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Das Bootshaus auf dem Main liegt von Anfang Mai bis Ende Oktober mit Blick auf die Skyline am Sachsenhauser Ufer vor Anker. Der Yachtklub bietet neben Partys am Wochenende, regelmäßigen Konzerten und einem breiten Kulturprogramm auch einen Platz in der Sonne, leckere Tapas und hausgebackenen Kuchen. Eine gemütlich bunte Oase inmitten des hektischen Frankfurts lädt zum Verweilen, Entspannen und Feiern ein!

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Yachtklub auf dem Main Auf Höhe „Deutschherrnufer 12, 60594 Frankfurt“.

Unterhalb der Deutschen Jugendherberge, Sachsenhäuser Ufer, an der Alten Brücke.

Ab Konstablerwache: Straßenbahn 18, Richtung Lokalbahnhof: Haltestelle „Frankensteiner Platz“.

Bus 30/36, Richtung Hainer Weg: Haltestelle „Schöne Aussicht“. Parkhaus „Walter-Kolb-Straße“.

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Frankfurter Motorbootclub e.V.

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Problemlos. Oberhalb Feuerwehrschiff.


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ADAC-Vergleichspreis* (€)10

Touristische Hinweise

Frankfurt ist nicht nur die Stadt der Banken mit glänzender Hochhauskulisse, sondern besitzt auch einen historischen Kern. Der Römerberg im Herzen der Stadt ist der einstige Hauptmarkt und die „Gud Stubb“ Frankfurts, er ist gesäumt von Dom, Alter Nikolaikirche und dem so genannten „Römer“. Unter Letzterem versteht man ein aus drei ursprünglich gotischen Steinhäusern bestehendes Ensemble mit dem berühmten, viel fotografierten Treppenstaffelgiebel. Es wurde seit dem 15. Jh. als Rathaus genutzt und nach seiner Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg originalgetreu wieder aufgebaut. Das moderne Frankfurt kann man auf der Shopping-Meile „Zeil“ erleben. In der Zeilgalerie „Les Facettes“ mit ihren gläsernen Aufzügen und einem lichtdurchflutetem Innenhof konkurrieren 70 Geschäfte um die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden. Vom Obergeschoss hat man einen freien Blick auf die Banken-City.


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  • Frankfurt, Hesse /
  • Yachtklub, Sachsenhäuser Ufer


Yachtklub is pretty near Icon Museum . You will be offered good frankfurter and perfectly cooked tapas . Many visitors say that the staff is competent here. Cool service is something that guests highlight in their reviews. When you enter this place, you feel the quiet atmosphere. This bar is rated on Google 4.4 by its clients.

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Marina in Hessen

Vergleichspreis, bootsbreite.

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Tanken benzin, tanken diesel, tanken gas (lpg).

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allgemeine Werkstatt

Motorenwerkstatt, segelmacher, nautik shop, reinigung unterwasserschiff, servicearbeiten rumpf, altölentsorgung.

  • am Fluss/Kanal


  • Rechtes Ufer (0)
  • Linkes Ufer (0)


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Parkplatz Trailer

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Motorbootschule, touristen information, fahrradverleih, motorradverleih, autoverleih, füllung taucherflaschen, lagerfeuerplatz, swimmingpool.

Charter Angebot

  • Charter Motorboote
  • Charter Hausboote
  • Charter Segelboote


Technische ausstattung, ansteuerung, freundlichkeit, preis-leistungs-verhältnis, alle suchfilter, hessen wo suchen wo suchen länder, bundesländer, regionen, orte, plz..., aktive filter:, 16 marinas in hessen gefunden (von 1594).

  • Hessen Nord 13
  • Hessen Süd 34

Standard Sortierung erklärt

Die Sortierung erfolgt nach der Anzahl von Punkten , die ein Marina-Eintrag gesammelt hat (0 bis 400 Punkte).

Punkte erhält ein Eintrag für Vollständigkeit (ausgefüllte Eigenschaften und Bilder), Bewertungen und Premium .

In Kombination mit der Freitextsuche zeigen wir vorrangig zum Suchbegriff passende Marinas.

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Yachthafen - Hessen - Ig- Steggemeinschaft GbR Lampertheim seit 1984

Ig- Steggemeinschaft GbR Lampertheim seit 1984

68623 Lampertheim, Hessen, Deutschland

zu Favoritenliste hinzugefügt

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Yachthafen - Hessen - Frankfurter Motorbootclub

Frankfurter Motorbootclub

60528 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Bootsclub Limburg

Bootsclub Limburg

65594 Runkel, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - (c): http://www.bootshaus-haupt.de - Yachthafen Bootshaus Haupt

Yachthafen Bootshaus Haupt

65462 Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Bildquelle: www.hbc-hanau.de - Hanauer Boots-Club e.V.

Hanauer Boots-Club e.V.

63456 Hanau, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Yachtclub Darmstadt e.V.

Yachtclub Darmstadt e.V.

64560 Riedstadt / Erfelden, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Quelle: www.ycu-raunheim.de - Yachtclub Untermain e.V. im ADAC

Yachtclub Untermain e.V. im ADAC

65479 Raunheim, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Sonnenuntergang im Yachthafen Dreiländereck Lauenförde  - Yachthafen Dreiländereck Lauenförde

Yachthafen Dreiländereck Lauenförde

37697 Lauenförde

Yachthafen - Hessen - Homepage www.wsck.de - Wasser Sport Club Kaiserlei

Wasser Sport Club Kaiserlei

60314 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Quelle: http://www.wsv-lorch.de - Wassersportverein Lorch

Wassersportverein Lorch

65391 Lorch, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Bildquelle: www.rued-yc.de - Rüdesheimer Yacht-Club

Rüdesheimer Yacht-Club

65385 Rüdesheim, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Boote Sohlbach

Boote Sohlbach

65203 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Deutschland

Yachthafen - Hessen - Das Bootshaus - Wiesbadener Yachtclub

Wiesbadener Yachtclub

65201 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Deutschland

Marina auf Satellitenbild

Wassersportverein Bergstraße

Marina auf Satellitenbild

Motorboot-Club Mittelrhein Wiesbaden

Marina auf Satellitenbild

Bootshafen-Mainkur Maintal

63477 Maintal, Hessen, Deutschland

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NAMMERT - Der Bootsversicherer

Interessante Marinas

Hier werden Premium Marinas angezeigt.

