Pointe Claire Yacht Club - Montr�al Kids Camp

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École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht Club Sailing School

YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school [email protected] 514-695-2441

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Marins âgés de 8 à 13 ans./Sailors Aged 8 to 13 yrs.

Quand: lundi-vendredi, 9h00 - 16h00 (dîner pas inclus)

Time: Monday-Friday, 9h00 - 16h00 (lunch not included).

*Les remboursements ne seront accordés que si l'avis d'annulation est reçu au moins 14 jours avant le début de la session, sous réserve des frais d'administration de 10% du coût de la programme.

Si un enfant est inscrit dans une programme de voile ou il n’est pas éligible, il y aura une frais d’administration de 10% sur le remboursement .

*Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost.

If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee..

Niveau: débutants et intermédiaires

Level: beginner to intermediate:

l'horaire: lundi-vendredi 09h00-16h00 (repas pas inclus)

Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm, (lunch not included)

*Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost.

If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee.

Niveau Intermédiare. Les bateaux sont inclue avec le programme.

Intermediate level. Boats are provided.

We highly recommend doing 4 weeks of this Learn to Race Program

Programmation Opti Flotte Verte 1/ Green Fleet Session 1l'horaire: lundi-vendredi 09h00-16h00 (repas pas inclus)Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm, (lunch not included)*

Les remboursements ne seront accordés que si l'avis d'annulation est reçu au moins 14 jours avant le début de la session, sous réserve des frais d'administration de 10% du coût de la programme. Si un enfant est inscrit dans une programme de voile ou il n’est pas éligible, il y aura une frais d’administration de 10% sur le remboursement .*Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost. If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee.

Ceci est une programmation " amenez votre propre bateau " avec un entraîneur certifié de Voile Canada. Chaque journée commencera par une séance de remise en forme. Cette programmation est pour les marins plus expérimentés qui aimeraient participer dans les régates locaux, s'il y a lieu.

This is a " bring-your-own-boat " program with a certified Sail Canada coach. Each day will begin with fitness. These courses are for more experienced sailors who would like to participate in local regattas, if they take place this summer.

Programme de base / Core program

lundi à vendredi, 09h00-16h00 (repas pas inclus)

OPTI RACE Fall Program - Includes coaching for C-Cool (CVDM). 26th, 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th and C-cool at CDVM- 8-9 of SEPT and Fall Cork

Saturday from 10am to 2pm

Program may be cancelled if program does not have 4 boats.

If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee. add text here

Pour plus de renseignements envoyez une courriel à [email protected]

This is a " bring-your-own-boat " program with a certified Sail Canada coach. Each day will begin with fitness. These courses are for more experienced sailors who would like to participate in regattas, if they take place this summer.

For more information please email [email protected]

5 Pack Bundle of sessions for LASER COACHING.

S'il y a moins de 5 participants, le cours peut être annulé.

A minimum of 5 participants are required to run this program.

Fall Program with Mark Andrew Robin

26 Sessions including regattas: Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

Tuesdays: 3PM- 7PM

Saturday: 9AM- 2PM

An assistant coach will be provided if more than 10 Athletes register.


Programme d'automne avec Mark Andrew Robin

26 sessions incluant des régates : Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

Mardis : 15h-19h

Samedi : 9h-14h

Un entraîneur adjoint sera fourni si plus de 10 athlètes s'inscrivent.

17 Sessions including regattas: Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

An assitant coach will be provided if more than 10 Athletes register.

Niveau: intermédiaires et avancés

Level: intermediate to expert

Les bateaux sont produits par le Club

Possibilité d'apporté votre bateau

C420 boats are provided by the club.

Possibility of bringing your own boat.

Équipe de compétition C420. Program de une semaine (FRUITBOWL)

*il est attendu des participants qu'ils portent les vêtements appropriés pour la sécurité et la chaleur du corps dans l'eau froide.

*all sailors are expected to have the appropriate sailing clothes for warmth and safety.

*Ce programme a une nature compétifs, donc, les entraineurs peuvent poussez les athletes de façons plus "passionné".

*This program is a racing program, athletes will be pushed and highly encouraged to take part in physical training to improve their performance.*

Race Team, Member Price, Demo days for WASZP with Hunter Hoy and Nick Boucher

10 training sessions with Hunter Hoy. Sessions will last about 3hr.

Must be a Can Sail 4 certified athlete and be at least 14 years old and must be a member of PCYC

20 training sessions with Hunter Hoy

You will be allowed to store your Waszp at PCYC

1 Private Training Session with Hunter Hoy

Waszp are not provided.

Processing your order...

email: [email protected]

phone: 514-695-2441

Please enter your information (the person who is paying) below. This information will appear on your receipt.

Make sure you agree with YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school's terms of service before submitting your order:

Je m'inscris par la présente à l'École de voile du Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire et dégage le Club, ses dirigeants, administrateurs, employés et membres de toute responsabilité découlant directement ou indirectement des activités de l'« École de voile » et par les présentes s'engagent à indemniser ce qui précède à l'égard de toute réclamation ou réclamations qui pourraient être faites contre eux découlant de ces activités. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit de facturer aux participants des dommages résultant d'une négligence ou d'une négligence jusqu'à un maximum de 500,00 $ par membre d'équipage par incident. A la fin de chaque journée, chaque étudiant aura la responsabilité de dégréer son bateau avant de quitter les locaux du Club. PCYC se réserve le droit d'expulser un étudiant qui refuserait de suivre cette règle spécifique. Il n'y aura aucun remboursement. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit d'expulser les élèves qui ne respectent pas les règles de conduite du Club, ou qui présentent un comportement inapproprié, y compris le harcèlement, l'imprudence ou la négligence. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit de refuser les candidatures dont l'implication perturberait le programme et interférerait avec l'enseignement des autres étudiants inscrits. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit d'annuler ou de reporter les cours s'il n'y a pas suffisamment de candidats. J'autorise l'utilisation de photographies et d'informations relatives à ma participation au programme de voile du Club de yacht de Pointe- Claire par le Club de yacht de Pointe-Claire. Les remboursements ne seront accordés que si l'avis d'annulation est reçu au moins 14 jours avant le début de la session, sous réserve des frais d'administration de 10% du coût de la programme. Il n'y a aucun remboursement une fois la session commencée. Il n'y a pas de remboursement partiel si votre enfant abandonne ou est absent pour une partie de la session. Si un enfant est inscrit dans une programme de voile ou il n’est pas éligible, il y aura une frais d’administration de 10% sur le remboursement . I hereby enrol myself in the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club's "Sailing School" and do hereby hold harmless the Club, its officers, directors, employees and members from any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the activities of the "Sailing School" and hereby undertake to indemnify the foregoing in respect to any claim or claims which may be made against them arising out of such activities. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to charge participants for damage resulting from negligence or carelessness up to a maximum of $500.00 per boat crew member per incident. At the end of each day, every student will have the responsibility to de-rig his/her boat before leaving the Club’s premises. PCYC reserves the right to expel a student who would refuse to follow this specific rule. There will be no refund. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to expel students who do not adhere to Club rules of conduct, or who exhibit inappropriate behavior, including harassment, carelessness or negligence. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to refuse applicants whose involvement would cause a disruption to the program and interfere with the instruction of other students enrolled. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to cancel or reschedule courses if there are insufficient applicants. I give permission for photographs and information in relation to my participation in the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club’s Sailing Program to be used by Pointe-Claire Yacht Club. I hereby agree to the PCYC refund policy: Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost. There are no refunds once a session is underway. There are no partial refunds if your child drops out or is absent for part of a session. If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee.

