Baudo-class Star Yacht

Hyperspeed 3.0
Sublight Speed 50 MGLT
Max Speed 500 km/h
Maneuverability 2.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 1
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Turbolasers: 1
Weight 220 T
Volume 2,500 m³
Weight Capacity 35 T
Volume Capacity 100 m³
Max Passengers 8
Party Slot Size 4.00
Length 32 m
Hull 160
Shield 110
Ionic Capacity 80
Raw Material Price 174,808
Quantum 47
Meleenium 476
Ardanium 43
Rudic 37
Rockivory 38
Tibannagas 12
Varmigio 89
Lommite 23
Durelium 30
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation n/a

A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class Star Yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 8 people, and incorporates a single turbolaser, mainly for defence against pirates and other undesirables.

Ships of this class are very expensive, because they are custom made; they may look identical on the outside, but the internal amenities are custom tailored to the wishes of the buyer. While some may have internal wall plates made of Alderaan Kriin-wood and Tangdor gems, others may have a full complement of games of skill and luck including tables for Dejarik, Pazaak and Sabacc. Many of these ships are bought by wealthy sentients, quite often for their children. As such, many of these ships are seen passing close to commercial freighters, as the rich pilots within waste their time annoying the older, more grizzled pilots.

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Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht

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Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht data created by Wikia user ‎WoodCat5.

Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht

The Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht is a luxury spacecraft manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. Originally intended as a light freighter to compete with the Corellian Engineering Corporation's famous YT line, the Starwind -Class was converted into a luxury transport late in development, after KDY analysts judged that market segment to have greater profit potential than the already overcrowded light freighter market. In this role, the Pleasure Yacht has been a modest success for KDY, appealing to a more pragmatic set who want a vessel which incorporates the lavish amenities of a personal yacht with the utility and ease of maintenance of a light freighter.

The Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht of course comes with all the best in luxury accommodations as well, including spacious staterooms for all passengers, dining and lounge areas, a well appointed galley and many other conveniences. Many owners will request customizations to their vessel, and no two Starwinds are likely to share exactly the same configuration.

In general, Starwind -Class Pleasure Yachts are owned by wealthy beings who do not wish necessarily to show off, but who do appreciate the finer things in life. Relatively nondescript on the outside, the Pleasure Yacht hides an opulent interior, and fulfills this requirement nicely.

Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht Deckplan

  • 1 Capabilities
  • 2.1 Defenses
  • 2.2 Offense
  • 2.3 Abilities
  • 2.4 Ship Statistics
  • 2.5.1 Light Laser Cannon, Quad (Gunner)

Capabilities [ ]

The Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht is equipped with a single Escape Pod , which based on the main cargo bay of the Star Galleon -Class Frigate . Unlike other Escape Pods , it is equipped with its own Hyperdrive , and programmed to make random jumps until reaching the nearest habitable planet or major spacelane, where the ship's crew and passengers could be rescued.

Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht Statistics (CL 8) [ ]

Colossal Space Transport

Initiative : -4; Senses: Perception +5

Defenses [ ]

Reflex Defense : 14 ( Flat-Footed : 12), Fortitude Defense : 28; +12 Armor

Hit Points: 120; Damage Reduction : 15; Shield Rating : 25; Damage Threshold : 78

Offense [ ]

Speed: Fly 12 Squares ( Character Scale ), Fly 2 Squares ( Starship Scale ); (Maximum Velocity 800 km/h)

Ranged: Light Laser Cannon , Quad (2) +2 (See Below)

Fighting Space : 12x12 Squares ( Character Scale ), 1 Square ( Starship Scale ); Total Cover

Base Attack Bonus : +0; Grapple : +38

Abilities [ ]

Strength : 46, Dexterity : 14, Constitution : -, Intelligence : 14

Skills : Initiative -4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -4, Use Computer +5

Ship Statistics [ ]

Crew: 5 (Normal Crew Quality ); Passengers: 10

Cargo: 20 Tons; Consumables: 2 Months; Carried Craft: Escape Pod ( Hyperdrive : Class 10, Navicomputer )

Hyperdrive : Class 1 (Backup Class 15), Navicomputer

Availability: Licensed ; Cost: 1,000,000 (450,000 Used )

Weapon Systems [ ]

Light laser cannon , quad ( gunner ) [ ].

