foiling catamaran dinghy


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A foiler designed for any sailor.

Toni Blanc, Mothquito, Foiling, IFS foiling, IFS increased foiling system, sistema foils

The idea was to create a SIT & FLY foiler, that is to say a boat with foils that practically flew alone, and endow it with an exceptional stability so that any sailor could fly easily, regardless of their physical or technical preparation, also allowing them to access into the competition with foils so far suitable for only a few specialists.

The mothquito foiling catamaran perfectly meets this objective. proof of this is that none of our riders had ever flown on a boat with foils before and as you will see in the videos they all fly without any difficulty. , i sincerely believe that it is the best guarantee that the mothquito is made for you., you will soon be able to try it for yourself. happy flight.

Designer and CEO:



The Mothquito Foiling Catamaran is the first foiler in the world with an increased dynamic stability and performance, by the IFS system, a system that increases its dynamic length and beam to make foiling easy, safe and fun for any sailor.

Due to this system, the Mothquito surprises with its great stability, both at take-off and during flight, requiring the crew member simply the same physical effort that would be required to sail in any conventional dinghy boat without trapeze and without the need for a special technique.  

In the Mothquito you just have to sit down to sail and the boat will practically will flies alone.

For all these reasons, the Mothquito is an easy and suitable foiler for all types of sailors, a true SIT & FLY.

At the same time, it can be a fundamental tool for schools and training centers, which are increasingly in demand for easy-to-fly, stable, yet fast and fun foilers.

But make no mistake, the Mothquito is more than just a docile and stable foiler. The Mothquito is a high performance catamaran racer. With a dynamic beam in flight of 4.8 m2, this boat manages to significantly increase its righting moment, which allows it to have a sail area of ​​17.5 m2 in its basic configuration, to launch the boat at high speeds without heeling or feeling of risk.

With mothquito you don`t need:.

Previous experience.

Specific technical training.

Special physical preparation.

Navigate against heeling as in the Moth.

Hang on a trapeze compromising your safety.

Height sensors and flaps to regulate the flight height, since its V foils automatically regulate the height.

Increasing the dynamic length:

You increase longitudinal stability, improving dynamic longitudinal trim in flight and reducing the risk of nose dive and pitch poles., increasing the dynamic beam:, increased transverse stability is achieved, increasing righting moment and performance, with a significant reduction in heeling., that is why mothquito marks a before and after, a new concept in the world of foiling which is summarized in a single expression:, sit & fly.

With Mothquito you know how.


As foiling progresses, more and more fans and sailors want to experience the sensation of flying, even if only once.

But the reality is that many of them are in doubt as to whether they will be able to fly continuously and controlled, since flying these machines does not seem as easy as sitting down.

In many cases, it requires significant physical preparation and endurance to be able to keep the balance in flight based on counter-heeling, making counter balance and playing with the mainsail sheet hunting and molding to maintain balance and not repeatedly go overboard.

In other cases, as in the majority of catamarans, it will be necessary to hang on the trapezoid to reduce the heeling, and at high speeds the maneuvers are very fast and precise, so the risk in these circumstances does not It exactly coincides with the idea of ​​enjoy it.

In summary we can group the current foilers into 3 large groups:

They are small foilers, monohull or multihull, for a single handed and they have a central inverted T-foil and another inverted T-foil in rudder on the same line. When they are monohull, flying on these boats without falling into the water is not easy. You have to establish a continuous balance by flying against heeling and keep your balance playing with the main sheet, and your weight.

In the case of multihulls, the outer hulls act as a float to stop preventing the overturns, as the small lateral wheels do on a bicycle when the child learns. but this solution does not eliminate the difficulty of the flight and slows down the speed of the boat every time the float enters into the water. they also use flaps with mechanical height sensors to control the flight height, and therefore require care and maintenance., they are dinghy catamarans for single or double handed and have four inverted t-foils., with a dynamic beam of around 2.5 m, which usually coincides with their hull beam, these foilers are much more stable than the 2t foils, but in them the use of trapezoids is usually common to compensate the heeling, which not everyone likes and less at high speeds., they also use flaps with mechanical height sensors to control the flight height, and therefore require care and maintenance., 2j + 2t foils, they are high-performance catamarans, of greater length and for more than two or three crew. it is common to see them compete on international circuits. their main foils are in j, which is the same as an underwater v when the boat heels, so they regulate the flight height without the need for flaps. they are very technical boats that require a lot of training and good physical shape. in addition they are not affordable since their price is usually not within the reach of every pockets..

foiling catamaran dinghy

If you are a training center or sailing school...

We are developing a strategic plan for the commercialization and international expansion of the Mothquito that may interest you.

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Sailing the new foiling Birdyfish dinghy

Yachting World

  • March 24, 2022

The BirdyFish is a dinghy that aims to make foiling accessible to sailors of all levels. François Tregouet took it for a test sail to see if it really does bring foiling within reach

foiling catamaran dinghy

Based on an engineering school graduation project, three young Frenchmen have created the BirdyFish, a dinghy that aims to make foiling accessible to everyone.

BirdyFish is the story of a sailing start-up, something western France does well. Near Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Pierre Rhimbault and Alban Satgé were not yet 25 years old when they started out to create a new class of boat. Foiling designs fascinated them, from the Mini Transat small yachts to IMOCA 60s , but they wanted to make flying on the water easier.

Ambitious but realistic, the trio focused on the business and management of the project, and turned to specialists for key areas. Naval architect Etienne Bertrand, well known for his work on the Mini, was commissioned to design the BirdyFish, whose beamy bow is reminiscent of the 6.5m Mini ocean crossing scows.

With their personal savings and a €10,000 grant from a foundation for young entrepreneurs, they built a prototype. Three years later they’re on the verge of finalising a €250,000 fundraising operation and moving to 600m² premises to scale up to mass production.

While the hulls are subcontracted a few kilometres south, the foils are built in Nantes, in-house, a key factor in controlling the quality of these essential parts.

foiling catamaran dinghy

Under gennaker the flying experience starts with less than 10 knots of wind. Crew position determines trim. Photo: BirdyFish

Foil design was entrusted to a master of the art, Jean Baptiste Behm. With their J-shape, the foils create maximum lift when fully deployed but remain quite simple to retract. The carbon foils weigh 10kg each and are symmetrical, so can be used on either side of the boat. This simplifies production and after sales service.

Also with simplicity in mind, the position of the foils is fixed, without any adjustment. Rudder rake can be adjusted but to enable good control of the helm the rudder profile is not extreme.

A longer rudder chord means a little more drag but also more tolerance, and less risk of losing control. Sailing at low speeds with a smaller rudder surface area would give no feel to the tiller, making it much more difficult for beginners. The development of the Birdyfish, and refining that balance, took more than two years.

