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Most beautiful superyachts: 10 of the best as chosen by top designers

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What turns a superyacht into a thing of beauty? We asked scores of the world's leading yacht designers to list the 10 most beautiful superyachts ever built...

The only rules were that they couldn’t pick one of their own and they had to be luxury superyachts over 30 metres. With the votes counted, we can now reveal our definitive rundown of the most beautiful yachts in the world.

We’ve even enlisted some of those same designers to explain what makes the final ten yachts so special. Scroll down to see the full top 10 and read more about each model.

10 of the most beautiful superyachts of all time


10. Limitless

James Roy, managing director of BMT Nigel Gee believes her to be one of the most beautiful superyachts in the world and writes:

“One of the earlier breed of superyachts Limitless is in my opinion from a period when the volume of superstructures were not over imposing producing a well balanced yacht. These proportions coupled with the sheer line and well matched angles of bow profile and rake of superstructure ends all work together.”

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Certainly with her dark blue hull and glistening white superstructure she cuts quite a dash and at night her comprehensive array of on deck illumination and underwater lighting make her look nothing short of spectacular proving that yachts can have beauty 24 hours a day.

Year: 1997 – LOA: 96.25m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Jon Bannenburg – Interior: Catroux

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“It’s a great pleasure to pay tribute to an iconic thoroughbred such as Skat , still standing tall on the horizon,” says Tim Saunders of Rainsford Saunders Design. “Despite her military looks, this is a true superyacht, engineered as a ship at heart and built from the keel up, with every square metre fulfilling the owner’s brief. Skat is a unique design but has not broken traditional yachting rules for the sake of it.

She is a superyacht that has been devised to offer the owner a well-considered relationship between external and internal living spaces, and unlike many of her sisters, she doesn’t opt for maximum density. Skat ’s combination of poise, elegance and balance comes from a clever use of straight, angular lines, facetted surfaces and enhanced ship details.

Each component comes together in a harmonious relationship to offer a daring and bold statement that from a distance has the grace and elegance of something far more organic. She is a yacht that catches your eye from all angles.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 70.7m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Espin Oeino – Interior: Marco Zanini


8. Alfa Nero

“When we first saw Alfa Nero we were impressed by her smooth exterior lines,” say Mareid Moosbrugger and Georg Decker of Egg and Dart Design. “The superstructure is sleek and elegant without any angular or hard corners. We consider her to be one of the most beautiful yachts afloat today, and we can easily understand why our colleagues agree.

“Walking around her at the 2007 Monaco Yacht Show , we felt the three-dimensional use of space was harmonious with the elements, and there was a true balance between the inside and outside areas of the yacht, with the exterior spaces maintaining a close connection with the natural environment of the sea and sky.

“The decks are open and airy, yet there is a feeling of being safely cocooned, and the superb aft deck in particular maintains a feeling of being at one with the ocean, which is emphasised by the huge pool. The yacht impressed us as a gentle giant: on the one hand huge, voluminous and technically advanced; on the other, stylish, glossy and surprisingly cosy.

“The beautiful interior features a timeless but modern design with elements of Art Deco, and everywhere you can see that the smallest details have been attended to. This yacht is a perfect combination of design, functionality and vision, and offers a unique ambience.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 81.27m – Builder: Oceanco – Exterior: Nuvolari-Lenard – Interior: Alberto Pinto


Designer Reymond Langton says: “At the time of her creation, she was the largest yacht that we had signed and would be the largest the yard had built. The client is a very experienced yacht owner and for him to have put his trust in us when we had nothing of our own in the water at the time was a massive vote of confidence.

“He allowed us to be a little experimental with the design – this was the first large yacht with a plumb bow. It was fantastic to have landed another contract where we were able to design the exterior and interior as it gave us much more control over the whole project, and gave us the scope to really harmonise the spaces.

“It also allowed us to work hand in hand together, which we thoroughly enjoy and believe delivers the best results for the client. We think she stands out because she has a very striking profile that is easily recognisable from a distance.

“She has a lot of presence on the water due to her powerful lines. Anyone who has been on board will tell you that the high-volume interior feels incredibly luxurious.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 68.0m – Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen – Exterior: Reymond Langton Design – Interior: Reymond Langton Design


6. Carinthia VII

The Austrian supermarket heiress Heidi Horten replaced Carinthia VI (see below) with this very secret yacht rumoured to run at 26 knots. Voting her as his most beautiful yacht, Rupert Mann of Rainsford Mann Design said, “97m is a good length for a designer to work with, as it gives an opportunity to design longitudinally not vertically and therefore create an elegant yacht which appears low and sleek.

“What makes the design of Carinthia VII so successful is the enhancement of this due to the pure and elegant sheer line that draws your eye from the bow to stern so effortlessly. The clever trick of dropping the sheer line one deck down aft, gives it a dynamic and purposeful bow shape forward, as if carving its path with consummate ease.

The horizontal lines of the super structure are equally uncomplicated, in this instance resisting the addition of unnecessary detail such as fashion plates that often complicate a design. Ultimately I think the strength of the design manifests through its simplicity. It is the most successful of designs, which can be called a ‘timeless classic’.

“A design that will be successful in every genre modern or classic and in every decade, that even 7 years later still is relevant and pleasing to the eye. I would suspect it is this timeless styling and the sheer simplicity, coupled with the poise and balance of the whole composition, that is so appealing to so many of us.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 97m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Tim Heywood


5. Maltese Falcon

The designer Ken Freivoch, responsible for the way this beautiful yacht looks says, “We are delighted that our fellow designers should have included Maltese Falcon within their shortlist. She was designed without any attempt to be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – it was very much a case of “form follows function”, albeit with very careful attention to essential design principles, balanced proportions and uncluttered and purposeful shapes totally derived from the function they are designed to perform.

The yacht is significant in her innovative sailing system, and our studio took this as a clue to develop the design around such technology, with every effort to develop beautiful and unique solutions aimed at highlighting her unique rig. I can only surmise that a reason why she may have been selected by designers is that she is not a “trendy” design, but the result of going back to first principles, coming out with original and unique solutions, and achieve continuity of concept through from the external styling to the interior design.

A case in point would be the design of the “spider” feature at the aft deck – originally the result of a last minute request from the naval architects to achieve optimum separation between the bearings at the mizzen mast, the announcement from Gerry Dijkstra came something like: “Hey Ken, if we had to place the top bearing for the aft mast 1m above the deck, in the middle of the aft deck – would that be a problem?