Attack Bonus: +2, Damage: 5d10x2

Baudo-class Star Yacht

Manufacturer Mendel Baudo

Model Baudo-class Star Yacht

Class Luxury Sporting Yacht

400,000 credits (new)

Hyperdrive rating Class 0.9/Backup 3.0

Base Space Speed 95 MGLT

Base Atmo Speed 140 MGLT

Armament 2 Laser Canon Turrets

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 8

Cargo capacity 35 Tons

Role(s) Transport Luxury Travel Racing Smuggling

Background and History

As a sporting yacht, the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a resemblance to some sea creatures. Baudo-class yachts were equipped with a powerful sublight drive for good speed in normal space. The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks—several precise hits could make pirates change their minds. The Baudo-class yacht was produced by the shipyards owned by Mendel Baudo, and each ship was custom-built to the specifications of its owner. This meant that each ship was unique in some way from all others, although the underlying drive systems remained common.

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00 : 30 : 30


The Starwind class Yacht was originally based on a light freighter design intended to challenge the popular YT series. In mid-design however, it was altered to appeal more to the upper scale of the market, moving away from the freighter design and becoming a luxury space yacht. The Starwind class has a stronger hull than most ships constructed for civilian recreational use, but it has been most commonly accepted that they appeal mostly to those with more credits than sense. At sublight speed, the yacht is fast but clumsy, and the weaponry is purely defensive. The only thing that the Starwind does have going for it is the amount of luxury put into the interior design. Along with the regular crew quarters, there are several staterooms, intended for the owner and his guests. There is also a dining room, a zero-G relaxation chamber, a sensory deprivation chamber and a fully equipped holotheatre. The escape pod also has several luxurious features that endear it to the higher spending beings in the galaxy who couldn't bear the thought of being marooned in space without their usual specialized needs, and so that there can be no misunderstanding, the crew boards the ship through a small hatch on the port side of the ship, whilst the owner and other passengers enter the ship over a large boarding ramp on the starboard side of the ship.

  • Quantum : 95
  • Meleenium : 975
  • Ardanium : 67
  • Rockivory : 63
  • Tibannagas : 21
  • Varmigio : 262
  • Lommite : 29
  • Durelium : 87
  • Kuat Drive Yards
  • Hyperspeed: 5
  • Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 500 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 3
  • Weight: 650 T
  • Volume: 2,600 m³
  • Length: 50 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
  • Weight Cap: 20 T
  • Volume Cap: 80 m³
  • Max Passengers: 15
  • Quad Lasers : 2
  • Deflectors: 170
  • Ionic Capacity: 160
  • Raw Value: 382,644 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 10
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 75
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , Shipyard I , Shipyard II , Shipyard III , Shipyard IV , X7 Factory Station
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Thanks to HasLab and Fans, Jabba’s Barge Sets Sail

{:title=>"Collecting", :url=>""}

Thanks to haslab and fans, jabba’s barge sets sail.

Kristin Baver

As the massive Hasbro creation prepares for delivery to nearly 9,000 backers, gets a glimpse at the finished toy masterpiece.

Reclining on his throne aboard the Khetanna , Jabba the Hutt gripped his microphone and growled the final death sentence for Luke Skywalker and his friends hovering just above the Sarlacc pit. But moments later, the execution turned into an escape, leaving the mighty Jabba dead at Leia’s hand and his opulent sail barge imploding in the sands of the Dune Sea.

A close-up of Hasbro's HASLAB Jabba's sail barge toy.

When Jabba’s sail barge, HasLab’s first crowd-sourced project, hits doorsteps early next month, the painstakingly detailed Hasbro toy vehicle will allow fans of all ages to recreate this scene in Return of the Jedi , right down to a series of hinged shutters perfect for Threepio to peek through.

It’s been just over a year since the project was first announced, a proposal to make the nearly 4-foot-long toy barge a reality for the first time ever with the help of dedicated backers supporting a 5,000-piece manufacturing run.

A close-up of Hasbro's HASLAB Jabba's sail barge toy.

Since then, less than 10,000 have rolled off the assembly line, a delicate balance of plastic tooling and handcrafting that captures the minute details glimpsed on film and builds upon the legend of Jabba’s opulent ship with new details and immaculately crafted, functional parts. For Chris Dern, Lucasfilm’s senior manager of product development, the project demonstrates the dedication of the toymaker’s design team, a longstanding partnership and collaboration with Lucasfilm, and the love of the fans, who had clamored for years to see Jabba’s sail barge join their motley crew of action figures.

