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A Pod of Killer Whales Attacked a Yacht During the International Ocean Race

The animals have been increasingly attacking ships in recent weeks., justin ray's most recent stories.

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FRASER ISLAND, AUSTRALIA - JULY 04:  In this handout photo provided by Sea World Australia a killer whale surfaces in the shallow waters July 4, 2013 on Fraser Island, Australia. A pod of eleven killer whales beached themselves on the beach on Fraser Island, off the coast of Queensland, and overnight five escaped into deep water, but two died.  (Photo by Handout/Getty Images)

Three orcas attacked a yacht during an international race, the latest instance of killer whales targeting boats in recent weeks. 

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“This was a scary moment,” skipper Jelmer van Beek said. “Three orcas came straight at us and started hitting the rudders. Impressive to see the orcas, beautiful animals, but also a dangerous moment for us as a team.” He explained that the crew “took down the sails and slowed down the boat as quickly as possible, and luckily after a few attacks, they went away.”

The boats were competing in the Ocean Race, a six-month, 32,000-nautical-mile (37,000-mile) competition that includes crews from all around the world. The Mirpuri/Trifork Racing Team also revealed that they, too, had an encounter with orcas, ESPN reported, citing organizers behind the race. Thankfully, nobody was injured in either encounter.

Authorities have reported there have been an increase in confrontations between orcas and vessels in the Strait of Gibraltar and Portugal, with 20 such incidents taking place in May alone. Organizers say the behavior is apparently spreading to other killer whale family clusters. Some ships have suffered substantial damage in previous incidents. 

There’s disagreement among ocean experts about why these incidents keep happening. However, Dr. Alfredo López Fernandez, a biologist who wrote a paper last year about the phenomenon, offered one theory, according to HuffPost . It all may have started with a female orca referred to by scientists as White Gladis; after she had a traumatic encounter with a boat, she started to act aggressively against other boats and fellow orcas adopted the behavior.

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The Ocean Race: News aus dem Segelsport

The ocean race: teams, route, wertung, deutsche teilnehmer, alle news.

Action, Spannung, Drama - all das verspricht The Ocean Race

Am 15. Januar startet in Alicante einmal mehr, was vor einem halben Jahrhundert begann. Die wichtigste Mannschafts-Regatta der Welt – um die Welt

Zwar verzeichnet das Rennen einen Negativrekord: Nie zuvor sind weniger Boote beim Ocean Race aufgekreuzt. Ins erste Ocean Race waren seinerzeit 19 Teams und 324 Segler gestartet. Die größte Flotte erlebte das Rennen 1981/1982 mit 29 Booten. Doch die Konkurrenz an Veranstaltungen wie Vendée Globe oder America’s Cup ist größer geworden, zugleich ließ die Corona-Pandemie auch dieses Ocean Race nicht unbeeindruckt.

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Doch weil gleich drei Teams mit deutscher Beteiligung am Start sind, Boris Herrmann als Teamchef und Skipper auf seiner neuen „Malizia – Seaexplorer“, Robert Stanjek als Co-Skipper und Phillip Kasüske auf „Guyot Environnement – Team Europe“ sowie Susann Beucke auf „Holcim – PRB“, wird die Begeisterung sehr wahrscheinlich an jene heranreichen, die Boris Herrmann vor zwei Jahren bei seiner ersten Vendée-Globe-Teilnahme weltweit auslöste – wenn nicht sogar noch größer sein.

Jetzt steht ein kleines potentes Imoca-Quintett in den Startboxen. Und mit ihm einige Dutzend Aktive, die rotierend den wegen der Foils und des dadurch enorm hohen Geschwindigkeits-Potenzials absehbar wilden Rodeo-Ritt um die Welt angehen.

Nur wenige Segler werden das gesamte Rennen absolvieren. Zum einen gilt das Verletzungsrisiko an Bord der engen, im Seegang bockenden Boliden als hoch. Zum anderen sind je nach Etappe unterschiedliche Talente gefragt – mal mehr kleinräumige Taktik, mal Härte, Verzicht und Hochsee-Erfahrung.

