17 Sailboat Types Explained: How To Recognize Them

Ever wondered what type of sailboat you're looking at? Identifying sailboats isn't hard, you just have to know what to look for. In this article, I'll help you.

Every time I'm around a large number of sailboats, I look around in awe (especially with the bigger ones). I recognize some, but with most of them, I'll have to ask the owner. When they answer, I try to hide my ignorance. The words don't make any sense!

So here's a complete list with pictures of the most common sailboat types today. For each of them, I'll explain exactly where the name comes from, and how you can recognize it easily.

Gaff rigged white schooner

So here's my list of popular sailboat types, explained:

Bermuda sloop, sailing hydrofoil, dutch barge, chinese junk, square-rigged tall ship, in conclusion, how to recognize any sailboat.

Before we get started, I wanted to quickly explain what you should look for when you try to identify a sailboat.

The type of sailboat is always determined by one of these four things:

  • The type of hull
  • The type of keel
  • The number of masts
  • And the type of sails and rig

The hull is the boat's body. There are basically three hull types: monohull, catamaran, and trimaran. Simply said: do I see one hull, two hulls (catamaran) or three hulls (trimaran)? Most sailboats are monohulls.

Next, there is the keel type. The keel is the underwater part of the hull. Mostly, you won't be able to see that, because it's underwater. So we'll leave that for now.

The sail plan

The last factor is the number of masts and the sail plan. The sail plan, simply put, is the number of sails, the type of sails, and how the sails are mounted to the masts (also called rigging ).

Sailboat are mostly named after the sail plan, but occasionally, a sail type is thrown in there as well.

So now we know what to pay attention to, let's go and check out some sailboats!

Row of sailing dinghies in golden hour at the dock

Dinghies are the smallest and most simple sailboats around.

They are your typical training sailboats. Small boats with an open hull, with just one mast and one sail. Perfect for learning the ways of the wind.

On average, they are between 6 and 20 ft long. Mostly sailed single-handed (solo). There's no special rigging, just the mainsail. The mainsail is commonly a Bermuda (triangular) mainsail. Dinghies have a simple rudder stick and no special equipment or rigging.

Dinghies are great for learning how to sail. The smaller the boat, the better you feel the impact of your trim and actions.

How to recognize a sailing dinghy:

  • short (8ft)
  • one Bermuda sail
  • open hull design
  • rudder stick

Common places to spot them: lakes, near docks

Three Bermuda Sloops in bright blue water

If you'd ask a kid to draw a sailboat, she'll most probably draw this one. The Bermuda Sloop is the most popular and most common sailboat type today. You'll definitely recognize this one.

How to recognize a Bermuda Sloop:

  • triangular mainsail (called a Bermuda sail)
  • a foresail (also called the jib)
  • fore-and-aft rigged
  • medium-sized (12 - 50 ft)

Fore-and-aft rigged just means "from front to back". This type of rigging helps to sail upwind.

Any sailboat with one mast and two sails could still be a sloop. Even if the sails are another shape or rigged in another way. For example, here's a gaff-rigged sloop (more on the gaff rig later):

Gaff Rigged Sloop in white in front of coastline with flat

If you want to learn all about sail rigs, check out my full Guide to Understanding Sail Rig Types here. It has good infographics and explains it in more detail

The Bermuda sloop has a lot of advantages over other sailboat types (which is why it's so popular):

  • the Bermuda rig is very maneuverable and pretty fast in almost all conditions
  • it's really versatile
  • you can sail it by yourself without any problems
  • it's a simple setup

Common places to spot a sloop: everywhere. Smaller sloops are more common for inland waters, rivers, and lakes. Medium-sized and large sloops are very popular cruising boats.

Cutter motorsailor against sun in black and white

Cutters have one mast but three or more sails. Most cutters are Bermuda rigged, which means they look a lot like sloops.

How to recognize a cutter:

  • looks like a sloop
  • two or more headsails instead of one
  • commonly one mast
  • sometimes an extra mast with mainsail

Cutters have more sail area, which makes them faster, but also harder to sail single-handed. There's also more strain on the mast and rigging.

Common places to spot a cutter: everywhere. Cutters are very popular for cruising.

They mostly have a Bermuda rig, which means triangular sails. But there are also gaff cutters and naval cutters, and some have two masts.

Here's an example of a two-masted naval cutter with an extra gaff mainsail and top gaff:

Dutch naval cutter with top gaff sail

The Hydrofoil is a pretty new sailboat design. It's a racing sailboat with thin wing foils under the hull. These lift up the hull, out of the water, reducing the displacement to nearly zero. The foils create downforce and keep it from lifting off entirely.

This makes the hydrofoil extremely fast and also impressive.

The hydrofoil refers to the keel type. There are both monohull and multihull hydrofoils.

How to recognize a hydrofoil:

  • it flies above the waterline and has small fins

Common places to spot a hydrofoil: at racing events

Cruising catamaran at dock in blue waters

Famous catamaran: La Vagabonde from Sailing La Vagabonde

A catamaran is a type of cruising and racing multihull sailboat with two hulls. The hulls are always the same size.

Most catamarans have a standard Bermuda rig. The catamaran refers to the hull, so it can have any number of masts, sails, sail types and rig type.

How to recognize a catamaran:

  • any boat with two hulls is called a catamaran

Common places to spot catamarans: coastal waters, The Caribbean, shallow reefs

The advantages of a catamaran: Catamarans heel less than monohulls and are more buoyant. Because of the double hull, they don't need as deep a keel to be stable. They have a smaller displacement, making them faster. They also have a very shallow draft. That's why catamarans are so popular in the Caribbean, where there's lots of shallow water.

Catamarans are nearly impossible to capsize:

"Compared with a monohull, a cruising catamaran sailboat has a high initial resistance to heeling and capsize—a fifty-footer requires four times the force to initiate a capsize than an equivalent monohull." Source: Wikipedia

Trimaran in green-blue waves

How to recognize a trimaran:

  • any boat with three hulls is called a trimaran

Trimarans have three hulls, so it's a multi-hull design. It's mostly a regular monohull with two smaller hulls or floaters on the sides. Some trimarans can be trailered by winching in the auxiliary hulls, like this:

Extended trimaran hull

This makes them very suitable for long-term cruising, but also for regular docking. This is great for crowded areas and small berths, like in the Mediterranean. It sure is more cost-effective than the catamaran (but you also don't have the extra storage and living space!).

Common places to spot Trimarans: mostly popular for long-term cruising, you'll find the trimaran in coastal areas.

Gaff rigged white schooner

Gaffer refers to gaff-rigged, which is the way the sails are rigged. A gaff rig is a rectangular sail with a top pole, or 'spar', which attaches it to the mast. This pole is called the 'gaff'. To hoist the mainsail, you hoist this top spar with a separate halyard. Most gaffers carry additional gaff topsails as well.

Gaff rigs are a bit less versatile than sloops. Because of the gaff, they can have a larger sail area. So they will perform better with downwind points of sail. Upwind, however, they handle less well.

How to recognize a gaffer:

  • sail is rectangular
  • mainsail has a top pole (or spar)

Since a gaffer refers to the rig type, and not the mast configuration or keel type, all sailboats with this kind of rigging can be called 'gaffers'.

Common places to spot a gaffer: Gaffers are popular inland sailboats. It's a more traditional rig, being used recreationally.

White schooner with two headsails

Schooners used to be extremely popular before sloops took over. Schooners are easy to sail but slower than sloops. They handle better than sloops in all comfortable (cruising) points of sail, except for upwind.

How to recognize a schooner:

  • mostly two masts
  • smaller mast in front
  • taller mast in the back
  • fore-and-aft rigged sails
  • gaff-rigged mainsails (spar on top of the sail)

Common places to spot a schooner: coastal marinas, bays

Ketch with maroon sails

How to recognize a ketch:

  • medium-sized (30 ft and up)
  • smaller mast in back
  • taller mast in front
  • both masts have a mainsail

The ketch refers to the sail plan (mast configuration and type of rig). Ketches actually handle really well. The back mast (mizzenmast) powers the hull, giving the skipper more control. Because of the extra mainsail, the ketch has shorter masts. This means less stress on masts and rigging, and less heel.

Common places to spot a ketch: larger marinas, coastal regions

White yawl with two masts and blue spinnaker

How to recognize a yawl:

  • main mast in front
  • much smaller mast in the back
  • back mast doesn't carry a mainsail

The aft mast is called a mizzenmast. Most ketches are gaff-rigged, so they have a spar at the top of the sail. They sometimes carry gaff topsails. They are harder to sail than sloops.

The yawl refers to the sail plan (mast configuration and type of rig).

Common places to spot a yawl: they are not as popular as sloops, and most yawls are vintage sailboat models. You'll find most being used as daysailers on lakes and in bays.

Clipper with leeboards

Dutch Barges are very traditional cargo ships for inland waters. My hometown is literally littered with a very well-known type of barge, the Skutsje. This is a Frisian design with leeboards.

Skutsjes don't have a keel but use leeboards for stability instead, which are the 'swords' or boards on the side of the hull.

How to recognize a Dutch Barge:

  • most barges have one or two masts
  • large, wooden masts
  • leeboards (wooden wings on the side of the hull)
  • mostly gaff-rigged sails (pole on top of the sail, attached to mast)
  • a ducktail transom

types of sailing yachts

The clipper is one of the latest sailboat designs before steam-powered vessels took over. The cutter has a large cargo area for transporting cargo. But they also needed to be fast to compete with steam vessels. It's a large, yet surprisingly fast sailboat model, and is known for its good handling.

This made them good for trade, especially transporting valuable goods like tea or spices.

How to recognize a Clipper:

  • mostly three masts
  • square-rigged sails
  • narrow but long, steel hull

Common places to spot a clipper: inland waters, used as houseboats, but coastal waters as well. There are a lot of clippers on the Frisian Lakes and Waddenzee in The Netherlands (where I live).

Chinese Junk sailboat with red sails

This particular junk is Satu, from the Chesapeake Bay Area.

The Chinese Junk is an ancient type of sailboat. Junks were used to sail to Indonesia and India from the start of the Middle Ages onward (500 AD). The word junk supposedly comes from the Chinese word 'jung', meaning 'floating house'.

How to recognize a Chinese junk:

  • medium-sized (30 - 50 ft)
  • large, flat sails with full-length battens
  • stern (back of the hull) opens up in a high deck
  • mostly two masts (sometimes one)
  • with two mainsails, sails are traditionally maroon
  • lug-rigged sails

The junk has a large sail area. The full-length battens make sure the sails stay flat. It's one of the flattest sails around, which makes it good for downwind courses. This also comes at a cost: the junk doesn't sail as well upwind.

White cat boat with single gaff-rigged sail

The cat rig is a sail plan with most commonly just one mast and one sail, the mainsail.

Most sailing dinghies are cats, but there are also larger boats with this type of sail plan. The picture above is a great example.

How to recognize a cat rig:

  • smaller boats
  • mostly one mast
  • one sail per mast
  • no standing rigging

Cat-rigged refers to the rigging, not the mast configuration or sail type. So you can have cats with a Bermuda sail (called a Bermuda Cat) or gaff-rigged sail (called a Gaff Cat), and so on. There are also Cat Ketches and Cat Schooners, for example. These have two masts.

The important thing to know is: cats have one sail per mast and no standing rigging .

Most typical place to spot Cats: lakes and inland waters

Brig under sail with woodlands

Famous brig: HMS Beagle (Charles Darwin's ship)

A brig was a very popular type of small warship of the U.S. navy during the 19th century. They were used in the American Revolution and other wars with the United Kingdom. They carry 10-18 guns and are relatively fast and maneuverable. They required less crew than a square-rigged ship.

How to recognize a brig:

  • square-rigged foremast
  • mainmast square-rigged or square-rigged and gaff-rigged

types of sailing yachts

How to recognize a tall ship:

  • three or four masts
  • square sails with a pole across the top
  • multiple square sails on each mast
  • a lot of lines and rigging

Square-rigged ships, or tall ships, are what we think of when we think of pirate ships. Now, most pirate ships weren't actually tall ships, but they come from around the same period. They used to be built from wood, but more modern tall ships are nearly always steel.

Tall ships have three or four masts and square sails which are square-rigged. That means they are attached to the masts with yards.

We have the tall ship races every four years, where dozens of tall ships meet and race just offshore.

Most common place to spot Tall Ships: Museums, special events, open ocean

Trabaccolo with large yellow sails

This is a bonus type since it is not very common anymore. As far as I know, there's only one left.

The Trabaccolo is a small cargo ship used in the Adriatic Sea. It has lug sails. A lug rig is a rectangular sail, but on a long pole or yard that runs fore-and-aft. It was a popular Venetian sailboat used for trade.

The name comes from the Italian word trabacca , which means tent, referring to the sails.

How to recognize a Trabaccolo:

  • wide and short hull
  • sails look like a tent

Most common place to spot Trabaccolo's: the Marine Museum of Cesenatico has a fully restored Trabaccolo.

So, there you have it. Now you know what to look for, and how to recognize the most common sailboat types easily. Next time you encounter a magnificent sailboat, you'll know what it's called - or where to find out quickly.

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I loved this article. I had no idea there were so many kinds of sailboats.

i have a large sailing boat about 28ft. that im having a difficult time identifying. it was my fathers & unfortunately hes passed away now. any helpful information would be appreciated.

Jorge Eusali Castro Archbold

I find a saleboat boat but i can find the módem…os registré out off bru’x, and the saleboat name is TADCOZ, can you tell me who to go about this matter in getting info.thank con voz your time…

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Types of Sailboats: A Complete Guide

Types of Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

Learning the different types of sailboats can help you identify vessels and choose the right boat.

In this article, we'll cover the most common kinds of sailboats, their origins, and what they're used for. We'll also go over the strengths and weaknesses of each design, along with when they're most useful.

The most common kind of sailboat is the sloop, as it's simple to operate and versatile. Other common sailboat types include the schooner, cutter, cat, ketch, schooner, catamaran, and trimaran. Other sailboat variations include pocket cruisers, motorsailers, displacement, and shoal-draft vessels.

The information found in this article is sourced from boat reference guides, including A Field Guide to Sailboats of North America by Richard M. Sherwood and trusted sources in the sailing community.

Table of contents

Distinguishing Types of Sailboats

In this article, we'll distinguish sailboats by traits such as their hull type, rig, and general configuration. Some sailboats share multiple characteristics with other boats but fall into a completely different category. For example, a sailboat with a Bermuda rig, a large engine, and a pilothouse could technically be called a sloop, but it's more likely a motorsailer.

When discerning sailboat type, the first most obvious place to look is the hull. If it has only one hull, you can immediately eliminate the trimaran and the catamaran. If it has two or more hulls, it's certainly not a typical monohull vessel.

The next trait to consider is the rig. You can tell a lot about a sailboat based on its rig, including what it's designed to be used for. For example, a long and slender sailboat with a tall triangular rig is likely designed for speed or racing, whereas a wide vessel with a complex gaff rig is probably built for offshore cruising.

Other factors that determine boat type include hull shape, overall length, cabin size, sail plan, and displacement. Hull material also plays a role, but every major type of sailboat has been built in both wood and fiberglass at some point.

Sailboat vs. Motorsailer

Most sailboats have motors, but most motorized sailboats are not motorsailers. A motorsailer is a specific kind of sailboat designed to run efficiently under sail and power, and sometimes both.

Most sailboats have an auxiliary engine, though these power plants are designed primarily for maneuvering. These vessels cannot achieve reasonable speed or fuel-efficiency. Motorsailers can operate like a powerboat.

Motorsailers provide great flexibility on short runs. They're great family boats, and they're popular in coastal communities with heavy boat traffic. However, these features come at a cost. Motorsailers aren't the fastest or most efficient powerboats, and they're also not the most agile sailboats. That said, they make an excellent general-purpose sailing craft.

Monohull vs. Multi-hull: Which is Better?

Multihull sailboats are increasingly popular, thanks to advances and lightweight materials, and sailboat design. But are they better than traditional sailboats? Monohulls are easier to maintain and less expensive, and they offer better interior layouts. Multihulls are more stable and comfortable, and they're significantly easier to control. Multihull sailboats also have a speed advantage.

Monohull Sailboats

A monohull sailboat is a traditionally-shaped vessel with a single hull. The vast majority of consumer sailboats are monohulls, as they're inexpensive to produce and easy to handle. Monohull sailboats are proven and easy to maintain, though they lack the initial stability and motion comfort of multi-hull vessels.

Monohull sailboats have a much greater rig variety than multi-hull sailboats. The vast majority of multihull sailboats have a single mast, whereas multi-masted vessels such as yawls and schooners are always monohulls. Some multi-hull sailboats have side-by-side masts, but these are the exception.

Catamaran Sailboats

The second most common sailboat configuration is the catamaran. A catamaran is a multihull sailboat that has two symmetrical hulls placed side-by-side and connected with a deck. This basic design has been used for hundreds of years, and it experienced a big resurgence in the fiberglass boat era.

Catamarans are fast, efficient, and comfortable. They don't heel very much, as this design has excellent initial stability. The primary drawback of the catamaran is below decks. The cabin of a catamaran is split between both hulls, which often leaves less space for the galley, head, and living areas.

Trimaran Sailboats

Trimarans are multi-hull sailboats similar to catamarans. Trimarans have three hulls arranged side-by-side. The profile of a trimaran is often indistinguishable from a catamaran.

Trimarans are increasingly popular, as they're faster than catamarans and monohulls and considerably easier to control. Trimarans suffer from the same spatial limitations as catamarans. The addition of an extra hull adds additional space, which is one reason why these multi-hull vessels are some of the best-selling sailboats on the market today.

Sailboat Rig Types

Rigging is another way to distinguish sailboat types. The rig of a sailboat refers to it's mast and sail configuration. Here are the most common types of sailboat rigs and what they're used for.

Sloops are the most common type of sailboat on the water today. A sloop is a simple single-mast rig that usually incorporates a tall triangular mainsail and headsail. The sloop rig is easy to control, fun to sail, and versatile. Sloops are common on racing sailboats as they can sail quite close to the wind. These maneuverable sailboats also have excellent windward performance.

The sloop rig is popular because it works well in almost any situation. That said, other more complex rigs offer finer control and superior performance for some hull types. Additionally, sloops spread their entire sail area over just to canvases, which is less flexible than multi-masted rigs. The sloop is ideal for general-purpose sailing, and it's proven itself inland and offshore.

Sloop Features:

  • Most popular sailboat rig
  • Single mast
  • One mainsail and headsail
  • Typically Bermuda-rigged
  • Easy to handle
  • Great windward performance
  • Less precise control
  • Easier to capsize
  • Requires a tall mast

Suitable Uses:

  • Offshore cruising
  • Coastal cruising

Cat (Catboat)

The cat (or catboat) is a single-masted sailboat with a large, single mainsail. Catboats have a thick forward mast, no headsail, and an exceptionally long boom. These vessels are typically gaff-rigged, as this four-edged rig offers greater sail area with a shorter mast. Catboats were popular workboats in New England around the turn of the century, and they have a large following today.

