Dufour Grand´Large 310: So Big, that small

  • August 5th, 2016
  • Sailing Yacht

Last week, it was a beautiful day with a lot of sun, I again returned to the Ancora Marina at the Baltic Sea shores to have a look at a boat. As I am interested in yachts around 40 feet length it was the Dufour Grand´Large 382 I was originally looking for. I entered the jetty and came nearer to the moored beauty as I suddenly became aware of another yacht, tied up right next to the 382 Grand´Large. A dwarf. Or not? It was the Dufour Grand´Large 310 drawing my attention.

A positive sheer of some 20 centimeters create more than just space: A nice appearance

That´s 31 feet we are talking about now. 9.39 meters length over all, after all one full meter less than my own sailing yacht, the King´s Cruiser 33 . And that´s exactly what I became suddenly interested in: What´s the difference between a modern-day 2015 built small sailing yacht like the Dufour 310 and my 33 feet IOR-classic from 1975? To foreclose the punch line: I am going to be astounded, because the yacht designer was able to push the envelope on this 31-feet small/big boat. I was allowed to roam about inside and outside the yacht freely and uninterrupted for more than an hour. Here´s what I saw.

Grand´Large Appearance: Twin Wheels & Rudders on 31 Feet?

Nearing this boat from the aft I first notice that Dufour has splashed out on twin wheels. Which in no way looks awkward because as from a general feeling the yacht does not look like a small 31 feet boat , but it comes with a surprise. Too many people in the internet did criticize this move as exaggeration, wasting weight and so forth, but I find it interesting: The fact of having twin wheels will add to the “Grand´Large-Feeling” of this boat and contribute significantly to boosting the owner´s joy.

The huge stern section with twin wheels, large bathing platform and a load of space

The stern section is huge. The width is not much smaller than the widest spot of some 3.30 meters – for a boat of just 9.40 meters that´s a staggering number. A crew will find more than enough space here to both handle the boat, working the sheets and enjoying leisure time both at sea, anchoring and in harbor. The cockpit can easily house a party of 4 or more people without generating a cramped feeling. Again, Grand and Large at it´s best.

3.31 meters wide: That´s a lot of space in the aft section as well as in the saloon

The large cockpit table is not complimentary and imagining the boat without it would add a significant surplus of room to the cockpit-area. Taking the helmsman´s position on starboard side I try to accommodate – and I find that everything is fine. Even when heeled I can sense steering this boat shouldn´t be difficult . A helmsman has always a good view around though due to the sheer it could be a bit tricky to oversee the area directly in front of the boat – which is a struggle with most boats of course.

Leaves people devided: Are wheels really necessary?

Wherever I decide to take a seat or stand – right behind, next to or high above the wheel – I cannot see any problems with ergonomics concerning the part of steering the ship. I guess helming a Dufour 310 is a no brainer. Too sad I cannot just cast off the lines a dash out to a quick sailing trip – weather would be just perfect today for a quick sail around the cape.

Twin Rudders are standard on the Dufour Grand´Large 310

So of course, one could lament that having the twin wheels is a waste of money, weight and complicated mechanics but that´s not my point of view at all. Though tiller steering is considered more appropriate and the mechanism of choice for “sportive” and direct steering of ships under 40 feet, I guess it´s the market and demand of the owners. As I experienced by myself (I am accustomed to tiller steering with my King´s Cruiser 33) most people just simply favor wheels . Period. End of sentence. Sales numbers will speak for themselves.

Sailplan & Roping of the Dufour 310

I am not an expert in interpreting the theoretical potential by just looking at a yacht´s sailplan. But so far I can see, the Dufour 310 should be performing more than well. Some 50 square meters of sail area can be brought up to the wind close hauled and that´s quite a punch for a small ship like this. For comparison, the new Dehler 34 – a thoroughbred Performance Cruiser – has “just” some 6 square meters more upwind sail area. What I can judge though is the clean roping.

Modern and sleek lines by Umberto Felci Yacht Design

All sheets, halyards and other lines are running to winches and cleats in the cockpit thus making the 310 Grand´Large a boat sailable single-handed with ease . Again, the mainsail is small enough to be hoisted in a one-man-show, compared to the frightening huge main of a Pogo 40 where hoisting this monster single-handed is sheer horror.

