor is turned off
  • When the boat motor is turned off and the keys are removed
  • When the boat motor is turned off, the keys are removed, and you have counted to ten

A boat should always be anchored from which section?

  • Any section of the boat is fine
  • The gunwales

What should you do if you fall into cold water to reduce risk of hypothermia?

  • Float on your back to ensure most of your body is above water
  • Dog paddle under the surface of the water to stay warm
  • Swim vigorously, ensuring that you keep your heart rate up to maintain a safe body temperature
  • Hold your knees to your chest and wrap your arms across your chest, hugging your life jacket

If you are unsure about local navigation and laws, you should:

  • Not go boating
  • Don’t worry about them if you’re a skilled boater
  • Ask your boat rental company to explain any hazards that may exist in your area of operation
  • Keep an extra careful eye out when you enter the water

The rule, “Boat it in, Boat it out” refers to:

  • Time of day that you are allowed to boat
  • The laws against littering on the water
  • How many passengers may board your boat
  • Number of boats allowed on the water

When operating a tiller-steered fishing boat, it is important to:

  • Make abrupt steering movements when necessary to balance out the boat’s weight
  • Always start the engine in gear
  • Ensure you don’t slow down or turn too quickly to prevent the boat from swamping or capsizing
  • Keep the engine running while cleaning the prop

When operating a wheel-steered boat for fishing, which of the following statements are false:

  • Ensure you stow items not being used
  • Keep all of your fishing gear out and close at hand, even if you’re not using it.
  • Be careful where you cast your line to prevent injury to others
  • Be careful moving about the boat, as there are usually more trip hazards in general

Which of the following statements is false? When operating a runabout boat, hazards are most often related to:

  • The number of people in the boat
  • Turning too quickly at high speeds
  • Encountering another boat’s wake
  • The boat’s power and speed capabilities, and not being able to stop quickly enough

When operating a pontoon boat, which of the following statements is accurate?

  • There is no person capacity on your boat as long as you have enough properly fitted, Coast Guard approved life jackets on board for each passenger
  • Never allow passengers to ride on the platform at the front of the boat, as a slip and fall can funnel them directly into the engine
  • Diving is a fun activity from a pontoon, and as long as you are in deep water, there are no additional hazards to consider
  • If you exceed the weight capacity of your boat, there is no concern as long as you travel at a slower than normal speed

When operating a houseboat, which of the following statements is false?

  • Always take a head count of passengers before starting the motor
  • Be sure that the boat is anchored before swimming, and ensure a qualified operator remains on board an unanchored boat
  • Do not run the generator exhaust when swimmers are in the water
  • Diving from a moving boat is fine as long as the boat is in deep water

Ultimately, boating safety depends primarily on:

  • The Boating Law Administrators in my state
  • My boat rental company and the boating manufacturer
  • The water conditions and the weather
  • Me, the boat operator

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Danger Zone

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Oh due tell.. Who will be supporting that ride??  

powerboat danger zone

that is a nice skater  

powerboat danger zone

Is that the same danager zone w/ twin 900 sc's on offshore only?  

powerboat danger zone

Tell more info.  

Is it the same boat from Florida in the Rick Ross Speeding Video???????  

Speedwake said: The 36' Skater 'Danger Zone' has a new home and you'll be seeing it in North Eat MD this summer... Click to expand...
TalkinTrash said: Is that the same danager zone w/ twin 900 sc's on offshore only? Click to expand...

Mario - see your new name? It will get a few upgrades before boating season arrives. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I do see that... Thanks so much for that... So I will speculate... Trainors or Ted.... I know both are looking or I should say Both were talking about CATS..' The mystery begins...  

there has been a red 43 nor tech cat in fort lauderdale for the last 3 years called danger zone that was just converted from a hardtop to a roadster. Boat has 1150 nor tech power. I guess now there are two  


Tire Wheel Car Vehicle Sky

I was sitting in the back seat off of north miami with 4 other people. Randy Sweers of Fastboats was driving  

Speedometer Plant Trip computer Odometer Tachometer

bgchuby01 said: there has been a red 43 nor tech cat in fort lauderdale for the last 3 years called danger zone that was just converted from a hardtop to a roadster. Boat has 1150 nor tech power. I guess now there are two Click to expand...

