can you sail around the world in a yacht

Sailing around the world is a dream many sailors and cruisers share. It involves getting thousands of nautical miles under your belt, exploring new countries and tasting new cuisines, stargazing in the middle of an ocean, experiencing exotic cultures, making lots of new friends from all over the world, and much more. Imagine the incredible memories you’d make.

It’s an ambitious enterprise, which requires a lot of preparation, training, time, and money. In this guide, we look at what it takes to accomplish a circumnavigation by sailboat and how to pull it off. There’s a lot to say about the topic - books have been written about it - so we cover the crucial information sailors considering sailing around the world typically need at this stage.

If you like, you can download the guide as a PDF document, so you can store it on your tablet, computer, or smartphone and read it offline.


First, we answer some common questions about sailing around the world, so we can clear some key things up early on. 

How many days does it take to sail around the world?

The world record is 40 days on a racing trimaran. However, this is not the type of circumnavigation many plan to complete. Leisurely sailing around the world normally takes between 3 and 5 years. 

There are three kinds of speeds at which you can circumnavigate:

Non-stop (100-200 days): racing without stopping anywhere 

Express (1-2 years): taking breaks every now and then for short amounts of time

Recreational (3+ years): comfortable sailing, stopping often and for long periods of time.

Non-stop sailing is a big challenge, which requires organising for supply boats to regularly come out and provide you with water, food, and fuel. To achieve such a circumnavigation in under a year, you need a fast boat, which can go at 10-20 knots average speed.

Most people who want to stop and visit some of the countries they come across take around 3 and a half years. While some sailors take over 10 years to complete their circumnavigations because they enjoy travelling at a slower pace and exploring more places.

In order to avoid sailing in hurricane or typhoon season, you will need to leave some countries during certain months of the year. This dictates how long you can spend in each area. For example, to avoid crossing the Atlantic during hurricane season, you need to do the passage anytime between November and April. While the Pacific hurricane season starts from May. This means that you either need to rush to cross the Atlantic and go through the Panama Canal, or you will have to stop somewhere safe, such as the ABCs or Panama, to wait out the hurricane season.

Is sailing around the world expensive?

The short answer is yes; however you can adapt your voyage to your budget. You can save money by doing your own boat work, anchoring out a lot, eating on board most of the time, keeping your equipment simple, and more.

Factor the following costs into your budget:

Buying and refitting a boat

Boat insurance

Health insurance

Home insurance (if applicable)

Boat maintenance, upgrades, and repairs

Fuel (diesel and petrol)

Holding tank pump outs (if applicable)

Marina and mooring ball stays

Boat storage

Grocery shopping

Phone contracts

Music and video streaming services (if applicable)

Any bills to be paid at home

Accountant fees (if applicable)

Visiting attractions

Hiring cars

Trips home.

All of these add to your yearly allowance, so the longer you take, the more expensive the voyage will be. Bear in mind that any costs related to your unique lifestyle (for example, smoking or getting regular haircuts) aren’t included in this list, but you will need to incorporate them into your financial forecast. 

To plan for a circumnavigation, it’s best to come up with a realistic budget, taking into account as many costs as possible, and add a decent contingency (5-20%) to it. There will be unforeseen costs to take care of every now and then, so you can’t rely on a rough estimate. 

If the number looks too big, you can reduce some of the optional costs, such as eating out, but don’t plan to completely change your lifestyle during the circumnavigation. You need to be able to fully enjoy the ride, otherwise you will develop resentment towards your venture or vessel. 

If you’re considering selling your home, weigh the pros and cons carefully. You will need a place to live when the trip is over and your circumstances may change before you can complete it.

If you aren’t confident in your boat maintenance skills, allocate a big portion of your budget to pay for marine professionals. Engines, generators, and outboards should be serviced every 6 months and all the systems, such as electrical and plumbing, require regular attention on a boat. The marine environment is harsh due to salt water and humidity.

How safe is it to sail around the world?

Sailing is a very safe way to explore the world, if you minimise risks. This entails choosing weather windows carefully, avoiding dangerous areas, interacting with everyone politely, and taking precautions against boat burglaries. 

Some areas, such as parts of the Caribbean and Venezuela, regularly see cases of crime and violence against yachties. However, these are very much the exception. Most of the world is safe, especially for boats at anchor. 

can you sail around the world in a yacht

How big of a boat do I need to sail around the world?

There are bluewater sailing boats of all sizes - from 22 to 60ft long. So, as long as the boat is bluewater-capable, you can sail around the world on any size of boat. However, as you’ll be living on board for years, you’ll need to choose something that’s comfortable to be on full-time. 

To enter the Atlantic Rally For Cruisers (ARC), which involves sailing from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean every November, you need a boat that’s at least 27ft long. This is still a very small boat for most people. Typically, cruisers settle on yachts that are 40-42ft in length , as these are cheaper to moor while still comfortable to live on. Circumnavigating families opt for boats over 50ft.

Can you sail around the world with no experience?

No. Going offshore with no experience is extremely dangerous. You need to be able to handle a sailboat in various weather conditions in order to stay safe. Moreover, many countries require you to provide proof of sailing qualifications when checking in. Take time to get plenty of nautical miles under your hull before you plan to set off.

How much experience is needed to sail around the world?

Preparation is key when it comes to circumnavigating. There is no required level of sailing experience to embark on such an adventure. However, you will need to have enough skills and knowledge to feel safe and comfortable in the middle of an ocean. The amount of time you need to get to that point depends on how often you can go sailing and how quickly you learn things and develop confidence.

Ideally you will have skippered on a number of offshore passages, sailed solo for a day or more, crewed on an ocean passage, sailed in some bad weather, dealt with broken gear underway, and anchored for the night a number of times. 

No one will stop you from sailing around the world, but do you honestly feel ready? Have you researched the topic in depth? Do you know what to expect? Are you confident handling a storm at sea or in an anchorage? Can you fix your boat alone, without internet connection? These are the questions you should ask yourself before you start planning your voyage.

How difficult is it to sail around the world?

If you take time to develop the right knowledge and skills in advance, leisurely sailing around the world isn’t especially difficult; however, setting off ill-prepared will result in stressful and dangerous situations . 

Circumnavigating entails a lot of multitasking: passage planning, weather routing, boat maintenance, sailing, anchoring, researching country entry requirements, crisis management, and more. The key skill is problem solving, as you will encounter countless issues and you will need to deal with each in a calm way, whenever they happen. If you’re unlucky, you may have to overcome a few emergencies. It’s important you know how to act in all situations.

can you sail around the world in a yacht


In order to sail around the world, many countries will require you to provide your sailing qualifications upon entry. Most marinas do, too. So you can’t circumnavigate without obtaining a boat licence, unless you avoid stopping in all the countries that require it. If you’re considering undertaking such an enterprise, gaining a sailing qualification shouldn’t be a concern, though. You will need to be capable of much more than what is required to gain a licence.

To start with, you’ll need to gain your country’s most recognised qualification - for example, the RYA Day Skipper. In some cases, showing this at a port of entry will be enough. 

In other areas though, you may need to show an internationally-recognised qualification. The most accepted one is the International Certificate of Competency (ICC) , whichis recognised by the United Nations and valid throughout much of Europe and the Mediterranean. If you have already taken some certifications, such as the A.S.A. Bareboat Charter certificate, you may be able to skip the classroom training and take the ICC exam directly.

Bear in mind that when you go sailing your plans don’t always work out. You may end up having to stop in countries you hadn’t planned on your route in an emergency, so having the sailing qualifications required in most countries is very important. 


In order to sail around the world, it’s important that you can take care of your boat and yourself independently. You may be in the middle of an ocean when a piece of rigging breaks or you break an arm. Take time to learn and develop new skills, so you can get out of sticky situations and emergencies.

Marine weather interpretation

You will need to gain a more in-depth understanding of marine weather forecasts before you set off. A quick check of an app won’t be enough. You’ll need to learn how to read GRIB files and pilot charts, as well as how to use different weather models. Buy a good book on the subject. Understanding how weather systems interact on a bigger scale will give you a key advantage in your planning.

If you’ve been sailing in a specific area for a long time, you will have gotten used to the local marine weather patterns. These change throughout the world, though. So every time you go on a long-ish passage, you will need to read up about the new area you’re entering. 

In the Caribbean, squalls often travel across the Atlantic and reach the Eastern islands. In the Mediterranean, summers typically see long periods of calms, while the other seasons are characterised by frequent changes in wind direction and strength - sometimes even throughout the same day.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Heavy weather sailing

While modern weather forecasting is accurate 70-80% of the time , some phenomena can be unpredictable. Think of hurricanes or typhoons. Moreover, on a circumnavigation you will need to undertake very long passages and in some instances you won’t be able to avoid going through some bad weather.

For these reasons, you should gain confidence in heavy weather sailing. Learn how to handle your specific boat in high winds and a big swell before setting off. Every boat behaves differently - you may need to practise heaving to or running downwind. It’s best to get used to it all when you’re not far from home and can hire a professional skipper to teach you the best techniques.

Getting hurt on a boat isn’t fun, even when you’re at anchor. You may need to get on a dinghy to get to a doctor or wait two weeks before you make landfall. Neither option is great. For this reason, it’s a good idea to go on a first aid course before setting sail. 

Marine diesel engine

Your engine can break at the most inconvenient time. It helps if you can resolve the most common issues, such as oil or fuel injector problems. While anchoring under sail a couple of times may not be a big issue for most sailors, you’ll want to be able to fix the motor when you’re on a long passage. Having an alternative means of propulsion is essential. 

You’ll want a professional rigger to check and update your rigging before a big passage or every few years of sailing. However, rigging wires and buckles can fail underway. In this case, you’ll need to be able to fix them, or you risk being dismasted. Try going up the mast underway at least once - it’s not as easy as it is in a slip.

Sail repairs

Carry a sail repair kit on board and learn how to use it. Sails can rip in gusts or when the boat is over-canvassed. If you don’t repair them, the rip can enlarge more and more until the sail is essentially useless. This skill will also turn out useful when a piece of canvas, such as the bimini, tears and you need a quick fix.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Plumbing problems can be catastrophic in some instances - you may lose all your drinking water during a long ocean passage. So it’s essential that you know roughly where all plumbing is inside the boat and you know how to repair it. Carry some spare tubes on board. It’s always a great idea to bring spare water and a portable watermaker for emergencies. 

Electrical systems

Faulty wires can cause fires on board, which are extremely dangerous. Being able to check that your electric system is in working order is important. However, understanding how electrical connections work is very handy, as the instruments may stop working while you’re out at sea. 

Steering and autopilot repairs

Big waves or an impact with a floating object at speed can break the steering system of a boat. Whether it’s the rudder, the steering cable, or the autopilot which gives up, you’ll need to be able to re–establish steering in order to get back to land. Understanding how these systems work and how to make temporary repairs is essential.

Outboard engine basics

In most cases, losing your outboard engine is no big deal. However, if you’ve gone out to a reef to fish or snorkel on a windy day, you might get into trouble. Understanding outboard basics is a useful skill to develop. You may also be able to help a neighbouring cruiser out and gain a few drinks or a dinner invite.

These aren’t all the skills you’ll need to be able to sail around the world. There are many more that can turn out useful along the way. However, these should keep you safe in most instances.

can you sail around the world in a yacht


While sailing around the world, you will need to carry a number of documents with you, as well as your personal ID and passport.

Boat registration

Keep on board the original boat registration document stating the vessel’s name, engine size, MMSI number, and more. 

Proof of boat insurance is needed to enter any marina and sometimes to gain a cruising permit - for example, in Greece. A third party policy is enough; although most underwriters will require a boat survey before issuing it.

VHF radio licence

Some countries and the Maritime Police will ask for the boat’s VHF licence.

Engine certification

Some nations, like Italy, also check your engine certification - the document which states that the motor of your sailing boat meets certain requirements.

Boat licence or equivalent certification

As mentioned above, it’s a good idea to obtain and carry a boat licence or equivalent sailing qualifications.

On top of these documents, if the local Coast Guard was to board and inspect your vessel, they’d check that you have in-date flares and functioning emergency equipment. 

Don’t forget to take any additional documents or accreditations, such as your driving licence or your diving certification card.


There is a lot of safety gear you can get your hands on these days. If you can afford to, invest in as much as you can. Peace of mind has no price tag.

These are the essential items we recommend keeping on board while circumnavigating:

Life jackets with harnesses and safety line

Portable GPS

Satellite phone

Fire extinguishers

Waterproof charts

Extra bilge pump(s)

Offshore life raft

Throwable flotation devices

First aid kit

Water and food

Handheld VHF radio

Waterproof torch

Distress flag

Portable or fixed horn 

Bailer or heavy-duty bucket

Oars or paddles 

Second anchor with chain or line

Emergency steering

Recovery system for man overboard

Radar reflector 

Snorkel and mask to look at the boat underwater

Sail repair kit

A plywood sheet and epoxy.

Remember that once you’re out on the ocean, hundreds of nautical miles from shore, you’re essentially on your own. There is no guarantee that the emergency services will be able to come out to you or another vessel will be nearby to help you out. You’ll need to have the necessary equipment, knowledge, and skills to get yourself back to safety. 

To plan your adventure, you will need to have a rough route in mind. You don’t have to schedule every stop before you set off, but you’ll want to make a general plan. 

If it’s your first circumnavigation, it’s safer to follow the most popular cruising routes and use the trade winds to move across oceans. This involves sailing westward around the world via the Panama Canal and either through the Suez Canal or by rounding South Africa. 

Once you have established which route to take, investigate the times of year when it’s best to take on the longer passages. For example, sailing from Europe to the Caribbean is safest between November and April.

Then, start listing out which countries you could possibly make landfall in. It’s good to have a list, so you can look into each and decide whether you’d like to stop there or not. Bear in mind that weather conditions, food stocks, and boat repairs will often dictate your schedule. You can adjust your course along the way, but you will need to be able to make landfall almost anywhere, so be prepared. 

We can’t go through all the potential routes you may take to sail around the world in this guide - many thick books were written about the subject. We recommend reading World Cruising Routes by Jimmy Cornell to get started. The books explain everything there is to know about the different passages. Cross reference them with pilot charts to choose your route and timing.

can you sail around the world in a yacht


Each time you enter an overseas country, you need to check in the boat and crew. Procedures vary around the world and need to be researched in advance. The process usually goes like this.

You enter a country’s territorial waters and immediately raise the Q flag while heading to an official Port Of Entry without stopping, even if this inconveniences you. Some countries request that you give advance warning of your arrival. Once you get to the Port Of Entry, anchor or request a berth at the local marina.

After making landfall, you have a certain amount of hours (typically 24) to go complete clearance. In most cases, you will need to visit four offices:


Port Control / Harbour master.

Each country has a preference in terms of what office you need to head to first. Bear in mind that not all the offices are close to each other. 

Officially, only the captain of the boat is allowed to set foot on land to check in. In some countries you’ll need to wear long trousers and a shirt when visiting these offices as a sign of respect.

To check in, you will need to show the documents we listed above, plus:

Passports of all crew with a valid visa (when required) and 6 months validity minimum

Port Clearance certificate from the previous country

Ship’s stamp (in some countries)

MMSI number

Passport-sized photos of each person on board

Free Pratique from the last port (a certificate stating the boat is free from diseases) 

Photocopies of all documents.

In some countries, they request extra papers, such as a picture of the boat or proof that you have AIS capability.

Don’t forget to read up about the entry requirements for each country you’re headed to beforehand. Don’t rely on books - these quickly get out of date. Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, entry rules have changed drastically and are often subject to sudden alterations. Some countries close their borders for long periods of time. The latest information on the regulations is available in English on websites such as Noonsite . It’s also helpful to join cruising Facebook groups for the area you’re travelling to and ask if anyone has more recent information. Not even websites get updated as quickly as things change.

Some countries don’t allow any produce in or to carry guns. Enter a country’s waters fully prepared to check in. Once you’re inside their territorial waters, you must comply with the local laws. 

After you’ve checked in, clearance officers may want to inspect your vessel (either at a dedicated dock or on their own boat), so make sure everything is shipshape. They’ll be looking for illegal drugs (including medicines), alcohol, drones, weapons, and more. Keep any prescriptions or licences on hand. Customs may decide to confiscate or hold some goods (such as drones or firearms) until you leave the country. Once the full check-in procedure is complete, you can lower the Q flag.

When you’re ready to leave a country, you will need to check out. Typically, you will have to go back to one or more of the offices you visited to get your Port Clearance document, which you will absolutely need to check in elsewhere. Make sure to find out how long you have to leave the country before you check out. You may be required to exit the territorial waters as soon as possible. 

Entering and exiting a country can be facilitated by a local agent , who can save you the hassle of visiting the different offices and queueing up. Bear in mind that in many cases, agents are known for charging large sums of money. In a few places, such as the Maldives, hiring an agent is necessary, though.

Safety is a concern many sailors share, especially if they plan to anchor out much of the time. The truth is that only a small percentage of people have the means to get to a boat on the water. In fact, burglaries and violent crimes are more common in low-security boatyards and marinas, which can be reached on foot.

Some countries are known for having higher crime rates against yachts. It’s up to you to interpret the data from safety and security networks and make informed decisions. You could avoid such areas altogether or increase your safety measures before setting sail.

For example, you can make your sailboat or tender less easy to break into or steal - a few heavy-duty locks and a couple of motion sensor lights do the trick most of the time. In higher risk areas, you may also want to invest in a motion sensor alarm and some hatch bars. 

No solution is 100% effective, though, so you should be aware of the threat and be vigilant. Remember that in most countries it’s forbidden to keep guns onboard a vessel.


Unless you can monetise your venture or work while cruising, you will need to be financially independent for years. For most people, being able to sail around the world means saving up for years or waiting until retirement.

Yet, more and more young people have started to work while circumnavigating. Below we have listed some ideas that could help you generate an income while sailing around the world

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Seasonal jobs

You can leave your boat in a yard or marina and head home to work every now and then. This arrangement works well for people with seasonal jobs, such as scuba diving instructors, delivery captains, ski instructors, and more. If you’re in no rush, you can even stop in certain countries to obtain a work permit and work for a while.

Online work

Many young cruisers opt for working online - whether they freelance or have a remote job. This set-up is very convenient, as you can work from anywhere in the world with good internet connection. You will need to purchase local SIM cards in every country you visit and possibly buy satellite internet access. 

Be sure to check the legislation of a country before checking in. Many countries allow you to be a digital nomad for up to three months. After this time, you will need to either move on or register for a work visa. Other countries, such as the US, don’t allow visitors to work on American soil even remotely. 

Before accepting a remote job, make sure the company allows you to work from anywhere in the world - some businesses require you to be based in a specific geographical area to comply with certain laws.

Creating sailing content 

Another popular route for cruisers is to create sailing content, which you can either publish on social media as an influencer or sell to sailing magazines, stock video and photography providers, and more. 

Renting property

If you have bought property at home, you can rent it out or host it on AirBnB. Both options involve paying someone to look after the place, find new tenants, do check-ins and check-outs, and more. So in order to generate a good income, you’d likely need to own a few properties.


If your circumnavigation is somewhat special, you could ask companies to sponsor you. This would entail things like providing education opportunities in some remote countries, collecting data for a sustainability project, and more.


