sailboat model racing

SOLING ONE METER Class Website  



Where Soling One Meter boats are sailed

Listed by State

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(Above photo from Victor Model Products)

Victor  Model Products sells ready-to-sail RTS boats for those who wish to sail or race a radio-controlled R/C sailboat.

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Complete kits (less glue and paint) are available for those who wish to build their own soling and don't want to shop around for the individual parts. Experienced builders may wish to purchase only the required hull, keel, rudder, and deck and customize the rest to their own liking and class rules.

sailboat model racing

Radio Controlled Sailboat Racing

The Soling Class is the largest class affiliated with the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA). It is a one-design class and the kit and Ready-To-Sail (RTS) boats are manufactured by a single manufacturer, Victor Model Products. Some local hobby shops also have kits available. The One Meter was designed to be a low-cost, kit-based one-designed class primarily targeted at the beginning Radio-Controlled (R/C) sailor. It is often the local class that beginning sailors start with and yet it is challenging enough that most advanced racers still race their Soling.

The hull, deck, keel, and rudder are made from vacuum formed polystyrene plastic. The kit comes with wood masts and booms. Only flat single-panneled sails are approved by the Soling Class.

Only two channels are used to control the boat. One channel for both sails and the other channel for the rudder. Transmitter may have additional channels but they are not allow to be used in sanctioned races.

The boat is One-Meter (39.37") long and has a minimum requirement of ten pounds.

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Purchasing a used Soling allows you to start sailing almost immediatelly. You may only have to charge the batteries  and you are ready to go.

sailboat model racing

RC Sailboats

An overview of radio controlled sail boats and a brief explanation of scale model sailboats, semi scale rc sport, and rc racing sailing yachts. kits, rtr and scratch built..

RC sailboats can be divided up in three main categories:

  • RC Sport Sail
  • RC Sailing Yachts (for racing)
  • RC Scale Sail

RC sport sail

Most kits and RTR (ready-to-run) model RC sail boats are best categorized as RC sport scale. This category is a happy medium between full-blown scale models and RC racing yachts.

Some have become so widely distributed that new racing classes has been formed around them. Good examples are Graupner's Micro Magic and Kyosho's Fairwind.

They are usually semi-scale of modern cruising yachts or made to resemble America’s cup sailboats.

The lower cost models come with ABS hulls, whereas the higher end models come with more durable fiberglass hulls. Drop keels, aluminum masts and Dacron sails are most common.

RC racing yachts

If you want to get into RC yacht racing there are a number of classes to choose from. Each country has a governing body ( American Model Yachting Association (AMYA) in the USA, Model Yachting Association in the UK) under the International Model Yacht Racing Union.

As with full size regattas, RC model yacht racing face some of the same issues. Entry rules for competitions typically follow depending on if the class is Open or Closed Design.

Open or Construction Class

What these classes have in common is that the boats are not identical - instead the rules are made up like a mathematical formula. The good thing that brings is that the challenge is three-fold – design, construction and sailing the course.

The disadvantage is in that the rules for some classes can be complicated. Some classes have gained in popularity precisely because the rules fro previously established classes were so hard to understand.

Examples of some popular open design model yacht classes:

  • 6 Metre - M6R
  • 10 rater – R10r
  • 36" (36-inch)

Closed Design or One-design Class

All entries have to be the same design. Some are kits from a single manufacturer others are open to home built model boats.

  • Soling 1 Meter
  • Micro Magic - Graupner
  • Fairwind - Kyosho

RC scale sail

We're talking about scale model sail boats that actually use its sails as the main means of propulsion. RC scale sail is called minisail in continental Europe. The vast majority of sailing scale model boats is scratch built. There are a few kits - Billings Collin Archer RS-1 comes to mind.

The prevailing problem with scaling a sailboat is that stability doesn’t scale linearly with size. The result is that model boats will always be significantly less stable than the boat or ship it was modeled after. Left as is, it may have detrimental effects on the model’s sea keeping abilities. There are ways to minimize the effect.

A smallish boat built to a large scale is more stable than a large ship to a small scale. For instance, say you can only transport a model 1m long. Building a model of an 8m cruising yacht at 1:8 scale will be more stable than a model of the USS Constitution at 1:48 scale. This is true even if they end up weighing the same and being the same length. I bet the yacht will be a much better sailer too.

Bigger is always better too, when it comes to scale RC sailboats. Try and build the biggest model you can get away with. A larger model will be more forgiving on construction techniques, materials and the weight of components. The finished model will also be faster, a better sailer and handle stronger winds than if it was built smaller.

Making considerable effort to build light is always a god habit. The higher up a part or component is located, the more important this becomes. For instance, rigging components need to be light weight.

Other factors are beam and draft (width and depth for landlubbers). A wider and deeper hull will naturally be more stable than thin and shallow.

There are two tricks to increase the stability of model boats artificially:

Add a drop keel

By adding a drop keel you can bring the center of gravity down while adding profile area. The greater under-water profile helps against drifting sideways. All sailboats drift downwind some, because the surface water moves with the wind. The lower boundary-layers of a body of water are influenced less by the wind than layers closer to the surface. Therefore, the deeper any extension of the hull is, the less drift.

Typically a boat with a drop-keel also needs a larger rudder. A good guideline is to make the rudder area 10-12% of the total submerged hull profile.