I guess someone else also is using the same name, cool name for a boat  

Wheel Tire Sky Vehicle Car

Paul Merrick... Do I win a Prize??  

powerboat danger zone

LiquidVitamin said: This was the 1st Danger Zone since it is an 01' It is currently in the shop at Links Marine.. I will say the new owner is now a 6 boat owner if that tells you anything Click to expand...

Boat Vehicle Wheel Watercraft Motor vehicle

links said: Click to expand...
LiquidVitamin said: I will say the new owner is now a 6 boat owner if that tells you anything Click to expand...
American Pride said: I'm guessing Bud Tresch traded/sold On the Prowl and bought Danger Zone. I saw a different cat backing into Bud's garage behind my house a while ago. Just a guess though....... Click to expand...

Whoa...that is one clean area she is sitting in...I guess we can say you are prepping her for surgery :winker:  

Jakewood said: Whoa...that is one clean area she is sitting in...I guess we can say you are prepping her for surgery :winker: Click to expand...

powerboat danger zone

links said: DANGER ZONE'S New home will be here for a while ... Click to expand...
LiquidVitamin said: It's all brand new!!! Links just finished a Major Renovation of his new shop he took over a few short months ago. It's an awesome facility which can pretty much accomodate any size performance boat. He fit's a 43' Nortech Super Cat in there no problem I would say he's 98-99% complete. Click to expand...
links said: I would like to thank those that helped with the renovation process! You all know how you are. Thanx :thanks: Click to expand...
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Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution.

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Russia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory june 27, 2024, russia - level 4: do not travel.

Reissued after periodic review with minor edits.

Do not travel to Russia due to the consequences of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces. U.S. citizens may face harassment or detention by Russian security officials, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, limited flights into and out of Russia, and the possibility of terrorism. The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia. The Department has determined that there is a continued risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals by Russian authorities. U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should leave immediately.

The U.S. government has limited ability to help U.S. citizens in Russia, especially outside of Moscow. The U.S. Embassy is operating with reduced staffing, and the Russian government has restricted travel for embassy personnel. Furthermore, all U.S. consulates in Russia have suspended operations, including consular services.

There have been reports of drone attacks and explosions near the border with Ukraine as well as in Moscow, Kazan, and St. Petersburg. In an emergency, you should follow instructions from local authorities and seek shelter.

Russia may refuse to recognize your U.S. citizenship if you are a dual U.S.-Russian citizen or have a claim to Russian citizenship. Russia has denied consular officers visits to detained dual U.S.-Russian citizens. The Russian government has forced citizens with dual nationality to join the Russian military and prevented them from leaving the country. In 2022, the Russian government mobilized citizens for its invasion of Ukraine. Military conscription continues.

In Russia, the rights to peaceful assembly and free speech are not always protected. U.S. citizens should avoid protests and taking photos of security staff at these events. Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who joined protests. Moreover, there are many reports of Russians being detained for social media posts.

U.S. citizens should know that U.S. credit and debit cards no longer work in Russia. Due to sanctions, sending electronic money transfers from the U.S. to Russia is nearly impossible.

Commercial flight options are minimal and are often unavailable on short notice. If you wish to depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements. The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in leaving the country, and transportation options may suddenly become even more restricted.

Click  here  for Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking to Depart Russia.

U.S. Embassy staff generally are not allowed to fly on Russian airlines due to safety concerns. Recently, the FAA downgraded Russia's air safety rating from Category 1 to Category 2. Additionally, the FAA banned U.S. flights in some Russian areas, including the Moscow Flight Information Region (FIR), the Samara FIR (UWWW), and the Rostov-na-Donu (URRV) FIR within 160NM of the boundaries of the Dnipro (UKDV) Flight Information Regions. Check the FAA's Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices for more information.

Country Summary: 

Russian officials have interrogated and threatened U.S. citizens without cause. This includes former and current U.S. government and military personnel and private U.S. citizens engaged in business. U.S. citizens may become victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion.

Russian authorities may not notify the U.S. Embassy about the detention of a U.S. citizen and may delay U.S. consular assistance. Russian security services also target foreign and international organizations they consider “undesirable.”

Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on false charges, denied them fair treatment, and convicted them without credible evidence. Furthermore, Russian authorities have opened questionable investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Russia.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has destabilized security in southwestern Russia. In October 2022, the Russian government declared martial law in the following border areas with Ukraine: Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, and Krasnodar. Under martial law, authorities can set curfews, seize property, and restrict movement. The Russian government may detain foreigners, forcibly relocate residents, and limit public gatherings. U.S. citizens should avoid all travel to these areas.

Russian authorities have questioned, detained, and arrested people for “acting against Russia's interests.” Local authorities have targeted people for posting on social media or supporting "anti-Russian" groups and punished individuals for criticizing the government or military. The Russian government's current "LGBT propaganda" law bans discussion of LGBTQI+ related topics. In November 2023, the Supreme Court labeled the so-called "international LGBT movement" as extremist. This decision effectively made it a crime to support the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons in Russia.

Terrorists continue to plan attacks in Russia. The March 2024 Crocus City Hall incident proved they can strike suddenly. Terrorists may target tourist areas, transport hubs, and markets. They may also target government buildings, hotels, clubs, restaurants, and places of worship. Parks, events, schools, and airports are also potential targets.  U.S. government employees under Embassy (Chief of Mission) security responsibility are not permitted to travel to the North Caucasus, including Chechnya and Mt. Elbrus. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to those areas.

The international community does not recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea and does not acknowledge Russia’s purported annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya. Russia staged its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in part, from occupied Crimea and there is a heavy Russian military presence in these areas. There is intense fighting across these regions and Russian authorities there have abused both foreigners and locals. Authorities have specifically targeted individuals who are seen as challenging Russia’s authority.

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv administers consular services to U.S. citizens in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya. However, the conflict limits the Embassy's ability to help U.S. citizens in these areas.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Russia.

If you decide to travel to Russia:

  • Read the information on what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in an emergency overseas .
  • Consider the risks involved in having dual U.S.- Russian nationality.
  • Have a contingency plan in place that does not rely on U.S. government help. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Follow news for any important events and update your plans based on the new information.
  • Ensure travel documents are valid and easily accessible.
  • Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This will allow you to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Russia.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

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Let us use long-range weapons, Zelenskyy says after Ukraine strikes 3rd Kursk bridge

Portrait of Jorge L. Ortiz

Ukrainian forces appear to have struck a third bridge in their continued campaign to disrupt supply lines in the Kursk region of Russia they have invaded, as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed Monday for allies to allow their weapons to be used for deeper incursions into Russian territory.

Moscow reported damage from an Ukrainian attack on a third bridge over the Seym River, which courses through the province where the warring nations have been battling since Ukraine's shocking intrusion across its northeast border with Russia on Aug. 6. Kyiv has not commented on the third bridge attack, but one of its commanders acknowledged the first two.

Speaking to the heads of Ukraine's foreign diplomatic missions Monday in Dnipro, Zelenskyy said Kyiv's forces have taken control of 92 settlements and more than 480 square miles in Kursk. The invasion drove close to 200,000 Russians from their homes.

While Moscow diverted troops from battlefields in Ukraine to defend Kursk, so far President Vladimir Putin hasn't responded in overwhelming fashion to the largest invasion of Russia since World War II. Zelenskyy offered that as evidence that supporting countries like the U.S. should not fear provoking President Vladimir Putin by providing Ukraine weapons that could strike into Russian soil.

One week in Kursk : Maps, satellite images show evolution of Ukrainian incursion as Russia builds trenches, Ukraine destroys bridges

"Putin's response to the Kursk operation demonstrates that there is no rational reason to deny us true long-range capabilities,'' Zelenskyy said. "The situation on the Donetsk front (in eastern Ukraine) is such that any further delay by our partners in this matter effectively supports Russia’s offensive potential.''

Zelenskyy also said lacking those capabilities is the only obstacle to stopping Russian frontline advances. Russia has claimed about 20% of Ukrainian territory in the east since the war started, and Zelenskyy said Sunday the Kursk incursion was meant as a way to establish a "buffer zone'' to prevent attacks by Moscow.

"If our partners lifted current restrictions on the use of weapons on Russian territory,'' he said, "we wouldn’t need to physically enter the Kursk region to protect our border communities and eliminate Russia’s potential for aggression."


