goto's yacht guide

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goto's yacht guide

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Exit to . You won't be able to reboard the 'Hawk until after you shut down Goto's power distribution system.

Using a character with the computer skill, slice into the console and download the "overload" program. If you fail to do this, in order to get the optional "overload" program, you will need to defeat Goto Guard Droids, witness their final transmission binary code, which has three bits labeled something like: ZERO ONE ONE (which is 3). You must then keep a count, meaning the total of the final transmissions you've seen, and enter it into this console in order to get the "overload" program. If you ask me, it's too much trouble and you are better off simply fighting your way past the turrets at #5, which is one of two places you'd want to use the program. Here is a list of binary numbers, in case you need to do it the hard way:

zero zero zero = 0
zero zero one = 1
zero one zero = 2
zero one one = 3
one zero zero = 4
one zero one = 5
one one zero = 6
one one one = 7

Also check the Utility Droid and receive the "shut down" program.

Execute your own shut down program on this defense droid, and then check its remains for the access code to the Containment Cells. It's likely you'll also have to defeat a few curious Goto Guard Droids here as well.

Now use the command console, upload the programs you currently have (shut down and possibly overload), unlock the restricted system: containment cells (using the access code you just got), access system control for containment cells, and run the program shut down. Now you have access to #4 and #7. Proceed to #4, taking out any droid resistance along the way.

After shutting down the containment cell shields, scavenge this droid to acquire the Turret Defense access code. Head back to the command console you were recently at, at #3, and unlock the Turret Defense system. Now select system control for Turret Defense and run both overload and shut down (or at least shut down). The turrets at #5 will then turn on one another and the droids in the room will be destroyed, making this difficult battle virtually harmless.

If you didn't run any programs on the turret defense (see above), then you'll be facing a tough battle. Activate your energy shields and your force power Energy Resistance if you have it, and use your most potent mass-affecting force powers on the droids and turrets. When you open the door to #6, you'll be reunited with your main character, finally.

After you find your main character, access the console here to acquire the crucial Power Distribution access code. This code is required in order to escape the ship. Map points #7, 8 and 9 are completely optional. All you need to do now is head straight toward #15, however I'd recommend exploring anyway for experience.

Scavenge this droid to acquire the Reset Program.

Aside from the hostile droids here, you can access the possibly handy Lab Station.

Another useful utility, the workbench.

On your way to the bridge at #15, you'll encounter several turrets around the perimeter of the room. Concentrate on one at a time to defeat them quickly. On the way back from the bridge, you'll have your second and final encounter with the Twin Suns (who apparently didn't die). They are actually much easier this time around, and when they've fallen, search the remains for a pair of Twi'lek Spinning Blades.

The easiest way past these deadly mines is simply running over them (preferably in solo) and healing, however you can also enter Stealth mode and disable or recover them too. Just past the mines are a few droids you'll have to fight including the Goto Central Commander. Search its remains for the Minefield access code, which can come in handy just ahead at #12.

Use this command console once you acquired the Minefield access codes at #11. Unlock the restricted system: Minefield, and then under system control for Minefield, run either the overload or shut down program. The overload keeps the mines active but will destroy most of the droids who rush at you at #13... very handy. The shut down program will deactivate all the deadly mines at #13 plus more at the entrance to the bridge. You'll still have to battle the multiple droids at #13 however.

Just past the rows of deadly mines are the droids, waiting to get at you. In Stealth mode you can disable or recover them before having at the droids, or use the console at #12 to take down the mines, or shoot the droids from afar using one of your characters in Solo mode. The possibilities are many. When the area is clear, head to the right, pass up the mines and open the door to the bridge area.

Surprisingly, you'll find among some other good items the Droid Controller access code, not that it will do any good now.

Use this central command console to run the shut down program on the power distribution system. Remember, the access code for the system was at #6.

After this is accomplished, you will meet heavy resistance on your way back to #1 and the Ebon Hawk including Duros Bounty Hunters and the Twin Suns at #10. Continue fighting your way to #1 and the next time you regain control over your character, you will be face to face with Zez-Kai Ell at . See the link for details.


Introduction & faq.

  • Introduction & Advice
  • Walkthrough FAQ
  • Ebon Hawk Adrift

Peragus Mining Facility

  • Administration Level
  • Mining Tunnels
  • Asteroid Exterior
  • Dormitories
  • Command Deck
  • Crew Quarters
  • Engine Deck
  • The Ebon Hawk
  • Residential 082 East
  • Entertainment 081
  • Dock Module
  • Czerka Offices
  • Residential 082 West
  • Bumani Exchange
  • Restoration Zone
  • Czerka Site
  • Underground Base
  • Polar Plateau
  • Secret Academy
  • Jungle Landing
  • Mandalorian Ruins
  • Iziz Spaceport
  • Merchant Quarter
  • Western Square
  • Iziz Cantina

Nar Shaddaa

  • Refugee Landing Pad
  • Entertainment Prom.
  • Refugee Quad
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr
  • Jekk'Jekk Tunnels
  • Goto's Yacht
  • Khoonda Plains
  • Crystal Cave
  • Jedi Courtyard
  • Enclave Sublevel
  • Valley of Dark Lords
  • Sith Academy
  • Shyrack Cave
  • Secret Tomb
  • Ruined Merchant Qtr.
  • Jungle Tomb
  • Royal Palace
  • Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
  • Res 082 West Redux
  • Res 082 East Redux
  • Ent 081 Redux
  • Ravager Cmd. Deck
  • Ravager Bridge
  • Trayus Academy
  • Trayus Crescent
  • Trayus Proving Gnds.
  • Trayus Core

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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Goto's Yacht

  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Table of Contents

  • Walkthrough
  • Difficulty Classes
  • Force powers
  • Prestige classes
  • Achievements
  • Autobalance
  • Military Base Sub-Level
  • HK Manufacturing Plant
  • Administration Level
  • Mining Tunnels
  • Rescue T3-M4
  • Asteroid Exterior
  • Dormitories
  • Command Deck
  • Crew Quarters
  • Engine Deck
  • Residential 082 East
  • Entertainment
  • Czerka Offices
  • Residential 082 West
  • Dock Module
  • Bumani Exchange Corp.
  • Restoration Zone
  • Czerka Site
  • Underground Base
  • Polar Plateau
  • Secret Academy
  • Turret encounters
  • Swoop racing
  • Refugee Landing Pad
  • Entertainment Promenade
  • Refugee Quad
  • Landing Rights
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels
  • Droid Warehouse
  • Goto's Yacht
  • Jungle Landing
  • Mandalorian Ruins
  • Battle Circle
  • Iziz Spaceport
  • Merchant Quarter
  • Western Square
  • Iziz Cantina
  • Khoonda Plains
  • Enclave Courtyard
  • Enclave Sublevel
  • Crystal Cave
  • Defense of Khoonda
  • Jungle Tomb
  • Royal Palace
  • Valley of Dark Lords
  • Sith Academy
  • Shyrack Cave
  • Secret Tomb
  • Rebuilt Jedi Enclave
  • Suburban (082 West)
  • Suburban (082 East)
  • Entertainment Module 081
  • Ravager - Command Deck
  • Trayus Academy
  • Trayus Crescent
  • Trayus Proving Grounds
  • Trayus Academy (Top)
  • Trayus Core
  • Light armor
  • Medium armor
  • Heavy armor
  • Blaster pistols
  • Blaster rifles
  • Lightsabers
  • Special weapons
  • Upgrade items, armor
  • Upgrade items, ranged
  • Upgrade items, melee
  • Upgrade items, lightsaber

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords logo

  • 1 Ebon Hawk
  • 3 Audience Chamber
  • 4 Torture Room & Lab Station
  • 6 Maintenance Room & Workbench
  • 7 Exterior Defense
  • 8 Central Command
  • 9 Interior Defense
  • 11 Ebon Hawk
  • 12.1 Lost Jedi
  • 12.2 Seeking Passage
  • 12.3 Will Work for Fuel
  • 12.4 New Fuel Source

Sure enough, after T3-M4 escapes the Droid Warehouse and Tienn Tubb changes the Ebon Hawk's ID signature, Goto's yacht intercepts it after take off. Meanwhile, on the yacht you are in the Audience Chamber with a hologram:

Mmmm...I was expecting someone taller. I hope you are not in too much pain to hear my words and understand them. I am Goto, one of the... officials representing a percentage of non-sanctioned trading here in both the Y'Toub system and Republic space. And I had a question for you. Are you a Jedi?
Good. I am already wasting precious minutes in granting you this audience, and I do not wish to waste any more. Indeed? That is unfortunate. Still, perhaps you have some value. I have gone to considerable expense and effort to bring you here. It is because I have a job for you.
I am a Jedi. I have no ties to the Jedi Order. No, I turned from the Jedi long ago.
Yes, but I am not in the habit of asking for things. And you were so difficult to find, even after that small incident on Peragus.
You have a strange way of asking for my help. There were easier ways to get my attention. Go ahead - I'm listening.
Is that why you hired every bounty hunter and assassin in the galaxy? Too afraid to show yourself except by hologram? Assassins, no. Some of the bounty hunters on Nar Shaddaa, however, have chosen to interpret my commands in a manner not of my choosing. You are no value to me dead. If you were a Jedi, they could not kill you anyway. If they could, then you were useless to me. Afraid? No. It is simply difficult to be in so many places at once. Holotechnology is currently the most effective... and convenient... way to communicate my commands over vast distances. At least until Aerotech develops the new holotransceiver within two standard months, but by then, it will simply be too late.

In every case:

There is something important to me I need protected. The Republic. It is... broken. What has happened on Peragus has set in motion events that I can no longer control. Not to be melodramatic, but I fear it has broken the galaxy... irrevocably. This has occupied much of my attention, and there seems to be no predictable way to resolve the situation.
You chased me all over the galaxy to ask me to save it? Let me get this straight - you want me to help the Republic? You have to be joking. In one standard month, the Republic will collapse. Not due to war, or secession, but because it lacks the infrastructure to support itself.
It is unknown to all but a few, but the Republic lost the Jedi Civil War. At the time of their defeat, the Republic was on the brink of collapse. Rather than remain and continue his campaign against the Republic, however, Revan chose to leave known space. A frustrating turn of events, as a rallying figurehead could have done much to restore order. It is unknown to all but a few, but the Sith won the Jedi Civil War. Even with their supposed victory, the war left the Republic on the brink of collapse. Rather than remain and help solidify the Republic, however, Revan chose to leave known space. A frustrating turn of events, as a rallying figurehead could have done much to restore order.
How can I help? I still don't understand why you brought me here. So what do you expect me to do about it? There is something moving in the galaxy that lies beyond the ability of my instruments to detect or predict. I believe it to be a legacy of the Sith, but I have been unable to determine the source. Whatever this presence is, it is staging strikes at key figures throughout the Republic - and through some unknown means, it is causing the destruction of worlds. Katarr, a Miraluka world in the Mid-Rim, was one such place. I have reason to suspect there was a gathering of Jedi on that world when it was rendered lifeless. I cannot find any pattern in these attacks, and it a source of frustration to me. There is some clue, however, that perhaps the Jedi are linked to these attacks - or that the targets are significant in some way I have yet to discover. I'll do what I can - I don't want to see the Jedi wiped out. Well, you're out of luck, because I'm not going to help you. I don't care what happens to the Republic. Let it fall to the Sith. You misunderstand me... I do not wish to stop the Sith anymore than I wish to stop the Jedi. It is simply important to me that the in-fighting amongst these Jedi religious branches be resolved so the galaxy may be put back together. I do not care which one triumphs, I only want the universe to settle down for a while, catch its breath. All these constant crises are getting somewhat repetitive. Why do you care about the Republic? But you're a member of the Exchange. What does it matter? You don't care which side wins, as long as the Republic stays intact? You could say I am something of a... patriot. Although I was unable to serve during the troubles with the Mandalorians or against the aggressors known as Malak and Revan, I am able... and willing to serve now. The problem is, I can find no side to choose. Both are hidden from me, as they seem to be hiding from each other. Irritating. It is like a dejarik board, where neither player can see the other... nor see all the pieces. It is not a fair game - an equitable game. Then maybe you should try pazaak. Pazaak bores me. I often suspect my opponent of cheating. I prefer predictable games, such as galactic economics. I'll do what I can to help - that was my intention in the first place. I don't care for the Republic. The Republic deserves to die - and it has been too long suffering as it is. Excellent. It really is in your best interests, you know. Then perhaps you care for yourself. The fact the Sith seek you is something that must occupy your thoughts as much as the Republic occupies mine. If you care nothing for the Republic, perhaps finding the source of these Sith and resolving the situation would be to our mutual benefit. There is no margin for error when I say that these Sith seek to murder you and all Jedi, everywhere. They have been quite efficient. And when they dispose of you, that there will be nothing left to stop them - and the galaxy will fall under their influence. Then I have no problem helping - if you set me free. I have no intention of stopping the Sith. This is not my battle - there are others who can handle this. Ah, well, there is where we are at cross-purposes. I cannot set you free. You have a tendency to cause dangerous repercussions wherever you go, and I would rather keep those to a minimum. The galaxy really is a fragile place right now. You misunderstand. I merely wished the situation resolved. If the Sith are the more capable of both parties, then it is only logical that they fill the vacuum the Jedi and the senate cannot. No, that is where you are wrong. If there were, I assure you, I would have contacted them. I'm afraid a broken ex-Jedi is all I have to save the galaxy at the moment. But whether it is Sith or Jedi that emerges victorious, it does not matter, as long as the situation is resolved soon. I am a businessman. The Republic needs stability to survive, prosper - and grow. Whether it is led by the Sith or supported by the Jedi is of no consequence to me. What is that alarm? That sound - is something wrong? Maybe you should pay attention to troubles on your own ship.
It is the proximity alarm. We are under attack. Somehow, your allies have found you. Unexpected. You will remain here, under guard. I must see to the defense of my ship.