Whether you plan to work from the yacht or not, you will need to have access to the internet to plan passages, check the marine weather forecast, keep in touch with family, and more.

When it comes to connecting to the web, you have three main options:

Connect to wi-fis based on land through a wi-fi booster

Use 4G data via a phone, tablet, or router

Purchase a satellite internet device.

All methods have pros and cons. Land-based wi-fis are free to use, but they tend to be slow and you need to go to shore to obtain the password. 4G data is very fast and fairly economical, but you need to buy a local SIM card in every country you visit. Satellite internet works anywhere, but it’s still rather expensive and slow.

Technology is evolving, so getting on the internet will become easier and easier.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

While you will likely become a nomad during your voyage, you will still need to pay tax - whether that’s on the money you earn or property back home. If selling your boat in a foreign country, check if you need to pay tax on the sale, too.

To keep things simple, aim to stay a tax resident of your home country - otherwise you will end up having to register to pay it in more than one country per year, which makes everything rather complicated. Moreover, not all countries have double-taxation conventions, so you may end up having to pay tax twice. 


While circumnavigating, you can’t rely on your engine to generate energy. You will need to undertake long offshore passages, where you will need to keep the instruments, nav lights, and fridge on day and night. Your energy requirements will increase significantly.

You need to install a power system, which consists of a number of batteries and one or more energy generation systems, such as:

Solar panels

Wind turbines


Hydro generators.

The set-up you choose depends on your energy requirements and vessel. Solar panels take up a lot of space, while a wind turbine needs vertical space at the stern. 

Whatever you decide, make sure to calculate your energy needs accurately, otherwise you may have to save energy by turning the fridge or radar off. It’s easier to upgrade your power system near home or by a big boating centre before your first long passage.

can you sail around the world in a yacht


Sailing around the world is an adventure. Adventures are bold, somewhat risky undertakings, which push you beyond your comfort zone and make you grow. Circumnavigating is no exception. 

Along the way, you’ll collect a stream of exciting, invigorating, and exhilarating moments. You will also likely feel scared, uncomfortable, and bored every now and then. Time will slow down, so the days will feel longer. You will learn new things most weeks and get to know yourself better. Emotions will feel deep and you will have lots of time to reflect during long passages.

Expect to be challenged often by your vessel, the weather, local regulations, the sea state, and more. If you can, take it slow. Experience each place and broaden your horizons.


Before we wrap this guide up, we want to share some tips with you, which will help you better plan your circumnavigation. 

Choose the boat carefully

Picking the right boat is fundamental for a comfortable, safe voyage. She needs to be big enough to provide enough space for you and your crew, but small enough to manoeuvre safely in a marina or harbour. 

All crew members need to be able to sail her solo. She needs to be comfortable underway, so people won’t get as seasick. Most importantly, she needs to be bluewater capable, so it can withstand the test of heavy weather conditions and wear and tear.

Take it slow

Unless you absolutely need to be back home by a certain date, circumnavigating is a lot less stressful if done on a very loose schedule. Try to be flexible and allow for changes of plan, so you can adapt to the circumstances and enjoy the ride more. 

Go with the flow - spend extra time in a country, skip that sail or anchorage, accept dinner invites. Do what you know will make you happier, because the chance will soon be gone.

Picking weather windows

Many sailors find it hard to postpone a passage when the weather is rough. Even if your plans don’t work out, it’s best that you avoid sailing in heavier conditions than you’re confident in.

Don’t save money on gear and maintenance

If you’re on a budget, opt for a smaller, simpler boat, anchoring out more often, and eating out less. Don’t skimp on gear, especially safety gear, and keep your boat maintained to a high standard. Nothing is more important than your safety. Your life and that of your crew depend on your equipment functioning well and your boat staying afloat. 

Don’t leave your boat unattended for long stretches of time

If you can, avoid leaving the boat and going home for months at a time in the tropics. The extreme UV radiation, heat, and humidity can dramatically reduce the life expectancy of your equipment above and below deck. 

If you need to leave your boat somewhere, choose a non-tropical area and haul her out to protect her hull from fouling too much. Allow for a long and rather expensive refit when you make your way back to her.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

On longer, more challenging passages taking crew on board is great help. You can share shifts, as well as chores, like cooking. Feeling well-rested while sailing is extremely important, as it leads to making better decisions and handling stress more efficiently. 

You can either take friends and family on board to help you, or hire professional help. Don’t invite novice sailors along for the ride if you can - they will likely need to wake you in the middle of the night to reef the sails or ask about a light on the horizon. Only take as much crew as your boat can comfortably fit underway to avoid creating unnecessary stress on all crew members.

Satellite communication

While it’s still a rather expensive option, satellite communication is a fantastic technology. It allows you to have access to the weather forecast, alert the emergency services, get in touch with a doctor, keep your family up-to-date, and more. With more economical options available on the market these days, it’s an investment worth making.

Perform MOB drills regularly

A Man Overboard situation tends to happen when you least expect it, so it’s essential to memorise what to do in such circumstances. Regular drills are the best way to make sure that everyone on board knows what to do. 

On top of this, of course you’ll need to wear a life jacket when the sailboat is underway and use a tether and harness to secure yourself to the boat. This is especially important in heavy weather conditions and when you’re on watch alone.

Always carry extra food and water

No matter where you are, it’s a good idea to have extra provisions on board at all times. Bad weather may not allow you to get to shore to go to the shops or your passage might take some days longer than it’s meant to. Long-life food doesn’t take up much space and you will never regret having it on board.

Have a base

Having a place to return to every now and then or when things go south is very important. It doesn’t need to be a property you own - it can be your parents’ place or your aunt’s holiday home. Knowing that if anything happens you have a safe place to go back to is priceless.

Keep up with healthcare

It’s tempting to stop going to the doctors altogether when you’re sailing around the world. Flights home cost money and private care can be expensive in certain countries. However, it’s very important that you stay healthy while circumnavigating. Regular check-ups pay off in the long run, when you don’t have to abandon plans due to a health emergency. Make time for adequate healthcare.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

There are countless resources you can tap into when it comes to planning a circumnavigation. Here is a list to start you off:

World cruising routes by Jimmy Cornell to plan your passages

World voyage planner by Jimmy and Ivan Cornell 

Reputable cruising guides and pilot books for each country you’re visiting

Modern marine weather by David Burch

Sailboat hull and deck repair by Don Casey

Complete Rigger's Apprentice by Brion Toss

Sailboat electrics simplified by Don Casey

Marine diesel engines by Nigel Calder

Don Casey’s complete illustrated sailboat maintenance manual by Don Casey

Nautical charts

Pilot charts

The Noonsite website to check country entry requirements, Ports Of Entry, and more

Legendary circumnavigators Lin and Larry Pardey ’s books, such as Self Sufficient Sailor

Local Facebook groups for cruisers

Inspiring videos by YouTube sailing channels, such as Follow The Boat .

Don’t forget to download the Deckee app from the App Store or Google Play before setting off on your circumnavigation. Look up anchorages, supermarkets, diving spots, aids to navigation, and more on the map.

Track your passages and share float plans with friends and family. Set up reminders to get a notification when you need to renew your boat registration, service the engine, and more. The app will become an invaluable resource throughout your voyage.


Hurricane preparation for boat owners.

  • Navigating Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Sailing Around the World

Sailing around the world is an epic adventure that offers unparalleled freedom, breathtaking vistas, and an opportunity to test your limits like never before. It's a journey that takes you through calm waters, stormy seas, and everything in between, allowing you to experience the beauty and diversity of our planet in a deeply personal way. Whether you're drawn to the romance of the open sea or the challenge of navigating through unknown waters, this guide is designed to help you prepare, embark, and thrive on your round-the-world sailing expedition.

Preparing for Your Journey

Choosing the right sailboat is paramount to a successful voyage. It's not just about size and comfort but also seaworthiness and ease of handling. Equipping your vessel with essential gear and supplies, from navigation tools to emergency rations, cannot be overlooked. Moreover, possessing a solid foundation in sailing skills, first aid, and weather forecasting is crucial for your safety and enjoyment.

Navigating the Seas

Understanding weather patterns and mastering navigation techniques are vital for plotting your course and making informed decisions at sea. Safety protocols, including regular drills and maintaining your vessel, ensure that you're prepared for any situation, whether it's a man-overboard incident or equipment failure.

The Best Routes to Sail Around the World

Choosing the best route for your sailing adventure depends on various factors, including the time of year, your sailing experience, and what you want to see and do along the way. Popular routes take advantage of prevailing winds and currents, making your journey more efficient and enjoyable. Timing your adventure is key to avoiding extreme weather and making the most of your port calls.

Life at Sea

Life at sea is a unique experience, characterized by daily routines that keep your vessel running smoothly, managing provisions to last between port calls, and dealing with the mental challenges of isolation. It's also a time for personal growth, reflection, and connection with nature.

Port Calls and Culture

One of the most enriching aspects of sailing around the world is the opportunity to make port calls in a myriad of different countries, each with its own unique culture, traditions, and landscapes. These stops are not just necessary for resupplying your vessel but are golden opportunities to immerse yourself in the local way of life, learn from the people you meet, and experience the world in a way that few other forms of travel can offer.

Read our top notch articles on topics such as sailing, sailing tips and destinations in our Magazine .

Check out our latest sailing content:

Sailboat in the storm sea.Yacht and beautiful seascape.Travel on a sailing boat.A hurricane in a stormy sea.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Sailing around the world is not without its challenges, from unexpected weather conditions to mechanical failures and health emergencies. Being prepared, staying calm, and having contingency plans in place are essential for overcoming these obstacles.

Stories from the Sea

The sea has always been a source of tales that stir the imagination and inspire the soul. For those who choose to sail around the world, the ocean becomes not just a path but a place where stories of adventure, endurance, and discovery are written in the vast expanse of water under the endless sky. These stories, shared among sailors and with those they meet on their journey, carry the essence of the sea and the spirit of exploration. There are tales of narrow escapes from danger, whether it be from the wrath of nature or the challenges posed by mechanical failures far from help. Then, there are stories of serendipitous encounters with marine wildlife, reminding us of the wonders of the natural world and our place within it.

Returning Home

After months or even years at sea, returning home can be a bittersweet experience. You'll likely find that you've changed in many ways, and adjusting back to life on land can take some time. Reflection on your journey and sharing your experiences with others can be a rewarding way to close this chapter of your life.

How to Get Started

Embarking on a round-the-world sailing trip requires thorough planning and preparation. Start by gaining as much sailing experience as possible, familiarising yourself with different types of boats, and deciding what kind of journey you're looking for. Budgeting, route planning, and preparing your boat are next steps. Don't forget to consider visa requirements, insurance, and the potential need for a crew.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our range of charter boats and head to some of our favourite  sailing destinations.

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Sailing Around The World – Planning For Global Circumnavigation

August 14, 2021 by Martin Parker Leave a Comment

various sailing gear for global circumnavigation

There’s something about sailing around the world that captures the imagination and inspires. For some, it’s the reason for learning to sail in the first place. Others only start to think about global circumnavigation as their skills and experience grow. Regardless of what motivates you to circumnavigate, one thing remains true. For most, it will be the challenge of a lifetime.

But how do you start the process? For someone new to sailing, the prospect of circumnavigation can be truly daunting. With so much to think about and plan for, many get overwhelmed and abandon their dreams before they begin. 

This brief article aims to get you thinking about the task of circumnavigation and what it takes to practically and successfully navigate the process, from start to finish.

What Constitutes a Global Circumnavigation?

The definition of circumnavigation is a matter of debate, but there are some defined rules regarding a nautical, wind-powered trip where racing is concerned. A basic description would be to follow a route that forms a great circle. The passage must be at least 21,600 nautical miles for racing, and you must cross the equator, starting and finishing in the same port.

A cruising circumnavigation will often take a route that covers a much greater distance, with multiple diversions to visit places of interest. So long as you meet the essential criteria stated above, it can be classed as a circumnavigation.

If you are in a hurry, the current world record is held by Francois Gabart. He completed an official circumnavigation in just 42 days, 16 hours, and 40 minutes in December 2017.

No Substitute for Experience When Sailing Around the World

sailing around the world on a single hull sailboat

Some people spend a lifetime planning their trip, while others have just thrown the basics together and departed. In both cases, some have been successful, and some have not. We are trying to point out that while your planning is a necessary task, it does not guarantee success. Our best advice? Don’t keep putting off your departure because you haven’t planned everything 100%. 

Start with the basic, most important tasks, and get ready to learn as you go. After all, thinking on your feet will be a big part of your circumnavigation journey. 

Solo Circumnavigation, or Go With a Crew?

a man helps adjust the sails on a sailboat

Single-handed circumnavigation is perfectly possible. However, it’s a huge challenge that presents certain obstacles and dangers you could avoid with a crew. We highly recommend going with a crew for your first attempt, be it friends, family, or staff. The average time for cruising circumnavigation is around 18 months, although many people travel slowly over multiple years. 

If none of your family and friends are keen, you can use websites like Ocean Crew Link to find crew. You could also consider joining another boat as part of a crew to complete your first journey.

How Long Will it Take to Circumnavigate the Globe?

a wooden sailboat helm at dusk

This really is an open-ended question. How long you have might be a better question. If you’re in a hurry, the current world record is just under 43 days. For most of us, though, we’re circumnavigating to see more of the world at a leisurely pace.

On average, most complete their journey in approximately 18 months. Riley and Elayna from Sailing La Vagabonde started their trip in 2014 and are still going strong. They have even begun raising their young son on board during the journey. Theirs is a lifestyle choice that most won’t want, though. They even took a risky approach and started sailing around the world with little to no experience. It’s a route we wouldn’t recommend, but it shows that circumnavigation is possible – even for beginners.

In the end, your circumstances and endurance will determine how long you spend on your journey.

Is Sailing Around the World Dangerous?

The US Coast Guard practices an emergency rescue drill at sea

If anyone tries to tell you that it’s not slightly dangerous to circumnavigate the globe, don’t believe them. Sailing thousands of miles from land, passing through inclement weather, and relying on yourself and your crew presents many challenges and at least some level of risk. With proper knowledge, planning, and execution, though, you should be able to navigate your way through safely. By correctly preparing for your journey, you’ll have a better understanding of the risks, allowing you to reduce or even eliminate certain dangers. 

A good starting point is learning your basic sailing skills. These skills include setting your sails and trim, boat handling, and basic navigation, to name a few. Practicing emergency procedures also helps to set yourself up to manage emergency scenarios if they arise. Man-overboard scenarios, how to make a mayday or pan-pan call, having sufficient rescue equipment, and having excellent navigation skills will all help prepare you to make the best of a bad situation. There is a wealth of information and training available both online and through professional organizations, and we strongly recommend taking several training courses until you feel adequately prepared.

Choosing a Boat for Global Circumnavigation

A sailboat sits on the horizon while sailing around the world

When you consider that people have successfully traversed the oceans in a myriad of craft – including small rowing boats – perhaps the type of boat you choose is not the most critical factor. It’s true that with help, you can cross oceans in almost anything, but the less suitable the boat, the more challenging, uncomfortable, and dangerous it will ultimately be.

The range of boats available may seem baffling, but the standard for making significant passages are the cruising bluewater style yachts. Our recent article on bluewater sailboats for under $100,000 offers insight into some well-known, competent, and affordable cruising yachts .

Vessel Considerations For Sailing Around the World

  • Size: Yacht size affects many different aspects of sailing. Since you’ll be spending a lot of time onboard, having the extra space of a 40-foot yacht or bigger will undoubtedly come in handy. In this yacht category, you’ll also get a good sail area to cater to the varying conditions you’ll encounter.
  • Weight: Although a heavy yacht won’t break any speed records, it will keep you steady when the sea conditions are challenging. Strong winds can become challenging in the open ocean, and having a heavy-displacement vessel will help you keep your course.
  • Keel Design: Fin keels are very popular, and they’re featured on many modern boat designs. However, carefully consider where you intend to go. A bilge keel, for example, gives you a lower draught so you can visit more shallow waterways and will allow you to moor in areas where the tide will leave you aground. Additional benefits include easier maintenance when aground and reduced roll for added comfort.
  • Sailing Winches: There are pros and cons to electric and manual winches, but hand winches make sense on circumnavigation passages from a practical point of view. Electric winches save you effort and help if you are sailing short-handed, but they need an efficient power source. Manual winches are more straightforward and less likely to cause you trouble.

What Gear Do You Need for Sailing Around the World?

Orange and yellow emergency life raft used for sailing around the world

There is some sailing gear that is essential for safely navigating a circumnavigation. While this list is far from exhaustive, your boat should be equipped with the following: 

  • Life Jackets: This should go without saying, but it’s amazing how many don’t consider it essential. Ending up in the water thousands of miles from land is scary enough, but it could very well be a death sentence without a buoyancy device.
  • Lifeline: Prevention is better than a fix, so attaching yourself to the boat by a lifeline should be common sense when conditions call for it.
  • Ocean Liferaft: Inside should be an equipment and ration pack that will last longer than 24 hours.
  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB): An EPIRB is a device that automatically begins transmitting a rescue signal as soon as it’s submerged in water. 
  • Battery Charging System: You will spend most of your time sailing during a circumnavigation. Running your engine to charge your batteries will not last long, and it’s also not advisable. Install at least one method, but preferably two or more, that can charge your batteries under sail. Solar panels, wind turbines, and towed impellors give you three different options for power, depending on the conditions.
  • SSB Radio: A Single Side Band (SSB) radio is a commonly used maritime communication system in the open ocean and remote parts of the world. Although AM radios are also widely used, SSB radios offer much better reliability and performance.
  • Pactor Modem: Connecting your SSB to a modem will allow you to send and receive emails nearly anywhere at sea. 
  • Flare Pack: Flare packs are used to signal distress to other boats or rescue services, and having them on board could potentially save your life.

Other Items to Consider for Sailing Around the World:

  • AIS Transponder: Safe navigation at sea, particularly at night, requires at least one pair of eyes to monitor the sea for natural obstacles and other ships. While using an AIS transponder does not remove this requirement, it gives you additional information to avoid collisions at sea. 
  • Satellite Phone: Keeping in contact with friends and family can be a lifeline that keeps you going in the most challenging times. A satellite phone will allow you to make direct calls from nearly anywhere on the ocean.

Natural Factors to Consider Before Global Circumnavigation

Turbulent blue waters in the ocean

Your circumnavigation journey will cover more than 21,000 miles, and during that time, you will likely encounter everything mother nature can throw at you. Through good planning, though, you can choose to avoid the worst of the weather and take advantage of favorable winds and ocean currents.

Trade Winds

The trade winds blow continuously throughout the year, thanks to cold air at the poles and warm air at the equator. These temperature differences create westerly winds (from the west) at the poles and easterly winds around the equator. 

Trade winds nearer the poles are much stronger than at the equator, and racers tend to take advantage of this – the passage will be colder and far less comfortable, though.

Cyclone and Hurricane Season

Cyclones and hurricanes occur mainly when the ocean water is warm. This happens between July and October in the northern hemisphere and between December and April in the southern hemisphere. Using this information, it’s a simple task to plan your passage, avoiding the main storm seasons. Of course, storms can still occur at any time in the year, so always be prepared for the unexpected.

Major Ocean Currents

In general, the ocean’s major currents follow the direction of the trade winds, but in some areas, such as South Africa, they can work against you. This makes following the trade winds even more appealing when sailing around the world.

