The special boat : Resurrection of the twelve-person "Jenetta"


 ·  01.09.2021

All vintage: The crew of the "Jenetta" try out the streamlined weight trim that was common in the past

Text by Luisa Schumann

It is a mild evening in the middle of June, a light breeze is blowing across the Flensburg Fjord, the excitement of an upcoming regatta is in the air. In front of the clubhouse of the Flensburg Sailing Club, older and younger sailors bustle about, greetings are shouted, boats are slipped, masts are set. While the smaller six-metre yachts and 5.5s are still arriving or the boats are being prepared on their road trailers, nine of the ten 12mR yachts that will be competing in the Robbe & Berking Sterling Cup in the coming days are already ready to sail on the jetty.

Hidden among them, at the end of the jetty, is the star of the regatta, wrapped in a tartan dress made of foil: the "Jenetta". A few weeks ago, the new old ship was able to experience its second launch, the first of which was a proud 80 years ago: 2019 marks the rebirth of the "Jenetta".

  • RESTORATION: The second launch of the twelve-passenger "Jenetta"

If you want to stick with the image of "Jenetta" as a star, Oliver Berking is her manager, so to speak. He discovered her, refurbished her and helped her to new fame. The founder of the Robbe & Berking Classics shipyard has long been passionate about yachts with history, especially those built according to the 12-mR formula.

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12mr yacht jenetta

Berking is busy walking back and forth on the jetty, chatting and shaking hands. On this Wednesday evening, he is not only the manager of a boat star, but also the organiser of the regatta starting the next day, the Sterling Cup. As a passionate 12-metre enthusiast, he begins to share his knowledge of the historic class as if on cue. "The 12mR formula was created in 1906 when representatives from eleven countries came together in London to draft a standard that would unify the rules for racing yachts internationally. Up until then, everyone had built their boat the way they wanted. And when these boats competed against each other, it was of course difficult to determine who was actually the best sailor."

"Jenetta" looked like a "children's birthday party with a campfire"

Berking strolls along the 12 mR yachts and reels off their history. If the yachts were books, they would be aged, thick tomes, some with new covers, others with older ones, but all full to bursting with marvellous episodes about their varied existence.

"And this here is the fastest 12-mR yacht, but nobody knows that yet," Berking comes to stand in front of his star. The "Jenetta" lies quietly between the other ships, the crew has now been training three times. "It's simply all new, everything is happening for the first time," summarises Berking.

Eleven years ago, the yacht, designed in 1939, looked anything but glamorous: Neglected by her previous owner, she was rotting away on a jetty on Pitt Lake near Vancouver, Canada. When a thunderstorm came up on Christmas Day 2008, the rotten wood gave way and the old lady sank to her mooring. Berking, who says he knows the whereabouts of every Twelve ever built, had been following the situation of the Scottish-built boat with concern for some time. When she finally sank, he received several phone calls asking whether he had heard about "Jenetta's" fate and what he intended to do now.

Naturally, a situation like this did not leave the twelve-boat enthusiast cold, and so he persuaded the Canadian owner to sell him the remains of the yacht. According to Berking, she looked terrifying, completely rotten with traces of fire in the interior. "As if it had been used for a children's birthday party. With a bonfire!" In 2010, the wreck was salvaged from the Canadian lake and transported to the fjord, which Berking organised together with a Flensburg logistics company.

"Jenetta" does not fully survive salvage

A sailor pushes past Berking on the packed jetty and pats him on the shoulder: "Well, Oliver, all the sheep together?" Berking laughs, "yes, I'm standing here like a shepherd". In fact, the majority of the yachts are kept in the Robbe & Berking Classics hangar in winter, and so the shipyard manager looks after his treasures, especially in the off-season. When another sailor congratulates him on his latest success, the "Jenetta", the grin on Berking's face widens even more - he had to take special care of this little sheep. After all, there was a pile of boat parts lying in front of the shipyard in Glücksburg at the time, as the hull of the "Jenetta" had not survived the salvage operation in its entirety. Now it was up to Berking to find an owner for this "pile of yacht". But why salvage a wreck only to build it almost from scratch?

First of all, there are very few of the much sought-after and much-loved 12 mR yachts in the world. Between the establishment of the rule at the beginning of the 20th century and 1987, around 170 yachts of this class were built; today, just over 100 of them still exist. Furthermore, the "Jenetta" is one of the few ships that were built according to the third version of the metre class rule, the so-called Third Rule. "The rules were of course amended so that faster boats could be built. And so the Third Rule ships are quite simply the fastest," summarises Berking.

According to ITMA rules, "Jenetta" may only be restored, not rebuilt

The formula was introduced in 1933, but then came the Second World War and no more ships were built for the time being. It was not until the end of the war that yacht building picked up again. And after the twelve-oars had already served as an Olympic boat class in 1908, 1912 and 1920, they were used to sail for the America's Cup from 1958 to 1987. In 1988, a new class with larger and faster boats was established for the America's Cup. This marked the end of the era of the classic 12-mR designs.

Another reason why Oliver Berking had the wreck salvaged: According to the rules of the International Twelve Metre Association (ITMA), only one 12 metre yacht may be built according to each drawn design - so the "Jenetta" could not be rebuilt, only restored. This meant that at least parts of her old self had to be used in the new version. According to the ITMA statutes, this must be at least 50 per cent. As the keel weighs 17 tonnes and the original boat 27 tonnes, this requirement has been met.

The yacht's keel was laid in 2017. Work began on the deck with the frames made of ash wood and stainless steel, and the hull was turned a few months later. The Flensburg boat builders planked the deck and hull in mahogany.