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Yachthafen: Gesamtbereich Marina Lepanto - Marina Lepanto

Regionen und Orte mit Marinas in Hessen

  • Yachthafen in Hessen Süd 34
  • Yachthafen in Hessen Nord 13
  • Yachthafen in Wiesbaden 3
  • Yachthafen in Frankfurt am Main 2
  • Yachthafen in Lampertheim 2
  • Yachthafen in Lorch (Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis) 1
  • Yachthafen in Hanau (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) 1
  • Yachthafen in Maintal 1
  • Yachthafen in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg 1
  • Yachthafen in Raunheim 1
  • Yachthafen in Oestrich-Winkel 1
  • Yachthafen in Runkel 1

Weitere beliebte Marina Eigenschaften in Hessen

  • alle Marinas mit am Fluss/Kanal in Hessen 13
  • alle Marinas mit Frischwasseranschluss in Hessen 11
  • alle Marinas mit Stromanschluss in Hessen 10
  • alle Marinas mit Toiletten in Hessen 10
  • alle Marinas mit Duschen in Hessen 8
  • alle Marinas mit Hunde erlaubt in Hessen 7
  • alle Marinas mit Trockenliegeplätze in Hessen 7
  • alle Marinas mit Abwasseranschluss in Hessen 5
  • alle Marinas mit Slipanlage in Hessen 5
  • alle Marinas mit W-LAN in Hessen 4
  • alle Marinas mit Bewacht in Hessen 3
  • alle Marinas mit Waschmaschine in Hessen 2
  • alle Marinas mit Wäschetrockner in Hessen 2
  • alle Marinas mit Nähe Stadt in Hessen 2
  • alle Marinas mit Tanken Gas (LPG) in Hessen 1
  • alle Marinas mit Badestrand in Hessen 1

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yachthafen frankfurt


Seit 2016 haben wir bis heute unzählige Kunden mit einer schönen Zeit und besonderen Momenten an Bord  unserer außergewöhnlichen Motorboote und der italienischen Motoryacht begeistert und möchten auch Dich mit unserem Service überzeugen.  Mit dem führerscheinfreien Elektroboot ermöglichen wir euch einfach und unkompliziert auf dem Main ein Boot selbst zu fahren. 

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Rent a boat in Frankfurt

  • Océans Evasion
  • Rent a boat in Germany

Charter Motorboat Venezia Gondel Frankfurt

Motorboat - 11.00m — Venezia - Gondel  (2014)

From €869 per day.

Charter Motorboat ItalianFlairBoating Tenderboot Frankfurt

Motorboat - 8.00m — ItalianFlairBoating - Tenderboot  (2020)

Charter Boat without licence  FISH 380 Frankfurt

Boat without licence - 3.80m — FISH - 380  (2020)

From €195 per day.

Charter Motorboat Campion 705I SC Frankfurt

Motorboat - 7.95m — Campion - 705I SC  (2010)

From €245 per day.

Charter Motorboat Itama Forty Frankfurt

Motorboat - 13.40m — Itama - Forty  (2009)

Charter Motor yacht Maxum 32 (inkl. Sprit und Skipper) Gernsheim

Motor yacht - 11.00m — Maxum - 32 (inkl. Sprit und Skipper)  (1996)

From €1,800 per day.

Charter Motorboat Silver Shark 580 BR Wiesbaden

Motorboat - 6.50m — Silver Shark - 580 BR  (2015)

From €330 per day.

Charter Motorboat Silver Wolf 510 BR Wiesbaden

Motorboat - 6.60m — Silver Wolf - 510 BR  (2015)

From €290 per day.

Charter Motorboat Bavaria Bavaria 32 Sport Wiesbaden

Motorboat - 10.00m — Bavaria - Bavaria 32 Sport  (2006)

From €950 per day.

Charter Motorboat Barracuda 545 Open Wiesbaden

Motorboat - 5.45m — Barracuda - 545 Open  (2019)

From €421 per day.

Charter Motorboat Monterey Montura 196 Mainz

Motorboat - 5.90m — Monterey - Montura 196  (1997)

From €340 per day.

Charter Motorboat QuickSilver 505 Mannheim

Motorboat - 5.00m — QuickSilver - 505  (2013)

From €450 per day.

Charter Houseboat Linssen Yachts Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero Lahnstein

Houseboat - 10.70m — Linssen Yachts - Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero  (2019)

Charter Houseboat Modell Jetten 38 AC Lahnstein

Houseboat - 11.60m — Modell - Jetten 38 AC  (2017)

Charter Motor yacht Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC Lahnstein

Motor yacht - 12.85m — Linssen - Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC  (2013)

From €570 per day.

Charter Houseboat Modell Vacance 1200 Lahnstein

Houseboat - 12.00m — Modell - Vacance 1200  (1997)

Charter Houseboat Modell Vacance 1100 Lahnstein

Houseboat - 11.00m — Modell - Vacance 1100  (1997)

Charter Houseboat Modell Jetten 41 AC Lahnstein

Houseboat - 12.50m — Modell - Jetten 41 AC  (2014)

Frequently asked questions about frankfurt, what is the average daily rate for renting a boat in frankfurt.

In Frankfurt, expect to pay around €509 per day to rent a boat. Prices can vary from €71 to €3,159 depending on the season, boat age, and included equipment.

What is the daily rate for chartering a skipper in Frankfurt?

Skipper costs can vary depending on the boat owner and your chosen destination. In Frankfurt, expect to pay an average of €110 per day for skipper services.

What does the rental price of a boat in Frankfurt include?

The cost of renting a boat in Frankfurt usually includes amenities like Cockpit speakers, Bimini, Cockpit table, and others.

What is the maximum number of people allowed on a boat in Frankfurt?

Boats in Frankfurt can accommodate up to 24 people. If you rent a boat with a skipper, they are included in the total number of people.

Is fuel included in the daily rental rate for boats in Frankfurt?

