1. Comprehensive Buying Guide: Best Antifouling Paint

    best antifouling paint for sailboat

  2. Comprehensive Buying Guide: Best Antifouling Paint

    best antifouling paint for sailboat

  3. How Antifouling Paint Protects Your Vessel

    best antifouling paint for sailboat

  4. High-tech antifouling paint

    best antifouling paint for sailboat

  5. Antifouling Paint for Aluminum Pontoons

    best antifouling paint for sailboat

  6. Best Antifouling Bottom Paint for Boats

    best antifouling paint for sailboat


  1. Practical Sailor Tests Reveal Best Bottom Paints

    Find out which antifouling paints keep barnacles at bay for multiple seasons. Our annual bottom paint report comes on the heels of some important news regarding the use of copper-based antifouling paint in California.