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Yachtmaster License

In accordance with § 15 para. 11 Maritime Code (Federal Law Gazette  46/2012) viadonau is responsible for the issuing of international certificates for operators of pleasure crafts (motor yachts or / and sailing yachts) of up to 24 meters in length and with a gross tonnage (GT) of less than 300. These international certificates are based on the resolution No. 40 of the UNECE (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft, in short: ICC).

Guidelines to  UNECE resolution No. 40  

Types of certificates of qualification

  • cruising range 1 – coastal navigation up to 3 nautical miles (craft: max 10 meters in lenght)
  • cruising range 2 – coastal navigation  up to 20 nautical miles
  • cruising range 3 – coastal navigation  up to 200 nautical miles
  • cruising range 4 – valid for worldwide navigation


  • Example of a combined ICC valid for motor yachts cruising range 2 and sailing yachts cruising range 2

Reverse side

  • The reverse side looks the same for all cruising ranges and combinations

Examination organisations  

Private certificates by the following organisations are accepted to serve as basis for the issuing of an ICC) in accordance with § 15 Section 1 of the Maritime Code (Federal Law Gazette 46/2012.):

  • Motorbootsport und Seefahrts Verband für Österreich (MSVÖ) www.msvoe.at
  • Österreichischer Segel-Verband (OeSV) www.segelverband.at
  • Seefahrtsverband Süd (SFV Süd) www.sfv-sued.at
  • Wassersport Schulvereinigung Österreichs (WSVO) www.wsvo.eu
  • Yachtsportverband Österreichs (YSVÖ) www.yachtsportverband.at
  • Sail Austria - Verein zur Förderung des Segelsports www.sailaustria.jimdo.com
  • Prüfungsverband Seeschifffahrt Österreich (PVSSÖ) www.pruefungsverband.at
  • Österreichischer Hochseeyachtsport-Verband  www.hochseeverband.at  
  • Segelverein Galeb  www.galeb-yachtcharter.at  
  • N.Ö. Prüfungsverband für Seeschifffahrt  https://www.noepvs.at  

All private certificates of competency of these examination organisations must be endorsed with the following notation:  

"The approved examination regulations (GZ. BMVIT 555.9xx / 00xx-IV / W1 / 20xx) have been complied with." or “Die JachtPrO wurde eingehalten.”  (when issued between 26/06/2015 and 07/05/2020 / 31/12/2020) or "Die JachtVO wurde eingehalten." (when issued after 08/05/2020 / 01/01/2021).

Details of the issuing of ICC and necessary documents can be found here .

Florentine Dowalil

Contact Florentine Dowalil

E-Mail Tel: +43 5 04321-1408

Last change: 23. 07. 2024

  • Flood Management
  • Issuing of Certificates
  • First aid certificate
  • Duplicates/Changes

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Die RYA/MCA™ Yachtmaster Lizenzen

Yachtmaster Lizenzen mco sailing skipper


der Einstieg ins RYA-System

Erfahrung vor dem Kurs: 5 Tage, 100 Meilen, 4 Nachtstunden an Bord einer Segelyacht

Kursinhalt: Vorbereitung auf See, Decksarbeiten, Navigation, Lotsen, Meteorologie, Verkehrsregeln, Wartungs- und Reparaturarbeiten, Motoren, Notsituationen, Yachthandling beim Fahren mit Motor, Yachthandling unterm Segeln, Durchfahrt, Nachtkreuzfahrt

RYA/ MCA Yachtmaster™ Coastal

der englische Küstenschein – die RYA-YM Grundstufe

Der Yachtmaster™ Coastal verfügt über das erforderliche Wissen, um eine Yacht auf Kreuzfahrten zu steuern, verfügt jedoch nicht zwingend über die erforderliche Erfahrung, um längere Passagen zu absolvieren.

Mindest-Seezeit: 30 Tage, 2 Tage als Skipper, 800 Meilen, 12 Nachtstunden Wenn du bereits ein Küsten-Skipper-Zertifikat besitzt, reduzieren sich die Voraussetzungen auf 20 Tage, 2 Tage als Skipper, 400 Meilen und 12 Nachtstunden. Die Hälfte der Zeit auf See muss im Gezeitengewässer absolviert worden sein.

  Erforderliche Zertifizierung: Ein GMDSS SRC oder höheres Seefunkzertifikat und ein gültiges Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat

RYA/ MCA Yachtmaster™ Offshore

dein Eintritt in die Welt des professionellen Segelns

Diese Lizenz ist dein Eintritt in das professionelle Segeln und gilt als echter Qualitätsnachweis deines Könnens. Die Yachtmaster™ Offshore Lizenz befugt dazu, eine Kreuzfahrtyacht auf jeder Passage zu fahren, auf der die Yacht nicht mehr als 150 Meilen von der Küste entfernt ist.

Mindest-Seezeit: 50 Tage, 2500 Meilen und davon mindestens 5 Passagen mit über 60 Seemeilen, davon mindestens 2 als Skipper und 2 mit Übernachtung. 5 Tage Erfahrung als Skipper

Mindestens die Hälfte der Meilen und Passagen muss in Gezeitengewässern zurückgelegt worden sein. Die gesamte qualifizierte Zeit muss innerhalb von 10 Jahren vor der Prüfung liegen.

Erforderliche Zertifizierung: Ein GMDSS SRC oder höheres Seefunkzertifikat und ein gültiges Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat

RYA/ MCA Yachtmaster™ Ocean

der krönende Abschluss und Höhepunkt einer Skipperausbildung im RYA-System

Ein Skipper mit einer Yachtmaster Ocean-Qualifikation hat die Erfahrung und Kompetenz, eine Yacht auf Passagen beliebiger Länge in allen Teilen der Welt zu fahren.

Mindest-Seezeit: Ozeanpassage als Skipper oder Wachkamerad. Während der Überfahrt muss eine Mindeststrecke von 600 Meilen ohne Unterbrechung zurückgelegt worden sein, die Yacht muss mindestens 96 Stunden ununterbrochen auf See gewesen sein und die Yacht muss während des Segelns mehr als 50 Meilen lang mindestens 200 Meilen entfernt von Land oder kartierten Objekten gewesen sein.

Erforderliche Zertifikate: RYA/MCA™ Yachtmaster Offshore-Kompetenzzertifikat, sowie ein GMDSS SRC oder höheres Seefunkzertifikat und ein gültiges Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat

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Yachting Monthly

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The history of the RYA Yachtmaster scheme as it turns 50

James Stevens

  • James Stevens
  • December 27, 2023

Chairman of the Yachtmaster Qualification Panel, James Stevens looks back at half a century of the Yachtmaster qualification

yachtmaster lizenz

The RYA started examining Yachtmaster candidates in 1973 but in fact the very first Yachtmaster certificates were awarded much earlier. In 1938 at the request of the Admiralty, the Board of Trade began to hold examinations for Yachtmasters primarily for Royal Navy reservists but also for amateur yacht skippers. It was prescient of the Admiralty to consider a military need for a fleet of competent yachtsmen as that is exactly what was required two years later at Dunkirk.

In the early 1970s the RYA took over the administration of the exam after a protracted negotiation led by Commander Bill Anderson, who had recently left the Royal Navy and had been appointed RYA Cruising Secretary. It was an innovative idea for a sports governing body to run a Department for Transport test but under Bill’s leadership it became a gold standard for amateur and professional yacht skippers. The first RYA yachtmaster certificate was issued in 1973 on behalf of the RYA and the Board of Trade.

To support the training for the exam the RYA introduced a series of courses taught at recognised practical and shorebased schools, the latter mainly local authority evening classes. Prior to this, several organisations, notably the armed forces, had run their own courses and assessments but Bill convinced them they would all benefit from a national programme. For 50 years the RYA cruising scheme has provided knowledge to thousands of sailors.

yachtmaster lizenz

In 1973 the Ssail cruising scheme and Yachtmaster qualification was introduced

History of RYA training

The Board of Trade Yachtmaster exam was an oral test only. During the 1970s RYA candidates for Yachtmaster Offshore could take a practical course followed by an oral test or be examined directly with a practical assessment.

A mileage requirement was introduced. Assessments for the lower level of Coastal Skipper (now Yachtmaster Coastal) remained as an oral test following a course until the mid 1980s. Subsequently all offshore and coastal skipper candidates had to pass a practical exam as they do now and the mileage and experience requirements were increased.

The Yachtmaster Ocean exam has remained as an oral test following an ocean passage. RYA instructors and examiners are qualified following a training and assessment course. The RYA also publishes books on every aspect of the syllabus and many other nautical subjects, and has become Europe’s largest nautical publisher.

