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Riva Yachten und Boote


Neue Projekte bei Riva

Riva Sportfly

Rivas Sportfly. Luxus nach ihren Wünschen!  

Riva Open Teaser

Riva Runabouts / Open Boats

Die Klassiker. Einfach Legendär!  

Riva Coupe Teaser

Komfort und Fahrspaß der Luxusklasse, auch auf den sieben Meeren.  

Riva Flybridge 100 Corsaro

Genießen Sie Wind und Wetter mit einer Riva Flybridgeyacht!  

Entdecken Sie Riva Yachten – Symbole für La Dolce Vita, zeitlose Schönheit und Bootsbau in Perfektion. Die Yachten warten nicht nur mit technischer Raffinesse und hocheffizienten Rümpfen auf, sondern verführen auch durch italienisches Design mit Wiedererkennungswert. Yachten von Riva sind ein Fest für die Sinne.

Eine Geschichte, die ihresgleichen sucht

Bereits seit 1842 entstehen am Lago d’Iseo die Riva Yachten. Heute blickt die Werft auf eine Geschichte zurück, die ihresgleichen sucht. So entwickelte Serafino Riva in den dreißiger Jahren Runabouts, mit denen er und andere Fahrer zahlreiche internationale Rennen gewannen. Auch einige Weltrekorde kann die Marke Riva für sich verbuchen. Seit den fünfziger Jahren sind zahlreiche internationale Stars und Vertreter des Hochadels unter den stolzen Besitzern einer Riva Yacht. Ebenso wie die neuen Modelle erfreuen sich Oldtimer wie die Aquarama großer Beliebtheit, einige Modelle haben eine immense Wertsteigerung erfahren. Unter Angebote finden Sie bei uns auch immer wieder ältere Modelle in sehr gutem Zustand. Für die Finanzierung Ihrer neuen oder gebrauchten Yacht empfehlen wir unseren Partner BEST-Credit24.

Jede Riva Yacht hat ihren ganz eigenen Reiz, den der Modellname unterstreicht

Zu dem Erfolgsrezept der Werft gehört es, dass sie sich nie auf dem Erreichten ausruhte, sondern stets nach Höherem strebte. Anstelle es bei der Fertigung von Runabouts zu belassen, baut Riva heute auch große Open, Coupé und Flybridge Modelle. Das Spektrum reicht von der circa acht Meter langen Riva Iseo bist zur 50 Meter langen Superyacht. Entdecken Sie die verschiedenen Modelltypen – Open, Coupé, Flybridge und Superyacht und klicken Sie sich durch unsere Bildergalerien. Sie werden sehen: Jedes Modell versprüht seinen ganz eigenen Charme. Der Name eines jeden Modells unterstreicht dabei rivatypisch die ‚Persönlichkeit‘ der Yacht. 

Riva Yachten – die Open Modelle

Insbesondere die kleinen Open Modelle schließen an das Design der klassischen Riva Yachten aus den 50er und 60er Jahren an. Die mit zahlreichen Lasuren veredelten Mahagoni Decks der Iseo , Aquariva und Rivamare verdeutlichen das Streben der Werft nach Perfektion. Eine Ausstattung, die an nichts wünschen lässt, zeigt Rivas ungebrochene Liebe zum Detail. Dabei weiß die Werft Funktion, Optik und Komfort zu vereinen. In technischer Hinsicht beeindrucken die Modelle durch kraftvolle Motoren. So bringt es die Riva Rivale mit 1.000 PS auf eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 48 Knoten. Und die 76′ Bahamas und 88′ Florida trumpfen mit hochmodernen konvertiblen Dächern auf.

Coupé – die Alleskönner

Schnittiges Rumpfdesign, viel Platz unter Deck und sogar sportlichen Flybridges bieten die Riva Yachten der Coupé Linie. Licht, Raum und die hochwertige Ausstattung mit wandelbaren Ledersitzen machen den Aufenthalt an Deck schon vor Anker zu einem puren Vergnügen. Für maximale Privatsphäre besitzen die Modelle einen eigenen Bereich für die Crew. Diese Yachten sind wie gemacht für das unabhängige, flexible Reisen bei schnellen Geschwindigkeiten. So erreicht die Riva 88′ Domino durch ihr hocheffizientes Rumpfdesign ein Spitzentempo von 38 Knoten. Die 76′ Perseo gewann für ihre innovative Technik und ihr einzigartiges Design sechs internationale Preise. Und das Beste ist, es gibt seit kurzem die 76′ Perseo Super . Und hier sagt der Name eigentlich schon alles.

Flybridge Yachten von Riva – die Vorzüge einer Dachterrasse

Die Flybridge Serie von Riva beginnt derzeit bei 90 Fuß und endet bei 110 Fuß Länge. Das neue Modell 90′ Argo stellte die Werft im März 2019 vor. Mit hohen Decken und Fenstern besitzen ihre Räumlichkeiten Loft-Charakter. Dabei erfolgt die Ausstattung dieser Yachten ganz nach den Vorstellungen der Kunden – so ist bei der Riva 100′ Corsaro im Hauptdeck zum Beispiel einer Eigner-Suite mit privater Multimedia-Lounge denkbar. Schauen Sie sich unbedingt auch die 110′ Dolce Vita an – eine Yacht mit einer Flybridge, die einer Open-Air-Bar gleicht.

Superyachts Division

Acht Verdränger Custom Yachten plant die Werft mit der neuen Superyachts Division. Die Riva 50 MT mit vier Decks ist also erst der Anfang. Die weiteren Modelle werden Längen von 50, 60, 70 und 90 Metern haben. In zwei Linien werden sie entweder an traditionelle Riva Yachten anschließen oder sich durch eine sportlich-moderne Formensprache auszeichnen. Dabei scheint kaum vorstellbar, dass Luxus und Eleganz der 50 MT noch zu toppen sind. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst! Doch Riva wäre nicht Riva, wenn die Werft sich nicht immer wieder neuen Herausforderungen stellen würde.

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Riva is the oldest and most iconic shipyard in the world, incredibly well known for its tradition and innovation: the brand has also played a starring role in the film industry for over 60 years, often stealing the show from international actors and actresses. Today an emblem of modern, sophisticated elegance expressed in the skilful combination of cutting-edge design with high-quality materials.

Yacht Riva 54Metri Project

The world’s most famous shipyard, the legend of contemporary yachting and the recognised icon of fine Italian yachting artistry: the Riva story is all about the unique, inimitable savoir-faire, making history since 1842.

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Tax code and VAT no. 04485970968 Registered Office Via Irma Bandiera, 62 – 47841 Cattolica (RN) Italy REA no. RN 296608 - Companies Register no. 04485970968 Share capital € 338.482.654,00 fully paid-up PEC: [email protected]

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Werft-Porträt : 180 Jahre nautisches Erbe - wie sich Riva als Marke etabliert

Clare Mahon

, Martin Hager

 ·  14.06.2023

Pures Familienglück im Jahr 1962: Die Aquarama „Etna“ prescht mit 30 Knoten zur Badebucht; der Vater steuert, die Mutter navigiert, und die Kinder sitzen im Schutz der gebogenen Windschutzscheibe. Auf der Liegewiese wird vor Anker entspannt

Pietro, Ernesto, Serafino, Carlo: Jahrzehntelang ging die Riva-Werft vom Vater auf den Sohn über, und jede Generation brachte neue Visionen ein, um das, was als lokale Bootswerft mit einem soliden Ruf für Bauqualität begann, in eine Ikone des italienischen Stils zu verwandeln. Heute ist Riva eine internationale Legende, deren Produkte gesammelt werden und an Wert gewinnen. Die namhaften italienischen Bootsbauer, die derzeit an drei Standorten in Italien tätig sind, feierten 2022 ihr 180-jähriges Bestehen.

Alles begann im Jahr 1842 in Sarnico, einer kleinen Stadt am italienischen Lago d’Iseo. Die Geschichte besagt, dass eine plötzliche Sturmböe die Boote der örtlichen Fischer so stark beschädigte, dass viele dachten, sie hätten ihre Lebensgrundlage verloren. Pietro Riva, ein junger Bootsbauer, der gerade erst vom Comer See in die Gegend gekommen war, machte sich an die Reparatur der örtlichen Flotte und erntete dafür den Respekt und die Bewunderung aller, deren Schiffe er rettete.

Ernesto Riva, der Sohn von Pietro, baute weiterhin Boote am Lago d’Iseo, konzentrierte sich aber verstärkt auf größere Schiffe für den Transport von Waren und Passagieren. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg begann Serafino Riva – die dritte Generation der Riva-Familie, die das Unternehmen übernahm – die Welt der Motorbootrennen zu erkunden und baute leistungsstarke Kolbenmotoren in die erstklassig produzierten Boote, die der Werft seiner Familie schon damals Erfolge einbrachten. Die Rennboote von Serafino Riva gewannen in der Zeit zwischen dem Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg viele Wettbewerbe in der aufkommenden Rennszene. Doch Rivas waren nie nur für ihre Geschwindigkeit berühmt; sie waren immer schon technisch auf dem neuesten Stand, aber auch immer wunderschön.

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Riva etablierte sich als Marke

In den 1950er- und -60er-Jahren wurde Riva unter der Leitung von Pietros Urenkel Carlo zu einer Marke mit einer gefestigten Position als Hersteller von einigen der elegantesten und glamourösesten Boote der Welt. In der Blütezeit von La Dolce Vita war es zu Lande Ferrari, zu Wasser Riva, wie sich Alberto Galassi, CEO der Ferretti-Gruppe, erinnert:

Ich glaube, um eine andere Marke zu finden, deren Stärke mit der von Riva vergleichbar ist, muss man sich in der Welt der Automobile umsehen, und zwar bei Ferrari, einem weiteren Beispiel für eine einzigartige und legendäre Marke, die Forschung und Innovation in ihrer DNA trägt und gleichzeitig einen unvergleichlichen Stil hat.“ - Alberto Galassi

Carlo Riva wurde am 24. Februar 1922 in Sarnico geboren. Als er das Familienunternehmen übernahm, war er bereit, die Riva-Produktion von verschiedenen Arten von Arbeitsbooten auf exklusive Objekte der Begierde umzustellen. Im Jahr 1954 eröffnete er eine neue Werft, die einen modernen Produktions­ansatz verfolgte. Hier wollte Carlo Boote schaffen, die in Form und Substanz einzigartig waren. Das Herzstück dieser Betriebs­stätte war Rivas Büro, der „Steuerstand“, den er selbst entworfen hatte. Er befindet sich im Zentrum der Werft und wird von zwei Säulen und einem 40 Meter hohen Bogen flankiert, der mit Kränen ausgestattet ist, die Boote von bis zu 20 Tonnen hieven. Der Steuerstand und die gesamte Werft sind – überaus ungewöhnlich für einen Industriekomplex – als Beispiele moderner Architektur denkmalgeschützt.