The morning of the first regatta day at the Robbe & Berking Sterling Cup presents itself from its sunniest side. A glance at the fjord shows marvellous conditions; sailors in shorts scurry across the jetty, a grin can be seen on almost everyone's face. Only one team is not in the mood to smile, because the winches on the "Jenetta" are on strike; there is no question of setting sail for the time being. Instead of resorting to modern products, the owner and project management of the "Jenetta" decided to rebuild the original winches.

Owner trio sails regattas

The team members really try everything to get the gearboxes in shape before the first start, but it soon becomes clear that replacement winches are needed. What luck that the Robbe & Berking Classics shipyard is only a stone's throw away. Until they are swapped, however, it's a case of waiting and watching the others set sail. The team members of the "Jenetta" scowl as they disembark one by one. Oliver Berking also looks a little grim. "It's really annoying that this has happened!" The owner and crew deserved to be at the start of the first race here today.

The owner trio of the "Jenetta" consists of three businessmen from northern Germany: Sven Dose, Thomas "Thommy" Müller and Mathias Wagner. Müller will be at the helm for the first two days of the regatta, but Sven Dose will also take over the helmsman's position from time to time. They have agreed that the person who is not steering will sail the mainsail.

Müller is a successful kite sailor with one World Champion and two Gold Cup titles. Of all three owners, he has probably competed in the most regattas in recent years. And Mathias Wagner? "He's the most experienced and best backstay sailor I've ever seen," Thomas Müller blurts out. No wonder, as he sailed for many years on the 12 metre MR yacht "Sphinx" before buying the "Jenetta".

Alfred Mylne designed "Jenetta" in 1939

And so each of the three owners describes the new baby in different words: While Mathias Wagner finds it "simply great" to move the lady across the fjord, Sven Dose calls the yacht a "racing goat" compared to his touring boat. And Thommy Müller explains that the "Jenetta" is comparable to a large kite due to its long keel and 7/8 rig, but "much, much harder to get going". The 15-strong crew, which the owners have put together from former fellow sailors, friends and professionals, helps to get the boat going. "We are very, very happy with our crew," explains Müller. "They do a great job."

Meanwhile, Berking, who has several children, relaxes a little on his sleek wooden commuter yacht, which is used as a support vessel: "This regatta is often my only opportunity all year to get out on the water." On board the motor yacht this time is an international guest: David Gray, the head of Mylne Yacht Design. Alfred Mylne, who founded the design office in 1896, designed the "Jenetta" in 1939, and the yacht was built a second time according to his plans. Soon after the Hulk was salvaged in Canada, it became clear that nothing could be preserved apart from the lead keel, but the designers at the Flensburg shipyard stuck strictly to the original plans during the restoration - they didn't want a new boat, but to bring the old one back to life.

Origin of the name is unclear

Around 20,000 hours of work and a lot of passion later, David Gray has travelled to witness the rebirth of the historic yacht. His eyes light up when he talks about the training he was able to experience on the "Jenetta" last day: "It was wonderful, such a great honour. This design, this art! I haven't seen such great quality on a ship for a long time." Although he did not inherit the design office, but bought it a few years ago, he now knows the founder almost as well as his father. His book about Alfred Mylne, for which he has done a lot of research in recent years, is due to be published at the end of this year.

And so Gray begins to tell the story of the Glasgow-born designer, who lived from 1872 to 1951 and created more than 400 yachts. "Alfred Mylne was typically Scottish, very modest and did not advertise himself," explains Gray. "Nevertheless, he soon became very well known, as yachts designed by him won many other regattas around the world as well as Olympic ones." Between 1896 and 1946, Mylne designs were created in Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia and Japan, among others. The Scotsman designed more than ten 12-mR yachts, but the "Jenetta" was something special for him: at the age of 67 and the political turmoil, Mylne probably suspected that this could be the last yacht to come from his pen.

The ship was commissioned by Sir William Burton, who had made his fortune in sugar and had skippered the "Shamrock IV" in the 1920 America's Cup, in which he was only narrowly defeated by the American challengers. It is no longer possible to clearly reconstruct where the "Jenetta" got her name, but one thing is clear: the elderly Mr Alfred Mylne put a great deal of passion and emotion into this design.

"Jenetta" adorns herself with a foiled tartan skirt

In honour of the great designer, the shipyard and owner have decided to decorate the hull of the yacht for the first season with a tartan pattern, the traditional pattern of the region where Alfred Mylne comes from. Not everyone who looks at the yacht's tartan is particularly taken with it: many think it should have been left in its original wooden look instead of being covered under a film. But David Gray is behind the idea: "If you had the opportunity back then to paint a yacht in the colours of a tartan pattern, I'm sure Mylne would have done it," he says with a grin. "At least he wouldn't have minded!" Mylne liked things that caused a bit of controversy; the conformity of British society was repugnant to the Scotsman.

And so, in the year of her 80th birthday, the yacht designed by Alfred Mylne sails gently to the starting line of a classic regatta in northern Germany. The history of the ship can hardly be reconstructed, some previous owners have been identified, but the "Jenetta" has no particular regatta history, reports Oliver Berking. With the exception of one legendary race because of the result: in a regatta in 1939, "Jenetta" beat the successful American-built "Vim", which won 19 out of 28 races that season.

Second-longest 12-mR yacht ever built

After that, the Scottish yacht does not appear to have competed in any further races. But that is not noticeable today on the Flensburg Fjord. Without any problems, the Nautiquity joins the pearl necklace of 12 metre MR yachts at the starting line. After the shot she keeps up for a long time, but after a few hundred metres she sinks to leeward. In sixth place, "Jenetta" rounds the windward mark, then makes up a few places on the next lap and is in third place on the following rounding of the windward mark.