First Name mandatory

Last Name mandatory

Email mandatory

Member Number mandatory

You will need to pay $0.00 cash to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

You will need to deliver a cheque for $0.00 to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

You will need to send an e-transfer for $0.00 to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

Your YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school membership account will be charged $0.00 .

Nothing Receibable By submitting these details, you are authorising YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school to charge your card at if/when space becomes available in any of your waitlisted products. Refer to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school 's terms above for details

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Adult Sailing

2023 adult learn to sail and adult learn to race pricing, adult sailing learn to sail description.

Sailors are taught aboard Grosse Pointe Yacht Club’s newly restored J-22’s and instructors are U.S. Sailing Certified. Whether you are new to sailing or want to improve your sailing, navigation or racing techniques we can tailor a program to your needs.

James Cooper is the Adult Sailing Program Director and has designed the courses for those 18 years and older with all different sailing abilities in mind.

Skills taught in Learn to Sail include rigging, boat handling, steering with a tiller, main and jib sail trim, entering and leaving the harbor, points of sail, wind, knot tying and sailing safety.

Adult Sailing Learn to Race Description

Adult Learn to Race Sailing Class If you know how to sail but want to get into sailboat racing, this is the perfect chance. Lake St Clair is busy every night of the week with fun active sailboat racing. Why not be a part of the camaraderie and teamwork. The ALTR class is the next step beyond the ALTS. We focus on the principles of racing: sail trimming, crew work, race course management and racing rules. This hands-on course will make you a desired crew member on most sailboats. Our Learn to Race class is taught on J22 sailboats and includes weekly races and a team race on the highly competitive J111.  Upon completion of the course (6 group race lessons for $500). Assistance is available for boat placement on Lake St Clair sailboats. Course includes weekly evening races and post-race byob debriefings. James Cooper: instructor Registrar online today! Questions Contact:

For more information contact James Cooper at [email protected]

  • Group lessons available May, June, July, August, and September
  • Six session programs available, instructor flexible to day and time of the week
  • Lessons are 2 to 2.5 hours each
  • Held in GPYC's Marine Activity Center and on the water

Celebrate the good life with friends, reunions, respectful scattering of loved ones ashes, college outs, birthdays, sporting events, family gatherings, corporate building experience and more. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club will do it all!

  • Freedom Day Sail Tour Detroit River Experience, 2.5 hrs
  • Freedom Day Sail Tour Lake St. Claire Experience, 2.5 hrs
  • Freedom Sailboat Racing on Lake St. Claire Experience, 2.5 hrs

Participants will sail with coach Cooper weekly. Lessons take place at GPYC  in the Marine Activity Center (MAC).

In addition to the Learn to Sail class, GPYC also offers these courses:

  • Cruising Lake St Clair (Understand the lake, using GPS and VHF radio, setup destinations)
  • Learn to Race (Sailing the J/22 fast and trimming the sails for speed, understanding the race course)

GPYC Member Sailors who complete any of these courses successfully are entitled to take out a J/22 with your friends. The J/22s have power for docking.

  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Slovenščina
  • Science & Tech
  • Russian Kitchen

Cherepovets: From impoverished monastery settlement to industrial behemoth

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Photographs by William Brumfield

Russia’s industrial might has long depended on a number of mid-size cities that have formed the backbone of its iron and steel production. The most famous of these is Magnitogorsk, located in the Chelyabinsk Region in the southern Urals, but equally important is Cherepovets (population around 318,000), situated at the confluence of the Sheksna and Yagorba Rivers in the western part of the Vologda Region. Although Cherepovets has a diversified industrial base, it is best known as the home of Severstal, one of Russia’s largest industrial enterprises.

Archeological excavations in the Sheksna-Yagorba area have uncovered objects dating as early as the Mesolithic period (several thousand years ago). By the 10th century, the local Finno-Ugric population was involved in distant trade, and Slavs began to settle the area, which fell within the orbit of Novgorod the Great.

In contemporary Russian, “cherep” means “skull,” yet there is no clearly accepted derivation for the town’s name. The earliest mention occurs in reference to a Monastery of the Resurrection in “Cherepoves,” a broad term for the area along the Sheksna.

The Resurrection Monastery was founded apparently around 1362 by Feodosy and Afanasy (d. 1392), monks from the Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery, the primary center of Muscovite monasticism. There is little reliable information about the monastery during the medieval period. Built of logs, it was burned in 1610 as part of the widespread devastation of the Russian North by Polish-Lithuanian forces during the Time of Troubles, a dynastic interregnum and period of catastrophic social disorder that lasted from 1605 through the following decade.

The impoverished Resurrection Monastery struggled throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. Its many troubles are exemplified by the destruction of the main Church of the Resurrection by a lightning strike in 1713. The monastery’s first masonry structure was a rebuilding of the Resurrection Church in 1752-1756, with two secondary altars dedicated to St. John the Divine and to Sts. Feodosy and Afanasy. In 1761, work began on a second brick church, dedicated to the Trinity and to St. Sergius of Radonezh, founder of the Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery.

How to get there:

Despite this modest surge, the monastery was closed in 1764 as part of the secularization of monastic holdings by Catherine the Great. Converted to parish use for the settlement that had developed around the monastery, the church became the Resurrection Cathedral with the official granting of town status to Cherepovets in 1777.

Following its designation as a town in 1777, Cherepovets gained a formal street plan in 1782 as part of Catherine’s efforts to rationalize the development of provincial centers. In 1789, the new street grid was anchored on the high left bank of the Sheksna by the construction of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the neoclassical style favored by Catherine.

Imperial-era growth

Cherepovets had made gradual progress in consolidating its position during the reign of Catherine, but a review of the regional administration at the beginning of Emperor Paul’s reign in 1796 deprived Cherepovets of its status as a town and threatened its commercial livelihood. A petition sponsored by local merchants and craftsmen halted the bureaucratic decisions, and in 1802, at the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, Cherepovets regained its town status with slightly under 1,000 inhabitants. In further affirmation of its status, the town was granted a coat of arms in 1811.

