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Everything You Need To Know About RYA Yachtmaster Theory

In last weeks blog we broke down RYA Day Skipper Practical and how it fits in to your learning progression. RYA Yachtmaster Theory is the next step in that journey and on its completion you opens up RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course as well as several other interesting optional courses you could take. This blog will tell you Everything You Need To Know About RYA Yachtmaster Theory.

Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What is RYA Yachtmaster Theory? 

Being a theory course its shore based in a classroom or online via zoom. It assumes you have completed RYA Day Skipper theory or possess a comparable level of knowledge as it teaches you more advanced navigation techniques. You will learn about navigating safely on coastal and offshore passages. If you plan to progress to Coastal Skipper practical, Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore then you should be taking this course.

What RYA Yachtmaster Theory teaches you?

The course in essence will teach you advanced theory of navigation and meteorology.  For those with extensive sailing experience with previous navigational experience, the course builds upon those basic skills. You will be developing a comprehensive depth of knowledge and understanding of navigation theories, techniques and practices.


Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What can I expect to do?

RYA Yachtmaster Theory is an in-depth course with a wide subject field. But in short it will include position fixing, magnetic compass, tides, tidal streams, buoyage, lights, pilotage, and introduction to GPS and plotters, meteorology, collision prevention regulations, safety, navigation and passage planning among a lot more to numerous to go in-depth about in a short blog.

Where & When Can I take RYA Yachtmaster Theory?

There are three different ways you can take Yachtmaster Theory. We offer classroom based courses in our Southampton (Shamrock Quays) location and across London.  The classroom based course runs for 8 weeks ( 1 evening per week) and a weekend, or over 2 and a half weekends. If you have a suitable space we can also come to your office and run the program for your colleagues. Due to the impact of COVID we adapted our shore based courses for online zoom learning. This became very popular over the pandemic and the flexibility it offers means it has maintained it popularity. Like the in person course is typically run over 8 weeks however is sometimes compressed with multiple lessons a week. Finally we have a purely online version that allows you to dip in and out as and when it suits you. Support from an instructor is only a phone call or email away

Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What Equipment Will I Need?

No matter if you doing RYA Yachtmaster theory in a classroom, via zoom or online, each format comes with a extensive set of materials to make use of.  All students will receive a RYA work pack of charts, tide tables, port information and mock questions. A website with course slides will also be accessible after each lesson to help you refresh you memory. Those taking the Classroom or Zoom versions will also receive s Cockpit Companion.

To complete the course you will need a set of plotter and dividers. We can provide them to you for £20 to be collected at your first lesson. If your doing the Zoom or Online versions we will courier them to you. You can also opt to buy your own however they will likely be more expensive. If you have already completed RYA Day skipper theory or have the comparable experience you should already have everything you need.

Lastly If you haven’t already got a logbook you should make sure you get one. They are £7.49. The Logbook is a place to record your miles and keep your certificates. It outlines the whole RYA Cruising Scheme giving the course content for each course again if you completed prior course you should already have one of these.

What skills will I have after the course?

On competition of RYA Yachtmaster Theory you should now have the Background knowledge you need to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night. You can now develop your skills further by moving up a level and taking the RYA Yachtmaster Practical , which in itself opens up several more course options. You can find more information about course options by following the link below.


Want to get started?

Hopefully this blog has answered Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory. If you have any further questions or  you are interested in taking RYA Yachtmaster Theory click here to see availability and dates. You can also E-mail [email protected]  or call 0203 006 3717

Find out more about this course by following the link below. 


Posted by: First Class Sailing

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Yachting Monthly

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How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

  • Chris Beeson
  • September 16, 2015

The global standard of sailing qualifications is achievable for any experienced, competent skipper. Tom Cunliffe explains how to pass your Yachtmaster exam

Pass your Yachtmaster

The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination. To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, the practical test is the only one that counts Credit: Graham Snook/YM

Pass your Yachtmaster

Tom Cunliffe is an RYA Yachtmaster examiner. He has passed and failed hundreds of Yachtmaster candidates over the years

We in the UK are exceedingly fortunate. Just as the English language is the best bet for a world traveller, our very own RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification happens to be the global standard for sailing. It’s required for anyone planning to become a professional and, thanks to the continuing efforts of the RYA, Brits who sail for leisure still don’t have to carry any proof of competence in home waters. Despite this blessed lack of regulation, the Yachtmaster certificate remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

Courses and exams

Yachtmaster training can take place on a boat or in a classroom. A shore-based course, either at desks in a school or via the increasingly popular Internet distance learning programmes, ends with a Yachtmaster theory exam. Success in this will help a student in subsequent qualification upgrades, but it is not officially recognised. The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination – the Yachtmaster Practical . To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that really counts.

Yachtmaster Prep

Pass your Yachtmaster

Meteorology matters: a favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite you to analyse it. Be ready and know your subject

This is a non-RYA course and, as such, has no official status or syllabus. However, it is run successfully by many RYA sailing schools to prepare candidates for an examination which generally follows on at the end. Up to four students spend several days together on the boat in which they will be examined. The benefits are that they get to know one another and their yacht under the guidance of a highly qualified Yachtmaster Instructor. The general feeling is that these tutors can’t teach you much you don’t already know in a week, but that they are very good at coaching the best out of those skills you already have. Prep courses are great for brushing up on how to jump through the various hoops an examiner may set up. What they can’t do is make someone who doesn’t have suitably constructive mileage into the confident skipper examiners are looking for.

Coastal or Offshore – what’s my level?

Recently, the old Coastal Skipper ticket has been superseded by the new ‘Yachtmaster Coastal’ certificate. The qualifying mileage for this MCA-recognised qualification is 800, with passage and night-hour requirements being relaxed in comparison with ‘Yachtmaster Offshore’, which keeps its 2,500-mile entry level. Either is a proper Yachtmaster qualification and can be described as such. Only the often-dropped suffix distinguishes the two. The syllabi are identical, the variant is the rigour of the examination. Apply for ‘coastal’ and the examiner, recognising that you have less sea-time, will be more inclined to cut you a bit of slack.

The RYA has noted that most candidates are really only making ‘coastal-status’ passages. In real terms, this includes an annual trip across the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the Channel in a calculated weather window, which is very different from setting off from Ramsgate towards Norway with five days and potentially serious conditions ahead of you. The implications should be clear: unless you need the Offshore ticket for professional reasons, if in doubt, go for Coastal.

Preparing yourself and the boat

A skipper sitting in a cockpit with a cup of tea

A relaxed candidate with a mug of tea makes a better impression than a harassed-looking one

If you’ve signed on with a sailing school, you’ll be stuck with the boat you’re given. You can be confident that this yacht ticks all the official boxes by being coded for commercial use, but while some are very up-together, others are not. If the boat is generally sloppy and scruffy, you can at least make an effort to stow the mainsheet in a seamanlike manner while you are nominally skipper.

Neatly coiled lines on a yacht

Neatly coiled lines reflect well on the skipper

You can also ensure that fenders are hung at the same level, sharpen up the guardrails and see that things generally look as though somebody knows the difference and cares. Then the examiner won’t hold the ratty lifebuoys and the smelly bilge against you.

A man in a mobile phone wearing a baseball hat

Mind that your dress and demeanour don’t make a bad first impression

Try to be ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute kerfuffle. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a mug of tea when the examiner arrives, he or she will be more impressed than if you’re frantically working out tidal heights and scuffling through the chart table. Wear sensible kit. Don’t worry if it’s not this season’s fashion. My examiner turned up in an old duffel coat back in 1978 and I think I was wearing a canvas smock and a flat cap, but the smock was freshly laundered and the cap was right way round…

The main thing is that you can sail, but an examiner is always pleased to be freed of any hassle with the paperwork. Most of us are no better with admin than you are, so make our lives easy by producing an up-to-date first aid ticket and all the rest, plus a cheque made out to the RYA – not the examiner, perish the thought!

Passage planning

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your passage plan should be realistic. Keep it simple and be ready to adapt and update as things develop

You may be given the opportunity to produce a passage plan before the examiner arrives. If so, make it realistic. Don’t plot every course to the last degree. After all, you don’t know what speed you’ll make or what the wind will really do. Check tidal gates, distances, viable alternatives and the weather. Look at any hazards, sort out a time to leave and have a plan for updating as things develop. That’s about what you’d do if there were no exam, and that’s what I, at least, want to see.

Examination on your own boat

Fenders on a yacht

A nicely level line of fenders sends a good signal to the examiner

You don’t have to go to a sailing school to be a Yachtmaster. I love it when a candidate asks to be examined without training on his own boat. Don’t worry if she isn’t coded. There’s no legal requirement that she should be. Most of mine haven’t been either, and I couldn’t care less.

