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Yacht is a classic dice game, dating back from 1938. The game is the predecessor of Yahtzee and has a lot of similarities to the Latin-American Generala, the Scandinavian Yatzy and the English game of Poker Dice. In this game, you have got 6 dice and the goal is to throw as much special combinations as possible. A turn starts with the first throw. After this throw you can choose which dice you want to lock for your combination, and you can throw the other dice for a second time. From this throw you can again lock some dice and then you can make a final throw. After this throw you can choose which combination you get in the scorecard.

Try to go for the higher combinations first. If you don't have a good combination at the end of your turn, make sure to put it on the lower combinations as they are worth less points.

How to play:

Use you mouse/finger and follow the instructions on the screen.

About the creator:

Yacht was created by Codethislab. They are well known for all their classic games on Poki, like Uno Online, Foosball and Master Checkers.

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Also known as , , and, in another version commercially marketed, as .  This is closely related to a popular game from Puerto Rico called (or more properly ), which is a little more sophisticated.  Any number may play and it also makes for a good solo game, just go for your personal best.  You will need a score sheet and five dice.

/ Score Sheet 

/ 63+ scores 35 bonus          
Full house 25          
Low Straight          
High Straight 40          

Each player in turn tries to score the highest possible amount for each of the twelve categories on the score sheet.  In each turn a player has up to three throws rolling the dice, setting aside any they wish to use for a category and rolling the remainder.  They do not have to use all three throws and may stop after the first or second.  Players must fill in a score for a category after each turn but once it is used they may not change it.  Categories may be filled in any order.

After each player has had twelve turns and all the categories on the score sheet have been filled, the scores are totalled, and the player with the highest total, wins the game.

1 Ones   Score one point for each 1 thrown. Maximum of 5 points. 2 Twos   Score two points for each 2 thrown. Maximum of 10 points. 3 Threes   Score three points for each 3 thrown. Maximum of 15 points. 4 Fours   Score four points for each 4 thrown. Maximum of 20 points. 5 Fives   Score five points for each 5 thrown. Maximum of 25 points. 6 Sixes   Score six points for each 6 thrown. Maximum of 30 points. 7 Little Straight   1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Scores 30 points. 8 Big Straight   2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Scores 30 points. 9 Full House   Three-of-a-kind and a pair. Scores total value of all dice. 10 Four of a Kind   Scores total value of the four dice. i.e. 6, 6, 6, 6, 2 scores 24 points. 11 Chance   No pattern required. Scores total value of all five dice. 12 Yacht   Five-of-a-kind scores 50 points.

For example a turn might go something like this.  A player rolls all five dice resulting with the numbers 6, 6, 6, 3, 3.  They could score for a full house without any further throws.  But if the full house category is already used they would set aside the three 6s and roll the remaining two dice to try and gain a good score for the sixes category.  The remaining dice are rolled again and come up as a 4 and 6.  The 6 is kept making four-of-a-kind and the remaining die rolled as the last throw. It is a 6 as well making a Yacht (five-of-a-kind) and scores 50 points which ends a very lucky turn.  It is common for a player to enter zero for a category and players often use the 1s for this because it is low scoring.


Yahtzee is played as described above but the score sheet is divided into two sections.  1s through to 6s as the first section, and the remaining categories as the second.  At the end of a game you score a bonus of 35 if the 1s to 6s section totals 63 or more.  Additionally the definition of a big straight is any run of five consecutive dice values and a little straight any run of four consecutive dice values.  Players score 40 for a big straight not 30.

General is played as described above for Yacht but with the following differences.

There is only one straight scored in General and can be either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.  It scores 25 points if made with only one throw and only 20 points if made on the second or third.  For this category Aces (1s) are wild and may represent a 2 or a 6 if either or both are needed to make a straight.

The full house scores 35 points if made with one throw and 30 points if made on the second or third.

Four-of-a-kind scores 45 points if made with one throw and 40 points if made on the second or third.

The Yacht category is know as a general .  If it is made with one throw then it wins the game with no further play and is known as a big general .  If made on the second or third throw it scores 60 points and is known as a small general .

When played for stakes the winner receives the difference between his score and that of each of the other players at a pre-arranged sum for each point.

Double Cameroon is played in much the same way as Yacht but with ten dice.  At the end of a player's turn the dice are divided into two groups of five and are used to score two categories of the player's choice.  Five rounds are played for the ten categories, which are; categories 1 to 6 and a full house score the same as in Yacht .  Little Cameroon (a little straight) scores 21 points.  Big Cameroon (a big straight) scores 30 points.  Five-of-a-kind ( Yacht ) scores 50 points.

