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Final Call 8 für Hanse Segelyachten bis zum 31.10.2024

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Dehler 38 SQ

Sealine C390

Dehler 30 one design

Moody Decksaloon 41

Hanse (Deutschland) Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG

Willkommen bei der hanse (deutschland) vertriebs gmbh & co. kg.

Mit unserer jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Segel- und Motoryachthandel sind wir Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner für Ihren Yachtkauf. Gern unterstützen wir Sie bei allen Fragen rund um unsere Marken Hanse , Dehler , Moody , Fjord , Sealine und Ryck . Durch unsere unmittelbaren Nähe zur Werft der HanseYachts AG sowie dessen Showroom in Greifswald und mit unserem Showroom in Bernau am Chiemsee betreuen wir Sie direkt vor Ort. Neben einer individuellen Beratung durch unser erfahrenes Team bieten wir Ihnen gern auch Probefahrten auf unseren Yachten an. Darüber hinaus ergänzen unabhängige Vertriebspartner in Heiligenhafen, Flensburg und Damp unsere Crew. Wir bringen Erfahrung und Leidenschaft zusammen. 

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HanseYachts AG

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Second-biggest yacht-builder in the world

Direct access to the baltic sea and atlantic ocean.

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Own production sites

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■ 30 aussteller, ■ experten-vorträge, ■ entspannte atmosphäre, boatshow bernau 2024.

Yachten Meltl und HVG – Hanse Vertrieb laden in diesem Jahr vom 29. November bis 01. Dezember 2024  wieder zur beliebten vorweihnachtlichen Hausmesse an den Chiemsee ein.

18 Segelyachten 30 Aussteller

Entdecken Sie 18 Segelyachten von Bavaria, Hanse, Dehler, Dufour und Bente, eine Nuva Motor­yacht sowie 30 Aus­steller für Aus­rüstung, Elek­tronik, Sicher­heit, maritime Ad­vents­­über­raschun­gen und leckere Schmankerl.

Lernen von Experten

Für Freitag­abend, Samstag und Sonntag erwarten Sie interessante Fachvorträge zu den Themen Sicherheit an Bord, Ankern, Zu­satz­segel – Code 0, Unter­­wasser­­beschichtung, Trink­­­was­ser­­auf­be­rei­tung, Energie­­gewinnung, E-Antriebe und Propeller.

Ein Ausflug für die ganze Familie

Nutzen Sie die Ge­legen­heit, nach der BOATSHOW BERNAU den be­rühmten Christ­kindlmarkt auf der Fraueninsel am Chiemsee zu besuchen.

Erleben Sie die maritime Welt und genießen Sie die stimmungs­volle vor­weih­nachtliche Atmos­phäre in vollen Zügen.

Foto: Prien Marketing GmbH


Fr. 29.11.: 10 bis 18 Uhr Sa. 30.11.: 10 bis 18 Uhr So. 01.12.: 10 bis 15 Uhr



  • Fr | 01.12.

Faszination Mini Transat

Christian Kargl

© Vincent Olivaud / Mini Transat Eurochef 2021

  • Sa | 02.12.
  • So | 03.12.


Nils Rammin // YachtPro – Hempel

Trinkwasserversorgung auf Booten

Markus Reger // Waypoint-GPS.de

Zusatzsegel → Code 0

Jakob Gruber // Elvstrøm Sails

Energiegewinnung an Bord

Olaf Hiller // SunWare

Ankern leicht gemacht

Armin Schulze // Jambo Anker


Jens Dohrand // SPW-Propeller

Sicherheit an Bord

Christian Kargl // 2SAIL

Segeln in Schottland & Karibik

Markus Baschwitz // Bootsfahrschule Baschwitz

Dirk Weißenborn // ePropulsion


18 segelyachten 1 motoryacht 6 marken.

In der Länge von 24 bis 47 Fuß – vom Cruiser, über den Performance Cruiser, bis zur Decksalon Segelyacht!

Bavaria C45

Bavaria c42, bavaria c38, bavaria cruiser 37, bavaria cruiser 34, hanse 360 – premiere, dehler 38sq.

