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RTYC is a fully accredited Royal Yachting Association (RYA) teaching centre and is able to deliver all of the following courses:-

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Last updated 16:01 on 2 July 2024

Glenogil House
9a Ogilvie Road
Broughty Ferry

Phone : 01382 477516
Email :

Company No. 546995

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It’s simply the best!

“The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia...

2014 Seamaster Yachting

royal yacht association level 1

RYA Training Overview

RYA training is forward thinking and designed for whatever level of skill, professionalism and knowledge you want to achieve. The RYA have been around for over 130 years, but the approach is fresh and up to date with practical and online theory courses available worldwide. RYA courses never stop developing to take into account the dynamic world of boating.

Over 2,200 RYA recognized training centers in more than 44 countries.

22,000 RYA instructors across the world.

15,000 professionals working on commercial vessels using RYA Certificates of Competence.

155,000 people completing RYA courses every year.  

Over 300,000 expert RYA publications are added each year to the personal libraries of recreational and professional boaters.  

Over 100 professional and recreational courses on the water, in the classroom and online. 

To review the entire RYA program go to .

RYA Courses Available through Yachting Education

Start Yachting & Private Tuition

This course provides a short introduction to sail cruising for novices. By the end of the course you will have experienced a yacht under motor and sail, how a yacht is propelled by the wind, sail handling techniques and the basics of crew work.


Pre Course experience: None

Assumed knowledge: None

Minimum duration: 1 days. Often run over a weekend or midweek

Minimum age: None

Course content: Basic knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat, her rigging and sails, sail handling and basic sail trim.

Ability after course: Understand how the yacht sails, the basic boat dynamics of wind and sails, how to participate in the sailing process and positively contribute to the day’s voyage.

Competent Crew

This is for novice sailors and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers. By the end of the course you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day routines.

Minimum duration: 5 days. 

Course content: Knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat, her rigging and sails, sail handling, ropework, fire precautions and fighting, personal safety equipment, man overboard, emergency equipment, meteorology, seasickness, helmsmanship, general duties, manners.

Ability after course: Able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout and assist in all the day to day routines

Day Skipper

A course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills. Learn to skipper a short passage with the instructor on hand to give advice and encouragement and ensure your safety. Experience being in charge, taking credit when it all goes well and being responsible when it doesn't.

(Note: Day Skipper graduates are automatically entitled to apply for the International Certificate of Competency)

Pre-course experience: 5 days, 100 miles, 4 night hours on board a sailing yacht

Assumed knowledge: Some sailing experience and basic navigation skills. It is recommended you complete the Day Skipper online course from beforehand.

Minimum duration 5 days: 3 weekends or 3 days plus 2 days

Minimum age: 16

Course content Preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualling, emergency situations, yacht handling under power, yacht handling under sail, passage making, night cruising.

Coastal Skipper

A course for those with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages under the guidance of the instructor.

Pre-course experience: Day Skipper Certificate.

Assumed knowledge: Advanced navigation including Coastal Skipper theory available at   .

Minimum duration: 5 days

Minimum age: 17 years old .

Course content: Passage planning Preparation for sea Pilotage Passage making and ability as skipper Yacht handling under power Yacht handling under sail Adverse weather conditions Emergency situations.

Ability after course: Able to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night

International Certificate of Competency

If you are chartering a vessel abroad, you will generally need evidence of your competence. The ICC is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. The certificate is available via completion of the RYA Day Skipper course OR a one day exam.

Pre Exam requirements: Basic boat handling skills under power and sail. Is physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft, and in particular, has sufficient powers of vision and hearing. Presents evidence of nationality or residency to show that their nationality does not preclude them from being issued with an ICC by the RYA.

Assumed knowledge: Day Skipper theory or above, available at

Minimum duration: 3 Hours

Exam content: Satisfactory demonstration of yacht handling skills under power and sail. Knowledge of international collision regulations, navigation and “rules of the road” Full exam details available

Ability after exam: International license evidencing competence when requested by officials in foreign countries.

Telephone: 803-280-0881

royal yacht association level 1


RYA Sailing Courses

An introduction to qualifications with the rya.

RYA Courses with Classic Sailing

Classic Sailing is run by Professional Sailors to give you the best advice.

Rya practical sailing courses on classic boats, plus theory courses delivered online..