As an examiner, I want to see that your priorities are sound and that you’re thinking clearly and for yourself. On the day, the yacht must be clean, tidy and seamanlike. Waterline crisp, sail covers Bristol fashion, not looking like some poor bird with a broken wing, ropes carefully stowed, a comprehensive chart kit for the waters to be sailed, the makings of a meal plus snacks and, of course, everything that counts should be working.

What the examiner is looking for

Feeling relaxed in close quarters

Pass your Yachtmaster

Competent, confident boathandling counts well in your favour

If there’s one thing that will upset an examiner, it isn’t that you forgot to put on your lifejacket, it’s that he feels insecure when you begin manoeuvring in a marina. Take it from me, there’s nothing worse than sitting at the backstay wondering what you’re going to hit. If the boat slides sweetly out of her berth with everyone knowing what’s required and no shouting, then moves away easily with the examiner confident you’re in charge, that you’ve checked the next alleyway for collision risk, that your choice of speed is sensible and efficient and that it never enters his head to feel anxious, you’re well on the way to a pass after five minutes. No course can teach you this. It can only tick the box confirming you’ve managed it once or twice. The rest is up to you and your sea time.

Wind awareness

Pass your Yachtmaster

You should always be aware of the true wind direction and how it will influence any manoeuvres

Here’s another subject you can’t learn on a prep course. Knowing where the wind is and how it relates your position to any impending manoeuvres is critical. I often ask a candidate where the wind is coming from when he’s approaching a situation we both know will involve some sort of gyration under sail. If he looks instinctively at the masthead or, worse still, an instrument set to apparent wind, he’s dropped a bagful of points. At this stage, his mind should be setting up where the boat will best be placed to make her critical turns. Apparent wind isn’t going to help him much. What he should be doing is glancing at the water and noting the tiny ripples to assess what the true wind is actually doing. I’m often amazed at how many folk have never been shown how to do this. Racing sailors can handle it in their sleep, because they need to predict windshifts, but cruisers tend to get lazy, so make sure you can read the wind.

Good sailing

Pass your Yachtmaster

No need for incessant, race-style tweaking, but pay due attention to sail trim while the yacht is under way. If there’s a mainsheet traveller, use it

Pass your Yachtmaster

Ensure that the genoa sheet leads are properly positioned for the point of sail you’re on

Pass your Yachtmaster

Lovely: both mainsail and genoa set up with the right amounts of tension and twist

All examiners hate to see a yacht sloppily sailed on passage. Make sure that your crew are using the traveller, that genoa fairleads are properly positioned, that the main is well set up with kicker and mainsheet tension for twist. Above all, do not sail over-sheeted. It’s a dead giveaway that you just haven’t been out there enough yet.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Too much staring at the plotter screen betrays nervousness

In the days before GPS set navigators free, people used to fail exams by what we called ‘sailing the chart table’ rather than skippering the yacht. Assuming the test to be all about some sort of imagined ‘correct navigational practice’, candidates nailed themselves to the navigatorium when they should have been up on deck directing operations and watching out for the ship coming up astern that was suddenly looking bigger every moment. Well, guess what? Nothing has changed. This remains a big problem with neophyte Yachtmasters.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Sail the boat, not the chart table

The secret is to plan well, then nip below every so often on passage to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. I’ll lay a pound to a penny it’s what you do when there’s no examiner on board, so have the confidence to back your own usual practices. This is particularly important at night in crowded waters. An unsuccessful candidate often fails himself by allowing disorientation to creep in, simply by not keeping the true perspective on events, which can only be found on deck.

Pass your Yachtmaster

The use of electronic nav-aids such as GPS is not ‘cheating’ – it’s an integral part of navigation

All examiners have their own take on use of electronics. Personally, I want to know my candidate is making modern aids to navigation, including a chart plotter if there one, an integral part of his navigational policy. The idea, as one candidate suggested, that use of GPS is somehow ‘cheating’ is incomprehensible to me. I will almost certainly ask at some stage that the yacht be navigated classically, to see how easy my man is with what, for most people, are now backup skills. If I’m unconvinced by his performance, off he goes to think again.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your chartwork should be fluid and accurate

Skilled chartwork comes with use, and no amount of last-minute swotting can make up for weeks of doing it as a matter of course. Plotting traditional fixes is a good giveaway these days. With GPS all around us, we only do this for real when electronics fail. I’ve seen a person take 15 minutes to select three objects from a background studded with lights, then plot the results. The yacht had moved over two miles in the meantime…

Filling out a log book

It’s absolutely vital that you maintain a decent logbook during the exam

It’s absolutely vital, whether navigating with a giant chart plotter or a Walker log, that you maintain a decent log book. Without this, if GPS fails for any reason at all, you’re lost, Mate, so is your exam, and quite right too!

Take command

One of the most important questions on most examiners’ private lists is how good the candidate is at taking charge. If he’s managing well, we probably won’t even notice that he’s in command, that his crew all know what’s expected of them and that their skipper is quietly checking that they’re doing it. Good leadership is seldom about barking orders, and never about ignoring all on board, yet leadership is what being a Yachtmaster is all about. First, you must be sufficiently comfortable with your own skill levels not to have to worry about little things like picking up a mooring. Only then can you consider what may go wrong for the poor soul on the foredeck in a gale at midnight.

The classic skills

These are what most people imagine success in an exam is based upon. Actually, these basic skills merely help an examiner build up an overall picture of the candidate. It’s generally not a hanging matter if one manoeuvre goes a bit haywire. Even a grounding is often more interesting for what the candidate does about it than for the fact that it has happened. After all, nobody is perfect, especially under the stress of an exam.

Man overboard

Pass your Yachtmaster

An effective, confidently executed man overboard drill speaks volumes about a candidate’s boat-handling ability but it’s not necessarily curtains if the manoeuvre goes a bit haywire

Errors in principle are not popular with examiners. Mistakes under pressure may sometimes be forgiven, and man overboard is a case in point. If the boat sails past the dummy with her mainsail full and the examiner asks, ‘What went wrong?’ It won’t get you much of a score if you reply, ‘I was going too fast.’

‘Candidate’s speciality, stating the bleeding obvious,’ the examiner will note on his pad, and move on, downhearted.

However, if you say, ‘I’m kicking myself because I was too far upwind and couldn’t de-power the main. I tried to get onto a close reach but I misjudged my approach,’ he’s more likely to take a lenient view – especially if you’ve opted for ‘Coastal’.

Securing the yacht alongside

When I was examining instructors regularly, I’d often sail up to Poole Quay (a tidal wall) shortly before closing time. I’d hop off the boat as soon as she touched the piling, saying, ‘You sort her out, skipper, I’m off for a quick pint.’ I’d then do just that. When I returned 10 minutes later, if the yacht was neatly snugged down with four lines ashore, ends on the dock, a fender board in place, sails neatly stowed and all hands below cooking and relaxing, the guy was in good shape for a pass. If I found discussions on deck about whether to ‘hand the end back for a spring’, and people blundering about in the dark, things didn’t look so bright for our hero. Have a system and know how to execute it.

… and don’t forget

Mooring and anchoring

Pass your Yachtmaster

Mooring and anchoring under sail should present no challenge to the aspiring Yachtmaster. When in doubt, drop the mainsail

These are Day Skipper skills that should pose no threat to a Yachtmaster candidate. Under sail, just remember first to assess whether the wind is with or against the tide. If you get lucky and it’s against, drop the main and arrive stemming the stream, spilling under headsail or creeping along under bare poles. If wind and tide are at all ambiguous, never forget the old adage – when in doubt, drop the mainsail.


As forecasting has become more comprehensive and accessible, I’ve noticed a reduction in candidates’ capacity to understand what’s going on and to read a bulletin creatively. Anyone who can’t describe the typical cloud sequence on a North Atlantic depression gets nil points from me, and failure to understand the basics of air masses is going to run up a black mark too. A favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite their Yachtmaster to analyse it. Be ready, and know your subject.

A chart lying in a cockpit of a yacht

Tom sees no reason not to have a chart in the cockpit, but some examiners disapprove of it. Be ready to justify your choice

Many candidates produce excellent pilotage plans for entering a strange harbour. I’m happy with that, and most examiners love it. Personally, I prefer to sketch a few notes on the actual chart and have it in the cockpit held down with a winch handle, yet I’ve met examiners who’d be horrified to see a chart on deck at all. So there you have it. Do what suits you best, then be ready to justify your choice. Actually, this advice is good across the board. The examiner wants to see what you really do, not some fantasy you’ve cooked up because you think he might like it. That is a weak candidate’s policy and it often backfires.

