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These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

Yachting World

  • October 26, 2020

Feast your eyes on these sailing superyacht concepts. The future looks far-out, and it just might have sails, finds Sam Fortescue

For decades the superyacht world has undeniably been dominated by vast, fuel-guzzling motor boats. And, despite the elaborate marketing spiel of their designers and builders, many of them look remarkably similar from the outside: there’s a pointy end, a wedding cake in the middle, and pool and beach club at the back.

Refreshing, then, to see that many superyacht designers have neither given up on sail, nor on experimenting with form and function. When we spoke to some of the best-known names in yacht design, we received a very enthusiastic response.

First up, get ready to see a lot more catamaran designs. “Multihulls are the future of yachting concepts, simply because of sustainability,” says Espen Oeino, fêted designer of yachts such as 182m/600ft REV and 136m/446ft Flying Fox .


Phoenicia has an articulated helipad that deploys once the curved boom is raised up against the aft mast

“To make something sustainable, you have to look at what you can do to reduce resistance and therefore power requirements. There the length-to-beam ratio is very important because slender hulls have a much better angle of entry at the bow, displacing water more efficiently.”

Following this logic, the first of his new 35m/115ft SpaceCat design is nearing completion in China, offering 300m2 of interior space and nearly 600m2 on deck – all balanced on lightweight, low-resistance aluminium hulls.

“People’s concept of what is beautiful is changing but it will need a bit of time,” he adds. “There’s an automotive parallel – it was the same thing with the first SUVs. In the end, though, a cat gives you a much better platform for coming up with interesting layouts.”

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Why these extreme multihull concepts could be the future of catamaran design

As boats become ever more like homes on water, something else is changing: designers and builders have been turning their…

mega yacht concepts

Video: See inside 9 of the most amazing modern sailing superyachts

1. Aquarius The brief for Aquarius included that she should be, ‘an elegant, muscular sailing yacht with a classic profile…

British designer Andrew Winch agrees on the point about sustainability. “The main focus of future sailing yachts will be minimising their environmental footprint to zero, to leave no negativity on the planet whatsoever,” he tells me. “The faster and lighter construction of catamarans and multihulls is a huge benefit to the integration of hybrid and electric propulsion, something that will continue to see extended growth for the foreseeable future.”

The right image

Many designers believe the green agenda will ultimately bring wealthy owners back to sailing yachts. French designer Mathis Rühl puts it like this: “In a world more and more threatened by climate change, debauchery and energy waste is negatively perceived. Wealthy people who care about their image and their impact have to deal with this paradox: how to enjoy the luxuriousness of the world without destroying it. Burning petrol must be avoided when the wind can be used!”

He also sees great advantages to the slim hulls of a catamaran or trimaran. It led him to design a 70m/230ft yacht with a radical semicircular superstructure balanced across three hulls. A 20m beam gives Wave Motion plenty of living space, including a sky deck and open deck space.


Mathis Rühl’s striking-looking Wave Motion trimaran features his own design of WM2 wing-sail

Perhaps most strikingly, he would power the boat with a 20m/65ft dual wing-sail of his own devising, called the WM2. He has compared rig types including traditional flexible sails and the odd-looking Flettner Rotor for drag and efficiency and concluded that his design is the best performer upwind. Rühl reports that it is more than three times more efficient than a standard non-rigid sail.

A number of concept boats have looked in detail at the rig and concluded that the best option is one that’s already available. The Falcon or DynaRig is only really suitable for yachts over 60m/200ft, but its ease of handling makes it exceedingly attractive. Just one person is able to set sail, reef, tack or furl the sails thanks to the modular design, which breaks huge sail areas down into smaller chunks, and total computerisation of the unstayed rig. “It’s easier to start and stop,” explains Dykstra’s Thys Nikkels. “The percentage of time that you sail is much higher with this rig.”

Philippe Briand chose it for his mould-breaking 152m/499ft trireme design, originally penned for a Russian client. So did Bill Dixon for his 70m/230ft New Dawn. “Unlike a conventional rig which requires a small army of crew, this vessel can be commanded and operated single-handedly,” Dixon says. “The twin rigs offer a healthy sail area to displacement ratio and will assure an exhilarating sailing experience.”


Bill Dixon’s New Dawn combines the features of a motoryacht with sailboat performance

New Dawn is billed as a game changer, and not just because of her regeneration potential of 75kW under sail, 60m2 of solar panels, ballasted centreboard and ability to motor at 9 knots under purely electric power. Dixon says the real novelty is to combine motoryacht features with sailboat performance.

“It’s clear that customers expect the comforts and space planning of motoryachts,” he explains. “They want ample entertainment spaces, a pool and large tenders. We have created this design on this premise rather from a traditional sailing yacht design approach. This does not mean she is not an efficient sailing yacht, in that department there is no compromise. This is a project that appeases the environmental consciousness of a potential owner.”

Roman galley roots

Briand’s design is on another scale altogether. A key plank in the client’s brief was to ensure there was a vast central gallery whose volume exceeded that of the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles – something he has achieved with room to spare. An astonishing 725m2 of glass and openings surround the gallery, while no fewer than three owner’s suites offer the choice between 180° views from the glass bow; the full 20m beam amidships; or an aft suite perched 14m above the water.


The brief for Philippe Briand’s trireme-inspired superyacht was to have a vast central gallery bigger than the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

Lower deck beach clubs amount to more than 750m2 of real estate, plus room for pools, a helipad and more. Echoing the design of the Roman galley which inspired it, the yacht features dozens of hydraulically-operated ‘oars’ amidships, designed to move in time to the music on board.

“It is possible to imagine very different boats tomorrow,” Briand explains. “I foresee that boats will evolve towards even more efficiency, for sustainability’s sake. Also hybrid boats. We will assemble different energy sources, and wind energy should be the first. Wind by sails, motor by engines today. Tomorrow it will be motor by electric or by hydrogen.”

Interestingly, another designer has also drawn inspiration from the galley. Igor Lobanov’s design is called Phoenicia and features the same reverse bow, sloping down to a rostrum-like point at the waterline; it also picks up the motif of the raised ‘bowsprit’ and ‘bumpkin’ and recreates the effect of two decks of oars by aiming 33 ‘laser lights’ into the water at night.


Pronounced reverse bow and exaggerated ‘bowsprit’ give an unmistakably trireme look to Phoenicia

Her four masts drop down through a great glass-walled gallery that dominates the main deck. She also employs something akin to a traditional staysail rig , complete with gigantic fishermen sails. Used by schooners and ketches, these sails resemble inverted jibs strung between the masts.

Despite the veneer of antiquity, both yachts feature ample shell doors to enlarge deck and living spaces. Phoenicia even has an articulated helipad, which unfolds from the roof of the raised owner’s suite when the curved boom is pinned up to the mast.