Extent the hull below the waterline

Some builders rather build the boat hull slightly out of scale than add a drop keel. The most bang-for-the-buck is to deepen the hull. Same rule apply about the rudder (rudder area = 10-12% of total submerged profile). You could technically make the hull wider, but the effect is not as great.

Any change in the submerged hull profile need to maintain the same geometric center to balance the center of effort on the sails. Naturally, if you know what you are doing, the sail and rig can be modified also.

A Final Word on Scale RC Sailboats

Generally stay away from lateen rigs, multi-hull, centerboard designs and square riggers, at least until you have become an experienced RC sailboats captain and/or builder.

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By  Petter Blix 

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Sarasota Model Yacht Club

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Welcome - About Us

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The Sarasota Model Yacht Club got its start in Sarasota in 1996.  Our club sails the American Model Yachting Association-sanctioned one-design Soling One Meter R/C , RC Laser, DF65, DF95 and (during the winter only) IOM model yachts. The club meets six (seven times a week when the IOM sail) times per week for practice and racing. We sail at the  Nathan Benderson Park at  the West Lake on Athletes Drive.   The West Lake is off of Honore at Athletes Drive. 

    The Soling 1-Meter kit-based model is a pleasure to sail. As a one-design, it is an ideal introduction to model yachting, yet it provides a  competitive boat for the best of veterans as well and is available from  “ Boatyard John ” (our club builder). 

    The RCLaser is factory-built ready to sail and available at  

We also sail the Dragon Force (DF) DF65 and the DF95 RC boats. 

The DF 65 is one of the fastest growing class of RC sailboats in the U.S. The boat has earned this distinction by being a great one-design sailing boat while being the least expensive ready-to-sail boat on the market. At around $350 for a boat with radio and receiver and about 3 hours of assembly and you're on the water.    

The DF95 is the fastest growing class in the USA and is near Ready-to-Sail in a kit form from  or from “Boatyard John”. 

    All skill levels are welcome, from neophytes to crusty old salts! You will find that our members can be very helpful in getting you involved with this great hobby. Come on out to watch the hard-fought races or join us for practice and racing.  

sailboat model racing

The Soling One Meter (S1M) :  This S1M the largest class in the U.S. and Florida. We sail Solings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Race Captains rotate throughout the year. Craig Collemer is the Race Captain.

The RC Laser :  This is the largest RC class in the world. We sail Lasers on Friday. Steve Lippincott is the Race Captain.

The DF65 and the DF95 :  These are the newest and fastest-growing restricted one-design class in both Florida and the U.S.  

We sail DF95's on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Bill Hendrickson is the Race Captain. The DF65 fleet sails Monday and Wednesday.  Rob Wucki is the Race Captain. 

IOM The IOM Class is considered a Development Class by the AMYA. 

The International One Metre class is the fastest-growing class in the world. This class is distinct and different in purpose from the US One Meter class, and complements the International Marblehead Class as a simpler, less expensive boat. The International class has a one-design rig, and has minimum weights on the keel and overall, and restricts the hull material. The net effect of these differences is that the typical cost spiral of lighter weight, and more expensive materials and manufacturing processes, is arrested. This allows amateur designers and builders a chance to design and build with little concern that they are building in a disadvantage due to weight. This is a feature not found in any existing AMYA class and is one of the reasons that the class is so popular around the world.  We sail IOM's on Sundays in season.  John Stryhn " Boatyard" is the Race Captain.

sailboat model racing

Where and when do we race?

 The club races at Benderson Park on the West Lake.  The West Lake is located at the intersection of Honore and Athletes Drive, Sarasota Fl. 

GPS Address:    5700 Athletes Drive, Sarasota FL 34235

Summer Racing Hours* - Starts May 14th :

Monday & Wednesday :    DF65 Fleet                              10am - Noon

Tuesday :                            DF95 Fleet & Soling Fleets   10am - Noon 

Thursday :                           Soling Fleets                          10am - Noon 

Friday :                                RC Laser                                 10am - Noon

Saturday :                           DF95 Fleet & Soling Fleet     10am - Noon

Selected Sundays:             IOM Fleet                                 Noon - 3pm                     

Fall, Winter and Spring Racing Hours* - Starts Nov 1st :

Tuesday & Thursday :        DF95 Fleet & Soling Fleets    1 pm - 3pm

Selected Sundays:             IOM Fleet                                 Noon - 3pm

* RC Sailing is a very weather dependent sport. Daily sailing maybe cancelled at any time.

More About Us

Do we accept beginners.

    YES. We encourage sailors of all skill levels to join us. A Mentor Program is available for beginners. 

How can I get a S1M, RC Laser DF65 or DF95?

    Soling 1M:   We have a member called “Boat Yard” who has used/refurbished S1Ms’ for sale. You can also buy a new ready-to-sail boat from John. John's email [email protected]

     RC Laser:   A new RC Laser is available at  at a cost of less than $600 with 3 complete rigs.

     DF95:  A new DF95 can be purchased from in kit form for $345, up to $610, which includes a transmitter and receiver, B rig, B sails, LiPo battery, custom stand and sail numbers for A and B sails.  The boat can also be purchased and assembled by club member  “Boatyard” .  The assembly takes 3-4 hours. 

   DF65:  The Fleet at SMYC is unique in that it caters to those unable to walk long distances while racing due to shorter courses then the other classes. The boat is available at The boat can also be purchased and assembled by club member  “Boatyard”

Do we have dues/fees?