“Can you come up with a way to do this, which Tom will not object to? We took this as a clue to design an elegant and purposeful set of arches or buttresses to shore up the bearing in question, and at the same time underline what a unique “machine” the Falcon is – express such function very much along the lines of a watchmaker showing the inner workings of a beautifully crafted watch. Maltese Falcon was a great challenge, exactly the type of challenge that our design team relishes.

For us, the thrill, the excitement and the ultimate satisfaction is to come up with totally unique, “out-of-the-box” solutions, and achieve a design which the owner can feel was truly conceived and executed in response to his brief, to his preferences and to the very specific requirements set out for the project.”

Year: 2006 – LOA: 88m – Builder: Perini Navi – Exterior: Gerard Dijstra – Interior: Ken Freivoch


Espen Oenio was at the time of the design working with Martin Francis and describes the commissioning owner – Mexican media magnate Emilio Azcarraga – as a wonderfully charismatic man. He remembers one meeting in particular early on in the project.

They were at the time sitting on board the owner’s then yacht Lady Azteca (now Achilles ), when he laid out what was to become the mission statement for the whole design process. He told the design team: “I am a very private man. I never spend time in port, I am always cruising. But when I do go into port, I want my presence to be felt through my boat.”

James Roy of BMT Nigel Gee is one designer who voted for Enigma . “It was not until I set eyes on her in the flesh at Cowes Week in 1999 that I really came to appreciate her beauty,” he says.

“The reverse sheer, the sweeping aft deck and those iconic windows – they all meld together to produce a yacht that visually works to perfection and is thoroughly striking even today, 18 years after her launch. It’s very different from anything else that is around.”

Theo Werner of Werner Yacht Design is equally enthusiastic. “When the design of this yacht was first published, I was stunned,” he says. “And when the first photographs appeared in the magazines, I was even more stunned.

“She introduced a new way of thinking that even surpassed the designs of Bannenberg, who I admire very much. Eco included many aspects that are foreign to other ships and yachts, yet Martin Francis managed to combine these with everything that make a ship pretty, such as sleekness, the suggestion of a low freeboard a small superstructure.”

She was subsequently sold to Larry Ellison and is now owned by the British businessman Aidan Barclay and his brother.

Year: 1991 – LOA: 74.5m – Builder: Blomhm & Voss – Exterior: Martin Francis – Interior: Francois Zuretti


3. Endeavour

“Endeavour is one of my favourite yachts for a number of reasons,” Ed Dubois told SuperYacht World . “Firstly, she is a J Class yacht – one of only a few ever built. This class epitomised the very peak of yacht design before World War II and remains still, in technical terms, a class apart. These yachts were extreme in every way and demanded technology that was then in its infancy.

“They were superb yachts to sail upwind, but they were also fast reaching and downwind. They demanded a very high level of sailing skill, and indeed a high level of boatbuilding skill.

“ Endeavour , I believe, is the most beautiful of all the Js built. Her purity of line is exquisite and I think the shape of the sheer is slightly better than any of the others including Velsheda (by the same designer).

“Charles Nicholson designed Endeavour in 1933 and she was used to challenge for the America’s Cup in 1934. It was universally acknowledged that she was faster than the defender Rainbow , and she won the first two races, but better sailing by the Americans allowed them to win overall.

“She has captured the imagination of so many people including, happily, Elizabeth Meyer, who acquired the yacht in the seventies and rebuilt her almost from scratch.

“I believe there is some original plate still present but the hull was rebuilt in the UK and then taken to Royal Huisman Shipyard to be fitted out. The interior, by John Munford, is beautiful – obviously not what was fitted originally when she was a pure racing yacht, but Munford created something that is entirely fitting.

“Endeavour is not a practical yacht to own. She can only be sailed in reasonable conditions, she requires a large crew to race her, most of whom by necessity must sleep ashore, and maintaining a yacht of this type, particularly with regard to sails, rigging, etc is not inexpensive. However, for sheer sailing performance, romantic appeal and beauty I believe she is second to none.”

Year: 1934 – LOA: 39.6m – Builder: Camper & Nicholson – Exterior: C & N – Interior: C & N


Designer Tim Heywood says: “When a client gives you carte blanche to create a design, it is a blessing and a curse, if you do not rise to the challenge, you will not gain the approval of your client or, eventually, the respect of your peers.

“ Pelorus was a great project for us and we are extremely pleased with the end result, as was the client. I was able to develop the internal general arrangement plan, the external global styling themes and the practical engineering details to a level I had not achieved before.

The organic curves & forms of the superstructure are echoed in the lines of the hull, tying the two forms together, to produce a harmony that is easy on the eye, was quite unique at the time and, hopefully, will not date.

“The belt line that runs forward from the stern and sweeps down towards the anchor pocket, is inspired by the armour plating of the light cruiser HMS Belfast , which still lives just up stream from our old London studio.

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive, by my brothers in arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comments from professional, talented designers and client, means more than from any other source, especially if they are not negative!

“My partner, Vanessa, came up with our project name, we always give a name to our yachts, rather than a sterile number, and the client liked the name so much that he confirmed Pelorus as the yacht’s eventual name. The yacht has changed hands, but we are very pleased to see that she has retained her original name.”

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive by my brothers-in-arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comment from professional, talented designers and clients means more than from any other source – especially when they are positive!”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Terrence Disdale


1. Carinthia VI

Dickie Bannenburg of Bannenburg Designs say: “Famously, and perhaps notoriously, Carinthia VI owes her existence to the fact that her elder sibling Carinthia V survived for only a few months before ending her days several fathoms down in Greek waters.

:The unfortunate captain struggled ashore to find a phone to have an awkward phone conversation with Helmut Horten, his Owner. Mr Horten rang my father up almost the following day and told him to start work on her replacement which has now become, in an often over used phrase, a yachting icon.

“She certainly wasn’t an icon when she appeared out of the Lürssen shed for the first time. With dramatic superstructure on a slim frigate-based hull, grilles and that distinctive blue windshield forward of the wheelhouse, my father’s design scared the pants off people and the perception of him hardened amongst conventional designers and naval architects as a dangerous radical. But now her pared down lines and slender masculinity scream good taste, restraint and a sense of suave style that is rarely seen these days.