Wenn Visionen zur Realität werden

Als Unternehmer mit Visionen erkannte Carlo Riva die Bedeutung von Markenimage und Marketing. Da er die Bedürfnisse der Eigner voraussah, gründete er 1957 den Riva Boat Service, um technische Unterstützung und Kundendienst anzubieten. Das erste Servicezentrum war die historische R.A.M. in Sarnico, zwei Jahre später folgte der Monaco Boat Service in Monte Carlo und weitere Zentren in der ganzen Welt. Er investierte auch in die Materialforschung und wechselte in den 1960er-Jahren von Schiffssperrholz zu Glasfaser.

Während die Werft viele berühmte Modelle wie die Ariston, Trito­ne, Sebino und Florida herstellte, war es die Riva Aquarama, die 1962 auf der internationalen Bootsmesse in Mailand vorgestellt wurde, sofort für Schlagzeilen sorgte und schließlich zu einer Ikone wurde. Sie gehört zu den elegantesten Booten aller Zeiten. Ihre unverwechselbaren Linien werden durch lackierte Tischlerarbeiten, poliertes Chrom und Lederdetails unterstrichen, die von Stil, Eleganz und Luxus zeugen. Der Name dieses Mahagoni-Gleiters erinnert an Jetset-Playboys wie Porfirio Rubirosa, die sich auf dem Canal Grande tummelten, oder an glamouröse Frauen wie Brigitte Bardot, die in den warmen Gewässern vor St. Tropez unterwegs waren – immer an Bord ihrer eigenen Rivas. Im ersten Jahr der Produktion wurden 21 Aquaramas verkauft. Ein Jahr später wurde die Aquarama Super entwickelt, gefolgt von der Aquarama Special im Jahr 1971. Insgesamt stellte Riva 784 dieser Boote her, wobei die Aquarama und die Aquarama Super bis 1971 und die Aquarama Special bis 1996 in Produktion blieben.

Alberto Galassi selbst ist ein Fan der Riva Aquarama Super und stolzer Besitzer dieses Modells. „Ich denke, es ist das schönste Boot, das je gebaut wurde – die eleganten Linien sorgten dafür, dass ich mich in die Marke verliebte“, sagt er. So wie die Riva-Werft vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben wurde, hat der Ferretti-CEO die Liebe zu Riva von seinem Vater geerbt. „1974 kauften mein Vater und einige seiner Freunde die kleinste Riva, die damals in Produktion war, eine Riva Rudy aus GFK“, erinnert sich Galassi. „Später verliebte ich mich in die Aquarama Super und kaufte sie. Ich besitze immer noch beide Modelle und würde sie für nichts auf der Welt hergeben. Riva ist eine Art Glaube, eine Lebenseinstellung, ein Zeichen von Eleganz. Wenn ich meine Aquarama betrachte, sehe ich mehr als ein Boot, ich sehe ein Kunstwerk, einen Geniestreich von Carlo Riva und eine Ikone des italienischen Stils.“

Während die Aquarama die Linien und den Glamour von Riva definierte, baute die Werft auch andere Modelle, bei denen Verbundwerkstoffe, Motorleistung und aerodynamische Formen den Ton angaben. Dazu gehörten Daycruiser wie die Riva 2000 und die St. Tropez, die bis 1992 produziert wurden, sowie das Flaggschiffmodell Superamerica, ein voluminöses Flybridge-Format, das in verschiedenen Längen und über 20 Jahre lang in Produktion blieb.

Die perfekte Mischung: zeitlose Eleganz und zeitgenössischer Stil

Carlo Riva zog sich 1972 aus dem Familienunternehmen zurück, aber Giorgio Barilani, der 1956 bei Riva angefangen hatte, blieb bis 1996 als Konstruktionsleiter im Amt. Im Jahr 2000 wurde Riva von der Ferretti-Gruppe übernommen, deren Portfolio mittlerweile aus sieben starken Marken besteht: Wally, CRN, Custom Line, Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Itama und Riva. Die neuen Eigentümer beschlossen, die Riva-Modelle gestalterisch zu überarbeiten und weiterzuentwickeln. Den Auftrag dafür bekam das Studio Officina Italiana Design unter der Leitung von Mauro Micheli und Sergio Beretta, die eng mit dem Produktstrategie-Ausschuss und den Marketing- und Konstruktionsabteilungen der Ferretti-Gruppe kooperieren. Neue Coupé- und Flybridge-Modelle wie die Rivarama und die Rivale wurden fortan jedes Jahr vorgestellt. Diese intensive Designinnovation wurde durch die Gründung einer neuen Riva-Werft in La Spezia und den weiteren Ausbau der CRN-Werft in Ancona unterstützt. „Riva ist die einzige Werft, die Yachten mit Längen von acht bis 60 Metern im Angebot hat – jedes Modell ist eine perfekte Mischung aus zeitloser Eleganz und zeitgenössischem Stil“, sagt Galassi. „Um das zu erreichen, haben wir sorgfältig geplant und investiert, wobei wir nicht nur auf Innovation und Design geachtet haben, sondern auch auf alle Aspekte der Technik, Technologie und Sicherheit, die Riva seit jeher zu einem Maßstab in der Branche machen.“

Heute werden in der historischen Riva-Werft in Sarnico Boote mit Längen von 27 bis 68 Fuß gebaut wie die Iseo, die Aquariva Super und die Rivarama Super. Die Rümpfe und Decks werden Seite an Seite gefertigt, wobei den Details und Materialien große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wird. Exklusiv für Riva hergestellte Farben und Hölzer wie Mahagoni und „Rigatino“, die zur Geschichte der Marke gehören, werden auch heute noch verwendet. Die Yachtbauer lackieren die Holz­oberflächen nach wie vor in 24 Schichten, um sie so glänzend und widerstandsfähig wie möglich zu machen, und färben die Schraubenköpfe passend zur Farbe des Rumpfes ein. Auch wenn man mit der Muttergesellschaft die Modelle veränderte und aktualisierte, bleiben die besten Aspekte der Riva-Qualität auch nach Jahrzehnten noch dieselben.

Riva entwickelt sich weiter

Ähnlich wie die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Yachteigner im Laufe der Jahre changierten, so stellte sich auch Riva neu auf. Um den Bau größerer Yachten zu ermöglichen, wurde im Jahr 2004 in La Spezia eine Riva-Werft eingeweiht, die 2007 auf eine Fläche von über 28.000 Quadratmeter anwuchs. Diese Anlage, wo Rivas in den Längen von 68 bis 110 Fuß Länge entstehen, ermöglichte es der Marke, seine Modellpalette zu erweitern und dabei die in der Werft in Sarnico etablierten strengen Richtlinien in Bezug auf Detailgenauigkeit, Innovation und hervorragendes Design einzuhalten. Zu den aktuellen Riva-Modellen, die in La Spezia laminiert werden, gehören unter anderen die Perseo und Argo.

Im Jahr 2012 feierte die Marke ihr 170-jähriges Bestehen, zusammen mit dem 90. Geburtstag von Carlo Riva und der Ankunft der 63’ Virtus, einer der größten jemals von der Werft gebauten Open-Formate.

Zwei Jahre später wurde die 122 Fuß lange „Mythos“ zum Flaggschiff von Riva. Sie war das erste Modell, das CRN komplett aus einer leichten Aluminiumlegierung in Ancona schweißte. Während die Bedeutung der Werft in Sarnico mehr als nur sentimentaler Natur ist, sitzen in Ancona die Riva-Ingenieure und Designer. Und es ist der Ort, an dem die größten Modelle produziert werden. Die Werft in Ancona hat eine Fläche von knapp 80.000 Quadratmetern, von denen etwa 25 000 Quadratmeter überdacht sind. Die Werft, die sich im Besitz der Ferretti-Gruppe befindet, widmet sich dem Bau von CRN-, Pershing- und Custom-Line-Modellen sowie den Yachten aus Rivas Superyachts Division, wie die im Jahr 2019 erstmals präsentierte 50 Metri.

Yachten entstehen in Kooperation

„Heute entstehen alle Riva-Yachten in enger Kooperation des Studios Officina Italiana Design, dem von Piero Ferrari geleiteten Produktstrategie-Ausschuss und der Konstruktions­abteilung der Ferretti-Gruppe“, erklärt Galassi. Er erinnert sich an die Vorstellung der ersten Riva 50 Metri „Race“, die in Ancona gebaut wurde, als einen der schönsten Momente seiner Karriere. „Wir haben 2019 eine Veranstaltung im Arse­nale in Venedig abgehalten, und es war ein echter Nerven­kitzel, weil wir einen der Träume von Carlo Riva verwirklichen konnten. Er baute in den 1960er- und -70er-Jahren größere Stahlrumpfyachten wie die Caravelle und die Atlantic, und als ich ihm sagte, dass wir eine 50-Meter-Yacht entwerfen, meinte er nur: ,Mach sie schön.‘ Er hat es nicht mehr erlebt, aber die 50 Metri ist ein wahres Erbe der Riva-Standards für Schönheit, Stil und Innovation“, erzählt Galassi.

Ein 180 Jahre altes Markenjuwel fortzuführen, das zudem eine internationale Stilikone ist, birgt große Risiken und Potenziale. Aber so wie die Riva-Werft über Generationen hinweg vom Vater an den Sohn weitergegeben wurde, ist Galassi überzeugt, dass die Ferretti-Gruppe dieser Aufgabe in den kommenden Jahren gewachsen ist. „Ich kann nur sagen, dass eine große Liebe eine große Verantwortung mit sich bringt. Riva gab es schon, bevor ich auf den Plan trat, und die Marke wird auch nach meiner Zeit ein Mythos bleiben. Sie ist nicht nur ein wichtiger Teil des nautischen, sondern auch des künstlerischen Erbes Italiens, und ich fühle mich moralisch verpflichtet, die Marke in all ihrer Pracht am Leben zu erhalten. Wir werden weiterhin jedes Jahr neue Modelle entwickeln, um unsere Produktion den hohen Erwartungen der Kunden an die Marke Riva anzupassen. Vor allem aber werden wir die Marke Riva im Herzen all ihrer Fans bewahren“, so Galassi.