Ebon Hawk [ edit | edit source ]

The Ebon Hawk has docked with Goto's yacht on its starboard side: the Map screen shows that this is the top left side of the map, and that the Audience Chamber , where your main character is under guard, is on the center right side, at the stern of the yacht.

If your party tries to go back through the docking hatch behind them in the left wall:

[This hatch is magnetically sealed. It cannot be overridden except by a console on the bridge.]
Lock DC 100 Resist - Vitality -

There's a plasteel cylinder by the bottom wall, to the right of a utility droid:

Lock DC 21 (1) Resist 5 Vitality 15
Beeee-roop? Deep. [Success] You are able to download a program file called "Shutdown."
[Computer] Access droid's memory core. [Leave.]
This program will attempt to shut down a system.

If you upload this program into the Goto Command Console, you will be able to run it on any systems you have unlocked.

There's a security console by the top wall:



Enter the current Count to obtain FULL access.
Attempt to enter the Count.
Return to main menu.
Enter 0. Enter 2. Enter 4. Enter 6. Enter 8. Enter 1. Enter 3. Enter 5. Enter 7. Enter 9.


Incorrect Count entered. Console is LOCKED until Count is modified.
Log out.

If you enter the incorrect count then you have to log out before attempting to unlock the console, using a Computer Spike each time, to enter the count again. You can brute force the correct count in this way (there's no way of knowing that it starts at two) or you can destroy Goto guard droids, which can communicate the current count upon their destruction as a binary number:


They may not communicate this if debilitated by a Stun Droid power, but the count still increases with each kill.

[Computer] Attempt to unlock console. [1 spike(s)]



[FAILURE] Insufficient spikes.
Console LOCKED until Count is modified.
[Computer] Attempt to bypass security. [1 spike(s)] GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE

[FAILURE] Unauthorized access attempt detected. Console LOCKED until Count is modified. GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE

[FAILURE] Insufficient spikes.
Enter the current Count to obtain FULL access.

Otherwise, you can bypass security to get limited access with some Computer Use , letting you view defense summaries and cameras:

[Computer (6)] Attempt to bypass security. [1 spike(s)]


LIMITED access granted. Enter the current Count to obtain FULL access.
Defense summary.
SUMMARY - Interior Defense. SUMMARY - Exterior Defense.
The Interior Defense region consists of over one dozen mines. These mines are programmed to not be triggered by GOTO droids. The Exterior Defense region consists of over a dozen powerful turrets. CAMERA - Interior Defense. CAMERA - Exterior Defense.
SUMMARY - Audience Chamber. SUMMARY - Interrogation Chamber.
The Audience Chamber defense consists of eight powerful turrets supported by several combat-ready droids. The Interrogation Chamber defenses have been reassigned.
CAMERA - Audience Chamber Defense region. CAMERA - Interrogation Chamber.

Interrogation Chamber defenses have been reassigned and, sure enough, if you check its camera you'll see it's empty, so you shouldn't bother overloading the power conduit... yet:

[Computer] Overload power conduit in Interrogation Chamber. [5 spike(s)]
[FAILURE] Insufficient spikes.

Limited access also lets you download a program:

Download program "Overload." GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE
This program will overload a system in an effort to maximize its performance.

If you upload this program into the Goto Command Console, you will be able to run it on any systems you have unlocked.
Program "Overload" has been downloaded.

Full access is only granted after entering the correct count, slicing the computer after bypassing security for limited access, or a highly-skilled security bypass:



Correct Count of # entered. FULL access granted. [Computer] Slice the computer. [2 spike(s)] [Computer (26)] Attempt to bypass security. [1 spike(s)]




Full access granted.
Full access to security console

Other than experience received, the only reason to upgrade from limited to full access is if your party has a droid or two ( T3-M4 or HK-47 , or both):

Upgrade droid combat algorithms. GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE


The droid T3-M4 has received new targeting algorithms. (DEX +1) GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE


The droid HK-47 has received new targeting algorithms. (DEX +1) GOTO SECURITY CONSOLE


The droids T3-M4 and HK-47 have received new targeting algorithms. (DEX +1)

If you have a Stealth character and want to sneak past as many droids (and defense turrets) as possible on your way to getting the Droid Controller access code from the Bridge , then you may want to enter Stealth mode now, and ensure your other character is out of sight, before opening the door in the bottom wall of the right corner. Beyond this door is a corridor containing five floating mines (you can never control them, but they can be useful later):

-2 6 8 4 -2 -2

Once a floating mine detects you, it approaches and explodes, inflicting variable piercing damage which can be halved if a successful Reflex save is made against DC 15.

Killed Floating Mine (5) (level 14)

Cells [ edit | edit source ]

Beyond the door at the bottom end of the mined corridor is the Goto starboard commander:

Goto Starboard Commander (main character level 16)
50 (neutral)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 22
Reflex 17
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
19 -
Killed Goto Starboard Commander (level 14) This code will allow unrestricted access to the containment system through the Goto Command Console.

Use the computer console to run software on the containment system.

There's a decorative diamond in the middle of the floor indicating the position of a hidden Average Gas Mine , and a command console by the bottom wall:


If you select Systems Control first then access is restricted, only allowing you to run the Basic Diagnostic program on each system:

Systems Control.
Return to main menu.
Access Containment Cells. (RESTRICTED)
Return to Systems Control.
Run program: Basic Diagnostic.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Containment cell force fields are active.
Access Minefield. (RESTRICTED) Access Turret Defense. (RESTRICTED)
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The minefield is inactive. BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The turrets are operating normally.
Access Droid Controller. (RESTRICTED) Access Power Distribution. (RESTRICTED)
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Droids functioning normally. BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Primary and secondary power supply systems are available.

Selecting Program Library allows you to upload any other programs you acquire:

Program Area Source
Overload docking hatch (limited or full access)
Shut Down Utility Droid
Reset (port wing) Damaged Utility Droid

Once uploaded, you can check what each program does.

Program Library.
Only Basic Diagnostic can be run on RESTRICTED systems. Unlock RESTRICTED systems to gain FULL access.
Upload programs.
New program has been uploaded.
Check the program called Basic Diagnostic. Check the program called Overload.
Basic Diagnostic will provide status information for any system. Overload allocates additional resources to a system, while also disabling safeguards. May be dangerous.
Check the program called Shut Down. Check the program called Reset.
Shut Down attempts to disable a system. May be dangerous. Reset restarts a system with its initial defaults. May be dangerous.

However, you cannot run any uploaded programs on restricted systems. You can unlock a restricted system once you have its access code:

Access Code Area Source
Minefield Goto Central Commander
Turret Defense Starboard Damaged Utility Droid
Containment Cells Starboard Cells Command Console room Goto Starboard Commander
Droid Controller Plasteel Cylinder
Power Distribution Auxiliary Console

To escape from Goto's yacht you only really need the Shut Down program and Power Distribution access code to use on the Bridge Command Console, but acquiring other programs and access codes can be useful, and grant experience when run on unlocked systems:

System Overload Shut Down Reset
Containment Cells Failure 250 XP Success
Minefield 500 XP 500 XP Success
Turret Defense Success 500 XP 500 XP
Droid Controller 0 / 500 XP Success 0 / 500 XP
Power Distribution Failure 500 XP Failure

For example, if you acquired the Containment Cells access code from the Goto starboard commander:

Unlock Restricted System.
All programs can be run on a system after it is unlocked. To unlock a system, you must acquire its Access Code.
Unlock Containment Cell System.
Access to the Containment Cell System is now unrestricted.

If you return to main menu and select Systems Control:

Access Containment Cells.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Containment cell force fields are active. BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Containment cell force fields are inactive.
Run program: Overload.
OVERLOAD: Failure. This program cannot be run on this system.
Run program: Shut down.
SHUT DOWN: Success. Containment cell force fields are inactive. SHUT DOWN: Failure. Containment cell force fields already inactive.
Run program: Reset.
RESET: Success. Containment cell force fields are active.
Ran Shut Down program on Containment Cells system

There are other command consoles throughout the yacht, any of which can be used to upload programs, unlock systems using access codes, and run programs on those systems. However, running programs on the Power Distribution system is restricted to the Bridge Command Console.

Beyond the door in the left wall at the bottom end of the commander's room is another room, containing a maintenance droid, a Goto guard droid, and a plasteel cylinder by its left wall, at the back. The maintenance droid repairs any damage inflicted on the guard droid, so destroy it first:

-2 5 8 -4 -2 -2

Once destroyed it explodes, inflicting variable piercing damage which can be halved if a successful Reflex save is made against DC 15.

Goto Guard Droid (main character level 16)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
18 12
- -

Droid Molten Cannon

Killed Maintenance Droid (level 14) Killed Goto Guard Droid (level 14)

Beyond the door in the right wall at the top end of the commander's room is another room, containing another maintenance droid and two Goto guard droid, one of which is shielded:

Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 19
Reflex 17
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
14 8
- -

Droid Neural Pacifier

Killed Maintenance Droid (level 14) Killed Goto Guard Droid (2) (level 14)

There's a security door in each wall of the bottom right corner of the room:

(2) Lock DC 21 (1) Resist 5 Vitality 20

Beyond the right door is a long corridor with three containment cells in its top wall, sealed with force fields:

(3) Lock DC 21 Resist - Vitality -
[This force field seems to be impenetrable to normal attacks. Maybe Bao-Dur could destroy it with his fist.]

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party and you haven't used the command console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, you can blast them instead. The left and right cells are empty, but the center cell contains a damaged utility droid:

Bzzzzt. [This droid appears badly damaged.] [Computer] Access droid's memory core. [Leave.] [Success] You are able to recover access codes to the turret system.
This code will allow unrestricted access to the defense turrets through the Goto Command Console.

Use the computer console to run software on the turret system.
Bzzzzt. [This droid appears badly damaged.]

Audience Chamber [ edit | edit source ]

Returning to the entrance of the starboard wing of the containment cells , beyond the security door in the bottom wall is another room, containing two Goto guard droids (one shielded), with a plasteel cylinder in its bottom right corner:

Killed Goto Guard Droid (2) (level 14)

There's a door in each wall of the bottom left corner of the room. The bottom door leads to a corridor containing a maintenance droid and two Goto guard droids (one shielded).

There's another door at its bottom end, and another Command Console by the middle of its left wall. If you have the Turret Defense access code from the damaged utility droid in the starboard Containment Cells , then you can unlock the turret system and run programs:

Unlock Turret System.
Access to the Turret Defense System is now unrestricted.
Access Turret Defense.

If you run the Overload program:

OVERLOAD: Success.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The turrets are inflicting maximum damage.

This doesn't seem to have any actual effect on turret damage. However, if you run the Shut Down program:

Run program: Shut Down.
SHUT DOWN: Failure. WARNING! Perform diagnostic immediately!
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The turrets are malfunctioning and targeting both hostile and friendly units. BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The turrets are malfunctioning and targeting both hostile and friendly units. The turrets are inflicting maximum damage.

If you return with the Reset program from the damaged utility droid in the port Containment Cells :

RESET: Success. Advanced targeting protocol removed.

BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Turret accuracy is reduced. Calibration or other change to targeting algorithms necessary.
Ran Shut Down program on Turret System Ran Reset program on Turret System

Running the Shut Down program causes any defense turrets to malfunction and target both hostile and friendly units, while running the Reset program affects their accuracy, adding Effect Bonus -50 to Attack Breakdowns, reducing them to minimum 5% chance to hit and 0% critical conversion. If both programs are run then turrets become much less of a threat to your party, but also to any other hostile or friendly units, which respond in kind when attacked.

There's a security door in the middle of the right wall:

Lock DC 21 (1) Resist 5 Vitality 20

The corridor beyond contains three Goto droid heavy guardians and six defense turrets: if you used the command console to unlock the turret system and then tried to shut it down, then they'll be attacking each other. If you get to the audience room door at the other end of this corridor before all turrets are killed:

[This door cannot be opened until the nearby turrets have been destroyed.]
Goto Droid Heavy Guardian (main character level 16)
Strength 24 +7
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 19
Reflex 18
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
23 -
Defense Turret (main character level 16)
50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Fortitude 15
Reflex 18
Will 15
Ranged Main Off hand
19 -
- -

Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol

Killed Goto Droid Heavy Guardian (3) (level 14) Killed Defense Turret (6) (level 14)

Once all turrets are killed, you can open the audience room door and your main character joins the rest of your party here. There are two sentry droids at the back of the chamber, which had been flanking your main character:

This droid has shut down. The power down sequence from the bridge has frozen it in place.
[Repair] Scavenge the droid for components.
[Success] You have only been able to scavenge a few components from the droid. [Success] Your repair skill has allowed you to remove a number of components from the droid. [Success] Your high repair skill has allowed you to remove a great deal of components from this droid.
rank 9 or less Repair rank 10-15 Repair rank 16 or more
(3) (10) (15)
[Failure] You have already scavenged this droid. There are no components left.