The majority of boat rentals do not include fuel. However, in Frankfurt, fuel is included in the price for 6 boats.

Rent a boat near Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, privately owned yachts are available to rent. See other yachts in the area.

Rent a boat in Frankfurt with or without a licence

  • Yacht charter
  • Rent a boat in Germany

Charter Motorboat ItalianFlairBoating Tenderboot Frankfurt

Tenderboot Tour  (2020)

Charter Motorboat Itama Forty Frankfurt

Yacht Tour in Frankfurt  (2009)

Charter Boat without licence  FISH 380 Frankfurt

Tenderboot mit E-Motor führerscheinfrei  (2020)

From €195 per day.

Charter Motorboat Campion 705I SC Frankfurt

two Hours evasion on the mian River  (2010)

From €245 per day.

Charter Motorboat Venezia Gondel Frankfurt

Venezianische Gondel  (2014)

From €869 per day.

Charter Motor yacht Maxum 32 (inkl. Sprit und Skipper) Gernsheim

Motor yacht Maxum 32 (inkl. Sprit und Skipper) 520hp  (1996)

From €1,800 per day.

Charter Motorboat Silver Shark 580 BR Wiesbaden

Motorboat Silver Shark 580 BR 100hp  (2015)

From €330 per day.

Charter Motorboat Silver Wolf 510 BR Wiesbaden

Motorboat Silver Wolf 510 BR 60hp  (2015)

From €290 per day.

Charter Motorboat Bavaria Bavaria 32 Sport Wiesbaden

Motorboat Bavaria Bavaria 32 Sport 450hp  (2006)

From €950 per day.

Charter Motorboat Barracuda 545 Open Wiesbaden

Motorboat Barracuda 545 Open 90hp  (2019)

From €421 per day.

Charter Motorboat Monterey Montura 196 Mainz

Monterey Montura 196 incl. Wakeboard Tower  (1997)

From €340 per day.

Charter Motorboat QuickSilver 505 Mannheim

Motorboat QuickSilver 505 60hp  (2013)

From €450 per day.

Charter Houseboat Linssen Yachts Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero Lahnstein

Inka - Grand Sturdy 35.0 AC Intero  (2019)

Charter Houseboat Modell Jetten 38 AC Lahnstein

Tamara - Jetten 38 AC  (2017)

Charter Motor yacht Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC Lahnstein

Motor yacht Linssen Grand Sturdy 40.9 AC 110hp  (2013)

From €570 per day.

Charter Houseboat Modell Vacance 1200 Lahnstein

Julia - Vacance 1200  (1997)

Charter Houseboat Modell Vacance 1100 Lahnstein

Lolita - Vacance 1100  (1997)

Charter Houseboat Modell Jetten 41 AC Lahnstein

Benita - Jetten 41 AC  (2014)

Rent a boat frankfurt - sail the main.

Renting a boat in Frankfurt offers a special opportunity to discover the city from the Main. You can experience the impressive skyline, historic sites and vibrant culture from the water. Whether for a leisurely cruise, a private boat tour or a sailing experience, there are a variety of options for every occasion, such as family trips or celebrations. Renting a boat in Frankfurt offers a unique perspective of Frankfurt and is an unforgettable experience.

Find the ideal boat for your next vacation

Choosing the right boat for rent in Frankfurt depends on your wishes and the size of the group. Alone or as a couple, a small sailing or rowing boat could be suitable for a romantic trip. For families or larger groups, motorized boats or pontoon boats with more space are ideal. A fast motorboat is recommended for water sports, while sailing boats or yachts are suitable for relaxed excursions or luxurious celebrations on the Main. Find out about possible regulations and the weather to enjoy your boat trip in Frankfurt.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Frankfurt?

The cost of renting a boat in Frankfurt can vary depending on the type of boat, rental period and season. Renting a small motorboat for a day can start from around €100. Larger motorized boats or sailboats for half or full day could cost between 100 and several hundred euros. More luxurious options such as yachts or catamarans for special occasions can be significantly more expensive, with prices that can run into the thousands depending on the amenities provided and the length of the rental.

What can you see by boat in Frankfurt?

With a boat on the Main in Frankfurt you can enjoy a number of must-see destinations and impressive views:

These and many other sights make a boat tour in Frankfurt an unforgettable experience that offers a unique insight into the history, culture and architecture of the city.

What you should know about the Main

The Main is around 524 kilometers long and flows into the Rhine. The river rises in the Fichtelgebirge in Bavaria and then flows northwest. It flows through the federal states of Bavaria, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. There are numerous routes on the Main that you can explore by boat, including many in Frankfurt. As an important waterway for shipping traffic, coal, lime, gravel and other goods are transported there. You can optimally explore the Main with a motorboat, a houseboat or a yacht.

When is the best time of year for a boat charter in Frankfurt?

The best season for a boat charter in Frankfurt is usually from spring to early summer (May to June) and early fall (September to October). During these months the temperatures are pleasantly warm and the risk of rain is lower, providing ideal conditions for boating on the Main. In addition, the landscape is particularly attractive in spring and autumn, as nature comes to life and shows itself in bright colors. While summer offers the warmest temperatures, it can also be very hot and attracts the most tourists, which can lead to higher prices and more activity on the water.

Rent a boat in Frankfurt, with or without a skipper?

Whether you should rent a boat in Frankfurt with or without a skipper depends on several factors, including your boating experience, your familiarity with the waters of the Main and the type of boating experience you are looking for .

If you have sufficient boating experience and know your way around the Main, renting a boat without a skipper offers the freedom to determine the route yourself and steer the boat at your own pace. This can be particularly appealing if you're planning an intimate trip with family or friends and value the flexibility to decide when and where to stop.

For those who feel less confident on the water or do not know the local area well, the option to rent a skippered boat is an excellent choice. A skipper not only brings the necessary experience and knowledge of navigating the Main, but can also give you interesting insights into the sights along the bank and navigate to the best places to take a break or enjoy the view. In addition, you don't have to worry about controlling the boat, so you can concentrate fully on the experiences and the beauty of the surroundings.

< /p>

Frequently Asked Questions about Frankfurt

How much does it cost to rent a boat in frankfurt for a day.