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Play Yacht, the Classic Dice Game Online

Play Yacht, the classic dice game also known as Yahtzee or Yatzy, with friends on Bloob.io. Roll, score, and win together!

How to Play Yacht Dice Game

The complete rules for the dice game yacht

Erik Arneson is a highly respected board game expert, sharing his 20 years of knowledge on gaming strategies. He's the author of the book, "17 Games You Can Play Right Now," has been a featured speaker at the American International Toy Fair, and is the former Vice President of the Strategy Gaming Society.

Yacht is the public domain dice game upon which the published games Yahtzee and Kismet are both based. Here's how to play.

The Basics of Yacht

1 or more players. Best with 2 to 5 players.

5 six-sided dice , along with pencil and paper to keep score.

To score more points than your opponents by rolling certain combinations of numbers.

Create a score sheet with 12 rows and a column for each player. Label the rows as follows:

  • Large Straight
  • Small Straight
  • Four of a Kind
  • Player's Choice


  • Yacht: Five of the same number (e.g. 4-4-4-4-4).
  • Large Straight: Five in a row starting with 6 (i.e. 6-5-4-3-2).
  • Small Straight: Five in a row starting with 5 (i.e. 5-4-3-2-1).
  • Four of a Kind: Four of the same number (e.g. 5-4-4-4-4).
  • Full House: Three of one number, two of a different number (e.g. 4-4-4-1-1).
  • Player's Choice: Any combination of dice.
  • Sixes: Only sixes count for scoring.
  • Fives: Only fives count for scoring.
  • Fours: Only fours count for scoring.
  • Threes: Only threes count for scoring.
  • Twos: Only twos count for scoring.
  • Ones: Only ones count for scoring.

How to Play

A turn starts with a player rolling all five dice. The player may then set aside any number of dice, rerolling the others, or he may stop rolling and proceed to scoring. It is legal for a player to reroll all five dice. It is also legal to reroll dice previously set aside.

On each turn, a player has a maximum of three rolls. After a third roll, the player must stop rolling and proceed to scoring.

Each player will have 12 turns during the game. After each turn, the player must enter a score in one of the rows on the score sheet.

Example: Ana rolls a 1-2-2-4-6. For her second roll, she decides to keep the 2s and reroll the other three dice. She rolls 4-4-6, so she now has 2-2-4-4-6. She has already scored a Full House, so for her third roll, she decides to keep the 4s and reroll the other three dice. She rolls 1-4-4 and now has 1-4-4-4-4. She decides to score for Four of a Kind.

It is likely that a player will make a roll that does not qualify to earn points in any of the remaining categories. In this case, the player must mark a "0" in one of the available categories.

Yacht Scoring and Values

  • Yacht: 50 points. (It does not matter what numbers are on the dice.)
  • Large Straight: 30 points.
  • Small Straight: 30 points.
  • Four of a Kind: Up to 30 points. (Add the point values on all five dice, so 4-4-4-4-1 would score 17 points. It is legal to use five of a kind for this category, so 6-6-6-6-6 would score 30 points.)
  • Full House: Up to 28 points. (Add the point values on all five dice, so 3-3-3-6-6 would score 21 points. To earn points for a full house, the three of a kind must be different than the pair.)
  • Player's Choice: Up to 30 points. (This serves as a "wild card." Simply add the point values on all five dice.)
  • Sixes: Up to 30 points. (Add the point values of all sixes rolled.)
  • Fives: Up to 25 points. (Add the point values of all fives rolled.)
  • Fours: Up to 20 points. (Add the point values of all fours rolled.)
  • Threes: Up to 15 points. (Add the point values of all threes rolled.)
  • Twos: Up to 10 points. (Add the point values of all twos rolled.)
  • Ones: Up to 5 points. (Add the point values of all ones rolled.)

Winning Yacht

After every player has scored in each category, the players each total their scores. The player with the highest score wins.

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Yacht – Rules and Regulations of the Dice Game

Yacht – Rules and Regulations of the Dice Game

  • gbateson99's Blog

In the vast ocean of dice games, Yacht stands out as one of the most captivating and strategic journeys. Yacht is a game that can either be played against the computer, or online against real-life players. Either way, this game is tons of fun to play!

In this blog, we’ll go over the basic rules on how to play Yacht, as well as some strategies to help out the newer players. Continue reading to learn some of the rules that you’ll have to know in order to succeed.

Rules of The Yacht Dice Game

It can be intimidating to start playing the Yacht. Players start out by rolling five dice, with a complicated scoring sheet right next to the table. This might seem like it's going to be hard to learn. However, when you break this board game down to its core components, you will see that it isn’t so difficult to learn how to play Yacht.