If you get the Droid Controller access code from the Bridge then use any Command Console to unlock that system and run either the Overload or Shut Down programs, you can scavenge any remaining droids for components as well (maximum 450 (15 * 30) more). You can also do the following:

[Computer (13)] Examine the unit's behavior core.
[Success] This behavior core is extremely sophisticated. There is an arsenal of sensory and combat logic upgrades, but they seemed to be governed by a simple defense protocol. [Failure] This droid behavior core is incredibly complex. You don't think you can access it.
[Computer] Switch defense protocol to include you and your companions. [Success] This droid has now been switched to defense mode. If someone chooses to attack you, this droid will attempt to protect you.
Leave the droid alone.
This droid has now been switched to defense mode. If someone chooses to attack you, this droid will attempt to protect you.
Switched defense protocol to include you and your companions

However, you only receive experience for the first droid. These sentry droids don't follow you out of the audience chamber, so this is of limited immediate use. There's an auxiliary console by the wall in the bottom right quadrant of the chamber:


Acquire Power Distribution Access Code. GOTO AUXILIARY CONSOLE

Power Supply Access Codes acquired.

After acquiring the Power Distribution access code and logging out, the following (optional) options won't be available until you get to the bridge:

Access Primary Power Supply System.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Containment cells, docking hatch seal. STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Docking hatch seal. STATUS: Active.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Containment cells.
Switch containment cells to secondary system. Switch docking hatch seal to secondary system.
STATUS: Active.
STATUS: Active.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Containment cells.
View Secondary Power Supply System.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Cloaking device, docking hatch seal.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Cloaking device.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Containment cells, cloaking device.
STATUS: Active.
SUPPORTING: Containment cells, cloaking device, docking hatch seal.
This code will allow unrestricted access to the power distribution system through the Goto Command Console.

Use the computer console to run software on the power distribution system.

If you return to use the command console at the other end of the corridor to the audience chamber, then you can now use this access code to unlock this system:

Unlock Power Distribution System.
Access to the Power Distribution System is now unrestricted.
Access Power Distribution.
Run program: Overload. (RESTRICTED to Bridge) Run program: Shut down. (RESTRICTED to Bridge) Run program: Reset. (RESTRICTED to Bridge)
Operation RESTRICTED to Bridge Console only.

So you cannot run programs on the Power Distribution system until you get to the bridge: if you also have the Shut Down program from the utility droid in the Ebon Hawk 's docking bay then you have everything you need to go there directly via Exterior Defense , but you might as well explore the port side of the yacht (which isn't necessary, but can make breaching the defenses easier).

Torture Room & Lab Station [ edit | edit source ]

Beyond the door below the command console outside the Audience Chamber is a room containing three Goto guard droids: one is shielded, but only one of the remaining has a Molten Cannon .

Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 20
Reflex 17
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
14 8
- -
Killed Goto Guard Droid (3) (level 16)

The room beyond the door in the bottom wall is clearly an interrogation chamber or torture room due to the presence of a force cage and various other restraints, with a Lab Station by the top wall. There's also a plasteel cylinder in the top left corner, by this lab station.

Beyond the door in the right wall of the interrogation chamber is a long corridor with three containment cells in its bottom wall, sealed with force fields:

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party and you haven't used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, you can blast them instead. The left and center cells are empty, but the right cell contains a damaged utility droid:

Bzzzzt. [This droid appears badly damaged.] [Success] You are able to recover access codes to the turret system.
[Success] You are able to recover the "Reset" program. [Leave.]
This program will reset a system, causing it to restart with its default settings.

If you upload this program into the Goto Command Console, you will be able to run it on any systems you have unlocked.

Maintenance Room & Workbench [ edit | edit source ]

Beyond the door in the left wall of the interrogation chamber is a room with a decorative diamond in the middle of the floor indicating the position of a hidden Average Gas Mine , and a Command Console by its top wall. If you have the Reset program from the damaged utility droid in the port Containment Cells , then you can upload this to the Program Library and run it on any unlocked systems.

Beyond the door in the top left corner of the console room, there's a storage room with three plasteel cylinders at the back, by the left wall.

(2) Lock DC 21 (1) Resist 5 Vitality 15

Beyond the high security door in the bottom wall of the console room is another high security door in the right wall, beyond which there's a maintenance room with a Workbench by its bottom wall and three plasteel cylinders in the back right corner.

Beyond the door in the bottom wall opposite the first high security door is the port docking bay, with a Security Console by its bottom wall, a plasteel cylinder by its top wall and a docking hatch in its left wall.

Exterior Defense [ edit | edit source ]

Go through the door above or below the command console outside the Audience Chamber and then through the door in the left wall, and either way you'll be in a room with a Security Console by its left wall and a hidden Average Gas Mine in the middle of its floor. Through the door in the top or bottom wall is the right side of Exterior Defense: on the left side there are eight defense turrets, like those guarding the Audience Chamber , and all but the two leftmost use their shields.

If you've used a command console to unlock the turret system and then run the Reset program after getting what's needed from the damaged utility droids in the starboard and port Containment Cells, then Effect Bonus -50 is added to the Attack Breakdowns of these turrets, reducing them to minimum 5% chance to hit and 0% critical conversion. Otherwise, use shields of your own, Damage Immunity or Damage Resistance vs Energy to withstand their focused fire, or position yourself carefully to limit the number firing on you while attacking with ranged weapons, grenades or Force powers.

Killed Defense Turret (8) (level 16)

You could also simply run or sneak past and go through the door in the top or bottom wall on the right side. Either way, there's a Goto droid heavy guardian just inside the door, a Command Console by the right wall and a fire suppression unit in the opposite corner on the left side of each room:

Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
20 -
Fire Suppression Unit (main character level 16)
50 (neutral)
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Fortitude 17
Reflex 19
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
- -

Fire Suppression System

Killed Goto Droid Heavy Guardian (2) (level 16) Killed Fire Suppression Unit (2) (level 16)

Central Command [ edit | edit source ]

As you approach the sealed hatch at the left end of either room beyond the Exterior Defense turrets:

Mmmm, they have gotten farther than I calculated. They are very resourceful. But they shall go no farther. Activate the mines. Let us see how far they get now.

If you're in Stealth mode then this cancels it. The semi-circular corridor linking the two sealed hatches is mined, five to either side of a junction guarded by the Goto central commander and two more Goto droid heavy guardians:

(10) Detect 25 (5) Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

These mines are not part of the Minefield system.

Goto Central Commander (main character level 16)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 4 -3
Fortitude 22
Reflex 18
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
21 -
Killed Goto Central Commander (level 16) Killed Goto Droid Heavy Guardian (2) (level 16)
This code will allow unrestricted access to the minefield through the Goto Command Console.

Use the computer console to run software on the minefield system.

There's another sealed hatch down the corridor left of this junction, beyond which is central command, a console hub with a circular corridor around its perimeter. If you enter the hub with your party, one of them can comment on it:

What is this place? Some kind of control center?
A lot these plot points are for galactic trade routes and resource allocation. [Computer] These systems aren't controlling the ship - they're tracking signals on a planetary scale - maybe even galaxy-wide. I'm not sure.
Dee-deereet, dee-deet, reedee? Dee-woooo. This is a droid control center? For the ship? So if we shut it down, then we shut down all the droids it controls. Any idea where the off switch is? Dee-deet! Deereeeet! Wait... it controls thousands of droids? On Nar Shaddaa and elsewhere? But how does the signal travel that far?
Looks like someone's been busy. This is a droid control center - but on a huge scale. It could control thousands of droids, on Nar Shaddaa and elsewhere. This looks like some kind of monitoring station... but it's tracking incredible amounts of data. This place resembles some of the Republic monitoring stations on Citadel Station - but much more complex. This must be the nerve center of the ship. I say we take it out. I don't think I've ever seen so many consoles - wha- what is this place? This looks to be a control center of some sort. This place feels strange... I sense nothing living, yet there is activity here.

If you haven't used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Containment Cells system, then there's a force field in the back wall of the hub:

Lock DC 21 Resist - Vitality -

If Bao-Dur isn't in your party then you can blast it instead. The hub's perimeter corridor also allows you to go around to the other side of the force field. However, if you take it down then what you see of Interior Defense may prompt you to use the command console in the middle of the hub's top wall to reset it, or use the Minefield access code from the Goto central commander to unlock that system and run programs:

Unlock Minefield System.
Access to the Minefield System is now unrestricted.
Access Minefield.
OVERLOAD: Success. WARNING! This operating mode is unsafe.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: WARNING! The minefield is hyperactive. All units are considered hostile.

If you run the Shut Down program:

SHUT DOWN: Success.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The minefield is disabled.

If you run the Reset program:

RESET: Success.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: The minefield is operating normally.
Ran Overload program on Minefield system Ran Shut Down program on Minefield system

Interior Defense [ edit | edit source ]

The corridor exiting the right side of Central Command is heavily mined:

(13) Detect 25 (5) Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

If you used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Minefield system then neither they nor the mines outside the high security doors to the Bridge can be triggered, but they can still be disabled or recovered for experience. However, the junction beyond the minefield is guarded by seven Goto droid heavy guardians. If you used a command console to overload the Minefield system then both you and the droids can now trigger them: since they're melee attackers, once they become aware of you they can run over the mines, triggering them and heavily damaging or killing themselves.

Killed Goto Droid Heavy Guardian (7) (level 16)

Bridge [ edit | edit source ]

The junction beyond the minefield is in the middle of a corridor between two high security doors in the left wall at its top and bottom end, which are mined (five a side):

If you used a Command Console to unlock and shut down the Minefield system then the mines cannot be triggered, but they can still be disabled or recovered for experience. There are also windows at the top and bottom of this corridor, and the back of the Ebon Hawk can be seen through the top window, to the right.

Beyond the doors is the bridge, a semi-circular room with a plasteel cylinder in its top right corner, by the door:

This code will allow unrestricted access to the droid control system through the M4-78 Central Computer.

Use the computer console to run software on the droid control system.

There are two consoles in the middle of the bridge. The Bridge Command Console is the top one, on your left. Like any command console it can be used to unlock and access the Droid Controller system to run programs although, in the likely event that you've already killed every droid on the yacht, this may only be good for experience:

Unlock Droid Control System
Access to the Droid Controller is now unrestricted.
Access Droid Controller.
OVERLOAD: Success. All organics currently onboard treated as friendly.

If you run the Overload program after disabling the yacht's cloaking device:

OVERLOAD: Failure. Organics onboard exceed specifications. Droids will exterminate all.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Droids set to protect. All guests onboard when order was issued will be defended.
SHUTDOWN: Success. Droids disabled.
RESET: Success. Droids functioning normally.
Ran Overload or Reset program on Droid Control system

However, if you ran or sneaked past droids then you can get them to defend you against any remaining turrets, and the bounty hunters that board once the yacht's cloaking device is disabled. You need to run the Overload program before you disable the cloaking device, otherwise any remaining droids will ignore turrets and bounty hunters, but still attack you: if you run it afterward by mistake then you can still run the Shut Down program to prevent droids attacking you, and scavenge them for components like the Sentry Droids back in the audience chamber, as well as examine each unit's behavior core to switch its defense protocol to include you and your companions. Afterward, you can run the Reset program to allow you to kill any surviving droids.

The primary power system console is the bottom console in the middle of the bridge, on your right, which can be used to switch the docking hatch seal (and containment cells) from the primary power system to the secondary:

Access Primary Power Supply System.

Only the Bridge Command Console can be used to both access the Power Distribution system and run programs on it, to shut down the (secondary) power system:

Run program: Overload.
OVERLOAD: Failure. Safety protocol in effect. Primary power supply system is unavailable. Overloading secondary system could result in catastophic failure.
SHUT DOWN: Success. Secondary power offline. Attached systems disabled. SHUT DOWN: Failure. Primary power supply system cannot be disabled.
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC: Primary power supply available. Secondary power offline.
RESET: Failure. Safety protocol in effect. Reseting power supply system could result in catastrophic failure.

Once you've switched the docking hatch seal to the secondary power system and shut it down, or vice versa:

Ran Shut Down program on Power Distribution system Switched docking hatch seal to secondary system

After disabling the cloaking device using the Bridge Command Console, when you return through Central Command to the junction in the middle of the mined corridor, there's a pair of Duros bounty hunters to either side, and another pair in the rooms at each end of the corridor:

Duros Bounty Hunter (main character level 17)
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Fortitude 20
Reflex 20
Will 18
Ranged Main Off hand
20 -
16 10

Blaster Rifle

Killed Duros Bounty Hunter (8) (level 17)

When you return to the Exterior Defense turrets, the Twi'lek Twin Suns await you. If Atton is in your party as you enter:

Not again. We meet again, handsome, strong... fearful human. Next time, strike to kill, not to wound. You will not escape us this time. Run?! I didn't run from you two schuttas last time - and this time, I'm going to make sure you stay down.
Finally, we meet the exile. You should tell your companion that he should strike to kill, not wound.