These sailing courses from the RYA are internationally recognised for pleasure and commercial sailing.

Zero to Hero

You can start with no sailing experience and work you way up to skippers vessels of up to 200 tons sailing across Oceans.

You can do as little or as much as you like taking it one step at a time.

Recognised RYA Training Centre for over 20 years.

Classic Sailing has been a recognised RYA Training Centre since 2003. We were one of the first RYA sailing schools to offer courses for adults on boats with bowsprits and traditional rigging.

We have always taught on classic boats and we are pleased to offer 44ft pilot cutter Tallulah as our new teaching vessel. She will be offering practical sailing courses including RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper Practical in the 2024 sailing season. In addition Tallulah will aim to offer one exam preparation course (Yachtmaster Prep) with intensive boat handling and navigation practice for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exams each autumn /early winter for those who want to take the exam on a long keeled vessel.

RYA Practical Courses

  • RYA Competent Crew Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Practical Course
  • RYA Yachtmaster Preparation

RYA Theory Courses: Delivered Online

  • RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship Theory Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
  • RYA Yacht Master Coastal Offshore Theory Course

RYA Yacht Master Ocean Theory Course

  • RYA Professional Practice and Responsibilities Course
  • This is required if you wish to use your RYA Certificates for commercial work at sea.

The beauty of RYA Courses on traditional yachts.

Moosk RYA Courses

Teaching RYA Courses

These are taught to Royal Yacht Association syllabus and standards by experienced RYA Cruising Instructors and Yachtmaster instructors. If you successfully complete a RYA course you will gain a certificate that is recognised all over the world. Sailing Courses that are UK based rather than the Mediterranean or Caribbean will give you a solid grounding in tidal heights and currents. With those skills the whole world is your oyster.

Our RYA Courses give you time to learn and enjoy the scenery.

The voyages are 6 or 7 days long rather than the minimum 5 days so you have more time to enjoy sailing a classic boat. We teach sailing along some of the most iconic coastal landscapes in Britain. Famous headlands like Start Point or Lizard Point. Wooded river valleys that stretch far inland in Cornwall and Devon. Wild estuaries and salt marshes with seabirds and waders. Historic ports, smugglers quays and secret coves and caves. There is plenty of variety for teaching exercises from anchoring under sail to night navigation under unpolluted skies.

The skills you learn combine traditional seamanship with modern technology like radar and GPS, with the added bonus of a holiday on a beautiful boat.

royal yacht association level 1

Why Learn the Ropes on a Classic Boat?

The advantages of learning a RYA Course sailing onboard a traditional boat are many fold:

Deep keeled gaff cutters are great for beginner which gives them a sea kindly motion, un-cluttered decks and high sides so you can walk safely down the deck without side stepping down a narrow strip of plastic deck.

All the ropes are in the open so you can see were they go and what they do, nothing is hidden in masts and booms. Without the mechanical advantage of winches you are more aware of the forces of nature and working as a team builds friendships and adds to the pleasure. Why fight nature when you can harness it in safe traditional ways.

Our classic boats have all mod cons for a RYA Course, GPS, depth sounders and there are plenty of yachts around in port and out on the water to show you self tailing winches, jamming cleats and more 20th century fittings and features of the sailing world.

royal yacht association level 1

Why Learn to Skipper on a Boat with a Bowsprit?

It’s a great opportunity to pose.

Having a big pointy thing out the front, does help concentrate the mind and think ahead.

Manoeuvring under power you learn how to glide effortlessly and gently to a pontoon or quay. You are actually learning to ‘park’ a vessel that might be 59ft long with the bowsprit, so your instructor is not going to squeeze you into a small marina….and it is a huge buzz to bring a beautiful boat alongside under its own momentum.

Sail balance is important on all vessels but learning on a gaffer with a bowsprit or a yawl with two masts starts to teach you skills that can be applied to much bigger sailing vessels. When you get that dream job on a super yacht with three masts you will have more idea which sails to put up and in which sequence.

For skippers, the stable motion of a deep keeled vessel and a large chart table makes learning to navigate a lot easier than on many modern vessels.

Success aboard distinctive classic boats comes with a sense of achievement unmatched on a modern yacht. Your colours fly just that little bit higher.