Roping is diverted into the cockpit: Short- and single handed sailing no problem

This particular Dufour is not only practical and – assumingly – easy to handle, it´s a festival for the eyes as well. All lines, as with every color on this boat, are matching the Dufour color-code and create a very classy appearance . Yellow ocher and noble white colors dominate the design as well as the choices of lines. The Dufour Grand´Large 310 has in every aspect a formidable appearance.

Self-tacking Jib is standard equipment

When rigged with a jib instead of the Genoa the skipper will be able to sail her stress free especially when tacking and gybing because a self-tacking jib is standard on the 310 Grand´Large. I personally never had the chance to sail a boat with self-tacking jib and would look forward to have a testride with one of these in this respect too.

A really big cockpit locker

There´s a huge cockpit locker on starboard side – again, considerably larger than the locker on my own 33 feet boat. Overall, it´s amazing that the Dufour 310 has more of everything in comparison to my IOR-classic: More room in the cockpit, a number of different comfortable steering positions for the helmsman, more space for stowing stuff, more space for a super-large cockpit-table and more room for the bowman working the sheets.

The Dufour 310 is the smallest in range: Yet a big ship indeed

Moving over the deck, especially forward to the bow, is done with ease. There´s enough space to bypass the shrouds and the deck is wide enough to have a safe walkway when destined to go to the bow for some reason. Again, the overall look of the boat is cluttered, very appealing which is not least a product of a thought-through concept, construction and the decisions of where to place which part. I particularly liked the tiny details of massive teak-handles on the cabin roof – something chingly missing on much larger other boats.

The Grand´Large Concept

Dufour offers yachts of sizes between 31 and 56 feet – pending a launch of their latest model that will further expand the portfolio in the upper range. Next to the Grand´Large-range a number of performance oriented light and fast racer-cruisers are available too.

The branding Grand´Large means something like “travel in style in the wide open sea”. Ships of this line are renowned as handy, fast cruisers with an emphasis on comfort and a dash of luxury. Dufour is a big player in the business, selling around 500 boats per year. The 310 is a Grand´Large and this boat is down to serious business.

The entryway to the interior is huge!

Standing in front of the entryway down below I notice the clever position of all winches and cleats, anough stowage for stuff to be needed in the cockpit and – that´s a definitive plus – the huge entree down a three-step staircase to the saloon. No more ducking one´s head in expectation of an aching clout – as it is the case with my own Kingscruiser 33 yacht.

Utilizaton of the interior space is exemplary

Descending the staircase to the saloon I hold my breath and behold. It´s light suffused, light colored wooden veneers, light colored fabrics and overwhelming volume. Truly breathtaking! Since one of the strongest pros to finally having bought my King´s Cruiser 33 was her huge saloon (compared to other 30+ feet yachts) it´s staggering how big the 310 saloon really is even in comparison to my boat. It´s really “large” – and truly “grand”.

Dufour 310 Saloon: A Full Size Lounge

The saloon, upon being huge, has a pretty conservative Layout: Two settees on each side of the ship and a big folding table form a clear and neat feeling for the room. There´s enough space to spend some time here having a nice dinner (even with additional guests) as well as weathering foul days moored when it´s raining cats and dogs outside. It´s a classy, yet clean and friendly design.

Modern, neat and straight: The Dufour 310 is a boat of this century

My King´s Cruiser 33 offers a slightly favorable configuration here – from my point of view – as I have a large U-settee and a smaller single bunk creating a more cozy atmosphere. Nevertheless, Dufour´s arrangement has its advantages too: One can bypass the folding table at either side and the overall feeling is more open. Speaking of the folding table …

The large dining table offers more area than possibly needed

I assemble the folding tops and take a seat on each available position. The table is huge , as it is the case with almost all items on board this small 31 feet boat. I can hardy imagine a dinner where one would need the whole area. Even when having additional guests it should be no problem to find a place for plates, glasses and pots with tasty food.