Jabba's Sail Barge, the Khetanna, in toy form, by HasLab.

Look at the size of that thing!

Weighing in just shy of 14 pounds, and measuring at 49.35 inches long, 14.64 inches wide, and just over 17 inches from the base to the tips of the sails, the barge is an impressively massive piece of merchandise.

“The size of this thing is incredible,” Dern says. “From a manufacturing/tooling perspective, this is quite an undertaking. The tooling just to create something at this scale, with such an amazing level of detail, is a remarkable achievement."

Jabba and Yak Face action figures aboard a Khetanna toy vehicle by HasLab.

Designers captured ornate, cinematic details, like Jabba’s microphone, trophy heads, and other sculptures, then took it to a whole new level, imagining other necessities for a crime boss’s floating yacht. “The designers went into this really thinking of functionality and playability,” Dern says. “Our goal in our role here is, how accurate can we get? Whether it is scouring for an old set of blueprints, utilizing archived models, published materials, and/or entertainment footage, all of which helps guide us in our decision making and ultimately to the final result."

A Klaatu action figure stands inside the armory room of a Jabba's Sail Barge model vehicle.

Designers surmised that Jabba would need a kitchen to keep the serving trays of pesky astromech droids and the bellies of the barge guests full, so they created a galley kitchen, complete with fresh-caught meats. Transporting prisoners required a jail, including one forgotten Ithorian, now little more than a pile of bones in a cell, and an armory.

Every detail was accounted for and made for active play, Dern says. The prison cell, for example, includes a tiny set of chains that can be used to secure an action figure of your choosing. And there are plenty of other trap doors, hidden compartments, and removable pieces.

“What I’ve always liked about any vehicle that Hasbro or Kenner has developed,” Dern says, “is the detail that they capture and then the functionality of it. What opens? What little trap door does it have? What little space can we capture to have secret hidden compartments? It makes the experience much more fun, compelling and allows everyone to immerse themselves deeper into the fantasy.”

A close-up of Hasbro's HASLAB Jabba's sail barge toy.

Handmade with care

Each of the 250 individual parts were molded by factory machines, then pieced together by both machine and human hands, Dern notes. “All of these little, hinged shutters -- there’s quite a few on here -- somebody had to piece those together.”

To capture the weathered, used look that dominates the design aesthetic of nearly every ship in the Star Wars galaxy, the paint deco was painstakingly applied in layers, a mix of molding, airbrushing, and handpainting that makes each individual barge unique. “You can see the brush strokes,” Dern says, and every nick and ding. “ Star Wars is full of that, right? George [Lucas] and all those designers did such a great job of making things look lived in and old and beaten up. It made it more real. So we take great care in trying to best match that.”

A close-up of Hasbro's HASLAB Jabba's sail barge toy.

The team even flipped the vehicle over and decorated the underside, Dern notes. And textures incorporated into the plastic capture the roughness of the cockpit seating and the delicate appearance of frosted glass panes.

900 pounds of (I hate) sand

Along the way, HasLab has documented the creative process like never before, giving fans and backers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the massive toy. “There’s a lot of behind-the-curtain here, which is kind of a first,” Dern says. “That’s a big deal and quite unique in this industry to share design, development and even manufacturing processes. We hope the fans truly appreciate the efforts the team put forth.”

For instance, to capture the glamorous vintage-inspired box art showing the barge in full-color glory, 14 Hasbro employees spent 120 hours on the photoshoot, which included bringing in 900 pounds of sand to recreate the Dune Sea and the creation of one custom, posable Sarlacc.

Jabba the Hutt and Saelt-Marae action figures face each other aboard a HasLab Jabba's Barge toy set.

The ship is delivered with a 3.75-inch scale Jabba the Hutt, with detailed paint deco to match the grandeur of the Khetanna , and a special Vintage Collection Yakface figure. A carded version of the figure will be available for the mass-market release.

Dern, who had the privilege of being the first to receive a final production barge at his office in San Francisco (for final product review purposes) is excited for fans to finally get their hands on their own sail barges soon. But he’s hard pressed to identify his favorite aspect of the finished vehicle. “As a toy designer I appreciate this grand undertaking from a pure design, engineering and manufacturing toy perspective. The amount of deco and level of detail is absolutely incredible on this. It’s a bit of a showstopper. Wait until you see the size of the box this arrives in!”