Dues are $75/year and a signed liability Waiver for SANCA is required.   SMYC is also a member of the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA).  The AMYA has many resources for Individual members. Their web site is

The club's primary contact is Commodore Bill Schmeising,            ( 631) 944-1077 or email [email protected]

For questions regarding this website, please contact Bill Schmeising.

Video Links

Here is a recent Video from the Soling Region 7 Regatta:

A link to the Sarasota Magazine Article about SMYC

In the Sky's video link

ABC Channel 7 Video with Linda Carlson:

Introductory Video:

2024 -2025 SMYC Calendar

Contact smyc, drop us a line.

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American Model Yachting Association

SMYC is a member of the AMYA, the national governing association for RC sailing in the US.

SMYC is club # 204 - Region #7

SMYC members are encouraged to be individual AMYA members.

SMYC sails at:

Nathan benderson park.

Nathan Benderson Park is a nearly 600-acre paradise nestled in the heart of Florida, featuring a 400-acre lake surrounded by breathtaking scenery. This ultimate recreational destination offers a wide range of activities, including world-class rowing events, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, fishing, and more.

Copyright © 2024 Sarasota Model Yacht Club - All Rights Reserved.

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1/25 (36") Scale America's Cup high performance model sailboat

5ft Replica of the 1962 Americas Cup 12 Meter

45" Scale Model of the Olympic Star Boat

J Class Boat-Shamrock V

1/16 (8'-10')Scale Replica of the 1930's America's Cup Class Yacht

RMG Sail Winches

High Performance sail control winches

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ALL of our boats are PROUDLY

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Click on the following logos to get further information on RC Sailboats


Chesapeake Performance Models is the Manufacturer, Distributor and builder of the CR-914, EC12 Meter, J Class, Santa Barbara and Star 45 Radio Control model Sailboats. We now offer IOM rig building, commissioning, measuring and optimization serivces.

CPM RACE WEEK 2024 Registration is now Live Who is Coming

Cr914 national championships  2023 j boat down the river race 2023 ec12 annapolis regatta   2023, 2022 cpm race week held sept 10-18 in the annapolis md area was a huge sucess and we hope you were able to attend.

Check Out JUDY BONANNO'S Amazing 2020 Race Week photos   Judy's 2022 CPM Race Week Photos

Great Article in Spinsheet Magazines Jan issue.

Take a look.

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Certified Manufacturer of EC12 Meter, S/B Star45, S/B and J Boat Hulls, Decks, Rudders & Ballasts

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The custom Shamrock V J Boat Maiden sail

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Taken with a RC gimbaled GoPro Camera

Some great video shots!!!

Custom Paint and Graphics Fabrication and Builds to any Stage of Completion for all Classes

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Our email address is   [email protected]   Telephone: CPM Shop Phone 410-604-3907 Hours: Monday to Friday   9:30am to 6:30pm (EST)

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Swell RC

Discover the Soling RC Sailboat: A Classic and Competitively-Driven Model

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  • By - Kyle Hilson
  • Posted on November 14, 2023 November 15, 2023
  • Posted in RC Boats

The Soling RC Sailboat is a highly detailed radio-controlled model sailboat, designed after the Olympic-class Soling racing sailboat. It is a favorite among hobbyists who enjoy the thrill of sailboat racing in miniature form. With its precision controls, exceptional sailing performance, and range of classic details, the Soling RC Sailboat is a unique model sailboat that closely mimics the agility and abilities of the original boat. Moreover, this model sailboat is a fantastic opportunity for enthusiasts to explore the details of assembling and constructing a sailboat kit to racing events showcasing their unique sailing capabilities.

Experience the Thrill of Racing with the Soling RC Sailboat Model

The Soling RC Sailboat model is approximately 1:8 scale and has a length of 1.21 meters. Its hull is made of high-quality fiberglass with a wooden deck. Additionally, its mast and boom consist of high-grade aluminum . Some other classic features of this model sailboat are the mainsail, jib, and spinnaker. Here are some highlights to consider regarding this radio-controlled Soling racing sailboat model:

  • This exquisite model sailboat is an excellent addition to a collection, particularly for sailboat enthusiasts .
  • Assembling and building the various parts of this model sailboat offers an engaging experience for hobbyists to enjoy.
  • Racing the Soling RC Sailboat is a fun activity that helps you experience the thrill of sailboat racing in a miniature setting.
  • The Soling RC Sailboat is a well-engineered sailboat model that provides a realistic sailing experience.
  • Whether you want to participate in competitions or sail casually, this model sailboat is an excellent choice.

Soling Rc Sailboat: Experience the Thrill of Racing with the Soling RC Sailboat Model

Where can I find more information on the specs and assembly instructions for the Soling RC Sailboat model?

You can find more information on the specs and assembly instructions for the Soling RC Sailboat model by visiting the manufacturer’s website or contacting their customer service department.

Impressive Performance of the Soling RC Sailboat

The Soling RC Sailboat is known for its exceptional sailing performance, with precision controls that allow for quick and efficient tacking and jibing. Here are some interesting facts and figures that illustrate the outstanding sailing capabilities of the Soling RC Sailboat :

  • The Soling RC Sailboat has a sail area of 1.8 square meters and can reach speeds of up to 10 mph.
  • With a high aspect ratio keel and rudder, this sailboat provides excellent stability and maneuverability.
  • Thanks to the carefully designed rig with a balanced sail plan, the Soling RC Sailboat offers an incredibly predictable response to control inputs.
  • Many hobbyist enthusiasts have created modifications to their Soling RC Sailboats to enhance their performance, such as carbon fiber booms and upgraded sails.