“Certainly her interior was purposeful, code for slightly austere, and by today’s standards there was not much interior volume for lavish living, not least due to the presence of three mighty MTU diesels. There are no swoops, no complicated fashion plates and absolutely no ability to walk down steps at the transom to a nice bathing platform.

“But all the better for it. Life on board was, I understand, conducted with a certain Austrian precision and Carinthia ’s elegant and taut exterior, with deep blue paintwork and her gold coachwork stripe cut an unmistakeable dash in the harbours of the Cote d’Azur as she still does today.

“My father was very proud of her. Of course I’m even more proud that his design of almost forty years ago has such an enduring impact.”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Bannenberg – Interior: Bannenberg

First published in the January 2015 issue of Superyacht World.

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Coolest Superyacht Concepts of 2020

By George Bains

As 2020 draws to a close, we reflect on another year which has seen the introduction of some outstandingly unique superyacht concepts. The superyacht industry is one in which the creative and the bold are allowed to flourish, with design moving always forward to test the limits of possibilities. Here are some of our favourite concepts from the past year…

115m Stormbreaker – Fotiadis Design

Up first is the cutting-edge 115-metre Stormbreaker , penned by Berlin-based studio T Fotiadis Design. Theodoros Fotiadis has quickly built a glowing international reputation for its outside-the-box concepts and innovative approach, with Stormbreaker marking a new breed of modern explorer vessels.

The superyacht, which is available for sale through SuperyachtsMonaco, perfectly fuses the key requirements of exploration and connectivity. A rugged expedition-type exterior is primed for ventures to remote regions of the world, while her opulent interiors ensure guests are treated to an incredible array of luxury amenities while onboard.

Stormbreaker is a highly innovative superyacht with high-tech equipment integrated into her design. Just a few of the remarkable features onboard Stormbreaker include a Panoramic 360 imaging system to record and broadcast, an interactive infotainment system and ‘Best In Class’ performance from CAT Audio.

99m Frontier – Sam Sorgiovanni

Another exciting explorer yacht released this year is Sam Sorgiovannia’s 99m Frontier . Once an understudy of design-great Jon Bannenberg, Sorgiovanni is a world-renowned name for the design of superyachts such as Nirvana and Barbara.

Frontier is able to be both graceful and powerful, distinctive by her sleek yet formidable icebreaker reversed bow. Her contemporary exterior profile features curvaceous lines and a dark teal paint, complemented by her bright decks.

The large volume of Frontier has been put to good use, providing plenty of entertainment for her guests from a luxurious beach club to a private cinema and 20-person dining room. A number of innovations have also been incorporated to greatly reduce the superyacht’s footprint, making her future-proof for a prospective owner.

137m Avanguardia & 153m Prodigium - Lazzarini

2020 saw the release of two extremely unique superyacht concepts by Lazzarini Design Studio. The Rome studio, headed by Pierpaolo Lazzarini, is committed to developing visually stimulating projects that offer a different approach to design.

Avanguardia and Prodigium are the first two of a series of six superyacht concepts that draw their inspiration from nature. Avanguardia caught global interest for her ground-breaking swan-shaped structure, stunning the industry with her detachable ‘head’, which is lowered to the water where it becomes a 16m tender.

Soon after Avanguardia, Lazzarini released its second project in the series, the shark-inspired Prodigium. Combining details of sharks and design influences taken from the Roman Empire, Lazzarini set out to create the ultimate Emperor of the Sea. At 153m and with accommodation for up to 44 guests, she is an awe-inspiring project available for an estimated cost of 300,000,000 euros.

85m APEX 850 – MMYD

In collaboration with Royal Huisman, Malcolm McKeon Yacht Design unveiled APEX 850 , both the world’s largest sloop-rigged superyacht and largest aluminium sailing yacht.

At 85m and with a towering rig of 102m, Apex 850 is a striking superyacht concept with incredible volume. Her sleek, elongated hull adds elegance to her dominating structure, with a gentle sheer and reverse bow allowing her to lay like a feather on the water.

Apex 850 is blessed with plenty of luxurious guest areas to enjoy, including a 200sqm single-level social space. The all-glass superstructure brings guests closer to their outdoor environment with an expansive main salon offering 360-degree panoramic views of the sea.

Apex has been designed with an innovative diesel-electric propulsion system along with energy management technologies to optimise efficiency and minimise her environmental impact.

Project Echo HSV – Bannenberg & Rowell

Echo Yachts and Bannenberg & Rowell’s 50m Humanitarian Support Vessel ‘Project Echo’ is a concept with yachting for purpose at its core.

As well as offering progressive styling and some luxurious guest spaces, this superyacht has phenomenal functionality designed to complete challenging humanitarian missions. Capable of reaching remote areas of the world, Project Echo has an array of facilities to make her a crucial asset for humanitarian mission worldwide, while she is still customisable to her owner’s requirements.

The 50m catamaran can carry up to 40 tonnes in cargo deadweight, with a special integrated cargo deck rail fastening system to enhance accessibility. A 12-tonne knuckle-boom crane facilitates the unloading of cargo, as well as enabling HSV to launch and retrieve various craft required for missions.

An innovative hull designed by Sydney-based Incat Crowther Naval Architects gives HSV distinct performance advantages, as by reducing engine powering requirements she delivers much greater fuel efficiency and range than most monohulls in her category.

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World’s coolest yachts: Superyacht Heitaros

Yachting World

  • September 10, 2021

We ask top sailors and marine industry gurus to choose the coolest and most innovative yachts of our times. Mike Golding nominates superyacht Heitaros

coolest super yachts

I first saw Heitaros sailing in St Barth and thought it was a beautiful 60- or 80-footer but, as we neared, a crew looking as small as ants could be seen moving around the deck, writes Mike Golding.

This huge 60m (218ft) superyacht ketch is heavily disguised with perfect proportions that completely fool the eye.

Conceived by Dykstra Naval Architects, built at Baltic Yachts in Finland and launched in 2011.

She’s a Panamax yacht, designed to fit the maximum air draught to get under the Bridge of the Americas on the Panama Canal .

Heitaros is a wonderful fusion of traditional looks and state of the art hull design and construction. Superyachts are seldom cool, in my view, but Heitaros is an exception.