The hull is made of a glass-polyester sandwich, weighs 93kg and has four watertight zones making it unsinkable. The mast is aluminium and, once the foot is unpinned, can be dropped backwards with a crewmember controlling the descent with a halyard in hand.

foiling catamaran dinghy

The maximum speed recorded by a BirdyFish is 22 knots (like a Class 40 but 40 times cheaper!). Photo: MULTImedia/François Tregouet

The BirdyFish is limited to three sails to keep it simple. There’s no trapeze either, the righting moment being entrusted to the foils. This is also a safety choice because, at high speed, any fall could be dangerous. Two crewmembers sit on the gunwale, or move slightly outboard upwind with their feet in the straps.

A major evolution in the development of the BirdyFish means there is also no longer a daggerboard. The first boats sold played their part as pioneers, but it turns out that the foils, although symmetrical, generate more anti-leeway effect than expected. Removal of the daggerboard and its box made the Birdyfish’s cockpit even simpler.

foiling catamaran dinghy

Each foil weighs just 10kg (22lb) and they are symmetrical on port and starboard. Photo: MULTImedia – François Tregouet

Officially, the BirdyFish will fly in upwards of 12 knots of wind. But with a trained crew, the boat can take off from 8 knots. Finding the right angle, producing just the right amount of power at the right time to get the hull out of the water will show the difference between a novice crew and one that already has a few hours of flying experience.

Rusty from decades of cruising on non-foiling boats (and having long forgotten my 420 and Mini years), for me trying the BirdyFish felt like a good test of its genuine accessibility to all. I returned to the shore reassured about my abilities – but more importantly blown away by the extraordinary sensations of flight.

Off the beach at La Rochelle the BirdyFish flew very fast at about 15 knots in a wind oscillating between 10-15 knots. High speed means constant vigilance is essential: the transparent Mylar window in the jib helps with visibility.

foiling catamaran dinghy

There are no more lines at the mast foot than on a classic dinghy: simple. Fittings are attached so as not to compromise watertight zones. Photo: MULTImedia – François Tregouet

As there are no flaps to adjust the boat’s trim it’s the crew’s position that needs to be tweaked. Sitting on the windward side of the boat, well wedged against the shroud, I was quietly enjoying the stability of the boat – its tolerant foils and T-shaped rudder do a remarkable job – when Jean-Baptiste Morin handed over the helm.

I was instructed to use as little helm angle as possible, instead using the mainsheet as an accelerator first, then as a damper. Very quickly, the miracle happened, and we took off! Soon we were flying, perfectly dry just above the chop.

I quickly learned that to remain foiling requires being very sensitive to movement. Rudder correction angles must be as small as possible. There’s no question of moving the whole tiller, instead Jean-Baptiste advised I keep my tiller hand close to my body and only make small movements using just the span of my fingers.

foiling catamaran dinghy

When transporting or storing, the self-regulating J-foils fit inside the cockpit. Photo: MULTImedia – François Tregouet

Course deviations must also be very limited. I estimate that the maximum allowed is more or less 2° around the true wind direction without trimming the sails. The penalty for overdoing it is immediate: the BirdyFish touches down, either softly or more brutally.

Tacking and gybing are not difficult, but it takes a little more experience to complete them in ‘flight’ mode. To demonstrate, Jean-Baptiste retook control of the boat for a series of foiling gybes. Crouching at the front of the cockpit, my role was limited to managing the Solent sheet and above all to hold on, as the rate of turn is brutal, a reminder of the extraordinary performance achieved.

foiling catamaran dinghy

The foil housing is slightly smaller than its well. Foil rake setting is fixed by four bolts: no brain work required. Photo: MULTImedia – François Tregouet

Only twice have I reached 18 knots at the helm of a sailing boat on my first try, and those were on a Gunboat 68 and an 80ft Ultim trimaran – very different budgets to the €18,840 standard BirdyFish.

Three essential options do raise the bill to €21,200 – it’s difficult to do without the jib furler for manoeuvres, a Code 0 with furler offers light airs performance, and a launching trailer is essential for the 135kg (297lb) whole package – but if you want to go foiling for a reasonable budget and with little experience, the BirdyFish rocket hits the target.

BirdyFish specifications

LOA: 4.70m / 15ft 5in Beam: 1.90m / 6ft 3in Draught: 0.90m / 2ft 11in Displacement: 135kg / 297lb Upwind sail area: 13.5m² / 140ft² Downwind sail area: 24.5m² / 258ft²

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F1x A-class foiling catamaran

World champion, lighter = better, craftsmanship, meet the foiling f1x a-class catamaran.

This is the ultimate singlehanded foiling catamaran of the moment: ultramodern, incredibly fast, very agile, extremely strong and feather-light, in an aerodynamic and ergonomic design. The perfect total package, packed in 1 foiling catamaran. This is the world’s coolest boat for singlehanded races and the winner of several A-cat world championships and many other sailing races.

The 2020-F1x A-cat is exactly the same foiling catamaran that made Mischa Heemskerk Vice-World Champion at the Herveybay Worlds 2018 in Australia and World Champion at Weymouth 2019. All our foiling F1x A-class catamarans come straight, ready to race and ‘Mischa-tuned’ from our factory.

Unique design enables top performances

The F1x A-class foiling catamaran is the ultimate reflection of our current design language. The aerodynamic design accentuates the performance qualities of this super fast foiling racing boat. The sophisticated deck plan provides clear control and minimal air resistance.

Foils The rudders and daggerboard foils used on the F1x A-class foiling catamarans are produced with the highest quality carbon pre-preg fibers. The foils are cured in our own Autoclave . Our winning foil design was created in close cooperation with Glenn Ashby and the designers of AC Team New Zealand .

Construction The F1x A-cat is manufactured entirely according to the carbon pre-preg/ Nomex production method, and cured in our Autoclave. This technology is the same as used in the aerospace industry and within other foiling boats like for example, the America’s Cup.

Design The design of the F1x foiling A-class catamaran was completely conceived by the DNA design team and made at DNA’s own yard. In the DNA design team Pieterjan Dwarshuis, Mischa Heemskerk and the renowned Dutch industrial design engineer Rudo Enserink worked closely together to create the perfect foiling A-class catamaran.

We build your new foiling boat!

Technical details.

The F1x A-class foiling catamaran has a number of unique features that improve performance. For example:

  • Semi ridged trampoline. Gives extra torsional stiffness to the boat and increases its aerodynamic characteristics.
  • Patented main-sheet-wheel-system. For more direct and faster trim of the main sail.
  • Aerodynamically placed traveller car.
  • Flexible daggerboard casings. For minimal water absorption in floating mode.
  • Aerodynamically shaped ‘beams’.
  • Adjustable T-rudders. Foiling with rudder differential is possible.


LOA: 5.49 m BOA: 2.30 m Max. draught: 1.20 m Sail area: 13.94 m Total weight: ca. 53 kg Top speed: 31 kn Extra: All measurements according to IACA Class regulations.

Buy a champion's boat!