Seit 1973 haben insgesamt mehr als 2.000 Akteure auf mindestens einer Etappe das Rennen mitgeprägt. Nur 120 von ihnen waren Frauen – weniger als sechs Prozent. Dank der aktuellen Quotenregel ist der Anteil diesmal mit mindestens einem Viertel auf allen Booten so hoch wie nie.

Race-Tracker: So ist der Stand bei The Ocean Race

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Die Teams, die Frauen, die Route

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Nichts geändert hat sich daran, dass der Southern Ocean der Maßstab des Rennens bleibt, auch auf dem Weg in die Moderne. Mehr noch: Diesmal bildet die historisch längste je gesegelte Ocean-Race-Etappe den Höhepunkt – über 12.750 Seemeilen nonstop entlang der drei großen Kaps. Zu Recht gibt es dafür doppelte Punktzahl. Man kann das Ocean Race im Südmeer gewinnen – oder verlieren. Ohne Zweifel wird es für die Crews in ihren höhlenartigen Rümpfen, in der schier unmenschlich engen, kargen, lauten Behausung eine Strapaze.

An-Bord-Reporter werden in beiden Klassen von dem Kampf berichten. Sie gehören zum Team, dürfen aber nicht mit anpacken. Unvergessen die Drohnen-Aufnahmen, die vor vier Jahren im Southern Ocean entstanden, auf den VO65, die verglichen mit den foilenden Imoca 60 irgendwie brav anmuten – und bei Sturm dennoch locker mehr als 500 Seemeilen pro Tag ermöglichten. Wer heute sieht, wie entbehrungsreich das Rennen schon damals war, auf konventionellen Booten, fragt sich unweigerlich, was jetzt erst bevorsteht – und ob Technik wie Crew ein Mehr an Speed überhaupt aushalten.

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Kevin Escoffier, mit „Holcim – PRB“ einer der Top-Favoriten dieses Rennens, weiß, wie brutal der Süden sein kann. Bei der Vendée Globe ist seine vorige „PRB“ in einem Sturmtief kollabiert und binnen Kurzem gesunken; der Skipper musste bei Nacht in die Rettungsinsel klettern. Groß beeindruckt hat ihn das nicht. Seinen neuen Imoca ließ er im Bugbereich dennoch erheblich fester bauen. Und noch immer gilt: „Es reicht eine einzige Welle, um das Boot zu zerbrechen.“ Wer also wird sein Potenzial am geschicktesten ausreizen? Was wird es sportlich für die deutschen Segler zu feiern geben? Vorhang auf zum neuen The Ocean Race!

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Blitzen’s Baddies aim for strong finish to 2024 Newport Yacht Club’s racing season

Spencer Buchanan, from left, boat owner Brett Scott and Adam Bradley rig the Blitzen.

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Challenges confronted the crew of the Blitzen from day one in their inaugural year competing in the Newport Harbor Yacht Club’s racing season. Their halyard broke during the opening day race in May, sending the wind-catching kite propelling their boat from Long Beach Harbor to Newport Pier tumbling into the ocean.

“There was no hesitation between this team,” Blitzen’s owner Brett Scott said. “Everyone grabbed the kite and in 20 seconds it was up and flying again.”

She has been sailing since she was 5. But her first year at the head of a team has taught her a lot about managing schedules, the personalities aboard the boat and finances, she said.

“Whenever something breaks it adds up, so I’m definitely not doing this for the money,” Scott said with a laugh. “Don’t take investment advice from me. But we’ve really bonded as a team, and I think that’s our greatest achievement.”

There were plenty of smirks, side-eye and playful jabs as she and the crew rigged the Blitzen Friday in preparation of Long Point Race week. The three-day race is the last competitive event of the yacht club’s season.

The first leg starts in Newport Harbor and ends at Catalina Island. Boats then sail to the opposite end of the island and back on day two before returning to Newport Harbor on day three.

The crew of the Blitzen prepares the boat Friday ahead of the Long Point Yacht Race.

Blitzen’s Baddies, as the crew refers to themselves on Instagram, are all experienced sailors and were optimistic about finishing strong in their first season as a team. They’ve had some success this summer, including third-, second- and first-place finishes in their class during the three days of Long Beach Racing Week in June.

“We keep getting better,” Scott said.