Catboats are typically short and wide, which provides excellent stability in rough coastal conditions. They're hardy and seaworthy vessels, but they're slow and not ideal for offshore use. Catboats are simple and easy to control, as they only have a single gaff sail. Catboats are easy to spot thanks to their forward-mounted mast and enormous mainsail.

Catboat Features:

  • Far forward-mounted single mast
  • Large four-sided gaff sail
  • Short and wide with a large cockpit
  • Usually between 20 and 30 feet in length
  • Excellent workboats
  • Tough and useful design
  • Great for fishing
  • Large cockpit and cabin
  • Not ideal for offshore sailing
  • Single sail offers less precise control
  • Slow compared to other rigs
  • Inland cruising

At first glance, a cutter is difficult to distinguish from a sloop. Both vessels have a single mast located in roughly the same position, but the sail plan is dramatically different. The cutter uses two headsails and often incorporates a large spar that extends from the bow (called a bowsprit).

The additional headsail is called a staysail. A sloop only carries one headsail, which is typically a jib. Cutter headsails have a lower center of gravity which provides superior performance in rough weather. It's more difficult to capsize a cutter, and they offer more precise control than a sloop. Cutters have more complex rigging, which is a disadvantage for some people.

Cutter Features:

  • Two headsails
  • Long bowsprit
  • Similar to sloop
  • Gaff or Bermuda-rigged
  • Fast and efficient
  • Offers precise control
  • Superior rough-weather performance
  • More complex than the sloop rig
  • Harder to handle than simpler rigs

Perhaps the most majestic type of sailboat rig, the schooner is a multi-masted vessel with plenty of history and rugged seaworthiness. The schooner is typically gaff-rigged with short masts and multiple sails. Schooners are fast and powerful vessels with a complex rig. These sailboats have excellent offshore handling characteristics.

Schooners have a minimum of two masts, but some have three or more. The aftermost large sail is the mainsail, and the nearly identical forward sail is called the foresail. Schooners can have one or more headsail, which includes a cutter-style staysail. Some schooners have an additional smaller sale aft of the mainsail called the mizzen.

Schooner Features:

  • At least two masts
  • Usually gaff-rigged
  • One or more headsails
  • Excellent offshore handling
  • Precise control
  • Numerous sail options (headsails, topsails, mizzen)
  • Fast and powerful
  • Complex and labor-intensive rig
  • Difficult to adjust rig single-handed
  • Offshore fishing

Picture a ketch as a sloop or a cutter with an extra mast behind the mainsail. These vessels are seaworthy, powerful, excellent for offshore cruising. A ketch is similar to a yawl, except its larger mizzen doesn't hang off the stern. The ketch is either gaff or Bermuda-rigged.

Ketch-rigged sailboats have smaller sails, and thus, shorter masts. This makes them more durable and controllable in rough weather. The mizzen can help the boat steer itself, which is advantageous on offshore voyages. A ketch is likely slower than a sloop or a cutter, which means you aren't likely to find one winning a race.

Ketch Features:

  • Headsail (or headsails), mainsail, and mizzen
  • Mizzen doesn't extend past the rudder post
  • Good offshore handling
  • Controllable and mild
  • Shorter and stronger masts
  • Easy self-steering
  • Slower than sloops and cutters
  • Less common on the used market

A dinghy is a general term for a small sailboat of fewer than 28 feet overall. Dinghys are often dual-power boats, which means they usually have oars or a small outboard in addition to a sail. These small boats are open-top and only suitable for cruising in protected waters. Many larger sailboats have a deployable dinghy on board to get to shore when at anchor.

Dinghy Features:

  • One or two people maximum capacity
  • Easy to sail
  • Works with oars, sails, or an outboard
  • Great auxiliary boat
  • Small and exposed
  • Not suitable for offshore use
  • Going from anchor to shore
  • Protected recreational sailing (lakes, rivers, and harbors)

Best Sailboat Type for Stability

Stability is a factor that varies widely between sailboat types. There are different types of stability, and some sailors prefer one over another. For initial stability, the trimaran wins with little contest. This is because these vessels have a very high beam-to-length ratio, which makes them much less prone to rolling. Next up is the catamaran, which enjoys the same benefit from a wide beam but lacks the additional support of a center hull section.

It's clear that in most conditions, multihull vessels have the greatest stability. But what about in rough weather? And what about capsizing? Multihull sailboats are impossible to right after a knockdown. This is where full-keel monohull sailboats excel.

Traditional vessels with deep displacement keels are the safest and most stable in rough weather. The shape, depth, and weight of their keels keep them from knocking over and rolling excessively. In many cases, these sailboats will suffer a dismasting long before a knockdown. The primary disadvantage of deep-keeled sailboats is their tendency to heel excessively. This characteristic isn't hazardous, though it can make novice sailors nervous and reduce cabin comfort while underway.

Best Sailboat Type for Offshore Cruising

The best sailboat type for offshore cruising is the schooner. These graceful aid robust vessels have proven themselves over centuries as durable and capable vessels. They typically use deep displacement keels, which makes them stable in rough weather and easy to keep on course.

That said, the full answer isn't quite so simple. Modern multihull designs are an attractive option, and they have also proven to be strong and safe designs. Multihull sailboats are an increasingly popular option for offshore sailors, and they offer comfort that was previously unknown in the sailing community.

Many sailors cross oceans in basic Bermuda-rigged monohulls and take full advantage of a fin-keel design speed. At the end of the day, the best offshore cruising sailboat is whatever you are comfortable handling and living aboard. There are physical limits to all sailboat designs, though almost any vessel can make it across an ocean if piloted by a competent skipper and crew.

Best Sailboat Type for Racing The modern lightweight Bermuda-rigged sailboat is the king of the regatta. When designed with the right kind of hull, these vessels are some of the fastest sailboats ever developed. Many boats constructed between the 1970s and today incorporate these design features due to their favorable coastal and inland handling characteristics. Even small sailboats, such as the Cal 20 and the Catalina 22, benefit from this design. These boats are renowned for their speed and handling characteristics.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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A Complete Guide to Yacht Types and Sizes

  • by yachtman
  • August 28, 2023 June 22, 2024

types of sailing yachts

Yachts, symbols of luxury and leisure, provide a stunning escape. From motor yachts to sailing yachts, the world of yachting is both diverse and captivating. Journey with us as we explore the different types and sizes of yachts, uncovering their secrets.

Climb onboard a superyacht , the queen of the seas. These floating palaces boast remarkable dimensions, with amenities such as swimming pools, helipads, and even submarines. Ideal for those seeking indulgence, superyachts are the epitome of yachting excellence.

For a more intimate experience, try a luxury motor yacht . With powerful engines, they let you visit multiple destinations quickly. Enjoy the lap of luxury as you cruise across the sea, appreciating every moment on board these vessels.

Sailing lovers will appreciate classic sailing yachts . Watch their silhouettes gracefully cut through the waves, powered by wind. Feel the passion for sailing, and the freedom, on an adventure akin to ancient seafarers. Uncover your inner explorer while savoring unparalleled serenity.

Catamarans are ideal for sailing with precision and finesse. With twin hulls offering stability and space, catamarans offer great comfort. Enjoy vibrant sunsets to tranquil anchorages, and bliss on water, with these versatile vessels.

For those keen on exploration, expedition yachts are perfect. Built tough and with advanced tech, they are designed for explorations to remote areas. Discover untouched landscapes, encounter wildlife, and make memories in the far-flung corners of the world.

Types of Yachts

Sailboats to mega-yachts – there’s a large choice of yachts. Let’s delve into the types and sizes that meet different needs.

Take a gander at the table below for an overview of yachts:

Type Size Range
Sailing Yacht 20-100+ feet
Motor Yacht 35-200+ feet
Catamaran 30-80+ feet
Trawler Yacht 40-100+ feet
Expedition Yacht 70-400+ feet
Flybridge Yacht 50-150+ feet
Sports Fisher Yacht 30-70+ feet

A guide to yacht anchor types and sizes is vital for understanding the different types and sizes available in the yacht industry. For more information, check out a guide to yacht tenders .

Sailing yachts are graceful and use wind power. Motor yachts are speedy and powered by engines.

Catamarans stand out with their steadiness and roominess – great for a leisurely cruise. Trawler yachts are great for long-distance trips because they’re fuel-efficient and have comfy living areas.

Adventurous souls should check out expedition yachts . Flybridge yachts have an extra deck level for entertainment and relaxation.

Sports fisher yachts are designed for fishing, with special gear and amenities.

Don’t miss out on your dream yacht – find the perfect one and go on amazing sea experiences. Start your journey now!

Sizes of Yachts

Yachts come in plenty of sizes, each with its own unique features and capabilities. To discover the perfect yacht for your needs, let us explore the sizes of yachts via a table showcasing their specifications.

Here’s what the table looks like:

Size Length Capacity Features
Tenders Up to 30 ft Up to 10 guests Short trips and transportation to shore
Day Boats 30-60 ft Up to 12 guests Day trips, water sports, and entertaining
Cruisers 60-130 ft Accommodates 8 Guests Long journeys and luxury living
Superyachts Over 130 ft Large groups of guests Swimming pools, helipads, and decks

Moreover, take into account that certain yachts have stability systems, others prioritize speed, and some are customized. I once met a yacht owner who wanted a retractable roof! With the help of creative builders, his dream was fulfilled and he got to enjoy a unique experience on the open seas.

Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Yacht

Making the right yacht choice involves many key points to think about. These include size, type, budget, use and preferences, like amenities . To decide wisely, assess each factor and see how important they are. Here’s a table of the main considerations when choosing a yacht:

Factors Description
Size Think about how many guests you’ll have and if you want a larger or smaller yacht.
Type Pick between motor, sail, catamaran or mega yachts based on your cruise plans and activities.
Budget Establish a realistic budget that covers purchase costs, upkeep, crew wages, insurance fees and mooring.
Intended Use Decide if you’ll mostly cruise or if you have special activities in mind like fishing or water sports.
Amenities and Features Figure out what features and amenities are essential for your comfort onboard, such as cabins, entertainment systems, water toys or a jacuzzi.

In addition, there are unique details you should consider, like if you plan to charter your yacht when not in use, go for a popular model. If privacy is important, choose a yacht with separate crew quarters. So, here are some tips for making the right choice:

  • Get expert advice from experienced yacht brokers or naval architects.
  • Choose respected brands that hold their value in case you resell.
  • Visit boat shows and yacht exhibitions to explore different models and talk to professionals.

By taking all factors into account and following these suggestions, you can find the perfect yacht that fits your needs. Whether for leisure or adventure, the right yacht will give you amazing memories on the sea.

So many options! In this guide, we explore yacht types and sizes, helping you find the perfect vessel. From sailing yachts to motor yachts , each one offers a unique experience. Plus, you can customize your yacht for a truly special journey.

Let me tell you about James . He dreamed of a yacht that matched his adventurous spirit. So, he found a builder who specialized in customization. The result was amazing – a sleek motor yacht with state-of-the-art diving gear, space for fishing equipment, and luxurious comforts. On his customized vessel, James cruised beautiful coastlines and made memories that will last forever.

When you search for your yacht, remember that customization is key. You can have a tranquil sailing experience or a thrilling adventure. Dive into the ocean of possibilities – your imagination is the only limit.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: What are the different types of yachts?

There are various types of yachts, including motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans, trimarans, superyachts, and expedition yachts. Each type offers unique features and advantages.

FAQ 2: What is the difference between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht?

A motor yacht, as the name suggests, is powered by an engine and offers more speed and convenience. On the other hand, a sailing yacht relies on wind power and provides a traditional sailing experience with a slower pace.

FAQ 3: What is a superyacht?

A superyacht is a luxury yacht with high-end amenities and extravagant features. These yachts often offer spacious cabins, multiple decks, swimming pools, helipads, and other luxurious facilities.

FAQ 4: What is the average size of a yacht?

Yachts can vary greatly in size. The average size of a yacht ranges from 30 to 60 feet. However, larger yachts, known as superyachts, can measure over 100 feet in length.

FAQ 5: What is the advantage of a catamaran or trimaran?

Catamarans and trimarans provide more stability due to their dual or triple hull design. They offer spacious interiors, increased deck space, and enhanced fuel efficiency compared to traditional monohull yachts.

FAQ 6: What is an expedition yacht?

An expedition yacht is designed for long-range cruising and exploring remote destinations. These yachts feature robust construction, advanced navigation systems, and ample storage for supplies and equipment.

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Types of Sailboats: Essential Guide for Every Sailor

Sailboats have been an essential part of human history, contributing to exploration, trade, and leisure. With a myriad of designs and sizes, these versatile vessels cater to various purposes and preferences. The defining characteristics of sailboats come from their rigging, sails, and hull design.

types of sailing yachts

The basics of sailboat design play a significant role in the classification and function of these vessels. Hull shapes, keel types, and construction materials contribute to the speed, stability, and maneuverability of sailboats. Additionally, rigging and sails come in various shapes and sizes, which influence sailing performance and handling.

Key Takeaways

  • Sailboats are classified by hull design, rigging, and sails that serve specific purposes.
  • Designs and materials have a direct impact on the performance and handling of sailboats.
  • A wide range of sailboat types exists, which cater to different needs and preferences.

Basics of Sailboat Design

Sailboats come in various shapes and sizes, designed for different purposes and sailing conditions. One can classify sailboats based on hull types, keel types, and mast configurations. This section will briefly discuss these basic components of sailboat design.

There are mainly two types of hulls: monohull and multihull.

  • Monohull : This is the traditional and most common type of sailboat hull. It consists of a single hull, providing stability through the use of a keel or centerboard. Monohulls come in various shapes and sizes, suitable for various sailing conditions.
  • Catamaran : Catamarans have two parallel hulls of equal size, offering increased stability and speed compared to monohulls. They are commonly used for cruising and racing.
  • Trimaran : Trimarans have three hulls, with a larger central hull and two smaller outrigger hulls. This design offers even more stability and speed than catamarans.

The keel is an essential component in sailboat design, helping with stability and performance. There are various keel types, including:

  • Full keel : This traditional design features a long and wide keel that extends along the boat's bottom. It offers good tracking and stability but sacrifices speed and maneuverability.
  • Fin keel : Fin keels are shorter and deeper than full keels, providing a better combination of stability and maneuverability. These are common in modern monohull sailboats.
  • Bulb keel : A bulb keel features a fin keel with a heavy bulb at the bottom, which concentrates the boat's weight, increasing stability and performance in rough conditions.
  • Swing keel or centerboard : Swing keels and centerboards can be raised or lowered, allowing the boat to adapt to different water depths and sailing conditions. They are common in smaller boats and racing sailboats.

types of sailing yachts

Mast Configuration

The mast configuration affects the sail plan and overall performance of a sailboat. Some common mast configurations include:

  • Sloop : This is the most popular mast configuration and features a single mast with a mainsail and a headsail. The simple design makes it easy to handle and suitable for various sailing conditions.
  • Cutter : Similar to the sloop, the cutter also has a single mast but carries two headsails, providing more sail area and better performance in heavy weather.
  • Ketch : A ketch configuration has two masts: a taller main mast and a shorter mizzen mast. This design offers more flexibility in sail combinations and better balance in different sailing conditions.
  • Yawl : Similar to a ketch, a yawl also features two masts but the mizzen is located further aft and is smaller. This design provides better balance and control, particularly in downwind sailing scenarios.

In conclusion, the basics of sailboat design involve selecting the appropriate hull type, keel type, and mast configuration for the desired sailing performance and conditions. Understanding these concepts can help sailors make informed decisions when choosing a sailboat or planning their sailing adventures.

Rigging and Sails

When it comes to sailboats, the rigging and sails play a crucial role in the boat's overall performance and capabilities. This section will briefly cover popular rig types and sail types seen on different sailboats.

There are several types of rigs commonly found on sailboats:

  • Sloop : Sloops are the most common type of rig found on modern sailboats. They have a single mast with a mainsail and a single headsail, typically a genoa or jib.
  • Ketch : Ketches have two masts, with the main mast taller than the mizzen mast situated aft. They carry a mainsail on the main mast and a mizzen sail on the mizzen mast. Ketches benefit from easier handling and reduced sail area under strong winds.
  • Yawl : Similar to ketches, yawls have two masts, but the mizzen mast is smaller and sits further aft, behind the rudder post. Yawls are often chosen for their graceful appearance and improved balance.
  • Schooner : Schooners have two or more masts, with the aft mast(s) typically taller than the forward mast(s). Schooners can handle more sails, offering increased sail area for better performance, especially downwind.
  • Catboat : Catboats are single-masted sailboats with a single, large mainsail and no headsails. They have a wide beam, which provides stability and ample space for passengers.
  • Cutter : Cutters are similar to sloops but carry two headsails, usually a jib and staysail. Cutters may have multiple headsails for increased versatility in various wind conditions.

In addition to the types of rigs, there are also several types of sails used on sailboats, including:

  • Mainsail : The primary sail attached to the back of the main mast. It is typically raised on a track or luff groove and managed by a combination of halyard, sheet, and boom vang.
  • Genoa : A large triangular sail that overlaps the mainsail, typically used in light winds to provide additional surface area for better performance.
  • Jib : A smaller, non-overlapping triangular sail attached to the forestay. Jibs are easier to manage than genoas and are used in a variety of wind conditions.
  • Spinnaker : A large, lightweight sail used primarily for downwind sailing . Spinnakers are often brightly colored and shaped like a parachute to catch wind efficiently.
  • Staysail : A smaller sail typically used in cutter rigs, positioned between the main mast and the forestay. Staysails provide additional sail area and versatility in varied wind conditions.

Understanding the relationship between sail and rigging can help sailors optimize the performance of their sailboats. With various options for rig types and sail types, each sailboat can be configured to meet the unique needs of its skipper and crew.

types of sailing yachts

Classes and Types of Sailboats

Monohulls are the most common type of sailboats, consisting of a single hull that provides stability and balance. They come in various sizes and designs, depending on their intended use. Some popular monohull sailboats include the Optimist , Finn, and Sunfish, which are frequently used for racing and recreational sailing. Monohulls tend to have a deeper draft, requiring more water depth than their multi-hull counterparts.

Multihulls, also known as multi-hull sailboats, are a more modern innovation in sailing. They feature two or more hulls connected by a frame or bridgedeck. This design offers increased stability and speed over monohulls. Some common types of multihulls are catamarans (with two hulls) and trimarans (with three hulls). Due to their wider beam and shallower draft, multihulls are particularly suitable for cruising in shallow waters and provide more living space on board.

One-Design Sailboats

One-Design sailboats are a specific class of racing sailboats in which all boats are built to the same design specifications, ensuring that the competition focuses on the skill of the sailor rather than the design of the boat. These boats must adhere to strict rules and standards, with minimal variations allowed in terms of hull shape, sail area, and rigging. Some popular one-design sailboats include the Enterprise and the aforementioned Optimist and Finn sailboats.