I’m full of admiration for owners willing to engage in projects of this scale: the yacht is a technical masterpiece that has retained the elusive character of a true classic.

Make sure you check out our full list of Coolest Yachts.

Heitaros stats rating:

Top speed: 27 knots LOA: 218ft Launched: 2011 Berths: 10 Price: Undisclosed Adrenalin factor: 50%

Mike Golding

Mike Golding, 56, is one of the world’s most experienced and decorated single-handed offshore sailors .

He won the BT Global Challenge in 1996-97, as skipper of Group 4 . And followed that by sailing round again in the same 67ft yacht non-stop and single-handed, establishing the fastest non-stop westabout circumnavigation record.

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The biggest, baddest, most extravagant superyachts ever conceived

coolest super yachts

Opinions differ on what separates yacht from a superyacht. Some say 24 meters (about 80 feet) is the minimum length, while others stand strong at 30 meters (about 100 feet). As we take a look at superyachts, we’ll start with the higher cut-off, as there’s no shortage of interesting and, in some cases, outrageous superyachts out there. The vessels below are placed in order by overall length according to their designers. Some are currently for sale, starting at about $30 million, and there’s one for rent (you may not believe the weekly rental rate). Some of the superyachts below have been produced, while others are recent concepts, still waiting for buyers with hefty checkbooks to commission the build. Enjoy!

Spectre : 30.33 meters / 100 feet

ab yachts ab100 spectre ext4

The smallest superyacht in our roundup is also the fastest. The AB100 Spectre from Fila Group’s AB Yachts tops out at 62 mph and can cruise at 52 mph with three 1900-hp diesel engines, each paired with a waterjet thruster. The living space can be augmented by the stern garage area, which converts into a beach house.

PlanetSolar : 31 meters / 101 feet

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The Tûranor PlanetSolar holds the title of the world’s largest solar yacht. The vessel is covered with 500 square meters of solar panels, its sole source of power. PlanetSolar launched in 2010 and set out to be the first solar-powered yacht to circumnavigate the globe, a leap forward for the promotion alternative energy. The journey set five Guiness World Records and spanned 19 months with a crew of five. SolarPlanet’s aerodynamic catamaran design has a top speed of 14 knots.

Majesty 155 : 47 meters / 154 feet

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Not just a boat with a pretty bow, the Majesty 155 is also a CEDIA Awards-winner for the best smart home technology installation and integration on a yacht. The ship’s lighting, navigation, and audio-visual system can be controlled via onboard monitors as well as an iPad. Twin 2,011-hp engines allow the Majesty 155 a 4,200 nautical mile range.

Time For Us : 52 meters / 171 feet

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There’s room for 12 guests and 13 crew members on the classic Feadship superyacht, Time For Us. Launched in 1994 and renovated in 2007 and 2008, its extensive dark wood paneling and comfortable furniture are built for comfort, including stabilizer systems that are active underway and at anchor. With a range of 5,700 nautical miles at its 13-knot cruising speed, this yacht can take you wherever you’d like to go — if you have the time.

Galaxy of Happiness : 53.3 meters / 175 feet

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Built by Latitude Yachts in 2016, Galaxy of Happiness offers zero-emission cruising using 40 percent less energy than single hull yachts. With exceptional stability, she cruises at 24 knots with a maximum speed of 30 knots. With space for six guests and six crew, she is currently for sale for just under $32 million.

Galactica Super Nova :  70 meters / 230 feet

billion dollar superyacht has helipad and concert venue heesen yachts 2  welcome aboard the galactica super nova a huge alumi

Concert lovers will appreciate the Galactica Super Nova’s bow deck, which serves as an outdoor cinema and concert space when not in use as a helipad.

Swath 75 : 75 meters / 246 feet

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Zero emission fuel-cell technology powers Fincantieri’s Swatch 75 concept superyacht. Estimated range on hydrogen power alone is 450 nautical miles, with an overall 4,000-nautical-mile range under diesel power. The Swath 75 has space for 12 guests including the owner’s cabin and 24 crew members.

Silver Fast : 77 meters / 253 feet

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Plunk down $85 million to reserve a permanent bed in the owner’s suite of the aluminum-hulled Silver Fast, named for its color and speed. With a full house of 18 guests and 18 crew, the Silver Fast can cruise as fast as 27 knots. Built by Silver Yachts and put up for sale by Burgess Yachts, guests on the Silver Fast can enjoy the beach club with gym, massage room and beauty salon, mirrored bar, 8-person hot tub, and outdoor cinema.

ModCat Project L3 : 85 meters / 278 feet

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With its hybrid catamaran hull, the BMT Nigel Gee ‘s ModCat Project L3 cuts through ocean chop at speeds greater than 40 knots. This is thanks to twin water jet thrusters that work in conjunction with the diesel engines, according to Robb Report . A pair of retractable beach pads on each side of the vessel allow plenty of area for water play, just below an upper deck with space for a seaplane, a racing catamaran, and a high-speed rigid inflatable. Other entertainment spaces include a full-sized swimming pool, an open-air fire pit, and an outdoor cinema.

Mars : 90 meters / 295 feet

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“Timeless aesthetics without compromise,” was Fincantieri designer Jonny Horsfield’s inspiration for the 90-meter Mars yacht. With “understated luxury,” its capacity of 15 passengers includes the owner and guests. There is also space for 29 including the captain, crew, and staff to attend to passengers’ needs. Mars has a top speed of 18.5 knots and at its 14-knot cruising speed, a range of up to 6,000 nautical miles.

Indian Empress : 95 meters / 312 feet

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If you’d like to rent a superyacht before buying one, Burgess Yachts  has many appealing choices, including the 95-meter Indian Empress. This floating rental palace cruises the Mediterranean year-round with a fixed rate of 750,000 euros (about $802,000) per week. You can bring 11 other people along as guests, choosing among 17 cabins. The crew of 33 will attend you as you enjoy the Indian Empress’ treatment room, beauty salon, sauna, steam room, massage room, cinema, piano, gymnasium, and gentlemen’s lounge with cigar room. Certified on-board instructors can train passengers in using the ship’s three tenders and four wave runners, plus kayaks, SeaBobs, scuba equipment, water skis, wakeboards, and tows.