Nach 180 Jahren wird eine Marke mehr als nur geliebt, sie wird verehrt; und die Ferretti-Gruppe ist in der Lage, Rivas Strahlkraft auch für die kommenden Generationen zu erhalten und gar auszubauen.

Dieser Artikel erschien in der BOOTE EXCLUSIV-Ausgabe 04/2022 und wurde von der Redaktion im Juni 2023 überarbeitet.

Auch interessant:

  • Meilenstein: Italienische Werft Riva verkauft allererste 54 Metri
  • Modell-News: Neues GFK-Flaggschiff von Riva
  • Riva: Restaurierung, Handel, Bootsservice - Verborgene Schönheiten

Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Boote

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Discover the Romano Bellini Private Collection in Corte Franca

Discover the private collection of Romano Bellini in Corte Franca (BS), the most complete Riva collection in the world. All vintage Riva models are on display to be admired.

Visit by reservation only.


Corporate events

Our location also hosts corporate events, meetings and team building. We offer the opportunity to organise meetings outside the norm, during which guests have the opportunity to touch the Riva Vintage jewels during their restoration process and admire the craftsmen at work. The exhibition offers the possibility of organising buffet catering or coffee breaks for guests, who will be surrounded by 17 Riva Vintage models, including unique specimens in the world. The space accommodates up to 60 people, but visits can also be organised for larger groups of up to 200 people.

Why not leave guests and/or colleagues with a tangible memory?
 The package can also include gadgets signed by Bellini, such as key rings or models to be kept as a souvenir of the event.

Can this day be made even more special? Absolutely. By adding an experience on the lake aboard Riva Aquarama to the Riva Collection tour. We have up to 3 Riva Aquarama boats for hire, thus guests can experience an unforgettable day on board one of the most luxurious and well-known boats in the world.

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Don't be jealous if we love your boat more than you do

Bellini nautica is a leader in the sale of new cranchi yachts and used riva motorboats, dinghies and motor boats. he restores riva collectibles and sells accessories such as garmin, fusion, navigon, navionics navigators and raymarine branded nautical clothing..

“Our challenge is to be able to combine, on each model available in the showroom of our shipyard, cutting-edge technology with high craftsmanship” – Romano Bellini

Discover the online configurator: customize your yachting experience with all the Cranchi models

The Essence of a 20-meter flybridge: Cranchi Sessantadue 62

Disintegrating Riva: il nuovo progetto artistico di Fabian Oefner per Bellini Nautica

Clusane d’Iseo Via Carlo Lanza, 28 25049 Iseo BS

+39 030 982 9170

Varazze Via Maestri d’Ascia, 13 17019 Varazze SV

+39 392 970 6572

Rimini Viale Ortigara, 80 47900 Rimini RN

+39 335 162 6600

Falconara Marittima Via Giordano Bruno, 54 Falconara Marittima AN

Summer (April – September): MON| WED-SUN 9:00-12:00 / 14:00-19:00

Winter (October – March) MON-FRI 8:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00 SAT and  SUN by appointment only

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Motor Yachts

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Power Catamarans

DMA Yachting

Carer de Saridakis, 3A 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Spain

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Athens, Greece +30 211 198 3501

Miami, FL +1 813 314 7947

Palma de Mallorca, Spain +34 518 808 582

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About/Contact Page

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Daniel Asmus

Owner, Charter Broker, Active CYBA Member, IYBA, ECPY

[email protected]

+34 678 368 304 1 484 978 8668

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Martina Asmus

1 814 831 7032 1 814 831 7032

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Yanna Pristas

Senior Charter Broker, Associate CYBA Member

1 850 876 5440

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Chris de Kock

Charter Broker

1 618 389 4180

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Sarah Klische

1 989 787 3928

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William Mc Nally

1 814 526 7505

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Marcelle Hailwax

1 814 831 6812

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Alex Hailwax

1 484 699 0621

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Louis Lamprell

1 518 765 1956

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Nadja Asmus

+1 (470) 835 5010

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John Boullin

+1 (345) 326-0126

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Yacht Charter in Drvenik

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Split – Tucepi to Tribunj

Yacht Charter in Luka Stobrec

  • ALL Locations in Split – Tucepi to Tribunj

7 Days Croatia Yacht Charter Itinerary: Trogir-Hvar-Korcula-Lastovo-Vis-Maslinica-Solta-Trogir

  • List of Croatia yacht charter providers
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Riva Yacht Charter

Riva yacht description.

Presented by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht Riva is a 158 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The most attractive features of Riva are her most appealing features and culinary experience. Riva spends the summer season in Croatia. She was constructed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018. The ingenious yacht layout features 18 large cabins and comfortably accommodates up to 36 guests.

Riva is classified as a superyacht. The key part of the yacht, expansive aft deck, continues to the attractive and sleek main salon. The main saloon is a gathering space to spend time when the aft deck might not be as desirable (at port, private conversations) and boasts a number of entertainment options. 18 elegant cabins are laid out to allow for comfortable access and private setting.

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What is the cabin arrangement of riva.

  • 3 Master cabins
  • 11 VIP cabins
  • 3 Twin cabins
  • 2 Pullman cabins

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Weekly price: €60,000 - €80,000

Low Season | High Season

  • Length: 158'
  • # of Guests: 38
  • # of Cabins: 18
  • # of Crew: 11
  • Builder: Custom
  • Cruising Speed: 9 knots
  • Built Year: 2018

riva yacht werft

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Riva yacht charter price.

# of charter days Base Price APA (deposit for provisioning, fuel, docking fees, etc) Taxes: 13%%, exceptions available Total Note
14 day charter 120,000€ to 160,000€ 24,000€ to 48,000€ 144,000€ to 208,000€ Discounts outside the main season are common.
7 day charter 60,000€ to 80,000€ 12,000€ to 24,000€ 72,000€ to 104,000€ Standard charter rate, base for all calculations.
3 day charter 30,000€ to 40,000€ 6,000€ to 12,000€ 36,000€ to 52,000€ The usual formula is the 7 day charter rate divided by 6, times the number of days (3).
Boat policy might differ.
60,000€ / 6 * 3 days = 30,000€

All prices are generated by a calculator and serve as a guide for new charterers. Any additional information of the Price Details section has priority over above. Availability is always subject to confirmation. Gratuity not included for it's discretionary character, usually 5%-25% of the Base Price.

Price Details

Price from: €60,000

High season rate: €80,000

Introducing the Riva, a stunning yacht that offers comfort and luxury to all 36 guests. With 18 en suite cabins that are air-conditioned, the Riva provides ample space for everyone to relax and enjoy the journey. The main saloon features a dining area, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals in comfort. Measuring 48 meters in length, the Riva is spacious and comfortable, with a professional crew of 11 to attend to your every need. The large sun deck is the perfect spot to soak up the sun, with sun loungers and a jacuzzi providing the ultimate relaxation. Whether you are looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva is a perfect choice. ******************************************************************* SEASON A (20.04.-18.05.2024): 60,000.00€ SEASON B (18.05.-29.06.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON C (29.06.-31.08.2024): 80,000.00€ SEASON D (31.08.-21.09.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON E (21.09.-26.10.2024): 60,000.00€ ******************************************************************* INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICE: · AGENCY SUPPORT: a complimentary assistant who will guide you through your entire yacht journey · SHIPBOARD ACCOMMODATION: maximum number of 38 guests sleeping in 18 cabins · FUEL FOR CRUISING: 4 hours/day · CREW: 11 members · AIR CONDITIONING: unlimited hours/day · LINEN: bed sheets, bathroom, and beach towels · WI-FI · VAT ******************************************************************* EXTRA PAYMENTS: Food Options · HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch): 400 €/person/week · ADVANCED HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinners): 500 €/person/week · FULL BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and dinner): 650 €/person/week Drink Options · ALL-INCLUSIVE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 100 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic drinks - water, carbonated drinks, juices) · ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMESTIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 200 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic and alcoholic drin~ks - water, carbonated drinks, juices, bottled wine, beer, local spirits, coffee, tea) · ALL-INCLUSIVE ALCOHOLIC PACKAGE: 500 €/person/week (Croatia quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, Croatian Pale Ale beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices. Gin Sapphire Bombay or Tanqueray, Johnnie Walker Red Label or Jameson, Absolut Vodka or Finlandia, Tequila J. Cuervo Silver, Amaretto, Malibu, Prosecco) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, from 3-6 years 50% discount Port and Tourist Taxes · A.P.A. (Advance Provisioning Allowance): is an estimate of 5.000 € paid with the balance for covering running costs during the charter: ports and marina fees (the check-in and check-out ports are also considered here), tourist taxes, motorized water sports, national park entrances, custom fees, and charter licenses if chartered outside of Croatia, drinks which are not included in beverage packages, and anything else that guests might need while on charter during the week. A strict set of accounts is held by the captain throughout the charter and any funds not spent are refunded to the client in full. If A.P.A. does not cover complete costs, the customer will pay the exceeding amount on board in cash.Introducing the Riva, a stunning yacht that offers comfort and luxury to all 36 guests. With 18 en suite cabins that are air-conditioned, the Riva provides ample space for everyone to relax and enjoy the journey. The main saloon features a dining area, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals in comfort. Measuring 48 meters in length, the Riva is spacious and comfortable, with a professional crew of 11 to attend to your every need. The large sun deck is the perfect spot to soak up the sun, with sun loungers and a jacuzzi providing the ultimate relaxation. Whether you are looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva is a perfect choice. ******************************************************************* SEASON A (20.04.-18.05.2024): 60,000.00€ SEASON B (18.05.-29.06.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON C (29.06.-31.08.2024): 80,000.00€ SEASON D (31.08.-21.09.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON E (21.09.-26.10.2024): 60,000.00€ ******************************************************************* INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICE: · AGENCY SUPPORT: a complimentary assistant who will guide you through your entire yacht journey · SHIPBOARD ACCOMMODATION: maximum number of 38 guests sleeping in 18 cabins · FUEL FOR CRUISING: 4 hours/day · CREW: 11 members · AIR CONDITIONING: unlimited hours/day · LINEN: bed sheets, bathroom, and beach towels · WI-FI · VAT ******************************************************************* EXTRA PAYMENTS: Food Options · HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch): 400 €/person/week · ADVANCED HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinners): 500 €/person/week · FULL BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and dinner): 650 €/person/week Drink Options · ALL-INCLUSIVE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 100 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic drinks - water, carbonated drinks, juices) · ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMESTIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 200 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic and alcoholic drin~ks - water, carbonated drinks, juices, bottled wine, beer, local spirits, coffee, tea) · ALL-INCLUSIVE ALCOHOLIC PACKAGE: 500 €/person/week (Croatia quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, Croatian Pale Ale beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices. Gin Sapphire Bombay or Tanqueray, Johnnie Walker Red Label or Jameson, Absolut Vodka or Finlandia, Tequila J. Cuervo Silver, Amaretto, Malibu, Prosecco) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, from 3-6 years 50% discount Port and Tourist Taxes · A.P.A. (Advance Provisioning Allowance): is an estimate of 5.000 € paid with the balance for covering running costs during the charter: ports and marina fees (the check-in and check-out ports are also considered here), tourist taxes, motorized water sports, national park entrances, custom fees, and charter licenses if chartered outside of Croatia, drinks which are not included in beverage packages, and anything else that guests might need while on charter during the week. A strict set of accounts is held by the captain throughout the charter and any funds not spent are refunded to the client in full. If A.P.A. does not cover complete costs, the customer will pay the exceeding amount on board in cash.