Dinghies and Skiffs

Dinghies and skiffs are small, lightweight sailboats that are often used for sailing classes, short-distance racing, or as tenders to larger boats. Dinghies usually have a single mast with a mainsail and sometimes a small jib. Some popular types of sailing dinghies include the Optimist, which is specifically designed for children, and the versatile Sunfish sailboat. Skiffs, on the other hand, are high-performance sailboats primarily used for racing. They have a larger sail area relative to their size and typically include features such as trapezes and planing hulls, which allow for faster speeds and greater maneuverability.

In conclusion, there are various classes and types of sailboats, each with its own unique features and characteristics. From the simplicity of monohulls to the stability and speed of multihulls, and from the fair competition of one-design sailboats to the excitement of dinghies and skiffs, there is a sailboat to satisfy every sailor's preferences.

Sailboat Size and Use

When exploring the world of sailboats, it's important to understand their different sizes and purposes. Sailboats can be categorized into three main types, each with unique characteristics and uses: Day Sailers , Racing Sailboats, and Cruising Sailboats .

Day Sailers

Day Sailers are small sailboats typically ranging from 10 to 24 feet in length. These boats are perfect for short sailing trips and are easy to maneuver for beginners. They have limited accommodations on board, providing just enough seats for a small group of people. Some popular day sailer models include the Laser, Sunfish, and Flying Scot. Lightweight and agile, Day Sailers are often used for:

  • Recreation: casual sailing or exploring nearby waters with family and friends
  • Training: beginner sailing lessons or practicing sailing techniques
  • Competition: local club races or interclub regattas

Racing Sailboats

Racing Sailboats are designed to provide maximum speed, maneuverability, and efficiency on the water. Sizes may vary greatly, from small dinghies to large yachts. Key features of racing sailboats include a sleek hull shape, high-performance sails, and minimalistic interiors to reduce weight.

Career racers and sailing enthusiasts alike participate in various types of racing events , such as:

  • One-design racing: all boats have identical specifications, emphasizing crew skill
  • Handicap racing: boats of different sizes and designs compete with time adjustments
  • Offshore racing: long-distance racing from one point to another, often around islands or across oceans

Cruising Sailboats

Cruising Sailboats are designed for longer journeys and extended stays on the water. They typically range from 25 to 70 feet in length and provide comfortable accommodations such as sleeping cabins, a galley, and storage spaces for supplies and equipment. Sailing cruisers prioritize stability, comfort, and durability for their voyage.

Here are some common types of cruising sailboats:

  • Cruiser-racers: These boats combine the speed of a racing sailboat with the comfort and amenities of a cruising sailboat. They are ideal for families or sailors who enjoy participating in racing events while still having the option for leisurely cruises.
  • Bluewater cruisers: Designed for handling the world's most demanding ocean conditions, bluewater cruisers are built with a focus on sturdy, self-reliant sailboats that can withstand long-distance voyages and challenging weather conditions.
  • Multihulls: Catamarans and trimarans are gaining popularity in the cruising world for their typically more spacious interiors and level sailing characteristics. With two or three hulls, multihulls offer high levels of stability and speed for a comfortable cruising experience.

Understanding the differences between various sailboat types will help potential sailors select the perfect vessel for their sailing goals, skills, and preferences. Day Sailers, Racing Sailboats, and Cruising Sailboats each have their unique features, catering to distinct uses and sailing experiences.

Advanced Sailboat Features

Sailboats have evolved over time, and many advanced features have been developed to enhance performance and safety. In this section, we will discuss some of the key advanced features in modern sailboats, focusing on performance enhancements and safety/navigation.

Performance Enhancements

One critical component that impacts a sailboat's performance is the type of keel it has, which affects stability, resistance, and maneuverability . There are several kinds of keels such as fin keel , wing keel , and bulb keel . Fin keels offer low drag and high efficiency, making them suitable for racing sailboats. On the other hand, wing keels provide better stability at low speeds, while bulb keels provide a lower center of gravity to enhance overall stability and comfort during long voyages.

Another feature that contributes to a sailboat's performance is its sails and rigging. The jib is a triangular sail at the front of the boat, which helps improve its upwind performance. More advanced sailboats use a combination of shrouds , which are the supporting cables running along the sides of the boat, and stays , the cables that help hold the mast in place, to create a stable and efficient rigging system.

A sailboat's performance can also be influenced by the presence of a centerboard or daggerboard , which can be adjusted to optimize stability, maneuverability, and speed. When racing or navigating in shallow waters, retractable centerboards and daggerboards are particularly useful as they provide better performance and versatility.

Safety and Navigation

Safety and navigation onboard a sailboat relies on a combination of advanced gear and equipment. A modern sailboat is usually equipped with:

  • GPS and chartplotters to assist with navigation and planning routes
  • VHF radios for communication with other vessels and authorities
  • Radar to detect obstacles, weather systems, and other vessels
  • AIS (Automatic Identification System) which helps monitor nearby vessel traffic

The design of a sailboat's hull, rigging, sails, and hardware also contribute to its safety. The boom , the horizontal pole that extends the sail, should be properly secured and designed to avoid accidents while sailing. The keel , whether it's a fin, wing, or bulb keel, plays a vital role in the overall stability and safety of the sailboat. The choice of keel should be based on the intended use of the sailboat and the prevailing sailing conditions.

In summary, advanced sailboat features significantly improve the performance, safety, and navigation capabilities of modern sailboats. Innovations in keel design, rigging systems, and onboard navigational equipment have undoubtedly contributed to the overall enjoyment and safety of sailing.

Sailboat Ownership

Buying Considerations

When considering buying a sailboat , it is important to understand the different types of sailboats available and the purpose each serves. Sailboats can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Racing sailboats: Designed for speed and performance, with minimalistic interiors and advanced sail systems.
  • Cruising sailboats: Built for comfort and longer trips, featuring more spacious interiors and amenities.
  • Daysailers: Smaller, easy-to-handle boats that are often used for short trips and recreational sailing.

Prospective boat owners should consider factors such as boat size, type, budget, and intended use (solo vs. family sailing, charter operations, etc.). It's also essential to evaluate the availability of necessary gear and the level of experience required to handle the chosen sailboat.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Sailboat ownership involves maintenance and upkeep to ensure the boat remains functional, safe, and holds its value. Some common maintenance tasks include:

  • Hull cleaning and inspection: Regularly inspect the hull for damages and clean off any growth to maintain performance and fuel efficiency.
  • Antifouling paint: Apply antifouling paint to prevent marine organisms from attaching to the hull, which can negatively impact the boat's performance.
  • Engine maintenance: Check and replace engine oil, inspect cooling and fuel systems, and clean or replace air filters.

In addition to regular maintenance, sailboat owners should also be prepared to replace or repair critical systems and components, such as:

  • Sails: Monitor the condition of your sails and replace them as needed to maintain performance and safety.
  • Rigging: Regularly inspect and maintain the standing and running rigging, and replace worn or compromised parts.
  • Electronics and instruments: Ensure navigation systems, radios, and other electronic equipment are functioning properly.

Taking proper care of a sailboat can be time-consuming, and some owners may choose to charter their boats when not in use as a way to offset ownership costs. Others may opt for hiring professionals to manage routine maintenance, particularly when sailing solo or with limited sailing experience.

types of sailing yachts

Historical and Special Sailboats

Tall ships and gaffers.

Tall Ships are large, traditionally rigged sailing vessels with multiple masts, typically square-rigged on at least one of their masts. Some examples of these ships include the clipper, brig, and square-rigged vessels. The clipper is a fast sailing ship known for its sleek hull and large sail area, while the brig features two square-rigged masts. Square-rigged ships were known for their impressive sail area and could cover large distances quickly.

Gaffers are a subset of historical sailing vessels with a gaff mainsail as their primary sail type. This gaff-rig is characterized by a spar (pole) that extends the top edge of the mainsail, giving it a quadrilateral shape to optimize wind coverage. Gaff mainsails were commonly used in England and influenced the development of other sailing vessels.

Classic and Antique Sailboats

Classic and antique sailboats refer to older, traditionally designed sailing vessels that have been preserved or restored. They often feature wooden construction and showcase a variety of rigging types, including gaff rigs and square rigs. These historical sailboats have unique designs, materials, and techniques that have since evolved or become rare.

Here are some examples of antique and classic sailboats:

  • Sloop : A single-masted sailboat with a Bermuda rig and foresail
  • Cutter : A single-masted vessel with a similar rig to the sloop, but with additional headsails for increased maneuverability
  • Ketch : A two-masted sailboat with a smaller mizzen mast aft of the main mast

In summary, historical and special sailboats encompass a wide range of vessel types, from large, multi-masted tall ships to smaller, single-masted gaffers and classic sailboats. These vessels reflect the rich maritime history and the evolution of sailing techniques and designs over time.

Sailboat Culture and Lifestyle

Sailboat culture and lifestyle encompass a variety of aspects including racing events, leisurely cruising, and exploring new destinations. The main types of sailboats include racing yachts, cruising sailboats, and motorsailers, each offering a unique experience for sailors.

Regattas and Racing Circuits

A popular aspect of sailboat culture involves participating in regattas and racing circuits . These events create a competitive atmosphere and develop camaraderie among sailors. Racing sailboats are specifically designed for speed and agility , and sailors often team up to compete in prestigious races such as the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race or the America's Cup. Yacht clubs play an essential role in cultivating this competitive sailing environment.

Sailboat Charter and Tourism

Another facet of sailing culture is the sailboat charter and tourism industry, which allows people to experience the cruising lifestyle without owning a sailboat. Charters are offered for various types of sailboats, from family-sized cruising vessels to luxurious superyachts . Yacht sailing provides tourists with a unique travel experience, as they can explore diverse destinations, immerse themselves in local cultures, or simply relax on the open water.

Cruising sailboats are designed to provide comfortable living spaces and amenities, making them perfect for longer journeys or exploring remote destinations. Motorsailers, on the other hand, are equipped with both sails and engines, offering versatility and convenience for sailors.

Some popular sailing destinations include the Caribbean, Mediterranean Sea, and the South Pacific. These regions offer beautiful scenery, rich cultural experiences, and ideal sailing conditions.

The sailboat culture and lifestyle attract individuals who enjoy adventure, exploration, and camaraderie. From competitive racing events to leisurely cruising vacations, sailing offers diverse experiences that cater to a wide range of interests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the distinguishing features of different sailboat classes?

There are various sailboat classes, each with its own distinguishing features. Monohulls, for example, are the most common type of sailboat and have a single hull. Multihulls, such as catamarans and trimarans, have two or three hulls, respectively. These differences in hull design often affect the boat's stability, speed, and maneuverability.

Which sailboat types are best for novice sailors?

Novice sailors often benefit from starting with smaller, more manageable boats. Sailing dinghies and daysailers are popular choices due to their simple rigging and ease of handling. These boats typically have a single mast and a limited number of sails, making them ideal for beginners to learn sailing basics.

What are common types of small sailboats ideal for day sailing?

For day sailing, small sailboats such as sailing dinghies, day sailers, and pocket cruisers are ideal options. These boats usually range between 12 and 25 feet in length and offer simplicity, ease of handling, and portability. Examples of common day sailing boats include the Sunfish, Laser, and O'Day Mariner.

How do the purposes of various sailboat types vary?

Sailboats serve different purposes based on their design, size, and features. Daysailers and dinghies are ideal for short trips, sailing lessons, and casual outings. Racing sailboats, with their lighter weight and streamlined design, are built for speed and competition. Cruising sailboats, on the other hand, are designed for longer voyages and often include living quarters and additional amenities for comfortable onboard living.

What is considered the most popular class of sailboat for recreational use?

The most popular class of sailboat for recreational use often varies depending on individual preferences and local conditions. However, monohulls are commonly preferred due to their widespread availability, versatility, and affordability. Within the monohull class, boats like the Sunfish, Laser, and Catalina 22 are popular choices for their ease of use and adaptability to various sailing conditions.

Could you describe a sailing dinghy designed for two people?

A two-person sailing dinghy typically has a simple rig with a single mast and one or more sails, making it easy to handle for both experienced and novice sailors. The RS Venture , for example, is a popular choice for two-person sailing. It features a spacious cockpit, durable construction, and simplicity in its rigging and control systems. These characteristics make it an excellent option for recreational sailing, training, and even racing.

types of sailing yachts

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  • Types of Sailboats
  • Parts of a Sailboat
  • Cruising Boats
  • Small Sailboats
  • Design Basics
  • Sailboats under 30'
  • Sailboats 30'-35
  • Sailboats 35'-40'
  • Sailboats 40'-45'
  • Sailboats 45'-50'
  • Sailboats 50'-55'
  • Sailboats over 55'
  • Masts & Spars
  • Knots, Bends & Hitches
  • The 12v Energy Equation
  • Electronics & Instrumentation
  • Build Your Own Boat
  • Buying a Used Boat
  • Choosing Accessories
  • Living on a Boat
  • Cruising Offshore
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  • Anchoring Skills
  • Sailing Authors & Their Writings
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  • Nautical Terms
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The Different Types of Sailboats

If you’re a sailboat fanatic like me, all types of sailboats will attract your attention. Some more so than others admittedly, but all will have something about them that catches your eye.

If you’re not a fanatic (not yet, that is) but just an interested observer, then the first thing you’ll notice about a sailboat will be how many masts it has and the configuration of its sails - in other words, its 'rig'.

This observation alone will enable you to identify the five main types of sailboats — sloops, cutters, ketches, yawls and schooners - all of which are described here.

But apart from the various rig types, you can describe types of sailboats from a different viewpoint - sailing dinghies, dayboats, motorsailors, monohulls, catamarans and trimarans. 

Let's make a start with the various rig types...

A single-masted sailboat with just two sails — a foresail (aka headsail or jib) and a mainsail — is a sloop, the purest type of sailboat.

The sloop rig can also be described as a Bermuda rig, Bermudian rig or Marconi rig.

Read more about sloops...

Examples of Sloops

Columbia 29 Mk1 sloop

If a sloop has an additional sail between the headsail and the mainsail, then it's no longer a sloop - it's a cutter.

Some cutters - like the one shown here - have the foresail set forward on a bowsprit, with the inner forestay permanently rigged to the stemhead where the foresail otherwise would be, or to a central chainplate further aft on the foredeck.

Read more about cutters...

Examples of Cutters

Gulfstar 61 cutter

The following boats may look like cutters with their double headsails, but they're not cutters at all...

Trintilla 44 cruising yacht with solent rig

To find out why, click here...

A ketch is a two-masted sailboat, a main mast forward and a shorter mizzen mast aft.

But not all two-masted sailboats are ketches — they might be yawls (see below).

A ketch may also sport a staysail, with or without a bowsprit, in which case it would be known as a cutter-rigged or staysail ketch.

Read more about ketches...

Examples of Ketches

Princess 36 ketch

Note that the Ocean 71 and the Irwin 52 are cutter-rigged, and are traditionally referred to as Staysail Ketches .

Cat Ketches

Cat-ketches are recognised by the lack of any standing rigging to support their pair of unstayed masts.

And yes, if the after mast is taller than the foremast then it's called a cat- schooner sailboat.

Read more about cat-ketches...

A Freedom 35 Cat-Ketch sailboat

Yawls have their origins as old-time sail fishing boats, where the small mizzen sail was trimmed to keep the vessel steady when hauling the nets.

Much like a ketch, the difference being that the yawl has the mizzen mast positioned aft of the rudder post whereas the ketch has its mizzen mast ahead of the rudder post.

You’ll not be surprised to learn that a yawl with a staysail is known as cutter-rigged yawl.

A Hinckley 48 Yawl

A schooner is a two-or-more masted sailboat, in which the aft-most mast - the mainmast - is the same height or taller than the foremast.

The one shown here is gaff cutter rigged, with a topsail set on the mainmast.

Many sailors agree that of all the different types of sailboats, a schooner under full sail is one of the most beautiful sights afloat.

A two-masted schooner

Gaffed-rigged sailboats, or 'gaffers', have their mainsail supported by a spar - the 'gaff' - which is hauled up mast by a separate halyard.

Often these types of sailboats are rigged with a topsail, as shown here and in the gaff schooner above, which really adds some grunt in light airs.

All this comes at a price of course, both in terms of material cost and weight aloft, which is why very few modern yachts are fitted with gaff rigs these days.

All artwork on this page is by Andrew Simpson

A 'gaffer'

Examples of the Various Types of Sailboats...

Sadler 25 sailboat

Other Types of Sailboats

The seven sailboat rig variations shown here are the most popular types of modern cruising boat rigs, but there are other rig versions which were once found on commercial, fishing, and naval sailing vessels.

They include:

  • Full square-rigged sailing vessels
  • Barkentines
  • Brigantines

And you can see examples of them here ...

In this article I've said that ketches, yawls and schooners with two headsails can be called cutter rigged. This is a commonly used description but strictly speaking, there's only one rig that can accurately be called a cutter - and that's a single-masted sailboat with two headsails. My thanks to 'Old Salt' for drawing my attention to this!

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types of sailing yachts

Types of Sailboats – A Comprehensive Classification

Traditionally, sailboats were made of marine wood and other materials however; modern ones use premium marine lumber products. Sailboats are divided into subclasses, and one such is the catamaran which is made of fiberglass, which makes it more durable and low maintenance.

Sailboats are propelled by wind captured through their sails, masts and rigging lines. Some are equipped with generators, wind makers and other technologies to generate more power, hence providing more speed. They are considered a separate class of vessels independent of motor-powered crafts since their hydrodynamic characteristics differ.

They can vary in occupancy from single-seater crafts for competitions or adventure sailing to recreational vessels spanning hundreds of metres that can host up to thirty individuals. The luxury yachts are ideal to experience sailing in comfort and style. These vessels are known for their remarkable craftsmanship and innovative design.

The most common type of sailboat is the racing sailboat, used in sailing competitions around the world. Several international events intended to raise awareness about sailing allow a wide range of craft types to participate, including catamarans and racer-cruiser.

For most sailing vessels, sail plans are often drawn up before the vessel leaves port. These plans indicate sail positions for various weather conditions.

In this article, we will go through the different types of sailboats and their key features.

Hull-Based Classification Of Sailboats

Sailboats can be classified into three distinct types based on their primary hull type.

These include

  • catamarans, and
  • multi-hull crafts.

Traditionally, monohulls are the most common design for sailboats since they provide storage in addition to a certain level of stability.

However, with the advent of sailing competitions and an increased focus on performance and stability features, there has been a general shift towards catamarans and trimarans.

Monohulls are single-hulled structures, much like conventional vessels , that have a large hull beam (breadth) which provides stability while sailing. The advantage of having a single large hull is that the longer beam allows for improved onboard systems and amenities. It has a cabin, a cockpit, a galley, a v-berth and a saloon as well.