This is designed, “with the intention of creating the feel of ‘a house on the cliff’, with a balcony and panoramic windows that surround the space, leaving the views completely open to the vast open sea,” Lobanov explains.

He thinks the yachts of the future will be more automatic. “Probably there will be less crew on board, which may have a trickle-down effect on all the spaces, including water and food storage.”


A key design concept in Phoenicia is the long gallery with its all-round glass walls. Special Venetian blinds allow a game of light and shadows to create an arresting pattern inside

Inspired by nature

Even now, most yachts – whether sail or motor – are built using a linear arrangement of ribs, stringers, beams and plates, with the result that the space inside is often divided up into regular-shaped boxes. Some designers find this strange. “It’s not a hotel!” exclaims Ken Freivokh. “We’re very retrograde in terms of the structure. The bigger [yachts] get, the more they rely on one of post and beam: just columns and beams, like buildings were built.”

Freivokh, whose projects include everything from production sailing boats to the much-praised 107m Black Pearl , is desperate to get more organic forms and creative design into superyacht building. Taking an example from nature, he thinks that yachts could rely on the strength of a kind of ‘exoskeleton’, which would free up the interior to create more curved and open spaces without littering them with columns. Couple that with the emergence of structural glass, and you have a blueprint for a very different type of yacht.

But the problem is not just due to conservative shipyards and cautious classification bodies, according to Freivokh. Part of it is the owners themselves.

“It is quite typical that most owners when they’re briefing you make reference to existing projects,” he says. “If you ask an owner ‘why do you need a saloon on each deck? Why don’t you have a single saloon with double heights, and totally unique?’ Then the shipyard says how much they love the plans, but if we just did it like this… In the end, they point out it is £2m cheaper to use an existing technical platform, and that’s hard to resist.”

Briand says that every one of his superyacht clients starts from an existing yacht, not a blank piece of paper. “Sometimes those boats have been designed ten years ago,” he says. “Of course, this is not very positive for pushing us towards new technology. You have to make a long and difficult speech in order to convince them that progress in terms of technology is possible.”


Dykstra’s Exo concept borrows the idea of exoskeletons from nature to create wide open space below decks

Dutch J-Class maestros Dykstra published an ambitious design a few years back which made use of another exoskeleton design in a 46m/150ft concept called Exo. Produced as a collaboration with Claydon Reeves, it takes the root structures of a tree as its inspiration.

“Not only does the long vertical trunk represent the mast, but the root ball forms the hull, providing strength and the support for the vertical structure,” explains James Claydon. “We also considered the skeletal structure of small but strong creatures. In nature it is the exoskeleton, which provides the ‘chassis’ for these organisms.

“These exoskeletons do not employ straight lines but instead have twisting and turning curves which imbue the creature with optimal strength – their forms defined by millions of years of evolution. By setting aside some of the established thinking of past projects, we strived for a new aesthetic that was both attractive and buildable.”


Exo’s composite lattice enabled the interior to be completely opened up, with curved glass panels amidships to create a unique sensation of sitting on the waves. I asked Dykstra’s Thys Nikkels why he thought the concept wasn’t picked up, despite a positive reaction at the Monaco Yacht Show .

“Maybe we haven’t pushed the concept hard enough,” he shrugs. “It’s probably a piece of art in itself. That opened our eyes to what is possible in structures. I think the owners are ready for it, but are we as a market ready for it in a way the owner can contemplate it: ie cost?”

Squares and polygons

There is another design school which prefers brutally straight lines. Aspiring yacht designer George Lucian has garnered more column inches than many veterans with a series of increasingly radical designs, none of which have yet been built. The aptly named Origami is a sailing boat that is entirely composed of triangular and trapezoid shapes connected with hard angles, like the folds in a piece of paper.


Folded paper is the inspiration for George Lucian’s Origami

This is a concept, so there is no attempt to work out how this craft would actually function, but it involves acres of glass and huge fold-out wings to offer a helipad close to water level. “I think the necessary technology and materials already exist, but all my projects would be very challenging to build, that is for sure,” he admits. “I really think that if one is going to put so much money into a project, it has to be recognisable, different, iconic.”

More recently, Lucian published a design for a motoryacht partly resembling a jumble of ice blocks, and making use of a kite to assist propulsion. Another headline-grabber put a 100m/330ft airship at the heart of the design for a yacht shaped like a wedge, her lines angling out of the sea like arrows.

Beiderbeck designs in Germany has put more intense studies into its design for a gigantic 200m+/660ft+ catamaran, named Galileo2. Capable of berthing an 80m/260ft yacht alongside her beach club, the boxy cat includes a host of innovative features such as marine thermal energy generation, which exploits the lower temperatures far below the surface of the sea, and methanol propulsion.


Galileo2 is so large that it would have to be built in parts and assembled afloat. It has a 500m2 swimming pool, can carry 25 tenders, toys or submarines and can still do 22 knots

“This was a study to figure out what was possible; to figure out the step ahead of the next one,” says partner Immo Lüdeling. “It is a catamaran in a size that isn’t built yet; its own shadow vessel.”

Galileo2 is buildable now, but there were still unexpected design challenges. “Just the routes to walk get quite long – from the beach club up to the upper-deck saloon, for instance. Galileo2 has lifts to the bathing platforms.”

The bridge was another problem area on a boat with an 80m/260ft beam. “Our bridge can fly from one side to another, like on a very large crane where you have the crane house moving from one side to the other.” The boat is already sparking interest, including a serious enquiry about a smaller 120m/394ft version. “It’s half the size of Galileo2, but that means eight times less space.”


Another of Lucian’s concepts involving trapezoid shapes

Limited only by imagination

Electric propulsion is one of the great hopes of the yachting world, but the question is how to get the power on board. In principle, methanol offers carbon-free electricity, although it is usually manufactured using fossil fuels. Stellar Dutch design house Sinot made waves last year when it published a design for 112m/368ft Aqua , using the technology.

Andrew Winch, designer of monster yachts like 156m/512ft Dilbar and 99m/325ft Madame Gu , has taken a different approach in work with Royal Huisman for a super-efficient 30.5m/100ft sailing monohull, where he favours using renewable energy. “The widened stern deck allows for increased underdeck storage in the stern-wings, allowing for the placement of fan-extending solar panels,” he explains. “The concept also has twin rudders and a canting keel for maximum efficiency, as well as twin electrical propulsion that can be used for the regeneration of power at anchor or while sailing.”

There are as many different concepts as there are designers, and while they all have their own take on the yachts of the future , they agree on one point. It will take daring owners to push the boundaries and help these concepts off the drawing board and into the water. Or, as Andrew Winch puts it: “The only limitation is the imagination of the client.”

First published in the October 2020 issue of Yachting World.

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Blue-sky superyacht concepts range from pure fantasy to easily buildable. Here are our 10 favorites in the last year.