The newborn ship sails extremely fast downwind. This may be due to the fact that the "Jenetta" is the second longest 12 metre R yacht ever built. The 27-tonne ship rushes across the Flensburg Fjord under a light blue spinnaker; tactician Malte Philipp has obviously opted for the right-hand side of the downwind course. The yacht "Vim", which is just in second place, sails over the left downwind side, the two 1939-designed yachts appear to be on an equal footing. And indeed: "Jenetta" rounds the leeward gate ahead of "Vim", which she had already beaten in 1939. A short finishing cross follows. When the "Jenetta" crosses the finish line in second place behind the "Trivia", there is great joy.

"I'm incredibly touched," says David Gray with shining eyes. The 80-year-old Scot may not have much left in material terms, but there is one thing she can certainly still do today - and perhaps even more so than in her first life: To inspire passion and emotion for the sport of sailing and its great history.

Technical data of the twelve-person "Jenetta"

  • Design engineer: Alfred Mylne
  • Year of construction: 1939
  • Material: Mahogany planked
  • Restoration: 2017-2019
  • Shipyard: Robbe & Berking Classics
  • Torso length: 21,70 m
  • Waterline length: 14,20 m
  • Width: 3,7 m
  • Weight: 27,0 t
  • sail area: 170 m2

Hidden modernity: The sails are 3Di membranes made of polyester filaments from North

This article first appeared in YACHT 16/2019 and has been updated for this online version.

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12mr yacht jenetta

Published on August 17th, 2021 | by Editor

Jenetta: Back and better than ever

Published on August 17th, 2021 by Editor -->

The 2021 12 Metre World Championship is being held August 17-21, with nine vintage teams crossing tacks in Helsinki, Finland. Each boat has a story, with one in particular left for dead but now back and better than ever.

From the drafting table of renowned Scots naval architect Alfred Mylne and launched in 1939, Jenetta (K-1) design #395 was one of four 12mRs commissioned by Sir William Burton.

An accomplished gentleman sailor and president of the International Yacht Racing Union (now World Sailing), Burton had served as helmsman on Sir Thomas Lipton’s J-Class Shamrock IV for the 1920 America’s Cup.

Jenetta (K-1) joined the English 12mR racing scene at Cowes (GBR) along with Tomahawk (K-13), Flica II (K-14), and Vim (US-15). With her long waterline, K-1 was fast but Vim with Harold Vanderbilt at the helm was nearly unbeatable. On only one occasion did Jenetta prevail when she won a 27 nm race by just 2 seconds!

12mr yacht jenetta

After Burton’s death in 1942, Jenetta’s ownership passed to A.W. Steven and in 1953 to the Urry family of Vancouver (CAN) who converted her to a ketch in 1957. As her condition progressively declined throughout the 1960s and ’70s, she was removed from Lloyd’s Register in 1976 and sank into Pitt Lake in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

It was there where Jenetta was rescued by Oliver Berking in 2009 to become the third 12mR brought back to life at the Robbe & Berking Shipyard in Germany. Work began in 2017 and she was relaunched on May 25, 2019.

Although only her lead keel, some planking, and end sections of her deck and hull were saved, original Mylne designs were used to rebuild parts that were irretrievably lost. Since her “re-birth” she has proved to be as fast as originally envisioned by Mylne. With her long sleek waterline and unique tartan plaid topsides (representing the University of Glasgow, Mylne’s alma mater), she is a head-turner!

Now, with state-of-the-art deck layouts, hardware and sail plans throughout the Vintage fleet, Vim no longer has the Vanderbilt advantage. For the past two seasons, Jenetta has been very competitive with the top 12s in the Baltic fleet. Heading for the 2021 12mR Worlds, Jenetta current owners and crew have high expectations.

Event details:

12mr yacht jenetta

Jenetta emerging from the bottom of Lake Pitt in 2009 (left) and from Robbe & Berking Shipyard in 2019 (right). © Robbe & Berking

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12mR Worlds – Leaders after day 3 are Kookaburra II (KA12) and Jenetta (K1)

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A third day for the 12mR World Championship, that began in the rain and ended in the sun! Conditions were ideal Thursday morning in Porquerolles.

The fourteen 12mR boats then sailed two races in quick succession. As the wind ran out of steam during the third race, it was cancelled for Group 2 and restarted as soon as the wind picked up again at 14:34 by the race committee.

In the overall rankings after four races, the leaders are : Group 1: Kookaburra II (KA12) and Group 2: Jenetta (K1).

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The Legend is Very Much Alive – 12 Meters Today

Wolfgang Weber, Delegate International Affairs

Norddeutscher Regatta Verein

November 11, 2021

12mr yacht jenetta

The City of Flensburg, an ancient but lively seafaring and merchant town, is located in Northern Germany next to the Danish border. It also is the home town of Robbe & Berking Classics boat yard. Founded in 2008, the company is not only dedicated to the restoration of classic sailing yachts but also specializes in building new wooden boats of classical design according to construction plans of former and contemporary yacht designers and boat builders.

It was a special moment in yachting history at R&B’s boatyard when the first newly built wooden 12-meter yacht in more than 50 years was launched for the first time. It bears the design number 434 of the famous Norwegian designer Johan Anker, dating from the year 1939. It was his last 12-meter and his second-to-last design overall. His final design was an 8-meter. World War II and Anker’s death, in 1940 due to illness, prevented these two boats from being built – until today.