The average cost of renting a boat in Frankfurt is around €499 per day. Various factors can influence the cost of a boat charter, such as the season, the year the boat was built, and the equipment. The prices can vary between €64 and €2,999 per day.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Frankfurt?

The price of a skipper varies depending on the destination and the owner of the boat. In Frankfurt, you can expect to pay an average of €100 per day for a skipper.

How many cabins does a boat have in Frankfurt?

Boats in Frankfurt have an average of 2 cabins. If you travel with a large group, you can book boats with up to 3 cabins.

How many people can sleep on a boat in Frankfurt?

A boat in Frankfurt has on average 2 berths. You can find boats with up to 4 berths.

What is the average length of a boat in Frankfurt?

The average length of a boat in Frankfurt is 9 meters.

Good to know

Number of boats:20 boats available
Types of boats:Motorboat, Houseboat, RIB
Average price: €499 per day
Minimum price: €64 per day
Maximum price: €2,999 per day
Manufacturers:Jeanneau, Hanse, and more

Charter a boat near Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » Germany » 25 Best Things to Do in Frankfurt (Germany)

25 Best Things to Do in Frankfurt (Germany)

Germany’s big financial centre is a city of many sides. The central business district, Bankenviertel, captures your attention right away and has all ten of the tallest skyscrapers in the country. Opposite that sci-fi cityscape is the Museumsufer, an entire neighbourhood of museums that could keep you fascinated and entertained for days.

Frankfurt also has a city centre bursting with sights like the church that held Germany’s first democratic parliament, and the childhood home of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Under the gaze of those skyscrapers are fun-loving neighbourhoods like Sachsenhausen, where taverns serve traditional Apfelwein and there’s always something going on at night.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Frankfurt :

1. Museumsufer


Grouped together on both sides of the River Main is a cluster of 12 museums in an area known as the Museumsufer (Museum Embankment). Most are on the left bank (south side). There are museums for film, art, architecture, communication and ethnography, to name a handful, and we’ll deal with many of them in more detail later.

The Museumsufer is a recent idea, having been developed in the 1980s and 1990s.

Some museums moved into patrician houses while others had eye-catching venues built for them by eminent architects like O.M. Ungers and Richard Meier.

On the last weekend of August the Museumsiferfest happens on the embankment, bringing later opening hours, multi-passes, outdoor music and dance performances, and a two-day dragon boat regatta on the Main.

2. Städel Museum

Städel Museum

One of Germany’s top cultural attractions, the Städel Museum has recently been named German Museum of the Year following an extension for contemporary art in 2012. The museum was founded in 1815 when the banker Johann Friedrich Städel donated an invaluable collection of old masters to the city.

The current museum building was designed in a palatial Gründerzeit style in 1878 and within there’s a marvellous array of painting from the 1300s to the present.

Think Botticelli, Rembrandt, Hieronymus Bosch, Vermeer and van Eyck.

For later movements like Romanticism, Impressionism and Expressionism you’ll find paintings by Caspar David Friedrich, Degas and Kirchner.

Included in : Frankfurt Card

3. Main Tower

Main Tower Frankfurt

In Frankfurt’s ever-growing forest of skyscrapers there’s still only one tower with a public viewing platform.

The 200-metre Main Tower opened in the year 2000 and is the fourth-tallest building in the city, which also makes it the fourth-tallest in Germany.

And being on the east side of the Bankenviertel there’s a clean view from the top over the Altstadt and the Main.

On Fridays and Saturdays the observation deck is open a little later (until 21:00 in winter and 23:00 in summer), so you come up in the evening to see Frankfurt in lights.

The tower was designed by Schweger und Meyer, and in the foyer are two pieces of modern art: A video installation by Bill Viola and a mosaic on the wall by Stephan Huber.

4. Goethe House and Museum

Goethe House and Museum

The German polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born at the fine corbelled house on 23 Großer Hirschgraben in 1749. It’s a medieval dwelling that had been updated with a Rococo facade and interior just before Goethe’s parents moved in.

Goethe lived here until the age of 16 and returned for long spells in between stints studying in Leipzig and Strasbourg.

In that time he wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther, and after being damaged in the war the house has been restored to how it would have looked when Goethe lived here.

The interior is furnished with contemporary artefacts like an astronomical clock that he admired and belonged to a family friend.

Attached to the house is a museum of Romantic art, appropriate for the youthful Goethe’s “Sturm und Drang” period.

5. Frankfurt Cathedral

Frankfurt Cathedral

When Germany was united in the 19th century, Frankfurt Cathedral took on special meaning because of its historical importance in the days of the Holy Roman Empire.

The cathedral was begun in the 1300s and 1400s in the Gothic style, and has been faithfully rebuilt twice: Once after a fire in 1867 and then in the 1950s after the war.

This former collegiate church was awarded the title of “cathedral” in 1562 when it started hosting the coronation ceremonies for the Holy Roman Kings.

Ten kings were crowned at this very place from 1562 to 1792, and even before then the imperial elections were held in the church from 1356. Look out for the 14th-century choir stalls, the Baroque Assumption Altar and the 15th-century fresco of the life of Mary in the southern transept.

6. Römerberg


The quaintest square in the city is walled by photogenic medieval houses, a church and historic administrative buildings.

The one that will grab your attention is the Römer, the middle of a group of three gabled buildings housing Frankfurt’s city hall since 1405. The neighbouring “Goldener Schwan” building was also annexed, as the council decided to move into houses that were already standing instead of constructing one from scratch.

In front is the Renaissance Fountain of Justice, dating to 1543, and on the opposite side of the square stands the 15th-century Old St Nicholas Church, which is incredibly came through the war without major damage.

Most of the handsome half-timbered houses to the east and west have bar and restaurant terraces on their ground floors for an Apfelwein and pretzel.

Related tour : Old Town Wonders Exploration Game and Tour

7. Palmengarten

Palmengarten, Frankfurt

Opened in 1871, Frankfurt’s botanical garden sweeps across 22 hectares, where plant species from all parts of the globe are displayed in greenhouses or the open-air.