To stand out from the crowd, more and more superyacht buyers—many new to the market—are challenging designers to break molds, go extreme, and think way outside of the traditional box. And they’re doing it with head-spinning bow designs, huge windows, and much larger interior and exterior spaces.

They’re also trading traditional monohulls for big-volume catamarans and trimarans, taking inspiration from oddball places—an aircraft carrier or 1930s Hollywood-style automobile—and, at the same time, future-proofing them with new propulsion systems, including hydrogen fuel cells, solar power, and advanced battery power.

These 10 concepts, from a range of designers and studios, show that the future of superyacht design has never been more exciting—if at times a little bizarre.

Superyacht Concept Aware

Sinot, ‘Aware’

Not all superyachts need to look like multi-tiered wedding cakes. That’s according to Dutch studio Sinot Yacht, which has just penned conceptual renderings for a sleek, almost-minimalist cruiser called  Aware . Yes, the 262-footer does have the look of some super-stylish European river boat from the likes of Viking or Uniworld. But the aim here is to optimize the spaces experienced owners tend to use the most. Like the owner’s suite on the main deck, which in  Aware  spans the full beam and totals over 860 square feet. Then there’s the super-size beach club with its twin fold-out terraces, gym, bar, cinema, 36-foot-long pool, and glass-sided dining area. As for power, Sinot envisions a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system good for a 21 mph max, and a 4,000 nautical mile range at 14 mph.

Superyacht Concepts Mission Icon Yachts

Icon Yachts, ‘Mission’

Ice-breaking, globe-trotting expedition yachts are nothing new for Holland’s Icon Yachts. Its rugged, 224-foot, converted ice-breaker  Ragnar  literally wrote the rule-book on building high-latitude-friendly luxury superyachts. But Icon’s concept for a brand-new, ultimate explorer it’s calling  Mission  adds Indiana Jones–levels of off-the-grid exploration. Designed by Dutch explorer-yacht specialist Bernd Weel,  Mission  is all towering, ice-crushing bow, trademark geometric hull sides, and endless space for all that adventure-seeking gear. Here we’re talking six tenders of all sizes, a three-person submersible, an Airbus H130 helicopter, and space midships for a multitude of shipping containers for when you want to become the next Jacques Cousteau. As for range, Icon would target over 6,000 nautical miles.

Superyacht Concepts Waugh Decadence

Andy Waugh Yacht Design, ‘Decadence’

Flick through the pages of any automotive history book and you’ll notice that 1930s design is dominated by the outrageous, teardrop-fendered creations of the French duo of Figoni et Falaschi. Their designs look to be the inspiration behind London-based designer Andy Waugh’s jaw-dropping concept for a 264-foot catamaran he quite aptly calls  Decadence . Featuring a central hull flanked by four teardrop-like pods, the concept evolves the idea of so-called SWATH catamaran hull design used in a number of oil-platform support, research vessels, and even some superyachts. Providing immense stability through reduced roll and pitch, the design makes perfect sense for a superyacht. One drawback: the yacht’s massive, marina-unfriendly 98-foot beam. Though that becomes a positive when you consider  Decadence ‘s vast owner’s suite measures 66 feet wide and almost 100 feet long.

Superyacht Concepts Oceanco

Oceanco, ‘Aeolus’

When the Dutch superyacht maestros at Oceanco release a blue-sky design, the concept is likely just a few steps away from reality. Fresh from delivering the 410-foot  Koru , the world’s largest sailing yacht, to new owner Jeff Bezos, and the 357-foot  Seven Seas  to Steven Spielberg, Oceanco has unveiled  Aeolus , a concept for a highly sustainable 430-foot gigayacht. Drawn by former Rolls-Royce head of design Giles Taylor, this curvaceous, quad-deck world cruiser looks to the future by incorporating Oceanco’s Energy Transition Platform (ETP) philosophy. The propulsion could start with diesel-electric power, with battery banks charged by twin MTU V16 diesel generators. Then, as technologies advance, it could more to more advanced fuel types such as methanol or other, even wilder technologies like nuclear power.

Superyacht concepts Star Trek

Anthony Glasson, ‘Star Trek’

Designed to boldly go across oceans, this concept for a massive 275-foot trimaran is said to have been inspired by Hong Kong–based designer Anthony Glasson’s love of the TV show “Star Trek”—especially the Starship  Enterprise . Viewed bow-on, you can see why: The slender, wave-piercing bow, the twin side hulls, and rounded glass upper observation deck have USS  Enterprise  written all over it. But the trimaran form definitely adds to its function, with the wide beam creating an expansive “courtyard” that’s part enclosed and part open, housing a hot tub—one of three aboard—a gym, a bar, sunpads galore and even a helipad-turned-dancefloor. Glasson envisions the trimaran to be built of lightweight aluminum, with a 5,000-nautical-mile range. Captain Kirk would be impressed.

Concept Superyachts Pegasus

Jozeph Forakis, ‘Pegasus’

Until now, arguably the ultimate stealth boat was the one in the 1997 James Bond romp  Tomorrow Never Dies , owned by tyrannical media mogul Elliot Carver. That would change if the 289-foot concept  Pegasus , from the computer screen of N.Y.C.-born and now Milan-based designer Jozeph Forakis, gets a production go-ahead. It features a superstructure comprising three over-lapping “wings” with metallic surfaces designed to reflect the sky and the clouds, rendering the superyacht near-invisible. The “wings” also do double duty as solar panels generating energy that would be used to convert sea water to hydrogen. Fuel cells would then turn the hydrogen into electricity that would be then stored in banks of lithium-ion batteries, making Pegasus essentially emissions-free with a virtually infinite cruising range.

Superyacht Concepts Plectrum

Lazzarini, ‘Plectrum’

Why fly through the water when you can fly on top? That’s the thinking behind Rome-based Lazzarini Design’s radical 243-foot hydrofoiling superyacht concept named  Plectrum . Massive foils deploy from the sides of the yacht’s rounded carbon-fiber hull, while a trio of 5,000 hp engines would elevate the yacht out of the water and punch it to a top speed of over 80 mph. It’s a similar concept used in the latest America’s Cup AC75 foiling monohull sailboats, along with a crop of electric powerboats and surfboards. Applying the technology to a 243-foot superyacht is what’s new and possibly technically impossible, at least for now. Other stand-out features of this bright-orange flyer include a helicopter garage beneath the mile-long foredeck and a garage for your supercar at the stern.

Superyacht concepts Phantom Vesper

Phantom and Golden Yachts, ‘Vesper’

When it comes to next-generation superyacht design, it seems glass is fast becoming the new steel. Take the collaboration between the design team at Holland’s Phantom Studios and Athens-based superyacht builder Golden Yachts. The 213-foot concept they’re calling  Vesper  features five levels of floor-to-ceiling structural glass, a glass floor in the yacht’s upper deck lounge, and a glass-sided swimming pool. Connecting the beach club to the pool is a huge, high-lifting hatch that’s, what else, all glass. Now head to the owner’s “suite”—it’s more like a two-level penthouse in a Miami skyscraper—and it features floor-to-very-high-ceiling glass that floods the space with light. To catch some real rays, the full-deck suite features not one, but two outdoor terraces.

