Imbarcazioni (7) che portano lo stesso nome, di proprietà dell'armatore RICCARDO BONADEO .

Tutto iniziò nel ‘74 quando il dottor Bonadeo decise di acquistare uno Swan usato, un classico cutter di 44 piedi in vetroresina disegnato da S&S. La barca venne chiamata con il sinonimo del celebre dadaista francese Marcel Duchamp: Rrose Selavy. Un nome che assieme a una rosa, identificherà tutti gli yacht di famiglia. Nel ‘77 Bonadeo acquista in America, dove viaggia spesso per lavoro, un disegno di Doug Peterson, il “Moonshine”, un 43 piedi d’alluminio con cui difenderà i colori della squadra italiana in Inghilterra e che si classificherà terza nella drammatica Admiral’s del ‘79, quella della tempesta nella Fastnet race. Quindi nel 1980, è la volta del “Tatoosh”, la prima di una lunga serie di barche disegnate da German Frers. E’ un 47 piedi d’alluminio costruito da Minneford, nel Nord d’America e successivamente acquistato dalla famiglia milanese. Contemporaneamente Bonadeo diventa presidente del consorzio di “Azzurra” sia nella leggendaria trasferta di Newport che nella sofferta trasferta australe del 1987. Poi, tornato in Italia, le dimensioni delle sue barche aumentano parallelamente all’ impegno imprenditoriale e al numero dei figli. Nello stesso ‘87 acquista un nuovo yacht usato, sempre negli States, la sua quarta barca. E’ un 57 piedi d’alluminio, il “Tentation”, con cui attraverserà l’Atlantico per disputare l’Antigua Sailing Week. Quindi, siamo ormai nel ‘94, vuole un One Off nuovo, realizzato in composito e si fa costruire il primo yacht espressamente secondo le sue richieste. E’ un 65 piedi, costruito ad Aukland da Yachting Development, da un progetto come sempre firmato German Frers. La barca è bellissima, con una coperta flush deck essenziale; oggi si chiama “Edimetra” è bleu e, anche se ormai datata, è ancora una barca mozzafiato. Infine, siamo ormai nel ‘99, è la volta del più grosso dei “Rrose”, il 73 piedi. Ovviamente disegnato da Frers è stato realizzato in carbonio da Cookson e dopo aver letteralmente vinto di tutto con l’immancabile Mauro Pelaschier, da sempre tattico-timoniere di famiglia, è oggi placidamente ormeggiato a Portofino e utilizzato per la sola crociera veloce estiva, crociera molto veloce. Riccardo Bonadeo, costantemente accompagnato da sua moglie e da buona parte dei figli, ha conquistato in una ventina d’anni d’altura qualcosa come 18 titoli internazionali tra cui spiccano tre mondiali maxi, quattro vittorie alla Nioulargue e altrettanti Zegna. Bonadeo e i suoi, oggi regatano in monotipo: la loro settima barca è il primo One Design della famiglia, uno yacht da regata pura, un Farr 40, naturalmente “Rrose Selavy”. L’ultimo, o forse è meglio dire il primo di una nuova generazione.

  • 1°)SWAN 44 acquistata in USA di seconda mano
  • 5°) Oggi EDIMETRA del 1994, è il primo yacht costruito nuovo, tutte le precedenti erano usate. E’ un 65 piedi, costruito ad Aukland da Yachting Development , da un progetto come sempre firmato German Frers .
  • 6°)Varata nel 2000 e costruita in Nuova Zelanda da Yan Cook con uno scafo in carbonio Rrose Selavy è la sesta barca di Riccardo Bonadeo e negli anni ha partecipato alle più importanti regate e al circuito Maxi, vincendo molti titoli, spesso con Mauro Pelaschier a timone.

rrose selavy yacht

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Rrose Selavy first in Cruising division at the VelaCup in Santa Margherita

Rrose Selavy first in Cruising division at the VelaCup in Santa Margherita - NEWS - Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

Porto Cervo, 7 May 2019. The famous Frers 72’ owned by YCCS Commodore Riccardo Bonadeo was among the boats taking part in the sail/regatta organised for the Vela Festival.