A book on a toilet

No shortcuts here, you just need to know your stuff – and finding the time to learn isn’t difficult

So far as the MCA is concerned, this is the crunch. Examiners are encouraged to demand high standards in this subject, and there’s no reason for a candidate, knowing full well he is to be put on the griddle, not to have the regulations burned into his heart. The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road, available for modest money from all good chandlers or Bookharbour.com. Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of the shining hour each day to digesting its wondrous contents. The book makes it easy and there’s no excuse for disappointing the Board of Trade!

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White Wake Sailing

Day Skipper Theory Quiz

Test your knowledge with these 10 theory questions. The quiz is aimed at those planning to join us for an RYA Day Skipper practical course. This is NOT an admission test, it is meant for you to check your theory knowledge and identify any gaps, so they can be filled before you join us for the practical week. Remember, whilst we will put into practice all the necessary theory notions, there will be little time to actually study the theory from scratch! Fill in your name and email and click on Start. Select your answer and move onto the next question. At the end of the quiz you will see how you scored and you will be able to review the correct answers.

You have 3 minutes to complete the quiz, which is more than enough, given the nature of the questions. A Timer will be shown at the top of the quiz.

Day Skipper - pre test

Hi, welcome to our quiz page, where you can informally test your knowledge before attending one of our courses. Please fill out the information below:

What is a vessel showing these signs wanting to communicate?

distress - white wake sailing

In what instance would a vessel show these day shapes?

yachtmaster theory questions

What is the angle of visibility (in degrees) of each of the navigation lights at the bow?

What is the apparent wind?

What is this mark called?

yachtmaster theory questions

What vessel would show these lights at night?

NUC underway - White Wake Sailing

What does the writing and numbers inside the compass rose indicate?

compass rose - white wake sailing

What is the recommended amount of chain that should be paid out when anchoring in 6m deep water?

Which vessel is Stand-on and why?

stb over port - White Wake sailing

You hear three horn blasts from a big vessel. What is she communicating?

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RYA Day Skipper Theory/Shorebased – Your Questions Answered

TimeMinimum 40 hours + Exams. 5-6 days in a classroom, or work at your own pace, anytime, anywhere online.
PrerequisitesSome practical experience is desirable, such as a Competent Crew course, but not required.
Min. AgeThere is no minimum age.
Exam2 x 90 minute assessment papers at the end to be taken under exam conditions.
AimA comprehensive introduction to chartwork, navigation, meteorology, and the basics of seamanship.

What Is the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course?

The RYA Day Skipper Theory course is a theoretical-based course aimed at prospective yacht skippers and keen crew to aid them in making better decisions on board. 

It provides basic knowledge to help in the skippering of a small vessel in familiar waters by day.

What Does the RYA Day Skipper Theory Allow You To Do?

The RYA Day Skipper Theory sets you up to be ready for your RYA Day Skipper Practical Sail or Motor course.

The course will also provide you with the relevant nautical theory knowledge to help progress you on your maritime journey.

Who Can Do an RYA Day Skipper Theory?

The RYA Day Skipper Theory course is open to anyone. Some practical experience is desirable, but not required. There is no age limit.

If you are a complete novice to nautical sailing, then you may also want to consider the RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship course. However, the RYA Day Skipper Theory course is also suitable for novices.

yachtmaster theory questions

Can You Go Straight to the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course?

A practical experience in line with the RYA Competent Crew course is desirable but not required.

Anyone, can indeed, go straight into an RYA Day Skipper Theory course.

Where Can I Take This Course?

There are many thoughts on where is best, but to be truthful, it is what works for you best. 

Your 2 main options are in a classroom course or via an online provider. The 2 different types of learning suit different types of people.

Classroom courses benefit from listening to and talking to other students as well as having the instructor in front of you. Online courses benefit from being able to work at your own speed, repeat lessons and get a more in-depth learning experience as you are not working to a tight timetable.

At Ardent Training we pride ourselves on bringing the best of both of these worlds together with built-in discussions, live events, and student forums on our online platform. Also, every single lesson is recorded in video format as well as visual and text, to really bring the subjects to life.

You can take a free trial of our online RYA Day Skipper Theory course and see what it is all about for yourself:


How Long Does The Course Take?

The RYA Day Skipper Theory is suggested to take a minimum of 40 hours of learning, plus exam time. 

How this time is shaped can vary. In online courses, you can generally work at your own speed. In classroom environments, anything from evening classes of 2-3 hours a week to 3 weekends in a row, to a 5 or 6 day course over a week is possible.

Is There a Set RYA Day Skipper Theory Syllabus?

There is indeed a syllabus. Each of the following topics represents a specific part of the learnings that will be covered on an RYA Day Skipper Theory course in varying levels of detail.

Nautical terms, introduction to navigation, position fixing, ropework, tidal heights, anchorwork, chartwork, IRPCS, meteorology, safety, pilotage, passage planning and marine environment detail the various aspects of the syllabus.

Read on to learn in a little more detail about how each of these is covered in a little more detail.

What Will I Learn in an RYA Day Skipper Theory Course?

The RYA Day Skipper Theory course covers a wide range of topics and introduces many topics and important knowledge that will be useful not only for completing an RYA Day Skipper Practical Course but in all sailing beyond this too.

You will begin with learning some general nautical knowledge and boat terms that will lay the foundations for further learning.

Navigational instruments, aids to navigation, charts and publications will then all be introduced which will allow you to begin your positional plotting.

Further topics will be introduced to help build on these skills such as compass awareness, latitude and longitude, tidal theory, understanding tidal streams and how we plot our course will all be taught to gain a greater understanding of chartwork. Ropework and anchorwork, while mainly practical subjects will also be touched on at this stage, allowing you to understand the principles of these.

You will learn about the rules of the road at sea, how we can tell if a risk of collision occurs, what we should do about it and even how to tell different boats from one another at night time. 

In meteorology, we will learn about the basics of weather, where we can get this information from and what it all means.

You will also learn all about safety onboard a vessel, both personal and the various safety items we have at our disposal on board and when we should use them.

As the course progresses you will learn how to bring all your newfound knowledge together in what is known as a passage plan, taking into account pilotage techniques and other navigational aspects we need to be aware of. Finally, you will learn about the responsibilities we have at sea and why we should be thinking of the marine environment when onboard vessels.

How Much Does an RYA Day Skipper Theory Course Cost?

As ever, many schools differ in price and it is important to understand everything that is included within your course such as materials, available content and instructor help. As always, the cheapest is not often better. At Ardent Training, our online RYA Day Skipper Theory is priced at £315 and that includes everything. A unique student pack with Ardent Training extras, free worldwide postage, access to materials and instructor help and of course, your end-of-course certificate.

yachtmaster theory questions

What Is the Pass Mark for the Day Skipper Theory Exam?

There is no specific pass mark as such. This is more of a learning experience than a test. The instructor’s aim is to bring you up to a level where you have a satisfactory level of theory knowledge across the subjects covered to be able to put your new learnings into practice during your RYA Day Skipper Practical course.

What Comes Next?

After your RYA Day Skipper Theory, we suggest progressing on with your RYA Day Skipper Practical Sail or Motor course as soon as possible. That way, all your recent learnings are still fresh in your mind and you can use the practical tasks to consolidate all your knowledge.

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RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster ™ Offshore Theory (Online)

  • This course looks to refine the techniques learnt in your RYA Day Skipper Theory course
  • International Maritime Law
  • Passage Planning
  • Meteorology
  • Environmental care

RYA Coastal Skipper and/or Yachtmaster offshore theory is a more advanced course that builds on the knowledge gained at the RYA Day Skipper Theory level. Its aim is to take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical course.

This course is open to anyone who has already completed Day Skipper Theory, and ideally has some practical boating experience. You should be comfortable applying concepts such as tidal heights and streams and interpreting weather information. Pilotage and passage planning will already be in your knowledge base. You will feel at ease with the practical and thorough application of the IRPCS. You will understand how to fix position using a variety of methods. Your knowledge of safety systems and practices will be substantial.

Your full training pack contents include:

  • Two RYA practice charts
  • The RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster course notes
  • The RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster exercises
  • The RYA Training Almanac

Please note: Your online course is provided by Navathome. Booking conditions are not the same as for courses delivered by Andrew Simpson Yachting.  

Notes on shipping of training materials.

All training materials for the online courses are shipped to you the buyer. Please be aware of the Navathome policy relating to shipping. This forms part of their terms and conditions.