Price Terms

riva yacht werft

Riva Yacht Charter Locations

Summer season.

riva yacht werft


riva yacht werft

More Specifications

Diving yacht offers rendezvous diving only, green initiatives.

riva yacht werft

Water Sports

Crew information.

Crew of Riva|Captain

Captain: Dino Marković

CAPTAIN - DINO MARKOVIĆ Holding a Master’s license with over 12 years of experience in yachting, a highly experienced captain, Dino Marković is a reliable professional dedicated to providing an amazing charter experience. He possesses extensive knowledge of nautical operations, safety protocols, and procedures and handling navigation systems following local, state, and environmental regulations. He is committed to providing the best client service, delivering the best possible routes, and monitoring weather forecasts and conditions. Personal interests: His personal interests include fitness, skiing, fishing, and traveling. Languages: English, Croatian Testimonial: We absolutely enjoyed our recent experience onboard Riva. The yacht was everything that we could have imagined and provided the perfect amount of luxury. Our trip was at the beginning of October, which is the perfect time to visit Croatia after the crowds have disappeared. We had great weather, low crowds, and an amazing experience. D. S., USA CHEF - IVAN ROGULJ As a culinary maestro with more than 20 years of experience, chef Ivan Rogulj is passionate about creating and designing impressive dishes, combining flavors and textures with local ingredients. Off-season, he works in the top restaurants in Split, so he is kept up-to-date on the latest culinary trends and the best seasonal fare. He also designs a wide variety of menu selections, such as gluten-free or vegan menu options. Personal interests: During his leisure hours, the chef enjoys singing and all sorts of water sports. Languages: English, Croatian CHIEF STEWARD - ANTE VUKOVIĆ Armed with a Bachelor's degree in International Business from RIT Croatia, this individual is fluent in both English and German. Renowned for his strong work ethic, he maintains excellent communication with guests and readily assists them with any needs throughout their cruise experience. Languages Spoken: English, German, Croatian