The specimens are organised according to their region: One glass pavilion contains a sub-Arctic landscape, while there’s a tropicarium for rainforest and two separate structures for the desert environment.

Some of these are from the 1980s while others go back to the 19th century and were restored after the park was returned to the city’s hands in the 1960s.

There are exhibitions and performances in the historic Festsaal, while Jazz im Palmengarten is the world’s oldest open-air jazz festival, going back to 1959.

8. Eiserner Steg

Eiserner Steg, Frankfurt

Spanning the River Main between the centre of the city and the Sachsenhausen area, Frankfurt’s iron footbridge has had an eventful 150 years since it was completed in 1869. It has been rebuilt twice, the first time in 1912 when the Main was made navigable to larger boats, and again after the Nazis blew it up in the last days of the Second World War.

There’s an elegance in the bridge’s metal frame, and the best time to cross is late in the day when the low sun illuminates the high-rise towers in the Bankenviertel.

The Eiserner Steg has also been taken over by the fashion for love locks, which are fastened to every available surface.


On both banks of the Main there’s a band of parkland at the waterfront, planted with lawns, flowerbeds and pollarded trees.

On sunny days in summer you’ll pass families taking picnics, while in the evenings offices there are large crowds relaxing and chatting over beers.

The best photographs can be taken from the left bank just east of the Museumufer, where the skyscrapers rear up on the opposite bank.

Be sure to come by when the sun’s going down or at night when the Bankenviertel is lit up.

Related tour : Hop-on Hop-off Day Skyline or Express City Tour

10. St Paul’s Church

St Paul's Church

On Paulsplatz, St Paul’s Church is a building of great significance, not just for Frankfurt but Germany as a nation.

It began as a Lutheran church in 1789 and was designed with a circular plan according to the protestant principles of the time, ensuring that every member of the congregation could hear the sermon.

In 1848 that round format made St Paul’s the ideal seat for the first democratically elected parliament in Germany.

And in turn, this would form the basis for German constitution.

Parliament meetings only lasted for a year before religious services returned, but the church’s place in history was sealed as a symbol of freedom and the birthplace of German democracy.

Included in : Frankfurt: 3-Hour Bike Tour

11. Senckenberg Natural History Museum

Senckenberg Natural History Museum

If you have a child currently going through his or her dinosaur phase, Germany’s second largest natural history museum needs to be on the agenda.

There are anatomically up-to-date, life-sized models of dinosaurs welcoming you at the entrance, and inside are fossils of a triceratops, iguanodon, t-rex, diplodocus, parasaurolophus and a psittacosaurus.

There’s much more to see apart from dinosaurs, like an enormous catalogue of animal specimens that includes a quagga, a species of zebra extinct since the 1880s.

You can also view a cast of Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old skeleton of an australopithecus afarensis a close ancestor to modern humans.

12. Old Sachsenhausen

Old Sachsenhausen

For hundreds of years the district of Sachsenhausen was a village distinct from the rest of Frankfurt, but still granted the protection of the city’s enormous ring of walls.

The fertile left bank of the Main was given over to farming.

And when the climate became a little cooler in the Little Ice Age, apple orchards replaced vineyards, and from the 18th century the bars in the quarter started serving cider (Aplfelwein). One of the perennial must-dos in the Frankfurt is to cross the Eisener Steg for a jaunt around the cobblestone streets in Sachsenhausen.

Pop into an Apfelweinkneipe for a glass of cider and a plate of green sauce (we’ll explain later!), in a neighbourhood that buzzes with party-goers on weekend evenings.

13. Hauptwache

Hauptwache, Frankfurt

At Frankfurt’s geographical centre and a busy transport hub, Hauptwache is as good a place as any to sample daily life in Frankfurt.

The plaza is at the western end of the Zeil, Frankfurt’s long pedestrianised shopping street, brimming with high street chains and big German department stores like Karstadt.

At the heart of the Hauptwache is the structure that gave the square its name.

The Baroque Hauptwache building dates to 1730 and was a barracks for the city’s Stadtwehr militia, at a time when Frankfurt was a free city-state.

Since those days it has been a prison and a police station, and now houses a much-loved cafe.

14. Schirn Kunsthalle

Schirn Kunsthalle

If you know you’ve got a trip to Frankfurt coming up, one of the first things to do is check what’s on at the Schirn Kunsthalle.

Designed in the 1980s, the hall is the main venue for temporary art exhibitions in Frankfurt, and the standard is superb.

The Kunsthalle is in an international network and collaborates with the Pompidou Centre, the Guggenheim Museum, New York’s MoMa, Moscow’s Hermitage and Britain’s Tate Gallery.

There have been celebrated retrospectives for Munch, Giacometti, Frida Kahlo and Marc Chagall, as well as more specific exhibitions on anything from Matisse’s collages to the art of Paris during the Belle Époque.

15. Berger Straße

Berger Straße

While Zeil is all about chain stores and malls, Berger Straße has a bit more character.

The street begins by Bethmannpark on the east side of the Innenstadt and heads northeast for almost three kilometres into the Bornheim neighbourhood.

The lower part of the street, closest to Frankfurt’s centre, is full of family-owned shops and stylish, one-of-a-kind boutiques, all a world away from the Bankenviertel.

In between the shops are independent restaurants and quirky bars, at possibly the best neighbourhood in Frankfurt for nightlife.

16. Deutsches Filmmuseum

Deutsches Filmmuseum

The German Film Museum approaches its subject from a few different angles.

The exhibitions handle broad topics like the technological origins and development of cinema, tracing its invention in 1895 through the advent of sound in the 1930s into the 21st century.

For budding moviemakers, the museum also breaks down exactly how a director is able to tell a story in this medium.

There are regular in-depth exhibitions on important figures from film history; Kubrick, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Romy Schneider have all featured.

And finally, there’s a cinema screening artistically significant films and classics.

Silent movies are accompanied by a live performance on a Wurlitzer pipe organ.

17. Frankfurt Zoo

Frankfurt Zoo Entrance

Germany’s second oldest zoo dates to 1858 and is open 365 days a year.

The location is 11 hectares of landscaped parkland to the east of the Innenstadt.