Things To Do Before Sailing Around the World

White and green sailboat used for sailing around the world

Below, we outline some of the ways you should prepare before setting out on your first circumnavigation.

As we mentioned previously, some intrepid sailors have completed circumnavigations with no formal training and have learned while en route. While it is possible to do this, we wholeheartedly recommend you get some basic training before setting off.

Most sailing courses around the world offer certification that is acceptable in other countries. The Royal Yachting Association is the primary certification agency in the UK, and the US Sailing School is the leading agency in the US. 

The most widely accepted certificate is the International Certificate of Competence for Operator of Pleasure Craft (ICC). Once you have your national license, you can apply for the ICC, which is accepted in virtually every country worldwide. Even if a country doesn’t accept the ICC, most charter companies will, allowing you to charter a yacht nearly anywhere.

A variety of insurance policies are available for sailors, but there will likely be clauses in the policy referring to piracy and storms. If you ignore the clauses and visit restricted areas, your insurance will not cover an incident.

Piracy refers to anything from abduction and murder to petty theft and assault. Depending on where you’re at in the world, you’ll need to be vigilant to combat potential downfalls. 

The Philippines and the Suez Canal are two hotspots for more severe piracy, and your insurance likely will specify these areas as high risk.

Only you can assess the risk you are willing to take. Avoiding known problem areas can be beneficial, but incidents can still occur anywhere in the world. 

Get the Right Sails For Your Route

Assuming you will follow a typical cruising circumnavigation route, you’ll spend most of your time downwind. Aside from the fact that many monohull sailors find continuous downwind sailing uncomfortable, you’ll need to kit out the sail locker appropriately. Spinnakers and screechers are the order of the day, along with standard genoa sizes or furling genoa.

Many countries require visas for transit through them, and depending on where you’re going, they could take weeks or even months to traverse. You need to plan carefully, as arriving in a country’s waters without the correct paperwork could prove troublesome.

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can you sail around the world in a yacht

Can You Legally Sail Around the World?

can you sail around the world in a yacht

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Lennon’s timeless song will probably never be a reality in the context of land borders. But the high seas are a different paradigm. Whether you are an enthusiastic mariner or an aspiring circumnavigator, you must have wondered if you can legally sail around the world.

You can legally sail around the world on the high seas. However, you must abide by the rules of sovereign nations when you sail on their territorial waters. Additionally, you must adhere to international maritime laws applicable to sailing and navigating the open waters. 

In theory, you do not need a license or seek any permission to sail around the world. However, the reality is not as simple because you need to register the boat in your country of origin and navigate routes regulated by specific authorities. Read on to get ready to sail around the world . 

How To Legally Sail Around the World

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Your boat must be registered and licensed per the applicable laws. In the US, you must abide by federal law and the regulations of your state and local administration. 

According to the general provisions of the United Nations for sailing or navigating the high seas, you can fly only one flag throughout your adventure, which should be of your nation or state.

No sailor, boat, or ship can fly multiple flags unless it is a part of a coalition or particular purpose.  

For instance, a ship on a UN mission uses the organization’s flag. However, as an American citizen sailing on the high seas, your boat must have the valid registration number displayed clearly, and all the relevant information should be in the records of your state or the federal database. 

Thus, your nationality and the boat’s country of origin are two constant factors that will matter on your voyage. This rule is applicable to every port of call. However, you will inevitably sail on the territorial waters of a country to reach a port, which naturally brings their local laws into play. 

Do You Need A License To Sail Around the World?

can you sail around the world in a yacht

You do not need a specific license to sail around the world in international waters. However, you may need a license or permit per your local laws to skipper different types of boats. You can also consider getting a certificate of competence and credential from the ICC or SLC. 

According to maritime laws , you can sail on the high seas with your private boat without a license. However, you have to start your voyage somewhere, probably the nearest port from your hometown or permanent residence. 

Thus, you need a license as per the state or local laws. Most states require skippers to be licensed, depending on the type of boat, watercraft, or ship they steer. You can secure a license as required by these laws. 

The International Certificate of Competency (ICC) is the largest and most reputed authority for skippers, captains, mariners, or sailors in general. However, the United States and a few countries are not a party to the ICC. 

As an American citizen, you can apply to the International Sailing License and Credentials (SLC). Otherwise, you can apply through the Royal Yachting Association to get a license from the ICC.

I must reiterate that these licenses are not legally necessary for anyone to sail around the world.

However, the certifications of competence and credentials are useful, especially for insurance.

If you plan to sail on the high seas, you should have insurance for everyone on board and the boat. 

Can You Sail Anywhere You Want?

can you sail around the world in a yacht

You can sail anywhere you want, provided you do not violate a sovereign country’s laws while on their territorial waters. You must also abide by the regulations of the authorities in charge of the significant passageways, such as the Suez Canal and Panama Canal. As long as you pay the fees and only declare what you bring, there should be no issue.  

Both the authorities managing the Suez and Panama have stringent policies managing the movement of all vessels through these canals. You have to file the correct paperwork and pay fees according to the size or length of your boat. In addition, everyone must wait for their turn in the queue. 

Legally, no country or agency has the authority to police the high seas. Thus, you need not worry about anything unless you are a pirate or sailing with prohibited substances on your boat, including explosives, hazardous chemicals, and other contraband.  

Despite this, you should avoid some routes. There are several danger zones on the high seas, not only in the context of weather, storms, and icebergs but also pirates. Besides this, you should also sail away from maritime or naval exercises. 

Here’s an article explaining what areas to stay away from when sailing around the world .

As a sailor, you must be informed about notice to mariners , the equivalent of NOTAM (notice to airmen). The navies and armed forces of various countries and alliances conduct exercises on the high seas. Furthermore, many nations conduct different tests and missions on international waters.   

You don’t want to get caught up anywhere near a hypersonic missile’s test range or a controlled underwater experiment 😉

Is It Illegal To Sail to Another Country?

can you sail around the world in a yacht

It is illegal to sail to another country if you do not have a visa or the equivalent for a temporary port of call. You must abide by all the laws of a sovereign country from the moment you are on their territorial waters, including fishing and leisure activities.

The United Nations demarcates the high seas or international waters as any coordinate that is at least 12 nautical miles (~22 km) away from the nearest onshore point of a sovereign nation. Thus, you are not obliged to any local laws unless you breach this distance from their lands. 

However, the situation is tricky if you don’t know precisely where specific territorial waters stretch to. Moreover, some overzealous coast guards or a nation’s claims on some parts of the high seas and international waters can create trouble for you if you do not have a visa to be there. 

Furthermore, you must follow the best practices recommended by the International Maritime Organization . Not every foreign government is friendly, regardless of what that country’s folks may feel about its territorial waters and the high seas. Thus, plan well before you set sail. 

It is legal to sail around the world. However, you need to acquire a visa for those countries where you intend to dock, even if you don’t disembark at the port of call. Ensure that you abide by the maritime law on the high seas. Furthermore, do not violate any country’s laws while sailing on their territorial waters. 

  • United Nations: High Seas
  • United Nations: Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zones
  • Cornell Law School: Vessels
  • Connecticut DMV: Requirements for Registration and Titling of Boats
  • Cornell Law School: Admiralty
  • US Department of State: Limits in the Seas
  • National Geospatial Intelligence Agency: Notice To Mariners
  • International Maritime Organization
  • International Certificate of Competency
  • International Sailing License and Credentials
  • Royal Yachting Association
  • Britannica: Maritime Law
  • Britannica: Are There Laws on the High Seas?
  • Wikipedia: Admiralty Law

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Sail Around the World Route – Best Options Explained

Before you ponder your route to sail around the world, think about why you’re even thinking about such an undertaking. 

There are countless sailing routes you can take to circumnavigate the globe, but each one is for a different sort of sailor. The two most common routes are the mid-latitudes “Milk Run” and the high-latitudes journey through the Southern Ocean or Northwest Passage.

Here’s a look at some of these very different trips and the types of sailors and vessels that accomplish each one every year.

Table of Contents

Basic planning factors – winds, currents, and storms, the classic sail around the world route – the milk run, circumnavigating in the southern ocean, an alternate sail around the world route the northwest passage, which sailing routes would you pick for your circumnavigation, sailing routes around the world faqs.

sailing around the world route

The Basics of Sailing Routes Around the World

First, some lingo. Sailors refer to a sail around the world route as a “circumnavigation.”

Taking a boat around the world requires some gumption. So why do it at all? For some, it is the goal of having done it. For others, it’s a fun way to combine their passions of sailing and travel. Some folks compete in races to see who can do it fastest. And some folks think it would be a good lark and a neat way to see the world.

Whatever reason draws you to the idea of completing a circumnavigation, you aren’t alone. Every year there are rallies or races that you can join to meet up with like-minded people. And for as many people who compete in rallies, there are likely an equal number of people doing it on their own. 

No matter how you cut it, a circumnavigation is made up of numerous legs. So if traveling and seeing the sights is your goal, then it only makes sense to take your time and visit as many places as you can along the way. 

Folks with a limited time frame will inevitably miss something or rush through someplace they want to see. 

For sightseers, the goal of a circumnavigation might be secondary to seeing the places they want to see. In other words, someone with their heart set on circumnavigating might set a schedule of two years to get it done, while another sailor who wants to complete loops in the Atlantic and Pacific might have a lot more time to visit more countries and ports of call. 

Every sailor and every boat comes into this adventure with different goals. Therefore, it’s important to think about your motivations and the sort of circumnavigation that you’d like to have. What’s the most important part to you, and how much money and time can you dedicate to the endeavor? 

Sailing Routes Around the World

Most pleasure boaters contemplating a circumnavigation are interested in the safest route to sail around the world. Part of the safety and enjoyment of the crew comes from planning the trip to follow the prevailing wind patterns around the globe.

When sitting on land, you might think of the wind as unpredictable and variable depending on the day and weather conditions. And while that is true all over the world, at sea prevailing weather patterns tend to be more steady. 

That means by understanding the causes and patterns in the winds, you can use them to your advantage on a circumnavigation. 

For example, let’s look at the North Atlantic circuit. If a yacht wants to depart Europe for North America, its best bet is to head south first and follow the area between 10 and 30 degrees north latitude westbound. Why? Because this is the area where the winds flow from the east almost constantly. Since ships used these winds to get to the Caribbean in the old days, they are still known as the Trade Winds. 

What if you want to go the other way, back to Europe? In that case, your best bet is to head north and make your easterly course between 40 and 60 degrees north latitudes. There, the prevailing winds are westerly and will push you back to Europe. 

While sailboats can sail into the wind, doing so is called “beating” for a reason. It’s rough on the boat and crew; it’s tiring and unpleasant. You’ll have to do it occasionally, but a successful and comfortable passage is usually the result of planning so you don’t have to sail to weather. 

Similarly, you can use the world’s ocean currents to your advantage. If the Gulf Stream can give you a knot or two of an extra push toward Europe, you should take it! It makes a big difference when your normal speed is six knots. Trying to fight against it for any length of time could double your trip planning and make for a very nasty ride.

And then there is the risk of storms at sea. With good trip and weather planning, a boat can circumnavigate without ever experiencing a bad storm at sea.

That requires conservative planning to avoid areas and times of the year when the weather is bad. To do this means you must plan to be in the right places at the right times. Pilot charts are published for every ocean sector on Earth, showing the prevailing winds for any given month and the probability of encountering a severe storm in the area. 

Using pilot charts and the historical prevalence of hurricanes or cyclones, sailors can plan to transit these areas only during quiet times. In other words, no one wants to be in the middle of the North Atlantic during peak hurricane season or during winter gales, but being in the middle of the North Atlantic in May is pretty optimal. 

Likewise, you don’t want to be in the middle of the South Pacific during February when it is peak cyclone season, but June or July is good.

The classic route for circumnavigating is based on the path of least resistance, making it the safest route to sail around the world. These routes utilize the prevailing winds to make as many downwind, fair-weather passages as possible. 

The goal of this route is not speed but comfort and safety. This is the route you take your family on. This is the route that around the world rallies, like the World ARC Rally , use for every trip. 

Starting from the Caribbean, this route travels westbound and keeps close to the equator. Of course, you can start anywhere, but many yachts cross their wakes (begin and end their voyage) somewhere in the Lesser Antilles. 

After crossing the Caribbean Sea, transit is arranged through the Panama Canal. Canal transits are expensive and time-consuming, and they usually involve a broker to arrange all the paperwork and scheduling. 

Before the canal was constructed, the only way to make the journey was to travel south in the Atlantic and pass Cape Horn. There, you can follow Drakes Passage through Argentina’s islands and Patagonia’s wild lands. Many expedition yachts still choose this route to see this remote and beautiful part of the world. 

After the Panama Canal, most yachts take familiar sailing routes across the Pacific . The first stop is the Galapagos Islands. This takes you mostly south along the coast of Central America and across the equator into the Southern Hemisphere.

From the Galapagos, the single longest passage lies ahead–roughly 3,200 nautical miles to the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia. This trip takes most sailboats about 14 days. An alternate route takes you farther south. It doesn’t shorten the trip but allows you to visit Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and Pitcairn Islands.

Once in French Polynesia, you can island hop your way through the South Pacific island nations, but with a weary eye on the weather. The point is to avoid the area during cyclone season, roughly the summer months (December through April or so). 

At this point, many yachts find a hurricane hole where they can relax during storm season. Usually, it is time to haul out and complete some maintenance after so many sea miles. Some make it south and out of the cyclone belt to New Zealand or Australia. Others opt to stay in the islands but find a well-sheltered marina or boatyard where they can haul out.

Once cyclone season is winding down, the next big passage awaits. After passing through the Torres Straits, stops in Northwestern Australia and Indonesia welcome you to the Indian Ocean. There are only a few isolated stops after that. Many yachts make one long passage out of it, although many enjoy a few stops, like Cocos Keeling, Maldives, Diego Garcia, or Seychelles.

This is where the route branches in two directions. Traditionally, boats would transit on a northwest course and into the Gulf of Aden. From there, you follow the Red Sea to the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean is, of course, one of the most storied cruising grounds on the planet. You can cruise from Turkey and Greece to Italy, France, and Spain, with countless famous ports of call along the way. 

Unfortunately, the route to get there, through the Gulf of Aden and around the Horn of Africa, is home to bands of pirates who have been known to prey on leisure yachts and commercial vessels alike. For this reason, this route has fallen out of favor in recent years. 

Instead, boats head to South Africa. The country makes a good landfall point from which you can travel home or take land excursions to see the rest of Africa. Popular stops on the way are the islands of Reunion and Mauritius. Some folks also like to visit Madagascar.

After rounding the Cape of Good Hope, yachts are back in the Atlantic and can head northwest toward the Caribbean. You can make a few stops along the way, mostly isolated island nations like St. Helena and Ascension Islands. After that, it’s a straight shot back across the equator and to the Windward Islands of the Caribbean. 

When coming from the Mediterranean, boats heat westbound through the Straights of Gibraltar. The next stop is the Canary Islands. How long does it take to sail across the Atlantic? It’s a roughly 17-day passage downwind to the Windward Islands.

sailing around the world on the milk run

Most people take two full years or longer to complete a circumnavigation as described above, but even that only allows a little time to see the sights. So a more realistic number would be four or five years. 

This route isn’t for those looking to get it done in the shortest amount of time. Instead, the Southern Ocean Route is the favored path for those looking to trade a bit of safety for speed. This route, due to the prevailing winds along the route, is completed from west to east. 

Races like the Clipper Around the World , Vendee Globe , and the Golden Globe Around the World Race use this path. It utilizes the open expanses of the Southern Ocean. Once you get into these high latitudes, there are no real landmasses in your way, and you can steer a course all the way around the world in record time.

Of course, the Southern Ocean is not for the faint of heart. High-latitude sailing involves biting cold weather and dangerous gales. You’ll be rounding Cape Horn through Drakes Passage, one of the dicest stretches of water on the planet. 

It’s a punishing stretch of ocean, and boats are often beaten and bruised. Dismastings and equipment failures are common. In other words, a sailor who chooses this route must be ready for anything, capable of handling whatever the sea throws at them, and sailing an extremely well-founded bluewater vessel.

sailing the southern ocean

In recent years it has been in vogue to attempt a transit of the Northwest Passage, thereby making it possible to circumnavigate the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Obviously, this is a summertime endeavor only, and even then, only during years when the ice pack has completely melted. This is happening more and more, so the route is gaining popularity.

The leg that makes this possible starts from the United Kingdom going west across the Atlantic to Greenland through the Labrador Sea. The Northwest Passage itself then bisects Canada’s northern territories. Finally, you end up on the northern coast of Alaska. Then, keeping the mainland of North America to port, you continue south into the Pacific Ocean.

From the Aleutian Islands, the most favorable course is to transit to the west coast of North America. After that, you can make your way south along the famous Inside Passage, a network of fjords in British Columbia that can link you to Puget Sound and the Seattle metro area. 

Once in the US, your next steps are southbound transits to Baja, Mexico, or jumps like sailing to Hawaii from California . You can then join the normal routes across the South Pacific islands to Australia or Southeast Asia.

Both the Southern Ocean and the Northwest Passage routes are high-latitude routes that carry more risk than the Milk Run. High-latitude sailing involves dealing with more frequent severe weather systems, stronger winds, and greater variability in the weather in general. They’re also farther from services and more remote, so self-sufficiency is even more vital. 

While you can do the Milk Run in nearly any of best bluewater cruising sailboats , these high-latitudes routes are more comfortable in a robust expedition-level vessel. These are the perfect places for that aluminum sailboat you’ve been dreaming about.

sailing around the world in the Northwest Passage

There is much to learn and think about if you want to circumnavigate. If you’re dreaming of sailing the world, consider starting your research by picking up a book or two written by someone who has done it. Here are three stories of circumnavigations, but there are countless others and blogs galore to be found on the internet. 

can you sail around the world in a yacht

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Jimmy Cornell is the master of how to sail around the world. His “World Cruising” series of guides includes everything you’d ever need to know, from weather systems and route planning to legal formalities. This book, 200,000 Miles , combines some of those technicalities with a biographical story of his journey.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Sailing Around the World Alone is Joshua Slocum’s story of his journey. It’s not a modern tale–Slocum set out in the late 1890s from Nova Scotia. But his adventure is the OG tale of sailing around the world and is worth a read. 

can you sail around the world in a yacht

  • Used Book in Good Condition

Lin and Larry Pardey circumnavigated several times (both eastbound and westbound), but if you totaled up the miles they sailed, it would be more like seven times. The difference, of course, is enjoying every port and stop along the way.

While they never wrote a book specifically about sailing around the world, their cruising tales live on in the various tales and how-to guides they produced over the years. 

Capable Cruiser discusses techniques that will get you there, interwoven by the Pardey’s inimitable charm and wit. For more travel inspiration, check out their original series of books: Cruising in Seraffyn , Seraffyn’s European Adventure, Seraffyn’s Mediterranean Adventure, and Seraffyn’s Oriental Adventure.

What route do you take to sail around the world?

There are several ways to circumnavigate, but the most common is the “Milk Run.” This route goes from the Caribbean through the Panama Canal. From there, it heads south to the Galapagos Islands and into the South Pacific. After Tahiti, yachts head to Australia, across the Indian Ocean, and through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea. Finally, leaving the Med, boats cross the Atlantic to the Caribbean to close the circle, or “cross their wake,” as they say.