In 1984 the British barque Marques sank off Bermuda during a Tall Ships Race with the loss of 19 lives. In response, the Board of Trade’s successor, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) introduced a code of practice for equipment and stability for sail training vessels and sailing school yachts. Later this was extended to all small commercial vessels.

yachtmaster lizenz

In 1976 the powerboat training scheme was introduced

Mandatory qualification

Commercial Yachtmaster qualifications, which were suggested by the RYA, were incorporated into the Code. Before this time there was no legal requirement for skippers to be qualified for carrying up to 12 paying passengers on yachts under 24m. In the yachting sector the Code made little difference to the accident rate, as most professionals already held a Yachtmaster certificate, but it did have an impact on sea angling and other commercial activities.

Professional skippers take the same practical Yachtmaster test as amateurs but in addition attend a sea survival course, have a medical fitness examination and must pass an online test on the rules and regulations.

In spite of the RYA’s position as the provider of compulsory certificates for commercial skippers, it has successfully campaigned against the introduction of mandatory licensing for recreational boat users.

yachtmaster lizenz

In 202 Princess Anne presented the first ‘Yachtmaster of the Year’ award

Before 2002 exams were almost always held in the UK but in response to demand, the RYA expanded the scheme worldwide, recognising training centres and examining Yachtmasters in the Mediterranean, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Caribbean and USA. Currently there are 336 centres offering courses in 37 countries.

The word Yachtmaster, for training and exams, was trademarked by the RYA throughout the world and the certificates, which looked similar to those of the Merchant Navy were redesigned to include anti-fraud features.

RYA Yachtmaster rapidly became the world leader for yachting qualifications. Currently just over half the 3,500 candidates examined annually are non-British citizens. The MCA introduced manning regulations for yachts over 200 tons, the Large Yacht Code and RYA Yachtmaster was chosen as a pre-entry qualification. About 20% of Yachtmaster candidates progress to these MCA certificates.

yachtmaster lizenz

In 2003 the Yachtmaster name trademarked internationally

Revisions underway

From the RYA’s point of view, the challenge of administering the Yachtmaster exam is to ensure the standard is the same all over the world. Examiners and instructors are updated regularly and reassessed at sea every five years. An independent quality assurance company, The Leadership Factor, calls 50 candidates a month and asks them about their experience of the exam. Examiners and the RYA receive these reports, which record exactly what the candidate said about their exam and examiner. A summary of the results is published on the RYA website and shows a high level of satisfaction, even from the fails.

yachtmaster lizenz

A young James Stevens runs a Yachtmaster Instructor course

A joint RYA MCA committee, the Yachtmaster Qualification Panel, oversees standards and the syllabus and can, after a hearing, withdraw qualifications for a period of time, usually between six months and 10 years after which the exam may be retaken. There are usually no more than two hearings a year and they often follow a serious accident such as loss of a vessel or a fatality.

In 2023 a Yachtmaster offshore candidate would recognise many of the subjects in the 1970s syllabus. Navigation, tides, pilotage, weather, boat handling and passage making are all still there, but today’s candidate is, of course, expected to be proficient with GPS and modern techniques.

The syllabus is regularly updated and there is a major revision underway. Yachts and navigation have changed dramatically, so it is important the RYA is not teaching the history of yachting.

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  • Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster

What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster. Instead, provided you have sufficient experience, certification and seatime, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge. There are a number of RYA navigation courses that will help you prepare for your exam. Many RYA Yachtmaster candidates also choose to book themselves into an RYA training centre for some specialised exam preparation training, but this is not compulsory.

You are capable of coastal passages

You are competent to undertake passages up to 150 miles offshore

You have the knowledge and experience to sail worldwide

  • Arranging your exam

The Coastal and Offshore exams are practical tests afloat, and the Ocean is an oral exam. Find out more about qualifying passages, exam fees and how to book. 

With an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal, Offshore or Ocean Certificate of Competence you can start a career at sea.

You'll need to have the appropriate qualification for the vessel and area of operation.

If you want to work commercially, you'll need a commercial endorsement.

Find out more about other RYA professional qualifications.

  • Getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course

Can you really become an RYA Yachtmaster in as little as 14 weeks? Check out our top tips for getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course...

  • Certificates of Competence

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop.

The exam consists of an oral and written test.

The candidate must provide the examiner with the following information 48 hours prior to the exam:

  • A narrative account of the planning and execution of the qualifying passage providing all relevant details.
  • Navigational records, completed on board a yacht on passage, out of sight of land showing that the candidate has navigated the yacht without the use of electronic navigational aids. The records must include as a minimum, planning, reduction and plotting of a sun run meridian altitude sight and a compass check carried out using the bearing of the sun, moon, a star or planet.

During the oral test the candidate will be required to answer questions on all aspects of ocean passage making in a yacht, including passage planning, navigation, worldwide meteorology, crew management and yacht preparation, maintenance and repairs.

The written exam will include questions on sights and sight reduction and worldwide meteorology.

Candidates who hold the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Course Completion Certificate (final exam must have been invigilated at an RYA RTC), or a MCA issued full STCW Certificate of Competence as a Deck Officer (Unlimited) will be exempt from the written examination.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • have read the syllabus in RYA Logbook (G158)
  • have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed - see 'Related articles'.

Please note: Only those who hold the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence are eligible to receive the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence on passing the oral exam. Those holding OOW (Yacht 3000gt) will receive a pass confirmation certificate.

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean exam pre-requisites

Have completed a qualifying passage on board a sailing or motor yacht up to 500gt which meets the following criteria:

The minimum qualifying passage must have been accrued within 10 years of the examination date.

Candidates must hold OOW (Yacht 3000gt) to claim qualifying passages on vessels greater than 24m LOA. Contact  if your passage is on a vessel greater than 500gt.

Oral and written assessment of sights take at sea.

Hold either:

Approximately 1.5 hours

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200 Course 300

MPT is the most complete full service private maritime school in the country and has been training mariners since 1983. Our Fort Lauderdale based campuses host over 45,000 square feet of classrooms, deck and engineering training labs, the Ship's Store, and student service facilities.

Preparing for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master...

Course description.

  Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency

The Yachtmaster Qualification is the pinnacle of the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Training and Certification System. It is widely recognized throughout the world as a prestigious accomplishment.

 Holding this credential can:

- Improve your resume for any deck department position on yachts - Serve as prerequisite training for an MCA OOW 3000 GT CoC - Professional Development in your yachting career  - Serve as your Certificate of Competence (CoC) for operators of yachts up to 200 tons

The Yachtmaster Course should be undertaken by crew aspiring to advance to the MCA OOW level up to 3000 tons and by those who are advancing to the command level for Master of Yachts up to 200 tons.

  2 Routes Available – Same Course:

Yachtmaster Coastal Yachtmaster Offshore

Yachting professional candidates are encouraged to start their training and professional development as early in their career as possible. Many will take their STCW Basic Safety Training Program (#140) and then when they qualify, it is recommended to obtain the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC. Candidates wishing to upgrade to the offshore route later can simply examine, without additional required training.

Whether you qualify for the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore, the training is the same. The only difference is your experience and practical skill level. You will be examined towards whichever level you qualify for.

The MPT Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Course (#300) is taught on a Motor Yacht and the practical training and examination are towards a Motor Certificate of Competence. (If you are applying for a Sail Endorsement, this course will not satisfy your practical training and exam requirements). All sea time must be on a power boat and not on a sail boat under power. The Theory, SRC, PPR, and Basic Training courses are the same for both schemes.

The MPT Yachtmaster advanced level certification is available in a 2 week + exam program combining shore-based theory and practical hands-on techniques for a Motor Vessel and the RYA Practical Examination. The first week of class is in the classroom (theory) and the second week is Practical, out on the boat. In addition, there will be class on Saturday of the first week so please plan accordingly.


One week (40 hours) of comprehensive shore-based theory module with written assessment papers including navigation, tidal calculations, international and inland rules of the road, coastal pilotage, meteorology, anchoring and mooring, docking and undocking, buoyage systems, safety, voyage and passage planning, general ship knowledge and seamanship.  A theory examination will be conducted after the completion of the 40-hour theory portion of the program.

One week of Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal practical training is conducted on board one of MPT’s Yachts. These yachts are up to 48’ and are twin screw motor yachts. This part of the instruction covers seamanship skills such as nautical terms, tides, marlinespike seamanship, anchor work, boat handling, docking, general yachting skills, basic weather, navigation and passage planning. This course will be a preparation course for your final Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Examination. The practical portion of the course will be conducted during daytime, evening and occasionally may include weekend hours.

The Yachtmaster Course #300 is an Advanced Review Course and it is assumed that candidates will have the prerequisite knowledge of the Basics of Navigation and recommended to the level of RYA Day Skipper, and the very least, the level of the Essential Navigation On-line course. To increase your likelihood of success, we recommend taking the online pre-course - ESSENTIAL NAVIGATION. Additionally, flash cards are available in the MPT Ship's Store for rules study in lights and shapes. Also, many Apps are available to assist in these subjects for pre-study. It is also strongly advised that you pick up your study material well in advance of the start of your course. Pre-study is essential for a successful outcome of this course. 