The boat’s traditional helmsman Marco Pelaschier was on board, also acting as an Ambassador for the One Ocean Foundation, while Commodore Bonadeo and his wife Sciaké were, as always, part of the crew.

More than 120 boats took part, from dinghies to mini maxis, and more than 1,000 sailors were involved. The Gulf of Tigullio was filled with sails and colour to mark its rebirth after the terrible storms of October of last year. Everyone completed the quadrilateral course of 9 miles which left the port of Santa Margherita before heading to marks off Portofino and Zoagli. With 10 knots at the start which later decreased, Rrose Selavy, in full cruising layout, claimed victory in her division.

For further information please visit the dedicated website .

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Meet Rrose Sélavy: Marcel Duchamp’s Female Alter Ego

Rrose Selavy (Marcel Duchamp), 1920

AnOther celebrates the Man Ray muse, Dada pin-up, and exemplar of repartee that was Duchamp’s most complex work of art – Mademoiselle Rrose Sélavy

Who? On the underside of a small birdcage containing a thermometer, a cuttlefish bone and a 152 marble cubes cut to resemble sugar lumps, read the riddlesome words, “Why not sneeze Rose Sélavy?” The work of Marcel Duchamp , the Daddy of Dada who shocked the genteel New York art world of 1917 by bringing a urinal into a society show, coining the concept of the readymade, this particular sculpture takes its name from the French artist’s strange and elusive female persona. The sneeze, it should be said, is a euphemism for an orgasm.

Rrose Sélavy first appeared in 1920, but the second ‘r’ in her name wasn’t added until 1921 when she added her signature to Francis Picabia’s collage L’Oeil Cacodylate. Soon after, she began appearing in photographs taken by Man Ray, fashion photographer, fellow artist and informal Dada compatriot. The perfect Duchampian character, Rrose brought to life the artist’s well-marked and symbolic use of language as well as all the playfulness and irony of Dadaism. Her name, a pun on the French adage “Eros, c’est la vie,” has inspired everything from collections of surrealist poetry to an oyster bar in Manhattan.


What? Rrose personified everything about Duchamp’s art, from its wit and its ersatz aesthetic to its erotic undertones. A living, breathing double entendre, she is a figurehead of New York’s short-lived answer to Dada, the irreverent European art movement with beginnings in Zürich’s Cabaret Voltaire. In Man Ray’s portraits she appears in several guises, at times moth-eaten and decidedly masculine, and later, stylish and more fluent in the cues of feminine allure. A murky example of the former appeared on a perfume bottle that Duchamp labelled Belle Haleine (Beautiful Breath). Beyond photographs, she lives on as the author of particular works throughout his career, from writings to the animated film Anemic Cinema.


Why? Duchamp was art’s foremost prankster and a master of subversion. “I don’t believe in art. I believe in artists,” he famously said. Having also compared words to worn pebbles, he took great pleasure spinning everyday expressions into puns before bringing them to life. Along with showing off his penchant for wordplay, Rrose was an extension of the tradition of androgyny and gender bending in portraiture; after all, Duchamp remade the Mona Lisa as a man when he drew a moustache and beard on a postcard of da Vinci’s painting. 

His feminine pseudonym was less about trickery, as it was just one of many attempts to tease ideas about identity and self-representation, particularly in portraits of himself. Other likenesses included mugshots that cast him as a criminal and photographs simultaneously depicting him from five different vantage points, but Rrose in particular is one of the most enigmatic parts of the artist’s oeuvre. By creating a female alter ego, and one shrouded in a certain mystery, Duchamp managed to balance the art of contradiction, troubling and underpinning his ideas and intentions in one fell swoop. 