Sailing Holidays Tallulah

Tallulah’s skipper and RYA instructor Debbie Purser has been teaching RYA courses on pilot cutters since 2003. She and other RYA instructors like Lara Bonney, Diggory Rose and James MacKenzie developed the teaching methods to offer the RYA syllabus for all courses on these seaworthy, long keeled boats that behave a bit differently from production yachts. Some things are easier, like walking down the deck in a bouncey sea, or ferry gliding onto a pontoon. Other things take a bit more teamwork than a small teaching yacht, like picking up a mooring under sail. Over 700 people learned RYA sailing skills and upwards of 3500 customers came sailing on our first pilot cutter 38ft Eve of St Mawes.

Classic Sailing now offer RYA courses on Eve’s slightly bigger sister Tallulah. This Luke Powell designed pilot cutter is 44 ft on deck and a fast and well behaved boat to sail. Her mainsail was deliberately smaller so her previous owners could handle her as a couple, but in light winds she has a powerful No1 jib with roller furling, a staysail you can reef and a large topsail. When the wind picks up we have a smaller jib or storm jib, the main can be reefed.

Tallulah runs RYA Competent Crew, RYA Day Skipper and Yachtmaster Exam Prep courses from St Mawes with the Cornish and Devon coasts to explore.

royal yacht association level 1

Classic Sailing can also offer the following:

  • S ailing lessons and tuition on all our vessels as part of your holiday
  • Over 60 mile passages for your Yachtmaster Offshore qualifying experience
  • Over 600 mile ocean passages for astro-nav / Ocean YachtMaster – ask us, as you have to be a watch keeper
  • MCA / STCW 95 Eligible sea time for super yachts and tall ships
  • Advice on Super Yacht / Sail Training Professional Career Path- from Yacht Rating – Officer of the Watch – Chief Mate – up to Master (yacht 3000 ton)
You are more aware of the forces of nature and how you must work with the wind rather than fight it” Andrew Green

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How To Get Qualified With Sailing Courses – RYA, ASA, IYT

Getting out on the water for the first time can be a daunting task, and navigating through the range of sailing courses and qualifications can be overwhelming. In this blog, we are going to explain the different yachting schemes available around the world (ASA, RYA etc), the qualifications they can offer, and discover the best path for you.

This applies to anyone wanting to sail or motor any yacht under 500 tonnes, most yachts are only around 10 tonnes!

Do I Need Sailing Qualifications/Licences?

If you keep your boat in the UK, only sail in the UK, and your boat is under 24m long, then no, technically you don’t.  However, if you want to charter a boat, sail anywhere else in the world, or want to keep your insurance renewals low then a qualification or two is essential!

Finally, it’s not just about the licence, do you really want to take out your pride and joy, that probably cost 10’s if not 100’s of thousands, and try your luck? There is a lot of training and knowledge involved in becoming a skipper and working towards a qualification is the best approach to gaining the skills and knowledge.

An image showing a yacht heading into bad weather. The title is 'this skipper should have gone to Ardent Training'.

How To Get Qualified

We have decided it is a good idea to get some qualifications, now how do we achieve them?  Before picking a school or instructor, you first have to look at which association they belong to. There are many to choose from as most wealthy countries have their own associations with their own qualification schemes. Once an association has been picked we can start looking at the appropriate qualifications, and finally, the schools that teach those qualifications.


Every qualification has to have an authorising body or association.  You would be forgiven for thinking that just picking the most local yachting or sailing association is the way to go, but sailing is an international sport and hobby. Yachts can take us all around the world and we wouldn’t want to limit our future selves by obtaining the wrong certificate. The three biggest associations are Royal Yachting Association (RYA), International Yacht Training (IYT) and American Sailing Association (ASA) so let’s start by looking at those.

Royal Yachting Association

The RYA is the oldest and most internationally recognised governing body of dinghy, yacht, and motor cruising in the world. They were the first association to standardise training in the yachting industry and they have been going strong for nearly 150 years.

The RYA is equally focused on recreational boating as it is on professional boating which makes their qualifications particularly versatile.

Once you gain the RYA Day Skipper certificate you can easily convert it into either an ICC (international certificate of competence) which is free to do for RYA members or even get it commercially endorsed as a professional qualification without having to repeat any exams.  The same can be said for the subsequent RYA Yachtmaster qualifications. This versatility and global reputation make the RYA qualifications a difficult route to beat.