108M : 108 meters / 350 feet

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When walking around a yacht seems like walking in a nature park, albeit one with aluminum walls, you know you’re on a special vessel. Hareide Designs’ 350-foot concept superyacht, 108M, was designed for guests to imagine that they are communing with nature. The six-level boat has an upper deck garden and a 65-foot infinity pool in the bow. A beach deck in the stern slopes to the water. The hybrid 108M can run on solar power at slow speeds with energy harvested by 3,000 square feet of solar panels.

Private Bay : 120 meters / 394 feet

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Fincantieri concept Private Bay designer Horacio Bozzo envisioned the superyacht for an owner who demands an authentic vessel that is luxurious while staying true to the ocean-life experience. The experience of private views and beaches can be shared with 17 other passengers and 31 crew and staff as they travel up to 18.5 knots and a maximum range of about 5,500 nautical miles.

Fortissimo : 145 meters / 476 feet

luxury yachts the worlds best super fincantieri fortissimo starboard

Sixteen guests including the Fortissimo’s owner can stay in eight suites while the captain, crew, and staff of 48 have their own quarters. Designed for impressive speed in such a large vessel, the Fortissimo employs propulsion diesel turbine engines and four waterjets to reach a top speed in excess of 35 knots.

Shaddai : 150 meters / 492 feet

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Gabrielle Teruzzi’s Shaddai concept yacht attracts comment and controversy with its 125-foot elevated master suite complete with infinity pool, terrace, bar, and private dining area. Keep in mind that in relation to the vessel’s 492-foot overall length, the 125-foot owner’s tower (measured from the waterline, not the main deck), is the equivalent of a 5-foot “tower” from the waterline in a 20-foot boat. The rest of Shaddai’s design features includes port and starboard extending decks and an interior aquarium with a view up to the glass-bottomed pool on the main deck, which is also part of a 3,000-square-foot beach club. If the Shaddai were built as conceived, it would be the sixth largest superyacht in the world.

L’amage : 190 meters / 623 feet

luxury yachts the worlds best super hbd l amage 1

Premiered by designer H. Bekradi from HBD Studios at the Monaco Yacht Show in September 2016, L’amage’s design is 32 feet longer than the current longest superyacht in the world (the  591-foot Azzam ). Powered by a total of 95,000 horsepower from two diesel engines combined with a pair of gas turbines, L’amage has a projected top speed of 32 knots. Capable of holding 1,500 tons of fuel, the cruising range is about 6,000 nautical miles. In addition to a private apartment for the owner and quarters for the 70 crew members, the plan calls for 14 staterooms for a total of 28 guests.

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This content was produced in partnership with Apollo Neuro. Stress, anxiety, and insomnia are all concerning things that just about everyone struggles with at one time or another. Maybe you can sleep, fending off insomnia, but you lack quality sleep and don’t feel rested in the morning. Or, maybe when it’s time to kick back and relax, you just can’t find a way to do so. There are many solutions for these issues, some work, and others don’t, but one unlikely area of support can be found in a modern, smart wearable.

Medicine is the obvious choice, but not everyone prefers to go that route. There is an answer in modern technology or rather a modern wearable device. One such device is the Apollo wearable, which improves sleep and stress relief via touch therapy. According to Apollo Neuro, the company behind the device, which is worn on your ankle, wrist or clipped to your clothing, it sends out waves of vibrations to help your body relax and reduce feelings of stress. It's an interesting new approach to a common problem that has typically been resolved via medicine, therapy, or other more invasive and time-consuming techniques. The way it utilizes those vibrations, uniquely placed and administered, to create a sense of peace, makes us ask, can it really cure what ails us? We’ll dig a little deeper into how it achieves what it does and what methods it’s using to make you feel better.

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Lynch Yacht Sinking Off Sicily Proves as Baffling as It Is Tragic

As bodies were recovered, the authorities and experts wondered how a $40 million, stable and secure vessel could have sunk so quickly.

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A diver in an orange jumpsuit suit and crews in gray shirts and red trousers hoist remains in a blue body bag onto a boat, as others in reflector uniforms stand nearby.

By Emma Bubola and Michael J. de la Merced

Emma Bubola reported from Porticello, Italy, and Michael J. de la Merced from London.

Two months after being cleared in a bruising legal battle over fraud charges, the British tech mogul Mike Lynch celebrated his freedom with a cruise. He invited his family, friends and part of his legal team on board his luxury sailing yacht, a majestic 180-foot vessel named Bayesian after the mathematical theorem around which he had built his empire.

On Sunday night, after a tour of the Gulf of Naples, including Capri, and volcanic islands in the Eolian archipelago, the boat anchored half a mile off the Sicilian coast in Porticello, Italy. It chose a stretch of water favored by the Phoenicians thousands of years ago for its protection from the mistral wind and, in more recent times, by the yachts of tech billionaires. The boat was lit “like a Christmas tree,” local residents said, standing out against the full moon.

But about 4 a.m., calamity unfolded. A violent and fast storm hit the area with some of the strongest winds locals said they had ever felt. Fabio Cefalù, a fisherman, said he saw a flare pierce the darkness shortly after 4.

Minutes later, the yacht was underwater. Only dozens of cushions from the boat’s deck and a gigantic radar from its mast floated on the surface of the sea, fishermen said.

In all, 22 people were on board, 15 of whom were rescued. Six bodies — five passengers and the ship’s cook — had been recovered by Thursday afternoon, including that of Mr. Lynch, an Italian government official said, adding that the search was continuing for his daughter.

It was a tragic and mystifying turn of events for Mr. Lynch, 59, who had spent years seeking to clear his name and was finally inaugurating a new chapter in his life. Experts wondered how a $40 million yacht, so robust and stable could have been sunk by a storm near a port within minutes.

“It drives me insane,” said Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company, Perini, that made the Bayesian. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

The aura of misfortune only deepened when it emerged that Stephen Chamberlain, 52, a former vice president of finance for Mr. Lynch’s former company and a co-defendant in the fraud case, was killed two days earlier, when he was hit by a car while jogging near his house in England.

Since June, the two men had been in a jubilant mood. A jury in San Francisco had acquitted both on fraud charges that could have sent them to prison for two decades. There were hugs and tears, and they and their legal teams went for a celebratory dinner party at a restaurant in the city, said Gary S. Lincenberg, a lawyer for Mr. Chamberlain.