Can be turned into bunks too: The settees of the saloon

The settees are very comfortable, owners can choose from a wide range of different fabrics and colors. I particularly liked the light colors of the 310 and the not too soft cushion material. The settees can be converted into sea berths though I missed (or didn’t find in the first place) some studding sails. Length and width of the berths are sufficient enough to find a good night´s sleep here.

Not common on yachts this size: The small navigation-station

What I particularly love about my King´s Cruiser is her full sized navigation station . When on a larger cruise and even during long weekend-sails I consider it absolutely necessary to be able to work one´s charts and have a proper place to do the skipper´s paperwork. Not many boats nowadays do have a chart table. The Dufour 310 does. At least it´s a complete chart table with folding top for chart stowage and a large panel for VHF and additional instruments.

Small yet complete: The chart table of the Dufour Grand´Large 310

Having to sit on the starboard settee facing backwards is a concession to the small length of the ship but again, it´s better than on many other boats of this size which have no proper chart table at all. All in all the saloon can hold what the large cockpit offers: Standing height of at least 1.80 meters in the whole ship is definitely another plus here.

Living aboard a Dufour 310 Grand´Large

Quite conservative also the rear arrangement of the main saloon where one will find a small L-shaped galley to the port side and the head on the starboard side. As we all know, the cook is the second most important person on board and his food can only be as good as the galley – I take a thorough look at the galley, trying to imagine preparing another iteration of my well-known “Spaghetti a la X-Yacht”-recipe.

A completely well equipped galley

On the first glance the galley appears to be somewhat cramped. But on the other hand I can imagine working here in heavy swell conditions this tightness could be a benefit here over a wide open galley. One can wedge oneself between galley and aft cabin bulkhead to achieve a safe stand whilst cooking. This Dufour 310 is equipped with a two flame stove which I think is sufficient, most of my sailing friends admitted to never use three flames at all.

The big cooling unit is an extra to be ordered

There´s also a huge fridge with top loading capacity, though it´s not on the standard version of the boat. The folding top will blend in with the worktable-top in a nice plain white shiny color, further brightening up the overall feeling of the saloon and adding a luxurious touch to the room. The fridge offers enough space to have provisions for several days cooled.

The head is huge - compared to my own 33 feet yacht!

On the port side there´s a fully equipped head: Completely with a shower, tap and pumping toilet. Again, the head is huge considered the overall size of the boat. There´s also enough space and stowage for the small stuff as well as for wet oilskin and other equipment. A bit odd are the – welcomed – portholes which of course can be covered by sunblinds. I was astounded of the space available here, again considering the tiny cramped situation in my King´s Cruiser head .

Suffused by Light …

What was most fascinating – and still is after one week passed since my visit on the Dufour 310 – is the yacht´s light concept . I cannot say that I ever visited another yacht that was alike in terms of brightness and the cleverness of the arrangement of portholes. The outcome is staggering: The saloon will be suffused by light regardless of where the sun is situated because there are no less than seven different openings of the cabin roof and freeboard to let the sun rays through.

This yacht is light-flooded - pure joy!

Most of the sunlight will enter the saloon through the cabin roof where a large hatch is combined with two extralarge plexiglass portholes making the roof appear almost completely dissolved by see-through elements. Depending on where one will stand, this roof-arrangement will either open a breathtaking view on the hoisted mainsail or to the rear sky above the yacht. In any case, the effect is beautiful.

The saloon gets suffused with light by as many as 5 large portholes.

Adding the two portholes in the freeboard and the – again – large entryway to the cockpit the sum is a really innovative lighting concept enabling the saloon to appear even larger as it is – by means of light. Sitting on one of the settees I dream myself away under a clear night sky, all lights dimmed and looking through the roof to have a last look onto the Orion constellation before turning in to the sleeping bag.

Clever: Expanding Internal Volume

Another clever thing is the multifunctional bulkhead to the fore cabin. Again, designer Umberto Felci and the team have come up with an innovating solution here. Instead of adding an ordinary door to enter the fore cabin, one can choose from two configurations: Have the door expanded threefold to a wide open space – creating an even larger saloon by incorporating the forepeak into the room concept – or the standard door to a sealed berthing area.

Clever: Forward bulkhead can be a simple door to the fore cabin ...