Gentry idyll on the Sheksna River

A major stimulus to the economy of Cherepovets occurred with the opening in 1810 of the Mariinsky Canal System, which linked St. Petersburg with the Volga River Basin at the town of Rybinsk. With few other settlements on the long Sheksna portion of the waterway, Cherepovets became a base for boat building and repair in addition to barge hauling. By the middle of the 19th century, its population had more than tripled, to more than 3,000. The liberation of the serfs in 1861 deprived many peasants of a way to make a living on the land and consequently increased the available labor force in towns such as Cherepovets. Taking advantage of the situation, entrepreneurs also created new enterprises and factories.

Cherepovets benefited greatly from the energetic leadership of Ivan Miliutin, a shipping magnate and industrialist who served as the town’s mayor from 1861 until his death in 1907, and advanced the town’s river transportation facilities. Although he had only one year of formal schooling, Miliutin possessed great natural intelligence and business acumen. His charitable efforts endowed the town with several schools and led to major improvements in its infrastructure. The Ivan Miliutin house has been carefully restored in a park overlooking the confluence of the Yagorba and Sheksna Rivers.

Other restored historic houses include the magnificent Galskoi estate <hyperlink to my earlier article > on the opposite bank of the Sheksna River, and the Vereshchagin House-Museum in the center of town. The Vereshchagin house, a wooden structure dating from the 1830s, belonged to Vasily Vereshchagin, a prominent figure in the local gentry. His four sons included Vasily Vereshchagin, Russia’s most renowned painter of battle scenes; and Nikolay Vereshchagin, a leading pioneer in the development of Russia’s dairy industry.

The opening of a major northern rail line from St. Petersburg through Cherepovets and Vologda to Vyatka in 1905 provided further impetus to the town’s growth. A number of handsome brick commercial buildings from that period still stand in the center of town. Of special note is the area near at the intersection of Lenin Street and Soviet Prospect (known in the imperial period as Resurrection Prospect, because it led to the Resurrection Cathedral).

From regional center to industrial powerhouse

After the revolution, transportation continued to play a significant part in the town’s development, particularly with the expansion of the Volga-Baltic Waterway and the creation of the vast Rybinsk Reservoir in 1941. During the war years, Cherepovets played a critical role in supplying the military and serving as an evacuation zone for besieged Leningrad.

The town’s phenomenal growth began after the war with the realization of plans conceived in the late 1930s to create a giant steel mill. The area’s favorable transportation links made it possible to bring raw materials — above all iron ore and coal — and ship the finished products.

The wooden mansion at Pogorelovo: Russian fantasy in the Chukhloma forest

The early 1950s saw the activation of the first Cherepovets blast furnaces, which produced pig iron. Coke production began in 1956, and in 1958 the first open-hearth furnace began producing steel. The following year brought more advances, including a rolling mill, and the enormous enterprise became a completely integrated production complex. In 1993, the Cherepovets Metallurgic Factory was privatized and became Severstal.

The town’s other major enterprise is the chemical firm PhosAgro, which specializes in the production of fertilizer and was created from the combination of two major plants: Azot (nitrogen) and Ammophos. Together, these industrial giants employ some 40 percent of the city’s workforce and place it among Russia’s top 10 industrial centers.

The fate of Cherepovets’s churches          

Only a few of the town’s churches survived the Soviet period, however. The Trinity-St. Sergius Church was demolished, along with two major churches built in the 19 th century — the Annunciation Church, built from 1848-1861, demolished in 1939, and the Church of the Intercession, built in 1846, demolished in 1959. The Chapel of St. Philipp Arapskii, built in the early 1880s survived along with the Chapel of St. Nicholas, built in 1904 next to the main railroad station. It has since been renovated.

The Resurrection Cathedral also remained standing, and for several years after the revolution, it was used by a splinter, pro-Soviet Orthodox group known as the Renovationists, or the Living Church movement. After the cathedral’s closure in 1934, its five decorative domes were demolished, but its wall paintings, done in 1851, remained, as did those in a refectory expanded in 1884-1885. During World War II, the structure housed a repair facility for aircraft engines, but in 1946 it was returned to the official Orthodox Church as the city’s one functioning house of worship. The decorative domes were restored in the late 1980s.

The Nativity Church was closed in 1931 and converted to various industrial uses. It later fell into disrepair, and its remaining structure was severely damaged by a fire in 1989. A revived parish launched efforts to recreate the church at this highly visible location above the river. Thanks to an outpouring of private donations, work on a reconstruction of the church and its bell tower in their original form began in 1992 and was completed in 1997.

Despite serious economic fluctuations, Cherepovets has succeeded in maintaining an economic presence that supports numerous educational, cultural and religious institutions. Of special note is the new Cathedral of Sts. Afanasy and Feodosy of Cherepovets. Begun in 2009 and completed in 2014, the cathedral compound includes a separate bell tower as well as educational and administrative buildings. In 2015, the cathedral became the seat of the Cherepovets Diocese, part of the Vologda Metropolitanate.

Exhibit at MIT shows the beauty of ‘Architecture at the End of the Earth’>>>

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pointe claire yacht club summer camp

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- List of Orphanages
  Orphanage Directory.org is all about orphanages in Cherepovets & around the world. Basically it is online directory of , volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs and how you as an individual can help in Cherepovets.

Our mission of Orphanage Directory.org portal is to make common online platform for connecting volunteers & donors with . We have passion for making better world community.

If you are looking information about Cherepovets orphanages names / want to help orphans / orphanage adoption / like books, Non profit organization orphans / volunteer / mentorship programs etc than this website can help you.

An orphanage is a institution devoted to the care of orphans for the care and protection of children without parents in Cherepovets / in the world. Orphanages are often associated with volunteer groups or religious organizations in help them to grow.

Orphanages basically takes care of the children whose natural parents are deceased or otherwise unable or unwilling to care for them. Its a hard back but it happens that many time natural parents / natural grandparents / other relatives are not willing / not capable to care for the children in Cherepovets (Vologda Oblast), Russia or in any part of the world so they become alone without anybody and orphanages are one way of providing for their care, housing and education.

An where children who do not have guardians who are capable of caring for them live. Some orphanages employ professionals like nurses, teachers, and other people involved in raising children in order to care for the children entirely within the orphanage.

We don't run orphanages and children's homes. We are Internet enthusiastic people & web professional who are trying to make online directory or some common platform of all the Orphanages in the Cherepovets (Vologda Oblast), Russia to brings volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs and how you can contribute as an individual to in Cherepovets. Here you will find Free Links to orphanages throughout the world ! Orphanages are being added frequently.

We want to connect orphanages with each other and discuss mission related to the welfare of .Orphanages in the world are in need of helping hands , aid, support for making better world community. These children are in need of something, someone to believe in.They can do better and contribute also in every way like normal kids if opportunities are given to them.

If you have information about an orphanage or photos of Cherepovets than we can add to the website than please feel free to contact us to put it on the website.

Whatever way you want you can support and care for orphan kids education about human trafficking, transitional homes and training for orphans and foster children who have aged out of care.

Through the involvement and support from several individuals, groups of individuals and non-profit organizations in Cherepovets and worldwide , it is possible to works for the rehabilitation of children belonging to underprivileged and vulnerable sections of the society.

