Beyond Red Square

Your Travel Guide to Ingushetia: Land of the Towers!

They say that good things come in small packages.  This is definitely the case with Ingushetia!  Despite being Russia’s smallest state, Ingushetia is well-worth a visit for its beautiful mountain landscapes, ancient towers, and unique cultural traditions.  Keep reading for practical details on how to visit this hidden gem of the North Caucasus, including access to an exclusive travel guide for the independent traveler!

1. How do I get there?

Even though you may have never heard of Ingushetia, that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to get to.  Actually, you may find yourself overwhelmed at the number of ways you can travel there!

A.  Plane – There are daily direct flights from Moscow to Magas’s IGT airport (Ingushetia), the North Caucasus’ newest airport.  Another nearby option is the OGZ airport in Beslan/Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), just a 20-minute drive from Ingushetia’s capital.  The Grozny airport (Chechnya) is just 1 hr. from the Ingushetia border as a third option.  Of course flying into another regional airport and traveling through the region works as well, such as MCX in Dagestan or MRV in Stavropol Krai.  There are also weekly international flights from Istanbul, Turkey, to Grozny (GRV) and Beslan (OGZ), as well as other occasional destinations (Dubai, etc.).  

B. Car/Public Transport/Taxi – Ingushetia is not only accessible via neighboring republics, but also from neighboring countries, i.e. Georgia!  If you are traveling by car/bus from Armenia/Georgia through the Caucasus Mountains into Russia, the capital of Ingushetia is less than one hr. from the Georgia border.  If you have a border pass and want to visit Ingushetia’s tower complexes in the mountains, this checkpoint is literally just 10-15 minutes from the Georgia/Russia border.

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Public transport runs daily to Nazran/Magas, the joint capital cities of Ingushetia, from the following cities in the Caucasus: Vladikavkaz, Nalchik, Pyatigorsk, and Grozny.  If you have your own car, then of course you can take major highways to Ingushetia from Chechnya to the east, or from Kabardino-Balkaria/North Ossetia from the North.  And of course taking a taxi from pretty much anywhere can get you to Ingushetia.

C.  Train – Last, but definitely not least, is the infamous Russian overnight train as a travel option.  Trains run twice a week from Moscow to Nazran (with stops along the way, including in Mineralni Vodi at the edge of the region).  There are also daily trains to neighboring North Ossetia (Beslan/Vladikavkaz), that one can also take (from Mineralni Vodi or Moscow), and jump in a taxi for the short remainder of the drive to Ingushetia.

2.  What are the best places to stay?

Because Ingushetia is such a small republic, lodging options actually are very limited within the republic.  Here are our recommendations:

A. Magas – This city stakes claim to being the world’s “newest” capital city, with construction only beginning in 1994 (Nazran was the former capital).  Magas is shiny and new and accordingly, has several nice hotels for you to choose from:  the 4-star Artis Plaza Hotel , and the 3-star Business Hotel .  Both are on the main strip of Magas and within walking distance of all the main sights of this quaint new city.

B.  Nazran – While no longer the capital of Ingushetia, Nazran remains the heartbeat of the region, with more than 1/3 of the republic’s population living here (100,000+).  You’ll find more economic lodging options here, with the 2-star Assa Hotel and its fantastic views of the looming Caucasus Mountain range, as well as a hostel for those wanting an authentic Ingush hostel experience (no English!), at Beyni Guest House .

C.  Border Zone Lodging – We’ll address HOW to visit Ingushetia’s border zone in point #8, so make sure to read to the end.  That being said, there are two main options for accommodations in Ingushetia’s border zone, i.e. its mountains:

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  • Armkhi Resort – This is a 2/3-star resort hotel complex, where most international travelers stay on their visit to Ingushetia’s mountains.  Armkhi also has houses for rent for larger parties, as an option.  This hotel is just a 25-minute drive from the border zone entry point on the North Ossetia/Vladikavkaz side. Instagram handle @armkhi
  • Legends of the Mountains Hostel (Legendi Gor) – If you’re traveling with a local friend or guide, or on more of a budget, the Legendi Gor hostel is a great, local option to overnight in.  Right in the middle of the mountains, this hostel is known as the home of Russia’s Basejumping Club, because of its location directly across from the huge Tsei-Loam rock face, from which these extreme athletes jump from every year.  This hostel provides simple rooms with two bunks, WiFi, and authentic Ingush food year-round, with a remote location that can’t be beat.  This is your best option to see locals spontaneously dancing the Lezginka late at night!  Instagram handle @legendi_gor.