The sea excursion was meant as a thank-you by Mr. Lynch to those who had helped him in his legal travails. Among the guests was Christopher J. Morvillo, 59, a scion of a prominent New York family of lawyers who had represented Mr. Lynch for 12 years. He and his wife, Neda, 57, were among the missing.

So, too, was Jonathan Bloomer, 70, a veteran British insurance executive who chaired Morgan Stanley International and the insurer Hiscox.

The body of the ship’s cook, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered. All the other crew members survived. Among them was Leo Eppel, 19, of South Africa, who was on his first yacht voyage working as a deck steward, said a friend, who asked not to be identified.

Since the sinking, the recovery effort and investigation have turned the tiny port town of Porticello, a quiet enclave where older men sit bare-chested on balconies, into what feels like the set of a movie.

Helicopters have flown overhead. Ambulances have sped by with the sirens blaring. The Coast Guard has patrolled the waters off shore, within sight of a cordoned-off dock that had been turned into an emergency headquarters.

On Wednesday afternoon, a church bell tolled after the first body bag was loaded into an ambulance, a crowd watching in silence.

The survivors were sheltering in a sprawling resort near Porticello, with a view of the shipwreck spot, and had so far declined to comment.

Attilio Di Diodato, director of the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, said that the yacht had most likely been hit by a fierce “down burst” — when air generated within a thunderstorm descends rapidly — or by a waterspout , similar to a tornado over water.

He added that his agency had put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about storms and strong winds. Locals said the winds “felt like an earthquake.”

Mr. Costantino, the boat executive, said the yacht had been specifically designed for having a tall mast — the second-tallest aluminum mast in the world. He said the Bayesian was an extremely safe and secure boat that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing.

But he said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, is to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

coolest super yachts

12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

coolest super yachts

Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

The New York Times attempted to reach the captain, James Cutfield, who had survived, for comment through social media, his brother and the management company of the yacht (which did not hire the crew), but did not make contact.

So far none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened that night.

Fabio Genco, the director of Palermo’s emergency services, who treated some of the survivors, said that the victims had recounted feeling as if the boat was being lifted, then suddenly dropped, with objects from the cabins falling on them.

The Italian Coast Guard said it had deployed a remotely operated vehicle that can prowl underwater for up to seven hours at a depth of more than 980 feet and record videos and images that they hoped would help them reconstruct the dynamics of the sinking. Such devices were used during the search and rescue operations of the Titan vessel that is believed to have imploded last summer near the wreckage of the Titanic.

After rescuers broke inside the yacht, they struggled to navigate the ropes and many pieces of furniture cluttering the vessel, said Luca Cari, a spokesman for Italy’s national firefighter corps.

Finally, as of Thursday morning, they had managed to retrieve all but one of the missing bodies, and hopes of finding the missing person alive were thin. “Can a human being be underwater for two days?” Mr. Cari asked.

What was certain was that Mr. Lynch’s death was yet another cruel twist of fate for a man who had spent years seeking to clear his name.

He earned a fortune in technology and was nicknamed Britain’s Bill Gates. But for more than a decade, he had been treated as anything but a respected tech leader.

He was accused by Hewlett-Packard, the American technological pioneer that had bought his software company, Autonomy, for $11 billion, of misleading it about his company’s worth. (Hewlett-Packard wrote down the value of the transaction by about $8.8 billion, and critics called it one of the worst deals of all time .) He had been increasingly shunned by the British establishment that he sought to break into after growing up working-class outside London.

He was extradited to San Francisco to face criminal charges, and confined to house arrest and 24-hour surveillance on his dime. In a townhouse in the Pacific Heights neighborhood — with security people he jokingly told associates were his “roommates” — he spent his mornings talking with researchers whom he funded personally on new applications for artificial intelligence. Afterward, he devoted hours to discussing legal strategy with his team.

Despite his persistent claims of innocence, even those close to Mr. Lynch had believed his odds of victory were slim. Autonomy’s chief financial officer, Sushovan Hussain, was convicted in 2018 of similar fraud charges and spent five years in prison.

During Mr. Lynch’s house arrest, his brother and mother died. His wife, Angela Bacares, frequently flew over from England, and she became a constant presence in the San Francisco courtroom during the trial.

After he was finally acquitted, Mr. Lynch had his eye on the future. “I am looking forward to returning to the U.K. and getting back to what I love most: my family and innovating in my field,” he said.

Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting from Pallanza, Italy.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in Rome. More about Emma Bubola

Michael J. de la Merced has covered global business and finance news for The Times since 2006. More about Michael J. de la Merced

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The 10 Best Superyacht Concepts of 2023

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Superyacht Concepts Waugh Decadence

To stand out from the crowd, more and more superyacht buyers—many new to the market—are challenging designers to break molds, go extreme, and think way outside of the traditional box. And they’re doing it with head-spinning bow designs, huge windows, and much larger interior and exterior spaces.

They’re also trading traditional monohulls for big-volume catamarans and trimarans, taking inspiration from oddball places—an aircraft carrier or 1930s Hollywood-style automobile—and, at the same time, future-proofing them with new propulsion systems, including hydrogen fuel cells, solar power, and advanced battery power.

These 10 concepts, from a range of designers and studios, show that the future of superyacht design has never been more exciting—if at times a little bizarre.

Sinot, ‘Aware’

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Not all superyachts need to look like multi-tiered wedding cakes. That’s according to Dutch studio Sinot Yacht, which has just penned conceptual renderings for a sleek, almost-minimalist cruiser called Aware . Yes, the 262-footer does have the look of some super-stylish European river boat from the likes of Viking or Uniworld. But the aim here is to optimize the spaces experienced owners tend to use the most. Like the owner’s suite on the main deck, which in Aware spans the full beam and totals over 860 square feet. Then there’s the super-size beach club with its twin fold-out terraces, gym, bar, cinema, 36-foot-long pool, and glass-sided dining area. As for power, Sinot envisions a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system good for a 21 mph max, and a 4,000 nautical mile range at 14 mph.