To better visualize the impressive performance of the Soling RC Sailboat , here is a comparison table with other model sailboats’ stats:

Model Sailboat Sail Area Length Speed
1.8 sqm 1.21m 10 mph
0.95 sqm 0.95m 6 mph
0.23 sqm 0.612m 5 mph

Soling Rc Sailboat: Impressive Performance of the Soling RC Sailboat

What modifications can hobbyist enthusiasts make to enhance the performance of their Soling RC Sailboat?

Hobbyist enthusiasts can enhance the performance of their Soling RC Sailboat by modifying the rigging, sail shape, keel weight, and rudder shape.

Resources and Events for the Soling RC Sailboat

Those interested in purchasing and assembling the Soling RC Sailboat can find a variety of options and resources online. Here are a few websites and products to consider:

  • The Soling RC Sailboat kit is available from several online retailers, including Amazon and Remote Control Boat Kits.
  • For those interested in customizing their Soling RC Sailboat , there are a wide variety of upgrade options available, including high-performance sails, rigging, and electronics.
  • Online forums and communities dedicated to model sailboats can provide a wealth of information and support for hobbyists assembling and racing their Soling RC Sailboat .
  • For those interested in racing their Soling RC Sailboat against others, there are local and national events held around the world.

Soling Rc Sailboat: Resources and Events for the Soling RC Sailboat

What customization options are available for the Soling RC Sailboat?

The customization options available for the Soling RC Sailboat include different hull colors, sails, rigging, and hardware upgrades.

Get Your Sailboat Racing Fix with the Soling RC Sailboat

Those interested in racing their Soling RC Sailboat can find a wide range of events and competitions held throughout the year. Here are a few options to consider:

  • International Soling One Meter Class Association (ISMCA) holds a range of competitions worldwide, including regional, national, and international events. Their website provides event schedules and details.
  • North American Model Boating Association (NAMBA) offers a variety of model boating events and races, including sailboat races. Their website offers information on upcoming events, locations, and registration.
  • Radio Sailing Shop is an online merchant that sells a range of RC sailboats, including Soling RC Sailboats. They also provide information and support on racing events and competitions.
  • The Facebook group “ Soling One Meter Sailboats ” has over 1,000 members and is a place where Soling RC Sailboat enthusiasts can connect, share information, and find out about upcoming events.

Soling Rc Sailboat: Get Your Sailboat Racing Fix with the Soling RC Sailboat

Where can I find a community of Soling RC Sailboat enthusiasts?

You can find a community of Soling RC Sailboat enthusiasts by searching online forums or clubs in your local area.

In conclusion

The Soling RC Sailboat is a unique and impressive model sailboat that has captured the hearts of hobbyists around the globe. With its exceptional sailing performance and precision controls, this model offers a highly realistic experience of racing a classic sailboat. Moreover, the Soling RC Sailboat is an excellent choice for those looking to dive into model sailboat assembly and construction. The range of customization options available means that enthusiasts can design and build a model that perfectly suits their preferences.

As mentioned in the previous section, the Soling RC Sailboat is perfect for those looking to compete and take their hobby to the next level, and there are many events and competitions available worldwide. Whether it’s through associations like ISMCA and NAMBA or online communities like the Facebook group “Soling One Meter Sailboats,” enthusiasts can connect with like-minded individuals and share their passion for model sailboats.

Overall, the Soling RC Sailboat is a beautiful and unique model that continues to captivate and inspire hobbyists worldwide. Whether it’s for casual sailing or competitive racing, this model sailboat offers an exceptional experience that is sure to provide countless hours of enjoyment for all those who take up the hobby.

DR10 RC: A High-Quality Remote-Controlled Car for Racing Enthusiasts

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Our Types of Kits

Tippecanoe kits are fun and easy to build. In our world which is becoming increasingly virtual it is a great experience to build something real and tangible. The excitement of getting to sail your own boat when you have finished building is unparalleled! What could be more fun? The Tippecanoe boat you build tomorrow might well be in your family for generations to come. We design our boats to be beautiful, to sail fast, to be easy to build and to last for years and years.

Free-Sailing Sailboat Kits

All of the woodworking is already completed when you receive your free sailing kit. The sails are pre-sewn and the hull is already sanded, ready for varnish. The building instructions are very clear and easy to follow.

Everything you need to build the kit is included except for paint or varnish. The T12 and the T15 include racing stripes that can be applied to the hull for an extra decorativie accent. Assembly time after varnishing is about 25 minutes for the T12 Cruiser, 30 minutes for the T15 Racing Sloop, and 45 minutes for the T18 T-Class. All of the boats are also available finished and ready to sail.

Radio-Controlled (RC) Sailboat Kits

Tippecanoe RC boats are sophisticated and fast – and easy to build! Every kit includes everything you need to build and sail your Tippecanoe radio controlled sailboat except for paint, varnish and AA batteries. All of the radio control gear, including the handheld transmitter as well as the in-boat reciever, is included in the kit. The radio control gear is all full power rc hobby gear. The instructions are written clearly in non-translated English and are based on the assumption that you are an aero-space engineer that needs very little help – no, actually I write all of the instructions with the assumption that you have never done anything even vaguely similar to building a boat before in your life and every detail of every step is explained very carefully. After all, before long, you will have your beautiful boat at the lake and lots of people will be admiring it and asking if it was hard to build. When owners tell others how fun and easy the boat was to build and how clear the instructions are – well, this is why there are so many Tippecanoe boats in the world today.