12mr yacht jenetta

The new 12-meter features a beautifully varnished mahogany hull, a teak deck and a wooden mast. With no engine and only the barest interior, this is a pure racing yacht from the 1930s. It has alternating ribs of stainless steel and ash wood and the lead keel alone weighs in at 17 tons. Johan Anker was known as “the master of the lines” and was remarkably successful, not only as a designer, but also as an active racing helmsman himself. His boats, especially his meter-class designs, were known for being particularly fast. Design 434 is the last of twenty 12-meters he designed during his career and all of his experience, as well as boatbuilding knowledge, went into this boat.

This proud yacht was christened during the Robbe & Berking 12-Meter Open European Championship in 2015 when 14 classic 12-meters gathered on the Flensburg Fjord. It was one of the largest fleets in this class’s history.

12mr yacht jenetta

In 2019, the 12-meter yacht Jenetta followed. She was designed in 1939 by the Scottish naval architect Alfred Mylne. She is not only one of the most beautiful, but with a length over all of 21.78 meters, also one of the longest 12mR yachts.

Her first life ended on the bottom of Lake Pitt not far from Vancouver in Canada, during a storm 10 years ago. After salvaging the wreck and organizing its transport to Flensburg, and then more than 20,000 working hours at the yard Jenetta was launched again on 25 May 2019 for a northern European syndicate. Her second life began exactly 80 years and 8 days after her first launch on 17 May 1939.

It is sad that Alfred Mylne, who died in 1951, could not see what happened on that weekend. To honour him and to the great pleasure of Mylne Yacht Design and the Mylne family, the owners decided to veil the yacht with a tartan for the first summers.

Mr. Oliver Berking, is a member of Norddeutscher Regatta Verein in Hamburg, Germancy, as well as of the Flensburger Segel-Club. His yard builds, repairs and restores classic wooden yachts of any type and size and offers winter storage facilities at their yard for eleven 12-meter yachts, three of which were also built there.

12mr yacht jenetta

The Robbe & Berking Classics boat yard is truly keeping the 12m legend alive!

The yard employs around 25 skilled people of all trades capable of performing the most demanding jobs and applications, not just on 12-meter yachts, but also for smaller wooden sailing yachts and wooden motorboats.

This new wooden 9-meter motorboat was built in the style of the US East Coast commuter yachts in use during the 1920s and ‘30s and was launched at Robbe & Berking in the summer of 2011. It was built in collaboration with yacht designer Kay-Enno Brink as number one of a planned series of new commuter yachts just like her ancestors on the Hudson River in New York and on Long Island Sound, which were used to transport their wealthy owners from summer homes to their offices in New York City.

The boat was originally meant to be sold, but now serves as a supporting tender during 12-meter yacht regattas.

For more information about Robbe & Berking Classics boat yard please visit their website   or contact Mr. Oliver Berking at  +49-461 – 31 80 30 60 or by email at [email protected] .

12mr yacht jenetta

12 Metre Worlds

Official website of the International Twelve Metre Class World Championships

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21

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2024 12 Metre World Championship, Porquerolles, France

CONTACTS: Bernard Minvielle , ITMA Vice President, Southern European fleet;  Aurélie Lhuillier , Porquerolles YC; SallyAnne Santos , International 12mR Class (ITMA) Communications Director

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21


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The 2024 12 Metre World Championship is sanctioned by the International Twelve Metre Association (ITMA) and hosted by the Porquerolles Yacht Club with the Yacht Club de France.

Yacht Club de Porquerolles

THE YACHT CLUB de PORQUEROLLES celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2016. Its founding President Sébastien Le Ber and his friends, passionate about sailing, created the Yacht Club in 1986 with a view to making the most of the magnificent body of water which surrounds Porquerolles.

Yacht Club de France

THE YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE, founded in 1867, remains faithful to its vocation: to contribute to the development of pleasure boating in all its forms; in cruises and in racing, defend and promote the values of solidarity, courtesy and moral elegance that animate all seafarers. Recognized as a public utility on the eve of the Great War, the Yacht Club de France is proud to have counted among its members Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot, Alain Gerbault, Commander Charcot, Marin-Marie, Eric Tabarly. Respect traditions, bring together the sailors of tomorrow.

Coupe de France

THE COUPE DE FRANCE by YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE was created in 1891 to develop the building of racing vessels in France. For its 55th edition, the challenge reunites the 12mR Class for twelve events throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

International Twelve Metre Association

THE INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987).

Administration: 12mR Fleet, S. Europe Bernard Minvielle [email protected] +33 611 19 00 95

Press Inquires: YC de Porquerolles Aurélie Lhuillier [email protected] +33 (0)4 94 58 34 49

Communications Director: International 12 Metre Class SallyAnne Santos [email protected] +1 917-330-1730


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ITMA Instagram: @12metreclass

ITMA YouTube: @International12mR

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2024 12mr worlds: nous sommes prêts, 2024 12mr world championship: nous sommes prêts.

PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 14, 2024) – Sixteen of the most beautiful and storied International 12Metre Class yachts are now assembled in the harbor at the Yacht Club Porquerolles. Fourteen are ready to race at the 12 Metre World Championship organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles on an island just south of Hyères, France, from June 17-23, 2024.

The “rockstar” roll call of 2024 competitors includes previous and reigning World and European Champions, Olympic Medalists and America’s Cup sailors. The yachts themselves, each with a distinctive pedigree, are sailing legends in their own right.

Aurélie Lhuillier, Director of the Yacht Club de Porquerolles said, “It is a great pride for the Yacht Club de Porquerolles to host the 12m JI World Championship. We look forward to seeing all these exceptional boats moored in the port and then watching them race for five days in the Hyères harbor. For over a year, all the Yacht Club teams have been mobilized for this event which will be the highlight of the 2024 season.”