Entdecken Sie spannende Neuigkeiten zu den Themen: Ausrüstung | Ausbildung | Bekleidung | Charter | Elektronik | Finanzierung | Sicherheit an Bord | Sicherheitstrainings | Versicherung








Technische Ausrüstung

Verdecke | Persenninge | Polster



Accessoires für Segler

Solar Solutions

Yachten Meltl GmbH T +49 8051 96553-0 E [email protected] www.yachten-meltl.de

Terminvereinbarung & weitere Infos

Hanse (Deutschland) Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG T +49 8051 9629767 E [email protected] www.hanseyachtsvertrieb.de

zwischen München und Salzburg

Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee Chiemseestr. 65 83233 Bernau am Chiemsee


Autobahn A8 Ausfahrt „Bernau am Chiemsee“ oder „Felden“

Bahnhof „Bernau am Chiemsee“ 350m entfernt

Flughafen München Auto: 1h 15 min | Bahn: 2h 30 min

Flughafen Salzburg Auto: 35 min | Bahn: 1h 40 min

Routenplaner Google Maps öffnen


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Boat market : New Hanse dealer in southern Germany

Jochen Rieker

 ·  14.12.2009

Boat market: New Hanse dealer in southern Germany

Managing Director Severin Diepold has taken over the representation of Hanseyachts for the southern German and Austrian markets. He can present up to seven boats in his showroom in Aiterbach near Rimsting.

In doing so, the dealer is following the example of Yachten Meltl in Bernau, which has been presenting a kind of small permanent boat show in modern halls next to the Munich-Salzburg motorway for years. Meltl has Bavaria, Moody and Dehler in its programme; Diepold, on the other hand, concentrates on Hanse yachts.

Interested parties can view up to seven models in the new premises. A Hanse 320, 350, 400, 470 and the new 545 are currently available for viewing. In four weeks' time, the new Hanse 375 will be added, which is now also available with a double steering position - almost the entire model range.

Together, Diepold and Meltl, whose sites are just 12 kilometres apart in the west of Lake Chiemsee, cover practically everything that German series boatbuilding currently has to offer. A visit to the picturesque region is therefore more worthwhile than ever for owners and those who want to become one.

Most read in category Yachts

hanseyachts chiemsee

Fifteen months after Moscow’s troops invaded Ukraine, one of the largest and most daring cross-border attacks since the war began has been carried out in Russia.

On Monday, two anti-Kremlin groups – the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC) and Freedom of Russia Legion – claimed responsibility for the incursion in the Belgorod region.

Fighting continued for a second day early on Tuesday. A dozen people are reportedly wounded and some residents have been evacuated.


Later on Tuesday, Russia’s Defence Ministry said that the units it blamed had been forced back into Ukrainian territory. More than 70 attackers have been killed, the ministry said, a figure that was not possible to verify.

After accusing Ukraine, Russia opened a “terrorism” investigation. Officials in Kyiv say they had nothing to do with the attacks.

Here is what we know so far:

Where is Belgorod?

Russia’s Belgorod province borders Ukraine’s Luhansk, Sumy and Kharkiv regions.

It is about 600km (373 miles) from the Russian capital, Moscow, and has been a front-line region, serving as a vital base for the Kremlin’s armed forces to launch attacks towards Ukraine.

But Belgorod has also exposed Russian vulnerabilities.

Moscow accidentally bombed Belgorod city last month, while f uel and ammunition stores in the region have been rocked by explosions since the start of the war.

What happened in Belgorod?

Early on Monday, Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov raised an alarm with the Kremlin, saying a Ukrainian “sabotage group” had entered Russian territory in the Grayvoron district.

According to Russia, the raiders opened fire with mortars and artillery on residential and administrative buildings and civilian infrastructure. Russian air-defence forces reportedly shot down drones over the region.

Moscow later said it was carrying out a counterterrorism operation.

Gladkov said one elderly lady had died while being evacuated, but that no civilians were killed in the clashes.

He described the situation as “extremely tense”.

Social media users said air raid sirens rang out and that checkpoints had been targeted.

Fighting continued for a second day. At midday on Tuesday, Russia said it had pushed back the attackers and that 70 had been killed.