Icon Yachts, ‘Mission’

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Ice-breaking, globe-trotting expedition yachts are nothing new for Holland’s Icon Yachts. Its rugged, 224-foot, converted ice-breaker Ragnar literally wrote the rule-book on building high-latitude-friendly luxury superyachts. But Icon’s concept for a brand-new, ultimate explorer it’s calling Mission adds Indiana Jones–levels of off-the-grid exploration. Designed by Dutch explorer-yacht specialist Bernd Weel, Mission is all towering, ice-crushing bow, trademark geometric hull sides, and endless space for all that adventure-seeking gear. Here we’re talking six tenders of all sizes, a three-person submersible, an Airbus H130 helicopter, and space midships for a multitude of shipping containers for when you want to become the next Jacques Cousteau. As for range, Icon would target over 6,000 nautical miles.

Andy Waugh Yacht Design, ‘Decadence’

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Flick through the pages of any automotive history book and you’ll notice that 1930s design is dominated by the outrageous, teardrop-fendered creations of the French duo of Figoni et Falaschi. Their designs look to be the inspiration behind London-based designer Andy Waugh’s jaw-dropping concept for a 264-foot catamaran he quite aptly calls Decadence . Featuring a central hull flanked by four teardrop-like pods, the concept evolves the idea of so-called SWATH catamaran hull design used in a number of oil-platform support, research vessels, and even some superyachts. Providing immense stability through reduced roll and pitch, the design makes perfect sense for a superyacht. One drawback: the yacht’s massive, marina-unfriendly 98-foot beam. Though that becomes a positive when you consider Decadence ‘s vast owner’s suite measures 66 feet wide and almost 100 feet long.

Oceanco, ‘Aeolus’

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When the Dutch superyacht maestros at Oceanco release a blue-sky design, the concept is likely just a few steps away from reality. Fresh from delivering the 410-foot Koru , the world’s largest sailing yacht, to new owner Jeff Bezos, and the 357-foot Seven Seas to Steven Spielberg, Oceanco has unveiled Aeolus , a concept for a highly sustainable 430-foot gigayacht. Drawn by former Rolls-Royce head of design Giles Taylor, this curvaceous, quad-deck world cruiser looks to the future by incorporating Oceanco’s Energy Transition Platform (ETP) philosophy. The propulsion could start with diesel-electric power, with battery banks charged by twin MTU V16 diesel generators. Then, as technologies advance, it could more to more advanced fuel types such as methanol or other, even wilder technologies like nuclear power.

Anthony Glasson, ‘Star Trek’

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Designed to boldly go across oceans, this concept for a massive 275-foot trimaran i s said to have been inspired by Hong Kong–based designer Anthony Glasson’s love of the TV show “Star Trek”—especially the Starship Enterprise . Viewed bow-on, you can see why: The slender, wave-piercing bow, the twin side hulls, and rounded glass upper observation deck have USS Enterprise written all over it. But the trimaran form definitely adds to its function, with the wide beam creating an expansive “courtyard” that’s part enclosed and part open, housing a hot tub—one of three aboard—a gym, a bar, sunpads galore and even a helipad-turned-dancefloor. Glasson envisions the trimaran to be built of lightweight aluminum, with a 5,000-nautical-mile range. Captain Kirk would be impressed.

Jozeph Forakis, ‘Pegasus’

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Until now, arguably the ultimate stealth boat was the one in the 1997 James Bond romp Tomorrow Never Dies , owned by tyrannical media mogul Elliot Carver. That would change if the 289-foot concept Pegasus , from the computer screen of N.Y.C.-born and now Milan-based designer Jozeph Forakis, gets a production go-ahead. It features a superstructure comprising three over-lapping “wings” with metallic surfaces designed to reflect the sky and the clouds, rendering the superyacht near-invisible. The “wings” also do double duty as solar panels generating energy that would be used to convert sea water to hydrogen. Fuel cells would then turn the hydrogen into electricity that would be then stored in banks of lithium-ion batteries, making Pegasus essentially emissions-free with a virtually infinite cruising range.

Lazzarini, ‘Plectrum’

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Why fly through the water when you can fly on top? That’s the thinking behind Rome-based Lazzarini Design’s radical 243-foot hydrofoiling superyacht concept named Plectrum . Massive foils deploy from the sides of the yacht’s rounded carbon-fiber hull, while a trio of 5,000 hp engines would elevate the yacht out of the water and punch it to a top speed of over 80 mph. It’s a similar concept used in the latest America’s Cup AC75 foiling monohull sailboats, along with a crop of electric powerboats and surfboards. Applying the technology to a 243-foot superyacht is what’s new and possibly technically impossible, at least for now. Other stand-out features of this bright-orange flyer include a helicopter garage beneath the mile-long foredeck and a garage for your supercar at the stern.

Phantom and Golden Yachts, ‘Vesper’

coolest super yachts

When it comes to next-generation superyacht design, it seems glass is fast becoming the new steel. Take the collaboration between the design team at Holland’s Phantom Studios and Athens-based superyacht builder Golden Yachts. The 213-foot concept they’re calling Vesper features five levels of floor-to-ceiling structural glass, a glass floor in the yacht’s upper deck lounge, and a glass-sided swimming pool. Connecting the beach club to the pool is a huge, high-lifting hatch that’s, what else, all glass. Now head to the owner’s “suite”—it’s more like a two-level penthouse in a Miami skyscraper—and it features floor-to-very-high-ceiling glass that floods the space with light. To catch some real rays, the full-deck suite features not one, but two outdoor terraces.

DeBasto Design, MED

coolest super yachts

Think of this as a 301-foot dayboat with the emphasis on outdoor, alfresco, lounge-in-the-sun, Mediterranean living. From the drawing board of Miami-based designer Luiz de Basto, Project MED features uninterrupted, bow-to-stern open teak decks topped with a huge upper superstructure supported by just four columns. And to ensure the superstructure doesn’t dominate the superyacht’s sleek lines, de Basto covered it in reflective glass so that it almost disappears from view by mirroring its surroundings. The designer says his inspiration came from the idea of “Agora,” named after the squares in Ancient Greek villages where everyone congregated. Aboard Project MED, that could be on the main deck, around the oversized pool at the stern, or on the vast open foredeck.

Enzo Manca, ‘UAE One’

coolest super yachts

There are superyachts designed to look like military warships. Some even are shaped to look like navy submarines. But here’s a first; a superyacht inspired by the lines of an aircraft carrier. The 459-foot UAE One is from the fertile mind of Milan-based designer Enzo Manca who created the concept for an unnamed United Arab Emirates sheikh looking to create an official UAE flagship. Without a doubt, the design highlight is the yacht’s runway-like main deck. It features not one, but three helipads, a conning tower-like, four-level structure on the starboard side, a geometric-shaped pool and a huge circular “conversation pit” right on the bow, complete with cozy sofas and a firepit. Accommodations over nine decks include five “super suites”, eight master cabins, 14 mini apartments, and 35 cabins for the crew of 65. 