It’s all an environment for 4,500 animals from more than 500 different species.

Like the best zoos, the attraction is constantly improving, adding “Ukumari-Land” a great new space for its Andean spectacled bears, looking like a real canyon.

The zoo also has preservation at a guiding principle and participates in breeding programmes for seven species.

When you come make sure to plan your day around the various feeding times, which bring you closer to crocodiles, penguins and seals.

18. Liebieghaus

Liebieghaus, Frankfurt

On the riverfront in the Museumsufer, the Liebieghaus is a sumptuous 19th-century villa containing a sculpture museum.

The Liebieghaus was commissioned by the textile magnate Baron Von Libieg as a retirement home in the 1890s.

Not long after he died the building was acquired by the city and turned into a museum.

It now holds the sculpture collection for Frankfurt’s Städtische Galerie, which was hand-picked at the start of the 20th century to provide an overview of more than 5,000 years of sculpture.

The exhibits are a delightful mixture, jumping from Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, to the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical styles.

There are calvaries, an Ancient Greek discus-thrower, Romanesque heads, a marble statue of Athena and fragments from Gothic tombs.

19. Grüneburgpark

Grüneburgpark, Frankfurt

Between the Goethe University and the Palmengarten is one of Frankfurt’s favourite spots to meet up, hang out and relax.

When the weather’s good the Grüneburgpark’s endless lawns are decked with groups of students from the university, and families on days out.

The 30-hectare English-style park was designed in 1877 on land that once belonged to the Rothschild family.

Before then it had been in the hands of the banker Peter Heinrich von Bethmann Metzler, and his guests included Goethe and the writer Bettina von Arnim.

Look for the Korean Garden with two pagodas, laid out to coincide with the 2005 Frankfurt Book Fair

20. Museum Angewandte Kunst

Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt

Frankfurt’s museum of applied arts is in a mesmerising building by the American architect Richard Meier.

In the 1980s he created a bright, airy gallery, inspired by Le Corbusier’s International Style, taking up the grounds of the Neoclassical Villa Metzler and attached to it via a footbridge.

Inside there are European textiles, paintings, furniture and porcelain from the 1100s to the 2000s, as well as beautiful pieces from the Neat East, China and Japan.

The museum puts an accent on certain periods and movements, like the Baroque and Art Nouveau, and entire rooms in the Villa Metzler have been decorated in a given style.

21. Eschenheimer Turm

Eschenheimer Turm

Very little of Frankfurt’s titanic medieval wall has made it to the 21st century: It was mostly pulled down at the start of the 1800s when the defences were modernised.

The ten-storey Eschenheimer Turm, guarding the northern wall, was also up for demolition.

But in the end it was spared and became a monument, against the wishes of the Comte d’Hédouville, ambassador of the occupying French forces.

The tower, erected at the start of the 15th century, is the oldest unchanged landmark in Frankfurt and was designed by Madern Gerthener, who also worked on the cathedral.

Just for that reason it’s worth a detour, even if you can’t go inside unless you get a table at the posh restaurant now based here.

22. Klassikstadt


To visit this unforgettable classic car attraction you’ll need catch an RB or RE train east to the industrial area close to Frankfurt-Mainkur station.

In the atmospheric confines of a former clinker brick factory there’s a restoration facility for privately owned prestige cars.

You can peek over the shoulder of experienced craftsmen and engineers, servicing engines, fixing instruments and stitching leather fittings.

The line up of Porches, BMWs, Jaguars, Mercedes and many more brands is a real treat, and to show how seriously the Klassikstadt takes its business, they’re stored in glass cases to regulate humidity.

Also at the Klassikstadt are dealerships for Aston Martin, McLaren and Lamborghini so if you’re a car enthusiast you may need to cancel any plans for the rest of the day.

23. Green Sauce (Grüne Soße)

Green Sauce

There’s nothing elegant about the old Hessian speciality, green sauce, but you do have to give this condiment a try when you’re in Frankfurt as it’s delicious.

The sauce has a thick consistency and an egg base, and that green tone comes from its seven fresh herbs: Parsley, borage, chervil, chives, burnet, cress and sorrel.

Green sauce always comes with boiled potatoes and hard-boiled eggs.

Apparently it was also Goethe’s favourite dish, so you’ll be in good company.

24. Apfelwein (Ebbelwoi)


The only true pairing for a serving of green sauce is a glass of tart Apfelwein, which despite the name, is best compared to cider.

Apfelwein has been the drink of choice at Frankfurt’s taverns (Kneipen) for more than 250 years.

And like best traditional drinks, Apfelwein has its own paraphernalia: It will be brought to you in a Bembel, a stoneware pitcher painted with filigree patterns, and is poured into a glass with a ribbed pattern, known as a Gerippte.

You’ll also be handed a Deckelchen, a small wooden disc to keep flying insects out of your glass.

And as for the flavour, well it’s both refreshing and sour, and cuts through the creaminess of the green sauce.

If you really catch the Apfelwein bug there’s a tourist train serving the best taverns in summer.

25. Kleinmarkthalle

Kleinmarkthalle, frankfurt

Close to the Zeil shopping street is a hangar-like indoor market that toes the line between a traditional fresh produce market and a cosmopolitan food experience.

There are 156 stalls trading every day of the week except Sunday, so you can feast your eyes on the best cheese, meat, vegetables, fruit, confectionery, bread and pastries from the region.

And appropriately for a city as multicultural as Frankfurt the market has dozens of places to pick up Turkish, Spanish and Italian specialities: Make a lunchtime visit for tapas, a panini, oysters, bratwurst and much more at the bars above the main hall.