Because of the diversity in age and design of 100+ 12mR yachts built to the International Rule since 1907, the 12mR Class designates a separate World Champion in each of four 12mR Divisions. At this event World Champions will be named in the Grand Prix and Vintage Divisions with trophies awarded to the top 3 finishers in each group.

12mr yacht jenetta

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the VINTAGE Division are:

  • Flica II (K-14) , Christopher Bunning, BVI
  • Jenetta (K-1) , Thomas Müller, DE
  • La Spina (I-1) , Michael Creach, IT
  • Nini Anker (N-15) , Christopher Avenarius, DE
  • Northern Light (US-14) , Hans Eliasson, SW
  • Thea (D-1) , Robert de Haer, DE
  • Vim (US-15) , Patrick Howaldt, DN & Helmuth Henning, HK

12mr yacht jenetta

With a number of exceptions, the VINTAGE Division yachts are centered primarily in ITMA’s Northern European region where they are frequent rivals on the 12mR race course. Over the past two decades, this fleet has enjoyed a renaissance in the Baltic Sea. Despite their ages –the eldest, D-1 is 106 years old– these yachts are in top racing trim in addition to being beautiful to behold. Vim (US-15) is the reigning World Champion (Finland, 2021) in this division but will be met with fierce opposition in a fleet stacked with very competitive teams.

“The waters of the Bay of Hyeres in Southern France will see 6 Grand Prix 12 Metres racing for their Divisional World Championship. This is the largest group of Grand Prix boats racing in many years. The resurgence of the class racing in the Med is truly spectacular. The Grand Prix boats will be joined by one Modern 12 and a highly motivated and competitive fleet of Vintage boats. Sunny skies, great 12 Metre racing and island life on Porquerolles sound good to me.” Chris Winter, President, International 12mR Association

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the GRAND PRIX Division are:

12mr yacht jenetta

  • Crusader (K-24) , Richard Matthews, UK
  • France (F-1) *, Marc Bonduelle, FR
  • French Kiss (F-7) , Christophe Babule, FR
  • Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) , Christoffer Blach Petersen, DN
  • Kookaburra II (KA-12) , Patrizio Bertelli, IT & Torben Grael, BR
  • Kookaburra III (KA-15) , Jesper Banks, DN
  • South Australia (KA-8) , Yann DelPlace, FR

*Being built for the 1970 America’s Cup, the national racing yacht of our host country France (F-1) is technically a member of the MODERN 12mR Division but as there are no other entries in this division, F-1 will sail with the GRAND PRIX Division on this auspicious occasion.

12mr yacht jenetta

Although Legacy (KZ-5), the reigning World Champion in the GP Division will not be competing, the Olympian sailor that helmed KZ-5 to victory– Jesper Banks (DN) will be. He is skippering another 12mR– Kookaburra III (KA-15) to defend his own GP champion title in a group stacked with world-class sailors including Patrizio Bertelli’s (IT) Kookaburra II (KA-12), skippered by Torben Grael, who sailed a perfect regatta sweeping all five races at the recent Pre-Worlds at St. Tropez. We expect “feathers to fly” when the two Kooka’s — KA-12 and KA-15, former Aussie stablemates — meet at Porquerolles. Watch for the the most closely contested 12mR Grand Prix World Championship in recent history.

Click for a complete list of 2024 12mR World Championship Competitor profiles.

In the 2-year Coupe de France Series the first 2 regattas of the 2024 season are now in the books and reflected in the updated standings below.

12mr yacht jenetta

Porquerolles Preview

If past is prologue, the 2024 12mR World Championship to be organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles (Hyères, FRA) from June 16-24 will be truly spectacular! Recently six twelve metres built between 1929- 1986 representing a 57-year cross-section of 12mR development experienced the glorious sailing conditions and onshore hospitality of the venue. They were, Vintage: La Spina (I-1) ; Traditional: Ikra (K-3) ; Modern: France (F-1) ; and Grand Prix: South Australia (KA-8) , French Kiss (F-7) and Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) .

Sailing conditions were perfect with 8- 14 knots wind, air temperature 24°c and fantastic coastal scenery. Porquerolles is beautiful island 5 nm south of Hyères. It is a tourist attraction like Skagen in Denmark, Marstrand in Sweden and the Cape Cod area of the US. With only 200 year-round inhabitants, the island hosts up to 10,000 visitors on a summer day. It is a little paradise, known for the most sun hours in Cote D’Azur. The marina is huge and offers plenty of space for a regatta fleet of 70 boats. The little city is charming with small restaurants around the Square. The organizers were very good, everything worked out well including the social activities. It is a superb place for the Worlds in 2024, and we can highly recommend other 12mRs to come – you will love it! Johan Blach Petersen, Kiwi Magic (KZ-7)

Calling All 12mRs to the Med!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: SallyAnne Santos , ITMA Communications Director, +1 917-330-1730

International 12 Metre Association

Calling All Twelve Metres to the Mediterranean!

A message from itma president, chris winter and yacht club de france president, philippe héral:.


Please see the correspondence below from ITMA President, Chris Winter and Philippe Héral, President of the Yacht Club de France to the 12mR fleet worldwide.. It contains an invitation to all Twelve Metres to gather together in the Med to participate at the 55th Coupe de France regatta series and the Puig Vela Classica Barcelona and 12 Metre Reunion, AC Edition .

ITMA President Chris Winter added: “”This is an extraordinary time of rebuilding for the Twelve Metre Class worldwide, particularly in our Southern European fleet. We hope that you will share our excitement and join us in the Med for the exceptional series of events being planned over the next two seasons.”