We currently have over 65,000 Tippecanoe boats sailing in more than 60 countries around the world. We do everything possible to make building your Tippecanoe boat as fun and as rewarding a project as possible. You can call us anytime and talk with Will, the designer of the boat you are building if you have any questions or want to share an update on how your boat is progressing. Spare parts are always available upon request and all of our kits are made right here in the US.

The wooden parts in our RC kits are pre-cut with a precision computer controlled router. The boats are assembled with a West System marine epoxy, the same as is used on full sized boats. All of the epoxy is included in the kits. We include a clear version and a pre-thickened version of the epoxy. The pre-thickened version spreads just like mayonnaise with no sag and no running so it is remarkably easy to use. The epoxy is super strong, so your boat will last for years and sail beautifully even if you only get a small amount of the epoxy in the right places! The differences we see between boats that different owners have built is only how carefully the final finishing is done. All of the boats are beautiful, all of the boats sail beautifully and all of the boats will last for many, many years. Every boat is finished off differently with different colors and different design ideas so every boat becomes a very personal creation with its own special character. Go wild, build a boat! Have fun building and sail a boat that you have built!

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Model Sailboats

Model Sail Boats on Conservatory Water

Model Sail Boats on Conservatory Water

Rent a model sailboat or watch the races at conservatory water..

Park goers have been racing miniature sailboats and yachts at Conservatory Water  since 1875. You don't need a boat to enjoy the spectacle of the racing events, and spectators of all ages are welcome. 

Conservatory Water is located just off 5th Avenue at 74th Street.

See racing and rental information below.

Model Sailboat Racing

From spring through early fall, Central Park Model Yacht Club members race their boats at Conservatory Water on Saturdays from 10 AM to 1 PM.

All boats are wind-powered (powered boats are not allowed) and remote-controlled using the trim of the sail and the direction of the rudder. You can see all types of masterpieces built by model boat enthusiasts. Carved wooden boats are some of the most eye-catching on display.

If you would like to try model sailing, the CPMYC encourages you to contact them or stop by any Saturday during racing season hours to find out more.

2024 Model Sailboat Rental Information

Rent a remote-controlled wind-powered sailboat at Conservatory Water.

Rentals are $15 for 30 minutes. Proceeds support the Bronx-based nonprofit Rocking the Boat. 

Note: Children under 12 must be supervised.


Wednesdays & Fridays 11 AM to 6 PM

Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 11 AM to 6 PM


Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 11 AM to 7 PM

Saturdays: 1 PM to 7 PM


Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 11 AM to 6 PM

Saturdays: 1PM to 6 PM

Model Sailboat Storage & Permits

Residents of the city who wish to race a model sailboat frequently may apply for a permit to store their boat at the Kerbs Boathouse during the week. Space is limited, so apply early in the season. For more information visit here .

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Cleveland Model Boat Club

Cleveland Model Boat Club

Our hobby is all about r/c model boating: sail, scale and power

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Sailboat Racing

We race these one design classes of radio controlled model yachts according to the Racing Rules of Sailing (especially Appendix E) and the club’s SAILING INSTRUCTIONS :

Soling 1 Meter (S1M)

RG65 or Dragon Force 65

Dragon Flite 95

We race S1M and DF95 class boats the first and third Saturday of each month from April through November, rotating among the ponds we use. Each race begins at 1 PM and finishes at 3 PM. A race consists of multiple heats of about 15 minutes, with separate heat starts for each class.

We race the RG65, or Dragon Force 65, class on alternate Tuesday afternoons at Elmwood Park from 1 PM until 3 PM.

These are the  scores  for club races.

We also participate as a club in open and invitational regattas held by

Western Reserve Model Yacht Club Edgewater Yacht Club

sailboat model racing

American Model Yachting Association membership and a signed waver for the pond you will use is required to participate in racing with our club. You may race as a guest two times each year. Join our club to enjoy model yacht racing all the time.

You are welcome to watch us race as often as you like.


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RC Sailboats

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  • Can be used in the popular 650mm yacht racing classes
  • Single color allows for personalization

Bancroft Sportsail 550mm (22

  • Compact and convenient!
  • "Blank slate" white-customizing options are endless

Bancroft Caribbean 260mm (10.2

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  • PNP version allows your choice of TX and RX

Bancroft DragonFlite 95 950mm (37.4

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  • The easiest path to an RC regatta-clubs in all major cities!

Bancroft DragonFlite 95 950mm (37.4

  • V2 version offers improved winch and boat stand

Kyosho Fortune 612 III Sailboat 612mm (24

  • High-visibility graphics factory applied
  • Carbon mast and boom with precision rigging

Bancroft Focus V3 Red 995mm (39.2

  • V3 version details improve performance
  • New jib and mainsail design for increased efficiency

Bancroft Focus V3 Blue 995mm (39.2

  • Vibrant sail and hull color scheme
  • New boat stand design for easy transport and maintenance

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All Radio Controlled (RC) Model Boats, sail and powered

Tippecanoe Boats

RC Sailboat: T27 Racing Sloop

from $375.00

RC Sailboat: T37 Racing Sloop

from $465.00

RC Sailboat: T37 RACING UPGRADE Racing Sloop

from $560.00

RC Boat: Stormy 45 Steam or Electric

from $655.00

  • T47 Radio Controlled Schooner
  • T50 Radio Controlled Racing Sloop

from $870.00

  • T50 CARBON FIBER Radio Controlled Racing Sloop

from $895.00

  • T50 Radio Controlled Trimaran
  • T52 Radio Controlled Racing Sloop
  • T65 Radio Controlled Racing Sloop

RC Boat: T24 Tug

from $558.00

Promotional DVD

Stormy 45 electric, t59 gaff topsail sloop by tippecanoe boats.