Crew member Tyler Macdonald said the hardest part about the season has been “dealing with Adam and Spencer,” drawing laughs from Adam Bradley, Spencer Buchanan and the rest of the team aboard the Blitzen on Friday. Teammate Matt Whitfield said the real challenge of each race lies in “the hangover afterwards.” Coincidentally, he said his favorite activity while sailing is when they crack open some beer mid-journey.

There’s no shortage of banter aboard the Blitzen. And the irreverent sense of humor of her crew is half the reason Scoot chose to have them aboard.

She grew up in Reno and traveled to Newport Beach every summer as a child to sail with her family. She fell in love with both the ocean and the tavern-style warmth of the community that welcomed her into the sport.

Boat owner Brett Scott, left, and crew member Scott Buchanan.

Her father, Bart Scott, said he wasn’t surprised to see her move to Newport Beach. He’s proud to see her fulfill her lifelong dream of owning a boat and fielding a racing team. And although she has a sense of humor, she runs a tight ship and commands the respect of her crew.

“Once we all come together on what a problem is there’s not a lot of back and forth or arguing,” Scott said. “They all just recognize what we each need to do and get it done.”

After Long Point, Blitzen’s Baddies plan on participating in small casual races while preparing for next season. They hope to compete in the Transpacific Yacht Race from San Pedro to Honolulu next July.

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Eric Licas covers Newport Beach for the Daily Pilot. He previously was a crime and public safety reporter and, before that, spent four years as a staff writer with the Orange County Register and the Southern California News Group. He has been on the ground to cover active wildfires, civil unrest and mass shootings. He was born in the Philippines, raised in the San Fernando Valley and is a Cal State Northridge alumnus.

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The must-see sailing yachts at the Monaco Yacht Show 2024

As the excitement for the Monaco Yacht Show 2024 builds, BOAT takes a look at the top sailing yachts that will be making an appearance this year – from the latest launches to the finest yachts currently for sale .

Norfolk Star

Builder: Perini Navi Year: 1996 (2020) Length: 37m

Pedigree sailing yacht Norfolk Star was designed and built by the Italian shipyard in 1996 and had a "multi-million euro refit" in 2022, according to her broker. The revamp included a new main engine room, two new generators, PLC system, Inmarsat VSAT dome, 505 Williams tender, Doyle sails and Reckmann rigging. With accommodation for six guests, the yacht boasts a family-friendly layout comprising a full-beam master cabin on the lower deck along with two twin cabins – with the option of an additional pullman berth. 

On deck, guests can benefit from the comfort the split cockpit area affords, where relaxed seating around a circular coffee table awaits as well as a dining area for eight.  The cherry wood interior also welcomes a bright upper saloon with panoramic views and a more formal main saloon with two sofas and dining area featuring an extendable walnut table.

Norfolk Star is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Burgess and Northrop & Johnson.

Builder: Wally Year: 2024 Length: 36.2m

Having hit the water in June this year, the first wallywind110, Galma , will make her global debut at this year's Monaco Yacht Show and is recognisable by her "luminous light metallic blue" carbon hull paint job "that changes slightly as the light hits her". The sailing yacht's naval architecture comes from German studio judel/vrolijk & co , while interior and exterior lines are designed by Wally in collaboration with Santa Maria Magnolfi . The design demonstrates the comfort of a cruising yacht while maintaining the spirit and performance of a racing boat, and is characterised by her 6.9-metre telescopic keel. 

Highlights include an 80-square-metre full-beam cockpit with seating and dining for up to 15 people, as well as an open-plan raised saloon. The yacht also benefits from natural light thanks to a skylight that runs the full length of the coachroof. Accommodation on the wallywind100 model can be a three-cabin layout with a full-beam master suite, or a four-cabin standard layout.

Galma will be exhibited by Wally .

Builder: Vitters Year: 2017 Length: 32.6m

Delivered in 2017 to experienced sailing yacht owners, Ribelle has recently joined the market following a refit, which included a repaint of the hull, mast and boom, and a brand new suit of cruising sails. The sailing yacht is built of carbon fibre by the Dutch yard to a design by Malcolm McKeon and can be sailing with a small crew in cruising mode or, thanks to a self-tacking jib, can be transformed into a true racer. 