∎ Ukraine is struggling to fight off Russian advances in the eastern city of Pokrovsk, a transportation hub. Serhiy Dobriak, head of the local military administration, said the Russians have closed to within six miles of the city's outskirts.

∎ Denmark announced it's sending Ukraine a 20th military aid package, this one worth $115 million, and said the weapons can be used in Ukraine's battles in Kursk, the Kyiv Independent reported .

No peace talks for now, but pro-Russian terms still on table

The Ukrainian invasion of Kursk will impede peace talks − which were not going anywhere regardless − but won't prompt Putin to back away from his most recent proposal to the end war, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said Monday.

Ushakov said the stunning cross-border attack, an embarrassment to the Russian military, would freeze negotiations for an indefinite time that will be determined by future developments, including what happens on the battlefield.

In June, Putin said the war would end if Ukraine gave up its quest to join NATO and signed off on Russian claims of annexing four eastern provinces, a proposal Kyiv summarily rejected.

Ushakov said those terms are still on the table, "But at this point, of course, it would be completely inappropriate to enter into any kind of negotiation process."

India's Modi to visit Kyiv weeks after hugging Putin

Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, which has continued buying Russian oil during the war despite Western opposition, will visit Kyiv on Friday, Zelenskyy's office confirmed Monday.

The trip to Ukraine by an Indian leader, the first since the countries established diplomatic relations more than 30 years ago, was touted as "landmark and historic" by India's foreign ministry.

It's also an attempt at a balancing act by Modi, who was severely criticized when he hugged Putin during a July 8-9 visit to Moscow that coincided with a Russian strike on an Ukrainian children's hospital, which killed dozens. Modi, who has taken a mostly neutral stance on the war, implicitly rebuked Putin for the attack.

"This is an important visit that is expected to catalyze our ties in a whole range of sectors," said Tanmaya Lal, India's foreign secretary for the West, adding that the war would be among the topics of discussion.

"Lasting peace can only be achieved through options that are acceptable to both parties,'' Lal said. "And it can only be a negotiated settlement."

Contributing: Reuters


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Is Moscow Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Moscow, Russia

On Feb. 24, 2022, Russia invaded its neighbor country Ukraine, starting a war between these two countries.

This act of invasion caused many Ukrainians to flee their country and seek shelter in places like Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, etc…

At this time, we recommend no travel to Russia or Ukraine, or any neighboring countries for your own safety.

Russia : Safety by City

  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Novosibirsk
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Yekaterinburg

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is a political, scientific, historical, architectural and business center of this huge country.

It’s one of the most visited places in Russia, and for good reason.

The best-known parts of Russia are concentrated precisely in the urban areas and cities like Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Moscow’s history attracts the most tourists, as they are fascinated by it is a surreal and sometimes brutal but nevertheless thrilling and jaw-dropping national story.

In this city, visited by 17 million tourists annually, the history, told in its numerous museums, some of which are the world’s greatest, interacts with modernity.

For example, in the Garden of Fallen Monuments (Fallen Monument Park), you can see entire clusters of modern art contrasting with the very non-conceptual Communist monuments.

  • Warnings & Dangers in Moscow


Generally speaking, Moscow today is safe as much as other cities in Europe, despite its problematic history with criminal activity in the 90s. However, if you’re planning on traveling to Moscow, keep in mind that you should always keep your guard up and remain aware of your surroundings, just in case.


Generally speaking, transportation in Moscow is safe, but you should bear in mind that kidnappings have been known to happen, mostly in unlicensed taxis, so be careful when hailing one on the streets. Keep in mind that the most dangerous areas where small crime tends to occur are the underground walkways, called “perekhods”. Only use official services like Yandex Taxi, Uber or Gett taxi.


Pickpocketing is very common in Moscow, and surprisingly it is mostly performed by groups of children. Pay attention to your belongings, don’t leave them in plain sight and be especially careful in crowded places like stations or near tourist attractions.


Moscow isn’t particularly susceptible to natural disasters. Some blizzards and snowstorms are possible during winter which can affect the traffic and delay your flights. During winter, be prepared to face the below-freezing temperatures.


The situation improved drastically when it comes to kidnappings and muggings. Generally, never accept free drinks or food when you’re in a club or a bar. Drink spiking and then attacking and robbing the victim have been reported on numerous occasions.