Are you excited to buy a F1x A-class foiling catamaran from DNA Performance Sailing? Please fill in our contact form:

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[2023] Hydrofoil Catamaran: The Ultimate Guide to Foiling on Water

Review Team

  • November 1, 2023
  • Hydrofoil Basics

Experience the thrill of flying above the water with a hydrofoil catamaran!

Are you ready to take your hydrofoil boarding to the next level? Look no further than the hydrofoil catamaran. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of hydrofoil catamarans, exploring their history, how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to soar above the waves!

Table of Contents

Quick answer, quick tips and facts, how does a hydrofoil catamaran work, benefits of hydrofoil catamarans, drawbacks of hydrofoil catamarans, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, maintenance and care, recommended links, reference links.

A hydrofoil catamaran is a type of watercraft that combines the stability of a catamaran with the lift and speed of hydrofoils. It uses specially designed foils to lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. Hydrofoil catamarans are popular among sailors and water sports enthusiasts for their incredible speed, maneuverability, and thrilling foiling experience.

Shopping Links: Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

  • Hydrofoil catamarans can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (46 mph) or more, depending on the design and conditions.
  • The foils on a hydrofoil catamaran can lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for a smoother and faster ride.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans are used for various purposes, including racing, recreational sailing, and even transportation.
  • Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice, but it’s an exhilarating experience once you get the hang of it.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans come in different sizes and designs, catering to different skill levels and preferences.

Hydrofoil catamarans have a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. The concept of using hydrofoils to lift boats out of the water and reduce drag was first explored by Italian engineer Enrico Forlanini in the late 1800s. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that hydrofoil technology started to gain traction in the boating world.

The first hydrofoil catamaran, known as the “Aquavion,” was developed by the French engineer René Guilbaud in the 1950s. This innovative design combined the stability of a catamaran with the lift of hydrofoils, revolutionizing the world of sailing. Since then, hydrofoil catamarans have evolved and become more advanced, offering incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability on the water.

A hydrofoil catamaran works by utilizing hydrofoils, which are wing-like structures mounted underneath the hulls of the boat. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, lifting the hulls out of the water and reducing drag. This lift allows the hydrofoil catamaran to achieve higher speeds and a smoother ride compared to traditional boats.

The hydrofoils on a catamaran are typically designed with a curved shape, similar to an airplane wing. This shape creates a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the foil, generating lift. The foils are usually adjustable, allowing the sailor to fine-tune the performance of the catamaran based on the sailing conditions.

To control the hydrofoil catamaran, sailors use a combination of steering and sail trim. By adjusting the angle of the foils and the sails, they can optimize the lift and balance of the boat, ensuring a stable and efficient ride. It takes some practice to master the art of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer a range of benefits that make them a popular choice among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. Here are some of the key advantages of hydrofoil catamarans:

Speed : Hydrofoil catamarans are known for their incredible speed. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to glide smoothly above the waves. This enables hydrofoil catamarans to reach impressive speeds, making them a thrilling choice for racing and high-performance sailing.

Maneuverability : The lift generated by hydrofoils enhances the maneuverability of catamarans. With reduced drag, hydrofoil catamarans can make sharp turns and quick maneuvers with ease. This agility is particularly useful in racing scenarios, where every second counts.

Stability : The dual-hull design of catamarans provides inherent stability, even at high speeds. When combined with hydrofoils, the stability of hydrofoil catamarans is further enhanced. This stability makes them suitable for sailors of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.

Efficiency : Hydrofoil catamarans are more efficient than traditional boats. By reducing drag, hydrofoils allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption, making hydrofoil catamarans an environmentally friendly choice.

Versatility : Hydrofoil catamarans are versatile watercraft that can be used for various purposes. Whether you’re looking for a high-performance racing catamaran or a recreational sailboat for family outings, there’s a hydrofoil catamaran to suit your needs. Some models even offer the option to switch between foiling and non-foiling modes, providing flexibility on the water.

While hydrofoil catamarans offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider their drawbacks as well. Here are a few potential downsides to keep in mind:

Cost : Hydrofoil catamarans tend to be more expensive than traditional boats. The advanced technology and materials used in their construction contribute to the higher price tag. Additionally, maintenance and repairs can also be costly, especially if specialized parts or services are required.

Learning Curve : Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice. It can take time to learn how to control the boat effectively and maintain stability while flying above the water. Beginners may find the learning curve steep, but with dedication and proper instruction, anyone can master the art of hydrofoil catamaran sailing.

Weather Conditions : Hydrofoil catamarans are sensitive to weather conditions. While they excel in flat water and moderate winds, rough seas and strong gusts can pose challenges. It’s important to be aware of the weather forecast and choose suitable sailing conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Transportation and Storage : Hydrofoil catamarans can be larger and bulkier than traditional boats, making transportation and storage more challenging. Specialized trailers or racks may be required to transport the catamaran, and adequate storage space is needed to protect it when not in use.

Despite these drawbacks, the thrill and excitement of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran outweigh the challenges for many sailing enthusiasts.

When it comes to choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Skill Level : Consider your skill level and experience as a sailor. Some hydrofoil catamarans are designed for advanced sailors, while others are more beginner-friendly. Choose a catamaran that matches your skill level to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Intended Use : Determine how you plan to use the hydrofoil catamaran. Are you looking for a racing catamaran, a recreational sailboat, or something in between? Different models offer varying features and performance characteristics, so it’s essential to choose a catamaran that aligns with your intended use.

Budget : Set a budget for your hydrofoil catamaran purchase. Prices can vary significantly depending on the brand, model, and features. Consider both the upfront cost and the long-term maintenance expenses when determining your budget.

Brand and Reputation : Research different brands and their reputation in the hydrofoil catamaran industry. Look for brands with a track record of producing high-quality, reliable catamarans. Reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from experienced sailors can also provide valuable insights.

Demo and Test Sails : Whenever possible, try out different hydrofoil catamarans before making a final decision. Many manufacturers and dealers offer demo and test sails, allowing you to experience the performance and handling of the catamaran firsthand. This hands-on experience can help you make an informed choice.

Remember, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran is a personal decision that depends on your individual preferences and needs. Take your time, do your research, and consult with experts to find the perfect catamaran for your hydrofoil adventures.

Proper maintenance and care are essential to keep your hydrofoil catamaran in top shape and ensure its longevity. Here are some maintenance tips to help you keep your catamaran performing at its best:

Rinse with Fresh Water : After each sailing session, rinse your hydrofoil catamaran with fresh water to remove salt and debris. Pay special attention to the foils, as saltwater can cause corrosion over time.

Inspect for Damage : Regularly inspect your catamaran for any signs of damage or wear. Check the foils, hulls, rigging, and sails for any cracks, dents, or loose fittings. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Store Properly : When not in use, store your hydrofoil catamaran in a dry and secure location. If possible, keep it covered to protect it from the elements. Consider using a boat cover or storing it in a boat shed or garage.

Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines : Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and care. Each catamaran may have specific recommendations for cleaning, lubrication, and other maintenance tasks. Adhering to these guidelines will help prolong the life of your catamaran.

Seek Professional Assistance : If you’re unsure about any maintenance tasks or need assistance, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Local boatyards, sailing clubs, or authorized dealers can provide expert advice and services to keep your catamaran in optimal condition.

By following these maintenance tips and caring for your hydrofoil catamaran, you can enjoy many years of thrilling foiling adventures on the water.

Keppel Bay from Above

How fast is the hydrofoil catamaran?

Hydrofoil catamarans can reach impressive speeds, depending on various factors such as the design, wind conditions, and skill of the sailor. Some high-performance hydrofoil catamarans can exceed 40 knots (46 mph) or more. However, the exact speed will vary based on these factors.

How does a foil catamaran work?

A foil catamaran, also known as a hydrofoil catamaran, works by utilizing hydrofoils to lift the hulls out of the water. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. The lift created by the foils enables the catamaran to “fly” above the water, resulting in increased speed and improved performance.

What happened to hydrofoils?

Hydrofoils have a rich history and have been used in various applications, including passenger ferries, military vessels, and recreational boats. While hydrofoils experienced a surge in popularity in the mid-20th century, their use declined in some sectors due to factors such as high costs, maintenance challenges, and the development of alternative technologies. However, hydrofoils continue to be used in niche markets, including high-performance sailing and racing.

Read more about “… What is the World’s Largest Hydrofoil Boat?”

Are hydrofoil boats more efficient?

Yes, hydrofoil boats are generally more efficient than traditional boats. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption. However, it’s important to note that the efficiency gains may vary depending on factors such as the design, sailing conditions, and skill of the sailor.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer an exhilarating and thrilling experience on the water. With their incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability, they have become a favorite among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. While they may come with a higher price tag and require some skill to master, the rewards of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran are well worth it.

When choosing a hydrofoil catamaran, consider factors such as your skill level, intended use, budget, and the reputation of the brand. Take the time to research and test different models to find the perfect catamaran for your needs.

So, are you ready to take flight on a hydrofoil catamaran? Embrace the thrill, experience the freedom, and enjoy the incredible sensation of soaring above the water. Happy foiling!

  • Hydrofoil History
  • Advanced Hydrofoiling Techniques
  • Hydrofoil Equipment Reviews
  • Why do boats not use hydrofoils?
  • iFLY15 – iFLY Razzor Pro – Foiling Catamaran
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

Review Team

Review Team

The Popular Brands Review Team is a collective of seasoned professionals boasting an extensive and varied portfolio in the field of product evaluation. Composed of experts with specialties across a myriad of industries, the team’s collective experience spans across numerous decades, allowing them a unique depth and breadth of understanding when it comes to reviewing different brands and products.

Leaders in their respective fields, the team's expertise ranges from technology and electronics to fashion, luxury goods, outdoor and sports equipment, and even food and beverages. Their years of dedication and acute understanding of their sectors have given them an uncanny ability to discern the most subtle nuances of product design, functionality, and overall quality.

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Unique Engineering

The foil assist.

  • Ultimate Performance
  • Patented Morrelli & Melvin Hull / Foil System
  • Bespoke-built, Epoxy-Infused Hulls

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  • Unmatched Performance & Efficiency
  • Unlike Any Other Center Console on The Market


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Why Foilcat?

The FoilCat Team is relentlessly dedicated in our pursuit of the ultimate user experience accentuated by the highest performance and safety standards throughout the marine industry.


The foil greatly improves ride quality and efficiency.  Reduction in operator and passenger injury and fatigue.


Built to suit from collars to cabin tops and the engines on the back. We work with you to create your dream watercraft.


A greater range on same volume of fuel vs any other platform. Our models are 40-50% MORE fuel efficient than our market competitors.

iFLY15 – iFLY Razzor Pro – Foiling Catamaran - can't wait to sail it again!!

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iFLY15 – Technical SPECS

Length 4.63 m, 15 ft..

A Foiling Catamaran for 1-2 person(s) does not need to be any longer than this. The ancient rule that says you need length to achieve speed does not apply, as hulls do not touch the water at most times.

Width 2.50 m.

This width provides plenty of righting moment, still being road legal ato be transported in horizontal position without disassembly.

7.5 m mast / 11.2 sqm mainsail

7.5 m mast with 11.2 sqm deck-sweeper mainsail. – 8.5 m mast on iFLY RAZZOR Pro with bigger rig

Draft: 95 cm

Weight: 90 kg.

90 kg ready to sail. A very light boat, providing nonetheless excellent stability for everyday suitability.

Crew 1-2 - max.180kg

Flysafe® foil control.

T-Foils Main Foils and Rudders FlySafe automatic dynamic foil control Additional Option: Main Foil Differential >>>

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Different - Rig Options


Full Carbon Hulls

Looking for the perfect setup for your foiling sailboat.

We can recommend the best iFLY setup and accessories for your boat. Get in touch for the ultimate sailing experience!


A great number of innovations all over the catamaran and the perfect match of all components allow controlled high-speed foiling experience. iFLY15 is full of innovations, e.g. in hull design, hydrofoils, rudders, automatic flight control system, two-layer wing trampoline, high performance rig…

HULL Design

full carbon – lightweight – performance design: Born to foil

High Performance Rig Options


Two Layer Trampoline


Full Carbon T-Foils 

SCIENTIFICALLY DEVELOPED high-end foils for early take off, high speed and maximum stability.

flySafe® dynamic foil control system

The foils are controlled independently, dynamically and precisely on both sides by the flySafe® foil control system . This enables high performance sailing through stable flight. The unique foil control system of IFLY15 is a 7 years proven system developed by CEC Catamarans.        Know More >>>


MDT FOIL CONTROL – iFLY rake control The sophisticated main foil differential is an active flight assistance – The Rake is adjustable while sailing. Advanced Rake Control is for the experienced, performance-oriented Catamaran sailors / pro sailors and is a feature on the iFLY RAZZOR Pro.      Know More >>>

Innovations and more   >>>

In the hand of the experienced sailor, iFLY15 is a high-performance racing machine. STABILITY IS NOT CONTRADICTORY TO HIGH PERFORMANCE OR SPORTINESS , on the contrary, it is a prerequisite for safe reaching and maintaining constant high speeds. Stable flight allows the sailor to concentrate on the course, on the wind, as well as on opponents and strategy – rather than permanently getting distracted by working on the foiling balance.

EARLY TAKE OFF IN WINDS AS LOW AS 2Bft. / 6 KNOTS , by combining the innovative “KickOff” foil control with a trampoline that provides boost and with the latest generation of rig and foils.

BOAT SPEEDS FAR BEYOND DOUBLE WIND SPEED CAN BE ACHIEVED . Enjoy high speed foiling with top speeds far beyond 25 knots – in ideal conditions up to 30 knots.