  • Navathome is unable to ship to addresses which contain PO Box Numbers. A physical address is required.
  • Buyers must provide a valid contact telephone number at the time of booking
  • Packs being shipped to Russia must be delivered to a business address.
  • All packs must be signed for, so the buyer must ensure that there will be somebody available to accept the package
  • Navathome will not accept responsibility for packs sent to marinas, or c/o addresses. If the pack goes missing after it has been signed for, the buyer will be liable for the cost of the replacement pack. 

Course Outcomes

  • With this qualification combined with additional practical experience, you should be equipped with the knowledge required to consider the RYA Yachtmaster ™ Coastal or Yachtmaster ™ Offshore examination.

Royal Yachting Association Training Centre

To book this course please call or email our friendly team who will set you up with everything you need to get learning. Phone: +44 (0)2392 522777 Email: [email protected]

yachtmaster theory questions

Firdt Aid Training Lanarkshire Scotland

First Aid Training Lanarkshire -Scotland

RYA First Aid | First Aid | BLS | Fire Safety Awareness | Fire Marshal | Pre-Hospital | Mental Health at work Training Courses

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  • RYA First Aid – 1 Day
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  • Marine Radio – RYA SRC VHF Radio Course – ONLINE
  • RYA SRC VHF Radio Course 
  • RYA Safe & Fun – Safeguarding – 3 Hours
  • ONLINE – Day Skipper Theory by Ardent Sailing
  • ONLINE – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory by Ardent Sailing
  • Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) – 1 Day
  • First Aid at Work – 3 Days
  • Emergency First Aid at Work +F (EFAW+F) – 1 Day
  • First Aid at Work +F (FAW+F) – 3 Days
  • Activity First Aid (2 days) SYFA Approved
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) for Adults & Children – 3 hrs
  • Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) 1 day
  • Paediatric First aid (PFA) – 2 Days
  • QNUK Level 3: Emergency Outdoor First Aid
  • 16 hr – Outdoor First Aid (OFA)
  • Forest School First Aid – 20 hrs
  • Administration of Emergency Medical Gases – 6 hrs
  • 16 hr – Outdoor First Aid (OFA)
  • Forest School First Aid – 20 hrs
  • L1 : Fire Safety Awareness at Work
  • L2 : Fire Safety for Fire Marshals at Work
  • QNUK Level 3: First Responders (RQF)      
  • Health & Social Care
  • L1: Mental Health Awareness (½ Day)
  • L2: Mental Health at Work (1 day)
  • L3: Mental Health at Work (2 day)
  • L2: Young Peoples Mental Health (1 day)
  • Blended Paediatric First Aid (PFA) – 2 Days
  • Blended First Aid at Work – 1 Day Online + 2 Days Classroom
  • Blended First Aid at Work Refresher – 1 Day Online + 1 Day Classroom
  • Mini Medics
  • Marine VHF Radio Refresher (3hrs)
  • Facebook – SPR TRAINING
  • Open Courses
  • 1 ONLINE – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster
  • 2 Theory by Ardent Sailing 
  • 3.1 ONLINE – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory
  • 3.2.1 Course Delivery
  • 3.2.2 RYA Yachtmaster Theory Exam
  • [More information from Ardent Sailing Here]
  • 3.3.1 Related Ardent Sailing Course
  • 3.3.2 Related SPR Training Courses:

ONLINE – RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster

Theory by ardent sailing , online – rya coastal skipper / yachtmaster theory.

The RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Online Course by Ardent Training is an advanced theory program focusing on navigation, safety, meteorology, and IRPCS. It’s tailored for those seeking RYA Coastal Skipper or RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Qualifications.

Course Highlights

This course is a necessary precursor to the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore practical courses/exams. Successfully completing the course enhances prospects such as yacht chartering, insurance premium reduction, and offshore professional skippering. It’s ideal for experienced skippers looking to extend their voyaging capabilities.

Course Resources and Support

Upon registration, students receive:

• Immediate access to the course modules and lessons via the website for 12 months. • Participation in the student forum and discussions for interactive engagement with peers and instructors. • Live support from RYA instructors through chat, email, phone, or your preferred method from 0800 to 2000 (UK time) 364 days a year. • The student pack mailed within 24 hours, equipped with charts, professional navigation tools, and more. • The RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Certificate after completing the course and assessment. • Access to a fully video-presented course and written content for 12 months. • There is over 27 hours of video content, spread across 89 lessons. The estimated study time (including exams) is 50 hours.

Course Delivery

The RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore course is delivered in text and video formats. Each module contains lessons and knowledge checks to reinforce understanding.

Students will complete module assessments that consist of official RYA exercise questions, and receive personalised feedback on their progress from qualified instructors.

RYA Yachtmaster Theory Exam

Upon completion of the coursework, we assist students in preparing for the online RYA Yachtmaster Theory exam.

The exam comprises three papers and can be taken at home.

Examiner feedback is provided after completion.

There are no additional exam fees unless it needs to be invigilated for commercial MCA purposes*. Our instructors are committed to coaching every student to a passing standard.

After completing the online RYA Yachtmaster Theory qualification, students gain the knowledge to navigate a motor or sail boat in day or night, and in challenging coastal and offshore environments. Students earn the RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased certificate. To receive the full RYA Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaste r qualification, students must complete a practical course or exam at a practical center of their choice.

The Ardent Training RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Course costs £345, inclusive of all expenses (postage, tax, etc.).

[More information from Ardent Sailing Here]

For those needing to use the RYA Yachtmaster certificate for MCA Large Yacht qualifications, an invigilated exam may be necessary, which might incur a small additional fee payable directly to the invigilator.*

*A few students intending to use the RYA Yachtmaster certificate for the MCA Large Yacht qualifications (such as Officer of the Watch or Master 3000) may need to get their final exam invigilated. We will arrange this at the most convenient location available to you. however, as it may involve getting a third party invigilator, there may be a small additional fee to be paid directly to the invigilator. If you think this might apply to you, or are unsure, please get in touch for advice and more information.

Vetical White

Related Ardent Sailing Course

RYA Day Skipper Theory Online

Related SPR Training Courses:

RYA First Aid | RYA SRC Marine VHF Radio | RYA SRC Examination Only Online : RYA SRC Marine VHF Radio

RYA Training , QNUK , Disability Confident, Armed Forces Covenant, £0years

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RYA Ocean Theory

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Yachtmaster Past Papers

  • Thread starter plumrock
  • Start date 22 Dec 2015
  • 22 Dec 2015

Hi, I can see this topic has been broached a few times before... I've been hunting all over the web for a series of Yachtmaster past papers . Does anyone have a handy link - or even better - a batch of pdf's. Thanks, Pip Thornton - (North Cornwall)  

Well-known member

Active member.

Suspect You run into RYA copyright challenges I suspect, though I trust we are talking about YM Theory papers? However, you can buy the mock charts and question book from RYA  

  • 23 Dec 2015


prv said: It's a practical exam http://www.rya.org.uk/coursestraining/exams/Pages/howtopassyourexam.aspx Pete Click to expand...



I've always understood that there's the shore based Yachtmaster theory course, which ends in a written examination and the Yachtmaster practical examination which is conducted afloat by a RYA appointed examiner. No matter what the Croatian authorities may or may not accept, it is the paractical examination which leads to the Yachtmaster qualification not simply passing the theory exam. There was a thread recently started by someone complaining that the RYA wouldn't give him an ICC on the strength of his theory certificate: it was pointed out that this was because whilst he had demonstrated his ability to sit in a classroom and regurgitate knowledge, he hadn't shown anyone he could actually handle a boat at sea.  

At the end of the Theory courses (DS, YM(Coastal and Offshore) you finish up with a course completion certificate, not a certificate of competence  

Its amazing what a simple question stirs up... I think it is obvious to ALL - that the YM Theory course doesn't make you a Yachtmaster... OF COURSE there is a practical element. I was just asking for some Past Papers to help self study for the theory prior to sitting an exam at a recognized ctr (to enable commercial accreditation). The RYA have been running courses for decades - so there will be loads of interesting questions lying around. In the RYA's typically 'stuffy' approach to learning (our way or no way) they don't make them available. I've just helped my sons through 'A' Level Maths... with loads of practice (past) papers EASILY available.  

RichardS said: It's the same qualification that the Croatians accept as equivalent to ICC (as discussed on the other thread) Click to expand...