After the recent terrorist attack in the subway in St. Petersburg the probability of this situation happening again in Moscow is very high.


There are many scams in Moscow, usually performed by children trying to distract you and then steal some money from you. Never talk to strange kids on the street. Also, you should avoid playing street gambling games.


Women are generally safe in Moscow, though you should avoid finding yourself alone in clubs or bars, and of course, apply all normal precaution measures like avoiding remote and poorly lit streets and areas.

  • So... How Safe Is Moscow Really?

Moscow experienced a rise when it came to crime rates during the 1990s.

Violent crime, as well as petty crime and scams,  had increased, but the biggest part of the violence was within the criminal groups themselves, and it didn’t affect foreigners that much.

However, it decreased since the 90s, so right now, for tourists, Moscow isn’t more dangerous than any other European city, it’s even less so.

The crime rate in Moscow is fairly lower than one in New York, London or Paris, so you should feel safe here.

Also, you can count on the officials to be uncorrupted – don’t ever try to bribe them: you will be charged with bribery.

Bear in mind that if you are a member of the LGBT community, there is no reason to avoid Moscow altogether but you should refrain from any public displays of affection.

As of June 2013, “homosexual propaganda to minors” is prohibited, which means that any discussion of gay rights or homosexuality issues in the presence of minors is punishable by law.

While you walk around Moscow, you might encounter police officials that may demand to see your papers to check if you have been registered within 7 business days of your arrival into Moscow.

You shouldn’t have any problems with this, because if you stay in a hotel then you are automatically registered and will be handed a confirmation paper.

  • How Does Moscow Compare?
CitySafety Index
  • Useful Information

Most countries do need a visa to enter Russia, and if you’re a U.S. citizen you must possess both a valid U.S. passport and a bona fide visa issued by a Russian Embassy or Consulate. None of the nationals that do need a visa can acquire one upon arrival, so make sure you apply for your visa in advance. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.

The Russian ruble is the official currency in Moscow. ATMs are widespread throughout the country and credit cards are accepted everywhere.

Moscow has a highly continental influenced climate characterized by warm to hot and dry summers and extremely cold, freezing winters with temperatures as low as -30°C – sometimes even lower, with heavy snowfall.

Sheremetyevo International Airport is the Russian busiest international airport. It is located in Molzhaninovsky District, Northern Administrative Okrug, in Moscow, about 29 km northwest of central Moscow.

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we advise getting travel insurance when traveling to Moscow, because it would cover not only medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Moscow Weather Averages (Temperatures)

  • Average High/Low Temperature
Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Russia - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
  • Where to Next?


9 Reviews on Moscow

That's just not true.

The person who wrote the text obviously have never been in Moscow and in Russia at all. This is ridiculous. Even about pickpocketing, the risk at most is medium, mugging is zero in historical places but is pretty high in sleeping quarters

Your rating is only two stars for safety though? So I am confused. Are you rating the article to be in poor taste?

I went to Moscow in 2021. I enjoyed the trip. I felt there were “unsafe areas” so I avoided them. So long as you know where you are going and don’t insult the locals, you should be fine.

51% safe?! Is this out of date?

Moscow and Russia in general are MUCH SAFER than Paris or London, yet those latter are more than 15 points ahead?!

Hell, it’s even admitted in the above text: “Moscow isn’t more dangerous than any other European city, IT’S EVEN LESS SO.” Yeah, you bet! And then: “the crime rate in Moscow is fairly lower than one in New York, London or Paris, so you should feel safe here.” So why the low rating? I don’t get it.

Also, the latest terrorist attack in Moscow happened in 2010… so how can you honestly say that the risk is still “high”? Especially for the fact Russia is very much on the edge when it comes to fighting terrorism domestically and over the world.

Sure, it might not be ideal everywhere in Moscow, but it’s WAY SAFER than in Paris, especially at night. You just can’t go out in Paris after the evening anymore, in most areas (I got assaulted for no reason at Châtelet-les-Halles and taking the RER train at dark is becoming more and more risky)… while in Moscow, chances are that you’ll see girls in miniskirts walking home while quietly singing. Or maybe you’ll stumble upon some gorgeous lady asking you for a lighter and then giving you her number for a coffee the next day. So very dangerous!