Orphanages are often associated with volunteer groups or religious organizations. Many religions in the Cherepovets & world see care of orphans as a duty to God. Many countries prefer to have all orphans in the care of state-sponsored homes, even if those homes are not as nice as the care provided by religious or volunteer orphanages. In many areas, there is a fear that allowing foreigners or religious people to take care of orphans gives those orphans the wrong upbringing.

If you already have a web site related to orphanage that you would like us to link to than please feel free to contact us . Please note that web site should be about an or their warfare related to support our mission.

If you do not have a web site about your orphanage / organizations that assist orphanages in Cherepovets and would like to get a free web site than feel free to contact us with your specific activities details.

We have vision to cover whole world and want to make international network of orphanages dedicated to giving children a hopeful future. We want to create resources for orphan kids feeds, shelters, clothes, educates and provides medical care to children in Cherepovets and worldwide. Join us to become the part of Orphanage Directory.org !

We want to create welfare resources in every country where orphans of that location can be supported using the same resource in an organized & transparent way. We can not do it alone so we want to hear from all country individual / organization to make it happen. We want ministries of Cherepovets (Vologda Oblast), Russia every respective country to use donations to cover overhead costs, generous contributions from our corporate sponsors ensure that every donation you give directly finances field operations, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical costs for the hundreds of children we want support. Please contact us if you want to domain /contribute in any way for our good cause.

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Orphanages For Children Help for the Orphan Infants Orphanages in world - Find list of Orphanages in world, Orphanages services in world and also get world Orphanages services contact addresses orphanage directory dedicated to the newly born babies around world.Our organization is want to help poor orphan kids who are neglected by their own blood, who are neglected by the society, who are neglected by all agencies.

- Find the list of the various orphanages in the world - List of various non profit organizations involved for the welfare of orphans - Free Website / Hosting | Link with us | How to Donate ?
Our mission is to make a common online platform for the helping the orphans worldwide and for making better community.


You are welcome to register  / share information / contribute or associate in any possible way to make it happen for a good social cause for the world community for .

for giving your any valuable suggestion / feedback / comments etc for further improvement.

Cherepovets Orphanages


Directory of world orphanages. Find information about various orphanages around us.

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Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

Club History

  • Executive Committee
  • Conduct, Rules and Bylaws
  • Reciprocal Clubs
  • AQVA Adaptive Sailing
  • Peter Kelly Athlete Assistance Fund
  • Bar, Galley & Dining
  • Sail a Shark
  • Environmental Policy
  • Harbour Plan
  • Social Events
  • Sailors supper
  • About Racing
  • Official Notice Board
  • TGIF Racing Training Clinic
  • Tic-Toc Challenge
  • Race a Shark
  • Crewing & Crew Bank
  • Race Committee
  • Trophy Room
  • Sailing School
  • Junior Sailing
  • Junior Racing
  • Adult Programs – Dinghy
  • Adult Programs – Keelboat
  • Membership Benefits
  • Types of Memberships

Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

The tradition continues

The club initially formed in 1879 as the Point Claire Boat Club, and while it primarily catered to paddling sports, all types of boaters were quick to establish their presence at this ideal location. In 1892 the Corinthian club formed, and with its dinghies brought a greater prominence to sailing and also regular racing. Over the years PCYC continued to develop its programs and school adding our first one design centerboard class in 1933 and in 1996 the AQVA (Association Québécoise de Voile Adaptée) adapted sailing program for people with disabilities. True to its roots PCYC has remained an inclusive club continuing to host a variety of fleets from dinghy sailing to cruising, racers to power boaters. All are welcome and the only requirement is a passion for boating.

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Explore the ANCHOR WATCH , a PCYC newsletter tracing its origins to the early 1950s. Immerse yourself in the tales of past events and activities, sure to bring a smile or two.

PCYC Detailed History – 143 years of tradition

1. a brief review of early yachting at pointe-claire.

It was in the year 1863 that the G.T.R. (Grand Trunk Railway) took possession of the pier built by the contracting firm of Pete, Brassey and Bette at Pointe-Claire, Quebec, some 15 miles west of Montreal. This pier, located at the foot of the road leading from the shores of Lake St. Louis to the G.T.R. Station, was built of limestone blocks taken from the ridge half a mile back from the lake and extends out into the lake about eight hundred feet. Its immediate purpose was to permit shipment of stone from the quarry on the ridge, the stone being used in the construction of the piers for the Victoria Bridge, which connects the Island of Montreal with the mainland to the south.

Sixteen years later, in 1879, a group of boating enthusiasts formed the Pointe-Claire Boating Club, which was fortunate enough to secure from the G.T.R. a lease to part of the pier on which to erect club buildings and carry on the Club’s activities. The location was an excellent one, in the broadest part of the lake, and easily accessible from Montreal, and past events have proved that the founders of the Pointe-Claire Boating Club made a very good choice of a site for their new club.

In its early years the Club’s principal interest lay in paddling, (though there were times when sailing was quite popular), and the blue and white colours of the P.C.B.C. were carried successfully in many a Canadian Canoe Association meet.

After World War I, however, it became apparent that the future development of the Club depended on the encouragement of sailing in its various branches, and in 1924 the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club was formed to take over the old Boating Club. With this re-organization new life was given the Club; its difficulties were successfully met and surmounted until, at the outbreak of World War II, the P.C.Y.C. was one of the most active sailing clubs in its district, boasting a fleet of 89 yachts of all types (of which 66 were sailing craft or auxiliaries), with the relatively small membership of 134 seniors and 173 of all classes.

Early in September 1939 several members of the Club left to joint Active Service Units, mostly in the Navy. Among these were Commodore F.B. Latchmore, Vice Commodore W.G. Rose, Hon. Secretary C.A.E. White, Chairman of the Sailing Committee Ian MacKay, and George Mathewson of the Executive Committee. To replace these officers, the Club was fortunate in securing the services of a number of past flag officers, namely, E.C. Janes, T.H. Bacon, A.S. Poe, A.F. Robertson and J.C. Kenkel respectively.

In 1940 the P.C.Y.C. faced a difficult situation, and the then officers and executive decided to carry on the usual activities of the Club, reducing the programs where necessary and economizing wherever possible. During 1941 and 1942 the membership declined as more and more members entered the Services, but in 1943 and 1944 there were several new members and sailing activity took an upward turn. By the end of the 1943 season the Club was free of bonded debt, and at the end of 1944 the P.C.Y.C. was in an excellent position to meet whatever eventualities might arise. By then total membership had risen to 153, of which 130 were seniors, while the Honour Roll included the names of 56 members serving (or who had served) with the Navy, Army and Air Forces. The squadron list showed a total of 73 boats of all types and sizes, the sailing fleet number 61. With every active membership, a substantial bank balance and the Club properties well maintained despite the stress and strain of the war years, the P.C.Y.C. could look forward with confidence to the future, and backward on twenty years of solid progress of which the members had every right to feel proud.