Yacht starts by rolling five different dice. After each roll, you will have the opportunity to decide which dice you would like to keep and which ones you would like to re-roll. After three rolls, you must pick which combination of dice to go with.

Every time that you finish rolling, you must select a new category to put your roll under. There are tons of different categories to select from at the beginning of the game. Categories include ones through sixes (where you sum the corresponding numbers), three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, small straight, large straight, yacht (five of a kind), and chance.

Categories are broken into 2 different areas – the top part of the sheet and the bottom part. The bottom part is all of the niche categories such as small straight, three-of-a-kind, and full house. The top part of the sheet is entirely made of the ones through sixes section. If you are able to get a cumulative score of 63 with those 6 categories in the top part, then players will get a bonus of 35 points on their sheet.

Final Round

After all 13 rounds of Yacht, it is time to total up your entire score. The player with the highest amount of points wins the dice game and is declared champion.Oftentimes this will only come down to 10 or 20 points. Remember, every round counts!

Common Strategies

When going toe to toe against opponents, it can be difficult to come out victorious when you’re just starting. Not to worry though, these small tips and tricks will help to give you a leg up on the competition.

The bonus is key

As we previously mentioned, if you are able to get 63 points total in the section of ones through sixes, you will receive a 35-point bonus. This is an absolutely crucial aspect of the game. You should always make sure to try and hit this point mark, especially the fours, fives, and sixes.

Don't waste your Chance

One of the categories of the Yacht Dice Game is Chance. The Chance category allows you to add up the total of all the dice in a given roll and score that total. It is a useful category that should only be used in emergencies. When the game is nearing the end, having a safety valve is huge.

Know when to take risks

As you near the end of the game, it will become obvious how far ahead or behind you are. This should inform your decisions on how risky you want to play. You may be willing to go for the 50-point Yacht if you are far ahead, or you can play it safe and try and get some easier points in a different category. Understanding how risky you can afford to be is a crucial part of learning how to play Yacht.

So now that you have learned the basics of how to play Yacht, make sure to go and try it for yourself. Whether you want to challenge an opponent from across the world, play against the computer, or sit down and face a friendy, it’ll be a fun and competitive time.

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is a dice game.
The objective of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations.
The dice can be rolled up to three times in a turn to try to make various scoring combinations and dice must remain in the box.
A game consists of thirteen rounds. After each round the player chooses which scoring category is to be used for that round.
Once a category has been used in the game, it cannot be used again.

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Yahtzee - Yacht Dice Game

Catch your luck in the online game Yahtzee (Yacht Dice Game)! Score points by rolling five dice to get the best combination. Learn the rules and strategy for scoring, then practice your skills with the computer whenever you want.

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Welcome to Yahtzee (Yacht Dice Game) online – play for free and without registration, on PC and smartphone. Controlling the computer mouse, roll five dice and try to get the most favorable amount. You can roll the dice three times (and save the right ones by clicking on them).

How to play Yahtzee online

Traditionally 2 to 6 players participate, the online opponent in this version will be a computer, represented by three players. During 12 rounds, the opponents take turns rolling 5 dice. After each roll, the player must choose which numerical values to keep and which to discard, depending on which scoring category he plans to use.

It is allowed to reroll all or some of the dice, no more than three times per turn. The winner in poker on the dice is the player who has an automatic victory for the combination “Yacht” or who finished the game with the highest score.

Yacht Dice Game combinations

By numerical coincidence (“sixes”, “fives”, “fours”, “threes”, “twos”, “ones”) – the player is allowed to add the same numbers of the chosen category. For example, a roll of the dice: 3-3-3-2-2-5 counts as 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 points in “threes”, 2 points in “twos” or 5 in “fives”.

As in card poker, the combination on the dice of five consecutive values is called “Straight” and brings 30 points. The difference is that here a “straight” is a set of any five non-matching digits.

  • Full house – 3 and 2 repeats, evaluated as the sum of all values.
  • Yacht – (all five dice have the same number on them) brings 50 points.
  • Kare is evaluated as the sum of four dice with the same value.
  • Choice – the sum of the numerical values is calculated.

After each throw, analyze which numerical values are advantageous for making poker combinations and should be left, and which are better to throw again. Because after every third throw it is mandatory to choose the scoring category.

The main advantage of playing Yacht Dice online is in the clarity and convenience. You can imagine how the real game looks like, understand the strategy and immediately start playing on your own.

So, your career as a virtual player in Yahtzee is at the very beginning. It’s time to get started! And if you liked this free online game Yacht Dice, we recommend you to play Mafia Poker on the site OllGames, also for free and with pleasure. We wish you good luck!