Superyacht Concepts DeBasto MED

DeBasto Design, MED

Think of this as a 301-foot dayboat with the emphasis on outdoor, alfresco, lounge-in-the-sun, Mediterranean living. From the drawing board of Miami-based designer Luiz de Basto, Project MED features uninterrupted, bow-to-stern open teak decks topped with a huge upper superstructure supported by just four columns. And to ensure the superstructure doesn’t dominate the superyacht’s sleek lines, de Basto covered it in reflective glass so that it almost disappears from view by mirroring its surroundings. The designer says his inspiration came from the idea of “Agora,” named after the squares in Ancient Greek villages where everyone congregated. Aboard Project MED, that could be on the main deck, around the oversized pool at the stern, or on the vast open foredeck.

Superyacht Concepts UAE One

Enzo Manca, ‘UAE One’

There are superyachts designed to look like military warships. Some even are shaped to look like navy submarines. But here’s a first; a superyacht inspired by the lines of an aircraft carrier. The 459-foot  UAE One  is from the fertile mind of Milan-based designer Enzo Manca who created the concept for an unnamed United Arab Emirates sheikh looking to create an official UAE flagship. Without a doubt, the design highlight is the yacht’s runway-like main deck. It features not one, but three helipads, a conning tower-like, four-level structure on the starboard side, a geometric-shaped pool and a huge circular “conversation pit” right on the bow, complete with cozy sofas and a firepit. Accommodations over nine decks include five “super suites”, eight master cabins, 14 mini apartments, and 35 cabins for the crew of 65. 

Douglas Hensman


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The Six Concept Designs that are Rocking the Superyacht World Right Now

Written By: Rachel Ingram

From Star Trek-inspired hulls to onboard hydroponic farms, these six out-of-the-box superyachts are pushing the boundaries of creativity when it comes to design and innovation.

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Concepting is an essential part of the yacht building process as designers work out how to bring their client’s dream to life – or simply put their own wild ideas to paper. Very few finished concepts come to fruition, but they still serve a vital purpose – to inspire owners to think outside the box and encourage designers and shipyards to test the limits of possibility.

While some projects are more realistic than others, each presents ideas that can lead to change and growth, which is essential as the industry continues to evolve. With so many creative concepts floating around, we highlight the most innovative designs making waves and how they could inspire the future of yachting.

Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design has released a series of impressive designs in recent years, but none are more transfixing than Poetry, a 130-metre concept yacht that the studio calls its “tribute to yachting”. The design, founded on the philosophy of living close to the water, creates a seamless harmony between the guests and the aquatic environment – on the aft, for instance, a sprawling aft beach club extends to touch the waves.

The project epitomises indoor-outdoor living. The superstructure has been fully opened to create unobstructed decks with panoramic vistas. This is best seen in the owner’s suite which spills onto a private deck. Throughout the interior, a connection to nature is maintained through water features and living vegetation, plus the installation of giant windows that flood each space with natural light – and views.

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Named after the Greek God of the wind, Aeolus is as bold and impactful as her namesake. Designed to look as though she’s been “sculpted by the wind”, the 131-metre Oceanco concept yacht stands out with her sleek lines and dynamic curves that extend through the exterior and interior.

But more than being impressive to look at, Aeolus is technologically forward thinking. She’s equipped with innovative NXT technology, which was developed by the shipyard as part of its ambitions to develop a net-zero yachting industry. She’s also decorated mostly in bio-materials to further promote sustainability. And when it comes to layout, designers have taken a modern approach which re-thinks how guests live and work onboard. Aeolus is inspiring on all levels.

Aeolus 1

Feadship describes its 85-metre superyacht concept Slice as a project to usher in a “new era of interiors”. Designers at Studio De Voogt took her name literally, engineering a glass strip that runs through the yacht from bow to stern, flooding all decks with natural light. The revolutionary solution tackles the long-standing issue of lighting in the centre of superyachts, which are often dark and lit artificially. Slice “turns the inside out and the outside in,” says lead designer Chris Bottoms.

The concept was designed with modern families in mind and reimagines the way guests live on a yacht, with multi-level living spaces to keep guests connected, indoor-outdoor layouts and dual-function areas which can be adapted to suit all manner of activities. Highlight features include the 70 square metre atrium with cascading balconies at the heart of the yacht and the 10-metre-long data science-engineered pool, which features anti-slosh technology for swimming on the move.

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Project Enterprise

As a company that specialises in conceptual design, M51 Concepts has not shied away from pushing boundaries with its disruptive yachts. The studio’s latest work, Project Enterprise , is a trimaran with a wide beam design to maximise storage for toys and tenders – set off directly from a direct-to-water platform within the yacht’s lower deck – and curved decks offering panoramic views from the interior.

The pools on this yacht are particularly interesting. While most designers place a pool on sun or aft deck, this 84-metre yachts places it inside a partially enclosed courtyard topped with an open sky light – sun enters during the day and the stars shine overhead at night. A secondary pool can be found on the yacht’s pointed bow which dramatically pierces the water.

Inspiration for the project was subconscious, reveals designer Anthony Glasson: “The exterior styling inspiration was only realized once finished as I had been watching the first season of Star Trek and unconsciously designed a yacht that resembles the original Star Trek Enterprise.”


Pegasus is a project of firsts. Designed by Jozeph Forakis, the design conceptualises the world’s first 3D-printed superyacht. But that isn’t its only USP. The 88-metre vessel features a distinctive mirrored exterior (another first) to make the yacht blend in with its surroundings. The designer was inspired to create a yacht that could be “virtually invisible”, both in design and in environmental impact. “I was inspired to create a yacht as close to the sea and nature as possible, made of clouds floating above the waterline. I wanted to honour nature by blending into it, becoming virtually invisible,” he says.

Inside, it gets even more interesting. The interior centres around a multi-level hydroponic garden that the designer calls a ‘tree of life’. Plants grown in the farm – including vegetables, herbs and flowers – provides fresh food for the galley. The plants also purify the air. “Pegasus is a bold but achievable vision for the near future of the superyacht industry, where man and machine live in harmony with nature rather than competing or compromising it, ” Forakis adds .

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Lazzarini Design Studio is behind some of the industry’s quirkiest designs, from Avanguardia, a swan-shaped megayacht with detachable ‘head’, to The Shape, which bears a gaping hole in the middle of its superstructure. The firm’s newest concept Plectrum takes the concept of a hydrofoil to a new level. The 74-metre yacht features giant wings that enable her to ‘fly’ across the water at staggering speeds of up to 75 knots, thanks to her three hydrogen motors. The sleek yacht also stands out with her bold orange exterior and fun features including a generous beach club, aft pool, and retractable helipad hidden the bow.