We provide RYA Theory courses online at Ardent Training.

International Yacht Training

IYT is a relative newcomer and was founded in 1998. Despite being a relatively new organisation, it has made quite an impact and shaken up the yachting industry for the better. International Yacht Training forced the RYA to take a more international approach to their training and the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) was actually created by International Yacht Training. However, the RYA rapidly got on board with this and now offers the ICC to holders of its own qualifications without any further or retesting required. Put simply, you can easily convert RYA qualifications to IYT qualifications, but cannot convert IYT to RYA.

You would expect there to be a strong rivalry between these two organisations but instead, they appear to work well together and have both worked to make the ICC the internationally recognised qualification it is today.

The IYT also have a good offering of professional qualifications, allowing their holders to work in the industry and arguably offer the best set of qualifications for those wishing to go on to working on superyachts. IYT are without a doubt a well-regarded association worldwide, but despite this, these newcomers are much less well known than the RYA and have far fewer training centres around the world, making their qualifications harder to obtain.

IYT offer alternatives to the RYA scheme. However, an RYA Day Skipper certificate automatically qualifies you for an IYT certificate as as well.

The ASA is the most prominent sailing association in America.  They are solely targeting recreational sailors and have a well thought out approach to this market.  Whilst they are less well known internationally, and they don’t offer the same options to progress into professional sailing, they do offer a good alternative to the ICC called the International Proficiency Certificate (IPC).  Officially, the IPC is the only recognised yachting ticket in the USA when it comes to chartering boats, however, in reality, the ICC will usually be accepted.

The ASA provide a decent training scheme, but can it compare to RYA sailing courses?

If you only want to sail in the USA, the ASA will probably do. However, for the most versatile qualifications, internationally recognised, for recreation and professional use, as well as the easiest to find training centres for, is, without doubt, the RYA.  I chose the RYA when I learnt to sail and it has never once held me back from all my adventures. On the other hand, I have met many sailors who gained other qualifications elsewhere (ASA, IYT, SA Sailing, Australian Sailing, etc…) who have had to retest at some point to get their RYA tickets.

The RYA wins hands down.

RYA Cruising Scheme – Day Skipper to Yachtmaster

Okay, so RYA it is, but which RYA course should you start with?

The RYA offers many courses from complete beginner courses to celestial navigation courses.  Where you start really depends on your prior experience and what you want to achieve. This diagram outlines the progression and entry points into the RYA Cruising Scheme:

A diagram displaying the steps involving RYA Start Motor Cruising, RYA Start Yachting, RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship, RYA Helmsman's Course, RYA Competent Crew, RYA Day Skipper Theory, RYA Day Skipper Motor, RYA Day Skipper Sail, RYA Yachtmaster Theory, RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Skipper Motor, RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Skipper Sail, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail, and RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory.

Up until Day Skipper, you can really jump in at any point depending on your ambition.  However, once you reach Day Skipper Practical, each course assumes you have a certain amount of prior experience and knowledge, usually exactly equivalent to the course that came before it. Watch out when trying to jump or skip courses from Day Skipper Theory and onwards as you will often get caught out by your fragmented knowledge and either downgraded or simply fail the course.