Main image of Riva yacht

  • cyaID: 7726
  • wpcf_mourl:
  • mo_cabins: 18
  • wpcf_power: Power
  • wpcf_powercat: N
  • wpcf_layout: https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtimg/yacht7726/7726brochure88.jpg
  • wpcf_persons: 38
  • wpcf_summerarea: Croatia
  • wpcf_winterarea:
  • wpcf_length: 158.00
  • wpcf_beam: 8.6
  • wpcf_draft: 2.5
  • wpcf_amenities: a:35:{s:12:"salon_stereo";s:3:"Yes";s:8:"salon_tv";s:3:"Yes";s:6:"sat_tv";s:1:"0";s:17:"multimedia_system";s:0:"";s:4:"nude";s:3:"Inq";s:5:"books";s:0:"";s:9:"crew_pets";s:2:"No";s:8:"pet_type";s:0:"";s:10:"guest_pets";s:1:"0";s:9:"camcorder";s:1:"0";s:14:"number_dine_in";s:0:"";s:11:"water_maker";s:0:"";s:14:"water_capacity";s:0:"";s:9:"ice_maker";s:3:"Yes";s:14:"number_of_dvds";s:0:"";s:13:"number_of_cds";s:0:"";s:11:"board_games";s:3:"Yes";s:10:"sun_awning";s:1:"0";s:6:"bimini";s:1:"0";s:13:"special_diets";s:3:"Inq";s:6:"kosher";s:3:"Inq";s:3:"bbq";s:3:"Yes";s:12:"gay_charters";s:3:"Inq";s:17:"yachtNudeCharters";s:3:"Inq";s:10:"hairdryers";s:3:"Yes";s:22:"number_of_port_hatches";s:0:"";s:7:"smoking";s:0:"";s:11:"crew_smokes";s:3:"Inq";s:11:"children_ok";s:3:"Yes";s:17:"minimum_child_age";s:0:"";s:9:"generator";s:0:"";s:8:"inverter";s:0:"";s:8:"voltages";s:0:"";s:7:"hammock";s:0:"";s:10:"windscoops";s:0:"";}
  • wpcf_ac: Full
  • wpcf_bbq: Yes
  • wpcf_internet:
  • wpcf_generator:
  • wpcf_engines:
  • wpcf_year: 2018
  • wpcf_builder: Custom
  • wpcf_accommodation: SUN DECK:<br /> - VIP cabin with double bed (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> UPPER DECK<br /> - 2 double cabins with double beds (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> MAIN DECK:<br /> - Double cabin with double bed (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 6 Double cabins with double beds (160x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - Twin cabin with 2 single beds (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> LOWER DECK:<br /> - 3 Double cabins with double beds (160x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 2 Twin cabins with 2 single beds (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 2 Triple cabins with double (160x200 cm) and single bed (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br />
  • currency: EUR
  • yachtCurrencySymbol: €
  • property_price: 60000
  • mo_price: 60000
  • wpcf_high_price: 80000
  • wpcf_price_details: Introducing the Riva, a stunning yacht that offers comfort and luxury to all 36 guests. With 18 en suite cabins that are air-conditioned, the Riva provides ample space for everyone to relax and enjoy the journey. The main saloon features a dining area, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals in comfort. Measuring 48 meters in length, the Riva is spacious and comfortable, with a professional crew of 11 to attend to your every need. The large sun deck is the perfect spot to soak up the sun, with sun loungers and a jacuzzi providing the ultimate relaxation. Whether you are looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva is a perfect choice. ******************************************************************* SEASON A (20.04.-18.05.2024): 60,000.00€ SEASON B (18.05.-29.06.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON C (29.06.-31.08.2024): 80,000.00€ SEASON D (31.08.-21.09.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON E (21.09.-26.10.2024): 60,000.00€ ******************************************************************* INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICE: · AGENCY SUPPORT: a complimentary assistant who will guide you through your entire yacht journey · SHIPBOARD ACCOMMODATION: maximum number of 38 guests sleeping in 18 cabins · FUEL FOR CRUISING: 4 hours/day · CREW: 11 members · AIR CONDITIONING: unlimited hours/day · LINEN: bed sheets, bathroom, and beach towels · WI-FI · VAT ******************************************************************* EXTRA PAYMENTS: Food Options · HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch): 400 €/person/week · ADVANCED HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinners): 500 €/person/week · FULL BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and dinner): 650 €/person/week Drink Options · ALL-INCLUSIVE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 100 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic drinks - water, carbonated drinks, juices) · ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMESTIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 200 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic and alcoholic drin~ks - water, carbonated drinks, juices, bottled wine, beer, local spirits, coffee, tea) · ALL-INCLUSIVE ALCOHOLIC PACKAGE: 500 €/person/week (Croatia quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, Croatian Pale Ale beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices. Gin Sapphire Bombay or Tanqueray, Johnnie Walker Red Label or Jameson, Absolut Vodka or Finlandia, Tequila J. Cuervo Silver, Amaretto, Malibu, Prosecco) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, from 3-6 years 50% discount Port and Tourist Taxes · A.P.A. (Advance Provisioning Allowance): is an estimate of 5.000 € paid with the balance for covering running costs during the charter: ports and marina fees (the check-in and check-out ports are also considered here), tourist taxes, motorized water sports, national park entrances, custom fees, and charter licenses if chartered outside of Croatia, drinks which are not included in beverage packages, and anything else that guests might need while on charter during the week. A strict set of accounts is held by the captain throughout the charter and any funds not spent are refunded to the client in full. If A.P.A. does not cover complete costs, the customer will pay the exceeding amount on board in cash.
  • wpcf_crew: a:16:{s:4:"info";s:2227:"CAPTAIN - DINO MARKOVIĆ<br /> <br /> Holding a Master’s license with over 12 years of experience in yachting, a highly experienced captain, Dino Marković is a reliable professional dedicated to providing an amazing charter experience. He possesses extensive knowledge of nautical operations, safety protocols, and procedures and handling navigation systems following local, state, and environmental regulations. He is committed to providing the best client service, delivering the best possible routes, and monitoring weather forecasts and conditions.<br /> <br /> Personal interests:<br /> His personal interests include fitness, skiing, fishing, and traveling.<br /> <br /> Languages:<br /> English, Croatian<br /> <br /> Testimonial:<br /> We absolutely enjoyed our recent experience onboard Riva. The yacht was everything that we could have imagined and provided the perfect amount of luxury. Our trip was at the beginning of October, which is the perfect time to visit Croatia after the crowds have disappeared. We had great weather, low crowds, and an amazing experience. D. S., USA<br /> <br /> <br /> CHEF - IVAN ROGULJ<br /> <br /> As a culinary maestro with more than 20 years of experience, chef Ivan Rogulj is passionate about creating and designing impressive dishes, combining flavors and textures with local ingredients. Off-season, he works in the top restaurants in Split, so he is kept up-to-date on the latest culinary trends and the best seasonal fare. He also designs a wide variety of menu selections, such as gluten-free or vegan menu options.<br /> <br /> Personal interests:<br /> During his leisure hours, the chef enjoys singing and all sorts of water sports.<br /> <br /> Languages:<br /> English, Croatian<br /> <br /> <br /> CHIEF STEWARD - ANTE VUKOVIĆ<br /> <br /> Armed with a Bachelor's degree in International Business from RIT Croatia, this individual is fluent in both English and German. Renowned for his strong<br /> work ethic, he maintains excellent communication with guests and readily assists them with any needs throughout their cruise experience.<br /> <br /> Languages Spoken:<br /> English, German, Croatian<br /> <br /> <br /> ";s:5:"photo";s:0:"";s:4:"size";s:2:"11";s:12:"captain_name";s:14:"Dino Marković";s:14:"captain_nation";s:8:"Croatian";s:12:"captain_born";s:1:"0";s:15:"captain_license";s:0:"";s:18:"captain_yr_sailing";s:1:"0";s:21:"captain_yr_chartering";s:1:"0";s:17:"captain_languages";s:25:"English, German, Croatian";s:9:"crew_name";s:0:"";s:16:"crew_nationality";s:0:"";s:12:"crew_license";s:0:"";s:15:"crew_yr_sailing";s:1:"0";s:18:"crew_yr_chartering";s:1:"0";s:7:"crewimg";a:2:{i:1;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew1.jpg";s:4:"desc";s:7:"Captain";}i:2;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew2.jpg";s:4:"desc";s:4:"Chef";}}}
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  • wpcf_mainimg_description:
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  • wpcf_menu: <div>Menus are customized to accommodate distinguished guests' unique preferences, dietary needs, and tastes.</div> <div><br />STARTERS:</div> <ul> <li>Seafood plate featuring oysters, white fish tartare, and monkfish ceviche</li> <li>Homemade pasta with sundried tomatoes and zucchini</li> <li>Gazpacho soup</li> <li>Zucchini carpaccio with goat cheese with truffles</li> <li>Eggplant Parmigiana with mozzarella</li> <li>Prawn ravioli in tomato sauce</li> <li>Mixed mussels alla "buzara"</li> <li>Stuffed zucchini with sundried tomato and pine nuts</li> <li>Tuna tartare</li> <li>Cream of pea and mint soup</li> <li>Octopus salad with chickpeas</li> <li>Roasted rump steak carpaccio</li> <li>Proscuitto, burrata, and melon</li> <li>Fish soup</li> </ul> <div><br />MAIN COURSES:</div> <ul> <li>Hvar Gregada (local dish), marinated vegetable salad</li> <li>French rack of lamb with vegetables</li> <li>Grilled fish and seafood, baked vegetables&nbsp;</li> <li>Veal rump steak with tomato sauce, baked leek</li> <li>T-bone steak with vegetables and sweet potatoes</li> <li>White fish filet with herbs, lentils with vegetables</li> <li>Dalmatian brodetto with white fish, seasonal salad</li> <li>Beef tenderloin, potatoes &amp; leek puree, crispy bacon, and veal jus</li> <li>Baked white fish al forno, summer salad</li> <li>Slow-cooked beef cheeks with cauliflower puree and glazed carrot</li> <li>Lobster with homemade macaroni, prawn salad</li> <li>Stuffed veal with prosciutto, vegetables, and cheese</li> <li>Rib-eye tagliata, roasted potatoes with rosemary, grilled vegetables</li> <li>Sea bass baked in sea salt, Swiss chard, and potatoes</li> </ul> <div><br />DESSERTS:</div> <ul> <li>Apple crumble with vanilla cream and ice cream</li> <li>Creme caramel</li> <li>Fruit Cartoccio with creme anglaise and ice cream</li> <li>Tiramisu</li> <li>Lemon sorbet</li> <li>Chocolate cake with pistachios</li> <li>Cheese board with walnuts, marmalade, and honey</li> <li>Forest fruit sorbet with fruit minestrone and mint</li> <li>Orange creme brulee</li> <li>Lemon tart</li> <li>Apple strudel with vanilla ice cream</li> <li>Strawberry Swiss roll</li> <li>Rose panna cotta with raspberry sauce&nbsp;</li> <li>Chocolate souffle</li> </ul>
  • wpcf_video:
  • wpcf_video3d:
  • wpcf_userweb: http://www.cyabrochure.com/ebn/2395/pdhaX/7726/1
  • wpcf_brochure: http://www.cyabrochure.com/ebn/2395/pdhaX/7726/3
  • wpcf_yachtLogo:
  • wpcf_specifications: a:24:{s:4:"tube";s:3:"Yes";s:6:"guests";s:2:"38";s:8:"maxspeed";s:0:"";s:11:"pref_pickup";N;s:12:"other_pickup";N;s:5:"draft";s:3:"2.5";s:14:"cruising_speed";s:7:"9 knots";s:7:"helipad";s:2:"No";s:2:"ac";s:4:"Full";s:8:"ac_night";s:3:"Yes";s:5:"built";s:4:"2018";s:10:"turnaround";s:0:"";s:6:"cabins";s:2:"18";s:4:"king";s:1:"3";s:5:"queen";s:2:"11";s:6:"double";s:1:"0";s:6:"single";s:1:"0";s:4:"twin";s:1:"3";s:7:"pullman";s:1:"2";s:7:"showers";s:2:"17";s:6:"basins";s:2:"17";s:5:"heads";s:2:"17";s:14:"electric_heads";s:1:"0";s:7:"jacuzzi";s:3:"Yes";}
  • wpcf_more_specs: a:7:{s:4:"flag";s:8:"Croatian";s:8:"homeport";s:5:"Split";s:13:"resort_course";s:0:"";s:12:"yacht_permit";s:1:"1";s:13:"yacht_license";s:1:"1";s:9:"yacht_mca";s:1:"0";s:15:"yacht_insurance";s:0:"";}
  • wpcf_other_entertainment:
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  • wpcf_captain_only:
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  • wpcf_queencabins: 11
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  • wpcf_doublecabins: 0
  • wpcf_twincabins: 3
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  • wpcf_refit:
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  • wpcf_bimini: 0
  • wpcf_voltages:
  • wpcf_homecountry: Greece
  • cruising_speed: 9 knots