RichardS said: I'm not sure why you say that. I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. Click to expand...
Gladys said: At the end of the Theory courses (DS, YM(Coastal and Offshore) you finish up with a course completion certificate, not a certificate of competence Click to expand...


plumrock said: you don't say... Just seems strange that the RYA don't have a supply of past papers (must have years and years of them). Would greatly help with self study for the theory ... Click to expand...
  • 24 Dec 2015



Rogershaw said: Our examining agency have 4 different exam papers that they randomly select so will not allow you to keep then otherwise they will have to keep on setting new exam papers which means work !!! Could RYA operate in a similar way hence no past papers available Click to expand...
NickRobinson said: 5/6/8+ years ago now but my RYA DS and then YM Coastal exams ended with the instructor/invigilator collecting in the papers and declining a request by one student to keep it, so yes. Click to expand...


RichardS said: One gets you a certificate as Yactmaster (Theory) and the other gets you a certificate as Yachtmaster (Practical), although neither of them specifically say this on the certificate. The Theory was far more valuable for me as I could have easily obtained a Day Skipper, Yachtmaster or ICC based on my practical experience. However, I could never have passed the Yachtmaster Theory as that required a much deeper level of knowledge of so many nautical subjects. However, this is merely re-hashing the previous thread where I listed the Yachtmaster areas of knowledge. Richard Click to expand...
RichardS said: I'm not sure why you say that. I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. It's the same qualification that the Croatians accept as equivalent to ICC (as discussed on the other thread) Having a boat certainly helped though! Richard PS I don't think I've any of the papers but I'll look later. In the meantime the attached might be helpful https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nt1h29mji9gxgbm/AABjzUaRH0rR6gZVyautfWNfa?dl=0 I wrote the three spreadsheets during the course of my Yachtmaster to help me understand the theory and have something potentially useful. The ColRegs chart was written by another Forumite. Click to expand...
  • 25 Dec 2015

YM Theory is three assessment papers now, Chartwork, General and Col Regs. The reason the papers aren't available is that questions are recycled between the years. It took a couple of years to sort out the 2007-15 papers, the syllabus changes from Jan 1, as DS changed last year to introduce more use of electronics - I believe (I haven't taught the latest syllabus yet) that candidates are able to use the new RYA Plotter to do their chart work, although they still have to answer certain questions in pencil on the chart.  

Blue Sunray

Blue Sunray

  • 26 Dec 2015

IMHO not been able to review the exam papers both question and answer after marking prevents the you from determining what you did wrong in the answers that were marked wrong. I have always found this very usefull as I tend to remember the answers I failed on than the ones I got correct. There was a question asking to describe the isolated danger buoy which I got wrong, but will never forget now.  

Elecglitch said: Thank you those look useful. Nice to see someone helping out rather than point scoring. Click to expand...

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Yachtmaster Online Theory Course

Advanced training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course.

“This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. This course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster™ Coastal and Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills”.

– Royal Yachting Association

The most experienced yachtsmen and yachtswomen around the world agree that the Yachtmaster Coastal & Yachtmaster Offshore examinations are the most useful and credible of all yachting qualifications. RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory is a fundamental step towards gaining these practical Certificates of Competence. Whether you wish to use the Yachtmaster™ Coastal and Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams as a stepping stone to a career on the water, or you just want to challenge your self to obtaining the ticket for personal use, you will be among an elite group of sailors.

Our Unique Course Material

There are lots of online sailing schools out there offering the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Theory Course. You’d be forgiven for thinking that all of these courses were the same – but they are not. Sure, they all need to cover the same syllabus. However, each individual sailing school is responsible for creating the online content to teach that syllabus.

In our opinion, when you are learning practical skills such as nautical navigation, weather and collision regulations, the learning material is really important. This is why we have created interactive, engaging videos to illustrate each and every point in the syllabus. We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that our videos are the best, most effective way for our students to learn the skills this course is designed to provide.

Our videos make the course material easy to digest, clear and enjoyable. It’s also resulted in us having a 100% pass rate to date! Watch Sample Course Material

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Theory Syllabus

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages and to foreign destinations and can be used as a stepping stone towards a career on the water.  The Nav-School course comprehensively covers the full RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Syllabus.

  • position fixing
  • course shaping and plotting
  • tidal knowledge
  • use of almanacs and admiralty publications
  • electronic position finding equipment
  • taking and interpreting forecasts
  • plotting weather systems
  • weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
  • collision regulations
  • customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
  • it allows some time for revision of the basics and then moves on to advanced navigation techniques

Taken from the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) website

Who Should Take the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Theory Course?

Candidates for the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory should have good sound basic knowledge up to the level of RYA Day Skipper Theory. It is an advanced course that builds on the knowledge gained at the theory Day Skipper level. It is aimed at sailors and motor boaters who are looking to undertake more complex coastal passages, offshore and at night.

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory is a fundamental step towards gaining the practical Yachtmaster Certificates of Competence. Whether you wish to use the Yachtmaster™ Coastal and Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams as a stepping stone to a career on the water, or you just want to challenge yourself to obtaining the ticket for personal use, you will be among an elite group of sailors.

How Long Does the Course Take to Complete?

There’s no set answer to this. The beauty of it being an online course is that you can complete it at your own pace, at a time that suits you. Our RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory course takes approximately 40 to 45 hours to complete. This can be completed within an intense fortnight, or a leisurely couple of months. We don’t mind, we just want you to complete it at a rate that suits you.

If you’d like to get started, just click the button below to sign up to the course and complete your payment. Once you’ve done this, you’ll get access to all our course material and our full learning management system. You will also receive an email from your designated course tutor who is a fully qualified Yachtmaster Instructor. They are available at any point should you have any questions or problems during your course.

We look forward to speaking with you!

yachtmaster theory questions

Yachtmaster Ocean Theory

Unlock the magic of Celestial navigation with the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course!

Our expert instructor will teach you what to do step by step so that you understand “why” you’re doing it, and can then confidently put it into practice when on board.

You will look at  at passage planning, astro-navigation and worldwide meteorology, as well as exploring and solving the mysteries of the use of a sextant!

The RYA Yachtmaster Ocean certificate is also a pre-requisite for the MCA’s Chief Mate, Master 500 and Master 3000 qualifications.

YM Ocean FB New

899  €

Do you still need to take your sights for your Oral Exam? We offer a two-day passage from Palma to Ibiza and back, providing an excellent opportunity for Yachtmaster Ocean candidates to complete necessary qualifying passage. This setup ensures compliance with RYA requirements and offers valuable practical experience.

499€ (if booked with an Ocean Theory) or 699€ for trip only

  • Description

Additional information

  • Reviews (1)

Event Details

During the course, which is a mixture of classroom and practical sextant use, our expert instructor will teach you what to do step by step so that you understand “why” you’re doing it, and can then confidently put it into practice when on board.

Find your way in any situation:  Even the best GPS equipment may break down or malfunction. If your boat’s GPS fails while you are out on the open water, celestial navigation can help you find your way. Star navigation may also come in handy when boating in sight of land without a GPS onboard. When the sun goes down, and you can no longer see those once familiar landmarks, stellar navigation will point you towards the shore.

Expand your knowledge of the world:  Celestial navigation requires sufficient knowledge of stars and constellations. Mariners must be able to identify major stars and constellations and understand their movement in the sky. By learning how to navigate by stars, you expand your knowledge of the universe and learn more about how the world works.

Impress your friends:  In addition to being useful and educational, star navigation is also fun. You’ll impress your friends with your ability to navigate using stars and can even share this fascinating art with them.

Despite modern innovations that allow for highly accurate navigation, navigating using stars remains a valuable and enjoyable skill. When you know how to navigate using the stars, you can always find your way home on a starry night.

Course content

  • The Earth & the celestial sphere
  • The PZX triangle
  • The sextant
  • Measurement of time
  • Meridian altitudes
  • Sun, star & other sights
  • Compass checking
  • Satellite navigation
  • Great circle sailing
  • Meteorology
  • Passage planning
  • Passage making
  • Communications

Pre-course experience / requirements

Assumes knowledge of all subjects covered in previous shorebased courses (e.g. YM Offshore shorebased)


16 – 20 September 2024, 14 – 18 October 2024, 11 – 15 November 2024, 13 – 17 January 2025, 17 – 21 February 2025, 17 – 21 March 2025, 21 – 25 April 2025, 19 – 23 May 2025, 16 – 20 June 2025, 14 – 18 July 2025, 11 – 15 August 2025, 15 – 19 September 2025, 13 – 17 October 2025, 10 – 14 November 2025, 08 – 12 December 2025

1 review for Yachtmaster Ocean Theory

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Amador N. – August 6, 2019


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IMG 4153

Yachtmaster Coastal Sail – Practical Preparation Week

© Palma Sea School - 2024 All rights reserved | RYA Yachtmaster & Powerboat Courses in Palma de Mallorca

Ideal for candidates for the Coastal Skipper practical course & Yachmaster Offshore exam. Some revision of the Day Skipper shorebased course plus more advanced skills in offshore & coastal navigation by day & night, pilotage & meteorology.