If any of the turrets remain then you can use the command console by the right wall of the room above or below to access the turret system, causing them to malfunction after trying to shut them down so that they can target the Twin Suns as well (although they'll be much less effective if you reset them as well). This isn't necessary, but it can be satisfying: since the Twin Suns' cantina encounter with Atton, each has lost a sword, but Atton can gain up to eight guns (and two party members).

Twin Suns (main character level 17)
Fortitude 21
Reflex 19
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
19 -
5-15, +2 Slashing

Twi'lek Spinning Blade

Ranged Main Off hand
- -
20 -

On Hit: Attribute Damage, Strength

Killed Twin Suns (2) (level 17)

All that remain of the boarders are four trios of Gand, each consisting of two Gand and a Gand Findsman. One trio is in the Interrogation Chamber , and you can now use one of the Security Consoles in either of the rooms at the right end of Exterior Defense to overload the power conduit there, killing them: the rest of the port wing remains unpopulated, so there's no need to go there unless you want to see if the Gand left any remains.

The remaining Gand are between you and the Ebon Hawk docking hatch: there's a trio in the room to the right of the top security console room, another in the room above (at the left end of the starboard Containment Cells corridor), and the last trio is in the corridor up to the docking hatch (if any floating mines remain, they can damage Gand when triggered or killed).

Gand (main character level 17)
Fortitude 19
Reflex 17
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
13 7

Breath Mask

Gand Findsman (Goto's Yacht) (main character level 17)
Ranged Main Off hand
13 7
2-12Ion 2-12
- -

Ion Blaster

The off hand Ion Blaster adds no Ion vs. Droid .

Killed Gand (8) (level 17) Killed Gand Findsman (4) (level 17)

Save game before going through the unsealed docking hatch to enter the Ebon Hawk. As you escape, Goto's yacht is attacked and destroyed. Aboard the Ebon Hawk, if Hanharr joined your party:

We have slain Goto... burned the leader of the greatest tribe of the Exchange. The fire of his death shall bathe the moon below in red... flickering, a beacon. *All* shall know what was done in the skies over Nar Shaddaa... that we crushed Goto's life from him where he was strongest.
So what? He deserved nothing less. I only wished he'd suffered more. Plus, the power vacuum... even if Vogga gets up and running again, the system is going to be feeling the effects for years to come. From one death, many. *That* is power. Keep your primitive thoughts to yourself. Well, we didn't come to Nar Shaddaa to fight with crime lords. But Zez-Kai Ell wasn't aboard the yacht. We've lost him. You came to Nar Shaddaa for another Jeedai, another of your tribe. Hanharr knows where this one may be found... Take me there, then. ...and I will take you there.

Otherwise, if Mira joined your party:

I can't believe we just blew up Goto's yacht. That's going to destabilize crime throughout this whole sector. Yeah, well you'll understand if I hold back the tears.
You don't understand. Crime in the Y'Toub System - it's like the economy. Plus the power vaccuum? Even if Vogga gets up and running again, the system is going to be feeling the effects for years to come. Yeah, well at least we didn't find that Jedi Master with the weird name. Zez-Kai Ell? Um... well that's not true. I already found him. Actually he found me first. He hired me to watch out for you, keep Goto off your back... until he could meet with you. We'll need to head back to Nar Shaddaa, to that safe house off the docks. I said I'd meet up with him there if we ran into any trouble.

In either case:

One of Goto's machines. *Here.* What do you want now? If you thought to escape my notice so easily, you would be wrong. As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: this droid. It will serve you well on your journey.
How did you get on my ship? Wasn't your ship just destroyed? I am afraid I do not understand what you mean. A common misconception, not supported by facts.
Why would I want this droid? You would be surprised at how little I care about what you think. As I indicated, this unit will remain with you and guard you. It will also serve as an effective voice for my orders during your journey.
Tell me more about the droid. I think your "gift" is useless.
I cannot harm you. You are the key to saving the Republic. Pray that you do not prove yourself otherwise.
I accept your gift. How do I know it won't try to kill me?
[ has joined your party. He has special powers over droids and cannot set off mines.]
Maybe I should shut it down. That would be unfortunate. I would merely lose a droid, while you would lose your entire ship and a sizable chunk of whatever planet you were on when you tripped the failsafe detonator.
Oh, yes, I excel at that. Regardless, testing it would benefit neither of us, I assure you. Do not be concerned. The detonator is primed only when the droid's behavior core is tampered with - if we enter combat, such actions will not trigger an explosion. It was not a request. Any attempt to interfere with my duties would be... unfortunate. As much as I need you, you will find you will need me as well - and this droid will prove useful on your journey.
Maybe you're bluffing. I don't want your help.
Thanks for the droid, Goto. Let's get to Nar Shaddaa. Let's get to Nar Shaddaa. Zez-Kai Ell is waiting for us. Enough talk.

Nar Shaddaa [ edit | edit source ]

Back on Nar Shaddaa, you return alone to the flophouse on the docks to meet Zez-Kai Ell...

Lost Jedi [ edit | edit source ]

If Alignment < 40:

So you have returned from exile, though I do not know why. You were always difficult to read, when you were tied to the Force, and even more when it was lost to you. But I can sense the death of others upon your hands - I know how this will end. But I will answer your questions, if only for some measure of peace. In exchange, I wish only the answer to one. Why have you done this to the Jedi? Was it just revenge - or something more?
But you are. Whatever this threat is, it leaves echoes in the Force, wounds that do not heal. Whatever this threat is, it leaves echoes in the Force, wounds that do not heal. It is something that we had never felt before - until you stood before us in judgment. And we exiled you.
I am not the one responsible for this. Do you think I am the one killing the Jedi? What do you mean?
So you blamed me? Whatever is killing the Jedi is not being done by my hand. If I could have done this, I would have. Yes. Whatever was killing the Jedi, it was something tied to you, something you had experienced - and had survived. Not directly perhaps. But it is something tied to you, something you had experienced - and had survived. You are more involved than you know. Whatever is striking at us, it is something tied to you, something you had experienced - and survived. Some of us sought to understand you, to find you. It seems we succeeded, even though we thought you were lost to us. Now as we hoped, you have returned, and you know nothing that could help us. Such irony.
I have heard enough. Prepare to die.

Otherwise, if Alignment 40 or more:

So you have returned from exile. Kavar thought you might, if only to wander your old battlegrounds. But I did not think you would come to Nar Shaddaa. Still, you were always a difficult one to read - both when you were tied to the Force, and even more when it was lost to you.
Why did Kavar think I would return from exile? I do not know. It was a sense he had, and he had served in war, as you had. Perhaps he thought he understood you, or maybe he simply hoped he did. He felt you were the key to understanding the threat we face - the others were not so certain. But so many of them are gone now, as you no doubt know. Why me? He sensed some connection between you and many of the worlds touched by war. He thought by traveling to such places, he could achieve understanding.
Then you know I have come to end you.
I have questions I want answered. I had other questions.
No doubt. I think the answers will provide us both with some measure of peace - I have kept secrets for far too long. What I can tell you, I will. Very well.
Where are all the Jedi?
They have scattered, but there is a purpose in their movements. It is to both to hunt - and draw out our enemies. Somehow, they... we... are being targeted through the Force - and when Jedi gather, we are vulnerable. So we have chosen places where it is difficult to sense others through the Force... whether on planets dense with life, or touched by war. In such places, we may conceal ourselves, gather information - without presenting ourselves as targets. It was part of Kavar's plan. Plan? Yes - he felt if our enemy cannot detect us, then perhaps they would believe themselves victorious and show themselves. And we knew that the war would be lost if we continued to act as we had. I do not know where they wander now. There are few of us, though, too few... and I have not heard from them in some time.
I encountered Vrook upon Dantooine. Vrook still lives? I had not felt his presence for some time.
Atris is on Telos. Atris? But I had thought she had gone to Katarr, with the others. You sound surprised. Yes, she holds the last of the Jedi teachings... it is good she survived.
[Intelligence (16)] Why didn't you go to Katarr? I had not finished my investigations here, and I did not wish to reveal myself. There was nothing I could do.
What happened to them?
It is a long story, but there is no harm in you knowing. And someone should know. Only a handful of us remained after the Jedi Civil War, barely a hundred in number. Then even that hundred began to vanish, in places where the Force seemed blind. The only pattern we determined that when Jedi gathered, they were seen no more. At the last Jedi conclave on the Miraluka world of Katarr, the entire planet was wiped out. An entire race, destroyed... because the Jedi chose to gather there. It was only then that we realized we were facing something far more powerful than we knew how to fight. We could not allow the fact when we gathered, we placed everything around us at risk... a Jedi's life is sacrifice, but we cannot allow our presence or actions to endanger others. And we could not fight an enemy that would not reveal itself. But any Jedi, anyone who was strong in the Force, who attempted to track down such a threat... vanished, without a trace. But that makes no sense. Tell me about this threat. It does, but you must step back to see it. I know little about it. I know more of the absence it leaves behind than its face. Whatever this threat was, it was targeting us and everything around us. Yet it was somehow weak enough that it was afraid to confront us openly. If it believed us defeated, then perhaps it would finally show itself. It was a faint hope, but it was the best we had. It was Kavar's plan - he was always the greatest tactician among us. And had seen war more than the rest of us.
Why did you hide? Is that why you hid? So you retreated?
I need to know why you cast me out of the Order.
We told you it was because you followed Revan to war. But you ask because you are not certain of that answer. Nor were we. The day we cast you out, that is the moment I decided to leave the Order. Because I do not believe we truly faced the reasons you were exiled, and if we do not examine such truths, then we are already lost. I think it was because we were afraid. It is a difficult thing to live one's life with the Force - to see a vision of what it would be like to be severed from it. It is more frightening than you know.
Why are you on Nar Shaddaa?
I had thought perhaps that here upon the smuggler's moon, I might find some evidence of the threat we faced. The bounties on Jedi and their disappearance - I did not believe the two were connected, but there was a chance. And the strong currents of life here on Nar Shaddaa make perceiving a Force user difficult. I could use it to cloak my movements and watch without being discovered.
[Awareness (21)] That is not the only reason... you came here to hide.
No, you are right - that is not the whole truth. It is difficult to detect a Force user on Nar Shaddaa, and I knew it. This threat we face... it leaves wounds in the Force when it strikes. It leaves nothing. And you were afraid. To live life without the Force, to vanish and die and leave only an echo - it was terrifying. To be connected to all life around you, then to have it stripped... ...I can only imagine what it must have been like for you. But even that imagining cannot compare with the truth. But there is more than that. On Nar Shaddaa... one cannot escape what was left from the Jedi Civil War. From the failure of the Masters, from our failure to properly train Jedi, came disaster. And I wondered, if perhaps, the teachings of the Jedi had been our failing all along. There have been so many failures, by teachers who believed in the Code with all their being - Master Arca failed Ulic, as Master Baas failed Exar Kun, as Kae and Zhar and the others of the Council failed Revan... and Malak. For all the acts we do to preserve the galaxy, from such an arrogance that all we do is right and just, I wonder if there is a counter-effect that is created, that strikes back at us. Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Malak, Revan, you... all Jedi. There is something wrong in the Force, a wound, a sound that is growing, like a scream. You can hear it echo on Nar Shaddaa, sometimes when the moon is on orbit. It is a frightening thing to feel, that perhaps being connected to all life is not enlightenment at all, but simply another doom. And I think that maybe, perhaps, to forsake the Force as you did, to cut loose our bonds, may not be the wrong thing to do. You taught me something important in the Council Chamber long ago, exile, and it has stayed with me all these years. You were right to do what you did. Everything you did.
Why did you cut me off from the Force?
Is that what you think? We did no such thing, but it is a technique that has been used as punishment in the past, yes. It is a rare sentence, and to my knowledge, it has only be done once, at a moment where a Jedi discipline has failed. What caused your loss I fear, was different. I am not certain I understand it - we did not understand it fully, then, and only recently do I feel we may have become enlightened. The other masters may have more knowledge of this, but I do not - and I do not know if they even live. Does it matter? It seems your power has returned. Perhaps the loss was not a loss at all.
At the end of my trial, you and the other masters said something had happened to me. What was it?
Ah, so the records of your trial were found. Good... sometimes I think this galaxy would be a better place if there were less Jedi secrets. But I have no answer for you, as much as I would like to give one. We vowed never to speak of it - and although I would not keep promises to Jedi, I keep promises I make to others. And Kavar was a friend. If we were gathered as one, then the promise might be revoked. Until then, I can say nothing.
Do you know anything of Force Bonds... and how to end them?
Yes... such bonds are a connection that can be formed at moments of crisis - or in the slow understanding that grows between master and apprentice. It is most common between two beings who are sensitive to the Force. It allows the transmission of feelings, of influence. It was something you were gifted with, as I recall, before your fall. You formed such attachments easier than most - even to those who could feel the Force only faintly. Even Vrook could not ignore it, which is saying something.
I have developed a bond with another - one that is lethal to us both. That is most unusual - and unnatural. I have never heard of a bond of such strength. How would I end it? There were a few within the Order who knew more than I did of such bonds - but their students were few, lost in the Mandalorian Wars. It was rumored that Revan studied such bonding deeply, both through the Jedi histories and with certain teachers, before he left the Order and went to war. It was rumored that Revan studied such bonding deeply, both through the Jedi histories and with certain teachers, before she left the Order and went to war.
Is there any way to remove such a bond? How would I end such a bond? I do not know - a bond between two living beings is not something easily broken. It not a choice... it is like breaking a feeling. Like turning away from the Force. To break a bond, your feelings would have to change, or one of you would have to die - but even then, the bond wouldn't go away, it would simply... it would simply be empty, a wound. One of you would have to die, but even then, the bond wouldn't go away, it would simply... it would simply be empty, a wound.
That is all I wished to know. What happens now? Now... now I must take up the role I was ready to cast aside. This threat has finally revealed itself, and we Jedi will need to stand together. I did not speak fully of what I have felt. Staying on Nar Shaddaa - it is an exile of sorts. One that I have chosen. I, too, lost a Padawan on Malachor. Not to the battle, but to the alternative - to the teachings that Revan brought from the Unknown Regions. And I was not the only Jedi Master to watch a student turn on them.
No, no - they were not to blame, but many of the Order did so - it was a difficult time, a time of strong emotion. Perhaps the Council, perhaps the Order itself had grown arrogant in their teachings. It is easy to cast blame, but it is perhaps time the Order accepted responsibility for their teachings, and their arrogance, and come to recognize that perhaps we are flawed. Not once did I hear one of the Council claim responsibility for Revan, for Exar Kun, for Ulic, for Malak... or for you. Yet... you were the only one who came back from the wars to face our judgment. And rather than attempting to understand why you did what you did, we punished you instead. Our one chance to see where we had gone wrong, and we cast it aside. And now, that decision has come back to us, and may carry with it, our destruction. Perhaps there is something wrong in us, in our teachings. And though I tried, I could not cause that thought to leave me - so I left the Council. And I was not the only one. That is why many scattered... and why many in the Republic do not trust us. And why we do not trust ourselves. Make no mistake - I am no Jedi. This is the end you see. After this, there will be nothing. And I think it will be for the best. Do you wish to do battle now? I have nothing more to say.
So you blamed them? To fight in the Mandalorian Wars was no betrayal. Your students... your disciples were taught to protect innocents, even when you would not.
Let us end this. I am sick of your ramblings.
It provides no comfort at all, for reasons on which I still must keep secret. Suffice to say redemption was not Revan's choice, and I have never believed those of the Council who attempt to console themselves otherwise for the crime they committed.
But Revan redeemed himself. Certainly that must give you some hope. But Revan redeemed herself. Certainly that must give you some hope. I urge you to reconsider. For all the failings of the Jedi, there have been so many successes. No, letting you live seems more punishment - and it will serve as a lesson to other Jedi, perhaps weaken them with your doubts.