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Read More: 

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Royal Huisman

…Royal Huisman, Dykstra Naval Architects and Mark Whiteley Design. This 100m / 330ft ground-breaking concept expressly focuses on the highest standards of environmental sustainability with proven technology for worldwide reliability. Its advanced systems platform easily accommodates future technological advances and regulatory requirements.

The innovative, aluminum-hulled WING 100 is a true sailing yacht – not a heavy sail assisted motor yacht – yet one with an important difference. She can be easily and securely handled and quickly deployed without the least fuss or drama. WING 100 has been conceived not only to appeal to sailing yacht owners, but to provide the perfect cross-over for motor yacht owners who want to minimize their environmental footprint by reducing the weight of their yacht, but retain the highest standards of amenity and comfort.

These benefits – and many others – arise because WING 100 is no ‘normal’ supersized sailing yacht: she has a highly advanced rig by Rondal. The wing masts have airfoil profiles; are free standing, and rotate to provide very powerful, integrated airfoils with the sails. The shape of the airfoil can easily and remotely be adjusted to maximize or reduce power. Being free-standing, the wing masts have no standing rigging or associated deck clutter, maximizing safe, clean amenity space on deck. The wing masts are easily and safely remote-controlled to ensure fast, energy-efficient sailing, providing a comfortable experience for all onboard.

mega yacht concepts

To put the WING 100 concept into perspective: she is a true sailing yacht that will properly earn her ranking among the world’s top ten sailing yachts, along with Royal Huisman builds ATHENA and SEA EAGLE II; soon to be joined by the exciting new 85m / 280ft New World Sloop, PROJECT 410, currently under construction in Vollenhove. The supersized and highly innovative WING 100 would not only be a top-tier yacht in this elite group, but would also become the acknowledged pioneer among the even more prestigious ‘true’ supersized sailing yachts.

Royal Huisman is the only shipyard in the world with the expertise, infrastructure and continued technological evolution required to build the largest and most advanced of the top ten true sailing yachts. The range of new technologies applied by the shipyard to maximize the energy efficiency of WING 100 will bring substantial advantages to the owner – and not just while exploring the outer corners of our vulnerable planet.

mega yacht concepts

WING 100 and a high performance foiling boat: one picture worth a thousand words

The combination of the concept’s pioneering board systems and advanced wing mast rig, alone, qualifies WING 100 as a defining breakthrough in mega yacht design. A host of additional smart refinements ensure that WING 100 can also claim distinction as the world’s most innovative sailing yacht – a role model for the industry. “Watch this space” to see these technologies develop through the mega yacht and superyacht sectors and, almost certainly, be embraced by wind-assisted cargo sailing ships, too. And that is why this significant project stands to benefit the whole planet.

WING 100 offers the perfect platform for a visionary owner looking to minimize footprint. The concept is well advanced towards fully sustainable technology and Royal Huisman expertise is on hand to ensure the owner realizes the full potential of his or her dreams.

mega yacht concepts

Royal Huisman supersized sailing yachts: SEA EAGLE II (81m / 266ft), PROJECT 410 (85m / 280ft) and  ATHENA ( 90m / 295ft) . WING 100 (100m / 330ft) would be a top-tier yacht in this elite group.

Editor’s notes featuring: 

  • Main specifications
  • Eco-focus and  fast, easy handling: wing mast rig is the answer
  • Fresh and dramatic looks
  • Generous and bespoke accommodation
  • More eco credentials
  • Who could build such a ground-breaking superyacht?

The editor’s notes can be found in the full press release: click here (opens new tab).

mega yacht concepts

“A dramatically innovative Royal Huisman concept that redefines supersized sailing yachts – delivering unprecedented performance, amenity, easy handling and energy efficiency.”

mega yacht concepts

“The emergence of sailing yachts on this scale, with the level of energy efficiency and eco-responsibility offered by WING 100, would have been unthinkable just a decade ago.

The team is incredibly excited to be at the forefront of this conceptual revolution. we look forward to applying our renowned innovation and engineering skills to the realization of this highly ambitious project – creating the fourth and largest royal huisman build yet in the global top 10 of supersized sailing yachts.”.

Royal Huisman CEO Jan Timmerman

mega yacht concepts

Supersized sailing yachts by Royal Huisman: an attractive (and possibly even better) alternative to motor yachts

In general, the comfort of motor yachts is enjoyed by their owners while “on location” – in a pretty marina or at an idyllic anchorage. Sailing yachts provide the same enjoyment, but are also much (more) fun while…

Read on at this website > news > inhuis stories & updates [ link ]

mega yacht concepts

Energy-saving and green energy features in more detail

Thanks to her efficient and easy to deploy rig, WING 100 will consume less than 20% of the energy required by an equivalent-sized conventionally powered motor yacht on passage.

Under sail, 200kW can be produced by the hydro generator equivalent to over 40,000 liters / year fuel saving.

480m 2 / 5167ft 2 of solar panels are integrated on the carbon Rondal masts to generate 250kW / day equivalent to a further savings of over 20,000 liters / year.

The main sails and staysails of the wing mast rig can be set in few minutes making sailing the easy choice. This results in 750kW average power saving, equivalent to over 166,000 liters/year.

The electrical system provides for flexible and economical electric propulsion when under power, saving more energy.

The system of WING 100 is calculated to save in total over 225,000 liters of fuel per year compared with similar sized, conventional engine-powered mega yachts.

More features and background information about WING 100 can be found in the editor’s notes in the full press release: click here (opens new tab).

mega yacht concepts

Superyacht Valkyrie – The 229m/751ft luxury giga yacht concept from science fiction to the sea

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Written by Rachael Steele

Chulhun Design has created a striking 229m/751ft giga yacht concept known as VALKYRIE, packed with luxury amenities and an exterior that has a carapace-like appearance that looks as if it has come straight out of science fiction.

Profile of the 229m mega yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

Profile of the 229m mega yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

The concept images show a deceptively sleek appearance for the chrome-coloured hull and superstructure, where dark glazing covers multiple floors and creates a svelte stern, concealing the large open areas with flowing forms. The mega yacht covers seven decks, with the entire top deck dedicated to the wheelhouse and the below decks boasting an array of amenities more often seen aboard a luxury cruise ship than even a mega yacht.

229m giga yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

229m giga yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

The exterior styling showcases three extensive foredecks that a perfect for hosting hundreds of guests at dockside events, or for outdoor exercise and relaxation while cruising.

Extensive glazing curves down the aft of the topmost four decks, providing panoramic 180 views in all weather conditions. The lower decks host a helipad, an alfresco lounge and dining area and a swim platform that acts as an extension to the beach club.