Hasbro The Vintage Collection Jabba's Skiff

With the sail barges now shipping, HasLab , the crowdfunding platform that helps put dream products in the hands of eager fans with their support and pledges, is expected to announce its next collectible soon. But Hasbro has plenty of other exciting new Star Wars toys heading to store shelves this year, including everything recently announced at Toy Fair in New York.

Associate Editor Kristin Baver is a writer and all-around sci-fi nerd who always has just one more question in an inexhaustible list of curiosities. Sometimes she blurts out “It’s a trap!” even when it’s not. Do you know a fan who’s most impressive? Hop on Twitter and tell  @KristinBaver  all about them.

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Starwind Pleasure Yacht

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The Starwind-class yacht was originally planned as a competitor to the CEC's YT-series. However, partway through the deign process, it was made into a pleasure-craft instead. Although not externally beautiful, the internal compartments are spacious and make for a very comfortable ride with many amenities available to passengers.




Hull Trauma


System Strain


5 3 -2 25 20










2 1 1 1 3

Hyperdrive:  Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15.

Navicomputer:  Yes.

Sensor Range:  Medium.

Ship's Complement:  1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 1 Engineer, 2 Gunners.

Encumbrance:  85

Passenger Capacity:  10

Consumables:  4 Months.




210000 6 2


  • Dorsal & Ventral Turret-mounted Medium Laser Cannon

Fire Arc





All 6 3 Close -

Starwind Pleasure Yacht

The Starwind Pleasure Yacht is a ship made by Kuat Drive Yards .

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  • 2x quad light laser turret, 1x dorsal, 1x ventral.
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  • 2x docking ring with integrated docking tube .
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  • New Republic starships
  • Personal Luxury Yacht 3000s
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This article details a subject that falls under the Legends brand.


The Lady Luck —a SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 —was the personal starship of gambler and Rebel Alliance / New Republic hero Lando Calrissian . The ship was named after Ymile , the girlfriend of Dominic Raynor , who secretly helped Lando win Cloud City from Raynor, and whom Lando nicknamed his "Lady Luck" for her assistance.

  • 2 Modifications
  • 3 Appearances
  • 5 Notes and references

History [ ]

Lady luck-nar shaddaa

The Lady Luck on Nar Shaddaa

Lando owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck was the one that remained in his possession the longest. Calrissian obtained Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor .

Lando lost the Lady Luck on Kessel in 11 ABY , after being forced to leave it there. [3] He feared that it would be disassembled by the pirate forces, but when the Smugglers' Alliance came to Kessel to begin a spice mining operation, they found the Luck unharmed where Lando had left it. Mara Jade personally presented it to him when he returned to Kessel. [4]

In 12 ABY when Lando was captured by the Rodian gangster Reelo Baruk , the ship was impounded in a Nar Shaddaa hangar bay, guarded by many of Baruk's thugs. With the help of Kyle Katarn , Lando escaped from Reelo Baruk's hideout , and the two prepared to escape the planet, but not before Baruk made one last ditch effort to stop the two New Republic heroes. Utilizing an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon and a handful of thugs, Baruk attempted to damage the vessel beyond repair, though fortunately for the luxury starship, Kyle Katarn held off the attackers using one of Lady Luck ' s cannons. The Lady Luck escaped Baruk's compound on Nar Shaddaa and headed to Cloud City on Bespin . [5]

Lando-LadyLuck SWGTCG-AoD

Lando stopped by stormtroopers after exiting the Lady Luck

During the Black Fleet Crisis , Lando went with Colonel Pakkpekatt to investigate the Teljkon Vagabond . He and his crew attached Lady Luck to the Vagabond's hull after getting past its defenses. The group managed to uncover the secrets of the Vagabond. [6]

In 17 ABY , Lando flew it to the Skip 1 on the Smuggler's Run , in search of Han Solo . However, after he was captured by Nandreeson , the smugglers there presumed him to be dead and gutted the interior of the ship, taking whatever they could get. After Lando was rescued by Han, he returned to Skip 1 and salvaged what he could of the Lady Luck ' s former contents. Shortly after, he used it to transport injured smugglers to Wrea , when Kueller detonated a series of bombs that devastated the run. [7]

Lando continued to use the Luck during the Yuuzhan Vong War and flew it during the Battle of Ebaq . [8] During the climactic Battle of Yuuzhan'tar , the advanced sensor systems of the Lady Luck proved invaluable, allowing Lando and his wife Tendra Risant to relay important information to Galactic Alliance forces. [9]

Modifications [ ]

Lady Luck schematics

Lady Luck schematics

At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck .

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter-long starship appeared to be an unarmed pleasure yacht , but this placid exterior concealed five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provided moderate protection from enemy fire. Lady Luck ' s engines were housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds could not match those of the Millennium Falcon , the Lady Luck could still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy .

Lady luck bridge

Bridge of the Lady Luck

The Lady Luck ' s secondary systems truly set it apart. It had a highly sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When Lady Luck was scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder could be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changed these identities, although he used the alias Stardream on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship could pilot it in emergencies and direct it towards a beckon call that Lando always kept on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker , and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic . The starship also had concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck was well-suited to combat, it was still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level included an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins were decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches could be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contained a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden.

Appearances [ ]

The from a cut scene of

" " — 126 unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook unabridged audiobook audiobook audiobook

Sources [ ]

  • Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
  • Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
  • The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
  • Cracken's Threat Dossier
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 132 (LUX1-2, SoroSuub Luxury Yacht 3000 )


  • Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 6
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


Notes and references [ ]

  • ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
  • ↑ Jedi Search
  • ↑ Champions of the Force
  • ↑ Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
  • ↑ Tyrant's Test
  • ↑ The New Rebellion
  • ↑ The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
  • ↑ The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force
  • 1 Star Wars Outlaws
  • 3 Cortosis blade


  1. Starwind-class pleasure yacht

    The Starwind-class pleasure yacht was a luxury starship produced by Kuat Drive Yards. It was originally intended to compete with CEC's YT-series, which it bore a slight resemblance to, especially in the cockpit. Before the design was completed, it was repackaged as a yacht for wealthy customers and positioned to compete against Hyrotii's Crescent-class Transport. Overall, the 50-meter-long ...

  2. Category:Yacht classes

    Star Wars: Ahsoka; Star Wars. Skywalker saga. The Phantom Menace; Attack of the Clones; Revenge of the Sith; ... Pinnacle-class luxury ship; PLY-3500; Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop/Legends; R Rulaarian pleasure yacht; Ryuni-Tantine Vita-Liner; S S-161 "Stinger" XL; Solar sailer; SoroSuub 2400 yacht; Star Tours luxury yacht;

  3. Baudo-class star yacht

    The Baudo-class star yacht was a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also had the ability to be easily modified, so the ship was sometimes used by smugglers. As a sporting yacht, the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a ...

  4. Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht

    Kuat Drive Yards. The Starwind class Yacht was originally based on a light freighter design intended to challenge the popular YT series. In mid-design however, it was altered to appeal more to the upper scale of the market, moving away from the freighter design and becoming a luxury space yacht. The Starwind class has a stronger hull than most ...

  5. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    n/a. A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class Star Yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 8 people, and ...

  6. Baudo-Class Star Yacht

    Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Starships of the Galaxy The Baudo-Class Star Yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth, organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft. The ...

  7. Star Wars Ships and Vehicles: Kuat Drive Yards

    Sovereign-class Star Command Ship; Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht. A-9 Vigilance Interceptor: The A-9 Vigilance Interceptor was designed and built during the last days of the Empire, but wasn't officially introduced until shortly before the Battle of Calamari. ... Source: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: Galleon-class Star Frigate ...


    The Starwind-class pleasure yacht was originally Kuat Drive Yards' attempt to create a competitor for Corellian Engineering Corporation's YT series. However, before the project even launched, KDY changed their mind and repackaged the ship as a luxury yacht. The Starwind has been moderately successful on the market, although its redesign ...

  9. Starwind-Class Pleasure Yacht

    The Starwind -Class Pleasure Yacht is equipped with a single Escape Pod, which based on the main cargo bay of the Star Galleon -Class Frigate. Unlike other Escape Pods, it is equipped with its own Hyperdrive, and programmed to make random jumps until reaching the nearest habitable planet or major spacelane, where the ship's crew and passengers ...

  10. Star Wars Galaxies

    Ships: Sorosuub Yacht. The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from ...