The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. 

The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses. Yachtmaster Offshore fulfills the prerequisite for MCA OOW 500 and 3000 GT and the MCA STCW A-II/2 Command Certificate for Master 200GT.

Sea Service Prerequisites (minimums): Note you must be able to provide proof of your sea service before undertaking the exam. This should be provided at least 2 weeks before the course when possible to allow our team to review it and ensure your eligibility for the course. Speak to your MPT Career Counselor or your instructor for assistance.

 Sea Service can be proven by submitting one or more of the following: 

  • Log book (RYA or other acceptable)
  • Sea Service Testimonial Letters from captains, owners or operators of vessels outlining vessel specifics, time underway, your capacity served onboard and the location of the service (tidal or non-tidal waters, etc).
  • Sea Service Forms (calendar style - provided you can supply all of the additional information such as number of miles, etc.) Method 2 is preferred.

Yachtmaster Coastal: Motor - Option 1

Without RYA Coastal Skipper Practical certificate:

  • 2 days as skipper on vessels of less than 24 meters

Note: No more than half of the required miles can be on vessels over 24 meters

Yachmaster Coastal: Motor – Option 2 A & B

  With RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate:

Can be used to enter OOW 3000GT program and modules

A. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels less than 24 meters

  • 20 days on board
  • 2 days as skipper on vessel less than 24 meters

B. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels greater than 24 meters

  • 30 days on board

Yachtmaster Offshore: Motor  

  • 50 days sea time overall on motor vessels
  • 5 days in the command position on the vessel (as Master)
  • 2500 nautical miles logged with half transiting through tidal waters and half on a vessel of less than 24 meters that is not a tender.
  • 5 passages over 60 nautical miles, including 2 overnight and 2 in command (as Master) of vessel.        

Yachtmaster Ocean:

  • Obtain Yeachmaster Offshore
  • Complete the RYA astro/ocean shorebased theory #306
  • Ocean passage of 600 nautical miles or more as captain or mate
  • Complete oral exam with RYA examiner successfully

For Commercial Endorsement:

In addition to the SRC and First Aid (must have been taken within 5 years) you will need to obtain an MCA Certificate of Medical Fitness (ENG-1) as well as the Personal Survival Training (4 Modules of STCW 210) and the online Professional Practices & Responsibilities (PPR) Certificate. If you are planning to work commercially, you should simply add the STCW Basic Training Program, which will include the approved Personal Survival and First Aid automatically and will also allow your Yachtmaster CoC to have the STCW endorsement as well. Most boats internationally require this of all crew working commercially. We also recommend the Security Awareness or Designated Security (VPDSD) Course if you are working commercially as well. These are all separate fees from the Yachtmaster Course however MPT offers Package discounts, speak to an MPT RYA Specialist for more information and assistance. There is also a fee candidates will pay to the RYA for the commercial endorsement.

Written & Practical Exam Information:

The written exams are administered at MPT at the end of the shore-based theory segment of your program. They include all of the topics covered in the course. All of the shore-based courses and experience criteria must be fulfilled before the RYA Examiner will conduct the practical assessment. The final exam will be conducted by an independent and unbiased RYA Yachtmaster examiner and takes the form of an extensive oral and practical examination on a motor yacht. Candidates who have taken MPT's Yachtmaster course may use one of the MPT vessels for the exam at no additional fee. The practical exam will take an additional one-two day and is scheduled when the examiner is available and generally immediately after the course, weather permitting.  Once your eligibility has been reviewed (sea time and prerequisites met), the schedule for the practical examination is predicated on several things:

1)The weather as this is a practical underway examination 2)The availability of the RYA Examiner (this is not an MPT employee)

Examinations may need to be scheduled for additional days which may not be consecutive to the dates of the course.

Exam Subjects:

We will review with you the knowledge-based subjects during your shore-based theory week and also fine tune your boat handling skills during your practical course, but you should be familiar with the following areas when you join the class and proficient by the exam date. (Note if you are not already well versed in these subjects when you arrive, you are strongly encouraged to take the Essential Navigation (online course) as there is not sufficient time to cover the basics in the 2-week program. Ask about #333) 

  • Knowledge of the International and Inland Rules of the Road.
  • Safety. The candidate will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board a yacht.
  • Boat Handling, Maneuvering, Docking: Yachtmaster Coastal students will be expected to answer questions & demonstrate ability in simple situations only. Yachtmaster Offshore candidates are expected to demonstrate ability in more complex situations and will also be expected to show a higher level of expertise.
  • General seamanship, including maintenance.
  • Responsibilities of the skipper
  • Navigation, Basic Weather 
  • Radio Communication & Signaling
  • Command presence, management and direction of crew.
  • Essential Navigation (online course)

Practical Exam Fees:

The RYA Examination Fee for the initial examination will be paid by MPT as part of your course tuition. Additional RYA fees are paid by candidate if a subsequent examination is needed.

 If at the end of your course you wish to postpone the practical exam date, you are permitted to return for exam and RYA exam fee paid by MPT, within one calendar year, space permitting.

Additional Recommended or Required Courses:

  • Essentials of Navigation (Online Pre-Course) #333
  • First Aid & CPR #143 or Take STCW Basic Safety Training #141, 142, 143, 144
  • SRC VHF Radio License #303 Required (offered Online) or GMDSS GOC #404
  • RYA PPR (Professional Practices & Responsibility) #335 ONLINE COURSE
  • MCA Approved Engine Course #440
  • USCG Radar Course #148 & ARPA Course #150 or MCA Nav/Radar/ARPA Course #402

If you have three years of yacht service, speak to a career counselor about continuing straight through your OOW or Chief Mate 3000 GT program.

Required Materials

RECOMMEND PRE-STUDY: Essential Navigation online, course #333, COLREGS Study Apps or flashcard, and course notes. AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE or bring with you the following: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white- like magic rub or Staedtler), Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles – your choice), Dividers (we recommend two- one as divider and one as compass), Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x), Hand Bearing Compass - optional though recommended (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004). Pick up at MPT when you register or when you check-in: Yachtmaster Shore based Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT).

11 day class in Fort Lauderdale

RECOMMENDED PRE-STUDY: Available at MPT Ships Store Complete Course Training DVD Flashcards AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE OR BRING WITH YOU: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white - like magic rub or staedtler) Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles - your choice) Dividers (we recommend two - one as divider and one as compass) Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x) Hand Bearing Compass (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004) PICK UP AT SCHOOL WHEN YOU REGISTER OR WHEN YOU CHECK-IN: Yachtmaster Shorebased Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT)

Course Photos

yachtmaster lizenz


Not suggestions. Thanks for letting me be your student! Alejandro, Friday August 2015 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200
A bit more time would be nice! But Steve was an awesome instructor.Very easy to follow and very thorough. Arthur, Wednesday November 2013 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

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Oyster Perpetual


Staying on course, mapping invisible routes.

For those at sea, staying on course is a constant challenge. When dealing with the elements, nothing is certain and constant reaction is required to stay in the right direction. Since its launch in 1992, the Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master has been equipped with a bidirectional rotatable bezel that facilitates the calculation and reading of navigational time. Elegantly combining functionality and nautical style, this watch has made its mark well beyond its professional realm.

A shared quest for precision

Knowing where you are in space and time, setting a course and sticking to it are vital in navigation. Given its function, the watch is an essential tool for sailors to assess their position. Regarded as the most precise horological instruments in the world, marine chronometers have been certified by astronomical observatories since the 18th century. At the time, the ultimate authority for measuring chronometric precision was the Kew Observatory in Great Britain.

In 1914, the founder of Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf, had one of the brand’s watches tested by this very observatory, which certified it as a chronometer: a first in the watchmaking world for a wristwatch. Since then, renowned sailors, such as Sir Francis Chichester and Bernard Moitessier, have navigated the seas with Rolex wristwatches serving as onboard chronometers.

Matching the precision of marine chronometers was fundamental to Rolex’s watchmaking.

Designed for navigators

Sailing occupies a special place in the world of Rolex. In 1958, the brand partnered the New York Yacht Club, creator of the legendary America’s Cup. Rolex then formed partnerships with several prestigious yacht clubs around the world and became associated with major nautical events – offshore races and coastal regattas.

These strong ties culminated in 1992 with the launch of the Yacht-Master. Boasting the robustness and waterproofness of our Oyster case, this chronometer is fitted with a bidirectional bezel with raised 60-minute graduations to enable navigational time to be calculated and read.

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Precious on land and at sea

Available in three diameters – 37, 40 and 42 mm – and in various precious versions – 18 ct yellow, white and Everose gold – as well as in Everose Rolesor and Rolesium versions, the Yacht-Master is unique in the world of Rolex professional watches. An elegant watch with a sporty character, it was the first to be paired with an Oysterflex bracelet in 2015.