Motor yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

Motor yacht concept VALKYRIE © Chalhun Design

To match her incredible length, motor yacht VALKYRIE would also have an expansive beam of 30m/98ft to ensure that there is plenty of room on board for amenities such as the salon and spa, beach club, casino, restaurant, exhibition hall, three-floor theatre and secondary theatre. A performers’ waiting room is also included in the design, and that is to say nothing of the accommodation for guests and crew, which includes an Owner’s salon and suite.

Technical specs © Chalhun Design

Technical specs © Chalhun Design

A pair of 17Mw engines would give her a top speed of 25 knots, a cruising speed of 20 knots and at an economical 16 knots would give M/Y VALKYRIE a staggering range of 10,000 nautical miles.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Superyacht Valkyrie - The 229m/751ft luxury giga yacht concept from science fiction to the sea".

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The World’s Most Exciting Superyacht Concepts

Some of these concepts could be gracing our seas within the next few years.

By Sophie Killip

mega yacht concepts

When it comes to design and technology, the world of superyachts is one of the most pioneering industries out there. Whether it’s a new shape or testing the limits of a yacht’s size , superyacht designers are always working with cutting-edge ideas. However, even within the superyacht industry, these dreams can go one step further – some designers are creating superyacht concepts for vessels that go above and beyond our current capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

With this in mind, we’ve curated a selection of some of the most exciting superyacht concepts in the world, including some that might never see the water and others that could be gracing our seas within the next few years.

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Mako yacht

The  Mako   is the first dip into the waters of nautical  design for the prestigious design studio State of Craft – but what an ambitious debut. The almost 395-ft superyacht is an  adventurous  take on cruising explorers, featuring long-range ice cruising capabilities and a zero-carbon footprint – all with a design inspired by the shark that gives its name. 

That unconventional structure uniquely blends the hull and superstructure into a seamless overall form, creating a continuation of surface that allows for seamless transitions from the yacht’s interior to outdoor decks. And it’s not just in its design where the  Mako  seeks to break conventions. With its propulsion system of hydrogen tanks, fuel cells and electric engines – combined with a battery storage system and solar panels – the  Mako  is set to be a sustainable evolution of the luxury superyacht. 

The brand has revealed that while it is difficult to put a cost on the project, it is estimated that the superyacht would cost “between €250m and €500m” (approx. between $268m and $536m).

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Mirarri , a new yacht design firm founded by Rashed Al Shaali, has announced that its first yacht will be built by  UAE -based  shipyard  Enata, best known for the ‘flying yacht’ Foiler, and delivered in 2025. Imagined by the award-winning designer Timur Bozca, whose body of work spans yachts, cars, interiors and aviation, Mirarri’s inaugural launch will span 55 ft. Construction of the yacht is already underway.

Intended to exude a futuristic take on classic yachting, the currently un-named concept’s design is led by lightweight yet durable materials, with much of its exterior using carbon fiber and titanium.

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superyacht concepts: Project L

Celebrated designer Thierry Gaugain and boutique brokerage SuperYachtsMonoco have been working together on a collaboration that could change the course of yachting history: the astounding 390 ft Project L, which has been inspired by “a dream of paradise”. The innovative yacht will be powered by a diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system, balancing fuel efficiency with autonomy for long-range cruising.

Shaped like a smooth beach pebble, Project L is designed to glide through the water and will be able to fully open to the elements, creating a direct connection between guests and the natural environment. “Project L isn’t a concept of something that may eventually work,” says director of SuperYachtsMonaco, Alex Banning. “The engineering has been studied and verified to perform. L can be built and – Thierry and I sincerely hope – one day soon [she] will be delivered to an owner as unique as her.”

mega yacht concepts

Founded by designers who previously worked in the automotive industry – specifically at Ferrari – RUMA Design is a studio that aims to emulate the finesse and precision of automobiles in other sectors. A natural connection was made between supercars and luxury vessels, with the team at RUMA moving towards a sleek catamaran design with a low center of gravity and sinuous design.

The result is RUMA’s award-winning design for MIGMA, a noiseless 180 ft electric catamaran that runs on hydrogen power. Translated from Greek, ‘Migma’ means ‘mixture’, a name that is apt for this catamaran: the concept mixes unique spacing – its core structure is in the middle, with elements growing out of it – with innovative engineering techniques and fluid design that is reminiscent of marine wildlife.

mega yacht concepts

One of the most ambitious yacht concepts in this list, Pagurus is the concept for an 80 ft amphibious catamaran created by Italian design studio Lazzarini Design. Pagurus – meaning ‘crab’ in Latin – was originally imagined as a military vessel, with a top speed of 24 knots and a structure that has been inspired by the body and shape of the eponymous sea creature.

What separates Pagurus from other yacht concepts is its potential for ‘amphibious’ activity: the catamaran’s hulls would be lined with screw-like cylinders, allowing the vessel to move across sand or mud. Water friction against the screws would also generate electricity to power its batteries. Pagurus would have the capacity for eight passengers and four crew members, with living areas subdivided between the two hulls and connected to each other through the bridge tower in the middle.

superyacht concepts : Black Swan

Award-winning transportation design studio Bozca Design was founded in 2013 by innovative designer Timur Bozca with a vision to “create solutions through design”. Many of the studio’s designs are inspired by the natural world, including the superyacht concept that has made it on this list: the luxurious Black Swan, which has been designed with both style and high efficiency in mind.

Black Swan would be able to comfortably accommodate up to 12 guests across six guest cabins and a master cabin, as well as having room for a staff of 18. The 230 ft superyacht would have a top speed of 28 knots (cruising speed around 20 knots), which would be achieved thanks to the yacht’s four engines and arrow-shaped aerodynamic design, which would be constructed using black aluminum for the superstructure and reinforced steel for the hull.

mega yacht concepts

One of the latest concepts from prolific artist and designer George Lucian, the MY Roswell is a 210 ft superyacht that would be created entirely out of aluminum. The concept has been designed to be fully electric, with large electrical panels that would cover a number of the yacht’s horizontal surfaces. There would also be two electric diesel engines on board as a backup.

Lucian started with the idea of “creating an iconic worldwide recognizable yacht inspired by the future” when designing MY Roswell – the yacht’s shape takes its inspiration from spacecraft and military stealth vessels. It would have room for 12 guests and 12 crew and feature a large, covered outdoor area, lounge, dining area and beam length swimming pool on the main deck. There is also allocated space on the upper deck for a helicopter platform and sky lounge.


mega yacht concepts

Avanguardia – meaning ‘vanguard’ in English – is another concept from Lazzarini Design. The name comes from the yacht’s unique design, which features a control tower high above the rest of the vessel. Not only would this control tower oversee everything happening on the yacht, it gives Avanguardia the appearance of a giant swan – and would be able to detach, becoming a 50-ft day boat.