  11. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks—several precise hits could make pirates change their minds. The Baudo-class yacht was produced by the shipyards owned by Mendel Baudo, and each ship was custom-built to the specifications of its owner. This meant that each ship was unique in some way ...

  12. Star Wars Yacht Club: The Best Luxury Ships in the Galaxy

    In this video, I tell you all about the best luxury yachts in Star Wars. Here is the Best Ships for Beginner Pilots video I reference in this video:https://w...

  13. Imperialis

    The Imperialis was a sleek, silvery pleasure yacht with two swept-back wings. [5] It was a custom job by Raith Sienar, who owned Republic Sienar Systems. [1] The Imperialis was fast, maneuverable and capable of outrunning Imperial Star Destroyers. The yacht was equipped with advanced defensive systems in its wings that were capable of blasting ...

  14. The Khetanna (Jabba's Sail Barge)

    Jabba the Hutt valued money and power, and enjoyed showing off just how much he had of both. The Khetanna, his luxury sail barge, was among the crimelord's most extravagant purchases: a massive transport that carried up to 500 passengers, maintained a crew of 26, and was outfitted with space for live music and entertainment. It was manufactured by Ubrikkian, measuring 30 meters long and ...

  15. ::Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht (Light Freighters)

    3/ Room Map. The Starwind class Yacht was originally based on a light freighter design intended to challenge the popular YT series. In mid-design however, it was altered to appeal more to the upper scale of the market, moving away from the freighter design and becoming a luxury space yacht. The Starwind class has a stronger hull than most ships ...

  16. HasLab, Jabba's Sail Barge, the Khetanna, by Hasbro

    February 27, 2019. Reclining on his throne aboard the Khetanna, Jabba the Hutt gripped his microphone and growled the final death sentence for Luke Skywalker and his friends hovering just above the Sarlacc pit. But moments later, the execution turned into an escape, leaving the mighty Jabba dead at Leia's hand and his opulent sail barge ...

  17. Starwind Pleasure Yacht

    The Starwind-class yacht was originally planned as a competitor to the CEC's YT-series. However, partway through the deign process, it was made into a pleasure-craft instead. Although not externally beautiful, the internal compartments are spacious and make for a very comfortable ride with many amenities available to passengers. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 15. Navicomputer: Yes ...

  18. Starwind Pleasure Yacht

    The Starwind Pleasure Yacht is a ship made by Kuat Drive Yards. The Starwind Pleasure Yacht is a ship made by Kuat Drive Yards. Star Wars: Empires of the Galaxy Wiki. Explore. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Wiki Content. Recently Changed Pages.

  19. Ship Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht

    CLASS Star yacht. ROLE Luxury transport. COMPOSITION Durasteel... Menu. Forums. New posts Search forums. What's new. New posts New profile posts ... Ship Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht. Thread starter AutoFox; Start date Aug 22, 2020; AutoFox Tech Mod/Tech Archiver. ... Messages 3,670 Reaction score 1,794. Aug 22, 2020. Staff #1 STARWIND-CLASS ...

  20. Yacht

    A Yacht,[1] or Star Yacht,[2] was a generalized term for any type of vessel whose primary purpose was that of recreation and leisure, as well for the personal vessels of certain individuals. The Luxury 3000 space yacht[1] and the Petite Opu-Yacht were examples of this type of vessel,[3] as was the Mellcrawler[4] and the Stinger Mantis.[5] Star Wars: Visions — "I Am Your Mother"

  21. Star Wars Outlaws Review

    Star Wars Outlaws reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PlayStation 5. Also available on PC and Xbox. "It's ironic that Kay's ship is called the Trailblazer, since there's actually not a whole lot of ideas in Star Wars Outlaws that haven't been done before in other action and open-world adventures. Instead, it's quite like the Millenium Falcon: a bucket of bolts held together with ...

  22. Star Wars Outlaws Review

    Star Wars Outlaws reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PlayStation 5. Also available on PC and Xbox. "It's ironic that Kay's ship is called the Trailblazer, since there's actually not a whole lot ...

  23. Lady Luck

    The Lady Luck—a SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000—was the personal starship of gambler and Rebel Alliance/New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. The ship was named after Ymile, the girlfriend of Dominic Raynor, who secretly helped Lando win Cloud City from Raynor, and whom Lando nicknamed his "Lady Luck" for her assistance. Lando owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the ...