Before Zez-Kai Ell leaves you, if you are a Jedi Consular , Jedi Master or Sith Lord then he teaches you a Force form , otherwise he teaches you a lightsaber form :

Is there anything you can teach me? But we have spoken enough, I think. And words I think dull us both. Let us speak through the Force - through sparring.
It has been some time since you have used the Force, it is true. But there are techniques to enhance one's tie to the Force, to make your influence through the . Yet even as such techniques can enhance the Force, they should be used cautiously - they can drain you quickly, leaving you at the mercy of your opponents. This is a long war, I fear, with many battles left to fight - you will need to conserve your strength when using the Force if you hope to make it through the long road ahead. This form heightens your , allowing you to gather your strength faster, even in the midst of combat. This is among one of the greatest techniques of the Jedi - yet when one has seen all that you have, it is such a simple thing, you may wonder why you did not notice it before. Do you feel it gathering within you - now, slowly, let it out... slowly - this technique allows you to maintain your Force Powers for longer than normal, though the energy and discipline required is great.
This form you may have already seen much of during the Mandalorian Wars - but it is fitting to speak using elements of the past, I think. is the name given to the movements of this form - though it is aggressive, it is focused, and its best use is in combat against a single opponent. This form is somewhat less useful in deflecting blaster shots - use it when dealing with opponents in close combat, not against a battalion firing heavy blasters at you. This form should prove appropriate - its best use is when you are outnumbered, which I fear suits your... our predicament perfectly. You will find it easier to deflect blaster fire with this form - and it shall also guard you against critical strikes by your opponents. Sometimes sparring with another can achieve a form of meditation - the form is one of the best such techniques. There is no great strengths, no edge in such a form, but yet, its achieves worth in not leaving you as exposed as some of the more aggressive forms. Its strength is its balance. You are at home in places of war and battle - this form may already be known to you. It is , a ferocious form of lightsaber offense. Against an armed enemy, it is powerful indeed - but against an enemy armed with the Force, you will find them a difficult foe, indeed.
Perhaps exile has been good to you indeed - it has certainly not dulled your instincts, nor the speed at which you learn. I shall go to Dantooine, to the ruins of the Enclave. If you gather the others, I will meet you there. And... thank you, exile. Your returning... it is good that you are back among us.

You encountered on Nar Shaddaa and spoke with him. He agreed to meet you at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine when you had united all the Jedi Masters.

Otherwise, you engage in combat. The door in the left wall at the bottom end of the room remains locked until Zez-Kai Ell is defeated:

[This appears to be a magnetically-sealed storage door, locked from the inside. You don't see any means of opening it.]
Zez-Kai Ell (main character level 17)
80 (light)
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 12 +1
Fortitude 25
Reflex 25
Will 24
Ranged Main Off hand
- -
15 9

Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Once Zez-Kai Ell has been reduced to less than 50% Vitality, if you are a Jedi Consular , Jedi Master or Sith Lord then you learn the Force form he's using (despite him not having any Force powers to use), otherwise you learn the lightsaber form he's using:

Note the strength of his Force powers. He is desperate to finish you quickly, so he uses a . Defeat him by going on the defensive and absorbing his attacks with the Force. He will quickly run out of energy and then you can finish him easily. He is being typically cautious. He isn't sure of your strengths and weaknesses, so he is using a force form that grants him greater . This allows him to more quickly regenerate his energies. Don't be drawn into a long battle. Once you understand his technique, attack him aggressively while he dawdles. He may appear stronger in the Force than you, but this is merely an illusion granted by a certain . The powers he uses against you will not directly harm you, but he seeks to weaken and confound you. Exploit the weakness of his form by using your own Force powers against him.
He is overconfident. Observe how he handles his lightsaber. He is using , an aggressive form, best suited for single opponents. You can easily defeat him by encircling him with your companions or by using blaster fire. Be wary of his Power Attack, however, as it is further enhanced using this form. You have him on the defensive. He uses the form. Study his movements carefully and try to emulate them. This form will be useful when you face multiple opponents or ranged attack. Shien also allows you to make more devastating critical attacks. It would serve you well to assimilate the style this Jedi is demonstrating. It is called , and it is a very balanced form. Niman offers none of the specific strengths of other forms, but neither does it have their weaknesses. Predictably, he seeks to unbalance you with his erratic attacks. His technique is called , the most chaotic of the lightsaber forms. This form sacrifices much to bolster offense, leaving one exposed to attack by the Force. He has made a grave error in assuming you lack the power to harm him with the Force.
Unh. If you think to learn anything from my death... mm...then you are wrong. I am already learning from you. If you think I am done with you, you are the one who is wrong. Your form is still formidable, old one - but your speed is sluggish, weak. If battle is the only thing you yet learn from me, then that is the only victory this day. What are you waiting for? I merely wished to see how you held the blade - first to mock it, then to use it to kill you. That form is one I have not seen in some time, "master" - but it will be the last thing you see. Your lightsaber form speaks volumes - and so will your death. So it as Kavar feared... you have taken what you have learned of the Jedi, and used that knowledge against us. Come, that form is still new to you. Let us see if you have the years to back it up.

Once Zez-Kai Ell is defeated (for which you receive no experience), you subconsciously drain Force power from him:

What was that? I feel stronger... what happened? My perceptions feel strange - expanded. It is something the Sith, the assassins that stalk us, can do- it is of the dark side, the ability to feed on life, the Force, the closer one comes to it. It makes them stronger - for a time. But how do I know how to do it? What technique is it? I've never done anything like that before. Not all techniques in the Force are learned through practice and training - this is something instinctual, born from experience. It is a way that they fill the hollow places where the Force used to be.
Maximum Force Points Increased (+25)

You encountered Zez-Kai Ell on Nar Shaddaa and defeated him.

Now if you speak to a commoner on the refugee landing pad, or a Duros in the entertainment promenade's Cantina :

Did you hear? The Republic's destroyed Goto's yacht. Blew it up, right in orbit!
Goto's yacht was fired on by a Republic warship. Has the Republic declared war on the Exchange?
I heard Goto's on the way out ever since that "accident" in orbit.
Anybody hear anything about Goto? Word is, the boss is dead.

Seeking Passage [ edit | edit source ]

If you spoke to a woman named Kahranna in the refugee quad who told you her family are Seeking Passage off Nar Shaddaa, and you told her you'd help, then if you speak to the dockmaster Fassa at the Pylon 2 junction on the docks:

Could you help transport a family to Telos?
What? Do I look like passenger ship to you? Ack. All right. You helped me, I help you. Forget about that. I'd like to talk about something else. Fine but you hurry up. I have a lot to do.
The mother's name is Kahranna. She's in the refugee quad.
Fine. I do for you. But don't ask of Fassa again! What else?!

You've helped Kahranna and her family secure a trip from Nar Shaddaa to Telos and they are off to a better life.
Helped Kahranna and her family

If you return to the refugee quad, then Kahranna is gone.

Will Work for Fuel [ edit | edit source ]

If you spoke to a man named Odis in the refugee quad who told you he's looking for work and Will Work for Fuel , and you've spoken to the Lunar Shadow crew in the flophouse on the docks about their Wayward Captain but not reunited them or told them about Odis, then if you speak to the dockmaster Fassa at the Pylon 2 junction on the docks:

Do you have any need for pilots?
Now that freighters can depart safely, I can use a good pilot. The refugee Odis, will work for you for sponsorship. If I find one, I'll let you know. Fassa can do this. Good. I'll send someone for him. Good, good. What else?

You found a job for Odis working for Vogga the Hutt and Fassa.
Found a job for Odis

If you return to the refugee quad, then Odis is gone.

New Fuel Source [ edit | edit source ]

If you return to Vogga's Enclave in the top left corner of the docks and speak to Vogga the Hutt again after saying you'll help deal with Goto in exchange for a New Fuel Source for Telos' Citadel Station:

You've returned. But I do not see Goto chained behind you, can it be that you have not had success yet?
I do not have Goto here, but rest assured, he will trouble you no longer. Indeed, I had heard as much. I wouldn't have thought you could have so easily disposed of him. Rarely am I as impressed by a human. I believe that means we have a matter of business to discuss. My freighters have already begun their work. I will open trade with the Telosians, however I believe they will be reluctant to listen to my offer, should it come from me. Here. These credits should cover your expenses and a fee for services rendered. I do expect you to do what I have asked. If you do not, you will find that you will have little time to enjoy those credits. Now leave, I haven't grown so fond of you I'd like you around.

Vogga the Hutt has set up a trade route between Sleyheron and Telos. Telos has a new source of fuel!

Hutt Oil

Dealt with Goto Telos has new source of fuel
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Refugee Landing Pad

1) Landing Pad – You’ll touch down on one of the landing pads in the Refugee sector. Unfortunately this pad has been claimed. Once you step out Quello will demand payment. You can threaten him or pay him. Either way there will be trouble later on once the Red Eclipse gang arrive.

Head down the corridor to the east. As you turn around the corner you’ll bump into some Exchange thugs. You can take them out or let them taunt the guy for LS or DS points. There’s also a couple of refugees here who will ask for credits. If you help them Kreia will talk to you. Agree with her for more influence over her.

2) Workbench – There is a workbench here, but more importantly in a nearby container you’ll find the Airspeeder Navigation Interface . One of the items you need to repair a broken airspeeder belonging to the Serroco gang.

3) Tienn Tubb and TT-32 – You’ll first meet the droid TT-32 who asks you to help retrieve a droid that was sold to the droid parts merchant, Kodin at #9. If you do you’ll get a Renewable Droid Shield .

Tienn Tubb will help you later on once you have a Blank Transponder Card for the Ebon Hawk.

4) Ex Bounty Hunter, Vossk – Talk to Vossk and he’ll tell you about the different factions and some of the bounty hunters on Nar Shaddaa.

5) The Ebon Hawk Owner? – Yes, that’s right. A man by the name of Ratrin Vhek will claim to be the owner of the Ebon Hawk. He doesn’t have any actual proof of ownership except that he knows where the hidden compartments are located. Agree to hand over the Ebon Hawk for LS points or kill him for DS points. If you give him the ship or tell him to go away he’ll end up trying to steal the Ebon Hawk back anyway and he’ll get killed by the Red Eclipse gang.

6) Oondar the Bad Merchant – Oondar is in competition with Geeda on the other side of this area #8. They will ask you to get rid of the other merchant. You can tell either of them to leave, either Oondar or Geeda but you’ll no longer have access to their inventory.

7) Exchange Boss – A deal with an Exchange Boss has gone wrong. Once you enter the room they’ll turn on you. Killing them will give you notoriety with the Exchange.

8) Geeda the Good Merchant – Geeda will sell you some regular items for sale. If you come back to her later in the game she’ll have much better items for sale.