Catamarans refer to twin-hulled structures that are attached by specialized members to provide strength. The term originates from the South Indian phrase for “tied pieces of wood”, as this was the manner in which traditional sailboats were built in the subcontinent.


Twin hulls offer an increased level of stability. In addition, if designed properly the vessel will have a much higher speed than conventional crafts owing to lower wetted-surface resistance forces.

On the other hand, extensive care must be taken in designing the vessel, or else the resistive forces can exceed the values found in monohulls.

Multi-hull crafts, or simply multihulls,  include vessels with anywhere between three to five hulls, although the three-hull variation is the most common. Such crafts are known as trimarans and are considered to be extremely stable owing to their large beam and lower centre of gravity.

Multi-hull crafts

Four and five-hulled vessels are more difficult to manufacture and hence are rarely used commercially. An advanced form of the catamaran design is the SWATH version.

SWATH is an acronym for Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull, and it achieves unprecedented levels of speed owing to a considerably small waterplane area. To reduce this area, the hull has a reduced beam above the surface of the water, while underwater buoyant structures ensure that the vessel has the necessary weight balance.

Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull

Common Monohull Designs

Monohulls are relatively easier to manufacture compared to multi-hull structures. Thus, there has been a wider range of innovations for this type of hull over the last thousand years.

The common classes of monohull crafts are – sailing dinghies, cutters, sloops, catboats, ketch and schooners.

A dinghy is a relatively common sailboat owing to its short overall length and ease of manoeuvring. They are used in competitions and in the port industry.


Generally, dinghies are used to transport people or small cargo to and from a larger vessel such as a cruise ship that is anchored away from the shore.

Such vessels may not be able to enter a port due to size and tonnage regulations. Hence, dinghies serve as the best mode of transporting essential goods between the port and the vessel.

Dinghies can have sails, such as the three-sailed variant consisting of the mainsail, jib and spinnaker. However, motor-powered dinghies are also commonly used especially as lifeboats onboard ships.

Cutters are another class of sailboats that are medium-sized and generally have three sails. The mainmast on which the sails are mounted is located near the stern of the ship to allow for larger sails to be used.


Cutters were commonly used in competitions as their design favours speed and agility. A different combination of the sails also allows cutters to be used for cruises and other recreational sailboats.

Sloops are similar to cutters and are the most commonly found sailboats. They are the standard in sail designs, with a two-sail configuration used for added manoeuvrability. They have a mainsail and a headsail called jib or genoa.


In addition to the generic sloop sail configuration, there is also a fractionally-rigged sloop in which one of the sails lies below the top of the mast.

This design allows the crews of smaller sloops to handle the craft while improving performance. Catboats are sailboats equipped with only a single sail. They are aimed at capacity rather than speed and have the mainsail mounted on a single mast.

For increased speeds, sails can be added to the rigging such that wind force is better optimized by the vessel.

The ketch is a sailboat that has two main masts- the main mast located around the midship, and the mizzen mast at the aft. The mizzen mast is generally smaller than the main mast and serves to add speed to the craft. The word ketch is derived from the word catch, denoting the manner in which the sails “catch” the wind as they move.


Schooners are a class of sailboats that can have more than two sails supported on masts known as the main mast and foremast. The foremast is located near the fore of the vessel and is slightly shorter than the main mast. In variations where additional masts are added to support more sails, they are positioned such that they remain shorter than the main mast depending on their sizes.


Keel Based Classification

The keel is the base of a vessel that provides a central backbone for the design of the entire structure. The boat keel is structurally relevant since it often has to carry the weight of the vessel.

In the case of sailboats, the keel is often what the entire craft rests on during transport by road or rail. Thus, keels need to have integral strength and be able to withstand a variety of forces.

Similarly, while sailing, the keel is the lowermost point of the vessel at which resistive forces act. As a result, many modifications are often made to the keel so that hydrodynamic features can be incorporated to reduce drag. Sailboats often sit high in the water owing to their design and shape.

However, for competition and performance crafts, it is essential that they try to sit as close to the surface of the water as possible without capsizing. Thus, the keel often plays the role of a central ballast, by integrating heavy iron or steel components so that the vessel draft increases.

Types of Sailboats Infographic

Based on keel type, there are several sailing boat variants found in the market. These generally have modified keels for improving performance and speed by integrating hydrodynamic features such as hydrofoils .

The types of keels commonly associated with sailboats are as follows: full-length keel, fin keel, centreboard keel, bilge keel, bulb keel and wing keel.

As the name suggests, full-length keels have keels that extend in the form of a long fin below the main structure of the ship. The fin runs along the length of the ship and often has an integrated rudder system attached at the stern.

The advantage of this type of keel is that it is easy to manufacture, with little cost in terms of development. Also, the ballast effect is provided by the extra weight of the full-length keel.

Since it can be difficult to enter certain ports or quays owing to the large draft that comes with this type of keel, manufacturers attempt to reduce fin depth and instead increase its length.

Fin keels , on the other hand, run only along certain regions of the sailboat. Located on the underside of the craft, it sticks out similar to the fin of a fish giving rise to this nomenclature. Since this type of keel must perform the same functions as the full-length keel without having a large length, the fin is deeper.

Fin keels

Owing to this large draft, it may be difficult to dock at certain ports due to depth restrictions. A key feature of this type of keel is that the rudder and manoeuvring systems remain independent of the fin keel, and are located at the extreme aft of the vessel. Centreboard keels are a common feature of high-performance crafts that take part in competitions. They are not restricted to monohull structures and are often found in catamarans and trimarans.

The centreboard keel employs a type of fin that is pivoted about a point on the keel of the vessel. By having a pivot, the natural flow of the vessel and surrounding water varies the depth at which the keel sits below the vessel. Similar to the fin keel, it only runs along a certain length of the vessel.

However, it is distinguished by being able to vary the angle of tilt with respect to the baseline of the craft. In some variations, the crew are able to manually change the angle of tilt, to change performance features during certain events and competitions.

Another variation of the centreboard keel is the daggerboard keel , which allows the fin to completely integrate into the underside of the vessel.

daggerboard keel

By providing a bay at the underside, the fin can be raised or lowered from the slot. In this type of keel, the raised configuration allows for higher speeds and reduced resistive forces. However, when lowered into the water, the vessel gains added stability and makes up for the loss in speed by improving hydrodynamic features.

Bilge keels refer to protrusions on the sides of the hull of the vessel, commonly called the bilges. These protrusions run along the length of the vessel while tapering into the hull panels at both ends.

The primary purpose of bilge keels is to improve the rolling stability of the craft. The fins stick out perpendicular to the hull and can vary in length depending on the purpose. For instance, sailboats require larger anti-roll stability and hence have long tapering bilge keels.

Bilge keels

The bilge keels must be symmetrically placed on both the port and starboard sides, so as to ensure even hydrodynamic characters.

A bulb keel is a protrusion sticking vertically below the craft and terminating in an oblong-shaped hydrodynamic device called the bulb. The bulb acts as a 3D hydrofoil that improves the stability and handling of the vessel. Due to the increased wetted surface area, there is a slight drop in the speed, but it can be made up through superior handling capabilities.

bulb keel

For smaller crafts, longer bulb keels are required, and as this length increases, the chance of accidental grounding of the vessel increases.

The last commonly found type of keel is the wing keel . The wing keel is similar to the bulb keel, except that instead of a bulb terminating a vertical protrusion, there are horizontal hydrofoils extending from the central shaft.

The primary purpose of the wings underneath the ship is to improve handling and stability. In addition, they slightly lift the craft above the surface of the water. As a result, the total wetted surface area remains constant and may even decrease. Thus, speed remains constant and may improve as the craft picks up velocity.

Mast Based Classifications

The mast of the vessel refers to a vertical shaft extending out of the deck which supports the sails and rigging. Older models of sailboats and ancient ships had masts constructed out of wood, while modern speed-oriented versions use galvanized steel or aluminium.

Aluminium has the benefit of being extremely light while still retaining its strength, which is important during harsh weather conditions.

The various mast-based classification includes – sloop, fractional-rig sloop, cutter, ketch, schooner and catboat.

The sloop is the most common mast type, where a single mast supports two sails called the headsail (or foresail) and the mainsail.

Mast based sloop

The headsail also goes by different names depending on the purpose and configuration of the sails.

In a fractional rig sloop , the forestay cable that is used to hoist the headsail is actually placed below the top of the mast. This configuration is particularly useful when it comes to performance, as the tip of the mast can be hauled towards the aft using stiff cables, and the sails can be collapsed.

fractional rig sloop

This is useful on days when wind power can be used to propel the sailboat, without the sails having to be fully extended.

Another useful feature of being able to trim or flatten the sails is that during particularly strong squalls of wind, the sails will not be punctured or ruptured due to the high wind pressure. The next type of mast configuration is the cutter. This involves a single mast supporting three sails- one mainsail, and two headsails known as the staysail hauled by the inner stay cable, and the jib hauled by the headstay cable.

The mast is located more towards the aft compared to the sloop, to allow for an easily manoeuvrable configuration. In addition, a wide range of sail arrangements makes it favourable for cruise operators and for competition purposes.

The ketc h has a two-mast configuration, with the aft mast known as the mizzen mast. The mizzen mast is located fore of the rudder post, and aft of the main mast.

Mast Based Ketch

The mizzen sail rests on the mizzen mast. In general, the mizzen mast is slightly shorter than the main mast.

mizzen sail

The main mast supports two sails known as the mainsail and the headsail.

The schooner is another configuration similar to the ketch, but where the aft mast is taller than the foremast.


Schooners can have multiple masts and are not restricted to commercial small and medium sailboats. The images of ancient ships that were used for trade and military purposes were often schooners having between four to six masts with an average of over ten sails each.

In addition, the sails of the schooner tend to lie along the length of the vessel, rather than along the beam. This is to prevent sail rupture during violent storms or during heavy winds. The catboat is one of the simplest configurations where only a single sail and mast arrangement are used.

The mast can be located either aft or fore of midships, with varying advantages to each configuration. The ease of design and construction makes it a favourable sailboat for beginners and trainees. However, the disadvantage behind the catboat is that the sail cannot be used to move against the direction of the wind, unlike other sail variations.

Apart from recreation purposes, sailboats are one of the most common types of vessels used in recreational purposes and competitions. They can vary in the hull, keel and sail configurations based on the primary purpose that they are intended to be used for.

For over five thousand years, sailboats have been in use, whether it has been for transportation in Ancient Egypt, or for sailing events in modern times. Technological advancements have turned the sailboat into a sleek, agile and fast vessel capable of reaching extremely high speeds by harnessing the power of the wind.

Whether it be for cruises or for racing events, sailboats and other such crafts continue to be a favourite choice for sailors.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sailboats

1. how many different kinds of sailboats are there.

There are many types based on their hull type- monohulls, catamarans and trimarans; keel type- fin keel, wing keel, daggerboard, centreboard; mast configuration and sails- sloop, fractional rig sloop, schooner, ketch, yawl, cutters and catch.

2. What is the most common type of sailboat?

The sloop is the most common sailboat. It has a mast, two sails, commonly a Bermuda rigged main and a headsail. They include a gaff rig, a mix of gaff and square rig or a Bermuda rig.

3. What is a four-masted sailboat called?

It is called a schooner. Traditional schooners have a gaff-rig, which means that they have a square topsail on the front of the mast. They were mainly constructed for carrying cargo, passengers and for fishing.

4. How many masts does a ketch have?

Ketch has two masts whose main mast is taller than the mizzen mast. It is similar to a yawl and has a triangular mizzen sail and a triangular or square headsail. Due to their smaller sails, they are easily manageable and preferred by sailors.

5. What is the most beautiful sailboat?

Some of the most beautiful sailboats in the world include Pelagic Australis, Thomas W Lawson, Royal Clipper, Barque Sedov and Amerigo Vespucci.

6. What are some popular sailboat brands?

Beneteau, Sparkman and Stephens, Oyster Yachts, Amel Yachts and Nautor’s Swan are some popular sailboat brands that sell the most number of sailboats yearly.

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types of sailing yachts

About Author

Ajay Menon is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, with an integrated major in Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture. Besides writing, he balances chess and works out tunes on his keyboard during his free time.

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Types of Sailboats, Activities and Uses

sailboat types

Sailboats may be boats with sails, but they’re not one homogenous category. Sailboat types differentiate by design and use, and even the type of culture that permeates each subgroup. Let’s divide sailboats by hull types, rig types and activities/uses.

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Sailboat Hull Types

Sailboats ride on different hulls, which differ in the total number of hulls and their shape. The basic three hull types include:

  • Monohulls (one hull)
  • Catamarans (two hulls)
  • Trimarans (three hulls)

types of sailboats by use

Monohulls have one hull but that doesn’t make them all the same. Traditional monohulls may have full keels (heavy encapsulated ballast that runs along the bottom of the hull), cutaway keels (similar to full but the forefoot is cutaway allowing the boat greater maneuverability in tight quarters) or bolted on fin keels that may have a bulb at the bottom for extra ballast to keep the vessel stable.

Monohulls can also have a swing keel, daggerboard or centerboard that retracts up into an appendage in the hull itself. With the keel or board up, the boat can enter shallow water and can travel faster downwind. With the keel down, the vessel tracks better upwind.

Small monohulls like sailing dinghies, may also have shallow planing hulls that can surf off a wave. Finally, monohulls can also foil on appendages (usually made of carbon fiber) with the actual hull out of the water when a minimum speed is reached.

Catamarans (often nicknamed "cats") have two hulls with a deck or trampoline in between. Large cats (35 feet and over) have become popular in charter use because they offer more interior and deck space and an easier motion to induce less seasickness. Small catamarans usually have just a trampoline in between the hulls and make fun daysailers.

Because catamarans don’t have deep and heavy keels, they tend to sail faster off the wind. Foiling catamarans were made popular by the America’s Cup races and are proliferating into general cruising use.

Trimarans have three hulls: a main hull and two amas (side hulls used for stability). On some trimarans, the arms that hold the amas can fold inward, making the trimaran narrower and in some cases trailerable. Large cruising trimaranas are gaining popularity because they are stable and fast sailers.

sailboat types catamaran

Sailboat Rig Types

Sailboat rigging includes:

  • the mast(s);
  • and the shrouds or stays that hold up the mast.

A sailboat with one mast is usually a sloop with one mainsail and one headsail.

A cutter rig usually has one mast but two or more headsails. This rig “cuts” the foretriangle between the head (forward) stay and the main mast. Multiple headsails allow for flexible sail combinations in variable wind conditions.

Ketches and yawls have a secondary mast behind the main one. The ketch configuration places that mizzenmast behind the mainmast but ahead of the rudderpost while the yawl places it behind the post. The second mast is shorter than the main mast. Both of these designs (split rigs) provide more sail area that isn’t reliant solely on the height of the mainmast and therefore can be easier to manage when sailing shorthanded.

Schooners also have multiple masts—two or more. However, the foremost mast is shorter than the main mast. Tall ship rigging is in its own category and can get quite complex.

sailboat uses and activities

Sailboat Types by Primary Use

You can do many of the same things on all sailboats, but some types are more specialized.

Sailing dinghies: Small boats usually sailed by one or two people, sailing dinghies are often used to teach new sailors. That said, experts on high tech sailing dinghies compete in athletic racing up to Olympic level.

Day cruisers: Although any sailboat can be cruised for a day, day cruisers are often boats shorter than 30 feet that are designed to be sailed for an afternoon. They’re usually more Spartan in their outfitting and may or may not have a cabin with amenities.

Sailing cruisers: These sailboats can be monohulls or multihulls and are designed to cruise for weekends or longer. They usually have a berth (bed), a head (toilet) and a galley (kitchen). They can be sloop, cutter, ketch, yawl or schooner-rigged and vary in length (from 25-85 feet). Larger sailboats tend to fall into the crewed superyacht category.

Racing sailboats: Most offshore racers are larger boats crewed by multiple individuals while smaller racers can be single or double-handed. Racing boats are usually built lighter, have fin keels and laminate performance sails.

Racer/cruisers: These designs try to straddle the two above. They’re usually more lightly built cruisers with full amenities so they can be weekended. Some people will argue that these boats are a compromise for owners who want to primarily cruise but also race.

Bluewater cruising sailboats: These boats are designed to cross oceans or sail “blue waters.” They’re typically heavier in build with a stout rig and are fully equipped for extended offshore use.

Motorsailers: This term has fallen out of favor since it’s often pejorative. These sailboats may rely on the engine to sail in light wind conditions, especially due to their excessive weight.

Antique/classic sailboats: These are usually older restored vessels. They may be built of wood and have classic yawl rigs. These sailboats are often showcased in special events.

Sailboats occupy multiple segments and experienced sailors learn the finer points of design and use. Then, they never see two sailboats the same way again.

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types of sailing yachts

  • Aug 14, 2023

A Breakdown of the Different Types of Sailboats and Their Uses

Updated: Jan 8

To the untrained eye, all sailboats are pretty much the same (some are just bigger than others). They’re essentially floating vessels with a mast, a set of sails, and the ability to navigate the waters by harnessing wind power. But if you dive a bit deeper, you’ll see there are drastic differences in the designs, capabilities, and uses of each type of sailboat.

Whether you’re new to sailboats or already an American Sailing Association (ASA) certified skipper, knowing the difference between the different types of vessels is essential. We’ll provide you with a basic understanding of the different types of sailboats, the advantages of each, and which type of voyage they’re best used for.

Sailboat Rigging Types

When you start sailing, one of the first things you’ll notice is how complicated the rigging seems. The rigging system includes ropes, furling jibs, booms, winches, cables, chains, masts, and much more. It takes time to identify and understand each one, but each type of sailboat has a distinct rigging system. A few of the main types of rigging you can expect to see on the water include:

Sloop: The sloop is arguably the most common rigging system. With one mast and two sails (mainsail & headsail), this type of rigging is simple, but efficient and prepared for all types of situations.

Cutter: If you squint, you could easily mistake a cutter for a slope, but there are slight differences. A cutter has a smaller headsail and an additional staysail between the mast and forestay of the vessel. The extra sail allows for more stability and control in heavy winds.

Ketch and Yawl: Both the ketch and yawl rigging types have two masts. However, what makes them different is in a ketch rigging, the aft mast (mizzen) is taller than the one on a yawl. Also, it’s positioned in front of the rudder post. These riggings are known for their excellent balance and flexibility in most conditions.

Schooner: If you have ever toured older wooden ships built to sail around the world and explore the ocean, then you have probably been aboard a Schooner. This configuration can have two or more masts and the aft mast is taller than the forward one(s). These vessels are powerful and equipped for the long haul.

Types of Sailboats and Their Uses

There are many types of sailboats (not to be confused with rigging types), each with its own pros, cons, and uses. Here’s a look at five of the most popular sailboats and why sailors use them.

A guy on a Dinghy sailboat on the water.