How long does it take to sail around the world?

The WorldARC around the world sailing rally usually lasts 18 months, but you can do it quicker by selecting fewer stops or taking faster routes. For most sailors, however, the length of the trip around the world really depends on how much they stop along the way and for how long. If the purpose of the trip is to travel and see the world, it makes little sense to rush and do it in the shortest possible time. Many circumnavigations take five or more years. 

How much does it cost per month to sail around the world?

Sailing has been described as the most expensive way to get somewhere for free. The cost to sail around the world is extremely variable–it is impossible to pin down any price. On the one hand, the type of boat makes a difference. The larger the boat, the larger the costs. The lifestyle you choose while sailing matters, too–lavish resort marinas cost more than anchoring away from town. Hiring professionals to do boat maintenance costs more than doing it all yourself. There are ways to do it lavishly and ways to be cheap about it. Comfortable cruising is somewhere in the middle, but where exactly that depends entirely on you. 

How big of a sailboat do you need to sail around the world?

Many solo sailors and couples have circumnavigated in boats less than 30 feet long. Lin and Larry Pardy wrote many novels as they circled the globe on 22-foot-long Seraffyn , a Lyle Hess-designed cutter. The size of the boat has everything to do with your cruising style and budget. So long as the vessel is well-founded and designed to take the rigors of bluewater passages, size matters less than many people think.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Home » Blog » Buy a boat » 5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

By Author Fiona McGlynn

Posted on Last updated: April 19, 2023

sailing around the world

A small sailboat can take you big places

Small sailboats are the ticket to going cruising NOW — not when you retire, save up enough money, or find the “perfect” bluewater cruising boat. In fact, it’s the first principle in Lin and Larry Pardey’s cruising philosophy: “Go small, go simple, go now.”

Small yachts can be affordable, simple, and seaworthy . However, you won’t see many of them in today’s cruising grounds. In three years and 13,000 nautical miles of bluewater cruising, I could count the number of under 30-foot sailboats I’ve seen on one hand (all of them were skippered by people in their 20s and 30s).

Today’s anchorages are full of 40, 50, and 60-foot-plus ocean sailboats, but that’s not to say you can’t sail the world in a small sailboat. Just look at Alessandro di Benedetto who in 2010 broke the record for the smallest boat to sail around the world non-stop in his 21-foot Mini 6.5 .

So long as you don’t mind forgoing a few comforts, you can sail around the world on a small budget .

dinghy boat

What makes a good blue water sailboat

While you might not think a small sailboat is up to the task of going long distances, some of the best bluewater sailboats are under 40 feet.

However, if you’re thinking about buying a boat for offshore cruising, there are a few things to know about what makes a small boat offshore capable .

Smaller equals slower

Don’t expect to be sailing at high speeds in a pocket cruiser. Smaller displacement monohulls are always going to be slower than larger displacement monohulls (see the video below to learn why smaller boats are slower). Therefore a smaller cruiser is going to take longer on a given passage, making them more vulnerable to changes in weather.

A few feet can make a big difference over a week-long passage. On the last leg of our Pacific Ocean crossing, our 35-foot sailboat narrowly avoid a storm that our buddy boat, a 28-foot sailboat, couldn’t. Our friend was only a knot slower but it meant he had to heave to for a miserable three days.

pocket cruiser

Small but sturdy

If a pocket cruiser encounters bad weather, they will be less able to outrun or avoid it. For this reason, many of the blue water sailboats in this list are heavily built and designed to take a beating.

Yacht design has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Today, new boats are designed to be light and fast. The small sailboats in our list are 30-plus year-old designs and were built in a time when weather forecasts were less accurate and harder to come by.

Back in the day, boat were constructed with thicker fiberglass hulls than you see in modern builds. Rigs, keels, rudders, hulls and decks – everything about these small cruising sailboats was designed to stand up to strong winds and big waves. Some of the boats in this post have skeg-hung rudders and most of them are full keel boats.

The pros and cons of pocket cruiser sailboats

Pocket cruiser sailboats present certain advantages and disadvantages.

More affordable

Their smaller size makes them affordable bluewater sailboats. You can often find great deals on pocket cruisers and sometimes you can even get them for free.

You’ll also save money on retrofits and repairs because small cruising sailboats need smaller boat parts (which cost a lot less) . For example, you can get away with smaller sails, ground tackle, winches, and lighter lines than on a bigger boat.

Moorage, haul-outs, and marine services are often billed by foot of boat length . A small sailboat makes traveling the world , far more affordable!

When something major breaks (like an engine) it will be less costly to repair or replace than it would be on a bigger boat.

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Less time consuming

Smaller boats tend to have simpler systems which means you’ll spend less time fixing and paying to maintain those systems. For example, most small yachts don’t have showers, watermakers , hot water, and electric anchor windlasses.

On the flip side, you’ll spend more time collecting water (the low-tech way) . On a small sailboat, this means bucket baths, catching fresh water in your sails, and hand-bombing your anchor. Though less convenient, this simplicity can save you years of preparation and saving to go sailing.

Oh, and did I mention that you’ll become a complete water meiser? Conserving water aboard becomes pretty important when you have to blue-jug every drop of it from town back to your boat.

Easier to sail

Lastly, smaller boats can be physically easier to sail , just think of the difference between raising a sail on a 25-foot boat versus a 50-foot boat! You can more easily single-hand or short-hand a small sailboat. For that reason, some of the best solo blue water sailboats are quite petite.

As mentioned above small boats are slow boats and will arrive in port, sometimes days (and even weeks) behind their faster counterparts on long offshore crossings.

Consider this scenario: two boats crossed the Atlantic on a 4,000 nautical mile route. The small boat averaged four miles an hour, while the big boat averaged seven miles an hour. If both started at the same time, the small boat will have completed the crossing two weeks after the larger sailboat!

Less spacious

Living on a boat can be challenging — living on a small sailboat, even more so! Small cruising boats don’t provide much in the way of living space and creature comforts.

Not only will you have to downsize when you move onto a boat  you’ll also have to get pretty creative when it comes to boat storage.

It also makes it more difficult to accommodate crew for long periods which means there are fewer people to share work and night shifts.

If you plan on sailing with your dog , it might put a small boat right out of the question (depending on the size of your four-legged crew member).

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Less comfortable

It’s not just the living situation that is less comfortable, the sailing can be pretty uncomfortable too! Pocket cruisers tend to be a far less comfortable ride than larger boats as they are more easily tossed about in big ocean swell.

Here are our 5 favorite small blue water sailboats for sailing around the world

When we sailed across the Pacific these were some of the best small sailboats that we saw. Their owners loved them and we hope you will too!

The boats in this list are under 30 feet. If you’re looking for something slightly larger, you might want to check out our post on the best bluewater sailboats under 40 feet .

Note: Price ranges are based on and listings for Aug. 2018

Albin Vega 27($7-22K USD)

small sailboats

The Albin Vega has earned a reputation as a bluewater cruiser through adventurous sailors like Matt Rutherford, who in 2012 completed a 309-day solo nonstop circumnavigation of the Americas via Cape Horn and the Northwest Passage (see his story in the documentary Red Dot on the Ocean ). 

  • Hull Type: Long fin keel
  • Hull Material: GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:27′ 1″ / 8.25m
  • Waterline Length:23′ 0″ / 7.01m
  • Beam:8′ 1″ / 2.46m
  • Draft:3′ 8″ / 1.12m
  • Rig Type: Masthead sloop rig
  • Displacement:5,070lb / 2,300kg
  • Designer:Per Brohall
  • Builder:Albin Marine AB (Swed.)
  • Year First Built:1965
  • Year Last Built:1979
  • Number Built:3,450

Cape Dory 28 ($10-32K USD) 

small sailboat

This small cruising sailboat is cute and classic as she is rugged and roomy. With at least one known circumnavigation and plenty of shorter bluewater voyages, the Cape Dory 28 has proven herself offshore capable.

  • Hull Type: Full Keel
  • Length Overall:28′ 09″ / 8.56m
  • Waterline Length:22′ 50″ / 6.86m
  • Beam:8’ 11” / 2.72m
  • Draft:4’ 3” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type:Masthead Sloop
  • Displacement:9,300lb / 4,218kg
  • Sail Area/Displacement Ratio:52
  • Displacement/Length Ratio:49
  • Designer: Carl Alberg
  • Builder: Cape Dory Yachts (USA)
  • Year First Built:1974
  • Year Last Built:1988
  • Number Built: 388

Dufour 29 ($7-23K)

small sailboat

As small bluewater sailboats go, the Dufour 29 is a lot of boat for your buck. We know of at least one that sailed across the Pacific last year. Designed as a cruiser racer she’s both fun to sail and adventure-ready. Like many Dufour sailboats from this era, she comes equipped with fiberglass molded wine bottle holders. Leave it to the French to think of everything!

  • Hull Type: Fin with skeg-hung rudder
  • Length Overall:29′ 4″ / 8.94m
  • Waterline Length:25′ 1″ / 7.64m
  • Beam:9′ 8″ / 2.95m
  • Draft:5′ 3″ / 1.60m
  • Displacement:7,250lb / 3,289kg
  • Designer:Michael Dufour
  • Builder:Dufour (France)
  • Year First Built:1975
  • Year Last Built:1984

Vancouver 28 ($15-34K)

most seaworthy small boat

A sensible small boat with a “go-anywhere” attitude, this pocket cruiser was designed with ocean sailors in mind. One of the best cruising sailboats under 40 feet, the Vancouver 28 is great sailing in a small package.

  • Hull Type:Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Length Overall: 28′ 0″ / 8.53m
  • Waterline Length:22’ 11” / 6.99m
  • Beam:8’ 8” / 2.64m
  • Draft:4’ 4” / 1.32m
  • Rig Type: Cutter rig
  • Displacement:8,960lb / 4,064 kg
  • Designer: Robert B Harris
  • Builder: Pheon Yachts Ltd. /Northshore Yachts Ltd.
  • Year First Built:1986
  • Last Year Built: 2007
  • Number Built: 67

Westsail 28 ($30-35K)

small sailboat

Described in the 1975 marketing as “a hearty little cruiser”, the Westsail 28 was designed for those who were ready to embrace the cruising life. Perfect for a solo sailor or a cozy cruising couple!

  • Hull Type: Full keel with transom hung rudder
  • Hull Material:GRP (fibreglass)
  • Length Overall:28′ 3” / 8.61m
  • Waterline Length:23’ 6” / 7.16m
  • Beam:9’ 7” / 2.92m
  • Displacement:13,500lb / 6,124kg
  • Designer: Herb David
  • Builder: Westsail Corp. (USA)
  • Number Built:78

Feeling inspired? Check out the “go small” philosophy of this 21-year-old who set sail in a CS 27.

Fiona McGlynn

Fiona McGlynn is an award-winning boating writer who created Waterborne as a place to learn about living aboard and traveling the world by sailboat. She has written for boating magazines including BoatUS, SAIL, Cruising World, and Good Old Boat. She’s also a contributing editor at Good Old Boat and BoatUS Magazine. In 2017, Fiona and her husband completed a 3-year, 13,000-mile voyage from Vancouver to Mexico to Australia on their 35-foot sailboat.

Saturday 1st of September 2018

Very useful list, but incomplete - as it would necessarily be, considering the number of seaworthy smaller boats that are around.

In particular, you missed/omitted the Westerly "Centaur" and its follow-on model, the "Griffon". 26 feet LOA, bilge-keelers, weighing something over 6000 pounds, usually fitted with a diesel inboard.

OK, these are British designs, and not that common in the US, but still they do exist, they're built like tanks, and it's rumored that at least one Centaur has circumnavigated.

Friday 31st of August 2018

This is a helpful list, thank you. I don't think most people would consider a 28' boat a pocket cruiser, though!

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Can a Novice Sail Around the World?

Can a Novice Sail Around the World? | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Elizabeth O'Malley

June 15, 2022

Been bitten by the sailing bug? Wondering whether it is possible for a novice sailor to circumnavigate the globe? The answer? Yes, in a variety of situations!

Most novice sailors assume they’re on their own when considering circumnavigation, but that’s not the case. Different circumnavigation options exist for novice sailors – aside from the 100% DIY version – and these scenarios are worth exploring. If you’re committed to doing it on your own, that’s possible - and sometimes practical too.

If you’re new to sailing, it’s likely you’ve already considered what it would be like to sail around the world. From organized circumnavigation rallies to I-have-never-set-foot-on-a-boat participation in a grueling round-the-word race to getting familiar with some superstars of novice circumnavigation, this article takes a high-level overview of several options for round-the-world sailing and introduces you to some notable novice circumnavigators.

Like many sailors, I’ve always been fascinated by the thought of a round-the-world-cruise. While I’m not a novice sailor – for the purposes of doing a circumnavigation, I don’t consider myself remotely sea-worthy. But my continued curiosity on the subject has prompted me to read multiple books on circumnavigation, watch a variety of documentaries about it, and follow sailboat circumnavigators (seasoned and novice) on social media for the past decade. I’m happy to share some of what I’ve learned and observed – primarily that, yes, it is possible for a novice to sail around the world.

Table of contents

The Allure of Circumnavigating as a Novice Sailor

Oh, the beaches, the friendly faces, the sunsets, and the taste of hot coffee on the morning watch as the sun’s rays tickle the eastern horizon. The visions of the places you’ll visit and the amazing adventures you’ll have. Dolphins frolicking alongside. Peace and solitude unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Delicious fresh fish dinners and a refreshing glass of your favorite beer, wine, or iced tea. See the world – for a few dollars a day.

These are the romantic images easily conjured when, after a few weeks, months or even years of puttering around the lake or bay on a sailboat, novice sailors start thinking of bigger and bolder underway excursions. “Let’s get a sailboat and sail around the world!” I’ve heard it before – from my own father – and, while I personally have not circumnavigated, I fully understand the allure.

The Reality of Circumnavigating as a Novice Sailor

Broken electronics. Howling, terrifying winds. Treacherous icebergs. Moldy bread, instant coffee, fruit-fly infested bananas, ramen noodles eight days straight. Shipping lanes. Pirates. I’m not saying that these less-than-pleasant incidents are specific to novice sailors, rather these are the realities that must be paralleled to the alluring images for any level of sailor. While the seasoned sailor may be savvier in avoiding fruit-fly infestations and navigating icebergs and shipping lanes, all sailors ultimately will contend with mis-functioning or broken electronics, extreme winds, and natural and manmade hazards at sea.

In the words of Sir Robin Know-Johnston, creator of the Clipper Race, “You will never conquer or master the ocean, but you can endure it. Mother Nature is an unforgiving mistress, always with one last trick up her sleeve for you when you least expect it.” This quote always makes me think of the last few minutes of any horror flick – when after endless scary scenes, the movie is seemingly over. Peaceful, calm, relief. “We made it! We’re going to be okay!” And then, from the depths of the lake or from behind the door, one more terrifying act happens, and the viewer’s adrenaline rushes again, until the final credits roll.

To me, that’s a good analogy to sailing: Mother Nature is the ultimate Freddy Krueger. As such, I have a healthy respect for everything that could go wrong and give those possibilities more square footage in my brain than I probably should.  That’s me though and you, well, you’re more determined -- and you want to stop pondering and begin planning to sail around the world, despite your lack of underway experience. Before you run out and buy your own boat or start provisioning the boat you have, there are a few other options to consider.

Chartering Captained Boats for Circumnavigation

Something that many people fail to consider is that sailing around the world does not have to be a start-to-finish, non-stop experience. Nor does sailing around the world have to be a solo experience or conducted with only a few friends or family members. In recent years, a spate of opportunities to sail around the world have emerged which allow a sailor – or someone who hopes to become a sailor – the chance to circumnavigate with a group of strangers.

Whether you locate a charter company with whom you can leapfrog the world from port to port on a variety of boats with a variety of captains to participating in something as unique and exciting as the Clipper Race (details below), there are a variety of ways to circumnavigate the globe without being on the same boat with the same people start to finish.

Participating in the Clipper Race as a Novice Sailor

The Clipper Race, in which people from all walks of life sign on to race 40,000 nautical miles on one of 11 identical 70’ ocean racing yachts, is now in its 12th year. Billing itself as “one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other,” this sailing adventure requires no prior sailing experience! Webinars are offered on a regular basis and cover what the Clipper Race seeks in their crew member applicants and provides details for the selection and training process. During these webinars, you’ll learn what to expect from the Clipper Race and have your questions answered during a live Q&A session.

Circumnavigation Rallies as an Option for Novice Sailors

Organizations like World ARC and the Oyster World Rally offer the opportunity to circumnavigate in your own boat with a group of like-minded cruisers. While there’s nothing that says you can’t jump in the deep end and start off with a full circumnavigation rally, novice sailors may want to consider doing smaller rallies like the North American Rally to the Caribbean, ARC Europe’s west-to-east Atlantic rally, or the Pacific Puddle Jump in conjunction with Latitude 38. Several circumnavigators that I’ve met over the years started as novices in the rally world going on a handful of lengthy rallies and quickly (in sail years) built up the competence and confidence to do their own self-administered circumnavigations. Engaging with an organizing group has numerous benefits for the novice sailor.

ARC World Rally

The rally team handles many of the details, including safety gear requirements, boat documents, communications, and itinerary. Depending on departure location, round-the-world rallies typically range from 15 to 24 months. World ARC’s minimum requirement for boat size is 27’.

Oyster World Rally

In 2013-2014, Oyster hosted their first circumnavigation rally. Covering 27,000 nautical miles and crossing three oceans in a 16-month timespan, the route covers mind-blowing destinations and takes world weather patterns into consideration for maximum safety and enjoyment. Oyster World Rally is specific to Oyster boats and, if you’re seriously considering buying a boat and doing a round-the-world sail, then Oyster certainly is a top-of-the-line option.

An excellent setup for novices – including the benefit of having an immediate network of peers and professionals – programs like this are often not on the radar of individuals who first think of sailing around the world. More and more boat brands are getting into the rally business – including circumnavigation options. When looking for this scenario, googling “circumnavigation rally” can be a great starting point.

Notable Novice Circumnavigators

When the question “Can a novice sail around the world?” is asked, the answer of course depends on what one’s definition of “novice” is. In my mind, at the mercy of Mother Nature, everyone who sets foot on a boat is a novice, but certainly that’s extreme thinking. The second -- less severe – thought that follows is my knowledge of two specific and somewhat unique “novice” circumnavigators – Laura Dekker and Ramon Carlin. Two very different people with very different backgrounds and very different circumnavigation tales.

Laura Dekker, the World’s Youngest Solo Circumnavigator

Some would argue that, having solo sailed since she was six-years old in an Opti accompanied by her father on a windsurfer, Laura was no novice sailor. But for me, the fact that at the age of 14 she began her two-year solo circumnavigation makes her a standout in the variety of round-the-world sailing sagas. Laura was born in New Zealand in 1995. At the age of 14, she announced her intention to become the world’s youngest solo circumnavigator, and a month before turning 15, she set sail on a 40’ two-masted ketch named Guppy. Approximately 500 days later, she concluded her successful round-the-world voyage. For sailors of any level of experience who have dreams of circumnavigation, you may want to watch Laura’s documentary, “Maidentrip” and read her book “One Girl, One Dream” that were released in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Ramon Carlin, Winner of the First Whitbread Round the World Race

Ramon Carlin, a Mexican of humble birth and lacking any formal education, became a highly successful businessman in the washing-machine industry. A true “weekend sailor,” he spied an ad for the first Whitbread Round the World Race while visiting his son at boarding school in Ireland.  Against logic and odds, he captained his 65’ Swan fiberglass sailboat, Sayula II, to victory over a seven-month period and across 27,000 nautical miles.  His story is a fascinating one and the documentary of his life and the sail of a lifetime, “The Weekend Sailor,” can be viewed on Prime Video.