  • All All Radio Controlled Boats, Sail and Power
  • T37 Radio Controlled Racing Sloop
  • T27 Radio Controlled Racing Sloop
  • T37 RACING UPGRADE Radio Controlled Racing Sloop
  • T24 Radio Controlled Tug
  • Radio Controlled Sailboat Accessories
  • Stormy 45 Classic Power Launch
  • All Wooden Toy Sailboats
  • Wooden Toy Sailboat - 12 inch: T12 Cruiser
  • Wooden Toy Sailboat - 15 inch: T15 Racing Sloop
  • Wooden Toy Sailboat - 18 inch: T18 Racing Sloop
  • Toy Sailboat Accessories
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  • Kyosho SeaWind Sails
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The High-Adrenaline Racing of SailGP, Where Boats Don’t Float—They Fly

E ver wanted a new sport to get into? Perhaps one that combines adrenaline, high-tech thrills and spills, and exotic locations? SailGP might be for you. Think of it as Formula 1 on water, with ten nations battling it out in 50-foot-long, 80-foot-tall high-tech racing catamarans powered entirely by the wind. But here’s the thing: They don’t sail. They fly—and fast.

SailGP, founded in 2019, is the brainchild of billionaire sailing nut Larry Ellison and New Zealander Sir Russell Coutts, arguably the most famous and successful competitive sailor in the sport’s history. From the get-go, the pair’s idea was not to create just another race series for yachty insiders but a global, spectator-friendly event that could capitalize on the new advances in sail racing afforded by foiling technology. This year, the season reached 193 million viewers, up 48 percent from 2023. Taking more than a little inspiration from Formula 1, SailGP set out to attract non-sailors to this burgeoning sport, partly by staging the races in nontraditional waters, like Abu Dhabi, Bermuda, and Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Since its inception, the SailGP competition has been sponsored by Rolex, which has long been a supporter of all manner of sailing. Last year, the brand extended its support by ten more years. As well as a $2 million purse for his team, the winning skipper at the grand finale, which this season took place below the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, receives a titanium Yacht-Master II.

Many of sailing’s luminaries are also key members of Rolex’s Testimonee program, evangelizing for both sailing and its unique connection with ocean sustainability. One of them is Tom Slingsby, Helm and CEO of SailGP’s Team Australia and three-time Rolex Sailor of the Year. At the top of his game, Slingsby, 39, has carried off three out of the four SailGP championships for Team Australia since it began in 2019.

Foiling, just a decade-and-change old, has transformed competitive sailing. Put simply, thanks to the physics of hydrostatic pressure, by foiling on carbon fiber blades, an entire 50-foot racing catamaran can lift itself out of the water, reducing the drag coefficient to almost nothing and producing speeds unimaginable just 15 years ago. Often, this means the boat moves three, even four times faster than the wind.

“You see spectators’ faces when you go past them doing nearly 100 kilometers an hour on the water, and at four times the wind speed,” Slingsby says. “It’s unbelievable.” Foiling has almost doubled competitive sailing’s top speed—and it’s getting faster all the time. Not that speed is really the aim here.

“I don’t think it’s SailGP’s goal is to set an outright speed record or anything like that,” Slingsby explains. “What we want is a good racing product. Our hydrofoils don’t need to just go super-fast in a straight line; they need to go around a racetrack efficiently, to take off in light airs and sail well in strong airs, and be maneuverable when tacking and jibing.”

But getting there requires both skill and experience in a fast-evolving sport as well as an array of technology and data-gathering. So called “aviation officers” on each team have one job: to keep the race boat flying on its foils in constantly changing conditions. When they don’t, interesting things can happen.

Slingsby will probably race any boat you put in front of him. There’s a reason for that. “In the Olympics in 2008,” he says, “I went in as a favorite to win the Laser gold medal and I choked, basically I finished twenty-second. Then my good friend Nathan Outteridge [a fellow Australian and Helm of SailGP Team Switzerland], was leading going into the final race and ended up coming away with fifth and missing a medal. We were both really depressed. We were sitting having a beer after the Olympics and he said, ‘We’ve just got to sail more. Let's just sail every type of boat, learn every type of skill, and that way we will be hard to beat.’”

Slingsby (and Outteridge) did just that, diving head-first into the nascent sport of foiling at just the right time. Both went on to win Olympic golds.

“I’m very fortunate that I actually got to be part of sailing before foiling came along,” Slingsby says. “I went to the Olympics in Lasers, probably the simplest boat in the world, and then I was there when the America's Cup boats started hydro-foiling. Now I'm here now with SailGP, the fastest and most amazing foiling league in the world, and it's really taking our sport to new levels.”

Unlike Formula 1, there’s a deliberately bare-bones vibe to the infrastructure of SailGP to make the whole competition as environmentally sustainable as possible. The tagline is, after all, “Powered by Nature.”