When most people think of sailboats, they think of sailing dinghies. These small sailboats are less than 15-feet long and can be sailed by one person or a small crew. In most cases, they have small sloop rigs, are monohulls, and are excellent as a first sailboat. Dinghies are also great for racing or using as a lifeboat for bigger vessels.

Pros of a dinghy: Easily managed, relatively inexpensive, and great for beginners.

Cons of a dinghy: Not much space, only designed for short trips, and not recommended for rough waters or harsh weather conditions.

A Daysailer on the water with two sailors.

A daysailer is like the dinghy’s older brother. It’s usually about 14-20 feet in length and sloop-rigged. As the name suggests, they’re best for day trips on the ocean. In most cases, daysailers have a small cabin or open cockpit. They’re designed more for fun rather than long distances.

Pros of daysailers: Easy handling, stable, and great for outings with family or friends.

Cons of daysailers: Assmaller boats, they aren’t designed for overnight trips or long voyages.

Two Catamaran sailboats out on the water.

The catamaran is where luxury on the sea begins. Its two parallel and equal-sized hulls make the vessel much more stable and comfortable than its single-hull counterparts. It’s a highly customizable boat that can be small and sporty or large and luxurious, depending on your needs.

More experienced sailors use these types of sailboats for longer trips and smaller charter trips .

Pros of the catamaran: A lot of space, fast, and perfect for cruising at sea.

Cons of the catamaran: Since they have such a wide beam, it can be a challenge to find places to dock or maneuver in tight marinas.

A Trimaran sailboat out on the water.

If you’re drawn to the size and stability of the catamaran, but yearn for more speed and power then you’ll love the trimaran. Instead of two hulls, this bigger boat has three: a main hull in the middle, and two smaller outrigger hulls on its sides. It’s an excellent sailboat for racing and cruising due to its stability and speed.

Pros of trimarans: Ability to be very fast, stable, and less likely to capsize in rough waters than smaller sailboats.

Cons of trimarans: They’re larger boats, so it can be difficult and more expensive to dock or store them in certain places.

Cruising Keelboat

A Cruising Keelboat out on the water.

Suppose you want to take an overnight cruise or even a trip across the Atlantic Ocean. In that case, a cruiser is your best bet. These large-sized sailboats (usually more than 30 feet long) are designed to be comfortable and self-sufficient, which makes them ideal for long voyages.

Pros of Cruising Keelboats: Well-suited to go on long-distance cruises for weeks or months with the ability to support multiple passengers.

Cons of Cruising Keelboats: You’ll not only have to invest in the sailboat (including storage and upkeep), but it also requires a large crew and an experienced captain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Sailboat Types

What is the most common type of sailboat.

Sloop-rigged sailboats (particularly daysailers and dinghies) are among the most popular types of sailboats. However, generally, the most commonly used sailboat depends on who’s using it. For example, a racer will have much different needs than someone who just wants the right boat for cruising.

What’s the difference between a sailboat and a yacht?

In the U.S., the determination between a sailboat and a yacht is that a sailboat only uses wind power, while a yacht can use wind, a motor, or a combination of both. However, internationally, sailboats and all other boats are usually considered “yachts.” Size can also be a determining factor. For example, some people consider any boat longer than 40 feet to be a yacht.

What’s the best beginner sailboat?

If you don’t have any sailing experience , the best sailboats are usually smaller, easy to maneuver, and less complicated than multihulls. Some of the best small sailboats for beginners have tiller steering and no winches.

This can include vessels like small dinghies, catamarans (though these are multihull boats), rotomolded boats, and those that can be easily trailered to different locations.

What is the safest type of sailboat?

In most cases, larger cruising keelboats are usually considered much safer than smaller dinghies and catamarans. That’s because they’re less likely to capsize and can handle adverse weather more safely, which is especially useful for new sailors. However, sailboat safety depends on the sailor, type of boat, and conditions.

What are the most popular sailboat brands?

There are countless high-quality sailboats on the market. Some of the most popular brands include Beneteau, Jeanneau, Hunter, Catalina, Dufour, Sunfish, Hobie, and many others. These brands have built a reputation of trust and reliability over the years, making them prime choices for new and seasoned sailors alike.

Which type of boat is best for offshore cruising?

If you want to take your sailboat for an offshore cruise, you’ll need something sturdy, reliable, and able to handle harsh sea conditions. In most cases, a cruising keelboat is your best bet for casual offshore cruising as they’re comfortable and self-sufficient vessels. In regards to rigging, ketch, cutter, and schooner rigs are best for sailing offshore because they are adaptable to varying wind speeds.

Learn How to Sail From The Experts

Are you interested in learning more about sailing or getting certified ? First Reef Sailing is one of the top ASA sailing schools in the Boston area.

We can help you learn the basics of sailing so you can get out on the water with confidence. Our certification courses, such as the beginner ASA 101 and ASA 103 courses, will teach you how to sail everything from 20-foot keelboats to 50-foot catamarans.

Take a look at this timeline of how many of our students learn, gain sailing experience, and go on to buy their own sailboats.

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Types of Sailboats: Classification Guide

Ian Fortey

Sailboats can be divided into three basic types based on their hulls (catamaran, monohull or multihull) , their keel and their rigging, and then further subdivided from there. The result is that there are actually well over a dozen different kinds of sailboats out there.

Sailboat Hull Types

types of sailing yachts

There are three main hull types that you’ll find in sailboats.

  • Monohull: This is what most people think of when they think of a sail boat or any boat at all, really. A monohull sailboat has a single hulled structure that gives a boat that traditional boat shape we all instantly recognize. These are far and away the most common hull type for sailboats because they’re some of the oldest, they’re cheaper to produce, and they are fairly easy to maintain compared to the other options. You can do a lot more with the rigger in monohull sailboats and any sailing vessel with multiple masts is invariably going to be a monohull one. The downside of the monohull compared to the others is that they lack the stability.
  • Catamaran: The second hull type you’ll find in sailboats is the catamaran . While technically a multihull vessel, they feature two hulls that are located on either side of the boat connected by a deck. Because it’s just the two, they get called catamarans rather than multihull which generally refers to three. Catamarans had been used by ancient peoples for years but never really caught on with “modern” boating for quite a long time. Now that we have fiberglass hulls and other advances, catamarans are much more commonplace than they were a  hundred years ago. Catamarans offer great speed and stability but don’t have as much cabin space as a monohull.
  • Trimaran/Multihull : This hull style features three hulls in a similar style to the catamaran with the addition of that third center hull. From the side you wouldn’t be able to tell a catamarans from trimaran sailboats. These boats are even faster and more stable than a catamaran and, by extension, a monohull. They have a very low center of gravity and a large beam. Space is still a drawback but the third hull increases room overall. There are also vessels with even more hulls, but they are exceedingly rare and also pretty expensive.

Sailboat Keel Types

types of sailing yachts

Heading below the hull now and we’ll find the keel, which is what gives your sailboat added stability in the water. While multihull boats find stability in the additional hulls, a monohull boat will get stability from its keel. Though it’s nearly impossible to flip or capsize a trimaran, if it does happen it’s staying flipped or capsized. However, the keel on a monohull boat makes it even harder to flip because of the physics of resistance in the water. That isn’t to say a monohulled boat with a keel is unsinkable, quite the opposite, but you’re just not going to flip one upside down without a real fight. There are six main keel types you’ll find in sailboats.

  • Bilge Keel: These are dual keels that can be like fin keels or even full keels extending the length of the vessel. They extend from the sides and can prevent the boat from rolling. They need to be symmetrical on both sides of the boat to work.
  • Bulb Kee l: These are a kind of fin keel but they carry ballast in them. That allows them to have a little more stability. They operate like a hydrofoil
  • Centerboard Keel: This type of keel actually pivots and can be changed depending on the depth of the water.
  • Daggerboard Keel : Another kind of centerboard keel but the daggerboard can actually be pulled up into the hull. This allows you to alter its position for an increase or decrease in speed or stability as needed.
  • Fin Kee l: If you’re into racing you’ll probably have a fin keel. They are thin but extend deep below the sailboat. This makes them great for speed but not really ideal for a comfortable ride. You wouldn’t want to be day sailing for fun and relaxation with a fin keel.
  • Full Keel: This is the most common type of keel and it spans the entire length of the vessel. There will likely be a rudder built into the keel as well.
  • Wing Keel : This is a variant on the fin keel. Wing keels have a small wing at the tip to allow better directional stability by reducing cross flow.

Sailboat Mast Configuration

types of sailing yachts

The mast of the sailboat is obviously that large pole onto which sails are rigged. Depending on your boat type you may have one mast, two masts, or more masts. How these masts are configured is where you can start distinguishing sailboat types you may recognize by name.  These include:

Sloop: This is arguably the most popular type of sailboat mast type. A sloop has a single mast and two sails – the headsail and the mainsail. Being a single masted sailboat makes them easy to identify. These are probably the easiest to learn how to rig and how to sail. It’s versatile enough for cruising and for racing. Commonly these a gaff rig or a Bermuda rig. Another kind of sloop rig is the fractional rig sloop in which you can find one of the sails below the top of the mast.

Schooner: These can have multiple masts, not just two. The largest sailing vessels you’re likely to see, either in the present or in images from history, were schooners. Giant ships with six masts each bearing over 10 sails were schooners. An important detail is that the first mast on a schooner will always be shorter than the others. They are usually gaff-rigged

Cutter: This type of sailboat is very similar to the sloop and has a centrally located mast supporting three sails. Two headsails, the second called a staysail, is what distinguishes it most easily from the sloop. The rigging makes a cutter a bit harder to manage than a sloop.

Ketch : A ketch is a lot like a schooner but the two masts are arranged differently. On a ketch, the main mast is taller than the aft mast which is called the mizzen mast. The mizzen sail naturally is on the mizzen mast with the mizzen mast positioned aft.

Catboat : Also called a cat, a catboat has a single mast and a large, single gaff sail. The boats are usually short, stout boats that aren’t built for speed or for open seas. Best to be used in coastal waters

Yawl: This vessel is nearly identical to the ketch with one main difference. In a yawl, the helm is forward of the mizzen mast, while that is not the case in a ketch.

Other Types of Sailboats


Now that we have the basic configurations out of the way, let’s look at some of the more specific types of sailboats you may find at sea. In some cases you’ll see that these terms are not entirely specific and one term may actually apply to multiple kinds of sail boats in much the same way that something like SUV can describe multiple different vehicles that are similar but not all the same.

Sailing Dinghies

Like any dinghy, a sailing dinghy is going to be a small vessel. Typically made to accommodate just one or two people, they are under 15 feet and the smallest of which are often used by children. Optimist dinghies are raced professionally and must meet certain requirements to be officially registered as true Optimist boats. If you’re totally new to sailing, a sailing dinghy might be a good place to learn the ropes.

Daysailer generally refers to any sailboat that is not intended to either race other boats or keep you out on the water for an overnight stay. As such, it can cover a lot of ground. Typically, a daysailer will probably be between 14 feet and 20 feet. Usually you won’t get more than 4 people on board and there will be room for storing gear but not a sleeping berth. These are great beginner sailboats.

Pocket Cruisers

Like a daysailer, a pocket cruiser is more of a general label for boats rather than a specific kind. In this case, any sailboat under 30 feet could technically be considered a pocket cruiser. Basically it should be trailerable and used for either cruising or racing. They may contain a small cabin or berth. They could be outfitted for long offshore trips.

Trailer Sailer

Very similar to a pocket cruiser, a trailer sailer is a smaller vessel but still larger than a sailing dinghy. There is clear overlap between trailer sailers, daysailers, and pocket cruisers and the same name could technically be used for many different boats. The defining characteristic of a trailer sailer is that it can easily be transported by trailer behind your tow vehicle. Unlike a sailing dinghy, a trailer sailer would likely have a retractable keep like a centerboard or daggerboard.

Racing Sailboats

These boats can be very large, anywhere from 20 feet to over 70 feet, and they are designed to be light and fast on the water. Larger racing sailboats required a skilled crew to operate. These have keels intended to increase speed and even laminate sales to improve performance. Smaller racing boats can be manned by just one or two people. They don’t offer a lot of creature comforts and aren’t meant for relaxing trips at sea.

Beach Catamarans

Beach cats get their name from the fact they’re designed to be beached and can be launched again from the beach if you so desire. They are usually under 25 feet and not meant for extending sailing offshore, rather they are designed for daysailing. They are very agile and fast and take a good foundation of knowledge to control properly.

Cruising Catamarans

types of sailing yachts

This is the larger style of catamaran designed for more serious boating. Like any catamaran they have a shallow draft but these can be between 25 feet and up to more than 50 feet. They’re designed for extended cruising offshore.

Cruising Sailboats

Boats like schooners quality as a cruising boat and they are typically at least 16 feet in length but may get well over 50 feet as well. Cruising sailboats include cabins for extended stays offshore and, if the boat is large enough, will likely have a fairly large living space below deck which includes a galley and a head in addition to sleeping berths. These are often called liveaboard sailboats .

Cruisers are often monohull but can just as easily be multihull. When properly outfitted they can be used for long, extended stays at sea that last weeks or more. Depending on rigging a cruising sailboat could easily be a sloop, a schooner, a cutter, a ketch or even a superyacht.

Racing Cruisers

This is essentially a hybrid of the cruising sailboat and the racing sailboat. It’s built for more speed than a cruiser but it will have better accommodations than a racing sailboat to allow for stays at sea.  The end result is a lighter cruiser ideal for a few days at sea that can get some good speed.

Bluewater Cruising Boats

These are basically the next step up from a cruising sailboat. A bluewater cruiser is meant to sail across oceans, which is where the bluewater part of the name comes from. These are large sailboats and are best only sailed by skilled sailors. They can be outfitted for very long stays at sea and are able to handle rough weather better than smaller vessels.


You don’t hear this term much anymore but it refers to a sailboat that also has an inboard motor so that they can travel under engine power or wind power. Typically these are larger vessels with accommodations below deck and designed for extended stays off shore. That said, because they mix both styles of boat, they fall somewhere short of either in terms of performance. The engine takes up space and adds weight, limiting your sailing abilities. Obviously traditional sailboats won’t include a motor.

The Bottom Line

There are a number of different kinds of sailboats and the easiest way to distinguish them is by comparing hull types, sail and mast configuration, and keels. Many terms you hear to describe sailboats can describe more than one kind, while others are very specific and the boat must meet certain requirements to merit the name. The only thing that truly unites every type of sailboat is the fact it must be powered by the wind, and even then there are hybrid versions that use motor power sometimes.

Learning the rigging of the different types of sailboats, including things like gaff rigs, standard rigging, and other rig types can be hard work and time consuming as some of these sailing boat rig types are far more complex than others.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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All You Need to Know: Explaining the Different Types of Sailboats

Sailboats are a type of watercraft that are powered by the wind. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its unique characteristics and features. Understanding the different types of sailboats and their uses can be helpful for those who are interested in sailing or looking to purchase a sailboat.

Several factors determine the types of sailboats, including the hull type , keel type , mast configuration, and sails and rigging . The hull is the boat’s body and can be either a monohull, catamaran , or trimaran .

The keel is the underwater part of the hull that provides stability and can be either a fin keel, wing keel, bilge keel, daggerboard, or centerboard. The mast configuration and sails determine how the boat is powered, and can be a sloop, fractional rig sloop, ketch, schooner, yawl, cutter, or cat.

Types of Sailboats

Sailboats come in many different shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are the most common types of sailboats:

Types of Sailboats: Cruising Sailboats

Cruising Sailboats

Cruising sailboats are designed for long-distance sailing and living aboard. They typically have a spacious interior with a galley, head, and sleeping quarters. They also have a large fuel and water capacity to allow for extended time at sea. Cruising sailboats come in many different sizes, from small pocket cruisers to large bluewater yachts.

Racing Sailboats

Racing sailboats are designed for speed and agility. They typically have a lightweight hull and a tall mast with a large sail area. Racing sailboats come in many classes , from dinghies to large offshore racing yachts. They are designed to be sailed by a skilled crew and require a high level of skill and experience to handle.

Daysailers are designed for short trips and day sailing. They typically have a simple interior with minimal accommodations. Daysailers come in many different sizes, from small dinghies to larger keelboats. They are easy to handle and are a great choice for beginners or for those who want to enjoy a day on the water without the hassle of a larger boat.

Sailing catamaran in harbor

Catamarans are sailboats with two hulls. They are designed for stability and speed and are often used for cruising or racing. Catamarans have a spacious interior and a large deck area, making them a popular choice for those who want to live aboard or entertain guests. They are also popular for chartering and can be found in many popular sailing destinations around the world.

Trimarans are sailboats with three hulls. They are designed for speed and stability and are often used for racing or long-distance cruising. Trimarans have a narrow hull and a large sail area, making them incredibly fast and agile on the water. They are also popular for their spacious interior and large deck area, making them a great choice for those who want to live aboard or entertain guests.

Sailboat Hull Types

When it comes to sailboats, there are two main categories of hull types: monohull and multihull. Each has its unique characteristics and advantages.

Maxi 1300 Performance Bulb Keel Cruising Sailboats

Monohull Sailboats

Monohull sailboats are the most common type of sailboat. They have a single hull, and the hull is typically long and narrow, which makes them more efficient when sailing upwind. Monohulls come in a variety of styles, including:

  • Flat-bottom vessels
  • Fin-keel racers
  • Bulb and bilge keel cruisers
  • Heavy semi-displacement sailboats
  • Dense full-keel displacement cruisers

Each of these styles has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, flat-bottom vessels are the most stable, but they don’t work well in deep waters. Fin-keel racers are designed for speed and performance but may not be as comfortable for long-term cruising.

Multihull Sailboats

Multihull sailboats have two or more hulls. The most common types of multihulls are catamarans and trimarans. Multihulls have several advantages over monohulls, including:

  • More stability
  • Better performance in light winds

Catamarans have two hulls, which are connected by a deck. They are known for their stability and spaciousness. Trimarans have three hulls, which make them even more stable and faster than catamarans. However, they are not as spacious as catamarans.

Sailboat Rigging Types

When it comes to sailboat rigging types, there are several options to choose from. Each type of rig has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of sailing you plan to do and the size of your boat . Some of the most common sailboat rigging types include:

The sloop rig is one of the most popular sailboat rigging types and is commonly used on boats ranging in size from small dinghies to large cruisers. It consists of a single mast with a mainsail and a jib or genoa. The mainsail is typically a triangular shape, while the jib or genoa is a smaller sail that is used to control the boat’s direction.

The cutter rig is similar to the sloop rig but with an additional headsail. This makes it a popular choice for sailors who want more control over their boat’s speed and direction. The mainsail is still triangular, but the headsail is typically smaller than the jib or genoa used in a sloop rig.

The ketch rig is a two-masted sailboat rigging type that is commonly used on larger boats. It consists of a main mast and a smaller mizzen mast located aft of the cockpit. The mainsail is typically triangular, while the mizzen sail is smaller and located behind the cockpit. The ketch rig is known for its versatility and is often used for long-distance cruising.