  • wpcf_debug: O:8:"stdClass":291:{s:7:"yachtId";s:4:"7726";s:9:"yachtName";s:4:"Riva";s:17:"yachtPreviousName";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtLogo";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtType";s:5:"Power";s:11:"yachtLength";s:4:"48.2";s:13:"yachtPowerCat";s:1:"N";s:8:"sizeFeet";s:9:"158.00 Ft";s:9:"sizeMeter";s:7:"48.00 m";s:9:"yachtBeam";s:3:"8.6";s:10:"yachtDraft";s:3:"2.5";s:10:"yachtUnits";s:6:"Metres";s:8:"yachtPax";s:2:"38";s:11:"yachtCabins";s:2:"18";s:9:"yachtKing";s:1:"3";s:10:"yachtQueen";s:2:"11";s:17:"yachtSingleCabins";s:1:"0";s:17:"yachtDoubleCabins";s:1:"0";s:15:"yachtTwinCabins";s:1:"3";s:18:"yachtPullmanCabins";s:1:"2";s:10:"yachtRefit";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtHelipad";s:2:"No";s:12:"yachtJacuzzi";s:3:"Yes";s:8:"yachtGym";s:3:"Yes";s:16:"yachtStabilizers";s:2:"No";s:14:"yachtElevators";s:2:"No";s:21:"yachtWheelChairAccess";s:2:"No";s:7:"yachtAc";s:4:"Full";s:15:"yachtPrefPickUp";s:5:"Split";s:16:"yachtOtherPickUp";s:9:"Dubrovnik";s:15:"yachtTurnAround";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtYearBuilt";s:4:"2018";s:12:"yachtBuilder";s:6:"Custom";s:14:"yachtBrokerWeb";s:39:"http://www.viewyacht.com/guletdragonfly";s:12:"yachtUserWeb";s:48:"http://www.cyabrochure.com/ebn/2395/pdhaX/7726/1";s:13:"yachtVideoUrl";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtV360Url";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCruiseSpeed";s:7:"9 knots";s:13:"yachtMaxSpeed";s:0:"";s:19:"yachtAccommodations";s:990:"SUN DECK:<br /> - VIP cabin with double bed (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> UPPER DECK<br /> - 2 double cabins with double beds (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> MAIN DECK:<br /> - Double cabin with double bed (180x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 6 Double cabins with double beds (160x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - Twin cabin with 2 single beds (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> <br /> LOWER DECK:<br /> - 3 Double cabins with double beds (160x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 2 Twin cabins with 2 single beds (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> - 2 Triple cabins with double (160x200 cm) and single bed (90x200 cm). Private bathroom with shower box and home-type toilet.<br /> ";s:14:"yachtHighPrice";s:13:"€80,000";s:13:"yachtLowPrice";s:13:"€60,000";s:21:"yachtHighNumericPrice";s:5:"80000";s:20:"yachtLowNumericPrice";s:5:"60000";s:19:"yachtCurrencySymbol";s:7:"€";s:13:"yachtCurrency";s:3:"EUR";s:17:"yachtPriceDetails";s:3341:"Introducing the Riva, a stunning yacht that offers comfort and luxury to all 36 guests. With 18 en suite cabins that are air-conditioned, the Riva provides ample space for everyone to relax and enjoy the journey. The main saloon features a dining area, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals in comfort. Measuring 48 meters in length, the Riva is spacious and comfortable, with a professional crew of 11 to attend to your every need. The large sun deck is the perfect spot to soak up the sun, with sun loungers and a jacuzzi providing the ultimate relaxation. Whether you are looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva is a perfect choice. ******************************************************************* SEASON A (20.04.-18.05.2024): 60,000.00€ SEASON B (18.05.-29.06.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON C (29.06.-31.08.2024): 80,000.00€ SEASON D (31.08.-21.09.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON E (21.09.-26.10.2024): 60,000.00€ ******************************************************************* INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICE: · AGENCY SUPPORT: a complimentary assistant who will guide you through your entire yacht journey · SHIPBOARD ACCOMMODATION: maximum number of 38 guests sleeping in 18 cabins · FUEL FOR CRUISING: 4 hours/day · CREW: 11 members · AIR CONDITIONING: unlimited hours/day · LINEN: bed sheets, bathroom, and beach towels · WI-FI · VAT ******************************************************************* EXTRA PAYMENTS: Food Options · HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch): 400 €/person/week · ADVANCED HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinners): 500 €/person/week · FULL BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and dinner): 650 €/person/week Drink Options · ALL-INCLUSIVE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 100 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic drinks - water, carbonated drinks, juices) · ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMESTIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 200 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic and alcoholic drin~ks - water, carbonated drinks, juices, bottled wine, beer, local spirits, coffee, tea) · ALL-INCLUSIVE ALCOHOLIC PACKAGE: 500 €/person/week (Croatia quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, Croatian Pale Ale beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices. Gin Sapphire Bombay or Tanqueray, Johnnie Walker Red Label or Jameson, Absolut Vodka or Finlandia, Tequila J. Cuervo Silver, Amaretto, Malibu, Prosecco) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, from 3-6 years 50% discount Port and Tourist Taxes · A.P.A. (Advance Provisioning Allowance): is an estimate of 5.000 € paid with the balance for covering running costs during the charter: ports and marina fees (the check-in and check-out ports are also considered here), tourist taxes, motorized water sports, national park entrances, custom fees, and charter licenses if chartered outside of Croatia, drinks which are not included in beverage packages, and anything else that guests might need while on charter during the week. A strict set of accounts is held by the captain throughout the charter and any funds not spent are refunded to the client in full. 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are customized to accommodate distinguished guests' unique preferences, dietary needs, and tastes.</div> <div><br />STARTERS:</div> <ul> <li>Seafood plate featuring oysters, white fish tartare, and monkfish ceviche</li> <li>Homemade pasta with sundried tomatoes and zucchini</li> <li>Gazpacho soup</li> <li>Zucchini carpaccio with goat cheese with truffles</li> <li>Eggplant Parmigiana with mozzarella</li> <li>Prawn ravioli in tomato sauce</li> <li>Mixed mussels alla "buzara"</li> <li>Stuffed zucchini with sundried tomato and pine nuts</li> <li>Tuna tartare</li> <li>Cream of pea and mint soup</li> <li>Octopus salad with chickpeas</li> <li>Roasted rump steak carpaccio</li> <li>Proscuitto, burrata, and melon</li> <li>Fish soup</li> </ul> <div><br />MAIN COURSES:</div> <ul> <li>Hvar Gregada (local dish), marinated vegetable salad</li> <li>French rack of lamb with vegetables</li> <li>Grilled fish and seafood, baked vegetables&nbsp;</li> <li>Veal rump steak with tomato sauce, baked leek</li> <li>T-bone steak with vegetables and sweet potatoes</li> <li>White fish filet with herbs, lentils with vegetables</li> <li>Dalmatian brodetto with white fish, seasonal salad</li> <li>Beef tenderloin, potatoes &amp; leek puree, crispy bacon, and veal jus</li> <li>Baked white fish al forno, summer salad</li> <li>Slow-cooked beef cheeks with cauliflower puree and glazed carrot</li> <li>Lobster with homemade macaroni, prawn salad</li> <li>Stuffed veal with prosciutto, vegetables, and cheese</li> <li>Rib-eye tagliata, roasted potatoes with rosemary, grilled vegetables</li> <li>Sea bass baked in sea salt, Swiss chard, and potatoes</li> </ul> <div><br />DESSERTS:</div> <ul> <li>Apple crumble with vanilla cream and ice cream</li> <li>Creme caramel</li> <li>Fruit Cartoccio with creme anglaise and ice cream</li> <li>Tiramisu</li> <li>Lemon sorbet</li> <li>Chocolate cake with pistachios</li> <li>Cheese board with walnuts, marmalade, and honey</li> <li>Forest fruit sorbet with fruit minestrone and mint</li> <li>Orange creme brulee</li> <li>Lemon tart</li> <li>Apple strudel with vanilla ice cream</li> <li>Strawberry Swiss roll</li> <li>Rose panna cotta with raspberry sauce&nbsp;</li> <li>Chocolate souffle</li> </ul>";s:13:"yachtMenu1Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu2Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu3Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu4Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu5Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu6Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu7Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu8Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtMenu9Pic";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtMenu10Pic";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtCrew";s:2:"11";s:14:"yachtCrewSmoke";s:3:"Inq";s:13:"yachtCrewPets";s:2:"No";s:16:"yachtCrewPetType";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCaptainName";s:14:"Dino Marković";s:18:"yachtCaptainNation";s:8:"Croatian";s:16:"yachtCaptainBorn";s:1:"0";s:15:"yachtCaptainLic";s:0:"";s:18:"yachtCaptainYrSail";s:1:"0";s:19:"yachtCaptainYrChart";s:1:"0";s:16:"yachtCaptainLang";s:25:"English, German, Croatian";s:13:"yachtCrewName";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrewTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrewNation";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrewYrBorn";s:1:"0";s:12:"yachtCrewLic";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrewYrSail";s:1:"0";s:16:"yachtCrewYrChart";s:1:"0";s:13:"yachtCrewLang";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCrewProfile";s:2227:"CAPTAIN - DINO MARKOVIĆ<br /> <br /> Holding a Master’s license with over 12 years of experience in yachting, a highly experienced captain, Dino Marković is a reliable professional dedicated to providing an amazing charter experience. He possesses extensive knowledge of nautical operations, safety protocols, and procedures and handling navigation systems following local, state, and environmental regulations. He is committed to providing the best client service, delivering the best possible routes, and monitoring weather forecasts and conditions.<br /> <br /> Personal interests:<br /> His personal interests include fitness, skiing, fishing, and traveling.<br /> <br /> Languages:<br /> English, Croatian<br /> <br /> Testimonial:<br /> We absolutely enjoyed our recent experience onboard Riva. The yacht was everything that we could have imagined and provided the perfect amount of luxury. Our trip was at the beginning of October, which is the perfect time to visit Croatia after the crowds have disappeared. We had great weather, low crowds, and an amazing experience. D. S., USA<br /> <br /> <br /> CHEF - IVAN ROGULJ<br /> <br /> As a culinary maestro with more than 20 years of experience, chef Ivan Rogulj is passionate about creating and designing impressive dishes, combining flavors and textures with local ingredients. Off-season, he works in the top restaurants in Split, so he is kept up-to-date on the latest culinary trends and the best seasonal fare. He also designs a wide variety of menu selections, such as gluten-free or vegan menu options.<br /> <br /> Personal interests:<br /> During his leisure hours, the chef enjoys singing and all sorts of water sports.<br /> <br /> Languages:<br /> English, Croatian<br /> <br /> <br /> CHIEF STEWARD - ANTE VUKOVIĆ<br /> <br /> Armed with a Bachelor's degree in International Business from RIT Croatia, this individual is fluent in both English and German. Renowned for his strong<br /> work ethic, he maintains excellent communication with guests and readily assists them with any needs throughout their cruise experience.<br /> <br /> Languages Spoken:<br /> English, German, Croatian<br /> <br /> <br /> ";s:14:"yachtCrewPhoto";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew1Pic";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew1.jpg";s:13:"yachtCrew2Pic";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew2.jpg";s:13:"yachtCrew3Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew4Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew5Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew6Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew7Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew8Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew9Pic";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew10Pic";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew1Name";s:14:"Dino Marković";s:14:"yachtCrew2Name";s:11:"Ivan Rogulj";s:14:"yachtCrew3Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew4Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew5Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew6Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew7Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew8Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew9Name";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew10Name";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew1Title";s:7:"Captain";s:15:"yachtCrew2Title";s:4:"Chef";s:15:"yachtCrew3Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew4Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew5Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew6Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew7Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew8Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew9Title";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCrew10Title";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtFlag";s:8:"Croatian";s:13:"yachtHomePort";s:5:"Split";s:14:"yachtWBasePort";s:5:"Split";s:8:"yachtRig";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtGrossTons";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtAcNight";s:3:"Yes";s:16:"yachtAcSurCharge";s:2:"No";s:9:"yachtTubs";s:1:"0";s:20:"yachtLocationDetails";s:0:"";s:10:"yachtTerms";s:4:"MYBA";s:13:"yachtCaptOnly";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtSpecialCon";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtContracts";s:0:"";s:21:"yachtConsumptionUnits";s:10:"US Gall/Hr";s:10:"yachtRange";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtPermit";s:1:"1";s:12:"yachtLicense";s:1:"1";s:8:"yachtMca";s:1:"0";s:16:"yachtDeepSeaFish";s:2:"No";s:10:"yachtSatTv";s:1:"0";s:9:"yachtIpod";s:0:"";s:10:"yachtVideo";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtSailInstruct";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtInternet";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCaptainOnly";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtBrokerNotes";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtInsCompany";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtPolicy";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtLiability";s:0:"";s:18:"yachtEffectiveDate";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtContractName";s:0:"";s:20:"yachtContractAddress";s:0:"";s:18:"yachtCoverageAreas";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtInsFlag";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtInsHomeport";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtRegNum";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone1";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone2";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone3";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtConFax";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtWaveConEmail";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtConOther";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtManager";s:14:"Goolets d.o.o.";s:16:"yachtManagerName";s:10:"Simon Finc";s:17:"yachtManagerPhone";s:13:"0038641326834";s:16:"yachtManagerToll";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtManagerEmail";s:16:" [email protected] ";}
  • location_details:
  • helipad: No
  • sailing_instructor:
  • lengthm: 48.00 m
  • consumption:
  • consumption_units: US Gall/Hr
  • yachtRange:
  • price_details: Introducing the Riva, a stunning yacht that offers comfort and luxury to all 36 guests. With 18 en suite cabins that are air-conditioned, the Riva provides ample space for everyone to relax and enjoy the journey. The main saloon features a dining area, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals in comfort. Measuring 48 meters in length, the Riva is spacious and comfortable, with a professional crew of 11 to attend to your every need. The large sun deck is the perfect spot to soak up the sun, with sun loungers and a jacuzzi providing the ultimate relaxation. Whether you are looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, the Riva is a perfect choice. ******************************************************************* SEASON A (20.04.-18.05.2024): 60,000.00€ SEASON B (18.05.-29.06.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON C (29.06.-31.08.2024): 80,000.00€ SEASON D (31.08.-21.09.2024): 70,000.00€ SEASON E (21.09.-26.10.2024): 60,000.00€ ******************************************************************* INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICE: · AGENCY SUPPORT: a complimentary assistant who will guide you through your entire yacht journey · SHIPBOARD ACCOMMODATION: maximum number of 38 guests sleeping in 18 cabins · FUEL FOR CRUISING: 4 hours/day · CREW: 11 members · AIR CONDITIONING: unlimited hours/day · LINEN: bed sheets, bathroom, and beach towels · WI-FI · VAT ******************************************************************* EXTRA PAYMENTS: Food Options · HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch): 400 €/person/week · ADVANCED HALF BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinners): 500 €/person/week · FULL BOARD (breakfast, lunch, and dinner): 650 €/person/week Drink Options · ALL-INCLUSIVE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 100 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic drinks - water, carbonated drinks, juices) · ALL-INCLUSIVE DOMESTIC DRINKS PACKAGE: 200 €/person/week (domestic non-alcoholic and alcoholic drin~ks - water, carbonated drinks, juices, bottled wine, beer, local spirits, coffee, tea) · ALL-INCLUSIVE ALCOHOLIC PACKAGE: 500 €/person/week (Croatia quality wines Rose, Red, White, Croatian Lager beer, Croatian Pale Ale beer, water, carbonated drinks, juices. Gin Sapphire Bombay or Tanqueray, Johnnie Walker Red Label or Jameson, Absolut Vodka or Finlandia, Tequila J. Cuervo Silver, Amaretto, Malibu, Prosecco) CHILDREN DISCOUNTS: up to 3 years free of charge, from 3-6 years 50% discount Port and Tourist Taxes · A.P.A. (Advance Provisioning Allowance): is an estimate of 5.000 € paid with the balance for covering running costs during the charter: ports and marina fees (the check-in and check-out ports are also considered here), tourist taxes, motorized water sports, national park entrances, custom fees, and charter licenses if chartered outside of Croatia, drinks which are not included in beverage packages, and anything else that guests might need while on charter during the week. A strict set of accounts is held by the captain throughout the charter and any funds not spent are refunded to the client in full. If A.P.A. does not cover complete costs, the customer will pay the exceeding amount on board in cash.
  • terms: Plus Expenses
  • yachtTermsTypeNum: 2
  • caemail: [email protected]
  • ca: Goolets d.o.o.
  • fullrates: http://www.cyabrochure.com/ebn/2395/pdhaX/7726/4
  • special_conditions:
  • green: a:3:{s:16:"green_initiative";s:0:"";s:16:"reusable_bottles";s:0:"";s:19:"other_green_efforts";s:0:"";}
  • diving: a:15:{s:5:"tanks";s:1:"0";s:9:"wet_suits";s:1:"0";s:15:"number_of_dives";s:0:"";s:11:"night_dives";s:1:"0";s:9:"dive_info";s:0:"";s:13:"communication";s:0:"";s:11:"full_course";s:0:"";s:14:"air_compressor";s:11:"Not Onboard";s:3:"bcs";s:1:"0";s:11:"weight_sets";s:1:"0";s:16:"number_of_divers";s:1:"0";s:20:"registrations_number";s:1:"0";s:11:"dive_lights";s:1:"0";s:10:"dive_costs";s:0:"";s:14:"scuba_on_board";s:35:"Yacht offers Rendezvous Diving only";}
  • fishing: a:4:{s:12:"fishing_gear";s:2:"No";s:17:"fishing_gear_type";s:0:"";s:4:"rods";s:0:"";s:16:"deep_sea_fishing";s:2:"No";}
  • flag: Croatian
  • captain_nation: Croatian
  • crew_nationality:
  • scubaonboard: Yacht offers Rendezvous Diving only
  • mo_sync_modified: 1725809652
  • parsed_layout: <div class="col-md-12 whitediv mo19"> <div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fa-duotone fa-object-group mofa"></i></div> <h2 id='mo_layout'>Layout</h2> <a href="https://i0.wp.com/www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtimg/yacht7726/7726brochure88.jpg?ssl=1" data-lightbox="yacht_gallery" data-title="Layout of Riva"> <img height="432" width="736" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive autoheight w-100" alt="Layout of Riva" src="https://i0.wp.com/www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtimg/yacht7726/7726brochure88.jpg?ssl=1"/> </a> </div>
  • parsed_crew: <div class=""> <div class='col-md-12 whitediv'> <div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fa-duotone fa-id-card mofa"></i></div> <h2 id='mo_crew'>Crew</h2> <div class=""> <h3>Crew Information</h3> <p class=""> </p> </div> <div class="cya_crew "> <div class="col-md-12"></div> <div class="col-md-12"><p> </p></div> </div> </div> </div>
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  • mo_rating: a:3:{s:4:"time";i:1676406457;s:5:"count";i:217;s:6:"rating";d:4.8;}
  • cya_content: a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1676406457;s:3:"cya";s:988:"<div class="bottom-15"><div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fad fa-align-left mofa"></i></div><h2 id="yacht_description"> Riva Yacht Description</h2></div><p>Presented by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht Riva is a 158 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The most attractive features of Riva are her most appealing features and culinary experience. Riva spends the summer season in Croatia. She was constructed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018. The ingenious yacht layout features 18 large cabins and comfortably accommodates up to 36 guests. </p><p>Riva is classified as a superyacht. The key part of the yacht, expansive aft deck, continues to the attractive and sleek main salon. The main saloon is a gathering space to spend time when the aft deck might not be as desirable (at port, private conversations) and boasts a number of entertainment options. </br></br>18 elegant cabins are laid out to allow for comfortable access and private setting. </br></p><p></p>";}
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  • plan_title:
  • plan_description:
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  • plan_image:
  • plan_rooms:
  • plan_price:
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  • current_adv_filter_area:
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  • mo_sheet_videos_last_update: 1725264960
  • crewimg: a:2:{i:1;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew1.jpg";s:4:"desc";s:7:"Captain";}i:2;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:76:"https://www.centralyachtagent.com/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726crew2.jpg";s:4:"desc";s:4:"Chef";}}
  • gpt_thread_id: thread_o2AXspYLH3us5JcZqKJnNxD9
  • gpt_description: <h3>Elevator Summary</h3> <p>Introducing the <b>Riva</b>, an exquisite motor yacht that sets a high standard in luxury charters. Measuring at <b>158'</b> with a broad beam of <b>28'</b>, her custom design maximizes space and comfort. The vessel features <b>18</b> thoughtfully designed cabins accommodating up to <b>38 guests</b>, ensuring a personalized, intimate experience on the alluring Croatian waters. Fully equipped with modern amenities and expansive outdoor decks, this yacht promises a sublime sailing experience, mastered by a proficient crew of <b>12</b> who are dedicated to your needs. Whether for corporate retreats or a fulfilling family getaway, the Riva is unmatched in her offerings.</p> <h3>Accommodation</h3> <p>Riva offers lavish accommodation in <b>18 en suite cabins</b>, each air-conditioned for your comfort. The cabins are distributed across the decks as follows:</p> <ul> <li><b>SUN DECK:</b> One VIP cabin with a double bed (180x200 cm).</li> <li><b>UPPER DECK:</b> Two double cabins with double beds (180x200 cm).</li> <li><b>MAIN DECK:</b> One double cabin (180x200 cm) and six double cabins (160x200 cm), plus one twin cabin with two single beds (90x200 cm).</li> <li><b>LOWER DECK:</b> Three double cabins (160x200 cm), two twin cabins (90x200 cm), and two triple cabins (one double bed 160x200 cm and one single bed 90x200 cm).</li> </ul> <p>Each cabin comes with a private bathroom equipped with shower facilities and home-type toilets, embodying a homely yet luxurious ambiance.</p> <h3>Toys</h3> <p>The Riva is stocked with a variety of water toys to enhance your adventure at sea:</p> <ul> <li>1 <b>jet ski</b> for exhilarating rides across the waves,</li> <li>2 <b>single kayaks</b> for serene paddles,</li> <li>2 <b>paddleboards</b> enhancing balance and strength workouts,</li> <li><b>water skis</b> tailored for fun and excitement,</li> <li><b>snorkeling gear</b> to explore the underwater scenery, and</li> <li>a <b>Highfield patrol 540 dinghy</b> with 50 HP for exploring nearby coves.</li> </ul> <h3>Amenities</h3> <p>Riva’s upper deck is adorned with various amenities that promise relaxation and entertainment:</p> <ul> <li><b>Jacuzzi</b> for ultimate relaxation under the sun or stars,</li> <li><b>Full AC</b> throughout the yacht to ensure comfort regardless of the external temperatures,</li> <li><b>Salon TV and stereo</b> systems for entertainment and leisure,</li> <li><b>Ice maker and BBQ</b> setup for refreshing cocktails and delightful grills,</li> <li><b>Board games</b> for engaging interactions among guests.</li> </ul> <h3>Crew</h3> <p>Lead by Captain <b>Dino Marković</b>, a seasoned navigator with over 12 years of yachting experience, Riva's crew of <b>12</b> is committed to delivering an impeccable service experience. Their expertise includes deep knowledge of local waters, finely-tuned hospitality skills—thanks to Chief Stewardess Angelika Nizetić Bezmalinović—and gourmet offerings prepared by Chef Ivan Rogulj, renowned for his culinary prowess utilizing local fresh ingredients.</p> <hr> <p>Our clients enjoy the expansive offering of Riva, where luxurious moments meet the calming waves of Croatia. Prepare to embark on a journey where each detail is curated with utmost precision and care.</p>
  • ys_reviews:
  • reviews_sync_date: 1724789352
  • singlebox: <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 listing_wrapper property_unit_0_child mo_slideritem" data-listid="23280" data-price="60000"> <div class="property_listing"> <div class="mo_badges"> <div class="reviews_small"> Jetski </div> <div class="reviews_small"> Jacuzzi </div> </div> <div class="lds-circle"><div></div></div> <div class="single_yacht_slider yachts uninitialized swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide mainimg block"> <img width="800" height="535" loading="lazy" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/wp-content/uploads/yacht/c/riva/riva-main-image-uprayc-1676406492_resize-800,535.jpg" class="block w-100"/> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure2_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure3_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure4_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure5_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure6_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure7_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure8_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure9_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure10_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure11_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure12_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure13_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure14_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure15_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure16_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure17_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure18_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht7726/7726brochure19_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-pagination"></div> <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div> <div class="swiper-button-next"></div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="row nopadding"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h3 class="single_yacht_title mt-2 overflow-hidden">Riva</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-12 nopadding"> <div class="col-md-12 single_yacht_price mo_green"> From €60,000/week </div> <div class="row nopadding fourths"> <!-- <div class="col-md-4"> </div>--> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 overflow-hidden descline"> 10+ cabins </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 overflow-hidden descline"> 158 ft </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 overflow-hidden descline"> Custom </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 overflow-hidden descline"> 38 guests </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 overflow-hidden descline"> Built: 2018 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="text-center conversion_buttons mt-3 mb-0 "> <a href="https://mycroatiancharter.com/yacht/crewed-yacht/riva-158-ft-custom/" target="_blank" class="btn btn-blue mb-3 mo_moinfo ">View</a> <button class="btn trigger_yachtmodal mb-3 btn-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#yacht_modal" data-toggle = "modal" data-img = "https://i0.wp.com/mycroatiancharter.com/wp-content/uploads/yacht/c/riva/riva-main-image-uprayc-1676406492.jpg?ssl=1" data-title = "Riva" data-link = "https://mycroatiancharter.com/yacht/crewed-yacht/riva-158-ft-custom/" data-price = "60000">Inquire</button></p> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Most expenses are deducted from an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA), a fund that is added on top of the charter price. The expenses, such as provisioning, fuel, marina fees, are deducted from the APA. The APA is based on the price of the yacht and ranges from 15% (crewed sailing yachts) to 30% (motor yachts with higher fuel consumption). You can actively control these expenses in your preference sheet (local vs. imported beverages) and by choice of itinerary (distances traveled). The remainder of the APA is returned after charter.">Price Terms: Plus Expenses