I sense a serious bias, here. Is it because of that LGBT thing? Could you pick a more extreme case? Yeah, you can totally be gay in Russia, just be so in private. There even are transsexuals, but this is a traditional and respectable country, so you should respect their choice of not publicizing various sexual lifestyles.

Moscow and Saint Petersburg are safe

Moscow and Saint Petersburg are very safe in my opinion! I’ve been to both cities visiting family! There are so many people out on the streets and on public transportation- I felt very safe! You need to change your ratings!!

Any update on Covid-19 to visit Moscow

I visited 118 country and Moscow one of the safest city I have been, st Petersburg as well, I read this article hoping to find any update on covid-19 restrictions upon arrival, so if anyone can update I’m planning to visit Moscow again but I need to know if quarentain is required or mandatory, anyone can share, cheers.

In Russia nobody cares, masks off. I dont know if fiew thousands of infected per day are high for you though. I was never arrested for not wearing mask, but you have to have it on you. Sometimes cops ask to put mask, you just do that and everything ok, some shops can refuse to do service if you dont have mask. I assume they pressured by boss, so just put on mask, they can give you gloves and dont cause any problems.

Written by someone who never visited Russia

A veer biased review. Moscow or St. Petersburg for being such brilliant truly cosmopolitan cities are extremely safe. Pickpocketing in Russia?! By children?! Who wrote this? Clearly by someone who has never been to the great country of Russia.

Have never been there. But wish me well

Bias review, Moscow is much safer than that!

This review is so bias and just wrong! First of all apart from being a political, scientific and etc center, it is an absolutely beautiful city and a very culturally rich city. For tourists there’s a huge range of delicious food, amazing shopping, a lot of cultural activities, and all sorts of entertainment. I’ve travelled there in December 2019, and most of the time I spent walking around and exploring by myself, be it during day time or night, nothing happened to me once. I mostly used subways and sometimes taxi, both safe. Just have a common sense when it comes to safety and you’ll be fine. You need to travel there at least once in a lifetime, it’s a completely different experience and it’s a beautiful one, NOT a communistic terrorist epicenter as some describe it to be.

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Article Contents

  • Moscow : Safety by City
  • Overall Risk
  • Transport & Taxis Risk
  • Pickpockets Risk
  • Natural Disasters Risk
  • Mugging Risk
  • Terrorism Risk
  • Women Travelers Risk
  • Weather Averages (Temperatures)
  • User Reviews
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Ukraine targets Moscow in massive drone attack, one of largest since war began

R ussian defenses shot down dozens of armed drones, including several in the Moscow region, in one of the biggest assaults on Russian territory since the war began, Russian authorities said Wednesday.

Some of the drones were shot down over Podolsk, a city of more than 300,000 people about 20 miles south of the Kremlin, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

"This is one of the largest attempts to attack Moscow using drones ever," Sobyanin said in a social media post Wednesday. "The layered defense of Moscow that was created made it possible to successfully repel all the attacks."

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The assault comes four days after a drone attack in the Russian border region of Rostov ignited a massive fire at a fuel depot. Russian Orthodox priests visited the scene Wednesday, leading prayers for hundreds of firefighters still battling the blaze.

The Defense Ministry said it destroyed 45 drones over Russian territory early Wednesday, including 11 over the Moscow region. The rest were shot down over the border regions of Bryansk, Belgorod, Kaluga and Kursk.

Belgorod has been a frequent target of Ukrainian shelling, and Kyiv forces seized almost 500 square miles in Kursk and took hundreds of Russian soldiers prisoner in an incursion two weeks ago.


∎ Russian missiles and drones have hit almost 12,000 buildings in Ukraine since the war began, more than half of them civilian, said Oleksandr Syrskyi, commander of Ukraine armed forces. 

∎ The Netherlands will provide Ukraine with more than 50 mobile radar units by the end of the year to strengthen air defenses, the Netherlands Defense Ministry announced.

∎ Russian authorities closed airports and restricted airspace in the northwestern province of Murmansk, Russia's state-run TASS news agency reported. Murmansk Gov. Andrey Chibis said a drone threat had been detected.