Knowledge to the level of Day Skipper Shorebased.

40 hours plus exam time

Position fixing, course shaping and plotting, tidal knowledge, use of almanacs and admiralty publications, electronic position finding equipment, taking and interpreting forecasts, plotting weather systems, weather predictions using a barometer.

Background knowledge to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day & night.

This is a shorebased course that can be taken in the classroom, online or by distance learning.

Woman doing chartwork at a table using pencil and plotter

RYA Navigation Handbook 2nd Edition



RYA Navigation Exercises




6 days of expert tuition from europe’s leading adventure sailing school, introduction.

The RYA Yachtmaster theory course teaches you the skills you need to pass your Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore certificate. It is a pre-requisite to taking the practical exams that you have passed this course. While not obligatory, it is also highly recommended that you have taken this course before taking the Coastal Skipper course.

Previous experience required

6 days (Mon - Sat)

Ría de Vigo, NW Spain. Based in Monte Real Club Yates Baiona.

  • Day Skipper theory required
  • Classroom based
  • More advanced navigational skills
  • Required skills to pass Yachtmaster
  • All course materials including course notes.
  • Morning and afternoon tea.

What’s not Included

  • Overnight accommodation

All teaching is in a classroom, led by an expert JVN  instructor. Class sizes are limited to 8 students, to ensure that you have proper levels of interaction with the instructor. Students come with all different levels of prior knowledge, but do not worry. The entire syllabus is taught from the beginning, and no knowledge of the syllabus is expected prior to starting

Quality of the instructors

The simple truth is that shore based courses in the sailing industry are often taught by people who have done very little sailing outside of their local area. This hugely limits their skills and experience, beyond repeating the same anecdotes and lines lesson after lesson.

We are constantly learning, evolving and improving our approach to sailing and navigation. When you learn with us, you will be getting expert instructors teaching the latest approaches to the theory.

  • Dead reckoning and estimated position
  • Satellite-derived position
  • Use of waypoints to fix position
  • Radar fixes
  • Techniques of visual fixing
  • Fixes using a mixture of position lines
  • Relative accuracy of different methods of position fixing
  • Area of uncertainty
  • Allowance for variation
  • Change of variation with time and position
  • Causes of deviation
  • Swing for deviation (but not correction)
  • Allowance for deviation
  • Different types of compass
  • Causes of tide – Springs and Neaps
  • Tide tables – sources
  • Tidal levels and datum
  • Standard and secondary ports
  • Tide anomalies (Solent, etc.)
  • Sources of tidal information
  • Tidal stream information in sailing directions and Yachtsmen’s Almanacs
  • Allowance for tidal streams in computing a course to steer
  • Tide rips, overfalls and races
  • Tidal observation buoys, beacons etc.
  • IALA system buoyage in Region A
  • Limitations of buoys as navigational aids
  • Characteristics
  • Ranges – visual, luminous and nominal
  • Rising and dipping distances
  • Light lists
  • Harbour regulations and control signals
  • Methods of pre-planning
  • Clearing lines
  • Use of soundings
  • Transits and leading lines
  • Principles of operation and limitations of use
  • Raster and vector charts
  • Importance of confirmation of position by an independent source and keeping a separate record of position
  • Importance of paper charts
  • Principles of operation limitations of use
  • Importance of log as yacht’s official document
  • Layout of log, hourly and occasional entries
  • Basic terms, the Beaufort scale b. Air masses c. Cloud types d. Weather patterns associated with pressure and frontal systems e. Sources of weather forecasts f. Ability to interpret a shipping forecast, weather fax and weather satellite information g. Land and sea breezes h. Sea fog i. Use of barometer as a forecasting aid
  • A sound knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, except Annexes 1 and 3
  • Personal safety, use of lifejackets, safety harnesses and lifelines
  • Fire prevention and fire fighting
  • Distress signals
  • Coastguard and Boat Safety Scheme
  • Preparation for heavy weather
  • Liferafts and helicopter rescue
  • Understanding of capabilities of vessel and basic knowledge of stability
  • Precautions to be taken in fog
  • Limitations to safe navigation imposed by fog
  • Navigation in poor visibility
  • Preparation of charts and notebook for route planning and making, and use at sea
  • Customs regulations as they apply to yachts
  • Routine for navigating in coastal waters
  • Strategy for course laying
  • Use of waypoints and routes
  • Use of weather forecast information for passage planning strategy
  • Sources of local and national regulations


Frequent asked questions, in order to provide you with all the information that we can offer you, you can find in this section the answers to the most frequently asked questions., what time does my sailing course start and finish.

Start: 0900hrs on Monday

Finish: 1600hrs on Saturday

Do I need to book overnight accommodation?

Yes, unless you live nearby. These are not residential courses.

Is everything else I need included?

Yes. Your course comes with all the course notes you will need. You do not need to bring any other equipment. It is all provided.

Privacy Overview

'Jeopardy!' Fans Have a Lot of Questions on Reddit After the Show's Confusing Move

The quiz show was recently pulled from the streaming site Pluto TV.

preview for A Look Back at Alex Trebek's Incredible Career

On August 14, fans of the hit quiz show saw a cryptic video posted on Instagram . The clip showcased headlines revealing how Jeopardy! had been taken off of Pluto TV , where the series was available for viewers to stream. As the snippet featured comments asking about where they could continue to watch Jeopardy! online, the show seemingly teased that there will be an answer to this sooner than folks may think.

"We hear you," read the message at the end of the video. "Stay tuned for the latest Jeopardy! streaming news ."

When the Instagram video (which was also posted on YouTube ) started to circulate on Reddit , it naturally led to questions about what Jeopardy! has going on.

"I wonder if it will go on Prime? Since that is where the new Pop Culture show will be," one person wrote , referencing the upcoming spinoff Pop Culture Jeopardy! , hosted by Colin Jost . "In my dreams, this will be all episodes (that still exist), on demand, organized by season (with playlists for specific people's runs, tournaments, etc.). Maybe even with a 'channel' like Pluto's, showing a continuous stream of episodes. Current episodes (even a week late) would be frosting on the cake," a different viewer commented.

Despite all the theories coming up, fans will just have to wait for Jeopardy! to make a big announcement about its streaming future. And it turns out this isn't the only series with big plans, as Wheel of Fortune uploaded a very similar post on Instagram for folks to keep in mind.

"Don't worry, Wheel fans! We hear you loud and clear!" read the official caption on August 14. "While our episodes aren't available to stream right now, we’ll have exciting news coming … stay tuned! 👀🤫 ."

Well, if there's anything to keep an eye out for, it's going to be this!

Headshot of Adrianna Freedman

As the entertainment and news editorial assistant for Good Housekeeping , Adrianna (she/her) writes about everything TV, movies, music and pop culture. She graduated from Yeshiva University with a B.A. in journalism and a minor in business management. She covers shows like The Rookie , 9-1-1 and Grey's Anatomy , though when she’s not watching the latest show on Netflix, she’s taking martial arts or drinking way too much coffee.

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RYA Day Skipper

For aspiring skippers

RYA Day Skipper

Online Theory Course

The best RYA online theory course. Lessons are clear, entertaining, engaging and easy to follow and questions are answered quickly by helpful instructors.

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A comprehensive introduction to chartwork, navigation, meteorology and the basics of seamanship

The  RYA Day Skipper  online theory course is ideal for inexperienced and aspiring skippers.  

The Day Skipper course equips you with sufficient knowledge to navigate safely around familiar waters by day plus a knowledge of lights to introduce you to night cruising.

Developments in technology and electronic navigation aids now available on most cruising boats is also included.

Invaluable if you are considering taking the RYA Day Skipper practical course and for learning how to start making informed decisions on board.

  • Assumed knowledge Some practical experience is desirable.
  • Duration A minimum of 40 hours of course study time is specified by the RYA, plus time for exercises and exams.
  • Ability after course Background knowledge to skipper a small yacht in familiar waters by day.  

Simply click below to try a free lesson.

Dead Reckoning and Estimated Position for Day Skipper Students

Chart Familiarisation

Tidal Heights

Tidal Streams

The Compass & Position Fixing

Dead Reckoning & Estimated Position

Course to Steer

Electronic Navigation

Passage Planning


The Collision Regulations

Safety & Protection of the Environment

Unlimited support from our dedicated RYA Instructors - 365 days a year via email, phone or Skype/Zoom.