9) Kodin, Droid Parts Merchant – If you’ve been to see TT-32 at #3 then you’ll be able to buy the IT-31 droid for 500 credits which you may be able to Persuade down to 150 credits. Threaten Kodin for DS points and get the droid for free.

Once you’ve purchased IT-31 talk with it and send it back to TT-32. Follow the droid back and speak with TT-32 for your reward.

10) Swoop Racing – This room and the next room are the swoop racing area. Lupo has been cheating the swoop racers by using an unbeatable droid, C9-T9, to race against them.

Speak with Borna Lys and she’ll have a way to sabotage the droid, making the swoop racing fairer for everyone else. Persuade her for the Access Codes and then use Repair or Computer on the terminal next to the C9-T9 droid. You’ll be able to check it for oddities and sabotage it one way or another.

Talk to Lupo and convince him to sell the Swoop Racing to Borna. Head back to Borna and she’ll give you a reward. You can now take part in the Swoop Racing with a good chance of winning.

Once you’ve cleared this area head through one of the exits to one of the other three areas.

11) Exit to Entertainment Promenade

12) Exit to Docks

13) Exit to Refugee Quad

Entertainment Promenade

1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad

2) Twik’gar and Kallah-Nah – As you enter the Entertainment Promenade there will be a couple of thugs on the left, Twik’gar and his friend. They’re asking about a Pazaak player called Geredi. You can convince Geredi to come out or just leave the thugs waiting. Geredi is one of three Pazaak players you need to beat in order to meet the Champion so this is one way to get rid of him if you don’t want to play him properly.

On the other side of the door is a little character called Kallah-Nar . If you speak with him after talking to the Pazaak Den guard you’ll be able to find out the password to enter the Pazaak Den. Secondly, you can find your current stading with the exchange. You need a certain amount of notoriety with the Exchange in order to be given a meeting with Visquis, the local Exchange boss. You can also pay Kallah-Nar 2,000 credits to improve your stading with the Exchange but if you do the other quests this shouldn’t be necessary.

3) Pazaak Den Door Guard – The guard won’t let you in unless you utter the password. Speak with Kallah-Nar at #2 to find out the password.

4) Pazaak Den – There are three Pazaak players in here that you need to beat in order to meet the Pazaak Champion. You will either need to win against them 3 times before they give up and admit you are better or use guile and tactics.

S4-C8 – This droid loves playing Pazaak. You can have a few games with it and try to beat it or convine the droid to let you take a look at its programming. Alter the programming so that it’s no longer addicted to Pazaak and you’ll have one less opponent to beat.

Dahnis – This pretty girl is just Atton’s type. If Atton is in your party she’ll let him win in order to flirt with him. That’s two down, one to go.

Geredi – If you’re sticking to the Light Side then you’ll have to beat him legitimately three times. Otherwise tell him his “friends” are waiting for him outside.

The Champion – Once all three players have been beaten or are no longer playing the Champion will arrive. If you really like playing Pazaak then try and beat him three times. Otherwise convince him that winning all the time isn’t fun. He’ll agree and give you one of the best Pazaak cards, the “Tiebreaker +/- 1” .

5) Bar – You’ll meet a few characters here including the bartender, some thugs and a dancing trainer. This is an optional area but you’ll need to come here if you want to get access to Vogga Hutt’s hoard (A quest given at the Docks).

Once you’ve been to the Docks and discovered how to get into Vogga’s hoard you can buy the Juma Juice from the bartender here. The Juice will put Vogga’s Kath Hounds to sleep.

Domo, the dancing trainer will complain about not having enough dancers. You can dance yourself, or the Handmaiden will dance as well if she is in your party. This is not necessary as the thugs in this room let you know how to speak with Vogga.

If you put your stealth field on and go near to Vogga’s thugs, in the southern partition, you’ll overhear them talking about how no-one can see Vogga unless they have something to say about Goto.

Refugee Quad

1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad – As you step into this area you’ll be confronted by a couple of Exchange Thugs. You can intimidate them to let you through or kill them. Killing them will allow some of the Refugees in this area to escape once you find them later.

2) Geriel – This man is sick, showing symptoms of the plague but you can heal him if you have sufficient Treat Injury skill for Light Side points. Convincing him to kill himself will give you Dark Side points.

3) Refugee Center – this large area is where most of the Refugees hang out. The Exchange hold the area on the western side of the map and the Serroco gang own the eastern side of the map.

Hussef – Speak with Hussef to learn about the refugees and how they are hemmed in on either side by the Exchange and the Serroco gang. You can help them out by dealing with either or both of these groups. If you are going for DS points persuade Hussef that they are doomed and the Exchange boss, Saquesh, will give you a good reward.

Aaida – She is looking for her partner Lootra. If you have been to the docks you’ll know that he’s still alive. You’ll need to have killed the Exchange thugs guarding the exit to allow her to escape. If you have intimidated the thugs the only way to start a fight with them again is to kill their boss, Saquesh.

Naddaa – The Exchange has taken her daughter captive #4. For LS points try to help her out. Later you’ll be able to arrange for her to be freed. Once you’ve rescued Adara go back to Naddaa for LS points.

Kaul – If you give him 20 credits he’ll give you a tip to go into Stealth mode when looting containers so the guards won’t notice you.

Kahranna – She’s looking for a passage off this moon. You can pretend to by the pilot she’s looking for and collect the credits for DS points or tell her you’ll help find someone. You’ll find help for her at the Docks.

Odis – Is looking for work as a pilot but has no Freighter. You can speak with Fassa at the Docks to organize a Freighter for him or the Lunar Shadow Crewmen.

Twi’leks – These two will give you a mysterious message that Atton is not all he appears to be. You can try to talk to Atton about it but you’ll probably not get any information out of him until you have high influence over him.

4) Adana – This is the daughter of Naddaa. Kill the guards and tell her she to wait here. Later you can negotiate with Saquesh #5 and have her released. Go back to her and tell her she’s free to go. Follow her back to her mother, Naddaa, and speak to her for LS points.

5) Saquesh – The local Exchange representative. You can intimidate him and try to get him to release his grip on the refugees. This will result in a fight with him and all of his thugs. Once you kill him though you’ll receive LS points. You can negotiate with him to ease up on the refugees or if you follow the Dark Side agree to remove the refugees by convincing Hussef that they are all doomed.

6) Serroco Gang – This area belongs to the Serroco. To gain entrance into this area you’ll need to Persuade the guards posted at the entrances to let you in or begin a fight and kill them.

Speak with the Serroco gang leader and try to get him to ease up on the refugees. This won’t work and a fight will begin. It’s a fairly tough battle so get ready with your shields and force powers.

Once you’ve cleared the area you’ll be able to explore this section and pick up all the loot. There’s an Airspeeder here that is currently not operational. Once you find all the parts you’ll be able to fast travel between different locations on Nar Shaddaa.

The Airspeeder requires three items. The Maneuvering Flaps are found in a container in Pylon 3 at the Docks. The Airspeeder Navigation Interface is found in a container just outside of Tienn Tubb’s store at the Refugee Landing Pad. Lastly, the Cryogenic Power Cells are found at the Docks. Lassavou gives them to you as a reward. Speak to Fassa about releasing his debt. Perform the job that Fassa asks you to do and then ask him to release Lassavou’s debt. Go back to Lassavou and you’ll receive the Cryogenic Power Cells.

7) Serroco Storage Area – Lost of good loot here.

1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad – After entering the Docks you’ll see a cutscene betwenn Vogga Hutt and Hanharr. Head towards Fassa (#2).

2) Fassa the Dock Manager – Fassa is quite an important character and will be able to help you solve two quests from the Refugee Quad as well as give you one himself.

Fassa’s Freighters – After speaking with Fassa he’ll put you to work identifying the freighters that are coming into the Docks. He wants you to organize the priority of the freighters. You can take the long path and divert the power to each Pylon while running to each one to see the ID of each freighter. The faster route is to fix the power to all Pylons. You can then go to any one of the consoles to see all IDs. Here’s the solution: Silver Zephyr, Alakandor and lastly, Toorna’s Profits. Return to Fassa for your reward.

Lassavou’s Debt – After speaking with Lassavou in one of the containers near to #3 and after completing the Fassa’s Freighters quest you can ask Fassa to let Lassavou’s debt go. Let Lassavou know and you’ll get another piece for the Airspeeder in the Refugee Quad.

Kahranna’s Transport – Speak with Kahranna in the Refugee Quad first and agree to help her find passage off Nar Shaddaa. Once you’ve been to Goto’s Yacht come back to Fassa and he’ll agree to let Kahranna find boarding on one of his freighters.

Odis’ Pilot Work – In the Refugee Quad you’ll also find Odis who is looking for work as a Freighter Pilot. Speak with Fassa about it once you have been to Goto’s Yacht to complete this quest.

3) Vogga’s Horde – There’s a number of people you’ll meet here and I haven’t marked exactly where you’ll find them in each container. Open each one and see who’s inside.

Aqualish Thugs – If you try to approach them they’ll tell you to get lost. Get into Stealth mode and walk close to them. You’ll find out how to break into Vogga’s hoard by dancing for Vogga and then using Juma Juice to sedate the Kath Hounds. Juma Juice can be purchased from the bartender in the Entertainment Promenade.

Lunar Shadow Crewman – These guys are looking for a new pilot. You can tell them about Odis in the Refugee Quad for Light Side points or find the pilot in the Jekk’Jekk Tarr area and convince him to return. You’ll need to use a character with a gas mask, not your main character, and go in there to find him.

Bith Scientist – The scientist wants you to return with an item from Pylon 3 and he gives you 500 credits to buy it. Heading over to the Pylon 3 (#4) you’ll find the seller is dead. Read the Datapad and then kill the “cleaning droid” that attacks you. Return to the Bith to find him missing. He’s left a Datapad behind and you get to keep the 500 credits.

Lassavou – Speak with Fassa (#2) to complete this quest for the Cryogenic Power Cell which is part of the Airspeeder. For Dark Side points tell him you’ve come to cellect the debt. You’ll get 200 credits by no Cryogenic Power Cell.

Lootra – He’s Aida’s husband who you spoke with in the Refugee Quad. To connect them together you’ll need to kill the Exchange Thugs guarding the entrance and then let Aida know the path is clear to go. If you threaten the thugs you won’t be able to attack them again unless you kill the Exchange boss first.

4) Pylon 3 – Head here for the Bith Scientists quest (#3). Search the container here for the Maneuvering Flaps, another piece of the Airspeeder.

5) Vogga the Hutt – You can get to see Vogga by either agreeing to dance with him by visiting the Entertainment Promenade or telling him that you want to talk about Goto. If you dance for him he’ll fall asleep. Put the Juma Juice in the water bowl to put the Kath Hounds to sleep. You’ll now get access to Vogga’s Horde through the door to the north for some pretty cool items including a Lightsaber.

You can also talk to Vogga about the Fuel situation on Telos and negotiate a deal for the Telosians after dealing with Goto on the Yacht. Once you have the deal set up you’ll need to talk to Lt. Grenn in the Entertainment 081 area of the Telos Station.

6) Vogga’s Storage – You’ll come here with the T3-M4 droid after visiting the Jekk’Jekk Tarr. We’ll come back to this in the walkthrough below.

7) Exit to the Jekk’Jekk Tarr – When you have been invited to visit the Jekk’Jekk Tarr Mira (or Hanharr if you are a Dark Side character) will intercept you and go in herself.

Jekk’Jekk Tarr

Mira will be the one who actually enters Jekk’Jekk Tarr regardless of whether she or Hanharr intercepted you. You’re goal is to meet with Visquis. You’ll need to pass through two green colored bars through the door to the right of where you enter. The yellow colored bar through the door to the left is where the Luna Shadow Captain is hiding out. You can convince him to go back to his crew or offer the job to Odis in the Refugee Quad. Mira is unprepared for this encounter and will be captured once she meets Visquis.

Your main character will now awaken. Bring him/her to the Jekk’Jekk Tarr to confront Visquis. You’ll learn Breath Control as you enter so you can breathe in a toxic environment. You’ll need to keep casting it as it runs out or you’ll be poisoned.

You’ll be attacked by a LOT of Gand so slice your way through them or use group effect force powers. Make your way to the room Visquis was in and speak with the attendant to find the exit which is in the northern part of the room.

Jekk’Jekk Tarr Tunnels

1) Entrance  – When you first arrive here as your main character you’ll need to work your way through the tunnels to the sealed door at #2. You’re map won’t be working so an easy way to make it there is to hug the left wall, taking every turn to the left until you reach the sealed door.

2) Sealed Door

3) Mira vs Hanharr in the Battle Room – Once your main character reaches the sealed door you’ll take control of either Mira or Hanharr in a battle to the death. As Mira use ranged weapons and run away to keep your distance. Hanharr will run over the mines and make your job easier. As Hanharr just close the distance and swipe away. His expert melee skills will finish Mira quickly.

Once the battle is finished Visquis will release the Kath Hounds. Defeat them and then head to #4  for the Keycard.

4) Old Beast Tender Corpse – Search the corpse for the Keycard to get out of here. Open the door in the north and get ready to take on the Ubese Bounty Hunters.