“SailGP is at the top of the sport,” Slingsby explains, “so it filters down through the whole of sailing. We see and deal with ocean health every day; we see it much more than, say, tennis players do, or F1 drivers, or track athletes. We’re out there dealing with Mother Nature; it's probably just us and surfers. It’s our responsibility to raise awareness.”

Off the water, the Impact Awards challenge GP teams to come up with ingenious ways to reduce waste and save on resources. For instance, the race catamarans—which all share the same design—were designed so they can be disassembled and fit into a single 40-foot container.

The benefit of one-design racing is that it levels the playing field. Skill becomes much more pivotal in race results. Each boat has around 160 electronic sensors, tracking every setting of the boat, especially below the waterline, where the angle of attack of the foils is critical. Win or lose, at the end of a race day, all those recorded settings are beamed straight to the cloud and are immediately accessible to the other teams and their tacticians.

“Initially, I really didn't like it,” says Slingsby of the data sharing. “We were the top team and every day we’d go out and be losing advantage to our competitors because they would see our data from that day, and they were getting closer and closer. But now, I think it's just good for SailGP. The racing is so much tighter.”

Tighter, but also more human too. While material failures account for a proportion of crashes, decisions made by a skipper in a split second—or simply a split second too late—can throw out a whole race.

Another curiosity of SailGP is the way the finals are set up. The point system gives a race winner 10 points; second place receives 9 points, and so on. But the finals are where it gets interesting. The grand finale weekend consists of five qualifying fleet races featuring all 10 teams, and then the final race itself. Only the top three teams get to race in the final, with their seasonal scores effectively erased. Which means a team could be third overall for the season and still win the grand finale in the last few minutes of the season. It makes for a gripping race.

That’s precisely what happened last month in San Francisco, where third-place Spain, skippered by Diego Botin, edged out league leaders New Zealand and Australia in a race that lasted just 10 minutes.

Slingsby, for his part, is currently in Barcelona, where that other great sailing race, The America’s Cup, is under way. SailGP’s 2024/25 season kicks off in November in Dubai. Two news teams are rumored to be joining the fray, attracted by the unique approach to racing established for SailGP.

“The America's Cup is a development game,” says Slingsby. “You design your own boat and you're just trying to make it the fastest you possibly can on the water. Essentially, you’re in training boats for three years and then you get three or four months in your actual race boat. You really do one important event in four years. With SailGP, we get to race for a full season every year. So, for sure SailGP is my favorite thing to do because it's consistent racing every month. Me, I'm a racer.”

Three-time Rolex Sailor of the Year Tom Slingsby gives us a glimpse into a new sort of sailing.


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  5. International A Class 73" racing sailboat : E, Christibys SOLD

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    The Ships Store is where you can get, Back Issues of Certain R/C Sailboat Model Yachting Quarterly Magazines, Plans for certain R/C Sailboat model yachts, AMYA logo items, and more. The AMYA was established in 1970 as a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting racing, designing, building, and preservation of all model sailing yachts ...

  2. Tippecanoe Boats

    T37 Racing Upgrade Racing Sloop; T27 Racing Sloop; T37 Spare Parts and Accessories; T47 Schooner; T50 Racing Sloop; T50 Carbon Fiber Racing Sloop; Marblehead T50; T50 Tri; ... We produce the highest quality model sailboats, toy sailboats, and radio controlled model sailing boats in the world. After 36 years of business, there are now over ...

  3. Home

    Radio Controlled Sailboat Racing . The Soling Class is the largest class affiliated with the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA). It is a one-design class and the kit and Ready-To-Sail (RTS) boats are manufactured by a single manufacturer, Victor Model Products. Some local hobby shops also have kits available.

  4. RC Sailboats

    RC sport sail. Most kits and RTR (ready-to-run) model RC sail boats are best categorized as RC sport scale. This category is a happy medium between full-blown scale models and RC racing yachts. Some have become so widely distributed that new racing classes has been formed around them. Good examples are Graupner's Micro Magic and Kyosho's Fairwind.

  5. What is Model Yacht Racing

    An overview of the some types of Radio Sailing boats that may be suitable for a newcomer to the sport and who is interested in progressing in the racing side...

  6. Sarasota Model Yacht Club

    Soling 1M: We have a member called "Boat Yard" who has used/refurbished S1Ms' for sale.You can also buy a new ready-to-sail boat from John. John's email [email protected].. RC Laser: A new RC Laser is available at at a cost of less than $600 with 3 complete rigs. DF95: A new DF95 can be purchased from in kit form for $345, up to $610, which includes ...

  7. Tippecanoe Boats: The Finest Wooden Model Sailboats

    Tippecanoe Boats produces the finest wooden radio controlled and toy sailboat models available anywhere in the world today. We have over 70,000 boats sailing around the world ranging from a 5 inch toy boat to a 65 inch RC boat. We pride ourselves on producing high performance, traditional model boats for all ages.

  8. RC Sailboat: T37 Racing Sloop

    White. Quantity. $465.00 USD. For accessories for the T37 RC Sailboat, including a varnish kit and stands, visit the T37 RC Sailboat Accessories page. A Remote Control Sailboat that is fast, powerful, affordable, and fun to build. The T37 RC Racing Sloop is 37 inches long, 5 feet high, and has a total weight of 4 pounds with the keel ballast ...