On Tuesday, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a Washington, DC-based based think-tank, said that two “all-Russian pro-Ukrainian” groups had crossed the border with tanks, armoured personnel carriers and other weaponised vehicles, citing Russian sources.

Who was behind the attacks?

Russia accused Ukraine of launching the attacks, but Kyiv has denied involvement.

Throughout the war, Ukraine has not taken responsibility for any attacks against Russia, saying its fight is purely defensive.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, as quoted by Russia’s state news agency RIA Novosti, said the purpose of the alleged Ukrainian mission in Belgorod was “to divert attention from the direction of Bakhmut”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said on Twitter that Kyiv had “nothing to do with it” and suggested that an “armed guerrilla movement” had emerged to oppose “a totalitarian country”.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev accused the United States, European Union and United Kingdom, which he referred to as “the sponsors of the Kyiv regime”, of being responsible for “sabotage”. Kyiv’s denial was “an absolute lie”, he said.

Ukrainian news broadcaster Hromadske, citing Ukrainian military intelligence sources, said that two armed Russian opposition groups, the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), consisting of Russian citizens, were responsible for the attack on the Belgorod region.

Asked about reports that the attackers were ethnic Russians, Peskov said: “They are Ukrainian fighters from Ukraine. There are many ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. But they are still Ukrainian militants.”

What do we know about the anti-Kremlin militias?

The RVC was founded by a far-right Russian national last August and is comprised of Russians who have been fighting in and for Ukraine against their own country.

The group has also been active over the border in Russian territory, and claimed responsibility for a raid there in March.

The Ukrainian military intelligence agency says the RVC is an independent underground group inside Russia that also has a unit in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. The Foreign Legion says it has nothing to do with the RVC.

Late Monday, the RVC published video footage on its Telegram feed appearing to show fighters operating an armoured vehicle on a country road inside Russia. The Reuters news agency was able to identify one of the men as Ilya Bogdanov, a Russian national who received Ukrainian citizenship in 2015 after fighting for Kyiv against Russian-backed forces in Ukraine’s east.

The Legion and the RVC completely liberated n/a Kozinka, Belgorod Oblast. Forward units have entered Graivoron. Moving on. Russia will be free! — "Liberty of Russia" Legion (@legion_svoboda) May 22, 2023

The Freedom of Russia Legion – also known as the Liberty of Russia Legion – says it was formed in spring 2022 “out of the wish of Russians to fight in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Putin’s armed gang”.

It says it cooperates with the Ukrainian armed forces and operates under Ukrainian command. It has claimed responsibility for the attack in Belgorod and says it has been fighting in eastern Ukraine.

The Ukrainian military intelligence agency’s spokesperson said on Monday that the attacks in Belgorod only involved Russian citizens and that they were creating a “security zone” to protect Ukrainian civilians. He did not confirm or deny that the forces operating there are a Ukrainian unit.

The Freedom of Russia Legion said on Twitter that it had “completely liberated” the border town of Kozinka in the Belgorod region and its forward units had reached the district centre of Grayvoron, further east.

“Moving on. Russia will be free!” the group wrote.

What’s next?

The attack on Russia has upped the ante and comes just as Moscow announced the capture of Bakhmut, the eastern Ukrainian city levelled by months of fighting.

Kremlin spokesman Peskov cast the attack as an “invasion” of “serious concern”, promising “great efforts in response”.

On Monday, according to Russia’s RIA Novosti, Peskov also said that work was under way to “squeeze out Ukrainian saboteurs from Russian territory”.

According to the UK, the attacks highlight Moscow’s struggles in the war.

“Russia is facing an increasingly serious multi-domain security threat in its border regions with losses of combat aircraft, improvised explosive device attacks on rail lines, and now direct partisan action,” the British defence ministry said.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Podolyak has said that Kyiv is continuing to monitor reports “with interest” and is “studying the situation.”

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An exceptional yacht without compromise, the Hanse 388 not only stands for carefree and dynamic sailing, but for a comfortable life on board with lots of space. On this innovative yacht with her outrageously gorgeous looks, everything is possible.

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Our interiors offer unique solutions that provide ultimate comfort and storage space, a homey experience and amazing design.