5) Emergency Tunnel Control – You can explore the whole area with Mira or your main character. To get your main character back proceed to the console here to access all the available escape routes.

6) Workbench

With your main character head back to the battle arena where you’ll be captured by Goto and taken to his Yacht.

Back to the Ebon Hawk

After a cut-scene you’ll be back with T3-M4 in the Docks. Fight your way past the HK units and you’ll meet up with Mira and Atton. You’ll have a few challenging battles with Zhug Brothers and Gand to get back to the Ebon Hawk. It’s not that they’re tough but there are so many of them. Once you reach the Ebon Hawk you’ll fly off to rescue your main character in Goto’s Yacht.

Goto’s Yacht

You’ll enter Goto’s Yacht from the hatch in the north. You’ll have plenty of droids to fight here so make sure you have weapons suitable for taking down droids.

There are a number of consoles around the ship that will give you access to various functions. You’ll need to find the codes for each function before you have full access to that funcion. In order to make changes to a function you’ll also need the proper function, such as the Shut Down program or Overload program.

You have two main objectives here. The first is to free your main character by making it to the Audience Chamber. And the second is to get to the bridge, with access to Power Distribution and shut down the power so you can get back to the Ebon Hawk.

1) Hatch to Ebon Hawk  – You won’t be able to return to the Ebon Hawk until you’ve shut down the Power Distribution from the Bridge.

2) Console & Utility Droid – Make sure you have someone with the computer skill and slice into the console. From here you can download the “overload” program. If you don’t you’ll need to kill the Goto Guard Droids and listen to their last transmission. It’s binary code. Select the correct count to get the program. Here are the answers.

zero zero zero = 0 zero zero one = 1 zero one zero = 2 zero one one = 3 one zero zero = 4 one zero one = 5 one one zero = 6 one one one = 7

Either that or slice the control to get the program which is much easier. The Utility Droid next to the console will have the “shut down” program.

3) Goto Starboard Commander – Kill the droid and search it for the access code to the Containment Cells. Use the console here to upload the two programs you’ve received “overload” and “shut down”. Unlock the containment cells and run the “shut down” program on it to remove the shields. You’ll now have access to these cells.

4) Damaged Droid – This little droid isn’t going anywhere. Search it for the Turret Defense access code. Use a console and unlock the Turret Defense System. Once again run the “shut down” program on the Turret Defense System.

5) Turrets – Hopefully you’ve shut these Turrets down but if not you can use some shields on all of your characters and take the down. There are droids here as well just to make things more difficult.

6) Main Character & Power Distribution Access Code – Head to this room to rescue your main character. Make sure you use the console here as it’s the only place where you can acquire the Power Distribution access code. Use a console to unlock the Power Distribution but you can only shut it down from the Bridge.

7) Damaged Droid – This little droid will have the “reset” program.

8) Lab Station

9) Workbench

10) Defense Turrets – This room is lined with Defense Turrets but they’re not too difficult to take down with the flurry. On the way back from the bridge this is also where you’ll run into the Twin Suns bounty hunters.

Continue towards the east and you’ll come across some mines and a Goto Central Commander. Kill the droid and search the remains to find the Minefield access code.

11) Command Console – Use the console here to unlock the Minefield system. Either use the “overload” or “shut down” program. If they’re in overload they will still work but will explode when the droids at #12 run over them.

12) Mines and Droids – There is a corridor of mines with droids beyond them. Either shoot at the droids in solo mode and let them run over the mines towards you. Once the droids are dealt with you’ll be able to disable the mines and get to the bridge.

13) Bridge – Check the cylinder on the right as you enter for some nice items and the Droid Controller access code. It’s a bit late now that all the droids are dead!

Use the Central Command Console and and run the “shut down” program on the Power Distribution system. You get the access code for it at #6. You’ll now be able to open the hatch to get back to the Ebon Hawk.

On the way back you’ll come across thugs and bounty hunters. Most notably the Twin Suns who will attack you at #10. Continue back to the Ebon Hawk and you’ll return to the Nar Shaddaa Docks to meet Zez-Kai Ell.

After taking out the Hk-50 droids speak with Fassa and complete any missions you need to complete. Such as find a job for the pilot from the Refugee Quad. Head up to the north and speak with Vogga the Hutt. He’ll give you 500 credits to go back to the Telos Station and organise a deal with Lt. Dol Grenn at the TSF office in the Entertainment 081 area.

Fly back to the Telos Station now to complete the deal or continue to the next planet. I choose Onderon but you’ll end up having to escape to the Onderon moon, Dxun when you get there.

Back: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Walkthrough

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Want the best deal in GOLF?

Trouble with your takeaway? Use this go-to guide for an easy fix

You can't improve your contact until you perfect your takeaway. Here's how to do it!

Image via Instagram/Titleist

Welcome to Shaving Strokes , a series in which we’re sharing improvements, learnings and takeaways from amateur golfers just like you — including some of the speed bumps and challenges they faced along the way.

If you asked me how I was hitting the ball about a month ago, I’d tell you I was still quite the inconsistent ball-striker , often leaving the clubhead way too open and pushing everything to the right.

When this happened off the tee, I would produce a major slice . With irons, it would cost me distance, while also carrying the ball from center-to-right — which is no way to go through a round of golf.

GOLF Instruction Editor Nick Dimengo hits shot at Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf Club

I shot the round of my life at this Canadian oasis. Here’s how

Frustrated, I talked to a few different folks about what I needed to do in order to improve. Almost immediately, everyone said the same thing: Work on your takeaway!

In the past month, not only am I hitting more irons pure; I’ve been crushing my drives, consistently traveling the farthest I’ve ever seen as a golfer. But could it really all be due to a simple adjustment in the first little moves of starting my golf swing? Indeed.

Improving my takeaway means consciously thinking about rotating all the way back, getting my arms in the right positions, keeping the clubhead on plane, and using my upper body to act as a pendulum as I come back through impact. The results now speak for themselves; I’m starting to hit more fairways and greens in regulation.

How to master the perfect golf takeaway

Since the takeaway is such an important step in the swing sequence, GOLF Top 100 Teacher Jason Baile shares a drill that feels good and has helped me hit better shots. The video above ( courtesy of Titleist’s YouTube channel ) shows how it works.

If you're looking to increase clubhead speed for more distance, golf instructor Nick Novak says using this coil drill will help

Pick up clubhead speed — and easy yards — with this coil drill

Baile says it’s important to get the feeling of a good takeaway, which is why he uses a simple hardware store product (gear tie) to give instant feedback while using this drill.

“[This drill will] you an understanding of some feelings to get that golf club working back in the takeaway in the first three feet in a much better fashion,” he says. “[I then wrap the gear tie] around the shaft a couple of times, and make it look like airplane wings.”

Baile then walks through two common takeaway mistakes, an open golf takeaway and a shut takeaway, sharing ways to correct each.

Open takeaway

“When I set up to the golf ball, my tendency is to roll my airplane wings flat to the ground, getting the clubhead a little too far behind my hands with the handle a little too far out. This causes me to pick it up and get it across the line too much,” he says.

But when players do this over-the-top move, they often try and self-correct on the way down, which typically leads to an open clubface and shots sailing to the right (for a right-handed player).

Instead, Baile says to make sure the “airplane wings” he created on his club with the gear tie are pointed down to the target line, which helps keep the clubface square in the downswing.

“So I like to feel it come back with my hands in, the clubhead stays outside of my hands, and those airplane wings pretty much point right back at the target line — which creates a nice, shaft plane angle that we setup to at address,” he adds. “If I can get the club started back in that fashion, all I need to do is fold my right arm and that club’s going to get in a really good position at the top.

Shut takeaway

Next, Baile gives advice for those players who tend to keep the golf takeaway too shut, which is often the culprit for those who hook it too frequently.

“If you’re the type of player who tends to take the club back a little too shut, where the hands work too far in and the clubhead works too far out, the airplane wings will be pointed too much either towards the ground or towards my feet,” he says. So that clubface is going to be shut, causing me to do some sort of reroute on the downswing to get it back to the ball.”

To correct, Baile says he likes to feel his upper body rotate back and a little tug on his lead shoulder, which helps keep those “airplane wings” in the right position.

“So I like feeling the upper body work, keeping the airplane wings on-plane,” Baile adds. “I also feel a little tug on my left shoulder, which sets my shoulder plane really nicely as I keep that handle working in, and that clubhead in relation to my hands on the outside.”

With this easy gear tie drill, you’ll be able to feel the proper takeaway, get instant feedback for where the clubhead is as you go back and come through impact, and correct common (and frustrating) mishits.

Check out the new Titliest GT Drivers – the next generation of Titleist driving excellence.

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$4.2 Million Massachusetts ‘Murder Mansion’ Where Businessman Killed His Wife and Daughter Goes Up for Sale

( )

$4.2 Million Massachusetts ‘Murder Mansion’ Where Businessman Killed His Wife and Daughter Goes Up for Sale

A sprawling Massachusetts mansion that was the site of a gruesome murder-suicide has gone on the market for $4.2 million—with the property listing describing it as a “perfect family home.”

The 11-bedroom, 11.5-bathroom property in Dover, MA , was put on the market earlier this week, just eight months after its former owner, businessman Rakesh “Rick” Kamal , fatally shot his wife and their teenage daughter before turning the gun on himself.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the listing makes no mention of the property’s chilling history, instead focusing on the home’s many amenities and its picturesque surroundings.

“This home is seamlessly integrated into the idyllic, manicured grounds overlooking wooded hiking paths, bridle trails, and a tranquil pond in the extremely desirable Wilsons Way neighborhood,” it reads.

The description goes on to call attention to the mansion’s four-car garage, formal and informal dining rooms, newly renovated gourmet kitchen, library, and marble-topped wet bar.

MA 'murder mansion' goes up for sale


MA 'murder mansion' goes up for sale

(Courtesy of RedCross; X/@nikethehat; Facebook)

“A perfect family home, this property offers a 14-seat home theater, relaxing family room with a floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace, 20X40 indoor pool, fully-equipped gym, sauna with a steam shower, extensive storage, and 5, 000 bottle wine cellar,” the listing adds.

The 27-room home, which was built in 2000, was purchased by Kamal and his wife, Teena , for $4 million in 2019, according to multiple reports.

On Dec. 28, 2023, just three days after Christmas, the businessman fatally shot his 54-year-old spouse and their 18-year-old daughter, Arianna , before killing himself.

Earlier this month, it emerged that the family—who appeared to the outside world as living an incredibly lavish and privileged lifestyle—had been buried in debt and were facing eviction from the property on the day of their deaths.

It is understood that Kamal’s younger sibling, Manoj Kamal , told police that his older brother owed him $150,000, the Boston Globe reported, and that the businessman had recently lost his home to foreclosure after failing to keep up with mortgage payments.

MA 'murder mansion' goes up for sale

The outlet states that Kamal took out a $3.8 million loan on the home, which was meant to have been repaid by 2021.

Kamal reportedly left a note for the person who had been scheduled to pick up the keys, according to Fox News , informing them that they should “call the police” before entering the property.

He also noted that he had marked each of the bedrooms in which the bodies could be found with a sheet of paper.

“Please note,” the message read. “Before entering call the Police to first check three bedrooms on the second floor. Each room will be marked by a white sheet of paper.”

Charlie Lankston is the executive editor at She previously worked at as the associate editor, covering a wide range of topics, including news, celebrities, travel, lifestyle, and the British royals. Originally from London, she has been based in New York City for 10 years.

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23-year-old man dies after being struck by boat propeller in South Harpswell

by Brandon Whitlock , WGME

Police lights at night (WBFF/File){p}{/p}

SOUTH HARPSWELL (WGME) - A 23-year-old man is dead after falling from a boat and being struck by the boat's propeller in South Harpswell.

According to Maine Marine Patrol reports, Samuel Sharpe, of Harpswell, was operating a 19-foot center console boat at 7:50 p.m. on Friday when he fell from it, into the water.

Based on his injuries, it appeared Sharpe was then struck by the boat's propeller.

People who witnessed this pulled Sharpe from the water and brought him to shore at Potts Point Landing in South Harpswell.

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Harpswell Fire and Rescue attempted lifesaving measures but Sharpe died from his injuries at the scene.

Sharpe's body was transported to a local funeral and will be examined by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

The U.S. Coast Guard secured the boat and the Harpswell Harbormaster brought it to shore.

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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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Private Jet Charter Tel Aviv to Moscow

Private Jet Charter Tel Aviv to Moscow

Monarch Air Groups provides on-demand private air charters from Tel Aviv to Moscow .

Moscow is one of Europe’s most popular cultural destinations. The scenic Moskva River runs through the heart of this capital city that is home to more than 12.5 million people. Leisure travelers visit Moscow to explore the city’s many cultural attractions, including the Kremlin grounds and Cathedral Square, Red Square, Gorky Park and one of Russia’s most iconic cultural symbols, St. Basil’s Cathedral. As one of the world’s leading business hubs, Moscow is a destination for many business executives who utilize private jets for efficiency.

Charter a private jet Tel Aviv to/from Moscow

Currently, Monarch Air Group does not operate any private flight services to or from Moscow.