She is a regatta regular and can often be spotted at some of the world's most prestigious events – including the Maxi Rolex Cup, Giorgio Armani Superyacht Regatta, Les Voiles de St Tropez and Palma Superyacht Cup. Her Rémi Tessier interior accommodates six guests in three cabins comprising a master suite, VIP suite and a twin cabin.

Ribelle is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Burgess.


Builder: Nautor Swan Year: 2024 Length: 28.8m

With her diesel-electric propulsion, the Swan 88 is the Finnish shipyard's first hybrid sailing yacht and is based on an evolution of its previous yachts. Sitting at the entry point to the world of maxi yachting, the yacht was delivered earlier this year and will make her worldwide debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival .

Dreamcatcher has been described as a "no-compromise cruiser with a racer soul" with a draught of four metres, with options for a shallow-draught, telescopic and performance keel. The yacht is also designed for comfort with a maximum heeling angle of 20 degrees and sports "feminine exterior lines" penned by veteran Swan designer German Frers . Her warm, classic interiors have been styled by Misa Poggi with accommodation for 10 guests.

Dreamcatcher will be exhibited by Nautor Swan .

Builder: Baltic Yachts Year: 2018 Length: 26m

Delivered by the Finnish shipyard in 2018, Mini Y is a Baltic 85 model designed by UK naval architect Dixon Yacht Design . Her silver hull and superstructure were built of carbon-fibre composite and the owner opted for a telescopic lifting keel that can reduce the draft from 4.3 metres to 2.95 metres when required. Mark Whiteley Design handled the  yacht's interior décor , with accommodation for up to four guests split between an owner’s cabin and a guest cabin.

On deck, the cockpit has a fold-out table for guests to enjoy, while the helmsman has the choice of two wheels. The guest cockpit can be completely covered for protection while racing, the navigation instruments still visible on the aft face. Mini Y joined the market earlier this year.

Mini Y is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Baltic Yachts and Edmiston.

Builder: Yonca Year: 2019 (2023) Length: 26.8m

Tuzla-based shipyard Yonca officially entered the leisure marine market with the launch of Mishi Yachts earlier this year. The new brand made its debut with two sailing models, measuring 26.8 metres and 31 metres – the first of which is the Mishi 88, which will be on exhibit at the Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Osman Tanju Kalaycıoğlu , Özgür Terzioğlu and Taka Yacht are responsible for the naval architectecture and exterior design, while interiors are the work of Aylin Örs .

The sloop's defining features include a spacious aft deck with a dining space which can comfortably seat ten guests. Offering shelter from the elements, the large cockpit features a carbon composite hard-top aft, while the swim platform has enough room in its back for a 3.5-meter inflatable tender. Accommodation is for six guests across a master cabin and two guest cabins, with further space for the captain and crew.

Mishi 88 will be exhibited by Mishi Yachts.

Builder: Yyachts Year: 2024 Length: 23.9m

German yachtbuilder YYachts is bringing its Y8 model to the Monaco Yacht Show. Javier Jaudenes of Surge-Projects worked alongside the in-house design team on naval architecture to create the model's new silhouette with a Scandi-inspired interior by Danish designer David Thulstrup. YYachts offers four pre-designed interior styles where owners can tailor the saloon area to their tastes. 

A particular highlight is the owner's suite, which includes a separate saloon and can be located either in the bow or in the stern with direct access to the cockpit. In terms of technical details, the Y8 features a standard carbon mast, hydraulic main sheet system and all winches close to the helm stations. These features, along with the self-tacking jib and a lack of a backstay, enhance the yacht's performance and ease of handling.

Y8 will be exhibited by Yyachts.

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Questions for Investigators Trying to Unravel Mystery of Luxury Yacht’s Sinking

The investigators searching for answers about the shipwreck, leaving seven dead, face questions about extreme weather and possible human error or problems with the yacht itself.

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Two small boats with outboard motors make their way across the water.

By Alan Yuhas

More than 180 feet long, with a mast towering about 240 feet and a keel that could be lowered for greater stability, the Bayesian luxury yacht did not, in the eyes of its maker, have the vulnerabilities of a ship that would easily sink.