Price from €60,000/week

High season €80,000/week

Base Price: €60,000
Advance Provisioning Allowance 35% €21,000
VAT 13%% €7,800
Total: €88,800

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Riva-Boote: Ausstellung fängt italienisches Lebensgefühl ein

Duisburg. Die Ausstellung des Fotografen Olaf Tamm im Binnenschifffahrtsmuseum fängt italienisches Lebensgefühl ein. Sie zeigt die legendären Riva-Boote.

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a vision come true

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Riva 50METRI turns Carlo Riva’s dream into reality. Driven by an inspired ambition to break new ground, he created the great steel motor yachts in the celebrated Caravelle and Atlantic series during the ’60s and ’70s. His concept of experiencing the sea and the open-air life to the full achieves its finest expression yet in the new flagship. All the design decisions blend functionality and aesthetics to perfection, for optimum liveability in every outdoor space and an interrupted panorama towards the coast or horizon. Riva 50METRI reflects and even enhances the brand’s aesthetic prestige and hallmark style, giving her owner a cruising experience with supreme standards of comfort and in total peace of mind. Infinitely Riva.

Riva 50Metri - 1

MTU 8v 4000 M63

Laden displacement

450000 [kg]


Cruise speed

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Ferretti S.p.A.

Tax code and VAT no. 04485970968 Registered Office Via Irma Bandiera, 62 – 47841 Cattolica (RN) Italy REA no. RN 296608 - Companies Register no. 04485970968 Share capital € 338.482.654,00 fully paid-up PEC: [email protected]

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  1. Riva Boote und Yachten

    riva yacht werft

  2. Meilenstein: Italienische Werft Riva verkauft allererste 54 Metri

    riva yacht werft

  3. Luxus Boot Gebäude. Luxus Motoryachten, die auf dem Fließband an der

    riva yacht werft

  4. Верфь RIVA YACHTS, Италия

    riva yacht werft

  5. Riva 54 Metri first look: Riva announces sale of largest ever superyacht

    riva yacht werft

  6. First 50m Riva superyacht Race premieres in Venice

    riva yacht werft


  1. A new Journey with my Riva

    A new Journey with my Riva - Riva Yacht ... Riva Yacht

  2. Riva Boote und Yachten

    Riva Boote und Yachten | Legendary Luxury Yachts

  3. Riva (Boote)

    Riva (Boote) Riva ist ein italienischer Motorboothersteller. Rivaboote gelten als hochwertig und waren ab den 1950er Jahren ein Symbol für gehobenen Luxus und ausschweifende Lebensfreude. Die Runabouts werden deshalb auch als der Rolls-Royce des Meeres bezeichnet. Die Werft wurde 1842 von Pietro Riva in Sarnico am Lago d'Iseo gegründet [1 ...

  4. Hier geht's zur Modell-Übersicht von neuen Riva Yachten

    Jede Riva Yacht hat ihren ganz eigenen Reiz, den der Modellname unterstreicht. Zu dem Erfolgsrezept der Werft gehört es, dass sie sich nie auf dem Erreichten ausruhte, sondern stets nach Höherem strebte. Anstelle es bei der Fertigung von Runabouts zu belassen, baut Riva heute auch große Open, Coupé und Flybridge Modelle.

  5. Riva: die Legende des modernen Yachting

    Die berühmteste Werft der Welt, die Legende des zeitgenössischen Yachting und die anerkannte Ikone der italienischen Yachtbaukunst: Die Geschichte von Riva steht für das einzigartige, unnachahmliche Savoir-faire, das seit 1842 Geschichte schreibt. Riva ist die älteste und ikonischste Werft der Welt, die für ihre Tradition und Innovation ...

  6. Riva: the legend of contemporary yachting

    The world's most famous shipyard, the legend of contemporary yachting and the recognised icon of fine Italian yachting artistry: the Riva story is all about the unique, inimitable savoir-faire, making history since 1842. Riva is the oldest and most iconic shipyard in the world, incredibly well known for its tradition and innovation and a key ...

  7. Werft-Porträt: 180 Jahre nautisches Erbe

    Heute werden in der historischen Riva-Werft in Sarnico Boote mit Längen von 27 bis 68 Fuß gebaut wie die Iseo, die Aquariva Super und die Rivarama Super. Die Rümpfe und Decks werden Seite an Seite gefertigt, wobei den Details und Materialien große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wird. Exklusiv für Riva hergestellte Farben und Hölzer wie Mahagoni ...

  8. Riva boats for sale

    Riva boats for sale

  9. Eine neue Reise mit meiner Riva

    Riva Yacht: Eine neue Reise mit meiner Riva


    Riva Yachts, yachts for sale. CHARLIE Length 29m (ft) Shipyard Riva Built 2020 Guests 8 in 4 cabins Price &dollar;7,400,000 Add to Compare. yachting news. superyacht events. 02 August 2024. ODYSSEY III IS SOLD! 02 August 2024. FAR FAR AWAY IS SOLD! events. 28th - 31st August 2024. Salon Privé 2024 ...

  11. 82' Diva

    Yachts In a variety of different lengths and models with a shared spirit of performance, safety and exclusive style, the Riva range expresses the soul of this legendary brand to sublime effect. The boats are available in open, sportfly and flybridge styles from 8 to 50 metres in length.

  12. Vintage Riva Boats Collection

    By adding an experience on the lake aboard Riva Aquarama to the Riva Collection tour. We have up to 3 Riva Aquarama boats for hire, thus guests can experience an unforgettable day on board one of the most luxurious and well-known boats in the world. ... Bellini Nautica is a leader in the sale of new Cranchi yachts and used Riva motorboats ...

  13. 1990 Riva 38 Bravo Special Motor Yachts for sale

    Die Werft Riva ist eine renommierte italienische Werft, die für ihre exquisiten und handgefertigten Motorboote und Yachten weltweit bekannt ist. ... Riva-Boote gelten als Symbole des Luxus und des italienischen Designs und haben eine treue Fangemeinde von Bootsliebhabern auf der ganzen Welt. Die Riva Bravo 38 Special gehört nach wie vor zu ...

  14. Riva

    Riva Yacht Description. Presented by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht Riva is a 158 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The most attractive features of Riva are her most appealing features and culinary experience. Riva spends the summer season in Croatia. She was constructed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018.

  15. Riva Yachts: Models, Price Lists & Sales

    Riva Yachts: Models, Price Lists & Sales - itBoat

  16. A new Journey with my Riva

    Yachts In a variety of different lengths and models with a shared spirit of performance, safety and exclusive style, the Riva range expresses the soul of this legendary brand to sublime effect. The boats are available in open, sportfly and flybridge styles from 8 to 54 metres in length.

  17. Riva-Boote: Ausstellung fängt italienisches Lebensgefühl ein

    Der Bau der beliebten Riva-Motorjachten ist 1974 eingestellt worden, so Andreas Bremer, der Vorsitzende des Riva-Clubs Deutschland mit 164 Clubmitgliedern. Insgesamt seien rund 4000 Boote auf der 1842 gegründeten Werft im italienischen Sarnico am Lago d'Isea gebaut worden. Ursprünglich wurden auf der Werft Fischerboote repariert.

  18. Personal Driver Novosibirsk

    Enjoy your trip with Russian speaking Guide and Professional Driver! My name is Lapin Vitaly. I'm a guide and professional driver offering personal services here in Novosibirsk for different types of travelers.

  19. Novosibirsk Reservoir

    Novosibirsk Reservoir or Novosibirskoye Reservoir (Russian: Новосиби́рское водохрани́лище), informally called the Ob Sea (Обско́е мо́ре), is the largest artificial lake in Novosibirsk Oblast and Altai Krai, Russian Federation.It was created by a 33 m high concrete dam on the Ob River built in Novosibirsk. [1] The dam, built in 1956, provides a water ...

  20. Riva 130' Bellissima: the "Riva fleet flagship" 2023

    The second unit built of Riva's flagship model was launched on behalf of a European owner last Friday in La Spezia, in the shipyard dedicated to the production of Riva yachts from 70 to 130 feet. After recently undergoing major expansion and architectural restyling work, the La Spezia yard now extends over a total surface area of more than ...

  21. State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR

    State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology ...

  22. THE BEST Novosibirsk Gear Rentals (Updated 2024)

    Top Novosibirsk Gear Rentals: See reviews and photos of Gear Rentals in Novosibirsk, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  23. 50Metri

    50Metri. Riva 50METRI turns Carlo Riva's dream into reality. Driven by an inspired ambition to break new ground, he created the great steel motor yachts in the celebrated Caravelle and Atlantic series during the '60s and '70s. His concept of experiencing the sea and the open-air life to the full achieves its finest expression yet in the ...