Duration:2 days on the water
Description:This course provides a short introduction to sail cruising for novices. By the end of the course, you will have experienced 
steering a yacht, sail handling, ropework and be aware of safety on board.
For:Those who are unsure if yachting is for them.
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Duration:16 hours in the classroom or 10 hours online.
Description:This course provides a short introduction to sail cruising 
for novices. By the end of the course, you will have an 
awareness of charts and publications, safety, engine checks, 
buoyage, tides, visual and electronic navigation, pilotage, 
rules of the road, anchoring, weather forecasts, and passage planning.
For:Those looking to gain a basic understanding of navigation 
and safety aboard a yacht.
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Duration:5 days on the water
Description:By the end of the course, you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day routines.
For:This is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers.
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Duration:5-6 days in the classroom or 50 hours online
Description:A comprehensive introduction to chartwork, navigation, meteorology, and the basics of seamanship. Invaluable for learning how to start making decisions on board and if you are considering taking the Day Skipper practical course.
For:Those wishing to become competent Skippers.
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Prerequisites:Navigation to Day Skipper Theory standard
Duration:5 days on the water
Description:This course gives you the chance to take charge of short passages under instruction. You will concentrate on pilotage, boat handling, seamanship and navigation.
For:Those wishing to become competent Skippers.
Commercial Endorsement Available:Yes
Prerequisites:Experience as Skipper
Duration:80 hours online
Description:This course takes you straight into the deep end.  
The Fast Track will provide a little background on each topic before moving on to the advanced skills of the Yachtmaster syllabus.
For:The Fast Track to Yachtmaster course is designed to suit those who have a lot of experience at sea but have no formal qualifications. Alternatively, perhaps you have some qualifications but your skills are a little rusty and underused. 
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Prerequisites:Experience as Skipper and Navigation to Day Skipper Theory standard
Duration:5 days in the classroom or 50 hours online
Description:This builds on the Day Skipper theory course with more advanced skills in offshore & coastal navigation by day & night, pilotage & meteorology.
For:Ideal for candidates for the Yachtmaster Coastal practical 
course & Yachtmaster Offshore exam.
Commercial Endorsement Available:No
Prerequisites:Navigation to Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore 
Theory standard. 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 
300 miles, 8 night hours
Duration:5 days at sea + 2-day exam
Description:Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages under the guidance of the instructor and learn complex manoeuvres.
For:A course for those with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night.
Commercial Endorsement Available:Yes
Prerequisites:15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8 night hours, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles on yachts, 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper
Duration:2-day practical exam
Description:The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour.
For:Those looking to prove their mastery or go on to careers in yachting.
Commercial Endorsement Available:Yes
Prerequisites:Navigation to Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased standard
Duration:5 days in a classroom or 50 hours online
Description:A course in astronavigation, worldwide meteorology and passage planning, which also unravels the mysteries of the sextant.
For:Those looking to skipper ocean crossings.
Commercial Endorsement Available:Yes

There are lots of courses to suit your needs and lots of different entry points depending on our experience. If it seems a bit overwhelming we can make this simpler if we ask the question: Why do you want to take a course?

If you just want to try out being on the water for the first time, go for Start Yachting, or Start Motor Cruising.

If you want to learn to be a useful crew, start at Essential Navigation and Seamanship.

If you want to learn to be a skipper, start with Day Skipper Theory.

If you are already an experienced yachtsman and want qualifications to back it up, start with the Fast Track to Yachtmaster.

Choosing An RYA Sailing School

Finally, we know what course we want to take, now we just need to find somewhere to take it! The RYA has over 2,500 recognised training centres around the world. That’s a lot to choose from! Luckily, we are here to help make the right choice for you.

RYA Theory – Online Vs Classroom

There has been a recent shift from classroom learning to online learning. We did a lot of research into this and found the benefits of online learning to be so great that we have fully switched over to this medium and embraced e-learning. We believe we can provide a much better quality theory course with the aid of technology and are proud to be producing some of the best-prepared students for their practical training. By removing the need for travel and the cost of premises and accommodation, we have found we can offer a tailored experience for each of our students at a far more reasonable cost.

We actually wrote a whole blog on Online Vs Classroom courses so if you want to find out more, I urge you to check it out: Can You Really Learn to Sail Online ? Or, if you are already sold on the idea of an online course, head on over to our website and give our Free Trial a go .

Ardent Training are the premium providers of RYA Day Skipper Theory courses online.

RYA Practical Centres

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a practical centre, first and foremost, where do you want to sail? Some people just want somewhere local, some want adventure, and some want sun. Think carefully about where you want to sail and make a holiday out of your practical course in the right location.

Once you have a location in mind, time to start searching. There will no doubt still be multiple options but remember, cheaper is not better! There isn’t a large profit margin on RYA courses, so if a training centre is cheap, they are probably cutting corners. The first corners to cut are instructor wages and vessel maintenance so getting a cheap course may just result in your hard-earned money getting wasted on inexperienced instructors and poorly maintained vessels. This is not worth the savings as it will severely impact your enjoyment and how much you can get out of the course.

Armed with that advice, we recommend using the RYA’s Find a Training Centre tool to help you find the best training centre for you:

Once you have completed your RYA Theory courses, you will want to head out and take your RYA practical courses on a boat like this.

So, what have we learned?