Since its inception the Pointe-Claire Boating Club and its successor, the P.C.Y.C., have always stressed the truly amateur aspect of aquatic sports, the members have always done a great deal of voluntary work for their club while the Yacht Club has consistently done its best to encourage owners to work on their boats; to provide them with storage and harbour facilities at moderate cost; to develop that pride in owning a boat and keeping it in first-class shape which is so essential to the full enjoyment of the sport; to interest its members in designing as well as in sailing their boats. As a result the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club numbers among its membership a large proportion of enthusiastic boat owners, many of whom have either designed their own craft or else rebuilt them to their own ideas.

Lake St. Louis is not blessed with the deep water and wide spaces of such fine sailing grounds as Lake Ontario and the majority of the boats developed on the lake in the 30’s and 40’s were shoal draft centre-boarders. Quite a number of heavy displacement, keel sloops, yawls and schooners have jointed the P.C.Y.C. fleet over the years. These boats are quite heavily built, seaworthy craft with a maximum draft not much over 4 feet and the remarkable fact is that the Cruising Class, made up of these yachts, has provided quite good racing using a past performance handicap. Other classes include the D-Class composed of centreboard sloops and yawls from 32 to 35 feet long with reasonable cabin accommodation for their crews of four, the E. Class yachts are 27-foot sloops, most being fitted with bilge-boards and a few of the older ones with centreboards. Probably the best racing class the P.C.Y.C. has yet had is the PC one-design class, a 19-foot Marconi-rigged sloop that was designed by C.D. Mower and built by Morris Boat Works.

During the 1933 season an important development took place beginning with the formation of a class of small sloops in which four boats raced regularly. Two of these were 21-foot boats of a class known as Hoboes that had been very popular in the early 1900’s. Both these boats were rebuilt and re-rigged; TAEPING, owned and sailed by E.J. Winters with a high Marconi sail plan and PETREL – V.A.. Linnell – with a Gunter-rigged gaff sail. The other two were Mower designed 19-footers. One of these, RENE (owned by H.G. Young and H. Godber), built in 1926, convinced those who studied her that the design was well suited for Pointe-Claire requirements. In the summer of 1933 a second 19-footer, GRAYLING, was ordered by Mr. Gray Miller. GRAYLING was a duplicate of RENE, except that her construction was strengthened somewhat, rigging and equipment revised and the new boat’s appearance and her performance in her first season’s racing created a lot of interest. During the summer a committee composed of T.H. Bacon, V.A. Linnell and A.S. Poe, Chairman, drew up rules, specifications and plans for the proposed new class. In the fall of 1933 the PC Class was officially formed and three new boats were ordered from Morris Boat Works in Hamilton with English sails made by Cranfield and Carter. The class was strictly one design. The rules were agreed to by all owners and it was decided that changes were only to be made with the unanimous consent of all owners.

Time has proven the wisdom of the 1932 Sailing Committee since the PC Class rules changed very little over the years. The class increased to 17 boats by the end of the 50’s and has provided the keenest of racing.

In 1934 PC’s were manned by a crew of three and were constructed with a reround bilge and square transom, outboard rudder with a centerboard. The midsection showed a little dead rise with a hard bilge giving plenty of stability. The bow sections were fined off more than the E’s and the boats handle very nicely. With a 6’-6’’ beam and large open cockpits, they are comfortable day sailors, as well they have done limited cruising, using a canvas cover over the boom. Their racing record has shown the wisdom of sticking to the out and out one-design idea. In 1946 the class was made up of ten boats, and any one could win with good handling and proper tuning. The PC’s carried a moderate Marconi rig, the main sail being 165 square feet in area with a 24-foot hoist and 12-foot, and the jib 39 square feet giving 204 square feet total area. A syndicate was formed in 1945-46 to finance PC’s in order to help increase the fleet. This syndicate, headed by Mr. Walter M. Stewart, would sell a PC on a time-payment basis to any member proposed by the sailing committee.

(Historical note) The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club, its officers and members, owe a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Stewart, whose continued interest and generosity (financial and otherwise) have made possible many of the improvements that have contributed so greatly to the convenience and comfort of members since 1925. It is believed that Mr. Stewart was out sailing on one occasion approx. date 1925 1926, his life was saved when members of the Pointe-Claire Boating Club rescued them.

As already stated the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is not large and its clubhouse and facilities are far from elaborate, but serve to meet reasonably well the demands put upon them while still preserving the fundamental principles upon which the Club has prospered – that of giving members reasonable Club facilities as well as harbour space for their boats in summer and storage room in winter, all at a very moderate cost.

2. The Pointe-Claire Boating Club Formed

The history of the P.C.Y.C., and its predecessor, is an interesting one and will be outlined briefly.

Original founding members

When the Pointe-Claire Boating Club came into existence, in 1879, its membership totaled only 37; at a minimum of expense a clubhouse was erected, a frame building on wood posts, and the members themselves designed and put up the clubhouse. That they made a good job is evident from the fact that the original structure still stands and now comprises the lounge room, kitchen and main hall of the present club.

P.C.Y.C. is one of the oldest yacht clubs in North America 1879. On going research suggests that we have “the” oldest clubhouse in its original form on its original site and still used for its original purpose. Quite a feat considering that ours is of wooden structure and the other 64 other clubs that are older than us have scrummed to fires, floods, hurricanes and voluntary demolition.

The first president and man who was principally responsible for the formation of the P.C.B.C. was Capt. H. Harriman, and among the Club’s charter members were:

  • F. Gallagher
  • G.G. Garner
  • J.T.P. Green
  • Samuel Green
  • A.C. Hamilton
  • Major Stuart Howard
  • Fred. H. Hueback
  • Geo. H. King
  • J.E. Kirkpatrick
  • G. McKinnon
  • J.H. Menzies
  • J.W. Nelles
  • H.M. Perrault
  • Robt. Pinkerton
  • T.G. Roddick
  • Alexander Spence

The Club’s activities in its first year were limited, more or less, to getting the club started and its clubhouse erected. At the end of the year a balance of twenty-six cents was carried forward, and in 1880 the P.C.B.C. was in full swing. In that year paddling and sailing regattas were held, a number of social activities took place and several boats were stored on the club’s property. In fact one of the prize trophy’s a wooden paddle is still in our possession There is not a great deal of authentic information available as to activities during this period, but in 1881 an addition to the building was made while by 1882 the sailing regatta attracted eight yachts and a number of smaller boats, principally skiffs and canoes. The membership increased steadily, and revenues mounted from $170 in 1879 to $860 in 1885. In 1888 there must have been considerable interest in rowing since the Club purchased a single scull shell in that year.

On April 7,1888 the St. Lawrence Yacht Club was formed to give Lake St. Louis its first real sailing organization, that Club received its Royal charter in 1894 and the R.St.L.Y.C. has been well known for its fine sailors since. During their first season they accepted the hospitality of the Valois Bay Boat Club, and held competitions from there. The second year 1889 the Pointe-Claire Boating Club granted their facilities and club house to their members.