The ins and outs – and there are many – of a novice sailing around the world in the 100% do-it-yourself capacity differ vastly from the experience and considerations of rally circumnavigation and likely vary from the scenarios of Laura Dekker and Ramon Carlin that we’ve shared here. Future articles here on Life of Sailing will explore firsthand recommendations for steering a global course on your own boat, with your own itinerary and route, and with your own planning, provisioning, and plotting.

The allure of circumnavigation is undeniable – and maybe more so for a novice than a seasoned sailor. In my twenties, the thought of circumnavigation and how I might accomplish it was a consuming thought of mine. While I haven’t ruled it out, after all the reading and documentary-watching I’ve done, the realities of what a circumnavigation actually entails has given me pause. An adventurous, risk-tolerant person most of my life, now at 55, age has given me greater wisdom, respect, and humility for thoughts of “conquering” or “mastering the sea.” But just as I continue to have a romantic notion of cowboys (Giddyup!) and pirates (Arrrr!!!), the thought of a sailing circumnavigation will likely live in my heart forever.

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Elizabeth has sailed Sunfish, Catalinas, Knarrs, and countless other boats. Forty years later, she finds herself back on the waters of Bogue Sound, where she lives and sails with her daughter, Morgan, and chocolate lab, Choco.

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Resources updated 8/28/2023 by Transitions Abroad

Sailing fast and hard aboard the   .

We were heaved to in the middle of the Atlantic, the sails of the 40-foot sloop set in such a way that the boat drifted slowly through the water, riding gently upon the heaving ocean swell that rose and fell with cosmic regularity. The puffy trade wind clouds marched across the sky in the perpetual easterly breeze. The sea itself was an indescribable shade of deep blue that exists only in deep waters far offshore, a color for which we have no word.

I was on the lee deck, wedged between the coach roof and the lifelines, bracing myself against the swell, gripping an old plastic sextant and practicing my sun sights. Engaging in a method of navigation used for centuries is to truly become one with the universe, a sensation long lost among the lives of those on shore. After plotting my line of position that I obtained by calculating the angle of the sun on the horizon, I figured we were around 26 degrees North latitude, 65 degrees West longitude, just about halfway between Charleston, SC, and our landfall in the Virgin Islands. We were seven days off the East Coast, another seven or so more to sail. We had finally adjusted to life at sea, the simple life of living in tune with the universe.

Traveling and Working as a Volunteer Crew Member

The author at the helm of the yawl

Amazingly, I was along for this trip of a lifetime as a volunteer crew member. The owner had paid my way, provided the food onboard, and would pay for a return ticket from Tortola upon our successful delivery of his yacht to the islands, where he planned to use it over the winter months. The 40-foot, French-built sloop boat was incredibly comfortable for the four of us onboard — my father, another 20-something young woman, and the volunteer French captain. We had a nicely-sized galley with working refrigeration, ample sleeping space, and plenty of food (and coffee) for two weeks at sea.

Traveling the world by sailboat is a dream shared by many but experienced by few — more often than not, thrown to the wind and destroyed by careers, commitments, and shore side attachments. But life is gratifying for those who commit to the sea — simple in its routines yet profoundly natural.

As a lifelong sailor and professional captain, I have traveled the world by every means imaginable, yet I have found that the best way to travel is under sail. For those looking for a unique way to see the world and experience life, becoming volunteer crew doing yacht deliveries is an exciting, unique, and reasonably affordable way to get around.

Mia Karlsson at the helm of the yawl

How to Find the Right Boat to Work On

Yacht deliveries can range from taking a neglected 32-footer built in the 1960s from Bermuda to Nova Scotia in the dead of winter (which I have unfortunately experienced) to sailing a sparkling new 70-footer in the warm Trade Winds of the Caribbean, island hopping your way around some of the most beautiful sailing grounds in the world. So it pays to do some research before signing up for any trip that is out there.

Walk to Docks to Find a Boat: Ironically, the best way to get a job as a delivery crew member is to arrive in a new port on a sailboat and walk the docks looking for work. Unfortunately, the age-old catch-22 situation rears its ugly head — you need experience to be crew, yet need to crew to gain experience. Suppose you are lucky enough to live in a sailing city — such as Annapolis, MD, Ft Lauderdale, FL, or any coastal town in the Caribbean or Mediterranean. In that case, walking the docks and talking to people is your best bet for finding a boat. The girl on my last trip found our boat precisely that way. She was a local from Charleston, SC, simply looking for sailing experience and a ride to the islands where she wanted to pursue her kite surfing passion. Since we were only three then, we welcomed her extra help, even though she had never been on a sailboat before.

Use the Internet: If you are like me, come from a rural inland town, or are otherwise far removed from the ocean, the Internet is helpful and provides another way to find a boat. Several websites are dedicated to finding crew, particularly for deliveries, and they often allow you free access. Professional delivery skippers often post ads looking for volunteer crew people, and it is usually just a matter of sending your resume, a photo, and a short email about why you want to crew that will get you on a boat. Frequently these skippers are willing to take inexperienced crew as a third or fourth member and are usually very amenable to teaching.

Take Part in “Cruising Rallies”: Increasing numbers of retired businessmen and women are buying boats with big dreams of crossing big oceans without the knowledge, skill, or confidence to do so alone. Several career sailors have recognized this problem, and "Cruising Rallies" are becoming increasingly popular in all the world's oceans. They are organized by experienced sailors with thousands of ocean miles, and together with up to 50 other boats, inexperienced sailors (primarily retirees) can cross the ocean of their dreams in the relative safety of the group with experienced leadership. Once in port, these newfound ocean sailors have the added benefit of organized parties and events to share the joys of their first ocean passage with others.

You can be a part of the increasing popularity of cruising rallies, and many of the organizations behind the logistics maintain websites and crew registers. The Carib 1500, for example, is perhaps the most popular cruising rally on this side of the Atlantic, with nearly 50 boats, all over 40 feet (and many much bigger), sailing non-stop from Norfolk, VA, to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The rally occurs after hurricane season and before the onset of winter, in early November. They also organize a return rally in May from Tortola to Bermuda. From there, the boats split up and headed east to Europe or back to the U.S.

What About Experience?

The author at the helm of the 74' , in the background.

Many captains, including myself, require at least one if not two, professional or very seasoned sailors to join them on a major ocean crossing. However, like me, many are more than willing to take a few extra inexperienced sailors or intrepid adventurers along for the ride and are often willing to instruct them along the way.

The key to finding a boat to sail on is to present yourself as a trustworthy person eager to join the trip. Ulterior motives are often very apparent, and no captain is willing to take along someone just looking for a free ride.

Working Aboard the Sailing Boat

The work aboard an ocean sailing boat is difficult, tiring, and unending. A passage of even ten days sounds short, yet when you're on a watch schedule of four hours on and eight hours off, one day seems like two, and you must adapt to an utterly different way of life than the one you are accustomed to ashore. Everyone shares in all the duties involved in running the boat, from standing watch in the rain at 2 a.m. to cooking breakfast and making coffee. Then you must clean up upon arrival when the boat is in shambles, and you have not had a freshwater shower in two weeks.

Life at sea is incredibly raw and incredibly basic. Your world shrinks to the three miles or so you can see in every direction before the horizon curves out of view. A passing freighter is often the most exciting thing on a given day. The intense discomfort of being salty and sticky for two weeks is offset by the rewards of a cloudless night watch under a new moon. The sky is so dark you can scarcely see your hand in front of your face, yet the stars fill the night sky like an enormous diamond exploding in the center of the universe, sending fragments to every corner of space. You will see more shooting stars on one night watch than you would in a lifetime ashore; at sea, the lights of civilization do not pollute the sky.

Ocean Sailing Makes the World Feel Big Again

In our age of instant communication and light-speed travel, crossing even a short distance in a sailboat reminds us that despite our attempts to shrink the world with technology, our planet remains one enormous place. After two weeks at sea, watching a distant island grow on the horizon provides an indescribable feeling of accomplishment. The first beer ashore never tasted better, and a freshwater shower after weeks of bathing in the salty ocean is a blessing from Heaven.

If you plan accordingly and have ample time, traveling the globe by "hitchhiking" on sailing yachts is a unique and rewarding way to see the world. After the first trip, you still gain experience, and finding and sailing on additional boats becomes progressively easier. You will save thousands on airfare and gain a greater appreciation for the distances we travel so quickly through the sky. But most importantly, you will return to nature, experience life with a stronger sense of connection to the universe, and return with unforgettable stories. You will change.

For More Info on Finding Work on Sailboats of All Kinds Around the World

Check out the list of websites below offering crewing opportunities around the world. The best ones require a paid membership, but the small fee is well worth the experience you will have once signed on a boat.

— Offers amateur and professional yacht crewing positions available worldwide. Registration and posting is free. To contact yacht owners and join their crew, you must become a member for a fee — a U.K.-based site.

— Lists available crew positions, paid and unpaid, and boats available worldwide.

— A general site for work abroad, paid and unpaid, with a search option that pulls up many positions on yachts or other sailboats worldwide.

You will only receive pay for some trips as a professional sailor. However, owners will likely pick up the tab for airfare to and from the boat and almost always provide food en route.

Occasionally you will find a cruising couple looking for an extra hand or two to move their boat across a large ocean to their next port. These people will often require a small stipend for your onboard expenses (i.e., food) and will not cover airfare. However, this is usually the best and easiest way to cover large distances under sail, as you can sail from port to port on several different cruising yachts, often spending far less money than you would if you had been traveling by conventional means while staying in hotel or hostel-style accommodations.

When interviewing for a crew position, the most important attribute you can have is trustworthiness and an honest, hard-working attitude. Yacht owners, especially the big ones, desire reliable people, and once you gain their confidence will often provide further opportunities to sail with them.

Andy Schell is a professional captain and freelance writer who lives aboard his sailboat Arcturus in Annapolis, MD, and travels extensively.

© 1997-2024 Transitions Abroad Publishing, Inc.

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How Big Of A Boat Do You Need To Sail Around The World?

sailing around the world

This is a popular question in boating circles, especially for new sailors dreaming of heading over the horizon. Lacking experience, it is difficult to know fact from fiction when walking the docks.

The truth to this simple question is a lot less intimidating than one might expect. Small boats routinely go sailing offshore. Beyond stunts to grab the title of smallest ever, a lot of legitimate sailors have enjoyed cruising on small boats. (There is an interesting book for those wanting to know more about the smallest ocean crossing sailboats : A Speck on the Sea , by William Longyard.)

I knew an architect in Seattle who told me when she was younger, she and her boyfriend decided to sail his Piver 25 trimaran to Bermuda from Charleston. They had limited resources, and with minimal accommodations and storage, they intended to exist on bags of popcorn. Unfortunately, the winds were not favorable, they soon ran out of water, so they turned around.

However, Arthur Piver, one of the pioneers of trimaran design, built a 21-foot boat named Nugget that he sailed down the California coast in the late 1950s. That same boat later cruised down to Mexico. Subsequent homemade boats in the early 1960s were sailed across the Atlantic as well as to New Zealand.

So, the question about how big your boat needs to be to sail around the world has more to do with design and construction than just overall length. Indeed, there are many cruising boats that most would find too small, but are strongly built and well made, such as the pocket-sized sailboats from Pacific Seacraft. The 20-foot Flicka is by no means the mainstream image of a bluewater boat, yet many have crossed oceans. The 400+ Flickas out there are rugged, much loved, and bluewater capable.

(Seen below: An example of a 20-foot Flicka sailboat.)

flicka sailboat

The same can be said for the slightly larger Pacific Seacraft 24-foot Dana, designed by Bill Crealock. Only slightly longer than the Flicka, the Dana took small boat sailing to another level, as the increased volume and interior allow a couple to comfortably live aboard while cruising, which include making ocean passages.

The adventures of Tania Aebi , who circumnavigated the world in her Taylor 26 (the Canadian version of the Contessa 26) captured the imagination of many sailors. The Contessa is a small but seaworthy little boat with sitting headroom, similar to the legendary Folkboat. Yet its capability is well established. Her slightly larger sister, the Contessa 32, was the only small boat to finish the stormy 1979 Fastnet Race, where 24 boats were abandoned, and 15 lives were lost.

(Seen below: An overview of Tania Aebi's travels by sailboat.)

I once asked Canadian naval architect, Ted Clemens, what he thought the minimum size boat one should consider for going offshore. He smiled and said that it is difficult to say. He then told me about Ben Carlin, an Australian who was the first (and likely only) person to circumnavigate in an amphibious vehicle. After World War II, Carlin bought a surplus Ford GPA (an 18-foot version of the well-known, Army DUKW) and added a cabin and towable fuel “barge” to increase its suitability for crossing an ocean. He named it Half-Safe. (Interestingly, Rod Stephens Jr of Sparkman & Stephens worked on the design of both the GPA and DUKW.)

Carlin successfully crossed the Atlantic with his wife in 1951. Over the next ten years they continued around the world. At the completion of his world travels, Carlin had driven Half-Safe 11,000 miles across oceans and 37,000 miles across continents. Half-Safe is now on display at the Guildford Grammar School in Perth.

To frame the other side of the same question, I once had an absorbing conversation with Ed Monk, Jr in Ft Lauderdale  . I asked him what he felt was the ideal size boat to sail across oceans with a high degree of confidence. He told me it was a favorite subject he shared with his father, who was fascinated by rogue waves. The Monk father and son duo spent a lot of time researching available data. They finally concluded that a vessel of 83 feet overall was the ideal smallest and safest yacht to survive all things at sea, including rogue waves.

I’ve since concluded that boat size is perhaps a trifle less important than the quality of its design, construction, and outfitting. Even the small yachts I mention from Pacific Seacraft are nice sailing boats and can sail along smartly in general ocean conditions.

But to say these small boats are ideal for sailing and cruising across large bodies of water would be silly, even if one does bring along enough popcorn. A small boat does not have the storage, the tankage, or the living space that is required for successful cruising.

Having said that, YouTube channels are full of young couples sailing and living the dream in boats that are small, old, minimalist, and cheap. Sailing and living aboard a boat that is 50 years old is not something I look forward to. The Allied Seawind, original Valiant 40, and Alberg 30 are all classic boats that have a long history of successful cruising and offshore sailing. Ditto larger popular boats like the Stevens 47, Passports, and Peterson 44. Yet boats of that vintage are in constant need of rebuilding, refit, and fixing things in exotic places.

I bought a new Baba 30 in 1985. It was a super boat and cozy home for a single guy. I just loved being aboard and sailing this small jewel of a yacht. Yet, a couple of years ago a friend sent me pictures of my former boat, now for sale in Aruba. I shudder to think of the work it now represents. The Yanmar 30GM30F must be tired, the fittings, hoses, and every piece of moving gear needs to be changed, and the rigging surely needs to be carefully inspected and most of it replaced.

To bring her back to my standards would be a costly challenge.

( Seen below: A Baba 30 sailboat. )

baba 30 sailboat

So, let’s consider what is involved with buying a used sailboat to go offshore, at least as far as traveling to the islands or Mexico. A boat capable of sailing offshore but not necessarily around the world.

Unless it is new or nearly so, once you buy a boat, you will need to make some upgrades and refit some of the systems. And down the road you will also need to maintain and repair it as necessary. So, when looking at any vintage sailboat, a potential buyer must be alert to the possibility of fiberglass delamination, rot in plywood bulkheads, moisture or blisters in the hull, and leaking hardware and hatches. They are common issues but also why the price may be right.

It might take a year or more to resolve all the issues, and one can spend up tp 100 percent of the purchase price to complete the repairs. Maybe a new engine, sails, mast and rigging, water and fuel tanks, pumps, hoses, fittings, electrical and electronic updating… the list can be long.

And it doesn’t stop there. What is required to get the boat ready and safe for sailing offshore? Consider another 40 to 50 percent of the purchase price for things like a liferaft, heavier ground tackle and windlass, redundant autopilot, wind vane steering, and the necessary spare parts and extras one should have aboard just in case.

And if it is a larger boat, one might want to install air conditioning, upgrade the boat’s refrigeration, perhaps add a bow thruster, a generator, solar panels, and other equipment for comfortable living aboard. Comfort is a good thing, as one can expect to spend 90 percent of the time at anchor, mooring, or dock…not under way. Did I mention a new dinghy and outboard?

For all the above reasons, I am of the school that thinks it is best to buy a new or newer boat, even if it must be in the smaller end of the size range being considered. A five-year old 38-foot sailboat will have far fewer issues than a roomy 45-footer that is 40+ years old for the same general price range. It is just the way it is.

Looking to do more than simply go offshore occasionally? How about crossing an ocean to do the Atlantic Loop between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, or Hawaii from the West Coast?

Most cruising experts agree that a boat between 35 and 45 feet is the most common and works well for couples. The people who run the ARC , the annual event that attracts over 200 boats and 1,200 people to cross the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to St Lucia, keep great records of the fleets from year to year. Couples and families cross the ocean as part of this event and then spend a year or more in the Caribbean and perhaps up to the Bahamas and U.S. before heading back across to the Mediterranean. It is a well-traveled and well documented itinerary and a wonderful experience for all.

( Seen below: An ARC event where dozens of sailboats head for St. Lucia. )

An ARC sailing event

According to the organizers, these days the most popular boats are standard production boats, and the most popular in recent ARCs are Lagoon and Fountaine Pajot sailing catamarans , and Beneteau and Jeanneau monohulls. These and the other European production boats from Hanse Yachts , X-Yachts, Bavaria, Dufour, and Dehler make this trip safely. They are comfortable, easy to sail, and are a good choice without costing a fortune.

An ARC representative said the average water tank size in recent Transatlantic crossings is 500 liters, or 132 gallons. That is fine for general cruising and to do this Atlantic crossing (with a bit of water management), but that would not be the choice for someone planning a three-to-five-year circumnavigation.

Keep in mind that production sailboat builders build boats for the way most of their owners use their boats. And most have no intention of crossing an ocean. So, while these boats may be designed and built for CE certification rating of Class A, the boats are not finished to the level necessary to take on a circumnavigation. And it would be foolhardy for any of these builders to significantly raise the price of their boats to cover the additional and unnecessary effort and expense in hopes of satisfying the desires of only a handful of potential buyers.

Take Beneteau, for example, the largest boat builder in the world. They know their customers very well and how they use their boats. Why would Beneteau intentionally install large fuel tanks when they know the diesel fuel needs of their owners are basically minimal. Most sailors motor in and out of their marina, and maybe motor for a time on vacation when the wind dies. But over the course of a season, they don’t use much diesel fuel. Unused diesel that sits in a large tank over a long time can easily become a major problem, especially if water gets into the tank.