Choose the space that best suits your individual wishes and needs from two layout variants. The Hanse 388 offers up to three cozy double cabins, an L-shaped galley in a spacious long or practical short version and a lounge sofa that can be transformed into a luxurious lounge area in just a few simple steps.

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Picking up our yacht from Greifswald was a special adventure for all of us. While I was at the wheel motoring down the River Ryck, only one thought ran round my head: This is really my boat now!

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(*) Disclaimer: Maximum price advantage based on the Hanse 588. Discounts are valid until end of October 2024. All prices and discounts including 19% German VAT. Prices & price advantages for other markets may vary depending on applicable VAT. Base price is the recommended retail price, excluding any options, transportation, insurance etc. Your preferred dealer will be pleased to consult you. This special offer cannot be combined with any other price promotions or incentive programs. Errors excepted.

Yacht brands for sailboats and motorboats

The portfolio of HanseYachts AG features three sailboat brands. Hanse is the Group’s founding brand and offers a wide range of high-comfort cruisers . Dehler offers everything from  sport yachts to uncompromising racing yachts , and is the global market leader in this segment. Moody is one of the oldest sailing yacht brands in the world.  Moody  specializes in comfortable deck saloon yachts and also offers an aft cockpit yacht .

Sailboat brands

Sailing yachts with innovative design, easy sailing, and fast cruising capabilities.


  1. HVG Showroom im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee

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  2. HVG Showroom im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee

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  3. HVG Showroom im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee

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  1. HVG Showroom im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee

    HVG Bernau am Chiemsee. In unserer Filiale im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee bieten wir die bestmögliche Beratung für die Yachten der Marken Hanse, Dehler, Moody, Sealine, Fjord und Ryck.Besuchen Sie unseren großen HVG Showroom und lernen Sie Ihre zukünftige Traumyacht in ruhiger und entspannter Atmosphäre kennen.

  2. Verkauf Yachten Moody, Hanse, Dehler, Privilege, Sealine, Fjord » Hanse

    Durch unsere unmittelbaren Nähe zur Werft der HanseYachts AG sowie dessen Showroom in Greifswald und mit unserem Showroom in Bernau am Chiemsee betreuen wir Sie direkt vor Ort. Neben einer individuellen Beratung durch unser erfahrenes Team bieten wir Ihnen gern auch Probefahrten auf unseren Yachten an. Darüber hinaus ergänzen unabhängige ...

  3. Hanse (Deutschland) Vertriebs GmbH & Co KG

    Introducing the Hanse 360: A Small Yet Spacious Marvel for Solo and Family Cruising. 19 July 2024

  4. Hansa Yachting

    HanseYachts AG. Developed by sailors. Tested on the Baltic Sea. Sold across the world. Since its founding in 1990, HanseYachts AG - which now encompasses six brands - has become one of the biggest manufacturers of seagoing, series-produced sailing and motor yachts and of luxury catamarans. HanseYachts AG went public in 2007 (General ...

  5. Company profile

    HanseYachts AG is one of the biggest manufacturers of sailing and motor yachts in the world, with six brands and two production sites. Learn about its history, products, design, development and suppliers.

  6. BOATSHOW BERNAU im Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee

    E [email protected] www.hanseyachtsvertrieb.de. Screen Text. Terminvereinbarung & weitere Infos. ANREISE. zwischen München und Salzburg. Yachtcentrum am Chiemsee Chiemseestr. 65 83233 Bernau am Chiemsee. Anreisemöglichkeiten. Autobahn A8 Ausfahrt „Bernau am Chiemsee" oder „Felden" ...

  7. Yachts for Sale, New Motor & Sailing Boats

    HanseYachts AG is the second-largest sailing yacht builder and among the top ten motor yacht manufacturers in the world. It offers over 40 different models of yachts for sale, featuring various designs, sizes and performance levels under the brands of Hanse, Dehler, Moody, FJORD, SEALINE and RYCK.

  8. HanseYachts

    HanseYachts AG is a public company that produces sailing and motor yachts under various brands. It was founded in 1990 by Michael Schmidt, a former sailor and winner of the Admiral's Cup, and has its headquarters in Greifswald, Germany.