The yawl rig is similar to the ketch rig but with a smaller mizzen mast located further aft. This makes it a popular choice for sailors who want more control over their boat’s direction, especially in heavy winds. The yawl rig is also known for its ability to sail close to the wind, making it a popular choice for racing sailors.

Sailboat Sails

Several types of sails are commonly used on sailboats . Each sail has a specific purpose and is designed to work in different wind conditions. The main types of sails include mainsails, jibs, genoas, and spinnakers.

The mainsail is the largest sail on a sailboat and is typically located behind the mast. It is attached to the mast and boom and is used to capture the wind and propel the boat forward. The mainsail is the most important sail on the boat and is used in a wide range of wind conditions.

The mainsail can be adjusted in several ways to optimize its performance. The sail can be reefed, or reduced in size, to reduce the amount of sail exposed to the wind in high winds. The sail can also be twisted to adjust the shape of the sail and improve its performance in different wind conditions.

The jib is a smaller sail that is located in front of the mast. It is attached to the mast and forestay and is used to help balance the boat and improve its performance in light wind conditions. The jib is typically used in conjunction with the mainsail and can be adjusted to optimize its performance.

There are several types of jibs, including the working jib, the genoa jib, and the storm jib. The working jib is the most common type of jib and is used in moderate wind conditions. The genoa jib is a larger jib that is used in light wind conditions, while the storm jib is a smaller jib that is used in high wind conditions.

The genoa is a large jib that is used in light wind conditions. It is similar to the jib but is larger and overlaps the mainsail. The Genoa is attached to the mast and forestay and is used to capture as much wind as possible to propel the boat forward.

The Genoa is typically used in conjunction with the mainsail and can be adjusted to optimize its performance. It can be furled, or rolled up when not in use to reduce wind resistance and improve the boat’s performance.

The spinnaker is a large, balloon-shaped sail that is used for downwind sailing. It is typically used in light wind conditions and is attached to a spinnaker pole to keep it away from the boat’s mast and sails.

The spinnaker is used to capture as much wind as possible and propel the boat forward. It is typically used in conjunction with the mainsail and jib and can be adjusted to optimize its performance.

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What factors determine the types of sailboats?

The factors that determine the types of sailboats include hull type, keel type, mast configuration, and sails and rigging.

What are the two main categories of sailboat hull types?

The two main categories of sailboat hull types are monohull and multihull.

What are some common sailboat rigging types?

Common sailboat rigging types include sloop rig, cutter rig, ketch rig, and yawl rig.

What are the main types of sails used on sailboats?

The main types of sails used on sailboats include mainsails, jibs, genoas, and spinnakers.

What are the differences between a catamaran and a trimaran?

A catamaran has two hulls connected by a deck, while a trimaran has three hulls. Trimarans are generally more stable and faster than catamarans, but they are not as spacious.

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About the author

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I worked as an officer in the deck department on various types of vessels, including oil and chemical tankers, LPG carriers, and even reefer and TSHD in the early years. Currently employed as Marine Surveyor carrying cargo, draft, bunker, and warranty survey.

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Table of Contents

Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by Boatsetter Team

Sailboats are one type of boat, but just because they all have sails doesn’t mean they’re all the same. There are subsets of sailboats and they differ by their shape (or number of hulls), the type of sailing rig, and their best primary use. Let’s investigate.

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Sailboat shapes

Sailboats can be monohulls or multihulls, which can be catamarans with two hulls or trimarans with three.

Sailboat race.

Monohulls are the classic sailing boat with one hull . Large, traditional, and older versions have deeper and heavier keels integrated into the hull for greater stability. At the same time, newer designs have fin keels that are attached rather than integrated appendages. Monohull boats can be used for racing or cruising.

Catamarans have two hulls that are connected by a bridge deck . Cats are prized for their large deck and accommodations space, stability, and shallow draft, so many mid-sized cats can be found in charter fleets worldwide.

Production cats are typically built for comfort rather than speed, but there are high-performance carbon fiber racing cats like those in the America’s Cup.

Trimarans are boats with three hulls. They can be large cruisers with fixed hull supports or small racers where the structural arms that hold the amas (outer hulls) fold to make the whole boat narrower. This is handy when fitting into a small slip or onto a trailer. Even more than catamarans, trimarans are known to be fast sailors.

More sailboats of all shapes (but especially catamarans) are experimenting with foils where the hull(s) ride out of the water to minimize wetted surfaces and maximize speed.

READ MORE: 10 Best Beginner Sailboats

Sailboat rigging

View from sailboat.

The rig of a sailboat includes the spar (mast) that holds the sails up, the boom that holds the bottom of the mainsail, and the shrouds or stays that support the mast. One sailboat can have multiple masts.

The number and placement of the masts decide what kind of boat it is. A sloop has one mast but may have multiple headsails (the sails that are in front of the mast), and therefore it may be called a cutter sloop.

A ketch or a yawl has a second smaller (mizzen) mast aft of the main mast. Schooners have multiple masts, but the secondary mast is ahead of the main mast rather than behind it. Many classic tall ships are outfitted as schooners, not generally found in modern recreational sailing.

Different uses of sailboats

Sailboat at sea.

As mentioned above, sailboats can be distance cruisers, racers, or something in between . Much of how they’re used will depend on their size and shape.

  • Daysailers: The primary use of a daysailer is for an afternoon sailing in a bay or harbor. You can daysail on the ocean, and any boat can be sailed for just a day. Still, typical daysailers are usually smaller (under 30 feet), have no or minimal accommodations below, and are used for short outings.
  • Cruisers: Sailboats can cruise for a weekend or a lifetime. Cruisers are often outfitted with amenities to accommodate overnight stays, so they have a galley , a cabin , and a head (bathroom). They vary in size, can be mono- or multihulls, and can carry any rig type.
  • Racers: Although any sailboat can be raced, some models are specifically designed to do so. They’re usually built lighter and carry more sail area.
  • Racer-cruisers: Racer-cruisers are performance boats (usually sloops) that can cruise. Some sailors will argue that there’s no such thing and that it’s all marketing rather than reality as companies try to make customers believe their boats are fast. Lightly built cruisers are often classified as racer-cruisers.
  • Bluewater cruisers: Sailboats designed to cruise across oceans are often called bluewater cruisers. They’re well equipped, have large water and fuel tanks, and are often loaded with technical and cruising gear to be able to stay at sea for a long time. Again, these sailboats can have any number of hulls or masts to qualify for this moniker.
  • Motorsailers: Heavy sailboats with big engines may be called motorsailers but it’s not a name that appeals to their owners because it implies the boat is heavy and slow under sail.
  • Sailing dinghies: Small sailboats that are often used to teach sailing are sailing dinghies. They’re designed for one or two people and can be basic like a Lido or Sabot or competition level such as a Finn, Nacra, or Laser.

Learn more about sailboats with Boatsetter

An expert sailor knows a sailboat isn’t just a boat with sails — there are nuances and knowing the differences will make you not only better informed, it will also enable you to decide which kind of sailboat is right for you.

Of course, the best way to get to know a sailboat is by hands-on practice . Rent a sailboat — with a captain or to sail solo — and get on-the-water practice. In no time, you’ll be a pro.

Boatsetter is a unique boat-sharing platform that gives everyone— whether you own a boat or you’re just renting — the chance to experience life on the water. You can list a boat , book a boat , or make money as a captain .

List. Rent. Earn— Only at Boatsetter


Zuzana Prochazka is an award-winning freelance journalist and photographer with regular contributions to more than a dozen sailing and powerboating magazines and online publications including Southern Boating, SEA, Latitudes & Attitudes and SAIL. She is SAIL magazines Charter Editor and the Executive Director of Boating Writers International. Zuzana serves as judge for SAIL’s Best Boats awards and for Europe’s Best of Boats in Berlin. 

A USCG 100 Ton Master, Zuzana founded and manages a flotilla charter organization called Zescapes that takes guests adventure sailing at destinations worldwide. 

Zuzana has lived in Europe, Africa and the United States and has traveled extensively in South America, the islands of the South Pacific and Mexico. 

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Types of Sailboats: Know By Classification and Intended Use

  • June 10, 2024


Embarking on the open waters is an exhilarating experience, and choosing the right sailboat can make all the difference. The world of sailboats is as vast as the oceans they navigate, offering a myriad of options tailored to various needs and preferences.

From sleek racing yachts that cut through waves like arrows to comfortable cruisers designed for leisurely journeys, the spectrum is vast and exciting. Understanding the different types of sailboats before making a decision is like finding the perfect wind for your sails – it ensures a smoother and more enjoyable ride.

Delving into the fascinating realm of sailboat varieties not only broadens your nautical knowledge but also helps you pinpoint the vessel that aligns seamlessly with your sailing ambitions. Whether you dream of competing in regattas, embarking on leisurely coastal cruises, or undertaking adventurous bluewater voyages, knowing your sailboat types is the compass that guides you towards maritime fulfillment.

So, join us as we unfurl the sails of discovery and explore the captivating universe of sailboat diversity. Ready to set sail? Let’s embark on this exciting voyage of exploration!

  • 1 Thrill of Sailing in Sailboats
  • 2.1 Monohulls 
  • 2.2 Catamarans 
  • 2.3 Trimarans 
  • 2.4 Sloops 
  • 2.5 Ketches 
  • 2.6 Schooners 
  • 3.1 Daysailers
  • 3.2 Cruising Sailboats
  • 3.3 Racing Sailboats
  • 3.4 Performance Cruisers
  • 3.5 Other Specialized Sailboats
  • 4.1 Keel Configurations
  • 4.2 Size & Capacity
  • 4.3 Sailing Experience
  • 5 Choosing Your Right Sailboat
  • 6 Conclusion

Thrill of Sailing in Sailboats

Who wouldn’t want to sail into the captivating world of sailboats. You have the wind in your hair, the salty breeze on your face, and the open sea stretching out endlessly before you. It’s not just a boat ride; it’s an exhilarating dance with the elements.

Sailing is all about freedom and joy, harnessing the power of the wind, charting your course, and feeling the thrill of the open water. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just dipping your toes into this nautical adventure, there’s something truly special about the unique appeal of sailing.

The freedom you experience on a sailboat is unparalleled. You’re not confined to roads or tracks; you’re guided by the wind, able to explore hidden coves, secluded islands, and distant horizons. It’s a sense of liberation that only sailing can provide.

Now, let’s dive into the different types of sailboats that populate the seas. Just like there are various species in the animal kingdom, the sailing world boasts an array of vessels, each with its own personality and purpose.

Sailboat Classifications

Sailboat Classifications

Ok, you want to set sail in your dreams, or maybe daydreamed about cruising crystal-clear waters on a sleek sailboat.  Before you chart your course, you may want to explore the different types of sailboats and know its  unique personalities and ideal uses.  

By Hull Design


Think classic sailboats – these are the most common, offering stability and a variety of keel types. Imagine a deep keel slicing through waves, providing a smooth ride, or a shallow draft monohull skimming across shallow bays. These trusty vessels are the workhorses of the sea, offering stability that makes them a favorite among sailors. With various keel types to choose from, monohulls provide versatility for different sailing conditions. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just dipping your toes into the sailing world, monohulls are a reliable choice.


 These boast two hulls, creating spacious decks and unmatched stability. Think luxurious floating apartments, perfect for island hopping or relaxing with friends. Catamarans are the spacious giants of the sea, offering a different kind of sailing experience. While they might be less maneuverable compared to monohulls, the extra room and stability make them perfect for leisurely cruises or entertaining your mates on board. Keep in mind, they’re not be as nimble as their single-hulled counterparts.


Craving speed and stability in rough waters? Trimarans have three hulls, slicing through waves effortlessly. They’re less common but perfect for adventurous sailors seeking exhilarating rides. Trimarans boast speed and stability, especially in choppy waters. Though less common, these three-hulled wonders are a sight to behold. If you’re seeking a vessel that can handle rough seas without sacrificing speed, a trimaran might just be your perfect match.

By Mast Configuration and Sails

The most popular choice, sloops have a single mast and are known for their simplicity and versatility. Whether you’re learning the ropes or racing across oceans, there’s a sloop rig for you. Simple, sleek, and ever-popular, the sloop is your go-to sailboat. With various rig types to suit your preference, it’s the ideal choice for those looking for an uncomplicated sailing experience. 

Imagine two masts for double the sail area! Perfect for long-distance cruising, ketches handle winds well and offer generous storage space. Think self-sufficient adventures across distant horizons. Ketches provide more sail area for that long-distance adventure. With its two masts and ample sail configuration, it’s the go-to choice for sailors craving extended cruising. Imagine the wind in your sails as you gracefully navigate the open sea.


See a classic scene with multiple masts rising majestically. Schooners, with their elegant design, perform particularly well in light winds and offer a unique sailing experience. Its timeless design shines, especially in light winds. If you fancy a nod to sailing’s rich history while enjoying a leisurely sail, the schooner is a top contender. Think historical charm meets modern comfort.

Beyond the basics: There’s a whole world of other mast configurations like catboats, yawls, and cutters, each with their own strengths and quirks. Explore further to find your perfect match!

Sailboats Types by Intended Use

Sailboats Types by Intended Use

Are you ready to set sail and navigate the open waters? Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a novice eager to learn, understanding the different types of sailboats based on their intended use is a crucial first step. Let’s dive into the diverse world of sailboats and discover which one suits your sailing ambitions.

If you’re looking for a sailboat perfect for short excursions and skill-building, the daysailer is your go-to. Designed for ease of use, these boats are ideal for beginners and those who crave the simplicity of a quick day on the water. With straightforward rigging and a focus on maneuverability, daysailers make learning the ropes a breeze.

Cruising Sailboats

For the adventurers at heart, cruising sailboats are tailored for extended journeys and even living aboard. These boats offer a comfortable living space and ample storage, making them well-suited for those dreaming of exploring distant shores or embracing the liveaboard lifestyle. Set your sights on the horizon and let a cruising sailboat be your home on the water.

Racing Sailboats

Thrill-seekers and competitive spirits, look no further than racing sailboats. Crafted for speed and precision, these vessels are designed to slice through the water with agility. Join the excitement of regattas and harness the power of the wind as you compete against fellow sailors. Racing sailboats are the ultimate choice for those who crave the rush of the open sea and the thrill of competition.

Performance Cruisers

If you desire the best of both worlds – comfort and speed – a performance cruiser is your ticket to a balanced sailing experience. These sailboats combine the luxury of cruising vessels with the enhanced speed of racing boats. Experience the joy of sailing without compromising on comfort, making every journey an enjoyable and swift adventure.

Other Specialized Sailboats

Beyond the main categories, the world of sailboats offers a myriad of specialized vessels. Dinghies provide nimble handling, multihulls offer stability and speed, while classic boats exude timeless charm. Each has its unique features, catering to specific preferences and needs. Explore these options to find the sailboat that resonates with your sailing style.

Considerations in Type of Sailboats

You’re ready to explore the world under sail, but with an array of amazing sailboats out there, choosing the right one can feel like navigating a stormy sea itself.  This guide will equip you with the knowledge to chart your course towards your ideal vessel.

Keel Configurations

Just like shoes, different keels suit different sailing styles. Here’s a quick rundown:

Fin keels:  These deep,  fixed fins slice through water efficiently,  making them ideal for speed and long-distance cruising.  Think stability and slicing through waves like a knife!

Wing keels:  Imagine an airplane wing underwater.  These thin,  angled keels provide incredible stability and lift,  perfect for choppy waters and sporty sailing.  Hold on tight,  these can get exciting!

Daggerboards and centerboards:  These retractable keels allow you to explore shallow waters.  Think playgrounds for exploring hidden coves and navigating tight spaces.  Just remember to raise them before hitting deeper waters!

Size & Capacity

Imagine trying on clothes – a sailboat that’s too big can be overwhelming, while one that’s too small feels cramped. Here’s how to find your perfect fit:

Crew size:  How many shipmates are joining your adventure?  A cozy sailboat for two won’t cut it for a family of five.  Remember,  comfort matters!

Sailing goals:  Weekend getaways or epic voyages?  Daytime cruises or stargazing under the open sky?  Matching your needs with the boat’s capabilities ensures smooth sailing (and sleeping! ).

Sailing Experience

Not everyone starts as a seasoned sail. Here’s how to choose a boat that matches your experience level:

Beginner’s bliss:   Stable boats with simple rigs,  like centerboard dinghies or small keelboats,  are your training wheels.  Think ease of handling and learning the ropes with confidence.

Intermediate island-hopper:  Ready to graduate?  Mid-sized keelboats with more complex sail plans offer exciting challenges and comfortable explorations.  Think weekend adventures with a touch of spice.

Seasoned sailor:  The sky’s the limit!  From high-performance racing yachts to luxurious cruising vessels,  the world is your oyster.  Remember,  experience and budget go hand-in-hand.

Choosing Your Right Sailboat

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to set sail on your research journey!

What’s your needs:  Reflect on your experience,  intended use,  budget,  and crew size.  This forms your map.

Match your preferences:  Explore different boat types and their characteristics.  Think speed demons,  cozy cruisers,  or adventurous explorers.  Find your match!

Research and choose:   Dive deeper into specific models,  read reviews,  and compare features.  This is where you fine-tune your course.

With this guide and a little research, you’ll be well on your way to setting sail on the perfect boat for your unique sailing adventure. Remember, the journey is just as exciting as the destination, so enjoy the exploration!

Embark on your sailing journey with a clear understanding of the diverse types of sailboats based on their intended use. Whether you’re seeking a leisurely day on the water, planning an extended cruise, craving the thrill of competition, or desiring a balanced experience, there’s a sailboat waiting to hoist its sails for you.

This is just a taste of the diverse world of sailboats.  So, set sail and discover the type that speaks to your inner mariner. Happy sailing!

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Types of Sailboats: Dive into the World of Sailboats

29th oct 2023 by samantha wilson.

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Sailing is a wonderful hobby that can bring a lifetime of relaxation, adventure, and fun. It offers the chance to learn new skills, spend quality time with the whole family, to explore new destinations and take part in a whole host of different activities. There are many types of sailboats for sale, so before you venture down the road of buying your first sailboat , it’s important to understand the different types of sailboats and which one will be best for you and your family. With everything from tiny dinghies up to enormous superyachts , the range is huge.

Here we’ll explore the different sailboat types and uses, look at their pros and cons, and how to choose the right one.

Different Types of Sailing Boat by Hull

With so many different sailboat variations, sailboat uses and styles of sailboat, there are different ways we can identify them, and one way is by hull type. There are three categories; monohulls (with one hull), catamarans (with two hulls) and trimarans (with three hulls).