25 Best Things to Do in Frankfurt (Germany):

  • Museumsufer
  • Städel Museum
  • Goethe House and Museum
  • Frankfurt Cathedral
  • Palmengarten
  • Eiserner Steg
  • St Paul's Church
  • Senckenberg Natural History Museum
  • Old Sachsenhausen
  • Schirn Kunsthalle
  • Berger Straße
  • Deutsches Filmmuseum
  • Frankfurt Zoo
  • Liebieghaus
  • Grüneburgpark
  • Museum Angewandte Kunst
  • Eschenheimer Turm
  • Klassikstadt
  • Green Sauce (Grüne Soße)
  • Apfelwein (Ebbelwoi)
  • Kleinmarkthalle

Yachthafen Burgtiefe auf Fehmarn

Burgtiefe Marina: The Berth of Something Beautiful

Sail in and discover Burgtiefe, a modern 4-star marina with outstanding berthing conditions, spectacular scenery and an ideal waterside location close to the South Beach. Stroll along the promenade knowing your boat is protected by the natural wave attenuation of the Inland Lake of Burg.

yachthafen frankfurt

All-Inclusive Price

Yachthafen Burgtiefe Fehmarn - Burger Binnensee

Well Protected Location within the Inland Lake of Burg

Yachthafen Burgtiefe Fehmarn - Rundsteg

Unique Round Dock

Yachthafen Burgtiefe Fehmarn - Südstrand

Only 250 Meters from South Beach

The Burgtiefe marina offers everything the sailor’s heart desires: 600 berths, a round dock, a dinghy dock, five more jetties, four slipways, a crane station, a bunker station and three modern housing units with showers and toilets. Along the promenade there is a café, a restaurant and a bar. Those who prefer to dine on board can buy fresh bread and other food and beverages at the self-service market. Action on the water is provided by the water sports school and the charter and boat rental companies or you can rent a bike and explore the island. A dip in the Baltic Sea or sunbathing in a beach chair can be enjoyed on the South Beach, which is only an anchor throw away. You can also get freshly caught fish right from the trawler at the neighboring port in Burgstaaken.

The Belgian International Marine Certification Institute (IMCI) awarded the marina with four stars in March 2021. The certification now officially presents the excellent service and modern facilities that the marina offers sailors and boat owners during their stay.

The New Marina Promenade

From 2017 to 2022, a Recreation Promenade was built at the marina in Burgtiefe, and Fehmarn now has its own “Walk of Fehm” where you can stroll through a dune landscape, the smell of the Baltic sea in your nose. Relax on comfortable loungers watching boats rock softly in the harbour, while nearby children romp in the playgrounds and bratwurst sizzles on the BBQ.

Burgtiefe Marina Development Schedule

Yachthafen Burgtiefe Fehmarn - Die neue Promenade

December 2017 to July 2018

  • Renovation of the main access road
  • Fortification of the shore in the area of the marina
  • Redesign of the central port and crane station, including a new event place

September 2018 to June 2019

  • Remodeling of the parking areas
  • Addition of sunbathing and amusement areas
  • Redesign of the promenade between the harbourmaster’s office and the sailor’s club, with new green areas, playgrounds and cozy barbecue spots

September 2019 to June 2020

  • Redesign of the promenade between the Round Dock House and the pier, as well as between the sailor’s club and the local entrance of Burgtiefe – here too new green areas and event spaces will be added
  • One of the highlights will be the long Sunset Bench directly at the seaside
  • Construction of an 18.5 meter high barrier-free lookout tower
  • Construction of an 18 meter high barrier-free lookout tower
  • Construction of shelters on the barbeque areas

yachthafen frankfurt

This measure is funded by the Country Economic Program (LPW) with funds from the Joint Task “Improving the Regional Economic Structure” (GRW).

yachthafen frankfurt

New 360 degree panoramic webcam

Installed on the “Utkieker” lookout tower, our new webcam offers you a great 360 degree view of Burgtiefe, the marina and the inland lake as far as Burgstaaken and the Fehmarn Sound Bridge, including a time-lapse function. Click here for the webcam: https://fehmarn.panomax.com

yachthafen frankfurt

Information to mariners

The offshore work for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel between Puttgarden and Rødby has started and is expected to last until 2027. You can find important information to mariners, work areas and safety in this area on www.femern.com/en/Construction-work/Navigation-information-to-mariners .

yachthafen frankfurt

New Lookout Tower "Utkieker"

In October 2021, the new 18m high, barrier-free and freely accessible lookout tower “Utkieker” was opened at the marina. 72 steps or an elevator lead you up to the viewing platform, from which you can enjoy a unique 360-degree view over Burgtiefe, the marina, the Burger Binnensee and the open Baltic Sea.

yachthafen frankfurt

4-star certification for the Yachthafen Burgtiefe

The International Marine Certification Institute (IMCI) has awarded the Yachthafen Burgtiefe a 4-star certification. This certification now officially indicates the excellent service and modern facilities of our marina. 

Grillplätze im Yachthafen Burgtiefe auf Fehmarn

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Events & activities

Food & drinks

sailing at the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein

How to use the sanitary facilities?

The sanitary facilities are included in the mooring fee. The current access code for the toilets and showers can be obtained at check-in at the harbour office.

Where can we do laundry?

In the sanitary building next to the harbour master’s office there is a laundry room with washing machines and tumble dryers. Use costs € 6 each.

Is there a supermarket in the harbour? Where can I go shopping?

Where to dine.

Directly in the harbour there is a restaurant, a café and a bar. Along the South Beach promenade you will find more choices, and in Burg, 4 kilometers away, there is a wide range of restaurants, cafés and take-aways. Check out the magazine Fehmarn’s Gastroguide for more details.

Where to rent a bike?

At the South Beach promenade (close to the three towers) you will find a rental service, and an island-wide delivery service is also available.

Next to the FehMare you will also find a Sunny Bike To Go bike-sharing station.

Where to have a barbecue?

Do we have access to wi-fi.

Yes, you will receive the Wi-Fi access code from the harbourmaster.

At what times and where to does the bus travel?

Directly at the marina there are two stops: Burgtiefe West and Burgtiefe Yachthafen – learn more about the current routes and schedules . Alternatively, contact the taxi services InselTaxi at +49 (0)43 71 – 888 9 222 or Taxi Barnasch at +49 (0)43 71 – 33 49.

How do we refuel?

Where to rent a boat.

Boats can be rented directly in the harbour from the rental companies Ostsee Charterboote or Neumann.

Where to buy fresh fish?


Am Yachthafen 14, 23769 Fehmarn Tel.  +49 (0)4371 8888900 [email protected]

Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8.00 - 17.00 Sat-Sun: 9.00 - 15.00

Always there!