∎ The Kremlin is using propaganda to prepare Russians for a new normal that will include seizure of some border territory, the independent Russian website Meduza reported. The government wants Russians to realize that areas of Kursk seized by Ukraine may not be taken back soon, according to Meduza, which publishes in Latvia.

Ukraine incursion: Zelenskyy says Ukraine creating 'buffer zone' in Russia to prevent attacks

Ukraine Independence Day could bring Russian shelling

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv warned of an increased risk of round-the-clock Russian drone and missile attacks across Ukraine over the next several days in connection with Ukraine’s Independence Day on Saturday. The embassy urged Americans in Ukraine to monitor local media for updates, identify shelter locations in advance of any air alert and immediately take shelter if an air alert is announced, and follow the directions of first responders in the event of an emergency.

NATO members are leading an international campaign to Make Noise For Ukraine on Ukrainian Independence Day. People are urged to post a video making noise for Ukraine on social media with the hashtag #MakeNoiseForUkraine. Supporters are asked to clap, cheer, play an instrument, sing a song, stomp feet or ring a bell. Also suggested: Shouting ‘Slava Ukraini!’ – Glory to Ukraine!

Report: Russia scrambling to meet troop needs

Russia is developing new troop units and recruiting more personnel to sustain its war-by-attrition approach against Ukraine, the British Defense Ministry said in its latest assessment . It notes that personnel forming a new motor rifle regiment previously served as radar operators and other specialist roles. The high casualty rates resulting from troops not properly trained for battle mean Russia needs to continuously replenish front line infantry troops, the assessment added.

Those issues "almost certainly continue to limit Russia's ability to generate higher-capability units," the assessment said.

Russia refuses to negotiate with Zelenskyy government.

Ukraine’s offensive in Russia's Kursk Region has eliminated any chance of negotiations with the current government in Kyiv, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Wednesday. She dismissed President Volodymyr  Zelenskyy's apparent aims of creating a buffer zone to make it more difficult for the Russian military to attack and rejected claims the incursion would strengthen Kyiv's negotiating positions.

The stunning incursion two weeks ago drew praise from some U.S. senators who called for stepping up military aid to Ukraine, which has lost almost 20% of its territory to Russia forces since the invasion began in February 2022.

"Apparently, Zelenskyy’s aim is to use such appeals to the people to raise his plummeting rating, to prove his pseudo-legitimacy and to attract funding from the Western donors," she said. "Of course, this entire criminal scheme of the Kyiv regime was obviously doomed to fail from the outset."

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia's Security Council, went further, stating on social media that there could be no talks until Ukraine is "completely and utterly destroyed."

One week in Kursk: Maps show evolution of Ukrainian incursion as Russia builds trenches

Global atomic energy chief to visit Kursk plant

Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said he is prepared to tour the Kursk nuclear power plant by month's end, Zakharova said on Wednesday. The Russian Defense Ministry last week  accused  Ukraine of planning to attack the Kursk plant as part of its incursion into the region, an assertion Kyiv denied.

"We expect that an understanding of the danger that Ukrainian provocations against Russian nuclear power plants represent will prompt the IAEA's management to take concrete action to ensure safety," Zakharova said.

Contributing: Reuters

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Ukraine targets Moscow in massive drone attack, one of largest since war began

Zelenskyy says Ukraine creating 'buffer zone' in Russia to prevent attacks


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  1. Rules of the Road

    Danger (Give-Way) Zone. The green sector on your boat, that sector defined by your green sidelight, is your Danger Zone or your Give-Way Zone. ... The powerboat must take early and substantial action to keep clear of the sailboat. Rules of the Road for Sailboats. Sailboats under sail have their own rules and rights of way over each other.

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  3. Right-of-Way Rules for Boating BOATsmart! Knowledgebase

    Both powerboats and sailboats must take early and substantial action to keep clear of vessels engaged in fishing activities (those vessels operating with fishing nets and trawls) ... The Danger Zone-GiveWay Zone. Your starboard sector (the sector defined by your green starboard sidelight) is the 'Danger' or Give-Way Zone. When another ...

  4. Rules of the Road : BoatUS Foundation

    The Rules of the Road are published by the U. S. Government Printing Office, and are available in any boating supply stores. Every boat owner should have a copy, but they are mandatory to be kept on vessels over 12 meters (39.4 feet) in length. The Rules generally used in this course are Inland Rules, unless otherwise noted.