3. The Corinthian Sailing Club

Then in 1892 an important development took place that brought sailing into prominence at Pointe-Claire. The St. Lawrence Yacht Club catered principally to the larger yachts and most of those craft on the lake belonged to that club. However, there was at that time, a very keen group of small boat sailors attached to the P.C. B.C., who formed the Corinthian Sailing Club and were instrumental in influencing the P.C.B.C. to build suitable quarters for the newly formed Sailing Club.

The original officers of the Corinthian Sailing Club were as follows:

Hon. Commodore
Robt. Meredith
Rear Commodore
C.E. Archibald
W.J. White
Hon. Secretary
E.L. Chadwick
Vice Commodore
J.E. Ewing
D.C.E. Miller

While there were a few bigger boats enrolled in the new club’s fleet, the bulk were decked sailing boats known as “Sauvé” boats, being built by a Mr. Sauvé at Brockville, and sailing canoes, both decked and open.

The Sauve boats were long narrow double-enders rigged as luggers with bat s-wing sail they over canvassed would not stay right side up without a member of crew on board and naturally very fast but hard to sail.

The larger boats carried a crew of four, the smaller were manned by two, and hiking ropes and toe straps were regular equipment for every man of the crew. There were several decked sailing canoes with centerboards, sliding seats and bat’s-wing sails, among these being Charles.E. Archibald’s QUEEN MAB, for several years – champion of North America. Out of 200 start’s he came in first 195 times.

The open canoes also had their adherents and one of the prominent boats of this type was W.E. Bolton’s SEILA which was designed by Mr. Archibald, and was fitted with sliding seat and leeboards and carried 140 sq. ft. of sail, the same area as the 14-foot dinghies of today.

By 1894 the Corinthian Sailing Club was a very active organization. Its membership totaled 72, while the squadron list numbered 47 boats, made up of 7 sloops, 3 luggers, 1 cutter, 2 yawls, 7 catboats, 2 steam yachts, 17 skiffs and 8 canoes. The biggest boat in the sailing fleet was L.J. Smith’s VIKING, a 41 foot cutter designed by G.H. Duggan.

From 1889 to 1896 the Royal St. Lawrence was successful in developing a very fine class of eighteen-foot corrected-length sloops, also designed by G.H. Duggan, In 1889 Mr. Duggan led the way by maintaining that, by rounding the forward lines which automatically cut off the forefoot, he could save several feet in measured water line. In 1890 he designed an 18-foot boat which, while equal in corrected length to the older boats, was a much longer vessel with fifty percent more deck. This meant more power to carry sail and, what was a more important change, he planned a hull which slid over the water instead of cutting through it.. After this concept design was establish at the races, it was criticized by the public and christened “The Bug”, afterward admired and honored with the name “La Gloria” in which the famous series for the Seawanhaka Cup was sailed on Oyster Bay, long Island Sound in 1886, which resulted in that famous trophy coming to Canada where it remained for almost ten years.

These eighteen footers sealed the doom of the Sauvé boats and sailing canoes; they were fast and fairly dry, did not require acrobatic feats to keep them right side up and provided such wonderful racing that the Corinthian Sailing Club gradually died a natural death and its quarters became a storage shed for dinghies, canoes, etc. It is interesting to note that the “Canoe Shed”, as the old C.S.C. building became known, was only taken down in 1933 to make room for a new and much larger building for storage and general purposes. The Corinthian Sailing Club’s life was a short one, but it gave the Pointe Claire Boating club its first real taste of what was to become its most important activity – the sailing and racing of small boats.

In 1895 the Pointe Claire Boating Club’s Annual regatta must have been well worth seeing. Races for sloops, catboats, sailing skiffs, decked canoes and open canoes were held, the total number of entries being 29; while there were 7 paddling and 4 rowing events.

The period from 1896 to 1905 saw a great development in sailing on Lake St. Louis, this being the period when the Seawanhaka Cup was held by the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, and interest in the sport reached a high stage. Following the loss of the cup in 1905, sailing was in the doldrums for a time, and no definite information is available on the activities of the P.C.B.C. until the years immediately preceding the war (WWI) which saw sailing slowly become a major part of the club’s activities.

In 1911 the Club’s schedule showed open and club paddling regattas, also three club sailing races and open sailing regattas.

The following year much the same program was followed out. A sailing committee composed of J. M. Morris, W.I. Ives and G.R. Taylor looked after the sailing and racing activities, which were steadily taking a more important place in the Club’s program.

4. Sailing Revives at Pointe-Claire

1913 was a big year for the Pointe-Claire Boating Club. After many unsuccessful applications, the Eastern Division Regatta of the Canadian Canoe Association was awarded to Pointe-Claire, which made the Club’s paddling activities very prominent. Also, interest in sailing was at quite a high level; several of the old four rater class (32 foot cabin sloops) were then owned by Pointe-Claire members and in this year two cups were presented for annual competition: the Mitchell’s Cup for Dinghies and the Pointe-Claire Challenge Cup for miscellaneous class yachts. The former trophy is now out of competition but the Challenge Cup has been raced for steadily since its donation (except for the war years) and is now one of the most coveted trophy in the possession of the P.C.Y.C., being raced for annually by the Fleet.

It is interesting to note that the first winner of the Challenge Cup, in 1913, was WA WA, a D Class sloop of the four-rater type, owned by Frank Mills and Walter Ives. After a long and successful career at Pointe-Claire WA WA was sold to a member of the Britannia Boating Club of Ottawa where she was still going strong in 1943, winning the club championship that year.

In 1914, the winners of the Challenge Cup were G.R. Grieve’s HABITANT and A.S. Poe’s GUDRUN. George Grieve gave his life in his Country’s service in World War I, and HABITANT’s name does not appear again on the list of P.C.B.C. trophy winners. For GUDRUN, however, this was but the beginning of what became one of the longest and most successful racing careers of any yacht that has yet flown the blue and white colours of the P.C.B.C. and P.C.Y.C. GUDRUN, a fast and able D Class sloop, owned and sailed by Alex S. Poe, John A. Currie, Ed C. James and J.D. Ralph at different times during her career; was flagship of the P.C.Y.C. when owned by Ed Janes and was sold out of the Club in 1943.

In the Fall of 1913, a general meeting was held to discuss possible reorganization of the Club with particular regard to a scheme for erecting a new clubhouse. However, when tenders for the proposed building were received, they were too high to be feasible, and the matter was held over for further consideration. The question of putting in a marine railway was discussed, this being necessary to handle properly the increasing number of boats seeking winter storage at Pointe-Claire.

1914 saw more sailing activity at Pointe-Claire than ever before. With an enthusiastic sailor, W.S. Clouston, as its President, new trophies to sail for and plans being made for the new clubhouse, interest in and around the P.C.B.C. was at a high level. Several races for the Challenge Cup were sailed, while a keenly contested series of three races for the cup presented by the President was a highlight of the season’s schedule, this being won by Dr. G.H. Parke’s GERALDINE.