FREEDOM ! FLYING SOLO OR OPTIONAL WITH CREW . You have the choice. No manhunt for crew. But still enjoy the opportunity of taking a friend or family to fly with you. Up to 140kg of crew weight. (To keep the boat and especially the mast light, we specified the iFLY15 components intentionally not for double trapeze.)

NO HOISTING AND LOWERING OF DAGGERBOARDS while sailing. (Only for beaching or in shallow waters.)

FREEDOM TO SWITCH BETWEEN FLYING MODE OR SAILING AS A CONVENTIONAL CATAMARAN (with at least the leeward hull touching the water). Within seconds iFLY15 can be switched to Non-Flight mode, even while sailing. In that mode, iFLY15 will not take off, but the foils will still create lift and give an extra agile sailing behavior, which is on the same time very stable as rudder Foils will avoid pitch poling. Non-Flight mode is providing additional security in extreme high wind speeds. It is also useful for less experienced sailors or in all situations, where taking off is undesirable (e.g. in the harbor or while towing…).


EASY BEACHING AND SLIPPING , as simple as with any conventional beach catamaran by using a standard catamaran beach trolley. Foils remain flat under the keel, with the daggerboard lifted as on a conventional catamaran.

SIMPLE TO DISASSEMBLE PLATFORM . Width of 2.50m is also road legal in most countries for horizontal transport without disassembly.

DAGGERBOARDS CAN BE PLUGGED IN FROM ABOVE and Foils securely anchored from below with one central screw.

FAST SET-UP OF THE iFLY15 FROM ROAD TRAILER TO SAILING . Simple rigging the mast, no genacker boom, no foresail, no spi.

SILENT AND CALM PLANING ABOVE THE WAVES . Flight height of up to 90cm, avoiding even high waves below.

EASY TO FOIL THE JIBE (without landing). Stable maneuvers are made easier by the fact that the four T-Foils always remain in the water.

« INTERNATIONAL FORMULA 15 FOIL » Class Association. The new development class for FOILING, SINGLE HANDED on MULTIHULLS. Multi manufacturer class in the tradition of a Formula18, A-Class or international Moth. Enables large regatta fields and evolution of the boats, following the technical progress (which is especially essential in the case in Foiling). Strict regulations to avoid uncontrolled exaggerated development.

Contact : [email protected]

Catamaran Europe Central

The iflysail team, is looking forward to your message, more to know about ifly foiling , interesting tech, high performance rig options >>>, flysafe® dynamic foil control system >>>, ifly main foil differential technology >>>.

MDT FOIL CONTROL – iFLY rake control

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Ifly foiling experience >>>, press articles >>>, events >>>.

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  • Nacra 17 Olympic

foiling catamaran dinghy

Flying an Olympic Powerhouse

The Olympic standard in multihull sailing worldwide. Now upgraded to fully foiling beast. The first leisure catamaran built to Olympic standards.

The revolutionary Nacra 17 Olympic is the ultimate multihull for athletes. Now with full foiling capabilities, the 17 is faster than ever. Since the 2016 Rio Olympics, sailors keep pushing boundaries and setting records. With continuous innovation, performance keeps getting better. A true powerhouse. 

The Nacra 17 is the Olympic standard in catamarans. It is the world wide bench mark in profesional sailing. The Nacra 17 exhumes quality, speed and durability. Its curved foiling daggerboards give the cat space craft like features. The thrill to sail the Nacra 17 will stay with sailors capable enough the drive this high powered machine.

Usage Olympic racing Competitive racing Foiling

Crew 2  Mixed sailors

foiling catamaran dinghy


The original Nacra 17 was initially designed to follow World Sailing´s strict requirements for the Olympic multihull. It was fitted with curved daggerboards at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, to provide extra buoyancy and boost its efficiency both downwind and upwind. In response to recent developments and requirements, the next generation Nacra 17 Olympic has now been upgraded into

a fully foiling race machine. The  Nacra 17 Olympic  is designed in collaboration with Morrelli & Melvin, a world-famous design office known for many other successful multihull projects. The Nacra 17 Olympic ‘s base obviously lies in the performance of the America’s Cup boats, also involving Morelli & Melvin. Once you start flying a Nacra 17 Olympic , you’ll realize its tremendous power on the water. 

Nacra 17 Olympic Games Start Tokyo 2020

UPGRADED FOILING Challenging, exciting and dynamic – the next gen  Nacra 17 Olympic is taking catamaran sailing to the next level. The quality standards for rigging, hull contruction and sail plan are unprecedented. The full carbon set-up engineered by a team of dedicated professionals has shown not only full foiling speed records but surprising durability at the same time. The Nacra 17  Olympic  comes standard in the full Olympic configuration, with curved and Z-foil daggerboards. Sailing the next gen Nacra 17 Olympic takes guts, physical strength, tactical ability and focus – a true Olympian’s craft.

Nacra 17 Olympic Games Race Tokyo 2020

NEW SAIL PLAN Being the only multihull sailmaker in the world granted the right to make official Olympic sails by World Sailing, Performance Sails delivers high quality hand made sails. Their 30+ year expertise in the catamaran racing world makes sure your sails can handle anything. The Pentex™ mainsail and jib are strong and durable, as is the polyester spinnaker. Since 2016 Performance Sails offers fully printed spinnakers with your country’s flag or sponsors, with a negligible weight increase of only ~0.2g/m 2 .

foiling catamaran dinghy

  • Nacra Users & Owners Manual
  • Nacra Assembly Manual Nacra 15 / F16 / 17 / F18 / F20
  • Nacra Assembly Manual Nacra 17 Olympic V2
  • Nacra 17 Front Crossbar
  • Nacra 17 Rear Crossbar
  • Nacra 17 Spinnaker Pole
  • Nacra 17 Spinnaker Pole (Sloop)
  • Nacra 17 Tillerbar
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Rudder Template
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Rudder Manual (2018)
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Differential Rudder Rake Manual (2022)
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Front Crossbar
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Footstraps
  • Nacra 17 Olympic DB Trimwheel Line System
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Continuous Line System
  • Nacra 17 Olympic Daggerboard Case Line System


Ready to start flying?


All models outfitted with an Foiling Package ( FCS or   Flight Control System for short ) are ready for full foiling – during your sail, specialized hydrodynamic daggerboards combined with upwards pressure make you get a controlled ‘flight’, meaning your whole boat will be above the water, rather than in it. Make alterations on the water during your flight to find the groove you are looking for and fly over water to leave others behind.

These so-called  Foil sets are designed to fly in a wide range of weather conditions, to make competitive catamaran sailing accessible to even more sailors, and are built to meet the highest safety standards. A real treat for the more, or a little less, experienced sailors.

Using the best possible manufacturing techniques available, we’ve obtained maximum strength with minimum weight using autoclave technology, curing the pre-impregnated carbon/epoxy at 120 degrees Celsius at an atmospheric pressure of 6 bar. It will put you miles ahead of any fleet in terms of performance and joy.