  5. Operating Rules For Power-driven Boats:...

    Port Sector: If a powerboat is approaching the port side of your boat, you are the stand-on vessel, and can maintain your course and speed. ... The Danger Zone-Give way zone. The starboard side of your boat or 'starboard sector', is also considered the 'Danger Zone' or 'Give-Way Zone', and is marked with your green starboard light

  6. Operating in Restricted Visibility

    Operating in Restricted Visibility. During periods of restricted visibility (such as rain, mist, heavy fog, or hours of darkness), you should slow to minimum speed to give your vessel an opportunity to maneuver should the risk of a collision arise. WHEN VISIBILITY IS RESTRICTED BY FOG OR SMOKE, ADDITIONAL SOUND SIGNALS ARE REQUIRED:

  7. Danger Zone 43 Nor-Tech GTR powerboat

    Nor-Tech's new canopy cat, Danger Zone

  8. Navigation Lights : BoatUS Foundation

    Navigation Lights for Powerboats. Power driven vessels underway shall exhibit a masthead light forward, sidelights and a stern light. Vessels less than 12 meters in length may exhibit an all around white light and side lights. Power driven boats on the Great Lakes may carry an all around white light in stead of a second masthead light and stern ...

  9. Power Boat Safety Training

    Hold your knees to your chest and wrap your arms across your chest, hugging your life jacket. Dog paddle under the surface of the water to stay warm. Swim vigorously, ensuring that you keep your heart rate up to maintain a safe body temperature. Float on your back to ensure most of your body is above water.

  10. Danger Zone

    Main Forums. Garage. Danger Zone

  11. BoatUS Foundation's

    Which of the following is true of a carburetor backfire flame arrestor? Prevents explosions on inboard gasoline engines. Boating safety advocates suggest that adults wear a life jacket during what activity? At all times when on the water. Which of the following items are required on a 12 foot inflatable dinghy?

  12. Danger Zone

    Danger Zone. Jump to Latest Follow 41 - 47 of 47 Posts. 1 2 3. O. OldMagicfloat · Banned. Joined ...

  13. danger zone

    Nor-Tech - danger zone - i took a plant tour last week at the nor tech plant, got a peek at the 43 cat danger zone with the retractable hard top, could be ready jan, first 1075 mec in. looks like this is going to be one bad cat. hats off to the folks at nor tech first class operation.

  14. Danger Zone

    189 posts · Joined 2005. #10 · Jan 15, 2009. there has been a red 43 nor tech cat in fort lauderdale for the last 3 years called danger zone that was just converted from a hardtop to a roadster. Boat has 1150 nor tech power. I guess now there are two.

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    Travel Advisory. June 27, 2024. Russia - Level 4: Do Not Travel. O D U T. Reissued after periodic review with minor edits. Do not travel to Russia due to the consequences of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces. U.S. citizens may face harassment or detention by Russian security officials, arbitrary enforcement of local ...

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    Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. Ukraine is siccing a fleet of robot dogs on Russian troops, including some four-legged terminators it hopes to use to conduct "kamikaze" attacks on ...

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    US officials say the goal of the operation is to create a "buffer zone" between Moscow and eastern Ukraine. Zelensky said the war unleashed by Russia 913 days ago violated not only "our ...

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  21. Is Moscow Safe for Travel RIGHT NOW? (2024 Safety Rating)

    OVERALL RISK: MEDIUM. Generally speaking, Moscow today is safe as much as other cities in Europe, despite its problematic history with criminal activity in the 90s. However, if you're planning on traveling to Moscow, keep in mind that you should always keep your guard up and remain aware of your surroundings, just in case.

  22. Russia-Ukraine war latest: Kyiv targets Moscow with largest ever ...

    Russia-Ukraine war latest: Kyiv targets Moscow with largest ever drone attack as it uses US rockets in Kursk - Russia claims its air defences have downed almost a dozen drones heading for capital

  23. Dangerzone

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  25. Ukraine targets Moscow in massive drone attack, one of largest ...

    Ukraine incursion: Zelenskyy says Ukraine creating 'buffer zone' in Russia to prevent attacks Ukraine Independence Day could bring Russian shelling. The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv warned of an increased ...