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rrose selavy yacht


IMO ---
MMSI 247362720
Call Sign IR6537
Size 23 x 6 m
GT ---
DWT ---
Build ---
Status Active

Current Trip


Time Travelled 6 days
Remaining Time ---
Distance Travelled 379.64 nm
Remaining Distance ---
AVG Speed 8.5 Knots
MAX Speed 10.1 Knots
AVG Wind 5.7 knots
MAX Wind 13.9 knots
MIN Temp 19.2°C / 66.56°F
MAX Temp 30.8°C / 87.44°F
Draught ---
Position Received 11 h, 45 m ago

Current Position

Longitude 9.21650°
Latitude 44.30353°
Status Default
Speed 2.9 Knots
Course ---
Area Ligurian Sea
Station T-AIS
Position Received 11 h, 45 m ago


The current position of RROSE SELAVY is in Ligurian Sea with coordinates 44.30353° / 9.21650° as reported on 2024-08-31 11:53 by AIS to our vessel tracker app. The vessel's current speed is 2.9 Knots

The vessel RROSE SELAVY (MMSI: 247362720) is a Sailing It's sailing under the flag of [IT] Italy .

In this page you can find informations about the vessels current position, last detected port calls, and current voyage information. If the vessels is not in coverage by AIS you will find the latest position.

The current position of RROSE SELAVY is detected by our AIS receivers and we are not responsible for the reliability of the data. The last position was recorded while the vessel was in Coverage by the Ais receivers of our vessel tracking app.

Temperature 27.7°C / 81.86°F
Wind Speed 3 knots
Direction 230° SW
Pressure 1016.6 hPa
Humidity 57.4 %
Cloud Coverage 100 %

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Last port calls.

Port Arrival Departure Time In Port
'>2024-08-22 '>2024-08-25 2 d
'>2024-08-09 '>2024-08-13 3 d
'>2024-07-29 '>2024-08-01 3 d
'>2024-07-28 '>2024-07-29 15 h

Most Visited Ports (Last year)

Port Arrivals
Origin Departure Destination Arrival Distance
'>2024-08-13 '>2024-08-22 284.78 nm
'>2024-08-01 '>2024-08-09 205.94 nm
'>2024-07-29 '>2024-07-29 4.62 nm
'>2024-07-24 '>2024-07-28 327.09 nm
Time Event Details Position / Dest Info
2024-08-31 OUT of Coverage Speed: 2.9 kn
Course: 301.5°
2024-08-31 START Moving 3.79 nm, East of CALA DEL FORTE Speed: 7 kn
Course: 117.5°
2024-08-30 IN Coverage Speed: 0.3 kn
Course: 345°
2024-08-30 OUT of Coverage Speed: 1.7 kn
Course: 130.6°
2024-08-30 Detected in Sea Italian part of the Ligurian Sea Speed: 9.4 kn
Course: 52.7°
2024-08-30 Change Sea Area Italian part of the Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
French part of the Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Speed: 9.4 kn
Course: 55.5°
2024-08-30 Change Sea Area French part of the Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Mon�gasque part of the Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Speed: 9.1 kn
Course: 50.3°
2024-08-30 Detected in Sea Mon�gasque part of the Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin Speed: 9.1 kn
Course: 48.1°
2024-08-30 IN Coverage Speed: 9.4 kn
Course: 68.1°
2024-08-29 OUT of Coverage Speed: 0.3 kn
Course: 217.2°
  • Invitation-only auction - watches
  • Sell with Wondike
  • Yacht Auctions
  • Rif. code: A1426
  • Experiment No.: 1
  • Number of lots: Single lot

Buyer's Fee: € 1.000,00 plus VAT charged to the Buyer 

Participation in the auction by registering on the website and taking note of the special conditions of sale.   

+  Moonshine's success  

+  rrose selavy, +  why is it still a historical sailboat.