Nacra 17 Class

The Nacra 17 class organization is involved in every step the Olympic boat takes. After the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the class and Nacra Sailing agreed to evolve the boat to become a full foiling catamaran. The Nacra 17 class is open to any sailor with Olympic ambition.

Nacra 17 Class website

See all Nacra models

Shop all your spare parts and accessories directly from our online store.

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Do you order for a sailing school or club, a resort, or do you want to become a Nacra Certified Dealer? Contact Nacra Sailing to apply.

© Nacra Sailing INT. 2024

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Boat of the Year 2020 F101: Best Foiler

  • By Dave Reed
  • Updated: December 10, 2019


At A Glance

Price As Sailed: $24,750

Design Purpose: Learn to foil, advance skills

Crew List: One or two

Rob Andrews and his ­business partner Alan Hillman have been teaching foiling for a few years now, and one thing they’ve learned is we get better by sailing, not by swimming. Thus was the genesis of the F101, a craft with which they could teach the fundamentals of foiling—without the crash and burn. But it’s not just a learn-to-foil boat, either. It’s a platform with which new and experienced converts alike can take their ­foiling skill set to a higher level.

The key to mastering the F101, Andrews explains, is grasping righting moment. With the trimaran platform, you get plenty of it, as well as a stable boat that’s more forgiving than any other small foiler. “The trimaran configuration gives you righting moment direct from the foil in the middle hull,” he says, “and gives a measure of safety. It’s hard to capsize the boat.”

The judges learn as much when it comes time to sail the F101. In 15 knots and more, and a steep Chesapeake chop, Powlison is first to give it a go. He settles into the boat, gets his bearings, perches skittishly on the weather hull, sheets on the mainsail (no need to use the boat’s gennaker above 12 knots) and off he goes like a bat out of hell, popping up on the foils without even trying.

“The trick is getting used to the sensation of heeling to windward,” he says. “It takes a bit of trust. Once foiling, it’s quiet and fast, and I felt like I had to be really active on the mainsheet to keep it on the foils.”

That’s true of any foiler, but the beauty of the F101, the judges agree, is when you do lose it, it’s no big deal. The boat drops off its foils, the bows auger in and you get a face full of water; but just reset, bear away and try again.

F101 foil

“The hull shape picks up the buoyancy gently,” Stewart says, “which makes it depress smoothly and prevents it from pitchpoling. When I dumped it a few times I thought I was going in, but not a chance. You quickly realize there’s plenty of floatation there to save you. In flat water, with one day of training you’d get up to speed quickly.”

When teaching people to foil, Hillman starts with “skimming,” a ride height barely above the surface. As the sailor becomes more accustomed to how the boat behaves, there’s a simple line adjustment at the foil head: Dial it up one setting and increase your ride height.

As you’re sailing, the foil wand hanging behind the trailing edge effectively feels where the boat is riding relative to the water and actuates the main flap. In light winds, it gives you more lift, and the boat pops up on the foil. Get too high, and the wand drops down even ­further, forcing negative lift on the flap, which brings you back down to your desired height and prevents the foils from breaking the surface.

In terms of construction, the judges praise its carbon-and-epoxy build quality and the all-up weight of 180 pounds, which makes it easy to get to and from the water. With the F101 sitting on its dolly in the boat park, going sailing is as simple as pulling back the covers, hoisting the main and launching from a dock, beach or boat ramp with minimal fuss.

“What I like about it is that it’s one of those boats that you buy and don’t need to add anything to it,” Allen says. “There’s ­nothing to change out or upgrade.”

For simplicity, the boat is set up with adjustments that let you ratchet up the experience as you climb the learning curve. On the rudder foil, for example, there is a clear numbering system so that as you twist the tiller extension, you change the rudder rake. The baseline setting is zero, and it’s the same for the main foil. The only thing left is to balance the forces with the mainsheet.

“When I first got up on the foils, I was thinking to myself, ‘This is too easy; I should be working harder,’ ” Powlison says. “As they said, this boat solves a lot of the problems associated with other foiling dinghies. It’s a great high-performance boat that represents the next step in making foiling accessible to the public.”

See All Winners

Other Winners:

  • 2020 Boat of the Year
  • Best Crossover
  • Best Multihull
  • Best Foiler
  • Best Dinghy
  • More: BOTY , boty 2020 , foils , Sailboats
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The Foiling Sailboat For Everybody

$2,000 build deposit .

Slots in the continuous build queue are reserved upon receipt of $2,000 USD. Deposits are refundable until the materials go into the mold for your specific boat. 

Delivering credible performance at all points of sail in a broad wind range. Dimensions of less than 12' long and 6' wide and weighing less than 50kg, 110 lbs. Able to be rigged, launched, retrieved upright, and sailed in shallow water. Forgiving - not dependent on advanced sailing skills. Inexpensive and durable enough for a wide variety of users. Easy to store and transport.

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Foiling 101

The F101 takes you through your foiling journey, providing a progression pathway from the beginner foiler to the Olympian. F101 sets new challenges and goals at whatever level you come in, from expert to beginner.

The F101 is an all-new foiling trimaran aimed specifically at those sailors that, for whatever reason, thought foiling was too difficult for them. The concept originates from the experience of teaching many people to foil in the International Moth class and addressing the main barriers they faced. So we set about creating a new boat without the design restrictions of a box rule – in this way, foiling has been made easier.

“The boats are great fun and I was foiling after about 10 minutes on the first day and having extended periods of foiling after day 2. Not having sailed dinghies for the better part of 20 years, I never really expected to foil, so the boats are fulfilling their designed purpose beautifully. ” — Pete Selby

As an F101 owner, you get access to all of this knowledge and experience, plus access to the F101 Tribe.

The F101 Tribe is an exclusive social media channel that only owners can access, share experiences, tips, and events and generally have a fun time with foiling at the heart of the journey. It is like having a 24/7 help desk..someone, somewhere in the World, is normally awake to help!

The ethos of Foiling World and the F101 TRIBE is to:

· Sail a Fun boat

· Sail with great friends

· Sail in great locations

The F101…more than just a boat! We guarantee to get you foiling, wherever you are in the world, as remote as you like. If you buy an F101, you will FOIL! GUARANTEED!

Whatever your chosen medium, whether it’s a phone, email, text or WhatsApp, we will get back to you!

You can find our phone number and email over on the right-hand side of this page. What are you waiting for?

Few companies give you direct access to this amount of experience, not just before purchasing a boat but throughout your foiling journey.

Got a question? Looking to become an F101 Tribe member? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us .

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Best hydrofoil boats: 6 of the most spectacular foiling motorboats money can buy

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Foiling technology has really taken off in the past few years. We pick out 6 of the best hydrofoil boats you can buy right now…

With its roots in the 19th century, foiling technology is as old as the hills, but in the past five years we’ve noticed an explosion of hydrofoil boats coming onto the market.