Experienced sailors, on the flip side, know that for long distance cruising, it is a good idea to carry enough fuel to be able to travel under power for 700-1,000nm. That is not a rule, but it is nice to have long legs. It also means one does not have to scrounge around for diesel fuel once they arrive in remote island chains. Owners can wait until they reach a major destination to refuel. Hand pumping diesel fuel out of 55-gallon drums after a long passage into five-gallon Jerry cans to ferry out in the dinghy is not much fun.

The same can be said for water tanks. Even with 80 gallons of water on a boat, if it is not used and turned over, it can develop a nasty taste and smell. Seasonal sailors use water on weekends and on their summer vacations, but it is usually readily replenished when they are cruising. The idea of carrying around a large supply of water is ridiculous to most recreational sailors. Yet it is important to world cruisers.

That is why the boats that participate in the ARC but then continue around the world are built to a different mission statement. They are generally beefier in construction, use heavier and more robust fittings, systems, and hardware, have bigger tanks, and are better equipped for long distance sailing. These boats will be the Oyster, Hallberg-Rassy, Najad, Swan, Malo, Garcia, Amel, and Garcia, to name a few. They are the choice for a circumnavigation.

Having larger fuel and water tanks requires more volume in a boat, which means a bigger boat. On one hand, we might choose a larger boat because it is faster and can cover more miles per day while providing more comfortable living accommodations at anchor. But it will also carry more water and fuel, as well as other storage for provisions, and room for spares. A bigger boat wins in all aspects except cost and perhaps ease of handling.

On the issue of ease of handling, I’ve been particularly interested in the boat choices for older sailors who want to go offshore, but who are not as agile, flexible, or as immortal as someone in their 30s or 40s. For the cruising senior, it is probably best to think smaller, perhaps around 35 feet or so. This will make sailing easier without needing complex gear to run the boat. In my experience it is easier to sail a big boat than a small one, but only with a healthy and athletic crew. Beyond a certain age, I think it reverses itself. A big boat has momentum and is comfortable in a seaway, but a smaller boat is more easily handled (and less stressful) for aging sailors who just don’t have the strength and flexibility they once enjoyed.

( Seen below: The Hanse 348 has a self-tacking jib system so all lines go to the helm for easily sailing. )

Hanse 348

I am a member of the Ocean Cruising Club , a UK-based organization of cruising sailors who embody the world cruising community. Its international membership can be found in every corner of the world, including the northern and southern latitudes, experiencing the life many of us dream of. Whenever I am in the company of OCC members, whether manning their booth at a boat show, or at one of their cruising events, I enjoy hearing their stories and conversations between members, such as the best place to buy fuel in Panama, going ashore at St Helena Island, navigating ice fields in Greenland, or which part of New Zealand they enjoyed the most. It is also nice to hear how much they enjoy cruising the Chesapeake Bay.

The annual OCC Members’ Handbook lists the current member roster and what boat they own. I found it interesting while thinking about this article because these people are out there cruising the world and most of the members I’ve met already circumnavigated, or nearly so. So, perusing the handbook about the size and brand of their sailboat, seemed to fit the dialogue perfectly. Very few are production boats.

Randomly opening the handbook to boat names listed alphabetically under “M,” I see Tayana 48, Mason 44, Malo 39, Vancouver 27, Moody 346, Fisher 37, Bristol Channel Cutter 53, Valiant 42, Baltic 48, Bowman 40, Amel Maramu 48, Hylas 49, Sundeer 56, Lagoon 421, Leopard 47, Sceptre 41, Saga 43, Tartan 40, Oyster 55, Hanse 371, Rustler 36, Outremer 45, Catana 42S, Alden 44, and others. These are mostly in the range of boats we are talking about, although given the experience of some of these members, some have gradually stepped in size for a more comfortable home afloat.

Several experienced experts feel that one should look for a boat with a displacement/length ratio under 360, which is a moderate displacement relative to a boat’s waterline length. It is a nice compromise between the ability to carry weight, have a comfortable motion, and sail fast. Heavier boats are slow and harder to maneuver, while boats with numbers under 200 will be limited in what they can carry and won’t be as comfortable when the weather goes south. There are websites that list D/L ratios for most boats out there, and it is just one tool to develop an understanding of how a boat will be out in the ocean.

It is quite possible to enjoy the offshore experience on any size sailboat, but just not on one where the deck flexes under foot, or the size of fittings in the rigging are best suited for lake sailing. With some experience, it becomes easy to pick out the real deal among the less competent boats built to a price point. As a fan of small boat sailing, I am always intrigued by a designer’s ability to fit it all into a smaller package yet robust enough to take on the sea.

Even so, I also understand why so many seasoned cruisers today want a big boat with the ability to make 200 miles a day, which makes for fast passages and being able to sail away from weather systems. That is a valid point as well.

When you decide you are up to the challenge, go out and look at as many boats as you can, and connect with an experienced broker who understands all these factors. And, unless you are intent on making a living publishing your cruising adventures on your YouTube channel, focus on the fun of it.

Making landfall is exciting no matter what size boat you sail. Just hope the rogue waves are elsewhere.

Also Read : Frequently Asked Questions About Sailboats

Enjoy these other boating and cruising articles:

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  • What Is The Safest Sailboat?
  • Is Sailing A Cheap Hobby?
  • What Are The Different Types Of Sailboats?
  • Is Sailing Hard?
  • How Big Of A Sailboat Can One Person Handle?
  • Bringing Your Trawler Home
  • Your Boat's Fuel Economy
  • Extend Your Sailing Life
  • Yearly Engine Service And Beyond
  • Sometimes It's All About Simplicity
  • The Bucket: A True Story
  • Essential Supplies For Extended Cruising
  • The Exhausting Need To Keep Up With New Technology
  • Have A Backup Plan!
  • Northern Marine Exhaust Systems Are Better
  • Cruising Boats Come Of Age
  • Changing Rituals
  • Did Wisdom Come To The Ancient Mariner?
  • Going World Cruising? Not So Fast
  • What Engines Are In Your Boat?
  • Letting Go But Still In Control
  • Learning To Handle A New Boat
  • Improving The User Experience
  • A Paradigm Shift In Cruising
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  • A Boater's 3-to-5 Year Plan
  • Provisioning Your Yacht For Extended Cruising - Alaska
  • The Evolution Of The Trawler Yacht
  • The Great Loop
  • Getting Ready For The Great Loop
  • A Winning Great Loop Strategy
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Pacific northwest.

Shilshole Marina

7001 Seaview Ave NW, Suite 150 Seattle, WA 98117


Cap Sante Marina

1019 Q Avenue, Suite A&B

Anacortes, WA 98221


Marine Parts / Service Center

2915 W Avenue

Sun Harbor Marina

5060 N Harbor Dr, Suite 155 San Diego, CA 92106


Marina Village Yacht Harbor

1070 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 109 Alameda, CA 94501


Marina del Rey

13900 Marquesas Way, Suite 6002 Marina del Rey, CA 90292


Fort Lauderdale

1535 SE 17th St, Suite #103B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Safe Harbour Old Port Cove

116 Lakeshore Dr. North Palm Beach, FL. 33408

Annapolis Harbor

7350 Edgewood Road Annapolis, MD 21403



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Who would you pick as your round-the-world cruising companion? Photo: Tor Johnson

If you could choose anyone to go on a grand adventure with, would it be your life partner? For many couples that’s the ideal.

But what if you don’t have the same level of experience, or one of you isn’t confident to co-skipper? Perhaps you plan to take friends and family with you. But what happens if those plans change halfway round? I talked to World ARC crews near the finish of their circumnavigation to find out how different couples had answered those unknowns over their round the world voyage.

Over the 2017, 2018 and 2019 World ARC rallies (the round-the-world rally organised by World Cruising Club) around 20-30% of yachts set off double-handed. But by the time the fleet reached Tonga or Fiji that proportion had risen to about 50%.


Ruud and Laurie Bosman recruited crew from within the ARC rally after deciding to complete their world voyage

Grenada was a homecoming celebration for the World ARC fleet. While St Lucia marked the end of the 2018-19 rally, Grenada signalled the fleet’s return to the Caribbean. A full circumnavigation for most, 438 days sailing for those who’d completed it in a single World ARC loop.

Some 38 yachts started in St Lucia in January 2018, 16 were gathered in Grenada this March. Some had started in 2017 – or even earlier – but peeled off to linger in the Pacific or return to normal life for a while, then hooked into the 2018 rally on its way past. Others had diverted to explore New Zealand, Ascension Island, or another outpost, before rejoining their fleet.

No matter how they’d done it, all had sailed some 30,000 miles, crossed the Pacific , Indian and Atlantic Oceans, and lived at anchor for months on end.

With very few exceptions, most of the boats belonged to couples taking on their first trip sailing around the world. Some had sailed the entire voyage jointly, on others one partner had flown home for a stage or two. Some had taken crew from day one, others had switched between double-handing and sailing with more aboard. Several started with one plan, and finished with a very different set up indeed.

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Personal space

One such couple was David and Wendy Tipton. A former farmer from Staffordshire, UK, David had built up a recycling business that he sold, enabling them to buy Mischief , a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 479, and sail around the world. There was only one problem: Wendy hated the water and considered herself an inexperienced sailor.

Before they set off on the 2017 ARC transatlantic, Wendy had to learn to swim before she could even do a sea survival course. “It was never my dream to circumnavigate, it was David’s. So I went along with it, but it was totally out of my comfort zone,” she recalls.

Wendy’s initial condition of agreeing to do the World ARC was that they would take a crew to sail Mischief with them. They sent a round robin email to friends and sailing contacts to see who wanted to join them, and garnered an enthusiastic response, with many signing up for different legs. One was a very experienced sailor who sailed with the Tiptons for the first six months, which Wendy says gave her a lot of confidence.


David and Wendy Tipton began their World ARC with crew, but later switched to sailing two-up. Photo: James Mitchell

But 15 months is a long time to share your home, with up to six aboard at times, and Wendy admits having no personal space nearly drove her to breaking point. “I did have my bags packed to go home at one point. I was so fed up. It was nothing to do with the sailing, I was just sick of people.

“We were at the stage of needing down time on our own. It’s very intense – I didn’t appreciate how intense the whole trip would be. You wouldn’t have people living with you for six or seven months, and things that wouldn’t normally irritate you become irritating. For my own sanity I needed some time on our own.”

They decided instead to sail on double-handed from South Africa, and arrived in St Helena bowled over by how smoothly it had gone. “It was an absolute revelation,” David recalls. “The watches worked well, the boat worked well, and we were just asking ourselves why have we not done that before?”


The World ARC can include stop-offs for shoreside adventures including a South African safari. Photo: Haley Haltom

Before switching to sailing double-handed Wendy had sought advice from other crews on the ARC, many of whom had become close friends. She particularly asked the women for honest opinions, and says that they were overwhelmingly positive – with the obvious caveat that it could be more tiring sharing the sailing between just two.

They began their first double-handed passage with David sleeping in the cockpit during his off watches, “just in case she needed me quickly,” he recalls. “But after a few days of that regime she said, ‘You might as well go down below, I’m fine.’”

But things didn’t go so well on one of the next stages, from Cabedelo, Brazil, to Devil’s Island, French Guiana. “It was a bit of a catalogue of events,” he explains. “Our radar stopped working, so we were not able to monitor squalls.

“We had another boat who was monitoring them for us, but one came through that went from 7 to 35 knots and we had a spinnaker up in the dark. It broke the spinnaker halyard, the spinnaker went round the keel, the helm wouldn’t come off autopilot so we broached, an outhaul and a batten in the main broke.”


The Bay of Islands in Fiji’s Lau Group. Photo: Haley Haltom

Dealing with such a litany of problems between just the two of them was unknown territory, but Wendy says that while the situation did scare her, they were able to calmly work through and solve each issue.

“What the World ARC has given us – not just from the easy passages, but from the difficult passages – is the confidence that you could throw most stuff at us and we’d be OK,” David added. When they received the Division A 1st prize for the leg to Grenada, sailors across the fleet voiced their pride in Wendy for the progress she’d made.

Another couple that decided they were better off completing the rally two-up were Dan and Agnes Long from Florida on Smoke & Roses . Dan, a former firefighter, and Agnes, a former florist – hence the boat name – ran their Leopard 47 as a charter boat before the World ARC and were experienced sailing in home waters, both holding US Captain’s licences.


Setting off on the Lagoon 47 Smoke & Roses

Like many, they began their World ARC with trusted friends, and were also joined by their adult daughter for stages. But they later took on an unknown crewmember who had been recommended to them.

“She way overstated her sailing experience,” Dan recalls. “She could not trim sails, and she’d argue with you about it.” The final straw for Dan was waking up to find them sailing 90° off course. When he challenged the crew on deck she replied: “Because it’s faster.”

Fearful that they would run aground or make some other catastrophic error, Dan found himself supervising every watch – defeating the point of having a third person aboard. “So instead of being up for my shift, I’m up for my shift and her shift. But with Agnes [on watch] I’ll sleep through the night because I trust her.”

Having sailed two-up for some of the shorter legs around the Society Islands, the Longs also decided to go double-handed from Cape Town and found themselves easily handling the longer distances, setting a spinnaker for three days straight and covering 200-plus miles a day.

Bringing in reserves

For other couples taking on crew turned out to be a positive switch. Peter and Anissa Pappas, from Wyoming, USA, had never sailed any overnight passages with just themselves aboard their Amel Super Maramu 2000 Callisto before signing up to the rally. Anissa describes herself as a very inexperienced sailor, but they sailed from Grenada to Cape Town double-handed.

Their Amel is set up for single-handed sailing, with push button controls from a protected centre cockpit. The duo sailed conservatively, never over-canvassed. “And we set radar guard zones and cross-track error in case our autopilot started wandering around,” explains Peter. But Anissa still found night watches hard.


Night watches can be a long and lonely experience

“I was always worried if we were going to hit somebody. I never felt totally comfortable with that. I always felt that if something is going to happen, it’s going to happen on my watch.” She says she would frequently wake her husband for a second opinion.

But when one crewmember who had been sailing on another boat found himself without a berth for the leg from Cape Town, the Pappas’s made a snap decision to invite him to join them.

“We’d said no on countless occasions to taking other crew,” recalls Anissa. “It’s been hard [going two-up], especially hard on my husband because everything falls to him. But for us transitioning to crew has been easy, and our new crew has been the easiest person.”

With an extra hand they were soon able to carry more sail area, enjoying having the 52ft ketch flying along under four or five sails, including two spinnakers and a staysail.


The start of the 2018 World ARC Leg 16 heading out of St Helena

“With hindsight, I think we should have started out with crew,” admits Anissa. “Peter and I had not really been on the boat together for enough time to really get all the sails up and learn what we needed to learn. And later maybe – or even maybe not – we would have downsized.

“Two was tough, but we did it. But for couples I would say keep an extremely open mind about bringing crew aboard.”

Roving crew

While the Pappas’s made a sudden decision to take a third hand along, the 2018-19 World ARC was characterised by an unusually high number of crew who joined to sail one boat, and ended up becoming such a fixture of the rally community that they extended their trip by joining others.

Several of the roving crew had sailed on three or four different yachts by the time they reached Grenada. Karen Slater, a former fire service worker from the UK, was a very popular member of the ARC family and was about to join her sixth boat for the final cruise to St Lucia.


Freediving with whale sharks in Namibia. Photo Haley Haltom

Having a floating pool of experienced crew became an invaluable resource for some boats. American retirees Ruud and Laurie Bosman on the Hylas 54 Blue Pearl had originally only planned to sail the first half of the rally.

“But by the time we were in Australia Ruud felt very strongly that he wanted to complete the circumnavigation and do it all at once, and I felt very strongly that I did not want to cross the Indian Ocean,” recalls Laurie.

Both aged 71, the pair never wanted to sail double-handed and had organised crew for the Pacific legs, but no further. “Because we had never planned to do the whole circumnavigation we had made no plans beyond French Polynesia,” Ruud explains.


The unspoilt beauty of the Marquesas. Photo: Haley Haltom

When Laurie returned home to spend a few weeks with family, they invited other ARC crew aboard, some staying for the entire second half of the circumnavigation.

“It’s been quite easy, you are relatively familiar with the people because they have been in the fleet. They have a bit of a reputation, and importantly you know why they’re leaving boats,” he adds.

There are still no guarantees that an experienced ARC crewmember will be a good fit. Flashpoints were usually over domestic niggles like food preferences (several couples commented on how provisioning was much simpler with just two aboard, reducing one area of work).

Another issue for the boat-hopping crews was where their ‘home’ base was during stopovers. Peter Pappas commented: “It’s great having crew when you’re underway, but really when you get to your destination you assume they will get off the boat after a couple of days, so you and your wife can have some privacy, and have your home back.”

Many of the World ARC crew strategically took themselves away during long stopovers: diving in Australia, going on land tours, or even climbing Kilimanjaro during the fleet’s visit to South Africa.

Sharing the load

For those who did sail as a couple, how they divided the roles often reflected home life. Peter and Wendy on Mischief , and Dan and Agnes on Smoke & Roses , had both worked together so were used to spending extended periods of time with each other. Other couples, where one had spent much of the marriage putting in long hours at the office, had a bigger adjustment to make.


Mark and Helen Chatfield sailed Mad Monkey with their son Josh. Photo: James Mitchell

Some had chosen to time their world tour with natural breaks in their children’s education. Mark Chatfield on the Grand Soleil 56 Mad Monkey sailed with his wife Helen as well as his adult son Josh, timing it between Josh finishing school and starting university: “I worked as a sales director, with constant travel. So during the week, his schooling and upbringing, I didn’t see a lot of him – for me this trip was predominantly to get to know him better.”

The majority of boats divided roles along fairly traditional ‘pink and blue’ job lines when in port, with the women in charge of provisioning and domestics, the men in charge of repairs and systems. There were exceptions: on Misto British ex-pat Rosalind Cheetham skippered their Nautitech 443 and was hands-on with maintenance.

At sea the roles tended to shift slightly. Domestic jobs were more frequently shared underway, although the majority of ‘skippers in charge’ were the male partners.

Most couples ate an evening meal together before settling into some kind of night watch system, the most popular being a three or four hours on/off pattern, before reconvening for the 10am radio-net. Many adopted a much more fluid watch pattern during the day, each taking naps whenever needed. Several skippers took longer night watches than their partners, but would set alarms to allow 15-20 minute naps on open ocean legs.


Photo: YachtEmily

On Smoke & Roses Dan and Agnes changed their running rigging so reefs could be taken in and out from the cockpit. “It’s made life a lot easier for me because I was getting up for sail changes no matter who was on watch, every single time. Even with three people on the boat I was getting tired,” explains Dan.

They also modified their safety rules. “We did have a rule about not going out of the cockpit at night, but I was in the Pacific just to move the barber-hauler on the genoa,” recalls Agnes.

Several boats started out with conventional spinnakers and ordered furling Code Zero or asymmetric kites to replace them en route as they became more confident in sailing double-handed.


Suwarrow in the Cook Islands is one of the more remote destinations that the World ARC visited

A positive for many crews of joining a rally – and particularly reassuring for double-handed boats – was the option to ‘buddy boat’ for passages, particularly in areas of high traffic, where there were any concerns about piracy, or when one yacht had a technical issue. Even on the final ‘free cruising’ leg to St Lucia several yachts chose to sail in a loose flotilla to enjoy their friendships.