Constructor:  JEREMY ROGERS



Category:  IOR

Construction material:  KEVPAR

Total Refitting:  2015

Length (f.t.): 13,10   m

Width (f.t.): 4,00  m


Crew cabins: 1

Bathrooms: 2

Crew bathrooms: 1


Number and type of installed engines:  1 INBOARD

Constructor: FORD

Model:   YLD416-1

Year:  1987, REV. 2018


Hourly consumption:  4.33

Power:  65



Works to carry out or suggested:  ANTIFOULING HULL AND ANTISKI DECK.

Documents: POLISH BOOK

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Lunch with... superyacht owner Paola Trifirò

I've agreed to meet Paola Trifirò at her apartment for a coffee before we head out to lunch, and my plan is to meet the photographer outside so we can go in together. I've not reckoned on the efficiency of the doorman, however; he quickly pries out of me the reason for loitering on his pavement and phones up to announce my arrival.

Salvatore was already a sailor when Paola met him. 'He was passionate about boats, and I was passionate about him, and so [put] one passion with the other and I was passionate about boats!' she explains. 'He had a small boat, a dinghy, and it was on the lake, which is dangerous. So we bought a seven-metre boat from France, called Calife . A very strong boat, not too big. I had one burner (in the galley), but always had something hot I was always organised for fantastic food.' Good galleys have been a feature of the Trifiròs' boats ever since vital for such a famously passionate cook.

They cruised as far as Capri and Corsica in this boat, while Paola learned both sailing and astro-navigation. They kept it for about three years, until 1973, before feeling it was time to upgrade. They briefly replaced _Calife _with a Swedish-built 8.5-metre yacht, before settling on something a little bigger, at 11.5 metres. The couple kept her in Saint-Tropez, France, and drove the 250 miles there and back every weekend to cruise her along the French coast. The next step up was a 14m Dufour yacht bought in 1978; the pattern of buying something a little bigger every few years had been established.

The Trifiròs were committed cruising sailors and the Dufour significantly extended their range. This time they ventured much further afield, visiting Tunisia and North Africa. A Jongert was next, found with the help of Herbert Dahm. 'It was called Black Shark ; the name was not mine, but it looked like a hotel, like a first class hotel,' says Trifirò. 'But there were problems. The beds were positioned in a stupid way, so we [only] kept it a couple of years.'

At this point the Trifiròs had their first real brush with boat building. 'We were enthusiastic to have an old Italian boat, a masterpiece, and so we started looking,' recalls Trifirò. They found what they wanted in Val III , originally built by Cantieri di Pisa at their Cantieri Navale Italiano yard in Porta a Mare on the Navicelli channel. The yard only built sailboats for a few short years from 1957, and the 21m ketch was the last it produced, in 1966.

When the Trifiròs bought her they called her Kalea , and embarked on an ambitious renovation. Paola had the opportunity to exercise her design outlook. The exterior was rebuilt as original, but the interior was given a modern look with mahogany finish, red leather, a small library, a proper galley and even a dishwasher.

'It took one and a half years, very, very intense. The quality of artisan in Cantiere Valdettaro was superb,' she remembers. In Kalea , their cruising reach moved out again to include the Greek Islands, North Africa and Turkey. The Trifiròs kept Kalea for about four years, and were very pleased to see her again recently. 'And still the boat is superb. We were on board Rrose Selavy with the Commodore, sailing around Porto Cervo last year and we saw Kalea. It was like an apparition we had a look and I was so happy and so surprised, it was perfect.'

Paola would have liked to keep her for longer, but in 1990 the couple had their heads turned by a Jongert available at a particularly good price, a 26m boat called Happy Taurus II . 'It [had] a super kitchen; you can't imagine how beautiful the kitchen was, like a professional one. And with this boat we did a lot of things, it was a splendid boat, very tough. So strong, all steel.' The motivation was once again to extend their cruising range, and this time they hoped to reach their ultimate goal of sailing around the world.