For more information on the Series, please visit:


Coupe de France

The   Yacht Club de France (YCF)   has announced a series of races for 12mR yachts throughout the 2023-24 sailing seasons; the winner will be awarded one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious yachting trophies; the spectacular  Coupe de France . Participating host yacht clubs along the glamorous Riviera– including Cannes, Porquerolles, Saint Tropez, Touloun, Hyères and Barcelona– will organize a comprehensive schedule of events featuring 40 days of racing, social events and festive celebrations for the 500+ crew members expected to compete. In 2023,  the Series will include events in both Europe and the United States  (Newport, RI) before moving exclusively to the Med in 2024 leading up to the 12mR World Championship at Porquerolles.


Yacht Club de France

Founded in 1867, the YC de France has been the Club of 100s of both famous and accomplished sailors including Virginie Hériot, Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Eric Tabarly. With its’ partner Clubs throughout the country, the YC de France represents a strong regatta organizing power in France.


International 12 Metre Association

The 112 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987).


International 12mR Association (ITMA)

#12mRClass, #12mRWorlds2024 , #CoupedeFrance

55th Coupe de France

Yacht club de france to award most prestigious trophy to 12mr winner.

Coupe de France

The Yacht Club de France (YCF) has announced a series of races for 12mR yachts throughout the 2023-24 sailing seasons; the winner will be awarded one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious yachting trophies; the spectacular Coupe de France .

Participating host yacht clubs along the glamorous Riviera– including Cannes, Porquerolles, Saint Tropez, Touloun, Hyères and Barcelona– will organize a comprehensive schedule of events featuring 40 days of racing, social events and festive celebrations for the 500+ crew members expected to compete. This season, the Series will include events in both Europe and the United States (Newport, RI) before moving exclusively to the Med in 2024 leading up to the 12mR World Championship at Porquerolles.

A British team sailing at Cannes was the first to claim the impressive silver cup in 1898. Since then, the Coupe de France has been awarded to teams from Italy, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and France. 12mR sailors from all of these nations plus Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and the United States will compete for the privilege of raising this revered trophy in victory.

Learn more about the Series at the dedicated website:

Coupe de France

ABOUT THE YACHT CLUB DE FRANCE: Founded in 1867, the YC de France has been the Club of 100s of both famous and accomplished sailors including Virginie Hériot, Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Eric Tabarly. With its’ partner Clubs throughout the country, the YC de France represents a strong regatta organizing power in France. Southern European Fleet

12mr yacht jenetta

ABOUT THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN 12 METRE FLEET: Sailing primarily in the Mediterranean Sea, this fleet includes yachts in France, Italy, Turkey and Portugal and also includes Oceania. Southern European Fleet

12mr yacht jenetta

ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL 12 METRE ASSOCIATION (ITMA): The 112 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world’s foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Johan Anker, Alfred Mylne, Charles E. Nicholson, Philip Rhodes, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition– the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America’s Cup (1958-1987). To learn more, visit

Bernard Minivielle SallyAnne Santos


2024 12mr world champions: northern light (us-14) and kookaburra ii (ka-12).

PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 22, 2024) –Fourteen International 12Metre Class yachts raced at the 12 Metre World Championship organized by the Yacht Club de Porquerolles on an island just south of Hyères, France this week.

12mr yacht jenetta

Although a strong mistral (22-36 knots) prevented racing today; the required six races were completed and the 2024 12mR World Champions have been named in the Vintage and Grand Prix Divisions– they are Northern Light (US-14) and Kookaburra II (KA-12) .

“ Despite challenging weather conditions, the Race Committee did a superb job. Even with two “no sail” days; they were able to run the necessary six races needed to qualify the 12mR World Championship. ” ~ Chris Winter, ITMA President

In the closely contested Vintage Division, Hans Eliasson’s (SW) Northern Light (US-14) , skippered by Magnus Holmberg scored just 9pts. to edge out Thomas Müller’s (DE) Jenetta (K-1) and Christoph Avenarius’ (DE) Nini Anker (N-15) who claimed 2nd and 3rd place with 10pts. and 11pts. respectively.

12mr yacht jenetta

“ We are very proud to be world champions! When we bought the boat five years ago, our goal was to win the 2024 world championship and it’s done here in Porquerolles, we’re really happy. ” ~ Hans Eliasson, owner Northern Light (US-14)

12mr yacht jenetta

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the VINTAGE Division were:

In the Grand Prix Division; Patrizio Bertelli’s (IT) Kookaburra II (KA-12) , skippered by Torben Grael (BR) sailed away with the 12mR Grand Prix Division Championship by winning all six of the races. Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) and French Kiss (F-7) finished in 2nd and 3rd place; moving both up in the Coupe de France Series leaderboard.

12mr yacht jenetta

“ This victory is the result of a lot of work by the team. We prepared, had good sails, and thanks to Mr. Bertelli we had an outstanding crew. It was great to sail with my friend Santi (Santigo Lange) for the first time, my great friend Marcelo (Marcelo Ferreira) who was my teammate for 25 years and my son too, it was a great experience for us. ” ~ Torben Grael (BR), skipper, Kookaburra II (KA-12).

12mr yacht jenetta

The 2024 12mR World Championship Competitors in the GRAND PRIX Division were:

“ It is a great pride for the Porquerolles Yacht Club to have hosted the 12m JI world championship. The line-up was exceptional with the presence of legendary sailors. The races were intense, with difficult weather conditions for everyone. We are very lucky to have an extraordinary team of volunteers at the club, nothing would be possible without them! “ ~ Aurélie Lhuillier, Director of the Porquerolles Yacht Club.

Act II of the Coupe de France Series is now complete and reflected in the updated standings below. A disappointing performance at the Worlds by Coupe de France front-runner Vim (US-15) enabled 2nd place Kiwi Magic (KZ-7) and 3rd place French Kiss (F-7) to narrow the gap in the overall standings. The third and final Act III commences on September 4 at a special 12mR Regatta hosted by the RCNB at the Barcelona (SP) America’s Cup venue.