In 2023, after testing under real-life conditions by acclaimed helmsman Sir Ben Ainslie, Rolex launched a new version of the Yacht-Master 42. It is made of RLX titanium, a high-performance material, at once light, robust and corrosion resistant.

A veritable ally at sea, the Yacht-Master also elegantly adorns the wrists of navigators once back on solid ground. With many different versions, it is a model that transcends its seafaring origins. It has become a watch for those who know how to change course without losing sight of the horizon, moving freely.

Yacht-Master 42

Oyster, 42 mm, yellow gold.

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Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Ultimate Buying Guide

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 buying guide

First released at Baselworld 2019, the Yacht-Master 42 is the newest and largest addition to the Rolex Yacht-Master lineup. Historically, the Yacht Master collection has been the only Rolex sports model available in multiple sizes; however, until the release of the Yacht-Master 42 ref. 226659, 40mm was the largest case size available. Despite the fact that the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 introduced a new and larger 42mm case to the collection, at the time of writing, the model is only offered in a single configuration: a 42mm white gold case fitted with a black dial, black ceramic bezel, and matching black Oysterflex bracelet.

At first glance, the Rolex Yacht Master 42 reference 226659 appears very similar to the 40mm Everose gold model that is also fitted with an Oysterflex bracelet. Both watches feature black dials, matte black ceramic bezels with raised polished numerals, black Oysterflex bracelets, and Rolex’s in-house Caliber 3235 movement. However, while the core design of the Yacht-Master 42 is shared with the other Oysterflex Yacht-Master watches, the larger case paired with its toned-down monochromatic color profile makes it immediately distinct, and these small changes come together to make the Yacht-Master 42 ref. 226659 the perfect poster child for the modern Rolex brand.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Reference 226659

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 White Gold Oysterflex Bracelet 226659

Yacht-Master 226659 Key Features:

– Reference Number: 226659

– Production Years: 2019 – Present

– Case Size: 42mm

– Materials: 18k White Gold

– Functions: Time w/ Running Seconds; Date Display

– Dial: Black w/ Luminous Hour Markers

– Luminescence: Chromalight

– Bezel: Bidirectional, Black Ceramic Insert w/ 60-Minute Scale

– Crystal: Sapphire (Flat w/ Cyclops Lens)

– Movement: Rolex Caliber 3235

– Water Resistance: 100 Meters / 330 Feet

– Strap/Bracelet: Oysterflex Bracelet

– Clasp: Oysterlock Safety Clasp w/ Glidelock Extension System

– Approx. Price: $28,900 (Retail); $33,500 (Pre-Owned)

Click here for our Ultimate Buying Guide on the Rolex Yacht-Master.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Oysterflex White Gold 226659

The History of the Rolex Yacht Master 42

Compared to many of Rolex’s other lines of watches, the Yacht-Master is a fairly young collection, having only just joined the brand’s catalog in 1992. While Rolex originally built much of its reputation by producing tough-as-nails tool watches, the brand had already started to make its transition towards becoming an all-out luxury manufacturer by the 1980s, and the Yacht-Master was created as an unapologetically luxurious take on the brand’s classic sports watch.

The Rolex Yacht-Master largely follows the same overall design as the Submariner, but leans more towards the opulent and luxurious side of things, rather than being a purpose-built underwater timing tool. Both the Submariner and the Yacht-Master feature rotating timing bezels, but while the Submariner’s bezel rotates unidirectionally and features a luminous dot at the zero-marker, the Yacht-Master’s moves bi-directionally and omits the luminous dot in favor of an insert crafted from either solid gold, platinum, or black ceramic. Similarly, all Rolex Yacht-Master watches feature precious metals somewhere in their construction. Even the most humble models that are largely crafted from stainless steel feature solid platinum bezels, and while the bezel insert on the reference 226659 is built from black ceramic, the watch itself is crafted from solid 18k white gold.

Initially, the Rolex Yacht-Master was exclusively offered in solid yellow gold and with a 40mm case. However, over the years, the collection expanded to include other case sizes and materials including both two-tone and Rolesium (a combination of stainless steel and platinum) references. Both a 29mm Lady Yacht-Master and 35mm Midsize Yacht-Master were previously offered alongside the standard 40mm model, but these two smaller versions were ultimately discontinued in favor of the Midsize Yacht-Master 37.

With that in mind, Baselworld 2019 marked the arrival of both an all-new Yacht-Master size and a new material option for the collection. With the launch of the reference 226659, not only was the Rolex Yacht-Master now available with a 42mm case diameter for the first time in its history but it was also offered with a solid 18k white gold case – something that was previously not an option within the standard Yacht-Master collection. While the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 marked a major step forward for the collection, the new 42mm case size is exclusively available for the ref. 226659, and the watch is only available in one single configuration. Given that the Yacht-Master 42 has only been on the market for a couple of years, many collectors speculate that the solid 18k white gold ref. 226659 is just the first of many 42mm Rolex Yacht-Master watches.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 226659 White Gold 42mm Oysterflex

Rolex Yacht Master 42 Defining Elements

For the most part, the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 reference 226659 is a larger, white gold version of the Everose Yacht-Master 40 that is also on an Oysterflex bracelet. However, the ref. 226659 does possess a number of unique traits that make it immediately identifiable and separate it from all other Rolex watches.

42mm White Gold Case

Probably the single most defining feature of the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 reference 226659 is its 42mm case crafted from solid 18k white gold. Not only is this unique because the ref. 226659 is the only 42mm Yacht-Master model, but it also holds the distinction of being the only one that has ever been constructed from white gold. Over the course of the Yacht-Master’s history, it has been created in full 18k yellow gold, Yellow Rolesor (stainless steel and yellow gold), Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum), full 18k Everose gold, and Everose Rolesor (stainless steel and Everose gold). Additionally, there is even a version of the 44mm Yacht-Master II regatta timer that is built from white gold with a platinum bezel, but the reference 226659 is the only iteration of the classic Yacht-Master to be offered in full 18k white gold.

Black Cerachrom Bezel

Just like the 37mm and 40mm Everose gold Rolex Yacht-Master models that are also fitted with Oysterflex bracelets, the Yacht-Master 42 ref. 226659 receives a bidirectional timing bezel with an insert that is crafted from Rolex’s proprietary Cerachrom ceramic material. The black ceramic insert is given a matte-sandblasted texture, with raised graduations that feature a high-polish finish for improved contrast. Despite having both a different case size and being made from different materials, the matte black ceramic insert on the Yacht-Master 42 instantly unites it with the rest of the Oysterflex bracelets Yacht-Master watches in Rolex’s portfolio.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Oysterflex 42mm White Gold 226659

Oysterflex Bracelet

The Rolex Oysterflex bracelet is quite possibly the most over-engineered rubber strap in the world – however, to call it a “rubber strap” is a bit misleading. Rolex specifically refers to it as a bracelet within its catalog because the elastomer strap features a flexible metal core for optimum durability and longevity. Additionally, the underside of the strap features a comfort pad that elevates the strap slightly off the wrist, better distributing the weight of the watch and promoting airflow and breathability.

One of the more interesting details about how Rolex has chosen to structure its catalog is that the Oysterflex bracelet (seemingly the most sporty and least formal option) is exclusively equipped to the brand’s solid gold models. Whether fitted to a Daytona, Sky-Dweller, or Yacht-Master watch, all of the Oysterflex-equipped models are crafted from solid 18k gold (either yellow, white, or Everose). At the time of writing, the Oysterflex bracelet is only found on the full 18k Everose gold Yachtmaster 40 and Yacht-Master 37 watches, along with the 18k white gold Yacht-Master 42.

Rolex Caliber 3235 Movement

Despite being 2mm larger than the current Yacht-Master 40, the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 is powered by the exact same Caliber 3235 movement. Designed and manufactured entirely in-house by Rolex, the Cal. 3235 represents the brand’s latest generation of date-displaying mechanical movements and can be found in a number of other date-displaying Rolex watches, including all-time classics like the Datejust and the Submariner.

The Caliber 3235 movement is based around Rolex’s new Chronergy escapement, which features a skeletonized structure for improved efficiency. When combined with Rolex’s proprietary blue Parachrom hairspring and a redesigned gear train and mainspring barrel, the Caliber 3235 offers users an increased power reserve of 70 hours, which represents a significant step up from the 48-hour reserve offered by its predecessor. Additionally, despite its improved efficiency, the Rolex Cal. 3235 movement adheres to the same incredibly stringent ‘Superlative Chronometer’ precision standards, which permit a maximum timekeeping deviation of -2/+2 seconds per day.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Oysterflex Bracelet White Gold Reference 226659

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Price and Availability

The Rolex Yacht-Master 42 reference 226659 has only been around for a couple of years, so it is still in production and available for purchase from retailers and boutiques. However, as anyone who is familiar with Rolex watches will tell you, finding the model you want brand-new and available for immediate sale is virtually impossible and for many highly popular references, there is no way to buy a brand-new Rolex without spending a significant amount of time on a waiting list. As a result of this lack of availability on a retail level, many buyers turn to the secondary market, where they can add a Rolex Yachtmaster 42 ref. 226659 to their collections without the wait.