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Yacht - dice game

Yacht is a public domain dice game, similar to the Latin American game Generala , the English game of Poker Dice, the Scandinavian Yatzy , and Cheerio. Yahtzee (trademarked in the United States by Hasbro) is a later development, similar to Yacht in both name and content.

The name Yacht is also used for a number of later dice games that include many features of Yahtzee, being closer to Yahtzee than the original Yacht game.

The object of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. The dice can be rolled up to three times in a turn to try to make these combinations. A game consists of twelve rounds. After each round the player chooses which scoring category is to be used for that round. Once a category has been used in the game, it cannot be used again. The scoring categories have varying point values, some of which are fixed values and others where the score depends on the value of the dice. A Yacht is five-of-a-kind and scores 50 points; the highest of any category. The winner is the player who scores most points.

The following are the 12 categories and the points scored in those categories:

Category Description Score Example
Ones Any combination The sum of dice with the number 1
Twos Any combination The sum of dice with the number 2
Threes Any combination The sum of dice with the number 3
Fours Any combination The sum of dice with the number 4
Fives Any combination The sum of dice with the number 5
Sixes Any combination The sum of dice with the number 6
Full House Three of one number and
two of another
Sum of all dice
Four-Of-A-Kind At least four dice showing the same face Sum of those four dice
Little Straight 1-2-3-4-5 Varies
Often 30
Big Straight 2-3-4-5-6 Varies
Often 30
Choice Any combination Sum of all dice
Yacht All five dice showing the same face 50

If a category is chosen but the dice do not match the requirements of the category the player scores 0 in that category.

A Yacht cannot be scored on Full House but can be scored on Four of a Kind, although the fifth dice is not counted in the score. The score for the Straights vary, but 30 is a typical score for each.

The maximum possible score depends on the scoring rules used but with the above rules and both straights counting 30, the maximum score is 297.

Score sheet

Full House
Four of a kind
Little Straight
Big Straight

Comparison with Yahtzee

The rules of Yacht differ from those of Yahtzee in a number of ways:

  • It does not have an upper section bonus.
  • There is no three-of-a-kind category.
  • Both straights are a sequence of five ("Large Straight" is 2-3-4-5-6, "Small Straight" is 1-2-3-4-5).
  • There are no Yahtzee bonuses or Joker rule

There are a number of differences to the category names compared to Yahtzee. "Aces" is often called "Ones", "Small Straight" is called "Little Straight", "Large Straight" is called "Big Straight", "Yahtzee" is called "Yacht" and "Chance" is called "Choice". The order of the categories on the score sheet can also be different to that used on a Yahtzee score sheet. There is no "upper" or "lower" section scoring, just a "Total" row at the bottom of the score sheet.

Although there are no official rules for Yacht, the scoring of some categories generally differs from that used in Yahtzee. Four-of-a-kind scores the sum of those four dice, not all five dice. Full house scores the sum of the five dice, not a fixed score of 25. The scores for the straights can be different to that used in Yahtzee.

Yacht Dice Game

Yacht Dice Game

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three of a kind
four of a kind
full house
small straight
large straight
total score

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Play unlimited games of Yahtzee for free. With our game:

  • The score is automatically tracked for you.
  • You can play in full-screen mode.
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How to Play Yahtzee

The winner of the game is the player who scores most points. There are a total of 13 plays that each player gets before the game is over. During each play, the player tries to roll to get the highest score they can.

Available moves

  • Roll up to three times per play. Not all dice need to be rolled on each successive roll. Dice can be locked by being clicked on. Only the dice that are active will be rolled again.
  • After each roll, the tentative scores are visible on the board. At any time during your play, you can select the desired score from the board. That finishes your turn.
  • After you select your score, your. opponent now gets a chance to roll the dice and score
  • Scores in the upper box are based on the die number of the box multiplied by the number of times it appears in the roll. For example, if a roll consists of 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, the score for the Threes box will be 6, because you landed two 3s, which would total 6.
  • If the sum of all the upper boxes is 63 or greater, the player receives an additional bonus of 35. To get at or above 63, aim for 3 of a kind for each of the upper boxes.
  • Scores in the three or four of a kind box are the sum total of all the dice that have been rolled, assuming that there are three or four of the same dice in the roll. For example, if you roll a 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, your score will be 18 for a three of a kind
  • A full house consists of a pair and a three of a kind, and receives 25 points. For example, (4, 4, 4, 1, 1), (4, 1, 4, 1, 4), (1, 1, 4, 4, 4), (1, 4, 4, 4, 1), and (4, 1, 4, 4, 1).
  • A small straight is a sequence of 4 dice. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 2, 3, 4, 5. This is scored at 30 points.
  • A large straight is a sequence of 5 dice, and is scored at 40 points.
  • Chance is the sum total of all the dice and can be used when no other play seems good.
  • A Yahtzee is five of a kind. It's scored 50.
  • If a subsequent Yahtzee is received, then the player can go for a 'Double Yahtzee,' which is an additional 100 points. The player must then choose an additional score before continuing (details below).
  • If the roll generates no score for a given box, a zero will be displayed. Zeroes can be selected as a score.
  • After 13 rounds are up, the game is over. The scores are tallied up, and the winner is the player with the highest score. Good luck!