  9. New 2023 Yachts: Experience Unmatched Luxury

    HanseYachts AG is a leader in the market of sailing yachts and motor yachts, offering one of the world's most diverse and cutting edge product portfolios. Discover the new 2023 models of Hanse, Dehler, Moody, FJORD, SEALINE and RYCK yachts, built with quality, durability and customization.

  10. Boat market : New Hanse dealer in southern Germany

    Diepold Yachting will be selling the models from the Greifswald shipyard on Lake Chiemsee in future - and will also be showcasing them. ... Managing Director Severin Diepold has taken over the representation of Hanseyachts for the southern German and Austrian markets. He can present up to seven boats in his showroom in Aiterbach near Rimsting.

  11. Hanse (Deutschland) Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG

    Karsten Baas. Holzteichstr. 7, 17489 Greifswald, Germany. +49 (3834) 775570. [email protected]. +49 (3834) 775577. Contact dealer. Which Model (s) are you interested in? 315.

  12. Fast and easy to sail luxury yachts

    Hanse Yachts offers a range of fast and easy to sail yachts, developed and manufactured in Germany. Save up to $119,600 on selected models until 31.08.2024 and explore the Hanse World.

  13. Hanse (yacht brand)

    Hanse is a brand of sailing yachts created by Michael Schmidt in 1993 and produced by HanseYachts AG in Greifswald, Germany. The current range comprises 9 models from 32 to 69 ft in length, designed by Judel/Vrolijk & Co or Berret-Racoupeau.

  14. Hanse 460

    Hanse 460 is a fast and easy sailing yacht with a modern sporty look and a spacious interior. It offers six to ten berths, a comfortable owner's suite, a wetbar with BBQ, and 48 variants to choose from.

  15. 2024 Korochansky Ilyushin Il-76 crash

    On 24 January 2024, at around 11:15 MSK, [3] a Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 military transport plane crashed near the Ukrainian border in Russia's Korochansky district in Belgorod Oblast, killing everyone on board.Russia stated that the plane was shot down by Ukraine while it was carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) captured during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as six ...

  16. Attacks in Russia's Belgorod: What we know so far

    23 May 2023. Fifteen months after Moscow's troops invaded Ukraine, one of the largest and most daring cross-border attacks since the war began has been carried out in Russia. On Monday, two anti ...

  17. News & updates from Hanse

    Get fresh updates to your inbox with the newest info about Hanse. Your e-mail address. We are Hanse. The audacity to innovate, the determination to diverge from the norm, and the unwavering belief in our approach—these principles cement Hanse yachts as a leader of innovation and thoughtful design.

  18. Company profile

    HanseYachts AG is one of the world's largest manufacturers of sailing yachts and motor yachts, with six brands and two production sites. Learn about its history, products, design, quality and suppliers.

  19. 2023 Belgorod Oblast incursions

    Learn about the cross-border raids by pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian groups into Belgorod Oblast, Russia, in May and June 2023. The article covers the background, the events, the casualties, and the aftermath of the incursions.

  20. New yachts for sale, luxury, cruising, racing

    HanseYachts AG is a leading manufacturer of sailing and motor yachts, with six brands and over 40 models to choose from. Whether you are looking for a fast sailing boat, a performance cruiser, a weekend boat, or a high performance motor yacht, you can find your dream yacht with HanseYachts AG.

  21. Hanse 388

    The Hanse 388 is a dynamic and comfortable yacht with two layout variants, a swimming platform, and various entertainment options. Learn more about its features, design, and owner's review, and take advantage of the limited offer until August 2024.

  22. Dive into Luxury with Our Six Exclusive Yacht Brands

    HanseYachts AG is a German company that produces and sells high-quality yachts under six different brands: Hanse, Dehler, Moody, FJORD, SEALINE and RYCK. Learn more about the features, models and history of each brand and their unique design and performance.

  23. Belgorod

    Belgorod is a city in Russia, near the border with Ukraine, with a population of 339,978 as of 2021. It has a long history of fortification and defense, and is the administrative center of Belgorod Oblast.