12mr yacht jenetta

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 20

2024 12mr worlds: race results, june 20.

After 3 races today, 4 races of the 2024 12mR World Championship are now complete…

12mr yacht jenetta

2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 19

2024 12mr worlds: race results, june 19.

Race One of the 2024 12mR World Championship is in the books! There will no further racing today due to continuing blustery conditions.

12mr yacht jenetta

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12mR – MARINA – A. Mylne – Recreate of Design No.368

12mR – MARINA – A. Mylne – Recreate of Design No.368

Preis auf Anfrage

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General Information

Name Marina
Designer Alfred Mylne & Co.
Builder Bute Slip Dock Co. Ltd. (original)
Year 1935
Length overall 20,12 m
Beam 3,70 m
Draft 2,44 m

MARINA was the third 12mR yacht built for the legendary Sir William P. Burton, president of the Yacht Racing Union. She had an enviable racing record for the next four seasons, surviving gales on her delivery voyage from the yard in Bute to her debut on the South Coast in 1935. Marina was sold in 1939. Whilst being towed from the Clyde to her new home, a storm blew up in the Irish Sea. The towline parted and Marina washed ashore and became a total loss. After the successful relaunch of the last 12mR design JENETTA at Robbe & Berking Classics, the design no. 368 could be the next rare opportunity to recreate a classic 12mR yacht. All drawings and specifications are available. Please write an e-mail for further information.




60-70 Fuß


Deutschland, Flensburg

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Crusader (k-24).

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Jenetta, K-1, photo courtesy Robbe & Berking

Jenetta, K-1, photo courtesy Robbe & Berking

Jenetta, K-1, photo courtesy Robbe & Berking


CRUSADER (K-24) was designed and built for the last America’s Cup in the 12-metre class, she benefited from years of development in the class and advanced aluminum technology and skills at the time. Since then, she has been well-loved and maintained by her current owner, and more importantly, she has been used and not left to stand idle.


Own an Italian racing machine! Built in 1986 according to the International Third Rule- America’s Cup, Azzurra III (I-10) is under complete refit in Italy, which will presumably be completed by October 2024.



Toulon, France (May 13, 2024) The Club Nautique de la Marine in Toulon and Twelve Med Events, in collaboration with the Toulon City Hall, the Toulon Provence Méditerranée Metropolis, the Var department and the South region organized the "Toulon Provence Regatta" from May 7 to 12, 2024.

The Olympic flame, en route to the 2024 Paris Games, paused to recognize the 12mR fleet. The International Twelve Metre was an official Olympic Class in the 1907-1920 Games.

8 Bells: Johan Blach Petersen

8 Bells: Johan Blach Petersen

We recently learned of the untimely passing of Johan Blach Petersen; a true gentleman and supporter of the International Twelve Metre Class. Johan was the owner / skipper of Kiwi Magic (KZ-7); he and his team of family and friends actively campaigned throughout Northern and Southern European 12mR fleets, and raced in Newport (RI) at the 12mR Worlds. ITMA officers and members remember him...



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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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  3. 12mR Jenetta

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  4. Raised from the depths, Jenetta is poised to continue her ascent to the

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  5. 12mR “Jenetta”: Robbe & Berking lässt neuen, alten Zwölfer vom Stapel

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  6. Jenetta -ALFRED MYLNE'S 12METRE

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  1. Jenetta -ALFRED MYLNE'S 12METRE

    She became the longest and fastest 12-Metre ever built. During the 1939 races. JENETTA was the only boat being capable of beating Vanderbilt`s 1939 S&S construction VIM by 2 seconds on a 27nm race. Of the 1,000 or more races, Sir William Burton has sailed in twenty-five years, 618 were on his own yachts. He won with these 235 first prizes and ...

  2. Jenetta, K-1

    The resulting boats represented the pinnacle of yacht development from 1907-1987 for the highest levels of international sailing competition- the Olympic Games (1908-1920) and the America's Cup (1958-1987). ... Rescued by Oliver Berking in 2009 Jenetta became the third 12mR brought back to life at the Robbe & Berking Shipyard. Work began in ...

  3. The special boat : Resurrection of the twelve-person "Jenetta"

    "The 12mR formula was created in 1906 when representatives from eleven countries came together in London to draft a standard that would unify the rules for racing yachts internationally. ... David Gray, the head of Mylne Yacht Design. Alfred Mylne, who founded the design office in 1896, designed the "Jenetta" in 1939, and the yacht was built a ...

  4. Jenetta1

    PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 22, 2024) -Fourteen International 12Metre Class yachts raced at the 12 Metre World Championship organized by the Yacht … 2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21 PORQUEROLLES, FRANCE (June 21, 2024) -With today's results in; Kookaburra II (KA-12) -- sailed by Patrizio Bertelli & Torben Grael continues …

  5. JENETTA Specifications

    JENETTA -Specifications Designer - Alfred Mylne Spar Length 21.7m / 71.2ft Length 21.7m / 71.2ft Loadline 14.2m / 46.5ft Beam 3.7m / 12ft

  6. Raised from the depths, Jenetta is poised to continue her ascent to the

    An accomplished gentleman sailor and president of the International Yacht Racing Union (IYRU, now World Sailing), Burton had served as helmsman on Sir Thomas Lipton's J-Class Shamrock IV for the 1920 America's Cup. Jenetta (K-1) joined the English 12mR racing scene at Cowes (GB) along with Tomahawk (K-13), Flica II (K-14) and Vim (US-15).