Double Yahtzee

If you roll a subsequent Yahtzee, you have the chance to receive a Double Yahtzee, which adds a hundred points to your score.

  • If you choose the Double Yahtzee, you'll also need to choose another score on the table. This ensures each player has the same number of available scoring boxes.
  • The scores you can choose from are based on the scores that are currently on the board. If the upper box for that number is available, you must choose that box (our system will choose it for you).
  • If that number is not available, you must choose a lower box score.
  • If no scores are available there, we let you choose a score from the upper box.
  • If no scores are available at all, then you must already be at the end of your turn, and we move on to the next player.

Learn more with our guide on how to play Yahtzee .

Aim for the upper boxes first; try to get three of a kind for each number, especially the highest numbers (5 and 6).

Try only going for Chance if it's either 25 points or above, or if you have no other good plays.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many dice are in yahtzee.

If you roll five dice at once, you'll get a Yahtzee. Chances are, if you're playing Yahtzee, you're wondering how to gain more points. If you throw a Yahtzee and have already scored 50 in the Yahtzee box, you'll get a bonus plus an extra 100 points. However, if you throw a Yahtzee, but your score in the Yahtzee box is zero, you get no points.

How many rolls are in Yahtzee?

Yahtzee is a dice game that involves a lot of luck, but you can also make strategic choices . You begin your turn by rolling five dice. Next, you may choose to re-roll any number of those dice, but not more than three times.

How do you increase your chances of rolling a Yahtzee every time?

In order to get a Yahtzee every time, try to get 63 points in the upper section early in the game. To maximize your score, it's important that you balance the scores between the upper and lower sections. To get a Yahtzee, leave your chance roll until late in the game when there are fewer options.

When was Yahtzee invented?

"The Yacht Game" was invented by a Canadian couple in 1954 who started out by playing with their friends while sailing on their yacht. Their friends got really attached to the game, and that's when the couple approached Edwin S. Lowe to see if he could produce sets that they could give to their friends as gifts. Lowe saw potential in the game, acquired the rights, and renamed it Yahtzee.

When was Yahtzee first played on a computer?

Yahtzee first came out on the computer in 1978 on the Apple II. While the computer supported color graphics, Apple's version of the game was black-and-white and text based . Its introduction to computers marked a major step forward for the game.

How do I keep track of my score?

In our game, we automatically keep track of the score for you, and help you determine the winner of the game. However, if you're playing in person, you can print our Yahtzee score card to tally up points.

Other Games

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  • Roll: Press roll or R key.
  • Lock: Click dice or press number keys.
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If you are looking for a game requiring little skill and a good deal of luck, then this may be the game for you. Yacht is a very simple game which uses nothing more than 5 dice, a cup to shake them in, and a score sheet. Despite its simplicity, the “high” of getting spectacular rolls of the dice is palpable. The skill of the game comes entirely in the form of decision making. The decisions one must make involve taking calculated risks, and knowing how to score your rolls.

Number of Players

As few as 2 and as many as you like.

5 six-sided dice (with optional dice cup), 1 specially prepared score sheet per player.

Download a score sheet. (If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download it for free here .)

Each player rolls to determine who plays first (high roll wins), and play proceeds to the left. A player starts their turn by first rolling all 5 dice. They are allowed up to 2 more rolls (for a maximum of 3 rolls per turn). Each time a player rolls, they may choose to hold (or set aside) as many of the dice as they wish, and re-roll the remaining dice in an attempt to achieve certain goals as outlined by the score sheet. At any time during a players turn, they may stop rolling and use what is showing on all 5 dice to fill in a spot on their score sheet.

Once a spot has been filled in on the score sheet, it can not be changed.