“It drives me insane,” Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company that made the ship, said after its wreck last week. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

But the $40 million sailing yacht sank within minutes and with fatal results: seven dead, including the British technology billionaire Michael Lynch, his teenage daughter, four of Mr. Lynch’s friends and a member of the crew. Fifteen people, including the captain, escaped on a lifeboat.

Mr. Lynch had invited family, friends and part of his legal team on a cruise in the Mediterranean to celebrate his acquittal in June of fraud charges tied to the sale of his company to the tech giant Hewlett-Packard.

The Italian authorities have opened a manslaughter investigation, searching for answers from the survivors, the manufacturer and the wreck itself. They face a range of questions and possible factors.

An ‘earthquake’ in the sky?

When the Bayesian sank around 4 a.m. on Aug. 19, the waters in its area, about half a mile off the Sicilian port of Porticello, were transformed by an extremely sudden and violent storm, according to fishermen, a captain in the area and meteorologists.

But what kind of storm is still a mystery, compounded by the fact that a sailing schooner anchored nearby did not have its own disaster. Also unclear is whether the crew was aware that the Italian authorities had issued general warnings about bad weather the night before.

Karsten Börner, the captain of the nearby passenger ship, said he’d had to steady his ship during “really violent” winds . During the storm, he said, the Bayesian seemed to disappear behind his ship.

Severe lightning and strong gusts were registered by the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, according to Attilio Di Diodato, its director. “It was very intense and brief in duration,” he said.

The yacht, he said, had most likely been hit by a fierce downburst — a blast of powerful wind surging down during a thunderstorm. His agency put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about possible storms.

Locals have said the winds “felt like an earthquake.” A fisherman in Porticello said that he had seen a flare go off in the early-morning hours. His brother ventured to the site once the weather had calmed about 20 minutes later, he said, finding only floating cushions.

The Italian authorities have so far declined to say whether investigators had seen any structural damage to the hull or other parts of the ship.

Open hatches or doors?

The boat executive, Mr. Costantino, has argued that the Bayesian was an extremely safe vessel that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing. His company, the Italian Sea Group, in 2022 bought the yacht’s manufacturer, Perini Navi, which launched the ship in 2008.

Mr. Costantino said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, would be to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

At a news conference on Saturday, almost a week after the sinking, investigators said the yacht had sunk at an angle , with its stern — where the heavy engine was — having gone down first. The wreck was found lying on its right side at the bottom of a bay, about 165 feet deep.

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12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

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Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

Water pouring into open hatches or doors could have contributed to the sinking, experts say, but that on its own may not account for the speed at which such a large boat vanished underwater.

Asked about the hatches at the news conference, the authorities declined to comment on whether they had been found open at the wreck.

The authorities have also not specified whether the boat had been anchored, whether it was under power at the time or whether its sails had been unfurled.

A retracted keel?

The Bayesian had a keel — the fin-like structure beneath a boat that can help stabilize it — that could be retracted or extended, according to its manufacturer. On some yachts, keels can be raised to let the large vessel dock in shallower water, and extended downward to help keep a boat level.

But like the hatches, the status of the keel alone may not explain why a large ship sank with such precipitous speed. Investigators have not disclosed what divers may have seen at the wreck, aside from saying divers had faced obstacles like furnishings and electrical wiring in tight quarters. Officials want to raise the wreck to better examine it, a process that may take weeks.

Human error?

Ambrogio Cartosio, the prosecutor in charge of the case, said at the news conference that it was “plausible” crimes had been committed, but that investigators had not zeroed in on any potential suspects.

“There could be responsibilities of the captain only,” he said. “There could be responsibilities of the whole crew. There could be responsibilities of the boat makers. Or there could be responsibilities of those who were in charge of surveilling the boat.”

It remains unclear what kind of emergency training or preparation took place before the disaster, or what kind of coordination there was during it. So far, none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened the night the ship sank.

Prosecutors said they want to ask more questions of the captain and crew, who have been in a Sicilian hotel with other survivors. They said that neither alcohol nor drug tests had been performed on crew members, and that they have been allowed to leave Italy.

Prosecutors also said they were also investigating why the captain, an experienced sailor, left the sinking boat while some passengers were still on board.

Besides possible manslaughter charges, the authorities are investigating the possibility of a negligently caused shipwreck.