14-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

Over 40 hours of 15 fully-narrated online lessons including animations, videos and realistic 3D graphics.

Embedded quizzes with instant feedback in each lesson. 15 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers.

Over 50 downloadable or linked resources.

2 training charts & training almanac.

Mock exams to prepare you for the real thing and give you the confidence to pass. 

2 final online exams with detailed instructor feedback and free repeat attempts if requried.

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Theory Course Completion Certificate.

12 months access to study with instructor support and exams - you can extend this if you want.

Lifetime access to training materials once you’ve completed the course.

Optional Extras

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Plotter and divider You’ll need a course plotter and chart-dividers to complete the chartwork exercises - if you don’t already have these you can purchase a top quality set from us for £28 when you place your order.


Delivery UK delivery is free.  European delivery is £20, outside Europe delivery is £40.

You can start studying immediately as many of the lessons don’t rely on the printed support materials.

This course is accessed online with no additional software required.

Lessons are accompanied by optional professional narration, and notes. 

They are intuitive and easy to follow, whilst more complex subjects are accompanied by interactive animations and graphics to help you gain a full knowledge of each subject in the course syllabus.

Detailed step-by-step workings for navigational or tidal calculations make it easy for you to follow along as we show you how to plot positions, make tidal height and stream calculations, etc

You can go over these again and again, and test your knowledge with regular quizzes throughout each lesson. 

At the end of each lesson there is an excercise containg similar questions to the exam, with detailed and illustrated answers sent to you immediately to confirm your progress and fully prepare you for your mock and final exams.

You can repeat entire lessons and excercises as often as you wish until you are confident that you fully understand each subject.

When you have completed the course you can request mock and then final exams.

These are assessed by our RYA Instructors and detailed feedback is provided in any areas that may require further study within the course.

If you pass the final exams you will be awarded the RYA/MCA Day Skipper Shorebased Course Certificate, which will be posted to you.

Additional free resits, with suitable Instructor guidance, are available if required.

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate

Call us for advice on 0238 218 2604

Course reviews, by far the best course available.

Having researched a number of Day Skipper online theory courses this was by far the best I could find. The course was extremely well written. I have received similar training in other professions but none as well crafted as this.

Susan Wright

Very good Day Skipper theory course

Very interesting and informative lessons on every aspect of the course. Nice, logical progression through the stages and modules. I liked being able to go at my own pace. Excellent feedback and help.

Skippers Online is really helpful and makes learning so easy and fun! I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to complete their Day Skipper theory exams!

Corrine Crawford

Thoroughly enjoyed & highly recommendnd

The course was intuitive and the flexibility of being able to log on and study at any time was invaluable. Response to any questions that I had was very quick, which was amazing - highly recommended... Now on to my Day Skipper practical!

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Combined - RYA Day Skipper & Yachtmaster to fast track your theory learning


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5 Noteworthy Falsehoods Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has Promoted

A longtime vaccine skeptic, Mr. Kennedy is leaning heavily on misinformation as he mounts a long-shot 2024 campaign.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands at a lectern as supporters in the background hold up “Kennedy 2024” signs.

By Anjali Huynh

He has promoted a conspiracy theory that coronavirus vaccines were developed to control people via microchips . He has endorsed the false notion that antidepressants are linked to school shootings. And he has pushed the decades-old theory that the C.I.A. killed his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer, is a leading vaccine skeptic and purveyor of conspiracy theories who has leaned heavily on misinformation as he mounts his long-shot 2024 campaign for the Democratic nomination.

But as voters express discontentment at a likely rematch between President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, Mr. Kennedy has garnered as much as 20 percent of the vote in recent Democratic primary polling.

Mr. Biden and the Democratic National Committee have not publicly acknowledged Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy and have declined to comment on his campaign. Nevertheless, the public scrutiny that accompanies a White House bid has highlighted other questionable beliefs and statements Mr. Kennedy has elevated over the years.

Here are five of the many baseless claims Mr. Kennedy has peddled on the campaign trail and beyond.

He has falsely linked vaccines to various medical conditions.

Mr. Kennedy has promoted many false, specious or unproven claims that center on public health and the pharmaceutical industry — most notably, the scientifically discredited belief that childhood vaccines cause autism.

That notion has been rejected by more than a dozen peer-reviewed scientific studies across multiple countries. The National Academy of Medicine reviewed eight vaccines for children and adults and found that with rare exceptions, the vaccines are very safe, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Seen by many as the face of the vaccine resistance movement , Mr. Kennedy has asserted that he is “not anti-vaccine” and seeks to make vaccines more safe. But he has advertised misleading information about vaccine ingredients and circulated retracted studies linking vaccines to various medical conditions.

At a rally in Washington last year, he compared the vaccination records some called “vaccine passports” to life in Germany during the Holocaust, a statement he later apologized for. And he falsely told Louisiana lawmakers in 2021 that the coronavirus vaccine was the “deadliest vaccine ever made.”

Children’s Health Defense, an organization Mr. Kennedy originally founded as the World Mercury Project, has frequently campaigned against vaccines. Facebook and Instagram removed the group’s accounts last year for espousing vaccine misinformation, and Mr. Kennedy has often lamented the perils of “censorship” in campaign speeches since.

He has made baseless claims about a connection between gender dysphoria and chemical exposure.

In an interview last month with Jordan Peterson, a conservative Canadian psychologist and public speaker, Mr. Kennedy falsely linked chemicals present in water sources to transgender identity.

“A lot of the problems we see in kids, particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing,” he said. He referred to research on an herbicide, atrazine, in which scientists found that it “induces complete feminization and chemical castration” in certain frogs.

But no evidence exists to indicate that the chemical, typically used on farms to kill weeds, causes the same effects in humans, let alone gender dysphoria. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , “Most people are not exposed to atrazine on a regular basis.”

He has falsely linked antidepressants to school shootings.

Drawing on longstanding dubious claims, Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly endorsed the idea that mass shootings have increased because of heightened use of antidepressants.

“Kids always had access to guns, and there was no time in American history or human history where kids were going to schools and shooting their classmates,” he told the comedian Bill Maher on a recent episode of the podcast, “Club Random With Bill Maher.” “It really started happening conterminous with the introduction of these drugs, with Prozac and the other drugs.”

While both antidepressant use and mass shooting occurrences have increased in the last several decades, the scientific community has found “no biological plausibility” to back a link between the two, according to Ragy Girgis, an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University.

Antidepressants often have warnings that reference suicidal thoughts, Mr. Girgis said. But those warnings refer to the possibility that people who already experience suicidal ideation might share pre-existing beliefs aloud once they take the medicine as part of their treatment.

Mr. Kennedy, however, has pointed to such warnings as evidence of the false notion that the drugs might induce “homicidal tendencies.”

Several high-profile figures, including Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, have amplified similar claims following recent mass shootings.

Most school shooters were not prescribed with psychotropic medications before committing acts of violence, a 2019 study found. And even when they were, researchers wrote , “no direct or causal association was found.”

He has bolstered a conspiracy theory that the C.I.A. assassinated his uncle.

Mr. Kennedy has long promoted a conspiracy theory that the C.I.A. killed his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

He claimed, without evidence, during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity in May that Allen W. Dulles, a C.I.A. director fired by President Kennedy, helped cover up evidence of the organization’s involvement when he served on the Warren Commission, convened in 1963 to investigate the Kennedy assassination.

Referencing a House committee inquiry in 1976, he said: “Most of the people in that investigation believed it was the C.I.A. that was behind it because the evidence was so overwhelming to them.”

But even that investigation, which found that President Kennedy was “probably” the victim of a conspiracy of some kind, flatly concluded that the C.I.A. was “not involved .”

The Warren Commission found that the killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone and was not connected to any governmental agency.

And he has said that Republicans stole the 2004 presidential election.

Mr. Kennedy told The Washington Post in June that he still believed that John Kerry, the Democratic candidate, had won the 2004 presidential election.

Mr. Kennedy first promoted that idea in a 2006 article in Rolling Stone, asserting that Republicans had “mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to subvert the will of the people” and assure the re-election of President George W. Bush. He claimed that their efforts “prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted.”

But it is one thing to complain of vote suppression; it is another thing to demonstrate that Mr. Kerry won more of the votes cast.

Mr. Bush defeated Mr. Kerry by a margin of 35 electoral college votes nationally; he carried Ohio and its 20 electoral votes by more than 118,000 ballots.

The Times reported in 2004 that a glitch in an electronic Ohio voting machine added 3,893 votes to Mr. Bush’s tally. That error was caught in preliminary vote counts, officials said. But the event, alongside other voting controversies nationwide, spurred widespread questions about election integrity that caught traction with people like Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kerry, however, conceded the race a day after the election.