  • You need qualifications to charter a boat.
  • Qualifications will lower your insurance premium.
  • Qualifications will help you learn, stay safe, and enjoy your time on the water.
  • Go with RYA qualifications for maximum versatility and recognition.
  • If you want to be a Skipper, you need the RYA Day Skipper certificate.
  • Take your theory courses online with Ardent Training.
  • Choose where you want to learn to sail (in the sun or somewhere close to home?)
  • Go quality over price to get more out of your training.

If you want any more advice, you can always contact one of our team at Ardent Training.  Just drop us an email at [email protected] or give us a call on 01688 325025.

If you can’t wait to get started, check out our Free Trial of our RYA Day Skipper online theory course.

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  • Certificates of Competence

RYA Certificates of Competence

Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an rya certificate of competence.

Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide.

Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not issued following a formal training course but are achieved by successfully completing an exam testing your skill, knowledge and experience.

So whether you’re a recreational boater looking to put your skills to the test, or need a professional qualification and commercial endorsement to work on the water, find out everything you need to know below.

The pinnacle of yachting qualifications. Find out what it takes to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

Provided you have sufficient experience, seatime and the required certificates, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge.

The RYA training schemes will take you all the way from beginner to exam level. As well as the required certification, there are a number of other RYA courses you might find useful.

With the backing of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) we ensure RYA qualifications are recognised and respected throughout the world.

We are constantly monitoring and improving our courses and exams. Find out more about how we measure exam feedback to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction and confidence.

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  • 5 Dinghy courses...
  • Dinghy - overview of courses run
  • RYA Stage 1 and 2 Youth Start Sailing Course (3 days)
  • RYA Adult Dinghy Course Level 1 & 2 weekends
  • Sailing Skills Courses - 4 hour modules
  • Club Race Officer Training
  • 8 RYA Yacht Theory & Practical Courses...
  • 2 RYA Powerboat Courses...

RYA Adult Dinghy Course Level 1 & 2 weekends

An RYA Accredited Course comprised of two days for each level, over two individual weekends, for adults wanting to learn sailing in dinghies. Midweek courses are also available on request, a minimum of 4 students is required.

It enables you to progress quickly from beginner to confident sailor in a controlled, safe and enjoyable environment.

One of the benefits of taking courses at LCSC is that we will also put on a session or two at the club where we will allow you to sail with us to practice.

Please note: All training sessions will be provided on Fusions which are single handers.

Additional Info

Course Title: RYA Dinghy Course Level 1 and RYA Dinghy Course Level 2

Course Description: Providing a sound introduction to the sport of sailing. You will learn boat handling skills and essential background knowledge. You will be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and should be capable, after level 2, sailing without an instructor in light/medium winds.

Course Cost :

Stand alone Level 1 = £285

Stand alone Level 2 = £295

*Combined Course including both Level 1 + Level 2 = £520

* The dates for the combined courses will be identified as a package. Dates for stand alone courses can unforuatnley not be interchanged to make up a combined offer.

Ratio: 8 students : 3 Instructors

Course Duration : Each level is held over two consecutive days (one weekend or 2 days midweek)

The course is run from the club house in Hammersmith W69TA. Times are 10am - 5pm

What's Included: RYA Start Sailing beginners handbook & RYA National Sailing Scheme Syllabus and Logbook. The club will provide buoyancy aids.

Prior Knowledge/Experience:

Level 1: none

Level 2 : RYA Dinghy level 1 certificate or the equivalent experience on tidal waters. Previous expereince in a single hander.

Next Steps after level 2: we offer level 3, spinnaker sessions and race training for beginners. As a member we sail every weekend, (tide permitting) throughout the year.

Ability after the course:

Level 1: The ability to sail in light/medium strength winds, in all directions. You will have an awareness of launching and returning to beach and pontoon.

Level 2: You will have experienced rigging, capsize recovery and essential safety knowledge, with an awareness of weather conditions, tides and a ble to sail and make decisions in good conditions.

Dates and Bookings:

Please refer to our online calendar for dates.

Should a course be waitlisted, please email the office to be placed on a waitlist if no other dates suit.

All group bookings, please email t he office to coordinate dates.

By signing up to this course, you are accepting LCSC's Standard T & C's for Dinghy Sailing Courses. Please find a copy below.

You are also confirming you have met the requirements and have the relevant prior knowledge / expereince, if signing up to a level 2.