Experience of a lifetime

Every couple I spoke to emphasised that while the World ARC schedule was intense, and some stages had been very challenging, the rewards were hugely worth it.

“It’s been pretty incredible,” recalls Laurie Bosman from Blue Pearl . “Things like going through the Panama Canal, in your own boat – I get teary when I think about it. Those early mornings where you’ve got the sun rising and the moon setting, and nothing but you, water, sun and moon. You think you’ve died and gone to heaven.”


Swimming with manta rays at Suwarrow in the Cook Islands. Photo: Haley Haltom

“It changes you as a person,” said Wendy Tipton. “You have to improvise, shop for what you can get. We went home for Christmas and I was looking at all my bits and pieces and realised you don’t need it. I’ve been quite humbled by how people actually do live and how happy they are with so little.”

Her husband David added: “If you have the opportunity to do it, you’d be mad not to.”

Getting ready: Things to take or prep before you go

Downwind sails.

Many boats ordered new sails in Darwin, Australia, or South Africa – several of which did not clear customs in time to reach the yachts before they set off on the stage they were ordered for. The most popular were furling downwind sails.


Instruments and electrical systems

Multiple boats had issues with faults on one system triggering an issue on the other – an update to the MFD, for example, causing a fault on the SSB radio.

Bones Black, who runs the Bowman 57 charter yacht Emily Morgan  with his wife, Anna, was widely praised across the fleet for helping troubleshoot and fix problems on almost every yacht. He suggests splitting systems to avoid interference.

“On Emily Morgan , all the comms runs down one side of the boat and all the power supplies run down the other side of the boat,” explains Black.

Likewise he advises against installing AIS and VHF using splitter boxes to share the same antenna: “I would always advise separate antenna, then if you have a problem you can always transfer over.”

Google Maps and Open CPN

Many boats used Open CPN to overlay chart data with satellite images from Google Maps, particularly in areas where charts alone were not reliably accurate, such as Fiji and the San Blas Islands.


Experienced bluewater cruisers Bones and Anna Black run charter yacht Emily Morgan and were a source of expertise for many rally participants

Anna Black, who skippers Emily Morgan , spent a lot of time preparing by looking at cruising blogs and other free resources, such as the Fiji Atlas for Mariners website and Noonsite. She also recommends for affordable weather routeing.

Bones suggests taking digital and hard copies of the owner’s manual – and, if possible, an installation manual – for every system and piece of hardware on board.

Seagull water filter

Emily Morgan is set up with a double filter (coarse and carbon) of water going into the tanks, then drinking water is filtered a second time through the Seagull unit, so they can refill reusable drinking bottles from the taps.


Finding a quiet spot on Emily Morgan

Several boats had to replace dinghies or outboards in far-flung locations such as Fiji, due to being lost or simply coming apart after weeks of extreme heat and UV. The cost could easily be five times the equivalent price at home.

Washing machine

This was the most recommended ‘luxury’ item, mainly because it avoided wasting precious time in stopovers finding a laundry and dealing with missing items. If you can’t fit a machine, it seems prudent to make friends with a yacht that has one…

Cash savings

Some crews felt the costs had been surprising. Marina fees were higher than many had anticipated, and the social aspect of the rally made a few feel under pressure to eat out more.

David Tipton commented: “You need to know what this is going to cost you. We have a repairs budget of £5,000 every three months, but you only have to start doing a few jobs and that gets eaten up.

“We had a boat that was pretty much under warranty for the whole trip, but a lot aren’t. If you suddenly have a big ticket item, like putting a new engine or gearbox in, you’ve got to have £20-30,000 that you can put your hand on.”

Halyard breakages were commonplace. Bones found undiscovered sharp edges in the rigging had contributed to some halyard failures: “We also have independent blocks for our spinnakers, so as the boat and spinnaker moves the block moves.”

Adding Kevlar reinforced outer covers to halyards and sheets worked well on some yachts, others added padded protection to stop the main chafing on spreaders.

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Mike Lynch: Seven key unanswered questions around the sinking of the Bayesian

With the search continuing of the sunken bayesian an investigation has been launched to establish what caused the disaster off the coast of sicily, article bookmarked.

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With the Bayesian lying on her side 50 metres underneath the now gentle waters of the Mediterranean, mystery still surrounds how the 56-metre superyacht, sank in the typhoon off the port of Porticello.

Remotely controlled underwater vehicles and cave divers are looking to raise the yacht , which experts will examine in the coming days. For now, the focus is on finding the final sixth passenger since the yacht went down in the early hours of Monday 19 August.

Four bodies were recovered from the vessel on Wednesday, with the fifth brought to shore on Thursday morning. They have now been identified as British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Morgan Stanley chairman Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judith Bloomer, lawyer Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda Morvillo.

Mike Lynch is among those confirmed as dead

Mr Lynch ’s 18-year-old daughter remains unaccounted for, with divers returning to the site to continue searching the sunken boat.

It will take weeks for Ambrogio Cartosio, the chief prosecutor of Termini Imerese, and his team to establish whether the sinking of the Bayesian was down to human error, an unpredictable weather event or whether anyone is liable.

They have said they will interview the survivors in the coming days – some of whom were pictured leaving the Domina Zagarella hotel in Santa Flavia, which has become the headquarters for survivors, police and rescuers.

Many questions face the investigators:

Mike Lynch yacht latest: Fifth body found inside Bayesian boat sunken off coast of Sicily

Were access hatches left open?

One expert at the scene in Sicily said an early focus of the investigation would be on whether the yacht’s crew had failed to close access hatches before the tornado struck.

Yachting experts have suggested that the hatches being open could have allowed the Bayesian to fill with water quickly and sink.

But Andrea Ratti, a nautical design professor at Polytechnic University of Milan, said a boat the size of the Bayesian could only sink so rapidly by taking in a huge amount of water.

“One can make plausible assumptions that leave room for doubt,” he said, before suggesting that one or more portholes, windows or other openings may have been broken or smashed open by the waterspout.

Was the boat prepared for a storm?

Prosecutors will look at whether appropriate measures were taken in preparation for the storm.

The luxury superyacht called ‘The Bayesian’ off Porticello, Palermo

The yacht’s captain, James Catfield, from New Zealand, told Italian media of the suddenness of the waterspout that turned a luxury super yacht into a death trap.

“We just didn’t see it coming,” he said.

Luca Mercalli, the president of the Italian Meteorological Society, said on Tuesday that the crew should have made sure that all the guests were awake and given them lifejackets in light of the forecasted heavy rains.

The coast guard said bad weather had been forecast, but added that it was more virulent than expected. Some locals spoke of a waterspout, or sea whirlwind, of exceptional force.

“It was a strange thing,” fisherman Andrea Carini said. The Bayesian was at anchor, its sails down, when the tempest hit, with another yacht moored nearby.

A nearby yacht, the 42-metre Sir Robert Baden Powell, remained anchored and weathered the storm after its captain turned on the engine to keep control of the vessel and avoid a collision with the Bayesian.

Moment Bayesian yacht is engulfed by storm

The captain, Karsten Borner, said he did not know whether the crew of the Bayesian had managed to switch on its engines.

“I don’t think they did things wrong, I think they were surprised by the power of the storm,” he said.

“I only know that they went flat with the mast on the water and that they sank in two minutes,” he said, adding that the storm was “very violent, very intense”, bringing in “a lot of water and I think a turning system like a tornado”.

Did the world’s largest aluminium mast have anything to do with the sinking?

The Bayesian has one of the largest masts in the world

The Bayesian was built by Italian shipbuilder Perini in 2008 with a 75m (246ft) mast which it claims is the tallest aluminium mast in the world.

Scott Painter, who took over Lynch’s multi-billion dollar software company called Autonomy, founded in 1996, said Lynch’s yacht may have been more vulnerable due to the mast.

“The mast was the ultimate sailor’s bragging right,” Painter told the outlet. “That mast must’ve been over 240 feet tall, which is either the tallest or second tallest in the world.”

He added: “That could certainly contribute to a capsize as it would destabilize the yacht. And if it were to lean over too far, it could absolutely capsize the yacht.”

Captain Borner said: “If the mast had been broken they wouldn’t have capsized.”

Would a lightning shock wave damage the mast?

Colonel Attilio Di Diodato, director of the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, said the agency had registered intense lightning activity and strong gusts of wind in the area.

The Bayesian had one of the tallest aluminium masts in the world, according to its builder, Perini Navi.

“Having a tall aluminium mast would not make it the safest port to be in case of a storm,” said Andrea Ratti, associate professor of nautical design and architecture technology told the Politecnico di Milano.

The type of intensity unleashed by a violent lightning storm “could have created a significant shock wave”, he added.

Was the Bayesian keel retractable and was it down?

The Bayesian had a retractable keel, a fin-like apparatus under the hull that helps stabilise boats and acts as a counterweight to the mast. It is not known whether it was down at the time of the vicious storm.

Both Ratti and Mattioni questioned whether the yacht had been anchored with the keel up, reducing the vessel’s depth under water and making it less stable. Ratti said strong winds might have caused the boat to start oscillating wildly, “like a pendulum”, putting exceptional strain on the mast.

Divers have only ten minutes to investigate boat

Was the the Bayesian properly anchored?

Tom Sharpe, a retired Royal Navy commander and defence commentator, told CBC News that a mast the size of the Bayesian’s is designed for a massive sail, and without that sail raised and catching the wind, the gusts likely would’ve had a negligible impact on the aluminum pole.

He instead suggested the anchor may have played a pivotal role.

“My kind of working assumption is that she was probably a bit further in at anchor, and it’s very likely, in these sort of conditions, that her anchor dragged,” he said.

He added the 10-strong crew was better off steering toward the anchor to stabilise the yacht or even raising the anchor and steering into the open Meditteranean to ride out the storm.

“They might have got caught in that middle ground where they’re not on a particularly good anchorage but the anchor is now controlling the bow of the ship”, he posted.

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Inside the luxury £30m yacht that sank in Italy with billionaire Mike Lynch on board

Inside the luxury £30m yacht that sank in Italy with billionaire Mike Lynch on board

The bayesian yacht that sank off the coast of sicily on monday was once one of the most luxurious vessels in the world.

Joshua Nair

Joshua Nair

The luxurious yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily on Monday was once a multi-award winner for its sharp interior design.

In the early hours of Monday (19 August) morning, the sailing ship known as the Bayesian capsized and sank when a storm hit the coast of Sicily.

At the time, it was carrying 12 passengers along with 10 crew members.

It has been confirmed this morning that five of the six missing bodies have been recovered, including that of British billionaire Mike Lynch, 69 .

The Bayesian (left), which capsized and sunk off the coast of Sicily in bad weather. (Fabio La Bianca/PA)

Chef Recaldo Thomas has also been confirmed dead, as only 15 of the 22 passengers made it onto a lifeboat before being discovered by a fellow ship.

The 184 feet (56 metre) superyacht was sold to Dutch real estate developer John Groenewoud for almost $40 million (£30.4 million), before being bought by Lynch's wife, Angela Bescares, who survived on Monday, for around £27 million in 2014.

Previously called Salute, the vessel was British -flagged and boasted the tallest aluminium mast in the world when it was built in 2008, which stood at 72 metres, winning it the award of 'best exterior styling' at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards, according to The Telegraph.

The stunning interior included a number of sleek, luxurious furnishings created by Remi Tessier, a yacht design specialist.

This also earned the vessel a number of awards, having received acclaim through its masterfully designed master bedroom, three double and two twin bedrooms, which accommodated 12 guests.

The superyacht had dark wood furnishings that were complimented by beige sofas and a deck that featured a large canvas to keep guests cool while at sea in the summer.

There were more intricate details onboard too, with thin brown pillars and intricate terracotta sculptures adding some Japanese culture to the ship's styling.

The Bayesian went on to win best interior at the International Superyacht Society Awards in 2008, while also being voted as one of the best large sailing yachts at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards.

Currently owned by Revtom, a company that lists Bacares as its legal owner, the yacht's name comes from a statistical model called 'Bayesian', which helps financial investors calculate risk.

This was Lynch's Ph.D. subject, which would help him to build his multi-billion pound empire in the future.

Operated by Camper & Nicholsons, the superyacht had twin 965 break horsepower engines, which has a range of 3,600 nautical miles at around 14-17 mph.

Rescue ships operate off Porticello near Palermo after the British-flagged luxury yacht Bayesian sank. (ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)

Following the tragic accident involving those onboard the Bayesian on Monday, a number of people linked to those who have gone missing have offered words of hope and support in the search for their bodies.

A friend of Lynch, Brent Hoberman, told Sky News they were 'all hoping for a miracle'.

"We knew it was unlikely but you still hold out hope," he said. "It's just so unbelievably tragic for him to go through what he went through over the last 12 years, defending his name and not really living a full life, to now for his death to be confirmed is obviously incredibly sad."

Topics:  World News , Travel , UK News

Joshua Nair is a journalist at LADbible. Born in Malaysia and raised in Dubai, he has always been interested in writing about a range of subjects, from sports to trending pop culture news. After graduating from Oxford Brookes University with a BA in Media, Journalism and Publishing, he got a job freelance writing for SPORTbible while working in marketing before landing a full-time role at LADbible. Unfortunately, he's unhealthily obsessed with Manchester United, which takes its toll on his mental and physical health. Daily.

@ joshnair10

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OMAC is hull insurance carrier for sunken yacht in Sicily

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Bayesian, a 56-meter-long sailboat, which later sank off the Sicilian capital Palermo, is seen in Santa Flavia

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Search for British tech entrepreneur Lynch's daughter continues

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Lynch Yacht Sinking Off Sicily Proves as Baffling as It Is Tragic

As bodies were recovered, the authorities and experts wondered how a $40 million, stable and secure vessel could have sunk so quickly.

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A diver in an orange jumpsuit suit and crews in gray shirts and red trousers hoist remains in a blue body bag onto a boat, as others in reflector uniforms stand nearby.

By Emma Bubola and Michael J. de la Merced

Emma Bubola reported from Porticello, Italy, and Michael J. de la Merced from London.

Two months after being cleared in a bruising legal battle over fraud charges, the British tech mogul Mike Lynch celebrated his freedom with a cruise. He invited his family, friends and part of his legal team on board his luxury sailing yacht, a majestic 180-foot vessel named Bayesian after the mathematical theorem around which he had built his empire.

On Sunday night, after a tour of the Gulf of Naples, including Capri, and volcanic islands in the Eolian archipelago, the boat anchored half a mile off the Sicilian coast in Porticello, Italy. It chose a stretch of water favored by the Phoenicians thousands of years ago for its protection from the mistral wind and, in more recent times, by the yachts of tech billionaires. The boat was lit “like a Christmas tree,” local residents said, standing out against the full moon.

But about 4 a.m., calamity unfolded. A violent and fast storm hit the area with some of the strongest winds locals said they had ever felt. Fabio Cefalù, a fisherman, said he saw a flare pierce the darkness shortly after 4.

Minutes later, the yacht was underwater. Only dozens of cushions from the boat’s deck and a gigantic radar from its mast floated on the surface of the sea, fishermen said.

In all, 22 people were on board, 15 of whom were rescued. Six bodies — five passengers and the ship’s cook — had been recovered by Thursday afternoon, including that of Mr. Lynch, an Italian government official said, adding that the search was continuing for his daughter.

It was a tragic and mystifying turn of events for Mr. Lynch, 59, who had spent years seeking to clear his name and was finally inaugurating a new chapter in his life. Experts wondered how a $40 million yacht, so robust and stable could have been sunk by a storm near a port within minutes.

“It drives me insane,” said Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company, Perini, that made the Bayesian. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

The aura of misfortune only deepened when it emerged that Stephen Chamberlain, 52, a former vice president of finance for Mr. Lynch’s former company and a co-defendant in the fraud case, was killed two days earlier, when he was hit by a car while jogging near his house in England.

Since June, the two men had been in a jubilant mood. A jury in San Francisco had acquitted both on fraud charges that could have sent them to prison for two decades. There were hugs and tears, and they and their legal teams went for a celebratory dinner party at a restaurant in the city, said Gary S. Lincenberg, a lawyer for Mr. Chamberlain.

The sea excursion was meant as a thank-you by Mr. Lynch to those who had helped him in his legal travails. Among the guests was Christopher J. Morvillo, 59, a scion of a prominent New York family of lawyers who had represented Mr. Lynch for 12 years. He and his wife, Neda, 57, were among the missing.

So, too, was Jonathan Bloomer, 70, a veteran British insurance executive who chaired Morgan Stanley International and the insurer Hiscox.

The body of the ship’s cook, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered. All the other crew members survived. Among them was Leo Eppel, 19, of South Africa, who was on his first yacht voyage working as a deck steward, said a friend, who asked not to be identified.

Since the sinking, the recovery effort and investigation have turned the tiny port town of Porticello, a quiet enclave where older men sit bare-chested on balconies, into what feels like the set of a movie.

Helicopters have flown overhead. Ambulances have sped by with the sirens blaring. The Coast Guard has patrolled the waters off shore, within sight of a cordoned-off dock that had been turned into an emergency headquarters.

On Wednesday afternoon, a church bell tolled after the first body bag was loaded into an ambulance, a crowd watching in silence.

The survivors were sheltering in a sprawling resort near Porticello, with a view of the shipwreck spot, and had so far declined to comment.

Attilio Di Diodato, director of the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, said that the yacht had most likely been hit by a fierce “down burst” — when air generated within a thunderstorm descends rapidly — or by a waterspout , similar to a tornado over water.

He added that his agency had put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about storms and strong winds. Locals said the winds “felt like an earthquake.”

Mr. Costantino, the boat executive, said the yacht had been specifically designed for having a tall mast — the second-tallest aluminum mast in the world. He said the Bayesian was an extremely safe and secure boat that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing.

But he said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, is to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

can you sail around the world in a yacht

Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

The New York Times attempted to reach the captain, James Cutfield, who had survived, for comment through social media, his brother and the management company of the yacht (which did not hire the crew), but did not make contact.

So far none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened that night.

Fabio Genco, the director of Palermo’s emergency services, who treated some of the survivors, said that the victims had recounted feeling as if the boat was being lifted, then suddenly dropped, with objects from the cabins falling on them.

The Italian Coast Guard said it had deployed a remotely operated vehicle that can prowl underwater for up to seven hours at a depth of more than 980 feet and record videos and images that they hoped would help them reconstruct the dynamics of the sinking. Such devices were used during the search and rescue operations of the Titan vessel that is believed to have imploded last summer near the wreckage of the Titanic.

After rescuers broke inside the yacht, they struggled to navigate the ropes and many pieces of furniture cluttering the vessel, said Luca Cari, a spokesman for Italy’s national firefighter corps.

Finally, as of Thursday morning, they had managed to retrieve all but one of the missing bodies, and hopes of finding the missing person alive were thin. “Can a human being be underwater for two days?” Mr. Cari asked.

What was certain was that Mr. Lynch’s death was yet another cruel twist of fate for a man who had spent years seeking to clear his name.

He earned a fortune in technology and was nicknamed Britain’s Bill Gates. But for more than a decade, he had been treated as anything but a respected tech leader.

He was accused by Hewlett-Packard, the American technological pioneer that had bought his software company, Autonomy, for $11 billion, of misleading it about his company’s worth. (Hewlett-Packard wrote down the value of the transaction by about $8.8 billion, and critics called it one of the worst deals of all time .) He had been increasingly shunned by the British establishment that he sought to break into after growing up working-class outside London.