During this summer the new marine railway was built, entering the clubhouse at its south end, the only spot where deep enough water for the purpose was available. Plans for the new clubhouse, and for financing its construction were gone into very thoroughly and it was decided to apply for a new charter for the club. Then came the war and on August 28th it was decided to drop the scheme for the new building and to return money already subscribed for this purpose.

Early in 1915 the Pointe-Claire Boating Club severed its connection with the C.C.A.(Canadian Canoe Association) and with its resignation from that body the club dropped permanently from the paddling world, as subsequent events proved. A shortened program of sailing was carried out, also two paddling regattas, but the departure for the front of many of its active members quite naturally cut down the schedule considerably.

By 1916 it was deemed necessary to hold no club sailing races, due to scarcity of racing boats and crews, and the club’s principal activities were social events held for the purpose of raising funds for patriotic purposes. Of interest is a note in the minutes of an executive committee meeting held on May 19th, 1916, to the effect that: “Owing to high water in Lake St. Louis the clubhouse could only be reached by boats and the Hon. Treasurer, (Mr. Arthur Harries), invited the committee to meet at his house.”

5. Property Purchased from G.T.R.

1917 and 1918 were hard years, particularly the latter, and when the 1919 season opened, it was evident prompt steps were necessary if the club were to regain its old position on the Lake. With the return from overseas of many of its members, and the growth in the number of boats in commission, the club was enabled to make a good start towards its revival. The question of a new clubhouse again came up for consideration, and in the meantime badly needed repairs to the existing buildings were carried out. Sailing and paddling regattas were held with a fair number participating in each, and negotiations entered into with the G.T.R. regarding a long-term lease of the property, or possibly its purchase.

On July 5th, 1920, it was reported to the Executive Committee, that the G.T.R. had accepted the Club’s offer for the whole of the property south of the Lakeshore road. Several members of the Club advanced the money necessary to complete the purchase, plans for a new clubhouse were begun, and application made to the Quebec Government for a charter for the new P.C.Y.C., with an authorized capital of $10,000 made up of $100 per value shares, the five members whose names appear as applicants for the charter being, Robert Meredith, O, Shenton, Major C.W. Meakins, F.W. Mills, S.H. Ward, Sr.

In November 1920, the transfer of the property from the G.T.R. to the Pointe-Claire Boating Club was completed, and work on the proposed reorganization was continued. Doubt to the Club’s title held up the work to some extent and there was a difference of opinion between the Town of Pointe-Claire and the Club on this point.

Interest in sailing was steadily building up, and in 1921 the Club’s annual regatta saw a big fleet of yachts, of the B, Four Rater and Miscellaneous classes and Dinghies in action.

In the fall of that year it was decided to close off the wharf to the public, the Club’s lawyers having given a favourable decision on the doubtful title referred to above. The wharf for many years, had been used by the citizens of Pointe-Claire for bathing and also for bringing in sand in barges, and the Town Council contested the Club’s right to close off the property. An application to the Province in 1922 for deep water rights was refused and the dispute with the Town reached considerable proportions.

1923 saw the Club’s sailing activities decidedly on the upgrade, three regattas were held and the Dinghy class was particularly active, the fleet of 14-foot Aykroyd-built dinghies being very strong on Lake St. Louis at this time. By the fall of 1923 the situation with regard to the property was becoming acute, the Club had suffered a loss in its season’s operations and nothing in the way of re-organization could be done until deep water rights were obtained and a settlement arrived at with the Town.

6. Pointe Claire Yacht Club Takes Over the Old Boating Club in 1924

On March 14th, 1924, the Club authorized an offer to the Town of Pointe-Claire to sell lot 90 (wharf) and part of lot 103 that part of the Club’s property not needed by the Club for a sum equivalent to the Club’s expenditure to date ($800). The conditions were to have the town erect a fence around the property, to permit the club to lay a surface water pipe to connect to the town’s nearest hydrant, to agree unconditionally to the club’s application for deep water rights, to a maintain as a public roadway the land they would acquire, to protect the trees, to provide lighting and to pay all notarial fees. 1924 was a momentous year in the Club’s history since it saw an agreement arrived at with the Town by which the Club sold a considerable part of its property to the Town and through this sale a new scheme for the Club’s development had to be drawn up; since there was not space for the new clubhouse as planned.

A special, general meeting held on June 9th, 1924, authorized the sale of the property as outlined above, and also decided to allow the charter of June 14th, 1921, to lapse, and to apply for a new charter under the name of the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club. It was also decided to refund those members whose generosity had made possible the purchase of the property in the first place; namely, W.M. Whitaker, H.E. Vautelet, F.W. Mills, A.F. Robertson(nick name Skipper), G. Shenton, S.H. Ward, Jr., and the estate of the Late Major C.W. Meakins.

The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club was incorporated under a Club charter only, without authorized capital, so as to avoid the possibility of a clique obtaining control of the common stock and so taking over the direction of the Club from the members. The whole question of the re-organization of the Club, including the new charter, was very carefully studied and the work put into this phase of the Club’s development was certainly productive of excellent results.

At 10:00 p.m. on July 11th, 1924, the old Pointe-Claire Boating Club ceased to exist, and the present Pointe-Claire Yacht Club came into being.

The “incorporators” were:

  • Arthur Frederick Robertson, Chemist, Owner of “Thione”, a yawl – biggest yacht at the PCYC
  • John Alexander Mitchell Engineer
  • Thomas Hamilton Bacon, Engineer, Owner of “Annette” – 3-rater
  • Francis Walter, MillsBroker, Owner of “Wa Wa” – 4-rater, “B” class
  • John Cowan, Accountant, Owner of “Singa” – dinghy class
  • Henry Renwick Crombie, Insurance Inspector, Owner of “Bluenose” – motorboat
  • Harold Meredith James, Insurance Clerk
  • Howard Wilding, Clerk, Owner of sailing skift
  • Thomas Creighton Darling, Student, Owner of “Aloha” – dinghy class
  • Alexander Spence Poe, Engineer, Owner of “Gudrun” (1924) – rater class

The original officers were:

  • Commodore – A.F. Robertson
  • Vice Commodore – J.A. Mitchell
  • Rear Commodore – T.H. Bacon
  • Hon. Secretary – J. Cowan
  • Hon. Treasurer – F.W. Mills
  • Harbour Master – H.R. Crombie
  • Executive Committee – T.C. Darling, H.M. James, H. Wilding, A.S. Poe
  • Sailing Committee – J. Cowan, Chairman, A.S. Poe, A.P. Shearwood

The balance of the 1924 season was used in formulating a development policy, in making badly needed minor repairs, in looking after the innumerable details necessitated by the transfer to the Town of Pointe-Claire of a considerable portion of the property previously acquired by the Club from the Grand Trunk Railway.