Last updated 10:35 on 18 February 2024

Linden House
60 Upper Mall
W6 9TA
United Kingdom

Phone : 020 8748 3280
Email :



  • Jet Ski / Personal Watercraft
  • Sailing Courses

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the UK national body for all forms of boating. The internationally recognised RYA qualifications offer forward-thinking training which is continually evolving to keep up to date with the dynamic world of boating.


  • Over 2,400 recognised RYA training centres in over 58 countries
  • 22,000 RYA instructors across the world
  • 25,000 professionals working on commercial vessels using RYA certificates of competence
  • 155,000 people completing RYA courses every year
  • Over 100 professional and recreational courses on the water, in the classroom and online

To book a training session, please contact us at  [email protected] .

Sign up here to receive our monthly updates.

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  • +382 (0) 32 660 970
  • [email protected]
  • PortoMontenegroYachtClub
  • portomontenegroyachtclub
  • 125212, Moscow, Leningradskoye Highway, 39 p. 6 Royal Yacht Club
  • Miami +1 786 233 7721 London +44 203 807 94 54 Moscow +7 495 215 19 11
  • [email protected]

  • Start Boating

Find all the information you need to get on the water and learn how to sail here

Get on the water with taster sessions for little or no fee at sailing clubs and centres near you

RYA OnBroad May 2017

All you need to know to get your children sailing this year at a location near you

Happy Keelboat Sailing RYA Members

Learn how to sail and windsurf here

A busy pontoon with boats moored alongside, people being hoisted into  boats, people in wheelchairs waiting to get into boats, and general excitement about going sailing.

Get on the water and learn how to sail at your pace, adapted to your abilities

Now you've given it a go what's next........

Keen to get away from it all and try something new? Start your outdoor adventure holiday here

Whether you want to share your childhood love of sailing or are returning to sailing after an accident we are here to help you

Mother and daughter sailing in a dinghy smiling

Use our SafeTrx app to let your friends and family know where you are and when you are due back

Multiple activities

Motivated and enthusiastic volunteers play a key role in developing and maintaining thriving and successful clubs.

Learn how the RYA supports sailing clubs and centres around the UK.


RYA Pocket Guide to Boating Knots


RYA Competent Crew Skills (eBook)



RYA Start Powerboating



RYA Introduction to Motorboat Handling DVD



RYA Go Windsurfing!

Let us answer any questions you have about getting started


  1. Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Level 1 Start Sailing

    royal yacht association level 1

  2. Royal Yachting Association

    royal yacht association level 1

  3. 9781905104994: RYA Motor Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and

    royal yacht association level 1

  4. Royal Yachting Association (RYA)

    royal yacht association level 1

  5. Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Books

    royal yacht association level 1

  6. Royal Yachting Association Logo for Web

    royal yacht association level 1


  1. RYA courses and qualifications

    View your RYA certificates online by registering for a free MyRYA account. The RYA's training courses and qualifications are recognised and respected all over the world. With more than 2,400 recognised training centres across 58 different countries and more than 100 courses, there's something for every age, interest and ability.

  2. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  3. Home

    About the RYA. The Royal Yachting Association is the national governing body for dinghy, motor and sail cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sportsboats, windsurfing and personal watercraft, and is a leading representative body for inland waterways cruising in the UK. Find out more.

  4. Competent Crew

    Competent Crew. Competent Crew is the entry-level course of the Royal Yachting Association for those who wish to be active crew members of a sailing yacht. [1] It is a hands-on course and by the end of the course participants should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day-to-day duties on board.

  5. Adult

    RTYC is a fully accredited Royal Yachting Association (RYA) teaching centre and is able to deliver all of the following courses:- Last updated 16:01 on 2 July 2024 Sailing instructions and race info

  6. Royal Yachting Association

    The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is a United Kingdom national governing body for sailing, [1] dinghy sailing, yacht and motor cruising, sail racing, RIBs and sportsboats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and a leading representative for inland waterways cruising. [2] History. The Yacht Racing Association was founded in November 1875. [3]

  7. Royal Yachting Association RYA Certification

    "The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. ... RYA training is forward thinking and designed for whatever level of skill, professionalism and ...