He was extradited to San Francisco to face criminal charges, and confined to house arrest and 24-hour surveillance on his dime. In a townhouse in the Pacific Heights neighborhood — with security people he jokingly told associates were his “roommates” — he spent his mornings talking with researchers whom he funded personally on new applications for artificial intelligence. Afterward, he devoted hours to discussing legal strategy with his team.

Despite his persistent claims of innocence, even those close to Mr. Lynch had believed his odds of victory were slim. Autonomy’s chief financial officer, Sushovan Hussain, was convicted in 2018 of similar fraud charges and spent five years in prison.

During Mr. Lynch’s house arrest, his brother and mother died. His wife, Angela Bacares, frequently flew over from England, and she became a constant presence in the San Francisco courtroom during the trial.

After he was finally acquitted, Mr. Lynch had his eye on the future. “I am looking forward to returning to the U.K. and getting back to what I love most: my family and innovating in my field,” he said.

Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting from Pallanza, Italy.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in Rome. More about Emma Bubola

Michael J. de la Merced has covered global business and finance news for The Times since 2006. More about Michael J. de la Merced

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After yacht sinks, experts say Mediterranean growing more dangerous

By Antonella Cinelli and Gavin Jones

ROME (Reuters) - The shipwreck of a luxury yacht moored off the coast of Sicily is the latest sign that the Mediterranean is becoming a more dangerous sea to sail in, climate experts and skippers say.

One man died and six people are still missing, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch, after the Bayesian, a 56-metre-long (184-ft) sailboat, was hit by a ferocious storm on Monday, sinking in a matter of minutes.

Climatologists say global warming is making such violent and unexpected tempests more frequent in a sea used as a summer playground for millions of tourists, including a wealthy few sailing its waters on superyachts.

Luca Mercalli, president of Italy's meteorological society, said the sea surface temperature around Sicily in the days leading up to the shipwreck was about 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit), almost three degrees more than normal.

"This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms," he told Reuters.

The changes in "Mare Nostrum" (Our Sea), as the ancient Romans called the Mediterranean, are also being noticed by experienced skippers such as Massimo Aramu, who runs the Akua sailing school on the coast near the Italian capital.

Currently sailing around Greece, Aramu said he did not like navigating Italy's Tyrrhenian coast around Sicily or the Spanish Balearic islands because there are "often critical situations with little warning".

Last week, a storm similar to the one that sank the Bayesian hit the Balearic archipelago, which includes the islands of Ibiza and Mallorca, leaving several yachts washed up ashore.

Giuliano Gallo, a former skipper who crossed the Atlantic and has written several books on sailing, said the Mediterranean was becoming more like the Caribbean, which has areas that many boats steer clear of at certain times of the year.

"But things are less predictable in the Mediterranean," he said.

Another sign of the more erratic weather in the Mediterranean was seen a year ago when thousands of people were killed in Libya by flash floods triggered by a so-called medicane - a supercharged Mediterranean storm fuelled by warmer seas.

Karsten Borner, the captain of a boat that was moored alongside the Bayesian but escaped harm, said Monday's storm had been "very violent, very intense, a lot of water and I think a turning system like a tornado".

He also blamed more frequent episodes of intense heat during the summer months for playing a role in causing such storms.

"The water is ... way too hot for the Mediterranean and this causes for sure heavy storms, like we had one week ago on the Balearics, like we had two years ago in Corsica and so on," he said.

(Additional reporting by Gavin Jones and Giselda Vagnoni; Writing by Gavin Jones; Editing by Crispian Balmer and Helen Popper)

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The Safest Sailing Routes Around the World (Which to Avoid)

There are several ways you could sail around the world, but if you want to minimize the inevitable risks, there's really only one way to go. Let's take a look at places to go and places you should definitely avoid.

What is the safest sailing route around the world? Sail from the Atlantic westward to the Caribbean, using the trade winds, crossing the Panama Canal, the South Pacific Ocean, and then either around Cape of Good Hope or through the Suez Canal. The safest sailing conditions are along the equator since it provides the most reliable sailing weather and calmest waters.

There are certain places you want to avoid if possible, but you will need to compromise. Below, we'll explore how to find the right way for you.

Key takeaways: Avoid the Gulf of Aden, the Cook Strait, the Drake Passage, the Timor Sea, and the Southern Ocean if possible. Sail close to the equator and use the Panama Canal.

Trying to circle the Earth is fine. Doing that on a boat is among the most complicated ways to go about such a thing. The knowledge required and the number of variables that can go wrong is sky-high. But it is also among the most, if not the most rewarding ways.

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On this page:

Choosing the right path, the fast route, the pleasure route, what routes to avoid.

Choosing the right route can be the difference between success and failure. If you choose the right one and time it well, it can be literally smooth sailing all the way , where your biggest worry will be the occasional maintenance.

If you choose the wrong route, though, you will have your hands full the whole time, and the chances you giving up will go up.

What are the best routes to sail around the world?

  • The fast route - through the Southern Ocean. This route is fast but also more dangerous due to unpredictable weather.
  • The pleasure route - staying as close to the equator as possible. This route will be safer, with more reliable sailing weather.

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21 Places to Avoid Sailing Around the World (In Order)

Let's have a closer look at both of these - this is a big deal, so we gotta explore the details to know what we sign up for.

The idea here is to pick the safest one. And since safety is a relative term , let's have a look at two main points of view.

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What's the fastest sailing route around the world? The fastest sailing route around the world is the sail south from the Atlantic towards the Southern Ocean (Antarctica) and circumnavigate the world around Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. Sail back up north to the Atlantic starting point to complete the circumnavigation.

Being away on the sea poses risks - some of which you can avoid, some of which you can't. The conclusion being that the longer you are out there, statistically, the higher the chance something will break or that you will be unable to outrun bad weather - or that you will bump into something - since trash floating in the oceans and breaking boats is, unfortunately, a thing now.

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Wear and tear is an intrinsic part of sailing; many sailors say that. For instance, Atlantic crossing is more about maintenance than actual sailing skill. The longer you are out there, the more you expose your boat to elements, and things are bound to break.

Similarly, if you plan for a longer route, you have to have more things with you in terms of provisions and equipment. That means a heavier load on the boat, which affects handling and takes up space.

41 Sailboat Cruising Essentials To get an idea of what you'll require to bring on a long sailboat cruise, we've made a list of 41 cruising essentials you should definitely bring along. Read all about cruising essentials

And last but not least, there is the mental aspect of it all. Though you might feel up to the task now, being on the sea for a long time can prove tricky - whether that be because of loneliness (or the constant presence of people you might not see eye to eye with) the relative mundanity of the scenery or the lack of civilization.

So if you want to avoid all that as much as possible, choose the route chosen by those who are in a hurry - such as Vendée Globe racers.

The fastest route around the world

Starting in the European North Atlantic, this route runs south to the South Atlantic. Once it gets into the waters of the Southern Ocean (the one surrounding Antarctica), it stays there, circles the globe, around the Capes, and then up the South, and eventually up the North Atlantic again.

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Know that this is not really much of a scenic route or a route that would show you the most interesting parts of the world - it is solely aimed at getting around as fast as possible in the most straightforward way possible.

As mentioned, the overarching principle here is to make the journey as fast as possible - and that is where the safety of this route lies in - exposing yourself to the risk for the least amount of time possible. That being said, be careful around the Cape Horn - an infamously tricky place to navigate.

And for those of you who are looking at the globe while reading this, thinking it is a bit of cheating - since you don't really go around, but circle the globe at its thin end - know that the length of this route is more or less 26,000 nautical miles, which is very roughly the length of the equator. So you will be doing the work in the end.

What's the safest sailing route around the world? The safest sailing route around the world is to stay as close to the equator as possible to make use of the more favorable winds there. This route requires sailing through the Panama and Suez Canals, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the South Pacific, and the Atlantic.

The above route might be fast, but it is about technically getting around, not really about the enjoyment of the world you are circling. So if that is what you have in mind, if you are not particularly in a hurry and don't mind stopping here and there to enjoy the local cuisine and whatnot, this one might be for you.

Speaking of stopping, the above route also doesn't allow for many stops. And that is what the safety of the Pleasure Route lies in. It keeps you close to the coast quite often, so you don't have to plan as much when it comes to consumables, spares, and energy - and if something breaks, you can dock at the next opportunity and have it repaired.

You will never be far from civilization (as far as circumnavigations go). With all the ports available, situations that would otherwise prove risky, like running low on water or wear and tear, can be tackled with relative safety.

The safest route around the world

This route runs from the Caribbean through the Panama Canal, then crosses the South Pacific to get to the shores of Australia, then through the Indian Ocean towards the countries of Southeast Asia and maybe India, then down towards South Africa with a stop or few on the way, eventually getting into the South Atlantic and back to the Caribbean.

If you find yourself in Europe, you will probably get to the Canaries first, then continue to the Caribbean. And similarly, towards the end of your route, after passing South Africa, you will go up to the Canaries and then back to Europe.

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Looking at the map, you will see this route certainly doesn't have speed in mind but rather providing the traveler with enough opportunities to stop and admire. You can see Panama, then stop at Galapagos, visit the Pitcairn Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Srí Lanka, India, Madagascar, South Africa… and that is just touching on to the major points of which there can be twice as much if you want to.

If you read diaries of those who went down this route, you will see this is indeed the case most of the time - stopping at a place and enjoying it, rather than leaving the port immediately after a shopping trip and a good night's sleep. It is a great way to get to know the world from many sides and is the true traveler's path.

How long does it take to sail around the world? It can take anywhere from 100 days up to 20 years. We've compared three sailing speeds for both sailing routes for you. Read all about circumnavigation speed

There really is no whole route that would pose risks, rather places you might feel enticed to go through to save time, only to regret this later. We have picked out places that you are likely to want to go through if you circumnavigate, so have a look and if you see your picks below, be careful.

The Gulf of Aden is pirate territory

Among these is the Gulf of Aden. All those films about pirates hijacking cargo ships? Yep, that's the place. Just about anybody will strongly advise you against it since it poses a man-made danger like no other place on the sea in the world. Why do people still take it when going from the Mediterranean to the Arabian sea or vice versa? Because the alternative means a circa 17,000 kilometers long detour around the whole continent of Africa.

The Cook Strait and Drake Passage are very unpredictable

Also, avoid the Cook Strait, a passage between the North and the South islands of New Zealand. These are among the most unpredictable waters in the world.

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The same goes for the Drake Passage, between the southernmost tip of America and Antarctica. High winds, very strong currents, and high chances of icebergs make this a deadly zone. We list it in the Fast Route, and it can be navigated without damage, but it requires skill. If you are not confident, avoid it.

The Timor Sea has 100 storms per year

Timor Sea - if you go north of Australia into the Southeast Asian regions, be careful - 100 storms per year is nothing out of the ordinary here. Even big oil rigs have to be constructed differently there to withstand the constant bad weather, with evacuations of the workers to the shore being nothing special.

The Southern Ocean is difficult to navigate

The Southern Ocean. Yes, yes, I know, the very route we suggested. While it is true what we said, that it is the fastest route around the globe, it is where the freezing waters around the Antarctic meet the warm waters up north. That results in storms and swells, which, paired with icebergs and the whole place being remote, thus unlikely to offer much help, means one tricky ocean to sail through.

Just as is the case with the Drake Passage, the idea here is not to forbid you from entering it, if you have got the skill - but rather to warn you if you do not.

The two routes mentioned above are among the most famous ones - one for speed, one for its beauty. They both have their advantages and disadvantages but are often traveled, so as far as safety goes, both have a lot to offer. Choose wisely.

Chocolate Angel Richardson


william wieckert

Sissy rosenstein.

If I go near Somalia what are my chances of getting gang raped by pirated?

Francis Drelling

Your articles on this topic are great. Do you think you might write one simply telling the best, and the worst, times to sail in the warriors regions where people circumnavigate? That way we could use it as a guide as we ponder our routes.

would like to find out about the red tape involved for entering a forign port/country & staying awhile

Your safest path around the world takes your right through the Gulf of Aden, which in the next paragraph you say to avoid.

You don’t build a barn dumbass. What do you think this is, 1785?

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    Sail Around the World. Dreaming of sailing around the world? Embarking on this incredible journey requires careful planning, flexibility, and thorough preparation. Here are some essential factors to consider before setting sail: budgeting for expenses, gathering necessary equipment, ensuring safety measures, and securing your vessel.

  7. Sailing around the world: An essential guide [PDF]

    Leisurely sailing around the world normally takes between 3 and 5 years. Recreational (3+ years): comfortable sailing, stopping often and for long periods of time. Non-stop sailing is a big challenge, which requires organising for supply boats to regularly come out and provide you with water, food, and fuel.

  8. Sailing Around the World: How to Get Started

    Sailing around the world is the ultimate adventure, and whether you're a seasoned sailor or have never set foot on a sailing yacht before, you can make it a reality. Join a round-the-world sailing trip, charter a yacht, join a racing team or take your own boat, such a big adventure has never been so accessible!

  9. A Guide to Sailing Around the World

    Denisa Nguyenová. +420 730 188 100 / [email protected]. Explore the freedom and beauty of sailing around the world with our expert guide. From selecting the right sailboat to navigating international waters and embracing diverse cultures at port calls, we cover everything you need for this life-changing voyage.

  10. Sailing Around The World

    There's something about sailing around the world that captures the imagination and inspires. For some, it's the reason for learning to sail in the first place. Others only start to think about global circumnavigation as their skills and experience grow. Regardless of what motivates you to circumnavigate, one thing remains true.

  11. Can You Sail Anywhere in the World? Surprisingly, No

    As you sail around the world, make sure to research the territories you'll be visiting. Aside from certifications and licenses, here are the things you'll need when you sail around the world. Natural obstacles that challenge navigation. Sailing is not as simple as hopping on a boat and sailing into the sunset.

  12. Can You Legally Sail Around the World?

    You can legally sail around the world on the high seas. However, you must abide by the rules of sovereign nations when you sail on their territorial waters. Additionally, you must adhere to international maritime laws applicable to sailing and navigating the open waters. In theory, you do not need a license or seek any permission to sail around ...

  13. Sail Around the World Route

    The Classic Sail Around the World Route - The Milk Run. The classic route for circumnavigating is based on the path of least resistance, making it the safest route to sail around the world. These routes utilize the prevailing winds to make as many downwind, fair-weather passages as possible.

  14. 10 Best Sailboats for Sailing Around the World

    The Figaro Beneteau is built for speed, but it can be great for sailing around the world, especially if you want to sail around the world fast. The Figaro Beneteau 3 is a monohull single-handed racing sailboat with an overall length of 35'7" (10.89m) and a waterline length of 31' (9.46m).

  15. 6 ways to sail around the world

    Faber carries a Hydrovane, a wind generator, solar panels and two towed generators so he need never run the engine for power. 2. 4. DIY on a budget. Page 1 of 2 - Show Full List. There are many ...

  16. 5 best small sailboats for sailing around the world

    Vancouver 28. Photo credit: A sensible small boat with a "go-anywhere" attitude, this pocket cruiser was designed with ocean sailors in mind. One of the best cruising sailboats under 40 feet, the Vancouver 28 is great sailing in a small package. Hull Type:Full keel with transom hung rudder.

  17. Can a Novice Sail Around the World?

    Oyster World Rally is specific to Oyster boats and, if you're seriously considering buying a boat and doing a round-the-world sail, then Oyster certainly is a top-of-the-line option. An excellent setup for novices - including the benefit of having an immediate network of peers and professionals - programs like this are often not on the ...

  18. Ideal boat for the world around.. How to choose a yacht for round the

    How to choose a yacht for round the world sailing. Obviously, there is no such thing as the perfect boat for everyone. Some go around the world to see what they are capable of: passing through the oceans in Spartan conditions to the limits of human capabilities. Others crave speed and new records. And others prefer to enjoy the freedom of the sail in comfort, savouring every moment of their ...

  19. How to Work Around the World on a Sailboat or Yacht

    Walk to Docks to Find a Boat: Ironically, the best way to get a job as a delivery crew member is to arrive in a new port on a sailboat and walk the docks looking for work. Unfortunately, the age-old catch-22 situation rears its ugly head — you need experience to be crew, yet need to crew to gain experience. Suppose you are lucky enough to ...

  20. How Big Of A Boat Do You Need To Sail Around The World?

    Most cruising experts agree that a boat between 35 and 45 feet is the most common and works well for couples. The people who run the ARC, the annual event that attracts over 200 boats and 1,200 people to cross the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to St Lucia, keep great records of the fleets from year to year.

  21. 7 Best-Known Routes for Sailing Around the World (with Maps)

    The Fast Route - for the minimum time. The Pleasure Route - for the maximal pleasure. The Traditional Route - the road most taken. The Arctic Route - for the rough ones. The Dangerous Route - without regards for piracy. The Cheap Route - with a budget in mind. The Coast Lover's Route - never going far from the coast.

  22. Sailing around the world: Cruising couples' top tips ...

    While St Lucia marked the end of the 2018-19 rally, Grenada signalled the fleet's return to the Caribbean. A full circumnavigation for most, 438 days sailing for those who'd completed it in a ...

  23. A Waterspout Was Seen When a Luxury Yacht Sank. What Is It?

    What caused the sinking on Monday of a sailing yacht carrying the British billionaire Mike Lynch and 21 other people off the coast of Sicily is still unknown. But some attention has focused on ...

  24. Mike Lynch: Seven key unanswered questions around the sinking of the

    The yacht's captain, James Catfield, from New Zealand, told Italian media of the suddenness of the waterspout that turned a luxury super yacht into a death trap. "We just didn't see it ...

  25. Inside the luxury £30m yacht that sank in Italy with ...

    The Bayesian went on to win best interior at the International Superyacht Society Awards in 2008, while also being voted as one of the best large sailing yachts at the 2009 World Superyacht Awards.

  26. OMAC is hull insurance carrier for sunken yacht in Sicily

    Yacht insurance provider OMAC is the carrier on the hull for the Bayesian, a 56-metre-long (184-ft) sailboat, that was hit by a ferocious storm on Monday, sinking off the northern coast of Sicily ...

  27. Lynch Yacht Sinking Off Sicily Proves as Baffling as It Is Tragic

    He invited his family, friends and part of his legal team on board his luxury sailing yacht, a majestic 180-foot vessel named Bayesian after the mathematical theorem around which he had built his ...

  28. After yacht sinks, experts say Mediterranean growing more dangerous

    The shipwreck of a luxury yacht moored off the coast of Sicily is the latest sign that the Mediterranean is becoming a more dangerous sea to sail in, climate experts and skippers say. One man died ...

  29. Sicily Bayesian yacht sinking

    One man has died and six people are missing after a luxury yacht sank in freak weather conditions off the coast of Sicily. The 56m British-flagged Bayesian was carrying 22 people - 12 passengers ...

  30. The Safest Sailing Routes Around the World (Which to Avoid)

    The fastest sailing route around the world is the sail south from the Atlantic towards the Southern Ocean (Antarctica) and circumnavigate the world around Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. Sail back up north to the Atlantic starting point to complete the circumnavigation. Being away on the sea poses risks - some of which you can avoid, some of ...