In part inspired by the foiling raceboats of the America’s Cup , the popularity of foiling is easy to understand – fuel efficiency gains are substantial, noise is almost eliminated (particularly if your foiling boat also happens to be an electric boat ) and they look as cool as a snowman in a freezer!

To help you understand the dizzying array of foiling boats available right now, we’ve put together the following guide to what we think are the most promising designs out there.

6 of the best hydrofoil boats

SEAir flying RIB

SEAir foiling RIB

Founded in 2016, French yard SEAir builds foiling RIBs, having been inspired by the speed of foiling racing yachts.

We tested their 5.5m model back in 2018 and since then they have expanded their range to cover superyacht chase boats, commercial and military vessels.

Our tester recorded a top speed of 32 knots, with the foils doing their best work at around 20 knots, but SEAir claims that 42 knots is possible in the right conditions.

Read more about the SEAir foiling RIB

Article continues below…

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Spirit Yachts launches spectacular long-range electric flying boat


BMW launches new ICON electric boat at Cannes Film Festival

The Cannes Film Festival has seen the launch of the new ICON electric boat. Created by BMW in collaboration with


A dual helm set-up allows the boat to be piloted from the bow or the cockpit. Photo: Guillaume Plisson

Enata Foiler

Dubai-based Enata Marine added a healthy dose of glamour to the world of foiling boats in 2018 with the launch of its Foiler.

In addition to a superyacht tender-worthy exterior, this 32fter includes a bow window for spectacular views while underway.

A 40-knot top speed and a 190nm range makes this a very appealing option, although the premium price tag of $938,000 may put some off.

Read more about the Enata Foiler


Princess R35

When British boatbuilding giant Princess Yachts got in on the foiling boat game in 2019 with a 35ft carbon-fibre dayboat, we knew that things had really taken off.

While the foil-assisted R35 may not have the spectacular cruising-above-the-waves appeal of some other foiling boats, it is highly efficient, beautifully designed (in collaboration with Pininfarina) and handles like nothing else we’ve ever driven.

In our review, we praised its rare combination of agility, refinement and stability, with spray kept in check impressively at high speeds.

Read more about the Princess R35


The foiling Candela C-8 is the first boat to use Candela’s proprietary C-POD, but bigger craft will follow later

Candela C-8

Swedish firm Candela burst onto the scene in 2021 with its debut, the Candela C-7 , which was billed as the world’s first electric foiling boat, but it was the 2022 launch of the Candela C-8 that really moved the game on.

Available with a 69kWh battery, adapted from the Polestar 2 electric car, owners can expect a range of 57nm at 22 knots, more than enough for dayboat use.

The consumption figures are truly staggering, with Candela’s figures suggesting that the C-8 is more than 12x more efficient than an equivalent 300hp outboard powered sportsboat.

Read more about the Candela C-8


The electric Iguana is capable of three knots on the land and 30 knots at sea

Iguana Foiler

Not content with being at the forefront of the amphibious boats market with its caterpillar-track offering, French yard Iguana has set its sights on the world of foiling too.

Announced last year, the Iguana Foiler will be powered by the world’s most powerful electric outboard engine, the 300hp Evoy Storm .

Having tested both the engine and the boat separately, we can’t wait to see the result when they come together with the added advantages of foiling technology. Watch this space…

Read more about the Iguana Foiler

The foils lift up at slow speeds to reduce the draft

Mantaray M24

Another exciting model in the hydrofoil boats pipeline, this 24ft runabout is particularly interesting is its simplicity. Unlike its main foiling rival, the Candela C-7, the Mantaray M24 requires no complicated electronics to ‘fly’.

Instead it uses the builder’s patented mechanical hydrofoil system, which it has trademarked as Dynamic Wing Technology or DWT. The technology is said to be the result of ten years’ development work and uses a retractable T-foil in the bow and H-foil amidships that self-stabilise mechanically.

This allows it to lean naturally into corners and ride serenely over waves without relying on a network of sensors and algorithms to monitor and adjust the foils. If it proves effective this could drastically reduce the cost and complexity of foiling boats, while simultaneously increasing reliability.

Read more about the Mantaray M24

It doesn’t end here, with fascinating one-off projects from Spirit Yachts and BMW on the water, it’s clear that foiling has a huge potential for transforming the world of boating.

Read more about hydrofoil technology

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Sailing at the 2024 Olympics: What to know, rules, schedule

Here's all the information you need to know about sailing, which returns to paris this summer at the 2024 olympics., by logan reardon • published june 26, 2024.

One of the oldest Olympic sports is returning to its roots at the 2024 Summer Games .

Sailing made its debut as an Olympic event at the 1900 Games , which were held in ... Paris . France won the most sailing medals that year, and the sport has been a mainstay ever since.

Now, with the Olympics returning to Paris , sailing will again be in the spotlight this summer. Here's all the info you need to know about the sport:

What is sailing?

Sailing is the art of moving a boat using only waves and the wind. While it used to be the way that people traveled and traded, now it's mainly used for sporting and leisure.

foiling catamaran dinghy

2024 Paris Olympics: See dates, sports, how to watch and more

foiling catamaran dinghy

Here are the rules for the 2024 Olympics in Paris

foiling catamaran dinghy

Get to know Team USA Olympians ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics

How does sailing work at the olympics.

There are 10 different sailing events that will be contested at the 2024 Olympics, with medals handed out for each competition. Here's a brief look at each:

Men's events

IQFoil: One person windsurfing where the athlete stands up and guides the single sail.

Formula Kite: One person kitesurfing featuring a foil kite and a board with a hydrofoil.

ILCA 7: One person using a standard rig (singlehanded dinghy).

49er: Two people, one at the helm making tactical decisions and steering and one doing most of the sail control.

Women's events

IQFoil: Same as the men's event.

Formula Kite: Same as the men's event.

ICLA 6: Same as the men's event with a smaller rig.

49erFX: Same as the men's event with a slightly different rig.

Mixed events

470: Two people (one man, one woman) guiding a 470 cm boat.

Nacra 17: Two people (one man, one woman) using a performance catamaran.

Where is sailing being held at the 2024 Olympics?

All sailing events for the 2024 Olympics will be held at Marseille Marina . The venue is located in southern France on the Gulf of Lion , which is part of the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the schedule for sailing at the 2024 Olympics?