3.  Top cities to visit?

As already mentioned, Ingushetia is a very small republic, with only around 300,000 residents.  There are officially only 5 cities in the entire republic (!), with the rest of the population living in small towns and villages.  With most of the highlights of Ingushetia being in the mountains, we recommend you limit your time in the main cities of Magas and Nazran, to 2 days max (often 1 day can suffice), and then head to the mountains to see the towers.  If you do have a local friend from one of Ingushetia’s smaller cities or towns/villages, then definitely take the time to visit their family in their home, to experience Ingushetia’s famous hospitality, one of its most charming qualities. 

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This is the big advantage of the cities, that you’ll interact more with the local population, as the mountains are more sparsely populated. 

4.  Best local foods to try?

As with every Caucasus nationality, the Ingush have their own national dishes that are staples of everyday life.  And as you’ll find all over the Caucasus, the Ingush love carbs! 🙂  Here are three must-try local foods:

A. Chapilgush – This is the Ingush version of flat bread with cottage cheese filling.  No meal in Ingushetia is complete without a steaming plate of chapilgush in front of you. 🙂  You’ll love the first couple servings of this buttery dish but by serving #5 or #6 will wonder if you have any room in your stomach left!

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B.  Hingalsh – While this dish looks similar to chapilgush with its flat bread form, the secret is in the filling with hingalsh…..pumpkin!  This is truly unique among Caucasus dishes, and can be a nice, sweet reprieve from the heavier cheese- or potato-filled alternatives.

C.  Shashlik – Of course, no matter where you travel in the North Caucasus, you have to try the national food of the region, shashlik, or shish kabobs.  Because the Ingush are a conservative Muslim people, you won’t find any pork shashlik here, so go all in on lamb kabobs!  Chicken kabobs are also very tasty. 

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Aside from shashlik, one way that Ingush (and Chechen) meat dishes differ from other Caucasus nationalities, is in how they are boiled in large cauldrons over an open flame, until very tender and pull right off the bone.  Definitely give this a try if given the chance!

Just $7.50 to unlock the complete Travel Guide to Ingushetia!

Did you enjoy what you’ve read so far?  It’s just the tip of the iceberg.  We have put together a one-of-a-kind digital travel guide to Ingushetia 

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with the best insider tips to exploring this beautiful land, including:

-Authentic hole-in-the-wall restaurants,

– Top must-see tourist destinations

-The best off-the-beaten-track sites

– How to get special access to visit the border zone and its beautiful towers

-Savvy tips for dress code and cultural norms

-Booking links

-Podcast episodes with local experts, and more!  

Click here to purchase your digital Travel Guide to Ingushetia for only $7.50!

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  • We no longer offer travel services to Russia. See Caucasus Quest Tours for new destinations
  • Is it Safe to Travel to the Caucasus in 2024?
  • Climbing Kazbek & Kilimanjaro: Comparing two 5,000+ meter peaks
  • How to Train to climb Mt. Kazbek in Georgia

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Republic of Ingushetia

Ingushetia is situated between Chechnya and Dagestan and shares a state border with Georgia. It is home to the Ingush people who in terms of ethnicity and language are related to the Chechens, with both groups being known as Vainakh people. Like most of the other ethnic groups in the North Caucasus, the Ingush are predominantly Muslim.

Ingushetia also partly shared the fate of Chechnya following the fall of the Soviet Union, although the military conflict here was on a smaller scale. The republic is famous for its mediaeval castles with distinctive towers.

The capital city is Magas, which was especially founded in 1995 to serve as the capital. Previously the republic’s largest city of Nazran was the capital.