The mechanism is as easy as ABC and it takes just seconds to turn the huge one-room saloon back into the classic compartment. I really like that, because it improves the versatility of the 310 significantly. When underway single handed or as a couple one would choose to have the one-cabin version. More persons aboard and the boat will adapt accordingly with no effort at all.

... or opened completely to enhance the overall atmosphere

I particularly like the large folding bulkhead/forepeak door-combination because it will boost significantly the versatility of this ship: Acting as a small daysailer or serious cruiser for a longer journey this widening the target group of potential owners. A clever move by Dufour.

Staterooms: Cabin Size on a modern 31 Feet Yacht

Speaking of longer cruises – the Dufour 310 is meant to act as a full capable cruiser . But can this small ship live up to that demand? I take a closer look at the cabins and berths. Can I imagine myself and maybe my wife with full cruise-mode luggage, some spare sails and a stack of provisions for, let´s say, a two week cruise on that boat? To foreclose the solution: Yes, I can. But within some restrictions, naturally.

The fore cabin can be used modular

I begin checking berths and stowage capacity in the fore cabin. To find a good night´s sleep here one will have to close the bulkhead completely and install (which is easy) two cushion-parts which will form the heads-end of the berths. In this way, the sleeping space is more than adequate: 2 meters in length and at the heads-end offers a width of slightly more than 1.70 meters! That´s huge. In the narrowest part where the legs end it´s another 80 centimeters width, which I would say is okay for a boat that small.

Too small for two adults: The aft cabin

Not quite so with the aft cabin: It´s definitely too small for two people , unless it´s a honeymoon cruise I guess. When occupied by one single person it again offers more than enough space to find some nice sleeping positions, especially when one would place oneself diagonally over the mattresses. There´s a hatch providing fresh air and enough light, I also liked the wooden cover panels at the walls. When travelling with (small) children this stateroom would be my first choice for the kids – the other way round as it is the case with my King´s Cruiser 33, where kids love to take the fore cabin .

Yet when occupied by one single person: More than enough space

Stowage situation is a bit scarce from my point of view and this is where the small size of the ship is simply putting the best yacht designer to his limits. Of course, there are plenty of cupboards and lockers, but overall the capacity is limited. When really underway with spare sails and other stuff the ship naturally will bear a very different look.

Anyway, always considering the fact that this is a yacht with an overall length of just 9.35 meters Dufour has made a tremendous job in squeezing out every inch of room, providing for a modern, open and light diffused ship that from the first time on I set foot aboard created a positive feeling. I never felt uncomfortable and couldn´t find major issues or had to disapprove any details. This is indeed a very nice ship – in context to only having 31 feet it´s a great ship indeed.

The Dufour 310 – Who should go for it?

So who should go ahead and get this boat? “We like to take people out on the Dufour 310 for test-sailing our brand because … she is simply sailing like hell!”, said one of the Dufour guys I met and looking at the chines in the rear area I can imagine that. The Dufour 310 is rated category B which means she is destined to sail offshore (within 200 miles of the coastline) and can take up to Beaufort 8 winds with waves of up to 4 meters, which is quite a punch.

View from aft cabin all through the ship to the forepeak

I think young couples, solo-sailors and daysailing oriented people will find a great boat here: It´s big enough to offer all amenities one would expect from a cruising yacht yet small enough to have minimized demurrage and maintenance costs. For small families with smaller children it would also suit well and finally, looking at my King´s Cruiser 33 – a boat that I love indeed – I would trade her without a second of hesitation for a Dufour 310.

What´s so great about the Dufour 310 Grand´Large.

So what did I love most about the 310? Now, some 10 days after my visit, it´s this feeling of sheer space that has burned itself into my brain. I almost instantly forgot being on a 31 feet ship upon entering her deck. I like her classy look, the fantastic lines – above all the sheer . She must look awesome when powered close hauled and heeling over.

The Dufour 310 Grand´Large is more than a Daysailer

She is a light suffused ship with a high class designed yet friendly interior, not that intimidating museum-like precious “don´t tuch me!”-designs often seen with other brands. I couldn´t notice any faults in material and installations, couldn´t spot any major issues and found myself at home instantly. She is a very, very nice boat.