Sailing events will take place from July 28 through Aug. 8 , with series races and medal races taking place each day. Here's a day-by-day breakdown:

July 28: Men's and women's IQFoil (series races), men's 49er (series races), women's 49erFX (series races)

July 29: Men's and women's IQFoil (series races), men's 49er (series races), women's 49erFX (series races)

July 30: Men's and women's IQFoil (series races), men's 49er (series races), women's 49erFX (series races)

July 31: Men's 49er (series races), women's 49erFX (series races)

Aug. 1: Men's and women's IQFoil (series races), men's 49er (medal race), women's 49erFX (medal race), men's ICLA 7 (series races), women's ICLA 6 (series races)

Aug. 2: Men's and women's IQFoil (medal races), men's ICLA 7 (series races), women's ICLA 6 (series races), mixed 470 (series races)

Aug. 3: Men's ICLA 7 (series races), women's ICLA 6 (series races), mixed 470 (series races), mixed Nacra 17 (series races)

Aug. 4: Men's and women's Formula Kite (series races), men's ICLA 7 (series races), women's ICLA 6 (series races), mixed 470 (series races), mixed Nacra 17 (series races)

Aug. 5: Men's and women's Formula Kite (series races), men's ICLA 7 (series races), women's ICLA 6 (series races), mixed 470 (series races), mixed Nacra 17 (series races)

Aug. 6: Men's and women's Formula Kite (series races), men's ICLA 7 (medal race), women's ICLA 6 (medal race), mixed 470 (series races), mixed Nacra 17 (series races)

Aug. 7: Men's and women's Formula Kite (series races), mixed 470 (medal race), mixed Nacra 17 (medal race)

Aug. 8: Men's and women's Formula Kite (medal races)

What countries are the best at sailing?

When it comes to sailing, two nations are traditionally dominant: Great Britain and the United States.

Great Britain leads all nations in sailing gold medals (31) and total medals (64), while Team USA has the most silver medals (23) and second-most total medals (61).

Norway is third in gold medals with 17, trailing only Great Britain and the U.S. France, meanwhile, is third in total medals with 49.

In recent years, Great Britain has only gotten better at sailing. The country has won the most sailing medals at five of the last six Olympics, only losing out to Australia in 2012. The Brits won three golds and five total medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, while the U.S. was shut out.

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foiling catamaran dinghy

Brazilian Olympic star Martine Grael will become the first woman to helm an F50 catamaran in SailGP

foiling catamaran dinghy

FILE- First placed Brazil's Kahena Kunze, right, and Martine Grael celebrate their gold medal at the end of the women's 49er FX at the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021, in Fujisawa, Japan. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue, File)[ASSOCIATED PRESS/Bernat Armangue]

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Two-time Olympic gold medalist Martine Grael will become the first woman to helm an F50 foiling catamaran in SailGP when a new Brazilian team debuts in the fifth season of tech billionaire Larry Ellison’s global league.

Grael was introduced Monday during a news conference in Rio de Janeiro, which will host a regatta May 3-4 on Guanabara Bay against the backdrop of Sugarloaf Mountain.

“I’m going to be representing every girl out there. There are a few girls that could be in this position. So, I’m very honored to be the first one,” Grael said in a video interview with The Associated Press.

“And honestly, I think it’s going to be a great challenge, not just for me as a girl, but as a sports person, to come in a circuit that is already established and trying to perform when there’s teams there that are already skilled,” she added. “I think it’s going to take every little bit.”

SailGP, which was launched in 2019 by Ellison and five-time America’s Cup winner Russell Coutts of New Zealand, includes most of the world’s top sailors, including America’s Cup champions and Olympic medalists. Season 5 will have 11 teams competing in 14 regattas.

Grael’s father, Torben, counts two golds among his five Olympic medals, skippered the winning team in the 2008-09 Volvo Ocean Race and has sailed in the America’s Cup.

Martine Grael and crew Kahena Kunze won the 49erFX gold medal in home waters in 2016, holding off New Zealand by two seconds in the last race of the regatta and setting off a wild celebration on Flamengo Beach. As their skiff approached the shore, a few dozen people waded into the water, lifted the skiff and carried it up to the beach, with the sailors standing on top of it.

They repeated as gold medalists in Tokyo and finished eighth in Paris last month. Grael crewed with Team AkzoNobel in the 2017-18 Volvo Ocean Race.

She said she has goosebumps thinking about what’s ahead in making the jump from the 49erFX to the wingsailed F50s, and doesn’t think it matters that she has two gold medals.

“It matters what you do and your attitude,” she said. “I think it really matters what you put in in the moment and how your team takes it.”

SailGP started a Women’s Pathway Program in 2021. Since then, there has been a woman on every boat in every race, with a total of 37 women having raced onboard F50s. Most teams have an active roster of three women alongside their male counterparts.

“I think I was born in the right moment,” said Grael, 33, who grew up in Niterói, across Guanabara Bay from Rio.

“She was the obvious choice,” Coutts told the AP. “Brazil’s got a strong history in Olympic sailing. And when you look at the talent that’s available, she’s a standout candidate. She’s got two gold medals. She’s proven that she can perform under pressure.”

If the Brazilian team puts the right crew around Grael, “I don’t see any reason why they can’t do really well,” Coutts said. “I think that’s super exciting for the development of women’s sailing because if she does do well and starts winning races at that level against the best in the world, you’ve got to think that’s going to have an impact on all the young female sailors out there, to be aspiring to do a similar thing to her.

“And it is unique that she’s competing against the best males in the sport,” Coutts added.

Tom Slingsby, an Olympic gold medalist and former America’s Cup champion, dominated SailGP’s first three seasons before Diego Botin of Spain stunned Slingsby and Peter Burling of New Zealand in the $2 million, winner-take-all Season 4 championship race on July 13. Three weeks later, Botin and Florian Trittel, his SailGP wing trimmer, won the Olympic gold medal in the 49er.

Burling has one gold among his three Olympic medals and is the two-time reigning America’s Cup champion helmsman. British helmsman Giles Scott is a two-time Olympic gold medalist. Slingsby, Burling and Scott are currently helming in the America’s Cup trials in Barcelona.

“It’s not going to be easy, but she’s got the talent to succeed, I think,” Coutts said.

Grael was scheduled to fly to Bermuda on Monday night to participate in SailGP’s first preseason training camp aboard an F50 fitted with new T-foils that are designed to make the boats faster. She’ll get more time in the boat at a camp before the season opener in Dubai on Nov. 23-24.

Bernie Wilson has covered sailing for The Associated Press since 1991.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


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Standard ● Optional ○
DesignNacra / Morelli&Melvin
Hull5.25m (17'22")Glass foam FRP polyester resin
Beam2.6 (8'5")
Mast length9.15m (30')Full carbon prepreg epoxy
Boat weight173kg (381 Lbs)Ready to sail
Trapeze system2 person
Mainsail16m² (172ft²)Pentex
Jib4.05m² (43ft²)Pentex
Spinnaker17.83m² (192ft²)Polyester
Spinnaker retriever system
Mainsheet system1 to 10
Mainsail cunningham system1 to 16
Jib cunningham system1 to 4
Z foil setFull carbon prepreg epoxy
T-rudders with elevatorsFull carbon prepreg epoxy
Rudder systemCast aluminium
Rudder & daggerboard cover set
Rope kit
Trapeze system including wires
Mast cover
Standing rigging with adjustable turnbuckles