While cruising, the control tower can adjust its position and lower into the middle of the superyacht’s body. With the control tower lowered, Avanguardia reaches an impressive length of 515 ft and has a cruising speed of around 18 knots. The yacht has been designed to comfortably support 24 guests and 22 crew but has space for up to 60 passengers across its five main decks. Anyone willing to make Avanguardia a reality would have to invest $500 million for its construction.

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Codecasa JET 2020

mega yacht concepts

Italian shipyard Codecasa has created a one-of-a-kind superyacht concept with the unveiling of their Codecasa JET 2020 – an idea that has been heavily inspired by the aviation industry and aims to “break the mold of the typical lines” found in yacht design. At 230 ft, if built, Codecasa JET 2020 would become the flagship yacht of Codecasa Shipyards.

Various sections of the Codecasa JET 2020 borrow from aviation design, from the cockpit-shaped bow to the air inlets reminiscent of jet engines, as well as the aft, which features a sun deck evocative of the tail of an aircraft. There would be a total of five cabins onboard for guests, including an owner’s suite on the main deck; it has also been designed to feature a sky lounge, dining room, covered gymnasium and a sunken swimming pool.

SY Project Origami

superyacht concepts : Project Origami

Another concept from Monaco-based George Lucian, this design for a sailing yacht has to feature on any list of the best superyacht concepts in the world. Called Project Origami, the concept takes its inspiration from traditional Asian junks and – as its name suggests – the paper folding art form of Origami. The sailing yacht would be an impressive size, coming in at just over 320 ft.

The yacht would feature ‘folding surfaces’ on its hull that would have dual purposes; for example, one part of the hull would fold out, opening up completely to create a helicopter pad. Project Origami would also feature several sails divided into sections, which would act as solar panels and generate electricity to allow the yacht to reduce its environmental footprint. Lucian admits that Project Origami would be a challenge for any yacht builder, as he didn’t “work with a sailing specialist” when creating the idea.

[See also: The Ultimate Tenders to Pair With Your Superyacht]

Sophie Killip

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This Epic 360-Foot Megayacht Concept Has an Infinity Pool Bigger Than Most Day Boats

Because we all know bigger is better., rachel cormack.

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Asquared Naval Design ’s new megayacht concept Fluyt may share the same name as the Dutch sailing vessels of the 16th century, but it’s one radically futuristic ship.

Spanning 360 feet from tip to tail, the beautiful behemoth pushes the envelope when it comes to design, propulsion and amenities. It comes just one year after the fledgling British firm—not to be confused with Asquared Engineering, which also does some work on superyachts—revealed an equally disruptive superyacht concept called Cube.

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Fluyt is replete with long, flowing lines and a sharp, pointed bow that together create a unique tear-drop silhouette. Sporting a steel hull and aluminum superstructure, the tri-decker recalls the golden era of Dutch shipbuilding, according to the designers.

“Her distinct exterior is an unexpected symbiosis of a modern minimalist hull and antique swift-sailing vessels,” Asquared’s Andrey Gusev told Robb Report in an email.


Fluyt features a giant infinity pool aft.  Asquared Naval Design

With a beam of 60 feet and an interior volume of approximately 4,000 GT, Fluyt is certainly not short on space, either. Asquared hasn’t shared the interior layout, but it will likely offer more than a few staterooms.

The upper deck features a gigantic glass-bottomed infinity pool to the aft that looks bigger than most day boats. It’s cleverly incorporated into the main deck below so that water connects the two spaces. To the bow, meanwhile, the unusual stand-alone wheelhouse has been purposefully separated from the owner’s deck to give seafarers more privacy.

Not to be outdone, the main deck comes fitted with numerous spots to lounge about, as well as a touch-and-go helipad forward to facilitate comings and goings.

Details are scant when it comes to propulsion, but Gusev says the vessel is hybrid. It is also equipped with more than 1,500 square feet of solar panels that can harness energy from the sun to power the electric motors.

Who’d have thought an old-fashioned Dutch sloop would inspire such a modern-day trailblazer?

Check out more photos below:


Asquared Naval Design


Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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swan yacht concept 1

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Lazzarini’s Swan-Shaped Mega Yacht Concept

The exciting new megayacht concept from  Lazzarini Design Studio  will turn some heads as the swan-like body sails across the water.

The 137m superyacht is shaped like a swan and boasts a detachable head that can be used as a separate boat. 

The enormous bird-shaped yacht is named AVANGAURDIA, which means ‘vanguard’ in English.

As the name suggests, the vessel leads the way in cutting-edge marine design.

Italian designer Pierpaolo Lazzarini penned the ambitious design.  

The design company, based in Rome, has delivered on several innovative beings in the past few years, including flying cars, an amphibious catamaran named  PAGARUS , and much more.

However, the waterbird-inspired mega yacht may be the most outlandish and innovative of the company’s designs.

swan yacht concept 2

The massive yacht is split into five decks and can accommodate up to 60 sea goers.

There is potential for even more guests when the yacht is dockside.

As for sleeping arrangements, the yacht can sleep up to 24 guests, 12 staff, and ten crew members. 

There are many toys on board the ship.

There are two helicopters, which can be found on the top level, with two helicopter hangars.

Lazzarini’s innovative design, the jet capsules, is located aft. 

An entire haul of supercars is also found on the superyacht, thanks to an expansive garage.

The yacht boasts many areas for socializing and sunbathing for the 60 guests, including a swimming pool and a jacuzzi. 

swan yacht concept 3

The exterior of the yacht features flowing lines and curves that reflect the silhouette of a swan on the water.

The head of the swan is a control tower and acts like a brain for the vessel. 

The inspiration for the head comes from 1970s Japanese manga.

It also doubles as a 16m cruiser that is perfect for daytime trips around the water.

A second control point on board will operate the boat while the head is used for a daytime jaunt across the water. 

swan yacht concept 6

Like a real-life swan in the water, the head of the yacht that houses the control tower is perched on a flexible neck.

The neck uses a fulcrum to give it a full range of movement and lower the head into the water from its crow’s neck perch. 

The head floating in the air while the vessel is at anchor cuts an impressive image.

When the ship is underway, the head lowers to the middle of the megayacht to help steer the vessel in the right direction.

The lowered head is exactly like a swan nestling its head into its feathers.

swan yacht concept 4


The jet capsules that are located at the vessel’s rear can be used for increased propulsion.

Lazzarini has developed several innovative water transportation, and the jet capsules are just one amongst many.  

The watercraft is fully customizable to the smallest detail and can serve as a private vessel for up to 20 passengers.

The egg-shaped mini-jet cruiser can be connected to the rear deck for extra auxiliary propulsion or disconnected and work independently to cruise people around the waters.

The swan’s power comes from the twin electric side engine and a central MTU Roll’s Royce engine.

This setup has the potential to push the yacht to a cruising speed of about 18 knots.

It remains just a concept at this stage, but the design studio says it could become a reality as soon as an investor is ready to commit to the concept.