Several Western governments advise against all travel to the republic due to safety concerns and risks of terrorism.

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    Tours and Tickets by Aquatta Yachts. LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Full Day Boat Tour Around Milos and Poliegos. 1. Food & Drink. 6+ hours. Every side of the island has complete different things to offer you! There are caves and stories about pirates . There are…

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    Speed Boat Tour to Northern Milos , Poliegos & Kimolos. Private Tour: fuel Excluded. Duration : 8 hours or 4,5 hours. Maximum guests onboard: 11. If you crave for white landscapes , sandy beaches and the most incredible turquoise existing in the area ,you definitely have to take this tour . If you also seek for a private tour with, as much ...

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  13. Ingushetia

    Ingushetia or Ingushetiya, [8] [a] officially the Republic of Ingushetia, [b] is a republic of Russia located in the North Caucasus of Eastern Europe.The republic is part of the North Caucasian Federal District, and shares land borders with the country of Georgia to its south; and borders the Russian republics of North Ossetia-Alania to its west and north and Chechnya to its east and northeast.

  14. Aquatta Yachts

    Aquatta Yachts. We perform daily cruises with tour to our beautiful beaches. You dive in crystal blue waters and relax on the deck. Drinks and food complete our Greek hospitality. With experience and confidence we offer you the chane to enjoy Milos's volcanic-made caves through everyday or weekly excursions.

  15. Aquatta Yachts

    Aquatta Yachts. We perform daily cruises with tour to our beautiful beaches. You dive in crystal blue waters and relax on the deck. Drinks and food complete our Greek hospitality. With experience and confidence we offer you the chane to enjoy Milos's volcanic-made caves through everyday or weekly excursions.

  16. Your Travel Guide to Ingushetia: Land of the Towers!

    A. Plane - There are daily direct flights from Moscow to Magas's IGT airport (Ingushetia), the North Caucasus' newest airport. Another nearby option is the OGZ airport in Beslan/Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), just a 20-minute drive from Ingushetia's capital. The Grozny airport (Chechnya) is just 1 hr. from the Ingushetia border as a third ...

  17. Aquatta Yachts (Milos, Greece): Hours, Address

    About. "Aquatta Yachts" is an active shipping company with its headquarters in the main port of magnificent Milos! We own two luxurious sailing boats and do various, daily, excursions around the island of Milos. This is a Business. Milos, South Aegean, Greece. Contact. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more.

  18. Aquatta

    Starting from the port of Adamas about 40 minutes before the sunset ,our romantic tour , under the candle light ,takes place. We will take a close look of the fishermen villages and enjoy the sunset accompanied by a glass of wine . The boat will be advancing slowly so you have time enough to sit back and breath it all in with your companion/s.

  19. Aquatta Yachts

    "Aquatta Yachts" is an active shipping company with its headquarters in the main port of magnificent Milos! ... Read more. Milos, South Aegean, Greece. Call. Email. Visit website. Contact. Tours and Tickets by Aquatta Yachts. LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Full Day Boat Tour Around Milos and Poliegos. 1. Food & Drink. 6+ hours. Every side of the island ...

  20. Republic of Ingushetia

    Ingushetia is situated between Chechnya and Dagestan and shares a state border with Georgia. It is home to the Ingush people who in terms of ethnicity and language are related to the Chechens, with both groups being known as Vainakh people. Like most of the other ethnic groups in the North Caucasus, the Ingush are predominantly Muslim.

  21. Aquatta

    Put on your biggest smile and join this tour as it offers our guests snacks after swimming, an open bar with drinks and beverages- as we don't want you dehydrated- a waterproof camera (no extra charge and your pictures uploaded on our site for your convenience), snorkeling gear for your own little secret excursion in the water and a surprise cocktail to conclude our trip with fruity flavors ...

  22. Aquatta

    Minors are prohibited from using the website and its content. The website is intended exclusively for adults. If despite this they (the minors) voluntarily visit or make use of it and the services offered through it, Aquatta Yachts bears no responsibility. CONTACT INFORMATION IN GREECE. AQUATTA YACHTS N.E.P.A. APPLE DIAMOND ...