Private Jet Charter from Tel Aviv to Moscow: Explore Russia’s Iconic Art, Architecture and Cultural Sites

The Top 15 Attractions in Moscow:

  • Arbat Street
  • Bolshoi Theatre
  • Izmailovsky Market
  • Lenin’s Mausoleum
  • Moscow State Integrated Museum-Reserve
  • Museum of Cosmonautics
  • Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
  • St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • State Historical Museum
  • The Moscow Planetarium
  • Tretyakov Gallery

What Airport Should I Use for My Private Charter to Moscow?

When booking your private air charter service from Tel Aviv to Moscow, three airports serve the area.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport (UUDD) , formally known as Domodedovo Mikhail Lomonosov International Airport, is an international airport 42 kilometers (26 miles) from Moscow.

Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport (UUEE)  is located 31 kilometers (19 miles) from Moscow.

Vnukovo International Airport (UUWW) , formally Vnukovo Andrei Tupolev International Airport, is a dual-runway international airport located in Vnukovo District, 28 kilometers (17 miles) southwest of Moscow.

Airport Distances and Flight Times

Private Jet from Tel Aviv (LLBG) to Moscow

Destination Airport Airport Code Distance (Nautical Miles) Km Miles Estimated

Flight Time

Moscow Domodedovo Airport UUDD 1,413 2,617 1,626 3 hrs
30 min
Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport UUEE 1,445 2,676 1,588 3 hrs
35 min
Vnukovo International Airport UUWW 1,422 2,634 1,637 3 hrs
32 min

Private Jet from Tel Aviv (LLER) to Moscow

Destination Airport Airport Code Distance (Nautical Miles) Km Miles Estimated

Flight Time

Moscow Domodedovo Airport UUDD 1,548 2,868 1,782 3 hrs
48 min
Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport UUEE 1,581 2,928 1,818 3 hrs
53 min
Vnukovo International Airport UUWW 1,558 2,886 1,793 3 hrs
50 min

Private Jet from Tel Aviv (LLHA) to Moscow

Destination Airport Airport Code Distance (Nautical Miles) Km Miles Estimated

Flight Time

Moscow Domodedovo Airport UUDD 1,549 2,868 1,782 3 hrs
48 min
Sheremetyevo Alexander S. Pushkin International Airport UUEE 1,581 2,928 1,819 3 hrs
53 min
Vnukovo International Airport UUWW 1,558 2,886 1,793 3 hrs
50 min

Distances and flight times shown in the charts above should be considered as estimates only. One (1) nautical mile is equal to 1.1508 statute miles.

From Tel Aviv to Moscow, flights typically operate using heavy, super midsize or midsize aircraft:

Heavy jet options for private charters from Tel Aviv to Moscow include the Bombardier Global 6000, Falcon 900 LX and the Gulfstream G650.

At a cruise speed of 564 miles per hour, the Bombardier Global 6000 can fly at altitudes higher than most commercial airliners, with a ceiling of 51,000 feet. The placement of windows on the fuselage maximizes natural light in the cabin, greatly enhancing the interior design aesthetics.

The versatile Falcon 900LX’s spacious cabin provides three separate areas for work and relaxation. The jet can accommodate up to 19 passengers in a compact configuration or up to 8 passengers in a comfortable setting.

Gulfstream’s G650 is one of the fastest jets in Gulfstream’s fleet with a top speed at 92% of the speed of sound. With a range of more than 7,000 miles, the cabin is typically configured to carry up to 19 passengers and has sleeping accommodations for up to 10. The G650 provides passengers with a smooth flight.

Heavy jets typically include a full galley, catering and flight attendant service.

Super Midsize jets  including the Hawker 1000, Gulfstream G280 and the Bombardier Challenger 350 provide a relaxing private flight experience. A spacious cabin design allows passengers to move about, relax or work comfortably during the flight and a flat floor design maximizes legroom.

The Hawker 1000 is selected for its spacious cabin and extended range capabilities. The jet features a range of more than 3,000 nautical miles, allowing for nonstop flights.

The Gulfstream G280 features include a range of 3,600 nautical miles and a cabin pressurized to a lower, more easily breathable altitude. Another popular feature of this jet is the amount of natural light that flows through the cabin from Gulfstream’s signature large oval windows.

The design of the Bombardier Challenger 350 is configured for performance and passenger comfort with a range of 3,200 miles, a wide cabin, flat floor and convenient baggage cargo areas. The aircraft’s sound suppressing design ensures a quiet cabin for maximum productivity in flight.

Super midsize jets typically include a full galley, catering and flight attendant service.

Midsize jet options  include the Cessna Citation XLS+, the Learjet 60XR and the Gulfstream G150.

A member of the high-performing class of midsize jets, the Citation XLS+ can climb to cruise altitude in just under 15 minutes after taking off in just 3,560 feet, one of the shortest takeoff distances of any midsize jet. This takeoff rate represents an advantage for private jet charterers because the Citation XLS+ can operate out of smaller airports closer to the charterer’s arrival and destination points.

The Learjet 60XR offers a perfect combination of performance and comfort. Cabin seating features include dual drop-down armrests, 360° swivel capability for efficient conversations during flight and full recline capability to maximize relaxation.

The Gulfstream G150 is one of the fastest midsize jets available with a maximum speed of 547 mph. Cabin configurations include a club seating layout with two forward-facing seats in the rear of the cabin.

All midsize jets typically seat up to 9 passengers and include digital entertainment, a galley and Wi-Fi for in-flight entertainment.

In conclusion, Moscow is one of the most popular European destinations for private jet charters. A leading global business hub, many business executives traveling to Moscow’s business centers utilize private jets for their efficiency. After spending time in Moscow, leisure travelers come away from their trip with a deep sense of fulfillment from spending time together immersed in the cultural richness of Russia’s past, present and future and the lasting warmth of the people of Moscow who call this capital city home.

A professional charter coordinator will ensure your privately chartered flight to Moscow is flawless, from a spacious cabin with zones configured with ultra-comfortable seating, first-class dining with flight attendant service, digital entertainment options with an intuitive cabin management system and plenty of baggage space that can be conveniently accessed during flight.

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'And really, THAT song': Celine Dion says Trump's use of Titanic song unauthorized

WASHINGTON - As far as his opponents are concerned, Donald Trump's latest presidential campaign is sinking so fast that his rallies include the musical theme from "Titanic."

Social media users are rejoicing that the playlist for Trump's rally Friday in Bozeman, Montana, included "My Heart Will Go On," from "Titanic," the 1997 Oscar-winning film about the infamous 1912 shipwreck.

"Perfect - because when your campaign’s headed for an iceberg, you might as well set it to music," said a user named Marc Broklawski on the social media website X .

The Kamala Harris campaign is presumably the iceberg in this scenario.

In recent weeks, the vice president has erased Trump's poll lead after emerging as the Democratic nominee in the wake of President Joe Biden's withdrawal .

Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team.

The song is not about the shipwreck, it should be noted.

Immortalized by Celine Dion , "My Heart Will Go On" is the love theme from the movie, and is about coping with the loss of loved ones. The lyrics can also be read as a testament to resiliency: "Near, far, wherever you are/I believe that the heart does go on "

Dion issued a statement on her Instagram, saying that her management team and her record label, Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc., "became aware of the unauthorized usage of the video, recording, musical performance, and likeness" of the song at the rally.

"In no way is this use authorized, and Celine Dion does not endorse this or any similar use…And really, THAT song?" the statement also says.

This is L.A.’s next great place to slurp Thai boat noodles

Pad See Ew Vermicelli from Holy Basil

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Thinking about Thai noodle dishes in Los Angeles feels like climbing one of Escher’s impossible staircases while playing an endless game of connect-the-dots. One bowl leads to another, ad infinitum.

The best noodle for Holy Basil’s pad see ew

For this week’s review, I wrote about Wedchayan “Deau” Arpapornnopparat and Tongkamal “Joy” Yuon’s second location of Holy Basil , ensconced between two buildings along Glendale Boulevard in Atwater Village. Look for the row of always-filled tables covered in red, checkered oil cloth.

I most admire the experimental direction in which Arpapornnopparat takes his cooking, which fundamentally looks to Bangkok-style street foods for inspiration. Recently he’s been serving fried soft-shell crab and shrimp in a wild, shooting star of a sauce that incorporates salted egg yolk, shrimp paste, shrimp oil, scallion oil and cooking wine.

The Atwater Village menu is always changing and currently lists a lone noodle dish: wok-fried pad see ew made with vermicelli, a nostalgic choice that Arpapornnopparat loved when he was growing up. I liked the filigreed texture of the super-fine strands, but remembered being keener on the version using flat rice noodles at the original Holy Basil downtown. I returned there before settling down to write the review and, sure enough, the DTLA version was superior. The wide noodles better absorb the searing smokiness of the wok, tossed in a combination of soy sauce and XO sauce for umami bass notes and chopped Chinese broccoli tumbling through for its green crunch.

Wedchayan “Deau” Arpapornnopparat in the kitchen of the Atwater Village location of Holy Basil.

As I slurped away, my brain reeled off a roster of other superior Thai noodle dishes around the city. The khao soi at Northern Thai Food Club (also known as Amphai Northern Thai Food), which I like to spike with chile oil and lime juice to cut the richness of the coconut cream. The famous jade noodles at Sapp Coffee Shop , tangling pork and crab meat, and the strongly competing version on the menu at Luv2Eat two miles away. Anajak Thai’s silky-chewy drunken noodles. And for boat noodles …

Well, Pa Ord has been a standard-setter for the dish. Also known as kuay teow rua, the combination of deeply spiced broth, sweet-sour flavors and condiments like crisped pork rinds likely traces its origins to the community of Chinese laborers hired by Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) to dig the Rangsit canal through central Thailand in the 1890s. The waterway literally helped pave the way for the global city that Bangkok would become.

Then I remembered I hadn’t yet been to an L.A. newcomer for boat noodles: Mae Malai Thai House of Noodles in Hollywood.

A new destination for boat noodles

Malai Data began serving her version of boat noodles — a recipe gleaned from her mother-in-law, who’s made the dish professionally in Bangkok for decades — and other dishes from a stand in front of Silom Supermarket in Thai Town in early 2023. By year’s end she had a lease for a space two blocks away, in the shopping complex at Hollywood Boulevard and Western Avenue anchored by Ralph’s and Ross Dress for Less.

My first time in Mae Malai’s dining room, among its traffic-cone orange walls, I relied on old habits: I drag-raced through the menu. I crunched lovely, shattering egg rolls, a basil leaf wound carefully around the fillings of glass noodles and garlicky ground chicken. There were the traditional boat noodles, and a soy sauce-spackled dry version scattered with ground peanuts, and tom yum, herbal and limey, also in brothy and dry versions, and kanom tuay (tiny cups of steamed pandan-scented coconut milk custards set using tapioca) for dessert. The restaurant’s pad see ew nails the requisite twang and contrasts, though it lacked the smoky wok hei like the one at Holy Basil.

It was all roundly satisfying, but by the time I reached home I knew I should have pared down my choices to more thoughtfully concentrate on Data’s signature.

A bowl of Malai Data's signature boat noodles at Mae Malai Thai House of Noodles in Hollywood.

Two days later, I’m alone at Mae Malai’s counter, ordering one bowl of boat noodles, which costs $8.49. The servings are small, as is customary: In Bangkok part of the fun is going from stall to stall, tasting each cook’s individual style and tweaks. I ask for thin rice noodles among five options, as the server recommends, and pork over beef, and “spicy,” rather than “Thai spicy,” because I am past the phase where I tolerate my unacclimated system being obliterated by capsicums for the brief endorphin thrill-ride.

At this level, the chile heat races across the taste buds as a first sensation and then backs off, balancing with sweetness (rock sugar is a common ingredient) and a vinegary thwack. Spices like star anise and white pepper flicker in the background. Green onions and fried, battery crumbles of pork skin rustle and crunch against the teeth, and bites of the bowl’s single pork meatball bounce around the palate. The noodles feel squiggly, and they’re gone quickly, until I’m sipping only the broth, which is tingly and nearly the color of black coffee.

A splash of beef blood is a common thickening agent, and a staffer acknowledges its presence before shooing off my nosiness.

“I can’t tell you anything more,” she says. “Family secrets.”

No matter. I’m already convinced this is a stellar addition to L.A.’s constellation of Thai noodle dishes.

Mae Malai Thai House of Noodles, 5445 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 652-2935,

  • Who can resist this Jenn Harris headline: “I’m melting. This cold, creamy tofu is the only thing I want to eat right now.” She’s talking about Morihiro Onadera’s handiwork at his standout restaurant that’s also located in Atwater Village .

A trio of large cheese-and-potato pierogi topped with sour cream and herbs on a white plate at Bar Sinizki.

  • Danielle Dorsey has a fresh guide to West Adams , with plenty of restaurant recommendations.
  • We compiled a list of 19 family-friendly dining options from the annual guide to 101 Best Restaurants in Los Angeles.

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Bill Addison is the restaurant critic of the Los Angeles Times. He is recipient of the 2023 Craig Claiborne Distinguished Restaurant Review Award from the James Beard Foundation, among numerous other accolades. Addison was previously national critic for Eater and held food critic positions at the San Francisco Chronicle, the Dallas Morning News and Atlanta magazine.

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    Well, Pa Ord has been a standard-setter for the dish. Also known as kuay teow rua, the combination of deeply spiced broth, sweet-sour flavors and condiments like crisped pork rinds likely traces ...

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