Monohull sailboats

Monohulls are the most common type of sailboat and are designed with a single hull, and have a long, narrow shape which makes them fast and easy to maneuver. Monohulls are typically designed for recreational sailing, and are great for long-distance cruising, coastal sailing, and racing. As they can be relatively inexpensive to buy and easy to maintain, monohulls are often one of the most popular types of sailing boats for beginners. As the broadest range of sailboats, monohulls come in all shapes and sizes, but can also have vastly different keel types. See our comparison between monohull and catamaran sailboats .

monohull sailboat

Examples of monohull keels include:

Full keel consists of heavy ballast which runs along the bottom of the hull and keeps the boat centered in the water

Cutaway keel

Cutway keep works in the same way as a full keel but has a section cut away to allow for better maneuverability in shallow waters

Fin keel or wing keel

These are often bolted on to the hull and can have a heavy bulb or wing at the bottom for additional stability

Swing keel, lifting keel, daggerboard or centerboard 

All of these are identified by their ability to be retracted into the hull, allowing for access to shallow water and additional speeds 

Shallow planing hull:

Usually found on types of small sailing boats and dinghies, it allows them to surf on waves and enter shallower water. 

Catamaran sailboats

Catamarans are two-hulled sailboats with a deck or trampoline in between that are typically wider and more stable than monohulls. They also provide more space and storage, and are great for sailing in shallow waters. Popular choices for those wanting to go fishing , cruising and racing, catamarans are gaining in popularity particularly because of their increased stability which is less likely to cause seasickness. Because of their lack of deep, heavy keels (not necessary because of their two-hulled stability) catamarans are known for their speeds and make for popular daysailers and charter boats. 

catamaran sailboats

Trimaran sailboats

Trimarans are three-hulled sailboats that are usually faster and more stable than monohulls. They have a long, narrow shape, and they provide a good amount of space and storage. Trimarans are great for racing and long-distance cruising, and they are often used for fishing and recreational sailing. With a higher purchase price and less availability on the market, they are still fairly uncommon compared to monohulls and catamarans although larger trimaran yachts are gaining popularity thanks to their stability and speed. See our comparison guide between trimarans and catamarans .


Different Types of Sailing Boats

There are many ways to categorize sailboats, from their rigging to their mast configuration, their rudder type, hull type or by the different classes of sailboat. 

Another way to identify or categorize sailboat types is by their rigging. This refers to the configuration of the mast (or masts) and sail (or sails) and there are several types depending on what they’re used for.

These are some of the most common sailing yacht types:

Sloop are the most common type of sailboat on the water, and are characterized by a single-mast rig which frequently has a triangular mainsail and a headsail. They make for one of the most popular types of sailing boats for beginners as well as seasoned pros as they are easy to learn to control and maneuver, fun to sail and can be used for all types of sailing in different conditions. Sloops can get to great speeds with their rig configuration and offer good windward performance and as such they are popular racing boats as well as the perfect multi-purpose, easy maintenance leisure yacht. On the downside, sloops can be easier to capsize than some other sailboats and they require a tall mast to accommodate the two sails. 

While it might seem as though a cutter and sloop are barely distinguishable, a closer look shows that in fact the rigging is quite noticeably different. Yes, both types have a single mast, but a cutter has a two headsails, the additional one known as a staysail. This additional sail offers better control and more stability than a sloop and its singular jib sail, as well as being better at performing in adverse weather. The other difference worth noting is that many cutters have a spar extending from the bow, known as a bowsprit which increases the amount of sail area. The downsides to a cutter for some people is the rigging is more complex than that on a sloop. 

Schooners are probably the most easily identifiable type of sailboat to grace our seas. For centuries these multi-masted sailing yachts have transported sailors, soldiers, goods and passengers around the world, their multiple sails offering excellent offshore handling and the ability to withstand powerful sea conditions. They have a minimum of two masts, but can have many more, with two almost identical sized sails in the foresail and mainsail. Better suited to experienced sailors with a crew, they have a complex rigging with multiple sail options allowing for precise control offshore. 

Ketch and Yawl

Similar in appearance and handling, the ketch and yawl are characterized by their two masts, with the mainmast being taller than the mizzen mast. The two differ in that the ketch has the mizzen mast is forward of the rudder post, while the yawl has its mizzen aft of it. In general, ketch and yawl sailboats have shorter masts and smaller sails, making them slower than a sloop or cutter but more able to withstand rough sea conditions. Check our guide: Ketch vs Yawl

Daysailer and Dinghy

At the smaller end of the sailboat classification list are daysailers and dinghies. A dinghy tends to be under 28 feet in length and usually dual powered with a small outboard engine. Perfect for short cruises in protected water s they are great beginner yachts and easy to handle and rig. While usually slightly larger than a dinghy, the daysailer is, as the name suggests, perfect for short coastal cruising, have a single mast and can be either monohull or multihull. Both are a broad categorizations based on usage and size rather than shape or rigging. 


Racing Sailboats

The sport of racing sailboats dates back centuries and is today as popular as ever. There is no one type of racing sailboat, and the term in fact covers a broad spectrum of yachts, from one-man dinghies all the way to 100-foot yachts. In fact, any sailing yacht can be raced and there are many classes of sailboats and competitions around the world. Keel boats such as sloops and cutters are popular for racing, as they can sail quite close to the wind, but you’ll also find multihulls and the ultra-fast foiling hull boats which rise out of the water onto a narrow foil and can reach speeds well in excess of 50mph.   

Motorsailer Vs Sailboat

While many sailboats also have engines, the motorsailer is a different and easily identifiable style of yacht. It uses a combination of wind power and engine power, and in some cases resembles a motorboat in style more than a classic yacht shape. The motorsailer offers great opportunities for varying types of cruising such as coastal voyages, as well as living onboard, and is a reliable and easy-to-handle yacht popular with families.  On the downside, a motorsailer does tend to come with a higher price tag than sailboats of the same size and they aren’t usually as fast or efficient as a either a full powerboat or sailboat. 

Best Types of Sailboat by Activity

With so many variations, styles and types of sailboat on the market, it makes sense that they are designed for different activities and uses. Whether you want to sail around the world , enjoy a spot of day sailing or want something easy to handle, then you need to find the right kind of boat for your needs. 

Best sailboat for stability

When it comes to stability, the answer to which sailboat is best isn’t as clear cut as it might at first seem. The multihulls are the clear winners in temperate conditions, the trimaran taking first place thanks to its wide beam and triple hull configuration. A close second is the catamaran, also known for its lack of rolling, which is gaining popularity with those prone to seasickness who are looking for a yacht for day sailing or coastal cruising. 

However multihulls tend to be less stable when it comes to rougher sea conditions, and it’s impossible to right a capsized catamaran or trimaran. Monohulls with deep displacement hulls are by far the best choice in these instances, their design allowing them to keel far over in rough weather without capsizing. 

Best sailboat for Offshore Cruising

When adventure is calling and you want to head further offshore or embark on blue water cruises , then you need a yacht that is up to the challenge . The most important aspect of offshore cruising is experience and preparation, and there are many boats out there that can cross oceans if they’re properly equipped and handled. The simple rigged sloop, cutter or ketch are popular options. With easy handling qualities and good windward performance, a simple sloop is a good choice, while the cutter (similar in many ways) has even better rough weather performance qualities thanks to its additional headsail. The ketch, although slower, can be more stable in rough weather and has shorter and therefore stronger masts.

While it’s not a beginner’s sailboat, a classic schooner is probably the best sailboat for offshore cruising as it allows for precise handling even in big seas, as well as being fast and powerful. They have a deep displacement keel, which means they are more stable in rough weather too. 

Best sailboat for a day

More simple rigged sailboats tend to be the most popular day sailers, with the sloop, ketch, yawl and cutter top of the list. The idea of a simple rig makes using them coastally or in inland waters fun and fuss-free, and they make for great beginner boats . Likewise, on very protected waters such as lakes or coastal areas, smaller dinghies can great day boats too. 

Best budget sailboat

When it comes to budget, dinghies top the list of the cheapest sailboats. With or without an engine, they tend to be small and simple, without cabins, heads, instruments or other luxuries to add to the cost. Sloops, ketches and cutters too can be found on a budget, especially on the second hand market. But it’s important to look at more than the purchase price when buying a second hand boat, and consider the condition, repairs and maintenance that might need doing. Check out our guide Buying a Cheap Boat: Is it a Good Idea?

If you’re considering buying a sailboat then Rightboat.com has one of the biggest collections of new and used boats for sale in the world. From dinghies to sailing superyachts and everything in between we work with the best brokers in the business as well as private sellers offering you the biggest choice. 

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

types of sailing yachts

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40 Best Sailboats

  • By Cruising World Editors
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

the 40 best sailboats

Sailors are certainly passionate about their boats, and if you doubt that bold statement, try posting an article dubbed “ 40 Best Sailboats ” and see what happens.

Barely had the list gone live, when one reader responded, “Where do I begin? So many glaring omissions!” Like scores of others, he listed a number of sailboats and brands that we were too stupid to think of, but unlike some, he did sign off on a somewhat upbeat note: “If it weren’t for the presence of the Bermuda 40 in Cruising World’s list, I wouldn’t even have bothered to vote.”

By vote, he means that he, like hundreds of other readers, took the time to click through to an accompanying page where we asked you to help us reshuffle our alphabetical listing of noteworthy production sailboats so that we could rank them instead by popularity. So we ask you to keep in mind that this list of the best sailboats was created by our readers.

The quest to building this list all began with such a simple question, one that’s probably been posed at one time or another in any bar where sailors meet to raise a glass or two: If you had to pick, what’re the best sailboats ever built?

In no time, a dozen or more from a variety of sailboat manufacturers were on the table and the debate was on. And so, having fun with it, we decided to put the same question to a handful of CW ‘s friends: writers and sailors and designers and builders whose opinions we value. Their favorites poured in and soon an inkling of a list began to take shape. To corral things a bit and avoid going all the way back to Joshua Slocum and his venerable Spray —Hell, to Noah and his infamous Ark —we decided to focus our concentration on production monohull sailboats, which literally opened up the sport to anyone who wanted to get out on the water. And since CW is on the verge or turning 40, we decided that would be a nice round number at which to draw the line and usher in our coming ruby anniversary.

If you enjoy scrolling through this list, which includes all types of sailboats, then perhaps you would also be interested in browsing our list of the Best Cruising Sailboats . Check it out and, of course, feel free to add your favorite boat, too. Here at Cruising World , we like nothing better than talking about boats, and it turns out, so do you.

– LEARN THE NAVIGATION RULES – Know the “Rules of the Road” that govern all boat traffic. Be courteous and never assume other boaters can see you. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

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Allied Yachting

Types of Sailboats by Type of Rig

16 December 2015

To have a better idea of which types of sailboats would best suit your needs, your Allied Yachting broker can advise you on the various options available on the market for new or second-hand vessels as well as new construction. In the meantime, here is a summarized guide to the different categories of sailing yachts by type of rig , whether they are monohull (single hull) or multihull , as they’re called in the Mediterranean.

Sailboats by rig type: hulls, masts

Single mast sailboat

Single masted sailboat with monohull

The most common monohull modern sailing yacht is the sloop, which features one mast and two sails, thus sloops are single-masted sailboats. If they have just two sails — a foresail and a headsail — then they’re a Bermudan sloop, the purest type of sailboat. This simple configuration is very efficient for sailing into the wind.

Sailing sloops with moderate rigs are probably the most popular of all cruising sailboats. Just a single-masted sailboat with two sails (a foresail or headsail, and a mainsail) and the minimum of rigging and sail control lines they are relatively simple to operate and less expensive than rigs with multiple masts.

Sloops are adapted for cruising as well as racing, depending on the height and size of their rig.

The cutter sailing yacht is also a monohull similar to a sloop with a single mast and mainsail but generally carries the mast further aft to allow for a jib and staysail to be attached to the head stay and inner forestay, respectively. Once a common racing configuration, today it gives versatility to cruising boats, especially in allowing a small staysail to be flown from the inner stay in high winds.

Thus, a cutter-rig sailboat has an additional sail (the staysail) set on its own stay between the foresail and the headsail.

Cutters are mostly adapted for cruising, but capable of good performance while racing as well.

A ketch is a two-masted sailboat, the main-mast forward and a shorter mizzen mast aft.

But not all two-masted sailboats are ketches — they might be yawls.

A ketch may also carry a staysail, with or without a bowsprit, in which case it would be known as a cutter-rigged ketch.

Ketches are also monohulls, but there is a second shorter mast astern of the mainmast, but forward of the rudder post. The second sailboat mast is called the mizzen mast and its sail is called the mizzen sail.

Yawls have their origins as old-time sail fishing boats, where the small mizzen sail was trimmed to keep the vessel steady when hauling the nets.

Similar to a ketch, the difference being that the yawl has the mizzen mast positioned aft of the rudder post whereas the ketch has its mizzen mast ahead of the rudder post.

Thus, a yawl is also a monohull, similar to a ketch, with a shorter mizzen mast carried astern the rudderpost more for balancing the helm than propulsion.

Schooners are generally the largest monohull sailing yachts.

Monohull sailboat

Monohull two masts sailing boat

A schooner has a mainmast taller than its foremast, distinguishing it from a ketch or a yawl. A schooner can have more than two masts, with the foremast always lower than the foremost main. Traditional topsail schooners have topmasts allowing triangular topsails sails to be flown above their gaff sails; many modern schooners are Bermuda rigged.

A schooner is a two-(or more) masted sailboat, in which the aft-most mast – the mainmast – is the same height or taller than the foremast. Many sailors agree that of all the different types of sailboats, a schooner under full sail is one of the most beautiful sights afloat.

Gaffed-rigged sailboats, or “gaffers”, have their mainsail supported by a spar – the “gaff” – which is hauled up the mast by a separate halyard. Often these types of sailboats are rigged with a topsail. The gaff rig is no longer seen on modern production yachts.

A catamaran (‘cat’ for short) is a multihull yacht consisting of two parallel hulls of equal size.

A catamaran is geometry-stabilized, that is, it derives its stability from its wide beam, rather than having a ballasted keel like a monohull. Being ballast-free and lighter than a monohull, a catamaran can have a very shallow draught. The two hulls will be much finer than a monohull’s, allowing reduced drag and faster speeds in some conditions, although the high wetted surface area is detrimental in lower wind speeds, but allows much more accommodations, living and entertaining space in stability and comfort.

Two parallel hulls catamaran

Two parallel hulls sailing catamaran

The speed and stability of these catamarans have made them a popular pleasure craft in Europe, most high-quality catamarans are built in France, but careful since their wide beams aren’t easy (or cheap) to berth in the French Riviera.

Racing catamarans technology has made them today’s leading racing sailboats of the world, like in the latest editions of America’s cup or other renowned transoceanic races.

Please surf through our website listings of sailing catamarans .


Even harder to berth in the Mediterranean, and most commonly designed for around-the-globe racing rather than cruising, the trimarans have also been gaining some popularity in the western hemisphere, especially by naval designers with futuristic projects.

A trimaran is a multihull boat that comprises a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls (or ‘floats’) which are attached to the main hull with lateral beams.


A motorsailer or “motorsailor”, is a type of sailing vessel, typically a pleasure yacht, that derives propulsion from its sails and engine(s) in equal measure.

While the sailing yacht appeals primarily to the purist sailing enthusiast, the motorsailer is more suited for long-distance cruising, as a home for ‘live-aboard’ yachtsmen. The special features of the motorsailer (large engine, smaller sails, etc.) mean that, while it may not be the fastest boat under sail, the vessel is easily handled by a small crew. As such, it can be ideal for retired people who might not be entirely physically able to handle large sail areas. In heavy weather, the motorsailer’s large engine allows it to punch into a headwind when necessary to make landfall, without endless tacking to windward.

The Turkish word gulet is a loanword from the French goélette, meaning ‘schooner’.

A gulet is a traditional design of a two-masted (more common) or even three-masted wooden sailing vessel from the southwestern coast of Turkey, particularly built in the coastal towns of Bodrum and Marmaris; although similar vessels can be found all around the eastern Mediterranean. For considerations of crew economy, Diesel power is commonly used on these vessels, similar to a motorsailer. Today, this type of vessel, varying in size from 14 to 45 meters, is very popular and affordable for tourist charters in Turkey, the Aegean, Greece and up to Croatia in the Adriatic.

Please surf through our website listings of cruising sailing yachts by type of rig.


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Here's what we know about why a luxury sailing boat sank off the coast of Sicily

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Emergency workers in southern Italy are still hunting for six people missing after a tornado sank a luxury yacht early Monday - prompting an air and naval operation off the coast of Sicily.

Fifteen people were rescued from the wreckage, according to Italy's Coast Guard. One body was recovered on Monday and four more on Wednesday, after divers struggled to reach deep inside the yacht around 50 meters underwater (approximately 150 feet).

Two Americans and four Britons were among the six initially reported missing - including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International, and Chris Morvillo, a prominent lawyer.

Here's what we know.

What happened?

A small waterspout - a type of tornado - spun over the Mediterranean island early Monday, likely capsizing the sailing boat amid lashings of rain and strong thunderstorms.

The British-flagged yacht, called the "Bayesian," was anchored about a half a mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily's northern coast. The vessel sank after its mast broke in half in the storm, Salvatore Cocina, head of Sicily's Civil Protection, told CNN on Tuesday.

Eyewitnesses described furious gales and hurricane-like winds that left an avalanche of debris near the pier.

More than a dozen survivors were spotted in the area hanging onto life rafts, according to the captain of a nearby boat, who steadied his ship to avoid colliding with the Bayesian.

"We got this strong hurricane gust and we had to start the engine to keep the ship in an angled position," Karsten Bower told reporters in Palermo on Monday. "After the storm was over, we noticed that the ship behind us was gone."

Bower and his crew rescued four injured people, he said, before calling Italy's Coast Guard - who later rescued the remaining survivors.

One of those rescued - a child - was airlifted to the children's hospital in Palermo. Eight people were hospitalized in total, according to the mayor's office.

The girl's mother, Charlotte, described how she battled to hold onto Sofia, her 1-year-old daughter, as reported by Italian news agency ANSA.

"In two seconds I lost the baby in the sea, then I immediately hugged her again amidst the fury of the waves. I held her tightly, close to me, while the sea was stormy," she told journalists. "Many were screaming."

The mother and daughter were later reunited with the father, James, according to a doctor at the local children's hospital in Palermo.

"The survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people," the doctor, Domenico Cipolla, said Monday. "They are talking and crying all the time because they have realized that there is little hope of finding their friends alive."

Italy's fire brigade dispatched helicopters to aid in the search, officials said Monday. After an unsuccessful attempt on Monday, the brigade sent divers to try and enter the sunken ship Tuesday, recommencing the operation on Wednesday.

The depth of the wreck means divers can only work there for limited periods of time, according to Marco Tilotta, an inspector for the diving unit of Palermo's local fire brigade. The Italian fire brigade said Monday its divers had reached the yacht's hull 49 meters (160 feet) below sea level.

The United Kingdom's Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) said it has deployed a team of four inspectors to Palermo which is conducting a preliminary assessment of the scene.

Who was on board?