The bodies of five passengers were found in one cabin, on the left side of the yacht, the authorities said. The five were most likely trying to flee to the higher side of the boat and were probably sleeping when the boat started to sink, they said.

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The Ocean Race

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Team Holcim-PRB continues to hold a 500-plus mile lead on leg 3 of The Ocean Race, but the pursuing pack of three is making small gains by pushing forward at record-breaking pace.

11th Hour Racing Team posted a 544.63 nautical mile run over the 24 hours ending in a period ending just after midnight Saturday night. Should that figure be ratified by the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) it would be a new certified record for the IMOCA class.

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“It seems the final tally from midnight to midnight UTC, right up to the point we gybed, was 544 nautical miles and an average boatspeed of 22.7 knots, which (unofficially) would be good enough to beat the current standing 60-and-under monohull record for distance sailed in 24 hours, held by Alex Thompson on his IMOCA Hugo Boss,” writes Amory Ross from 11th Hour Racing Team.

yacht ocean race news

“Typically, these records are set in the south Atlantic and the North Atlantic, but we’re excited to have been able to take advantage of a little fine fortune and mother natures’ red carpet, an a glorious day of sunny, fast sailing!”

Climb aboard 11th Hour Racing Team:

With the potential record-breaking run, Charlie Enright’s team has pulled into a dead heat with Biotherm for second place, with Team Malizia just 50 miles further back.

At the head of the fleet, on board Kevin Escoffier’s Holcim-PRB team, the crew has been working to fix a tear in their J2 headsail, applying a patch over the damaged material.

“This morning we also noticed some damage to the leech line on the mainsail so we dropped the sail to fix that and now we are going to take advantage of the relatively flat sea state to work on the J2,” said Abby Ehler.

“It’s a really hard fix to do – Sam is trying to hold on, but it’s not ideal. Hopefully we get something on there that will at least stop the tear from getting bigger and then we’ll be back on our way.”

Also getting stuck in to the job list is the GUYOT envrionnement Team Europe technical team, after their boat arrived in Cape Town overnight.

The boat will be hauled ashore and the damaged area will be examined and the rest of the hull will be subjected to NDT (non-destructive testing). After that, the repair plan can be designed.

The Ocean Race 2022-23 - 4 March 2023, Leg 3. GUYOT environnement - Team Europe's arrives in Cape Town for repair - photo © Felix Diemer / GUYOT environnement - Team Europe

“We want to join the fleet in Itajaí as soon as possible,” said skipper Benjamin Dutreux. “We are happy that the team was expecting us here. Everyone wants the boat back in the water as soon as possible. We now have to wait for the investigations and see how long the repairs will take.”

The latest position are on the Race Tracker

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by The Ocean Race

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The Ocean Race – Everything you need to know

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The crewed around the world race with stopovers has always been one of yachting’s premier ocean races and, after several delays this latest edition is set to start on 15 January 2023.

The race organisers are also running a new event designed to showcase top-flight, fully-crewed, competitive offshore racing based around northern Europe: the Ocean Race Europe.

The Ocean Race is scheduled to run every four years, with the Ocean Race Europe also planned to take place every four years, essentially allowing competition between the teams to take place every two years in one form or another.

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It’s unusual for IMOCA 60s to race with more than two crew onboard.

What boats compete in The Ocean Race?

For the first time ever IMOCA 60s will be taking part in a fully crewed round the world race this year, with several teams set to take part.

The IMOCA 60 class has long been at the forefront of ocean racing and is used for the solo non-stop round the world epic, the Vendée Globe as well as a number of other premiere short handed ocean events such as the Route du Rhum and Transat Jaques Vabre .

However, the IMOCA 60s have always been designed and built with single and double handed racing in mind, so teams competing will have had to make significant changes to their semi-foiling 60 footers to make them capable of sailing with a full crew.

The IMOCAs are sailed by a complement of five crew, including an onboard reporter (OBR) that takes no part in the sailing. Each IMOCA 60 team has to include at least one female sailor.

yacht ocean race news

VO65s no longer go for a third lap of the planet. Photo: Robin Christol

What is The Ocean Race Sprint Cup?

Initially the intention was for two fleets to take part in The Ocean Race proper with the second fleet consisting on the one design VO65 boats used in the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race.