How Much is a Rolex Yacht-Master 42?

As of 2021, the retail price for a brand-new Rolex Yacht-Master 42 reference 226659 is $28,900, which represents a $1,600 premium compared to its 40mm Everose gold counterpart. However, due to the fact that the white gold Yacht-Master 42 cannot be purchased at a retail level without being on a waiting list, pre-owned prices exceed their brand-new values and you can expect to pay a premium of several thousand dollars if you wish to skip the line and add one to your collection today.

Where to Buy a Rolex Yacht-Master 42

Since the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 ref. 226659 is still in production, you can technically still buy it brand-new from Rolex retailers and boutiques – just as long as you are willing to wait out the cue. A similar story exists for most of the popular modern Rolex models; however, compared to the steep premiums that many of the brand’s stainless steel sports watches trade hands for on the open market (which can frequently reach values in excess of 100% above their brand-new retail prices), the comparatively reasonable premium of a few thousand dollars to skip the line for a reference 226659 Yachtmaster 42 means that buyers often opt for a pre-owned example, where availability is immediate and guaranteed.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 18k White Gold Oysterflex 226659

Rolex Yacht-Master 42: A Modern Luxury Sports Watch

Rolex may have originally built much of its legendary reputation by building tough and reliable sport and tool watches, but the brand’s days as a manufacturer of utilitarian timekeeping devices have long since passed. These days, Rolex is an all-out luxury brand and it is arguably the single most famous luxury label in the entire world. The thought of a military branch supplying its troops with Rolex Submariner watches has become almost comical given that countless people all around the globe are unable to buy a Submariner, despite being more than willing to pay full retail price for one. In fact, the Rolex Submariner is so in-demand that most people are willing to pay far more than the brand-new retail price, just to skip the multi-year waiting list and add one to their collections.

Despite Rolex’s transition towards becoming a luxury manufacturer, it has never stopped producing reliable and finely crafted sports watches. However, the nature of its sports watches has certainly evolved to take on a more luxury-oriented approach, just like the brand’s positioning within the greater watch market. Rolex was producing sports watches back in the 1950s and 1960s and although its products were always considered to be premium timepieces, they were hardly regarded as luxury items, let alone status symbols.

These days, Rolex sports watches are some of the most iconic and desirable luxury timepieces in existence, and wearing one has become a universally recognized symbol of success and personal accomplishment. As a result of the implicit connotations that they carry, modern Rolex sports watches need to do more than just be tough and reliable; they also need to offer a bit of flash and match the opulent and exclusive image of Rolex itself.

The Yacht-Master 42 reference 226659 is the perfect poster-child for the modern Rolex brand. Its monochromatic color profile paired with its matte black ceramic bezel and black Oysterflex bracelet makes the watch inherently casual and sporty, and at first glance, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this was a humble stainless steel model. However, at its core, the Yacht-Master 42 ref. 226659 is a $30k solid gold Rolex. Wearing a Rolex watch has become a universally recognized status symbol, but Rolex is not a brand known for making over-the-top, statement pieces. The white gold Yacht-Master 42 is the perfect statement piece for those that do not want to make a statement, and that is precisely why the reference 226659 is the perfect poster-child for the modern Rolex brand.

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 42mm 226659 Oysterflex White Gold

About Paul Altieri

Paul Altieri is a vintage and pre-owned Rolex specialist, entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of BobsWatches.com. - the largest and most trusted name in luxury watches. He is widely considered a pioneer in the industry for bringing transparency and innovation to a once-considered stagnant industry. His experience spans over 35 years and he has been published in numerous publications including Forbes, The NY Times, WatchPro, and Fortune Magazine. Paul is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the watch industry and e-commerce, and regularly engages with other professionals in the industry. He is a member of the IWJG, the AWCI and a graduate of the GIA. Alongside running the premier retailer of pre-owned Rolex watches, Paul is a prominent Rolex watch collector himself amassing one of the largest private collections of rare timepieces. In an interview with the WSJ lifestyle/fashion editor Christina Binkley, Paul opened his vault to display his extensive collection of vintage Rolex Submariners and Daytonas. Paul Altieri is a trusted and recognized authority in the watch industry with a proven track record of expertise, professionalism, and commitment to excellence.

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Chieftain Training

RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines.

There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster ( Coastal, Offshore and Ocean). When people refer to “Yachtmaster” they are generally referring to Yachtmaster Offshore. This article focuses on Coastal and Offshore, our separate article, “ What is an Ocean Yachtmaster ” deals with the higher level of the three.


The route to Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore is similar, candidates for both will have followed a similar pathway, but the offshore candidate will have logged considerably more experience prior to exam and will be pushed harder during the exam. Visit our helpful RYA Advanced and Yachtmaster Qualifying mileage page for more information.

The route to Yachtmaster has several stepping stones, most students work through Day Skipper Shorebased and Day Skipper Practical and then Coastal Skipper , however if you already have relevant experience and skills you can consider skipping these courses.

Before considering embarking on a Yachtmaster practical week , you must arm yourself with;

  • Qualifying mileage (power or sail as appropriate)
  • RYA SRC (1 day) or
  • Higher level GMDSS Radio Certificate of Competence  (3-8 day)
  • RYA First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Elementary First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Medical First Aid (4 day) or
  • Seafish First Aid
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased (6 days or online)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Radar (1 day)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Diesel (1 day)

You are also strongly advised to take the RYA Sea Survival or STW PST Course (1 day), which is required if you intend to operate as a commercial Yachtmaster (most candidates take the exam for commercial reasons and add the RYA Commercial Endorsement however some are leisure boaters and do it for themselves).

Sea Survival PST

Our Yachtmaster practical (preparation and exam) week is 5 days, it takes place on board our motorboat and results in the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore (Power) Certificates of Competence . If you prefer to take the sail exam we can put you in touch with a sail school once you have all of the above shorebased courses. During the prep week our Instructor will take you through many of the exercises the examiner is likely to throw at you on the final day. We operate the prep week with a maximum of 3 students.

fast track yachtmaster power

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  • Skipper training Croatia
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  • Regatta Sailing Course
  • Weekend Sailing Course for beginners
  • Complete Licensed Skipper NEW!!
  • Skipper Advance
  • Become Professional Skipper/Comercial purpose
  • Skipper Training on Catamaran
  • Cross Adriatic Adventure, Venice-Montenegro
  • Inshore / Offshore Challenge
  • Motor Boat Skipper Training
  • Gourmet Sailing Course NEW!!
  • Corporate-Team Building Sailing Event

Skipper's License

Skipper's License Croatia

According to Croatian law , at least one person on the vessel must possess valid Navigational and VHF licences. If you want to charter a yacht but don’t want to hire a skipper, then you must have valid licences in addition to sailing experience.

Navigational and VHF licences in Croatia are issued by Port Authorities. If your licence has been issued in a foreign country, please check whether it is valid for Croatian territorial waters. To obtain a skipper’s license, one must take classes and pass an exam that includes theoretical and practical elements. If you want to bareboat charter, you must send us copies of your licences in advance to confirm the booking. If there is something wrong with your papers, we will inform you immediately.

You also need to have the original copies with you on-board, so don’t forget to take them. Croatian laws are very strict on this matter, and it is impossible to charter a boat without all the necessary documents .

  • List of valid nautical certificates for bareboat charter in Croatia ( PDF ).

BOAT LIDER  LICENSE CATEGORY C     (International licence with included VHF - recognized worldwide)

Scope  (Target audience) :  The course is conducted in accordance to the requirements of the Regulations of boats and yachts (National gazette NN #13/2020., #52/2020.). 

Objective :  After successful completion of the course the trainees will be competent to handle and manage:

  • All types of BOATS
  • All types of YACHTS up to 30 GT (for private and commercial purposes )

* Definitions of a BOAT, YACHT;

A BOAT  is a vessel intended for navigation at sea which is authorized to carry a maximum of 12 passengers, the hull length of which is greater than 2.5 meters and less than or equal to 15 meters , or the total power of propulsion devices greater than 5 kW.

A YACHT is a vessel for sports and leisure, regardless of whether it is used for personal needs or for comercial activity, and whose hull length is greater than 15 meters and which is intended for a longer stay at sea . The term "intended for a longer stay at sea" means appropriate conditions of accommodation and stay that allow persons on a yacht to stay longer autonomously at sea, primarily from the aspect of protection and safety.