The Trifiròs cruised north with Happy Taurus II, across the Bay of Biscay to Normandy, before crossing the English Channel to Southampton and heading west along the south coast, before taking in Wales and Ireland. 'Beautiful country, the south of England, and we didn't eat any longer ham or chicken, just clotted cream. Everyday. This was a fantastic holiday,' she says with a laugh. They took Happy Taurus II up the Thames to St Katherine's Dock, to Norway and Sweden, and across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and then up the east coast of the US to New York and New England.

_Zefira _was built by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand; she's a 49.7m fast-cruising sloop and the largest Dubois Naval Architects had designed without a flybridge. It started cutting aluminium in early 2009 and Salvatore visited just once, six months later. Paola was there regularly.

The Trifiròs have also raced Zefira at the Caribbean Superyacht Regatta and Rendezvous, Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta and the Dubois Cup. Everywhere, the boat has turned heads and garnered admiring reviews. And having created such a beautiful, fêted boat, it is surprising to learn the Trifiròs are already considering replacing her; but then, change is the pattern of their yacht ownership.

Trifirò explains her philosophy: 'If you have a splendid house, a beautiful house, you don't think about changing; but even with a beautiful boat, there are things you could do in a new, different way. This is the dream.' The world's economic circumstances may be against it, however. 'The general situation is difficult, there are problems and risks. We must clarify our ideas. Everybody has ideas, but at the moment the final result is just the splendid dream of a new, mysterious creature.'

As I prepare to leave, I can't help but think that the evidence Paola Trifirò still has a powerful urge to design and create is all around me. And somehow, I doubt a little thing like the global financial crisis will stop her finding an outlet for that ambition. We'll have to wait and see whether or not that means another superyacht.

Originally published in Boat International March 2013

Photography by Carlo Borlenghi

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Price Reduction – 1983 Frers 59 Alloy Custom

Posted Thursday 11th March 2021

rrose selavy yacht

Grabau International  is delighted to announce the price reduction of the  1983 Frers 59 Alloy Custom ‘TEMPTATION’, now lying ashore in Viareggio, Italy.

Beautiful aluminium one-off from German Frers with benefit of comprehensive recent refit. TEMPTATION offers a fantastic opportunity to own a piece of yachting art with a great pedigree.


TEMPTATION is a very famous German Frers designed Maxi IOR racing design, built in aluminium now offered for sale in great condition and with a fantastic specification. Following an exceptional late 80’s and early 90’s racing career including winning the Maxi Yacht Worlds and the Nioularge Regatta on no less than three occasions under the name ‘RROSE SELAVY’, TEMPTATION was extensively refitted in 2009/2010, the highlights included: • Mast and boom dismantled and repainted with Awl-Grip. • Rod rigging checked with ultrasound. • Hull, deck and keel join ultrasound. • All the deck equipment dismantled and serviced. • New hatches plexiglass. • New electric cables in the mast. • New Awl-Grip hull paint. • Steering wheel serviced. • Must jack serviced. • New bilge paint with epoxy. • Generator and engine serviced. • Navtec hydraulic equipment serviced. • New carbon fibre bowsprit.


TEMPTATION was built in 1983 at the behest of the New York Yacht Club Commodore, John Santry Jr, who entrusted the design of his race boat to a then young and determined German Frers. His design brief to Frers was to create a small Maxi IOR able to win all the races under the IOR rating with the strength, rigidity and sea-manners to easily cross the Atlantic on her own bottom.

A special aluminium alloy (DAA 72722) was chosen as the construction material as it was guaranteed to offer the best compromise between lightness and rigidity, and also because John Santry was the owner of one of the foremost aeronautical design studios of the time, and therefore able to apply its deep knowledge in the structural calculations of the project giving it a strength without equal and the correct distribution of weights and dynamic loads.