All in all I am fascinated by this boat in many respects: As an owner of a 10.30 meter long boat having one full meter more length, I am astonished by the fact how big that small can be. The 2015 31 feet Dufour 310 offers far more space both on and under deck than my King´s Cruiser can ever do. There´s only one thing where my classic GRP-cruiser is superior: In my eyes it´s more cozy to have a U-shaped settee in the saloon rather than two ordinary ones. On the other hand: You cannot possibly compare two boats which are made with 40 years of marine development parting each other.

Dufour Yachts is one of the bigger brands

I am a bit saddened by the fact that I wasn´t able to take her out to a cruise to see how she behaves under sails and if she can live up to the high marks I give her for her appearance. But I hope to get her wheels and sheets into my hands someday soon. As much as I am intrigued to have a thorough look at the Dufour Performance 40E, which is my favorite boat of all, I somehow fell in love a bit. With that little big boat.

Thanks to Dufour Yachts Germany for handing me the keys for the boat. For a second I was ensnared to just let go all lines and cast off …

Here´s an article on other dream yachts – the Hallberg-Rassy 412 and 43

You prefer damn fast sailing? Then maybe this dream yacht, the Pogo 12.50 will appeal your taste.


2014 Dufour Grand Large 310

Dufour Grand Large 310


Dufour 41, Boat of the Year? Learn More About This Model


The Dufour 41 , which blends performance, elegance, and innovation , is the result of a collaboration between the Dufour teams, interior designer Lucas Ardizio, and naval architect Umberto Felci.

To learn more, let’s revisit a conversation between seasoned sailor Nicolas Bérenger and Sébastien Lucas, Dufour 41 ‘s Project Manager.

A Reimagined Legacy

The Dufour 41 is more than just an addition to the Dufour range ; it’s a thoughtful evolution of its predecessors. “ We started with the previous Dufour range , ” explains Nicolas Bérenger. “ It’s not an entirely new boat, but rather a true product of the brand, with all the Dufour DNA . We aimed to make the boat larger while keeping the same size, widening the hull, and asking the design team to rethink their approach. ”

The result is a boat that fully embodies the tradition and DNA of Dufour while offering significant innovations . This sailboat is designed to provide a broader and more comfortable sailing experience without compromising on marine performance: intuitive sailing. This vision continues and is perpetuated across all models in the range .

An Exceptional Launch

The Dufour 41 made its official debut in February 2023, leaving the shipyard and being launched in March. Its world premiere took place at the Cannes Yachting Festival , a crucial moment where it was subjected to rigorous testing in various sea and wind conditions.

“ We tested the boat in all sea and wind conditions and shared this experience with the entire shipyard team, ” says Sébastien Lucas. “ The reception was very positive . In Cannes , we received nominations in several categories and won our first award at the Genoa Boat Show for design. ”

These awards are not only a testament to the technical success of the Dufour 41 but also to its recognition within the international boating community.

Performance and Comfort: A Perfect Balance

The Dufour 41 stands out for its maritime performance . “ It’s a well-balanced, safe, and easy-to-handle boat, suitable for both crewed and solo sailing, ” says Sébastien Lucas. This sailboat is designed to be accessible while offering top-tier performance. The cockpit design and layout of all equipment are designed for easy and intuitive access , whether you’re an experienced skipper or a beginner.

A particularly memorable moment for the team occurred during tests in Palma de Mallorca . “ We found ourselves in the middle of a J-Class regatta, ” recalls Sébastien Lucas. “ Even though we weren’t in direct competition, it was impressive to see the boat holding its own among these giants of the sea. ”

A Creative Collaboration

The creation of the Dufour 41 is the result of a two-year development process, closely involving all the Dufour teams as well as external collaborators like naval architect Umberto Felci and interior designer Luca Ardizio. Together, they worked to create a boat that embodies the brand’s values while incorporating the innovations that make Dufour strong.

“ It was about preserving the Dufour DNA —a marine and high-performing boat—while associating it with a generous hull, ” explains Sébastien Lucas. The mast positioning, volume distribution, and ease of handling were all carefully studied to optimize performance and comfort.