However, plans have since changed and while the IMOCA 60s will complete a full lap of the planet, including seven legs to finish in Genoa, Italy, the VO65s will sail just the first and last two legs in what the organisers have called The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint Cup .

A new trophy will be awarded to the VO65 team which accumulates the best score across three legs of the race; Alicante, Spain, to Cape Verde; Aarhus, Denmark, to The Hague, the Netherlands; and The Hague to the overall finish in Genoa, Italy.

What is The Ocean Race course?

The course for The Ocean Race has a new first stopover mid-Atlantic at the Cape Verdes, before an extra long Southern Ocean leg of 12,750 miles from Cape Town, South Africa, to Itajai, Brazil. This new stage passes south of all three Great Capes and is expected to take 34 days.

After this mammoth Southern Ocean leg, the fleet then moves onto a series of much shorter legs. From Brazil they head to Newport, USA. They then cross the Atlantic to Aarhus, DEN. After that a very short hop from Aarhus to The Hague, NED fore a race from The Hague back to Genova, ITA.

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The Ocean Race is all about the men and women bold enough to compete in it and is considered the ultimate test of a team in sport.

Media ID-152357

Five IMOCA teams are competing in a race around the world for The Ocean Race Trophy, while six VO65 teams race in three stages for a new trophy called The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint Cup.

Media ID-144554

11th Hour Racing Team

Charlie Enright

Media ID-124023

Team Malizia

Boris Herrmann

Media ID-148955

GUYOT environnement - Team Europe

Benjamin Dutreux & Robert Stanjek

Media ID-124242

Paul Meilhat

Media ID-146011

Team Holcim - PRB

Benjamin Schwartz

Five top teams are racing around the world for The Ocean Race Trophy.

Media ID-174233

Mirpuri/Trifork Racing Team

Roberto 'Chuny' Bermúdez de Castro

Media ID-124240

Ambersail 2

Rokas Milevičius

Media ID-134639

Jelmer van Beek

Media ID-144979

WindWhisper Racing Team

Daryl Wislang

Media ID-144980

Viva México

Erik Brockmann

Media ID-147838

Austrian Ocean Racing powered by Team Genova

Gerwin Jansen

The VO65 fleet will not race around the world. Instead the fleet is competing in a new event - The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint - which matches leg 1, 6, 7 of the around the world race.

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Hitler’s yacht lies abandoned off the coast of this Florida city. Here's where to find it

The ostwind is one of many strange objects found in florida’s waters.

Anthony Talcott , Digital Journalist

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – Nearly 5 miles off the coast of Miami Beach, a yacht sits at the bottom of the ocean.

This vessel — dubbed the Ostwind — has a strange history. It was once owned by Adolf Hitler.

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The 80-foot-long yacht was commissioned by the infamous dictator in 1938 as an Olympic racing yacht, though it never actually competed.

According to historian Mike Miller , Hitler’s plan was to ride the yacht into England after Germany’s victory, where he would accept Winston Churchill’s surrender aboard the boat.

However, history had different plans.

After Germany’s defeat, the U.S. reportedly took control of the Ostwind, which was used as a training craft at the U.S. Naval Academy before being sold to a Nazi memorabilia collector in the 1970s, the Ocala Star-Banner reports.

The collector took the yacht to Jacksonville for repairs, but it was ultimately abandoned, and a marina owner then took possession.

Despite offers from a Nazi group to buy the yacht and turn it into a shrine, the marina owner ultimately reached out to Miami Beach officials about using the Ostwind as an artificial reef.

Eventually, the boat was taken from Jacksonville down to Miami Beach in 1989, and it was sunk off the coast to around 275 feet deep, state records indicate .

Nowadays, the only way to view the WWII-era relic is to throw on some scuba gear and take a dive.

Of course, the Ostwind isn’t the only strange object to be sunken off of Miami’s coast.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the following items have also been sunk near Miami Beach to create artificial reefs:

  • Smoke stacks
  • Radio towers
  • A water tower
  • Oil rig structures
  • A railroad barge
  • A minesweeper warship

To learn more about the many shipwrecks off of Florida’s coasts, click here .

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About the Author

Anthony talcott.

Anthony, a graduate of the University of Florida, joined in April 2022.


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