Having chosen the best designer of the time and the best construction material, the next step was to choose the best builder, and this task fell to the Newport Offshore Shipyard, former creator of the Defender of the America’s Cup and very skilled in working with aluminium construction.

The end result exceeding all expectations. TEMPTATION was blisteringly fast at all speeds, had a favourable rating under IOR, and her exceptional seaworthiness allowed her to beat in real time much larger boats when the sea conditions were rough. For the following three seasons TEMPTATION dominated all the regattas on the east coast of the United States, and then, after crossing the Atlantic, she entered the legendary Fastnet Race where she stole the heart of Italian shipowner Riccardo Bonadeo.

According to legend, conquered by such beauty and speed, Riccardo Bonadeo simply handed the now satisfied John Santry a blank cheque. Having secured her ownership, Riccardo Bonadeo renamed TEMPTATION with the family name ‘RROSE SELAVY’ and went on to score a magnificent series of important victories including:- • August 1988 – Porto Cervo – Maxi Yacht World Championship. 1° place. • September 1988 – St. Tropez: – Nioularge. 1° place Overall, plus 1° in her class. • May 1989 – Portofino – Trofeo Ermenegildo Zegna. • June 1989 – Porto Cervo – Settimana delle Bocche, Trofeo Navarma Lines – 11° place Overall, plus 1° in her class. • September 1989 – St. Tropez – Nioularge – 1° place Overall, plus 1° in her class. • May 1990 – Porto Cervo – Settimana delle Bocche – 1° place Overall, plus 1° in her class. • December 1990 – Ocean Crossing (Portofino – Barbados). • April 1991 – Antigua Sailing Week. • March 1992 – Portofino – trofeo Ermenegildo Zegna – 1° place Overall, plus 1° in her class. • August 1992 – Palma de Maiorca – 1° in her class. • October 1993 – St. Topez – Nioularge – 1° place Overall, plus 1° in her class.

With the advent of the IMS racing rule, RROSE SELAVY ended her absolute racing dominance. With her name changed by to TEMPTATION she was entrusted to the skilled workers of the Cantiere dell’Argentario and with the collaboration of Wally Yacht, this glorious ocean greyhound evolved into a stylish and practical, fast and fun performance cruising yacht. Her interiors were remodelled to create a light and airy ‘New England’ style, complete with numerous comfort upgrades including generator, watermaker etc etc. On deck, her equipment layout was simplified to allow for easy sailing with a crew of just two. Once again, TEMPTATION excelled in her new role and following her recent refit, she is now ready to go racing or cruising in absolute comfort, safety and style.

Frers 59 Alloy Custom – Temptation – now asking Euro 125k VAT paid – full details here

rrose selavy yacht

Do you have a yacht like this to sell? Grabau International are always looking for new high quality cruising yacht listings both in the UK and internationally. For further information about our tailored brokerage services, please  look here  or feel free to  contact us .


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    Moonshine, formerly "Rrose Selavy", was built by Jeremy Rogers and designed by Douglas Peterson with the aim of excelling in the 1977 Admiral Cup. The hull, innovative and light at the time, proved to be extremely strong, so much so that Moonshine, along with only 5 other boats, were the only ones to emerge unscathed from the notorious Festnet ...

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    Following an exceptional late 80's and early 90's racing career including winning the Maxi Yacht Worlds and the Nioularge Regatta on no less than three occasions under the name 'RROSE SELAVY', TEMPTATION was extensively refitted in 2009/2010, the highlights included: • Mast and boom dismantled and repainted with Awl-Grip.

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  22. Price Reduction

    Following an exceptional late 80's and early 90's racing career including winning the Maxi Yacht Worlds and the Nioularge Regatta on no less than three occasions under the name 'RROSE SELAVY', TEMPTATION was extensively refitted in 2009/2010, the highlights included: • Mast and boom dismantled and repainted with Awl-Grip.