Approved by  :


*More info. about definitions,  Croatian Maritime Law  according to  Regulations of boats and yachts;

  • ( National gazette NN #13/2020. , #52/2020. ).

How to get licence :

* On our course you will obtain all necessary  theorectical  and  practical  knowledge needed to pass the exam. The exam is held near  O ur Base  in  Šibenik Port Authority building . This is the same location where participants show their docking skills on the Academy training boat. The entire administration and exam procedure lasts a couple of hours – depending on the number of participants.

Course content: 

  • Navigation (sailing)
  • Basic knowledge of motor repairs and maintenance
  • Maritime law, meteorology and first aid
  • Boat maneuvering and collision avoidance
  • Maritime radio communication service
  • Safety at sea
  • Docking, undocking  a boat under  different  sets of circumstances 
  • Points of sailing, basic sailing  

Duration:  7 days (three days - theory, four days - practical)

Base : Marina Mandalina Šibenik - Office World Yachting Charter


Prerequisite : 

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Identification card or passport
  • 3 passport size colored photographs 3x3,5 com
  • Medical exam issued by Occupational health practice in Republic of Croatia ( * optional we can organize for group - last for few hours. Price per person 65 EUR)

Note to client :  After successful completion of the course and examination at the Harbour Office candidates will receive a Boat Leader’s Licence Category C  a issued by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of Republic of Croatia. * This license is recognized worldwide .

Validity of the Certificate : With  a Boat Leader’s Licence Category C , all boats can be operated, as well as yachts up to 30 gross tonnage (and for commercial purposes ) and are issued for a period of five years. It is renewed with a valid certificate of healthworthiness of a member of a crew of naval vessels, boats and yachts issued by a licensed physician.

Chartering a Yacht with the Category C licence, you can manage your own or a rented boat / yacht charter worldwide. When renting, a charter agency will check what your licence allows you to rent. In practice, it is most all sailboats of various sizes – like   Elan Impression 444 ,  Oceanis 50 Familly . Also, catamarans are very popular, so you can rent  B ALI 4.1  or similar models. For motor boats, we can offer   Marco Polo 12 .


Discount : 5% for group (minimum 5pax)

PRICE INCLUDES :  Theoretical lecture, course materials, practical lecture on sailboat, professional skipper instructor, boat, accommodation on boat, bednlinen, gas for the kitchen, safety equipment, T-shirt, inflatable dinghy, outboard engine, final cleaning, exam and organization-paperwork,  tourist tax,  Medical exam issued by Occupational health practice in Republic of Croatia, VAT 25%.

BOAT LIDER LICENSE CATEGORY B ​​  ( only for territorial waters of Croatia !)

Scope  (Target audience) :  The course is conducted in accordance with the requirements of article 52. of the Regulations of boats and yachts (National gazette NN #27/2005).

Objective :  After successful completion of the course the trainees will be competent to operate up to 12 Nm from coast and islands :

  • Passenger boats up to 3 Nm from coast and islands
  • Cargo and fishing boats
  • All type’s of pleasure boats
  • Pleasure Yachts up to 30 GT
  • Charter Yachts up to 30 GT without professional crew

Course content : 

  • Maritime law and meteorology
  • Boat manoeuvring, safety and first aid

Duration:  5 hours theoretical + practical course 12h

  • At least 16 years of age
  • 2 passport size coloured photographs 3x3,5 cm

Note to client:  After successful completion of the course and examination at the Harbour Office candidates will receive a Boat Leader’s License Category B issued by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.

How to get licence

*On our 3 day course ,    you will obtain all necessary knowledge needed to pass the obligatory exam consists  of the theoretical part only .  The exam is held near O ur Base  in Šibenik Port Authority building .  The entire administration and exam procedure lasts for a couple of hours, depends on the number of exam participants.

With the category B licence, you can manage your own or a rented boat /yacht in charter, ONLY in Croatian territorial waters . When renting, a charter agency will check what your licence allows. In practice, it is most all sailboats of various sizes – like   Elan Impression 444 . Also catamarans are very popular, so you can rent various types of Bali, Lagoon or similar models. For motor boats, we can offer  Merry Fisher .


  • More info  


For renting various types of Yachts  in Croatia and worldwide -  Sailing boats ,   Motor boats /Luxury yacht ,  Catamarans , visit our website   and find the best option for you.

* W e offer you the Largest online booking sistem. REAL TIME prices,  and availability.

For more information, please do not hesitate to  contact us .

yachtmaster lizenz


Marina Mandalina Obala Jerka Sigorica 1 22 000 Šibenik Pier for the yachts: PIER BA – South Side 

Office Manager :

Laura Šerić                                                   

[email protected]

M: +385 91 122 7444 

Head of Academy and instructor

yachtmaster lizenz

Mario Kundih   prof. of Kinesiology, Yachtmaster offshore (RYA, UK)

E:  [email protected] M1 : +385 91 5701101 M2 : +385 91 6133750

Auf der Suche nach einem Boot?

  • Holen Sie sich ein Angebot Yacht charter Croatia If you are looking for yacht charter in Croatia, this is the easiest way. Just fill out the form and we will check for all available boats for rent and send them to you. You will also get a dedicated manager to help you out.
  • Online Bootssuche We have 2 booking systems. Some boats are available in our online boat booking system and you can see them here. If you want to get all the boats, fill out our “Get a Quote” form.
  • kontaktieren Sie uns We would love to hear from you. Contact us here.
  • Mieten Sie Ihren Skipper & Hostess für einen Yachtcharter in Kroatien Looking for skipper, cook or hostess for your sailing holidays in Croatia? Hire your skipper & hostess for a yacht charter in Croatia.
  • Warum ein Boot in Kroatien bei uns mieten Where Is The Difference? We go an extra mile for you.
  • Bestpreisgarantie Its guaranteed! Boat rentals and yacht charter in Croatia at The Lowest Prices On The Market!

yachtmaster lizenz

  • Skippered Yacht Charter Kroatien If you don’t know how to sail or if you like some help, you can have a skippered yacht charter option. You can rent a skippered catamaran, sailboat, motorboat or gulet in Croatia.
  • Crewed Yachtcharter Kroatien Get spoiled by a completely crewed yacht charter on your sailing vacations in Croatia.
  • Bareboat yacht charter Kroatien If you have a skippers license and experience, you can charter catamaran, sailboat or motorboat and sail away.
  • All-Inclusive Yachtcharter Kroatien It offers you the ultimate all-inclusive sailing holidays. Along with a knowledgeable captain and gourmet chef.
  • Catamaran charter Croatia Catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Segelboot Charter Kroatien Saiilboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Motor-Katamaran-Charter Kroatien Power catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Motorboot-Charter Kroatien Motorboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Motoryachtcharter Kroatien Motoryacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Gulet Charter Kroatien Gulet charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Luxus Yachtcharter Kroatien Luxury yacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Verfügbare Bootstypen zum Mieten in Kroatien Boat types available for charter in Croatia.
  • Online Bootssuche Find available boat here.
  • Unsere Marinas | Wo ein Boot zu chartern Where can you charter a yacht from in Croatia. Check out all our marinas.
  • Leitfaden für Katamaran-Charter in Kroatien
  • Segelreviere in Kroatien About sailing areas in Croatia in general.
  • Split Yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Split, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Dubrovnik Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Dubrovnik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Sibenik Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Sibenik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Trogir Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Trogir, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Zadar Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Zadar, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Kvarner Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Kvarner, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Istra Yachtcharter About chartering a yacht from Istra, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Segeln in Kroatien macht Spaß; Lassen Sie sich inspirieren The greatest adventure on sea! Sailing in Croatia is fun. Get inspired.
  • Segelurlaub Kroatien About sailing Holidays in Croatia
  • Buchungsverfahren für die Bootsvermietung Boat rental booking procedure
  • Skipper-Lizenzen in Kroatien For bareboat charter in Croatia it is a necessary to have this.
  • Was Sie für Ihren Segelurlaub in Kroatien mitnehmen können
  • Wie man ein Boot in Kroatien mieten How to rent a boat in Croatia
  • Yachtübernahme When you arrive to marina this is what you need to do
  • Yachtcharter Kosten What to expect regarding all the expenses and costs
  • 7 Tage Bootscharter Kroatien
  • YachtCharter Kroatien Rabatte
  • Last Minute Yachtcharter Kroatien
  • Yachtcharter Check-in Leitfaden
  • Was ist APA
  • Kroatische Seekarten
  • Standard-Bootsausrüstung
  • Bootstankstellen
  • Winde in Kroatien
  • Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Yachtcharter in Kroatien
  • Kurzzeit-Yachtcharter Kroatien
  • Frühbucher Yachtcharter Kroatien Early bird discoutns for yacht charter
  • Bootsanker in Kroatien
  • Marinas in Kroatien Croatian marinas
  • Wichtige Telefonnummern
  • Bootsverleih Kroatien How to charter a yacht in Croatia?
  • Wetterbedingungen in Kroatien
  • Wie Segeln funktioniert
  • Kabinenyachtcharter Kroatien
  • One Way Yachtcharter Kroatien
  • Umfassender Leitfaden für Yachtcharter Kroatien Kosten: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen
  • Yachtcharter Kroatien
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Home » Skipper-Lizenzen in Kroatien

Skipper-Lizenzen in Kroatien

Für Bareboat Charter in Kroatien ist es notwendig, eine gültige Skipper-Lizenz und Lizenz zu haben, um Radiosender nach dem kroatischen Seerecht zu betreiben.