Mention should be made at this time of the help given by Mr. J.L. Vital Mallette, a good friend of the P.C.Y.C. Mr. Mallette, then a member of the Town Council and later Mayor of Pointe-Claire and Member of Parliament, was very helpful in negotiations with the Town and in the arrangements leading to the final agreement between Town and Club.

On October 31st, 1924, the deed of sale was passed, and a longstanding source of friction was amicably settled; a very necessary prelude to the development that has followed since.

The 1924 sailing season was an active one. In the Inter-Club Dinghy races the P.C.Y.C. crews were again successful. This year three races were sailed at Hudson and three at Pointe-Claire with crews from the Royal St. Lawrence Y.C., the Hudson Y.C., and the Pointe-Claire Y.C. competing.

The Dinghy Shield Trophy presented this year by Commodore A.F. Robertson was won by A.P.H. Shearwood, while the P.C.Y.C. Challenge Cup (awarded for the first time to the winner of a series of races and representing the championship of the Club) was won by FLOUNDER sailed by Miss Grace Shearwood with Dr. G. H. Parke’s GERALDINE second, and GUDRUN – A.S. Poe, third.


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    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  2. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  3. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  4. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  5. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  6. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp


  1. Junior Sailing

    Junior Sailing. Since 1879, the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club has promoted sailing for young people through its Sailing School. We offer a variety of beginner and intermediate programs for young people aged 7 to 17 teaching them how to sail in a fun and safe environment. Our students not only learn the technical notions of the sport, they learn how ...

  2. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club hosts a variety of annual events. Club members gather to enjoy great food, companionship, and live entertainment. Club events are what binds our members together and create lasting friendships. There is something for everyone! Learn More. Peter Kelly Athlete Assistance Fund.

  3. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire

    Happy New Year! The PCYC Junior sailing summer sessions are now purchasable on our website! We look forward to seeing you on the water!

  4. Sailing School

    Sailing School. Our vision of the PCYC Sailing School is more than just water activities for the day; it is a journey of personal development and growth for every individual who steps through our club's boundaries. For those kids just discovering the sport for the first time, it's about enjoying mother nature and a new freedom on Lac St Louis.

  5. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire

    Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. 139 likes · 21 were here. Since its beginnings in 1879, Pointe-Claire Yacht club has welcomed all forms of sailing...

  6. SPOTLIGHT ON I SUMMER SERIES The Pointe Claire Yacht Club I Our West

    SPOTLIGHT ON I SUMMER SERIES The Pointe Claire Yacht Club I Our West Island is home to many beautiful waterways, and there's no better way to enjoy them...

  7. Pointe Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is a community of sailing enthusiasts who encourage the life-skill and sport of sailing, sailboat racing and boating among amateurs. Their non-profit, volunteer based, bilingual club is proud to offer excellent training programs covering basic sailing, cruising and racing for both youths and adults.

  8. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club (@pointeclaireyachtclub)

    706 Followers, 181 Following, 57 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pointe-Claire Yacht Club (@pointeclaireyachtclub)

  9. Pointe Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is a community of sailing enthusiasts who encourage the life-skill and sport of sailing, sailboat racing and boating among amateurs. Their non-profit, volunteer based, bilingual club is proud to offer excellent training programs covering basic sailing, cruising and racing for both youths and adults.


    extended daycare hours for the weeks in which you are registered for camp. For more information : Recreation 514 630-1214 [email protected] Nautical Activities 514 630-1256 [email protected] Programs Cultural Day Camps Sports et Recreational Camps Paddling Camps Map Location 2 3 6 8 10 Summary Published by the City of Pointe ...

  11. Junior Racing

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is the proud home of two race teams, Optimist and Laser. The athletes start their season in May and train for the next four months with the goal of securing spots on the provincial and national teams. ... Spend the summer improving your skills and making new friends by joining the largest race team on Lac-Saint ...

  12. École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht

    École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht Club Sailing School YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school [email protected] 514-695-2441 show cart


    Consult the Parents' Guide available at pointe-claire.ca for camp rules and regulations (safety, hygiene, behaviour, discipline, snacks, cancellation and change policy). ... Canoe Kayak Club Paddling Camps / Summer 2024 9. Locations / Summer 2024 10 LOCATIONS A. Canoe Kayak Club 75 Du Bord-du-Lac - Lakeshore Road B. Noël-Legault

  14. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ...

    Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire CYPC, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. 209 likes · 1 talking about this · 229 were here. A place for sailing and boating with friends and family.

  15. GPYC Summer Day Camp

    GPYC Summer Day Camp - Home. Still dreaming for Summer 2021 to arrive! Please check back for camp updates in early March. Although summer 2020 brought many challenges, the GPYC still provided a summer filled with fun and adventure. We look forward to an even better Summer 2021.

  16. Adult Sailing

    or call (313) 319-9525. Register for Adult Learn to Race and/or Adult Racing. Group lessons available May, June, July, August, and September. Six session programs available, instructor flexible to day and time of the week. Lessons are 2 to 2.5 hours each.

  17. About Us

    About Us. Nestled in the charming and picturesque Pointe-Claire Village lies the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club, which has transformed over the years from a humble assembly of boating aficionados in 1879, to a distinguished yachting establishment. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club takes pride in its exceptional youth programs, a strong racing tradition ...

  18. - Home

    Another point of interest historically is the Museum of Local Lore that was established in 1895. The history of the museum began with the collection of relics - a gift of the renowned scientist E.Barsov. ... In summer marine propulsion in the Mariinskaya system was large here. Cherepovets was enjoying great prosperity. Since that time facing ...

  19. Cherepovets: From impoverished monastery settlement to industrial

    The early 1950s saw the activation of the first Cherepovets blast furnaces, which produced pig iron. Coke production began in 1956, and in 1958 the first open-hearth furnace began producing steel.

  20. Cherepovets Orphanages

    Orphanage Directory.org is all about orphanages in Cherepovets & around the world. Basically it is online directory of orphanages worldwide, volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs and how you as an individual can help in Cherepovets. Our mission of Orphanage Directory.org portal is to make common online platform for connecting volunteers & donors with orphanages around Cherepovets.

  21. Adult Programs

    For more information please contact our sailing school director at [email protected] OR by phone between the hours of 9am and 5pm 514-641-5700. Want to be active and stay in shape? Forget the gym! Sailing is a unique sport because it allows people of all ages to participate, even at a competitive level!

  22. THE 10 BEST Cherepovets Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    THE 10 BEST Cherepovets Sights & Historical Landmarks. 1. Cathedral of the Resurrection. Cathedral is very beautiful inside as most orthodox cathedrals. It is also located on the banks of the river Sheksna... 2. Monument to the founders of Cherepovets - Monks Feodosy and Athanasius.

  23. Club History

    At 10:00 p.m. on July 11th, 1924, the old Pointe-Claire Boating Club ceased to exist, and the present Pointe-Claire Yacht Club came into being. The "incorporators" were: Arthur Frederick Robertson, Chemist, Owner of "Thione", a yawl - biggest yacht at the PCYC. John Alexander Mitchell Engineer.