  9. RC Sailboat Racing: A Guide to the Exciting Hobby and ...

    RC sailboat racing is an engaging and exciting hobby that is enjoyed by people all over the world. This activity involves racing small model sailboats against other competitors in a controlled setting, usually on a large body of water such as a lake or a pond. What makes this hobby so appealing is the combination of sailing skill, strategy, and ...

  10. Central Park Model Yacht Club

    Learn More. Come join us every Saturday between 10AM and 1PM at Central Park Conservatory Water just off 5th Ave. at 74th St. See for hours and other details. . $15 for 30 minutes. One of the oldest model yacht clubs in the US, racing IOM RC sailboats every Saturday, 10AM to 1PM.

  11. model sailboat

    Tips on Racing RC Sailboats: where to sail, how to set up a good course, racing markers, starting and finishing, building a fleet. 6 Popular Ways to Sail Your Free-Sailing Tippecanoe Model Sailboat Starting Point: Just add water. Sailing Statistics: 1/8 mile in five minutes, 140 feet per minute in 12-15 mph wind.

  12. T37 Racing Sloop

    T37 Racing Sloop. The T37 RC Racing Sloop is a fully sanctioned one design class in the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA). It is an ideal club boat, affordable for everyone, fun and easy to build, and perfect for racing. Each boat has a unique personality reflecting the builder's preference for paint styles and colors.

  13. THE AMYA

    The Santa Barbara is an original design expressly for model yacht racing with the classic lines of a full-size yacht. This large-sized yacht's hull and keel must be initially purchased from the manufacturer. ... These encompass free-sailing model yachts, older designs converted to R/C and pre-1970s R/C sailing models. There are over 450 boats ...

  14. Mid Atlantic Model Yacht Club

    The Mid Atlantic Model Yacht Club is a group of sailing enthusiasts who get together once a month to race radio-controlled model sailboats. Our club is a member of the American Model Yachting Association, AMYA , which is the National governing body of model yachting. Our members come from the surrounding areas in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.

  15. !Sailboats

    Our email address is [email protected]. Telephone: CPM Shop Phone 410-604-3907. Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 6:30pm (EST) RC Sailboat Kits, Radio Control Sailboats, Parts and fitting for the CR-914, EC12 Meter, Star 45, Santa Barbara and J Class boats.

  16. Discover the Soling RC Sailboat: A Classic and Competitively-Driven Model

    The Soling RC Sailboat is a highly detailed radio-controlled model sailboat, designed after the Olympic-class Soling racing sailboat. It is a favorite among hobbyists who enjoy the thrill of sailboat racing in miniature form. With its precision controls, exceptional sailing performance, and range of classic details, the Soling RC Sailboat is a ...

  17. Our Kits

    The T12 and the T15 include racing stripes that can be applied to the hull for an extra decorativie accent. Assembly time after varnishing is about 25 minutes for the T12 Cruiser, 30 minutes for the T15 Racing Sloop, and 45 minutes for the T18 T-Class. All of the boats are also available finished and ready to sail. Radio-Controlled (RC ...

  18. Model Sailboat Rentals and Racing

    Rent a model sailboat or watch the races at Conservatory Water. Park goers have been racing miniature sailboats and yachts at Conservatory Water since 1875. You don't need a boat to enjoy the spectacle of the racing events, and spectators of all ages are welcome. Conservatory Water is located just off 5th Avenue at 74th Street.

  19. Sailboat Racing

    Sailboat Racing. We race these one design classes of radio controlled model yachts according to the Racing Rules of Sailing (especially Appendix E) and the club's SAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Soling 1 Meter (S1M) RG65 or Dragon Force 65. Dragon Flite 95. We race S1M and DF95 class boats the first and third Saturday of each month from April through ...

  20. RC Sailboats

    Bancroft RG65 Quickfire 650mm (26") Racing Sailboat - RTR. Can be used in the popular 650mm yacht racing classes. "Blank slate" white-customizing options are endless. Bancroft Binary V2 400mm (15.7") Catamaran Sailboat - RTR. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and you will be automatically entered for a chance to win a $100 Motion RC Gift Card.

  21. All Radio Controlled (RC) Sailboats

    Tippecanoe Boats produces the finest wooden radio controlled and toy sailboat models available anywhere in the world today. We have over 70,000 boats sailing around the world ranging from a 5 inch toy boat to a 65 inch RC boat. ... traditional model boats for all ages. ... RC Sailboat: T27 Racing Sloop. from $375.00. Tippecanoe Boats . RC ...

  22. Welcome to Midwest Model Yachting, LLC

    Mast, 7075 T9 Aluminum Alloy, Tube 2000 mm long, 11.0 mm dia., 0.5mm wall thickness, Black, IOM, US One Meter - by Midwest Model Yachting, LLC $27.00 Out of Stock

  23. Wind Powered RC Sailboat Kits, Unassembled & RTR

    Kyosho Seawind ReadySet Racing Yacht w/KT-431S 2.4GHz Radio. Not yet reviewed. $249.99. View Details. Kyosho Fortune 612 III RTR Electric Sail Boat w/KT-431S 2.4GHz Radio. Not yet reviewed. $159.99. View Details. PlaySTEM Voyager 400 Motor-Powered RC Sailboat (Red) w/2.4GHz Transmitter.

  24. The High-Adrenaline Racing of SailGP, Where Boats Don't Float ...

    Foiling, just a decade-and-change old, has transformed competitive sailing. Put simply, thanks to the physics of hydrostatic pressure, by foiling on carbon fiber blades, an entire 50-foot racing ...