Luca Ardizio, responsible for interior design, brought his personal touch by balancing simplicity, functionality, and aesthetics. “ The collaboration was very enriching, based on sharing ideas to find the best possible compromise while innovating, ” he says.

A Unique Design

What truly sets the Dufour 41 apart is its unique design. “ The Dufour 41 stands out with its very wide forward hull, inspired by offshore racing boats, while remaining balanced and performant, ” emphasizes Nicolas Bérenger. Additionally, it is the only boat of its size to offer four real cabins , thanks to its optimized hull.

The cockpit, 15% larger than that of the previous model, offers a generous outdoor living space, meeting the expectations of modern sailors in terms of comfort and ergonomics.

Where to See and Test the Dufour 41?

If you want to discover or rediscover the Dufour 41, don’t hesitate to contact your Dufour dealer . They will be happy to assist you in your acquisition project and provide you with all the necessary advice.

The Dufour 41 will join its big brother—the Dufour 44 —in a grand world tour starting this fall. Schedule a visit in Cannes , Southampton , Genoa , La Rochelle , or Annapolis .

Book my visit

With the Dufour 41 , Dufour continues to establish itself as a key player in the boating industry , combining tradition and innovation to offer boats that captivate sailing enthusiasts worldwide. Stay tuned, big announcements are coming…

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    The Dufour 310 Grand Large embodies the lifestyle that Dufour has infused into its projects over the last 50 years: it is fast, well-balanced, comfortable and easy to steer, even for a single handed purpose. ... characterised by excellent performance, maximum ease of handling, and the timeless elegance of Dufour Yachts. In just 9.35m length the ...

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    The Dufour 310 Grand Large embodies the lifestyle that Dufour has infused into its projects over the last 50 years: it is fast, well-balanced, comfortable and easy to steer, even for a single handed purpose. ... characterised by excellent performance, maximum ease of handling, and the timeless elegance of Dufour Yachts. In just 9.35m length the ...

  20. 2017 Dufour 310 Grand Large Racer/Cruiser for sale

    An inhabitable, compact, and fast sailboat. This DUFOUR 310, measuring less than 10 meters, has everything of a larger yacht! It combines design, technology, performance, innovation, and safety. It is very easy to handle, even with a small crew, and can provide intense sensations. The 310 GRAND LARGE features a double steering wheel and dual ...

  21. Dufour 41, Boat of the Year? Learn More About This Model

    A Reimagined Legacy. The Dufour 41 is more than just an addition to the Dufour range; it's a thoughtful evolution of its predecessors."We started with the previous Dufour range," explains Nicolas Bérenger. "It's not an entirely new boat, but rather a true product of the brand, with all the Dufour DNA.We aimed to make the boat larger while keeping the same size, widening the hull ...

  22. Dufour Yachts for sale

    Find Dufour Yachts for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Dufour Yachts to choose from. ... 470, 41, 530 and 460 Grand Large. Dufour models are available through yacht brokers, dealers, and brokerages on YachtWorld. The listings encompass a range of years, starting from 1968 models up to 2025 ...

  23. Sail Dufour Yachts Cruiser boats for sale

    Find Sail Dufour Yachts Cruiser boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Dufour Yachts to choose from. ... 2023 Dufour 530 Grand Large. US$849,900. ↓ Price Drop. US $6,457/mo. Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. | Racine, Wisconsin. Request Info; In-Stock; 2024 Dufour 470. US$721,243. ↓ Price Drop.

  24. Sail Dufour Yachts for sale

    Find Sail Dufour Yachts for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Dufour Yachts to choose from. ... 2023 Dufour 530 Grand Large. US$849,900. ↓ Price Drop. US $6,457/mo. Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. | Racine, Wisconsin. Request Info; Available Soon; 2025 Dufour 530. Request price. ACY Yachts ...

  25. 2016 Dufour 512 Grand Large Racer/Cruiser for sale

    After the success of the Dufour 500 GL, produced up to 140 units, Dufour proposes a revisited version of this exceptional yacht, which benefits from all the innovations and features integrated in the latest Grand Large models. While sailing, the new fixed bowsprit, helmsman console, and inclined boom are notorious advantages for easy maneuvering.