Twenty-two people were on board the Bayesian, which was flying under a British flag and had mostly British passengers and crew, in addition to two Anglo-French, one Irish and one Sri Lankan person, a spokesperson for Italy's Coast Guard told CNN.

A troupe of high-profile guests are among those missing, including Lynch, the 59-year-old British tech investor who fought a fraud case earlier this year in the United States - which spiraled from the disastrous $11 billion sale of his company to tech firm Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 2011.

His 18-year-old daughter was also named missing. Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, survived the accident. Bacares told Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica that she woke up at 4 a.m. local time, as the boat tilted. She and her husband were not initially concerned, she said, but became worried when the windows of the yacht shattered and chaos erupted.

RELATED: Divers find 4 bodies during search of superyacht wreckage after it sank off Sicily, 2 still missing

Bacares spoke to the newspaper while sitting in a wheelchair, at a hospital in the Sicilian town of Termini Imerese. She had abrasions on her feet and bandages on other parts of her body, it reported.

Bloomer, the finance tycoon, and Morvillo, a prominent lawyer - and both their wives - are also among the missing, according to Salvatore Cocina, head of Sicily's Civil Protection.

Morvillo, an American partner at Clifford Chance, was involved in successfully defeating the US fraud case against Lynch in June. Another employee of the firm, Ayla Ronald, and her partner, survived the incident, according to a spokesperson for Clifford Chance.

The body that was recovered from the vessel on Monday was identified as the onboard chef Ricardo Thomas, an Antiguan citizen, Reuters reported.

What do we know about the boat?

Built in 2008, the 56-meter (184-foot) yacht was manufactured by Italian company Perini Navi, Reuters reported. According to the Associated Press, the boat has been available for charter for $215,000 (195,000) per week.

Lynch's wife is linked to the yacht. The Bayesian is held by the company Revtom Limited, according to records from the maritime information service Equasis. The company's latest annual return from April lists Bacares as the proprietor.

"Bayesian," the name given to the vessel, is linked to the statistical theory on which Lynch built his fortune, according to Reuters.

The yacht's mast stood 72.27 meters (237 feet) high above the designated water line, just short of the world's tallest mast which is 75.2 meters, according to Guinness World Records. It was the tallest aluminium mast in the world, the Perini Navi website said.

Perini Navi is known for making "good quality boats," according to Caroline White, deputy editor of BOAT International, a media group serving the superyacht industry.

White told CNN that if the Bayesian dismasted, "it should theoretically become more stable." "But it might be a different story if you are in the middle of a violent storm with incredibly strong winds pinning you to the water," she added.

Dangerous weather conditions

Strong storms across Sicily brought torrential rainfall late Sunday. Initial reports suggest a small waterspout, which developed over the area Monday morning, could have been behind the yacht's sinking.

Waterspouts - one of several types of tornadoes - are spinning columns of air that form over water, or move from land out to water. They are often accompanied by high winds, high seas, hail and dangerous lightning. While they are most common over tropical oceans, they can form almost anywhere.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, told CNN that while waterspouts in Sicily are rare, "there is a risk" they can happen - just not every day.

Waterspouts rely on warm waters to gain energy and the Mediterranean Sea has been very hot, reaching a record daily median of 28.9 degrees Celsius (84 Fahrenheit) last week, according to preliminary data from researchers at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Spain.

Local temperatures have been even higher, with waters around Sicily reaching almost 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), almost 3 degrees more than normal, Italian climatologist Luca Mercalli told CNN.

"Warmer oceans have more energy and more humidity to transfer to the atmosphere, the most important fuels for storms," he said.

(The-CNN-Wire & 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.)

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A tornado sank a luxury sailing boat off the coast of Sicily. Here’s what we know

E mergency workers in southern Italy are still hunting for at least one person who remains missing after a tornado sank a luxury yacht early Monday – prompting an air and naval operation off the coast of Sicily .

Twenty-two people are thought to have been on the yacht when the tragedy struck. Fifteen people were rescued from the wreckage, according to Italy’s Coast Guard. One body was recovered on Monday and five more were found on Wednesday, after divers struggled to reach deep inside the yacht around 50 meters underwater (approximately 150 feet).

Two Americans and four Britons were among the six initially reported missing – including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International, and Chris Morvillo, a prominent lawyer. The five bodies found Wednesday have not been identified, while the body recovered Monday is thought to be that of the onboard chef Ricardo Thomas.

Here’s what we know.

What happened?

A small waterspout – a type of tornado – spun over the Mediterranean island early Monday, likely capsizing the sailing boat amid lashings of rain and strong thunderstorms.

The British-flagged yacht, called the “Bayesian,” was anchored about a half a mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily’s northern coast. The vessel sank after its mast broke in half in the storm, Salvatore Cocina, head of Sicily’s Civil Protection, told CNN on Tuesday.

Eyewitnesses described furious gales and hurricane-like winds that left an avalanche of debris near the pier.

More than a dozen survivors were spotted in the area hanging onto life rafts, according to the captain of a nearby boat, who steadied his ship to avoid colliding with the Bayesian.

“We got this strong hurricane gust and we had to start the engine to keep the ship in an angled position,” Karsten Bower told reporters in Palermo on Monday. “After the storm was over, we noticed that the ship behind us was gone.”

Bower and his crew rescued four injured people, he said, before calling Italy’s Coast Guard – who later rescued the remaining survivors.

One of those rescued – a child – was airlifted to the children’s hospital in Palermo. Eight people were hospitalized in total, according to the mayor’s office.

The girl’s mother, Charlotte, described how she battled to hold onto Sofia, her 1-year-old daughter, as reported by Italian news agency ANSA.

“In two seconds I lost the baby in the sea, then I immediately hugged her again amidst the fury of the waves. I held her tightly, close to me, while the sea was stormy,” she told journalists. “Many were screaming.”

The mother and daughter were later reunited with the father, James, according to a doctor at the local children’s hospital in Palermo.

“The survivors are very tired and are constantly asking about the missing people,” the doctor, Domenico Cipolla, said Monday. “They are talking and crying all the time because they have realized that there is little hope of finding their friends alive.”

Italy’s fire brigade dispatched helicopters to aid in the search, officials said Monday. After an unsuccessful attempt on Monday, the brigade sent divers to try and enter the sunken ship Tuesday, recommencing the operation on Wednesday.

The depth of the wreck means divers can only work there for limited periods of time, according to Marco Tilotta, an inspector for the diving unit of Palermo’s local fire brigade. The Italian fire brigade said Monday its divers had reached the yacht’s hull 49 meters (160 feet) below sea level.

The United Kingdom’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) said it has deployed a team of four inspectors to Palermo which is conducting a preliminary assessment of the scene.

Who was on board?

Twenty-two people were on board the Bayesian, which was flying under a British flag and had mostly British passengers and crew, in addition to two Anglo-French, one Irish and one Sri Lankan person, a spokesperson for Italy’s Coast Guard told CNN.

A troupe of high-profile guests are among those missing, including Lynch, the 59-year-old British tech investor who fought a fraud case earlier this year in the United States – which spiraled from the disastrous $11 billion sale of his company to tech firm Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 2011.

His 18-year-old daughter was also named missing. Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, survived the accident. Bacares told Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica that she woke up at 4 a.m. local time, as the boat tilted. She and her husband were not initially concerned, she said, but became worried when the windows of the yacht shattered and chaos erupted.

Bacares spoke to the newspaper while sitting in a wheelchair, at a hospital in the Sicilian town of Termini Imerese. She had abrasions on her feet and bandages on other parts of her body, it reported.

Bloomer, the finance tycoon, and Morvillo, a prominent lawyer – and both their wives – are also among the missing, according to Salvatore Cocina, head of Sicily’s Civil Protection.

Morvillo, an American partner at Clifford Chance, was involved in successfully defeating the US fraud case against Lynch in June. Another employee of the firm, Ayla Ronald, and her partner, survived the incident, according to a spokesperson for Clifford Chance.

The body that was recovered from the vessel on Monday was identified as the onboard chef Ricardo Thomas, an Antiguan citizen, Reuters reported.

What do we know about the boat?

Built in 2008, the 56-meter (184-foot) yacht was manufactured by Italian company Perini Navi, Reuters reported. According to the Associated Press, the boat has been available for charter for $215,000 (€195,000) per week.

Lynch’s wife is linked to the yacht. The Bayesian is held by the company Revtom Limited, according to records from the maritime information service Equasis. The company’s latest annual return from April lists Bacares as the proprietor.

“Bayesian,” the name given to the vessel, is linked to the statistical theory on which Lynch built his fortune, according to Reuters.

The yacht’s mast stood 72.27 meters (237 feet) high above the designated water line, just short of the world’s tallest mast which is 75.2 meters, according to Guinness World Records. It was the tallest aluminium mast in the world, the Perini Navi website said.

Perini Navi is known for making “good quality boats,” according to Caroline White, deputy editor of BOAT International, a media group serving the superyacht industry.

White told CNN that if the Bayesian dismasted, “it should theoretically become more stable.” “But it might be a different story if you are in the middle of a violent storm with incredibly strong winds pinning you to the water,” she added.

Dangerous weather conditions

Strong storms across Sicily brought torrential rainfall late Sunday. Initial reports suggest a small  waterspout , which developed over the area Monday morning, could have been behind the yacht’s sinking.

Waterspouts – one of several types of tornadoes – are spinning columns of air that form over water, or move from land out to water. They are often accompanied by  high winds, high seas, hail and dangerous lightning . While they are most common over tropical oceans, they can form almost anywhere.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, told CNN that while waterspouts in Sicily are rare, “there is a risk” they can happen – just not every day.

Waterspouts rely on warm waters to gain energy and the Mediterranean Sea has been very hot, reaching a record  daily median of 28.9 degrees Celsius  (84 Fahrenheit) last week, according to preliminary data from researchers at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Spain.

Local temperatures have been even higher, with waters around Sicily reaching almost 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), almost 3 degrees more than normal, Italian climatologist Luca Mercalli told CNN.

“Warmer oceans have more energy and more humidity to transfer to the atmosphere, the most important fuels for storms,” he said.

CNN’s Laura Paddison, Louis Mian, Benjamin Brown, Catherine Nicholls, Sabrina Souza, Niamh Kennedy and Eve Brennan contributed reporting.

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Divers jump into the sea to search for six people missing in Sicily, southern Italy, on Monday. - Handout/Vigili del Fuoco/Reuters

Video shows moments before superyacht went down in storm off Sicily

Newly released video captures a luxury superyacht being battered by a violent storm before it suddenly sank off Sicily with 22 people aboard Monday.

The grainy images obtained by NBC News and other outlets were recorded on closed-circuit television not far from where the Bayesian was anchored, about a half-mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily’s northern coast .

The yacht's 250-foot mast, illuminated with lights and lashed by the storm, appears to bend to one side before it finally disappears and is replaced by darkness.

The speed with which a yacht built to handle the roughest seas capsized stunned maritime experts.  

“I can’t remember the last time I read about a vessel going down quickly like that, you know, completely capsizing and going down that quickly, a vessel of that nature, a yacht of that size,” said Stephen Richter of SAR Marine Consulting.

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and five of the 22 other people who were aboard the 184-foot vessel remain unaccounted for and are believed to be trapped in the Bayesian’s hull, nearly 170 feet underwater.

Officials confirmed Monday that at least one person, the ship’s cook, had died.  

UK's vessel Bayesian

Superyachts like the Bayesian, which had been available for charters at a rate of $215,000 a week, are designed to stay afloat even as they are taking on water to give the people aboard a chance to escape, Richter said. 

“Boats of this size, they’re taking passengers on an excursion or a holiday,” Richter said. “They are not going to put them in situations where it may be dangerous or it may be uncomfortable, so this storm that popped up was obviously an anomaly. These vessels that carry passengers, they’re typically very well-maintained, very well-appointed.”

Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world, according to CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters. 

On Tuesday, Italian rescue workers resumed the search for Lynch and the five other passengers still missing: Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife.

“The fear is that the bodies got trapped inside the vessel,” Salvatore Cocina, the head of civil protection in Sicily, told Reuters .

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was one of the 15 people rescued Monday after it capsized.

Divers of the Vigili del Fuoco, the Italian Corps. of Firefighters, near Palermo

“It’s extremely rare for a boat of this size to sink,” Richter said.

What’s not rare is the kind of storm that sank it , said Simon Boxall, senior lecturer in oceanography at Britain’s University of Southampton.

“People assume the Mediterranean is this rather calm and passive place that never gets storms and always blue skies,” Boxall said. “In fact, you get some quite horrendous storms that are not uncommon at this time of year.”

The president of Italy’s meteorological society has said Monday’s violent storm may have involved a waterspout, essentially a tornado over water, or a downburst, which occurs more frequently but doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorology Society, also said recent temperatures may have been a factor. 

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius [86 Fahrenheit], which is almost 3 degrees more than normal,” Mercalli told Reuters. “This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms.”

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who two months ago was acquitted by a San Francisco jury of fraud charges stemming from the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion.

Prosecutors alleged that Lynch, dubbed “Britain’s Bill Gates,” and Autonomy’s vice president for finance, Stephen Chamberlain, had padded the firm’s finances ahead of the sale. Lynch’s lawyers argued that HP was so eager to acquire Autonomy that it failed to adequately check the books .

Lynch had taken Morvill, who was one of his defense attorneys, on the luxury trip. 

Chamberlain was not on the Bayesian.

In what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a car struck and killed Chamberlain on Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

“Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family,” Chamberlain’s lawyer, Gary Lincenberg, said in a statement .

Henry Austin reported from London and Corky Siemaszko from New York City.

types of sailing yachts

Henry Austin is a senior editor for NBC News Digital based in London.

types of sailing yachts

Corky Siemaszko is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital.

Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause

The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Sky News looks at what we know about the tragedy.

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News reporter @samuelosborne93

Wednesday 21 August 2024 19:01, UK

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Six bodies have been found after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel named Bayesian when it got into difficulty in the early hours of Monday, with 15 people rescued.

Here's what we know about the sinking of the luxury vessel so far.

Follow latest updates on the superyacht sinking

Seven people missing after British-flagged yacht capsizes in tornado off coast of Italy

What might have caused the sinking?

The British-flagged luxury vessel, named the Bayesian, capsized at around 4.30am local time on Monday morning off Palermo, according to ship-tracking site Marine Traffic.

It sank in a matter of minutes with 22 people on board, 12 passengers and a crew of 10, according to the Italian coastguard.

Waterspouts, essentially tornados which form over water, were seen as powerful winds battered the area overnight, local media said.

types of sailing yachts

The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said.

"I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that," he said.

Official pictures show air conditioning units in several of the rooms, however, which could counter the suggestion open windows caused the vessel to sink faster.

The huge mast is also likely to have played a role, he added.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts typically occur during thunderstorms and can develop very rapidly, within minutes.

Their spin generally reaches wind speeds between 75-200mph, but can reach as high as 300mph.

A waterspout is formed during a storm in the Mediterranean Sea, October 1, 2018. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

They can travel at about 10-20mph typically but can reach greater speeds, making them difficult to avoid - especially in something as slow-moving as a yacht.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, called the reports of a tornado or waterspout "rare" and "quite alarming".

"The vessel was at anchor in a recognised anchorage," Mr Schanck said.

"Depending on wind direction and the state of the sea, this informs the captain whether it is a safe area to anchor or not. There was nothing that was too concerning, for my eye. All in all, the captain used the information they had to make a safe call."

Emergency services work near the scene where a yacht sank in the early hours of Monday off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 19, 2024. REUTERS/Igor Petyx

Who owns the yacht?

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch was among those missing, along with his 18-year-old daughter Hannah. His wife Angela Bacares was rescued.

Mr Lynch, 59, is known as the " British Bill Gates " and has been in the headlines in recent months over a high-profile fraud case.

types of sailing yachts

In June, a US jury cleared him of all charges, which were related to the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP). The yacht trip is believed to have been a celebration of the end of Mr Lynch's legal troubles.

HP accused him of deliberately overstating the value of the company before it was acquired by the American tech giant.

Mr Lynch was extradited to the US to face trial in May last year and spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco as he awaited trial on 17 charges of conspiracy and wire fraud brought by the US Department of Justice - which were later reduced to 15 charges. He always denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted.

Read more: Lynch's co-defendant dies days before yacht sinking

CCTV shows storm which capsized superyacht, killing one

Who was on board when the boat sank?

The passengers were largely British and American, the Italian coastguard said. Crew members were from New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.

Charlotte Golunski was among the Britons rescued. Her LinkedIn profile says she is a partner at Mr Lynch's firm Invoke Capital and has worked there since 2012.

Charlotte Golunski

Speaking after the ordeal, Ms Golunski told Italian media that she lost her daughter Sofia for "two seconds" amid the "fury" of the sea but was able to retrieve her. She said she held the infant above the waves until the lifeboat was ready.

"Many people screamed. Luckily the lifeboat inflated and 11 of us were able to get on board," she told ANSA.

The girl's father James Emsley also survived, according to Sicily's civil protection agency.

Also on board were Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley, his wife Judy Bloomer, a top US lawyer Chris Morvillo, who worked on Mr Lynch's criminal case, and his wife Neda Morvillo. They were all reported as missing.

The yacht's captain James Calfield survived, along with South African crew members Leah Randall and Katja Chicken.

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian-Antiguan chef who was working on the boat, has been found dead, the Italian Coastguard has confirmed to Sky News.

During rescue efforts, divers saw "corpses through the portholes" of the wreck as they recovered the body of a man at a depth of 50m (164ft), according to Salvo Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection of Sicily.

types of sailing yachts

What do we know about the vessel?

The Bayesian is owned by a company controlled by the wife of Mr Lynch.

It was known for its unusual 72.3m (246ft) single mast - one of the world's tallest made of aluminium - and shared its name with the statistical method Mr Lynch's Autonomy software was based on.

Pic:Danny Wheelz

It was built by Italian company Perini Navi in 2008 and last refitted in 2020.

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

The luxury vessel , which was managed by yachting company Camper & Nicholsons, can accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

It won a string of awards for its design, according to online specialist yacht sites.

Mr Schanck said the vessel would have been equipped with "high standard" life-saving appliances and radio communications. He added the yacht would have met all international standards and UK maritime coastguard agency regulations before its voyage.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

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The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor", according to vessel tracking site VesselFinder.

The Bayesian previously travelled to other parts of Sicily before its last sighting off the coast of the port of Porticello.

The path of the last 24 hours of the Bayesian. Pic: MarineTraffic

On Sunday, the boat was seen off the coast of Cefalu before it travelled towards Porticello, MarineTraffic data shows.

In the days before, the yacht travelled around four of the Aeolian islands, just north of Sicily.

It was previously named Salute, or "health" in Italian, when it flew under a Dutch flag. Its minimalist interior featured light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions on charter sites.

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types of sailing yachts

Prosecutors in the nearby town of Termini Imerese have opened an investigation into the sinking.

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