An earlier version of this story misidentified when Allen W. Dulles served as C.I.A. director. He was fired by former President John F. Kennedy, not in the role when Mr. Kennedy was assassinated.

How we handle corrections

Anjali Huynh covers politics for The Times. More about Anjali Huynh

Keep Up With the 2024 Election

The presidential election is 80 days away . Here’s our guide to the run-up to Election Day.

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Tracking the Polls . The state of the race, according to the latest polling data.

A calendar showing key dates and voting deadlines for the 2024 presidential election.

Election Calendar. Take a look at key dates and voting deadlines.

Map highlighting the most competitive states and districts in the presidential race, including Minnesota, Nebraska’s 2nd congressional district, New Hampshire, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina.

Swing State Ratings. The presidential race is likely to be decided by these states.

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Candidates’ Careers. How Trump, Vance, Harris and Walz got here.

Kamala Harris is standing at a podium with a crowd of people behind her.

Harris on the Issues. Where Harris stands on immigration, abortion and more.

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Trump’s 2025 Plans. Trump is preparing to radically reshape the government.


  1. RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster Theory Online

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  2. Back to the classroom for Yachtmaster Theory

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  3. RYA Yachtmaster Theory Shorebased Course

    yachtmaster theory questions

  4. Coastal / Yachtmaster Theory Course

    yachtmaster theory questions

  5. Back to the classroom for Yachtmaster Theory

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  6. RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course

    yachtmaster theory questions


  1. RYA Theory Quiz

    Try our RYA theory quiz to test your knowledge and see whether our Day Skipper or Yachtmaster theory course is best for you. Study online for your RYA theory qualifications with our RYA Day Skipper and Yachtmaster courses based on the RYA's world leading training programme for leisure and professional sailors & motor boater

  2. Tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster theory

    The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road (Morgans Technical Books Limited (£12.50), available for modest money online or in any chandlery. Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of each day to digesting its contents.

  3. RYA Day Skipper Theory test

    Test your knowledge with these 10 theory questions. The quiz is aimed at aspiring RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore. Select your answer and move onto the next question. At the end of the quiz you will see how you scored and you will be able to review the correct answers. Hi, welcome to our Yachtmaster quiz page, where you can informally test ...

  4. RYA Yachtmaster Theory Online

    The RYA Yachtmaster online theory course takes your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams.. This course advances your skills as a skipper of a yacht or motor boat, with an emphasis on navigation and passage planning for more complex coastal or offshore passages by day and night

  5. Everything You Need To Know About RYA Yachtmaster Theory

    Hopefully this blog has answered Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory. If you have any further questions or you are interested in taking RYA Yachtmaster Theory click here to see availability and dates. You can also E-mail [email protected] or call 0203 006 3717.

  6. How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

    Yachtmaster training can take place on a boat or in a classroom. A shore-based course, either at desks in a school or via the increasingly popular Internet distance learning programmes, ends with a Yachtmaster theory exam. Success in this will help a student in subsequent qualification upgrades, but it is not officially recognised.

  7. RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory

    The RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory is suggested to take a minimum of 40 hours of learning, plus exam time. I believe the average to be about 50 hours in total. How this time is shaped can vary. In online courses, you can generally work at your own speed, while in classroom environments, anything from evening classes of 2-3 hours a ...

  8. RYA online exam guidance

    There are 2 exam papers: General Questions and Chartwork. ... Study for RYA Day Skipper and Yachtmaster theory qualifications with Skippers Online training courses based on the RYA's world leading training programme for leisure & professional sailors & motor boaters.

  9. RYA Day Skipper Theory test

    RYA Day Skipper theory (online) RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased; RYA Yachtmaster shorebased theory (online) RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased; Practical. RYA Competent Crew; ... You have 3 minutes to complete the quiz, which is more than enough, given the nature of the questions. A Timer will be shown at the top of the quiz. Enjoy it! /10 ...

  10. RYA Day Skipper Theory/Shorebased

    The RYA Day Skipper Theory is suggested to take a minimum of 40 hours of learning, plus exam time. How this time is shaped can vary. In online courses, you can generally work at your own speed. In classroom environments, anything from evening classes of 2-3 hours a week to 3 weekends in a row, to a 5 or 6 day course over a week is possible.

  11. RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster ™ Offshore Theory (Online)

    Its aim is to take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical course. This course is open to anyone who has already completed Day Skipper Theory, and ideally has some practical boating experience. You should be comfortable applying concepts such as tidal heights and streams and ...

  12. RYA Yachtmaster Quiz Book (eBook)

    Product Description. Continuing on from the first RYA Yachtmaster Quiz eBook, this eBook contains 40 quizzes each containing 10 questions to help develop and test your knowledge. The questions come from the Yachtmaster quiz questions that have been in the RYA Magazine since 1998. Free, yearly updates will provide new quiz questions!

  13. ONLINE

    The RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Online Course by Ardent Training is an advanced theory program focusing on navigation, safety, ... Students will complete module assessments that consist of official RYA exercise questions, and receive personalised feedback on their progress from qualified instructors.

  14. Back to the classroom for Yachtmaster Theory

    RYA Yachtmaster Theory - read about the intense course and what you can expect from the exams, including the chart work, pilotage and COLREGS yachtmaster exam ... with 20 questions, similarly to the chart work paper, each question needed lots of precision and a systematic process to get to some to the answers, and there might be several parts ...

  15. Yachtmaster Theory

    The RYA Ocean Yachtmaster™ Theory Online is for those who have a passion for sailing and navigation. It is a wonderful course that will keep you occupied for hours on end. It is not just about finding position from stars and planets, it covers weather, passage planning, watch keeping and much more. This course is delivered by Navathome, an ...

  16. Yachtmaster Past Papers

    I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. You maybe have the Yachtmaster Theory ticket, but you can't (or shouldn't) be able to get a full Yachtmaster ticket without a practical exam.

  17. RYA/MCA Ocean Yachtmaster Theory Online

    RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory Course Completion Certificate. 12 months access to study with instructor support and exams - you can extend this if you want. ... At the end of each lesson there are excercises containg similar questions to the exam, with detailed and illustrated answers sent to you immediately to confirm your progress ...

  18. Yachtmaster Online Theory Course

    RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ theory course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages and to foreign destinations and can be used as a stepping stone towards a career on the water. The Nav-School course comprehensively covers the full RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster™ Syllabus. position fixing. course shaping and ...

  19. Yachtmaster Ocean Theory

    We offer a two-day passage from Palma to Ibiza and back, providing an excellent opportunity for Yachtmaster Ocean candidates to complete necessary qualifying passage. This setup ensures compliance with RYA requirements and offers valuable practical experience. 499€ (if booked with an Ocean Theory) or 699€ for trip only.

  20. Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Course

    Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Course Ideal for candidates for the Coastal Skipper practical course & Yachmaster Offshore exam. Some revision of the Day Skipper shorebased course plus more advanced skills in offshore & coastal navigation by day & night, pilotage & meteorology.

  21. RYA Yachtmaster Theory

    The RYA Yachtmaster theory course teaches you the skills you need to pass your Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore certificate. It is a pre-requisite to taking the practical exams that you have passed this course. While not obligatory, it is also highly recommended that you have taken this course before taking the Coastal Skipper course.

  22. Yachtmaster Quiz RYA magazine Summer 2020 Questions

    RYA Yachtmaster Theory; Safety & Sea Survival Certificate (SSSC) Marine Radio Operators Certificate; RYA Diesel Engine Course; Online Theory Courses. ... Yachtmaster Quiz - Summer 2020 - Questions. 1. When trying to clear a riding turn from a winch, what is likely to be the best knot, bend or hitch to take the load off the working end of ...

  23. 'Jeopardy!' Fans on Reddit Are Asking Questions About the Show's

    O.K., Jeopardy!.We see something's going on, and we have a lot of questions about it. On August 14, fans of the hit quiz show saw a cryptic video posted on Instagram.The clip showcased headlines ...

  24. RYA Day Skipper Theory Online

    "The best RYA online theory course. Lessons are clear, entertaining, engaging and easy to follow and questions are answered quickly by helpful instructors." Study online for your RYA theory qualifications with our RYA Day Skipper and Yachtmaster courses based on the RYA's world leading training programme for leisure and professional sailors ...

  25. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Conspiracy Theories Go Beyond Vaccines

    He has promoted a conspiracy theory that coronavirus vaccines were developed to control people via microchips. He has endorsed the false notion that antidepressants are linked to school shootings.