The design company is confident that the yacht can be built and would require a $500 million investment from a potential buyer.

swan yacht concept 7

Lazzarini’s motto is ‘Think about the future but never forget the past,’ which can clearly be seen throughout his work.

Lazzarini’s unique and visionary concepts include automotive, aerospace, architecture, and yacht design.

His team of designers, engineers, and dreamers is creating some of the most innovative prototypes in the world.

With his Wally yachts, Lazzarini pioneered using carbon fiber as a building material, revolutionizing the yacht-building world.

He entered the yachting scene in the 1990s with his futuristic ideas, innovating in the relatively stagnated yachting industry.

The jet capsule is one of Lazzarini’s most highly awarded and praised designs.

swan yacht concept 5

The egg-shaped fiberglass yacht was the beginning of the designer’s most innovative concepts. 

When Lazzarini was asked why he chose the concept of a Swan for AVANGUARDIA, he answered that he finds nature to be a source of inspiration because of its innate perfection and that the swan is the very definition of elegance and grace. 

The swan-shaped yacht is the first of six animal-shaped watercraft concept yachts that Lazzarini has presented.

The  PRODIGIUM  is a monolith-inspired vessel that looks like a shark rising out of the water.

The yacht supersedes the AVANGUARDIA in size, measuring in at an enormous 153m.

The vessel will be the largest superyacht on the water if ever built.

The PAGARUS is another innovative design from the studio company.

The catamaran will have the ability to scuttle out of the water like a crab.

Lazzarini noticed a growing space in the industry for luxury off-the-grid vessels and designed a vessel to meet that need.

The PAGARUS, the Latin word for crab, was initially designed for military applications.

swan yacht concept 8

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A City at Sea: New Mega-Yacht Concept Resembles the Streets of Monaco

Mega Yacht Concept Resembles the Streets of Monaco

A sovereign city-state located in the French Riviera, Monaco is known as a “billionaire’s playground” for its lavish lifestyle, beautiful architecture, high-end casinos, and love for its famous annual street circuit race, The Monaco Grand Prix. The city also draws thousands of tourists every year, looking to soak in the stunning Mediterranean views and take a yacht ride through one of its many gorgeous harbors. Recently, Yacht Island Design , a boating design firm known for its out-of-this-world yacht concepts, has taken on a new project inspired by this French paradise’s luxury appeal, and there’s no other idea quite like it on the market today.

The Streets of Monaco is a 508-foot-long superyacht concept that has all the amenities of this beloved French province, wrapped into one over-the-top vessel. If built, it can house up to 16 guests and a crew of 70 to ensure a top-notch, individualized service experience for everyone onboard—all while cruising at a comfortable 15 mph at sea. What distinguishes this boat design from the rest, however, isn’t just its Mediterranean-style façade or its impressive size. The Streets of Monaco will deliver just what its name suggests—all the comforts and beauty of Monaco, including an onboard casino, racetrack, and stylized interiors that mimic the city’s iconic surroundings.

High Life on the High Seas

mega yacht concepts

When it goes into production, this imposing yacht will be from top to bottom an homage to the sumptuous beauty of Monaco. All of the must-see landmarks have been integrated into the boat’s clever design. Rooms inspired by everything from the Hotel de Paris to Lowes Hotel to the Monte Carlo Casino can be found throughout the vessel’s sprawling interior, and the Grand Atrium and Oasis areas offer airy foyer-like spaces that center the vessel’s living space and make passengers feel as though they never left land. The boat’s four decks contain a variety of living areas, each with Monaco-inspired interior designs, with lavish colors and ornate decorations that offer a slice of paradise and amazing ambience while away at sea.

mega yacht concepts

The deck of the ship is home to several sparkling swimming pools, overlooking the high seas, and of course, what over-the-top yacht wouldn’t come equipped with a helipad and a tennis court? Perhaps The Streets of Monaco’s most innovative concept, though, is its indoor racetrack, which allows up to three passengers to get out their checkered flags, hop in a go-kart, and race each other to their heart’s content. The boat’s exterior also reflects the towering roadways of Monaco, with its white colonnades, soaring arches, and castle-like structures. Inside, passengers can also ascend from the pool area via a marble staircase up to the ship’s spa area, where everyone onboard can melt their cares away with a massage or time in the sauna. This yacht concept—a marvel of modern engineering—is for owners who want to turn heads, and spark imaginations, while sailing into any harbor.

A Billion Dollar Investment

mega yacht concepts

The Streets of Monaco may look like an extension of this celebrated French province adrift at sea, but its staggering price tag is also reflective of the high-end residents and clientele who live there. At a staggering one billion dollar estimated production cost, this superyacht is only for the most well-to-do investors, who want to spend some serious time away from the cares of land-living and get lost at sea—if only for a while. Purchasing this yacht is like buying a floating estate, however, offering a dance hall, thousands of square feet of cozy living space, and sundecks with private jacuzzis, among other things. For the world’s wealthiest—and luckiest—patrons, this Monaco dreamboat, and all of its stunning features, can become an enviable, larger than life reality.

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Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall

Zaha Hadid Architects have been selected by the jury of the international design competition to build the new Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall in Yekaterinburg, capital of Sverdlovsk oblast region in Russia.

A cultural hub across Eurasia, Yekaterinburg has built a rich musical tradition; moving the city’s acclaimed Ural Philharmonic Orchestra, from the existing 1936 building to its new home, will provide an inspirational venue and also create a new public plaza.

Echoing the physical aspects of sound waves, the design of the new Philharmonic Concert Hall is based on the properties of musical sound resonance creating wave vibrations in a continuous smooth surface. The design re-interprets these physical acoustic properties to define spaces for the auditoria that are suspended within the canopy, appearing to float above the new civic plaza that is both the lobby of the Philharmonic Concert Hall and an enclosed urban square.

Providing a 1,600-seat Concert Hall and a 400-seat Chamber Music Hall of the highest acoustic standards, these new auditoria are nestled within the surface deformations of the suspended canopy; liberating the lobbies from obstructions to open this space as a vibrant new gathering place for the local community.

The new building will inhabit the void between the old Civic Assembly Building and Weiner Gardens; not competing but complementing the surrounding heritage built ensemble that will include the preservation and renovation of the current concert hall. The new building seamlessly merges with the park’s landscape; opening its transparent glass facade to offer views of the renovated Weiner Gardens and a new amphitheatre for outdoor performances in the summer.

Enhancing its connections with the surrounding urban fabric of the city, the new building’s large glazed facades blur the boundary between interior and exterior, inviting visitors to experience a new public civic space that continues to its rooftop terrace overlooking the city’s Church of All Saints.

A total of 47 international teams submitted proposals to the design competition that was organised by the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure Development of the Sverdlovsk Region with the assistance of the charitable foundation for support of the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra.

Zaha Hadid Architects – Patrik Schumacher, Christos Passas, Alessio Costantino

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