  8. An Introduction to Qualifications with the RYA

    These are taught to Royal Yacht Association syllabus and standards by experienced RYA Cruising Instructors and Yachtmaster instructors. If you successfully complete a RYA course you will gain a certificate that is recognised all over the world. Sailing Courses that are UK based rather than the Mediterranean or Caribbean will give you a solid ...

  9. How To Get Qualified With Sailing Courses

    The three biggest associations are Royal Yachting Association (RYA), International Yacht Training (IYT) and American Sailing Association (ASA) so let's start by looking at those. Royal Yachting Association. The RYA is the oldest and most internationally recognised governing body of dinghy, yacht, and motor cruising in the world.

  10. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  11. Royal Yachting Association (RYA)

    Established in 1885, the Royal Yachting Association ( RYA) is the UK national body for all forms of boating, including dinghy and yacht racing, motor and sail cruising, RIBs and sports boats, powerboat racing, windsurfing, inland cruising and narrowboats, and personal watercraft. RYA training is forward thinking and designed for whatever level ...

  12. Royal Yachting Association

    The RYA is the national body for dinghy, yacht and motor cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sports boats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and a...

  13. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Prove your ability and experience as a skipper with an RYA Certificate of Competence. Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not ...

  14. RYA Adult Dinghy Course Level 1 & 2 weekends : London Corinthian

    Course Duration: Each level is held over two consecutive days (one weekend or 2 days midweek) The course is run from the club house in Hammersmith W69TA. Times are 10am - 5pm. What's Included: RYA Start Sailing beginners handbook & RYA National Sailing Scheme Syllabus and Logbook. The club will provide buoyancy aids.


    The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the UK national body for all forms of boating. The internationally recognised RYA qualifications offer forward-thinking training which is continually evolving to keep up to date with the dynamic world of boating. RYA STATISTICS. Over 2,400 recognised RYA training centres in over 58 countries

  16. Royal Yacht Association

    Royal Yacht Association - Adult Beginners' Course - Level 1 - 26 & 27 May 2012 - Derry/Londonderry Ocean Youth Trust Ireland Cost: £120 per person ... Royal Yacht Association - Adult Beginners' Course - Level 1 - 26 & 27 May 2012 - Derry/Londonderry River Foyle, Prehen Derry/Londonderry BT47 2PB United Kingdom. Car; Walk;

  17. Courses

    Navigation (4) Classroom or distant learning courses in navigation and seamanship for all abilities. Personal Watercraft (1) Commonly known as jet skis, these are versatile, fun and exhilarating. Powerboat (6) Small, generally outboard powered craft such as RIBs and sportsboats. Predominantly used for day trips inland or on the coast.

  18. Yacht club "Royal Yacht Club": address, description, photos

    Royal Yacht Club is the center of yachting life in Moscow, imbued with European spirit and combines a modern yacht port, a unique coastal restaurant, spacious spectator stands, a cozy business center and the DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow - Marina. Luxury recreation on the water within the city limits, berth for vessels from 6 to 40 meters, one of the best restaurants of Arkady Novikov ...

  19. Royal Yacht Club Moscow

    6,631 Followers, 346 Following, 616 Posts - Royal Yacht Club Moscow | ЯХТ-КЛУБ МОСКВА (@royalyachtclub) on Instagram: " ️Марина на 190 судов любой длины и осадки Бизнес-центр класса А ⛵️Школа @proyachting Ресторан @vodniy_restaurant Отель"

  20. Contacts MindYachts

    Royal Yacht Club ; Miami +1 786 233 7721. London +44 203 807 94 54. Moscow +7 495 215 19 11. [email protected]; Miami +1 786 233 7721. London +44 203 807 94 54. Moscow +7 495 215 19 11. [email protected]. Main menu. Services; Sale; New yachts; Charter; News; Contacts; Service. Buy boat; Sell boat; Evaluation boat; Registration boat;

  21. Start Boating

    Discover Sailing. Get on the water with taster sessions for little or no fee at sailing clubs and centres near you. All you need to know to get your children sailing this year at a location near you. Learn how to sail and windsurf here. Get on the water and learn how to sail at your pace, adapted to your abilities.

  22. Royal Yacht Club

    Royal Yacht Club, Moscow, Russia. 8,344 likes · 13 talking about this · 15,579 were here. Royal Yacht Club Moscow - Яхт-клуб, Москва 125212, Москва, Ленинградс