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Body of British Tech Magnate Mike Lynch Is Among Those Recovered From Yacht Wreckage, Officials Say

The Italian coast guard says the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch is among those recovered off the coast of Sicily from the wreckage of a superyacht whose builders had called unsinkable

Salvatore Cavalli

Salvatore Cavalli

Italian firefighter divers bring ashore in a plastic bag the body of one of the victims of a shipwreck, in Porticello, Sicily, southern Italy, Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024. Divers searching the wreck of the superyacht Bayesian that sank off Sicily on Monday recovered a fifth body on Thursday and continued to search for one more as investigators sought to learn why the vessel sank so quickly. (AP Photo/Salvatore Cavalli)

PORTICELLO, Sicily (AP) — The Italian coast guard said Thursday the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch is among those recovered off the coast of Sicily from the wreckage of a superyacht whose builders had called unsinkable.

One woman remains missing. She has not been identified, but Hannah Lynch, Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, is reportedly unaccounted for . The family had been celebrating his recent acquittal on fraud charges with the people who defended him at trial in the United States.

Five others were recovered by rescue crews following Monday's tragedy.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early Monday as it was moored about a kilometer (half a mile) offshore. Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout , and sank quickly.

Termini Imerese Public Prosecutor’s Office investigators were collecting evidence for a criminal investigation, which they opened immediately after the tragedy despite no formal suspects having been publicly identified.

The chief executive of The Italian Sea Group, which owns the Bayesian's manufacturer, told the AP in an interview on Thursday that superyachts like these are “designed to be unsinkable."

“And it is unsinkable not only because it is designed in this way, but also because it is a sailing ship and sailing ships are the safest ever,” CEO Giovanni Costantino said.

Costantino added that “obviously they must not hit the rocks violently, discarding the hull, and they must not take in water,” suggesting the second possibility was the most likely in this case.

Costantino also noted that sailing ships require “a greater competence” to be guided compared with motor boats.

Investigators are now looking at why the Bayesian, built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed . Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived by escaping in a lifeboat, including a mother who reported holding her 1-year-old baby over the waves to save her. They were rescued by the sailboat Sir Robert Baden Powell.

The sailboat's captain, Karsten Borner, said his craft sustained minimal damage — the frame of a sun awning broke — even with winds that he estimated had reached 12 on the Beaufort wind scale, the highest hurricane-strength force on the scale.

He said he had remained anchored with his engines running to try to maintain the ship’s position as the forecast storm rolled in.

“Another possibility is to heave anchor before the storm and to run downwind at open sea,” Borner said in a text message. But he said that might not have been possible for the Bayesian, given its 75-meter (246-foot) tall mast.

“If there was a stability problem, caused by the extremely tall mast, it would not have been better at open sea,” he said.

Yachts like the Bayesian are required to have watertight compartments that are specifically designed to prevent a rapid, catastrophic sinking even when some parts fill with water.

Lynch is the only person confirmed dead; the other bodies have not been formally identified by the Italian coast guard.

Besides Hannah Lynch, those missing are Christopher Morvillo, one of Lynch’s U.S. lawyers, and his wife, Neda; Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley’s London-based investment banking subsidiary, and his wife, Judy.

The body of chef Recaldo Thomas was the first to be recovered , on Monday. His death was confirmed by his family.

Friends of Thomas, best known as “Rick,” paid tribute to him on Thursday at a favorite bar in the Caribbean Island of Antigua. Cooking for Lynch was supposed to be one of Thomas' last jobs before retiring, his cousin, David Isaac, told the AP.

Divers have struggled to find the bodies in the yacht’s hull on the seabed 50 meters (164 feet) underwater.

“We would need a crystal ball to know when we'll be able to find the next body," said Luca Cari, spokesperson for the fire rescue service.

“It's very difficult to move inside the wreckage. Moving just one meter can take up to 24 hours,” Cari said.

Copyright 2024 The  Associated Press . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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The coolest new superyachts of 2017 so far

As the Mediterranean season approaches, we take a look at some of the coolest new superyachts that are set to make their mark in 2017...

Currently moored up in her homeport of Antibes, Faith is the third largest yacht to be launched by Dutch yard Feadship to date. Her super-smooth styling by Redman Whiteley Dixon oozes a nonchalant cool backed up by her premium on board features, such as a sundeck pizza oven and a glass-bottomed swimming pool.

Photo: Raphael Montigneaux

More about this yacht

From her curvy superstructure to her colourful hull finish, Aviva is certainly one to keep an eye out for this season. The new flagship of German yard Abeking & Rasmussen at 98 metres LOA, she was styled by British studio Reymond Langton Design . Further details remain closely guarded for the time being.

Photo: Claus Schaefe /

It’s very much a case of back to the future with this new 74 metre Lürssen superyacht. Her codename Project Gatsby gave us a clue as to the classic Winch Design styling, which is evident in the round portholes and smooth lines. Underneath that is the latest in yachting technology, including twin MTU 16V 4000 M63 engines that deliver a top speed of 18 knots. Aurora (not to be mistaken with the new Rossinavi yacht of the same name ) is due for delivery before the end of the year.

Photo: Carl Groll /

Yachts for sale

Launched in January amid a flurry of colour, Cloud 9 is a fully custom CRN superyacht created for an experienced Australian owner. At 74 metres LOA, she is the second largest yacht that the Italian yard has splashed so far and her smooth, flowing exterior was created by Zuccon International Project .

Another flagship model to hit the water in 2017, the 52 metre Seven Sins is the largest in the Sanlorenzo fleet so far. Styled inside and out by Officina Italiana Design , she can accommodate up to 12 guests in six cabins. Star features include a superyacht gym and a floodable tender garage .

Yachts for charter

At 38.4 metres LOA, Highlight is by no means the largest superyacht to have been launched so far this year, but with cutting-edge styling from Riza Tansu , she is certainly one of the coolest. Seen here on her sea trials off the coast of Tuzla, Highlight tops out at 16 knots thanks to a pair of Caterpillar C18s.

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