Im Falle einer Bareboat Charter (ohne unseren Skipper) muss der Kundenkapitän im Besitz eines Kompetenzzertifikats sein, um ein Boot zu chartern. Es ist auch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, dass Skipper oder ein Besatzungsmitglied für den Betrieb mit der UKW-Station (im Besitz der UKW-Lizenz) qualifiziert werden.

Lizenzen und Zertifikate, die dem kroatischen Programm entsprechen und die Überprüfung des Staates enthalten, werden von den kroatischen Behörden akzeptiert. Die UKW-Lizenz ist ebenfalls obligatorisch.

Die meisten RYA-Lizenzen werden (www.rya.org.uk) für das Segeln in kroatischen Hoheitsgewässern akzeptiert.

Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Bootsführerschein in Kroatien gültig ist , überprüfen Sie, ob er hier aufgeführt ist .

Erfreuliche nachrichten aus dem kroatischen ministerium für maritime angelegenheiten, verkehr und infrastruktur.

Von nun an können Sie jede Lagoon 42, Lagoon 450 oder Lagoon 50, jede Segelyacht oder jeden Katamaran in diesem Bereich (alle Yachten bis zu 18 m) frei und rechtmäßig chartern, ohne den Yachtmaster-Schein zu besitzen. Da 30 BRZ vorgesehen sind, ist die Yachtmaster-Lizenz nur für das Chartern von Yachten über 18 m erforderlich.

Diese Nachricht kam vor ein paar Monaten direkt aus dem Büro des kroatischen Ministeriums für maritime Angelegenheiten, Verkehr und Infrastruktur und wurde nun offiziell veröffentlicht.

Hier finden Sie die Liste der Zertifikate, die von den zuständigen Behörden anderer Staaten ausgestellt wurden, die eine bilaterale Vereinbarung mit der kroatischen Verwaltung geschlossen haben und die für den Betrieb von Booten und Yachten unter kroatischer Flagge anerkannt sind .


Kroatische Bürger benötigen oft einen Bootsführer-Führerschein der Kategorie B, während andere eine Lizenz besitzen müssen, die auf der Liste der anerkannten Zertifikate steht, die vom Ministerium ausgestellt wurden.

Auch können Sie Skipper-Lizenz in Kroatien zu bekommen oder mieten Sie einen Skipper für Charter.

Kroatische Lizenzen Es gibt mehrere Kategorien von kroatischen Lizenzen, die vom Ministerium für Meer, Verkehr und Infrastruktur ausgestellt wurden. Sie erhalten eine internationale Skipper-Lizenz.

1.) Bootsführer Kategorie A – ist berechtigt, mit Booten bis 7m mit Motorleistung bis zu 15KW zu arbeiten – Navigationsbereich III und IV 2.) Bootsführer Kategorie B – ist berechtigt, Sportboote bis 30GT oder Charterboote bis 30GT ohne professionelle Besatzung zu betreiben – Navigationsbereich III und IV 3.) Bootsführer Kategorie C – ist berechtigt, mit jeder Art von Booten bis zu 30GT zu operieren – Navigationsbereich I, II und alle Weltmeere 4.) Yacht Master Kategorie A und B – ist berechtigt, mit jeder Art von Booten bis 100GT für die A-Kategorie und bis zu 500 für die B-Kategorie zu operieren – Navigationsgebiet auf allen Weltmeeren

Prüfungen Prüfungen für Bootsführer Der Klassen A und B sind ganz einfach und für jedermann zugänglich. Die Prüfung kann in jedem Hafen der Behörden in Kroatien bestanden werden. Prüfungen werden in der Regel einmal in der Woche organisiert. Die Prüfung deckt nur den theoretischen Teil und die letzten Stunden ab. Der Prüfungspreis und die Gebühren werden vom Ministerium für Meer, Verkehr und Infrastruktur festgelegt. Alle vom kroatischen Ministerium erteilten Lizenzen sind in der ganzen Welt akzeptabel, da Kroatien Mitglied des Europäischen Seerats ist.

Für die Prüfung sind folgende Unterlagen erforderlich: 1. ausgefülltes Formular für den Zugang zur Prüfung und Gebühr von 40,00 Kuna 2. zwei aktuelle Fotos 2,5 cm x 3,5 cm 3. Kopie des Personalausweises und/oder Reisepasses 4. Bestätigung der Zahlung für prüfung


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Veliky Novgorod Region: Why you need to see the jewel in Russia’s ‘Silver Necklace’

Valday Iversky Monastery

Valday Iversky Monastery

For those of you making the trip to Veliky Novgorod Region, here is a list of unmissable activities and places of interest to really get you acquainted with the area and its history.

1.    Learn the history of the Russian state in Veliky Novgorod

Of course, this city is unmissable; being the historical center of Russian statehood with the most ancient cathedral in the country, Sophia Cathedral, erected more than one thousand years ago, is a place of power for the whole of Russia. The city was the first-ever Russian settlement straddling both sides of a river (Volkhov), with the imposing Kremlin on one side, and medieval churches and buildings in the historic market district on the other.

Veliky Novgorod Kremlin

Veliky Novgorod Kremlin

You can spice up the historical tour with various custom ones available, including the ancient cemetery at night or an alco-tour of the city (where you get to try local food and drink). For more information on the city excursions, you can go here .

2.  Explore traditional folk craft at the workshop in Kresttsy settlement

Krestetsky stitching is a traditional Russian pattern - a folk craft that was born and developed in this area since the 1860-s. In Soviet times a small factory producing original unique linen products was built here. During Perestroika it was nearly closed due to the catastrophic economic crisis in the country. The risk for the Krestetsky stitch being completely forgotten was quite real. It is now a private factory and shop with guided tours.

NOVGOROD REGION, RUSSIA - JANUARY 24, 2019: Linen products of the Kresttsy Stitch clothing factory reviving and implementing the Kresttsy stitchery, a traditional local embroidery technique dating from the 1860s, in the village of Kresttsy, Novgorod Region

NOVGOROD REGION, RUSSIA - JANUARY 24, 2019: Linen products of the Kresttsy Stitch clothing factory reviving and implementing the Kresttsy stitchery, a traditional local embroidery technique dating from the 1860s, in the village of Kresttsy, Novgorod Region

The pattern is very beautiful and difficult to master, so the possibility to observe the birth of a masterpiece is quite unique. Head over to the factory website for more details.

3.  Meet the old believers in the village of Lyakova

Russia’s so-called ‘old believers’ did not accept the reformation of Orthodox Christianity in Russia in the 17th century, choosing instead to keep the old traditions in church services and rites, in defiance of the state’s persecution, lasting centuries. Old believers are divided into two groups, those who accept the church hierarchy and those who do not accept priests at all, pray in their own houses, and are governed by the community leaders. At this time there are about one million old believers scattered around the country with no official statistics to confirm that figure.    

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The old believers of Lyakova village will gladly welcome you in the old traditional peasant’s house, explaining how it was organized, and how life, in general, looked in the distant peasant past.  This immersion is accompanied by a traditional dinner with borsch, salo (pork scratchings) and tea brewed in a traditional samovar. Book your ticket here .

4.  Take the eco-trail at the Valdai national park 

This national park is one of the largest specially protected natural areas in the European part of Russia. Russian president Vladimir Putin has one of his ‘datchas’ here. The territory of the park that covers an area of 159 thousand hectares includes several lakes (Borovno, Valdai, Velje, Seliger) as well as rare animals and plants.

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Many nature lovers come here to hike, swim in the lakes and camp. This year the big eco-trail was opened. If you enjoy hiking, you can walk all 59 kilometers in five days, starting from the town of Valdai and covering around 12 kilometers a day. On the way, you will have all the facilities needed for camping and spending time in nature, from toilets to camping equipment and various amenities. Visit the park’s website for more info.

5.   Visit the Valday Iversky Monastery

Located on an island 10 kilometers from the town of Valday, this monastery appears to be floating on the lake, when you look at it from a distance.

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This is a male Orthodox monastery established in 1653. It was one of the three monasteries founded by the Patriarch Nikon (his reformation of the Orthodox Church in Russia and its unification with the Greek Orthodox church caused the split between ‘old’ and ‘new’ believers). The icon of the Mother of God – Iverskaya – is the treasure of the monastery and the reason for the active pilgrimage to this place.