Score Sheet

Each player has their own individual sheet prepared with a series of categories divided into two sections (an “upper” and a “lower”). Each category represents a specific combination of dice, and should have a space next to it to fill in the score for that category. The categories are:

Upper Section

  • Upper Section Bonus (35 pts. If upper section total = 63 or higher)

Lower Section

  • 3 of a kind (total of all 5 dice)
  • 4 of a kind (total of all 5 dice)
  • Full house (25 points)
  • Small straight (30 points)
  • Large straight (40 points)
  • Yacht (50 pts.)
  • Chance (total of all 5 dice)
  • Bonus for additional Yachts (100 pts. per additional Yacht)

There should also be room at the bottom of the sheet to fill in the totals for both sections and add them together for a final total. At the end of a players turn, the player MUST write down a score next to one of the categories. The player may choose to fill in any category that has not been previously filled in (in either section), but their final combination of dice must meet the requirements for whatever category they select (other wise, they must fill in a 0 for that category).

For the upper section, each category simply represents the specific numbers rolled on the dice. To take a score in the upper section, merely write down the total of all numbers you rolled that correspond to the specific category. For example, if you roll three 1s, a 2, and a 4, you may total the 1s for a score of “3” in the 1s category (for the sake of argument, you could also take a score of “2” in 2s, or “9” in Three of a Kind, etc). The upper section bonus of 35 points is achieved if the combined total of all numbers scored in the upper section equal 63 points or more. A good thing to keep in mind when trying for this bonus is that scoring exactly 3 of each number (i.e. three 1s, three 2s, etc.), gives you exactly 63 points.

For the lower section, the roll requirements are more specific. For 3 of a kind, and 4 of a kind you must obviously have either 3 of one number or 4 of one number showing on the dice. If you have met this requirement, you may total ALL numbers on the dice and write the total in the appropriate category. For “chance,” there is no specific requirement to meet; you merely total all the dice. All other lower section categories have specific point values assigned to them. You may write down the point value for each of these categories upon achieving their roll requirements. Those requirements are:

  • Full house – dice show 3 of one number and 2 of another number (25 points)
  • Small straight – 4 of the 5 dice are in sequence (example: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6). (30 points)
  • Large straight – all 5 dice are in sequence (example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). (40 points)
  • Yacht – all 5 dice show the same number (50 points)

You will notice while playing, that certain rolls can be taken in a variety of categories (for example a roll of 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, can be scored as 4’s, 6’s, 3 of a kind, Full house, or Chance…or, you can take a “0” anywhere else). In these situations, it is up to you to decide where to write down a score. In the event that your final roll of the dice on your turn produces a roll that does not meet ANY requirements on the score sheet, then a score of “0” must be taken in the open category of your choosing.

Bonus Yachts

If you have already filled in the yacht category (with either 50 points or zero), and you roll a yacht…that yacht may be used as a “wildcard” anywhere else on the sheet (for example: it may be used as a full house, small straight, etc.). Also, if you have already scored 50 points in the yacht category, each additional yacht rolled is worth a bonus of 100 points (in addition to whatever the subsequent yachts are scored as).

When every category on every player’s score sheet has been filled in, the game is over. Each player then totals all of the values from each and every category on the sheet (remembering to include any bonuses). The player with the highest total score is the winner.


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This site was last updated 03/20/15

yacht game dice

"Battle for Moscow" is a game originally designed by Frank Chadwick in 1986 to introduce players to wargaming ( rules ). The graphics for this version are based on the 2009 reprint by Victory Point Games. All rights are reserved. For any question or feedback, please email [email protected] .

yacht game dice

Play with Tournament Rules

yacht game dice

No more redeployment needed

Go straight to movement phase

No more battle to announce

No more movement required

No more replacement needed

No more special movement needed

Here is a summary of the procedure of each game turn embedded in this implementation of Battle for Moscow. For more details on this and other base characteristics of the game, please consult the rules .

German Player Turn

  • German Replacement Phase : the Germans receive replacements (except during turn 1).
  • German (Special) Panzer Movement Phase : all German armor/panzer units may move.
  • German Combat Phase : all German units may attack.
  • German Movement Phase : all German units may move (including panzers that moved in Phase 2).

Russian Player Turn

  • Russian Replacement Phase : the Russians receive replacements (plus 1 reinforcement during turn 4).
  • Russian (Special) Rail Movement Phase : all Russian units that begin this Phase on a rail line may move along it.
  • Russian Combat Phase : all Russian units may attack.
  • Russian Movement Phase : all Russian units may move (including those that moved by rail in Phase 6).

... Add Battles

yacht game dice

When entering a combat phase, start clicking on defending units that you wish to attack.

For each of them, all available attacking units are highlighted and the corresponding battle odds are automatically calculated and displayed on the dashboard.

Click on the sign to add this battle to the list that will be resolved during the next step, and proceed to selecting the next battles of this turn if any.