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  1. Yachtklub

    Adresse. Yachtklub auf dem Main. Auf Höhe „Deutschherrnufer 12, 60594 Frankfurt". Unterhalb der Deutschen Jugendherberge, Sachsenhäuser Ufer, an der Alten Brücke. Anreise. Ab Konstablerwache: Straßenbahn 18, Richtung Lokalbahnhof: Haltestelle „Frankensteiner Platz". Bus 30/36, Richtung Hainer Weg: Haltestelle „Schöne Aussicht".

  2. SkylineBoating

    60327 Frankfurt am Main. SkylineBoating. [email protected] +49 171 4332222. Impressum ...

  3. Frankfurter Motorbootclub e.V.

    Kontaktinformationen. Tel. +49 177 8935 693. E-Mail [email protected].

  4. Yachtklub

    Yachtklub, Frankfurt, Germany. 12,212 likes · 3 talking about this · 7,960 were here. KLUBNACHT Öffnungszeiten: SA 22:00 - 04:00

  5. Yachtklub

    The area. Sachsenhaeuser Ufer Alte Brücke, 60594 Frankfurt, Hesse Germany. Neighborhood: Sachsenhausen-Nord. Read more. How to get there. Dom / Römer (Cathedral / city hall) • 5 min walk. Schweizer Platz / Museumsufer • 9 min walk. Reach out directly. Visit website.

  6. Tickets for YACHT AFFAIRS

    Total price. TICKET PHASE I. calendar_monthFri. 16/08/2024. Entry with this ticket is valid from 5 pm - 630 pm! if you arrive after 6:30 pm, your ticket is still valid, but you have to pay an addtional fee (5€) at the door! General Information: - doors open 5 pm - end 10pm. - if the pre-sale is sold out there will be no more tickets available ...

  7. Frankfurter Motorbootclub

    Alle Infos zur Marina Frankfurter Motorbootclub, Marina in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Bilder, Daten und Beschreibungen für zahlreiche Marinas. 1884 Marinas finden & bewerten. ... Yachthafen. Deutschland. Hessen. Hessen Süd. Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurter Motorbootclub Mainfeldstr. 19 Niederrad 60528 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland.

  8. Yachtklub (@yachtklub_ffm) • Instagram photos and videos

    It was definitely an unforgettable season! If you want to be a part of this, hop aboard and groove to the sounds of @dj_sherm_funkfreaks_frankfurt @frankfurtfunk & @djphil_the_gap 80s funk and boogie, disco, modern funk and lots of forgotten gems from the 80s era will be heard all coming straight from 7' and 12' vinyl. See you soon!

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    Orte mit Marinas in der Nähe von Frankfurt am Main. Yachthafen in Maintal (12,2 km) 1. Yachthafen in Hanau (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) (17,7 km) 1. Yachthafen in Raunheim (19,3 km) 1. Yachthafen in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg (28,3 km) 1. Yachthafen in Wiesbaden (31 km) 3. Yachthafen in Runkel (48,9 km) 1.

  10. Yachtklub pub & bar, Frankfurt, Sachsenhäuser Ufer

    Eating nicely cooked frankfurter and tasty tapas is a pleasant experience here. If you look through the visitors' reviews, the staff is nice at Yachtklub. Professional service is something clients agree upon here. There is cozy atmosphere at this place, as people see it. This spot is ranked 4.4 within the Google grading system.

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  12. AFFAIRS Events (@affairs_events) • Instagram photos and videos

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    Der Osthafen ist der größte Hafen Frankfurts und fast vollständig ausgelastet. Er besteht aus dem Oberhafen und dem Unterhafen, die durch die Staustufe Offenbach voneinander getrennt werden. Der Oberhafen hat zwei Hafenbecken, die unmittelbar in den Main münden, und ist durch die Hafenbahn und die nahe Autobahn A 661 landseitig sehr gut ...

  17. Yacht charter Frankfurt & Boat rental at the best price

    Rent a boat in Frankfurt Charter a motorboat or a yacht quickly and at the best price with Océans Evasion. 100% Secure, 100% User-Friendly. With Océans Evasion, personalize your Frankfurt yacht charter. Over 17,000 catamarans and sailboats for charter Personnalised customer support Rent a boat in a few clicks Experts in boat rental since 1992

  18. Yacht charter Frankfurt & Boat rental

    Minimum price: €64 per day. Maximum price: €2,999 per day. Manufacturers: Jeanneau, Hanse, and more. In Frankfurt, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area. With Click&Boat, personalise your Frankfurt yacht charter. Large selection of boats Best deals Rent a boat in a few clicks With or without skipper.

  19. 25 Best Things to Do in Frankfurt (Germany)

    3. Main Tower. Source: telesniuk / shutterstock. Main Tower. In Frankfurt's ever-growing forest of skyscrapers there's still only one tower with a public viewing platform. The 200-metre Main Tower opened in the year 2000 and is the fourth-tallest building in the city, which also makes it the fourth-tallest in Germany.

  20. Chiefs reveal yacht in Frankfurt for NFL Germany game next month

    DailyMail.com provides all the latest international sports news. The Kansas City Chiefs have revealed a stunning custom-wrapped yacht that will be docked in Frankfurt for the NFL's game in Germany ...

  21. Home

    Book your berth in the marina of Burgtiefe, which is the most modern and spacious of Fehmarn's five marinas, and enjoy its many amenities. +49 4371 8888 900. [email protected]. Book now for one night.

  22. Stephen Orenstein • Net Worth • Yacht • House • Private Jet

    Stephen Orenstein, born on December 28, 1963, in Frankfurt, is a German-American billionaire businessman and Principal of Supreme Group, an overseas supplier of food and fuel that notably supplied U.S. Army military personnel in Afghanistan. Founded by his father, Alfred Orenstein, the company has grown to become a significant player in its ...

  23. Protect Against Geopolitical Risk And Prepare For Rate Cuts

    Headquartered in New York City, we have a network of offices worldwide, including offices in Sydney (Australia), Shanghai (China), Frankfurt (Germany), Madrid (Spain), and Pfaeffikon (Switzerland ...