6. Ring the bells at the Valday Museum of Bells

The region of Novgorod was the center of Russian statehood under the rule of the Rurikovich dynasty. After the collapse of Kievan Rus’, the region was an autonomous Russian state with a republican form of government, the symbol of which was a big Bell that every citizen could ring in order to gather the townspeople for a vote or resolve a community issue. So it is not by accident that the first-ever Museum of Bells in Russia was opened here.

Valday Museum of Bells

Valday Museum of Bells

If you manage to get Nadezhda Yakovleva for a guide, you are guaranteed a one-person performance along with your historical facts, it’s fascinating and great fun as well.

 7.   Immerse yourself in 10th-century life at the settlement in Lyubytino village

This village of ancient Slavs has been restored in order to give tourists the impression of life centuries ago. Different types of Russian wooden cottages (izba) are represented here, as well as utility buildings and the ancient burial mounds, used by Slavs for burial rites.

Lyubytino is an urban locality (a work settlement) and the administrative center of Lyubytinsky District of Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the Msta River. Municipally, it serves as the administrative center of Lyubytinskoye Urban Settlement

Lyubytino is an urban locality (a work settlement) and the administrative center of Lyubytinsky District of Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the Msta River. Municipally, it serves as the administrative center of Lyubytinskoye Urban Settlement

For those seeking total immersion, there is the possibility of getting dressed in the traditional clothing of the time and have a photo session.

Veliky Novgorod

The whole city of Veliky Novgorod is a big museum; there are many well-preserved monuments dating back to the 11th century and later centuries.

Bell ringing in Veliky Novgorod (credit to Lucia McCreery from Brooklyn)

Veliky Novgorod attractions

Novgorod kremlin, trade side and yaroslav’s courtyard, st. george's monastery, vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture.

Map of the bespoke Russia tour tailored by us for our Spanish clients

Request a private tour, tailor-made for individuals and small groups to meet your needs and preferences.

Novgorod kremlin territory

Discover historical attractions of Veliky Novgorod

  • Private trip from St. Petersburg
  • Visit Novgorod Kremlin and the Cathedral of St. Sophia
  • Explore Yaroslav’s Court with its medieval churches
  • Pick-up and drop-off at your hotel

Group of 2: 16000 Rubles/person

  • Ask a question


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  1. Yachtmaster

    Der Nachweis Yachtmaster Offshore ähnelt, in Bezug auf das Fahrtgebiet, dem deutschen Sportseeschifferschein (SSS), die Anforderungen sind aber ungleich höher. Der Schwerpunkt liegt zudem auf der praktischen Qualifikation und weniger auf umfangreichem Theoriewissen. ... Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative-Commons Namensnennung ...

  2. Yachtmaster

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  3. Yachtmaster License

    Yachtmaster License. In accordance with § 15 para. 11 Maritime Code (Federal Law Gazette 46/2012) viadonau is responsible for the issuing of international certificates for operators of pleasure crafts (motor yachts or / and sailing yachts) of up to 24 meters in length and with a gross tonnage (GT) of less than 300.

  4. Yachtmaster

    A Yachtmaster qualification is a certificate of competence of the ability to handle either a sailing boat or motor boat (as endorsed) in certain prescribed conditions. Three different titles are specified; Yachtmaster Coastal (previously - and in some countries still - called Coastal Skipper), Yachtmaster Offshore, and Yachtmaster Ocean which ...

  5. Yachtmaster Lizenzen

    Die Yachtmaster™ Offshore Lizenz befugt dazu, eine Kreuzfahrtyacht auf jeder Passage zu fahren, auf der die Yacht nicht mehr als 150 Meilen von der Küste entfernt ist. Mindest-Seezeit: 50 Tage, 2500 Meilen und davon mindestens 5 Passagen mit über 60 Seemeilen, davon mindestens 2 als Skipper und 2 mit Übernachtung. 5 Tage Erfahrung als Skipper.

  6. Der RYA Yachtmaster: „Was ist das für eine Lizenz?"

    Als Yachtmaster Instructoren sind wir Teil des Systems. Wir leiten RYA Schulen, wir beschäftigen und beaufsichtigen PCIs (Practical Cruising Instructoren, diese „kleine" Instructoren-Lizenz berechtigt zum Training bis zum Dayskipper-Level im Rahmen einer RYA Schule).

  7. How to Become a Yacht Master

    So, I went ahead and signed up for the next available slot that November. Like other British sailing schools, Sunsail's prep course (a highly recommended prerequisite to the RYA Yachtmaster exam) is a five-day on-the-boat affair. After that, the RYA examiner comes on board and tests two people at a time in succession.

  8. The history of the RYA Yachtmaster scheme as it turns 50

    The word Yachtmaster, for training and exams, was trademarked by the RYA throughout the world and the certificates, which looked similar to those of the Merchant Navy were redesigned to include anti-fraud features. RYA Yachtmaster rapidly became the world leader for yachting qualifications. Currently just over half the 3,500 candidates examined ...

  9. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  10. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The RYA Yachtmaster is a highly regarded qualification and is respected around the world. Becoming an RYA Yachtmaster allows the holder to work in the maritime industry as a professional skipper, Superyacht Crew, RYA instructor, plus so much more. As a professional skipper, you can take charge (skipper) of a vessel up to 24 meters in length on ...

  11. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  12. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

    5 60nm passages, 2 as skipper. Min. Age. 18. Exam. 8 hours to 2 days on the water. Aim. To work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour. Course Info. The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all motor cruising qualifications.

  13. RYA

    RYA und RYA Yachtmaster™ Mit der RYA - Royal Yachting Association zur nautischen Profi-Ausbildung. Die Ausbildung zum RYA-Yachtmaster ist die logische Weiterentwicklung für den ambitionierten Skipper. Sie ist weltweit angesehen. Nicht umsonst gilt der RYA Yachtmaster™ als internationaler Kompetenznachweis.

  14. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

    The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses.

  15. Rolex Yacht-Master

    Designed for navigators. Sailing occupies a special place in the world of Rolex. In 1958, the brand partnered the New York Yacht Club, creator of the legendary America's Cup. Rolex then formed partnerships with several prestigious yacht clubs around the world and became associated with major nautical events - offshore races and coastal ...

  16. Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Ultimate Buying Guide

    At the time of writing, the Oysterflex bracelet is only found on the full 18k Everose gold Yachtmaster 40 and Yacht-Master 37 watches, along with the 18k white gold Yacht-Master 42. Rolex Caliber 3235 Movement. Despite being 2mm larger than the current Yacht-Master 40, the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 is powered by the exact same Caliber 3235 movement.

  17. Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

    The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines. There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster (Coastal, Offshore and Ocean). When people refer to "Yachtmaster" they are generally ...

  18. Skipper License Croatia

    Skipper's License Croatia. According to Croatian law, at least one person on the vessel must possess valid Navigational and VHF licences. If you want to charter a yacht but don't want to hire a skipper, then you must have valid licences in addition to sailing experience. Navigational and VHF licences in Croatia are issued by Port Authorities.

  19. Kroatien Skipper-Lizenzen: Lassen Sie sich für Bareboat-Charter

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Skipper-Lizenzen in Kroatien und wie Sie eine solche erhalten. Informieren Sie sich über verschiedene Lizenzkategorien, Anforderungen und akzeptierte ausländische Zertifikate. ... Da 30 BRZ vorgesehen sind, ist die Yachtmaster-Lizenz nur für das Chartern von Yachten über 18 m erforderlich. Diese Nachricht kam vor ein ...

  20. Trip to Veliky Novgorod: the birthplace of Russia

    The Novgorod Kremlin is the first must see place. Formerly known as Detinets, it is the oldest surviving Kremlin in Russia.It was founded by Prince Yaroslav, being the administrative, social and religious center of Novgorod. The entrance to the Kremlin is free.It's open from 6 in the morning until 12 at night, however, you have to pay an extra fee to visit some of the buildings inside the ...

  21. Veliky Novgorod Region: Why you need to see the jewel in Russia's

    Krestetsky stitching is a traditional Russian pattern - a folk craft that was born and developed in this area since the 1860-s. In Soviet times a small factory producing original unique linen ...

  22. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod - the Birthplace of Russian Statehood. The Novgorod land is the only place where you can take a breath of the air that once filled the chest of the emerging Rus (Old Russia). Veliky Novgorod was the first to introduce Russia to running a republican state, and its historical example has always attracted the supporters of ...

  23. Veliky Novgorod

    The main exhibitions of Novgorod Museum are located in a two-storied building of Public Offices Chambers on the territory of the Kremlin. The most interesting parts of the exhibition are the collection of Russian icons of the 11th - 19th centuries, birch bark manuscripts, handicrafts, military equipment and other artefacts from ancient times till the end of the 17th century.