... View Cities' Control

yacht game dice

Who's controlling cities at the end of the game is a key victory condition: the Germans win if they control Moscow at the end of Game Turn 7. The Russians win if they control Moscow and any one other city. Any other result (i.e., the Germans control every city but Moscow) is a draw.

Each city's control is with the army whose units were the last ones to have entered that city.

In order to assess which city is under which army's control at any point throughout the game, simply click on the turn information bar to open a summary and highlight the cities' current status on the map. Then, click again on the turn information to close the view.

yacht game dice

Yacht (Dice Game)

A dice game like Yahtzee. How high can you score?

Try to score the highest amount you can.

You can roll the dice up to three times (and can hold dice by clicking on them).

After any Roll (1, 2 or 3) choose a category to place the total. Choose Wisely! You must choose a category by the third roll, even if it is a 0 score.

1s 1 point for each 1 thrown
2s 2 points for each 2 thrown
3s 3 points for each 3 thrown
4s 4 points for each 4 thrown
5s 5 points for each 5 thrown
6s 6 points for each 6 thrown
Bonus If 1s to 6s total 63 or above, then 35 points
3 of a Kind 3 of the same number. Scores total value of those 3 dice.
4 of a Kind 4 of the same number. Scores total value of those 4 dice.
Full House A 3-of-a-kind and 2-of-a-kind. Scores 25 points
4 Straight 4 numbers in a row (any order). Scores 30 points
5 Straight 5 numbers in a row (any order). Scores 40 points
The Yacht 5 of a kind. Scores 50 points
Choice No pattern needed. Scores total value of all dice.

There are many games like this, such as Yot , Generala , Cheerio , and the much later commercially available Yahtzee (trademarked by Hasbro).

MOSCOW ATTACKED! Copyright 2002 Louis R. Coatney

My moscow attacked board wargame is copyrighted--not public domain--and free under the following conditions:, thanks for your interest in moscow attacked....:-).


  1. Yacht

    Yacht is a classic dice-rolling game that inspired the hit game Yahtzee by Milton Bradley. Play online against random opponents, create a game with your friends, or practice against the computer. In Yacht, you need to make specific combinations that score the most points possible at the end of three rolls. At the end of the game, whoever has ...

  2. Play Yacht Dice Game

    Rules. Try to score the highest amount you can. You can roll the dice up to three times (and can hold dice by clicking on them). After any Roll (1, 2 or 3) choose a category to place the total. Choose Wisely! You must choose a category by the third roll, even if it is a 0 score.

  3. Yacht (dice game)

    Yacht is played with five six-sided dice. Yacht [1] is a public domain dice game, similar to the Latin American game Generala, the English game of Poker Dice, the Scandinavian Yatzy, and Cheerio. [2] Yacht dates back to at least 1938, and is a contemporary of the similar three-dice game Crag. [1]

  4. YACHT

    Yacht is a classic dice game, dating back from 1938. The game is the predecessor of Yahtzee and has a lot of similarities to the Latin-American Generala, the Scandinavian Yatzy and the English game of Poker Dice. In this game, you have got 6 dice and the goal is to throw as much special combinations as possible. A turn starts with the first throw.

  5. Yacht Dice Game Rules

    10 Four of a Kind Scores total value of the four dice. i.e. 6, 6, 6, 6, 2 scores 24 points. 11 Chance No pattern required. Scores total value of all five dice. 12 Yacht Five-of-a-kind scores 50 points. For example a turn might go something like this. A player rolls all five dice resulting with the numbers 6, 6, 6, 3, 3.

  6. Yacht Game

    The yacht dice game can be played by one player but is more fun against at least one other player or against the computer. It is played using five six-sided dice and the goal is to score a higher total number of points than your opponents. You start your turn by rolling all the dice. You either bank a set of points (see below) or reroll as many ...

  7. Yacht Game Online

    Play Yacht, the classic dice game also known as Yahtzee or Yatzy, with friends on Bloob.io. Roll, score, and win together! You can join a (private) match by filling in the four-digit ID. You have received an official account warning. Multiple warnings will result in more severe punishments. English (US)

  8. How to Play Yacht Dice Game

    Best with 2 to 5 players. 5 six-sided dice, along with pencil and paper to keep score. To score more points than your opponents by rolling certain combinations of numbers. Create a score sheet with 12 rows and a column for each player. Label the rows as follows: Yacht: Five of the same number (e.g. 4-4-4-4-4).

  9. How to Play Yacht Dice Game

    After all 13 rounds of Yacht, it is time to total up your entire score. The player with the highest amount of points wins the dice game and is declared champion.Oftentimes this will only come down to 10 or 20 points. Remember, every round counts!