  7. Jenetta: Back and better than ever >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

    Jenetta (K-1) joined the English 12mR racing scene at Cowes (GBR) along with Tomahawk (K-13), Flica II (K-14), and Vim (US-15). With her long waterline, K-1 was fast but Vim with Harold Vanderbilt ...

  8. Alfred Mylne 12mR Jenetta is Back

    Alfred Mylne 12mR Jenetta is Back. Oliver Berking, owner and founder of Robbe & Berking Classics from Flensburg, has once again fulfilled a dream: five years ago, he discovered a wreck in a lake in Canada. It is the longest ever built 12mR yacht, designed in 1939, and re-commissioned on this day Saturday May 25, 2019. At that time, only the ...

  9. Jenetta

    Beschreibung. JENETTA is another spectacular project at Robbe & Berking Classics. We are restoring the 3rd rule 12 Metre class yacht JENETTA, designed by Alfred Mylne, who was one of the most experienced 12 Metre designers in the world. Mylne designed her in 1939 for Sir William Burton and she was the 4th and last 12 Metre for Burton who was ...

  10. JenettaRacing

    The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. ... Jenetta, K-1, photo courtesy Robbe ...

  11. Restoration Project by Robbe & Berking Classics: -Jenetta

    April 10, 2019. 13:43. 1939 "JENETTA" 12mR Yacht, Alfred Mylne Design No 395. JENETTA is another spectacular project at Robbe & Berking Classics. We are restoring the 3rd rule 12 Metre class yacht JENETTA, designed by Alfred Mylne, who was one of the most experienced 12 Metre designers in the world. She was built in Scotland at Bute Slip ...

  12. 12mR Worlds

    The fourteen 12mR boats then sailed two races in quick succession. As the wind ran out of steam during the third race, it was cancelled for Group 2 and restarted as soon as the wind picked up again at 14:34 by the race committee. In the overall rankings after four races, the leaders are : Group 1: Kookaburra II (KA12) and Group 2: Jenetta (K1).

  13. Jenetta

    An accomplished gentleman sailor and president of the International Yacht Racing Union (IYRU, now World Sailing), Burton had served as helmsman on Sir Thomas Lipton's J-Class Shamrock IV for the 1920 America's Cup. Jenetta (K-1) joined the English 12mR racing scene at Cowes (GB) along with Tomahawk (K-13), Flica II (K-14) and Vim (US-15).

  14. 12 Meters Today

    In 2019, the 12-meter yacht Jenetta followed. She was designed in 1939 by the Scottish naval architect Alfred Mylne. She is not only one of the most beautiful, but with a length over all of 21.78 meters, also one of the longest 12mR yachts. Her first life ended on the bottom of Lake Pitt not far from Vancouver in Canada, during a storm 10 years ...

  15. 12 Metre Worlds

    2024 12MR WORLDS: Race Results, June 21. With today's results in; Kookaburra II (KA-12) — sailed by Patrizio Bertelli & Torben Grael continues to sail a perfect regatta in Group 1 with just 5 points over 6 races (w/ 1 throw-out). In Group 2, Northern Light (US-14) skippered by Magnus Holmberg is in the lead with 9pts, but closely chased by Jenetta (K-1) with 10 pts. and Nini Anker (N-15 ...

  16. Jenetta Blog

    JENETTA is another spectacular project at Robbe & Berking Classics. We are restoring the 3rd rule 12 Metre class yacht JENETTA, designed by Alfred Mylne, who was one of the most experienced 12 Metre designers in the world. She was built in Scotland at Bute Slip Dock, which was run by Mylne's brother, Charles. She was to be each man's swan….

  17. 12mR

    MARINA was the third 12mR yacht built for the legendary Sir William P. Burton, president of the Yacht Racing Union. She had an enviable racing record for the next four seasons, surviving gales on her delivery voyage from the yard in Bute to her debut on the South Coast in 1935. ... After the successful relaunch of the last 12mR design JENETTA ...

  18. Jenetta.2

    The 115 year-old International 12 Metre Class encompasses a living history of racing yacht design by the world's foremost naval architects including Olin Stephens, Clinton Crane, William Fife III, Philip Rhodes, Johan Anker, Ben Lexcen and more who pushed their designs to the very limits of innovation. ... Jenetta, K-1. Related. Now Posted ...

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    Motor yacht Timmerman 32m is an elegant, modern and comfortable motor yacht which has noble origin and rich history. Built in 2003 at Timmerman Yachts shipyard in Moscow she became the first «luxury»motor yacht made in Russia. The yacht project was developed by the designer Guido de Grotto and naval architect Yaron Ginton, Holland. Яхта has been used for hospitality and leisure purposes ...

  20. When the Soviet Union paid Pepsi in warships

    Related Articles Red Sea outlook Private yachts are still undertaking the Suez Canal - Red Sea passage Despite the problematic situation in the Red Sea for commercial vessels, private yachts are still undertaking the Suez Canal - Red Sea passage. Posted today at 11:18 am Your chance to sail on Vanderbilt's Historic 12mR Step aboard famed classic yacht VIM and race at Les Voiles de St Tropez ...

  21. World Championship -Race Day3 -and then there was silence

    HELSINKI, FI (August 21, 2021) - All nine of the Vintage 12mR fleet competing at the 2021 Evli 12mR World Championship returned to the race course this morning after an evening of cooperation between crews to repair damages sustained during Friday's heavy-weather sailing. A true testament to the durability of Vintage 12mR yachts and of the commitment shown by those who care for these ...

  22. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

  23. Flotilla Radisson Royal

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Cruises and excursions on Moscow River on river yachts and trams, official website. Cruises all year round, in summer and winter! > Purchase tickets online