  10. Yacht Dice (Yahtzee) « Pozirk Games

    Yacht Dice (Yahtzee) is a dice game. The objective of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. The dice can be rolled up to three times in a turn to try to make various scoring combinations and dice must remain in the box. A game consists of thirteen rounds. After each round the player chooses which scoring ...

  11. Yahtzee play online, Yacht Dice Game combination rules

    Yacht Dice Game combinations. By numerical coincidence ("sixes", "fives", "fours", "threes", "twos", "ones") - the player is allowed to add the same numbers of the chosen category. For example, a roll of the dice: 3-3-3-2-2-5 counts as 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 points in "threes", 2 points in "twos" or 5 in "fives". As ...

  12. Yacht

    Yacht is a basic dice game where you roll 5 dice and try and get highest score over 12 rounds. You can have up to 3 rolls each per round. When you roll the dice you can hold / un-hold dice to try and get the best score. You have to try and create a category, there are multiple categories to choose from, from Ones, Twos, to a Yacht ( all dice ...

  13. How To Play Yacht

    This video is a quick, concise, how to play tutorial for Yach, This covers both the setup and all the rules Purchase Games On Amazon: https://amzn.to/3V4SQKe...

  14. Yacht

    Yacht - dice game. Yacht is a public domain dice game, similar to the Latin American game Generala, the English game of Poker Dice, the Scandinavian Yatzy, and Cheerio. Yahtzee (trademarked in the United States by Hasbro) is a later development, similar to Yacht in both name and content.. The name Yacht is also used for a number of later dice games that include many features of Yahtzee, being ...

  15. Yacht Dice Game ️ Play Now on GamePix

    313 votes. Yacht Dice Game is a simple dice-based puzzler for between one and four players. Each round of play sees each player roll three times. The rules are the same as dice poker. Score a straight of four or five sequential dice and earn big points. Score a 'Yacht' of five matching dice and earn even more!

  16. Yahtzee

    Yahtzee is a dice game that involves a lot of luck, but you can also make strategic choices. You begin your turn by rolling five dice. Next, you may choose to re-roll any number of those dice, but not more than three times. ... "The Yacht Game" was invented by a Canadian couple in 1954 who started out by playing with their friends while sailing ...

  17. Yacht Dice

    Latest features. Archipelago 2048 Yacht Dice event going right now! Yacht Dice is made by Spineraks. This site/game is based on Yacht Dice, a public domain dice game. All assets are custom made or free to use non-commercially. Huge thanks to SporyTike and Miawoo for all the skins! The music is AI generated by Suno, non-commercial use.

  18. Game Rules Guru

    Yacht is a very simple game which uses nothing more than 5 dice, a cup to shake them in, and a score sheet. Despite its simplicity, the "high" of getting spectacular rolls of the dice is palpable. The skill of the game comes entirely in the form of decision making. ... Yacht - all 5 dice show the same number (50 points)

  19. Game Rules Guru

    Yacht. If you are looking for a game requirement little skill and a good deal of luck, then this may be the game forward you. Yacht is a extremely simple game the uses nothing more than 5 dice, a cup to shake them in, and a score sheet. Despite its simplicity, the "high" of getting spectacular rolls of the dice is palpable.

  20. Objective Moscow

    Objective Moscow. Click here. Date published: 4/1/1978. Designed by: Joe Angiolillo. Developed by: Phil Kosnett. Data: A divisional-level simulation of invasions of the Soviet Union, projected 20 years into the 'future.' (The box date is '27 June 1998.') 1200 counters, four maps, and lots of excitement - including the Space Marines! Comments:

  21. Battle for Moscow

    "Battle for Moscow" is a game originally designed by Frank Chadwick in 1986 to introduce players to wargaming . The graphics for this version are based on the 2009 reprint by Victory Point Games. The graphics for this version are based on the 2009 reprint by Victory Point Games.

  22. Play Yacht Dice Game

    Yacht (Dice Game) A dice game like Yahtzee. How high can you score? Rules. Try to score the highest amount you can. You can roll the dice up to three times (and can hold dice by clicking on them). After any Roll (1, 2 or 3) choose a category to place the total. Choose Wisely! You must choose a category by the third roll, even if it is a 0 score.

  23. Lou Coatney's MOSCOW ATTACKED! Home Page

    Designer's comments: Design of the game, Advice on fighting the battle, Historical commentary, and Bibliography -- Under development-- rev. 9Jun02. Also: There is another free Battle of Moscow boardgame on the "www.Grognard.com" website. It is designed by the award winning designer, Frank Chadwick, and reflects his own interpretation of the battle.